1 Carers Centre Newsletter February 2015
Carers Centre Newsletter February 2015
Pgs 2-9
Dates for your diary
Pgs 10 Southern & 11 Parishes Medical Transport Service and Challenging Behaviour Foundation Family Support Pgs 12 Your Carers - 13 Centre
Save the Date! Friday 12th June 2015 Carers Week Celebration Day Wells Place, Eastleigh
Jane Morse, a visitor from Autism Hampshire, will be joining us at our Eastleigh Group on Tuesday 31st March. Come along to Wells Place 10am to 12pm to find out more about them and how they might be able to support you and your family. Dear All, In this newsletter, please find details of upcoming dates for your diary (pages 2 - 9) and book your place on: Caring for someone with Dementia Workshop (pg 2) Managing Challenging Behaviour in Children and Teenagers Workshop (pg 3) Life “Scrap” Booking - whether it be a creative way to record important memories and events in your life or the person you care for’s life, or just for a bit of fun, come along to learn scrapbooking techniques and start your own life story books (pg 4) Cream Tea for you and a guest in July at Haskins (pg 5) Solent Dolphin Boat trips in May and July for you and the person you care for (pg 5) 4 course meal at the Red Carpet Restaurant for you and a guest in May (pg 6) Adult and Child Sensory Workshop Experience (pg 7) Pages 8 to 9 and 12 to 13 are home to reminders of your Carers Centre support services, and a few photos from our Christmas Events. For more information on any of the dates for your diary or to talk through other information or support that could help you, please call us on the details on page 14. With best wishes, Your Carers Centre