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Wilson Chang

National Chung Cheng University, Department of Finance and Banking, Junior





COVER LETTER Thank you for opening, my name is wilson,

I'm now junior in National Chung Cheng University, department of finance and banking. I am a braver, who always put myself into a challenge. I am willing to try any possibility, even I have not done it before. I do not just finish my task properly and on time, but always strive for excellent to finish my work. Because I believe in the word �Your are the man you write�. When dealing with the problem, I try my best to find the best and smart solution. When dealing with my team, I care about everyone in a team, and also, care about the outcome of our team. I join AIESEC first year in college, AIESEC is a value-drive student organization, distribute in 124 country all over the world. First year, I join the department of marketing and communication in Chung Cheng Local Office. Second year, I took higher position to be a vice president in one of the most important department. It help me very much to cultivate my leadership and marketing skill. I also learn how to hold big public event with my colleague. We ask for corporate, invite speakers, arrange the logistic and design the visual image ourselves. Most important of all, this is my first time to lead a long term team, there are 10 people in our department. After leaving AIESEC, I participated in "ATONA case competition" in August 2014. My partner came from different region in Taiwan. However, we overcome the limit of communication from different region. We finished the project set by Yahoo! Taiwan; to find out the problem of "Yahoo! News App" and promote the product. Our idea is "Make it possible for every user in Yahoo! News App to


M7 choose the news everyone should know today". Our idea is widely accepted by employee in Yahoo! . Even Rose, Vice President in Yahoo! Taiwan, give us a big hand after we finished our presentation. The idea is also apply by "The News Leans", a Taiwan media website. Finally, we get the first place in case competition. This semester, as a table-tennis team captain, I put my heart into training newbie. On the other hand, after writing the budget myself in AIESEC last year, I notice that knowledge about finance is widely apply in the daily work of company. This year I try my best to learn the knowledge about it. In the short future, there are importantly three goals for me to approach. First, work more efficiency with my computer. Second, improve my marketing skill by learning more about data analysis and the common sense of coding. Third, learn how to using financial information more efficiency. To achieve those three goals, I started from studying by myself how to use excel analyzing consumer data. At the same time, I tried to combine financial knowledge with computer software, such as financial calculator, excel and SAS. And also, I will start to learn basic knowledge about coding in nearly future. After graduation, I will fulfill my compulsory military service first. And then, try my best to join a cross national corporation. HTC is one of the best choice in my list. I sincerely hope I can join 2015 HTC summer intern, and know more about how HTC really work. If possible, join HTC and meet all of you guys.

Your sincere, wilson






LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE AIESEC in Taiwan, Chung Cheng Local Office Vice President, Department of Marketing & Communication. • Manage Product Promotion Team, Public Relations Managerment Team and Customer Relations Management Team. Manage the branding of AIESEC CCU in campus.


• Synergy with CCU Career Center, holding the biggest Forum in Chaiyi, increase number of intries by 25%, over 400 people participated in the forum. 80,000 budget activity. • Double leadership experienvce in department. • Increase number of entries in 2014 Recruitment Info-session by 25%.

AIESEC in Taiwan, Chung Cheng Local Office Member, Department of Marketing & Communication. • Consumer data collection.


• Visual Design for AIESEC main product.

United Daily News Co. coordinator, udn Forum in Chaiyi. • Logistic management and event promotion.


• Over 300 people participated in the Forum.

HONOR & AWARD ATONA Case Competition 2014, 3rd Place. • Provided a practical solution to Yahoo! to promote Yahoo! News App into youth market. • The idea our team provided has been used by the media "The News Leans".

Hotelday+ Case Competition 2014, finals of a competition.




WORK EXPERIENCE AIESEC International Congress, 2014 in Taiwan Visual Design, Global Youth Leadership Summit. • Finished Primary Visual design for Global Youth Leadership Summit. • Finished designing 66 pages booklet, 32 pages award letter, 32


pages guildline, Poster, DM, Website banner etc. • Over 600,000 view on Citytalk cover banner per day. • 2,000,000 budget activity.

MicroP Co., Ltd., Visual Design, PR Project, 36th International Dental Show. • Synergy with Canada Intern Alex. Design Product Catelog, DM


and Poster for MicroP Co. to participate in 36th. International Dental Show.

Orient Europharma Co., Ltd., Administrative Assistant, Department of Marketing.

TECHNICAL SKILL Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Flash, Office Word, Office Excel, Office Powerpoint.




More detail Introduction


M7 2013/03



AIESEC 台灣 中正籌備會 行銷暨品牌管理部門部員 / 經理 - 顧客資 Number Participated in Recruitment grow by

Leadership Experience grow by

25 %

50 %

• 工作內容|使用顧客資料管理系統 Salesforce,管理 顧客資料、維繫顧客關係。負責 AIESEC 主產品海外 成長計畫視覺形象設計。

• 額外經驗|參與由 AIESEC 中正籌備會所主辦「第二 屆 English Village 國際體驗營」。擔任營隊主持人。

帶領嘉義地區國小學生與外國研習生互動,體驗文化 差異。

• 額外經驗|參與 VISA 與 AIESEC 主辦「理財 x 壯遊」 講座,擔任與會者接待。



AIESEC Experience

PR Event number participate grow by

25 %

Mini 2013/05


2013/07-14/07 AIESEC 台灣 中正籌備會 行銷暨品牌管理部門副會長 Number Participated in Recruitment grow by

25 %

Leadership Experience grow by

50 %

• 工作內容|行銷部門下面分為三個團隊,應業務拓展 所需,部員人數相較去年五人成長 50%。由副會長親 自帶領,學習將產品、計畫推展至校園。

1. 產品行銷|負責於校園市場推廣 AIESEC 海外成長計

畫、AIESEC 全球人才實習計畫、AIESEC 春季及秋季 徵才計畫。2014 年徵才計畫參與人數成長 25%,

2. 公關活動|負責舉辦大小公關活動。任期內兼任論 壇發起人,2014 年四月底舉辦「第二屆 縱橫九零後,

放眼新未來大學生論壇」。第二屆論壇行銷部主導與 國立中正大學學務處職涯發展中心合作,成功募集八 萬元資金,由學生廣邀各界知名企業主,社企流創辦

人 林以涵、雅言出版社創辦人 顏擇雅、FlyingV 共同 創辦人 林大涵、郭氏兄弟 郭書齊,超過 400 名雲嘉 地區青年參與年度盛會,相較去年成長 25%。

3. 顧客資源管理|由市場調查開始做起,分析顧客歷 史 資 料、 發 展 新 的 專 案。 並 負 責 管 理 顧 客 資 料 系 統 Salesforce,並經營社群媒體官方專頁及分會網站。

粉絲頁人數由上任時 1,000 人成長至 2,000 人。

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AIESEC Leader Experience

PR Event number participate grow by

25 %

Fanpage like number grow by 100% into

2,000 like

M8 2014/03

2014/03-14/08 2014 AIESEC 世界大會在台灣

主視覺設計師 全球青年領謝會前高峰會 view per day on Citytalk website

Budget of the PR event

Come from all over the world

Visual Design over

600,000 view 2 million 18 speaker

130 page

• 接案內容|負責 2014 AIESEC 全球大會會前高峰會之主視

覺設計。以及後續文宣品、會場布置品、網站平面廣告之 視覺美編以及排版。

• 工作內容|完成設計活動手冊 66 頁、32 頁志工手冊、行

前通知信 32 頁、活動海報一張、活動通板鋼大頭條、網 站架設。

• 活動介紹|全球青年領袖會前高峰會 ( 第七屆青年影響力 論壇 ) 為 2014 AIESEC 世界大會之會前高峰會。會前高峰

會為預算總額超過兩百萬新台幣之大型公關活動。AIESEC 廣邀各界講師,例如香港導演陳可辛、Evernote 亞太區駐 美國總部總經理 Troy Malone、Linkedin 北亞區銷售經理

Nick DeMarinis、台灣歌手 Selina 等 18 為演講者。2014 年八月十四號至十六號活動期間超過 1,000 名台灣青年參 與。行銷計劃成功,售票情況熱烈活動達成損益兩平。

• 設計成效|每日超過 600,000 使用者於城市通上觀看板鋼 大頭條、活動手冊發行超過 1,000 份、海報張貼通路達全 國各大校園。

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Primary Visual Design





第十三屆 ATCC 全國大專院校商業競賽 季軍 Yahoo! 台灣 , 冠軍 Place in competition

Implementations website "NewsPlus"

User return visit

Marketing vedio

3 rd.

15 %

21,990 visit 7,224 visit

• 競 賽 題 目 | 促 使 年 齡 18-29 歲 的 使 用 者 下 載 並 使 用 Yahoo! News App。請提出分析並建議最有效的行銷策略 以及實行方案。

• 企畫主軸| 推出「Yahoo! 新聞,你做主」讓平台上使用 者美日票選最有價值十大新聞。

• 企劃目標|賦予讀者感變新聞環境之使命感,讓讀者在閱 讀新聞的同時也篩選新聞。由理念最為行銷主軸,拍攝行 銷廣告、並使用社群媒體經營。將網站使用者轉換至行動 裝置下載 app。

• 實 作 成 效 | 實 作 網 站「NewsPlus 新 聞 +」 回 訪 流 量 達 3,000 人次。80% 人對於我們的理念呈現滿意。

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ATCC 3rd. Place





MicroP 台灣微動 36th. 德國醫療器材展專案 平面視覺設計師 Synergy with International Intern

Finishing designing

Finishing designing

Finishing designing

1 Canadian 1 catelog

2 poster 12 page

• 工作內容|與來自加拿大的國際實習生 Alex 接洽,完成

台灣微動於 2015 年三月份將去德國參與三十六屆國際醫

療器材展的平面設計。設計內容包含一份產品型錄、兩張 宣傳海報、一份產品型錄四折頁。

• 公 司 簡 介 | 台 灣 微 動 股 份 有 限 公 司 (MICROP) 成 立 於 2005 年 1 月,由兩位志同道合的年輕工程師籌組經營,

積極投入開發小型精密儀器與醫學工程設備,以迎合全球 醫療健康儀器之旺盛需求。目前 MICROP 以專業知識與先

進技術,由創新構想之演化成功地設計開發出一系列具備 高轉速和高扭力的高可靠度高速牙科手機 (Dental High-

speed Handpiece)。我們將以對醫學工程與生物科技的

熱誠,追隨科技之發展趨勢持續開展相關儀器與運用開發 工作。

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ATCC 3rd. Place




承億文旅文創商業競賽 總決賽隊伍 - 旅夢小棧 隊長 • 競賽題目|提供承億文創商業旅店全台四館通用服務創新 策略,有效提高來客數以及顧客回流率。

• 企畫主軸|加強文創旅店與在地特色連結,並應用感官體 驗行銷以及旅店 App 增強顧客對旅店記憶,進而創造回流 率。


聯合報系願景工程衛青年尋路論壇 中正大學場 總招集人 Participated in the forum

Creat leadership experience

300 people

10 exp.

• 工作內容|負責嘉義地區的活動宣傳以及物料管理。並協 助與聯合報系合作單位國立中正大學職涯發展中心溝通協 調。

• 論壇成效| 300 人參與論壇


國立中正大學財金資管聯合桌球隊 隊長 (2014-2015) / 副隊長 (2013-2014) • 工作內容|球隊目前總人數 25 人。平常主要帶領球隊日 常練習,並每學習帶領球隊參與校外比賽。

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Biggest Forum

In Chaiyi 2014/05





2014/11 2015/07

ATCC 3rd Place


International Conference


In Taiwan






2013 2nd 2013/03


2015 HTC Summer Intern

English Village In Chaiyi


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udn Forum In Chaiyi


MicroP Project

Visual Design


Finding For Next Challenge Summer Intern

HTC One M7 2013-04 HTC One Mini M4 2013-08 HTC One Max 2013-10 HTC One M8 2014-03 HTC Butterfly2 2014-09 HTC One M9 2015-03

2013.03.22 240 2013.05.22 280 2013.07.22 175 2013.09.22 130 2013.11.22 160 2014.01.22 150 2014.03.22 160 2014.05.22 170 2014.07.22 140 2014.09.22 135 2014.11.22 140 2015.01.22 160 2015.03.22 145 2015.05.22 120

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2013.03.22 100 2013.05.22 150 2013.07.22 130 2013.09.22 170 2013.11.22 110 2014.01.22 120 2014.03.22 130 2014.05.22 170 2014.07.22 150 2014.09.22 130 2014.11.22 160 2015.01.22 155 2015.03.22 140 2015.05.22 120

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