6 Memories

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Together we make a difference Services over the years 1978

1999 Millennium Volunteers Project

Started with general support & informa on to voluntary organisa ons, including help to find volunteers.

supported young people aged 16 to 24 to be involved in voluntary ac vity, became Solent Youth Ac on and then became an independent charity in 2006.

1982 Eastleigh Voluntary Transport Scheme

1999 Eastleigh Community Services Charity Shop

has minibuses available for use by voluntary and other “not for profit” groups, s ll opera ng as Community Transport and running shopping trips, theatre trips and support to Southampton Football Club disabled supporters.

raised funds to support ECS ac vi es and local groups, closed in May 2006.

1999 Young Carers Project

is a transport service for people who have difficul es using public transport.

provides support to young people who care for a family member, began by working with young people aged 11 to 18 (or 21 if they had a learning disability), but in 2012 started 811 Project providing support to 8 to 11 year olds, now merged.

1985 Eastleigh & District Volunteer Bureau

2003 Visi ng Scheme

(now known as Volunteer Centre) works with not for profit organisa ons to recruit and find opportuni es for volunteers and raises the profile of volunteering.

visited older people in their own homes un l 2009 when floated off to Open Sight. Restarted in 2015 as part of A Li le Bit of Help including a low level handyman scheme in partnership with Age Concern Eastleigh. In 2016 it was extended to Fareham un l March 2018. Now with our care services team, only covering Eastleigh.

1985 Eastleigh Dial-A-Ride

1987 Day Care for Older People provides ac vi es and social contact for older, o en frail, people in the borough, now opera ng across seven sites.

2003 Lifeline

1989 Playscheme

provides a telephone linked support service for emergencies in the home, including the fi ng of key safes and, more recently, a wristband service for when away from the home.

provided holiday ac vi es for children with learning difficul es and special needs, closed in 2010.

1991 Carers Centre (Eastleigh & Romsey) provided an informa on centre and support for carers across the two areas, la erly Eastleigh only. The dedicated centre closed in 2018 but support is given to the carers of our service users.

2004 Pop In provided a worker who popped in to check older people were ok and taking their medica on etc., stopped a er 2 years due to lack of funding.

2007 Community Innova ons

provides transport for individuals to Marks & Spencer and Sainsbury's.

connected people who came into contact with health professionals into their community, funding stopped in 2012 but restarted by Adult Services as Community Independence Team.

1992 Si ng Service

2011 Macmillan Friends

1991 Hedge End Park Minibus Scheme

provides respite for carers of older people, now called Care and Respite.

1994 Help in the Home provided support through help with cleaning and shopping. Has had a few breaks over the years and now operates as Mops and Shops.

1994 Pegasus was a support service for people with a learning disability, closed due to funding changes in 2012.

1995 Counselling for Carers providing emo onal support.

1996 Eastleigh Shopmobility provides wheelchairs, scooters and other equipment for hire in Eastleigh town centre, opera ng from the Swan Centre.

1998 Home Informa on Support Project provided informa on to people, par cularly those who are housebound due to age or disability, and unable to access it in tradi onal forms. It became OCIS (One Community Informa on and Support) and finally closed due to funding cuts in 2018. However, informa on is s ll provided through all our outreach sites, especially Eastleigh Museum and our Fareham Informa on Centre.

piloted with Macmillan, offered prac cal support, emo onal support and small grants to adults and their carers affected by cancer, closed in 2017.

2012 Eastleigh Museum open to the public now 6 days a week, supported by One Community volunteers, in partnership with Eastleigh Borough Council, Hampshire Cultural Trust and Hampshire County Council.

2015 Research on young people's experience of domes c abuse.

2015 Care Navigators help older people find their way between Health and Adult Services, ini ally covering Southern Parishes but now also in New Forest.

2016 Research on Neighbourhood Watch Engagement.

2016 Voluntary Sector Support in Fareham offers support to voluntary and community groups in the borough of Fareham, together with a volunteer brokerage scheme.

2017 Hampshire Young Carers Alliance (HYCA) provides support to all Young Carers projects in Hampshire.

1998 Eastleigh Voluntary Ac on encouraged young people to volunteer and then in 2000 turned into Millennium Volunteers which con nued for 8 years un l it floated off as Solent Youth Ac on.

2018 Op ons provides support to vulnerable adults and is a new service... Watch this space!

The first 40 years

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