Family Times - Christchurch - Winter 2014

Page 1


Your child’s personality

Day dreamer or life of the party – who is your child?


Teaching kids the value of money Keys to financial literacy for kids

A news magazine and online resource for families


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ISSN 2324-450X (Print) ISSN 2324-4518 (Online)

CHRISTCHURCH / ISSUE 74 / Winter 2014

Willowbank’s Great Midwinter


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*5th July – 20th July


inside this issue

Contents 8


6 Your child’s personality

Learn about your child’s unique personality

8 Teaching kids respect

Jenny Hale writes about kids and respect

Boost your kids’ financial literacy

Pick your battles with your child’s behaviour

9 Teaching kids the value of money 10 Behaviour issues

11 Cool science experiments at home

Kids’ corner 16 Kids’ time

See the stars with this fun, at-home science experiment


12 Dyslexia

13 Nature Play in the City

15 The eyes have it

14 Hearty and healthy winter family food

23 Family physical activity

Helping your dyslexic child to learn You don’t have to go far to explore the great outdoors

Eva Maria talks preteen and personalities

Should you be worried about your baby’s reflux?

26 Reflux

27 Managing a toddler and a new baby

KIDS IN FREE! During the School Holidays two children (5-14 years) can enter FREE with each paying adult ($28). Valid 5-20 July 2014. Present this voucher to receive the discount.


For the cost of just two Park admissions, you can visit Orana Wildlife Park as often as you like until 30 June 2015! The Kids In Free holiday special and the Membership are separate deals and cannot be combined.

About Us Media Executives Shona Robb, Nicky Barnett, Katie Morgan, Naomh Cusin, Penny Leary, Linda Radovancich Office Manager Raelyn Hay Office Assistant Jackie Pithie

Contributing Writers Jenny Hale, Kelly Young, Dr Antony Bedggood, Jackie Cowan, Nick Draper, Eva Maria Reach us at: Family Publishers (NZ) P.O. Box 36-004, Christchurch 8146, NZ Ph. 03 355 9186 0800 285 510 Fax: 03 3559 183 Mobile. 0274 359 414 DistributionPrinted and distributed quarterly approximately two weeks before each major school holiday. 44,499 distributed through early childhood centres, primary and intermediate schools, Christchurch City Council offices, recreational facilities, libraries and service centres, selected medical and midwifery premises and McDonalds restaurants.The opinions expressed in this publication are not those of the publisher unless indicated otherwise. No part of this publication may be reprinted without the expressed written permission of the publisher. Family Times is not responsible for unsolicited material. Family Times is funded and published solely through the support of its advertisers. They support us, please support them. 4

Jackie Cowan and Nick Draper help you plan a family tramp

Publisher Robyn Willis Design & Production Moody Shokry Advert Production Target Press Production Office Editor Vanessa O’Brien Digital editor Rochelle Savage

Dr Antony Bedggood helps you identify eye problems in littlies

25 Preteen corner


McLeans Island Road, Christchurch. Ph 359 7109, Transport Ph 0800 10 10 21

Kelly Young turns seasonal eating into fun family food

Tips on how to survive with a toddler and new baby

Competitions, games and reviews

Special feature 28 Destination Tekapo

New Zealand’s winter wonderland

Resource information 18 19 21 24 24 25 30

Calendar of events Holiday programmes Entertainment School Term Dates After School Help is at Hand Business Directory

From the editor Letter to the editor O ne of the most exciting things for any parent is to see their children’s little personalities develop. Are they going to be shy and thoughtful, exuberant and excited, placid and easy-going, or perhaps deliberate and forceful? Then comes the crunch: as they grow into who they are, how can you parent them in a way that will help their unique personality grow into a confident and grounded young person? I grew up in a family of very different personalities – like most families. Each of us siblings would approach a situation in a different way, from our own perception, and each of us would wonder why the other would react in a completely different fashion – one emotionally, one logically, and the other as a peacemaker. Each of us would approach chores differently: one would flat out refuse and stage a big drama; one would just get on and do the job in order to avoid drama, and the other would do it but on their own terms and time schedule. If you’re reading this Racheal and Gary, you know which one you are! As we’ve grown up, I’ve learned to recognise the strengths of each of our personality types; for example, one’s ability to express how they feel and appreciate the feelings of others; one’s ability to deconstruct any problem and offer practical solutions, and one’s capacity for staying calm in a crisis. Simply put, as people, we need other personality types around us to balance us out: sometimes the life of the party needs to learn a little from a deep thinker, and a placid personality can learn from a more exuberant and emotional person. There are strengths and weaknesses in all of us, but by better

Dear Editor,

understanding each other – and ourselves – we’ve got a better chance at a harmonious family life. In this edition of Family Times, our main feature focuses on personality types, and helping to identify your children’s and your own unique make-up. We talk with Nonen Titi, an author and specialist in the field of personality psychology, who offers some great practical tips and advice for parenting. Of course we’ve got lots of other goodies this issue, including a new-look kids’ page with games and reviews, as well as competitions and giveaways galore. Enjoy!

Here is the story of my boy Benjamin and his Family Times. Since my boy was two and a half or three, he has been obsessed with the Family Times magazine. Some children carry round stones or favourite teddies or Match Box toys. My boy carried the Family Times magazine for a while. His preschool teacher even featured it in his profile book as his favourite activity. After he has “read” it cover to cover, he then cuts out his favourite adverts or stories and sticks them in another book. He can spot it a mile off and gets excited about the new one for him. He actually believes it is written for him, as it has his favourite places like Willowbank, the Antarctic Centre, Court Theatre, the movie theatres and pictures of kids having fun. We had to limit how many Family Times magazines he took home from preschool – but then he would see it in other places apart from preschool and he thought it was HIS! He still thinks (at age four-and-a-half) that his magazine is written for his benefit, to announce which movies we will take him too, which activities we will plan, which toys we will buy and which books we will read. Now he is recognising letters and numbers (and almost words) he likes to read it to us. Sincerely, Prudence Thomson

Dear Editor

On the topic of children doing chores, I have come up with an idea that I would like to share as it is working amazingly well. I have three wonderful darlings who each

have a different work ethic. I became sick of the negative spirals, and the energy it would take to ensure that simple tasks like setting the table and doing dishes were being executed in a fair way. Job charts didn’t work. One day after seeing how proud the youngest was at being “Star of the Day” at school, I hit upon the idea of creating “Mummy’s Star Helper of the Day.” It’s been great – they know for only one day a week they have to do what I ask. It’s stopped the whining, the negativity, the exasperation and more importantly I find that a little bit of oneon-one time at the end of the day over the dishes is a great catch up. Sincerely A Ward, Christchurch24 Please send your letters to the editor@ Letters may be edited for space limitations and legal reasons.

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feature story

Know your kids' personality type Ever wondered why one of your kids is the life of the party and the other one a day dreamer? Understanding your kids’ – and your own – personality type can help family harmony.


ver since the Greek physician Hippocrates incorporated his theory of four main temperament types into his medical hypotheses back in 460-370 BC, the human race has been postulating ways to understand each other better. As parents, understanding why your children act the way they do – and why you react the way you do – can go great lengths toward building your relationship says Wellingtonbased author Nonen Titi. Titi, a registered nurse with a degree in philosophy, has spent more than 15-years researching the works of Carl Jung and Myers-Briggs on temperament, and written a book on “inner composition.” “Jung devised that people have different personality types because the functions in their personality work differently,” said Titi. “Myers took it from there and devised a test – an indicator of which personality type you are."

Basic personality types

Personality type – is one better than another?

Preferences toward one dichotomy or the other don’t determine a person’s nature, as such, but more how they perceive the world and make decisions. A good example, says Titi, is that Adolph Hitler and Martin Luther King Jnr had the same basic personality type according to Myers-Briggs- but the outworking of their preferences led to very different outcomes due to their own experiences and belief systems. Titi describes personalities as being like music. “Every musician uses four different aspects that make their music – rhythm, melody, theoretical aspect of music, and an instrument to create the mood. But a jazz

musician puts more emphasis on the rhythm, for example, than an opera composer would. So what emphasis they put, it makes for a different sound. It’s the same with personalities.”

Understanding your child’s personality

As a parent, understanding how your child is hard-wired to view the world, and their basic thoughtprocesses around making decisions, can lead to better understanding. Some indicators, says Titi, are easy to recognise from a very early age, for example, introversion and extraversion. “Introverted children are more reluctant to take to a new toy, or to approach something they don’t know. They need to get to know it first. They keep their distance from it, whereas, an extroverted child feels quite comfortable in a world of objects. They leave all their stuff all over the house when an introverted child would control it all in their room. It’s how comfortable they feel in the world around them.” However, introversion and extroversion can

be confused. It’s not just whether your child talks a lot or wants to go out a lot. It has more to do with their motivation and how they reenergise themselves, says Titi. That becomes more apparent with age. “If an introverted child has been at school all day, they’re exhausted, and they might walk past everybody, go to their room and slam the door, and they don’t want to talk. A parent might feel rejected by that, but it has only to


Myers-Briggs suggests that our psychological differences can be divided into four opposite pairs (dichotomies) resulting in 16 possible psychological types.

There’s extraversion and introversion, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling, judging and perception. Each person leans more to one side of each of the dichotomies, i.e. extraversion rather than introversion, thinking rather than feeling, and this determines their personality make-up. Although Myers-Briggs suggests that environmental factors can impact on a person’s unique personality, Titi says that a person’s basic personality make-up is innate. “I believe that these type differences are inborn, and it has to be so because if it were not, all people would end up doing the same thing, and as a human group we would lose out. “It also explains why do some children that grow up in a dysfunctional family turn out fine, and why do others not.”





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feature story

do with the need to be alone for a while. “Extroverts are the exact opposite. They come home and they won’t stop talking, because they need to re-energise, they need to get that out somehow, particularly if they’ve been alone for a while.” Hence, telling an introverted child to “go out and make friends,” is not always helpful, Titi said. They would do that when they were ready and re-energised from time alone, not on demand.

“Introversion and extroversion can be confused. It’s not just whether your child talks a lot or wants to go out a lot. It has more to do with their motivation and how they re-energise themselves.” Disciplining your children one rule for all?

Given the differences in personality types, each child will respond differently to different forms of discipline. A simple harsh word might completely devastate a sensitive, introverted child, and leave them feeling rejected. Whereas a child that leads with their feelings may actually understand and respond better to a parent who gets angry and emotional, because it’s something that they can relate to. That doesn’t make one personality type better or worse – just different, explains Titi. “There are children that are by nature

obedient, that heed authority. They do that naturally, but they are also the same children who, for example, would follow their peers. Other children, who are naturally more independent, they follow the rules by definition only when they feel like it. But they are also the children who will stand strong against bullies and not be pushed into peer pressure.” That doesn’t mean that you should try to change yourself to relate better to your children though. Titi says that the best thing that parents can do is to be themselves. “Every parent also has a personality type and if you’re going to try to force your child or yourself in one way or another, it doesn’t work. I think the best thing a parent can do is to be aware that not every child is the same, and that it’s okay, and that they understand where they come from.” Titi is concerned that a lack of understanding around personalities at times leads to misdiagnosis of conditions in kids – particularly kids that appear hyperactive. “Many kids are getting labelled with things such as ADHD, for behaviour that is a normal personality trait.” That’s not to take away from genuine cases of hyperactivity, said Titi, but a greater understanding and knowledge around personality types would help parents and teachers bring out the best in their kids. “A child that doesn’t like sitting still at school and writing but prefers to be out on its bike, or learns better by walking around or touching things, is not necessarily hyperactive. The school system is hypoactive. It’s not suited for these children. These children need a different way to express themselves.”

How do you know your child’s personality? The first step is to work out what makes you as a parent tick. Search online for a Myers-Briggs personality test, complete the questions, and then educate yourself as much as you can about your personality type. It’s a bit trickier to complete the test for your kids, but you can give it a go. Even a bit more study around the eight dichotomies will help you to better recognise what motivates your child’s decisions and perception of the world.

Extraversion and introversion

With Myers-Briggs, extraversion means “outward-turning” and introversion means “inward-turning.” • Extraverts are “action” oriented, while introverts are “thought” oriented. • Extraverts seek “breadth” of knowledge and influence, while introverts seek “depth” of knowledge and influence. • Extraverts often prefer more “frequent” interaction, while introverts prefer more “substantial” interaction. • Extraverts recharge and get their energy from spending time with people, while introverts recharge and get their energy from spending time alone.

Sensing and intuition

Sensing and intuition describe how new information is understood and interpreted. Individuals who prefer sensing are more

likely to trust information that is in the present, tangible, and concrete. They prefer to look for details and facts. Those who prefer intuition tend to trust information that is more abstract or theoretical. They may be more interested in future possibilities. For them, the meaning is in the underlying theory and principles that are in the data.

Thinking and feeling

Thinking and feeling are the decision making (judging) functions. Those who prefer thinking tend to measure a decision by what seems reasonable, logical, causal, consistent, and matching a given set of rules. Those who prefer feeling tend to come to decisions by associating or empathising with the situation, looking at it “from the inside” and weighing the situation to achieve the greatest harmony.

Judging and perception

Myers and Briggs identified that people also have a preference for using either the judging function (thinking or feeling) or their perceiving function (sensing or intuition) when relating to the outside world. Those with a preference for judging show the world their preferred judging function (thinking or feeling). Those types who prefer perception show the world their preferred perceiving function (sensing or intuition). For more information visit

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Teaching kids respect Sometimes it’s important to sweat the small stuff!


t’s not good to growl at every little thing, but there are small battles worth winning to cancel out the bigger ones. When you ignore poor manners, back chat and rudeness, you allow your child to become disrespectful and even angry. Nip the small things in the bud and win those battles. How your child speaks to you is important! Taking ground over a small area will give you success in bigger areas.

“You, as a parent, feel you have been generous in ignoring the little things, and yet confused as to why your child is becoming harder to manage, not easier.”

serves to curb harder more intense behaviors like tantrums, swearing, lying and anger outbursts. A similar thing was shown to be effective in New York City. Rudy Gullianne tackled petty crime and tagging and took out a lot of major crime in the process. The motivation behind what a child is doing can be your key to deciding whether to tackle it or not. A parent is often making the quick decision. Is this simply playfulness, an accident, an over tired child, forgetfulness, a lack of concentration or is it a lack of respect? If it is a challenge to respecting you, it is worth being firm on.

Ways to firm up • Talk about your family rule of respectful-

Go for it - be firm. Parents often drop their guard over little things like how their child speaks to them. They ignore the whining, moaning, grizzling, taunting and cheek, in favour of keeping their energy and big guns for the major battles. Children often see this drop in attention to respect as a doorway to act in more challenging ways, and this is where parenting gets hard. You, as a parent, feel you have been generous in ignoring the little things, and yet confused as to why your child is becoming harder to manage, not easier. • Pay attention to how they speak to you and start real early; like the correct way of asking YHA5476_SST_1-4page_23June.pdf 1 22/04/14 for their drink or thanking you for their treat. Energy and focus on respectful speaking

ness - introduce it as your bottom line. Your children will appreciate knowing why you are insisting that everyone in the family speaks with respect to one another. Model it daily in your own interactions. Your children are looking for what respect really looks like. They will watch you and learn from you all the time: the way you address the waiter in the restaurant, the way you speak to the person you disagree with, the way you pass messages on and probably most importantly, the way you treat family members. If you yell, show disdain, complain and show a low tolerance level for people with different ideas, it is what your children will copy. Have simple consequences for disrespect. It is easy to rant and rave about something you want to see happen. 2:10 PM Kids get used to it and decide that they

can endure the lecture. If you really want their behavior to change, let your consequences do the shouting for you. Follow up on unkind words, taunting and ridicule. Let your children know that it will not be talked about – it will be acted upon.

“The motivation behind what a child is doing can be your key to deciding whether to tackle it or not.” •

Give your children another chance to show you they can speak respectfully. Everyone slips up from time to time.

When children do something disrespectful, like shout at you from one end of the house, go to them and calmly and firmly tell them that you would like to help out, but you are waiting to be asked nicely and when you are both in the same room. Invite them to try again and be prepared to wait it out so that they appreciate that you mean what you say. Respect is not an optional extra. It really is a vital ingredient to prioritise and foster. Treating people respectfully is totally achievable and totally worth the effort. By Jenny Hale, senior family coach at The Parenting Place

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Getting wise with financial literacy for kids Some kids say their families are just not good with money, or unlucky, but ASB Get Wise programme manager Linda Hodgson says it’s all about making the right decisions.

term. It’s even beginning to change the way that teachers think, said Hodgson. “My favourite story is a teacher going away and saying after class, “I really need to reconsider a pair of hot red boots I wanted to buy.”” The focus of Get Wise is around determining needs from wants in a “consume now, worry later,” world, in which even malls and stores are scientifically designed to entice shoppers to spend more, and advertising pervades hilst reading, writing and arithmetic all of our spaces. Identifying things such as have always been key focuses in shelter, food, water and warmth as needs, education, financial literacy has not. It’s and toys and games as wants is essential, says just in the past five years that the Get Wise Hodgson. programme has set out to change the way “We teach kids that they can speed to their kids think about money in an increasingly needs, and wait for their wants, because by consumer-driven world. intermediate school age, they are starting to “Really, the biggest difference is that money make decisions that really matter.” has become largely invisible. A lot of kids Hodgson admits that it sounds a bit boring – don’t get the experience of dealing with especially with terms such as budget planning. money. Swipe that card, that’s all it takes,” But Get Wise aims to make it fun by turning said Hodgson. what seems like chore into an inspirational In fact, one child that Hodgson knows of goal, such as planning and saving for a family believed that her mother actually earned holiday. money by grocery shopping – after all, her With wants, Get Wise helps kids to identify mother would go around the grocery store, ways to get their wants as well as their needs. put all the groceries in the shopping trolley, If there is a gap between what they want and at the end, get money out of the machine and the money they have, how can they earn in the store. extra money? Are there perhaps some extra The Get Wise programme reaches about 450 chores that they could pick up that would schools around New Zealand each year, with have some value for the family, and would specialised workshops for years 1 – 8 that help them to earn a few dollars extra that are delivered by trained facilitators. Then the they can save toward their goal? schools are given resources so that teachers Different parents teach their kids about can continue to make financial literacy part off money in different ways, says Hodgson. Some the curriculum throughout a chosen school


parents are hugely passionate about showing their kids how to manage money, but in a lot of households – affluent and struggling – there is an attitude of “we don’t talk about money.” In past times, when pay packets would come home with Dad on a Friday night and it was split up into different envelopes for different bills and savings goals, it was at least visible. But today, kids are not as well schooled on managing money because they don’t see where it goes, and hence, don’t understand its value or how hard people work for it. “One of the schools asked if we could hold

a workshop for parents. It’s extraordinarily hard to get parents to come along though, because money is a very emotional topic for people,” said Hodgson. “People who have it don’t think they have problems with managing it, and people who don’t have it don’t believe they have anything to talk about.” The New Zealand Council of Educations has independently evaluated the Get Wise programme, and has found that it is being successful in changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviour around money.

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Behaviour issues – picking your battles It’s not always naughtiness – often a child’s environment contributes to their behaviour, says child psychologist Rose Blackett.


verybody has a different approach to dealing with their child’s problem behaviour. What one parent can tolerate is a red line for another. So choosing which battles to fight with which child can be a challenge. And, as child psychologist Rose Blackett says, sometimes a child’s environment is a huge contributing factor to their behaviour, which also needs to be taken into consideration. By environment, Blackett means not just the physical environment, but the emotional environment. For example, if you take your kids out for a late night, than rush them off to school and preschool early the next morning, you are creating an environment for possible “drama.” It can even be simple things in a child’s environment that over-stimulate them – bright lights or ongoing noise for example. And, Blackett says, behavioural issues manifest in different ways with different kids. “With my kids, I have a daughter and a son. If I told my daughter that it’s dinner time, she would quite happily sit at the table to eat, and then get ready for bed. “With my son at the same age, I would have

to constantly remind him 15 minutes in advance, then 10 minutes, then five minutes, because he would be far too busy playing with his Lego. So by preparing him for it in advance, we created an environment that produced good behaviour.”

Dealing with problem behaviour

Some parents feel like they’ve tried everything, and there isn’t a single punishment that gets through to their child, says educational psychologist Sara Bean. The stress that this causes ranges from overwhelming to nearly unbearable, and there are so many problems that parents just don’t know where to start. A desire for peace and quiet sometimes leads to problem behaviour that should be addressed not being confronted. “What I say to parents who come to me feeling this way is, first take a deep breath. You’re not alone. And what’s more, you didn’t find yourself in this situation with your child all at once, so you don’t need to put pressure on yourself to climb your way out of it all at once, either. “Instead of trying to turn around five years worth of issues in a matter of minutes, it’s more effective to think about one thing you can start doing differently today to be a more effective parent than you were yesterday.” Bean suggests making a list of the behaviour that is most troublesome, i.e. disrespect, not doing homework, ignoring instructions


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etc. Then choose one behaviour in order of priority, and come up with a plan to address it.

Staying positive

Blackett says that one of the main things to remember when addressing troublesome behaviour is that you don’t want your kids to remember you from their childhood days as a mum or dad who was constantly nagging and on their case. Therefore, she recommends defining what is really important, and following through with that – not every tiny misdemeanour. “You want your kids to remember you as a supportive and positive mum, not a mum who picked on every single little detail. A mum who made them feel loved and supported not like they were constantly not good enough.” Blackett says it’s particularly hard for today’s

mums and dads, who often both work and don’t have the luxury of one parent staying at home. By the time you get home at night you are both exhausted, the kids are exhausted, and there are bound to be some battles. But she says it’s important not to avoid dealing with bad behaviour just to keep the peace. “When you’ve got two parents working, you get home at night and it’s a constant battle over dinner, or homework is another thing. You start spending more and more time at the office to get away from it and the situation spirals.” The thing to remember, says Blackett, is that there are always reasons for bad behaviour, and it’s worth examining how your child’s environment is impacting on their behaviour, and taking the steps that you can to mitigate those circumstances.

Star gazing at home Science can be fun, and with Matariki just around the corner (28 June), it’s a great time to try this fun science experiment at home. Get ready to start star gazing! Our early ancestors first looked up thousands of years ago, observing the stars we see today as small pinpoints of light in the night time sky. Early astronomers grouped the stars into constellations, and travellers used them to navigate at night, over land and at sea. The motions of the stars in these constellations helped people build the first calendars and to know when to prepare the fields and when to harvest their crops. *A constellation forms a recognisable pattern that is normally named after its apparent form or is identified with a mythological figure.

Make a constellation viewer

You will need: Cardboard tubes, black paper or card, pencil,

scissors, sticky tape, circular star maps. What to do:

1. Cut out or print and cut out each of the circular star maps.


Place each star map on a same size circular piece of black paper. Use some tape to keep the star map in position.


Poke a hole with a pencil through every dot on the star map.

4. Use some tape to put the star map on one end of the tube.


Hold the viewer towards the light. Look through the open end to see your constellation.


Or put a small torch inside the tube. Point the viewer at the ceiling and switch on the torch. Science Alive are exclusively providing athome science experiments to Family Times.

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COME AND SPEND THE DAY WITH US! At St. Michael’s we know new beginnings can be stressful, and we pride ourselves on working hard to make everyone feel accepted. Come and experience our family and community atmosphere for yourselves by having us host your child for the day – you’ll be pleased with the results!


249 Durham Street, Christchurch 8011 Email:

Contact Magda to arrange to meet the Principal, and have your child come and spend the day with us.

Telephone: 03 3799 790


Does your child have dyslexia? Dyslexia Foundation managing trustee Esther Whitehead estimates that as many as 20 per cent of kids register on the dyslexia spectrum.

creditable list of indicators, and if their child seems to register a few, follow that up with an educational psychologist’s report or recognised assessment.

Key signs/indicators of dyslexia from the Dyslexia Foundation • •

Problems with labels, rhymes, sequences. Letters or numbers reversed or confficial and more conservative statistics fused b/d/p/q, n/u, 13/31. place that figure at about 10 per cent, • Being slower to process and needing but lack of diagnosis around the condition repeated exposures to retain learning. suggested a much higher figure, Whitehead • Retrieval issues – learns something one said. moment, gone the next. Having a child that learns differently can • Large gap between oral and written capresent challenges, and Whitehead said a pabilities. greater awareness of the condition would • Poor sense of direction – difficulty telling enable parents and teachers to better support left from right. and aid the learning of those affected. “It’s about being attuned to the signs, because • Reluctance, embarrassment or avoidance around reading out loud. if it’s missed, that’s where the child is going to • A preference for face-to-face meetings/ really struggle.” phone calls rather than email correspondence, and for charts/graphs over text. “Where we are stuck is • Frequent misspelling of words and mixing up words that sound similar (recesthat we first learn to sion/reception), in speech or written read and then we read work. to learn.” • Poor handwriting, punctuation and grammar. • Misunderstanding or misinterpretation of What is dyslexia? instructions. “It’s very complex, but through functional • Problems meeting deadlines, despite MRI scans, what we’re seeing is essentially working hard. that a dyslexic brain is a brain that uses the • Fine motor coordination may be probright hemisphere of the brain – the creative lematic, e.g. tying laces, doing up butright side of the brain – more for processing tons. linear information,” said Whitehead. “What Whitehead said parents who have a child with that means is that those connections and that wiring is not as efficient as it is for the left side dyslexia have two options: to try and remediate (i.e. to help the child adjust to a literacy/ of the brain, which is wired for more linear numeracy-based education system) or to acsequence learning.” commodate (i.e. to accommodate the child’s As a parent, there are some indicators that may help you to identify whether or not your learning differences and allow them to demonstrate their knowledge in other ways. The child registers on the dyslexic continuum. best option depends on the child. If your child feels ill before going to school, Although Whitehead praised New Zealand’s coupled with real difficulty with engaging education system for being reasonably flexible with print, it’s an obvious, clear sign, says in regards to accommodating students with Whitehead. When a child seems to uses learning differences, there was still room for memory rather than actual reading and improvement, she said. substitutes words – i.e. using ship instead of “Where we are stuck is that we first learn boat – it’s another indication. to read and then we read to learn. So many Whitehead suggests that if parents are students with dyslexia come into the system worried, that they should first research a



full of curiosity and engagement and want to learn, and the barriers appear when we focus only on literacy.” “A good teacher and a good leader in the school will allow the student to show their learning through alternative ways apart from just literacy. It might be a Power Point presentation or drama.” There’s also a side of dyslexia that many parents don’t talk about, said White, and that’s

the incredible creativity and ability to think outside the box. “It’s hard for people coming into it to see it as a gift or a talent. But the truth is that literacy is not part of the natural human brain’s thinking – it’s not innate, it’s a learned behaviour.” If you have questions or concerns about dyslexia and your child, visit

Tania Lee – creative success set in stone After two years of working as a full-time artist, an advert for Wellington art school The Learning Connexion caught Tania’s eye. “The environment looked so creative. I felt an inner spark I hadn’t felt in a very long time.” Tania researched the art school and attended the popular preview workshop at the campus. “I loved it! It was so practical, friendly and really fun. I signed up straight away.” Tania is enrolled in The Learning Connexion’s study-from-home option as a part-time student, however, she makes regular trips to the campus. “I love the choice of being able to attend on-site classes whenever I want to. The classes

are so versatile.” Tania especially enjoys the facilities such as the 3D studio as well as the opportunity to interact with other artists. “It is awesome meeting other likeminded people who are so encouraging and generous with their knowledge and experience.” To anyone considering study at The Learning Connexion, Tania says to you, “Stop mucking around and just do it! It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.” To enquire about studying at The Learning Connexion School of Art and Creativity, call us on 0800-278-769, or check www.tlc. Full-time, part-time, from home or on-campus.

Nature Play in the city You don’t have to go far if you want to take the kids exploring in New Zealand’s native backcountry this winter, thanks to the Nature Play Park/Papatakaro Ao Turoa in Christchurch.


ocated in the heart of the city, on the corner of Hereford Street and Latimer Square opposite the Cardboard Cathedral, Nature Play is an interactive, family-friendly space for children of all ages. Built to reflect the natural Canterbury landscape, the favourite feature is a miniature braided river complete with water. There’s also a DOC hut, a tunnel, some rocks, a stand of baby beech trees, and establishing kowhai. “It’s a great place for city-based families to take time out and reconnect with nature,” says Department of Conservation partnerships ranger Alan McDonald. “And it’s a safe environment where kids can get their hands dirty and feet wet while they’re exploring.” A partnership between the Department of Conservation and Greening the Rubble, Nature Play was designed to provide Christchurch residents with a slice of nature

amongst the post-earthquake destruction, and to highlight the importance of conservation in our everyday lives. “We want to show people that nature is just as relevant in the city as it is in the backcountry,” says McDonald. “If we treat nature right, it gives a lot back to us, including a place to play, have fun and learn.” The park was planned with kids in mind. It’s based on the concept that children learn through imaginative play, and that the best toys that spark imaginative play come from nature – for free. Colourful information panels encourage young ones to make up creations using stocks, shells, stones and dried leaves, and to keep an eye out for native Canterbury wildlife such as mokomoko/ jewelled gecko, weta, and beautiful tui. The park also acts as a stepping stone to explore slightly further afield. Parents are encouraged to continue their explorations in one of Christchurch’s larger nature playgrounds, including Travis and Otukaikino wetlands, and Godley Head - both less than an hour’s drive from the city centre. From the outset, Nature Play received significant support from the local community. More than 20 businesses and groups contributed to its construction, and nearby Chester Street Community Group has adopted the space to look after. It has also become a popular event venue.

The Learner Education Centre – one-year-old and growing The Learner Education Centre, Christchurch’s leading educational support centre, is now one-year-old. Its philosophy of supporting parents, teachers and children is proving a successful mix as its gets busier and busier. If you haven’t taken advantage of The Learner yet for your child, take a look at some of the popular offerings below: New CIM™ Maths - transforming maths education and having a dramatic impact on mathematical competence as children gain the ability to visualise, manipulate and express mathematical ideas. TRUGS - Reading and spelling resource - bringing enthusiasm to reading, this systematic phonics resource enables parents to help children progress their level of reading and spelling with fun. Lego Education - combining education

and passion for Lego, students get to build a wide range of models demonstrating many aspects of powered machines and robotics. Programming - the way of the future. Learn coding with Scratch and Python on the Raspberry Pi - a credit-card-sized computer. One-on-one tuition - the only way to get effective learning support. At The Learner, we respond directly and specifically to individual needs and you get one-on-one time with a specialist tutor 100 per cent of the time - primary to NCEA L3. Email now for courses, tuition or information about any educational matter. The Learner, 120 Riccarton Road Christchurch, phone 03-423-1573 or 0274222-399, email, visit

Children’s Footwear Specialists Huge Winter range in store now

“Nature Play is just one of several bridges to nature that DOC is helping develop in the city,” says McDonald. “In spring we will be opening a pop-up visitors’ centre at the corner of High and Cashel Streets, a place where you can plan your next outdoor adventure or simply enjoy the large native garden it will be set in.” A time-lapse video of the construction can be found at: You can follow Nature Play on Facebook: natureplaypark?ref=stream&hc_ location=stream By Claudia Babirat, Department of Conservation outreach and education coordinator

The FUNdamentals Preschool Phenomenon

FUNdamentals Preschools’ two new locations, - Merivale and Marshland - provide outstanding fun, as well as educational programmes with full builtin gyms. The best has been taken from many sources of learning to develop the inspiring FUNdamentals nurturing programme for infants (5 Innes Road only) to school-age children. It includes music, art, perceptual/sensory gym activities, numeracy, literacy, languages and free choice times in fantastic open indoor and outdoor spaces. FUNdamentals is proud of the quality of its programme, teaching ratios and the extras provided. Come in and have a look at Merivale and Marshland and see the FUNdamentals difference for yourself. Visit or phone 03-355-1522.

HOURS: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm, Sat 9.30am-4pm Phone: 03-348 1528 • E-mail: •

Ever noticed how young children learn a new language really easily? At the International School of Music, they teach music in the same way that young children learn a language; initially by listening, then singing, then playing. All classes involve musicianship skills such as singing, percussion, movement to music, music appreciation, and in the piano classes – learning to play the piano as well. Make an enrolment enquiry online or contact Nicky Fryer, the school’s director, on 03-377-3778.

INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL OF MUSIC Quality music education for children

All our music classes include singing, percussion, rhythm and note-reading, music appreciation, musical games and much more. In our group piano lessons, students are taught initially by ear through a listen/sing/play approach to music. Learn music through having fun! Jitterbugs: Ages 2-3yrs Little Beebopper Music: Ages 3-4 yrs Pianorama Junior Course: Ages 4-6 yrs Pianorama Primary Course: 7-10 yrs & 11-13 yrs

New beginners classes start every term. Timetable, costs and course info at:

Level 1, Barrington Mall, Barrington Street Ph: 03-377-3778

Co see mee & se Com w hatt aall ll th wha e fu the fuss ss is out! about! is ab • Perceptual motor activities in our on-site gym • Numeracy & literacy extension class • Music and dance • Children’s yoga • Language classes – Spanish, Teo Reo, French • Low ratios

MERIVALE 5 Innes Road – 03-3551522 MARSHLAND 435 Marshland Road – 03-385 5252

115 Main South Road, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch

International School of Music

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Seasonal family food It’s that time of the year when we hang up our summer outfits and dust off the ugg boots, scarves and mittens as winter creeps upon us; the cold and flu season.

vegetables will be under even more pressure to survive. Using local seasonal vegetables with higher amounts of vitamins to begin with will be a healthier option for you and your family. Water-soluble vitamins are likely to dissolve into the water if you are boiling or steaming vegetables so make the most of the leftover broth and add this to soups, sauces or stews. Eating to season will allow you to have more variety in your menus than if you stuck to s it just me or are these nasty bugs and the same vegetables day-in day-out. Allow viruses becoming fiercer and sticking around yourself to be adventurous with what the a lot longer? season is offering you that is fresh and full of As we have catapulted into the modern world goodness. of eating, you will find a wide selection of fruits and vegetables available in supermarkets Bacon and Vegetable Rice all year round. You may not even be aware Stuffed Butternut of what, when and where these produce are Butternut squash is a great low-fat choice to in-season. I highly recommend you spend a make as it is high in dietary fibre - keeping small amount of time reading up on what is the family feeling fuller longer – and rich in locally in-season and go with nature. vitamins. Not only is seasonal eating cost effective This recipe can easily be modified to suit your for the family, but it also tastes better and, family’s preferences. Any left-over stuffing, I believe, contains ingredients that suits the add it into a warm winter salad for the body’s needs for that time of year. I know I following day’s lunch. am more inclined to gravitate towards my Serves 4 crock-pot for a hearty, comforting stew (rather than a bowl of imported garden salad) 2 butternuts – halved lengthwise and seeds over these next few months as that is what removed my natural instincts are telling me. Extra virgin olive oil If you eat seasonally, you have a better Salt and pepper guarantee that you are consuming a higher Freshly grated nutmeg (optional) amount of vitamins and minerals than you Preheat oven to 200°C would if you ate mainly imported produce. Place cut side up in an oven proof dish. Over the next few months you will possibly Drizzle with oil and season with salt, pepper be more inclined to cook soups, stews and casseroles, which means the vitamins in your and nutmeg.


Whânau tupu ngâtahi – families growing together


Phone 377 2540

Place in oven for 35 – 40 minutes or until just cooked but not too tender. While butternut is cooking, prepare the stuffing. 1 onion – finely diced

2 cloves garlic - crushed ½ cup of bacon – finely diced ½ cup mushrooms – finely diced 1 cup fresh spinach or kale – finely sliced ¼ cup fresh parsley – finely chopped 1 cup brown rice – cooked 1 small eggplant – diced and roasted (optional)

¼ cup Parmesan – finely grated Sauté onion over a low to medium heat for 5-7 minutes or until soft and translucent but not browned. Add garlic for 1 minute then add bacon and mushrooms and gently sauté until the bacon is cooked. Turn off heat and add spinach/kale straight away and toss through the mixture until it starts to wilt. Once butternut is cooked remove from oven to cool enough to handle. Reduce the oven heat to 180°C. Score the flesh of the butternut into 1cm cubes so that when you scrape out flesh it comes out in cubes, leaving at least ½ cm around the edges to hold the skin intact. Mix together the stuffing mix, rice, eggplant, butternut, parsley, parmesan and season. Place into oven for 15 minutes then serve. By Kelly Young Kelly is a Canterbury-based fitness and nutrition health coach and mother of two. Check out her Facebook page: Kelly Young – Nutrition & Fitness.

Kelly Young

Does my child have an eye problem? Eye questions are relevant for many parents at some stage, and can be quite confusing. Teachers, relatives, opticians, GPs, specialists everyone has a different take on your child's vision. And do they need glasses?! Let's explore some important eye problems together.

Three-year-olds and younger (even babies) share very important conditions that need early diagnosis and treatment to enable normal vision. If you ever suspect a young child has an eye that starts turning in or outwards (a "squint"), a pupil that is an odd colour (different to the other, or white), or see flickering eye movements or marked light sensitivity - get them seen by your doctor

straight away, and probably a specialist within weeks. Any family who has a parent or sibling who needed glasses, patching or surgery as a young child should have every child checked at around 18-months of age, ideally by an eye specialist - remember that if you have a Community Services card, a full eye test is funded by the government for children under 16. Be on the lookout for any problem and get seen promptly, even if you can't be sure. The problems that produce loss of vision in one eye of a child are often difficult to detect. If you can access a screening check for at-risk children please take it (check out www.eyedr., or at least ask your GP. Children in New Zealand have a vision test at age 4 or 5 by trained staff. This detects most problems, but sometimes later than ideal. As a general rule if either eye scores 6/18, or worse (6/24, 6/36 etc) then your child needs to be seen promptly. You'll get a list of local opticians and ophthalmologists to contact to arrange further testing, which should be free

Midwives - new to Helios We are delighted to be welcoming Rata Midwives (formerly the well-known Midwives on Barrington) to our practice. Kelly Dorgan, Claire MacDonald, Julie Edlin, Janine Puentener, Jo Ryde and KeiShana Coursey look forward to providing excellent care throughout patients’ pregnancy and birth experience. Child health is of specific interest at Helios. Many parents want to bring their children up in a way that supports the child’s immune system and want to avoid chemicals in their child’s food and in their medicines. At Helios Medical centre, we use the Weleda range of medicines as well

as other naturopathic supplements. There are a number of other therapies and services supporting family health at Helios, including acupuncture, art therapy, eurythmy therapy, massage, nursing therapies, occupational therapy, osteopathy, parenting support group, physiotherapy, sleep therapy and therapy for anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder. For further information and to learn more about the services offered at Helios integrative Medical Centre, visit our website

Why glasses?

Vision too poor to do schoolwork properly (6/18 as a guide), a turned eye or poor vision in one eye will require glasses for most children, and glasses are often all that is needed to restore lifelong normal vision. If expense is an issue then visit for helpful advice. If you have a Community Services card, glasses are subsidised, and if your child has poor vision in one eye or a “squint” then they should be free.

Sight in education

From age seven, performance at school becomes a focus. Struggling children are often prescribed therapy for “tracking problems” or

coloured lenses and near glasses. Evidence as to the true benefit of these usually expensive treatments is unfortunately not scientifically validated. Ophthalmologists recommend testing for reduced vision or significant focus errors, and otherwise referral by the school to educational specialists (teachers) trained to diagnose and treat learning disabilities.

The last word

Get little children seen early if you suspect an eye problem, especially if there was a close relative affected young in life. Never ignore a funny looking pupil or “squint.” And use the subsidy for free eye care and glasses! By Dr Antony Bedggood Dr Bedggood is a children's eye surgeon in Christchurch, and similarly experienced specialists are found in most New Zealand cities.

Dr Antony Bedggood Detect Eye Problems Early: FFR REEEE kids eye tests*

Pegasus Health With the onset of winter illness, the Pegasus Health 24 Hour Surgery is focused on reducing wait times and ensuring patients receive treatment as quickly as possible. To achieve this, they will use a number of methods - including their usual triage system - to assess patients and assign them to the relevant clinical treatment stream to achieve timely patient care, with safety as a priority. This means that patients may not be seen in the order they arrive.

with the subsidy (enquire first). You can be referred to hospital by your GP if the vision is poor or a “squint” is present.

They will also use a text system, allowing those patients considered well enough by the triage nurse to elect to leave the surgery and wait for their consultation time at home or elsewhere. Patients are sent a text to advise them when it’s time to return for their consultation. The surgery can experience periods of high demand and recommends that for non-urgent matters, patients visit during quieter times, which are usually before 8am, 2-4pm and after 8pm.

FFR REEEE eye care <16 yrs with Community Service Card*

337 9470 Christchurch

Our doctors David Ritchie, Sue Levin, Donald Palmer, Mia Carson, Lada Kenton-Dau are registered general practitioners with specific training in different aspects of complementary medicine. Other therapies and services supporting family health at Helios: ? Acupuncture (Matiu Pearson), ? Art therapy (Margaret Snowden) ? Eurythmy therapy (Simone Hamblett)


? Massage (Rita Noetzel) ? Nursing therapies (Shona Stronach)

Pegasus Health 24 Hour Surgery For Urgent Medical Care Fracture Service


Urgent Pharmacy

On the Bealey Ave & Colombo St Corner

Ph 365 7777

Always there when you need us

Helios is an Integrative

? Occupational therapy (Julie Frew)

Medical Centre that

? Osteopathy (Sarah Wisson and Emma Fairs)

delivers a combination

? Parenting support group (Shona Tupper)

of conventional and

? Physiotherapy (Leila Shahtahmasebi and Ietje van Stolk).


• Physiotherapy, Rehabilitation Pilates (Julee Binns)

therapies with the aim of achieving the best of what modern medicine has to offer while encouraging an holistic approach to deepen the path to healing.

275 Fifield Tce, Opawa, Christchurch Phone 03-332 5702.


Kids Time

Children’s play area Children’s for menu The perfect place celebrations! Kids dine FREE Mon & Thurs*

* Conditions apply.

Welcome to Kids Time at Family Times. Enjoy the games, competitions and prizes. For competitions, just fill in the entry form and post it to us by due date. Enter online or visit www. and click on the competitions link for maze & puzzle solutions

$10 Lunch Menu or $20 Grill on the Rocks Lunch Daily*


Spell bou nd

Find your way through the maze to find the yellow musical note Find your way through the maze to find the yellow musical note.

Hint: Where there is a.... in a clue you need to fill in the missing word


Crazy Wed 2nd Main HALF PRICE or $15 Grill on the Rocks*




Magician Extraordinaire

Brendan is a legend and had the crowds eating out of his hands at the busker’s festival. Anyone from toddlers to Grandma will love his stuff. Gemma Knight - What Now - Children’s TV Show



7 8








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16 19

18 20


© Lovatts Puzzles

2 Free Shows Everyday 11am & 1pm Mon - Fri 7th July - 18th July

spot the difference Can you spot 8 differences between Spot the Difference these 2 pictures

Can you spot the eight differences between these two pictures? KM041_Music_PUZSOL.eps © Lovatts Puzzles

Cnr Waimairi & Riccarton Road

© Lovatts Puzzles


Across 1. What you write on or wrap presents with (5) 3. Creatures with sharp nippers found in rock pools (5) 7. Answer (5) 8. Above average height (4) 10. Twist around quickly (4) 12. Animated movie about insects (4) 13. A kitchen basin for washing dishes (4) 17. A sound that bounces back at you when you shout out (4) 19. Something you play (4) 20. A creamy-white gem found inside the shell of an oyster (5) 21. Another word for noise (5) 22. A passenger boat to take people from one wharf to another (5) Down 1. A fun gathering of friends. You might have one to celebrate your birthday (5) 2. Nobleman’s title (4) 4. Light beams from the sun (4) 5. Playground equipment that makes you feel like you are flying (5) 6. A mark like a dot (4) 9. A meal in the middle of the day (5) 11. Black and white animal from China (5) 14. Ringing instruments (5) 15. A country’s cloth pennant that flies from the top of a pole (4) 16. “Ole King Cole was a ... old sole” (5) 18. The opposite of closed (4) 19. Liquid used for sticking things together (4)

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Spot The Difference - Cartoon spotDiff006_Castaway.eps © Lovatts Puzzles

win win win

Solution: 1. Smoke from ship, 2. Ship’s anchor, 3. Whale’s water spout, 4. Seagull, 5. Coconut, 6. Tag on crate, 7. Book cover, 8. Starfish.

Win a Code Helm et The lightweight, freestyle design of the Code Helmet is suitable for scoot, skate and BMX. The Code Helmet is Australian standards’ approved and the perfect quality for whatever your code may be. We have eight white Code Helmets to giveaway, which include adjustable size pads to fit 54cm to 58cm. Also available in XS/S size to fit 48cm - 54cm and in a variety of colours. Visit for a list of retailers near you. Enter now for your chance to win a Code Helmet! 16

Win Eco Al kalines' entir e r ang e of b atteries Eco Alkalines are the world’s first certified carbon neutral batteries – every purchase contributes to offset projects. Not only are they environmentally responsible – containing 0% cadmium, lead or mercury, and using recyclable packaging and PET plastic – they are also a high performance, long lasting, digital quality battery that won’t let you down. Win the entire range of batteries - plus Eco Alkalines will donate a native plant to a community project on your behalf, giving back to the environment even more. Available from Countdown nationwide. Visit We have six packs to give away (RRP $60).

Family times: Design competition is looking for a unique New Zealand superhero called “Junior Platinum.” So design your very own New Zealand superhero and write what his or her super powers would be. Send us your picture and be in to win an amazing $50 prize pack from Crayola! Thanks to we also have six DVD copies of the Amazing Extraordinary Friends from Greenstone Pictures as prizes. Three entry age groups: preschool (age 1 to 4-years), 5 to 8-years, and 9 to 12-years. Create your design on an A5 sheet or download the template and entry form from www. Post in to PO Box 36 004, Christchurch 8146. Entries close on 19th July 2014. Thank you to our design competition judge Felicity Milburn of the Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna O Waiwhetu and congratulations to our competition winners from our last issue for designing your own birthday cake. They are: 1-4 Lydia Miller “When I turn 5, I am wishing for a caterpillar birthday cake because all our caterpillars turned in to monarch butterflies.”

5-8 Troy Irving “A skylander and fireworks.”

win win win



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CLOTHES Win a Tr ansfor m ers prize pack

Transformers: Age of Extinction, the fourth instalment of the universally loved Transformers film series, will be released 26 June 2014. The Transformers, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, return alongside a new cast led by Mark Walberg. With the Dinobots hitting the screen, this film is set to be bigger and better than ever before, and will show in IMAX and 3D. We have five prize packs, each containing an in-season double pass to the film, a Transformers mask, and a Transformers “one-step magic toy” of either the Dinobot or Optimus Prime. This competition ends 7 July.

Win Moose and the G oose You’ll get your antlers in a twist and your feathers flying in a rollicking, riotous read in this rhyming picture book by the super-talented duo of author Juliette MacIver and illustrator Jenny Cooper. The book is a laugh-out-loud, pitchperfect picture book with a text that trips off the tongue. This is the story of a moose, a caboose, a goose, a bear and a train. Thanks to Scholastic, www., we have ten of these to give away.

J ust tick the thing s you want to win

   

Moose and the Goose


Name Address

Eco Alkalines Transformers Code Helmet

Post Code City Phone

To be in the draw to win, enter online at or write your name and address on the back of an envelope or postcard and send to: Christchurch Competition, PO Box 36 004, Christchurch 8146 to reach us by July 19 th, 2014, unless stated otherwise. Only one entry per household.




cool activities

Calendar of Events Wrap the family up nice and warm and head out to enjoy some fantastic winter, familyfriendly events. For more event and entertainment ideas, visit www.familytimes. and enjoy our large, family-friendly resource. Anytime St Michael’s School - Every day is an open day at St Michael’s. Come and see us in action at 249 Durham Street, Christchurch. Phone 03-379-9790.

1st and 3rd Sunday of every month Weka Pass Railway. Weka Pass Railway runs its popular steam hauled excursions on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of every month. Carriages are heated. Phone 03-354-9009.

19-22 June Lyttelton Harbour Festival of Lights. Parade, fireworks, food and drink stalls, and music from Lyttelton’s best. Matariki Street Party on London Street Friday 20 June. Visit www.

21 June Grease - A Roller Derby Bout. Otautahi Roller Derby League brings you a full-contact game of roller derby. Supporting Youthtown. Pioneer Recreation and Sport Centre, 6pm.

22 June JD Duathlon #1. A run/bike/run event for all, from five-years-old and up. At Tai Tapu Domain. Visit or phone 03-669-2216.

5 July More FM Lantern Parade. Come and celebrate the launch of TV2 KidsFest 2014.Bring your own lantern, lights, or anything that glows. From 4.30pm outside Christchurch City Council, Worcester Boulevard.

5-13 July, Dunedin

New Zealand International Science Festival 2014. Featuring nine days of inspiring workshops, stunts, street science, expos and entertainment from some of the globe’s leading experts. Visit

Get into TV2 KidsFest, 5-19 July.

8-17 July Night at the Museum! Bring your torch and poke around the Canter-

Watershed - A great place to relax and unwind The Watershed is well-known for its fabulous food, welcoming atmosphere and sea views, but it is also a great place for the locals to get together, quiz nights, live music and children’s entertainment. Wednesday is quiz night where teams of up to six can test their knowledge and compete against each other. Watershed caters for groups of up to 120 people, taking the stress away from organising your next function or family gettogether. There’s also children’s entertainment

every Sunday from 10.30am until 12.30pm, including face painting and balloon animals, giving parents the chance to relax and unwind before the start of the week. The Watershed’s friendly, professional staff are ready to welcome you, whether you are meeting a business colleague for coffee, enjoying lunch with friends or celebrating a special night. Watershed is located on Humphries Drive and is open seven days a week for brunch, lunch, dinner and everything in between.

Help your child overcome shyness - life skills programme for children Do your children lack self-confidence? Development through drama is a fun approach to teaching confidence while building self-esteem. The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy, which has operated in New Zealand for more than 20 years, is a worldwide programme helping students age 5 to 17-years fulfil their potential. The unique self-development programme helps each child achieve invaluable life skills in an inclusive group environment. The confident, articulate child makes friends, accepts challenges and explores life.

Confident children are well-rounded children. Our teachers are trained in the proven international Helen O’Grady Drama system. Every child is encouraged and valued in a positive learning environment. Each class includes speech training, creative movement and improvisation. Most importantly, it’s great fun too! After school classes are for one hour each week. See the DVD and further details on our website and enrol now. Phone 0800161-131 or visit

bury Museum - after hours! Free. Visit www. Dates: 8, 10,15 and 17 July, 6-8 pm.

12-13 July The Tales of Beatrix Potter A KidsFest production. Southern Ballet intermediate ballet company brings the famous characters of Beatrix Potter to life for you. Book through Southern Ballet Theatre Office, 108 Carlyle Street ,

16-17 July.

Peter PanPresented by Southern Ballet senior and junior ballet companies. Book through Southern Ballet Theatre Office, 108 Carlyle Street , Sydenham. Phone 03379-7219, email

Horse Riding Courses Quality instruction on excellent horses and ponies in a safe, country environment. Suitable for complete beginners to advanced riders. 8~18 years. Weekend: $160.00 includes 2 nights’ accommodation, all meals, horse riding, trekking and instruction. Five day camps $370.00 Excellent facilities for Dressage, Show Jumping and Cross Country

Island Road, View Hill, OXFORD Phone: 03-312 4309

Find us on Facebook

Quiz Night Wed 7pm

Avonhead Bishopdale Fendalton Lincoln | Oaklands Paparoa St | Queenspark Rangiora | St Martins

y Birthda parties Holiday program s • Age specific programmes for 2-8 year olds • Unique sport-based games • Co-ordination and life skills Contact Ryan Javis 027-275 0728 Email:

Life Skills for Children 5-17years 0800 161 131 18

cool activities

12 July Kaiapoi Adventure Race. Kaiapoi Amazing Race is a family day involving a series of mental and physical challenges. Bookings www. From 10am – 2pm, starts at Kaiapoi i-SITE.

12-13 July The Brick Show. Check out this amazing LEGO exhibition in the new hangar of the Air Force Museum. From 9am-5pm. Visit www.

13 July

Apples and Bananas tour promises to be one of the best Wiggles singing and dancing concerts yet! At Charles Luney Auditorium. Visit

18 July TV2 KidsFest Stage Show. TV2 KidsFest Stage Show featuring the fantastic Wonky Donkey man, Craig Smith, along with APRA finalist for the NZ Children’s Song Award! From 10am-11am, noon-1pm, 2pm-3pm at Middle Grange School.

19 July

Holiday programmes Looking for something fun, educational or adventurous for your kids during these school holidays? Check out some of the great programmes available in the following listings: Technotutorz

Scoot and Skate. Roll on down for this fun event as part of TV2 KidsFest. From 10am – 1pm, Washington Way Skate Park, www. Cancelled if wet.

Little Red Riding Hood and Fairytale Classics. Christchurch’s only community chamber orchestra performs an interactive family concert. Concerts at 11.30am and 2pm, $10 adults, $5 child. Visit

14 July

17 August

Kids Market. Learn how to set up shop, displays, handle money and make some extra pocket money! Addington raceway, 10am2pm, Cancelled if wet.

Oxford Speedway . C grade challenge at Oxford Speedway – a great family day, from 11am to 5pm.

Space Cadets Living Springs kids’ camp, 6-11 July, for 8-year-olds to Year 8s at school. Visit for more information.

30 August

Mandarin Stars

16 July 2014 The Wiggles Apples & Bananas tour. The

Portfolio Agency

Portfolio is the South Island’s premier model and talent agency: it has been established in Christchurch for more than 20 years. Portfolio represents an extremely high calibre of models, talent, actors and children, and runs educational confidence/deportment and grooming workshops for teenagers and children every school holidays. They include skincare, catwalk, a photo-shoot, confidence/life skills, makeup, grooming, presentation and much more! The courses are designed to bring out the best in young teenagers and set a fantastic platform for them to succeed in daily life. For the kids, it’s all about fun, growth and a “can-do” attitude. The course is also an excellent opportunity to be scouted and represented by this successful agency.

Woodend Art & Craft Expo. Take part in 30 minute classes in a huge range of creative activities. Cost $4 per speed craft session or three sessions for $10. Woodend Community Centre, 11am – 4pm.

Christchurch Circus Charitable Trust

The Christchurch Circus Charitable Trust has run circus workshops and classes for more than 10 years. Kids learn trapeze, acrobatics, balancing on equipment and different kinds of juggling. Circus is physically versatile and builds dexterity, strength, fitness and balance. Circus training promotes social and cooperative skills with children often helping each other with their new found expertise. It fosters life skills such as perseverance. Most importantly, circus is fun. For more information, check out or call 027-436-5384.

Circus Classes for kids

Technotutorz provides tuition for robotics, electronics and programming in schools, after school and school holiday workshops. Check out for details.

Living Springs kids’ camp

Active Kids

Active Kids holiday programmes provide fun and learning through different sports and activities in a safe, friendly environment. Details and bookings at

TV2 KidsFest

Entertain your kids these school holidays with TV2 KidsFest from 5 - 19 July. Check out for more information.

Busy Bumbles

Busy Bumbles is an award-winning programme offering before and after-school care and holiday programmes at six Selwyn venues. Enrol online now, visit

Autism Canterbury

Our holiday programmes are a fun, interactive time that is tailored for children and young people on the autism spectrum. Phone 03-3432225 or email

Explore China, Chinese culture and Mandarin language workshops during Kidsfest! Oneand-a-half hour workshops Monday 7 July – Wednesday 9 July 2014. Visit www., enrol.christchurch@, bookings required.

Antarctic Centre


Awesome circus workshops 7 to 11 July. Try trapeze, acrobalance, juggling and more. Booking through or phone 027-436-5384.

Playball is a sport-based holiday programme for 3 to 10-year-olds. Have fun while learning new skills! Contact Ryan on 027-275-0728 or for details.

Kowhai Residential Riding School

Kowhai offers horse riding holidays every weekend and all school holidays. Fully supervised, fun and educational. All ages from 8-years welcome.

One to three-day programmes throughout the school holidays for children 6 to 12-years. Details and bookings at

Circus classes


The YMCA offers holiday programmes that are safe, engaging and run by a team of talented enthusiastic staff. For more information phone 03-366-0689.

Level 2, Harvey Normal Centre

250 Moorhouse Ave. (03) 366 7595

After & ol scho liday ho July sses cla Mel Radford Brown Director of Portfolio

For workshop and class details

Visit: Email: or call: 027-436 5384

Award Winning Studio

Kids and Teens Modelling Workshops

Now accepti ng new pupils

In new custom built studios in Riccarton Classes in R.A.D Classical Ballet – Graded and Vocational, Jazz, Contemporary, Street dance, Lyrical, stretch & conditioning, progressions and performance groups.

Enquires to

Build confidence / self esteem, makeup, grooming, hair, deportment, health / nutrition, fashion styling, goodie bags, catwalk, photo-shoot etc.

July school holidays BOOKINGS: PH 03-379 9011 E-mail:


Saturday 5 July – Saturday 19 July 2014

Entertain your kids these winter school holidays! MoreFM Lantern Parade Come and celebrate the launch of TV2 KidsFest with the MoreFM Lantern Parade! Bring your own lantern, lights or anything that glows. Saturday 5 July, 4.30pm–6.30pm. Central City, Christchurch.

Pirated World Games

The Christchurch Brick Show

Tuesday 8 and Thursday 10 July, 10am–noon, 2pm–4pm. Cowles Stadium.

Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 July, 9am–5pm. Air Force Museum.

presented by The Press

Scoot and Skate

Kids Market

Sunday 13 July, 10am–11am, 11am–noon, noon–1pm. Washington Way Skate Park.

Monday 14 July, 10am–2pm. Addington Raceway.

Flat Man’s Superhero Training Academy

TV2 KidsFest Stage Show

Monday 14 July, 11am–11.45am, noon–12.45pm, 1pm–1.45pm, 2pm–2.45pm. Cowles Stadium.

Friday 18 July, 10am, noon and 2pm. Middleton Grange Performing Arts Centre.

Get tickets to these and other great events at


cool activities

Entertainment Ferrymead Heritage Park Winter is upon us, and It’s time to step back in time, with a visit with it, the temptation to to enjoy the heritage Rides at Ferrymead hibernate in the warmth of Heritage Park. Visit home. But with so many exciting things to do around YMCA Don’t miss out on the YMCA Ski Camp 2014. the city, you’re going to want Running in the holidays, camp is an incredible opportunity to learn new skills. For more to put on winter woollies information phone 03- 366-0689. and head out for some Orana Wildlife Park entertainment. Here are a unique animal encounters only few ideas to get you started, Experience 15 minutes from Christchurch Airport. and we’ve got heaps more at Hand feed giraffe, view rhino and see the mighty lions. Open 10am-5pm. Visit www. The Plains Railway, Ashburton Pioneer village museum buildings, steam trains, vintage tractors and relics of midCanterbury’s pioneering past on display. Open September –May, Visit www., phone 03-308-9600.

Body in Action:

Discover the human body, test your aerobic capabilities, and try out the Gutz Game in this interactive and fun exhibition. Canterbury Museum, 18 April – 27 July.

Canterbury Museum Discovery Children can touch, see and learn about the wonders of our natural world at Canterbury Museum. Open daily 9am - 4.30pm. Visit

Black Cat

You can swim with dolphins all year round with Black Cat. Wetsuits, masks, snorkels, hot showers, hot chocolate, free gift packs provided. Visit

Willowbank Wildlife Reserve

Visit Willowbank’s Big 5; the tuatara, the kiwi, the cheeky kea, the mighty takahe and the very rare kaka. Visit

Antarctic Centre

A unique Antarctic experience for all, with snow and ice, an Antarctic storm, exciting Hagglund ride, 4D Extreme simulated cruise and the penguin encounter. Visit www.

Holiday specials Here are some great holiday ideas designed to keep you and your little ones entertained during the school break.

Christchurch Special Needs Library

Get ready for a Night at the Museum at Canterbury Museum. Bring your torch!

Canterbury Children’s Theatre Come and see Once Upon A Happy Ending – interactive Cushion Theatre by Canterbury

Made by Me: feel the need to bead!

All your beading needs, beading supplies, Bezel settings and more are on our revamped website. Lots of beading workshops, beading birthday parties and repair services. Visit for more information, and to join Made by Me’s mailing list for monthly newsletters on the latest beading news, free projects and giveaways. Kidsfest is here! Book in at madebyme. . Happy beading!

Children’s Theatre. Help us to tell the story and don’t forget your cushion!

Canterbury Children’s Theatre - Once Upon A Happy Ending

Take a classic fairy tale and mix it up a little! Watch as the villain “what’s his name” (up to you) and the hero (could be anyone) battle to save the kingdom (who is the king today?). Confused? Not as much as the cast will be - until you (the audience) point them in the right direction. Come and be a part of the action in the latest interactive Cushion Theatre production. Check our website www.malthouse. for info and bookings.


Feel the need to bead

Special Needs Library is a lending resource that hires educational and therapeutic resources to enrich learning experiences. Visit, phone 03-332-0733.

Beading supplies New workshops (see our website for details)

Birthday parties

Once upon a

Happy Ending

Interactive theatre for kids of all ages Written & directed by NicKIE Wellbourn

Speak Spanish Children and parents courses (ages 2-3; 4-7) and school age children courses (ages 6-10; 9-13) are in our new venue at 69 Worcester Boulevard and several schools in Christchurch. Email us for a quote to teach at your school or preschool after school hours or during lunchtime. TV2 KidsFest 2014 – check our options for the school holidays starting 7 July – a great opportunity to try our classes for two weeks – email us to receive details on our holiday programme, dates and fees.

Canterbury Children’s Theatre

Museum Village open upon request for group and charter visits.

Bir Parthday tie Fre e and invitat s i

Public open days recommence in September.



5–20 July 2014

Book online at or phone 0800 bookings /


ns R for the EE gif Phone: 03-347 3570 t birt perso hday n.

MORE THAN S! JUST COMIC Latest board g am from ar es oun the wor d ld!

Ph: 03-354 1285 58 Main North Road (opp. Northlands Mall)

PLAN YOUR BIRTHDAY with a real difference! Book your OWN TRAM for 2 ½ hours! Have a birthday party on a tram or a train... KIDS, OLDIES, ANYONE!

50 Ferrymead Park Drive

Ph: 03 384-1970 •


cool activities

Rock climbing for kids You’ve tried Clip’N Climb; now rock-climb at the Roxx! Introductory belay briefing, harness and shoe hire for only $15 during the holidays. No bookings required. Kids must be aged 13 to belay or an adult can be taught to belay for those under 13. Phone 03-377-3000 or visit The Roxx is now proudly owned and operated by the YMCA.

Speak Spanish Try our classes for families and school-age children for two weeks during the holidays between Monday 7 July and Thursday 17 July. Visit or phone 021024-21778.

Bush Inn Centre The Bush Inn Centre presents Brendan Dooley, magician extraordinaire. Two free shows every day, 11am and 1pm Monday- Friday 7 June -18 June. Visit www.

Space Cadets Living Springs kids’ camp Space Cadets Living Springs kids’ camp, 6-11 July for 8-year-olds to Year 8s at school. Visit for more information.

Black Cat Cruises- Akaroa Kids cruise for free with Black Cat Cruises Akaroa Harbour Nature Cruise these holidays. One child per one full-paying adult. Phone 0800-436-574 or visit www.blackcat. for more information.

TV2 KidsFest Entertain your kids these school holidays with TV2 KidsFest, from 5 - 19 July. Check out for more information.

Willowbank Wildlife Reserve During the July school holidays, Willowbank has its famous July Bonanza Sale with loads of special deals. Visit

TV2 KidsFest is back! Entertain your kids these school holidays with TV2 KidsFest, from 5 – 19 July. This year’s festival is going to be bigger and better than ever with more than 240 events in Christchurch and greater Canterbury. TV2 KidsFest kicks off with the More FM grand parade on Saturday 5 July. Bring your own lantern, lights, or anything that glows. This year the parade will commence from the Christchurch City Council building on Worcester Boulevard, with an exciting finish including a surprise finale in Cathedral Square! A brand new event this year is Flat Mans Superhero Training Academy, on Monday 14 July at Cowles Stadium. Kids will have the chance to hang out with Christchurch’s very own superhero, Flat Man, and see if they

have what it takes to be a Caped Crusader. The ever popular Scoot and Skate is back at the new Washington Way Skate Park. With plenty of space for all skill levels, this event is suitable for kids of all ages, so roll on down on Sunday 13 July. For the LEGO enthusiasts, don’t miss the Christchurch Brick Show presented by The Press at the Air Force Museum on Saturday 12 and Sunday 13 July. Enthusiasts and collectors alike will display their designs and kids will have the chance to get “hands on” in the dedicated LEGO play area. Make sure you check out the brand new website and “like” TV2 KidsFest on Facebook for all the latest news and updates.

Patricia Paul (A.R.A.D) School of Dance The Patricia Paul School of Dance has provided excellence in dance education in Christchurch for more than 20 years, and has venues in Cashmere, Upper Riccarton, Fendalton, Thorrington, Harewood, Rolleston, Sumner, Marshland and New Brighton. The school offers classes in classical ballet, contemporary, jazz and hip hop with tuition starting from three-yearsold with preschool ballet. The school has had many students who have gone on to successful careers in dance and theatre such as Sacha Copeland, a

contemporary dancer and choreographer; Kase Craig, who is a professional dancer in the Ballet de L’Opera National de Bordeaux in France, and international singing star Hayley Westenra. The school’s goal is to educate its students mentally as well as physically and to build self-esteem and confidence through dance and movement. For enrolments and enquiries please phone 03-372-9191, visit our website www. or email us at admin@

Orana Wildlife Park These July holidays, our promotion is that kids enter for free! Up to two children (5 to 14-years) can enter Orana free with a paying adult ($28). Please present our ad to gain the discount.

The Court Theatre presents The Emperor’s New Clothes

Let Northlands Shopping Centre supervise your kids these school holidays in the superfun activity centre - The Imagination Station. Visit for more details.

New Zealand International Science Festival 2014

The Emperor fires his tailor and turns to two scoundrels to plan his new wardrobe. At the Court Theatre 9 to 19 July.

Visit Dunedin for nine days of inspiring workshops, stunts, street science, expos and entertainment from some of the globe’s leading experts, 5-13 July, Dunedin. Visit

The Imagination Station


First Learners

First Learners childcare centres, located in Rangiora, Mairehau and Shirley, are privately owned and managed by a qualified early childhood teacher who is passionate about providing the very best in child education and care for children aged 0 to 6-years. The centres provide a free play environment alongside structured play, which is planned around the individual child’s areas of interest, including a four-year-old extension programme. All the centres offer spacious and well-equipped indoor and outdoor play environments with low child-to-staff ratios and qualified and experienced staff.

Visit Shantytown in Greymouth for a great school holiday activity. Add Shantytown as a friend on Facebook to find out about July’s Golden Treasure Hunt.

Original Scripts Theatre School The Disaster Brothers: Everything Paprika and Coriander touch becomes a disaster. Can they save the family circus? NASDA theatre, CPIT, 8-12 July, 11am and 2pm.

Robotics Club

For more information, visit: Mandarin Stars

Early Childhood Centres

First four weeks free! Flexible booking hours

Rangiora – 313 5675 Mairehau – 385 8311 Shirley – 385 9577

Visit & Experience


Mandarin Stars offers an established and professional Mandarin language programme that inspires a love for learning Chinese for both native and non-native Mandarin speaking children. Our engaging, modern, fun and creative immersion-based programmes are recommended by educators, trusted by parents and loved by children. We teach strong listening and speaking skills, Chinese characters and Pin Yin. Plus, children learn more about Chinese culture! Book your child a free trial today. Visit , email

Come and be a Mandarin Star! Fun & creative Mandarin Chinese Classes for Children

Take a free tour with a professional tour guide who will show you the historic buildings, stunning art collection and talk you through the parliamentary process.

? Dancing ? Singing ? Drama ? Craft ? Story time


Parliament Tours run daily, private and art focused tours for groups are run on request and need to be booked in advance.

For bookings and tour information: P: 04 817 9503 E: 22

0800 68 86 68

fit families

Family physical activity Building up to an overnight tramp In a special series of articles for Family Times, Jackie Cowan and Nick Draper – primary school and physical activity specialists from the University of Canterbury –highlight some activities, family games and resources that can help families add more fun physical activity into their lives.

involved with physical activity and games with them. Another great research finding is that walking represents a great form of physical activity that can help elevate our metabolism. We don’t need to go to the gym or for a run to get our heart and lungs working to promote our health and wellbeing. Walking is a great way to increase our physical activity. Walking is therefore the focus of our editorial this season. As well as breaks during our working days, we can make walking and tramping part of family activity time. The suggestions in the rest of the article provide some steps towards taking an overnight tramp as a family, and in doing so, taking advantage of the great huts that our regional s we uncover a greater understanding of and national parks have to offer. the importance of regular physical activity Most kids love camping and an overnight in our lives, this highlights the importance family trip could be a great highlight of the for all the family to be out and about playing summer season. So now, through the autumn games and getting regular – daily – exercise. and winter, it’s a great time to build up your Our bodies are designed to move, so to walking skills and to start planning such a trip. promote continued health and wellbeing we Getting out as a family and walking locally need to be physically active. is a great start – walk to the park, take the Yet here we are sitting at a computer typing dog and use local maps with children to help this, and you are sitting reading this article for them find the way en route. To get used Family Times – all is not lost for us though! Although physically inactivity has become a big part of many of our working lives, such as sitting in an office for work, research shows us that if we take regular breaks and get up and move, we can keep our metabolism – our bodies, heart and lungs – at a healthier level. Body in Action promises to put your body For children in schools, the embedded breaks to the test. Do you know that in one day for morning and afternoon tea and lunch your heart will pump all your blood around provide natural opportunities to be active. your body about 1000 times, or that every Teachers can help further by bringing physical 30 days your body produces a totally new activity breaks into the classroom on top of outer layer of skin? Until 27 July, Body in any scheduled PE lessons. Action at Canterbury Museum will explore In addition, teachers, and we as parents, can how the body works from head to toe. promote physical activity options for children Designed for children of all ages, Body and get involved as well. There is no stronger in Action offers an amazing journey message for children than when we get of scientific discovery through the human body. The exhibition is full of highly interactive activities and amazing information on how the human body works. For example, children can venture DON’TUT! O MISSISTER through the giant human mouth and giant REG LINE N O W NO nose, have fun in the lungs and intestines, PROGRAMMES test their aerobic capabilities, explore how the brain works and learn about bones, blood, how we hear, taste and see plus much, much more. Discovery is a children’s natural history wonderland. Filled with colour and activity, young children will have hours of fun with handson displays that encourage imagination and learning. Discovery is on level three and is accessible via stairs or the elevator. The Museum Cafe is one level up and is the perfect family-friendly location to take a break and enjoy a tasty snack. Canterbury Museum is a mobility accessible location. Visit for For more information or to register visit: more information.


Canterbury Museum

Holiday programmes Active Kids is a fun, safe and affordable holiday option that combines sport, fundamental skills and a mixture of offsite visits and creative activities.

• Monday 7 - Friday 18 July 2014 • Morning and full day options • OSCAR approved programme

JULY SCHOOL HOLIDAYS The Christchurch YMCA has an exciting range of school holidays this July. We have outdoor specific programmes, we have arts and crafts programmes, and we make sure that all our programmes are suitable for each age group. These holidays we will be visiting the Antarctic Centre, Inflatable World, and illusion show, Chipmunks, Olympia Gym and heaps more.

For information on all of these great holiday options please get in touch with Olivia at the City YMCA on 366 0689 or via email at | PH: 03-366 0689

to carrying a backpack you could pack your lunches and water bottles into your daypacks. Encourage children to carry their own small daypacks where possible. Once you are happy with these walking experiences and sense that your family is ready for the next step, look for your first walking adventures in the outdoors. It’s great to begin with a visit to a local DOC Centre, where they can help identify good introduction walks. It’s also great to get off flat or tar-sealed roads and to walk in the hills and smaller footpaths near to home – building up the distances as you go. Then after another trip to DOC you can locate an accessible hut for a first overnight trip – it doesn’t need to

be a long tramp – it’s the fun of the trip and experience that are the key. With a tent and a camping stove and some simple recipes you can also do some great overnight camping trips in the back garden. Find some lightweight meals that you can cook easily. With a bit of help from an adult, children can also be involved in the cooking – this can make a great change from home. Foods that work well for an overnight camp include, pasta and sauces, wraps, instant soups and of course jellybeans to keep the troops moving during the walk to the hut. Leave lots of time to reach the hut and take some games (a ball and some cards etc) for the evening and a great time can be had by all!


Learn to Swim Experts • • • • •

servicing Christchurch families for 21 years owned and operated by Olympic Swim Coach Todd Mason Babies to Adults Our lessons run all year Start anytime, no need to wait until the beginning of a new term “the school in the pool”

Mention this advert from the Family Times when booking into the holiday programme* and pay a reduced rate of $80.00. *one week of swim lessons

109 main sth rd, sockburn, christchurch ph: 03 341 7579 www.facebook/swimkings


buy NZ made

After school care programme at the Roxx climbing centre is Looking for a great the answer. It’s a safe introduction to basic programme or activity to climbing that incorporates goal setting and keep your kids occupied after communication skills. Book now for term three via or phone school hours? Look no further 03-377-3000. Now proudly owned and operated by the YMCA. – we’ve got some great options for you here, and at Busy Bumbles Busy Bumbles is an award-winning programme offering before and after school care and holiday programmes at Rock Stars course Looking for a fun and adventurous afterschool activity? Clip ‘N Climb’s Rock Stars

six Selwyn venues. Enrol online now, visit

Come in or VIEW & buy ONLINE at Specialists in NZ made beds and bedroom furniture.


Term 3, 2014

Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Term 4, 2014

Monday 13 October to no later than Friday 19 December

Term 1, 2015

Between Monday 2 February and Thursday 5 February to Thursday 2 April

Term 2, 2015

Monday 20 April to Friday 3 July

2013 and 2014 secondary and composite school term dates Term 3, 2014

Monday 21 July to Friday 26 September

Term 4, 2014

Monday 13 October to Tuesday 16 December

Term 1, 2015

Between Monday 2 February and Thursday 5 February to Thursday 2 April

Term 2, 2015

Monday 20 April to Friday 3 July

Remaining public holidays 2013 27 October 25 December 26 December

Labour Day Christmas Day Boxing Day

Fabulous NZ-made products all in one place

KID’S BEDS • Bunk beds • Slat beds • Mattresses • Mattress & base sets • Trundler beds • Furniture

2014/2015 primary and intermediate school term dates

At Muscle People Physiotherapy you can be sure of a warm welcome from friendly, experienced staff in a professional, family-friendly, environment. Please present this ad valued at $30* to have the ACC part charge waived for the first appointment (or deduct $30* from a non-ACC initial visit). We have two clinics available to help you and your family. Bishopdale YMCA Clinic: 03-360 3606 City YMCA Clinic: 03-961 0236 * Valid for new accident-related injuries. Conditions apply. Valid until 30/9/2014

242 Ferry Road, Christchurch Phone: 03 377 8887

Whether it’s warm clothing, school bags and stationery for the kids, food and drink, arts and crafts, or gorgeous cosmetics to pamper yourself with, you are sure to find it on Buy NZ Made’s website www.buynz. The Buy NZ Made campaign has been running since 1988, encouraging people in New Zealand and around the world to buy and sell NZ-produced goods. All of the businesses that are members of the campaign have their products shown on the website, making it a great hub to find locally made items. There is bound to be something on there that you might not have known was made here, and there is sure to

be something you’ll love! Each month, there is a themed email sent to Buy NZ Made’s mailing list which is full of specials, and also includes various competitions and information about new products and Kiwi success stories. July should be a particularly popular month, with the email being all about the many fantastic food producers that we have in NZ. As well as a bunch of food related specials, there will also be some chocolate to be won, which is always a good thing! So next time you are out shopping, keep an eye out for the “Kiwi in a triangle” logo. Visit

$30 OFF*

Dominator Gate and Garage Door Centre in Christchurch is a leading manufacturer, supplier and installer of garage doors, architectural doors, gates and automatic operating systems, specialising in the Dominator and Centurion brands.

Contact us on 03 3799662

“It’s gotta be New Zealand made” All sorts of things for all sorts of people, all made right here.  /BuyNZMadeCampaign 24

support services

Encouraging your preteen’s individuality T

here’ve been many articles and books written about encouraging your preteen’s individuality, so the only thing I can contribute is my own observations and experiences on the topic of how to best approach it. However, as a disclaimer to everything written here, my opinion still stands: you are the parent. You are a guiding light, and while you must take the time

to understand what your preteen has going through their mind when they experiment, and even when they take strong stances, do not take a hands-off approach. It just doesn’t work. So with this in mind, how can you encourage your preteen’s individuality? It’s kind of simple. Think back to a time in your preteen years. Actually, think back to a time

Christchurch Resettlement Services.

Free social services for people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. Interpreters are provided. Phone: 03-335 0311

Catholic Social Services

Parenting and family support programmes open to all, free of charge. Usual office hours with late night on Tuesdays ‘till 6.30pm by appointment. 336 Cashel Street, P O Box 4237, Christchurch. Phone: 03-379 0012

Women’s Centre – Christchurch

A safe women-only space run by women for women. We provide: • Information and resources • Free legal advice • Free counselling • Courses • Drop-in 10 am-2 pm, Monday to Friday Contact us: 03-371 7414 or 022-105 5308 Email:

The Special Needs Library

The Special Needs Library in Huxley Street lends educational, learning, recreational and therapeutic resources to children and adults throughout Canterbury. Charlotte Ganderton, a trained professional, is the resource advisor who is available to advise on the use and suitability of resources relevant to the client’s needs. With more than 3000 resources, the library is a treasure trove of items for hire: for instance, resources for gifted children and English as a second language. Interesting speakers for groups, agencies, service groups are available. Phone Charlotte direct on 03-332-0731, or all other enquiries to 03-332-0733.

Educational and Therapeutic Resources • Stimulation • Challenge • Early learning skills • Language development • Co-ordination • Sight and hearing

OPEN Tues,Thurs 10am~4.30pm Sat 10.00am Christchurch ~Noon

109 Huxley Street, Chch Phone: 03-332 0733

Help is @ hand TOUGHLOVE

Raising teenagers is difficult. Whether you just want some help to deal with a disrespectful or defiant teenager, or more serious issues, TOUGHLOVE can help. TOUGHLOVE supports parents to rebuild family relationships and deal with challenging teenage behaviours. The TOUGHLOVE programme offers a process for change, information, and techniques through structured support group meetings to help parents and caregivers gain skills and strategies. Parent Support Groups meet weekly with parents able to join anytime. Contact TOUGHLOVE on 03-337-9452, email or check out

P.O. BOX 16554, HORNBY, CHRISTCHURCH Canterbury Speakeasy is a stuttering support group. We meet at the University Speech Disorders Unit every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month at 7.30pm.

For more information Phone Barry Hay: 03-981 8593



Is your pre - school child living with a Motor Disorder/Cerebral Palsy?

We may be able to help you What we offer

• Support at your childs early childhood centre Intervention • A friendly and welcoming • Swimming programmes and horse riding environment • Social activities for • Up to 3 sessions per week Group programmes children and families which meet individual al ! needs nti e t • Support and education po for families and whanau ising

• Centre based Early

m Maxi

Conductive Education Canterbury 22 Brougham Street, Addington Christchurch Ph: 03 3721399

you recently decided to try something different. How excited were you when you came up with the idea? How did the people around you react? Did it stop or keep going? The first step is always to look back into your own life to gain some insight into what you liked about external opinions and what influenced you in your decisions. Whether your preteen is experimenting, or changing their personality, remember it’s a flash of inspiration they are excited about because they truly believe it’s original. Preteen experimenting is often confused with their growth, and if you treat it as such, it can kill their creativity and make them never want to try something new again…or just lie and do it anyway. So first and foremost, don’t judge. I know: it’s easier said than done when your preteen comes home with a tattoo and punky friends, but you get the idea. Obviously every action has at least some subconscious thought put into it, and as a parent, it’s important to understand why. How do you understand your preteen’s choices? You talk to them of course! You’re not a mind reader, right? And no one is expecting you to be. Carve out some time in your day to take your preteen to a café, or have a chat in between TV ads in the evening to just catch up. Seriously, everyone prescribes this but few parents take the time to actually talk to their kids. But then there’s the flip side; what if your preteen doesn’t have any interests you know of? Well, there should be some warning bells ringing because they are hiding something from you. Think about it logically: everyone has interests (surfing Facebook all day is NOT an interest by-the-way) so your pre-teen must do too. This calls for not so much an intervention, but an interest on your part. And here’s where the parenting comes in: encourage your preteen to take some extra activities. If they push back, this is the perfect time to enquire about what they are actually interested in and work from there. Ideally though, they will listen, take your suggestions on board, and all you need to do from there is follow up with their progress. By Eva Maria Eva-Maria is a 23-year-old on a mission to help improve 10,000,000 adult-teenager relationships around the world. She is the author of the bestselling You Shut Up! and sequel Shush, You!. She travels throughout New Zealand, Australia and Russia coaching families, running workshops and speaking at conferences and events about the importance of intergenerational relationships and youth in the workforce, offering understanding from “the other side.”

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baby & toddler

The secret weapon for sleepovers and a dry night.

Dealing with reflux If you’ve ever had heartburn, you’ll know the burning feeling that acid reflux can cause. Reflux can be uncomfortable and unsettling for babies, too. What is reflux? Reflux (gastro-oesophageal reflux) happens when the milk your baby has swallowed comes back up into his food pipe (oesophagus), or into his mouth. Both formula-fed and breastfed babies can have reflux. Reflux is common – about half or more of all babies have reflux once or more a day during their first three months. However, a small percentage of babies have severe or persistent reflux that can become troublesome.

Does my baby have reflux?

Your baby may bring up small amounts of milk (possetting) or occasionally vomit. He may also have hiccups and cough and splutter a little. This is normal, and as long as your baby is otherwise well, you don’t need to worry. Just make sure you always have a tissue or muslin cloth to hand.

“Reflux is common – about half or more of all babies have reflux once or more a day during their first three months.”

What causes reflux?

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Your baby’s food pipe connects his mouth with his stomach. Your baby has a ring of muscle (valve) where his food pipe joins his stomach. The muscular valve opens to let through milk your baby has swallowed, and closes to keep milk in his tummy. Babies usually get reflux because the ring of muscle hasn’t developed fully yet. This means that when your baby’s tummy is full, milk and acid can come back up the food pipe, causing discomfort. The muscular valve at the entrance to your baby’s tummy will gradually get stronger. Along with his growing stomach capacity and lengthening food pipe, this means that your baby will grow out of reflux. By between 10 months and 12 months, only about five per cent of babies have reflux.

How can I prevent reflux? If your baby’s reflux is mild, and he’s still feeding well and isn’t too upset by it, these tips may help:

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Feed your baby in an upright position. Hold your baby upright for 20 minutes or 30 minutes after each feed. Try giving your baby smaller, but more frequent, feeds. If you bottle-feed your baby, burp him every two or three minutes during feeds, and make sure that the hole in the teat is not too large. A teat that’s too large can cause milk to come out too fast.

When should I take my baby to see a doctor?

Bringing up a little milk or occasional vomiting after feeds is nothing to worry about. But speak to your health professional or doctor if you notice that your baby: • Has frequent reflux. • Is irritable during or after feeds, crying and arching his back. • Regularly vomits large amounts up to two hours after feeding. • Starts to fuss or refuse feeds, but will suck on a dummy, if you use one.

How can I cope with reflux?

Looking after a baby that is constantly bringing up feeds can be exhausting.

Here are some practical tips:

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Dress your baby in vests and sleepsuits, as they’re easy to wash. Buy lots so you have a steady supply of clean ones. Use one sofa or chair to sit with your baby and cover it with a throw or sheet. Have a spare cover so you can wash one while using another. Use a washable cover on your baby’s car seat or pushchair, and again, have a spare so you can wash one and use one. Pack one or two changes of tops for you, as well as clothes for your baby and muslin cloths, in your change bag. Take a few plastic carrier bags for soiled clothing.

baby & toddler

Managing a toddler and a new baby It can seem overwhelming, the thought of managing your active toddler and bringing home a new baby.


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names and things you need to buy. Show your older child they are loved and special by talking with them and telling them you love them. Giving your older child a present from the new baby is a good idea too.

f course, there are the sleepless nights and managing breastfeeding, but many times too your toddler may take time adjusting to the introduction of a new family member, given that they have been the sole sum of your world for the past few years.

After the baby is born:

“Key ideas to consider here are that our easy or flexible children may adjust more easily to change, and because they do, we need to be more mindful to connect with them compared to the child who may need more support with change - we are very aware of their needs,” says Strategies with Kids, Information for Parents (SKIP) national leader Regan Mayo. Here are some tips from Plunket and Skip to help you broach this trying time.

Before the baby is born: • • • • •

Prepare your older child by talking with them during your pregnancy. Explain who will look after them while you have the baby. Include your older child in getting ready for the new baby. Make any major changes before the baby comes, such as moving the older child out of the cot or bedroom. Involve your older children in the preparation. Ask them for their ideas on

La Leche League

Jenny was planning to wean her baby when she went back to work fulltime at four months. However, baby Angus wasn’t taking to the changes. So Jenny went along to her local La Leche League meeting for help. She was delighted to learn that it was possible to combine working and breastfeeding and came away with some good tips about expressing her milk and giving Angus a bottle. She heard about how a baby’s sleeping and feeding patterns can alter and what to expect. La Leche League groups meet all around New Zealand. Find where at or

Teach your older child how to cuddle, touch and talk to the baby safely while you supervise. Praise them when they do it well. Explain to them how to keep the baby safe and make clear that only adults can pick up the baby. Make sure they know that the baby doesn’t eat anything except the baby’s milk. Include your older child in helping you look after the baby by giving them tasks like fetching nappies and toys for the baby. Talk with your older child about when

Baby Belle

Baby Belle specialise in gorgeous gifts for babies: toys, linens, decor and keepsakes. They also offer quality clothing, sleepwear, hats, toys, shoes, sneakers and boots for preschoolers. Baby Belle stocks a lovely range of gifts for mums, or you can indulge in a treat for yourself. Gift vouchers are also available, with gift boxes made to order and there’s a loyalty club to reward you. Enjoy shopping in beautiful surroundings with friendly service, free gift wrapping and parking at the door. Check out Baby Belle on facebook.

Little One: supporting a sustainable future while still looking great

If you want your child to look fashionable and find something a little different at an affordable price, then pay a visit to Little One at The Tannery. Little One has a wonderful range of top quality recycled clothing for babies and children up to size 14, along with maternity wear. They also stock a range of new designer clothing by Red Button, created by Kanchana of Christchurch.

Breastfeeding support in many ways Meet breastfeeding mothers ContaCt a trained breastfeeding counsellor Read a book from our library BRowse our website Join and receive aroha magazine Buy books and leaflets donate to help La Leche League help more mums like you.

CONTACT US: (03) 338 8447 EMAIL:

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they were a baby. Ask friends and family to give your older child some special time, and try to spend some time alone with your older child. As much as you can, keep up normal activities like going to the park or playgroup together. When you feed the baby, have books or games ready for your older child. They may enjoy hearing a story or playing quietly next to you. Be patient if your older child becomes demanding or goes back to babyish behaviour. For example, they may start

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wetting their pants. They may take out their anger or jealousy on you to get your attention. It will pass once they get used to the change. Talk with your older child about how they feel. Tell them you love them. Make sure you spend some time each day with your other children. This could just be sitting and talking or reading a book. Ask them what they think the baby should wear.

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central otago

Destination Tekapo Tekapo and the South Island’s Central region are New Zealand’s winter wonderland, and the perfect place to escape for a family getaway in the cooler months.


n your journey south you will encounter the breathtaking views of the lake and the picturesque Church of the Good Shepherd at Tekapo, the gateway to the Central region, but that’s just the beginning. On land, water, or high in the sky, there is something in this little piece of paradise to keep everyone in the family happily occupied and ensure lasting memories of fun and excitement. Known for its bright turquoise lake and impressive snow-capped mountains, Tekapo is an area of outstanding beauty. It’s also one of the best star-gazing spots in the world, with plenty of options for day and night tours to the observatory on the summit of Mount John, 300 metres above Lake Tekapo. During the day, the summit provides spectacular panoramic views of the Mackenzie Country, and at night, the Milky Way looks so close you feel that you could touch it at times. You may even see an aurora or a meteor shower! For the thrill-seekers in the family, check out Air Safaris. Billed as New Zealand’s premier scenic flight experience, Air Safaris operates

from Lake Tekapo airport, two minutes drive south of Tekapo township, and covers the largest scenic flight in the area of Aoraki Mount Cook and the Fox and Franz Josef glaciers. Every seat is a window seat over this spectacular vista. For the trip of a lifetime it would be hard to beat the Grand Traverse, a spectacular scenic flight that explores the Mount Cook and Westland National Parks. Then, when you are ready to start expending some energy, pack up the kids and head to Roundhill for some winter snow fun skiing and snowboarding. Roundhill is due to open on Saturday 28 June and is the ideal place to try these snow sports for the first time. The huge beginners’ slope is serviced by two beginner rope tows and a platter lift. The wide slope and gentle pitch makes it easy and fun to get up and going. Expert ski and board instructors give group lessons and private lessons. Of course, there are more challenging runs for the more experienced: the adventurous can head up the world’s longest and steepest rope tow and see what Australasia’s biggest vertical drop (783m) is all about. Then, for a warming drink or to fill hungry tummies, the on-site Two Thumb Café has been redeveloped and doubled in size. No snow? Snow making facilities ensure enjoyable skiing and snowboarding, even when heavy snow falls are delayed. A trip to the Central region wouldn’t be complete without a stop at Tekapo Springs. Situated at the base of Mt John in Lake Tekapo, Tekapo Springs is a year-round destination for the whole family. Whether it’s

a relaxing soak in the hot pools, an indulgent treatment at the day spa, a dash around the ice skating rink or an adrenaline filled ride down the tubing park, Tekapo Springs has something for every member of the family. The township of Tekapo also has a lot to offer visitors. Along with a good range of accommodation and breathtaking scenery, activities in the area include horse trekking, mountain biking, and, on clear nights, starlight tours. There is also mini golf and, in and around the town, plenty of good walking spots.

And after you have stopped at the Church of the Good Shepherd to marvel over the vista through the window behind its altar, take another few minutes to say hello to the bronze sculpture of a dog on the lake’s foreshore, there to commemorate the working collie dogs that helped to settle the high country. Enjoy your family holiday to Tekapo and the Central region this winter!


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Consumer smoke alarm research welcomed by Fire Service Smoke is toxic – and breathing it can kill. So you need an alarm that gives you early warning and more time to escape. For that reason alone, every home should have smoke alarms – but which ones to choose? There are several on the market, and they all have different levels of quality and function. The Fire Service says the latest Consumer research on smoke alarms will be enormously helpful to people trying to choose the best one for them from a baffling line-up on a shop shelf. National Fire Risk management advisor Todd O’Donoghue said the Fire Service has been investing in Consumer testing of smoke alarms since 2006. “It’s well known that smoke alarms save lives and we want to keep on top of which of the current ones are the best options for the public.” The latest research again reinforced the evidence that photoelectric smoke alarms provide significantly more protection than ionisation models. That’s because smoke is not just smoke. Smoke from flaming wood or cooking-oil fires is different from that produced by the cooler smouldering of upholstery foam, bedding or the plastic components in electrical equipment. Different smoke alarms detect

this at different levels. Ionisation alarms sense the volatile combustion products from hot flaming fires, but they don’t do as good a job sensing the smoke from smouldering fires because fewer combustion products are present. Photoelectric alarms shine a light beam across a chamber and detect if the air in the chamber becomes partially obscured. So they can detect smoke from both types of fires. The Fire Service and Consumer both advise people to replace their ionisation smoke alarms with long life photoelectric alarms. “Ionisation alarms are generally good at detecting fast flaming fires, but not as good at picking up smouldering fires. Photoelectric alarms generally perform better at detecting both types of fires,” said O’Donoghue. The Consumer research tested 20 different smoke alarms of varying prices and models under varying controlled fire conditions. Full details on the models that tested the best are available on the Consumer website www. O’Donoghue said the Fire Angel long life smoke alarms installed by the Fire Service tested well, but did not score quite as highly as two similar long life alarms, Warrior and Aura. “The detection performance of the Fire Angel is well within the range of what we expect from a smoke alarm. However, in light of this research on the current crop of smoke alarms, we will review our choice to ensure we are providing the most effective alarm at


the best price and meeting specific needs of some of our high risk communities.” Most alarms come supplied with a battery: some are a basic carbon-zinc type; others are alkaline. Several models in the Consumer test came with a long-life lithium battery that lasts around 10 years – the life of the alarm. Consumer’s latest research recommends that alarms equipped with a long-life battery are a good idea. They take away the hassle of changing batteries and mean the alarm is always in working order. They’re also useful if the alarm is located in a difficult-to-reach area. The next-best solution is to use alkaline batteries – some are not too expensive and

they’re likely to last about three years. The Fire Service You Tube channel has a short video clip that explains how and where to install smoke alarms in your home. See ‘how to install a smoke alarm’




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