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Управління освіти Калуської міської ради Міський методичний центр

Україна – європейська держава Методичний порадник для учителів англійської мови

Калуш 2013 2

Україна – європейська держава: Методичний порадник.- Калуш.: ММЦ, 2013

У збірку увійшли напрацювання творчої групи учителів англійської мови загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів міста. Пропонуються тексти країнознавчого характеру для використання на уроках англійської мови в основній та старшій школі з метою формування мовленнєвої компетенції.

Упорядник Вовчак Л. І., керівник творчої групи, учитель англійської мови НВК «ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. №10-ліцей»

Рецензенти Безрука Л. В., керівник міського методичного об’єднання учителів іноземної мови Лилак Л. М., методист Калуського ММЦ

Відповідальний за випуск Дребот У. Т., директор Калуського ММЦ

Редактор Шпенюк Л. М., учитель англійської мови ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст. №3

Затверджено радою ММЦ, протокол № 1 від 26 березня 2013 року


Передмова Основною метою навчання іноземних мов у середній школі є розвиток здібностей учнів використовувати іноземну мову як інструмент у діалозі культур і цивілізацій сучасного світу. Ця мета передбачає взаємопов’язаний комунікативний соціокультурний розвиток засобами іноземної мови для підготовки їх до міжкультурного спілкування у різноманітних сферах життєдіяльності. Формування в учнів умінь та навичок іншомовного спілкування передбачає досягнення ними такого рівня комунікативної компетенції, який був би достатній для спілкування у певних комунікативних сферах. Формування комунікативної компетенції нерозривно пов’язане із соціокультурними, країнознавчими знаннями про рідну землю та про країни, мову яких ми вивчаємо на уроках англійської мови. Актуальність проекту з українознавчого матеріалу у курсі вивчення англійської мови зумовлена тим, що більшість учителів користуються автентичними підручниками, які не містять відомостей про Україну. Практична значущість полягає в тому, що для вчителів пропонується українознавчий матеріал, який відображає реалії життя у нашій країні; різноманітні форми роботи з учнями над цим матеріалом, що полегшить процес підготовки до уроків українознавчого матеріалу; покращить якість уроків. Результативність даного проекту пролягає в тому, що систематично працюючи над українознавчим матеріалом здійснюється діяльність учнів, спрямована на розвиток умінь і навичок користування цим матеріалом. Завдання підібрані за складністю з огляду на критерії (лінгвістична складність, тип тексту, обсяг тексту).


Prepared by the teacher of English of school â„–5 Z. I. Havrylets


My Native Land My native land, The land of wonders, Of autumn rains And summer thunders. The greenest hills And magic lakes, The tender breeze, Romantic dales. Amazing landMy dear Ukraine.

Facts About Ukraine

Ukraine is the largest country in Europe. Its territory is 603,7 thousand square kilometers. Ukraine is mostly a flat plain. But there are two mountain ranges – the Carpathians in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the south. The highest peak is Hoverla in the Carpathian Mountains. Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is very ancient and beautiful. Ukrainians live in towns and cities. A lot of them live in villages. Ukrainian people are talented, hard-working and friendly. They have their own language, culture, customs and traditions. Ukraine is an independent country. It has its national symbols: the National Flag, the National Anthem and the National Emblem. On the 24th of August Ukrainian people celebrate the Independence Day.


1. Mark the sentences T (True) or F (False). Correct wrong sentences. 1) Ukraine is the largest country in the world. 2) There are no mountains in Ukraine. 3) Our country is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. 4) Kyiv is a beautiful city. 5) Ukraine is an independent country. 6) The Independence Day is on the 24th of April.

2. Complete the Fact File with information from the text above. Territory_________________ Mountain ranges____________ Capital city________________ National symbols___________

3. Complete the sentences. 1) In Ukraine there are two……………... 2) Ukraine is washed by…………………. 3) Ukrainian people are………………….. 4) Kyiv is………………………………… 5) On the 24th of August we celebrate……. 6) Ukraine’s national symbols are………..


4. Answer the questions. 1) What is the name of our country? 2) Where is Ukraine situated? 3) Is Ukraine a large country? 4) What is the territory of Ukraine? 5) What is the capital of Ukraine? 6) When do Ukrainians celebrate the Independence Day? 7) What kind of people are Ukrainians? 8) What are Ukraine’s symbols? Speaking. 5. Imagine you are on TV quiz show. One of the pupils is a quizmaster. He/she asks questions on the topic “Ukraine”. Use questions from exercise 3. 6. Work in pairs. Your English penfriend is visiting Ukraine. Pupil A. You are going to tell about your country. Pupil B. You are asking the questions about: - the territory of Ukraine - Ukrainian people - the capital of Ukraine - the national symbols


Reading ( 5-th form )

Hello Jenny!My name is Andriy. I am from the Crimea. It is the republic. It’s between the Black Sea and the Sea ofAzov. The Crimea is a famous tourist area in Ukraine. I live in Sevastopol. It is a large port on the Black Sea. My city has a lot of old buildings, museums and monuments.Sevastopol is very beautiful. Many tourists come to our city every year. On Sundays I often visit the aquarium. It is a great fun. I also like to go on fishing with my father. Sometimes in summer we go to the mountains. The Crimean mountains are very nice place for camping. Come and, I’m sure, You’ll love this city!


1. Is it true or false? a) b) c) d) e) f)

The boy lives in Simferopol. The Crimea is famous for tourism. Sevastopol is a port on the Sea of Azov. Andriy likes to go to the aquarium. He doesn’t like fishing. They go camping to the Crimean mountains.

2. 1) a) 2) a) 3) a) 4) a) 5) a) 6) a)

Choose the right variant. The Crimea is: in Sevastopol, b) in Ukraine, c) not in Ukraine The Crimea is between: two seas, b) one sea, c) three seas The city is: not a port, b) a small port, c) a big port Andriy visits the aquarium: every day, b) on Sundays, c) on Saturdays The boy likes: swimming, b) skating, c) fishing The mountains are a fine place for: camping, b) diving, c) dancing


Prepared by the teachers of English of school â„–2 O. I. Porodko and R. V. Zaulychna


Ukraine - Our Motherland We live in Ukraine. It is our Motherland. Ukraine Is a large sovereign European country. The population of Ukraine is 46 million people. The capital of our country is Kyiv, a beautiful city on the banks of the Dnipro River. Ukraine borders on Russia, Bilorus, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania. Our Motherland is a very rich country. It has 5% of the world’s mineral resources. Two Ukraine’s seas are in the south of Ukraine. They are the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Ukraine is mostly a flat plain with extremely fertile black earth soil. There are the Carpathian Mountains in the south. Mount Hoverla (2,061 m)is the hightest in the country. Ukraine is famous for its forests with plantations of pine, oak, beech and birch. Most forests are in the Carpathians and Polissia. Ukraine has more than 3,000 lakes. The plant and animal worlds of our country are also very rich. There are a lot of different animals, birds and plants in the forests, fields and mountains. Ukraine’s longest river is the Dnipro. It divides the country intro right-bank and left-bank Ukraine and flows to the Black Sea. Ukraine has picturesque scenery and a temperate climate. It has cold winters with snow and warm summers. The temperature ranges between +25oC and -8o C. Because of mild climate Ukraine is traditionally country. Whet, maize and other corns, vegetables, all kinds of fruit are grown in our country. I. Answer the questions: 1) What is the population of Ukraine? 2) Is Ukraine the largest country in Europe? 3) What is the capital of Ukraine? 4) What countries does Ukraine border on? 5) How many seas are there in Ukraine? 6) Is Ukraine a very rich country? 7) What mountains are there in Ukraine? 8) What is Ukraine famous for?


9) What is the longest river in Ukraine? 10) How many lakes does Ukraine have? II. Learn new words. 1) bank - берег ріки 2) to border on - межувати 3) resources - ресурси 4) extremely - надзвичайно, дуже 5) fertile - родючий 6) soil - ґрунт 7) beech - бук 8) birch - береза 9) to flow - текти 10) picturesque - мальовничий 11) scenery - пейзаж 12) temperature - помірний (про клімат) 13) to range - коливатися 14) wheat - пшениця 15) maize - кукурудза 16) corn - зерно 17) to be famous for - славитись 18) flat - плоска поверхня, рівнинний III. Відпрацьовування нової лексики. 1) Let’s play the “Champion game”. Work in pairs and try to guess the geographical names. The pair who first writes all the words will be the champions. 2) Now, still being in pairs, match the words in two columns to make the word combinations 13

IV. Choose one of the pictures 1-5 and describe it to the class following the model. There are a lot of forests in Ukraine. Oak. Birch, pine, beech, grow here. Most forests are in the Carpathians and Polissia.

V. Fill in the gaps with the words given below. bank, wash, rivers, European, population, mineral resources, capital, mountains, summers, longest, winters. 1) Ukraine is a ______ country. 2) The _____ of our Motherland is Kyiv. 3) It is on the _______ of Dnipro River. 4) The Black Sea and the Azov Sea ______Ukraine. 5) There are beautiful ____ in the west south of our country. 6) There are many ____ in our country. 7) The ______river is the Dnipro. 8) The _____of Ukraine is 46 million people. 9) Ukraine is rich in ______. 10) Ukraine has cold _____ with snow and warm ___. VI. Presenting projects. Fill the chart with necessary information.

Name of the country Population Capital Official language Mountains Rivers Seas The biggest cities Lakes Scenery Climate Temperature


VII. Match the words in two columns to make word combinations, then use them in sentences of your own. deep




temperate rich

mountain scenery






IX. Work in groups. Look at the text and try to complete a mind-map. Don’t forget to give examples.

Ukraine Mountains





X. Label the pictures 1 – 5 with nouns from the list: steppe, mountain, sea, river, forest. Find the paragraphs in the text where are mentioned.


Prepared by the teachers of English of school â„–2 V. V. Kolodrubska ,I. M. Kostyk and T. Ya. Dupley


Discovering Ukraine "We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." -- Jawaharal Nehru Ukraine is full of magnificent tourist attractions. There are many options of sightseeing at Ukraine like palaces, churches, museums archaeological sites and some old buildings. The Carpathian Mountains suitable for skiing, hiking, fishing and hunting. The coastline on the Black Sea is a popular summer destination for

vacationers. The main cities of Kyiv, Lviv and Odessa offer a number of interesting things to see and do. We kindly invite you to visit Ukraine and its principal pearls such as Kiev (Kyiv), Odessa, Lviv, Kharkiv, the Crimea, the Carpathians, etc. We hope you’ll enjoy every minute of it!

Did you know? Read carefully and remember UKRAINE is a country in Eastern Europe. It is bordered by Russia to the east; Belarus to the north; Poland, Slovakia, and Hungary to the west; Romania and Moldova to the southwest; and the Black Sea and Sea of Azov to the south. The city of Kiev (Kyiv) is both the

capital and the largest city of Ukraine. At 603,700 square kilometres (233,100 sq mi) and with a coastline of 2,782 square kilometres (1,074 sq mi), Ukraine is the world’s 44th-largest country (after the Central African Republic, before Madagascar). It is the second largest


country in Europe (after the European part of Russia, before metropolitan France).

"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." --

Ukraine—a European Country Lead-in

Henry Miller

1 a) Look at the map and say which seas border Ukraine. b) Name a river, a lake, a mountain. 2. Read the title and write three facts you expect to read in the text. 3. Look at the map and find your town/city/area. Say its name in Ukrainian, and then in English, in the way a for

Заголовок внутренней статьи

eigner would pronounce it.

Заголовок внутренней статьи

Reading 4. Read the text and try to fill in gaps with the words in the box Then read again and check with your teacher. Black Sea








Ukraine is the largest country in Europe, The village of Dilove (district of Rakhiv, province of Transcarpathian) is considered to be the geographical centre of Europe. Ukraine stretches from the mountains in the west to the steppes in the A)...................., and from the marshes in the north to the B).......... the south. Ukraine's longest C).................... is the Dnipro. It ranks as Europe's third longest waterway. It divides the country into right-bank and left-bank Ukraine, and flows south to the Black Sea. Ukraine has picturesque scenery and a temperate continental climate. It has cold winters with snow and warm D).....................The temperature ranges between +25°C and -8°C. Ukraine is mostly a flat plain with extremely fertile black earth soil. Mount Hoverla (2,061 m) in the Carpathians is the highest E)…………in the country. Ukraine has 5% of the world's mineral resources. There are 80 different types, including coal, iron, ore, titanium, granite and marble. Ukraine has more than 3,000 lakes. The Shatski lakes are the most popular among the tourists. The Svytiaz is the biggest lakein Ukraine. The Crimea is the part of Ukraine, but it has got its own parliament. It's situated on the Black Sea. The animal world of the Crimean Mountains is F).................... from the other zones. Here we can find rare birds and G).................... (carrion eagle, black griffon, red deer). The Black Sea is deep and has a wide range of animal life. However, there is no life lower than 1,500 m H).....................The deepest point of the Black Sea is 2,210m.


5. In pairs, read out the geographical names from the text. One of you reads the names in English and the other says what it is in Ukrainian. 6. Choose one of the pictures 1-5 and describe it to the class, following the model. There are a lot of forests in Ukraine. Oak, birch, pine, beech grow here. Most forests are in the Carpathians and Polissia.


Prepared by the teacher of English of school â„–3 L. M. Shpenyuk


Ukraine. The geographical position.

Welcome to Our Country! Ukraine is a state in South - eastern Europe. It is large. The total area 603700 sq. km. The longest distance from North to South is 893 km. The total border line length is 6500 km. Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia and Hungary in the west and on Romania and Moldova in the southwest. It’s northern neighbour is Belarus and eastern one is Russia. All the neighbouring countries like Ukraine have got an interesting history, original culture and mild climate, too. The capital of our country is Kyiv, The largest cities of Ukraine are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Lviv and others. I advise to visit some of them, because they are beautiful. The main rivers are the Dniper, the Dnister, the Bug, the Donets. It’s great to spent your free time travelling by the ship. Ukraine is washed by the Black sea and the Sea of Azov. The seaside is worth visiting, too. Our country is a nice place to live and travel in.


Ukraine Key-facts (HO-2) Name:


Total area:

603,700 sq. km


from East to West: 1,316 km from North to South: 893 km Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Belarus, Russia

Borders on: Population: Capital: Largest cities: Main river: Mineral resources:

49,700,00 (1st January 2000) Kyiv Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odesa, Lviv, Lugansk, Zaporizhia, Kryvyi Rih, Simferopol Dnipro coal, iron, manganese ore, oil, gas, nickel, graphite, marble etc.

1. Look through the text and match the questions with the answers.

1.What countries does Ukraine border on? 2. What is the territory and population of Ukraine? 3. Is Ukraine a member of the UN organization? 4. What mineral resources is Ukraine rich in? 5. What does Ukraine produce?

a) Today Ukraine produces modern supersonic air liners, grain harvesters, etc. b) It is one of the founding members of the UN organization. c) Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Belarus, Russia. d) The territory of Ukraine is 603,700 sg. Km. and its population is more than 52 million. e) Ukraine is rich in coal, iron, manganese ore, oil, gas, nickel, graphite, marble etc.

Key: 1c, 2d, 3b, 4e, 5a.


2. Put the main geographical items on the skeleton map (контурна карта). Read these words. Put the correct word in each blank. regions consists of proclaimed is rich in UNO contribution 1. Ukraine _______ its independence on August 24, 1991. 2. The territory of Ukraine _______ of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and 24 ___ (oblast). 3. Ukraine _____ many mineral resources. 4. Ukrainian scientists make a valuable _______ to the development of world science. 5. Ukraine is one of the founding members of _____.


1. Find 9 words on the topic “Ukraine” in the box. C


























































































Key: country, city, town, centre, district, river, region, motherland, capital.


2. To receive more information about our homeland we’ll read the text “Ukraine”. But first prepare such a table. Key facts: Name

Territory Population

Capital Borders on Seas Rivers Mountains Largest cities

Ukraine We live in Ukraine. Ukraine is our Motherland. It is one of the largest countries in Europe. Ukraine borders on seven countries. Our country has 24 regions and the Republic of Crimea. The largest regions of Ukraine are Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Chernihiv and Kharkiv regions. There are many cities, towns and villages in Ukraine. They are very green and nice. Many people live there. The biggest cities are Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odesa. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is very old and nice city. Kyiv stands on the Dnipro. The Dnipro is one of the longest rivers in Europe. The main rivers of Ukraine are the Dnipro, the Dniester, the Buh and the Donets. Our country has many plants, institutes, schools, theatres, cinemas and museums. Ukraine is the nicest country in the world and we love it very much. Europe – Європа; to border on – межувати з; main – головний; a theatre – театр; a cinema – кінотеатр; a museum – музей; in the world – у світі.

1. Complete the sentences. 1) We live in … . 2) It is the largest country in … . 3) Ukraine borders on … . 4) Ukraine has … regions. 5) The town and the villages are … . 6) The biggest regions are … . 7) Kyiv stands on … . 8) The longest river is … . 9) The main rivers are … . 10) Our country has many … .


2. Fill in the gaps. 1) We live … Ukraine. Ukraine … our … . 2) It is one of the … countries in Europe. Ukraine … on … countries. 3) Ukraine has … and the republic of … . 4) The largest regions of Ukraine are … . 5) There are many cities, … and villages in Ukraine. They are … green and nice. Many … live there. Kyiv is the … of Ukraine. 6) Kyiv stands on the … . 7) The … is one of the longest rivers in Europe.

3. Ask and answer some questions about Ukraine. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

What is the name of our Motherland? Is Ukraine large or small country? How many countries does Ukraine border on? How many regions does Ukraine have? What are the largest regions in Ukraine? Where do people live in Ukraine? What are the biggest cities of our country? What can you say about Kiyv? What are the main rivers of Ukraine? Why do we love our Motherland?

4. Listen to 10 statements. If the statement is true, put “+”. If it is not true, put “-“. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

Ukraine is a small country. Ukraine doesn’t border on Russia. Ukraine has 24 regions. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. Kyiv stands on the Dnipro. Ukraine doesn’t have any mountains. The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov are in Ukraine. Kharkiv and Donets’k are district centres. The longest river of Ukraine is the Samara. Ukraine is situated in Europe.


5. “Brain – ring” about Ukraine. Answer the questions: 1) Where is Ukraine situated? 2) What is the capital of Ukraine? 3) What is the population of Ukraine? 4) What is the longest river of Ukraine? 5) What rivers of Ukraine do you know? 6) What are its biggest cities? 7) What region do we live in? 8) Is our town a regional centre? 9) What are the colours on the Ukrainian flag? 10) What seas are there in Ukraine? 11) What mountains are there in Ukraine? 12) What countries does Ukraine border on?


Prepared by the teacher of English of school â„–10 L. I. Vovchak


I. Read the text about Ukraine and Ukrainians. Match the headings (1-8) with the paragraphs (A-G). There is one extra heading. 1. Ukrainian rivers and mountains 2. Natural resources of Ukraine 3. Tourism in Ukraine 4. Life in Ukrainian cities and villages 5. General information about the country 6. Famous Ukrainians 7. Climate of Ukraine 8. Geographical position of the country

A Ukraine is a beautiful country in Eastern Europe. It is famous for its hospitable people, magnificent scenery, fertile land, delicious food and fascinating traditions. Although it is an old nation, Ukraine is a new state as it only became an independent country at the end of the twentieth century. The population of Ukraine is approximately 46 million. There is a very high level of education in Ukraine, with nearly 100% literacy across the population. B It is a geographically interesting country as it is located at the crossroads between Europe and Asia. It is bordered by Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Moldova to the west, by Belarus to the north and by Russian Federation to the north-east and east. With a total area of 603,700 square kilometers Ukraine is the largest country on the continent of Europe. It’s slightly larger than France. C The country is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and has very important ports. The Ukrainian Carpathians and the Crimean Mountains are the most famous Ukrainian Mountains. The highest point in Ukraine , Mount Hoverla, is part of the Carpathians. It’s 2, 061 meters high. There are almost 23000 rivers within the borders of Ukraine. The longest river is the Dnipro, which is 966 kilometers long. Other notable rivers include the Dnister, the Donets, the Danube and the Southern Booh. Lake Svitiaz, which is in the Shatsk National Nature Park, is the deepest natural lake in the country. D Ukraine has a large variety of natural resourses. About 5% of the world’s natural resourses are located in Ukraine and mined for both local use and for export. Among them are iron ore, coal, natural gas, oil, salt, marble and granite. E The climate in Ukraine is mainly temperate continental. Summers tend to be hot but the temperature varies according to location. The Carpathian climate is moderate, with mild winters and rainy summers. The Crimean Mountains divide the Crimean peninsula, creating a subtropical climate, similar to the Mediterranean, in the southern area bordering the Black Sea.


F With its diverse climate and geography, Ukraine attracts visitors all year round. Crimea is a favourite summer destination not only for Ukrainian tourists, but also for visitors from countries across eastern and western Europe. Northern and western Ukraine are hilly, forested areas with many picturesque vountain resorts. The Carpathian Mountains are very popular for winter sports. There is no doubt, Ukraine is a wonderful country to live in and to visit. G Ukraine has a very rich and varied culture and history. It has given the world many brilliant names in literature, history, painting, music and science. Famous poets Taras Shevchenko and Lesia Ukrainka, writer Ivan Franko, scientist Yevhen Paton, artist Kateryna Bilokur and other prominent Ukrainians from the past have played an important role in promoting Ukrainian culture and values around the world. This has continued with the latest generation of successful Ukrainians like football player Andriy Shevchenko, Volodymyr and Vitaliy Klichrko, singers Nina Matvienko, Sofia Rotaru and Volodymyr Hryshko, astronaut Leonid Kadeniuk and swimmer Yana Klochkova.

II. Are the sentences true or false? 1. Ukraine is a country in Western Europe. 2. It became an independent country in the middle of the twentieth century. 3.Ukraine is larger than France. 4. The level of education in Ukraine is not so high. 5. The highest point in Ukraine is Makovitsia. 6. Lake Svitiaz is the deepest one in the country. 7. The longest river is the Dnister. 8. The Carpathian Mountains are very popular for summer sports. 9. Yevhen Paton is a famous Ukrainian artist. 10. Ukraine attracts visitors all year round.


III. Choose the best answer: a, b or c to the questions 1.Which is the second largest country in Europe? a) Ukraine; b) France; c) Poland. 2.What is the literacy rate in Ukraine? a) low; b) high; c) medium. 3. In which part of Ukraine is Mount Hoverla? a) western; b) southern; c) eastern. 4.What is the climate in the southern area? a) temperate continental; b) moderate; c) subtropical. 5.What natural resources are there in Ukraine? a) oil, gas and gold; b) marble, granite and silver; c) iron ore, salt and coal. 6. What area is very popular for winter sports? a) the Carpathian Mountains; b) the Shatsk Nature Park; c) Crimea. 7. What are the notable rivers of the country? a) theDnipro, the Bug, the Dnister; b) the Donets, the Danube,the Volga; c) the Dnister, the Danube, the Dnipro. 8. What is the favourite summer destination? a) Crimea; b) Mount Hoverla; c) the eastern part of the country.


9. Which part of Ukraine is hilly and forested? a) central; b) eastern; c) northern and western. 10.Who has gained international recognition for the achievements in science? a) Kateryna Bilokur; b) Yevhen Paton; c) Nina Matviienko.

IV. Complete the text by choosing the correct option: A, B, C or D, to fill each gap Ukraine is a _________ country in Eastern Europe. It is famous for its hospitable people, magnificent ________, fertile land, ________ food and fascinating traditions. It is a geographically interesting country as it is ____ at the ___________ between Europe and Asia. It is _________ by Poland, Hungary, Romania and Moldova to the west, by Belarus to the north and by the Russian Federation to the north-east and east. With a _______ area of 603,700 square kilometers. Ukraine is the largest country on the continent of Europe. It’s _________ larger than France. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


beautiful face delicious disposed passing passed universal slightly

B pretty B prospects B nice B located B crossroads B placed B general B more

C good C form C eatable C arranged C crossing C bordered C common C less

D good-looking D scenery D edible D put D transition D lie D total D some

V. Prepare a presentation about your country. Follow the guidelines. Be ready to answer the questions from your classmates. Start like this: I’m going to talk about… or The topic of my presentation is…


Then give brief information about:

- general information about the country - geographical position - rivers and mountains - natural resources - climate - tourism in Ukraine - famous Ukrainians

Finish like this: I’m happy to answer any questions. Does anyone have any questions or


VI. Complete some facts about Ukraine Do you know that…

Ukraine is the second most populous country of the former Soviet Union, after ………….? - there are five cities with a population of more than one million? These are: ………. , ……….. , …………, …………, …………. . - the state language belongs to the …………………. language group? - the Ukrainian language is very melodious, the second most melodious in the world, after ………. ? - the Ukrainian women are the most ………. in the world ? - Ukraine’s longest river is the ………..? -Mount …….. is the highest one in the country? - Ukraine has more than ……. lakes? - Lake …….. is the deepest natural lake in the country? - The deepest point of the Black Sea is ……….?-


Prepared by the teachers of English of school â„–6 L. V. Komarnytska and N. V. Hilchenko


Ukraine – Land of Contrasts 1.Ukraine is a land of contrasts, from north to south and east to west, in geography, language and culture. It is the largest country in Europe, not counting Russia, but has a population of only around 45 million people, a little less than Spain, meaning that it is easy to find quiet and natural places where you can unwind. In Ukraine there is something for everyone: mountains in the south and west, the beautiful Black Sea, unspoilt forests and open country and, of course, the rich soils of Ukraine. The flag of Ukraine, like its neighbours Poland and Sweden, has two colours – in Ukraine’s case, blue and yellow – and it can be seen flying proudly from official buildings throughout the country. 2.The famous capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, is a large city where almost 3 million people live. It is one of the oldest cities in this part of Europe and is a magnificent mixture of the old and the new, with a wide variety of attractions, including countless beautiful historic buildings and monuments and a modern metro system to help you visit it all. There is a lot to visit, from cultural attractions like museums, theatres and galleries to sports like football and ice-hockey. And if you are very lucky, you might just see one of the world heavyweight boxing champions, Ukraine’s Klitschko brothers, visiting their home country during your visit! When you visit Ukraine you should not only visit Kyiv, of course. Be sure to visit Kharkiv in the east and beautiful Odesa in the south by the sea, and historic Lviv in the west – at the very least! If you come to Ukraine, better make it a long visit! 3.The name of Ukraine is easy for foreigners because it the same in almost all languages – in English “Ukraine”, in Polish “Ukraina”, in Irish “Ucrain” but saying anything else in the Ukrainian language can be difficult, especially if you do not know the Cyrillic alphabet. There is to no need to worry, though, as Ukrainians are very patient with foreigners trying to speak their language. There are other languages spoken in Ukraine, especially Russian and, in the west, Polish, and today more and more Ukrainians are learning English, French, and German. 4.Ukrainian food is tasty and filling – you certainly won’t be hungry after a real Ukrainian meal! Make sure you try traditional dishes like borsch (beetroot soup), varenyky (filled dumplings, very similar to Polish pierogi) and holubtsy (stuffed cabbage rolls), not


forgetting, of course, the world-famous Chicken Kiev which, though not a traditional Ukrainian dish, originated in Ukraine and became famous in the West. 5.The true treasure of Ukraine, however, is not its mountains or its waterfalls, not its architecture or its food; the true treasure of Ukraine is its people. In the cities people’s lifestyles can be very hectic and the people quite stressed – in fact, sometimes visitors to Ukraine say that Ukrainians do not smile too much… until you get to know them. Then the famous hospitality of the Ukrainians comes to life. If you are invited to visit a Ukrainian and their flat or house, be ready for a long and lively visit!

Glossary a wide variety of attractions (phr) різноманітні пам’ятки і пам’ятні місця breathtaking (adj) захоплюючий countless (adj) незлічені filling (adj) поживна heavyweight (category) (adj) важка вагова (категорія) proudly (adv) гордо unspoilt (adj) незіпсований

1.Quiz Do the quiz. Then compare your answers with a partner. HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR COUNTRY? 1.Which of these countries has a bigger population than Ukraine? a Argentina

b Canada

c Spain

2.How many countries in the European Union are bigger (km2) than Ukraine? a none

b one

c two

3.In which language is the name of the country “Ucrain”? a Hungarian

b Finnish

c Irish 36

4. The Ukrainian flag has two colours on it, blue and yellow. Which country does not have only two colours on its flag? a Poland

b Brazil

c Sweden

5. One of the most popular dishes in Ukraine is varenyky. Which country has a very similar dish to this? a Germany

b Greece

c Poland

2. Read the text quickly to check your answers to the quiz.

3. Read the text again and match the headings to the paragraphs. There is one extra heading. a So much to see! b Home is where the heart is c Popular with everybody d Bon appetit! e Far from the crowds f Quite a challenge!

4. Vocabulary Match the highlighter words in the text to the correct definitions below. 1. very good, fantastic, super __________ 2. something very special and valuable, perhaps like gold or silver ________ 3. this is how you feel when you have a lot of problems ____ 4. being friendly and generous when people visit you _____ 5. important or famous because of history ____________ 6. the way that a person or a group of people live _______ 7. when you have no worries and you have some time you can do this ______ 8. a person who is this can wait without getting angry or upset ___________


5. Work in groups and discuss the questions. 1. Do you agree with the information in the text? What other information would you add? 2. This brochure is about the whole country. Imagine you are going to make a similar brochure about the city, town or village you come from. What information would you include? 3. What is it important for tourists to know before they visit Ukraine? What advice would you give them? Think of at least three pieces of advice. 4. Is there anything about Ukraine that tourists might not like?

My Culture Project 6. Work in a small group. Plan an advertising campaign to encourage people to come and visit Ukraine. Think about the following questions. 1. What photographs (buildings, places, people) could you use for advertisements and billboards? 2. What music (you may choose more than one singer, song or style) would best represent your country? 3. Which celebrities would you choose to be the public face of your country? 4. What slogan can you think of for the campaign?

7. Imagine an English tourist is on holiday in your country. What do you think the person might like and not like during his or her visit? Write an email from the tourist to a friend, describing their holiday.


Hi John Three days in Ukraine for me now and it’s been a fantastic holiday so far! On the first day I … I’ve also… The best thing so far was… The only thing I wasn’t so keen on was… Tomorrow I’m going to… Write soon

National Symbols The National Flag first appeared in 1848. The flag has two stripes: a blue one above a yellow one. The colours are symbolic – yellow for wheat in the fields and blue for the sky above them. The flag became a symbol of the all-Ukrainian unity. The Ukrainian Anthem is a song called “Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished”. Its Iyrics were written by Pavlo Chubynskyi and it was published in 1863. The same year it was set to music by Mykhailo Verbytskyi. The catchy melody and patriotic words made this song very popular among Ukrainians. Article 20 in the Constitution of Ukraine of 1996 defines it as the state anthem. The National Emblem (Coat of Arms) of Ukraine is a trident. It is the most ancient and dignified of all the Ukrainian symbols. Its history goes back to the first century A.D. The classic shape of the Ukrainian trident was found of the coins of Volodymyr the Great, who ruled in the 10th century. Then, it was a mark of authority, and a symbol of the ethnic groups which made up the Ukrainian nation.


Lead-in Every country has its national symbols. What are Ukraine’s symbols and what are they called in English?

What colours is the Ukrainian flag? What do they stand for? Read or listen and check. Reading. 1. Read and match the dates to the symbols. Then, read and check. 1848

the anthem


the emblem

10th century

the flag

2. Read the text and mach the names to the nouns they refer to. Pavlo






3. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the nouns from the list: *sky *melody *text *symbol A yellow


B blue


C patriotic


D catchy


E ancient



Speaking. Choose one of the Ukrainian symbols and describe it to your classmates.


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