Fruits of Brazil indigenous roots careful elaboration, Aua brings about traces often lost from our culture. Aua was born five years ago, and from then on works in partnership with the indigenous people, to whom is guaranteed their creations’ copyright and the participation in the sold parts. Currently this partnership is Fruits of Brazil indigenous roots careful the Maxakali elaboration, with Aua brings about people traces who often on the Vale do Mucuri, lost from ourlive culture. in Minas Gerais, and fight to keep alive ago, their Aua was born five years andancestors’ from then traditions. on works in partnership with the indigenous people, to whom is guaranteed their The drawings and patternsin creations’ copyright and the participation developed through these the sold parts. partnerships are applied in pieces made of natural fibers Currently this partnership is with the from cotton, bamboo, silk, Maxakali people who live on the Vale do wood Gerais, and recycled materials, Mucuri, in Minas and fight to keep as polyester from PET bottles, alive their ancestors’ traditions. all of them ecologically correct raw materials. The drawings and patterns developed through these partnerships are applied in woman, Indian, pieces made Man, of natural fibers from people cotton, from all over the world; all this bamboo, silk, wood and recycled materials, Tupy,PET the language spoken by as polyester in from bottles, all of them the ancient fit into just ecologically correct raw people, materials. one word: Auá Man, woman, Indian, people from all over the world; all this in Tupy, the language spoken by the ancient people, fit into just one word: Auá
Fruits of Brazil indigenous roots careful elaboration, Aua brings about traces often lost from our culture. Auá was born five years ago, and from then on works in partnership with the indigenous people, to whom is guaranteed their creations’ copyright and the participation in the sold parts. Currently this partnership is with the Maxakali people who live on the Vale do Mucuri, in Minas Gerais, and fight to keep alive their ancestors’ traditions. The drawings and patterns developed through these partnerships are applied in pieces made of natural fibers from cotton, bamboo, silk, wood and recycled materials, as polyester from PET bottles, all of them ecologically correct raw materials. Man, woman, Indian, people from all over the world; all this in Tupy, the language spoken by the ancient people, fit into just one word: Auá.
Fruto de uma elaboração cuidadosa das raízes indígenas do Brasil, a Auá traz à tona traços muitas vezes perdidos de nossa cultura. A Auá nasceu há cinco anos, e desde então trabalha em parceria com povos indígenas, aos quais são assegurados os direitos autorais de suas criações e uma participação nas peças vendidas. Atualmente, essa parceria se dá junto aos povos Maxakali, que habitam o vale do Mucuri, em Minas Gerais, e lutam para manter vivas as tradições de seus antepassados. As padronagens e os desenhos desenvolvidos nessas parcerias são aplicados em peças feitas com fibras naturais do algodão, do bambu, da seda, da madeira e de materiais reciclados, como o poliéster de garrafas PET, todas matérias-primas ecologicamente corretas. Homem, mulher, índio, gente de todo mundo; tudo isso, na língua Tupi falada pelos povos antigos, cabia em uma só palavra: Auá.
Among hundred of people who have inhabited the extinct Mata Atlântica, the Maxakali language groups are among the few ones that have never allowed their refined art of living, their language, their songs, to be extinguished even contrariwise the involving world surrounding them. They are currently some 1.300 people that after 300 years’ contact with the devastating hordes that successively expelled them from the home land where they used to live, gathered together in group and take refuge in a small territory in the northeast of the State of Minas Gerais, on the frontier with Bahia.
Entre as centenas de povos que habitaram a extinta Mata Atlântica, os grupos de língua Maxakali estão entre os raros que não deixaram apagar sua refinada arte de viver, sua língua, seus cantos, ainda que o façam na contramão do mundo que os envolve. São hoje cerca de 1300 pessoas, que após mais de 300 anos de contato com as frentes devastadoras que os expulsaram sucessivamente de onde viviam, se agruparam e se refugiaram em um pequeno território no nordeste do estado de Minas Gerais, na fronteira com a Bahia. Embora as terras em que vivem tenham perdido a
Although the land where they live now has lost the great riches of the ancient Atlantic rainforests and are now covered by grass, the Maxakali still proceed stubbornly in order to renew day-to-day the accurate knowledge about the fauna and flora through their songs – actually a biodiversity encyclopedia. According to the XIX century travelers who have been on the regions where they usually live, the Maxakali were the greatest boat builders that sailed the Jequitinhonha River and their women were the greatest pottery workers, who certainly left their signals on the region traditional pottery. Now the Maxakali women gently weave on their legs the treads from the imbauba trees that are still found near their land, multiplying textures and ties, making the time a sensitive quality, an intense place, a possible opening.
grande riqueza das antigas matas atlânticas e estejam cobertas de capim, os Maxakali prosseguem obstinados a renovar dia-a-dia um acurado conhecimento da fauna e da flora por meio dos seus cantos – uma verdadeira enciclopédia da biodiversidade. Segundo os viajantes do século XIX que estiveram nas regiões por eles freqüentadas, os Maxakali foram os maiores construtores dos barcos que navegaram no Jequitinhonha e suas mulheres as maiores oleiras, as quais seguramente deixaram suas marcas na tradicional olaria da região. Hoje, as mulheres Maxakali tecem delicadamente sobre suas pernas os fios da casca das imbaúbas que ainda encontram próximas de suas terras, multiplicando texturas, laços, fazendo do tempo uma qualidade sensível, um lugar intenso, uma abertura possível. Rosângela Pereira de Tugny
2007|2008 estilo | style
Patrícia Guerra modelo | model
Ana Clara (Way) maquiagem e cabelo | hair & makeup
Jô Martins assistente | assistant
Haroldo Barbosa fotografia | photography
Miguel Aun assistente | assistant
Bianca Aun produção | production
Patrícia Guerra assistentes | assistants
Alice Ferreira Deborah Dias Paulo Coelho design gráfico | graphic design
Guili Seara assistente | assistant
Zumberto tratamento de imagens | image treatment
Zumberto Leandro Verassani agradecimentos | acknowledgments
Rosângela Pereira de Tugny povo Maxakali (The Maxakali people) Arezzo ateliê | Auá’s studio
Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil +55 31 3286-6582 lojas | shop
Arraial D’Ajuda, BA - Brasil +55 73 3575-1907 Trancoso, BA - Brasil +55 73 3668-1865 show room
Belo Horizonte, MG - Brasil +55 31 3261-2608