Final bulletin 2

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BULLETIN Bullettin 2 January-June 2013

Passaggi associazione Agentur Kultur GbR, Dr. Juergen Halberstadt und Dr. Rudolf Halberstadt

Sincan İMKB Ticaret Meslek Lises

The 50s What we have learned from the project experience Dear all, near the end of our survey about the fifties, we have dusted off the old memories of ours and of the ones that we interviewed. We met people who told us about their past, they shared with us photos, objects, and, not least, their emotions and feelings.

We can say that the project 1950’s coming back has been successful, because thanks to our work we have involved old and young people to remembrance and curiosity for the 50s.

West Midlands Tomorrow A-12 Estudis i Recerca Interuniversitària

What we have learned……………...1

Caterina De Nardi

Our friendly words told by Ayşe .1 Hello everyone 2……………..….….2 4th meeting in Barcelona ....... ...3

The project in short...told by Ayşe

Preentations…………………………..4 The feeling of a People in a play 5 4th meeting in Munich .......... ...5 Born in the 50s ....................... ...6

...While we were singing the lines from a 1950’s song “Nel Blu

Evaluation results from the last meeting in Spain………………..…..6

dipinto di Blu “ at our last meeting in Barcelona, our group consisted of people from different ages and cultures felt the joy and music letting us reconcile the past with now. I think it was amazing. It is amazing. I think even placing the chairs and tables in the meeting place altogether, or even walking in the street as a group in a harmony tell s me that we reached our aim. That a person whom I won’t meet again let me walk under her umbrella tells more than any words... (go to page 2) Ayşe AYDOĞAN

Disclaimer This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Hello EVERY ONE 2 While even telling just a single moment of a day is so hard, we have a challenge to describe, to make 1950s known in more lively way to be aware of the shared values under the same sun. Thus, this time we invite you to look through the period from five different points of view of ordinary people from different parts of Europe to remind the world a shared collective memory full of disesases, innovations in health, songs, buildings and architecture, drama, literature, cinema; in short ourselves.By the end of November 2013, we were around the tables that let us see each other’s faces to communicate in a meeting room that was uniqe with the street with its glass side in Münich in Germany to talk about healthcare in 1950s . Klaus and Jurgen welcomed us with colorful roses in 1950s style vases there. Elisa told us about tuberculosis in 1950s in Spain. She showed us some photos from sanatoriums. And it was the same in Türkiye, although the government of the period got a war started against it, people in poverty and who tried to survive in bad conditions with inadequate food were suffering it. But gradually, by the end of the era with the increase in number of doctors, nurses, pharmacist along with other technological innovations in health Turkish people could recover it. Then we listened and learned about Elly-Heuss

While we were singing the lines from a song 1950s Nel Blu dipinto di Blu, our group consisting of people from different ages and cultures felt the joy and music let us reconcile past and now


-Knapp, the founder of an organization to protect mothers who had to undergo the most difficult hardship and motherhood in Germany in this post war period. Mums could stay at a health resort founded by this organization consisting of dance, gymnastic, group activities with creative content for 4 weeks to reinforce the belief that healthy mothers mean healthy children and healthy husbands concrete the family unit. I think it was certainly the correct vision to reconstruct a society after a very destructive war. I mean the power of women to emerge, to heal was understood and it worked. Furthermore, during our visit to Stadt Museum, the tolerance and open-mindedness were the core of the museum. Because it doesn’t ignore or humiliate “now”; in other words the young. Just opposite, it reconciles past and present and in this way this understanding strengthens and encourages young people and anyone; a scene from a protest, or the scene for skateboards with a ladder. In our project, we also combined past and present in a friendly, humanistic way, beyond politics with music, poems, drama, architecture, photography, sculpture, cinema; I mean anything belonging to human in Barcelona in April. While we were singing the lines from a song 1950s Nel Blu dipinto di Blu, our group consisting of people from different ages and cultures felt the joy and music let us reconcile past and now. I think it was amazing. It is amazing. I think even placing the chairs and tables in the meeting place altogether, or even walking in the street as a group in a harmony tell me that we’ve got our aim. That a person whom I won’t meet again let me walk under her umberalla tells more than any words. Ayşe AYDOĞAN

4TH MEETING IN MUNICH We were very happy to welcome our project partners in the centre of Munich. The meeting place offered the surrounding of 3 institutions of Adult Education: Family Education Center (with special offers in the field of healthcare and health education); Evangelische Stadtakademie / Protestant C i t y A c a d e m y; Evangelisches Bildungswerk www.ebw- . Additional to the meeting program we visited Munich City Museum http:// en/ with a temporary exhibition Munich“ seen by students from the Maximilian University of Munich. Photography of the warming up “Workshop”: Using modern vases in he flower design of the 1950s. Agentur Kultur e.V. München

At work!

5TH MEETING IN BARCELONA Each partner presented the topic „Arts“ in a unique and specific way. That was very interesting for us, and helped us to realize cultural differences. Our German presentations dealt about the cities of Munich and Stuttgart, exploring traces of arts and architecture focused on the architecture of today as seen by the participants. Examples: a café and a cinema in the

centre of Munich established in the 50s and changed never since, protected as a kind of cultural heritage; the TV tower in Stuttgart built in 1956 - the first TV tower of the world. It is closed for renovation of the fire protecting system, and some people of Stuttgart started a campaign: „OFFEN BLEIBEN“ / keep it open.

Jurghen and Klaus

Jurghen was inteviwed by a TV spanish team in Barcelona



Styles, manners, fashions

By Mrs Christine Lester Architecture, Photography and Music of the 50s in Uk with some links to youtube. Mrs Lester explained that 50’s was the most creative decade of the last century, and also how freedom and money contributed to younger generations to find new ways of expression mainly in music and in arts voice. Simultaneously, classical music develo-

ped and important success due to characters like the leader conductor and composer Sir Malcolm Sergent. She also talked about the important American influence over the arts in UK during 50s. Participants from Uk delighted the rest of members with their voices with their impromptu rendering of Rock Around The Clock

AGENTUR KULTUR GBR that still remain nowadays. Also talked about the influence of Italian artist in Architecture & Art ‐ Exploring Munich Germany like the sculptor Marino Marini and Stuttgart’. Showed some represenwith his work ‘Horse and rider’. tative samples of architecture of the 50’s By Mr Jürgen Halberstadt and Mr Klaus Müller


S NM T I A AR RT s E NS & T 50 O TI EN the A T in EN S E PR

PASSAGGI By Mrs. Caterina De Nardi Many samples about functionalist architecture based on the ‘Piano INA casa’; literature ( with authors like Alda Merini, Alberto Moravia and Cesare Pavese) and theatre. It highlighted the importance of social issues and realism in the Cinema of the 50’s with works like those of Federico Fellini

(La Dolce Vita) and Giuseppe di Santis ( Riso Amaro); Music was mainly represented by the San Remo Music Festival created in that decade; Also a mention about the television advertising show broadcasted by RAI, ‘Carosello’ wich showed short sketch comedy films using live action, animation, and puppetry.



sic like Cemal Süreyya, Ülkü Tamer, and Salim Şengil. Also brought magazines Drama, Poetry and Music of the 50s in and material original from the 50s where Tukey with links to youtube. There were poetry and other events were published. many samples of authors, works and mu-


functionalist architecture from the 50’s and its unquestioned Italian influence, The general situation of the Arts during most popular cinema genres in Spain the Franco regime in Spain. Main artists and the censorship, and Music ‘top exits and their works in Spain, main photoin the 50s. graphers and their works, samples of the By Elisa Bombí


A “Workshop”: Playing a comedy on the 1950s

THE FEELING OF A PEOPLE IN A COMEDY ABOUT THE 1950s Passaggi published a book on traditions of the local community. The book contains a collection of three plays inspired by weddings, family affairs, politics and social intercourse. During the meeting at Trebisacce, participants played act III from the Play “La Beffa”, in ita-

lian language, with some sentences in calabrese dialect, that was a result of a the workshop. In the workshop the participant read the script, rehearsed & finally presented The exeperience was an enjoyable and funny way to get to know social and family behaviour in the 50s and early 60s.

Caterina De Nardi

A warming up “Workshop”: Using modern vases in he flower design of the 1950s 4TH MEETING IN MUNICH We were very happy to welcome our project partners in the centre of Munich. The meeting place offered the surrounding of 3 institutions of AdultEducation: Family Education Center (with special offers in the field of healthcare and health education); Evangelische Stadtakademie / Protestant City Academy ; Evangelisches Bildungswerk . Additional to the meeting program we visited Munich City Museum http:// www.muenchnerstadtmuseu with a temporary

exhibition Munich“ seen by students from the Maximilian University of Munich. Photography of the warming up “Workshop”: Using modern vases in he flower design of the 1950s


To capture memories of the 1950s The European Commission (Grundtvig Programme) funded a 2-year project by partner countries (Germany, Italy, Spain, Turkey and United Kingdom) to capture memories of the 1950s by those who lived through this decade. It is intended that this project would be used to stimulate inter-generational learning between the countries of the Europe-an Union and other material has been posted both on our web site (http://

Christine Lester 5 http:// page_id=2028 pages/1950s-comingback/203876806364123? fref=ts

EVALUATION RESULTS FROM THE LAST MEETING IN SPAIN In our last meeting, which took place in realistic time scales. Everybody agreed Barcelona in late April 2013, we were that we had important concerns about presenting the planned topic, Arts & the website and the Final Report to deal Entertainment in the 50s. Our meetings with We managed to finish all the opehave usually consisted of country pre- ned questions regarding our project. sentations about the different topics Nevertheless all those who made some about the 50s, and also depict certain comments agree that all the planned outputs of the project with the main work for the meeting was done. Alpurpose to concretise further actions in though a couple of critiques were repor-

Born in the 50s

order to provide a smooth execution of ted on the questionnaires, which aimed

United Europe needs a common collective memory. Even if continent was divided in the 50s with iron curtain, people had, in their everyday life the same human needs. We still have lot of people who remember the fifties and today we have still possibility to collect both childhood and adulthood memories from fifties. People who remember fifties are today approximately 55 and older. It does not matter what age they were in fifties or what geographical background they had - they all have been witnesses of same

participants were enthusiastic to listen spite of very intense and tiring meeting

historical processes. We believe that the final product of our two year work will be really en-

the Action plan. In this last meeting ‘to have discussed background issues’. In and learn about other national memories the participants seem to be pleased, as and their realities

. we managed to produce the action plan

Although the presentations were intere- which outlines our final work. Partners sting, a few participants mentioned in seemed to be very satisfied with the the questionnaires that they were too suitability of resources and equipment, short. One participant found that some with the quality and appropriateness of presentations were not detailed enough the hotels and food services and comand that we should have done a compari- fort. As partners stayed in different son or contrast between the different hotels, some found the distance from countries memories of 1950’s. But time the hotel to the venue, where the meedidn’t allow for that, since it was deci- tings took place not too far, although ded before-hand to dedicate more time weather conditions did not accompany to go through the issues concerning the them on their walks. And those staying website and the final report.

far from the venue found that there

The participants were in general in fa- were good transport services. A few vour of all sessions and participated in participants have reported that would all of them. Though some members were have preferred that all partners of opinion that some subjects about the

drafting of the final report could be discussed via Huddle. All the sessions were seen as useful, although some of them should have been more structured. Regarding the extent and value of the intercultural partnership and the extent of opportunities for participants to share information about their own countries, we can be satisfied with the part-

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in

ners’ views on the opportunities for the exchange of information. We think that the cohesion of the group was on appropriate level, and feel that the level of

had stayed in the same hotel in order to mix more in a social context . It was a pity that the dreadful weather condition didn’t allow to do the social and cultural activity planned for one evening. This would have been an opportunity to foster intercultural dialogue and more participation among the members as well as celebrate the opportunity of having met and worked together d u r i n g

t w o

The results of the meeting evaluations were quite encouraging, but of course,

communication and the occasions for it, there were things that have been greatly exploited in this meet i n g

a n d

t h r o u g h

i t .

When questioning the organisation of the transnational meeting, the majority of participants found the meeting was

y e a r s .

could be im-

proved. A12 Estudis i Recerca Interuniversitària .

well organised with clear planning and


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