The "Superuse Studios" user's logo

Superuse Studios

Rotterdam, Netherlands

Superuse Studios is an international architecture collective for circular and sustainable design. A design is not considered as the beginning of a linear, but circular process: A phase in a continuous cycle of creation and recreation, use and reuse. We apply several strategies to make sustainable architecture with reclaimed materials. Read more on our website.


2010 Norm=Vorm

July 12, 2011

2009 Your City

July 12, 2011

2010 Assemblage

July 12, 2011

2009 Insiders krant

July 12, 2011

2009 De Woonkrant

July 12, 2011

2010 P+

July 12, 2011

2010 Jazeker

July 12, 2011

2009 Ecologik

July 12, 2011

2009 Best_Ed

July 12, 2011

2010 Ons Erfdeel

July 12, 2011

2009 Area

July 12, 2011

2009 Materiaalfonds

July 12, 2011

2009 De Architect

July 12, 2011

2009 De architect

July 12, 2011

2010 Trouw

July 12, 2011

2010 Detail

July 12, 2011

2009 Inside wonen

July 12, 2011

2010 De Volkskrant

July 12, 2011

2010 Frame

July 12, 2011

2009 Interieur

July 12, 2011

2007 Stedenbouw

July 11, 2011

2005 El Mundo

July 11, 2011

2005 Mohutop

July 11, 2011

2005 Intersection

July 11, 2011

2004 Icon

July 11, 2011

2008 VHV bulletin

July 11, 2011

2008 Domus Green

July 11, 2011

2006 Pen

July 11, 2011

2008 Reusable

July 11, 2011

2008 Hip Groen

July 11, 2011

2004 Bouw

July 11, 2011

2008 Linda

July 11, 2011

2006 Ted

July 11, 2011

2007 Mingpaoweekly

July 11, 2011