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Executive Director Report

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Canadian Hereford Association Executive Director's Report

BY MICHAEL LATIMER Executive Director, Canadian Hereford Association

Optimism about the future and belief that tomorrow will be better is a foundation of all human societies. This is especially true for those working in agriculture as we always look forward to new calves, better sale results, higher crop yields,

timely rain and so much more. As we enter 2023, we have a lot to be thankful for, but we need to be prepared for any challenges on the horizon and capitalize on opportunities.

The Better Your Beef initiative will feature prominently in all CHA activities as it provides strategic direction for the Association and for Hereford breeders. As with any strategy it identifies priorities, challenges and desired outcomes while providing flexibility in the tactics and methods used to achieve success. One of the primary goals is to increase the Hereford Influence throughout the beef industry. This will be extremely challenging given the fact that Canada has many great breeds of cattle with exceptional genetics. Perhaps the most undervalued asset we have is to leverage the genetics of other breeds to create hybrid vigor knowing that Hereford genetics cross exceptionally

well on British, Continental and even Brahman cattle. The Baldy cow remains recognized as one of the best beef animals in Canada and is an important part of connecting with the commercial sector. One section of the strategy that I want to focus on is that of dispelling the perception of Hereford as yesterdays breed. Hereford remains one of the four largest breed associations in Canada by both annual registrations as well as member and junior memberships. This has been the situation for over a We need to showcase a modern decade which indicates a stable and healthy breed with a bright Association and breed development future. Hereford breeders have programs supported by marketing culled hard to remove animals from the genetic base that campaigns that target key have issues traditionally linked to Hereford cattle, so those are demographics in support of a positive largely a problem of the past. Hereford brand. The next step in dispelling any negative perceptions is to communicate improvements in the breed and embrace technology. We need to showcase a modern Association and breed development programs supported by marketing campaigns that target key demographics in support of a positive Hereford brand. Efficiencies in member services that makes it easier to register and transfer animals as well as breed development activities which are of value to the commercial cattle sector are a key component in demonstrating change and creating an image of being a forward-looking breed. I enjoyed meeting and reconnecting with Hereford breeders at shows and sales across Canada this past fall and look forward to doing so again in 2023. I want to wish everyone the best of luck with upcoming bull sales and throughout calving season.

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