22 minute read
Gordon Best, MPANI
from Plant & Civil Engineer 2021
by 4SMNI
You will be aware that the NI Executives Coronavirus roadmap for re-opening is being rolled out at the minute and it’s great to see more parts of our economy getting back to normal, or should I say the “new normal.”
Most people I talk to, while pleased that we are moving forward, are still cautious and want to take things slowly particularly with the new variants presenting a threat and the fact that most of those under 30 have not yet had the vaccine. I am pleased to say I have had my second jab with fortunately no side effects. It’s certainly true that given the result of our last age profiling of our industry I could say, with a fair degree of confidence, that most of our industry will certainly have their first vaccine and a sizeable number their second. I know that many of you have introduced in-house regular testing for staff and continue to operate a work from home policy for those staff who can but it is clear that more and more we are starting to get back into the office but with social distancing and good hygiene the order of the day.
Charity Golf Day
I am delighted that we are able to hold our Annual Industry Charity Golf Day this coming June 7th at the Hilton Templepatrick. We have over 20 fourballs booked with the usual shot gun start and plans made for our social distancing dinner and prizegiving. In addition to that and as a sign of getting back to normal activities we have arranged an Affiliate Members Lunch in September in Belfast as a way of saying thankyou to our valued Affiliates for their continuing support, particularly through the pandemic when opportunities for networking through the Association were not possible. We are also in the process of planning our local member forums for September and early December and no doubt, as illustrated by the registration for our Golf Day, members will be keen to get out and meet face to face.
Blasting Course
Recently we hosted the first class for the Blasting for Non-Blasting Managers Course at our offices at Nutts Corner. It’s great to see the positive response coming from right across our industry to this course that, although questioned by some initially, is now recognised by all as improving the knowledge of those responsible for their sites pertaining to all aspects of the blasting process. I have said on a number of occasions that blasting is the one area that causes greatest risk and concern to neighbours and its clear from feedback from planning application objections that this one area is under greatest scrutiny and is targeted and focused on by those out to stop our Industry.
The dates for future courses are:
May 26 / June 2 - Bemac Training, Crumlin BT29 4SR June 9 / 16 / 23 / 30 - Glenavon Hotel, Cookstown BT80 8JQ September 6 / 13 / 20 / 27 - Bemac Training, Crumlin BT29 4SR For more information about the course and booking details visit: Blasting_for_Nonblasting_Managers_ NI.pdf (mcusercontent.com)
Planning Review
MPANI responded to the Department for Infrastructure’s Review of 2011 Planning Act that closed on 16th April. We are working with others in the business community to ensure that the Department takes forward a reform programme before next year’s Assembly election. Within the MPANI response to the Review we have called for: Establishment of a review mechanism to ensure that environmental conditions on mineral sites are kept up to modern standards. Establishment of a local Council shared service for the management and processing of Mineral Planning in NI due to its unique complexity. Implementation of the recommendations of the Irvine Report on the role of statutory consultees. Continuing capability and knowledge building through the Environmental Governance Initiative. Adequate resourcing of the pre-application community engagement process.
Meeting with Minister
The MPANI Chairman, Simon McDowell and Vice Chair, Paul Brogan, and myself recently met online with Infrastructure Minister Nichola Mallon and senior officials on the 27th April. We had provided a detailed briefing paper to her and we covered the issues raised during the 45 minute meeting that included a number of concerns over Procurement, Planning, Water and sewerage infrastructure, Removal of the Red Diesel Rebate in 2022 and delays in delivering infrastructure projects. We have also extended an invitation to her to visit one of our sites. We congratulated the Minister for securing a 2021 / 22 Structural Roads Maintenance budget of £120 million. This is the highest ever starting level for the incoming financial year. Given that recent years have saw annual outturns in and around £100 to £106 million. This is very good news for the industry. Unfortunately, the recent contract tenders for 4 of the 8 Asphalt Resurfacing Contracts have been challenged resulting in these areas now having no contracts in place. At our meeting with the Minister, we made clear that as a responsible Trade Association, we cannot and will not get involved in legal cases that involve procurement challenges, particularly as in this case, where we have MPANI Members taking the challenge and other Members are negatively impacted by it. Our only position at this time, without knowing the reasons for the legal challenges, is to encourage the Department to resolve the dispute as quickly as possible for all concerned as it is not in the public interest to have no operational maintenance contracts in a number of Council areas.As
and when the challenges reach a conclusion, we encouraged the Minister and her Department to look into the primary reasons for the frequent occurrence of such legal challenges to determine if a fundamental review of the approach to the procurement of Term contract work is required. MPANI would commit to constructively engaging with the Department in any such review.
Training News
Other good news on the training front is that MPANI working in partnership with the Institute of Asphalt Technology and CITB (NI) have developed a new NVQ Level 4 Highway Maintenance and Repair Site Supervisors Course. An introduction day will be held on June 16 the first class being held on June 30th and the second class held on August 11th and after that on a monthly basis up to October followed by on site assessments. I hope that many of you saw and shared on social media the very successful Road Worker Safety campaign ran in partnership with MPANI, DfI and the PSNI, supported by Road to Zero. The online message was viewed by 220,000 people and feedback from our members indicate that these regular safety messages are reducing levels of abuse and violence against road workers and incursions of traffic into road closures. We recently donated copies of our “Ready Mixed Concrete – Practical Guide for site personnel” to People 1st who deliver the NVQ L4 Construction Site Supervisors Course. All those construction site supervisors attending and completing the Course will receive a copy of the Best Practice Guide. Hopefully this initiative will strengthen our ongoing campaign and education of clients and customers about the importance of proper ordering, placing and care of concrete by using quality assured suppliers and contractors who are competent in the laying of concrete.
Brexit and working with the complexities of the NI Protocol is still very much an issue for our members and our customers, particularly in the farming and agri-food sector. As you know I sit on the NI Business Brexit Working Group and we continue to engage with UKG, EU and the Irish Government on solutions to these complexities. Indeed, recently NIBBWG Chair, Aodhan Connolly hosted Lord Frost and the Secretary of State on a number of visits to NI Businesses to hear for themselves about the impact of working with the current protocol. We continue to seek Stability, Certainty, Affordability and Simplicity.
MPANI’s Gordon Best (right) pictured at the presentation of best practice booklets to Peter Daly of People 1st who deliver the L4 NVQ in Construction Site Supervisor Qualification, and (centre) Barry Neilson, CEO of CITB NI.
Improving Economy
To finish on a positive note I am sure you are all encouraged at the level of economic activity at present and the projections for the immediate future all be it with concerns about what will happen once Government Covid 19 assistance ends. The recent Ulster Bank PMI reported that the start of the second quarter heralded a significant improvement in local business conditions. Northern Ireland’s private sector reported a return to growth in business activity and new orders in April although export orders, as opposed to domestic, posted another sizeable fall. The rebound in business activity, the first rise since September 2020, marked the fastest rate of growth in 33 months. Meanwhile employment increased for the second month running with the pace of job creation hitting a 40-month high. Richard Ramsay, Chief Economist at Ulster Bank said, “Local firms have benefited from a notable pick-up in demand. But this improvement is occurring alongside significant supply chain disruption. Adapting to the new NI Protocol is one aspect of the increasing cost of doing business. However, it isn’t the only source of disruption. Economies around the world have seen a lengthening in suppliers’ delivery times due to the pandemic and worldwide shipping issues such as a shortage of shipping containers. “Linked to this, Northern Ireland firms once again reported a record rise in input costs stemming from higher prices for raw materials and fuel coupled with increased shipping costs. In turn, companies are also passing these increased costs onto their customers at a record rate. At a sector level, both retail and construction posted record rates of input cost and output price inflation.” Nationally, MPA are reporting the recovery in construction demand for mineral products remained resilient during the first quarter of 2021, despite headwinds from the renewed lockdown restrictions, Brexit and a particularly wet winter affecting construction work. Demand for primary aggregates and readymixed concrete increased 3.4% and 1.6% respectively in the first quarter of the year compared to the previous quarter. By contrast, both asphalt and mortar sales volumes declined over the quarter, down 4.9% and 7.4% respectively. MPA producer members reported strong housing activity and an acceleration in infrastructure work driven by the roads programme and High Speed 2 Finally, may I wish you all continuing health and success and please stay safe through these continuing challenging times.

news Revolutionising the learning process in the construction sector
Revolutionising the learning process by changing the face of delivery and recognition of sustainable energy skills in the construction sector - that’s the target for the ARISE project team, led by Belfast Metropolitan College, as they seek to deliver their new EU wide skills and training project, boosting thereby market uptake of qualified workforce.
ARISE has secured a €1.12M grant from the Horizon 2020 Work Program: Building a LowCarbon, Climate Resilient Future: Secure, Clean and Efficient Energy, under the Call: Increasing Market Demand for Sustainable Energy Skills in the Building Sector. ARISE’s mission is to support the twin transition of the construction sector and to contribute thereby to the European Recovery and Resilience Plans 2021 -2027, by providing the construction sector workforce with digital and sustainable energy skills of the future, along with demand side guidelines for marketable appreciation of skills and exploitation of benefits thereof. Through a highly innovative approach ARISE will deploy a system coupling methodology and approach encompassing: 1) Skills delivery method; 2) Learning accounts transaction and recognition; 3) Matrix of skills maturity, leading to new qualifications and jobs, 4) Profession –based learning content, 5) Impacts of skills on buildings’ energy performance, 6) New market and regulatory models of skills demand and 7) Stimulation of investments in high energy performance buildings. Engaged in the project demonstration stage, over 1000 stakeholders across Europe will improve their skills and competences, providing therefore project induced impact of over 4.5 million kWh/year of energy savings, 2.25 million kWh/ year of RES energy generation, reduction of GHG emissions by over 3.5 tons/year and initiation of 1.3 million EUR/year of investments in NZEBs. As a long –term cumulative impact, ARISE aims to contribute by over 75 million kWh

Paul McCormack.
of clean energy use in buildings and over 8,7 million EUR of green investments. ARISE will revolutionise the learning process by monetizing skills development and learning exchange with a digital system based on skills recognition rather than accreditation. The training and transaction system developed by the project will reward learners as they achieve competence at a certain level with the crypto currency for skills exchange - CERTcoin – the innovative currency of skills and learning of the construction sector embracing today’s digital transformation benefits. This reward based on skills and time credits will be stored in an Individual Learning Account and can be used as digital points accumulation for example in a skills barometer or for exchanging it into valid certificates. It will be an easier accessible, less time consuming and still competitive way to up-skill blue and white collars, as well as market demand side – public administration, clients and owners
Attractive & Effective
ARISE will apply digitalization both as a learning method and as a framework of job-based construction skills of the future, multiplying effects of the green transition skills. The novel training method will make the learning process attractive and effective, facilitating its accessibility through a mobile (smartphone) and a user - friendly web based platform. The intervention / learning progress will be achieved in a scalable way, in bite-sized skills delivery. ARISE will apply digitalisation and the earning of learning credits in a “step by step” recognition of competences, as an accelerator to empower demand for sustainable energy skills in the construction sector, and as an enabler of formal certification. This system will be employed based on blockchain procedures to instil transparency and trust. Paul McCormack, Belfast Met Innovation Manager and ARISE Programme Manager said: “ARISE utilises a circular economy approach specifically utilising digital skills stimulation and delivery across the entire building life cycle and assets to decarbonise the complete energy cycle. This approach harnesses the market drivers from the demand side and matches these with impact targeted strategies and objectives required to achieve comprehensive success. ARISE represents a multi faceted approach to tackle the carbon footprint of the construction sector. It is a pioneering training scheme and a powerful socio-economic cross sectional influencer, affecting the multiple sectors of education, industry, market and policy by delivering a dynamic training and market uptake model.” The project led by Belfast Metropolitan College with eight other European partners will be launched in September 2021. Within 30 months, until February 2024, partners will work on development and demonstration of the innovative on demand training scheme for digitalisation towards sustainable energy skills, aimed at both supply and demand side.
The nine partners in the project consortium are: Belfast Metropolitan College, Northern Ireland; Technological University Dublin, Ireland; Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy, North Macedonia; ISSO, The Netherlands; Conseil des Architectes D Europe, Brussels; IBIMI Institute for BIM - Italy; Building Changes, B.V. The Netherlands; Copenhagen School of Design and Technology Denmark; and Instituto Superior Technico, Portugal
McLaughlin & Harvey Undertaking Belfast Harbour Terminal Refurbishment
Belfast Harbour plans to undertake a full refurbishment of the Victoria Terminal 1 Rollon Roll-off ferry berth this summer, from which Stena Line operate their successful Belfast to Heysham freight service.
The programme of work, which represents a £2.5million investment by Belfast Harbour, will effectively renew and modernise the terminal infrastructure, extending its life span for a further 25 years. Work will include refurbishment of the berth ramp, the access walkways and the fenders. Local contractor McLaughlin & Harvey has been engaged to deliver the project, which is due to commence in early summer. John Mariner, McLaughlin & Harvey Contracts Director, said: “We are delighted to deliver another project for Belfast Harbour; building on our successful long-term relationship which includes Victoria Terminals 3 and 4. This project will be delivered using a local supply chain, and will utilise our extensive marine civil engineering expertise to support the harbour in its programme of continual investment to improve facilities in the port.”


To say Ffrench is a fan of the Liugong brand would be a massive understatement; the company formed two decades ago by Justin Ffrench have invested in almost 60 LiuGong machines in the past eight years – and they’ve recently acquired another, a new top of the range heavy duty 95 tonne LiuGong 995F.
Established originally as a plant hire business servicing major contractors within the construction sector, Ffrench today is a bigger, more diversified group, offering a broad range of services - from complex demolition and earth moving projects to civil engineering, groundworks, plant hire and heavy haulage. Justin, who has worked in the construction industry since arriving in Bedfordshire from his native home in Co Wexford in 1985, is full of praise for the LiuGong 995F, the first model in the Chinese manufacturer’s large excavator F-Series range which underpins LiuGong’s assertion that it is a force to be reckoned with when it comes to industrial design and smart engineering. Comments Justin: “I am very impressed with the way this machine delivers. It’s got the power you want but with the controllability you need. It’s put together very well. I think LiuGong have a very credible machine here for heavy applications; it is ideal for our type of work.” Acquiring this latest LiuGong wasn’t a difficult decision as Justin says that his confidence in the brand has been well rewarded, given the proven reliability of the existing LiuGong machines in his impressive and hard working fleet. He adds that they have been excellent in service and have never disappointed. Justin says the ability of the machine to carry a Fortress FS95 shearcore was also a factor in making the investment in the LiuGong 995F which was initially put to the test at a recycling facility before heading out on its first major project.
Demolition Spec

The machine has a specially tailored demolition spec with bucket cylinder guard, swing open Level II FOPS guard, plus rotation pipework and an attachment drain line, as well as a 14.8 tonne counterweight replacing the standard 12.6 tonne unit. “The New 995F is the first model of our large excavator F-Series range and delivers the toughness and reliability you would expect from LiuGong. It’s tough but it also

excels in controllability and comfort, so it is perfectly matched to the demands of customers and operators in the European market,” said Harry Mellor – Excavator Product Manager for LiuGong Europe. Powered by an 18.1-liter Perkins engine producing 447kW of power with low engine speed and high torque, the 995F delivers class leading tear out forces. To further improve cycle times, operating precision and fuel efficiency, the 995F is equipped with 3 operating modes: Eco, Standard, and Power. 10 engine speeds allow the operator to balance power and efficiency to meet the application’s requirements. The 995F also features an Advanced Variable Electro-Hydraulic System, which adjusts the flow distribution according to the operating conditions. The 995F comes with increased functionality, including the boom float assistance. With two operating modes for loading and breaking, the boom is allowed to lower under its own weight, which reduces fuel consumption, prevents damage and increases operator comfort. The 995F is no exception when it comes to LiuGong’s well-deserved reputation for toughness and is fully armed to face the toughest operating conditions. Its heavy-duty, variable gauge undercarriage features high strength forged sprockets and large diameter idlers with thickened wearing layers. Deep profile double grouser track plates provide longevity and higher traction when travelling.


Spacious Cab
With an all-new spacious cab design, the 995F provides excellent protection, visibility, and comfort. Storage for large drinks bottle, backpack, hard hat and a phone, all-round climate control and the fully adjustable luxury heated seat creates the perfect operator environment. An 8” LCD touchscreen display with additional jog dial offers simple and intuitive access to all of the machine’s functions and key data. Comments Howard Dale, Chairman of LiuGong Europe: “We see the launch of the new 995F as part of our commitment to add value to our customers’ businesses. With this new heavyweight model, we can now offer them a wider range of top quality, tough machines designed for Europe. The 995F is proof that we are not just listening to our customers, we are delivering for them too.” And as far as Justin Ffrench is concerned, the 995F certainly lives up to his high expectations, ticking
all the right boxes.

news Powerscreen Reveals Concept Eco-Warrior battery powered screener
Powerscreen is responding to the industry’s decarbonisation challenge by providing solutions that work towards minimised environmental impact and greater sustainability.
Powerscreen’s decarbonisation story begins with the introduction of the concept of mobile crushing and screening, has evolved to increase fuel efficiency and looks to the future with Powerscreen’s electrification strategy, including an exciting, brand-new concept for the future of crushing and screening - the Eco-Warrior battery powered screener. Neil Robinson, Powerscreen Product and Applications Manager says, “Some may view this topic as a recent trend, but for Powerscreen, decarbonisation is multi-faceted and has always been at our core. The Powerscreen mobile concept has always contributed towards decreasing the carbon footprint per tonne of material produced. “This is done by reducing unnecessary material handling of hauling and loading material to static plants in aggregate production or in the ability to recycle and reuse material at point of use, for example in roadbuilding projects where sub-base material is produced in situ. Using stockpiling conveyors as part of a track mobile set-up is another perfect example of how-to cut-out unnecessary double handling, reducing fuel consumption and therefore carbon production.” Powerscreen has evolved its product range to reduce environmental impact by making its crushing and screening equipment as fuel efficient as possible, using direct drive systems for its crushing range and improving engine capabilities and drive-line design for its screening range. Neil explains, “Direct drive systems are proven to be 13-18% more fuel efficient when compared with hydrostatic, resulting in significantly less carbon emissions, while improvements to our screening range has reduced engine speeds from 2,200rpm to 1,800rpm, which not only means cleaner engines with less emissions, but also reduced fuel usage and therefore carbon produced. For example, a typical mid-size screener running at 1,000 hours per year, has a fuel usage reduction of approximately 450 litres, which equates to 1.2 tonnes less of carbon produced annually.” Another important tool for fuel efficiency is Powerscreen Pulse, in-depth machine telematics that helps customers see how and where their machines are being operated, understand fuel consumption and carry out fault-finding activities to ensure optimised performance. Neil explains, “Powerscreen was the first mobile crushing and screening manufacturer to offer in-depth machine telematics with the launch of Powerscreen Pulse in 2013. In the early days, it generated a large volume of data, but now our system has been refined to deliver actionable information with customised reports and suggested actions for more fuel-efficient operation.”
Key Focus

Electrification is currently a key focus of the Powerscreen decarbonisation strategy. The Powerscreen Hybrid range, designed to give customers alternative energy options to operate their range of crushing, screening and conveying equipment, has been dramatically enhanced to include more fully electric crushers and screeners as well as models powered by innovative combinations of diesel and electricity. These options enable customers to choose which fuel to use, depending on cost, location and availability, and are of particular benefit to customers who operate in an area where electricity is more cost effective than diesel fuel, where diesel engine noise is unwanted or on sites where electricity is the preferred energy source. Neil continues, “Customers using Powerscreen Hybrid units powered off the grid have been able to reduce onsite carbon emissions by 57% per tonne of material produced. While our hybrid customers have traditionally been in environmentally conscious countries and states, where legislation or financial incentives are more focused on green energy, we are witnessing a significant uptake in non-traditional locations, as customers prepare to comply with increased government drives for carbon neutrality.” Powerscreen continues to spearhead the industry’s drive for decarbonisation and a clear demonstration of this is a brandnew concept for the future of crushing and screening—the EcoWarrior battery powered screener. Working closely with automotive technology and using top of the range, hyper efficient drives and intelligent control systems, the Eco-Warrior battery powered screener has been designed to deliver on the powerful screening action that Powerscreen machines are famous for, while being a self-charging, or plug-in, model that features a simple, quiet engine with no aftertreatment requirements. The required engine size has been cut in half compared with the diesel hydraulic unit and the battery pack can mean emission-free running or give a power boost. Neil says, “To the best of our knowledge this is the first battery powered screener in the world and has been clocking up testing hours since it was built in 2019. It still delivers on the powerful screening action that Powerscreen machines are famous for and we are now exploring taking it from concept to mainstream. “This isn’t a publicity stunt; the drive for decarbonisation is real, with the UK, and other governments ruling that carbon emissions have to be reduced by 80% by 2050. It’s critical that we dramatically reduce our carbon footprint and Powerscreen has many solutions available today in support of this. However, we’re not stopping there - we’re taking it to the next level, continuing to be the pioneers in adopting technology that supports the industry in meeting the requirements of government decarbonisation laws - this is the future.”

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