24life magazine issue 13

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Issue 13

24 January – 24 March 2017

Na Nirand Romantic Boutique Resort. Chiang Mai, Thailand 无限魅力与优雅娜丽兰浪漫精品酒店 泰国•清迈 Nakhon Phanom Lao - Vietnam The Beauty of the Far East 那空拍侬-老挝-越南 美丽的东线

Songkhla - Kedah The Spirit of the South 宋卡-吉打 美丽的南线


Chiangrai Shangri-La The Great Adventure 清莱-香格里拉

24 January – 24 March 2017 Issue 13

Contents C on n ect ivit y Tou rism 连 接 旅 游

18 Check In

Na Nirand

Romantic Boutique Resort 美好的兰纳一日, 就在娜丽兰精品酒店

Proud Phu Fah

Hip & Green Resort


38 Dining

Café des Artists Ping Silhouette

宋卡-吉打 美丽的南线



Ciao Pizza ciao披萨


26 Cover Story



46 Special Place

Connectivity 连接旅游


Nakhon Phanom Lao - Vietnam

The Beauty of the Far East 那空拍侬-老挝-越南 美丽的东线


Songkhla - Kedah The Spirit of the South 宋卡-吉打 美丽的南线

Chiangrai Shangri-La The Great Adventure 清莱-香格里拉

Buy a Mitsubishi car at Phuket Piya today and get special price, special interest rate, free gifts and many more!

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Editor’s Ta l k

编者寄语 King Maha Vajiralongkorn Bodindradebayavarangkun’s ascension to the throne has brought joy to all Thais. The editorial team of 24life Magazine would like to take this opportunity to felicitate His Majesty King Vajiralongkorn and wish the king a long and successful reign. Throughout the decades as the Crown Prince, King Vajiralongkorn followed his father’s footstep in improving the people’s livelihood and bringing happiness to the people in all facet of life. His work covered all area of life, including agriculture, sport, religion, military, etc. and he has proven himself as a great prince who will become a great king. This edition of 24life Magazine lifts off the new year with more international contents, starting with the new tourism trend of “Connectivity Tourism”. We have been working hard to compile 3 amazing ASEAN routes that guarantee to be a journey of nature and culture, as well as a great guide to new business opportunity. The first route takes you 5,000 kilometers from Chiangrai, Thailand, through Lao and Shangri-La, China. The second route let you leisurely drive from Nakorn Panom into Lao and Vietnam in just a day, while our last route connects southern Thailand to ASEAN from Songkla, Thailand to Kedah, Malaysia.

时至玛哈.哇集拉隆功太子正式登基成 为泰国拉玛十世国王,这是全泰国人民无比 幸福的一件事。24life magazine 杂志全体 工作人员祝国王陛下万寿无疆,愿国王陛下 永远守护着泰国子民! 在过去的几十年,国王陛下在任太子殿 下时,跟随先皇的脚步一直致力于解决子民 困难,无论是农业、体育、宗教、军队等各 个方面都会看到太子殿下的身影。 24life Magazine 本期作为2017年新纪 元的第一期,我们将为大家呈现更为国际化 的内容。 以“连接旅游”为主题,带领大

家去游览东南亚的三条热门线路。这三条线 路是我们精心为您挑选的,在这里让您充分 的体验当地的生活、文化。或许您还可以在 这里找到您发展事业的好机会。 第一条线路从清莱一直北上,途径老 挝,到达中国的香格里拉,全程5000多公 里。第二条线路是新热起来的自驾游线路, 从泰国的那空帕侬府出发,用一天的时间到 达越南。最后是连接马来半岛的旅游线路, 从宋卡府到马来西亚的吉打州。 祝愿大家在新的一年里心想事成、开心 快乐。能有一个快乐美好的旅程。

We wish you a delightful trip in every journey you take and lots of energy to fulfill your dream this year!

Team & Department Founders CEO/Co-Founder, Editorial Director Co-Founder, Chief Product Officer Senior Advisor

Ruj Pongpruksatol Kanchana Pongpruksatol Chalermchai Virunsarn

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Head Office 24 Life Magazine Siriporn Country View 499/97 Moo 4, San Sai Noie, San Sai, Chiang Mai 50210 Thailand Tel (Main) : +66 (0) 90 320 6967 Tel (Advertising) : +66 (0) 91 859 9526

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E-mail : 24lifemagazine@gmail.com www.24lifemagazine.com www.shutterexplorer.com




Silk Projects Co.,Ltd. 26/3 Moo4, T. Srisoonthorn, Thalang, Phuket sales@diamondcondonimium.com www.diamondcondonimium.com Sales Office: +66 (0) 76 325 585 / +66 (0) 95 079 6565

What’s On

EVA Air joins TAT

to boost North American tourism 长荣航空联合泰国国家旅游局共同开拓北美旅游市场



n 5 January 2017, Mr.Tanes Petsuwan, Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) Executive Director for Europe, Africa and Middle East Region together with Mr.Ken Chung, EVA Air Deputy Senior Vice President Revenue Department have signed the MOU in order to officially hold hands in

promoting strategies to boost up the number of tourist from USA and Canada in 2017 and so on. The plan includes increasing flights on the Taipei-Bangkok route to 17 flights a week to meet the demands of long haul passengers which is easier for passengers to connect to Bangkok.

2017年1月5日泰国国家旅游局 欧洲,非洲和中东地区执行董事 Tanes Petsuwan先生和长荣航空副 总裁Ken Chung先生共同签署了备 忘录,以便2017年正式促进来自美 国、加拿大的旅客数量。 此次计划中包含增加台北 - 曼 谷航线上的航班,每周17班航班。 以满足长途乘客的需求,并为前往 曼谷的游客提供更便捷的方式。

Korea’s Toc Toc Is Listed On Miele One To Watch 2017 韩国 Toc Toc餐厅名列 2017年美诺 one to watch奖项。


he Miele One To Watch Award, which is organized by Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants, ispresented to a restaurant that is not in Asia’s 50 Best list but is the rising star of the region. And in 2017, Toc Toc from Seoul is honored to receive this award.

Sky on 20


ky on 20 is Novotel Bangkok Sukhumvit 20’s rooftop bar with a dazzling vibe and good drinks. Exclusive offers at the bar are Hennessy & Belvedere cocktails as well as Ginger Mojito, Coconut Daiquiri and Brambles. Sky on 20 is now welcoming you with all great promotions throughout the week,

naming Monday Margarita, Tuesday Chouffe, Wednesday Wine, Thursday’s Old School Prices on a selected menu, Friday’s Special Price Mojito and Saturday’s Limited Time Beer Buffet. For more information, visit www.novotelbangkoksukhumvit20.com

Sky on 20是诺富特曼谷素坤逸 20巷酒店的屋顶酒吧。酒吧拥有着 光彩夺目的气氛和独具特色饮品。 这里独家提供轩尼诗和伏特加鸡尾 酒以及生姜莫吉托鸡尾酒,椰子台 克利鸡尾酒和Brambles。 Sky on 20在这个星期举行大促 销活动。主题为周一玛格丽特、周 二舒弗啤酒、周三葡萄酒、周四老 学校价格、周五的特价莫吉托鸡尾 酒和星期六的限时啤酒自助套餐。 相关更多信息,请查询: www.novotelbangkoksukhumvit20.com

10 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

Owner-chef Kim Dae-chun will receive this honor at the awarding event sponsored by S.Pellegrino & Acqua Panna, on st 21 February 2017, hosted at the W Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. To see more details on Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants voting process, visit http://www.theworlds50best.com/ asia/en/our-manifesto.html 美诺one to watch奖项是由亚洲50 家最佳餐厅联合组织颁发给不是亚洲最 佳餐厅以外的新兴餐厅。2017年,来自 首尔的Toc Toc餐厅荣获此奖。

餐厅的主厨Kim Dae-chun 将于 2017年2月21日在泰国曼谷W酒店,由 S.Pellegrino&Acqua Panna赞助举 办的的颁奖活动上接受这一荣誉。 了解更多亚洲50强餐厅并为它们投 票,详情请见: http://www.theworlds50best.com/asia/ en/our-manifesto.html

What’s On

Celebrate the Most Romantic Day of the Year


alentine is always a special time to celebrate your love for each other, and Conrad Macao wants you to have the best moment by offering you romantic choices of a poolside candlelit dinner or Valentine’s themed tea set so you two will have an unforgettable date. Exclusively, there is a special offer for couples who pop the question.

at Conrad Macao



This extraordinary Moroccan-inspired hotel is now ready to offer you the best vacation in Northern Thailand. For more information, visit www.grandmorocc.com

Make sure to book in advance at +853 8113 7906. 情侣总是会找一个特使的时刻 来庆祝对彼此的爱。 澳门康莱德酒 店(Conrad Macau)为您提供池畔 烛光晚餐或情人品茶套餐的浪漫选 择。希望在最美好的时光里,让您 拥有难忘的浪漫。 届时酒店还为每一对到来的情 侣准备了一份特别的优惠。 订餐电话:+853 8113 7906


n 15 January 2017, The Grand Morocc Residences has officially opened at Mae Rim, a tourist’s favorite destination known for its magnificent nature.

The Grand Morocc Residences

Has Opened Its Door in Chiang Mai 摩洛哥精品酒店盛大开业

2017年1月15日,位于美丽的山 水风景城市清迈市美林县的摩洛哥 精品酒店正式对游客开放。酒店以 摩洛哥式的风格装修,有着独特的 异国情调。酒店将为每一位游客提 供最贴心的服务。 详细信息和预订房间网址: www.grandmorocc.com

T Let’s Recharge Yourself with Afternoon Tea

at Dusit Thani Bangkok 美妙的下午茶尽在曼谷 都喜天阙酒店 12 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

hroughout January February 2017, Dusit Thani Bangkok’s Lobby Lounge will be offering a relaxing afternoon treat in an enchanting atmosphere with the finest afternoon tea set, desserts, and light meal such as Hazelnut Chocolate Cake, Thai Tea Macaroon, and Citrus Seafood Salad with Fresh Herbs. Price starts at THB 1,100++ per set. Available daily from 14:30-17:30. 从2017年1月到2月期间在曼谷都 喜天阙酒店大堂的休息室,为您提供 美妙的下午茶时间。您可以在迷人的 氛围中享受一个轻松的下午,品尝美 妙的下午茶和美味的甜点,甜点有榛 子巧克力蛋糕,泰国茶杏仁饼和柠檬 草本海鲜沙拉等等。 每位单价1100铢起,营业时间: 每天下午14:30到17:30。

Mera Mare Hotel Pattaya Address: 420/200 Moo 9, Beach Road, Pattaya City, Chonburi 20150 Thailand Tel: 038-111800 Fax: 038-195690 E-mail: info@meramarehotel.com www.meramarehotel.com

What’s On

1st Anniversary

Patong Beach Club with ETC 巴东海滩俱乐部携手著名 组合ETC举办一周年庆典


atong Beach Club x Grey Goose Vodka celebrated the extraordinary 1st Anniversary party with E.T.C under theme of cruise collection matching with Grey Goose Lumiere and music by Thailand famous band.

“Simon meets Diamonds”

25th anniversar y of Phuket Si mon Cabaret

在simon剧院25周年纪念日之际举办了 “Simon遇见钻石”主题活动会 巴东海滩俱乐部举办了盛大的一 周年店庆活动,著名的ETC组合受邀 也来参加了此次店庆演出。活动在泰 国最流行的音乐组合和法国著名的灰 雁伏特加酒的赞助下推向了高潮。


imon Group, the Phuket leading cabaret show since 1991, celebrated their 25th anniversary with a more luxurious look and invited all Phuket media and agency to the celebration party under the theme Simon meets Diamond.

西蒙集团自1991年以来,一直 引领普吉岛的歌舞表演界,为庆祝 simon作为豪华歌舞表演剧院25岁生 日的同时,举办了“Simon遇见钻 石”主题活动,并邀请了普吉岛所有 的代理商和媒体。

The Bridal Planner Thailand

Grand Opening.


Thai cooking class

at Blue Elephant Phuket. 泰国美食学习班在普吉蓝象营举行


lue Elephant Phuket held the “Cooking class with Chef Nooror”. There were 4 dishes in this class as participants learnt to make Khang Khao Phuak (Taro Cake), Koong Naam Jun (Coconut soup with prawns), Yam Ok Ped Lychee (Duck Salad with Tangerine Sauce) and Pla Krapong Nam Makham (Srir-fries Seabass with tamarind source)

14 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

普吉蓝象营举行了“和nooror学 习泰国美食”的主题学习活动,此 次培训共有四种泰式美食,分别是 Khang Khao Phuak (芋头糕), Koong Naam Jun (椰汁大虾汤), Yam Ok Ped Lychee (凉拌蜜桔鸭) and Pla Krapong Nam Makham (鲈鱼酸角酱)


he Bridal Planner Thailand, led by Mrs Chonlada Lafferty, launched her company on the ‘HYPE’ yacht to officially open their Phuket based destination wedding planning company that is committed to service excellence.

由Chonlada Lafferty女士筹办的 泰国婚庆策划人公司在 “HYPE” 游 艇上正式推出,以此正式开放他们在 普吉岛的婚礼策划业务,并致力于为 新人提供卓越的服务。

What’s On

APEX Medical Center launched

Street Food

at Bukis Phuket Life Style mall in Phuket.

in Phuket town.


APEX医疗中心在普 吉镇隆重开业。


PEX Medical Center Phuket has launched their medical center on Bypass Road, Phuket to mark the brand’s reputation as number 1 beauty medical clinic.

B APEX医疗中心推出了位于Bypass 路的诊所,诊所也成为了世界最大的 Thermage生产商在普吉的象征。

ukis Phuket, a project by Multi Property Development and led by Mr. Chairat Mepremwattana (General Manager), has launched their street food section of Bukis Phuket Life Style Mall that provide food starting at 35THB. Bukis Phuket is located between Central Phuket Festival and Big C on Bypass Road Phuket and opens daily from 10am – midnight.

Bukis是Multi Property Development旗下的一个项目,由Chairat Mepremwattana总经理精心策划并推 出的, Bukis将普吉的街边美食搬 进普吉的购物中心,食物的价格从 35THB起。 Bukis位于普吉尚泰商场 和Big C超市之间。营业时间从每天 上午10点 到晚上12点。

New Campaign to Introduce Thais

to The Hong Kong’s Charm 将香港魅力传入泰国


s Thais are an important group of tourist visiting the city, on 18th January 2017, Hong Kong Tourism Board has launched a new campaign, “Best of all, It’s in Hong Kong” in Thailand. To drive the traveler’s instinct in people to explore this charming city. The campaign has contributed 4 movies in which famous Hong Kong’s actors, magnificent scenery and iconic landscapes are presented in a compelling way. 16 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

Akyra Open House Party 泰国人作为城市旅游团体中的 重要组成部分,2017年1月18日香 港旅游发展局在泰国推出了一项新 的活动,活动以“最好的选择,就 是在香港”为主题。 为了吸引更多的旅游者前去探 索这个迷人的城市,该活动以四部影 片的形式,展示了香港著名演员的魅 力,壮丽的风景和标志性的建筑。

普吉岛Akyra海滩俱乐部是一 家全新的海滩俱乐部和度假村, 是由Akaryn集团总经理 Anchalika kijkanakorn女士和产品经理 Daniel Steinke先生领导推出的以海 蓝色和白色为主题的海滩俱乐部。 普吉Akyra海滩俱乐部坐落 在有着泰国的神秘的日落海岸的 Natai海滩,离普吉国际机场北部 仅20分钟路程。


kyra Beach Club Phuket, the brand new beach club and resort led by Ms Anchalika Kijkanakorn, Managing Director Akaryn Group and Mr Daniel Steinke General Manager launched their beach club in theme Chic Blue and White. Akyra Beach Club Phuket sits right by the pristine sands of Natai Beach on Thailand’s enigmatic sunset coast – just 20 minutes north of Phuket International Airport.

Check In

Na Nirand Romantic Boutique Resort

美好的兰纳一日,就在娜丽兰精品酒店 18 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e


very time when we mention ‘Chiangmai’, misty mountains, colourful flowers, and charming Lanna culture immediately comes to mind. The historic city is not just the centre of northern Thailand economy, but its wonderful natural attractions, excellent accommodations, delectable food, and amazing shopping experience makes this old city very easy to fall in love with. With a wide range of accommodation available, the question is ‘where to stay?’ You may go through hundreds of accommodation choices, but

ultimately it comes to only a few handful hotels if luxury comfort and memorable experience are what you seek. Hidden amidst the urbanized city center, ‘Na Nirand Romantic Boutique Resort’ is easily one of the most charming hotels in the city. This unique hotel seamlessly combines legendary stories of its location to the enchanting art of traditional Lanna and modern comfort. It’s intriguing just by looking at the exterior, so why not check-in and see what makes Na Nirand not just the place to stay, but the place to be.

每当听到“清迈”,每个人眼 前一定会浮现出如梦似幻的美丽山 脉、云霞、花朵以及独具魅力的兰 纳文化,这些是清迈之所以为泰北 中心城市的原因之一,除此还有美 丽的景点、舒适的酒店、可口的美 食和琳琅满目的购物中心,这样的 清迈,怎能不让人为之着迷呢? 来到清迈住在哪里呢?这个问 题可不难回答。来体验一下娜丽兰 浪漫精品酒店吧,闹中取静于繁华 的清迈古城中心地区,以兰纳文化 特有元素与现代审美的完美结合静 心打造的建筑风格,使我们不禁沉 迷其美,忍不住要赶紧去娜丽兰浪 漫精品酒店Check In住上一晚。

24 LIFE M a g a z i n e l 19

Romantic Legend 经典浪漫情怀


ocated on Charoenprathet Road in the heart of the city, the timeless charm of Lanna isn’t the only highlight of Na Nirand. This historic area was the heart of logging industry, especially teak, during the reign of King Rama V. The old Forestry Office is merely a few steps away, and the atmosphere of the bygone days still linger. Legend says that the towering Rain Tree in the hotel was planted by Mr. H. Slade, the first Conservator of Forests, over a century ago. Its roots and branches became an integral part of the location, and to this day, the elegant tree of history still stands tall and beautiful as the landmark of Na Nirand Romantic Resort. As a ‘romantic resort’, Na Nirand tells the story of eternal love between a beautiful girl descended from the Ruler of Lamphun and a regular Bangkok man. Their love nest, “Baan Thab Phaya,” still stands on its original location, waiting for visitors to discover the legend and understand the definition of true love. 娜丽兰浪漫精品酒店位于清迈市中心,一直以来都是写满历史痕迹的 传说之地。拉玛五世皇时期,这里曾是北部柚木木雕的起源中心,离酒店 不远,便是当时林业厅的首个办公地点。时至今日,我们仍能追寻到来自 西方、中国、印度和缅甸的早期移民在这里居住的痕迹。 酒店挺立着一棵如高塔般的巨大百年雨豆树,正是当年第一位森林保 护者H.Slade先生亲手所植。现在,这棵承载着历史的优雅大树依然挺立 着,美丽着,并作为酒店的象征,成为娜丽兰浪漫精品酒店不可缺少的一 部分,吸引着来这里的每一位访客。 除此之外,酒店所在的这条路还被认为是“浪漫爱之路”。相传当年 南奔王族后裔的美人正是在这里邂逅了来自曼谷的英俊绅士,从此成就一 段佳缘。他们的家Thap Phraya也成了永恒之爱的象征地,彰显着那段属于 兰纳时代的美丽爱情故事。

Dreamy Room 梦想中的酒店 迈入酒店的第一步,最吸引人的便是酒店那六栋建筑皆为半木式的兰纳 殖民化风格的阁楼,顿时便带领访客回溯到了十九世纪末拉玛五世王朝,殖 民式建筑风格影响泰式房屋设计的时期。这种兼具古典与浪漫的艺术与本地 兰纳建筑通过装饰得到了完美的融合,造就出优雅、简单、真实的兰纳风 格,令我们有种穿越时光的美丽错觉。 酒店布局颇具匠心,漫步其中犹如置身复古宫殿。参天古树犹如酒店的 心脏,撑开巨大的伞盖,枝繁叶茂,美不胜收,更为酒店带来了宁静优美、 远离喧嚣的浪漫氛围。身居其中便如在家中一样安适休闲,让人只想让时间 停留在这一刻,直至永远。 20 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e


raceful Lanna atmosphere during the reign of King Rama V becomes the first impression as you enter the gate of Na Nirand. The charming hotel features 6 Colonial Lanna buildings that blends the unique character of Lanna style to western architecture, leaving its guests in the atmosphere of the past. Stylishly layout to evoke the sense of living in a Lanna palace with giant rain tree as its heart, Na Nirand offers an undeniably peaceful and romantic ambience, as well as a perfect location to relax and explore the surroundings – so perfect that you may wish time would stop for you to forever be here.

The interior and the rooms are simply a blessing! Not only that each room is generously equipped with sumptuous amenities, each room type tells its own story through its unique charm and style – just like walking into an art gallery. The resort’s 45 rooms and suites are categorized into Deluxes, Corner Suites, and Riverfront Colonial Suites, all with private balcony. The Deluxe, the most basic, yet extremely impressive option, is available in Romantic Lanna Deluxe, Romantic Lanna Grand Deluxe, and Romantic Lanna Royal Deluxe. As the word “Lanna” suggests, the rooms emphasize on blending local traditional Lanna art and style to luxury comfort, from bed and wall decorations and floor tiles, to northern artworks and rattan furniture.

当进入酒店的客房,你一定还 会更加惊喜。因为客房不仅仅是设 施齐全 使用方便那么简单,还精心装饰成 了兰纳风格。每个房型都有不同的风 格,有精致的木雕,有精彩的故事, 还有独特的魅力,能给我们带来犹如 进入艺术长廊一样的绝佳体验。

独特的转角套房仅在顶楼和底 楼各有一套。该套房注重私密性和 更佳的空间感,床头壁设计极为精 美,结合采用多种风格的木雕艺 术,各具特色却又相得益彰。精心 打磨的兰纳木制设施体现着本地文 化的简约和优雅,兰纳手织布装饰 的墙面则营造出古典的雅致韵味。

酒店共有全部配有独立阳台的客 房45间。房型有三种:豪华标准间、 转角套房、临水套房。温馨、简约, 不失优雅的39套客房设计为三种不同 档次的兰纳式浪漫豪华风格,皆采 用本地独具特色、魅力十足的手工艺 品装饰,如用于床头壁或客房装饰 的独特的兰纳手工织布;如体现着 本地艺术风格的壁画,以兰纳艺术 特有的漂浮云纹与现代化陈设相结 合,营造出别致而有趣的意境;再 如以复古殖民风格地砖装饰的花纹 地板。还有特意选配的全木制或是 藤制家具更进一步彰显娜丽兰致力 打造的自然和谐意趣。

具备更完美和更闲适居住体验 的殖民风格别墅,注重完备安稳、平 静休闲的个人体验空间。临河的殖民 地风格别墅套房有四件拥有完美临河 景观、各具风格的房间。装饰设计追 溯缅甸、中国、印度和英国移民在百 年以前来到泰国并在此经商及定居本 地的历程,力求复制出那个受到多 元民族文化冲击时期的泰式建筑的 独有风格:协奏英印--以白色为主 体的殖民风格客房融合了大不列颠 和印度两种迥然不同的文化氛围, 达成一种独特的和谐韵味。梦醉 缅甸--客房选用兰纳风格的图画, 整合缅甸式装饰,房间以白色为主 色调,外加英国贵族风格的木质家 具,采用印度风格的浮雕,让整个 房间变得更加安静和温馨。 魅力中华--中华特色正红色灯 具与独具趣味的中华算盘相搭配的 设计彰显着旧时的泰中贸易联系。 情倾暹罗--采用传统镀金漆艺术, 以金色和黑色的漆艺交替使用打造 出泰式的贵气和优雅,让人怎能不 倾倒于泰国文化?

The Corner Suites are always in high demand as there are only 2 suites in the hotel (one the upper floor and another on the lower floor). With bigger room, there are plenty more space for deco and amenities. Double as wall deco, the headboard is the work of Lanna wood carving art that harmoniously blends to framed traditional Lanna fabrics and hardwood floor. At the most elegant end, the House of Colonial offers an ultimate serenity and privacy with 4 Riverfront Colonial Suites, each uniquely decorated in different style, including Harmonious British -Indian, Burmese Dream, Enchanted Chinese, and Siamese Love. The Harmonious British-Indian boasts bright white tone in contrast with Indian style dark wood furniture, while the Enchanted Chinese delivers a story of the close bond between Siam and China, the Burmese Dreams allows you to be transported to the colonial era with wooden and rattan furniture and engraved redwood walls that tell the stories of their origin and Siamese Love will make you fall in love with its reserved charm.

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Special Service for Special Guests 给特别的你打造的特别服务


a Nirand Romantic Boutique Resort offers all guest much more than just romantic accommodations. If you crave delicious Thai, Lanna fusion, or a variety of international food, ‘TIME Riverfront Cuisine & Bar’ serves a sumptuous menu in an industrial vintage atmosphere. There is also a rooftop wine bar for a relaxing pre or post dinner drink with 360 degree views. Soon you’ll be able to indulge in a physical and mental relaxation journey at Na Nirand Spa. Experience a massage style unique to the Na Nirand Spa with spa products from HARNN, the premium Thai brand that has achieved internationally recognized quality standards. Exploring the hotel ground may prove to be a very pleasing journey. In a short stroll, you’ll

除了客房,酒店还提供其他完 美的服务。时光--临河餐厅酒吧酒 店位于萍河河畔,简洁复古的工业 式建筑,又不失兰纳风韵。精心烹 调泰国兰纳综合美食,以及国际化 美食。屋顶花园式红酒酒吧则可以 让客人在小酌美酒的同时尽享360度 美妙屋顶风光。如果想调理身心, 客人还可在现代兰纳风格的娜丽兰 SPA(即将开放)舒缓情绪放松身 体,感受自然的美感,值得一提的 是,娜丽兰SPA所用产品全部来自 泰国著名高端国际化香薰SPA品牌 HARNN,给你最佳的SPA体验。 千万别忘了去Huan Kammung参 观一下,独特的兰纳式柚木房屋用 原始建筑的古木翻新调整而成,作

find Huan Kammung, a unique Lanna style teak house stands distinctly tall, raised on stilts to portray Lanna life in the past. On the inside, seats and reclining areas are set up in various corners and a small library is offered for guests to read more about the Thai Lanna history and culture. The facility is also available for private functions if you wish to host parties, exhibitions, or engagement parties to small weddings. And since Na Nirand is located in the heart of the city, Chiangmai’s famous attractions like Chai Mongkol Temple and Night Bazaar are just a few stone’s throw away, meaning that your peaceful hideaway will never be far from all the actions.

为对昔日旧主的纪念,也是舒适的 休闲地点,还有小小的图书馆。 来,找本书看看,不用心急,且度 过一段放松心情的安静时光。离这 里不远就是“兰纳谷仓和吧台”, 古色古香的兰纳风格小楼完全用柚 木打造。底层为吧台,上层则为私 人浪漫晚餐的上佳选择。 离开之前,我们的欢乐还可以继 续延伸,娜丽兰浪漫精品酒店出来便 是著名古寺 Wat Chai Mongkol寺, 而距清迈夜市也仅有五分钟的路程。 这些仅只我们体验到的一小部 分,当我们入住娜丽兰浪漫精品酒 店并用心感受,我们便会了解浪漫 的意义并真正体验到何为浪漫。

Na Nirand Romantic Boutique Resort 1/1 Soi 9, Charoenprathet Road, Tambon Changklan, Amphoe Muang, Chiang Mai 50100, Thailand Tel: +66 (0)53 280 988, +66 (0) 62 875 2401 Fax: +66 (0)53 280 989 Reservation: rsvn@nanirand.com For more information, please contact info@nanirand.com or visit: www.nanirand.com www.facebook.com/nanirand.romantic.boutique.resort www.instagram.com/na_nirand

22 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

Check In

Proud Phu Fah Hip & Green Resort 普劳德普发度假村酒店


f you are one of those who want to spend a relaxing time among the nature but don’t want to miss your chic lifestyle, now we are talking. As you will definitely have that experience here at Proud Phu Fah Hip & Green Resort. Located among mountainous scenery of Mae Rim, Chiang Mai, this eco-friendly hotel is where design and nature are perfectly combined to create a wonderful sanctuary for you to be overwhelmed by the atmosphere throughout 24 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

the place. You may choose to enjoy a panoramic view in a room at the main building or be delighted by the magnificent view in the private villa. To make sure you will be recharged mentally and physically, the hotel’s restaurant offers interesting choices of delicious and healthy menu. Genuine enjoyment and an ideal vacation will be your experience at Proud Phu Fah Hip & Green Resort.

如果您想在享受大自然安逸的 同时度过一个放松愉快的时光,但 又不想改变您别致的生活方式。 相 信您在这里绝对能找到这种感觉, 这就是清迈普劳德普发度假村酒 店。酒店坐落于清迈湄林县的群山 之中,酒店设计和大自然完美结 合,整个酒店被大自然的气息所覆 盖,为您创造一个美妙的休息圣 所。 您可以选择在三楼的酒店客房 内欣赏酒店全景,或者在私人别墅 中欣赏小溪美景。 为了确保您在这里,无论是精 神,还是身体上能够得到全面的放 松,酒店的餐厅还为您提供美味健 康食谱。让您在这里感受真正的度 假体验。

Proud Phu Fah Hip & Green Resort 97/5 Moo 1. Pong Yang district, Mae Rim, Chiang Mai. 50180.

Tel : +66 (0) 53 879 118, +66 (0) 53 879 389, +66 (0) 81 647 7437 Fax : +66 (0) 53 879 286 Email : relax@proudphufah.com Website : www.proudphufah.com

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Cover Story

Connectivity Tourism 连 接旅游

26 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

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Cover Story

Nakhon Phanom Lao Vietnam The Beauty of the Far East 那空拍侬-老挝-越南 美丽的东线 Story & Photos by Chaton Chokpattara 28 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e


f you are planning a journey east of Thailand, there is no ASEAN route more popular than Nakhon Phanom – Lao – Vietnam route. This new “Gate to ASEAN” has been taken by millions of travelers since the 3rd Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge opened in 2011 and provided a better logistic solution between the 3 countries. This promising route is full of opportunities and natural resources along its path, but what makes it unique is its distance. With only 367 kilometers long, the route requires less than a day drive from Nakhon Phanom (Thailand) to Thakhek (Lao), Nam Pao border crossing (Lao), Vinh (Vietnam), Ha Tinh (Vietnam), and Dong Hoi (Vietnam), while the return trip to Thailand can be taken on the same route or through Mukdahan border crossing. 从泰国向东的旅游线路,最热门的要属那空拍侬-老挝-越南,自从泰老 第三友谊大桥的竣工,使得三国之间的交流越来越方便。 连通三国的公路周围有着丰富的自然资源。这条公路总长367公里,令 人惊讶的是:只用一天的时间就能从那空拍侬开车,穿越泰老第三友谊大桥 进入老挝的甘蒙,然后进入越南的吊桥口岸、荣市、河靖、洞海。然后原路 返回泰国那空拍侬或者从穆达汉入境泰国。

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Forget bumpy dirt roads in the past; the roads are now safer and smoother, and if you hold an ASEAN passport, you won’t need a visa to cross the borders. The road from Nakhon Phanom to Lao cuts through green hills and acres after acres of lush plantations and rice paddies. The first highlight of the trip lies within Hin Nam No Protected Area where the Central lndochina Limestone meets the Annamite Mountain Chain. Countless limestone peaks line themselves up across Lao to Vietnam and it’s impossible not to stop for some amazing panoramas along the way. Crossing from Lao into Vietnam, our destinations are 3 central Vietnam cities – Vinh, Ha Tinh, and Dong Hoi. Vinh and Ha Tinh are located in Nghe An province while Dong Hoi is located in Quang Binh province which is known as a backpacker paradise with beautiful sparkling seas on Vietnam east coast.

Just 16 kilometers east of the city center, Cua Lo Beach is widely recognized as the most beautiful beach in central Vietnam with serene sands, coconut groves, and chilling restaurants. Not far from the beach lies Huong Tich Temple, one of the most important temples in Vinh, but the path to the temple might be quite difficult as you need to cross a lake, hike 2 kilometers through a forest path, and ride as cable car 500 meters up the hill, but the experience will truly be worth it. Driving south, we reach our second last destination, Ha Tinh. This beautiful port city boasts colonial architecture with gable roof homes and gothic style church tower. Dong Loc Road Junction holds historic significance of Vietnam modern history because this is where Viet Minh soldiers held off the Americans. The junction was bombed by American bombers again and again and the legend of 10 brave female soldiers was born.

The city of Vinh, the capital of Nghe An province, is dubbed as “the gate to southern Vietnam” and it is home to one of the most important monument of Vietnam’s history, “Ho Chi Minh Square”. It’s impossible to miss this historic square as an 18 meter tall statue of Ho Chi Minh stands majestically in front of the park. Vinh is the birthplace of this Vietnam hero who won Vietnam its independence from the French, and if you take a short drive out of town to Hoang Tru village, you can visit his childhood home as well. Ho Chi Minh Square

Annamite Mountain Chain

30 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

Cua Lo Beach

the 3rd Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge

Huong Tich Temple

Huong Tich Temple

Huong Tich Temple

Ha Tinh

Dong Loc Road Junction

自驾游这条线路并不艰难,路况 比较好。还有个好处就是泰国人不用 办理签证。进入老挝最初的路段都是 比较平缓的山路,随后进入森林保护 区,路两旁大山被茂盛的植被覆盖, 最显眼的要属这里高高挺拔的山峰, 群峰连绵。一只延续要越南。路边也 有很对休息站,在这里您可以停留片 刻拍照留念。 进入越南后,我们可以去游览越 南中部的3个城市,分别是:荣市、 海靖和洞海 。荣市和海靖在乂安 省,而洞海则在广平省。这也是背包 客的聚集地,因为他们非常喜欢越南 东海岸的宁静,。 荣市位于越南的乂安省,被称 为“通往南部的大门”。最著名的景 点是“胡志明广场”,广场内有胡志 明先生的雕像,高达18米。荣市是胡 志明先生的故乡,是他带领越南人民

赢得了抗法战争的胜利。开车出城后 进入黄祖村,那里才是胡志明先生真 正的故居。 从荣市开车向东16公里就到了著 名的格老海滩,也是越南中部最美得 海滩。细腻的沙子,摇曳的椰子树, 还有很多小吃店。从海滩出发不远就 可以到“皇帝寺”,这里也是越南人 最喜欢来拜佛的地方。去这个寺庙的 路可不好走,要先坐船,然后穿越2 公里的山路,然后坐缆车到山顶,在 步行500米才和可以到达目的地。 从荣市开车出来一直向南边行 驶,很快就进入了海靖市。这里还有 殖民地时期的建筑,那时的建筑一般 都是采用等边设计方案来建造的,还 有教堂式的钟楼。还有一个重要的旅 游景点就是“三叉东楼”。这里以前 越南战争时期的交通要道,那时美国 战机不断的向这里投放炸弹,后来这 里也就有了“10位女烈士”的故事。

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Huong Tich Temple

Ha Tinh

32 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

Dong Loc Road Junction

Dong Hoi

Dong Hoi

Dong Hoi

The road along the eastern coast of Vietnam leads us to Dong Hoi, Vietnam’s new industrial zone and deep-water port. Despite its modern development, small fisherman wharfs and lively fish markets are still the way of life here. Every time a fishing boat pulls in, you’ll see a circus of merchants flocking in to get their fresh prawns, shells, and fishes. Dong Hoi makes the perfect base for exploring Phong Nha Cave,

one of the biggest caves with underground river in the world which is already approved as UNESCO World Heritage site. A boat ride is required to get you inside and discover thousands of unbelievable stalagmites and stalactites. To fully enjoy the trip across eastern ASEAN and experience the best it has to offer, you should at least plan for a 4-5 days trip!

Phong Nha Cave

从海靖市出来,沿着越南的东海 岸线,就到了“洞海市”。这里有着 集中的工业园区和深水港口,这里也 有一些陈旧的码头供渔船停靠。我们 可以在这里体验一番这里的农贸市 场。在码头,如果有渔船停靠,商贩 就会抢着购买渔船上的海鲜。 这也暗示我们越南的海洋资源是 特别丰富的。游览过这里的市中心

后,我们可以去这里最美的峰牙溶洞 看看。这里的溶洞在全世界都是非常 有名的。溶洞必须乘坐小船才可以进 入,里面不计其数的钟乳石,就连自 己也不敢相信自己的眼前的一切! 这条自驾游旅游路线,建议用时 4-5天,这样您才能发现更多的不为 人知的魅力,这就是东南亚的东线自 驾游,这条线路永远是那么的淳朴。

Dong Hoi

24 LIFE M a g a z i n e l 33


1.5 Turbo

บริษทั ภูเก็ตปยะเอ็มจี จำกัด Phuketpiya MG Co.,Ltd Tel : +66 (0) 76-355097-8

Fax : +66 (0) 76-355-096

5/3 Moo 3 thepkasattri road Rasada, Muang Phuket Phuket 83200

Cover Story

Songkhla Kedah

The Spirit of the South

宋卡-吉打 美丽的南线 Story & Photos by Indy Traveler


alay Peninsula is riddled with compelling history and unique cultures and traditions. The tip of southern Thailand is a part of this lively region and many important trade routes have been firmly established between Thailand and Malaysia, but the relationship between the people of the 2 countries goes beyond just a commercial relationship. Located by the border of Thailand and Malaysia, Songkhla is the center of and commerce in southern

Thailand. The bustling city is the weekend destination, not just for people in surrounding provinces, but for Malaysians who can conveniently drive across the border to go shopping in Songkhla as well. Crossing between the 2 countries today is never a hassle as there are 3 permanent border crossings to choose depending on your destination. The first and the most prominent is Sadao Border Crossing which connects to Bukit Kayu Hitam Border Crossing in Kedah, Malaysia. The second being

Ban Prakob Border Crossing in Natawee that will direct you to Duraineburong Border Crossing in Padang Terap District, Kedah, Malaysia. The last is Padang Besar Border Crossing in Sadao, Thailand and Padang Besar Border Crossing in Perlis, Malaysia. Don’t be surprised to find the crossings quite busy as there are many shoppers heading to duty free shops on Malaysian side every day. As for us, shopping is not a priority, learning new experience and seeing something new are!

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We greet Malaysia with “Selamat Pagi” (Good morning) from Sadao Border Crossing as we enter Kedah. Kedah is a big state located in north western Malaysia by the border of Songkhla and Yala. The state was honourably known as “Darul Aman” or the “Abode of peace” and was a part of Siam during the reign of King Rama V before it was transferred to the British by Anglo-Siamese Treaty. With rich soil and plains, Kedah is perfect for agriculture and it is dubbed as the food producing state of Malaysia. Besides serene sceneries of endless rice paddies, the villages along the highway still hold

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traditional Malaysian lifestyle. A lot of people here still cook the same recipe their ancestors did a century ago, they still live in rare traditional houses with kite tile roof (diamond shape tile), and a lot of antiques are preserved well and even some are still in use. This traditional way of life reflects clearly in the Thai-Malay villages in Pendang and Kuala Muda where over 80,000 Malaysians are of Thai descendants. They still hold Buddhism by their hearts and never stray far from Thai culture since they moved to Kedah during the reign of King Rama V.

马来半岛是有着悠久的历史和 深厚的文化底蕴的地方。泰国的南 部也是马来半岛的一部分,一直延 伸到马来西亚。两国人民在这条线 上频繁的贸易往来,反映了两国之 间的深厚友谊。 宋卡府是可以说是泰国南部重 要的贸易省份。每个星期都有不计 其数的马来西亚人来宋卡,这里也 是马来西亚人的购物天堂。宋卡和 马来西亚的边境线上有着三个重要 的口岸,分别是: 沙道口岸、 坝 高口岸、巴丹勿刹口岸。 如果您时 间有限可以选择在口岸附近的免税 店购物,如果您有更多的时间,我 建议您去体验一下马来西亚的风土 人情,相信您一定会迷恋上这里。

这次旅行我们将从沙道口岸入境 马来西亚西北部的吉打州。吉打州与 泰国的也拉府、宋卡府接壤。吉打州 以前叫做“达鲁阿曼”意思是和平之 地。在拉玛五世时期这里曾是泰国的 领土。后来受到英国的殖民统治,则 将吉打州交由英国统治。吉打州土地 平整,大米特别出名。所以吉打州还 有马来西亚的“鱼米之乡”。 除了美丽的稻田和山峰以外,在 吉打州的农村还有延续着马来人最原 始的生活方式。无论是饮食习惯,还 是马来人屋顶砖瓦的排列方式和古老 品的收藏。这些才是马来人真正的生 活方式。但是这里还住着很多马来籍 的泰国后裔,从拉玛五世时期开始就 有大约80000人居住在瓜拉巫打县和 奔党县。您可以来这里参观他们现在 的生活方式,值得欣赏的是他们的宗 教信仰,一直在这里根深蒂固。

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Kedah is home to Balai Besar, a palace built by Sultan Mohamad Jiwa, the 19th sultan of Kedah, in 1735. Inspired by his visit to Palembang, Indonesia, the palace was beautifully crafted with wood, but unfortunately it was lost to fire. The Balai Besar we see today is the restoration of the original palace and it is used as the royal events such as the sultan of Kedah’s royal weddings and ceremonies.

Another famous Kedah attraction that cannot be missed is the Alor Setar Tower. This towering tower stands 165.5 meters tall and ranked as 19th tallest communication tower in the world. An elevator will take you 88 meters above ground to the observation deck and a restaurant with spectacular panoramas of the city, mosque, rivers, and Kedah skyline miles away.

吉打州其他著名的景点要 属“光大臣巴彦宫殿”,建造于 1735年。灵感来自于吉打州的苏 丹19世Mohamad Jiwa 去参观苏门 答腊岛后,用木材作为地板修建而 成。这里曾遭遇过大火,后来在翻 修后用于加冕典礼、婚礼庆典和吉 打州的重要活动。

绝对不能错过要属“亚罗士 打电视塔”,高165.5米,电视塔 高度在世界排名19位。我们可以乘 坐电梯直接到达第88层的观景台。 这里还要餐厅,会议室。放眼望去 整个吉打州尽收眼底。

These are only a few attractions the charming state of Kedah has to offer. This gem of Malaysia has much more waiting for you to discover, so why not mark your calendar for your next trip to Kedah now and find out for yourself how charming Malay Peninsula is! 这里提到的只是吉打州的一部分,马来西亚的这个明珠永远欢迎您的到来!

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New 4 stars hotel in Phuket. Conveniently locate in the hub of shopping and tourism in Phuket. Stylish design inspired by a movie studio. Feel the thrilling ambiance of movie set and feel like a superstar. Enjoy superstar accommodation and a memorable holiday experience if you’re an art lover, a photography enthusiast or a movie aficionado looking of something new exciting,

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“RICE BONDED ASEAN” 40 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e


Café des Artists Ping Silhouette Des咖啡艺术馆,增添艺术气息

A 作为一处豪华的酒店,“平西 卢埃特艺术家酒店” 将是你假期 独一无二的选择。酒店位于滨河旁 边,酒店有一处为您提供了美食的 和具有中式风格的餐厅,名为Des 咖啡艺术馆,其一楼是安静的咖啡 厅,您可以慢慢享用甜点,饮料和 欣赏美丽的河滨河风景。 中式主题 和陶器以及暗黑色的风格装修,带 给您一种平静而又奢华的氛围。来 到这里会让您有一种走在经典的中 国酒店一样。 餐厅为您提供各式各样的泰 式、中式和西式美食。虾卷、牛肉 面、香辣炒饭都是您的美味。香醇 的咖啡、浓浓的茶水,外配口感细 腻的甜点和新鲜出炉的面包,也是 不错的选择。接下来便是您慢慢欣 赏美丽的滨河风景的时刻。

Hotel des Artists pingsilhouette 181 Chareonraj Rd., T.Wat Kate, A.Muang, Chiang Mai 50000 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 53 249 999, Fax: +66 (0) 53 260 666 Email: pingsilhouette@hotelartists.com Website: www.hotelartists.com/pingsilhouette

s charming as the hotel can be, ‘Hotel des Artists’ is where your vacation will be uniquely luxurious. Standing beside Ping River, this design hotel offers you a whimsical journey to a Chinoiserie restaurant known as Café des Artists, the serene café at the first floor where you can enjoy food, drinks and beautiful riverside scenery. Chinese motif and pottery as well as dark earth shades are assembled to create a calm and lavish vibe, evoking a sense of walking into a traditional Chinese inn. Thai, Chinese and European a la carte and, of course, fusion dishes are served here. You ought to try Shrimp Spring Roll, Beef Noodles and Chili Paste Fried Rice. Want a lighter meal? Then there are premium coffee and tea to match with fine dessert and oven fresh bakery. After ordering your preferable menu, now it’s time to relax among the picturesque view of the blowing willow leaves and calm river. 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e l 41


KukuRamen K Kuku Ramen是一家日本传统民 居,后来转向为一家日本餐厅,提 供日本料理。 为了使日本菜和泰国 菜完美结合, Hitouhi Inoue厨师 和Shuji Hayakawa厨师试图并找到 了日本元素和泰国风味之间的完美 融合。 在曼谷市的Silom会场,您 可以品尝他们的拉面和烤肉,这里 的味道不同于其他日本餐馆,因为 他们添加了熟悉的泰国味道。 凭借着他们多年在酒店工作的经 验,他们创造出了许多独特的菜肴。 每一道菜都展示出它原来的日本味 道,但是更有趣是,当你品尝时会发 现有一点泰国风味,但是已经完美的 融合在一起。 我保证,所有菜肴都 会给您的味觉带来更多的惊喜。 Kuku餐厅的招牌拉面添加 了“曼谷”,“东京”和“北海 道”三地的口味。 如果您比较喜 欢原创性,我们推荐“Tonkotsu Shoyu拉面”,“Tori Shio拉面” 和“Yasai咖喱拉面”。 午餐时间 供应拉面套餐。 此外,晚餐还提供 yakitori和米饭。 无论你点什么, 我相信您一定会爱上这里。 Kuku Ramen Tel: +66 (0) 94-890-7777 www.facebook.com/kukuramen

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uku Ramen transformed traditional Japanese house into a Japanese fusion restaurant.To make Japanese and Thai food a perfect match, Chef Hitoshi Inoue and Chef Shuji worked hard with many ingredients and eventually discovered the amazing fusions between Japanese and Thai flavors. Located in Silom in the heart of Bangkok, they offer unique ramen and yakitori with a twist of familiar Thai twist. With experience that they gained through working in famous hotels, they have created many unique dishes. Each one shows its original taste of Japan, but the taste is more interesting with a surprising hint of Thai perfectly mixed in. We guarantee your taste bud will enjoy the food and amazed by the creativity of all the fusion dishes a lot. Kuku’s signature ramens are “Bangkok”, “Tokyo” and “Hokkaido”, all are added with flavors that recall the character of each city. There is authentic food too. If you prefer original flavors, we recommend “Tonkotsu Shoyu Ramen”, “Tori Shio Ramen” and “Yasai Curry Ramen”. Ramen set menu is served at lunch time. Also, there are yakitori and rice dishes offered at dinner. Whatever you order, you will love them all.



Pizza ciao披萨


here is one of the best pizzerias in Bangkok where authentic tastes from Italy are served right from the Italian chef’s hand. Homemade style is what make this place special. And if you are a fan of a thin and crispy pizza, you will not want to miss this place. This restaurant can’t be elsewhere but Ciao Pizza. Ciao Pizza represents the passion of Chef Gerardo Calabrese for pizza making. He wants everyone to experience the traditional taste of staple Italian food just like what his mother used to make at home. With 10 years’ experience in being an owner chef in Italy, he continued his journey as pizza chef in Thailand in 2010, serving true pizzas and traditional dishes until now. The secret to an impressive flavor at Ciao Pizza is the patience putting into the homemade dough, attention to fresh ingredients, as well as a special oven made by an Italian expert. For a really classic choice, you can go for “pizza margherita” or may be “pizza napoli”.

在这里有提供意大利正宗口味 的披萨,这里是曼谷最好的披萨店 之一,所有的披萨都由意大利厨师 亲手制作。 如果您是一位披萨饼的 粉丝,您肯定不想错过这个地方。 这就是Ciao披萨店。 Ciao Pizza代表着Gerardo Calabrese厨师对披萨饼的热情。 他希望每个人都能体验到意大利美 食的传统口味,就像他小时候妈妈 在家做给他的味道。 作为拥有10年 意大利厨师经验的他,他将自己披 萨旅行在2010年带到了泰国,至今 还在为客人提供正宗的披萨饼和意

大利传统美食。 Ciao Pizza与众不同的味道秘 诀来自自制面团。新鲜的食材,以 及意大利专家制造的特殊烤箱。在 这里最值得推荐的是 “margherita披萨”或 “napoli披 萨”。这绝对是两道经典的选择。 除此之外还有“caprese bianca披 萨”、“tartufo e uovo披萨” 和“crudo e fichi披萨”。 这里还提供一些令人垂涎的自 制甜点。 我相信这里所有的一切都 会让你沉寂在一个意大利乡村氛围 里面,享受您美好的披萨时光!

There are great options like “pizza caprese bianca”, “pizza tartufo e uovo” and “pizza crudo e fichi” which are the signature dishes. There are some mouth-watering homemade desserts as well. All of these can be enjoyed among a rustic Italian vibe which is well-appointed to make your pizza moment delightful to the top. Ciao Pizza Tel: +66 (0) 94-754-7777 www.facebook.com/ciaobkk

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ecipe has no limit when the right ingredient plays its role in bonding nations together and that ingredient couldn’t be anything else other than “Rice”.

When it comes to ASEAN Cuisine, the main ingredient in the majority of dishes is rice. Rice has a place in most of the dishes and can also have a purpose much deeper than the main ingredient. There is a number of different types of rice used in ASEAN cooking, but the most popular are Glutinous Rice and Jasmine rice. Here are some must-try recipes while you visit the ASEAN. 食谱是没有限制的,当正确的成分在国际间发挥作用时,我想中间的 纽带一定是“大米”。 当提到东盟的美食时,绝大部分菜肴的主要成分都是米饭。大米在大 多数菜肴中都占有一席之地。用于烹饪大米有各种不同的类型,在东盟最 受欢迎的是糯米和香米。当您来东盟一带旅游时,你一定要来品尝一下。

Thailand KHAO PAD SAPPAROT (Thai Pineapple Fried Rice) 泰国菠萝炒饭 This classic Thai pineapple fried rice is truly heavenly. Golden grains of rice jeweled with chunks of juicy pineapple, cashews, and currents with a taste that will send you straight to heaven! 泰式菠萝炒饭是泰国的一道经典菜。金色的米粒镶嵌多汁的菠萝,外加干 脆的腰果和豆瓣,口味甜美,品尝一口,就像天堂上的美味!

Ingredients - Cooking oil, peeled shrimps, cooked white rice - Minced garlic, sliced red chili, sliced red capsicum, chopped onion, cored and chopped whole pineapple - Turmeric, curry powder, fish sauce, soysauce - Cashew nuts, raisins, cilantro, pork floss (optional)

Method: 1. Heat a tablespoon of oil and fry garlic and red chili until fragrant. Add shrimps stir until cooked. Don’t overcook the shrimp! Removed from heat and set aside. 2. Add a tablespoon of oil to wok. Fry the onion, turmeric, curry powder and red capsicum for about 2 minutes. 3. Add the rice, raisins, pineapple and stir together. Then add the fish sauce, soy sauce. Stir fry for another minute. Taste and adjust if necessary. 4. Add the cashews and cilantro. Serve in a hollowed pineapple boat, garnish with cilantro and pork floss. 44 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

配料 -

食用油,去皮虾,熟白米饭 大蒜,切片红辣椒,切碎的洋葱,去除瓤的菠萝 姜黄,咖喱粉,鱼酱,酱油 腰果,葡萄干,香菜,猪肉(可选)

制作方法: 1.加热一汤匙食用油,将大蒜和红辣椒倒入,然后 加入干虾搅拌直到炒 熟。 然后盛放在一边。 2.向锅中加入一汤匙食用油。 爆炒洋葱,姜黄,咖喱粉和红辣椒粉约2分钟。 3.加入米饭,葡萄干,菠萝并一起搅拌。 然后加入鱼酱,酱油。 再搅拌一分钟。 可以根据自己的需要进行调味。 4.最后加入腰果和香菜。 将食物盛放在空心的菠萝小船, 用香菜和猪肉丝绒装饰。

Singapore Hainanese Chicken Rice 新加坡 海南鸡油饭 Hainanese chicken rice is a dish adapted from early Chinese immigrants from Hainan. It is considered one of the national dishes of Singapore. 海南鸡油饭是海南早期华裔移民改良后的一道美食。 它被认为是新加坡的经典美食。



- 鸡腿,鸡汤,白米饭 - 切片青葱,碎大蒜,碎姜,月桂叶,黄瓜 -盐

- 辣椒,姜,大蒜 -柠檬汁,糖,盐,鸡肉

制作方法 1.将大蒜和生姜炒香,但不能炒焦。 加入2杯冲洗过的米,搅拌炒3分钟。 然后加入月桂叶后, 2杯鸡汤到米饭并煮沸。 然后放入电饭煲像平时 一样将米饭煮熟。 2.将葱和生姜姜放在鸡肉中,并高温蒸煮,盖上盖子直到煮熟。 将筷子或 针插入鸡腿最厚的部分。 如果透明液体没有了,说明就煮熟。 将鸡肉拿 出后并用冰水冷却。 这样能使得鸡肉比较细嫩。 3.辣椒蘸水,将所有准备好的食材捣碎。在根据个人喜好 加入盐和/或糖。 4.将碎姜和洋葱放入热油爆炒,然后加入盐或酱油, 5.取出鸡腿,剁碎成块,放在煮熟的米饭上。 可根据需要,配上黄瓜片。

Ingredients - Chicken legs, chicken stock, white rice - Sliced shallot, minced garlic, grated ginger, bay leaves, sliced cucumber - Salt

Ingredients for chili sauce - Sliced chilies, sliced ginger, garlic - Lime juice, sugar, salt, chicken stock

Method: 1. Sauté minced garlic and grated ginger until aromatic, but don’t let them burn. Add 2 cups of rinsed and drained rice and stir fry for 3 minutes. Toss in bay leaves and pour 2 cups of chicken stock into the rice. Bring to a boil. Transfer to electric cooker and cook rice as usual. 2. Place spring onion and ginger on chicken and steam over high heat, covered with a lid until cooked through. Insert a chop stick or needle into the thickest part of chicken leg. If clear liquid runs out, it’s cooked. Remove from heat and cool with iced water. This is a secret of tender meat. 3. For chili sauce, blend all ingredients in a food processor. Add salt and/or sugar to taste. 4. For minced ginger and spring onion sauce, Heat oil until very hot and immediately pour the oil onto minced ginger and finely chopped shallot. Add salt or soy sauce to taste. 5. Drain the chicken legs and chop into chunks and serve with cooked chicken rice. Garnish with cucumber slices if desired. 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e l 45


Malaysia Nasi Lemak

Shan rice or fish rice is a popular Shan dish and one of the most typical Myanmar food.

马来西亚 椰浆饭


In Malay, ‘Nasi’ means rice and ‘Lemak’ means cream or fat, or in this context, coconut milk.

缅甸 掸米

Ingredients - Cooking oil, mrigal fish, cooked rice - Sliced tomatoes, boiled potatoes, chopped garlic, sliced spring onion - Fish sauce, salt, chicken powder, turmeric powder - Chive root, dried red chili

Method: 1. Heat oil in a wok. Fry garlic until fragrant. Add half teaspoon of turmeric and stir well 30 seconds then separate oil and fried garlic. 2. Add mrigal, tomatoes, half teaspoon of turmeric, fish sauce and 2 cups of water to the pot and boil it until all tomatoes are crushed. 3. Then remove the fishes from boiling pot, debone and skin, then flake the meat.

Fish Rice Cake Cooking: 1. In a large bowl, add rice, mashed potatoes, flake fish, tomatoes paste, turmeric oil, fried garlic, salt and chicken powder, and mix well by hand. 2. And make fish rice cake by hand. 3. Add a few spring onions and fried garlic. Serve with chive root, dried red chilies and garlic

配料 -

食用油,印度鲮鱼,熟米饭 番茄片,煮土豆,蒜泥,洋葱片 鱼酱,盐,鸡肉粉,姜黄粉 韭菜根,干红辣椒

制作方法: 1.将食用油加热,加入大蒜和半茶匙姜黄,搅拌30秒,然后将油炸的大蒜 捞出。 2.向锅中加入印度鲮鱼,番茄,半茶匙姜黄,鱼酱和2杯水,煮沸到西红柿 呈酱状。 3.然后将取出鱼,去皮。

鱼米糕的制作: 1.在一个容器中,加入米饭,土豆泥,薄片鱼,西红柿酱,姜黄油,油煎的 大蒜,盐和鸡肉粉,并用手混合。 2.手工制作鱼糕。 加入少量的葱和油煎的大蒜。再配韭菜根,干红辣椒和大蒜 46 l 24 LIFE M a g a z i n e

(Coconut-Flavored Rice Meal)


Ingredients - Sunflower oil, jasmine rice, coconut milk, peeled green prawns, boiled egg - Blanched water spinach, sliced Lebanese cucumbers, roasted peanuts, garlic, sliced red chili, sliced shallot, coriander - Sambal oelek (chili paste), tomato paste, tamarind puree, ground turmeric, brown sugar

Method: 1. Place 1.5 cups of rice in a saucepan with 1 cup of coconut milk and 1 cup of water and some salt. Bring to the boil, cover, reduce heat to low and simmer for 15 minutes until liquid is absorbed, then remove from the heat and rest, covered, for 5 minutes. 2. For the sambal, pound chilies and garlic to a rough paste. Heat oil in a wok over medium heat and fry shallots for 5 minutes until soft. Add garlic paste and fry for 2 minutes until fragrant. Add chili paste and remaining ingredients with 1/2 teaspoon salt and 2 tablespoons water and stir-fry for 5 minutes until thick. 3. Pan fried the prawns for 4 minutes until pink and serve with rice, spinach, cucumber, eggs, peanuts, coriander and sambal.

配料 - 向日葵油,茉莉香米,椰奶,去皮绿虾仁,鸡蛋 - 菠菜,黄瓜切片,花生,大蒜,红辣椒,青葱,香菜 - 辣椒酱,番茄酱,罗望子泥,姜黄,红糖

制作方法: 1.在平底锅中加入一杯半生米、一杯椰奶、一杯水和少许盐。 煮沸后, 小火焖15分钟,直至液体被完全吸收,然后静置5分钟。 2.在热油锅中中火炒青葱5分钟直至变软。 然后加入蒜酱炒2分钟。 然后加入辣椒酱1/2茶匙盐和2汤匙水,炒5分钟,直至变粘稠状。 3.然后将米饭和煎好的虾,菠菜,黄瓜,鸡蛋,花生,香菜和辣椒酱 一起盛上。

Special Place

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Chiangrai Shangri-La The Great Adventure 清莱-香格里拉 Story & Photos by Chaton Chokpattara


he name Shangri La may sound familiar if you have read the legendary novel, “The Lost Horizon”. It pictures the utopia hidden amidst the steep mountains where people live peacefully for eternity. Such place is yet to be discovered and it still remains the Tibetan mystery of the lost utopia ‘til this day. Learning of the legend, Chinese government renamed Zhongdian, a county in the province of Yunnan, into Shangri-La in 2001.

Zhongdian fits into many descriptions of Shangri-La. It is a part of snowy mountain ranges, it’s home of native Tibetan people with Vajrayana/Tibetan Buddhism, and it is surrounded by vibrant colours of breathtaking forest, lakes, and flowery plains. This Chinese “marketing scheme” turned out to be more successful than originally expected with the name Zhongdian slowly faded away and millions of people now travel to the land called Shangri-La.

香格里拉这个名字对于大家来说 是不是特别耳熟。“消失的地平线” 讲述了高山上的永恒和平宁静之地, 那里的人没有生老病死,在一起和平 的相处,真的有这样的宁静之地吗? 到现在还是没有找到这样的永恒之 地,仅仅只是幻想而已。 中国政府让梦想变为现实,在 2001年将云南省中甸县改名为香格里 拉。这里有传说中的高山,有着原始 的藏族文化,有着藏族的寺庙和立体 气候,美丽的花场。中国政府的这次 行动远远超出的意料,将原来已经被 遗忘的小县城变成了每年接待上百万 游客的旅游城市。

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t’s not impossible to travel from Thailand to Shangri-La, but you need to be well-prepared. If flying is your choice, then it’s a breeze to fly to a city in Yunnan and ride a bus to the mystical city. However, a long journey is much more memorable and a 5,500 kilometers return trip along the R3A highway across Thailand, Lao, and China will surely be marked as unforgettable. The journey begins at Chiangkong, Chiangrai, cross the 4th Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge into Huaysai, Kwang Bor Kaew, Lao, then through Jinghong, Xishuangbanna, Kunming, Dali, Lijiang, and finally Shangri-La by the eastern border of Tibet where snowy mountains and colourful forest await. Driving through Lao on the first leg of the journey reveals vast panoramas of golden rice paddies and lush mountains surrounding small villages in Huay Sai and Luang Nam Tha. Luang Nam Tha sits on the border of Lao and

China and you can drive across from Boten, Lao, into Mohan, China. Unlike the road through Lao, the journey from Mohan to Jinghong and Xishuangbanna is full of steep valleys, wild jungles, and over 40 tunnels and daring bridges. The nature around Jinghong is amazing, but what’s more fascinating is its unique culture and history. If time permit, you should definitely spend a couple of days here to enjoy the attractions and food here.

Chiangkong, Chiangrai

The terrain slowly changes as we continue up R3A highway pass Kunming, Dali, and Lijiang. Notable landmark includes the First Bend of the Yangtze River, Honghe Bridge (one of the tallest bridge in the world with the height of 180 meters), Dinosaurus Valley in Chuxiong, Mushroom Village in Nanhua, Tiger Leaping Gorge (one of the deepest gorge in the world), the city of Dali by Erhai Lake which has over 800 years of history, and the millennia old Lijiang city.

Jinghong Xishuangbanna

Dali Dali

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从清莱去香格里拉并不是远不可 及的事。若是选择飞机,飞往云南 的任何一个机场,然后坐车便可到 达。但是我们选择自驾游来回5500公 里,顺着R3A昆曼公路,穿越泰国、 老挝、中国,这也是一次最大的冒 险行动。 此次自驾游,起点设在清莱府清 孔,开车穿越泰老湄公河大桥到达老 挝的会晒,然后前往西双版纳、昆 明、大理、丽江、香格里拉。香格里 拉紧挨着西藏的东部。每年的十月和 十一月,这里有着美丽的雪山和四季 分明的松树林。 Lijiang

开车进入老挝,沿途有着美丽的 自然风光,小小的村庄。途径老挝的 南塔,然后从磨丁入境中国的磨憨, 然后穿越深山40多处隧道和桥梁到达 美丽的西双版纳。这里自然风光秀 丽,多元化的文化底蕴,如果不赶时 间,您也可以在这里驻留两三天。 沿着R3A昆曼公路 从西双版纳到 昆明---大理---丽江。沿途经过不同 的地形区域。可以见到长江第一弯、 世界第一高桥-----红河大桥,离地 面高度180米,楚雄的恐龙谷、野生 菌之乡南华、中国最深的峡谷虎跳 峡。然后到达有着800年历史的大理 古城,有着著名的苍山和洱海,在 带您走进有着1000多年历史的丽江古 城,感受远古风情。


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Shangri La

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Shangri La Shangri La

You might not have noticed it, but with the altitude of 3,500 – 4,000 meters, reaching Lijiang is already like reaching the roof of the world. The atmosphere on the way to Shangri-La could be quite thin, but considering the vistas, you are on your way to the heaven on earth! Shangri-La during October is exceptionally beautiful with most of the trees turning red, orange, and yellow as winter creeps in. It’s impossible not to visit Blue Moon Valley for more spectacular views from the

cable car, and visit Songzanlin Monastery, the largest Tibetan Buddhist monastery in China and one of the most important Tibetan Buddhist monasteries. The 14 days journey along 5,500 kilometers of amazing terrains and views from Thailand to Shangri-La will always be one of our greatest and longest trip and we hope you will find an opportunity to plan and make this amazing trip as we have done.

从丽江开始我们就已经处在高 原行驶状态,这里平均海拔在35004000米,空气稀薄、气候寒冷、风景 秀丽。不久就可以到达香格里拉, 十月份这里满山树叶开始变色,黄 红橙三色交错。然后乘坐缆车欣赏蓝 月谷,去松赞林寺拜佛,这里也被称 为“小布达拉宫”,也是西藏13处重 要寺庙之一。寺庙是300年前由五世 达赖喇嘛主持修建的。 从泰国到香格里拉总行 程5500公里,用时14天。这就是我们 的心中度假胜地,我们也希望读者能 都像我们一样去体验这美妙的行程。

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Property & Investment


The Cape Yamu - Villa 2

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