學佛必備基本教材 The basic materials for learning Buddhism
地 藏 菩 薩 本 願 經 The Sutra of the Past Original Vows of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva
編 輯 者:江 禪 楷(江 永 長) Editor:CHIANG CHAN-KAI (CHIANG YUNG-CHANG)
附記: ˊ ㄉㄨ
凡所有經典聖書,不管什麼宗教,皆神聖不可犯瀆 ,看好要擺放在 最恭敬處,不可隨意與他物雜置;自己看完要流通或自可保存再讀; ˋ ㄓㄨㄟ
如經書破損亦應妥為補綴 ,若有不堪使用應拿到佛寺金爐銷毀,不 可隨意當廢紙回收,除非量太多。信徒印製經書氾濫,未必有功德, 糟蹋浪費資源,反遭損福,不可不慎,是因經書都有龍天護法神在 護持;特此奉告,否則受懲可划不來。切記!
地藏菩薩本願經目錄 地藏菩薩本願經目錄 自序(preface)......................................................................................................8 釋經題 譯者...........................................................................................................9 一、忉利天宮神通品第一
Chapter I:Spiritual Penetrations in the Palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven..................10
Chapter II:The Division Bodies Gather............42
Chapter III:Contemplating the Karmic Conditions of Beings..........................................52
四、閻浮提眾生業感品第四 Chapter IV:Karmic Retributions of Jambudvipa Mantra and Praise..........................66
Chapter V:Names of Hells......................................95
Chapter VI:The Thus Come One's Praises...…….108
Chapter VII:Benefiting the Living and the Dead..131
八、閻羅王眾讚歎品第八 Chapter VIII:Praises of King Yama and His Followers..........................................................144
Chapter IX:The Names of Buddhas Mantra and Praise.................................................................166
十、校量布施功德緣品第十 Chapter X:The Conditions and Comparative Merits and Virtues of Giving........179
Chapter XI:The Dharma Protection of an Earth Spirit..........................................................193
Chapter XII:Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing.........................................................200
Chapter XIII:The Entrustment of People and Gods.............................................................230
跋(postscript)...................................................................................................245 -3-
地藏法門介紹 地藏法門介紹: 介紹: 地藏菩薩昔於忉利天宮,受佛陀的囑咐,於釋迦寂滅後,當來的 彌勒佛未生前,在這過渡期間,娑婆世界的眾生交由地藏菩薩度化。 釋迦牟尼佛把這一重擔交給地藏,並殷勤囑咐他,要對尚在惡趣的苦 難眾生,給予特別關心,令其改邪歸正,離苦得樂。至彌勒佛出世時, 使娑婆世界眾生,皆得解脫。地藏常居穢土,現出家相。穢土的眾生, 無明痴暗,多諸邪見。地藏為令眾生「尊敬三寶,深信因果」 ,故現出 家相。 地藏菩薩本生事跡,在地藏本願經中依其重要有記載者四次:即 (一)過去不可思議阿僧祇劫,有佛號「覺華定自在王如來」 ,地藏那 時為婆羅門女,其母悅地利,不信三寶,修邪道,死後墮地獄受苦。 ˋ ㄅㄧㄥ
此女賣家產,廣求香花,於佛塔寺,大興供養。以致誠恭敬,摒 除雜 念,一心稱念佛號。其母承孝女功德,得離獄生天。 (二)地藏又於過 去無量劫中為孝女,名曰光目。其母生前喜吃魚子,犯殺生罪極重。 光目女知母死後必墮惡趣,請阿羅漢入定觀,見其母在地獄受大難。 光目女一心念佛,恭敬供養,以誠孝心,拔救其母離地獄之苦。此皆 以孝道感動天地而獲救。此中精神正與中國人特重孝道不謀而合。所 以地藏之精神尤受中國人所普遍尊敬。(三)在過去久遠不可說劫前, 地藏曾為大長者子,彼時有佛名「師子奮迅具足萬行如來」 。長者子見 佛相好莊嚴,心生敬慕,問佛作何行願,而得此相?佛答:欲證此身, 當須久遠度脫一切受苦眾生。長者子遂發願:我今盡未來際,不可計 劫,是罪苦六道眾生,廣設方便,盡令解脫,而我自身,方成佛道。 (四) 又於過去無量劫前,有佛號「一切智成就如來」 ,未出家前,為一小國 王與鄰國王為友,同行十善,饒益眾生。一王發願: 「早成佛道,普度 眾生」。此即一切智成究如來。另一王發願:「若不先度一切眾生,脫 離苦海,令其安樂,得至菩提,絕不成佛。」此即是地藏菩薩是。此 故事反映地藏菩薩的大願: 「眾生度盡方證菩提,地獄不空,誓不成佛。」 。地 地藏度眾是那裡最艱苦,就到那裡去(以上發願的順序略有調整) -4-
藏勸人勿造地獄之惡因,造如下四類十一種罪能使人墮入地獄:即(一) 五無間罪:殺父、母、阿羅漢、出佛身血、破和合僧。 (二)造五無間 四根本罪:殺、盜、淫、妄語。(三)謗正法。(四)疑三寶。若人犯 以上罪之任何一種皆必墮無五間地獄。地藏菩薩向人宣傳此些罪是墮 地獄之因緣。使人明白甚麼是善與惡,要認清地獄之極惡業,才能避 惡就善。 地藏菩薩的大願是要令一切眾生皆成佛道,然後自己才成佛;然 眾生無盡,地獄也難以度盡;這樣祂就成為不作佛道的大悲菩薩。這 種先利人再利己的偉大精神是如何的崇高偉大。地藏菩薩對眾生造惡 業,而宣導因果報應說絕無虛有,在地藏本願經裡列舉二十三種,說 如是因感如是果,自作自受,業感緣起的必然結果。地藏之苦口婆心 用意,在說明吾人對自己的思想、語言、行動,要自行負責,別人是 不能為你代替的。這對現代的社會具有積極教化的淨心領導作用。佛 教的因果報應真理,真是當頭棒喝,很值得當今為政者慎思之。誰敢 說佛教是迷信。未來世有善男子善女人,見地藏形像及聞此經,乃至 讀誦,香花、飲食、衣服、珍寶、布施供養,讚歎瞻禮,得二十八種 利益:(一)天龍護念。(二)善果日增。(三)集聖上因。(四)菩提 不退。(五)衣食豐足。(六)疾疫不臨。(七)離水火災。(八)無盜 賊厄。(九)人見欽敬。(十)神鬼助持。(十一)女轉男身。(十二) 為王臣女。(十三)端正相好。 (十四)多生天上。(十五)或為帝王。 (十六)宿智命通。 (十七)有求皆從。 (十八)眷屬歡樂。 (十九)諸 橫消滅。 (二十)業道永除。 (二十一)去處盡通。 (二十二)夜夢安樂。 (二十三)先亡離苦。 (二十四)宿福受生。 (二十五)諸聖讚歎。 (二 十六)聰明利根。 (二十七)饒慈愍心。 (二十八)畢竟成佛。 故吾人現生此世界,在彌勒佛未來前,地藏菩薩是此世界教主, 大家應皈依地藏,好好地修人天福報,免墮惡趣。
爐香乍爇 法界蒙薰 諸佛海會悉遙聞 隨處結祥雲 誠意方殷 諸佛現全身 南無香雲蓋菩薩摩訶薩(三稱)
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無上甚深微妙法 百千萬劫難遭遇 我今見聞得受持 願解如來真實義 南無本師釋迦牟尼佛(三稱)
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伐日剌斛 三婆咈 耶耶曩 嗡
底尾娑婆訶 度嚕度嚕 嗡 母馱喃 南無三滿多
咈日剌怛訶賀斛 嗡
摩訶修利 修利修利 嗡
修多利 修多利 嗡
讚 大士誓願不可測
覺林菩薩偈 華嚴第四會,夜摩天宮無量菩薩來集,說偈讚佛,爾時覺林菩 薩,承佛威力,遍觀十方,而說頌言: 譬如工畫師, 譬如工畫師,分布諸彩色, 分布諸彩色,虛妄取異相, 妄取異相,大種無差別, 大種無差別,大種中無色, 大種中無色, 色中無大種, 色中無大種,亦不離大種, 亦不離大種,而有色可得; 而有色可得;心中無彩畫, 心中無彩畫,彩畫中無心, 彩畫中無心, 然不離於心, 然不離於心,有彩畫可得。 有彩畫可得。彼心恒不住, 彼心恒不住,無量難思議, 無量難思議,示現一切色, 示現一切色, 各各不相知; 各各不相知;譬如工畫師, 譬如工畫師,不能知自心, 不能知自心,而由心故畫。 而由心故畫。諸法性如是, 諸法性如是, 心如工畫師, 心如工畫師,能畫諸世間, 能畫諸世間,五蘊悉從生, 五蘊悉從生,無法而不造。 無法而不造。如心佛亦爾, 如心佛亦爾, 如佛眾生然, 如佛眾生然,應知佛與心, 應知佛與心,體性皆無盡。 體性皆無盡。若人知心行, 若人知心行,普造諸世間, 普造諸世間, 是人則見佛。 是人則見佛。了佛真實性, 了佛真實性,心不住於身, 心不住於身,身亦不住於心, 身亦不住於心,而能作佛事, 而能作佛事, 自在未曾有。 自在未曾有。若人欲了知, 若人欲了知,三世一切佛, 三世一切佛,應觀法界性, 應觀法界性,一切唯心造。 一切唯心造。
自序 佛法最高之準則是緣起性空,凡合乎此原則才是真佛法,違此原 則是仿佛法、方便法,甚至是魔法。觀當今之哲學家與科學家,無不 證明此法則千真萬確。正如太虛大師所說的「諸法眾緣生、唯識現。」 「眾緣生」 ,故萬物相因互入而成一體。 「唯識現」 ,故無心外之物,而 能所、主客、心物不分。然則世界便是一個不可分解的整體,而絕不 可能有真正分離隔絕的個體;舉凡世上出現的現象,任何一個都應該 是整體宇宙的一相。世上每一件事事物物都無所不在、無時不在;宇 宙中的每一件事物,其內容都相當於整個宇宙的內容;宇宙即一大化 之流,世上無恆常之物(以上是摘自佛學與當代自然觀一書中李日章 教授結語部份之精華) 。我們人平時之起心動念,身、口、意三業造作, 無非是黑、白業或無記業,皆儲存於阿賴耶識中,如電腦之記憶體, 一但觸到機緣,便隨時出現。故受善惡報應,如影隨身,絲毫不爽, 非常公平,不得怨天尤人。所謂「善有善報,惡有惡報,不是不報, 是時候未到。」每個人都要對自己的行為業力負全責,旁人是無能為 力的。但如能及時懺悔清淨、念佛菩薩聖號,皈依三寶,如法修行, 還有緩解之道;諸君不防仔細看這本地藏經,依教奉行,便可釋懷。 本經是一部孝經,從地藏菩薩發心救母,甘願多劫生在最痛苦的地獄 及五道中救拔無數眾生,直到他(/ 她)們都已成佛,自己方證菩提。 世人若能體會此道,則要多麼感謝菩薩之精神偉大,同時也不敢造惡 業,自己受害也連累菩薩。若人人能愛惜自己,關懷他人,互相包容、 體諒、尊重,用同理心同情別人之處境,則家庭、社會、國家、世界 之糾紛,可指望消矣,世界太平指日可待矣。再試觀人間現實煉獄, 並不輸於地獄之痛,在吾人周遭只要留心注意,到處都有,不必等到 下地獄,才懊悔為時已遲矣,奉勸世人多多行善。
地藏菩薩本願經解 前言: 前言:本經翻譯文句簡明扼要,義理易懂,一般人閱讀起來較沒困難, 但若深入探討,實不可忽視;整部經都闡述因果循環不滅的道理,也 是佛教的基本法則,只要體會本經的意義,身體力行則成佛有餘。現 在距佛涅槃二千五百多年,是末法時代,此經正應合時機,也是一部 ˇ ㄐㄧㄡ
能發揮針灸 時代孝道的偉大經典,實不可等閒視之。
『壹』、釋經題 、釋經題: 釋經題: 地藏二字, 「地」者能住持一切眾生,生長一切藥穀莖果雜糧草木、 供養一切眾生之生命; 「藏」者能含藏蓋覆諸珍寶,如需救濟貧苦,成 就事業,乃當出用。又「地」即吾人之心地, 「藏」即是吾人本來之如 來之佛性。再者說菩薩二字, 「菩薩」乃菩提薩埵之簡略語,義為「覺 有情」 ,指上求佛道,下化眾生之大乘佛弟子。又本願,指菩薩從初發 心本來之根本大願。經者,梵語叫「修多羅」 ,契經之義,指上契合諸 佛深奧之理,下契眾生之根機。經者是釋迦牟尼佛所說之法的通稱。
『貳』、譯者 、譯者: 譯者: 本經是唐朝之于闐國三藏沙門實叉難陀所翻譯;是中國唐朝西域 ˊ ㄊㄧㄢ
新疆之于闐 國,一個精通經、律、論三藏的法師,叫實叉難陀的人所 翻譯的經本。實叉難陀翻成華語叫「學喜」 ,指修三無漏學戒、定、慧, 而得法喜。
讚 稽首本然淨心地
慈因積善,誓救眾生,手中金錫,振開地獄之門,掌上明珠,光攝大千世界, 智慧音裡,吉祥雲中,為閻浮提苦眾生,作大證明功德主,大悲大願,大聖 大慈,本尊地藏菩薩摩訶薩。
地藏菩薩本願經( 地藏菩薩本願經(上卷) The Sutra of the Past Original Vows Of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva(Volume 1)
忉利天宮神通品第一 CHAPTER I Spiritual Penetrations in the Palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven 【釋品題】 ,又分上、中、下三卷,第一品 釋品題】:本經共有十三品(段落) : 是在解釋釋迦牟尼佛上欲界忉利天宮,含笑放光顯神通。 「神」是神妙 不可測,「通」是通達無礙,乃智慧之妙用地;「神通」有六種,佛皆 具備:天眼通、天耳通、他心通、神足通、宿命通、漏盡通。凡修戒、 定、慧三學俱備得成就者可得之。外道不能得漏盡通,其他通也不深, 唯有佛與阿羅漢可俱備;但佛更深奧。
如是我聞。 如是我聞。一時佛在忉利天 一時佛在忉利天, 忉利天,為母說法。 為母說法。爾時十方 無量世界, 無量世界,不可說不可說一切諸佛, 不可說不可說一切諸佛,及大菩薩摩訶薩, 及大菩薩摩訶薩, 皆來集會。 皆來集會。 【英譯】 英譯】:Thus I have heard, on a certain time, Buddha was in the Trayastrimsha Heaven speaking Dharma for his mother. At that time, all the indescribable, indescribable numbers bodies of Buddha and Great Bodhisattva Mahasattva, who had come from infinite worlds in the Ten Directions, assembled and gathered there to listen Buddha’s teachings. 【註】:
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Trayastrimsha Heaven:忉利天 無量的
indescribable:不可說的 infinite:
Great Bodhisattva Mahasattva:大菩薩摩訶薩
【解】 :這部經典是我阿難,親耳從釋迦牟尼佛那裡聽來的,文義都正 : 確無誤。那時佛陀在入涅槃前,到欲界之忉利天宮,特別地為祂的母 親摩耶夫人說法。那時東、西、南、北、東北、東南、西南、西北、 上、下等十方,有無量數說不盡的一切佛,以及登上地的大菩薩們, 祂們可全都是以前曾為地藏菩薩所度化成功的,現在釋迦牟尼佛要把 人天眾苦難的眾生,交給地藏菩薩度化,祂們為了報地藏菩薩的宏恩, 都趕到天宮來參加這次法會,做為影響眾,來擁護這難得的地藏法會。 【註】:(一)六成就:一部佛經要具備六種成就,才能證明而相信是 佛陀所說的經;即:信、聞、時、主、處、眾等因緣具足,方能成就 講經道場。 「如是」是信成就; 「我聞」是聞成就; 「一時」是指講經的 時間;佛在忉利天」是主成就與處成就; 「爾時十方無量世界」是眾成 就。 (二)忉利天:欲界第二層天,有三十三位天王,分在四方各有八 天,中央有個天主統領其他三十二天,他叫釋提桓因,也是所謂俗稱 的「天公」。祂是佛的弟子。
讚歎釋迦牟尼佛 讚歎釋迦牟尼佛, 釋迦牟尼佛,能於五濁惡世, 能於五濁惡世,現不可思議大智 現不可思議大智 慧神通之力, 慧神通之力,調伏剛強眾生, 調伏剛強眾生,知苦樂法, 知苦樂法,各遣侍者, 各遣侍者,問 訊世尊。 世尊。 【英譯】 :All of them praised that Shakyamuni Buddha is able to manifest 英譯】 his great unthinkable(/ inconceivable / incredible)wisdom and show his spiritual penetrations in the evil world of the Five Turbidities. They lauded that he can regulate and subdue those obstinate(/ stubborn / dogged)living beings so they can learn what causes suffering and what brings bliss. Each of them sent his attendants(/ companies / companions)to pay their very
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respects to the World Honored One. 【註】: manifest: 顯 現 laud:讚揚 bliss:福祐
spiritual: 精 神 上 的
penetration: 透 視 力
Five Turbidities: 五 濁
attendant:侍者 pay respects to:問安;問訊
living beings:眾生
the World Honored One:世
【解】 :這麼多無量無邊的諸佛,諸大菩薩都在稱揚讚歎我們的釋迦牟 : 尼佛,能在這所謂的五濁惡世:劫濁、見濁、煩惱濁、眾生濁、命濁 ˊ ㄨㄢ
ˋ ㄅㄧ
中,現不可思議大智慧神通之力,調教說服那些剛愎 自用、個性頑 強 的眾生,讓他們知道人世間有那八苦:生、老、病、死、愛別離、怨 ˋ ㄔ
憎會、求不得、五陰熾 盛等苦,甚至於無量諸苦。以及教導他們離苦 ˊ ㄆㄢ
ˋ ㄋㄧㄝ
得樂的方法,就是證得那涅 槃 究竟之樂,這無量諸佛都來了,而且各 都帶了侍者隨從,來向世尊問訊請安。
是時, 含笑,放百千萬億大光明雲, 放百千萬億大光明雲,所謂大圓 是時,如來含笑 如來含笑, 滿光明雲、 滿光明雲、大慈悲光明雲、 大慈悲光明雲、大智慧光明雲、 大智慧光明雲、大般若光明 雲、大三昧光明雲、 大三昧光明雲、大吉祥光明雲、 大吉祥光明雲、大福德光明雲、 大福德光明雲、大 功德光明雲、 功德光明雲、大歸依光明雲、 大歸依光明雲、大讚歎光明雲, 大讚歎光明雲,放如是等 不可說光明雲已。 不可說光明雲已。 【英譯】 :At that time, the Thus Come One smiled and emitted billions of 英譯】 great light clouds. Those were so called the light cloud of great fullness, the light cloud of great compassion, the light cloud of great wisdom, the light cloud of great prajna, the light cloud of great samadhi, the light cloud of great auspiciousness, the light cloud of great blessings, the light cloud of great merit and virtue, the light cloud of great refuge, and the light cloud of great praise. Thus afterwards he had emitted indescribably many light
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clouds. 【註】: the Thus Come One:如來 emit:放光 昧
compassion:慈悲 prajna:般若
merit and virtue:功德
samadhi:三 refuge:歸依
【解】 :十方無量諸佛及諸大菩薩等,集會到忉利天宮的時候,如來要 : 發起地藏法會了,放光招集有緣之人,宣說妙法。放種種的光明,每 ˊ ㄓㄨ
一種光都要遍滿虛空,像雲一樣而且是遍照無量世界。無幽不燭 ,高 山不能阻,屋瓦不能障,比日月等光強過百千萬億倍,故曰「大光明」。 ˋ ㄖㄨㄣ
雲者蔭覆滋潤。佛陀放滋潤一切眾生,解除熱毒煩惱,滋 潤 心田的善 根生長,眾生的心地得到光明,明白孝敬父母雙親的道理。在地藏經 中,如來一共三次放光。這是第一次,為什麼要含笑放光呢?表示佛 ˇ ㄓㄨ
陀化緣將盡,囑 累有人。該度已度,未度者已種下得度因緣。再住世 對眾生也沒有利益,不是佛不住世,而是眾生的善根因緣不夠、不成 熟,那怎麼辦呢?所以佛陀找了一個發大願、發大菩提心的地藏王菩 薩,來度化這些未得度的眾生,所以佛陀面容含笑放光。如下所列之 十種光明雲,且佛所放的光明雲很多,多到無法說清楚,放完了光明 雲以後。 【註】:(一)大圓滿光明雲:指佛三覺圓滿,具足一切世、出世間的 ˋ ㄧㄣ
圓滿功德,像雲一樣到處覆蔭 利潤眾生,普令眾生無畏而且安樂。 (二) 大慈悲光明雲:指佛救度一切未成佛的眾生,全部給予安樂,拔苦。 (三) 大智慧光明雲、大般若光明雲:指佛放大智慧、大般若光明雲,攝受 眾生使令顯發人人本具,個個現成的本性妙智。以破除眾生一切妄念 ˋ ㄔㄜ
痴迷。 (四)大三昧光明雲:指佛於大正定中放光明雲,照徹 眾生令息 狂心,安住定境受持佛法。 (五)大吉祥光明雲:指佛放大吉祥雲,能 消災免難,斷煩惱、破無明。 (六)大福德光明雲、大功德光明雲:指
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佛放福德、功德光明雲,令眾生能知培福德,進而用功修行積功德。 (七) 大歸依光明雲:指佛放大歸依光明雲,令眾生認知只有佛才是真正的 歸依處。 (八)大讚歎光明雲:指佛放如是光明雲,為令眾生來讚歎三 寶功德。
ˋ ㄔㄢ
又出種種微妙之音, 又出種種微妙之音 , 所謂檀 所謂 檀 波羅蜜音、 波羅蜜音、ㄕ 波羅蜜 音、羼 提波羅蜜音、 波羅蜜音、毘離耶波羅蜜音 毘離耶波羅蜜音、 波羅蜜音、禪波羅蜜音、 羅蜜音、 般若波羅蜜音 般若波羅蜜音, 波羅蜜音,慈悲音、 慈悲音、喜捨音、 喜捨音、解脫音、 解脫音、無漏音、 無漏音、智 慧音、 慧音、大智慧音、 大智慧音、獅子吼音、 獅子吼音、大獅子吼音、 大獅子吼音、雲雷音、 雲雷音、大 雲雷音。 雲雷音。 【英譯】 英譯】:Then the Thus Come One also uttered many wonderful, subtle sounds. Those were so called the sound of dana paramita, the sound of shila paramita, the sound of kshanti paramita, the sound of virya paramita, the sound of dhyana paramita, and the sound of prajna paramita. There was the sound of compassion, the sound of joyous giving, the sound of liberation, the sound of no-outflows, the sound of wisdom, the sound of great wisdom, the sound of the Lion's roar, the sound of the Great Lion's roar, the sound of thunderclouds, and the sound of great thunderclouds. 【註】: utter:發出
dana paramita:檀那(佈施)波羅蜜
shila:ㄕ ㄕ(持戒) )
dhyana:禪定 prajna:般若(智慧)
no-outflow:無漏 thundercloud:雲雷
【解】 :佛放了光明雲之後,接著又放出很多極微妙好聽的聲音,也是 : 佛的法音。佛出世間,為利樂一切眾生故,設種種方便善巧方法,如 良醫醫病開種種藥方,對治奇難雜症。如眾生慳貪,佛就教他行布施
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ˋ ㄏㄨㄟ
(檀波羅蜜) 。如眾生毀犯,佛就教他持戒(ㄕ波羅蜜) 。如眾生瞋 恚
ˋ ㄉㄞ
ˋ ㄒㄧㄝ
愛生氣,佛就教他忍辱(羼提波羅蜜)。如眾生懈 怠 ,佛就教他要精 進(毘離耶波羅蜜)。如眾生散亂,佛就教他修禪定(禪波羅蜜)。又 。如眾生不能行 如眾生愚癡無明顛倒,佛就教他修智慧(般若波羅蜜) 慈、悲、喜、捨四無量心,佛就教他修四無量心。如眾生不能解脫, ˋ ㄍㄨㄚ
ˊ ㄈㄨ
ˊ ㄔㄢ
達到無漏的境界,佛就放解脫音,讓他遠離煩惱等惑業的纏 縛 ,無罣
無礙而解脫。如眾生沒智慧,佛就放般若大智慧音,讓眾生獲得大智 慧。如眾生昏暗,佛就以獅子吼叫的聲音,讓眾生驚醒,趕緊精進修 行,不要沉迷昏睡。又如眾生愚痴沒智慧,佛就像發出打雷般的威力 聲音,來震驚覺醒迷惑的眾生。
ˋ ㄒㄧ
出如是等不可說不可說音已, 世界,及他方國 出如是等不可說不可說音已,娑婆世界 娑婆世界, 土,有無量億天龍鬼神, 所謂四天王 有無量億天龍鬼神,亦集到忉利天 亦集到忉利天宮 忉利天宮,所謂四天王 天、忉利天 忉利天、須燄摩天 須燄摩天、兜率陀天 兜率陀天、化樂天 化樂天、他化自在 天、梵眾天 梵眾天、梵輔天 梵輔天、大梵天 大梵天、少光天 少光天、無量光天 無量光天、光 音天、少淨天 少淨天、無量淨天 無量淨天、遍淨天 遍淨天、福生天 福生天、福愛天 福愛天、 廣果天 無想天、無煩天 無煩天、無熱天 無熱天、善見天 善見天、善現天 善現天、 廣果天、無想天 色究竟天 色究竟天、摩醯 首羅天 首羅天、乃至非想非非想處 乃至非想非非想處天 非想非非想處天,一切 天眾、 天眾、龍眾、 龍眾、鬼神等眾, 鬼神等眾,悉來集會。 悉來集會。 【英譯】 英譯】:After he had uttered indescribably and indescribably many sounds, there were countless millions of heavenly people, dragons, ghosts, and gods, from the Saha and other worlds also gathered together in the Palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven. They came from so called the Heaven of the Four Kings, the Trayastrimsha Heaven, the Suyama Heaven, the Tushita Heaven, the Blissful Transformations Heaven, and the Heaven of Comfort Gained Through Others' Transformations. They came from the Heaven of the Multitudes of Brahma, the Heaven of the Ministers of
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Brahma, the Heaven of the Great Brahma Lord, the Heaven of Lesser Light, the Heaven of Limitless Light, the Heaven of Light Sound, the Heaven of Lesser Purity, the Heaven of Limitless Purity, and the Heaven of Universal Purity. They came from the Birth of Blessings Heaven, the Love of Blessings Heaven, the Abundant Fruit Heaven, the No Thought Heaven, the No Affliction Heaven, the No Heat Heaven, the Good Views Heaven, the Good Manifestation Heaven, the Ultimate Form Heaven, the Maheshvara Heaven, and so forth, to the Heaven of the Station of Neither Thought Nor Non-Thought. All those groups of heavenly people, dragons, ghosts, and gods and so forth came and gathered together. 【註】: Saha:娑婆
Transformation:化樂天 淨天
Abundant Fruit:廣果天
Universal Purity:遍
Form:色究竟天 Maheshvara:摩醯首羅天
【解】:佛釋放出的妙音,多到無法計算,簡直是不可形容的多之後, : 在我們所居住的堪忍娑婆世界,以及除了我們的世界外,虛空中還有 他方無量世界的國土,有無量億數目的天龍鬼神,也一起集會到忉利 天宮,來參加這次盛會;有三界中的六欲界天有:四天王天、忉利天、 ˋ ㄌㄩ
ˋ ㄧㄢ
須燄 摩天、兜 率 陀天、化樂天、他化自在天等,這些天眾還有男女的 ˊ ㄧㄣ
婬 欲心,以修布施,持五戒十善之福德,而上生天界享福的眾生。還 ˋ ㄈㄢ
有色界十九天的有:梵 眾天、梵輔天、大梵天、少光天、無量光天、 光音天、少淨天、無量淨天、遍淨天、福生天、福愛天、廣果天、無 ˋ ㄒㄧ
想天、無煩天、無熱天、善見天、善現天、色究竟天、摩醯 首羅天等 等,這些天界的眾生,他們除了修以上之福報外,還修高低不同的禪 定與智慧,而生入此界,此色界天的眾生色身非常清淨,已無男女之
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欲。還有無色界的四天:就是空無邊處天、識無邊處天、無所有處天、 非想非非想處天等等天眾,他們都已修到沒有色身,只留神識,禪定 ˋ ㄊㄚ
ˋ ㄙㄨ ㄟ
的功夫深邃 難測。一切天眾以及天龍八部之鬼神,還有夜叉、乾闥 婆、 ˊ ㄑㄧㄝ
ˊ ㄌㄨㄛ
ˊ ㄏㄡ
ˊ ㄇㄛ
ˊ ㄌㄨ ㄛ
ˊ ㄌㄡ
ㄐ ㄧㄚ
阿修羅、迦 樓 羅 、緊那羅、摩 侯 羅 伽 等等,都會集來到忉利天宮, 聆聽佛陀宣說地藏法會。
復有他方國土, 復有他方國土,及娑婆世界 娑婆世界, 世界,海神、 海神、江神、 江神、河神、 河神、 樹神、 樹神、山神、 山神、地神、 地神、川澤神、 川澤神、苗稼神、 苗稼神、晝神、 晝神、夜神、 夜神、衣 神、空神、 空神、天神、 天神、飲食神、 飲食神、草木神, 草木神,如是等神, 如是等神,皆來集 會。 【英譯】 :Moreover, there were sea spirits, river spirits, stream spirits, tree 英譯】 spirits, mountain spirits, earth spirits, brook and marsh spirits, sprout and seedling spirits, day, night, clothes,and space spirits, heaven spirits, food and drink spirits, grass and wood spirits, and other such spirits from the Saha and other worlds came and gathered together. 【註】: marsh:沼澤地 sprout and seedling:苗稼
【解】 :不但娑婆世界的,而且還有他方無量億國土八部眾,鬼神眾也 : ˊ ㄌㄧㄥ
雲集到忉利天宮,參加聆 聽佛說地藏菩薩的殊勝因地與願行。這些如 管理海、江、河、樹、山、地、川澤、苗稼、晝、夜、衣、空、天、 飲食、草木等等諸神,各有其司的神,他們有的是業報所感,但也有 神是大菩薩所發願的,擁護諸佛道場而大權示現的神王,這麼多的神 王護法皆來集會。
復有他方國土, 復有他方國土,及娑婆世界 娑婆世界, 世界,諸大鬼王。 諸大鬼王。所謂: 所謂:惡 目鬼王、 鬼王、噉血鬼王 噉血鬼王、 鬼王、噉精氣鬼王 噉精氣鬼王、 鬼王、噉胎卵鬼 噉胎卵鬼王、行病鬼 行病鬼 - 17 -
王、攝毒鬼王 攝毒鬼王、 鬼王、慈心鬼王 慈心鬼王、 鬼王、福利鬼王 福利鬼王、 鬼王、大愛敬鬼王 大愛敬鬼王, 鬼王,如 是等鬼王, 是等鬼王,皆來集會。 皆來集會。 【英譯】 :In addition, there were also all the great Ghost Kings from other 英譯】 worlds and the Saha. They all gathered together. They were so called the Ghost King Evil Eyes, the Ghost King Blood-drinker, the Ghost King Essence and Energy-eater, the Ghost King Fetus and Egg-eater, the Ghost King Spreader of Sickness, the Ghost King Collector of Poisons, the Ghost King Kind-hearted, the Ghost King Blessings and Benefits, the Ghost King Great Regard and Respect, and others. 【註】: Essence and Energy-eater:噉精氣
Fetus and Egg-eater:噉胎卵
【解】 :更有他方國土及此娑婆世界的諸大鬼王;他們可宿世廣行布施 : ˇ ㄑㄩ
ˇ ㄔㄢ
所感生大鬼王,衣食充足甘美,能縱任自在而無礙,但因往昔諂 曲 不 實的業力所牽,故墮在鬼道,但這些惡鬼怎麼能到忉利天宮呢?那都 是受了地藏菩薩的教化而來到天上。有些鬼王雖面惡,專懲治世間做 惡事的人,讓他們回心轉意,去惡從善。還有些善鬼,專利益從善的 眾生,給予增福添壽。他們如惡目鬼王、噉血鬼王、噉精氣鬼王、噉 胎卵鬼王、行病鬼王、攝毒鬼王、慈心鬼王、福利鬼王、大愛敬鬼王 等等,眾多鬼王無數,雖僅列舉九種,尚未提及的還很多,所有諸善、 惡鬼王皆來集於法會之中。
爾時, 爾時 , 釋迦牟尼佛, 釋迦牟尼佛 , 告 文殊師利法王子菩薩摩訶 文殊師利法王子菩薩摩訶 薩:「汝觀是一切諸佛菩薩及天龍鬼神 「汝觀是一切諸佛菩薩及天龍鬼神, 汝觀是一切諸佛菩薩及天龍鬼神,此世界、 此世界、他世 界,此國土、 此國土、他國土, 他國土,如是今來集會到忉利天 如是今來集會到忉利天者 忉利天者,汝知 數不?」 數不?」 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, Shakyamuni Buddha said to the Dharma Prince, - 18 -
Manjushri Bodhisattva Mahasattva, "As you regard all of these bodies of Buddha, Bodhisattva,and heavenly people, dragons, ghosts and gods from this world and other worlds and from this land and other lands, who are now gathered together in the Trayastrimsha Heaven. Do you know their number or not?" 【解】:就在當十方世界及娑婆世界,天龍八部雲集於忉利天宮的時 : 候,這時大眾雲集,遍滿虛空法界,數目如此之多,非大智者不能知 其數;所以佛陀問起文殊師利法王子,佛陀對他說: 「你觀看看,現在 在這忉利天裡,十方世界的諸佛以及菩薩,還有天眾、龍眾、鬼神眾, 這個娑婆世界,及十方世界國土的眾生,這樣多眾生,今天全部都到 忉利天來集會,你知不知道究竟來了多少數目嗎?」 ,華言「妙德,吉祥」 。他的功德不可思議叫 【註】 :梵語「文殊師利」 : 「妙德」 。能聞其名、見其相、乃至禮拜供養,都能得到不可思議的「吉 祥」 。佛陀為法王,文殊菩薩從佛所說正法而生,是法王之長子,智慧 第一。另菩薩摩訶薩是指“大菩薩”的意思。
文殊師利白佛言 「世尊 文殊師利白佛言: 白佛言: 「世尊, 世尊,若以我神力, 若以我神力,千劫測度, 千劫測度, 不能得知。」 不能得知。」 【英譯】 :Manjushri said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!Even if I 英譯】 were to measure and reckon with my spiritual powers for a thousand eons, I would not be able to know their number." 【註】: reckon:計算
【解】:文殊菩薩回答佛陀說: 「依我智慧神通之力,就是用一千劫那 : 麼長的時間,也無法測量出來有多少數目呀!」
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佛告文殊師利 佛告文殊師利: 文殊師利:「吾以佛眼觀故 「吾以佛眼觀故, 吾以佛眼觀故,猶不盡數。 猶不盡數。 【英譯】 :Buddha told Manjushri, "Regarding them with my Buddha Eye, 英譯】 I also cannot count them all. 【解】:佛陀告訴文殊師利菩薩說: 「以你大菩薩的智慧神通,是測度 : 不出來有多少眾生的。就是以我佛眼來觀察,也還不能知盡其數目呢! 【註】 :佛眼真的看不出嗎?那是權巧方便說,只是在強調這法會中的 : 數目之多,主要在形容地藏菩薩的功德之大。
此皆是地藏菩薩 此皆是地藏菩薩久遠劫來 地藏菩薩久遠劫來, 久遠劫來,已度、 已度、當度、 當度、未度; 未度;已 成就、 成就、當成就、 當成就、未成就。」 未成就。」 【英譯】 英譯】:All of those living beings have been taken across, are being taken across, or will be taken across;have been brought to accomplishment, are
accomplishment by Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. It has been throughout many eons." 【註】: take across:度
【解】 :這些都是地藏菩薩久遠劫以來所成就的功德,有的已被度化而 : 成佛的,或是當今現在雖被度化還沒成佛,而還是菩薩的,或是將來 還沒被度化成佛,而現在還是天眾、龍眾、鬼神眾的等等。」
文殊師利白佛言 文殊師利白佛言: 白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我已過去久修善根、 我已過去久修善根、證 無礙智。 礙智。 【英譯】 英譯】:Manjushri said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!It has been throughout many eons. I have cultivated many good roots for a long time in the past time, and I have certified my unobstructed wisdom.
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【註】: certify:證明 unobstruct:無礙
【解】:文殊菩薩向佛告白說: 「世尊!我文殊已經從過去久遠以來修 : 得善根,證得無礙智。 【註】:文殊菩薩係諸佛之師,從無量無數劫來,經過長久廣修眾善。 : 立下身、口、意堅固的善事根基,早已證得無礙智。所以他對佛說了 以上這些話。
聞佛所言, 聞佛所言,即當信受。 即當信受。小果聲聞、 小果聲聞、天龍八部、 天龍八部、及未 來世諸眾生等, 來世諸眾生等,雖聞如來誠實之語, 雖聞如來誠實之語,必懷疑惑。 必懷疑惑。設使頂 受,未免興謗。 未免興謗。唯願世尊 唯願世尊, 世尊,廣說地藏菩薩 廣說地藏菩薩摩訶薩 地藏菩薩摩訶薩, 摩訶薩,因地 作何行? 作何行?立何願? 立何願?而能成就不思議事。」 而能成就不思議事。」 【英譯】 英譯】:When I heard what Buddha had said, I immediately accepted it with faith. But those bodies of Sound-hearer of small attainment, heavenly people, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division, and those living beings in the future, they hear the Thus Come One's true and sincere words.They will certainly harbor doubts. Even if they receive the teachings most respectfully, they will still be unable to avoid slandering it. My only wish is that the World Honored One will proclaim for everyone what practices Earth Treasury Bodhisattva had done. Tell us what vows he had made while on the level of planting causes that now enable him to succeed in doing such inconceivable deeds." 【註】: attainment: 造 詣 ; 成 就 proclaim:宣說
Eightfold Division: 八 部
harbor: 心 懷
slander: 毀 謗
【解】 :我文殊已於過去久遠成等正覺,是稱龍種上佛,因早經證得無 :
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礙智,徹悟佛佛道同之理,所以聞佛所說,即毫無疑慮的信受奉行。 可是小果聲聞、緣覺以及天眾、龍眾及八部鬼神,以及未來世諸眾生 等的大眾,聽了佛所說的誠實之語,內心還是會免不了感到疑惑不解, 他們想不通地藏菩薩怎能會度化那麼多的眾生,而且還成就很多的 佛,自己卻反而還沒成佛呢?假使要他們相信頂戴受持,他們可因疑 惑不解,而難免興起毀謗的罪過。請佛陀世尊您大發慈悲,仔細廣泛 地宣說這位偉大的地藏菩薩,他在因地發心修行之中,到底他修了什 麼法門,立誓發了什麼大悲願,才會有這麼不可思議境界的事。」
佛告文殊師利 佛告文殊師利: 文殊師利:「譬如三千大千世界 「譬如三千大千世界, 譬如三千大千世界,所有草木叢 林、稻麻竹葦、 稻麻竹葦、山石微塵, 山石微塵,一物一數, 一物一數,作一恆河; 恆河;一恆 河沙,一沙一界; 一沙一界;一界之內、 一界之內、一塵一劫, 一塵一劫,一劫之內, 一劫之內,所 積塵數, 積塵數,盡克(/ 充)為劫, 為劫,地藏菩薩證十地果位以來 地藏菩薩證十地果位以來, 證十地果位以來, 千倍多於上喻。 在聲聞、辟支佛地 辟支佛地。 千倍多於上喻。何況地藏菩薩 何況地藏菩薩在聲聞 地藏菩薩在聲聞、 【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha said to Manjushri, "By way of analogy, if that each blade of grass, tree, forest, rice plant, hemp stalk, bamboo, reed, mountain, rock and mote of dust in a Three Thousand Great Thousand-World System were to be a Gange River. Then if that each grain of the sand in each of those Ganges Rivers were to be a world and that each mote of dust in each of those worlds were an eon. Then if each mote of dust accumulated in each of those eons itself were to be an eon. The time elapsed since Earth Treasury Bodhisattva was certified to the position of the Tenth Ground is a thousand times longer than that in the above analogy. Much less even longer was the time he dwelled on the levels of Sound-hearer and Pratyekabuddha. 【註】:
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analogy:譬喻 累積
Gange River:恆河
【解】:佛告訴文殊菩薩說: 「就好像一尊佛所教化的一個三千大千世 : 界裡,所有一根草、一棵樹、及一片叢林、稻麻、竹子、蘆葦,把山 石頭都打碎成微小的灰塵,把三千大千世界的這些物,每一件物作一 數,換算成一條恒河,每一條恒河都充滿著細沙粒,每一顆細沙再換 算成一個三千大千世界,又再把這三千大千世界裡的每顆細沙再算一 劫,再把這一劫之內所積的微小細塵,每一顆細塵換算成一個劫。這 時間簡直長得不可思議。然而這尊地藏王菩薩,證十地果位以來的時 間,遠遠超過上面譬喻千倍以上的時間。何況他從出發心以至於證到 十地前,其中還要經過乾慧地,十信、十住、十行、十迴向、四加行, 小果中的聲聞、辟支佛等階段。這正顯示出地藏菩薩廣修勝行,所經 歷時間的長遠,時間既久,功行必定也很深,所以能夠現出種種不可 思議的神妙境界的事。
文殊師利! 文殊師利!此菩薩威神誓願, 此菩薩威神誓願,不可思議。 不可思議。 【英譯】 英譯】:Manjushri!The awesome spiritual strength and vows of this Bodhisattva are indeed inconceivable(/ incredible/ unthinkable). 【解】:文殊師利!這位地藏菩薩,他的威德、他的神通、他的弘誓, : 他的大願,實在不可思議。
ˋ ㄌㄡ
若未來世, 若未來世,有善男子、 有善男子、善女人, 善女人,聞是菩薩名字, 聞是菩薩名字,或 讚歎、 讚歎、或瞻禮、 或瞻禮、或稱名、 或稱名、或供養, 或供養,乃至彩畫刻鏤 乃至彩畫刻鏤 塑漆 形像, 形像,是人當得百返生於三十三天 是人當得百返生於三十三天, 生於三十三天,永不墮惡道。 永不墮惡道。 【英譯】 英譯】:If those good men or women in the future have heard this Bodhisattva's name, praise him, behold and bow to him, or they may call
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his name, or make offerings to him, or even they may draw, carve, cast, sculpt or make lacquered images of him, so such people will be reborn in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three for one hundred times and will never fall into the Evil Paths. 【註】: behold:注視;瞻仰 cast:鑄造 sculpt:雕塑
Evil Path:惡道
【解】 :倘若在將來的世界中,有善根的男女信眾,一聽聞到地藏菩薩 : 的聖號,而起修行,他們有的稱揚讚歎、或是瞻仰頂禮、或是稱念聖 號、或是廣修供養、乃至是圖畫、雕刻、摹擬塑造地藏菩薩的聖像, 那麼這個人當得一百次往返,生於欲界之三十三天上,享受天福快樂, 而且永遠都不會墮落到三惡道去受苦難。
地藏菩薩摩訶薩, 於過去久遠不可、 文殊師利, ,是地藏菩薩摩訶薩 ,於過去久遠不可 、 文殊師利 不可說劫前, 不可說劫前,身為大長者子。 身為大長者子。時世有佛, 時世有佛,號曰師子奮迅 號曰師子奮迅 具足萬行如來。 具足萬行如來。 【英譯】 英譯】:Manjushri!It was many eons ago indescribably, during the time of a body of Buddha born to the world, whose name was called Lion Sprint Complete in the Ten Thousand Practices Thus Come One, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva was born as the son of a great Elder. 【註】: Sprint:全力衝刺;奮迅
Thus Come One:如來
【解】 :文殊師利!佛再叫一聲當機者,這位地藏王大菩薩,在過去久 : 遠不可說、不可說劫以前,那個時候,當他最出發心時,身份是一位 大長者的兒子,那時那個世界,有一尊佛在世度化眾生,祂的德號叫 做師子奮迅具足萬行如來。 【註】 :師子奮迅具足萬行如來: 「獅子奮迅」比喻佛德。獅子能伏獸, :
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佛亦如是能伏九十六外道。「奮」就是振動身毛脫去塵土;「迅」是前 進後退非常快速,其他的獸類要想退步時,牠得轉身,獅子不然,要 進就進,要退馬上就退,不必轉身。比喻佛法奮除一切微細煩惱,這 叫振奮。再者佛的出入定非常快,等於獅子要進退都快速自在,故名 獅子奮迅。這比喻佛有獅子奮迅的德用。具足萬行是具足萬種行門的 功德,統統修行圓滿了。
時長者子, 時長者子,見佛相好, 見佛相好,千福莊嚴 千福莊嚴,因問彼佛: 因問彼佛:「作 「作 何行願而得此相?」 何行願而得此相?」時 ?」時師子奮迅具足萬行如來告長者 師子奮迅具足萬行如來告長者 子:『欲證此身 『欲證此身, 欲證此身,當須久遠度脫一切受苦眾生。』 當須久遠度脫一切受苦眾生。』 【英譯】 英譯】:At the time that Elder's son, upon observing the Buddha's hallmarks and fine features and how wonderfully the thousand blessings adorned him, so he asked that body of Buddha, “What practices and vows made him so magnificent ? ”Then Lion Sprint Complete in the Ten Thousand Practices Thus Come One said to the Elder's son, “If you wish to have certified a body like mine, you must first spend a long time liberating all living beings, who are undergoing suffering.” 【註】: observe: 看 到
hallmark: 純 正 的 證 明
practices and vows: 修 行 與 發 願
fine feature: 相 好
magnificent: 莊 嚴 的
blessing: 祝 福 ; 神 恩 liberate: 度 脫
【解】 :當時這個長者子,一看到這佛相好莊嚴,因而問那尊佛說: 「佛 : 您到底是修了什麼的行業,立了何等宏願,才得到如此千福莊嚴的相 貌呢?」當時師子奮迅具足萬行如來,告訴長者子說: 「你想要證得我 這個莊嚴的佛身相,就必須久遠度脫一切受苦眾生,才能得到。」
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文殊師利! 文殊師利!時長者子, 時長者子,因發願言: 因發願言:『我今盡未來際 『我今盡未來際 不可計劫, 不可計劫,為是罪苦六道眾生, 為是罪苦六道眾生,廣設方便, 廣設方便,盡令解脫, 盡令解脫, 而我自身, 而我自身,方成佛道。』 方成佛道。』 【英譯】 :Manjushri!At the time, that comment caused the Elder's son to 英譯】 make a vow, “From now on until the ends of future time throughout uncountable eons, I will use my expansive expedient means to help those living beings in the Six Paths, who are suffering for their offenses. Only when all of them have been liberated, will I myself become a body of Buddha.” 【註】: comment:短評
【解】 :文殊菩薩呀!當時長者的兒子,因聽見佛這一句話,於是就發 : 大願而說: 「我從今天開始,要發菩提心,行菩薩道;盡未來際不可計 劫的時間,度脫這些苦惱的六道眾生,他們業障深重,剛強成性,不 容易度;我要以種種施設,及善巧的方法,而便利一切眾生,使令解 除種種煩惱的束縛,脫除生死的苦海。通通安置在涅槃無為成佛的境 地,然後我自己方成無上正等菩提的佛道。」
以是於彼佛前, 以是於彼佛前,立斯大願, 立斯大願,于今百千萬億那由他不 可說劫, 可說劫,尚為菩薩。 尚為菩薩。 【英譯】 英譯】:So from the time on, he made that great vow in the presence of that body of Buddha, until now it has passed hundreds of thousands of nayutas of inexpressibly many eons, he is still a body of Bodhisattva. 【註】: presence:面前 nayutas:那由他
【解】:就是因為曾在師子奮迅萬行如來,當面前發下大願說: 「盡未 :
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來際不可計劫,為是罪苦六道眾生,廣設方便,盡令解脫,而我自身, 方成佛道。」所以雖然到了今天,已經超過了百千萬億不可說劫的久 遠,他仍舊身為菩薩還再普度眾生。
又於過去, 又於過去,不可思議阿僧祇劫, 不可思議阿僧祇劫,時世有佛, 時世有佛,號曰覺 號曰覺 華定自在王如來, 華定自在王如來,彼佛壽命, 彼佛壽命,四百千萬億阿僧祇劫。 四百千萬億阿僧祇劫。 【英譯】 :And at another past time, it was inconceivable asamkhyeya eons 英譯】 ago, there was a body of Buddha born to the world, his name was called Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One. That body of Buddha's lifespan was four hundred billion Asamkhyeya eons. 【註】: asamkhyeya:阿僧祇 Enlightenment:覺悟
【解】 :又在過去無央數大劫的時間,那時世上有一尊佛住世,德號叫 : 做覺華定自在王如來,這尊佛的壽命有四百千萬億無央數劫那麼長的 時間。 【註】 :覺華定自在王如來:覺華定是定的名稱,指修覺華定的禪定工 : 夫;華是因行,修這個定等於開了一朵覺花,成了佛得了一個覺果, 所以叫覺華定。彼佛於甚深三摩地中縱任自在,無牽無慮而能普緣法 界一切眾生,並令度脫,因此稱為「定自在」 。彼佛所得之三昧於諸三 界中,最為殊勝所以稱「王」。
像法之中, 像法之中,有一婆羅門 有一婆羅門女 婆羅門女,宿福深厚, 宿福深厚,眾所欽敬; 眾所欽敬; 行住坐臥, 行住坐臥,諸天衛護。 諸天衛護。其母信邪, 其母信邪,常輕三寶。 常輕三寶。是時聖女 廣設方便, 廣設方便,勸誘其母, 勸誘其母,令生正見, 令生正見,而此女母, 而此女母,未全生信。 未全生信。 不久命終, 不久命終,魂神墮在無間地獄。 魂神墮在無間地獄。 - 27 -
【英譯】 英譯】:During his Dharma-image Age, there lived a Brahman woman, who had endowed with ample and deep blessings from previous lives, she was respected by everyone. Whether she was walking, standing, sitting, or lying down, gods surrounded her and protected her. Her mother, however, embraced(/ believed in)a deviant faith, and often slighted(despised / disdain / looked down upon)the Triple Jewel. At the time her worthy daughter made use of many expedients in trying to convince her mother to hold right views, but her mother never totally believed. Before long when her mother's life ended and her consciousness(/ soul / spirit)fell into the Relentless Hell. 【註】: Dharma-image Age:像法 faith:信邪
Triple Jewel:三寶
deviant Relentless
【解】:這尊佛的像法之中,有一個婆羅門的女兒。因往昔廣行布施, : 持戒精進習定,所修宿福深厚,得到大眾欽佩敬服,於行、住、坐、 臥四威儀中,如法不缺失,所以諸天護法神祇護衛她。然而她的母親 輕信邪道,怠慢三寶,聖女百般方便,勸誘她母親要生起正確知見, 而她母親將信就疑,不久命終之後,因業力所感,故而墮於無間地獄。
時婆羅門女 婆羅門女,知母在世, 知母在世,不信因果。 不信因果。計當隨業, 計當隨業,必 生惡趣。 生惡趣。遂賣家宅, 遂賣家宅,廣求香華, 廣求香華,及諸供具, 及諸供具,於先佛塔寺, 於先佛塔寺, 大興供養。 大興供養。見覺華定自在王如來, 覺華定自在王如來,其形像在一寺中, 其形像在一寺中,塑 畫威容, 畫威容,端嚴畢備。 端嚴畢備。 【英譯】 英譯】:When what happened, the Brahman woman, knowing that her mother had not believed in cause and effect while she was alive, feared that
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her karma would certainly pull her into the Evil Paths. For that reason, she sold all of her household goods(/ stuff)and acquired(/ got)many kinds of incense, flowers, and other gifts. With those, she performed a great offering in that Buddha's stupas and monasteries. She saw an especially fine image of the Thus Come One Enlightenment Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King in one of the monasteries. 【註】: karma:業
【解】 :當時這位婆羅門女,因以因果之理推知,她母親在世活著的時 : 候,不信因果報應之理,不但信奉邪說,而且還常常怠慢輕視三寶, 以此惡因,應當會隨著這惡業招感,必定會生在三惡道之中,於是她 毅然將家中的房舍變賣掉,把所得的錢財,大量的購買名貴的香和花, 以及各種燈燭、塗香、水果、茶、飲食、珠寶、衣物等等供具,在過 去覺華定自在王如來的塔寺前,大大的做起種種供養。在她廣修供養 的時候,因看到覺華定自在王佛的慈容,在佛寺中雕塑畫像,非常地 端莊威嚴,因而引發勝心,對佛世尊更加敬仰,供養的心更加虔誠嚴 肅。
ˇ ㄊㄤ
時婆羅門女 『佛 婆羅門女,瞻禮尊容, 瞻禮尊容,倍生敬仰。 倍生敬仰。私自念言: 私自念言: 『佛 名大覺, 名大覺,具一切智。 具一切智。若在世時, 若在世時,我母死後, 我母死後,儻 來問佛, 來問佛, 必知處所。』 必知處所。』 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time when the Brahman woman beheld the honored countenance(/ appearance / his features, face, looks), she became doubly respectful while thinking to herself and saying personally, “This body of Buddha is called the Greatly Enlightened One, who must have gained(/ possessed)All-Wisdom. If this body of Buddha were still in the world
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now,I could ask him where my mother had gone after she died. He would certainly know the place where my mother is born in detail.” 【註】: behold:看;瞻仰 countenance:面容
【解】 :這時,這位婆羅門女,瞻仰禮拜了世尊慈容,更感加倍的景仰 : 尊敬,她內心私自想念著而說: 『佛是個大覺悟者,且是具足一切智慧 的人。如果佛還活著在世時,我母親死後而來請示祂,佛必定會知道 我母親現在生到那裡去。可是祂已經不在了。』
時婆羅門女 婆羅門女,垂泣良久, 垂泣良久,瞻戀如來 瞻戀如來。 如來。忽聞空中聲曰: 忽聞空中聲曰: 『泣者聖女, 泣者聖女,勿至悲哀, 勿至悲哀,我今示汝母之去處。』 我今示汝母之去處。』 【英譯】 :Then the body of Brahman woman had wept(/ cried)for a long 英譯】 time, as she gazed longingly upon the Thus Come One. Suddenly, she heard a voice in the air and saying, “Oh weeping worthy(/ noble)woman (/ saint lady), do not be so sorrowful!I shall now show you the place where your mother has gone." 【註】: worthy:高貴的 saint lady:聖女=worthy(noble) woman
【解】 :此時這位婆羅門女,在佛寺前,低垂著頭哭泣落淚,經過有一 : 段好久的時間,她一面仰望佛像,眷慕如來,目不暫捨,一心想求個 感應。正在此時盼望著,心真有靈犀一點通,孝心感動天地,精誠所 至金石為開;忽然她聽到空中傳來聲音向她說: 『跪拜在那裡供養佛的 聖女呀!你不要再那麼悲傷、哀悼哭泣了!我現在就指示讓你知道你 母親生在什麼地方。』
婆羅門女合掌向空 婆羅門女合掌向空, 女合掌向空,而白空曰: 而白空曰:『是何神德 『是何神德, 是何神德,寬我 - 30 -
憂慮? 憂慮?我自失母以來, 我自失母以來,晝夜憶戀, 晝夜憶戀,無處可問知母生界。』 無處可問知母生界。』 時空中有聲, 時空中有聲,再報女曰: 再報女曰:『我是汝所瞻禮者 『我是汝所瞻禮者, 我是汝所瞻禮者,過去覺華 過去覺華 定自在王如來, 定自在王如來,見汝憶母, 見汝憶母,倍於常情眾生之分, 倍於常情眾生之分,故來告 示。』 【英譯】 :The Brahman woman placed(/ put)her two palms together as 英譯】 she addressed space and saying, “Which Virtuous Divinity is comforting me in my grief?From the day on I have lost my mother, I have held her in memory day after night, but there is not any place to ask about the realm of her rebirth.”At the time, the voice in the air speaking to the noble-woman again, “I am the one who you behold and worship; it is just the former Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One. Because I have seen your regard for your mother is more double than those of any of ordinary living beings, I have come to show you in the place where your mother she is.” 【註】: address:向(某人)說話
Virtuous Divinity:德高的神格;神德
【解】 :這位婆羅門女聽到空中有人在向她說話,她趕緊雙手合掌,對 : 著空中說: 「是那一尊神明大德呢?來寬慰釋懷我的憂慮呢?我自從失 去母親以後,日日夜夜都在懷念牽掛想著母親,她受業報,不知墮到 那界受苦,沒有地方可問知。」當時空中又傳來聲音,告訴這位孝順 的婆羅門女說: 『我就是你所瞻仰頂禮的那尊過去佛:覺華定自在王如 來呀!我看見你想念母親的孝思,加倍虔誠超過於平常人的情份許 多,所以我特別來告示你母親所往生的地方。』
女聞此聲已, 舉身自撲, 肢節皆損。 婆羅門女聞此聲已 女聞此聲已 ,舉身自撲 ,肢節皆損 。左右扶 婆羅門 侍,良久方蘇。 『願佛慈悲 良久方蘇。而白空曰: 而白空曰: 『願佛慈悲, 願佛慈悲,速說我母生界, 速說我母生界, - 31 -
我今身心, 我今身心,將死不久。』 將死不久。』 【英譯】 英譯】:"After the body of Brahman woman had heard the sound, she suddenly lunged(/ pushed/ thrushed)herself toward the air and then fell down, injuring her limbs and joins severely. Those people around her supported her and attended upon her, and after a long time she was revived. Then she addressed toward the air and saying, “I hope Buddha will show compassion to me and quickly(/ fast/ rapidly)tell me into what realm that my mother has been reborn. I am now near to be dead myself.” 【註】: lunge:突進;前衝 revive:甦醒
【解】:這位婆羅門女正因為不知亡母生界,而感到無限的哀傷之時, : 一聽到佛要來告示母親所生的地方,一時感念佛的大慈大悲,一方面 就要知道母親的生處,是以內心感激,迫不及待地奮不顧身的舉身自 撲倒地。可因撲得太厲害太重,自己的手腳肢體關節傷害嚴重,人一 時也昏迷過去。在旁左右的人幫她扶起侍候著她,經過一段好久的時 ㄙㄨ
間方才甦 醒過來;等她一醒過來,馬上向空中說: 『唯願世尊慈悲憐憫 我,請趕快說出我母親到底生到什麼地方去了。我現在人身心也已受 到損壞,可能也活不久就要死了。』
時覺華定自在王如來, 覺華定自在王如來,告聖女曰: 告聖女曰:『汝供養畢 『汝供養畢, 汝供養畢,但 早返舍, 早返舍,端坐思惟吾之名號, 端坐思惟吾之名號,即當知母所生去處。』 即當知母所生去處。』 【英譯】 :At the time Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King 英譯】 Thus Come One told the saint lady, “After you have made your offerings, you just return(/ go)home quickly. Then you just sit upright and concentrate upon my name and ponder it. You will soon know the place where your mother has been reborn.”
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【註】: concentrate:集中;專住 ponder:沉思 【解】:這時覺華定自在王如來告知聖女說:『妳供養完畢後,早早回到 妳家,端身正坐,並且要一心一意思維念我覺華定自在王如來的名號, 妳自然就會知道妳母親投生到那裡去了。』
時婆羅門女尋禮佛已 婆羅門女尋禮佛已, 女尋禮佛已,即歸其舍。 即歸其舍。以憶母故, 以憶母故,端坐 念覺華定自在王如來。 覺華定自在王如來。 【英譯】 英譯】:At the time then the Brahman woman bowed to Buddha and returned home quickly. By the memory of her mother sustained ( / supported)her, she sat upright recollecting Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One. 【註】: sustain:支撐;支持 recollect:憶念
【解】:這婆羅門女當下就頂禮世尊,禮拜完了馬上回到自己的家裡, 因為內心深深地憶念、懷念著母親的緣故,一心一意地想知道母親的 下落;她為了母親,所以就照著佛所教待的法門,端身正坐,一心念 著覺華定自在王如來的名號。 【註】 :此處是佛陀教導後世吾人念佛法門之重點,要端坐、悲切、心 : 無雜念、專心一意、觀想。即可感應諸佛菩薩的加被保佑。請見第九 品稱佛名號釋品題之說明。
經一日一夜, 經一日一夜,忽見自身到一海邊。 忽見自身到一海邊。其水涌沸, 其水涌沸,多諸 惡獸, 惡獸,盡復鐵身, 盡復鐵身,飛走海上, 飛走海上,東西馳逐。 東西馳逐。 【英譯】 英譯】:After by doing so for a day and a night, she suddenly saw herself come to a seashore of which waters were seethed and bubbled. There are many evil beasts with iron bodies flying swiftly back and forth
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and from the east to the west above the sea. 【註】: seethe:沸騰 bubble:起泡 back and forth:來回地
【解】 :這婆羅門女因思母心切,念佛又懇切,可字字分明,經過一天 一夜,念念澄清,念念相繼不斷,故能感應道交,而入念佛三昧定中, ˊ ㄇㄧㄥ
。這海 她在定中看見幽 冥 界之相,忽然看到自己的身體來到一個海邊。 ˊ ㄊㄥ
ˋ ㄈㄟ
卻像煮開的水一樣沸 騰 著,而且還有很多鐵做成的惡獸,在滾水的海 上飛上飛下,一會兒從東到西,又一會兒從西到東,快速地追逐著。
ˊ ㄐㄩㄝ
ˊ ㄅㄛ
見諸男子女人, 見諸男子女人,百千萬數, 百千萬數,出沒海中, 出沒海中,被諸惡獸爭 取食噉。 取食噉。又見夜叉, 又見夜叉,其形各異, 其形各異,或多手多眼、 或多手多眼、多足多頭、 多足多頭、 口牙外出, 口牙外出,利刃如劍。 利刃如劍。驅諸罪人使近惡獸, 驅諸罪人使近惡獸,復自搏 復自搏 攫 , 頭足相就。 頭足相就。其形萬類, 其形萬類,不敢久視。 不敢久視。時婆羅門女 婆羅門女,以念佛 力故, 力故,自然無懼。 自然無懼。 【英譯】 :She saw hundreds of thousands of men and women bobbing up 英譯】 and down in the sea, being fought over, seized, and eaten by the evil beasts. She also saw many bodies of Yaksha with different shapes. Some of them have many hands, and many eyes, others of them have many legs, and many heads. With their sharp fangs as swords they drove the offenders on towards the evil beasts. Or the bodies of Yaksha themselves seized the offenders and twisted their heads and feet together into shapes so horrible that no one would dare even to look at them for a long time. During that time the body of Brahman woman was naturally without any fear due to the power of her recollecting Buddha’s name. 【註】: bob:出沒;上下來回疾速走動
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【解】 :婆羅門女看到眾多的男人女人,數目可有百千萬之多,在海中 載浮載沉地漂浮著,他們被用鐵做的惡獸爭先恐後、互相爭奪地吃著。 ˊ ㄐㄧㄝ
又看見很多的疾捷 惡鬼夜叉,牠們長得奇形怪狀,或多手多眼、多腳 多頭,口中凸出外牙,其牙尖銳好像刀劍一般。還驅趕這些罪人靠近 惡獸,好讓惡獸吃得到。或又夜叉鬼捉住罪人,使他們自己互相奪取, ˊ ㄓ
ˇ ㄋㄧㄡ
把罪人的頭與腳扭 成一團拋 擲 。各種形狀萬端慘不忍睹,令人不敢久 看。當時這位婆羅門女,因有念佛的緣故,仗佛威力加被,雖看到此 狀,心中自然毫無害怕畏懼。 ㄐㄧ
有一鬼王, 『善 有一鬼王,名曰無毒 名曰無毒, 無毒,稽 首來迎, 首來迎,白聖女曰 聖女曰: 『善 哉!菩薩, 菩薩,何緣來此?』 何緣來此?』 【英譯】 英譯】:There was a ghost king whose name was called Poisonless coming and bowing his head in greeting to welcome and said to this saint lady, “Good enough, indeed!Oh Bodhisattva. What conditions bring you to come here?” ˋ ㄎㄡ
【解】:此聖女感動鬼王無毒前來叩 首頂禮迎接,並告訴聖女說:『大 德菩薩您好!您是什麼因緣來到這裡的呢?』
時婆羅門女問鬼王曰 『此是何處 『此 婆羅門女問鬼王曰: 『此是何處?』 此是何處?』無毒答曰 無毒答曰: 是大鐵圍山西面第一重海 山西面第一重海。』聖女 。』聖女問曰 聖女問曰: 問曰:『我聞 『我聞鐵圍 我聞鐵圍之 鐵圍之 大鐵圍山西面第一重海。』 內,地獄在中, 『實有地獄 地獄在中,是事實否?』 是事實否?』無毒 ?』無毒答曰 無毒答曰: 答曰: 『實有地獄。 實有地獄。』 『我今云何得到獄所 『若非 聖女問曰 問曰: 『我今云何得到獄所?』 我今云何得到獄所?』無毒 ?』無毒答曰 無毒答曰: 答曰: 『若非威 若非威 聖女問曰: 神,即須業力, 即須業力,非此二事, 非此二事,終不能到。』 終不能到。』 【英譯】 英譯】:At the time the body of Brahman woman asked the ghost king, “Where is this place?” Poisonless replied, “We are on the western side of
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the Great Iron Ring Mountain and this is one of the first of the seas that encircle it.” The saint lady asked, “I have heard that the hells are within the Iron Ring. Is it true?” Poisonless answered, “Yes, it has really the hells.” The saint lady asked, “How can I now come to the hells?” Poisonless answered, “If it isn't awesome spiritual strength that bring you here, then it is the power of karma. Without these two cases there are not anyone that can come here after all. ” 【解】 :那時婆羅門女就問鬼王說: 『我來到這裡,這是什麼地方呢?』 無毒鬼王回答說: 『這裡是大鐵圍山,西面的第一重海。』聖女又問: 『我曾聽說過地獄就在這大鐵圍山之內,到底是不是真實的呢?』無 毒回答說:『確實是有地獄的。』聖女又問:『既然有地獄,那我現在 『如果不是具有威德神通 是怎麼樣才能來到地獄的呢?』無毒回答說: 之力,那就是必須要靠有業力,造了惡業,遭到業力所牽引而來。如 果不是這兩種情形,終究是沒辦法來到這裡的。』
聖女又問: 聖女又問:『此水何緣 『此水何緣, 此水何緣,而乃涌沸, 而乃涌沸,多諸罪人, 多諸罪人,及 以惡獸? 以惡獸?』 【英譯】 英譯】:The saint lady asked again, “Why is this water seething and bubbling, and why are there so many offenders and evil beasts?” ˋ ㄈㄟ
【解】 :聖女又問鬼王說: 『這海的水為何因緣,像開水一樣滾得那麼沸 ˊ ㄊㄥ
騰 呢?而且又有那麼多的罪人,及那麼多可怕的惡獸呢?』
ˋ ㄙ
答曰: 『此是 此是閻浮提 閻浮提造惡眾生 造惡眾生, 新死之者, 無毒答曰 答曰 :『 此是 閻浮提 造惡眾生 ,新死之者 ,經 無毒 四十九日後, 四十九日後,無人繼嗣 無人繼嗣 ,為作功德, 為作功德,救拔苦難, 救拔苦難,生時 又無善因。 又無善因。當據本業所感地獄, 當據本業所感地獄,自然先渡此海。 自然先渡此海。 【英譯】 英譯】:Poisonless replied, “These are human(/ living)beings of - 36 -
Jambudvipa who did evil deeds. They have just died and passed through forty-nine days without any surviving relatives doing any meritorious deeds on their behalf to rescue them from their distress. Besides that, during their lives in the world they themselves didn't plant(/ cultivate)any good causes. Now their own karma calls forth these hells. Of course, their first task is to cross this sea. 【註】: Jambudvipa:閻浮提 distress:苦難
in behalf of:為了(某人)的利益
call forth:招致
【解】:鬼王無毒回答說:『這裡是南閻浮提洲造惡業的眾生,而且還 是剛死去不久的罪業眾生,經過四十九天的中陰身階段壽命,他的家 屬親戚,又沒人給他及時廣作功德,以救拔他的苦難。他自己在生時, 又沒做過任何一件善事因緣;所以只有依據他自己所作所為的惡業, 被感應到這地獄裡來,自然要先經過此業海受苦呢!
海東十萬由旬, 海東十萬由旬,又有一海, 又有一海,其苦倍此。 其苦倍此。彼海之東, 彼海之東, 又有一海, 又有一海,其苦復倍。 其苦復倍。三業惡因之所招感, 三業惡因之所招感,共號業海, 共號業海, 其處是也。』 其處是也。』 【英譯】 :Ten thousand yojanas east of this sea is another sea, where they 英譯】 will undergo twice as much suffering. East of that sea is yet another sea, where the sufferings are doubled still again. What the combined evil causes of the three karmic evoke is called the sea of karma. This is that place.” 【註】: yojana:由旬 evoke:引起;招感
【解】 :在這海的東邊過十萬由旬,又有一海,其中受苦的眾生,比起 西面第一重海的苦還要加倍。又在這十萬由旬之海的東方,又有一海,
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其中眾生所受的苦楚要比十萬由旬的海,又要加倍,苦毒更無量。這 些眾生所受的痛苦,都是由他自己身、口、意三業,所引發作殺、盜、 ˇ ㄑㄧ
淫、妄、惡口、兩舌、綺 語、貪、瞋、癡等等惡業所招感,所以共稱 業海,就是在這個地方。』
聖女又問鬼王 『地獄何在 『三 聖女又問鬼王無毒 又問鬼王無毒曰 無毒曰: 『地獄何在?』 地獄何在?』無毒答曰 無毒答曰: 海之內, 海之內,是大地獄, 是大地獄,其數百千, 其數百千,各各差別。 各各差別。所謂大者, 所謂大者, 具有十八。 具有十八。次有五百, 次有五百,苦毒無量。 苦毒無量。次有千百, 次有千百,亦無量苦。』 亦無量苦。』 【英譯】 英譯】:Again the saint lady asked the Ghost King Poisonless, “Where are the hells?”Poisonless answered, “There are hundreds and thousands of great hells within the three seas, and each of them is different. Eighteen of those are known as the great hells. The next ones there are five hundred hells of which sufferings inflict limitless cruel. Following of those, there are still hundreds of thousands of hells that inflict limitless further sufferings.” 【註】: subsequent:接下的;隨後的;其次
【解】 :聖女又問無毒鬼王說: 『地獄在那裡呢?』無毒鬼王說: 『地獄 就在這三海之內,那大海裡還有無數的地獄,有百千之多,而且由於 眾生之業感不同,心量高低不同,所造的業也大小不一樣,自然所感 的地獄苦果,也各各差別不一樣;大地獄有十八種,次等的有五百種, 也是苦毒無比,第三等的地獄也有千百個,所受的苦仍是無量無邊的。』
聖女又問 聖女又問大鬼王 又問大鬼王曰 大鬼王曰:『我母死來未久 『我母死來未久, 我母死來未久,不知魂神當 至何趣?』 至何趣?』 【英譯】 :The saint lady again questioned(/ asked)the great ghost king, 英譯】 - 38 -
“My mother died recently and I do not know the place where she(/ her spirit)has gone.” 【解】:聖女又緊張地問起大鬼王說:『我的母親剛死不久,不知道她 的魂神到底要墮落到那一個地方了呢?』
鬼王問 鬼王問聖女曰 聖女曰:『菩薩之母 『菩薩之母, 菩薩之母,在生習何行業?』 在生習何行業?』聖 ?』聖 女答曰: 『我母邪見 答曰: 『我母邪見, 我母邪見,譏毀三寶。 譏毀三寶。設或暫信, 設或暫信,旋又不敬 旋又不敬。 不敬。 死雖日淺, 死雖日淺,未知生處。』 未知生處。』 【英譯】 :The ghost king asked the worthy(/ noble / saint)woman, “When 英譯】 the Bodhisattva's mother was alive in the world, what habits and deeds did she have done?"The worthy woman replied, “My mother held deviant views and ridiculed and slandered the Triple Jewel. Even if she occasionally believed, she would soon become disrespectful again. She died recently and I still do not know the place where she was reborn.” 【註】: ridicule:取笑
【解】:鬼王就問聖女說:『菩薩您的母親在生之時,平時習慣於做了 那一些事情呢?』聖女回答說: 『我的母親在生之時邪知邪見,信奉外 道,時而輕視毀謗佛法僧三寶。我用種種善巧方便,設法想讓她對三 寶有信心,但她只是暫時信一下,隨即又失去信心,又不恭敬三寶了。 雖然已死了沒幾天,但不知她的魂識生到那裡去了?』
問曰: 『菩薩之母 菩薩之母, 姓氏何等?』 聖女答曰 答曰: 無毒問曰 問曰 : 『 菩薩之母 ,姓氏何等 ?』聖女 答曰 : 『我 無毒 父我母, 父我母,俱婆羅門種 婆羅門種,父號ㄕ 父號ㄕ羅善現, 羅善現,母號悅帝利 母號悅帝利。 悅帝利。』 【英譯】 英譯】:Poisonless asked, “What is the Bodhisattva's mother's surname and clan?”The worthy(/ noble)woman replied, “My parents were both
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bodies of Brahman; my father's name was called Shila Sudarshana, and my mother's name was called Yue Di Li.” 【註】: clan:宗族;氏族
【解】:無毒鬼王問聖女說:『菩薩您的母親姓什麼,名叫什麼?」聖 女回答說: 『我的父母親都是屬於婆羅門種族,父親名叫ㄕ羅善現,母 親名叫悅帝利。』
無毒合掌啟菩薩曰 無毒合掌啟菩薩曰: 合掌啟菩薩曰:『願聖者卻返本處 『願聖者卻返本處, 願聖者卻返本處,無至憂憶 悲戀。 罪女,生天以來, 生天以來,經今三日。 經今三日。云承孝順之 悲戀。悅帝利罪女 悅帝利罪女, 子,為母設供修福, 為母設供修福,布施覺華定自在王如來 布施覺華定自在王如來塔寺 覺華定自在王如來塔寺。 塔寺。非唯 菩薩之母, 菩薩之母,得脫地獄, 得脫地獄,應是無間罪人, 應是無間罪人,此日悉得樂, 此日悉得樂,俱 同生訖。』 同生訖。』 【英譯】 :Poisonless placed(/ put)his two palms together and implored 英譯】 (/ told)the body of Bodhisattva by saying, “I wish Worthy One(/ saint), quickly return to your home. There is no need for you to grieve further. The offender Yue Di Li was born in the heavens three days ago. It is said that she received the benefit of offerings made and blessings cultivated by her filial child, who had practiced giving to Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One at stupas and monasteries. Not only was the Bodhisattva's mother released from the hells, but also at the same day all the other offenders, who were destined(/ doomed)for the Relentless Hell received bliss and were reborn together with her.” 【註】: implore:懇求 destine:命中注定
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您本來的家,您不必要再這樣憂愁想念、與悲哀懷念不捨著您的母親 了。這個待罪的女人悅帝利,已經在三天前就生上天去了,聽說是承 蒙她孝順的兒女,為她修福供佛,大興供養覺華定自在王如來的塔寺, 以此功德福報力,不但是悅帝利罪女得解脫地獄苦報,而生天上,且 就是同樣在無間地獄的罪人,也憑資她女兒的布施功德福力,同時霑 到福報都已經感生到天上去了!』
鬼王言畢 鬼王言畢, 言畢,合掌而退。 合掌而退。婆羅門女 婆羅門女,尋如夢歸。 尋如夢歸。悟此 事已, 『願 事已,便於覺華定自在王如來 便於覺華定自在王如來塔像之前 覺華定自在王如來塔像之前, 塔像之前,立弘誓願: 立弘誓願: 『願 我盡未來劫, 我盡未來劫,應有罪苦眾生, 應有罪苦眾生,廣設方便, 廣設方便,使令解脫。』 使令解脫。』 【英譯】 :After having finished speaking this story, the ghost king put his 英譯】 two palms together and withdrew. The body of Brahman woman returned to her home swiftly as if she was from a dream. After understanding what had happened, she made a profound and far-reaching vow before the stupas and images of Enlightenment-Flower Samadhi Self-Mastery King Thus Come One, by saying, “I vow that until the end of future eons. I will respond to those living beings who are suffering for their offenses by using my many expedient means to bring about their liberation." 【註】: respond:相應;呼應 liberation:解脫
【解】 :鬼王說完,已無餘事,便雙手合掌禮拜而退。這個婆羅門女當 下如在夢境一般的,又回到家醒過來,這件事已使她大徹大悟,領悟 到因果不虛,絲毫不爽;及兒女修功德迴向父母,及眾生之業力真不 可思議!於是便在覺華定自在王如來佛像塔寺之前,立下弘遠誓願: 『願我盡未來長遠的劫數時間,對一切造罪應受苦的眾生,我將要廣 大施設興起方便之門,我通通要渡脫他們,讓他們解決痛苦而後已。』
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【註】 :前面第一次長者子聽到佛給他說法,只聽到一句: 「欲證此身, : 當須久遠度脫一切受苦眾生。」他當時就發大菩提心。而這次他當婆 羅門女,只親自到地獄走一趟,當下又發了菩提心,而且都是發長遠 的心,要度脫罪苦的眾生,可說來自有因。
佛告文殊師利 「時 佛告文殊師利: 文殊師利: 「時鬼王無毒者 鬼王無毒者, 毒者,當今財首菩薩 當今財首菩薩是 財首菩薩是。 婆羅門女者 女者,即地藏菩薩是 地藏菩薩是。」 婆羅門女者, 【英譯】 :Buddha told Manjushri, "At the time the Ghost King Poisonless 英譯】 is the present Foremost Wealth Bodhisattva. The Brahman woman is now Earth Treasury Bodhisattva." 【解】:世尊告訴文殊師利菩薩說:「當時的那個鬼王,就是現在的財 首菩薩。而那位孝女婆羅門女,就是現在的地藏王菩薩。」 【註】 :總結這忉利天宮神通品,緣於文殊師利菩薩請問佛世尊,地藏 : 菩薩本在因地作何修行,立了什麼大願,而能成就如是不可思議神通 之事;由此可知地藏菩薩因地所行,皆不離「孝」 。故本經亦稱孝經。
分身集會品第二 CHAPTER II The Division Bodies Gather Together 「集會」是指通通 【釋品題】 釋品題】:本品「分身」乃是指地藏菩薩之分身; : 會集到忉利天宮的法會,本經正宗分又分四科,第一科「明能化主」: 明地藏菩薩能教化眾生,地藏菩薩由諸功德力聚集而成,為化度眾生 ˇ ㄔㄢ
分身百千萬億身,隨緣度化眾生,現在佛陀在忉利天宮為母說法,闡 揚 ㄓㄨㄥ
孝道,正是地藏王菩薩發廣大誓願的初衷 。所以地藏王菩薩的化身, 從十方世界無量無邊地獄之中,趕到忉利天宮來參加法會,聽佛說法,
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爾時, 爾時,百千萬億不可思、 百千萬億不可思、不可議、 不可議、不可量、 不可量、不可說 無量阿僧祇世界, 無量阿僧祇世界,所有地獄處, 所有地獄處,分身地藏菩薩 分身地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,俱來集 在忉利天宮 忉利天宮。 【 英譯】 英譯 】: At that time all of the division bodies of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva began to gather in the Palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven from billions of unthinkable, inconceivable, immeasurable, unutterable,(/ unspeakable/ ineffable/ speechless), limitless Asamkhyeyas of worlds. They came from wherever hells were found. 【註】: inexpressible:難於表達的
【解】:那時,在這虛空中,有不可思議,簡直難以說盡的無量世界, 這些無量的世界中都有地獄,有無量的地藏菩薩的分身,全部都集會 到忉利天宮來。而且還率領其所度化解脫過的大眾,都來聽佛說法, 闡揚地藏菩薩累生累劫,敦行孝親的崇高偉大德行。並且勉勵眾生向 他看齊。
以 如來神力故 如來 神力故, 神力故 , 各以方面, 各以方面 ,與諸得解脫從業道出 者,亦各有千萬億那由他數, 亦各有千萬億那由他數,共持香花, 共持香花,來供養佛。 來供養佛。 【英譯】 英譯】:Due to the spiritual powers of the Thus Come One, each came from his own direction and was joined by billions of nayutas of those who had obtained liberation from the force of bad karma. All of them came holding incense and flowers as offerings to Buddha. 【解】 :因為世尊放種種大光明,又出種種微妙音聲的大神通力,普照 十方無量世界,加被無量眾生。而這十方無量世界,因造惡業感地獄
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ˋ ㄧㄡ
苦報的無量眾生,也因有地藏菩薩循循善誘 的教化,而得到解脫,也 有千萬億億數目之多,他們每一個人都一樣莊嚴,共同手拿著各種香 花,以誠敬的心來供養佛陀世尊。
彼諸同來等輩, 彼諸同來等輩,皆因地藏菩薩 皆因地藏菩薩教化 地藏菩薩教化, 教化,永不退轉於阿 耨多羅三藐三菩提。 耨多羅三藐三菩提。 【英譯】 英譯】:Those groups that came from all directions were irreversible from Anuttara-samyaksambodhi because they had been taught and transformed by Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. 【註】: irreversible:不退轉的
【解】 :這些一同前來的大眾們,大家手都拿著各種香花,恭恭敬敬地 來供養佛,可都是因為曾受過地藏菩薩的教化,而現在獲得永不退轉 於無上正等正覺佛(即阿耨多羅三藐三菩提)或大菩薩的果位。
是諸眾等, 是諸眾等,久遠劫來, 久遠劫來,流浪生死, 流浪生死,六道受苦, 六道受苦,暫無 休息。 休息。以地藏菩薩廣大慈悲 地藏菩薩廣大慈悲, 廣大慈悲,深誓願故, 深誓願故,各獲果證。 各獲果證。既 至忉利, 心懷踴躍,瞻仰如來 瞻仰如來, 如來,目不暫捨。 目不暫捨。 忉利,心懷踴躍, 【英譯】 英譯】:For long eons, so forth those living beings had wandered in birth and death, undergoing suffering within the Six Paths without even temporary respite. Now everyone of them had reached levels of Sagehood and had certified the fruit of sage due to the great compassion and deep vows of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. They felt joyful as they arrived at the Trayastrimsha Heaven and gazed at the Thus Come One, their eyes not leaving from him for a moment.
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【註】: temporary respite:短暫的休息
levels of Sagehood:聖賢人的水準
【解】 :地藏菩薩所度化了生脫死的,而且祂也帶領來參加法會的大眾 們,他們原本也都是六道凡夫眾生,可也曾久遠無量劫的時間裡,一 直都也是流浪在六道生死中,輪迴受苦,受種種煎逼苦惱,無有休息。 這些大眾迷失覺性受著輪迴,完全仰賴地藏菩薩廣大的無緣大慈,同 體大悲以及宏誓深遠的願力緣故,他們才能獲得果證,通通住在永不 退轉的果位上;他們仰承地藏菩薩悲願之力得以超脫三界,又蒙如來 ㄐㄧㄝ
的神力加持,得以隨地藏菩薩偕 來忉利天宮,因此各個內心深懷踴躍, 瞻仰世尊如來的聖容,是以大眾的眼光片刻不肯離開,心想佛實在太 莊嚴了。以前只聽地藏菩薩講過佛怎麼莊嚴,沒真正親眼見過,今天 面見到佛的面容,所以各個都歡喜心懷踴躍無比。
爾時, 舒金色臂,摩百千萬億不可思、 摩百千萬億不可思、不可議、 不可議、 爾時,世尊舒金色臂 世尊舒金色臂, 不可量、 不可量、不可說、 不可說、無量阿僧祇世界諸分身地藏菩薩摩訶 無量阿僧祇世界諸分身地藏菩薩摩訶 薩頂,而作是言: 「吾於五濁惡世 而作是言: 「吾於五濁惡世, 吾於五濁惡世,教化如是剛強眾生, 教化如是剛強眾生, 令心調伏, 令心調伏,捨邪歸正, 捨邪歸正,十有一二, 十有一二,尚惡習在。 尚惡習在。 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, the World Honored One stretched out one of his golden colored arm and rubbed the crowns of all the division bodies of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva,who were gathered from billlons of unimaginable, inexpressible, inconceivable, immeasurable, ineffable, limitless Asamkhyeyas of worlds, and said, "I teach and transform obstinate living beings such as these within the evil worlds of the Five Turbidities, causing their minds to be regulated and subdued so they renounce the deviant and return to the proper way. But one or two of ten still cling to their bad habits.
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【註】: stretch out:伸出
renounce:放棄 deviant:逸出正軌者
Five Turbidities:五濁惡世
【解】 :這個時候世尊伸出金色的手臂,來摩這些不可思議、不能測量、 說不盡,百千萬億無量無數阿僧祇世界的分身地藏菩薩頭頂,以示安 ˇ ㄈㄨ
慰勞撫 之意。這時候世尊又說: 「我於往昔五濁惡世時,那時眾生個性 剛強頑固,各個的心真難於調教又難於降服;受我調教已能捨邪歸正 的,十人當中有七、八個,但還有一、二人仍在惡習困擾中。
吾亦分身千百億, 吾亦分身千百億,廣設方便。 廣設方便。或有利根, 或有利根,聞即信受; 聞即信受; 或有善果, 或有善果,勤勸成就; 勤勸成就;或有暗鈍, 或有暗鈍,久化方歸; 久化方歸;或有業重, 或有業重, 不生敬仰。 不生敬仰。如是等輩眾生, 如是等輩眾生,各各差別, 各各差別,分身度脫。 分身度脫。 【英譯】 英譯】:For them I also divide into billions of bodies and use my numerous additional expedient(/ convenient / advisable)means. Those who have keen roots will listen and immediately believe. Those who have good rewards will respond to exhortation and strive to succeed. Those who are dark and dull will return only after being taught for a long time. Those whose karmas are heavy fail to show any respect. My division bodies take across and liberate all those different kinds of living beings. 【註】: expedient:方便的
good reward:善果
take across:
【解】 :我也分身千百億無量,廣設種種方便善巧法門度眾生,但眾生 根機不同,有根利的,他們一聽到我給他們的說法,就馬上相信了, 而且還信受奉行、精進不懈;他們有的獲得證小果阿羅漢,有大乘根 機的人,他們成就菩薩善根果位。有眾生業障深重,根機暗鈍的,我
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必須要花較長的時間教化,他們才能歸順修行;又有的眾生,他們不 只根機暗鈍,而且宿業深重,不管你怎樣誘導勸化,他們總是絲毫不 生教仰之心;如是不同根機的眾生,各各差別,我也化作種種形類, 現種種根性身份,加以分別度脫他們。
或現男子身、 或現男子身、或現女人身、 或現女人身、或現天龍身、 或現天龍身、或現神鬼 身、或現山林川原、 或現山林川原、河池泉井, 河池泉井,利及於人, 利及於人,悉皆度脫。 悉皆度脫。 或現天帝身、 或現天帝身、或現梵王身、 或現梵王身、或現轉輪王身、 或現轉輪王身、或現居士身、 或現居士身、 或現國王身、 或現國王身、或現宰輔身, 或現宰輔身,或現官屬身、 或現官屬身、或現比丘、 或現比丘、比 丘尼、 丘尼、優婆塞、 優婆塞、優婆夷身、 優婆夷身、乃至聲聞、 乃至聲聞、羅漢、 羅漢、辟支佛、 辟支佛、 菩薩等身、 菩薩等身、而以化度。 而以化度。非但佛身, 非但佛身,獨現其前。 獨現其前。 【英譯】 :I may appear in a male(/ man)body. I may appear in a female 英譯】 (/ woman)body. I may appear in the body of a god or dragon. I may appear in the body of a spirit or ghost. I may appear as a mountain, as a forest, as a stream, as a spring, as a river, as a lake, as a fountain, or as a well in order to benefit people. I use all these ways to save and cross over these living beings. Or I may appear in the body of God Shakra. I may appear in the body of Lord Brahma. I may appear in the body of a Wheel-Turning King. I may appear in the body of a lay person. I may appear in the body of a national leader. I may appear in the body of a prime minister. I may appear in the body of an official. I may appear in a body of Bhikshu, Bhikshuni, Upasaka, Upasika, and so forth to my appearing even in a body of Sound-hearer, Arhat, Pratyekabuddha, or Bodhisattva in order to teach and rescue living beings. It is not that I only appear to them in a body of Buddha. 【註】:
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Shakra:天帝身 士
Lord Brahma:梵王身
prime minister:宰輔
Upasika: 優 婆 夷
Wheel-Turning King:轉輪王
Sound-hearer: 聲 聞
Arhat: 阿 羅 漢
lay person:居
Pratyekabuddha: 辟 支 佛
【解】:假使他應該以出現男子身得度的,我就現個男子身為他說法。 假使她應以女子身得度的,我就現個女子身為她說法。有的眾生喜歡 信天龍鬼神,我就現天龍鬼身為他們說法;我還現無情身度脫他們, 諸如:山、樹林、川原、河流、池塘、泉水、水井等等,以解除眾生 飢渴。種種變現總是要利濟於人或眾生的,使他們得度,這就是眾生 應以無情份上得解脫,我就現無情身來度化他們。或我現忉利天主的 身份;或現色界初禪天的大梵天王、或現轉輪王身來度化他們,或他 是在家居士得度的,我就現在家居士身份度他,或他是國王身、宰輔 身、官屬身得度的,我就現他們的身份度化他們;有的是出家眾的比 丘、比丘尼得度的,我就現他們的身份度化他們;有的是歸依三寶受 五戒的善男信女,在家二眾之佛弟子得度的,我就現他們的身份度脫 他們;乃至於他們是聲聞、緣覺、辟支佛、菩薩身得度者,我就現他 們的身份度脫他們。佛的悲願廣大宏深,是應以何類身形得度者,即 現何類身形而為說法,務令該眾生度脫而後已,故佛化度眾生,隨類 示現,不單局限于佛身一形而已。
汝觀吾累劫勤苦, 汝觀吾累劫勤苦,度脫如是等難化剛強罪苦眾生。 度脫如是等難化剛強罪苦眾生。 其有未調伏者, 其有未調伏者,隨業報應。 隨業報應。若墮惡趣, 若墮惡趣,受大苦時, 受大苦時,汝當 憶念吾在忉利天 慇懃付囑。令娑婆世界 娑婆世界, 世界,至彌勒出 彌勒出 憶念吾在忉利天宮 忉利天宮,慇懃付囑。 世已來眾生, 世已來眾生,悉使解脫, 悉使解脫,永離諸苦, 永離諸苦,遇佛授記。 遇佛授記。 【英譯】 :You just reflect on(/ contemplate/ think over/ observe/ inspect/ 英譯】 see/ behold/ view)how I have toiled for repeated eons and endured acute
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(/ serious)suffering to take across and set free those stubborn living beings, who resist being taught and who continue to suffer for their offenses. Those who have not yet subdued undergo retributions according to their karma. If they have fallen into the evil destinies and are enduring tremendous(/ great)suffering, then you should remember(/ bear/ have/ keep in mind / bring to mind /call to mind)the gravity(/ attentions /politeness /civility)of my entrustment that I am now giving you here in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven, ‘You should find any way to liberate all these living beings in the Saha world from now until the time when Maitreya comes into this world.You should help them escape suffering forever, encounter Buddhas, and receive predictions. 【註】: reflect on:思考;反省;深思 報應
gravity: 嚴 肅 ; 莊 重 ; 慇 懃
entrustment: 信 託 ; 付 囑
Maitreya: 彌 勒
encounter:遭遇 prediction:預言;授記
【解】 :地藏菩薩,你看我釋迦牟尼佛累生累劫度化眾生的苦心,從無 量劫數以來,行菩薩道廣度這些個性剛強頑固、貪、瞋、痴,習性重 又難教化的眾生,而墮落在三惡道的眾生。因為他們難以教化,而我 還是不捨棄任何一個眾生,精勤勞苦度化他們。大部份都已度化,還 有十分之一、二尚未被調伏的眾生,他們業障深重,不受佛的教化, 繼續造惡業,結果隨業墮落受苦;假使他們墮到三惡道地獄等受大苦 報的,我付囑你地藏菩薩,你當要憶念我在忉利天宮時,慇懃叮嚀交 待你,你要負起這責任,來度化這些眾生,可要使這娑婆世界的罪苦 眾生,一直到彌勒菩薩下生成佛出世在人間,都完全讓他們得解脫, 永離諸苦,或者得蒙佛為之授記才好。」
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爾時, 爾時,諸世界分身地藏菩薩 諸世界分身地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,共復一形, 共復一形,涕淚哀戀, 涕淚哀戀, 白其佛言: 白其佛言:「我從久遠劫來 「我從久遠劫來, 我從久遠劫來,蒙佛接引, 蒙佛接引,使獲不可思議 神力, 神力,具大智慧。 具大智慧。我所分身, 我所分身,遍滿百千萬億恒河 遍滿百千萬億恒河沙世界 恒河沙世界, 沙世界, 每一世界化百千萬億身, 每一世界化百千萬億身,每一身度百千萬億人, 每一身度百千萬億人,令歸敬 三寶, 三寶,永離生死, 永離生死,至涅槃樂 至涅槃樂。 【 英 譯 】: At that time all the divided bodies of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva that came from all those worlds merged(/ combined)into a single form. Then he wept and said to Buddha, "Throughout long eons, I have been receiving Buddha's guidance and from that I have developed(/ obtained)inconceivable(/ unimaginable)spiritual power and great wisdom. All of my divided bodies are full of(/ filled with)worlds as many as grains of the sand in billions of Ganges Rivers. In each of those worlds, I transform myself into billions of divided bodies. Each divided body takes across billions of people, helping them to return respectfully to Triple Jewel, escape birth and death forever, and reach the bliss of Nirvana. 【註】: merge:合併 the bliss of Nirvana:涅槃樂
【解】 :這個時候,諸世界分身的地藏菩薩,共同又恢復成一尊地藏菩 薩的形相,一邊痛哭流淚,一邊跟佛報告說: 「我地藏菩薩,於很久很 遠的劫數以前,就蒙佛您的接引教化,才能獲得此不可思議神通道力, 而且還具足了廣大的智慧妙用,這都是佛您的加被呀!現在的我才能 分身百千萬億身,遍滿百千萬億條恒河沙數那麼多的世界,在每一個 世界裡,再化百千萬億個身,而這些分身再度化百千萬億個人,教他 們先歸依恭敬三寶受十善法戒,再廣修四聖諦、十二因緣、六度波羅 蜜、行四攝法,成就菩薩道,務必讓他們斷盡煩惱,永離生死輪迴之 苦,乃至獲得五住究竟無住涅槃的無上快樂。」
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但於佛法中所為善事, 但於佛法中所為善事,一毛一渧, 一毛一渧,一沙一塵, 一沙一塵,或毫 髮許, 髮許,我漸度脫, 我漸度脫,使獲大利。 使獲大利。唯願世尊 唯願世尊, 世尊,不以後世惡業 眾生為慮。」 眾生為慮。」如是三白佛言 。」如是三白佛言: 如是三白佛言:「唯願 「唯願世尊 唯願世尊, 世尊,不以後世惡 業眾生為慮。 業眾生為慮。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Even if their good deeds within the Buddha dharma amount to as a little as a strand of hair, a drop of water, a grain of sand, or a mote of dust, I will gradually take them across(/ little by little), liberate them(/ set them free), and help them gain(/ obtain/ get)great benefit. I only hope that the World Honored One will not be concerned about(/ worried about)those living beings of the future, who have bad karma."In that way he addressed Buddha three times, "I only hope that the World Honored One will not be concerned about those living beings of the future who have bad karma." 【解】 :但只要是在佛所說的教法中,有任何人作利益眾生的善法,雖 然只有像一根鴻毛那麼輕、像一滴水那麼小、乃至像一顆沙那麼細小、 像一粒幾乎眼睛看不到那麼微細的灰塵,甚至於只像一根毫髮般的微 小,我地藏菩薩都要盡一切的努力,去度化這些眾生,叫他獲得最大 的利益。」這時地藏菩薩回過頭來反而安慰世尊,請您把這個後世惡 業的罪苦眾生所要度化的責任工作,全都交給我地藏,世尊您化緣已 盡,將入涅槃,請世尊您大可放下一百個心,請您不要再憂慮,將來 這些後世以惡為業的眾生而操心,我會負起您所交待的重大責任。地 藏菩薩就這樣再三告白了三遍說: 「請世尊您不要為後世惡業的眾生操 心憂慮了!」
「善哉 爾時, 「善哉! 善哉!善哉! 善哉!吾助汝喜。 吾助汝喜。 爾時,佛讚地藏菩薩 佛讚地藏菩薩言 地藏菩薩言: 汝能成就久遠劫來, 汝能成就久遠劫來,發弘誓願, 發弘誓願,廣度將畢, 廣度將畢,即證菩提。」 即證菩提。」 - 51 -
【英譯】 英譯】:At that time Buddha praised Earth Treasury Bodhisattva and said, "It is very excellent of you!Your behavior is very excellent indeed! I will help you in this work that you so willingly undertake(/ guarantee). When the vast vows that you keep making throughout so many eons are fulfilled and all those living beings have been saved, then I will certify your ultimate Bodhi." 【註】: undertake:承辦;擔保
ultimate Bodhi:終極的菩提
【解】 :這個時候,佛一聽到地藏菩薩說,要負起這偉大度眾生的責任, 佛就歡喜讚歎他說: 「真的太好了!真的是太好了!我釋迦牟尼佛將幫 助你地藏菩薩,你經久遠劫來所發的宏誓大願,讓你滿願,成就廣度 眾生,使你歡心,等到你度盡了眾生,你就可證得菩提成佛了!」
觀眾生業緣品第三 CHAPTER III Contemplating the Karmic Conditions of Beings 第二科:明所化機(第三品、第四品、第五品)
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【釋品題】 : 「觀」梵語「毘婆舍那」 。即是用真智去體察一切事物,俾 釋品題】 ˇ ㄘㄨㄣ
對一切事物得到正確理地的瞭解,免去妄加忖 度的過失。另「眾生」 或譯『有情』 :指眾人共生、依眾多因緣之法和合而生、亦經過眾多之 生死,故名「眾生」 。再者「業」指造作,即動身、口、意三業。如動 善業,將得善果。動惡業就招感惡果,造不善不惡業,得不動果。如 ˇ ㄔㄜ
外頭的境界,受其轉動再則外境幫助你去著相不放。故心能轉境亦能 被境轉,能轉境者成賢成聖,被境轉者為生死凡夫。地藏菩薩以實相
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之慧,興無緣慈,運同體悲,如法諦察,倘 眾生之遭遇苦難,即前往 救護。因眾生有種種差別,業緣亦復各異,是故欲度眾生,則必須觀 眾生的業緣。若了知緣生之本性空,則不但無眾生可度,而十法界的 業緣亦復了不可得。
爾時, 「聖 爾時,佛母摩耶 佛母摩耶夫人 摩耶夫人, 夫人,恭敬合掌問地藏菩薩 恭敬合掌問地藏菩薩言 地藏菩薩言: 者,閻浮眾生 眾生,造業差別, 造業差別,所受報應, 所受報應,其事云何? 其事云何?」 閻浮眾生, 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time the Buddha's mother : Lady Maya, placed her palms together respectfully and asked Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, "Great Sage, could you tell us about the different kinds of karma that living beings of Jambudvipa create and the resulting retributions that they undergo?" 【解】:這第三品由摩耶夫人當機請法,所以那時她就恭敬地雙手合 掌,請問地藏菩薩,並尊稱祂為聖者說: 「啟問聖者,這個南閻浮提的 眾生,所造的罪業,各個不同,有種種的差別,而所受的報應情形, 又是怎麼樣的呢?」
地藏答言 答言:「千萬世界 「千萬世界, 千萬世界,乃及國土, 乃及國土,或有地獄、 或有地獄、或 地藏答言: 無地獄; 無地獄;或有女人、 或有女人、或無女人; 或無女人;或有佛法、 或有佛法、或無佛法, 或無佛法, 乃至聲聞、 乃至聲聞、辟支佛, 辟支佛,亦復如是, 亦復如是,非但地獄罪報一等。 非但地獄罪報一等。」 【英譯】 :Earth Treasury replied, "There are millions of worlds and lands 英譯】 that may or may not have hells, may or may not have women, may or may not have Buddha dharma, and so forth to having or even not having Sound-hearers and Pratyekabuddhas. Since the worlds differ, the retributions in the hells also differ." 【註】: Buddha dharma:佛法
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【解】:地藏菩薩回答摩耶夫說:「這十方千千萬萬的世界裡,以及千 千萬萬的國土中,有的有地獄,有的沒地獄;有的有女人,有的沒有 女人;有的有佛法,有的沒有佛法,有的世界都是菩薩,沒有聲聞緣 覺,有的世界只有聲聞辟支佛乘的,有的不但沒有佛,連菩薩聲聞等 都沒有。有些國土是五濁惡世,有的世界是清淨微妙無比莊嚴;有的 則是卑劣不淨,有的壽命無量,有的壽命短促,造種種的業,受種種 的報應,有的或者成佛成聖超出三界,有的或廣造十惡,受三途之報。 這樣的世界國度裡,多得說不盡,並非侷限於地獄罪報一途而已。」
摩耶夫人重白菩薩 摩耶 夫人重白菩薩: 夫人重白菩薩 :「且願聞於 「 且願聞於閻浮 且願聞於 閻浮罪報所感惡 閻浮 罪報所感惡 趣。」地藏 答言:「聖母 「聖母, 聖母,唯願聽受, 唯願聽受,我粗說之。」 我粗說之。」佛 。」佛 。」地藏答言 地藏答言: 母白言: 白言:「願聖者說 「願聖者說。」 願聖者說。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Lady Maya spoke again to Bodhisattva, "Could you please tell us about the offenses done by those in Jambudvipa that result in retributions in the evil destinies?"Earth Treasury replied, "Worthy Mother, please listen as I speak briefly about that." The Buddha's mother answered, "May Great Sage tell us about that." 【註】: Jambudvipa:閻浮 evil destiny:惡趣(指三惡道:地獄、餓鬼、畜牲)
【解】:摩耶夫人再次向地藏菩薩說:「我願意聽聽有關我所住的南閻 浮提眾生,因犯惡業受罪報,所感應惡道的苦難情形。」地藏回答說: 「聖母,唯願您來聽受我地藏所說,我就大概簡略地說一說。」佛母 回答說: 「願聖者,請就說吧!」
爾時, 爾時,地藏菩薩白聖母言 地藏菩薩白聖母言: 白聖母言:「南閻浮提 「南閻浮提, 南閻浮提,罪報名號 - 54 -
如是: 如是:若有眾生不孝父母, 若有眾生不孝父母,或至殺害, 或至殺害,當墮無間地獄, 當墮無間地獄, 千萬億劫求出無期。 千萬億劫求出無期。 【英譯】 英譯】:Then Earth Treasury Bodhisattva said to the Worthy Mother, "Those retributions that result from offenses done in Jambudvipa are described like this, “If there are any human beings who is not filial to his parents, or even to the extent of harming or killing them, he will fall into the Relentless(/ Unceasing)Hell, where it is for billions of eons to suffer. They will seek to escape in vain. 【註】: filial:孝順的
Relentless Hell:無間地獄
【解】:那時地藏菩薩就向聖母說: 「南閻浮提的罪報及地獄名號是這 : 樣子的。假使有人不孝順父母親的,甚至於把父母殺害死的,這五逆 罪之一,一定要墮到無間地獄,受千萬億劫長遠時間的苦難。想要出 離地獄,是遙遙無期的呀!」
若有眾生出佛身血, 若有眾生出佛身血,毀謗三寶, 毀謗三寶,不敬尊經, 不敬尊經,亦當墮 於無間地獄, 於無間地獄,千萬億劫, 千萬億劫,求無出期。 求無出期。 【英譯】 :If there are human beings, who shed the body of Buddha's blood, 英譯】 slander Triple Jewel, and do not venerate(/ respect)Sutras, they will fall into the Relentless(/ Unceasing)Hell, where it is for billions of eons to suffer. They will seek escape in vain. 【註】: shed:滴下;流出 venerate:尊敬
【解】 :或假使有人,想傷害佛、令佛身出血,或有人毀謗辱罵佛、法、 : ㄗㄠ
ˋ ㄇㄧㄝ
僧三寶的,或有人對法寶等尊經不恭敬、輕慢污衊 、故意隨處亂放蹧 ˋ ㄊㄚ
踏 的,違犯以上這些重罪的,也要墮到無間地獄受苦,要經過劫長遠
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的時間,想要出離都是遙遙無期。 ˋ ㄗ
ˋ ㄉㄧㄢ
若有眾生侵損常住, 若有眾生侵損常住,玷 污僧尼, 污僧尼,或伽藍內恣 或伽藍內恣 行婬 欲,或殺或害, 或殺或害,如是等輩, 如是等輩,當墮無間地獄, 當墮無間地獄,千萬億劫, 千萬億劫, 求出無期。 求出無期。 【英譯】 英譯】:If there are human beings, who usurp(/ rob/ steal/ invade)or damage(/ destroy)the property(/ possessions)of the Eternally Dwelling, or who defile bodies of Bhikshu or Bhikshuni, who commit sexual-acts within the Sangharama, or who kill or harm human beings, they will fall into the Relentless Hell, where it is for billions of eons. They will seek to escape in vain. 【註】: usurp: 強 奪 ; 霸 佔
Eternally Dwelling: 常 住
defile: 玷 污
sexual-act: 行 婬 欲
【解】 :或假使有人,侵佔佛寺的土地據為已有,或佔用寺廟任意使用, : 損壞寺院的財物;或有人染污出家人不管男、女眾,利用種種方法強 ㄘ
ˊ ㄒㄧㄚ
加點污沾 辱,使他們不清淨,有污點瑕 疵 。或有的人在寺院清淨地, ˋ ㄗㄨㄥ
色膽包天,縱 情行淫欲、或有人在寺院內,有意殺生害命。像這些造 惡之人,可都要下墮到無間地獄受罪,經千千萬萬劫長遠的時間,想 要出離都遙遙無期。
若有眾生, 若有眾生,偽作沙門, 偽作沙門,心非沙門, 心非沙門,破用常住, 破用常住,欺誑 白衣, 白衣,違背戒律, 違背戒律,種種造惡, 種種造惡,如是等輩, 如是等輩,當墮無間地獄, 當墮無間地獄, 千萬億劫, 千萬億劫,求出無期。 求出無期。 【英譯】 英譯】:Or if there are human beings, who seem to be a body of Shramanaun in their outer appearance, but in their minds they are not a
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body of true Shramana.They destroy the things of the Eternally Dwelling. They deceive lay people.Their deeds go against the precepts. They do many other evil deeds. Those persons will fall into the Relentless(/Unceasing) Hell, where it is for billions of eons to suffer.They will seek to escape in vain. 【註】: Shramanau:沙門
Eternally Dwelling:常住 precept:戒律 ˋ ㄅㄢ
【解】 :假使有人假扮 裝作出家人,外表現出家相,而內心卻不是在修 : 行求道,他不但破壞常住的清淨規約,而且還損用常住的東西,這樣 ˊ ㄎㄨㄤ
ˊ ㄇㄢ
假裝出家人,欺瞞 誑 騙在家弟子的供養,而又違背出家人必守的戒 律,做出種種惡行。像這樣子的人,當然是要墮入無間地獄受罪,經 千千萬萬劫長遠的時間,想要出離都遙遙無期呢!
若有眾生, 若有眾生,偷竊常住財物穀米, 偷竊常住財物穀米,飲食衣服, 飲食衣服,乃至一 物不與取者, 物不與取者,當墮無間地獄, 當墮無間地獄,千萬億劫, 千萬億劫,求出無期。 求出無期。 【英譯】 :Or if there are human beings, who steal the wealth and property 英譯】 of the Eternally Dwelling, including its grains, its food and drink, and its clothing. Or they take anything that was not at all given to them.They will fall into the Relentless Hell, where it is for billions of eons to suffer.They will seek to escape in vain. 【解】 :又假使有人偷偷的拿取佛寺常住的錢財、物品、糧食米麵,任 : 何飲食之類的,及衣服用品等等,甚至於連一針一草,沒經過常住允 許的,而隨隨便便偷拿回家去的,也是要墮入無間地獄受罪,經千千 萬萬劫長遠的時間,想要出離都遙遙無期呢!」
地藏白言 地藏白言: 白言:「聖母, 聖母,若有眾生, 若有眾生,作如是罪, 作如是罪,當墮五 當墮五 - 57 -
無間地獄 無間地獄, 地獄,求暫停苦一念不得。」 求暫停苦一念不得。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Earth Treasure continued saying, "Worthy Mother, if there are human beings, who commit such offenses, they will fall into the Fivefold Relentless(/ Unceasing)Hell to suffer, where they will constantly seek for temporary relief from their suffering, but they will never receive even a moment's respite(/ stop /cease/ delay/ deferment/ postponement)." 【註】: Fivefold Relentless Hell:五無間地獄
【解】:這裡地藏菩薩稟白說: 「聖母,假使有人,造了以上的五逆十 : 惡之罪,當然要隨業受報,墮到五無間地獄裡去受那極端無量的苦, 就是想要剎那一念短暫的時間,暫停一下子受苦,都求不到呢!」
夫人重白地藏菩薩 地藏菩薩言 「云何名為 云何名為無間地獄 無間地獄?」 摩耶夫人重白 夫人重白 地藏菩薩 言: 「 云何名為 無間地獄 ?」 摩耶 地藏白言 白言:「聖母 「聖母, 聖母,諸有地獄在大鐵圍 諸有地獄在大鐵圍山之內 大鐵圍山之內, 山之內,其大地 地藏白言: 獄有十八所, 獄有十八所,次有五百, 次有五百,名號各別, 名號各別,次有千百, 次有千百,名字亦 別。 【英譯】 英譯】:Lady Maya further asked Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, "Why is that called Relentless(/ Unceasing)hell?"Earth Treasure replied, "Worthy Mother, the hells are all within the Great Iron Ring Mountain. There are eighteen great hells and the five hundred subsequent ones. Each of them has its own name. There are much more hundreds of thousands hells than those. They also have their own names. 【註】: Great Iron Ring Mountain:大鐵圍山
【解】:摩耶夫人重新向地藏菩薩告訴說:「什麼叫做無間地獄呢?」 地藏菩薩向聖母回答說: 「聖母,諸多的地獄都在大鐵圍山的裡面,其
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中大的地獄有十八所,次等的有五百所,再其次的有千百所,不管名 號名字各各都不相同。」 ㄗㄚ
無間獄者, 無間獄者,其獄城周匝 獄城周匝 八萬餘里, 八萬餘里,其城純鐵, 其城純鐵,高 一萬里, 一萬里,城上火聚, 城上火聚,少有空缺。 少有空缺。其獄城中, 其獄城中,諸獄相連, 諸獄相連, 名號各別。 名號各別。 【英譯】 英譯】:The Relentless(/ Unceasing)Hell is found within a city of hells,which encompasses more than eighty thousand square miles. That city is entirely made of iron. There are ten thousand miles above the city with an unbroken mass of fire. There are many interconnected hells within the city,and each of them has its different name. 【註】: encompass:周匝 square:平方 interconnect:相連
【解】 :這無間地獄的獄城四周有八萬平方多里,這獄城都是用純鐵做 成的,城高有一萬里,城上全都是充滿著大火,幾乎沒什麼空缺。這 大地獄之中,其它諸小地獄互相連接,無間地獄之上是極熱地獄、炎 熱地獄、大叫地獄、號叫地獄、眾合地獄、黑繩地獄、等活地獄等, 其名號各各不同。
獨有一獄, 獨有一獄,名曰無間 名曰無間, 無間,其獄周匝萬八千里, 其獄周匝萬八千里,獄牆高 一千里, 一千里,悉是鐵為, 悉是鐵為,上火徹下, 上火徹下,下火徹上。 下火徹上。鐵蛇鐵狗, 鐵蛇鐵狗, 吐火馳逐獄牆之上, 吐火馳逐獄牆之上,東西而走。 東西而走。 【英譯】 英譯】:There is just only one hell of which name is called Relentless (/ Unceasing)hell. Its circumference is eighteen thousand square miles. The wall of that hell is a thousand miles high, totally made of iron, and covered with a fire burning downward that is joined by a fire burning
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upward. Iron snakes and iron dogs spewing(/ ejecting)fire race(/ run fast) back and forth atop that wall. 【註】: circumference:周圍 spew:吐出;噴出
【解】 :單獨有一個地獄,它的名字叫無間;這個獄城的四周圍有一萬 八千平方里,獄的牆壁高有八千里厚,全都是用鐵圍繞做成的,滿城 都是大火,上面的火燒到下面,下面的火燒到上面。裡面有鐵身蛇和 鐵狗,還會口吐火炎。這些鐵蛇、鐵狗在獄牆的上面快速地東西追逐 奔跑著。
獄中有床, 獄中有床,遍滿萬里。 遍滿萬里。一人受罪, 一人受罪,自見其身遍臥滿 床。千萬人受罪, 千萬人受罪,亦各自見身滿床上。 亦各自見身滿床上。眾業所感獲報如 是。 【英譯】 英譯】:In that hell there is a bed, that extends for ten thousand miles wide and long. When one person undergo punishment, he(/ she)sees his (/ her)own body filling the entire bed. When millions of people undergo punishment simultaneously(/ at the same time), each of them still sees his or her own body filling the bed. That is what retributions are undergone by those with the same karma. 【註】: simultaneously:同時發生
【解】 :這無間地獄裡還有個大鐵床,縱廣有一萬里那麼大。假使只有 一個人受罪,也覺得見到自己的身體遍滿整個床;可是有千萬個人受 罪,每個人也是自覺得自己的身體遍滿整個床。怎會如此呢?這是因 為造惡業的人,所招感的報應是如此,就是造了五逆罪的殺父、殺母、 出佛身血、殺阿羅漢、破合和僧及寺內邪淫,偷常住物等。
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又諸罪人, 又諸罪人,備受眾苦。 備受眾苦。千百夜叉及以惡鬼, 千百夜叉及以惡鬼,口牙如 劍,眼如電光, 眼如電光,手復銅爪, 手復銅爪,拖拽 罪人。 罪人。復有夜叉, 復有夜叉,執 大鐵戟 大鐵戟 ,中罪人身, 中罪人身,或中口鼻, 或中口鼻,或中腹背。 或中腹背。拋空翻接, 拋空翻接, 或置床上。 罪人目。復有鐵蛇, 復有鐵蛇,絞罪人 或置床上。復有鐵鷹, 復有鐵鷹,啗 罪人目。 頸。百肢節內, 百肢節內,悉下長釘, 悉下長釘,拔舌耕犁, 拔舌耕犁,抽腸剉 抽腸剉 斬 ,烊 銅 灌口, 灌口,熱鐵纏身。 熱鐵纏身。萬死千生, 萬死千生,業感如是。 業感如是。 ˇ ㄐㄧ
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ˋ ㄘㄨㄛ
【英譯】 :What is more, these offenders undergo extreme much suffering. 英譯】 Thousands bodies of Yakshas and other evil ghosts display fangs like swords,and their eyes are like lightning as they pull and drag the offenders using their brass-clawed hands. Other Yakshas wield huge iron halberds that they use to pierce the offenders' mouths and noses, or stab their bellies and backs. They toss the offenders into the air and then catch them by skewering them with the halberds,or they let them drop onto the bed. There are also iron eagles pecking at the offenders' eyes, and there are iron serpents wrapping around their necks. There are long nails driven into all their limbs. Their tongues are pulled out, stretched, and then plowed through. Their internal organs are gouged out, sliced, and minced. There is molten copper poured into their mouths, and their bodies are bound with hot iron. Responses to their karma go on like those throughout thousands of deaths and rebirths. 【註】:
ˇ ㄐㄧˇ
slice:薄片 mince:剁碎
【解】 :又這些罪人不只要受鐵熱床之苦,還要受種種的苦;有很多很 多的夜叉惡鬼,它們的嘴巴牙齒像劍的尖利,眼睛兇惡得像雷電的寒
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ˇ ㄐㄧ
ˊ ㄓ
ˇ ㄕㄨㄞ
光,它們用銅的指爪,拖拉甩 擲 罪人,又有夜叉鬼拿起大的鐵戟 來叉 執罪人的身體,或叉中罪人的口鼻,或叉中罪人的肚子或背腰。或叉 ㄐㄧㄢ
中罪人的身,拋擲在空中翻轉,再用鐵叉接下來,丟棄在熱鐵床上煎 ˇ ㄐㄧㄥ
ˊ ㄅㄛ
ˇ ㄐㄧㄠ
ˊ ㄓㄨㄛ
ˊ ㄠ
熬 ;還有鐵老鷹來啄 吃罪人的雙眼。又有鐵蛇盤絞 罪人的脖 頸 ;還 有把罪人的四肢及全身的關節,都用長釘子釘牢在床上,然後拔出他 ˇ ㄓㄢ
ˋ ㄘㄨㄛ
ˇ ㄈㄨ
ˊ ㄌㄧ
的舌頭,用來耕犁 ;有的還要抽腸破肚,用刀斧 挫 斬 罪人的內臟; ˋ ㄖㄠ
ˊ ㄔㄢ
還有的用熔化的銅汁強灌罪人的嘴口,還有的用熱的鐵條來纏 繞 罪人 ˊ ㄌㄧㄣ
的身體,讓他遍體鱗 傷。這些罪人被整死,馬上被業風一吹,又醒過 來,就這樣死死生生,可要經過不止萬次千次呢!這都是他們被惡業 所感應的果報呢。
動經億劫, 動經億劫,求出無期。 求出無期。此界壞時, 此界壞時,寄生他界, 寄生他界,他界 次壞, 次壞,轉寄他方; 轉寄他方;他方壞時, 他方壞時,輾轉相寄。 輾轉相寄。此界成後, 此界成後,還 復而來。 復而來。 【英譯】 :Those conditions maybe pass through millions of eons. There is 英譯】 no use to seek ways to escape. When this world is destroyed, they find themselves in another world. When that world is destroyed, they pass to another one. When that world, too, is destroyed, they move on to another. When this world comes into being again, they return here again. 【解】 :造惡業的眾生,招來億劫的苦毒報應,要想求出離都遙遙無期。 等到這個世界毀滅了,又將這些罪人移轉到另外一個世界去繼續受 報;再等另一個世界再壞時,又再轉寄到其他的地方去受罪,等到他 ˇ ㄋㄧㄢ
方的世界再壞時,就一直不斷地輾 轉互相寄放這些罪人。等到這個世 界又形成了,仍舊又再回到這裡來受罪報。
無間地獄, 無間地獄,其事如是。 其事如是。又五事業感, 又五事業感,故稱無間。 故稱無間。 - 62 -
【英譯】 英譯】:It is the situation involving Relentless retribution for offenses like those. Moreover, five karmic deeds responses account for the name of Relentless(/ Unceasing)hell. 【註】: account for:成為唯一主要的原因;解釋;足以說明
【解】 :這無間地獄的罪報就是這樣子,又由於造作五逆罪的惡業,而 : 感以下五種事的苦報,因此而稱叫作無間。
何等為五? 何等為五?一者、 一者、日夜受罪, 日夜受罪,以至劫數, 以至劫數,無時間絕, 無時間絕, 故稱無間。 故稱無間。二者、 二者、一人亦滿, 一人亦滿,多人亦滿, 多人亦滿,故稱無間。 故稱無間。 【 英譯】 英譯 】: What are the five?First, it is said to be Relentless(/ Unceasing)hell since punishment is undergone day and night throughout many eons without ceasing for a moment. Second, it is said to be Relentless (/ Unceasing)hell since one person fills it in the same way that many people fill it. 【解】:這五種業力所感的情況是怎麼樣的呢?第一是:時間無間斷, 日日夜夜受罪苦沒有絲毫間斷,乃至無量漫長劫數,所以稱無間。第 二是:身形無間,就是一個人受罪,即親見自己的身體遍滿地獄。很 多的人受罪,也同時自見身體遍滿整個地獄,所以叫作無間。 ˋ ㄏㄨㄛ
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ˋ ㄉㄨㄟ
三者、 三者、罪器叉棒, 罪器叉棒,鷹蛇狼犬, 鷹蛇狼犬,碓 磨鋸鑿, 磨鋸鑿,剉 斫 鑊 湯,鐵網鐵繩, 鐵網鐵繩,鐵驢鐵馬, 鐵驢鐵馬,生革絡首, 生革絡首,熱鐵澆身, 熱鐵澆身,飢吞 鐵丸, 鐵丸,渴飲鐵汁, 渴飲鐵汁,從年竟劫, 從年竟劫,數由那他, 數由那他,苦楚相連, 苦楚相連,更 無間斷, 無間斷,故稱無間。 故稱無間。 【英譯】 英譯】:Third, it is said to be Relentless(/ Unceasing)hell since repeated punishments continue without cease throughout years that stretch
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into nayutas of eons. Those punishments are inflicted by instruments of torture such as forks and clubs; or by eagles, serpents, wolves, and dogs; or by pounding, grinding, sawing, drilling, chiseling, cutting and chopping; or by boiling liquids, iron nets, iron ropes, iron asses, and iron horses; or by raw hide bound around one's head and hot iron poured over one's body; or by meals of iron pellets and drinks of iron fluids. 【註】: inflict:施加與 pellet:小彈丸
【解】 :第三是:所受罪苦的器具沒有間斷;鐵叉、鐵棒、鐵鷹、鐵蛇、 ˊ ㄗㄠ
ˋ ㄉㄨㄟ
鐵狼、鐵犬,或是用碓 磨來磨成粉、或用鉅子來鉅身體、或用鑿 子來 ˇ ㄎㄢ
ˇ ㄓㄢ
ˋ ㄘㄨㄛ
鑿身體、或用剉 刀來斬 砍 、或用大鐵鍋滾水燙身、或用大鐵絲網、鐵 ㄅㄛ
ˇ ㄅㄤ
ˇ ㄎㄨㄣ
繩捆 綁 罪人身、或令罪人騎在熱鐵驢、鐵馬上、或把罪人活生生地剝 ˋ ㄊㄤ
ˋ ㄌㄜ
皮、用鐵繩勒 住罪人的首級、或用熔化的鐵汁澆 燙 罪人的身、或罪人 ˋ ㄎㄨㄟ
饑餓逼令他吞熱鐵丸,口渴時逼令他喝熱鐵汁,令他唇舌胃腸燒焦潰 ˋ ㄌㄢ
爛 。年年都是如此,甚至於時間長到數億劫,毒痛苦楚,連綿不斷, 沒有一絲毫的間斷,這都是該罪人生前凌辱別人,死後遭到如此相等 的因果報應,因此叫無間。
四者、 四者、不問男、 不問男、女,羌、胡、夷、狄,老、幼、貴、 賤,或龍或神, 或龍或神,或天或鬼, 或天或鬼,罪行業感, 罪行業感,悉同受之, 悉同受之,故稱 無間。 無間。 【英譯】 英譯】:Fourth, it is said to be Relentless(/ Unceasing)hell since everyone undergoes karmic responses based on the offenses they committed, whether they are maybe men, women, savages, old, young, honorable, or lowly; or whether they are maybe heavenly gods,dragons,
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spirits, or ghosts.All of them are all equal. 【註】: response:報應;感應 offense:犯罪;冒犯
【解】 :第四是:果報無間:凡是墮到這無間地獄裡的人,身份不分男 女,區域不分東方或西方,亞、歐、菲,或那一國是東夷、西戎、南 蠻、北狄等未開化的民族,或老或幼,或富或貴、或貧或賤,或他是 天龍鬼神;不論是那一國的人,或他信什麼宗教的,凡是造了五逆罪 的人,大家所受的罪果報應,都是一樣的,毫無差別,所以叫無間。
五者、 五者、若墮此獄, 若墮此獄,從初入時, 從初入時,至百千劫, 至百千劫,一日一夜, 一日一夜, 萬死萬生, 萬死萬生,求一念間暫住不得, 求一念間暫住不得,除非業盡, 除非業盡,方得受生, 方得受生, 以此連綿, 以此連綿,故稱無間 故稱無間。」 【英譯】 :Fifth, it is said to be Relentless(/ unceasing)hell since offenders 英譯】 continually undergo ten thousand deaths and as many rebirths each day and night from the moment they first enter this hell and on through thousands of eons. During that time they seek even a moment's relief but it never happens. Only when(/ Unless)their karma is finished being punished can they attain rebirth." 【解】 :第五是:罪人的壽命無間:假使有人墮到這無間地獄,他的壽 命非常地長久,自從他最初進入這地獄時,期間可要經過好幾百千萬 億劫長遠的時間,而罪人可在一日一夜之間,受生死苦萬萬次,想求 一念之間暫停一下,都不可得,除非罪人受完業報,才能停止,而再 生到他界,去繼續受報,以此連綿不斷,所以叫無間。」 ㄘㄨ
地藏菩薩白 「無間地獄 地藏菩薩白聖母言 聖母言: 「無間地獄, 無間地獄,粗(/ 麤 )說如 是。若廣說地獄罪器等名, 若廣說地獄罪器等名,及諸苦事, 及諸苦事,一劫之中, 一劫之中,求說 - 65 -
不盡。」 不盡。」 【英譯】 :Earth Treasury Bodhisattva said to the Worthy Mother, "That is 英譯】 a brief description of the Relentless(Unceasing)Hell. If I were to speak extensively about the names of all the implements of punishment in the hells and all the sufferings there, I could not finish speaking in an entire eon." 【註】: implement:器具
【解】:地藏菩薩對聖母說:「這無間地獄大略說是這樣子。假使要廣 泛地說地獄的罪器,及各種楚苦的事,就是用一劫那麼長的時間,也 說不盡呢!」
夫人聞已, 愁憂合掌, 頂禮而退。 摩耶夫人聞已 夫人聞已 ,愁憂合掌 ,頂禮而退 。 摩耶 【 英譯】 英譯 】: After hearing that, Lady Maya placed her palms together sorrowfully, made obeisance, and withdrew. 【註】: obeisance:鞠躬;敬禮;頂禮 withdraw:撤退
【解】 :摩耶夫人聽完了地藏菩薩所說的話後,面帶憂愁地合掌,默不 作聲地向地藏菩薩頂禮,而退回到自己原來的座位上。 【註】 :聖母因聽了罪人要受這樣無窮的苦痛,想救又難以施力,是以 : 憂愁不樂。憂是憂眾生之受苦無窮,愁是愁眾生之剛強難化。真悲哀!
閻浮眾生業感品第四 CHAPTER IV Karmic Retributions of Beings of Jambudvipa
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【釋品題】 :本品在敘述業感,是攀緣、造業、感果報。閻浮提又稱南 釋品題】 ˋ ㄕㄢ
贍 部洲在須彌山之南方, 「眾生」是指生在該洲之一切有情;此洲眾生 ˊ ㄒㄧㄢ
苦難,較其他三洲為多,咸 希脫離,所以易度化。是以諸佛未成佛前, ˋ ㄅㄧ
都發願生娑婆世界之閻浮提中,俾 知苦難而勇於修行,早得解脫。閻 浮提人有三勝:一者、勇猛強記,能造業行。二者、勤修梵行。三者、 佛出其土。又東勝神洲人多欲,西牛賀洲人甚少造業,北俱盧洲人傲 慢,聖人不生,唯南閻浮提人舉心動念,無非是罪,脫獲善利,多退 初心,若遇惡緣,念念增長,基此因,所以獨標閻浮之名。
爾時, 爾時,地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言 地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言: 白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我承佛如 我承佛如 來威神力故, 威神力故,遍百千萬億世界, 遍百千萬億世界,分是身形, 分是身形,救拔一切業 報眾生。 大慈力故,即不能作如是變化。 即不能作如是變化。 報眾生。若非如來 若非如來大慈力故 如來大慈力故, 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!It is because I receive(/ accept /take) the awesome spiritual strength of Buddha, Thus Come One. I am able to divide my body and rescue all of those living beings, who are undergoing karmic retributions everywhere in billions of worlds. If it were not for the great compassionate strength of the Thus Come One, I would be unable to perform such changes and transformations. 【註】: awesome spiritual strength:威德神通之力
【解】:那時地藏菩薩向佛稟告說:「世尊!我現在仰承您的威德神通 之力,我可以遍滿百千萬億世界,分別現出這個身體和形狀,救濟超 拔一切因造惡業,而那些遭受了業報的眾生,若不是如來您大慈大悲 的悲願加被於我,我就不能作種種的神通變化。」
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我今又蒙佛付囑, 我今又蒙佛付囑,至阿逸多成佛以來 阿逸多成佛以來, 成佛以來,六道眾生, 六道眾生, 遣令度脫。 願不有慮。」 遣令度脫。唯然世尊 唯然世尊, 世尊,願不有慮。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Now the World Honored One has entrusted me again with rescuing and liberating those human beings in the Six Paths until Ajita becomes a body of Buddha. I accept the entrustment, The World Honored One. Please don’t have any further concern(/ worriment).” 【註】: entrustment:付託 concern:掛念;憂慮
【解】 :我今天在忉利天宮,佛又再度付囑交待,直到將來彌勒菩薩成 佛以前,要度完六道眾生,而且還要使他們脫離三界,了生脫死。世 尊!我會遵照您的交待去做,希望您不要掛礙憂慮才是。」
爾時, 爾時,佛告地藏菩薩 佛告地藏菩薩: 地藏菩薩:「一切眾生未解脫者 「一切眾生未解脫者, 一切眾生未解脫者,性識 無定, 無定,惡習結業, 惡習結業,善習結果。 習結果。為善為惡, 為善為惡,逐境而生。 逐境而生。輪 轉五道, 轉五道,暫無休息, 暫無休息,動經塵劫, 動經塵劫,迷惑障難。 迷惑障難。 【英譯】 英譯】:Then Buddha told Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, "All of the human(/ living)beings, who have not yet obtained liberation have unfixed natures and consciousnesses. Their bad habits reap karma; their good habits bring rewards. Reacting to situations by doing good deeds or evil acts causes them to turn in the Five Paths without a moment's rest. Throughout eons as numerous as motes of dust they remain confused(/ deluded / obstructed)and afflicted by difficulties. 【註】: unfixed:不固定的 惑的
obstruct:障礙 afflict:所苦(身心)
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【解】 :那時佛告訴地藏菩薩說: 「那一切十分一、二還沒解脫的眾生, 他們的根性及妄想心識,對於善惡業,沒有抉擇的智慧,時而為善, 時而為惡,心識不定,有惡的習氣則造殺、盜、淫、妄的惡業,自然 結了三惡道的果報;有善的習氣,則造十善業,而結成人天等趣的樂 果。他們追逐外境而生善或生惡,六根門攀緣六塵:色、聲、香、味、 觸、法,念念不忘,那心識不定,隨境界而生,做善時而上生為天或 生為人,做惡則結惡果,下生為畜生、鬼、地獄等五道(或加上阿修 羅稱六道)輪迴不停,生生死死流轉,就是想要暫時休息一下,也沒 有時間。就這樣子,要經過無窮盡,好多劫的時間受苦;他們迷失、 惑亂於煩惱障、業障、報障之三障中,也歷經地獄、餓鬼、畜生、北 俱盧州無佛法之地、長壽天之無想天、盲聾瘖啞、世智辯聰、佛前佛 後等八難之地。
如魚游網。 如魚游網。將是長流, 將是長流,脫入暫出, 脫入暫出,又復遭網。 又復遭網。以是 等輩, 等輩,吾當憂念。 吾當憂念。汝既畢是往願, 汝既畢是往願,累劫重誓, 累劫重誓,廣度罪輩, 廣度罪輩, 吾復何慮。」 吾復何慮。」 【英譯】 英譯】:They are just like fishes swimming through waters laced with nets. They may slip through and keep their freedom temporarily, but sooner or later they will be caught. I am concerned about such living beings. But since you have kept making extensive(/ heavy)vows repeatedly throughout successive eons to take such offenders across, what further worriment need I have?” 【註】: lace:繫緊;綁起來 slip:滑落;漏掉
【解】 :他們輪迴生死造業不停,就好像是水中的魚,游到網中被網捕 撈到,自己還以為是水中之長流水,不痛不癢,不知死期將至,不知
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那是魚網,將被人活捉拿去煎煮;有時好不容易暫時逃跳滑落過網, 剛一出去,不久又遭到網撈,永遠逃脫不出這三界之羅網,他們真不 知死活,可憐呀!這是我最最憂念不安的呢!地藏你既然發了這大 願,而且又是累生累劫以來,一次又一次地發要廣度這些罪業眾生, 也發誓要將它完成,那我釋迦牟尼佛還有什麼好憂慮掛念的呢!」
說是語時, 說是語時,會中有一菩薩摩訶薩, 會中有一菩薩摩訶薩,名定自在王, 定自在王,白 佛言: 佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!地藏菩薩累劫以來 地藏菩薩累劫以來, 累劫以來,各發何願, 各發何願,今蒙世 今蒙世 尊慇懃讚歎。 慇懃讚歎。唯願世尊 唯願世尊, 世尊,略而說之。」 略而說之。」 【英譯】 英譯】:After saying that, there is a body of Bodhisattva Mahasattva in the assembly, whose name is called Samadhi Self-Mastery King said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!What vows have Earth Treasury Bodhisattva made during so many successive eons that he now receives the World Honored One's special(/ attentive / courteous / polite)praise?We hope the World Honored One will tell us about that briefly(/ in short/ in a word/ sketchily)." 【解】:說這話的時間,在大會之中有一位大菩薩,名叫定自在王的, 他對著佛說: 「剛才聽聞佛您說地藏菩薩,將要完畢往昔累劫的重誓, 但未知他以前曾發過什麼大願,而使世尊您這樣子慇懃的稱讚他,我 們很想知道, ,世尊請您為我等,略說他累劫所發的願行。」 【註】:定自在王菩薩:是該尊菩薩對於甚深三昧禪定,能任運自在, : ˊ ㄑㄧㄝ
ˊ ㄈㄨ
ˋ ㄍㄨㄚ
無罣 無礙,生死不縛 ,物欲不牽,那伽 常在定,無有不定時,故稱定 自在王菩薩。
爾時, 爾時,世尊告 世尊告定自在王菩薩: 定自在王菩薩:「諦聽 「諦聽! 諦聽!諦聽! 諦聽!善思 念之! 念之!吾當為汝分別解說。 吾當為汝分別解說。 - 70 -
【英譯】 英譯】:Then the World Honored One said to Samadhi Self-Mastery King, "Please listen to me attentively, and listen it very attentively, and reflect well on the divided explanation that I am about to give you in detail. 【解】:這個時候世尊告訴定自在王菩薩說:「你要仔細地聽呀!而聽 過之後還要好好地思惟呀!我當然會給你詳細地分別解釋說明的。
乃往過去無量阿僧祇那由他不可說劫, 乃往過去無量阿僧祇那由他不可說劫,爾時有佛, 爾時有佛, 號一切智成就如來, 一切智成就如來,應供、正遍知、 正遍知、明行足、 明行足、善逝、 善逝、世 間解、 間解、無上士、 無上士、調御丈夫、 調御丈夫、天人師、 天人師、佛、世尊, 世尊,其佛壽 命六萬劫。 命六萬劫。未出家時為小國王, 未出家時為小國王,與一鄰國王為友, 與一鄰國王為友,同行 十善, 十善,饒益眾生。 饒益眾生。 【英譯】 英譯】:On a certain time, it was in the limitless Asamkhyeyas of nayutas of inexpressible eons ago. There was a body of Buddha,whose name was called All-Knowledge-Accomplished Thus Come One, he was also called : One Worthy of Offerings, One of Proper and Pervasive Knowledge, One Perfect in Clarity and Conduct, Well-Gone One, Unsurpassed Knight Who Understands the World, Taming and Subduing Hero, Teacher of Gods and Humans, Buddha, The World Honored One, was born and appeared in the world. That Buddha's lifespan was sixty thousand eons. Before he became a monk, he was the king of a small country and was friendly with the king of a neighboring country. Both of them practiced the Ten Wholesome Acts and benefited living beings. 【註】: Thus Come One:如來 Knowledge:正遍知
One Worthy of Offerings:應供
One of Proper and Pervasive
One Perfect in Clarity and Conduct:明行足
Well-Gone One:善逝
Unsurpassed Knight Who Understands the World:世間解無上士 Taming and Subduing Hero:
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調御丈夫 Teacher of Gods and Humans:天人師
the World Honored One:世尊
命 Ten Wholesome Acts:十善
【解】 :地藏菩薩他乃在過去無央數,億萬劫的時候,在那個時候有一 尊佛出世,德號叫做一切智成就如來,佛的明號也是應供、正遍知、 明行足、善逝、世間解、無上士、調御丈夫、天人師、佛、世尊;這 尊佛的壽命很長,有六萬劫之久。在他還沒出家前,曾做過小國王, 他和鄰近的國王當朋友,並且同修十善業,大大地利益當時的國人。 【註】 :一切智成就如來:指這尊佛,對於一切智、道種智、一切種智 : 等,世、出世間一切法,都能如實了知,徹底圓成,而有無礙的智慧, 故叫一切智成就。
其鄰國內所有人民, 其鄰國內所有人民,多造眾惡。 多造眾惡。二王議計, 二王議計,廣設方 便。一王發願, 一王發願,早成佛道, 早成佛道,當度是輩, 當度是輩,令使無餘。 令使無餘。一王 發願: 發願:「若不先度罪苦 「若不先度罪苦, 若不先度罪苦,令是安樂, 令是安樂,得至菩提, 得至菩提,我終未 願成佛。 願成佛。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Because one of the citizens of those two neighboring countries did many bad deeds, the two kings made a plan using far-reaching expedients. One king vowed to quickly become a body of Buddha, and then crossed over absolutely all the living beings.The other king vowed, “I do not want to become a body of Buddha until I firstly take across all those who are suffering for their offenses. I enable them to gain peace, and finally I will get Bodhi.” 【解】 :這兩國的國王,有一國其人民大都不信因果多造十惡業,另一 國人民則多信受奉行造十善業;兩國的國王就共同商量決議,研究善 巧方便來濟度那些造惡的國人。第一個國王發願,要使自己先成佛成 就後,再來度化這些人民,使他們沒有遺漏。第二個國王發願,要將
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佛告定自在王菩薩 佛告定自在王菩薩: 定自在王菩薩:「一王發願早成佛者 「一王發願早成佛者, 一王發願早成佛者,即一切 智成就如來是 智成就如來是。一王發願, 一王發願,永度罪苦眾生, 永度罪苦眾生,未願成佛者, 未願成佛者, 即地藏菩薩是 地藏菩薩是。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha told Samadhi Self-Mastery King Bodhisattva, “One of the two kings who vowed to become a body of Buddha quickly is All-Knowledge-Accomplished Thus Come One. The other king who vowed to keep crossing over living beings, who are suffering for their offenses rather than to become Buddha is Earth Treasury Bodhisattva.’’ 【解】:佛告訴定自在王菩薩說:「第一個國王發願要自己先成等正覺 後,再來度化眾生,他就是現在的一切智成就如來。第二個國王發願, 要先度完一切眾生,如有一眾生還沒被度脫的,他就不願成佛,就是 現在的地藏王菩薩是。」
復於過去無量阿僧祇劫, 復於過去無量阿僧祇劫,有佛出世, 有佛出世,名清淨蓮華目 如來, 如來,其佛壽命四十劫。 其佛壽命四十劫。像法之中, 像法之中,有一羅漢 有一羅漢, 羅漢,福度眾 生。因次教化, 因次教化,遇一女人, 遇一女人,字曰光目 字曰光目, 光目,設食供養。 設食供養。羅漢 問之: 問之:「欲願何等 「欲願何等?」 欲願何等?」 【英譯】 英譯】:Another time, it was in the limitless Asamkhyeya eons ago, there was a body of Buddha born to the world, whose name was called Pure-Lotus-Eyes Thus Come One appeared in the world. His lifespan was forty eons. In his Dharma-image age, there was a body of Arhat, who had blessings for rescuing living beings. Due to his teaching and transforming living beings in order, he met a woman whose name was called Bright Eyes, who offered a meal to him once. “What is your wish?” asked the body of
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Arhat. 【解】 :又在過去久遠無量無數劫時,有尊佛出現在世,祂的名子叫做 清淨蓮華目如來,這尊佛的壽命有四十劫。此佛滅度之後,在祂像法 的時候,有一位阿羅漢,在從事廣造福德教化眾生,要修福修慧,證 無上菩提果;在他教化中,碰到一位孝女,名叫光目,她施設種種美 ˊ ㄊㄨㄛ
味酥 酡 飲食,用來供養這位羅漢。當羅漢吃完,知她有心事,就開口 問她說: 「妳有什麼心願,僅管說出來,我來幫妳解決。」 【註】 :清淨蓮華目如來在因地修菩薩道時,心性柔和,常以慈目而視 : 一切眾生,因此感得眾福圓滿,清淨無瑕的天然美妙的雙目,好似蓮 花一樣的修廣清淨,所以得此名。
答曰: 「我以母亡之日 我以母亡之日, 資福救拔, 光目答曰 答曰 :「 我以母亡之日 ,資福救拔 ,未知我母 光目 生處何趣?」 生處何趣?」羅漢愍之 ?」羅漢愍之, 羅漢愍之,為入定觀, 為入定觀,見光目女母墮在惡 光目女母墮在惡 趣,受極大苦。 受極大苦。 【英譯】 英譯】:Bright Eyes replied, “On the day of my mother's death I performed(/ did)meritorious deeds for her rescue, but I do not know where my mother is now.” By sympathizing with her, the body of Arhat entered into samadhi to contemplate and saw that Bright Eyes' mother had fallen into a bad destiny,where she was undergoing extreme suffering. 【註】: meritorious:有功德的
contemplate:默想;沉思;熟慮; ;定
【解】:光目女回答說:「今天是我母親死亡的日子,我設食供養您, 目的就是想要資助救拔我的母親;我不知道她死了以後,生到那裡去 了?」受供養的羅漢,同情憐憫光目是個孝女,要滿她的願,於是入 定觀察,結果看到她的母親,墮到地獄中受罪,在受極大的苦楚。
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ˋ ㄉㄢ
羅漢問光目 「汝母在生 羅漢問光目言 光目言: 「汝母在生, 汝母在生,作何行業? 作何行業?今在惡趣, 今在惡趣, 受極大苦。」 「我母所習 受極大苦。」光目 。」光目答言 光目答言: 答言: 「我母所習, 我母所習,唯好食噉 唯好食噉 魚鱉之 屬。所食魚鱉, 情食噉,計 所食魚鱉,多食其子, 多食其子,或炒或煮, 或炒或煮,恣 情食噉 其命數, 其命數,千萬復倍。 千萬復倍。尊者慈愍 尊者慈愍 ,如何哀救?」 如何哀救?」 ˋ ㄗ
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【英譯】 英譯】:The body of Arhat asked Bright Eyes, “What karma did your mother commit while she is alive?That makes her now have to undergo such terrible suffering in a bad destiny.” Bright Eyes replied, “My mother enjoyed eating fish, turtles, and the like. She especially liked to fry or broil the eggs and its youngs of fish and turtles. Every time when she ate those creatures she took double thousands of lives away. Oh, Venerable One, please be compassionate and tell me how she can be saved." 「妳母親在生之時,作了什麼惡業, 【解】 :羅漢出定後,問光目女說: 現在她正在地獄受很大的苦報。」光目女含悲地說: 「我母親在生的時 候,習慣喜歡吃水族類的魚鱉;而所吃的魚鱉,且特別喜歡吃小魚鱉; 不是用炒的,就是用煮的,縱情吃食,吃了好幾年,若計算牠們的生 命,可要好幾千萬倍呢!請尊者同情慈悲,替我想個辦法,我應該怎 麼樣,才能拯救出我母親出離地獄之苦呢?」
羅漢愍之 羅漢愍之, 愍之,為作方便, 為作方便,勸光目言 光目言:「汝可志誠念 「汝可志誠念清 汝可志誠念清 淨蓮華目如來, 淨蓮華目如來,兼塑畫形像, 兼塑畫形像,存亡獲報。」 存亡獲報。」光目 。」光目聞已 光目聞已, 聞已, 即捨所愛, 即捨所愛,尋畫佛像而供養之, 尋畫佛像而供養之,復恭敬心, 復恭敬心,悲泣瞻禮。 悲泣瞻禮。 【英譯】 英譯】:The body of Arhat took pity on Bright Eyes and used a skillful (/ convenient / handy/ )means(/ method / way). He urged(/ advised) Bright Eyes by saying, “You may be having sincere resolve, and be mindful of(/ miss / remember/ call out)Pure-Lotus-Eyes Thus Come One’s name aloud to show devotion and also make carved and painted images of him.
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By doing so both the living and the dead will be rewarded.” Bright Eyes heard that, quickly renounced(/ gave up /abandoned / relinquished)all what she loved, and swiftly commissioned(/ entrusted / appointed)someone to paint the image of Buddha. Then she made offerings before him. The reverence(/ respects)she felt moved her to tears and she wept in grief as she beheld and bowed to Buddha. 【註】: renounce:捨棄 commission:委託
【解】 :羅漢聽後,為她的孝心憐憫而大受感動,就教導她作一個方便 「妳就以至誠之心,念清淨蓮華目如來的聖 的法門,他勸導光目女說: 號,還兼做恭塑、雕畫如來的形像,就以此功德,生的人或已死的人, 兩者都可獲得好果報。」光目女聽完之後,馬上捨棄心所愛的東西, 找人塑雕畫佛像,用來供養禮拜,並燒種種香、獻花,又深生恭敬之 心,她就一面禮佛、念佛,一面痛哭流涕。 ˋ ㄏㄨㄤ
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忽於夜後, 忽於夜後,夢見佛身, 夢見佛身,金色晃 金色晃 耀,如須彌山, 須彌山,放 大光明。 「汝母不久 大光明。而告光目 而告光目: 光目: 「汝母不久, 汝母不久,當生汝家, 當生汝家,纔 覺飢寒, 覺飢寒, 及當言說。 及當言說。」 【英譯】 :Suddenly(/ All at once)near the end of night in a dream she saw 英譯】 that Buddha's body, dazzling gold in color and as large as Mount Sumeru, emitting great light. He said to Bright Eyes, “Your mother will be born in your household before long, and as soon as that child can feel hunger and cold, he can speak words.” 【註】: dazzle:使眩暈 emit:放光 ㄎㄜ
【解】 :她念佛不敢睡,於後夜精神不繼打起瞌 睡,她似夢非夢,而夢
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見到佛現身,全身金色晃耀,有如須彌山的高大,大放光明。並且向 光目說: 「妳的母親過不久的時間,將降生到妳家裡來。剛出世不久, 才覺得冷,就會覺得肚子餓,而且還會說話。」 ㄐㄧ
ˋ ㄅㄧ
其後家內婢 生一子,未滿三日, 未滿三日,而乃言說。 而乃言說。稽 首 其後家內婢 生一子, 悲泣, 悲泣,告於光目 告於光目: 光目:「生死業緣 「生死業緣, 生死業緣,果報自受, 果報自受,吾是汝母, 吾是汝母, 久處暗冥。 久處暗冥。自別汝來, 自別汝來,累墮大地獄。 累墮大地獄。蒙汝福力, 蒙汝福力,方得受 生。為下賤人, 為下賤人,又復短命。 又復短命。壽年十三, 壽年十三,更落惡道。 更落惡道。汝有 何計, 何計,令吾脫免? 令吾脫免?」 【英譯】 :Shortly thereafter a maidservant in the house had borne(/ gave 英譯】 birth to)a son, who could speak before he was three days' old. Lowering his head and weeping, the baby said to Bright Eyes, “The karmic conditions that we create during our lives and deaths result in retributions that we ourselves must undergo. I am your mother,and have been in darkness for a long time. Since you and I parted, I have repeatedly fallen into the great hells. Upon receiving the power of your blessings, I have been reborn as a servant's child with a short lifespan. Thirteen years from now, I will fall into the Evil Paths again. Do you have any way to free me so that I can avoid them?” 【解】:真的如羅漢所說,她家的婢女生了一個小男孩,還沒滿三日, 竟然神奇地會說起話來,而且還雙手合掌,一面說話,一面哭泣著, 向光目女說: 「我生前所造的惡業,死後遭地獄果報,真是自作自受, 我就是妳的母親,自從我死後,一直處在黑暗的地獄受苦。自從離妳 以來,累次墮落在大地獄之中;幸虧有承蒙妳的念佛、造佛像供養, 所得的功德福報之力,我才能受生到人間,作下賤婢女的兒子,但只 有十三歲的壽命,死後更要再墮落入惡道裡去。妳可有什麼辦法,可
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光目聞說 光目聞說, 聞說,知母無疑, 知母無疑,哽咽悲啼而白婢子: 哽咽悲啼而白婢子:「既是 「既是 我母, 我母,合知本罪, 知本罪,作何行業, 作何行業,墮於惡道? 墮於惡道?」 【英譯】 :When Bright Eyes heard those words, she knew without a doubt 英譯】 that he was her mother. Choked with sobs, she said to the servant's child, “Since you are my mother, you should know your own past offenses. What karma did you create that made you fall into the Evil Paths?” 【解】 :孝女光目一聽到這小孩說話,知道是自己的母親沒錯,她一面 哭泣,幾乎喘不過氣來,而向婢女的兒子說: 「你既然說是我的母親, 合理該知道,你本來到底生前作了些什麼罪業?作了什麼惡事,才會 墮到惡道去受罪。」
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婢子答言: 婢子答言:「以殺害毀罵二業受報 「以殺害毀罵二業受報。 以殺害毀罵二業受報。若非蒙福, 若非蒙福,救 拔吾難, 問言:「地獄罪 「地獄罪 拔吾難,以是業故, 以是業故,未合解脫。」 未合解脫。」光目 。」光目問言 光目問言: 報,其事云何?」 其事云何?」婢子答言 ?」婢子答言: 婢子答言:「罪苦之事 「罪苦之事, 罪苦之事,不忍稱說, 不忍稱說, 百千歲中, 千歲中,卒 白難竟。 白難竟。」 【英譯】 :The maidservant's child answered, “I am undergoing retribution 英譯】 for two kinds of karma, that is killing and slandering. If I had not received the blessings you earned to rescue me from difficulty, I would not yet be released from that karma.” Bright Eyes asked, “What happens in the hells when living beings undergo retributions for their offenses ? ” The maidservant's son answered, “I can't bear to speak of the ways in which living beings suffer for their offenses. Even if I were to live for a hundred thousand years, I would find it is hard to talk about that.” 【解】 :婢女的兒子說: 「我以前在生的時候,以殺生害命,及造毀罵、
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惡口這兩種罪業,招致地獄之惡報;假使不是承蒙您的福力救拔我苦 難的話;依我本來的惡業,現在還在地獄裡受苦報,尚不能脫離地獄 之苦。」光目又問說: 「地獄罪報及受苦的情事,大概是怎麼樣的呢?」 婢子回答說: 「地獄中所受苦報的事,實在不忍說,就是說百千年也道 不完呢!」
光目聞已 光目聞已, 聞已,啼淚號泣而白空界: 啼淚號泣而白空界:「願我之母 「願我之母, 願我之母,永脫 地獄, 地獄,畢十三歲, 畢十三歲,更無重罪, 更無重罪,及歷惡道。 及歷惡道。十方諸佛慈哀 愍我, 愍我,聽我為母所發廣大誓願。 聽我為母所發廣大誓願。若得我母永離三途及斯 下賤, 下賤,乃至女人之身永劫不受者。 乃至女人之身永劫不受者。 【英譯】 英譯】:When Bright Eyes had heard that story, she wept bitterly and spoke toward the air by saying, “I wish and vow that my mother will be released from the hells forever. At the end of these thirteen years, she will be finished with her heavy offenses and will not go back to experience the Evil Paths. Oh!Bodies of Buddha of the Ten Directions, with your compassion and sympathy, please listen to me of the vast and mighty vow that I am making for the sake of my mother.If my mother will never again enter the Three Evil Paths, never again be born into low stations, and even never again be female. ˊ ㄊㄠ
【解】 :這光目女聽母親說完,即忍不住號啕 大哭,而向空中稟報說: 「但願我的母親,能永遠脫離地獄之苦,在他十三歲結束生命之後, 能把罪業懺悔清掉,更無剩餘的重罪,以及不要再經歷惡道之苦。祈 ˋ ㄕㄜ
請十方諸佛慈悲哀愍我,替我證明攝 受,聽我為母親發廣大誓願。假 使我的母親能永遠脫離三塗惡道,乃至下賤婢子之身,甚至於不再投 生為女人,或永永遠遠不再受輪迴之苦的話。」
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願我自今日後, 願我自今日後,對清淨蓮華目如來像前 清淨蓮華目如來像前, 像前,卻後百千 萬億劫中, 萬億劫中,應有世界, 應有世界,所有地獄及三惡道諸罪苦眾生, 所有地獄及三惡道諸罪苦眾生, 誓願救拔, 誓願救拔,令離地獄惡趣, 令離地獄惡趣,畜生餓鬼等, 畜生餓鬼等,如是罪報等人, 如是罪報等人, 盡成佛竟, 盡成佛竟,我然後方成等正覺 我然後方成等正覺。」 正覺。」 【英譯】 :then I am here before the image of Pure-Lotus-Eyes Thus Come 英譯】 One. I vow that from this day on, throughout billions of eons I will respond to all living beings who are undergoing suffering for their offenses in the hells or the Three Evil Paths of any world. “I vow to rescue them from the bad destinies of the hells, hungry ghosts, animals, and the like. Only after those living
beings with such retributions have all become bodies of
Buddha will I myself achieve Proper Enlightenment.” 【解】 :我願意自從今日起以後,對著清淨蓮華目如來佛像之前,發誓、 祈請十方諸佛證明;自今以後百千萬億劫之長遠的時間中,所有世界 的地獄、餓鬼、畜生等諸受苦眾生,我發誓要給予救濟、拔苦度脫他 們出離六道輪迴。務必要使這些罪苦的眾生們脫離苦難,全都發心修 道,直證到成佛的究竟,然後我才願意自己成等正覺。」 【註】:這就是有名的地藏菩薩誓願: 「地獄未空誓不成佛,眾生度盡 : 方證菩提。」
發誓願已, 「光目 發誓願已,具聞清淨蓮華目如來 具聞清淨蓮華目如來而告之曰 清淨蓮華目如來而告之曰: 而告之曰: 「光目, 光目, 汝大慈愍, 汝大慈愍,善能為母發如是大願。 善能為母發如是大願。吾觀汝母十三歲畢, 吾觀汝母十三歲畢, 捨此報已, 捨此報已,生為梵 生為梵志,壽年百歲。 壽年百歲。過是報後, 過是報後,當生無憂 當生無憂 國土, 國土,壽命不可計劫。 壽命不可計劫。後成佛果 後成佛果, 佛果,廣度人天, 廣度人天,數如恆河 數如恆河 沙。」 【英譯】 :After she had made this vow, she clearly heard Pure-Lotus-Eyes 英譯】 Thus Come One said to her, “ Bright Eyes, your own great compassion and
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sympathy have reached your mother by this mighty vow that you are making. My contemplation shows me that after thirteen years your mother will finish this retribution and will be born a body of Brahman with a lifespan of one hundred years. After that retribution he will be born in the Land of No Concern with a lifespan of uncountable eons. Later he will realize and complete the fruition of Buddhahood and cross over many people and gods numbering as many as sand grains in the Ganges.” 【註】: Land of No Concern:無憂國
【解】:剛一發重誓之後,就聽到清淨蓮華目如來慈音安慰告訴她說: 「光目呀!你大慈、大悲,憐憫一切眾生,又發起善心,能為你的母 親,發這麼大的悲願,你為了孝順母親,而要普度一切眾生。我觀察 你的母親,壽命十三歲結束之後,即捨下賤的果報,而降生為尊貴的 淨行梵志,壽命百歲;捨此婆羅門梵志之後,就上生到西方極樂世界 無憂國去,壽命和無量壽佛一樣長,不可計算。而且以後還要成就佛 果,廣度無量無數如恒河沙數目般的眾生。」
佛告定自在王 佛告定自在王: 定自在王:「爾時 「爾時羅漢 爾時羅漢福度 羅漢福度光目 福度光目者 光目者,即無盡意 菩薩是 菩薩是。光目母者 光目母者, 母者,即解脫菩薩是 解脫菩薩是,光目女者即 光目女者即地藏菩 女者即地藏菩 薩是。過去久遠劫中, 過去久遠劫中,如是慈愍, 如是慈愍,發恆河沙願 恆河沙願, 沙願,廣度眾 生。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Shakyamuni Buddha told Samadhi Self-Mastery King, “The body of Arhat whose blessings helped Bright Eyes then is now Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva. The mother of Bright Eyes is now Liberation Bodhisattva. Bright Eyes herself is now Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. He has been extending his compassion and sympathy like that
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from distant eons onward by making vows as many as Ganges's sands, to rescue vast numbers of living beings. 【註】: Inexhaustible Intention Bodhisattva:無盡意菩薩
Liberation Bodhisattva:解脫菩薩
compassion and sympathy:慈愍
【解】:釋迦牟尼佛告訴定自在王菩薩說:「當時以福力濟度光目女的 羅漢,就是現在的無盡意菩薩;光目女的母親就是現在的解脫菩薩。 而當時光目女就是現在的地藏菩薩。在過去久遠無量長的時間中,地 藏菩薩就這樣子慈悲憐憫眾生,發了如恒河沙數的悲願要廣度眾生。”
未來世中, 未來世中,若有男子女人, 若有男子女人,不行善者行惡者, 不行善者行惡者,乃至 不信因果者, 不信因果者,邪婬妄語者, 邪婬妄語者,兩舌惡口者, 兩舌惡口者,毀謗大乘者, 毀謗大乘者, 如是諸業眾生, 如是諸業眾生,必墮惡趣。 必墮惡趣。若遇善知識, 若遇善知識,勸令一彈指間, 勸令一彈指間, 歸依地藏菩薩 是諸眾生,即得解脫三惡道報。 即得解脫三惡道報。 歸依地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,是諸眾生, 【英譯】 英譯】:If there are men and women in the future,they may fail to do good deeds and only do evil; even they may not believe in cause and effect; they may indulge in sexual misconduct and false speech; may use divisive and harsh speech; and may slander the Great Vehicle. Thus living beings with karma, they should certainly fall into bad destinies. But if they may encounter(/ meet)Good and Wise Advisors,who exhort(/ advise / urge / admonish)them,lead them quickly to take refuge with Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, those living beings will just quickly be released from their retributions in the Three Evil Paths.” 【註】: cause and effect:因果
indulge in:沉溺於
harsh:刺耳的 exhort:勸告
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【解】:佛繼續說:「未來世中,假使有男人女子,他(她)們不修行 做善事,卻偏好做盡壞事的,乃至不相信因果報應的,他(她)們喜 好邪婬、講不實的妄語、挑撥離間是非的兩舌、造惡口,胡亂咒罵人 的,還有毀謗大乘經典非佛說的。如是造惡業的眾生,當必定要得惡 果,墮到惡道裡去受苦報。這一些人假使能遇到善知識教導的話,規 勸他(她)們歸依地藏菩薩,縱使是一彈指的剎那時間,是諸造惡的 眾生,即時能解脫三惡道的報應之苦。」
若能志心歸敬及瞻禮讚歎, 若能志心歸敬及瞻禮讚歎,香花衣服, 香花衣服,種種珍寶, 種種珍寶, 或復飲食, 或復飲食,如是奉事者。 如是奉事者。未來百千萬億劫中, 未來百千萬億劫中,常在諸天 受勝妙樂。 受勝妙樂。若天福盡, 若天福盡,下生人間, 下生人間,猶百千劫常為帝王, 猶百千劫常為帝王, 能憶宿命因果本末 能憶宿命因果本末。 宿命因果本末。 【英譯】 英譯】:“If those living beings are resolved and take respectful refuge, and they can behold, bow to, and praise the body of Bodhisattva, and if they make offerings of flowers, incense, clothing, kinds of jewels, or food and drink to him, they will enjoy supremely wonderful bliss in the heavens for billions of eons in the future. When their blessings in the heavens come to an end, they will be born as people,and they will have the potential to be kings of nations throughout billions of eons, who are able to remember(/ recollect/ call to mind / bear or keep in mind)all aspects of causes and effects from previous(/ past)lives.” 【註】: supremely wonderful bliss:受勝妙樂 potential:可能性;潛力
【解】:「他(她)們如果能發心至誠歸依、瞻仰、敬禮、稱揚、讚歎 地藏菩薩,並用名香、鮮花、衣服,及各種珍貴的寶物,或是飲食、 四季節令的水果等等,恭敬供養侍奉地藏菩薩的人;這些人死了以後,
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在將來的百千萬億劫長遠的時間中,常常受生諸天,享用天福之報, 就是天福享盡,下生人間,也可經百千劫長遠的時間當國王,成就宿 命通,能知記憶自他前因後果因緣,更不會造惡了。」 【註】:現在一般供養佛菩薩,都用鮮花一束分插兩旁、點燈(燭) 、 : 淨水三杯、當季節令水果四盤、燃名香一炷,誠心一瓣、五體投地三 跪三拜,禮佛菩薩。若在佛寺拜完,供品當留給常住,要取回吃平安, 須向常住稟報,否則算擅用常住物品,當知可要受報。切記!此不像 一般廟宇、道觀,拜完可自取回家。
定自在王! 定自在王!如是地藏菩薩 如是地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,有如此不可思議 有如此不可思議、 思議、大威 神力, 神力,廣利眾生, 廣利眾生,汝等菩薩, 汝等菩薩,當記是經, 當記是經,廣宣流布。」 廣宣流布。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"Oh, Samadhi Self-Mastery King!So is the body of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. He has such unimaginable and great awesome spiritual power that he uses his expansive means for the benefit of living beings. All of you bodies of Bodhisattva should remember this Sutra and proclaim(/ declare)and spread it widely." 【解】 :佛再叫一聲定自在王菩薩!地藏菩薩有如此不可思議、不可言 說的大威德神通之力,廣大的利益眾生,你們諸位菩薩們,應當深深 地瞭解這部地藏經,且要廣大地去宣揚流通。」
定自在王白佛言 定自在王白佛言: 白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!願不有慮。 願不有慮。我等千萬億 菩薩摩訶薩, 菩薩摩訶薩,必能承佛威神廣演是經, 必能承佛威神廣演是經,於閻浮提利益眾 閻浮提利益眾 生。」定自在王菩薩 世尊已,合掌恭敬作禮而退。 合掌恭敬作禮而退。 。」定自在王菩薩白 定自在王菩薩白世尊已 【 英譯】 英譯 】: Samadhi Self-Mastery King said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!Please do not be concerned(/ worried about that). All of us, billions bodies of Bodhisattva Mahasattva, should be based on the Buddha's
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awesome spiritual strength. We will certainly proclaim this Sutra widely throughout Jambudvipa for the benefit of living beings." Having spoken thus to the World Honored One, Samadhi Self-Mastery King Bodhisattva put his two palms together respectfully, bowed, and withdrew. 【解】 :定自在王菩薩聽聞佛宣說地藏菩薩過去殊勝因緣,並接受佛的 : 付囑交待,流通地藏經,以利益群生,並安慰世尊說: 「請世尊放心, 不要以後生之眾生為掛念憂慮;我們眾等千萬億大菩薩們,必定能仰 承佛您的威神之力,將這部地藏經加以廣泛地流通於南瞻部州的閻浮 提,去利益眾生。」定自在王菩薩向佛稟報完後,雙手合掌恭敬作禮 而退。
爾時, 爾時,四方天王俱從座起, 四方天王俱從座起,合掌恭敬白佛言: 合掌恭敬白佛言:「世 「世 尊!地藏菩薩於久遠劫來 地藏菩薩於久遠劫來, 於久遠劫來,發如是大願, 發如是大願,云何至今猶度 未絕, 為我等說。」 未絕,更發廣大誓言。 更發廣大誓言。唯願世尊 唯願世尊為我等說 世尊為我等說。」 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, the Four Heavenly Kings arose from their seats, put their palms together respectfully, and said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!Earth Treasury Bodhisattva has been making such great vows from distant eons onward. What the reason is it that up to now he has not yet finished taking beings across?Why does he continue to renew his vast and mighty vows?Please, The World Honored One, explain that for all of us." 【解】 :這個時候東、西、南、北的四大天王,從本座站起身來,走到 中間對世尊恭敬地合掌說: 「世尊,這位地藏菩薩從久遠劫以來,一而 再地發願要度盡眾生,怎麼祂到今天還沒度完,又發廣大的誓願;眾 生這麼的多,救不完,度不盡;我等四天王未解其中之玄密奧妙,當 願請世尊您為我等解說以釋懷。」
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【註】 :這四大天王居於欲界第一層天,護持三寶,保衛國土最有力者。 : 居於須彌山腰的四峰,山頂就是忉利天。東方持國天王,南方增長天 王,西方廣目天王,北方多聞天王;四大天王各有九十一子,皆名因 陀羅,有大神力勇健非常,而四天王以多聞天王為尊,其他三方天王, 皆歸北方天王所統領。四天王各持一代表風、調、雨、順之法器。
「善哉 善哉! 善哉! 佛告四天王 四天王: 善哉 !善哉 !吾今為汝及未來現在 佛告 四天王:「 天人眾等, 天人眾等,廣利益故, 廣利益故,說地藏菩薩於 地藏菩薩於娑婆世界 娑婆世界, 世界,閻浮提 內生死道中, 內生死道中,慈哀救拔, 慈哀救拔,度脫一切罪苦眾生方便之事。 度脫一切罪苦眾生方便之事。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha told the Four Heavenly Kings, “It is very excellent of you!Very excellent of you indeed!Now in order to bring benefit to you and to extend that benefit to heavenly gods and people of the present and future, I will speak about how Earth Treasury Bodhisattva uses his compassion and sympathy within the paths of birth and death in Jambudvipa in the Saha world to rescue, take across, and liberate living beings,who are undergoing suffering for their offenses.” 【解】:佛告訴四天王們說:「你們問的好!真的問得很好!我今天就 為你們,以及將來和現在的天人眾等,演說廣大利益的緣故;解說這 位地藏菩薩在娑婆世界,閻浮提裡生死六道輪迴中,地藏菩薩怎樣的 慈悲哀愍、救拔度脫,一切受苦的眾生,祂怎樣運用種種善巧方便的 法門,行度化眾生的事,給你們大眾知曉明白。」
四天王言 「唯然世尊 四天王言: 「唯然世尊, 唯然世尊,願樂欲聞。」 願樂欲聞。」佛告 。」佛告四天王 佛告四天王: 四天王: 「地藏菩薩久遠劫來 地藏菩薩久遠劫來, 久遠劫來,迄至於今, 迄至於今,度脫眾生, 度脫眾生,猶未畢願, 猶未畢願, 慈愍此世罪苦眾生。 慈愍此世罪苦眾生。復觀未來無量劫中, 復觀未來無量劫中,因蔓不斷, 因蔓不斷,以 是之故, 是之故,又發重願。」 又發重願。」 - 86 -
【英譯】 :The Four Heavenly Kings replied, "Please, The World Honored 英譯】 One!We would like to hear about his story." Buddha told the Four Heavenly Kings, "From distant eons onward to the present, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva has been taking across and liberating living beings. Since his vows are still not finished, he continues with compassion and sympathy to help beings suffering for their offenses in this world. Moreover, he sees the ceaseless tangle of their causes extending on through infinite, future eons. Because of that, he renews his vows.” 【解】:四天王說:「是的,世尊,我們極願意歡喜聽佛您說。」佛陀 就說:「地藏菩薩從很久遠的劫數以來,一直到今天,發廣大的誓願, 要度脫眾生。到現在還沒完畢,而又發重願,要救拔罪苦的眾生,是 由於慈悲憐憫,這世界罪苦眾生的緣故,又看到將來無量劫中的眾生, 所造的惡業,好像草根蔓延,纏繞不斷一樣,所以才又再發重願。」
如是菩薩於娑婆 如是菩薩於娑婆世界 娑婆世界, 世界,閻浮提中 閻浮提中,百千萬億方便, 百千萬億方便, 「地藏菩薩 而為教化。 「地藏菩薩若遇殺生者 地藏菩薩若遇殺生者, 若遇殺生者,說宿殃 說宿殃 短 而為教化。四天王: 四天王: 命報。 命報。若遇竊盜者, 若遇竊盜者,說貧窮苦楚報。 說貧窮苦楚報。若遇邪婬者, 若遇邪婬者,說雀 鴿鴛鴦報。 鴿鴛鴦報。 【英譯】 英譯】:Thus, in this Saha world on the continent of Jambudvipa, this body of Bodhisattva teaches and transforms living beings by means of billions of his expedient means. Four Heavenly Kings, “If he meets those killers, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva will tell them that short lifespans will be the retribution. If he meets those robbers or thieves, he will tell them that poverty and acute suffering will be the retribution.If he meets those who indulge in improper sex, he will tell them that rebirth as peacocks and pigeons or mandarin ducks will be the retribution.
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【註】: acute:劇烈的 peacock:孔雀 pigeon:鴿
mandarin duck:鴛鴦
【解】 :如此地藏菩薩在堪忍的娑婆世界閻浮提中,運用百千萬億種種 善巧方便的法門,教導化育眾生。世尊再叫一聲四天王而說: 「地藏菩 薩假使祂遇見到有人殺生害命的,就勸他不可再殺生,否則的話,會 結來生仇,而冤冤相報,現世就會得短命的報應。假使遇到喜歡偷竊 別人財物的話,地藏菩薩就告訴他,今生及來生會得貧窮下賤的果報。 假使遇到喜好邪淫的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他,來生會輪迴當畜生中的 淫鳥,如孔雀、鴿子、鴛鴦等好色的報應。」
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若遇惡口者, 若遇惡口者,說眷屬鬥(/ 鬬)諍報。 諍報。若遇毀謗者, 若遇毀謗者, 說無舌瘡口報。 殘報。若遇慳 若遇慳 吝 說無舌瘡口報。若遇瞋恚者, 若遇瞋恚者,說醜陋 說醜陋癃 殘報。 (/ 悋)者,說所求違願報。 說所求違願報。若遇飲食無度者, 若遇飲食無度者,說飢渴 咽病報。 咽病報。 【英譯】 英譯】:If he meets those who use harsh speech, he will tell them that quarrelling families will be the retribution.If he meets those who slander, he will tell them that being tongueless and having cankerous mouths will be the retribution. If he meets those who are hateful, he will tell them that being ugly and crippled will be the retribution. If he meets those who are stingy, he will tell them that not getting what they seek will be the retribution. If he meets those gluttons, he will tell them that hunger, thirst and sicknesses of the throat will be the retribution. 【註】: cankerous:潰瘍的
stingy:慳吝 glutton:貪吃者
【解】 :又假使他碰到一開口就不說好話,喜歡隨便咒罵人,地藏菩薩 就告訴他說,你的家屬也都會有樣學樣,喜歡互相吵架、鬥爭的報應。
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又如果是他遇到無緣無故喜歡毀謗別人的話,地藏菩薩就告訴他,會 得到沒有舌頭、不會說話的啞巴,或者是口長瘡的果報。如果他是碰 到動不動無緣無故,就喜歡發脾氣的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他會現生面 貌醜陋難看,甚至胸骨隆起成雞胸,或四肢手腳不全,殘障的報應。 如果他碰到慳吝不肯布施的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他有所求,都會違背 他的願望,而得不到的報應。假使他碰到飲食吃喝玩樂,暴飲暴食無 節制、不知惜福的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他,不久將會受到天災地變, 五穀不熟,而無食物可吃,饑餓口渴,或他的咽喉生病,口嚥不下病 的報應。 ˊ ㄊㄧㄢ
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若遇畋 若遇畋 獵恣情者, 獵恣情者,說驚狂喪命報。 說驚狂喪命報。若遇悖 若遇悖 逆父母 者,說天地災殺報。 說天地災殺報。若遇燒山林木者, 若遇燒山林木者,說狂迷取死報。 說狂迷取死報。 若遇前後父母惡毒者, 若遇前後父母惡毒者,說返生鞭撻 說返生鞭撻 現受報。 現受報。若遇網捕 生雛者, 生雛者,說骨肉分離報。 說骨肉分離報。 ˋ ㄊㄚ
【英譯】 英譯】:If he meets those hunters, he will tell them that a frightening insanity that destroys one's life will be the retribution. If he meets those who oppose their parents, he will tell them that being killed in natural disasters will be the retribution. If he meets those arsons,who burn mountains and forests, he will tell them that trying to take one's own life in the confusion of insanity will be the retribution. If he meets those who are cruel to their parents or step-parents, he will tell them that being flogged in future lives will be the retribution. If he meets those who net and trap animals, he will tell them that being separated from one's own relatives will be the retribution. 【註】: insanity:癲狂
oppose:對抗 arson:縱火
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【解】 :又如果他是碰到縱情為所欲為,喜歡外出到山野田間打獵,任 意殺生害命的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他,不久自己以後,也會同樣遭到 驚慌,發狂而死的報應。又如果他碰到故意違背,叛逆父母的不孝子, 地藏菩薩就告訴他,會遭到天打雷劈、地震、洪水等不測天災的報應。 又如果他碰到有人,任意放火燒山林的人,地藏菩薩就告知他,會得 到發瘋,而變成痴迷不醒而死的報應。又他如果是碰到在前後父母(指 繼父或繼母) ,或親生的父母面前、背後,當面施惡、虐待不孝的人, 地藏菩薩就告訴他,來生反過來,會投胎當他兒子,再由他來鞭打、 虐待你的果報。他如果是碰到用網捕捉小鳥的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他, 會現生、來生得到親骨肉眷屬,活活被人拆散,生離死別的報應。 ㄧㄣ
若遇毀謗三寶者, 啞報。若遇輕法慢教 若遇毀謗三寶者,說盲聾瘖 說盲聾瘖 啞報。 者,說永處惡道報。 說永處惡道報。若遇破用常住者, 若遇破用常住者,說億劫輪迴地獄 報。若遇污梵誣僧者 若遇污梵誣僧者, 僧者,說永在畜生報。 說永在畜生報。 【英譯】 :If he meets those who slander the Triple Jewel, he will tell them 英譯】 that being blind, deaf, or mute will be the retribution. If he meets those who slight the Dharma and regard the teachings with arrogance, he will tell them that remaining in the bad paths forever will be the retribution. If he meets those who destroy or misuse possessions of the Eternally Dwelling,he will tell them that revolving in the hells for billions of eons will be the retribution. If he meets those who defile the pure conduct of others and bear false witness against members of the Sangha, he will tell them that remaining in the animal realm forever will be the retribution. 【解】 :又如果他碰到任意毀謗佛、法、僧三寶的人,地藏菩薩就告訴 他死後,將來先要受地獄、惡鬼、畜生三惡道無量的苦報應,然後轉 生為人,還要受瞎子、聾子、說話不清或啞巴的報應。假使他碰到有
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人輕忽佛法、怠慢佛教的、不恭敬三寶的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他,死 ˊ ㄋㄨㄛ
用佛寺常住財物的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他,將來億劫長遠的時間,會 受地獄的果報。又如果他是碰到故意污染,出家人的清淨梵行戒律的 ˋ ㄅㄤ
ˇ ㄈㄟ
人,或故意誣賴誹 謗 僧人,而無事實者,地藏菩薩就告訴他,將來要 墮阿鼻地獄,出了地獄,還要永受畜生的果報。 ˊ ㄓㄨㄛ
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若遇湯火斬斫 若遇湯火斬斫 傷生者, 傷生者,說輪迴遞償報。 說輪迴遞償報。若遇破戒 犯齋者, 犯齋者,說禽獸飢餓報。 說禽獸飢餓報。若遇非理毀用者 若遇非理毀用者, 用者,說所求闕 說所求闕 絕 報。若遇吾我貢高者, 若遇吾我貢高者,說卑使下賤報。 說卑使下賤報。若遇兩舌鬥亂者, 若遇兩舌鬥亂者, 說無舌百舌報。 說無舌百舌報。若遇邪見者, 若遇邪見者,說邊地受生報。 說邊地受生報。 【英譯】 英譯】:If he meets those who scald, burn, behead, maim, or otherwise harm living beings, he will tell them that undergoing repayment in the same kind will be the retribution. If he meets those who violate precepts and the regulations of pure eating, he will tell them that being born as birds or beasts that must suffer hunger and thirst will be the retribution. If he meets those who make unprincipled and destructive use of things, he will tell them that being unable to ever obtain what they seek will be the retribution. If he meets those who are arrogant and haughty, he will tell them that being servile and of low station will be the retribution. If he meets those who use back-biting to cause discord among others, he will tell them that being tongueless or having speech impediments will be the retribution. If he meets those who have deviant views, he will tell them that being reborn in undeveloped regions will be the retribution. 【註】: scald:燙傷
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violate precepts:破戒
unprincipled: 無 原 則 的
arrogant: 驕 傲 的
haughty: 傲 慢 的
servile: 奴 隸 的
deviant views:
【解】 :又如果他碰到用燙的湯來煮、用火來燒、斬頭砍斷手腳,殺生 害命的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他,來生輪轉反過來,牠也會用同樣的方 法,來斬斫你、燒你、煮你、烤你的償還果報。又如果他是碰到受戒, 又犯戒的人,而沒經懺悔清淨的,或破根本戒不通懺悔的,或犯八關 齋戒等等,佛所施設的戒律者,地藏菩薩就告訴他,將來要墮入禽獸, ˋ ㄌㄢ
而遭到饑餓的果報。又他如果是碰到有人,非理毀壞濫 用一般世間財 物的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他,會招感將來所求缺絕的果報。又他如果 ˊ ㄑㄧㄠ
碰到有人,貢高我慢、自大瞧 不起人者,地藏菩薩就告訴他,來生會 感招投生貧窮下賤的人,供人驅使奴役的果報。又如果他碰到有人, 喜歡搬弄是非,兩舌鬥諍,造成團體擾亂者,地藏菩薩就告訴他,來 生會感招無舌、啞巴,或舌生瘡、多舌的報應。又他如果碰到邪知邪 見、不信三寶、因果報應的人,地藏菩薩就告訴他,將來會感得生到, 無佛法的邊地、貧困、下賤地區的報應。
如是等閻浮提 如是等閻浮提眾生 閻浮提眾生, 眾生,身、口、意業, 意業,惡習結果, 惡習結果,百 千報應, 略說。如是等閻浮提 如是等閻浮提眾生業感 閻浮提眾生業感 千報應,今粗( 今粗(/ 麤 )略說。 差別, 差別,地藏菩薩百千方便而教化之 地藏菩薩百千方便而教化之。 百千方便而教化之。是諸眾生, 是諸眾生,先受如 是等報, 是等報,後墮地獄, 後墮地獄,動經劫數, 動經劫數,無有出期。 無有出期。是故汝等, 是故汝等, 護人護國, 護人護國,無令是諸眾業迷惑眾生。」 無令是諸眾業迷惑眾生。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"The bad habits involving body, mouth, and mind karma that human(/ living)beings of Jambudvipa perpetuate, result in hundreds of thousands of retributions like those. I have listed only a few examples here. Since the karma created by living beings of Jambudvipa calls forth
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different responses, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva uses hundreds of thousands of expedient means to teach and transform them. So those living beings must first undergo retributions such as those, and then fall into the hells, where they pass through eons without being able to escape. Therefore all of you should protect people and protect nations. Do not allow the accumulation of karma to confuse living beings." 【註】: involve:包含
expedient means:方便法
【解】 :像這樣子,這些閻浮提的眾生,由身、口、意三業,習所成性, 所造的種種惡果,百千種報應,我現在只是大略說說而已。如上所言 等等罪業,閻浮提的眾生,剛強難化,由業所感,品性根機,及惡業 果報,又是千差萬別,個個不同。地藏菩薩大慈大悲,憐憫這些惡性 的眾生,用百千方便善巧方法,來教化他們。這些造惡的眾生,要先 受如上所言的華報之後,還要再墮入地獄去受果報,動不動就要經過 無央數劫的長遠時間,想出離卻遙遙無期。所以希望你們四天王,及 所有眷屬,都要護衛人類眾生、護衛國家、佛法,千萬不要讓這些眾 生,被種種惡業之所迷惑,可要好好地保護他們平安吉祥。」
四天王聞已 四天王聞已, 聞已,涕淚悲歎合掌而退。 涕淚悲歎合掌而退。 【英譯】 英譯】:On hearing that, the Four Heavenly Kings wept in sorrow, placed their palms together, and withdrew. 【解】 :四天王聽了以後,感到眾生所受的無央苦報,均自作自受,而 無窮無盡,不但如此,還不知不悟,還加倍胡作非為,是以佛咐囑交 待,涕淚悲嘆,悲感交集,至心領謝,合掌而退還本位。 【註】 :本品是佛為地藏菩薩敘述用那五戒十善的人天善法,開導化育 :
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眾生,勸眾生勿犯那殺、盜、婬、妄語、惡口、兩舌、綺語、貪、瞋、 痴等等,否則受感地獄之苦報無窮。
讚:如來慈愍 如來慈愍, 慈愍,轉大法輪, 轉大法輪,婆羅門女救慈親 婆羅門女救慈親。 女救慈親。覺華度迷 覺華度迷 津,摩耶夫人 摩耶夫人, 夫人,請問地藏 請問地藏因 地藏因。 南無常住十方佛(三稱) 以上卷上 三稱) 地藏菩薩本願經
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地藏菩薩本願經( 地藏菩薩本願經(卷中) 卷中) The Sutra of the Past Original Vows of Earth Treasure Bodhisattva(volume 2)
地獄名號品第五 CHAPTER V Names of Hells 【釋品題】 :本品專講三惡道中之地獄,其苦最為慘烈。普賢菩薩在聞 釋品題】 : 說眾生業感品之後,跟著就問地獄名稱;因上品只說眾生業感種種差 別,是先受花報,後墮地獄,動經劫數,無有出期,而未指出地獄的 名稱,所以普賢菩薩,請求地藏菩薩詳說,使未來眾生知所畏懼。地 獄名號不同,因眾生造種種之雜業不同,故受報之地獄也不同。由於 ˋ ㄊㄧ
名目繁多,稱號不一,須詳加說明,使令眾生知所警惕 。
爾時, 爾時,普賢菩薩摩訶薩白 普賢菩薩摩訶薩白地藏菩薩 摩訶薩白地藏菩薩言 地藏菩薩言:「仁者 「仁者! 仁者!願 為天龍四眾, 為天龍四眾,及未來現在一切眾生, 及未來現在一切眾生,說娑婆世界 娑婆世界, 世界,及閻 浮提罪苦眾生 浮提罪苦眾生, 罪苦眾生,所受報處, 所受報處,地獄名號, 地獄名號,及惡報等事, 及惡報等事,使 未來世末法眾生, 未來世末法眾生,知是果報。」 知是果報。」 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time Universal Worthy Bodhisattva Mahasattva said to Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, "Humane One!For the sake of heavenly gods, dragons, and those in the Fourfold Assembly, and all other living beings of the present and future, please tell us the names of the hells, where living beings in the Saha world and on the continent of Jambudvipa must suffer retributions for offenses they commit. Please also describe what happens during retributions undergone for evil deeds so that human(/ living)beings
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in the future Dharma Ending Age will know what those retributions are." 【註】: Universal Worthy Bodhisattva Mahasattva:普賢菩薩摩訶薩
Humane One:仁者
Dharma Ending Age:末法
【解】:那時普賢菩薩對地藏菩薩說:「仁者!希望您能為天龍八部及 比丘、比丘尼、優婆塞、優婆夷塞等四眾弟子,以及現在未來的一切 眾生,這些未得道的眾生們;說說娑婆世界的閻浮提內,一切造罪業 應受苦報的眾生,他們所投生受報的地方,及地獄的名稱,以及作何 等惡事,應感何等惡報,請地藏菩薩詳加解說,使令未來末法眾生, 得能知道造惡業,要受痛苦悽慘的果報,而發心向善,早求解脫出離。」 【註】 :普賢菩薩是證得體性周遍之願行,彌滿法界,化度眾生,莫不 : 周極,所以名曰「普」 。位鄰極,隨緣淨佛國土,成就眾生故曰「賢」。 又「德無不遍曰普,佑上利下曰賢。」普遍的彌滿法界,無處不是他 行菩薩行的所在,所以叫「大行」。主一切諸佛之理德、定德、行德, 與文殊之智德、證德、慧德相對。即理智一雙,定慧一雙,行證一雙。 故能於菩提心,所起願行,及身、口、意悉皆平等,遍一切處,純一 妙善,備具眾德,所以叫「普賢」。
ˋ ㄙㄨㄟ
地藏答言 地藏答言: 答言:「仁者 「仁者! 仁者!我今承佛威神, 我今承佛威神,及大士之力, 及大士之力, 略說地獄名號, 略說地獄名號,及罪報惡報之事。 及罪報惡報之事。仁者! 仁者!閻浮提東方有 閻浮提東方有 山,號曰鐵圍 其山黑邃 ,無日月光。 無日月光。有大地獄, 有大地獄,號 號曰鐵圍, 鐵圍,其山黑邃 無間, 無間,又有地獄, 又有地獄,名大阿鼻。」 大阿鼻。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Earth Treasury Bodhisattva replied, "Humane One!based on the awesome spiritual power of Buddha and relying on you Great Bodhisattva’s strength, I will give a general list of the names of hells and describe some of what happens during retributions undergone for offenses
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and evil deeds. Humane One! In the Eastern Jambudvipa,there is a mountain range which is called Iron Ring. The mountain is pitch black because the light of sun and moon do not shine on it. There is a great hell of which name is called Ultimately Relentless(/ Unceasing). More there is another hell whose name is called Great Avichi. 【註】: pitch-black:黑如瀝青的 Ultimately Relentless:無間
Great Avichi:大阿鼻
【解】:地藏菩薩回答說:「仁者!我現在承蒙佛陀的威德神通,以及 普賢大士您的慈悲加被,我就大概的略說地獄的各種名稱,及罪報惡 ,這山黑暗深邃 報的事情。仁者!閻浮提的東方有座山,名叫『鐵圍』 如瀝青,連日光、月光都無法照射得到,裡面有座大地獄叫『無間地 獄』 。還有一重地獄,名叫『大阿鼻地獄』。 【註】 : 『大阿鼻』又言極無間地獄,凡墮此地獄,所取罪苦相續不斷, ㄒㄧㄝ
沒有絲毫的間歇 ,所以叫做極無間,這層地獄的眾生,受極大的苦惱, 業盡方畢,於其中無遮無救。即使是大神通之目連尊者,亦無法破解 救母,只得尋求佛的指示,於結夏安居結束之自恣日(也是佛的歡喜 日:七月十五日) ,廣修供養出家大眾,藉此功德方能破解。
ˋ ㄘㄨㄛ
復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰四角 名曰四角; 四角;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰飛刀 名曰飛刀; 飛刀;復有 地獄, 地獄,名曰火箭 名曰火箭; 火箭;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰夾山 名曰夾山; 夾山;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名 曰通槍; 復有地獄,名曰鐵車 名曰鐵車; 鐵車;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰鐵床 名曰鐵床; 鐵床; 通槍;復有地獄, 復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰鐵牛 名曰鐵牛; 鐵牛;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰鐵衣 名曰鐵衣; 鐵衣;復有地獄, 復有地獄, 名曰千刃 復有地獄,名曰鐵驢 名曰鐵驢; 鐵驢;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰烊銅 名曰烊銅; 烊銅; 名曰千刃; 千刃;復有地獄, 復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰抱柱 名曰抱柱; 抱柱;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰流火 名曰流火; 流火;復有地獄, 復有地獄, 名曰耕舌 復有地獄,名曰剉 名曰剉 首;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰燒 名曰燒 名曰耕舌; 耕舌;復有地獄, 腳;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰啗眼 名曰啗眼; 啗眼;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰鐵丸 名曰鐵丸; 鐵丸;復有 - 97 -
地獄, 地獄,名曰諍論 名曰諍論; 諍論;復有地獄, 復有地獄,名曰鐵 名曰鐵鈇 ;復有地獄, 復有地獄, 名曰多瞋 名曰多瞋。 多瞋。」 【英譯】 :More over there are many hells which are like this: a hell called 英譯】 Four Horns, a hell called Flying Knives, a hell called Fiery Arrows, a hell called Squeezing Mountains,a hell called Piercing Spears, a hell called Iron Carts, a hell called Iron Beds, a hell called Iron Oxen, a hell called Iron Clothing, a hell called Thousand Blades, a hell called Iron Asses, a hell called Molten Copper, a hell called Embracing Pillar, a hell called Flowing Fire, a hell called Plowing Tongues, a hell called Hacking Heads, a hell called Burning Feet, a hell called Pecking Eyes, a hell called Iron Pellets, a hell called Quarreling, a hell called Iron Ax, and a hell called Massive Hatred." 【註】: fiery:熾熱的 squeeze:壓擠 pierce:刺穿
embracing Pillar:抱柱
【解】 :有第一、四角地獄,專懲治世人在生,喜歡殺生,由業力所感, 罪人四方奔逐四周,以熱鐵為壁,上下皆熱火,罪人入此獄燒成灰燼, 業力所感又生,四方奔逐,受極苦刑。第二、飛刀地獄,專懲治為人 在世,聚眾械鬥,殺害眾生,死後墮此獄,此獄四面刀山,空中有萬 億刀輪,隨次而降,一著罪人身,首足分離血肉狼籍。第三、火箭地 獄,專懲治愚癡罪人,為貪欲故,不孝父母、不敬師長、不順善教, ˇ ㄋㄨˇ
殺害眾生者。死後墮此獄,有百億鋒刃,同時弩 發,箭箭射中罪人心 房。第四、夾山地獄,專懲治世人惡業盈滿,死後墮入此地獄,兩邊 鐵火燄山合夾罪人,令成肉泥。巧風一吹,罪人復生,兩山再夾碎罪 人。第五、通槍地獄,專懲治世人喜歡製造刀、矛、槍、劍等殺生利 ㄗㄨㄢ
ˇ ㄐㄧˇ
器,此獄諸多刀劍、矛戟 、槍械等鋒利無比,穿透罪人胸背,受種種鑽 ˋ ㄘˋ
刺 苦刑。第六、鐵車地獄,專懲治世人屠宰殺生為業、賣肉販者,此
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ˇ ㄋㄧㄢˇ
些人死後,墮入此獄中,罪人受熱鐵傷身,為鐵火車所輾 研,而成碎 粉末。第七、鐵床地獄,專懲治世人貪惑滋多,染愛不淨,邪婬邪行, 通奸害命,作諸不淨業,命終入此獄,罪人身臥熱鐵床,遍體燒成焦 炭。第八、鐵牛地獄,專懲治世人,蠻橫不講理、惱亂有情、欺壓善 ˋ ㄌㄢˋ
ˇ ㄇㄧˇ
良、魚肉鄉民,死後墮此地獄,受熱鐵牛角觸、蹄踏、使罪人骨肉靡 爛 ˋ ㄊㄚˋ
ˊ ㄔㄨㄟˊ
悲慘哀叫。第九、鐵衣地獄,專懲治世人喜歡鞭 笞 、捶 撻 眾生,或 ˊ ㄓㄨㄛˊ
用刀杖砍斫 眾生,死後墮入此獄,受穿熱鐵衣,致令遍身焦爛,痛苦 無量。第十、千刃地獄,專懲治世人,不順師教,興惡逆心、不知恩 養,盜師、害師、污師淨食,罵、謗、打、殺師長,或殺伯叔父母、 兄弟姊妹,無有慚愧,如是罪人,死後墮此地獄,受百千劍刃割治罪 人,令其破碎。第十一、鐵驢地獄,此獄專治世人,喜觸摸細軟皮毛, 死後墮入此獄,受熱鐵驢觸身,燒焦五臟六腑。第十二、烊銅地獄, 此獄專懲治世人慳貪、嫉妒、邪見邪說,不施父母妻子眷屬,慳嫉成 性,見他人得利,如箭穿心。死後墮入此獄,受熱熔銅汁灌口,令罪 人五臟焦裂。十三、抱柱地獄,專懲治世人愚癡、貪財好色、染愛不 淨、乃至邪婬者。死後墮此地獄,一大銅柱,縛住身體,令不動搖, ˋ ㄔˋ
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猛火燄 熾 ,焚燒其身,罪人驚怖下視,見鐵床上,躺有美女、俊男, ˋ ㄌㄨㄛˋ
心生愛著,從銅柱欲投於床上;剎那間,銅柱貫身,鐵網絡 首,鐵鳥、 ˋ ㄑㄧㄝˋ
鐵獸唼 食其軀,又落鐵床上,燄火熾焚其身,此是邪婬之報。第十四、 流火地獄,專懲治世人,以殺生、偷盜、邪婬、飲酒、妄語、邪見、 樂行多作者,以是惡業死後墮此獄;獄中五百由旬流火熾然,有金剛 ㄎㄞ
三角利沙,尖銳猛利,揩 罪人身,骨肉盡銷,盡已復生,生復更揩 。 第十五、耕舌地獄,專懲治世人,喜誇不實、說大話、兩舌鬥亂、惡 ˊ ㄑㄧㄢˊ
口、綺語、枉說是非、毀謗經典,死後墮此獄,獄卒將火熱鐵鉗 ,拔 罪人舌,以五百鐵牛,在舌上耕犁,苦毒無量。第十六、剉首地獄, 此獄專懲治世人,喜斬眾生頭頸,而害其命者,命終之後墮此獄,罪
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人常被獄卒以利斧、刀劍,斬斫其首。第十七、燒腳地獄,此獄專懲 治世人,無有慚愧,偷盜父母、師長、善友、兄弟姊妹;不識恩養, 心常反覆,貪利欲得,不識禍福,不順師教,死墮此獄;受燒腳地獄 ˋ ㄉㄢˋ
ˊ ㄑㄧˊ
之苦,兩腳踐踏熱灰,皮肉爛至膝臍 頸全身。第十八、啗 眼地獄,此 獄專懲治世人,貪酒吸毒,侵他妻女,死後墮此獄;獄中鐵鳥,啗罪 ˊ ㄓㄨㄛˊ
ˋ ㄔˋ
人眼目,破其頭取其腦,鐵鷲飛撲罪人,翅 覆其頭,嘴噉其眼啄 其罪 人,令其痛惱嚴烈。第十九、鐵丸地獄,專懲治世癡人,毀辱布施, 言說布施無功德果報者,死後墮此地獄,獄中雨大熱鐵丸,從罪人頭 頂而入,貫穿全身,又從足下而出,頭足爛壞,舉身火熱,苦痛悲號。 第二十、諍論地獄,此獄專懲治世人喜歡爭辯人我是非,談論長短、 貪欲、嫉妒,瞋怒不息,死後墮此獄,受刀劍宰割之苦。第二十一、 鐵鈇地獄,此獄專懲治世人,刻薄利口,常出惡言,讚歎不善,謗他 ˊ ㄐㄧˊ
ˊ ㄓˊ
良人,死後墮此獄;獄卒現瞋怒相,捉罪人擲 撲 熱鐵上,以熱鐵鈒 斧 破其手足、耳鼻、身體,苦毒辛酸,悲號叫唤。第二十二、多瞋地獄, 此獄專懲治世人貪嫉衝動,時起瞋恚,因而命終,死墮此獄,常見種 種危害眾生恐怖刑罰。復因惡罪手生鐵爪,鋒利若刃,各各生怨結恨, ˊ ㄐㄧㄝˊ
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彼逼迫我,我今復逼他,由此生恚更相攫 截 ,如割竹葦。」
白言: 「仁者 仁者! 鐵圍之內 之內, 有如是等地獄, 地藏白言 白言 :「 仁者 !鐵圍 之內 ,有如是等地獄 ,其 地藏 數無限。 數無限。 【英譯】 英譯】:Earth Treasury Bodhisattva said, "Humane One!Within the Iron Ring the number of the hells like those are endless. 【解】:地藏菩薩又說:「仁者!大鐵圍山之內,如前所說的地獄有很 多,其數無量難以計算。」
更有叫喚 更有叫喚地獄 叫喚地獄, 地獄,拔舌地獄 拔舌地獄, 地獄,糞尿地獄 糞尿地獄, 地獄,銅鎖地獄 銅鎖地獄, 地獄, - 100 -
火象地獄 火象地獄, 地獄,火狗地獄 火狗地獄, 地獄,火馬地獄 火馬地獄, 地獄,火牛地獄 火牛地獄, 地獄,火山地獄 火山地獄, 地獄, 火石地獄 火石地獄, 地獄,火床地獄 火床地獄, 地獄,火梁地獄 火梁地獄, 地獄,火鷹地獄 火鷹地獄, 地獄,鋸牙地獄 鋸牙地獄, 地獄, 剝皮地獄 地獄,飲血地獄 飲血地獄, 地獄,燒手地獄 燒手地獄, 地獄,燒腳地獄 燒腳地獄, 地獄,倒刺地獄 倒刺地獄, 地獄, 剝皮地獄, 火屋地獄 火屋地獄, 地獄,鐵屋地獄 鐵屋地獄, 地獄,火狼地獄 火狼地獄。 地獄。 【英譯】 英譯】:There are also more the hell of Crying Out, the hell of Pulling Tongues, the hell of Dung and Urine, the hell of Copper Locks, the hell of Fire Elephants, the hell of Fire Dogs, the hell of Fire Horses, the hell of Fire Oxen, the hell of Fire Mountains, the hell of Fire Rocks, the hell of Fire Beds, the hell of Fire Beams, the hell of Fire Eagles, the hell of Sawing Teeth, the hell of Flaying Skin, the hell of Drinking Blood, the hell of Burning Hands, the hell of Burning Feet, the hell of Hanging Hooks, the hell of Fire Rooms, the hell of Iron Cells, and the hell of Fire Wolves. 【註】: Dung and Urine:糞尿
Flaying Skin:剝皮
Hanging Hook:倒刺
【解】 :更還有其它二十二種地獄;第一、叫唤地獄:世人瞋恚、懷毒 造諸惡行,墮此獄,受極苦痛,哀號叫唤,無人聽見。第二、拔舌地 獄:世人造口業、妄語等,閻魔羅王以利鐵刀,拉拔罪人舌。第三、 ˊ ㄊㄥ
ˋ ㄈㄟ
ˋ ㄐㄧㄣ
糞尿地獄:罪人入此獄,浸 沒糞尿中,其糞沸 騰 ,有諸鐵蟲鑽入罪人 ˇ ㄙㄨㄟ
孔中,吸食精髓 ,遍體劇苦。第四、銅鎖地獄,以大鐵鍊繫鎖罪人頸 項,一端繫於鐵山,令罪人負走。第五火象地獄:若有世人依侍勢力, ˋ ㄓ
種種欺凌迫害他人,死墮此獄,受種種踐踏燒炙 之苦。第六、火狗地 獄:如有人說法,依惡見言論,或因緣譬喻不實,自殺無正善戒,以 ˇ ㄎㄣ
ˋ ㄉㄢ
ˋ ㄈㄟ
是因緣死後墮此獄,所有火熱鐵狗,吠 噉 罪人,舉身被段段啃 食,不 令有餘。第七、火馬地獄:如世人多殺生、心懷瞋害,常喜惡口罵人, 死墮此獄,身為馬形,受大火燒熾。第八、火牛地獄:與鐵牛地獄相 似。第九、火山地獄:墮此獄罪人,受通山大火猛燒。第十、火石地
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獄:墮此獄之罪人,石中自然生火,而燒罪苦眾生。十一、火床地獄: 即鐵床地獄。十二、火梁地獄:墮此獄之罪人,受銅梁鐵柱赤火燒紅, 獄卒驅諸罪人懸銅梁抱鐵柱,全身焦爛不堪。十三、火鷹地獄:世人 殺生、偷盜、邪行、飲酒、妄語、樂行多作,墮此獄中。金剛鐵嘴鳥, 口嘴吐火,啄破罪人腦身。十四、鋸牙地獄:墮此獄,獄卒執鐵鋸, 令罪人臥火紅鐵地,拉鋸其身,從頭鋸到腳,令百千段。十五、剝皮 ˋ ㄎㄨㄞ
ˊ ㄊㄨ
地獄:世人如有屠 膾 為業,殺羊、豬、牛、狗、鹿、雞、鴨、鵝禽獸 等,以活自命,或捕魚、鳥等種種惡業,死後墮入此獄,其獄卒剝罪 ˊ ㄔㄢ
人皮,纏 罪人身,著火車輪,輾熱鐵地上,周行往返,皮肉碎爛,苦 毒辛酸。十六、飲血地獄:世人如有以妄語欺騙,作諸眾惡,或官吏 假強權勢,收重稅、苛稅者,死後墮此獄中,膿血沸騰,澆燙其身, ˊ ㄔㄨㄟ
致其全身潰爛。十七、燒手地獄。十八燒腳地獄:此皆昔為人時,捶 打 ˋ ㄧㄢ
ˋ ㄓ
踐踏,殺害燒炙 眾生,死後墮此二地獄,受極切燒手燒腳的火焱 苦報。 十九、倒刺地獄:世有愚癡眾生,惡口、兩舌、妄語、綺語,調節無 ˇ ㄏㄨㄟ
節、枉說是非,說經典過,譭 論義師,戲論無義,如此罪行,死後墮 ˊ ㄑㄧㄢ
此獄,百億刺林,刺長鋒利,一一刺端有十二劍,樹上又有大熱鐵鉗 , 獄卒捉罪人臂,牽上刺樹,而又牽下,腹著樹刺,舉身周遍皮肉即盡, 殘害可怖。二十、火屋地獄。二十一、鐵屋地獄:此二者皆熱火所燒 烤成;墮此獄中,熱鐵為屋,火海燒燄,受極重苦。二十二、火狼地 ˊ ㄏㄨㄣ
獄:墮此狐狼地獄,廣五百由旬,粗惡火狼渾 身紅火,裂牙號吼,直 ㄔ
撲逐罪人,踐踏罪人、口咬血肉筋骨塊塊喫 盡。
如是等地獄。 如是等地獄。其中各各復有諸小地獄, 其中各各復有諸小地獄,或一、 或一、或二、 或二、 或三、 或三、或四、 或四、乃至百千, 乃至百千,其中名號, 其中名號,各各不同。」 各各不同。」 【英譯】 :Each so of those hells contains lesser hells numbering from one, 英譯】 or two, or three, or four, even hundreds of thousands. Each of those lesser
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hells has its own different name." 【解】:如前所說等等都是大地獄。還有眷屬附帶的小地獄,或有一、 二乃至三、四個,或百千個小地獄,也都各有不同名號。實在太多, 真無法一一敘述陳說。」
地藏菩薩告 地藏菩薩告普賢菩薩言 普賢菩薩言:「仁者 「仁者! 仁者!此者皆是南閻扶 此者皆是南閻扶 提行惡眾生, 行惡眾生,業感如是。 業感如是。業力甚大, 業力甚大,能敵須彌 能敵須彌, 須彌,能深巨 海,能障聖道。」 能障聖道。」 【英譯】 :Earth Treasury Bodhisattva told Universal Worthy Bodhisattva, 英譯】 "Humane One!Such are all the karmic responses of living beings in Jambudvipa, who commit evil deeds. The power of karma is extremely great and vast. It can rival Mount Sumeru in its heights. It can surpass the great oceans in its depth. It can obstruct the path leading to Sagehood. 【註】: rival:匹敵 obstruct:障
【解】:地藏菩薩告訴普賢菩薩說:「仁者!這些都是南閻浮提眾生, 因識性不定,造惡多端,由惡業所感的種種地獄果報。所以說眾生業 力非常的大,大到可比須彌山還要高,比大海還要深,甚至於還能障 蔽住無邊的佛法聖道。」 ㄒㄧㄢ
是故眾生莫輕小惡, 是故眾生莫輕小惡,以為無罪, 以為無罪,死後有報, 死後有報,纖 毫 受之。 受之。父子至親, 父子至親,歧路各別, 歧路各別,縱然相逢, 縱然相逢,無肯代受。 無肯代受。我 今承佛威力, 今承佛威力,略說地獄罪報之事, 略說地獄罪報之事,唯願仁者暫聽是言。 唯願仁者暫聽是言。」 【英譯】 :So for that reason, human(/ living)beings should never think 英譯】 that minor bad deeds are unimportant or assume that they do not count as offenses. After death there will be retributions to undergo, that cover all
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those details. Fathers and sons have the closest relationship, but their roads diverge and each must go his own way. Even if they met one another, neither of them would consent to undergo suffering in the other's place. Now, based on the awesome spiritual power of Buddha, I have described some of the retributions for offenses that take place in the hells. Please, Humane One, listen for a moment to what I have said.” 【註】: minor:較小的 assume:認為 diverge:分歧
【解】 :因此之故,所以說眾生不要小看小惡,以為小惡沒罪,等人死 後就有報應,縱使罪小到如纖維、毫毛、塵沙之細小,也逃不掉,統 統都要受報。就算是父子母女最親近的人,到了地獄,各人隨各人受 報,各人走各人不同的路去受報,縱然碰面,自顧不暇,誰也不肯且 也無法代替誰去受苦罪。我現在仰承佛陀威神之力的加被,簡單稍為 簡略地說,地獄中所受的罪苦之報。唯願普賢菩薩暫時聽聽我,這些 有關地獄罪報之所言。」
普賢答言 普賢答言: 答言:「吾已久知三 「吾已久知三惡道報 吾已久知三惡道報, 惡道報,望仁者說, 望仁者說,令後 世末法一切惡行眾生, 世末法一切惡行眾生,聞仁者說, 聞仁者說,使令歸佛。」 使令歸佛。」 【 英 譯 】: Universal Worthy replied, "I have long known of the retributions that happen in the Three Evil Paths. My hope in asking Humane One to describe them is that when living beings in the future Dharma Ending Age,who are doing evil deeds hear the Humane One's descriptions, they will be moved to take refuge with Buddha." 【解】:普賢菩薩回答說:「我早就已經知道三惡道惡業果報之苦事, 希望仁者慈悲,再說給後世及末法那行惡的一切眾生知道,能讓他們 聽到您地藏菩薩的解說,而改惡從善,棄邪歸正,歸依三寶,迴向佛
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地藏白言 地藏白言: 白言:「仁者 「仁者! 仁者!地獄罪報, 地獄罪報,其事如是。 其事如是。或有地 獄,取罪人舌, 取罪人舌,使牛耕之。 使牛耕之。或有地獄, 或有地獄,取罪人心, 取罪人心,夜叉 食之。 食之。或有地獄, 或有地獄,鑊 湯盛沸, 湯盛沸,煮罪人身。 煮罪人身。或有地獄, 或有地獄, 赤燒銅柱, 赤燒銅柱,使罪人抱。 使罪人抱。或有地獄, 或有地獄,使諸火燒, 使諸火燒,趁及罪人。 趁及罪人。 或有地獄, 或有地獄,一向寒冰。 一向寒冰。或有地獄, 或有地獄,無限糞尿。 無限糞尿。或有地獄, 或有地獄, 純飛鈒 純飛鈒 鑗 。或有地獄, 或有地獄,多攢 火槍。 火槍。或有地獄, 或有地獄,唯撞胸 背。或有地獄, 或有地獄,但燒手足。 但燒手足。或有地獄, 或有地獄,盤繳鐵蛇。 盤繳鐵蛇。或有 地獄, 地獄,驅逐鐵狗。 驅逐鐵狗。或有地獄, 或有地獄,盡駕鐵騾。 盡駕鐵騾。 ˇ ㄗㄢ
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【英譯】 英譯】:Earth Treasury said, "Humane One!Those are what happens during retributions in the hells. Or there is a hell where offenders may go to a hell in which their tongues are stretched out and plowed through by cattle; or there is a hell in which their hearts pulled out and eaten by Yakshas; or there is a hell in which their bodies are cooked In cauldrons of boiling liquid;or there is a hell in which they are forced to embrace red-hot copper pillars; or there is a hell in which they are burned by fire that constantly pursues them; or there is a hell in which cold and ice are all-pervasive; or there is a hell in which excrement and urine are endless; or there is a hell in which flying maces are unavoidable; or there is a hell in which fiery spears stab them repeatedly; or there is a hell in which they are constantly beaten on the chests and backs; or there is a hell in which their hands and feet are burned; or there is a hell in which they are bound by Iron snakes that coil around them; or there is a hell in which they are pursued by racing Iron dogs; or there is a hell in which their bodies are stretched by Iron mules. 【註】:
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cauldron:釜 all-pervasive:全瀰漫的
【解】:地藏菩薩就再普賢菩薩的請求,再度說地獄名號及罪報的事。 「仁者!地獄罪報的事像這樣:一、拔舌耕犁地獄:把罪 地藏菩薩說: 人的舌頭勾拉出,再以鐵牛耕耘。二、夜叉食心地獄:是人以偷盜師 ˋ ㄏㄨㄛ
長父母,故墮此獄,羅剎以叉取其心,使夜叉食之。三、鑊 湯地獄: ˋ ㄏㄨㄛ
中,骨肉爛壞。四、赤燒銅柱地獄:以邪婬或犯人婦女,姦人妻女, 或為王法收繫入獄,酷打掠治,殺之於市。死後墮此獄,臥火熱地床, 燒紅銅柱使罪人抱之。五、火燒地獄:此獄四維上下,自然有大火聚 集,追燒罪人,令其皮肉焦爛。六、寒冰地獄:獄中冰天雪地,酷寒 異常,罪人令受極寒凍裂,令身分裂如大紅蓮花。七、糞尿地獄:昔 ˊ ㄐㄧㄠ
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為人時,取眾生命,擲置糞坑,或不淨處,使蛇狗毒蟲,囓 嚼 咬有命 眾生,死後墮此獄,熱沸糞尿,從足至頸,沒及全身皆熟,無數鐵虫, ˊ ㄌㄧ
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嘴口鋒利,鑽破皮肉,噉食骨髓。八、鈒 鑗 地獄:入此獄有百千萬的 鈒鑗,飛來撞去,擲刺罪人,還有鐵枷、箭、刀、蟲,追刺怒杖。九、 ˋ ㄔ
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多攢 火槍地獄:獄中滿槍熾火通燒,燄 熾 無比,穿通罪人胸背。十、 唯撞胸背地獄:獄卒整治罪人,或撲擲熱鐵地上,或拋擲刀山劍樹之 間,或銅柱撞胸,或鐵棒搥打等。十一、但燒手足地獄:世人偷盜、 邪婬,或有婬蕩婦女通姦婬亂,或欺侮夫主,違背丈夫,通姦害命, 死後墮此獄,手足皆被燒烤焦爛,乃至頭目一切皆燒。十二、鐵蛇盤 繳地獄:即熱火鐵蛇纏頸,並口吐熱鐵丸,中罪人身,纏繞燃燒。十 三、鐵狗驅逐地獄:世人以不敬三寶、不孝父母、不順師教,死墮此 ˋ ㄔㄜ
獄,大熱鐵狗,眼如掣 電,牙如利劍,齒如刀山,舌如鐵刺,身毛皆 ˊ ㄌㄨㄛ
出猛火,踐踏撕裂罪人,取心分食。十四、鐵騾 地獄:世人多殺生害 ˋ ㄊㄚ
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命,死後墮此獄,或廣造口業;命終墮此獄中,令騾駕車碾 輾 鞭 鞜 之 苦,或坐此火炎鐵騾背上,炮燒其身,以至焦烤。
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仁者! 仁者!如是等報, 如是等報,各各獄中, 各各獄中,有百千種業道之器, 有百千種業道之器, 無非是銅是鐵, 無非是銅是鐵,是石是火, 是石是火,此四種物, 此四種物,眾業行感。 眾業行感。 【英譯】 :Humane One!So are those arising from karmic force to inflict 英譯】 these retributions in each hell.There are hundreds of thousands of instruments made of copper, iron, stone, or fire,but no other instruments made of. Those four materials come into being in response to the kinds of different karma offenders created. 【註】: inflict:予以;施與
【解】:仁者(指普賢菩薩),像以上所說有關地獄中的罪報,各大小 地獄之中,各有百千種業道的刑具,不外是銅、鐵、火、石等四種東 西所製成,這都是眾生惡業所感招來的;蓋剛強的眾生個性,造熾燃 的罪所感,而感得銅、鐵、火、石之堅硬銳利的苦器,眾生惡心熾燃 如火,招感猛烈的苦具,非他人所與,更非閻羅王故意要整治於人, 都是自作自受。
若廣說地獄罪報等事, 若廣說地獄罪報等事,一一獄中, 一一獄中,更有百千苦楚, 更有百千苦楚, 何況多獄。 何況多獄。我今承佛威神及仁者問, 我今承佛威神及仁者問,略說如是。 略說如是。若廣解 說,窮劫不盡。」 窮劫不盡。」 【 英譯】 英譯 】: If I were to explain those in detail what happens during retributions in the hells, then I would need to tell of the hundreds of thousands of sufferings that must be undergone in each specific hell. How much less there are many hells that would be the case for the sufferings! Now, I have based upon the awesome spiritual power of Buddha and the Humane One's question, I have given a general answer as those are. If I
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were to speak those in detail and expansively, it would take me limitless eons of time." 【解】 :上面所說的地獄罪報等事,我僅僅大略說說而已,假使要廣泛 說地獄罪報的事,每一地獄中,更還有百千種的苦楚,更何況還有許 多其他的地獄呢!我現在承佛陀的威神之力,以及仁者的請問,只大 略說以上的事。假使要是廣泛的加以詳細,敘述解說每一地獄中的事, 那麼就是用一劫長遠的時間也講不完呢!」 【註】 :以上所感得的地獄果報,其實都是眾生自己所造的業,而所感 : 得的,怨不得他人;就看現在的現實人間,也不必等到死後下地獄受 報;不妨到醫院或安養中心、看護中心看看,有些人不也是當正在受 這般的人間活地獄之苦嗎?再到屠宰場看看,將心比心,那些畜牲所 受的苦,不也是最好的寫照嗎?
如來讚歎品第六 CHAPTER VI The Thus Come One's Praises 【釋品題】 :以下三品,六、七、八,是明度脫緣。說明度脫眾生的機 釋品題】 : 緣,只要多親近地藏王菩薩,一定受感化,罪業消除,不墮地獄。因 菩薩慈悲廣大,威德無窮,利益末法眾生。佛陀特在忉利天宮,普勸 未來世界眾生,供養地藏菩薩,能獲得無量無邊福德之利。
爾時, 爾時,世尊舉身放大光明 世尊舉身放大光明, 舉身放大光明,遍照百千萬億恆河 遍照百千萬億恆河沙等 恆河沙等 諸佛世界。 諸佛世界。出大音聲, 出大音聲,普告諸佛世界一切諸菩薩摩訶 薩,及天、 及天、龍、鬼、神、人、非人等。 非人等。聽吾今日稱揚讚 歎地藏菩薩摩訶薩 地藏菩薩摩訶薩, 摩訶薩,於十方世界, 於十方世界,現大不可思議威神慈 - 108 -
悲之力, 悲之力,救護一切罪苦之事。 救護一切罪苦之事。 【英譯】 :At that time the World Honored One emitted a great bright light 英譯】 from his entire body, totally illuminating Buddha-lands as many as grains of sand in billions of Ganges Rivers. His strong voice reached to all the bodies of Bodhisattva Mahasattvas in those Buddha-lands, as well as to the heavenly gods, dragons, ghosts and spirits, humans, non-humans and so forth. The World Honored One said, "Listen!Today, as I praise Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva, who displays an inconceivable awesome spiritual strength and compassionate power throughout the Ten Directions, he rescues and protects all human beings when things happen to them as they suffer for offenses they have committed. 【解】 :那時,世尊全身從頭到腳,舉身放大光明,將度生的責任,都 交給了地藏菩薩,放大光明遍照百千萬億恆河沙等諸佛世界,佛光普 照無量無邊世界眾生,見此慈光皆得無限利益,乃至無上菩提;並於 光中出大音聲,以大梵音聲告訴諸大菩薩,及天龍八部、鬼神,乃至 人、非人等,注意聽我世尊稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩,累世累劫,慈悲救苦 於十方無量世界,所作種種利生事業,深廣博大,非心可思,更無法 言議的種種威神、慈悲勢力,廣度救護一切罪苦眾生,尤是惡道眾生。
「吾滅度後, 吾滅度後,汝等諸菩薩大士 汝等諸菩薩大士, 薩大士,及天龍鬼神等, 及天龍鬼神等,廣 作方便, 作方便,衛護是經, 衛護是經,令一切眾生證涅槃樂。」 令一切眾生證涅槃樂。」 【 英譯】 英譯 】: “After I have passed into Nirvana, all of you bodies of Bodhisattva Mahasattva and all of you heavenly gods, dragons, ghosts, spirits, and so on should use vast numbers of your expedient means to protect this Sutra and to have all those living beings realize and prove the bliss of Nirvana."
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【解】 :世尊說: 「我將滅度之後,你們諸位大菩薩們,以及天龍八部、 鬼神等,要用種種善巧方便的方法,好好地保護守衛這部地藏經,因 此部經流通在世間,能令一切罪苦眾生離一切苦;不但能離三惡道之 苦,更能遠離六道輪迴之苦,其最終結果都能究竟成佛,證得無上菩 提之涅槃樂果。」
說是語已, 說是語已,會中有一菩薩, 會中有一菩薩,名曰普廣 名曰普廣, 普廣,合掌恭敬而 白佛言: 白佛言:「今見 「今見世尊 今見世尊讚歎 世尊讚歎地藏菩薩 讚歎地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,有如是不可思議大 威神德, 威神德,唯願世尊 唯願世尊為未來世末法眾生 世尊為未來世末法眾生, 為未來世末法眾生,宣說地藏菩薩 宣說地藏菩薩利 地藏菩薩利 益人天因果等事, 益人天因果等事,使諸天龍八部, 使諸天龍八部,及未來世眾生, 及未來世眾生,頂受 佛語。 佛語。」 【英譯】 :After saying that words, there was a body of Bodhisattva,whose 英譯】 name was called Universally Expansive arose in the assembly. He placed his two palms together to express his respect, and said to Buddha, "We are now about to witness the World Honored One praising Earth Treasury Bodhisattva's unimaginable great awesome spiritual virtue. We hope the World Honored One will also aid those human beings in the future Dharma Ending Age by telling us about how Earth Treasury Bodhisattva benefits people and heavenly gods and about the working out of cause and effect. That will help the heavenly gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division, along with human beings of the future to receive the Buddha's teachings respectfully." 【註】: witness:見證
aid:幫助 Eightfold Division:八部
【解】 :世尊說完了這些話之後,在大會之中有一位大菩薩,名叫普廣 菩薩的,合掌恭敬地對著佛說: 「今天看見世尊讚歎地藏王菩薩,有這
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樣想不到、說不出的大威力神通威德,唯願請世尊您,為未來末法眾 生,宣揚演說地藏菩薩利益人天的因果等事,使諸天龍八部、鬼神, 及末法眾生,能深生信仰頂受佛語,依教修行,度脫三界。」 【註】:普廣菩薩是發心普遍,行門修得廣大;從心發智,智滿法界, : 行滿虛空之菩薩。這位菩薩是承佛之命,衛護是經的人。
爾時, 普廣菩薩及四眾等: 及四眾等:「諦聽 「諦聽! 諦聽!諦聽! 諦聽! 爾時,世尊告 世尊告普廣菩薩及四眾等 吾當為汝略說地藏菩薩 吾當為汝略說地藏菩薩利益人天福德之事 地藏菩薩利益人天福德之事。」 利益人天福德之事。」普廣 。」普廣白 普廣白 言:「唯然 「唯然! 唯然!世尊, 世尊,願樂欲聞。」 願樂欲聞。」 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time the World Honored One said to the Universally Expansive Bodhisattva and the Fourfold Assembly, and others, “Listen attentively, and listen carefully please. I will briefly describe to you how Earth Treasury Bodhisattva's virtuous deeds keep benefiting people and heavenly gods.” Universally Expansive replied, "Yes!The World Honored One!We are happy to listen your words." 【解】:那時世尊告訴普廣菩薩以及天龍四眾等說:「你們大家要好好 地仔細聽著,仔細聽好,我當然會為你們大眾等,大略地說地藏菩薩 利益人天福德的事。」普廣菩薩說: 「是的,世尊,我們大家正欣樂的 要聽您的宣說。」 【註】:佛在此只談福德,不說功德,是勸令普羅大眾修持五戒十善, : 廣作六度萬行等一切善行利益之事。因末法時代眾生,大都造罪業受 苦的眾生。末世眾生善根薄弱,遇善緣須臾即退,如遇惡緣,卻念念 增長,多是廣造罪惡,為度他們,其應機法門,就是只有多修福,就 不會造惡業;對罪苦眾生說法,不能太高,連福都不肯修,還能修功 德嗎?先讓他知福,修福,肯修福,再進一步不著相,就是功德了。
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佛告普廣 「未來世中 佛告普廣菩薩 普廣菩薩: 菩薩: 「未來世中, 未來世中,若有善男子 若有善男子、 善男子、善女人, 善女人, 聞是地藏菩薩 聞是地藏菩薩摩訶薩名者 地藏菩薩摩訶薩名者, 摩訶薩名者,或合掌者、 或合掌者、讚歎者、 讚歎者、作禮者、 作禮者、 戀慕者, 戀慕者,是人超越三十劫罪。 是人超越三十劫罪。 【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha told the Universally Expansive Bodhisattva, “In the future if there are good men or good women, they hear Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva's name, place their palms together, praise him, bow to him, or gaze in worship, they will overcome thirty eon's worth of offenses.” 【解】:佛就告訴普廣菩薩說:「將來末法時代中,假使具有善根的男 子、女人們,聽到地藏菩薩的大名,或稱念、或合掌表示恭敬、或稱 揚地藏的偉大、或有人五體投地禮拜、或舉頭瞻仰、依戀仰慕的人等, 像這些人的興起任何禮敬之心,都可頓時超越三十劫的重大罪障。
若有善男子、 善女人, 或彩畫形像, 普廣! !若有善男子 、善女人 ,或彩畫形像 ,或土石 普廣 膠漆, 膠漆,金銀銅鐵、 金銀銅鐵、作此菩薩, 作此菩薩,一瞻一禮者, 一瞻一禮者,是人百返生 於三十三天, 於三十三天,永不墮於惡道 永不墮於惡道。 墮於惡道。假如天福盡故, 假如天福盡故,下生人間, 下生人間, 猶為國王, 猶為國王,不失大利。 不失大利。 【 英譯 】: Universally Expansive ! If there are good men or good women,they gaze upon and bow but once. They find persons to paint or draw images of the body of Bodhisattva or images of him, which are made by using clay, stone, lacquer, gold, silver, copper and iron. They will be reborn one hundred times in the Heaven of the Thirty-Three, and they will eternally avoid falling into the Evil Paths. If their blessings in the heavens come to an end, they will be born in the human realm; they will still become national kings, who suffer no loss of benefits. 【解】 :世尊再一聲叫普廣菩薩,假使具有善根的男子、女人們,他(/
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她)們能找人用七彩的顏色,繪畫佛菩薩的聖像,法相莊嚴,能令見 者生敬而獲福。或用土、石、膠、漆、金、銀、銅、鐵,來塑造地藏 菩薩的聖像,令後來的眾生能瞻仰尊容,或禮拜聖像,或注目瞻仰, 這些人命終之後,當百次往返生於三十三天之上,永遠不會墮落到三 惡道去受苦。假使在天上享福盡的時後,下生人間,還有剩餘的福報, 可當人間國家的元首、國王、總統之類。不失大利,能憶念宿命、因 果、本末,不忘菩提心,不會造惡,繼續修行,更不會忘記地藏菩薩 的恩德。
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若有女人, 若有女人,厭女人身, 女人身,盡心供養地藏菩薩 盡心供養地藏菩薩畫像 地藏菩薩畫像, 畫像,及 土石膠漆銅鐵等像, 土石膠漆銅鐵等像,如是日日不退, 如是日日不退,常以華香、 常以華香、飲食、 衣服、 錢寶,等物供養。 物供養。是善女人, 是善女人,盡 衣服、繒綵、 繒綵、幢 旛 、錢寶, 此一報女身, 此一報女身,百千萬劫, 百千萬劫,更不生有女人世界, 更不生有女人世界,何況復受。 何況復受。 除非慈願力故, 除非慈願力故,要受女身, 要受女身,度脫眾生, 度脫眾生,承斯供養地藏 承斯供養地藏力 地藏力 故,及功德力, 及功德力,百千萬劫不受女身。」 百千萬劫不受女身。」 【英譯】 英譯】:If there are women, who dislike having female bodies, they do whole-heartedly make offerings to the image of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, that is painted or made by using clay, stone, lacquer, copper, iron, or other materials. If they continually make such offerings day after day without fail, using flowers, incense, food, drink, clothing, colored silks, banners, money, jewels, and other items as offerings, those good women finish their current female retributions, then throughout hundreds of thousands of eons they will never again be born in worlds where there are women. Much less to be once again, unless they depend upon the strength of their compassionate vows to liberate living beings. By basing on the strength of their offerings to Earth Treasury Bodhisattva and by the power of their meritorious virtues,
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they will not be born into female bodies throughout hundreds of thousands of eons.” 【註】: whole-heartedly:盡心
much less:何況
【解】 :假使有個善女人,她討厭生為女人的身軀,她只要盡心盡力的 供養地藏菩薩的畫像,或用土石膠漆的塑像,或用金、銀、銅、鐵所 鑄的像,以殷重的誠敬心,供養菩薩,日日不退、天天如此,常用鮮 花、飲食、衣服、繒綵、幢旛、錢、寶物等供養地藏菩薩,是此善女 人,盡此壽一報女身,百千萬劫更不會再投生當女人的世界,何況會 再來生受女人之身,除非是她慈悲願力的緣故,還要想再當女身,來 度脫眾生。承此供養地藏力的緣故,及功德力的加被,百千萬劫不受 報當女人之身了。」 【註】:當女人有十惡(玉耶經載) :一者、父母生女不喜。二者、養 : 育無味。三者、女人心常畏人。四者、父母恆憂嫁娶。五者、與父母 生相離別。六者、常畏女婿,視其顏色歡悅則喜,瞋恚則懼。七者、 ˋ ㄖㄣ
懷妊 生產甚難。八者、小為父母所檢錄。九者、中為夫婿所制。十者、 年老為兒孫所呵;從生至終不得自在。是為十事女人不自覺知。
復次普廣 復次普廣: 普廣:「若有女人 「若有女人, 若有女人,厭是醜陋, 厭是醜陋,多疾病者, 多疾病者,但 於地藏像前 地藏像前, 像前,志心瞻禮, 志心瞻禮,食頃之間; 食頃之間;是人千萬劫中, 是人千萬劫中,所 受生身, 受生身,相貌圓滿。 相貌圓滿。是醜陋女人, 是醜陋女人,如不厭女身, 如不厭女身,即百千 萬億生中, 萬億生中,常為女王, 常為女王,乃至王妃, 乃至王妃,宰輔大姓, 宰輔大姓,大長者女, 大長者女, 端正受生, 端正受生,諸相圓滿。 諸相圓滿。由志心故, 由志心故,瞻禮地藏菩薩 瞻禮地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,獲福 如是。」 如是。」 【英譯】 :Moreover, Universally Expansive, “If there are women, who are 英譯】 ugly or prone to sickness, they will dislike those problems. But if they gaze
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at and bow at the front of images of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva with sincere resolve for even just a few minutes, then it is throughout millions of eons, those women will always be born with full and perfect features. If those ugly woman are do not dislike their female bodies, then throughout billions of lives they will always be born as queens, or as to be wives of kings, or women of royal lineage, or will marry into royalty, or will become daughters of prime ministers, prominent families, or great Elders. They will be of upright birth and full-featured. They will receive such blessings from having sincerely beheld and worshipped Earth Treasury Bodhisattva.” 【註】: prone:易於 royal lineage:王室家世 prominent:顯著的;傑出的 full-featured:圓滿 的相貌
【解】:又普廣菩薩我再繼續告訴你:「假使有女人相貌嫌厭,長得醜 陋不莊嚴,或身體多病不健康,只要在地藏菩薩像前,以至誠心瞻仰 禮拜,縱使只有極短暫吃頓飯的時間。這個人即能於千萬劫之中,所 受生之身,遠離醜陋多病的惡相,獲得圓滿端莊無病的相貌。如果這 醜病的女人,並不厭惡女人之身,於瞻禮地藏菩薩像之後,即能百千 萬億生中,為王女或王妃,或生於宰相、輔官、豪貴大長者的女兒, 相貌長得端莊無比,受人愛敬,能夠如此,皆由於能以至誠心,瞻仰 禮拜地藏菩薩,所獲得殊勝的果報。」
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復次普廣 「若有善男子 復次普廣: 普廣: 「若有善男子、 若有善男子、善女人, 善女人,能對菩薩像前, 能對菩薩像前, 作諸伎樂, 作諸伎樂,及歌詠讚歎, 及歌詠讚歎,香華供養, 香華供養,乃至勸於一人多人。 乃至勸於一人多人。 如是等輩, 如是等輩,現在世中及未來世, 現在世中及未來世,常得百千鬼神日夜衛 護,不令惡事輒 聞其耳,何況親受諸橫。」 何況親受諸橫。」 不令惡事輒 聞其耳, 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Universally Expansive, “If there may be good men - 115 -
or good women, who are able to play music, sing, or chant praises, and make offerings of incense and flowers at the front of images of the Bodhisattva, or who are able to exhort one person or more others to do likewise. So those people whether it is present or in the future, will always be surrounded and protected by hundreds of thousands of ghosts and spirits day and night, who will even prevent bad news from reaching their ears, much less allow them to be personally involved in any accident. 【註】: chant:詠唱 exhort:勸導
【解】:又普廣菩薩:「假使具有善根的男子、女人們,能對著地藏菩 薩的像前,做種種梵唄音樂,以歌而詠,以讚而唱的讚歎地藏菩薩, 或用鮮花自己供養,乃至更勸導一或多人供養讚歎,如是這些人,現 在這世及未來世中,常會感得百千護法鬼神,日夜保護,永不讓惡聲 音聽到,更何況不會親身遭受到各種災禍呢!」
「未來世中 未來世中, 若有惡人及惡神惡鬼, 復次普廣 普廣: 未來世中 ,若有惡人及惡神惡鬼 ,見 復次 普廣:「 有善男子、 有善男子、善女人, 善女人,歸敬、 歸敬、供養、 供養、讚歎、 讚歎、瞻禮地藏菩薩 瞻禮地藏菩薩 形像, 形像,或妄生譏毀, 或妄生譏毀,謗無功德及利益事, 謗無功德及利益事,或露齒笑, 或露齒笑,或 背面非, 背面非,或勸人共非, 或勸人共非,或一人非, 或一人非,或多人非 或多人非, 人非,乃至一念 生譏毀者。 生譏毀者。 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Universally Expansive, “In the future, if there are evil people, evil spirits, or evil ghosts, they may see good men or good women taking refuge with, respectfully making offerings to, praising, beholding, and bowing to the images of Earth Treasure Bodhisattva. Those living beings may make the mistake of ridiculing such acts of worship, by saying that they are of no merit and benefit. They may sneer at those good
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people, condemn them behind their backs, or they advise a group of persons to do so, or even one person to condemn or many persons to condemn, even as a little as one thought of condemnation. 【註】: ridicule:譏笑 sneer:嘲笑 condemn / condemnation:責難;譴責
【解】:又普廣菩薩: 「未來世中,假使有惡人以及惡鬼神,看到有善 : 根的男子、女人歸依、恭敬、供養、讚歎,並且瞻禮地藏菩薩的形像, 或而妄生譏笑,懷壞心眼,毀謗說沒功德,或說沒什麼益處,或是露 ㄙㄨㄛ
出牙齒冷笑,或是在背面講是非,不但自說,還唆 使別人,一人、甚 至多人共同譏笑毀謗;甚至於心生一念譏笑毀謗的。」
如是之人, 如是之人,賢劫千佛滅度, 賢劫千佛滅度,譏毀之報, 譏毀之報,尚在阿鼻地 尚在阿鼻地 獄受極重罪。 受極重罪。過是劫已, 過是劫已,方受惡鬼。 方受惡鬼。又經千劫, 又經千劫,復受畜 生。又經千劫, 又經千劫,方得人身。 方得人身。縱受人身, 縱受人身,貧窮下賤, 貧窮下賤,諸根 不具, 不具,多被惡業來結其心。 多被惡業來結其心。不久之間, 不久之間,復墮惡道。 復墮惡道。 【英譯】 英譯】:Such so living beings will still fall into the Avichi Hell, and suffer the extreme misery, and they will undergo as retribution for their slander. It will not come to an end even after the thousand bodies of Buddha of the Worthy Eon have passed into tranquility. Only after that eon will they be reborn among the hungry ghosts, where they will pass a thousand more eons before being reborn as animals. Only after another thousand eons will they obtain human bodies, but if they have chance to be humans,they will be poor and lowly with incomplete faculties, and their evil karma will cause them to suffer mental afflictions. Before long(/ Soon)they will fall into the Evil Paths again. 【註】:
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Worthy Eon:賢劫
【解】 :如是之人,就是那譏笑毀謗別人歸依、恭敬、供養、讚歎,瞻 禮地藏菩薩的形像,沒功德利益者,他們會在賢劫千佛都滅度了,因 為毀謗的罪報,還在阿鼻地獄中受種種極重的罪苦;要等過了賢劫之 後,才能去受生惡鬼道;在惡鬼道中,也要經過千劫,才能去投胎畜 生;在畜生道中,也要經過千劫,才能投生為人;縱使為人,仍舊是 貧窮下賤,而且還是盲、聾、音啞、跛殘不全,甚至因前世惡緣,再 累得惡業纏結其心,不久又要再墮三惡道去受苦。 【註】 :過去莊嚴劫,現在賢劫,未來星宿劫,各個有千佛出世。從釋 : 迦牟尼佛涅槃後,彌勒尊佛出世,還要再等五十六億七千萬年,如此 千佛出世又入滅,所經歷的時間夠長久了。
譏毀他人供養, 尚獲此報, 是故普廣 普廣, ,尚獲此報 ,何況別生惡 是故 普廣,譏毀他人供養 見毀滅。」 見毀滅。」 【英譯】 英譯】:So Universally Expansive, such are the retributions that will undergo; those who ridicule and slander others' acts of worship and offering. How much worse will the retributions be, besides their slandering, if they have other evil views.” 【解】 :所以說普廣,像這些人,譏毀別人供養的,還要獲得地獄、惡 鬼、畜生等的惡報,何況在佛法中生惡見,起毀滅之心,或把地藏菩 薩形像給破壞、毀滅,其罪更甚於千萬億倍呢!」
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復次普廣 復次普廣: 普廣:「若未來世 「若未來世, 若未來世,有男子女人, 有男子女人,久處床枕, 久處床枕, 求生求死, 求生求死,了不可得。 了不可得。或夜夢惡鬼, 或夜夢惡鬼,乃及家親、 乃及家親、或遊險 道、或多魘 或多魘 寐 、共鬼神遊。 共鬼神遊。日月歲深, 日月歲深,轉復尪 轉復尪 瘵 ,眠
中叫苦, 中叫苦,慘悽不樂者。 慘悽不樂者。 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Universally Expansive, “In the future, if there are men or women,they may be bedridden for years, and despite of their wishes,they are unable either to get well or to die. At night they may dream of evil ghosts, or of family and relatives, or of wandering on dangerous paths. In numerous nightmares they may roam with ghosts and spirits. As days, months, and years go by, such people may weaken and waste away, cry out in pain in their sleep, and become progressively depressed and melancholy. 【註】: bedridden:長年臥病的
【解】 :又普廣: 「假使未來世中,那些沒善根的男子、女人們害重病, 久久躺在床上,求生不得、求死又不能;或是夜間做夢,夢見鬼來追 逐捉人,或夢見自己已經死去的家親,或是夢見在危險的路途漫遊, ˋ ㄇㄟ
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或夢見被魘 寐 鬼壓制,不能呼吸,或夢見自己和鬼神到處遊蕩。日復 一日、月又一月,都是這樣睡不著覺、不得安寧,惡夢連連,病情轉 ˊ ㄌㄠ
加嚴重成癆 ;在夜夢中大叫,其聲悽涼無比,聽不忍聞。
此皆是業道論對, 此皆是業道論對,未定輕重, 未定輕重,或難捨壽、 或難捨壽、或不得癒, 或不得癒, 男女俗眼, 男女俗眼,不辨是事。 不辨是事。 【英譯】 英譯】:Those things happening are the force of karma being discussed and they have not yet been determined which is light and which is heavy, or which makes it difficult for them to die, or it is impossible for them to be cured. The ordinary eyes of men and women cannot recognize and tell(/ distinguish)such things.
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【解】 :這都是魂神在地府陰曹裡打官司,有人在指控,司府正在調查, 相互辯論,還沒宣判定輕重罪;所以才求生不得、求死不能,很難捨 棄壽命,或是不得痊癒,一般活著的男女人,俗眼是看不出怎回事的。
但當對諸佛菩薩像前, 但當對諸佛菩薩像前,高聲轉讀此經一遍。 高聲轉讀此經一遍。或取病 人可愛之物, 人可愛之物,或衣服、 或衣服、寶貝, 寶貝,莊園、 莊園、舍宅, 舍宅,對病人前, 對病人前, 高聲唱言: 『我某甲等 高聲唱言: 『我某甲等, 我某甲等,為是病人, 為是病人,對經像前捨諸等物, 對經像前捨諸等物, 或供養經像、 或供養經像、或造佛菩薩形像、 或造佛菩薩形像、或造塔寺、 或造塔寺、或燃油燈、 或燃油燈、 或施常住。』 或施常住。』 【英譯】 :In that situation some people should recite this Sutra aloud once 英譯】 in the front of images of the bodies of Buddha and Bodhisattva. They should also offer possessions,which that sick people cherish, such as clothing, jewels, gardens, or houses. They should speak distinctly in the front of the sick people by saying, “Now before this Sutra or these images, I am your man that is offering these items on behalf of you sick people. They may offer sutras or images, or commission images of bodies of Buddha or Bodhisattva, or build stupas or monasteries, or light oil lamps, or give offering to the Eternally Dwelling.” 【註】: distinctly:清楚地 on behalf of:代替
【解】 :如果是這樣子,就應對諸佛菩薩像前,高聲念一遍地藏經。或 是拿取病人心所愛的東西,或是衣服、首飾、古董、寶貝,莊園、田 產、舍宅房屋等,對著病人面前高聲對他(/ 她)說:『我是你的某人 等,替你經手辦這事,並對著佛菩薩地藏經前,把你心愛的東西捨賣 掉,是拿來買鮮花、名香等供品,供養佛菩薩經像,或是用這筆錢, 來替你造佛菩薩的形像,或造佛塔寺、或點燃油燈,或布施給常住三
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如是三白病人, 如是三白病人,遣令聞知。 遣令聞知。假令諸識分散, 假令諸識分散,至氣盡, 至氣盡, 乃至一日、 乃至一日、二日、 二日、三日、 三日、四日至七日已來。 四日至七日已來。但高聲白, 但高聲白, 高聲讀經。 高聲讀經。是人命終之後。 是人命終之後。宿殃重罪, 宿殃重罪,至於五無間罪, 至於五無間罪, 永得解脫, 永得解脫,所受生處, 所受生處,常知宿命。 常知宿命。 【英譯】 英譯】:So they should tell the sick person three times about the offerings those are being made as this, informing him so he can hear and understand what is being done. If his consciousnesses are already scattered and his breathing has stopped, so as to do even for one, two, three, four, and even through seven days, but those should continue to inform him clearly and to read this Sutra aloud. After that person's life has come to an end, he will gain liberation forever from all heavy and disastrous offenses, whichever he committed in previous life, even offenses warranting Fivefold Relentless Retribution. He will be born in the place, where he will always know his past life. 【註】: disastrous:悲慘的 warrant:證明為正當;保證
【解】 :如前所說的,三次告白病人,是要讓病人聽得到;假使病人的 八識已經分散,乃至呼吸已經停止斷氣了,甚至乃經過一天、兩天、 三天、四天到七天以來。照樣給他(/ 她)作功德,高聲唱明以上替他 (/ 她)做的善事,且高聲念地藏經。這個人命終了之後。他(/ 她) 的宿世罪殃重罪,乃至原本要墮五無間地獄的,全都給消滅,還得解 脫,將來不管投生到那個地方,都能知道前生的事,而不敢再造惡, 知修行、出離生死。
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何況善男子善女人自書此經, 何況善男子善女人自書此經,或教人書、 或教人書、或自塑畫 菩薩形像, 菩薩形像,乃至教人塑畫。 乃至教人塑畫。所受果報, 所受果報,必獲大利。 必獲大利。 【英譯】 英譯】:Much less will the karmic reward be, if good men or good women can write out this Sutra by themselves, or commission others to do so ! Or if they can carve or paint images by themselves or even commission others to do so, the benefits they receive should be great indeed! 【解】 :更何況有善男子、善女人,自己書寫此地藏經,或是教導別人 寫,或是自己塑畫菩薩形像,乃至教導別人、請人塑畫,所獲得的果 報,必定是有非常大的益處。
是故普廣 若見有人讀誦是經,乃至一念讚歎是 是故 普廣, 普廣 , 若見有人讀誦是經, 經,或恭敬者。 或恭敬者。汝須百千方便, 汝須百千方便,勸是等人, 勸是等人,勤心莫退, 勤心莫退, 能得未來、 能得未來、現在千萬億不可思議功德。」 現在千萬億不可思議功德。」 【英譯】 :Therefore, Universally Expansive!If you have seen any person 英譯】 reading and reciting this Sutra, or even he has a single thought of praise for it, or if you meet someone who reveres it, you should employ hundreds of thousands of your expedients to exhort such persons to be diligent and not to retreat. In both the present and the future,they will be able to obtain billions of inconceivable meritorious virtues.” 【註】: revere:尊敬
employ:使用 retreat:退卻
meritorious virtue:功德
【解】:所以說普廣呀!假使你有看到人在讀誦地藏經的,乃至他(/ 她)一念之間,讚歎這部地藏經的,或是對地藏經升起恭敬心的。你 應該用百千方便善巧的方法,勸導鼓勵他(/ 她)們,要勇猛的繼續 用功,勤心莫退失道心,他(/ 她)不但將來就是現在,都能獲得千
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復次普廣 復次普廣: 普廣:「若未來世諸眾生等 「若未來世諸眾生等, 若未來世諸眾生等,或夢或寐, 或夢或寐,見諸 鬼神乃及諸形, 鬼神乃及諸形,或悲、 或悲、或啼、 或啼、或愁、 或愁、或嘆、 或嘆、或恐、 或恐、或怖 。 【英譯】 :Moreover, Universally Expansive, “If there are living beings in 英譯】 the future, they may, while dreaming or drowsy, see ghosts, spirits, and other forms that are either sad, weeping, or worried, fearful, or terrified. 【註】: drowsy:睏倦的;半睡的;昏睡的
【解】:又普廣呀:「假使未來世諸眾生,在睡中或昏睡中夢見各種鬼 神男女老少,他(/ 她)們面形狀不一,這些鬼神有的是悲啼不止,有 ˊ ㄏㄨㄤ
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的哭泣,或憂愁滿面,有的嘆氣鬱 悶,或惶 恐不安,或是怖畏發抖等 等不好的情夢。」
此皆是一生十生百生千生過去父母、 此皆是一生十生百生千生過去父母、男女弟妹、 男女弟妹、夫 妻眷屬, 妻眷屬,在於惡趣, 在於惡趣,未得出離, 未得出離,無處希望福力救拔, 無處希望福力救拔,當 告宿世骨肉, 告宿世骨肉,使作方便, 使作方便,願離惡道。 願離惡道。 【英譯】 英譯】:Those are all their fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, husbands, wives, and relatives from one, ten, a hundred, or a thousand lives past, who have not yet been able to leave the bad destinies. They have no place from which to hope for the power of blessings to rescue them, and so they try to communicate with their closest descendants, hoping that those relatives will use some skillful means to help them get out of the Evil Paths. 【註】: descendant:子孫;後裔
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【解】 :這些都是他們前一生、十生、乃至百千生的過去父母、男女弟 妹、或夫妻眷屬,他(她)們到現在墮在惡道裡,還沒出離,他(/ 她) 們想脫離惡道不了,又沒其他地方求救、沒希望與福力救濟超拔他(/ 她)們,只得轉告這多生又曾是骨肉親屬的你,他們知道你在修行, 作種種拔濟的方便法門,所以在夢境暗示你,希望你給他們做些功德, 好讓他們早日脫離惡道的苦難。
普廣! 普廣!汝以神力, 汝以神力,遣是眷屬, 遣是眷屬,令對諸佛菩薩像前, 令對諸佛菩薩像前, 志心自讀此經, 志心自讀此經,或請人讀, 或請人讀,其數三遍或七遍。 其數三遍或七遍。如是惡道 眷屬, 眷屬,經聲畢是遍數, 經聲畢是遍數,當得解脫, 當得解脫,乃至夢寐之中, 乃至夢寐之中,永不 復見。」 復見。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Universally Expansive!By using your spiritual powers, you should exhort(/ advise / urge)those descendants to recite this Sutra with sincere resolve in the front of the images of bodies of Buddha or Bodhisattva, or to request others to recite it, either three or seven times. So when the Sutra has been read aloud the proper number of times three or seven, those relatives in the Evil Paths will obtain liberation and never again be seen even by those who are dreaming or drowsy.” 【解】 :普廣呀!你應該以大神力,加被陽間這些作夢的眷屬呀!喚醒 他(/ 她)想一想,怎麼會接二連三地作這樣的怪夢,這無非是要求陽 世間的眷屬,趕快替他(/ 她)作些功德好超度。你要讓這些活著的人, 對諸佛菩薩像前,以至誠心讀誦這部地藏經,或請人代讀,自己聽, 其數三遍或七遍,如果能是這樣,經過三、七數遍完的讀誦聲,這些 惡道裡的眷屬,他(/ 她)們就當得解脫;當你作完這功課,從此在夢 中再也不會作夢,夢見他(/ 她)們了。」
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復次普廣 復次普廣: 普廣:「若未來世中 「若未來世中, 若未來世中,有諸下賤等人, 有諸下賤等人,或奴或 婢 ,乃至諸不自由之人, 乃至諸不自由之人,覺知宿業, 覺知宿業,要懺悔者; 要懺悔者;至心 瞻禮地藏菩薩 形像,乃至一七日中, 乃至一七日中,念菩薩名, 念菩薩名,可滿萬 瞻禮地藏菩薩形像 地藏菩薩形像, 遍。如是等人, 如是等人,盡此報身後, 盡此報身後,千萬生中, 千萬生中,常生尊貴, 常生尊貴,更 不經三惡道苦。 不經三惡道苦。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Universally Expansive, “If there are people of low station, and those who are slaves, maid-servants, or even who are bonded, or who are deprived of their freedom in other ways, they may be aware of their past deeds and wish to repent of them and to reform. If while beholding and bowing to the image of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva with sincere resolve even for one day to seven days, they are able to recite his name a full ten thousand times, then when their current retribution ends, those people will always be born into wealth and honor families for thousands lives. How much the more will they avoid any of the sufferings of the Three Evil Paths. 【註】: repent:懺悔 reform:改正 ㄅㄟ
【解】 :又普廣呀!我再告訴你: 「假使未來世,有種種卑 下低賤的人, 他(/ 她)們是男奴、是女婢,乃至那些為生活過著不自由,被人所拘 束奴役的人(/ 奴隸),他(/ 她)們覺知,這是自己宿世惡業所報, 需要懺悔,就要以至誠心瞻禮地藏菩薩的形像,乃至一日至七日中, 念地藏菩薩的聖號滿一萬遍,如果能照著這樣做的人,他(/ 她)們捨 盡此報身之後,將來千萬生中,常會投胎生在尊貴的家庭中,更不會 再遭受三惡道之苦。」
復次普廣 復次普廣: 普廣:「若未來世中 「若未來世中, 若未來世中,閻浮提內 閻浮提內,剎利、 剎利、婆羅 - 125 -
門、長者、 長者、居士、 居士、一切人等, 一切人等,及異姓種族, 及異姓種族,有新產者, 有新產者, 或男或女, 或男或女,七日之中, 七日之中,早與讀誦此不可思議經典, 早與讀誦此不可思議經典,更為 念菩薩名, 念菩薩名,可滿萬遍。 可滿萬遍。是新生子, 是新生子,或男或女, 或男或女,宿有殃報, 宿有殃報, 便得解脫, 便得解脫,安樂易養, 安樂易養,壽命增長。 壽命增長。若是承福生者, 若是承福生者,轉增 安樂, 安樂,及與壽命。 及與壽命。」 【 英 譯 】: Moreover, Universally Expansive ! “If in the future in Jambudvipa, when the wives of bodies of Kshatriya, Brahman, Elder, Upasakas and those of other names and clans are about to give birth to sons or daughters, the family members should recite this unimaginable Sutra and recite the Bodhisattva's name a full ten thousand times during the seven days before the birth of their children. If those infants, whether it is male or female, were destined to undergo a terrible retribution for deeds done in their past lives, they will be liberated from those retributions. They will be peaceful, happy, easily raised, and will have long lives. If those children were due to receive blessings, then their peace and happiness will increase, and as will their lifespans.” 【註】: Upasaka:優婆塞
【解】 :又普廣呀!假使未來世中,南閻浮提內,不管是國王剎帝利種 族、高級的婆羅門族、具十德的長者、或三歸五戒的在家居士、一切 士、農、工、商等等一切的人,不分種族、任何姓氏;他們有剛生產 下的男女嬰孩,在七日內早給他(/ 她)讀誦,這部不可思議的地藏經, 甚至更為他(/ 她)念地藏菩薩聖號一萬遍。是該新生的男女嬰孩,前 生所帶來的宿殃禍災報業,不但可消滅解脫,而且平安快樂易養,不 易生病痛,還會增加壽命。如果是來投胎承福報的,更能轉加其安樂, 與壽命延長。」
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復次普廣 復次普廣: 普廣:「若未來世眾生 「若未來世眾生, 若未來世眾生,於月一日、 於月一日、八日、 八日、十 四日、 四日、十五日、 十五日、十八日、 十八日、二十三、 二十三、二十四、 二十四、二十八、 二十八、二 十九日、 十九日、乃至三十日, 乃至三十日,是諸日等, 是諸日等,諸罪結集, 諸罪結集,定其輕重。 定其輕重。 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Universally Expansive!“If in the future there are living beings on the first, eighth, fourteenth, fifteenth, eighteenth, twenty-third, twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, twenty-ninth, and even the thirtieth days of the lunar month, those days are the offenses of living beings to tabulate(/ make a list)and their gravity to asses(examine / judge and decide /evaluate)whether they are light or heavy.’’ 【註】: tabulate:將作成表 gravity:重要罪狀
【解】:又普廣我再告訴你:「假使未來世的眾生,在農曆每逢各月中 之第一天、第八天、第十四天、十五天、十八天、二十三天、二十四 天、二十八天、二十九天乃至第三十天等之十齋日,那是天神下降到 ˋ ㄕㄢ
南贍 部洲來結集、算定眾生造種種罪狀多少、輕重的日子,在這些日 應持齋修善,以求消災增福延壽。」
南閻浮提眾生 南閻浮提眾生, 眾生,舉止動念, 舉止動念,無不是業, 無不是業,無不是罪, 無不是罪, 何況恣情殺害、 何況恣情殺害、竊盜、 竊盜、邪婬、 邪婬、妄語、 妄語、百千罪狀。 百千罪狀。能於是 十齋日, 十齋日,對佛菩薩諸賢聖像前, 對佛菩薩諸賢聖像前,讀是經一遍, 讀是經一遍,東、西、 南、北百由旬內, 北百由旬內,無諸災難。 無諸災難。當此居家, 當此居家,若長、 若長、若幼, 若幼, 現在未來百千歲中, 現在未來百千歲中,永離惡趣。 永離惡趣。 【英譯】 英譯】:Every single person whose movement or stirring of thought on the part of living beings of Jambudvipa creates many karmas and offenses. How much more are those cases when they blatantly indulge in killing,
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stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech and hundreds of thousands of other kinds of overt(/ public)offenses. If they are able to recite this Sutra once on those ten vegetarian days, in the front of the images bodies of Buddha, Bodhisattva, or worthy one and sages, then there will be not any disaster for within a radius of one hundred yojanas.The relatives of those who recite, both old and young, now and in the future, will be apart from the Evil Paths throughout hundreds of thousands of years. 【註】: blatantly:露骨地
vegetarian days:齋日
範圍 ˋ ㄕㄢ
【解】 :南閻浮提(/ 南贍 部洲)的眾生,其心識不定,舉心動念,無 不是在造善、惡、無記等三業,全都是在動貪、瞋、癡的念頭,沒有 不都是在造罪業的,幾乎很少動善念的;更何況以心訴之於行動的, 任意廣造十惡罪狀的殺、盜、婬、妄等,百千罪狀呢!假使能夠在十 齋日內,對著諸佛菩薩聖像前,念誦一部地藏經,在你住家的東、西、 南、北百由旬四周半徑之內,全給影響,都會沒災難;更何況是自己 家大小、老少都會平安,現在未來百千年中,永離惡道中受惡報。
能於十齋日每轉一遍, 能於十齋日每轉一遍,現世令此居家無諸橫病, 現世令此居家無諸橫病,衣 食豐溢。 食豐溢。是故普廣 是故普廣! 普廣!當知地藏菩薩 當知地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,有如是等不可說, 有如是等不可說, 百千萬億大威神力、 眾生,於此大士有 百千萬億大威神力、利益之事。 利益之事。閻浮眾生 閻浮眾生, 大因緣。 大因緣。 【英譯】 英譯】:If they can recite this sutra once on the every of these ten vegetarian days, then there will be no accidents or illnesses in the family, and there will be food and clothing in abundance. Therefore Universally Expansive!So you should know of the beneficial deeds done by Earth
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Treasury Bodhisattva as he makes use of his indescribable many billions of great awesome spiritual powers. The living beings of Jambudvipa have strong affinities(/ combined relative relation)with this Bodhisattva. 【註】: affinity:因緣親屬關係
【解】 :如能在十齋日內每天都誦一部地藏經的話,現世當生會使你全 家大小、男女、老幼不會遭到橫禍,少病痛、少苦、少惱,而且還會 豐衣足食。所以說呀!普廣你要知道這部地藏菩薩,有如此不可說的 百千萬億大威德神通之力量,還有種種利益眾生的事。這閻浮提的眾 生與地藏菩薩有很大很深的因緣關係。
是諸眾生, 是諸眾生,聞菩薩名, 聞菩薩名,見菩薩像, 見菩薩像,乃至聞是經三字 五字, 五字,或一偈一句者, 或一偈一句者,現在殊妙安樂, 現在殊妙安樂,未來之世, 未來之世,百千 萬生, 萬生,常得端正, 常得端正,生尊貴家。」 生尊貴家。」 【英譯】 英譯】:If those living beings have heard the Bodhisattva's name, seen the Bodhsattva's image, or heard but a few words even three words,five words, or a verse, a sentence of this Sutra, then they will enjoy particularly wonderful peace and happiness in this present life. Through hundreds of thousands of ten thousands of future lives, they will always be handsome or beautiful, and they will be born into honorable and wealthy families." 【解】 :凡是所有的眾生,能聽到地藏菩薩名字的,或能看到地藏菩薩 聖像的,甚至於只聽到地藏經中之三、五字,或是一首偈、一句話的 人,現在你就能得到不可思議的美妙安樂,未來世中,百千萬生,常 得相貌端莊,誕生在尊貴的家庭中,乃至修行終成佛道。」
爾時, 爾時,普廣菩薩, 普廣菩薩,聞佛如來稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩 聞佛如來稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩已 地藏菩薩已, - 129 -
胡跪合掌復白佛言: 胡跪合掌復白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我久知是大士有如此不可 思議神力, 思議神力,及大誓願力, 及大誓願力,為未來眾生遣知利益, 為未來眾生遣知利益,故問如 來,唯然頂受。 唯然頂受。 【英譯】 英譯】:Then after Universally Expansive Bodhisattva having heard Buddha, Thus Come One, praise Earth Treasury Bodhisattva in that way. he knelt down, placed his two palms together, and again addressed Buddha, by saying, "The World Honored One ! I have long known that this Bodhisattva has both unimaginable spiritual powers and his mighty vows. I have questioned the Thus Come One so that living beings in the future will know of these benefits. I receive this answer with most respect and feel reverence for him. 【解】 :這個時候,普廣菩薩聽了世尊如此的稱揚又讚歎地藏菩薩,稱 讚完了;普廣菩薩立刻右膝著地,胡跪合掌,恭敬地向世尊稟白說: 「世 尊!我很久以前,就知道地藏菩薩有種種不可思議的神通力,及無量 無邊的大誓願力,我是為了未來的眾生,要使他們知道要恭敬、歸依 地藏王菩薩,有這麼多無量無邊的功德利益,故我於此特別請問世尊, 使後世的眾生不但要相信,還要頂戴信受奉行。
世尊, 世尊,當何名此經, 當何名此經,使我云何流布?」 使我云何流布?」佛告 ?」佛告普廣 佛告普廣: 普廣: 「此經有三名: 此經有三名:一名地藏本願 一名地藏本願, 地藏本願,亦名地藏本行 亦名地藏本行, 地藏本行,亦名地 亦名地 藏本誓力經。 藏本誓力經。緣此菩薩, 緣此菩薩,久遠劫來, 久遠劫來,發大重願, 發大重願,利益眾 生,是故汝等, 是故汝等,依願流布。」 依願流布。」普廣 。」普廣聞已 普廣聞已, 聞已,合掌恭敬作禮 而退。 而退。 【英譯】 英譯】:The World Honored One!How should this Sutra be titled and how should we propagate(/ spread)it?"Buddha said to Universally Expansive, "This Sutra has three titles: one is called The Past Original
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Vows of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva; another is also called Earth Treasury's Past Original Conduct; and the other is also called the Sutra of the Power of Earth Treasury's Past Original Vows. Because this body of Bodhisattva repeatedly makes such great and mighty vows throughout long eons to benefit living beings, you should all propagate this Sutra in accord with his vows."After Universally Expansive had heard that, he placed his two palms together respectfully, made obeisance, and withdrew. 【註】: propagate:傳播;散播 obeisance:鞠躬;敬禮
【解】 :世尊!這部經要取什麼名字?要我們眾等,怎樣來流通這部經 呢?」世尊告訴普廣說: 「這部經有三種名稱,一叫作地藏本願,也叫 地藏本行,或也叫地藏本誓力經。因為地藏菩薩從久遠劫以來,就不 斷地重覆發大願,要利益眾生,所以你們就依地藏菩薩的本願,去流 通吧!」普廣菩薩聞佛說地藏菩薩種種功德利益,無非都是在利益現 在、未來諸眾生,又聽佛判立經名咐囑流通,普廣菩薩領納合掌,恭 敬頂禮歸回本位。
利益存亡品第七 CHAPTER VII Benefiting the Living Beings and the Dead 【釋品題】 :前一品如來讚歎,說明地藏菩薩威神之力。本品說利益存 釋品題】 : ˋ ㄇㄛ
亡,正顯實事之用,有實惠利益,自益叫功德,益他叫利益。亡者已歿 , 存者現生;此品地藏菩薩勸諸眾生,當為病人修福念佛,拜祭鬼神慎 勿殺生害命,與大辯長者請問,生者為亡者誦經設齋因緣等。通通都 是為利益一切存亡眾生。
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爾時, 爾時,地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言 地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言: 白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我觀是閻 我觀是閻 浮提眾生 浮提眾生, 眾生,舉心動念, 舉心動念,無非是罪。 無非是罪。脫獲善利, 脫獲善利,多退初心。 多退初心。 若遇惡緣, 若遇惡緣,念念增益。 念念增益。是等輩人, 是等輩人,如履泥塗, 如履泥塗,負於重石, 負於重石, 漸困漸重, 漸困漸重,足步深邃 足步深邃 。 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!I see(/ look/ observe)that every living beings in Jambudvipa whose movement or stirring of thought are not other matters but commit offenses(/ crimes). Most of them tend to use up the wholesome benefits they gain; but many of them end up retreating from their initial resolve. If they encounter(/ meet)those evil conditions, they augment(/ increase)themselves with every thought. They are just like people trying to carry heavy rocks walking through mud. Each step they walk becomes more and more difficult, and the rock that they carry on their backs will become more and more cumbersome(/ heavy), and as they walk their feet sink into the mud become deeper and deeper. 【註】: augment:增加 cumbersome:笨重的;累贅的
【解】:那個時候,地藏王菩薩向世尊稟報說:「世尊!我觀察這閻浮 提的眾生,舉心動念,處處逐之外境,時時染著每一念頭,無不是與 貪、瞋、癡相應而造罪業;才脫離惡境,得到善法利益沒多久,就大 多退失最初所發的善心。一遇到惡緣,就又隨順煩惱、惡習、愚癡, 念念增長,造起惡業。像這些人,就好像是自身背負一塊大石頭,走 ˇ ㄘㄞ
在爛泥巴的道路上,越走越疲困,感覺重量越來越沉重,腳踩 在爛泥 土裡,也越陷越深。
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若得遇知識, 若得遇知識,替與減負, 替與減負,或全與負。 或全與負。是知識有大力 故,復相扶助, 復相扶助,勸令牢腳。 勸令牢腳。若達平地, 若達平地,須省惡路, 須省惡路,無再 經歷。 經歷。世尊! 世尊!習惡眾生, 習惡眾生,從纖毫間, 從纖毫間,便至無量。 便至無量。 【英譯】 :If they meet with(/ encounter)a mentor(/ adviser), he may 英譯】 be strong enough to lighten,or even totally remove their burdens. After helping them thus, the mentor will urge them to step on solid ground, pointing out that once they reach a level place they should remain aware of that bad path, and never traverse it again. The World Honored One!The bad habits of living beings range from minor to major even as to a large amount. 【註】: mentor:良師;善知識 traverse:橫越;橫過
from minor to major:從小至大
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【解】 :假使他(/ 她)僥 倖 ,得碰到善知識,替他(/ 她)把身上的 負擔重石減輕,或該善知識有大力,幫他(/ 她)全部擔起;那是這善 知識有大力的緣故,還扶助你(/ 妳)走,勸你要先穩住腳步,不要跌 倒。還勸你假使走上平地時,要好好地反省以前所走過的惡路,可不 要再次走上去了。世尊,這些具有惡習氣的眾生,事過境遷,一轉眼, 又像蔓草繁殖起來長滿到處多是,惡習氣一遇到惡緣,從極微細的念 頭,又增長起來,漸漸擴展到無量數。
是諸眾生有如此習, 是諸眾生有如此習,臨命終時, 臨命終時,父母眷屬, 父母眷屬,宜為設 福,以資前路。 以資前路。或懸旛蓋, 或懸旛蓋,及燃油燈。 及燃油燈。或轉讀尊經、 或轉讀尊經、或 供養佛像及諸聖像, 供養佛像及諸聖像,乃至念佛菩薩, 乃至念佛菩薩,及辟支佛名字, 及辟支佛名字,一 名一號, 名一號,歷臨終人耳根, 歷臨終人耳根,或聞在本識。 或聞在本識。 【英譯】 :Since all those living beings have such bad habits, their parents 英譯】 or relatives should create blessings for them,when they are on the verge of
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dying in order to assist(/ help)them on the road ahead. That may be done by hanging banners and canopies, and lighting oil lamps, or by reciting the sacred Sutras, making offerings in the front of the images of bodies of Buddha or sages. Another way to assist them is even by reciting the names of bodies of Buddha, Bodhisattva, and Pratyekabuddha, so that the recitation of each name passes by the ear of the dying one and is heard in his fundamental consciousness. 【註】: canopy:遮雨蓬;罩蓬;蓋 recitation:朗誦
【解】 :這些眾生有如此惡習,於臨命終時,其家人父母親屬,要好好 地為他祈福,來幫助那個人的前途去路。替他(/ 她)上佛寺懸掛幢旛、 寶蓋,及點燃油燈。或是念誦讀地藏經,或是以種種物品,供養諸佛 菩薩像,乃至念佛菩薩、辟支佛名號,念每一尊佛菩薩的名號,要清 清楚楚地念,只要念一尊佛菩薩的名號,經歷到臨命終人的耳根裡, 或聽在他的第八阿賴耶識裡。 【註】 :記得為亡者助念,要在亡者意識清醒時最佳;其次是在四十八 : 小時之內,再者七七四十九天之內,也還好,不過助力已減弱。當然 最上是亡者能還活著親自念,再加上親屬、助念團陪念,而亡者聽著 佛聲,身會毫無痛苦,面帶慈容安詳,身體柔軟,面帶紅潤往生。這 是助念的真功效。
是諸眾生所造惡業, 是諸眾生所造惡業,計其感果, 計其感果,必墮惡趣, 必墮惡趣,緣是眷 屬,為臨終人修此聖因, 為臨終人修此聖因,如是眾罪, 如是眾罪,悉皆銷滅。 悉皆銷滅。若能更 為身死之後 為身死之後, 死之後,七七日內, 七七日內,廣造眾善。 廣造眾善。能使是諸眾生永離 惡趣, 惡趣,得生人天, 得生人天,受勝妙樂, 受勝妙樂,現在眷屬, 現在眷屬,利益無量。 利益無量。 - 134 -
【英譯】 英譯】:The evil karmas created by those living beings are such that they should fall into the evil destinies according to their effects. It is because their relatives can cultivate wholesome causes on their behalf on the very verge of their death, then their manifold(/ various)offenses can be dissolved. If those relatives can further and extensively do much more good deeds during the first forty-nine days after their death, then that can cause those living beings to leave the evil destinies forever, and can be born as humans and gods. They can receive supremely wonderful bliss. The surviving relatives will also receive limitless benefits. 【註】: manifold:種種多的 dissolve:解除;溶解
the deceased:亡者
【解】:這些有惡習性的眾生,所造的惡業,計算他(/ 她)總共應感 的惡報,必定合該墮到三惡道去受果報,就是因為他(/ 她)的家人, 為這將要死亡的人,做種種功德的聖因,他(/ 她)的眾罪全部都會消 滅。假使更能為亡者死後七七四十九天內,替他(/ 她)儘力廣行眾善 的話,如造佛像、誦經、布施三寶常住、念佛迴向,則亡者更能永遠 脫離惡道,還可轉生人、天道去,受生享受殊勝美妙的快樂;而陽世 現生之眷屬,也可隨著培福,得到無上的益處。
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是故我今對佛世尊 是故我今對佛世尊, 世尊,及天龍八部人非人等前 及天龍八部人非人等前,勸於 閻浮提眾生 眾生,臨終之日, 臨終之日,慎勿殺害, 慎勿殺害,及造惡緣, 及造惡緣,拜祭鬼 閻浮提眾生, 神,求諸魍 求諸魍 魎 。何以故? 何以故?爾所殺害乃至拜祭, 爾所殺害乃至拜祭,無纖 毫 之力利益亡人, 之力利益亡人,但結罪緣轉增深重。 但結罪緣轉增深重。 【英譯】 :Therefore, before bodies of Buddha, The World Honored Ones, 英譯】 as well as before the gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division, humans and non-humans, I now exhort living beings of Jambudvipa to be
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careful to avoid harming, killing, and doing other unwholesome deeds, to refrain from worshipping ghosts and spirits or making sacrifices to them, and never to call on mountain spirits on the very day of their death. Why is that?"Your killing, harming, as to making sacrifices are not the least bit helpful to the deceased. Such acts only but to bind up the conditions of offenses that they will grow much more deeper and heavier. 【註】: unwholesome:有害的 refrain:制止
【解】 :所以我地藏,今天對著佛世尊以及天龍八部鬼神人非人等,普 勸閻浮提的人們,在家人死亡之日子,千萬不要殺害生命,以及再廣 造種種惡因緣;不要殺生祭祀鬼神,求助於精靈鬼怪。為什麼呢?你 所殺生害的,乃至拜祭的,不但對亡者沒有絲毫的力量可幫忙,死者 反而因殺生的惡緣,加重死者的負擔了。
假使來世或現在生, 假使來世或現在生,得獲聖分, 得獲聖分,生人天中。 生人天中。緣是臨 終被諸眷屬造是惡因, 終被諸眷屬造是惡因,亦令是命終人殃累對辯, 亦令是命終人殃累對辯,晚生善 處。何況臨命終人, 何況臨命終人,在生未曾有少善根, 在生未曾有少善根,各據本業, 各據本業,自 受惡趣, 受惡趣,何忍眷屬更為增業。 何忍眷屬更為增業。 【英譯】 英譯】:If in the future or present life the deceased might have got his potential for Sagehood, he may have the chance to be born among humans or gods. But it is because bad causes are created by his families,when he is about to die. That will also cause the deceased to discuss his disasters which he commits, and make his good rebirth be delayed. How much less would be the case for people on the verge of death, who had planted few good roots during their lives. Each offender has to undergo the bad destinies according to his own karma. How could anyone bear to have his
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relatives add to that karma? 【註】: potential:潛力 resent:厭惡 inherit:繼承;由遺傳而得
【解】 :假使來世或現在這生,就能獲得殊勝的聖善果分,生上人天中 的。是因為該人在臨命死亡的時刻,被他的家人所造殺生害命、祭拜 鬼神、飲酒作樂等惡業;使得這亡者還得在地獄打官司,在獄府對答 辯論,而導致晚生善處。更何況這亡者在生之時,未曾有種什麼善根 好事,死後只得各自依據其在生時,所造的本來惡業,隨業受報於惡 道中;他已夠苦了,家人何忍再給他添增惡業呢?
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譬如有人從遠地來, 譬如有人從遠地來,絕糧三日, 絕糧三日,所負擔物, 所負擔物,強過百 斤,忽遇鄰人, 忽遇鄰人,更附少物, 更附少物,以是之故, 以是之故,轉復困重。 轉復困重。世尊! 世尊! 我觀閻浮 我觀閻浮眾生 閻浮眾生, 眾生,但能於諸佛教中, 但能於諸佛教中,乃至善事, 乃至善事,一毛一 渧 ,一沙一塵, 一沙一塵,如是利益, 如是利益,悉皆自得。」 悉皆自得。」 【英譯】 :It is like that there is a person who is coming from the far place 英譯】 and he has already traveled a long distance. He has not eaten any food for three days. He has carried a heavy load over a hundred pounds. Suddenly he meets a neighbor to add him a few more things to load. By adding that extra weight, that person's burden would become even more unbearable. The World Honored One ! I see that living beings of Jambudvipa themselves will receive the benefit of any even good deeds which they are able to do within the Buddha's teachings. That holds true deeds even when they are as small as a strand of hair, a drop of water, a grain of sand, or a mote of dust." 【解】:這就好像有個人,他(/ 她)從遙遠的地方來,已經斷絕糧食 飲水三天了,他(/ 她)身上所背負的重擔超過百斤以上,已夠可憐了。
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忽然又碰到他(/ 她)的鄰居,臨時更加給他(/ 她)添附一點東西, 也因此之故,轉加困重。世尊!我觀察這閻浮提的眾生,只要他(/ 她) 能在佛的教法中,做乃至像一根毫毛、一小水滴、一粒細砂、一絲灰 塵,那麼小的善事功德,也全都由自己獲得,更何況還有人在廣行十 善法的呢!」
說是語時, 說是語時,會中有一長者, 會中有一長者,名曰大辯 名曰大辯, 大辯,是長者久證 無生, 無生,化度十方, 化度十方,現長者身, 現長者身,合掌恭敬, 合掌恭敬,問地藏菩薩言 地藏菩薩言: 「大士! 大士!是南閻浮提眾生 南閻浮提眾生, 眾生,命終之後, 命終之後,小大眷屬, 小大眷屬,為修 功德, 功德,乃至設齋, 乃至設齋,造眾善因, 造眾善因,是命終人, 是命終人,得大利益及解 得大利益及解 脫不? 脫不?」 【英譯】 英譯】:When that was said, an Elder whose name was called Great Eloquence arose in the assembly. He had certified and realized Non-production long time ago, and he was appearing in the body of an Elder to teach and transform those in the Ten Directions. He placed his two palms together respectfully, and asked Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, “Great Lord!Those living beings in Jambudvipa after they die, their close or distant relatives generate merits and virtues for them as to by making meal offerings and doing other such good causes. Can the deceased obtain great benefits and enough to bring about their liberation?” 【註】: generate:產生;所引起 merit and virtue:功德
【解】 :地藏菩薩講到這裡的時候,參加法會中有一位長者,名叫大辯 的長者,他長久以來就證得無生法忍的大菩薩,在十方化度眾生,現 「大士!這些南閻 在以現長者的身份,他合掌恭敬地請問地藏菩薩說: 浮提的人們,命終的時候,他家人大大小小的眷屬,為亡者修功德,
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布施、供養三寶、念佛、誦經迴向;乃至設齋供僧,造了許多的善因, 這個命終的人,到底能得多大利益呢?乃至他能得到解脫嗎?」
地藏答言 地藏答言: 答言:「長者 「長者! 長者!我今為未來現在一切眾生, 我今為未來現在一切眾生,承 佛威力, 佛威力,略說是事。 略說是事。長者! 長者!未來現在諸眾生等, 未來現在諸眾生等,臨命終 日,得聞一佛名、 得聞一佛名、一菩薩名、 一菩薩名、一辟支佛名, 一辟支佛名,不問有罪無 罪,悉得解脫。 悉得解脫。 【英譯】 :Earth Treasury replied, "The Elder!By basing on the awesome 英譯】 power of Buddhas, now I will proclaim this principle briefly for the sake of living beings of the present and the future. Elder!If living beings of the present and the future, when they are on the verge of dying,they can hear the name of one of a body of Buddha, Bodhisattva, or Pratyekabuddha, they will all attain liberation, whether they have offenses or not.’’ 【註】: proclaim:宣說 principle:原則;原理
【解】:地藏菩薩回答說:「長者!我今天為了將來及現在的人們,承 佛的威德神通道力,簡單地大概說這件事。長者!不論是將來或現在 的人,只要在他(/ 她)臨命終時段,耳根還能聽到一尊佛的名聲、一 尊菩薩的名聲、或一尊辟支佛的名聲;不管他(/ 她)有無罪,全都能 解脫,若給他迴向西方極樂世界,即得往生。」
若有男子女人, 若有男子女人,在生不修善因, 在生不修善因,多造眾罪。 多造眾罪。命終之 後,眷屬小大, 眷屬小大,為造福利, 為造福利,一切聖事, 一切聖事,七分之中而乃獲 一,六分功德, 六分功德,生者自利。 生者自利。以是之故, 以是之故,未來現在善男女 未來現在善男女 等,聞健自修, 聞健自修,分分己獲。 分分己獲。 【英譯】 英譯】:"If there are men or women, when they are alive,laden with - 139 -
offenses fail to plant good causes and create much offences. After they are dead, their relatives whether they are old or young do the good deeds on their behalf. Among all the good deeds they create,they can receive one-seventh of any merit dedicated to them.The other six-sevenths of the merit will return to the living relatives.Therefore those good men and good women of the present and the future, who cultivate themselves while they are strong and healthy,will receive every portion of the benefit derived by themselves." 【註】: lade:負擔
【解】:「假使有個男人或女人,在生的時候,沒修行做好事、積德善 因,大多做盡壞事。這個人死亡的時候,他(/ 她)家人眷屬大小,為 他(/ 她)做福利功德,一切有關的布施、禮懺、念佛、諸聖事七分功 德中,亡者只能得一分,剩下的其他六分,生者眷屬自己獲得。以是 之故,所以我普勸將來、現在的善男子、善女人們,趁早身體還健康, 可聽得到的時候,可要把握住機會,自己好好地用功修行,十分功德, 分分自得,靠家人是靠不住的,因為他們是否會替你做功德,很難預 料。」
無常大鬼, 無常大鬼,不期而到, 不期而到,冥冥遊神, 冥冥遊神,未知罪福。 未知罪福。七七 日內, 日內,如癡如聾, 如癡如聾,或在諸司, 或在諸司,辯論業果。 辯論業果。審定之後, 審定之後,據 業受生。 業受生。未測之間, 未測之間,千萬愁苦, 千萬愁苦,何況墮於諸惡趣等。 何況墮於諸惡趣等。 【 英譯 】: The arrival of the Great Ghost of Impermanence is so unexpected. That deceased ones' consciousnesses first roam in darkness and obscurity, unaware of offenses and blessings. Within forty-nine days they are as deluded or deaf, or they are in courts where their karmic
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retributions are being discussed. Once judgment is fixed, rebirths are undergone according to their karma. In the time before rebirths are determined, the deceased suffer thousands of myriads of concerns. How much less is that the case for those who are to fall into the bad destinies. 【註】: impermanence:無常 roam:漫遊
【解】 :無常勾魂大鬼一到,不會事先給你相約好時間的,什麼時候要 死,是不一定的;你一旦命終,遊魂到處漫遊飄蕩亂撞,自己不知是 罪是福。在七七四十九天中,好像是癡呆、耳聾,或者是在地府,閻 羅十殿諸陰司中,辯論善惡業果,要等審定完後,才能根據善惡業報, 再去輪迴受生。在這尚未測定之前,如待罪之人,被關在看守所,前 途茫茫、內心萬般憂愁無奈,更何況審定完之後,要墮到三惡道去受 苦的呢!
是命終人, 是命終人,未得受生, 未得受生,在七七日內, 在七七日內,念念之間, 念念之間,望 諸骨肉眷屬, 諸骨肉眷屬,與造福力救拔。 與造福力救拔。過是日後, 過是日後,隨業受報 隨業受報。 受報。若 是罪人, 是罪人,動經千百歲中, 動經千百歲中,無解脫日。 無解脫日。若是五無間罪, 若是五無間罪,墮 大地獄, 大地獄,千劫萬劫, 千劫萬劫,永受眾苦。」 永受眾苦。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Within forty-nine days,those people whose lives have come to an end and have not yet been reborn,will be hoping every moment that their immediate relatives will earn blessings powerful enough to rescue them. At the end of that time the deceased will undergo retribution according to their karma. If someone is an offender, he may pass through hundreds of thousands of years without even a day's liberation. If someone's offenses deserve Fivefold Relentless Retribution, he will fall into the great hells and undergo incessant suffering throughout hundreds of thousands of eons."
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【註】: deserve:該受;應得 incessant:不斷的
【解】:這亡者在還沒去投胎以前,在七七四十九天之內,他(/ 她) 念念之間,無非是希望他(/ 她)陽世親人骨肉眷屬,能趕快給他(/ 她) 做功德、修福救拔。否則過了四十九天後,就隨宿業去受果報。假使 這個罪人是犯中、小罪的,動不動都要經過千百歲中受苦,無法解脫 的。要是犯了極重的五無間罪,那就要墮入黑暗的大地獄,永遠受千 萬劫長久時間的苦報了。」
復次長者: 「如是罪業眾生 復次長者: 「如是罪業眾生, 如是罪業眾生,命終之後, 命終之後,眷屬骨肉, 眷屬骨肉, 為修營齋, 為修營齋,資助業道, 資助業道,未齋食竟, 未齋食竟,及營齋之次, 及營齋之次,米泔 菜 葉,不棄於地, 不棄於地,乃至諸食, 乃至諸食,未獻佛僧, 獻佛僧,勿得先食。 勿得先食。如有 違食, 違食,及不精勤, 及不精勤,是命終人, 是命終人,了不得力。 了不得力。如精勤護淨, 如精勤護淨, 奉獻佛僧, 奉獻佛僧,是命終人, 是命終人,七分獲一。 七分獲一。 【英譯】 :Moreover, Elder!“So those living beings who have committed 英譯】 many karmic offenses, after they are dead, their relatives may prepare vegetarian offerings to aid them on their karmic paths. In the process of preparing the vegetarian meal and before it has been eaten, rice-washing water and vegetable leaves should not be thrown on the ground. Even foods before it has not offered to the body of Buddha and Sangha,any one should not eat it first. If there is laxness or transgression in this matter, then the deceased will receive no strength from it. If the purity is vigorously maintained in making the offering to the body of Buddhas and Sangha, the deceased will receive one-seventh of the merit.” 【註】: laxness:散慢;鬆弛
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【解】 :長者!我再告訴你一件事: 「這個帶罪眾生,在他(/ 她)命終 之後,其家人眷屬骨肉,為這位命終之人,修齋的福報,用來資助他 的業道,以超度他的罪業果報,大眾僧還沒吃完之前;以及打齋的過 程中,要惜福,不可浪費東西,就是洗米的水,或剝下的菜葉,不要 隨便遺棄在地上,都要物盡其用,收起來當堆肥,或餵食畜生;乃至 各種食物,還沒供三寶佛僧前,家人千萬不可先吃。如果有違背先吃, 或不精勤遵守規定的,這命終的人,便得不到福力的救助。如果能很 恭敬的專心護持、奉獻美食,供佛齋僧,則這亡者七分功德中,能得 到一分;其他六分,當然是生者之家人,共同分享得到。
是故長者, 是故長者,閻浮眾生 閻浮眾生, 眾生,若能為其父母, 若能為其父母,乃至眷屬, 乃至眷屬, 命終之後 命終之後,設齋供養, 設齋供養,志心勤懇。 志心勤懇。如是之人, 如是之人,存亡獲利。」 存亡獲利。」 說是語時, 說是語時,忉利天宮 忉利天宮,有千萬億那由他閻浮 有千萬億那由他閻浮鬼神 閻浮鬼神, 鬼神,悉發 無量菩提之心, 長者作禮而退。 無量菩提之心,大辯長者作禮而退 大辯長者作禮而退。 【英譯】 英譯】:“Therefore, Elder!If those living beings of Jambudvipa can perform vegetarian offerings on behalf of their fathers, mothers, and even other relatives, after they are dead, they should have earnest supplication on their behalf. So those persons benefit not only the living themselves but also the dead ones.” When it is saying that, hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of ghosts and spirits of Jambudvipa,who were in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven, made the unlimited resolve to attain Bodhi. The Elder Great Eloquence made obeisance and withdrew. 【註】: supplication:懇求;祈願
unlimited resolve:無量的決心
【解】:所以說,長者呀!閻浮提的眾生們,假使能為他(/ 她)們的 父母,乃至其眷屬骨肉親人,在命終之後,施設素齋供佛及僧,要誠
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心精勤護淨。如果能如此的話,則存亡雙方都可獲得益處。」地藏菩 ˋ ㄐㄧㄢ
薩說以上打齋、供佛及僧,以此功德超度拔薦 亡者的時候,在忉利天 有千萬億那由他閻浮提的鬼神,都發無上大的菩提心,大辯長者歡喜 受教,作禮而退。 【註】:為何這些鬼神忽然發了菩提心呢?原來都受地藏菩薩的教化, : 在此時聽菩薩說,拜祭鬼神無助用反而增罪業,使這些鬼神生大愧疚, 一受刺激,這次為護法,都發無上菩提心,可真難得。
閻羅王眾讚歎品第八 CHAPTER VIII Praises of King Yama and His Followers 【釋品題】 釋品題】:「閻羅」全名梵語為「閻摩羅社」,華譯為「縛」;縛諸罪 人之義。或譯為「雙世」,彼於世中常受苦樂二報之義。或譯平等王, 平等治罪之義,係地獄之總司。又譯為「遮止」 ,是說阻罪惡不使更造 之義。閻羅王與諸大臣,皆是不可思議菩薩,為度脫地獄眾生而應現。 這閻羅王和這許多鬼王等眾,蒙佛放光集於忉利天宮,既然聽到諸佛 菩薩異口同聲,讚歎地藏菩薩威神之力,又見如來親自讚歎其功德, 心想這地藏菩薩,大力教化地獄幽冥,而我閻王是地獄主人,亦應趁 此因緣,請問地藏菩薩,廣劫度生救苦的事蹟,並率眾鬼王同申讚歎, 故有此品。
爾時, 有無量鬼王,與閻羅天子 閻羅天子與其侍 天子與其侍 爾時,鐵圍山內 鐵圍山內,有無量鬼王, 從,俱詣 忉 利,來到佛所。 來到佛所。 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time from within the Iron Ring Mountain, there were limitless ghost kings and Lord Yama and all of their followers(/ attendants/
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adherents)came together to the place of Buddha in the Trayastrimsha Heaven. 【解】 :就在這個時候,在鐵圍山之內的地方,有無量鬼王和閻羅天子, 通通都到忉利天來,聚在大會之中聽佛說法。
所謂: 所謂:惡毒鬼王 惡毒鬼王、 鬼王、多惡鬼王 多惡鬼王、 鬼王、大諍鬼王 大諍鬼王、 鬼王、白虎鬼王 白虎鬼王、 鬼王、 血虎鬼王 鬼王、赤虎鬼王 赤虎鬼王、 鬼王、散殃鬼王 散殃鬼王、 鬼王、飛身鬼王 飛身鬼王、 鬼王、電光鬼王 電光鬼王、 鬼王、 血虎鬼王、 狼牙鬼王 狼牙鬼王、 鬼王、千眼鬼王 千眼鬼王、 鬼王、噉獸鬼王 噉獸鬼王、 鬼王、負石鬼王 負石鬼王、 鬼王、主耗鬼王 主耗鬼王、 鬼王、 主禍鬼王 主禍鬼王、 鬼王、主食鬼王、 鬼王、主財鬼王 主財鬼王、 鬼王、主畜鬼王 主畜鬼王、 鬼王、主禽鬼王 主禽鬼王、 鬼王、 主獸鬼王 鬼王、主魅鬼王 主魅鬼王、 鬼王、主產鬼王 主產鬼王、 鬼王、主命鬼王 主命鬼王、 鬼王、主疾鬼王 主疾鬼王、 鬼王、 主獸鬼王、 主險鬼王 主險鬼王、 鬼王、三目鬼王 三目鬼王、 鬼王、四目鬼王 四目鬼王、 鬼王、五目鬼王 五目鬼王、 鬼王、祁利失鬼 祁利失鬼 王、大祁利失鬼王 鬼王、祈利叉王 祈利叉王、 叉王、大祈利叉王 大祈利叉王、 叉王、阿那吒王 阿那吒王、 大祁利失鬼王、 大阿那吒王 大阿那吒王,如是等大鬼王。 如是等大鬼王。 【英譯】 英譯】:They are so said as called those: the Ghost King Evil Poison, the Ghost King Many Evils, the Ghost King Great Argument, the Ghost King White Tiger, the Ghost King Blood Tiger, the Ghost King Crimson Tiger, the Ghost King Spreading Disaster, the Ghost King Flying Body, the Ghost King Lightning Flash, the Ghost King Wolf Tooth, the Ghost King Thousand Eyes, the Ghost King Animal Eater, the Ghost King Rock Bearer, the Ghost King Lord of Bad News, the Ghost King Lord of Calamities, the Ghost King Lord of Food, the Ghost King Lord of Wealth, the Ghost King Lord of Domestic Animals, the Ghost King Lord of Birds, the Ghost King Lord of Beasts, the Ghost King Lord of Mountain Sprites, the Ghost King Lord of Birth, the Ghost King Lord of Life, the Ghost King Lord of Sickness, the Ghost King Lord of Danger, the Ghost King Three Eyes, the Ghost King Four Eyes, the Ghost King Five Eyes, the Ch'i Li Shih King,
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the Great Ch'i Li Shih King, the Ch'i Li Ch'a King, the Great Ch'i Li Ch'a King, the No Ch'a King, the Great No Ch'a King, and other such great ghost kings. 【註】: Crimson:深紅色的 Calamity:災禍
【解】 :所說的惡毒鬼王、多惡鬼王,是鬼王外現忿怒相,內心實慈心, ˋ ㄐㄧㄢ
欲眾生迴惡向善。大諍鬼王,婆心一片時加勤諫 。白虎、血虎、赤虎 等鬼王,鬼頭似虎,以顏色不同,而有不同之名號。用以嚇阻人,勿 作壞事。散殃鬼王則專散播禍殃災難,以懲治壞人,令其悔悟。飛身 鬼王能乘空高飛,專司巡察人間善惡,凡為善者賜福,為惡者降禍。 電光鬼王,眼如電光柱,光炎閃爍,令地獄眾生,見之生恐怖之心。 ˊ ㄌㄧㄠ
狼牙鬼王,青面獠 牙,牙外露如狼,令罪人生寒心。千眼鬼王,有千 隻眼,在觀察眾生為善為惡,全都記錄。噉獸鬼王,專噉食地獄其心 如獸之罪人。負石鬼王,專負石擔沙,填塞河海之鬼。主耗、主禍鬼 王,專理降災害禍殃,來懲治壞人之鬼王。主食鬼王,專管人間糧食 的豐收或饑荒。主財鬼王,專管人間是否有財無財。主畜、禽、獸等 鬼王,專理家畜飛禽走獸。主魅鬼王,專管精怪鬼魅。主產鬼王,專 理生產男女的鬼王。主命鬼王,專理眾生的生命長短夭壽。主疾鬼王, 專理眾生什麼候要患什麼疾病。主險鬼王,主管眾生招歷危險的事。 三目、四目、五目等鬼王,是多於凡人一、二、三隻眼睛,可眼觀多 方以利收錄罪福。其他鬼王未見翻譯其義。但約可從字面知其大意; 如是等大鬼王。
各各與百千諸小鬼王, 各各與百千諸小鬼王,盡居閻浮提 盡居閻浮提, 閻浮提,各有所執, 各有所執,各 有所主。 天子,承佛威神, 承佛威神,及地藏菩薩 有所主。是諸鬼王與閻羅 是諸鬼王與閻羅天子 閻羅天子, 摩訶薩力 摩訶薩力,俱詣忉利 俱詣忉利, 忉利,在一面立。 在一面立。 - 146 -
【英譯】 英譯】:Accompanied with each of them, there are another hundreds of thousands of minor ghost kings. They all dweel throughout Jambudvipa; each of them preside over certain jurisdictions and each of them has their own masters. Aided by the Buddha's awesome spiritual strength and the power of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva, all of these ghost kings joined Lord Yama in the Trayastrimsha Heaven and they stood together at one side. 【註】: preside:主持;管理 jurisdiction:司法權;管轄權
【解】:這些大鬼王各個等還帶來百千小鬼王,牠們都全住在南贍部 洲,各有其專屬主要執行的責任對象。這些鬼王們,和閻羅王本都居 住在大鐵圍山下的冥府,現在承蒙世尊和地藏菩薩的威德神通道力, 才能來到這忉利天,參加勝會,在會場的一邊恭敬的站立著。
爾時, 天子胡跪合掌白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我等今 爾時,閻羅天子胡跪合掌白佛言 閻羅天子胡跪合掌白佛言: 者與諸鬼王, 者與諸鬼王,承佛威神, 承佛威神,及地藏菩薩摩訶薩力 地藏菩薩摩訶薩力,方得詣 此忉利大會 忉利大會, 大會,亦是我等獲善利故。 亦是我等獲善利故。我今有小疑事, 我今有小疑事,敢問 世尊。 世尊。唯願世尊 唯願世尊慈悲宣說 世尊慈悲宣說。」 慈悲宣說。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Then Lord Yama knelt down, placed his two palms together, and said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!Aided by the Buddha's awesome spiritual strength and the power of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva, now I and all these ghost kings have been able to come to this great assembly in the Trayastrimsha Heaven, also to our benefit, we join in together.There is a small doubt that I should like to express, and we hope the World Honored One will be compassionate and resolve it." 【解】:這時閻羅王胡跪合掌對著佛說:「世尊!我們今天和這些鬼王
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們,承蒙佛您的威德神通之力,以及地藏菩薩的福德道力,才能來到 這忉利天宮的地藏法會,也使我們獲得善法大利益。但我有個小疑問, 大膽請問世尊,希望您慈悲,替我等解答宣說。」
佛告閻羅 佛告閻羅天子 閻羅天子: 天子:「恣汝所問 「恣汝所問, 恣汝所問,吾為汝說。」 吾為汝說。」是時 。」是時閻 是時閻 羅天子瞻禮世尊, 「世尊 天子瞻禮世尊,及迴視地藏菩薩 及迴視地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,而白佛言: 而白佛言: 「世尊! 世尊! 我觀地藏菩薩 在六道中,百千方便, 百千方便,而度罪苦眾生, 而度罪苦眾生,不 我觀地藏菩薩在六道中 地藏菩薩在六道中, 辭疲倦, 辭疲倦,是大菩薩, 是大菩薩,有如是不可思議神通之事。 有如是不可思議神通之事。 【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha told Lord Yama, "I will answer whatever you want to ask." At that time, Lord Yama looked respectfully at the World Honored One, made obeisance and turned his head to acknowledge Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, and then said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!I observe that Earth Treasury Bodhisattva uses hundreds of thousands of his expedient means to take across living beings, who are suffering for their offenses within the Six Paths of rebirth. I do see that he does so unstintingly, without the least fatigue. Thus this Great Bodhisattva has his inconceivable spiritual penetrations to do such deeds. 【註】: unstintingly:無限制地 inconceivable spiritual penetrations:不可思議神通力
【解】 :於是佛陀告訴閻羅天子說: 「你有什麼疑問,就盡量的問好了, 我應當為你解說。」這時,閻羅天子在請問佛陀之前,先瞻仰頂禮世 尊,然後再回頭過去看看地藏菩薩,以示禮貌。冥府諸主能到忉利法 會,是地藏菩薩度化因緣而來,現在要請法,所以先回頭看看菩薩, 然後再向佛稟告說: 「世尊,我觀察地藏菩薩在六道中,以百千種善巧 方法,救度六道中,罪業所纏的苦惱眾生;如此這般不辭辛苦疲倦, 令眾生齊登彼岸,地藏王菩薩是大菩薩,當然具有如此不可思議的神
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然諸眾生獲脫罪報, 然諸眾生獲脫罪報,未久之間, 未久之間,又墮惡道。 又墮惡道。世尊! 世尊! 是地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,既有如是不可思議神力, 既有如是不可思議神力,云何眾生而不依 止善道, 為我解說。」 止善道,永取解脫? 永取解脫?唯願世尊 唯願世尊, 世尊,為我解說。」 【英譯】 英譯】:But it doesn't take long time for these living beings whom he has helped in gaining release from retributions to fall again into the bad paths.The World Honored One!Since Earth Treasury Bodhisattva has such great inconceivable spiritual power, why are those livings beings not able to rely on it to stay in the good paths, and to be freed forever?Please, The World Honored One, explain why it is for us." 【解】 :可是為何這些眾生,偶而脫離罪業之報,沒多久又再度的墮落 到惡道去呢?世尊,既然是地藏菩薩有如此不可思議得神通道力,為 什麼眾生不依止於善道,精進修行,永遠證得解脫呢?希望世尊慈悲, 為我們詳加解說到底是什麼理由。」
佛告閻羅 佛告閻羅天子 閻羅天子: 天子:「南閻浮提 「南閻浮提眾生 南閻浮提眾生, 眾生,其性剛強, 其性剛強,難調 難伏。 難伏。是大菩薩, 是大菩薩,於百千劫, 於百千劫,頭頭救拔, 頭頭救拔,如是眾生, 如是眾生,早 令解脫。 令解脫。是罪報人, 是罪報人,乃至墮大惡趣, 乃至墮大惡趣,菩薩以方便力, 菩薩以方便力,拔 出根本業緣, 出根本業緣,而遣悟宿世之事。 而遣悟宿世之事。 【英譯】:Buddha told Lord Yama, "The living beings of Jambudvipa have their stubborn and obstinate natures. It is difficult for him to tame them, and difficult to subdue them. It is this Great Bodhisattva that continually rescues such living beings throughout hundreds of thousands of eons and causes them to obtain liberation quickly. Although those living beings undergo retributions even in the worst destinies, Bodhisattva applies
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and uses his strength of expedients to extricate them from their own basic karmic conditions and lead them to understand the events of their past lives. 【註】: stubborn:固執的 obstinate:倔強的
【解】:世尊就告訴閻羅天子說:「這些南閻浮提的眾生們,他(/她) 們的個性,脾氣剛揚頑強,難於調順,難於降服伏化。具有貪、瞋、 痴、慢、疑等等習性,雖然是地藏菩薩於百千劫以來,到處救拔,令 他(/ 她)們能早日解脫。如果是罪報的人,墮到大地獄裡去,地藏菩 薩則運用大智慧、善巧方便力,拔除他(/ 她)們的根本業緣,而讓他 (/ 她)們覺悟到:這宿世所造的惡緣因果故,才會墮到三惡道受苦。
ˊ ㄩㄢ
眾生結惡習重, 旋出旋入, 自是閻浮提 閻浮提眾生結惡習重 ,旋出旋入 ,勞斯菩薩久 自是 閻浮提眾生結惡習重 經劫數, 經劫數,而作度脫。 而作度脫。譬如有人, 譬如有人,迷失本家, 迷失本家,誤入險道, 誤入險道, 其險道中, 其險道中,多諸夜叉、 多諸夜叉、及虎狼獅子、 及虎狼獅子、蚖 蛇蝮蠍。 蛇蝮蠍。如是 迷人, 迷人,在險道中, 在險道中,須臾 之間, 之間,即遭諸毒。 即遭諸毒。 ˊ ㄩ
【英譯】 :But because those living beings of Jambudvipa are so bound by 英譯】 their own heavy bad habits,that they keep revolving in and out of the various paths over and over again, therefore this Bodhisattva labors throughout many long eons to entirely effect their rescue and release them. It is like someone who lost his way home in confusion, and he goes into a dangerous road by mistake. On that treacherous road there were many Yakshas, tigers, wolves, lions, serpents, and vipers. This confused person is surly going to be harmed by many poisons in an instant on that dangerous path.
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【註】: effect:效果;影響 confusion:混亂
【解】 :這實在是由於閻浮提的眾生,所造的惡業習性太重了,好不容 易才從從地獄出來,轉個身沒多久,又造惡業,又都到地獄裡去了。 所以才勞動這尊地藏王菩薩,不知經過了多少劫數,仍然永不停息的 來回地獄,救度他(/ 她)們。這好像有個人,他(/ 她)迷失了自己 回家的路,而中途誤入了危險的道路,路中有無數的夜叉、惡鬼、及 吃人的老虎、狼、獅子、或是蚖蛇蝮蠍,等劇毒的爬蟲類。這個迷失 本家的人,在險道中無時無刻,都會遭到以上的各種險惡所毒害而喪 生。 【註】 :迷失本家,是指迷失各自本來具足的清淨無染、真如佛性。險 道是指三惡道。夜叉、虎、狼、獅子、蚖蛇蝮蠍,譬如三毒,能毒害 眾生之善根智慧,令墮落三塗。
ˋ ㄉㄨㄛ
有一知識, 有一知識,多解大術, 多解大術,善禁是毒, 善禁是毒,乃及夜叉、 乃及夜叉、諸惡 毒等。 「咄 毒等。忽逢迷人, 忽逢迷人,欲進險道, 欲進險道,而語之言: 而語之言: 「咄 哉!男子, 男子, 為何事故, 為何事故,而入此路, 而入此路,有何異術, 有何異術,能制諸毒?」 能制諸毒?」 【英譯】 英譯】:But then fortunately he met a knowledgeable guide, who is skilled in neutralizing all poisons, as to including the toxins of the Yakshas and others.Suddenly the mentor meets the lost person,who is going into this dangerous road, and he says to him, “It is very strange of you!Man! What business brought you onto this road?What kinds of special skills do you have to avoid all those poisons?” 【註】: knowledgeable:有見識的
【解】 :有一個善知識,他智慧深如巨海,多方了解眾生的根性,因有
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巧妙善法,能禁制各種毒害,乃至夜叉諸惡鬼等毒害。忽然遇到這個 迷失本家的人,要進入這充滿諸毒的險道,而這善知識,對他(/ 她) 喊叫說: 「喂!你這個人是為什麼原因,要進入這險路呢?你可具有超 人的智慧方法,與奇異的能力,可以制伏種種的毒害嗎?」
是迷路人忽聞是語, 是迷路人忽聞是語,方知險道, 方知險道,即便退步, 即便退步,求出此 路。是善知識, 是善知識,提攜 接手, 接手,引出險道, 引出險道,免諸惡毒。 免諸惡毒。至 於好道, 於好道,令得安樂。 令得安樂。 【英譯】 英譯】:Suddenly the confused traveler hears those words; he realizes that he is walking on a dangerous path and immediately turns back, attempting to escape from this path.The kind guide then join his hands, leads him off the dangerous path, and helps him avoid the deadly peril. When they reached a safe and good path, the traveler grows happy and at peace. 【註】: peril:危險
【解】:這迷路人,忽然聽到有人跟他(/ 她)講那些警告話,方才驚 醒知道自己走進一條充滿危險的道路,便即刻往後退步,想要脫離這 險路。這時這位好心腸的善知識,伸出救援的手,拉拔、攜帶、引導 他出離險道,以避免種種毒害。而到達安全又美好的康莊大道,使他 (/ 她)得到安樂。 【註】 :此之「惡毒」 ,指三惡道痛苦的苦惱。 「好道」 ,指人、天道。 「令 得安樂」 。指最終皆令眾生得無上涅槃之樂果,而「免諸惡毒」是要眾 生斷除習惡之煩惱,免得將來墮三塗受苦。
而語之言: 而語之言:『咄哉 『咄哉! 咄哉!迷人, 迷人,自今已後, 自今已後,勿履是道。 勿履是道。 - 152 -
此路入者, 此路入者,卒難得出, 卒難得出,復損性命。』 復損性命。』是迷路人亦生感重。 是迷路人亦生感重。 臨別之時, 臨別之時,知識又言: 知識又言:『若見親知 『若見親知, 若見親知,及諸路人, 及諸路人,若男若 女,言於此路, 言於此路,多諸毒惡, 多諸毒惡,喪失性命。 喪失性命。無令是眾, 無令是眾,自取 其死。』 其死。』 【英譯】 英譯】:The mentor then said to him, “Be careful of you confused man!From now on you don’t go back into that road again. Once upon entering it, it is hard to get off; it can also destroy a person's life.” So the confused traveler has expressed his deep gratitude to the man, too. As they are about to part, the mentor said to him, “If you see any other traveler, whether you know them personally or not, or whether they are men or women, you just tell them that this road is full of poisons and evils, and it can harm their lives. Do not allow them to unwittingly bring about their own deaths.” 【註】: gratitude:感謝 unwittingly:無意地;不知不覺地;不經意地
【解】 :而這位善知識告訴他(/ 她)說: 『好佳在呀!你這個迷路人, 從今以後,可不要再走進這條死巷危險路了。這條是不歸路,凡進入 這條路的人,都是很難出得去的,又會令人喪失性命的。』這個迷路 人,生起感恩心又很感觸,而生殷重之心。在臨別的時候,這位好心 腸的善知識,又向他(/ 她)交待叮嚀說:『你(/ 妳)將來假使有看 到自己的親人,或是認識的人,甚至於不相識的過路人,不管是男或 女,都要向他(/ 她)說,並勸告他(/ 她)們,千萬不要進入此不歸 路,向他(/ 她)說,這條路充滿種種毒害,嚴重還要丟失性命的。千 萬不要讓那些人自尋死路才好。』
是故, 是故,地藏菩薩俱大慈悲 地藏菩薩俱大慈悲, 俱大慈悲,救拔罪苦眾生, 救拔罪苦眾生,生天人 - 153 -
中,令受妙樂。 令受妙樂。是諸罪眾, 是諸罪眾,知業道苦, 知業道苦,脫得出離, 脫得出離,永不 再歷。 再歷。如迷路人, 如迷路人,誤入險道, 誤入險道,遇善知識引接令出, 遇善知識引接令出,永不 復入。 復入。逢見他人, 逢見他人,復勸莫入。 復勸莫入。自言因是迷故, 自言因是迷故,得解脫竟, 得解脫竟, 更不復入。 更不復入。 【英譯】 英譯】:Therefore, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva replete(/ filled/ full) with great compassion, has rescued those living beings who are suffering for their offenses, and enables them to be born as heavenly beings in heavens,where he leads them enjoy wonderful bliss. So those offenders know the pains that they have experienced their karma, and know they have obtained release from the suffering, they should never go down those roads again. It is like those lost persons who mistakenly took a wrong road and were led off it by a kind mentor. Now they do know never to take that wrong road again.Whenever they meet the others, they should also exhort(/ advise)them not to enter that road again, by saying that because I ever got confused, and now I have escaped from it, and you should not enter that wrong road again. 【註】: replete:充滿著
【解】 :所以說地藏菩薩本來就具足有大慈大悲,祂救拔這些罪苦的眾 生,本來是希望他們都上生到天上去,享受天道的殊勝妙樂。是這些 罪報眾生,聽了地藏菩薩的教化,知道地獄罪業的痛苦,而得以解脫, 也知道發願,永遠再不經歷那惡道了。就如前所提到的迷路人,誤入 險道,遇到善知識的接引出來,並發願永不再進入。遇到他(/ 她)人, 還勸他(/ 她)勿入。還自己向他們解說,親身的歷境,因前的糊塗而 入險道的緣故,得遇到好人接引方得出來,並知修行而得到解脫,所 以永遠更不會再踏入了。
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若再履踐, 若再履踐,猶尚迷誤, 猶尚迷誤,不覺舊曾所落險道, 不覺舊曾所落險道,或致失 命。如墮惡趣, 如墮惡趣,地藏菩薩方便力故 地藏菩薩方便力故, 方便力故,使令解脫, 使令解脫,生人天 中。旋又再入, 旋又再入,若業結重 若業結重,永處地獄, 永處地獄,無解脫時。」 無解脫時。」 【英譯】 英譯】:And if we were to set foot on it again, we would still have got confused, and we were unable to recognize it as the dangerous path that we have ever descended into it before. Or that being the case, we might lose our lives. And if we were to fall into the bad destinies, due to the powerful expedient means of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, we can be set free and can gain rebirth as humans or heavenly beings. If they were to then turn around and enter into the bad destinies again, those beings with heavy karmic bonds they might remain in the hells forever with not any chance to escape." 【註】: bond:連結物;枷鎖;束縛
【解】 :假使這個人糊塗又迷誤,還再度走入這險道,不覺悟以前所曾 經墮落的危險道路,甚或是喪失性命。如果是墮到三惡趣的,地藏菩 薩又得再度用善巧方便之力,想辦法讓他得解脫,上生人、天道中。 萬一如果他轉個身來,又假使他一而再、再而三地繼續造惡業,累積 太重,而入五無間地獄的話,那就算是千佛出世,也不通懺悔,真的 就永遠處在地獄,再難得有機會解脫,出頭天的一日了。」
爾時, 合掌恭敬白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我等諸 爾時,惡毒鬼王合掌恭敬白佛言 惡毒鬼王合掌恭敬白佛言: 鬼王, 鬼王,其數無量, 其數無量,在閻浮提, 閻浮提,或利益人, 或利益人,或損害人, 或損害人,各 各不同。 各不同。然是業報, 然是業報,使我眷屬遊行世界, 使我眷屬遊行世界,多惡少善。 多惡少善。 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, the Ghost King of Evil Poison placed his two - 155 -
palms together respectfully, addressed Buddha and said, "The World Honored One ! So all countless Ghost Kings of us, each of us in Jambudvipa bestows benefit or inflicts harm on living beings differently. But our karmic retributions are such that we and our followers roam in the world.We find that living beings do much more evil than do little good. 【註】: bestow:授與 benefit:益處 inflict:施與
【解】 :這個時候有個名叫惡毒鬼王的,壯著膽出來,合掌恭敬地向佛 陀請法說: 「世尊!我等鬼王,數量沒法計算得出,都散佈在南閻浮提 中,有的是好鬼王專利益人,有的是壞鬼王則專損害人,各個職責不 同。那是我們的業報不同所致,使我們諸鬼王,或眷屬小鬼王或小鬼 們,遊行世間,我們所看到的世人,大都做壞事,少有做好事的人。
過人家庭, 過人家庭,或城邑聚落, 或城邑聚落,莊園房舍。 莊園房舍。或有男子女人, 或有男子女人, 修毛髮善事, 修毛髮善事,乃至懸一旛、 乃至懸一旛、一蓋, 一蓋,少香、 少香、少華, 少華,供養佛 像,及菩薩像。 及菩薩像。或轉讀尊經, 或轉讀尊經,燒香供養一句一偈。 燒香供養一句一偈。 【英譯】 :When we pass a household, or a city, a town, a garden, a cottage 英譯】 or a hut, we find places where there are men or women who have cultivated as little as a hair's worth of good deeds. Even we find that they have hung but one banner or one canopy. Or we find that they may have used a little incense or a few flowers as offerings to images of Buddha or Bodhisattva. Or we find that they have recited the sacred Sutras or burned incense as an offering to even one sentence or gatha in them. 【註】: canopy:傘蓋
offering:供品 sacred:神聖的
【解】 :我們這些大小眾鬼王等,巡視經過家家戶戶、或到大城鎮及小
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部落,乃至鄉下偏僻村莊,或巡視到有錢勢的大莊宅院、房舍、別墅 等等。假使有碰到任何男子或女人,在修行,做一點點如毛髮般的善 事,乃懸掛一個幢幡傘蓋、或燒一柱香、或獻一朵花,供養佛像、菩 薩像的,或讀誦大乘經典的,並燒各種名香供養、讚歎一句一偈的。 ˋ ㄔ
我等鬼王敬禮是人, 我等鬼王敬禮是人,如過去現在未來諸佛。 如過去現在未來諸佛。敕 諸 小鬼, 小鬼,各有大力, 各有大力,及土地分, 及土地分,便令衛護, 便令衛護,不令惡事橫事、 不令惡事橫事、 惡病橫病, 惡病橫病,乃至不如意事, 乃至不如意事,近於此舍等處, 近於此舍等處,何況入門。」 何況入門。」 【英譯】 英譯】:All of us the Ghost kings will respect such people just as we would respect the past, present, and future bodies of Buddha. We will instruct the smaller ghosts, each of whom has great power, as well as the earth divided spirits, to protect those people. Whichever those bad situations, accidents, severe or unexpected illnesses, and all other unwelcome events will never come near their residences or other places they may be, much less enter their doors." 【註】: instruct:指令;通知;教敕 severe:嚴厲的
【解】:我們這些鬼王,對這個人表示尊敬,就像是禮敬現在、過去、 未來三世諸佛一樣。並且教敕許多具有大能力的各小鬼們,及諸土地 分神,要他們保衛、守護著這些行善的善男女們,絕不會讓兇惡的事、 及橫事、惡病、橫病臨頭,甚至於任何不如意的事,不接近他們的所 居住的地方,更何況入門去危害他們呢?」
佛讚鬼王: 佛讚鬼王:「善哉 「善哉! 善哉!善哉! 善哉!汝等及閻羅 汝等及閻羅, 閻羅,能如是擁 護善男女等, 帝釋,令衛護汝。」 令衛護汝。」說是語 。」說是語 護善男女等,吾亦告梵王 吾亦告梵王、 梵王、帝釋, 時,會中有一鬼王, 會中有一鬼王,名曰主命 名曰主命。 主命。 - 157 -
【 英 譯 】: Buddha praised the ghost kings and said "It is very excellent,very excellent of you. All of you the ghost kings and Lord Yama can protect those good men and women as this way. I shall tell Lord Brahma and Lord Shakra to protect you as well." When that was said, a ghost king in the assembly is called Lord of Life. 【解】:佛陀慈悲歡喜地讚揚這些鬼王們說:「太好了!你們真是太好 了?你們這些大小鬼王眾,及閻羅天子,能如是擁護這些行善的男子 女人們,我釋迦牟尼佛會告訴梵天天王,以及帝釋天主,教他們來保 護守衛你們這些鬼王眾,離苦得樂。」佛陀說這話的時候,法會中有 一個鬼王,他的名字叫主命鬼王的。
白佛言: 我本業緣,主閻浮人命 閻浮人命, 人命,生時死 白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我本業緣, 時,我皆主之。 皆主之。在我本願, 在我本願,甚欲利益。 甚欲利益。自是眾生不會我 意,致令生死俱不得安。 致令生死俱不得安。 【英譯】 英譯】:He said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!My original karmic conditions are such that I have jurisdiction over the lifespans of people in Jambudvipa. I govern both the time of their births and their deaths. My fundamental vows are based on a great desire to benefit them, but people do not understand my intention and go through birth and death in distress. 【註】: karmic condition:業緣 jurisdiction:管轄權;司法權 基本的
【解】:這主命鬼王告白世尊說:「世尊呀!我因業緣關係,而轉生當 主命鬼王,我的職掌,是主司南閻浮提人的生死大事,不管生、死都 歸我管。其實,在我的本願,是想利益閻浮提的人,但是眾生,不能
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何以故? 何以故?是閻浮提人 閻浮提人,初生之時, 初生之時,不問男女, 不問男女,或欲 生時, 生時,但作善事, 但作善事,增益宅舍, 增益宅舍,自令土地, 自令土地,無量歡喜, 無量歡喜,擁 護子母, 護子母,得大安樂, 得大安樂,利益眷屬。 利益眷屬。 【英譯】 英譯】:Why is that?There are women in Jambudvipa,when they are first to give birth to children, whether they are boys or girls, or when they are just going to give birth to. They should just do good deeds to increase the benefits of the household, thus causing the local earth spirits to be immeasurably pleased. The spirits will then protect the mother and the child so that they can experience and get great peace and happiness,and by doing this they will bring benefit to their entire family. 【解】:這是什麼原因呢?那是因為閻浮提的人,有剛要誕生小孩時, 不論男女孩,或想要生小孩的,只要是做善事,自然就能增加這個舍 宅的福報與光輝;自然會感得土地神無量歡喜,來擁護保衛這位母親 及新生的嬰孩,使她們得安樂,連其家屬都得到利益。
或已生下, 或已生下,慎勿殺害, 慎勿殺害,取諸鮮味供給產母, 取諸鮮味供給產母,及廣聚 眷屬, 眷屬,飲酒食肉, 飲酒食肉,歌樂絃管, 歌樂絃管,能令子母不得安樂。 能令子母不得安樂。 【英譯】 英譯】:Or after the birth, prudendly not the killing for the purpose of offering fresh meat to the mother should be carefully avoided, above all pay attention to those parties that get together many relatives to hold a celebration that will involve consumption of alcohol, eating of meat, singing, and playing musical instruments should be avoided,too. All those deeds can make the mother and child not be peaceful and happy. 【註】:
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involve:涉及;牽涉 consumption:消費
【解】 :或者已經生下嬰孩的,謹慎不要任意殺害生命,取各種鮮味來 供給產母,或招來親友眷屬慶祝,飲酒、唱歌、跳舞、助興作樂等等, 這樣能讓這個產母及嬰孩,得不到安寧與快樂。 ˇ ㄌㄧㄤ
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何以故? 何以故?是產難時, 是產難時,有無數惡鬼, 有無數惡鬼,及魍 魎 精魅, 精魅, 欲食腥血。 欲食腥血。是我早令舍宅土地靈祇。 是我早令舍宅土地靈祇。荷護子母, 荷護子母,使令安 樂,而得利益。 而得利益。如是之人, 如是之人,見安樂故, 見安樂故,便合設福 便合設福,答諸 土地。 土地。翻為殺害, 翻為殺害,聚集眷屬。 聚集眷屬。以是之故, 以是之故,犯殃自受, 犯殃自受,子 母俱損。 母俱損。 【英譯】 :Why is that?It is because at the difficult time of birth, there are 英譯】 uncountable evil ghosts, including mountain sprites, goblins, and spirit-beings, desire to eat the strong-smelling blood. And it is I that quickly order the local earth spirits of that household to protect the mother and child, allowing them to be peaceful and happy and to receive other benefits. So as these people in such households witness those benefits, they should do meritorious deeds to express their gratitude to the earth spirits. But instead, they harm and kill creatures,and they gather together a lot of relatives to have big parties involving feasting and entertainment, then so the retributions that result from such offenses will be born by themselves, and that will bring harm to the mother and the child as well. 【註】: goblin:惡鬼;妖怪 spirit-being:精靈 宴客
witness:目擊;看到 feast:
【解】 :這是為什麼原因嗎?是因為這產婦在生產的時候,會流很多的 血,而且生命隨時都會有危險,在這時,有無數惡鬼及精靈鬼怪,在
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等候著要爭吃腥血。是我主命鬼王,早就命令舍宅的土地神,要好好 地負責保護這對母子,使她們能獲得平安快樂,並得到利益。這是我 的本意,然而這些人見母子均安,便應該設福答謝諸土地神才對。他 們不答謝,卻反而去答謝親友,殺生宴客,聚集眷屬,大吃大喝、飲 酒作樂。也因為這樣子的緣故,而干犯眾神惱怒,引來的惡報,母子 自己要承受災殃,而鬼神不再保護母子,母子都受到損傷。
又 閻浮提臨命終人 閻浮提 臨命終人, 臨命終人 , 不問善惡, 不問善惡, 我欲令是命終之 人,不落惡道。 不落惡道。何況自修善根, 何況自修善根,增我力故。 增我力故。是閻浮提行 閻浮提行 善之人, 善之人,臨命終時, 臨命終時,亦有百千惡道鬼神, 亦有百千惡道鬼神,或變作父母, 或變作父母, 乃至諸眷屬, 乃至諸眷屬,引接亡人, 引接亡人,令落惡道。 令落惡道。何況本造惡者。 何況本造惡者。」 【英譯】 :Moreover, when people of Jambudvipa are on the verge of death, 英譯】 I wish to keep them from falling into the Evil Paths, regardless of whether they have done good or evil. But how much less is to increase my power to help them,when they have personally cultivated good roots!It is even those persons who do good deeds in Jambudvipa that when they are about to die, there are also hundreds of thousands of ghosts and spirits from the Evil Paths transforming themselves and appearing as their parents or other relatives in an attempt to lead such dead people to fall into the Evil Paths. How much less is that the case for those people themselves who have done many evil deeds!” 【註】: regardless of:不論 cultivate:修植;培植
【解】 :又南閻浮提的人,在面臨死亡的時候,不管這個人是好人、壞 人,我主命鬼王都是希望他(/ 她)不要墮到惡趣去受苦。何況這個人 在生之時,不作惡,還自會行善,增我一臂之力,推他往生善道。但
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在南閻浮提行善的人,縱使生前廣造眾善,等到要往生臨死的時候, 也是還會有百千惡的鬼神及冤親債主會變現作他(/ 她)的父母、已往 生的眷屬、親戚,來引誘亡人,讓他精神錯亂,生起種種愛恨情愁, 使他(/ 她)墮落到惡道去做伴。何況這臨命終人,在生本就沒造什麼 善事,專作壞事的呢?那更不必說了。」
世尊! 世尊 ! 如是閻浮提 如是 閻浮提男子 閻浮提 男子、 男子 、 女人臨命終時, 女人臨命終時 ,神識惛 昧,不辨善惡, 不辨善惡,乃至眼耳更無見聞。 乃至眼耳更無見聞。是諸眷屬, 是諸眷屬,當須設 大供養, 大供養,轉讀尊經, 轉讀尊經,念佛菩薩名號。 念佛菩薩名號。如是善緣, 如是善緣,能令亡 者,離諸惡道, 離諸惡道,諸魔鬼神, 諸魔鬼神,悉皆退散。 悉皆退散。 【英譯】 英譯】:The World Honored One!So thus when men or women in Jambudvipa are on the verge of death, their consciousnesses and spirits become confused and dark. They are unable to discriminate(/ tell / distinguish / discern / differentiate)good from evil, even their eyes and ears are unable to see and hear anything. So that it is why relatives of those deceased should make generous offerings, recite the sacred Sutras, and recite the names of bodies of Buddha and Bodhisattva. So by such good conditions which have been made, that can cause the deceased to leave the Evil Paths, and all the demons, ghosts, and spirits will withdraw and disperse(/ disappear). 【註】: discriminate:辨別 disperse:消失
【解】 :世尊!這南閻浮提的人,不管是男是女,在臨命終時,其神識 昏沈、顛倒、暗昧,不能分辨善惡、是非,乃至眼睛看不清楚,耳朵 聽不到。這個時候,陽世間的家人眷屬,應當捨財廣設方便,大興供 養三寶,轉讀大乘經典,或專注念佛菩薩名號。以如是種種因緣,能
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令亡者遠離惡道,而往生善趣(/ 道)去,而那些要來搗亂的魔鬼惡神, 就會自然都消失退散去了。
世尊! 世尊!一切眾生臨命終時, 一切眾生臨命終時,若得聞一佛名, 若得聞一佛名,一菩薩 名,或大乘經典, 或大乘經典,一句一偈。 一句一偈。我觀如是輩人, 我觀如是輩人,除五無間 殺害之罪, 殺害之罪,小小惡業, 小小惡業,合墮惡趣者, 合墮惡趣者,尋即解脫。 尋即解脫。」 【英譯】 :"The World Honored One!At the time of being about to die, if 英譯】 living beings of any kind have an opportunity to hear the name of one body of Buddha or Bodhisattva, or to hear a sentence or gatha of a Mahayana Sutra, I observe that those living beings can quickly be freed from the pull of their accumulated minor bad deeds that would send them to the bad paths. The exception to that is the crime involving killing that warrant Fivefold Relentless Retribution." 【註】: Mahayana Sutra:大乘經典
Fivefold Relentless Retribution:五無間殺害之罪
【解】 :世尊!一切眾生不論生前造善還是造惡,於臨命終時,假使他 (/ 她)能夠耳根聽進一聲佛號或菩薩名號,或是聽到大乘經典中的任 何一句、一偈的話。我觀察如是之人,除了犯五無間罪外,其他小小 的罪業本要墮到惡道去的,承佛菩薩的威神道力,可立刻得到解脫。」 【註】 :在此,又再次告訴我人,念佛法門之殊勝便捷,所以陽間的眷 : 屬,要盡孝道正在此一刻,為臨命終人,還剩下有一口氣在,趕緊要 念佛、誦經救度。
佛告主命鬼王 佛告主命鬼王: 主命鬼王:「汝大慈故 「汝大慈故, 汝大慈故,能發如是大願, 能發如是大願,於生 死中, 死中,護諸眾生。 護諸眾生。若未來世中, 若未來世中,有男子女人至生死時, 有男子女人至生死時, - 163 -
汝莫退是願, 汝莫退是願,總令解脫, 總令解脫,永得安樂。」 永得安樂。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha told the Ghost King Lord of Life, "Because of your great compassion, you are able to make such great vows to protect all living beings in the midst of life and death. If men or women in the future undergo birth and death, you just don’t withdraw from your vow, but liberate all of them, so that they can gain eternal peace." 【解】:世尊告訴主命鬼王說:「你真具有大慈悲心的緣故,才能發如 此大願,在世間人生、死時,都要保護他(/ 她)們。希望未來世中, 假使有男子、女人,面臨生死時,你不要退失你這原本救護眾生的大 願,不問有、無罪,總是要使他(/ 她)們脫離三惡道的痛苦,而永遠 得到安穩快樂,方不辜負我今天的期待與再三叮嚀。」
鬼王白佛言 鬼王白佛言: 白佛言:「願不有慮 「願不有慮。 願不有慮。我畢是形, 我畢是形,念念擁護閻 念念擁護閻 浮眾生, 眾生,生時死時, 生時死時,俱得安樂。 俱得安樂。但願諸眾生, 但願諸眾生,於生死時, 於生死時, 信受我語, 信受我語,無不解脫, 無不解脫,獲大利益。」 大利益。」 【英譯】 英譯】:The ghost king told Buddha, "Please do not be concerned(/ worry about it). Until the end of my life in every my very thought, I shall protect those living beings of Jambudvipa both at the time of their births and at the time of their deaths, so that all of them can gain tranquility(/ peace and happiness). I only wish that at the time of birth and of death. Those living beings will believe what words I have said, so that all of them can be liberated and gain many great benefits." 【註】: tranquility:寧靜
【解】:主命鬼王再向世尊稟白說:「希望世尊您不要憂慮掛念。我會 ˋ ㄉㄧㄢ
盡我這生的力量,無時無刻惦 記著,要來擁護這閻浮提的眾生,不管
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他(/ 她)們是生或死時,都能得到大安樂。但同時也希望他(/ 她) 們於誕生或死亡的時候,相信我的話,慎勿殺害生命造惡業,如能照 著去做,沒有不解脫三惡道,而獲廣大利益的。」
爾時, 爾時,佛告地藏菩薩 佛告地藏菩薩: 地藏菩薩:「是 「是大鬼王主命者 大鬼王主命者, 主命者,已曾經 百千生, 百千生,作大鬼王, 作大鬼王,於生死中, 於生死中,擁護眾生。 擁護眾生。是大士慈悲 大士慈悲 願故, 願故,現大鬼身 現大鬼身,實非鬼也。 實非鬼也。 【英譯】 :At that time, Buddha told Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, "It is this 英譯】 great Ghost King Lord of Life that he has already passed through hundreds of thousands of lives as a ghost king, protecting living beings during both birth and death. It is only because this Great Being's compassion he vows that does he appear in the body of a ghost, for in reality(/ in fact/ acturally) he is not a ghost. 【解】:那時世尊告訴地藏菩薩說:「這位主命鬼王,已曾經百千生作 大鬼王了,人無論於生或死時,祂都擁護眾生。這位菩薩大士,由於 本跡的慈悲願力緣故,所以化現作大鬼身,其實祂並非是真正的鬼, 是菩薩示現作鬼身,是來度化眾生的。
卻後過一百七十劫, 卻後過一百七十劫,當得成佛, 當得成佛,號曰無相如來 號曰無相如來, 無相如來,劫 名安樂, 安樂,世界名淨住 世界名淨住, 淨住,其佛壽命不可計劫。 其佛壽命不可計劫。地藏! 地藏!是大 鬼王, 鬼王,其事如是, 其事如是,不可思議, 不可思議,所度天人, 所度天人,亦不可限量。」 亦不可限量。」 【英譯】 :After it has passed one hundred seventy eons of time, he should 英譯】 become a body of Buddha, and his name is called No Appearance Thus Come One. His eon will be called Happiness, and his world will be named after Pure Dwelling. That Buddha's lifespan will be incalculable eons of time. Earth Treasury!It is the circumstance(/story)surrounding this great
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ghost king as this. It is inconceivable(/ unimaginable)about him, and the heavenly beings,whom he takes across are countless." 【解】 :再經過一百七十劫後,這鬼王就會成佛,祂的名號叫作無相如 來,他所住的劫名叫安樂,世界名叫作淨住世界,這尊佛的壽命很長, 有無量數劫。所以,地藏呀!這位主命鬼王身為鬼形,卻廣作人天濟 度的事,他的經歷是如此的不可思議,所度化的人天眾,及利益人天 的事也不可限量。」 ˊ ㄋㄧㄥ
【註】:這主命鬼王(俗稱大士爺)示現猙 獰 兇惡鬼相,無非是要化 : ˋ ㄉㄞ
稱佛名號品第九 CHAPTER IX The Names of bodies of Buddha called 【釋品題】 :此地藏經從婆羅門女,欲救渡其母信邪、常輕三寶,而大 釋品題】 : 興供養於覺華定自在王如來,此佛告訴她,要知母生處,但早返舍, 端坐思惟吾之名號,即當知母所生去處;從這開始,幾乎每一品都會 提及念佛法門。以念佛故,可除諸業障、報障、煩惱障。念佛者當先 找一通風安靜處,但風向不要直接吹,安置一蒲團上端坐,雙腳盤腿 (/ 散盤、單盤亦可,不能盤腿者,隨意安坐亦可)面朝南、微開雙眼 向正前方下某一點瞇瞇看、舌尖頂上顎、面帶微笑、全身肌肉放鬆, 或微閉半眼、頸腰放鬆挺直、不前彎後仰,叉手結手印置於腿上、先 深呼吸三次,慢慢吐氣,萬緣放下,再一心念佛;可重複從一數到十, 再從十倒數回到一,等熟稔之後,可放棄數數,而專心注意於呼吸長 短;或心已定,再觀佛像好。中間數數若間斷(/ 打妄想、掉舉:精神
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好,但想東想西,不能集中) ,重新再從一數起;也可把心集中在鼻間 心,或丹田肚臍眼之正下方。若昏沉欲睡,可大聲念佛、拜佛、繞佛。 尤其用追頂念佛法(/ 可在原地踏步慢跑念佛),功效更佳,可治散心 雜念。目的皆在求得一心不亂,自然水到渠成,感應道交,或許功夫 到家,達到念佛三昧,說不定還真可能見佛、聞佛說法,但不可刻意 心存見佛,否則易著魔、神經不正常。稱念那一尊佛菩薩,隨個人因 緣而定,那一尊佛菩薩都好,因諸佛菩薩名號皆萬行萬德所成;若念、 若稱,都能消除三障,同生淨土,所以這裡專立一品稱佛名號,以救 度未來末法眾生,人只要三稱「南無」某某佛,即表示歸依該佛,依 其精神而修。記得念完某段時間,要迴向給眾生共成佛道。
爾時, 爾時,地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言 地藏菩薩摩訶薩白佛言: 白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我今為未 來眾生演利益事, 來眾生演利益事,於生死中, 於生死中,得大利益, 得大利益,唯願世尊 唯願世尊聽我 世尊聽我 說之。」 說之。」 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!Now I want to speak out some practices that will be helpful to living beings of the future, and that will enable them to gain great benefit throughout their lives and deaths. I wish The World Honored One listen to my words." 【解】:這個時候地藏王菩薩向佛稟白說:「世尊!我地藏,現在要為 將來世的眾生,演說種種利益的事,就是在生死道中得大利益。唯願 世尊您聽我地藏跟您說,請佛世尊證明。」
佛告地藏菩薩 佛告地藏菩薩: 地藏菩薩:「汝今欲興慈悲 「汝今欲興慈悲, 汝今欲興慈悲,救拔一切罪苦六 道眾生, 道眾生,演不思議事, 演不思議事,今正是時, 今正是時,唯當速說。 唯當速說。吾即涅槃, 吾即涅槃, 使汝早畢是願, 使汝早畢是願,吾亦無憂現在未來一切眾生。」 吾亦無憂現在未來一切眾生。」 - 167 -
【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha told Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, "Now by means of your expansive compassion, you wish to speak out the inconceivable events involved in rescuing all those living beings in the Six Paths, who are suffering for their offenses. This is just the right time. Now please speak out quickly, since my Nirvana is coming to be near, so that I may soon help you complete your vows. Then it is not necessary for me to be concerned(/ worried)about living beings of the present or future, too." 【解】:世尊告訴地藏菩薩說: 「你現在要興起發大慈悲心,想要救拔 : 一切六道罪苦的眾生,演說不思議的事,現在正是時候,希望你趕快 說。我不久就要入於涅槃,讓你能早日完成度生的大願,我給你證明, 讓你滿願,我也不必再憂慮現在、未來的一切眾生了。」 「眾生度盡,方證菩提,地獄 【註】:事實上地藏菩薩誓宏深,所謂: : 未空,誓不成佛。」又何能早畢是願?唯地藏菩薩要為未來眾生,演 說稱佛名號的功德利益,正是最為不可思議之事,因為念佛法門簡捷 易行。假使現在或未來眾生,人人能依教奉行,則個個不墮惡道,所 以佛說「吾亦無憂現在未來眾生!」
地藏菩薩白佛言 地藏菩薩白佛言: 白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!過去無量阿僧祇劫, 過去無量阿僧祇劫,有 佛出世, 若有男子、女人聞是佛名, 女人聞是佛名,暫 佛出世,號無邊身如來。 無邊身如來。若有男子、 生恭敬, 生恭敬,即得超越四十劫生死重罪。 即得超越四十劫生死重罪。何況塑畫形像, 何況塑畫形像,供 養讚歎, 養讚歎,其人獲福無量無邊。」 其人獲福無量無邊。」 【 英譯】 英譯 】: Earth Treasury Bodhisattva said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!It was countless Asamkhyeya eons of time ago, there was a body of Buddha born to the world, whose name was called Boundless Body Thus Come One appearing in the world. If there are men or women hearing this Buddha's name and having a momentary thought of respect, then those
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people will overstep the heavy offenses involved in birth and death for forty eons of time. How much less will that be the case for those persons who sculpt or paint this Buddha's image or praise and make offerings to him. The merits they obtain will be limitless and unbounded.” 【註】: momentary:短暫的 overstep:超越
【解】:地藏菩薩向佛稟報說:「世尊!在過去無量劫數以前,有一尊 佛出生在世間,這尊佛的名號叫做無邊身如來。假使有男子、女人, 能夠聽到這尊佛的名字,一念之短暫時間,生起恭敬心,他(/ 她)立 刻能消除超越四十劫生死輪迴的重罪。更何況他(/ 她)若能雕塑、彩 畫該佛或諸佛的形像,並加以種種的供養、大聲讚歎其功德,則這樣 子的人,所獲的福德,更無邊無量不可限制了。 【註】 :每一尊佛都有三身:法身、報身、應化身,都無邊;此尊佛以 : 此立名號,故稱無邊身如來。
「又於過去恆河 又於過去恆河沙劫 恆河沙劫, 沙劫,有佛出世, 有佛出世,號寶性如來。 寶性如來。若 有男子、 有男子、女人聞是佛名, 女人聞是佛名,一彈指頃, 一彈指頃,發心歸依, 發心歸依,是人於 無上道永不退轉。 無上道永不退轉。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"Furthermore, it was in the past as many eons of time ago just as grains of sand in the Ganges River, there was a body of
Buddha born
to the world, whose name was called Jewel Nature Thus Come One appearing in the world. If any men or women have heard this body of Buddha's name and instantly decide to take his refuge, those people will never retreat from the Unsurpassed Path.” 【解】:「又在過去有如恒河沙劫久遠之前,有一尊佛出世,他德號叫 做寶性如來。假使有男子、女人,聽到這尊佛的名號,只要是一彈指
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剎那間,發心歸依這尊寶性如來,這個人於無上佛道,將永遠不會退 轉變失。」 【註】:寶性如來之「性」 ,是指自性本體,凡夫迷失自性本體,等到 : 徹證得自性本體,就能成佛,成佛就能自利利他,像是得了寶,故稱 「寶性」 。
「 又於過去有佛出世, 又於過去有佛出世 , 號 波頭摩勝如來。 波頭摩勝如來 。若有男 子、女人, 女人,聞是佛名, 聞是佛名,歷於耳根, 歷於耳根,是人當得千返生於六 欲天中, 欲天中,何況志心稱念。 何況志心稱念。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"Furthermore, in the past there was a body of Buddha born to the world, whose name was called Padma Supreme Thus Come One appearing in the world. If any men or women, who have heard this body of Buddha's name, or if the sound of the Buddha’s name merely passes into their ears, those people will be reborn one thousand times in the Six Desire Heavens. How much less will that be the case if those people sincerely recite the name of that Thus Come One.” 【解】:「又在過去有一尊佛出世,他的名號叫做波頭摩勝如來。假使 有男子或女人,他(/ 她)們聽到這尊佛的名字,清清楚楚的經歷其耳 根,這個人將來得生欲界六層天,往返一千次,更何況立定志向,以 至誠心念波頭摩勝如來的德號,所得的利益更是無量無邊。」 ,此蓮花眾 【註】:波頭摩勝如來之波頭摩是梵語,華語是「赤蓮花」 : 中最勝。念紅蓮花勝如來德號,所得利益更是無量無邊。
「又於過去, 又於過去,不可說不可說阿僧祇劫, 不可說不可說阿僧祇劫,有佛出世, 有佛出世, 號師子吼如來。 若有男子女人聞是佛名,一念歸依, 一念歸依,是 師子吼如來。若有男子女人聞是佛名, 人得遇無量諸佛摩頂記。 人得遇無量諸佛摩頂記。」 - 170 -
【英譯】 英譯】:"Furthermore, in the past inexpressibly ineffable Asamkhyeya eons years ago, there was a body of Buddha born to the world,whose name was called Lion's Roar Thus Come One appearing in the world. If any men or women have heard this Buddha's name and in a single thought take his refuge, those people will encounter numberless bodies of Buddha, who will rub the crowns of their heads and bestow predictions of enlightenment upon them.” 【註】: inexpressibly:無法形容的 ineffable:不可說出的
【解】:「又在過去不可說、不可說無量數劫以前,有一尊佛出世,他 的名號叫做獅子吼如來。假使有男子、女人聽聞到這尊佛的名,只想 起一個念頭,要歸依的話,則這個人將來會遇到無量諸佛給予摩頂授 記。」 【註】 :獅子吼,比喻如來說法,魔王外道悉皆驚怖,獅子一吼,百獸 : 震驚。如來說法亦如獅子吼般。
「 又於過去有佛出世, 又於過去有佛出世 , 號 拘留孫佛。 拘留孫佛。若 有男子女 人,聞是佛名, 聞是佛名,志心瞻禮或復讚歎, 志心瞻禮或復讚歎,是人於賢劫千佛會 中,為大梵王, 為大梵王,得授上記。 得授上記。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"Furthermore, in the past there was a body of Buddha born to the world, whose name was called Krakucchanda appearing in the world. If any men or women have heard this body of Buddha's name and sincerely behold, worship, or praise him, those people will become Great Brahma Heaven kings in the assemblies of the thousand bodies of Buddha of the Worthy Eon and will receive superior predictions.” 【註】:
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Great Brahma Heaven:大梵天 Worthy Eon:賢劫
【解】:「又在過去有一尊佛出世,他的德號叫作拘留孫佛。假使有男 子、女人,聽聞到這尊佛的名號,以至誠心瞻仰、頂禮,又加以讚歎 其功德,則這個人在賢劫千佛的會中,就可以授記當大梵天王了。」 ,就是指所應斷之煩惱已全斷盡了。是佛 【註】:拘留孫譯為「應斷」 : 於賢劫中第九減劫,人壽六萬歲時出世,也是過去七佛之第四尊佛, 是賢劫千佛之第一尊。
「又於過去有佛出世, 又於過去有佛出世,號毘婆ㄕ 毘婆ㄕ。若有男子女人, 若有男子女人, 聞是佛名, 聞是佛名,永不墮惡道, 永不墮惡道,常生人天, 常生人天,受勝妙樂。 受勝妙樂。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"Furthermore, in the past there was a body of Buddha born to the world, whose name was called Vipashin appearing in the world. If any men or women have heard this body of Buddha's name, those people will eternally avoid falling into the Evil Paths.They will always be born among human beings or heavenly beings, and will receive and abide in supremely wonderful bliss.’’ 【註】: eternally:永久地 abide:停滯;居住
【解】:「又在過去有一尊佛出世,他的德號叫作毘婆ㄕ佛。假使有男 子、女人聽聞到這尊佛的名號,則永遠不會墮到惡道中,常生人天, 享受種種殊勝的快樂。」 【註】:毘婆ㄕ,華言「勝觀」 ;種種觀、種種見之中,是最殊勝的觀 : 想成佛。是過去莊嚴劫千佛之第九百九十八尊,也是七佛之第一尊。
「又於過去無量無數恆河 沙劫,有佛出世, 有佛出世,號寶勝 又於過去無量無數恆河沙劫 恆河沙劫, 如來。 如來。若有男子女人, 有男子女人,聞是佛名, 聞是佛名,畢竟不墮惡道, 畢竟不墮惡道,常在 - 172 -
天上受勝妙樂。 天上受勝妙樂。」 【英譯】 :"Furthermore, it was in the past time as many eons years ago as 英譯】 there are grains of sand in limitless and countless Ganges Rivers. There was a body of Buddha born to the world, whose name was called Jewel Supreme Thus Come One appearing in the world. If any men or women have heard this Buddha's name, those people will never fall into the Evil Paths and they will always abide in the heavens experiencing supremely wonderful bliss. 【解】:「又在過去無量無數如恆河沙數劫前,有一尊佛出世,他的德 號叫作寶勝如來。假使有男子、女人聽聞到他的名號,則畢竟永遠不 會墮到惡道去,常生在天上,享受種種殊勝妙樂。」 【註】:寶勝如來以誓願力故,專度餓鬼。 :
又於過去有佛出世, 又於過去有佛出世,號寶相如來。 寶相如來。若有男子女人, 若有男子女人, 聞是佛名, 聞是佛名,生恭敬心, 生恭敬心,是人不久得阿羅漢 是人不久得阿羅漢果 阿羅漢果。 【英譯】 :"Furthermore, in the past time there was a body of Buddha born 英譯】 to the world, whose name was called Jeweled Appearance Thus Come One appearing in the world. If any men or women have heard this body of Buddha's name and give rise to a thought of respect, those people will soon attain the fruitions of Arhatship.’’ 【解】:「又在過去有一尊佛出世,他的名叫寶相如來。假使有男子、 女人,聽聞到他的名號,一念生起恭敬心,則這個人不久就能證得到 阿羅漢的果位。」 【註】:寶相如來專度想證得阿羅漢果位者。 :
又於過去無量阿僧祇劫, 又於過去無量阿僧祇劫 , 有佛出世, 有佛出世, 號袈裟幢如 - 173 -
來。若有男子女人, 若有男子女人,聞是佛名者, 聞是佛名者,超一百大劫生死之罪。 超一百大劫生死之罪。 【英譯】 :“Furthermore, it was in the past limitless Asamkhyeya eons years ago, there was a body of Buddha born to the world, whose name was called Kashaya Banner Thus Come One appearing in the world. If any men or women have heard this body of Buddha's name, those people will overcome the offenses of birth and death for one hundred great eons of years.” 【解】 :又在過去無量無數劫以前,有一尊佛出世,他的名叫袈裟幢如 來。假使有男子、女人,聽聞到他的名號,能夠超越一百大劫生死之 罪。 【註】 :袈裟幢如來之袈裟,亦名福田衣,亦名解脫幢相。由於穿此衣 : ˊ ㄔㄨㄤ
ˋ ㄕㄨ
而得解脫,證一切智,一切世間梵魔人天之事,莫不知之,是為高豎 幢 ㄈㄢ
「又於過去有佛出世, 又於過去有佛出世,號大通山王如來。 大通山王如來。若有男子 女人, 沙佛,廣為說法, 廣為說法,必 女人,聞是佛名者, 聞是佛名者,是人得遇恆河 是人得遇恆河沙佛 恆河沙佛, 成菩提。 成菩提。」 【英譯】 :“Furthermore, in the past time there was a body of Buddha born 英譯】 to the world, whose name was called Great Penetration Mountain King Thus Come One appearing in the world. If any men or women have heard this Buddha's name, those people will encounter as many bodies of Buddha as there are grains of sand in the Ganges. They will extensively speak Dharma for those people, certainly making those people realize and obtain Bodhi.” 【解】:「又在過去有一尊佛出世,他的名叫大通山王如來。假使有男 子、女人,聽聞到這尊佛的名號,這個人就能遇到像恆河沙數那麼多
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的佛,廣為說法,終必成就正等菩提。」 【註】 :大通山王如來,是指無法不通,通山之王稱山王,亦即須彌山, : 最妙高山的佛。
山王佛、 智勝佛、 淨名王佛、 又於過去有淨月佛 淨月佛、 、智勝佛 、淨名王佛 、 又於過去有 淨月佛、山王佛 智成就佛、 智成就佛、無上佛、 無上佛、妙聲佛、 妙聲佛、滿月佛、 滿月佛、月面佛, 月面佛,有如是 不可說佛。 不可說佛。 【英譯】 英譯】:"Furthermore, in the past time there were many bodies of Buddha, whose name was called as following: Pure Moon Buddha, Mountain King Buddha, Wise Victory Buddha, Pure Name King Buddha, Accomplished Wisdom Buddha, Unsurpassed Buddha, Wonderful Sound Buddha, Full Moon Buddha, Moon-Face Buddha, and indescribably many other bodies of Buddha.’’ 【解】 : 「又在過去有淨月佛、山王佛、智勝佛、淨名王佛、智成就佛、 無上佛、妙聲佛、滿月佛、月面佛,有這麼多說不盡的佛,縱使經塵 劫也說不能盡。」 ˇ ㄐㄧㄠ
潔如清淨之月。山王佛比喻佛的功 【註】 :淨月佛指佛相圓滿,光明皎 : ˊ ㄨㄟ
德巍 巍,超過一切,為諸山中最高勝者。智勝佛比喻佛的智慧特勝, 超過一切聲聞、緣覺、菩薩等智慧。淨名王佛,王者自在、超勝義; 超越二乘及菩薩。智成就佛,指一切智、道種智、一切種智、成所作 智、妙觀察智、平等性智、大圓鏡智、權智、實智等均已證得。無上 佛指佛已斷盡一切煩惱障、所知障、無明惑、塵沙惑,更無可斷、上 更無上唯我獨尊。妙聲佛指佛說法的聲音微妙幽雅,能令一切眾生聽 者無厭無倦。滿月佛是說佛面猷如淨滿之月,清涼皎潔無等倫,圓光 普照十方。誓願度脫無量眾生,故稱滿月與月面佛。
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「 世尊! 世尊 ! 現在未來一切眾生, 現在未來一切眾生 ,若天若人, 若天若人 ,若男若 女,但念得一佛名號, 但念得一佛名號,功德無量, 功德無量,何況多名。 何況多名。是眾生等, 是眾生等, 生時死時, 生時死時,自得大利, 自得大利,終不墮惡道。 終不墮惡道。」 【英譯】 :"The World Honored One!All living beings of the present and 英譯】 the future, if they are heavenly beings or if they are humans, if they are male or if they are female, but they can only recite one body of Buddha's name,they can amass(/ pile up)limitless merits and virtues. How many more merits will they amass by reciting many bodies of Buddha's names. Those human beings will personally obtain benefits in their lives and deaths significant enough to keep them from ever falling into the Evil Paths.’’ 【註】: amass:聚集 significant:意義深長的
【解】:「世尊!現在或未來的一切眾生,不管是天人或人類,是男人 或是女人,只要能念得出一聲佛的名號,其功德就無量無邊,何況他 (/ 她)能念出這麼多的佛號。像這樣的眾生,在他(/ 她)生的時候, 或死的時候,自身能得大利益,最終尚不會墮到惡道中去。」
「若有臨命終人, 若有臨命終人,家中眷屬, 家中眷屬,乃至一人, 乃至一人,為是病人, 為是病人, 高聲念一佛名, 高聲念一佛名,是命終人, 是命終人,除五無間罪, 除五無間罪,餘業報等悉得 銷滅。 銷滅。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"If there are people who are on the verge of dying, a group of their relatives in their house, or even just one of them, they should recite one of bodies of Buddha' names aloud for the sake of those people who are sick. By doing so, the karmic retributions of those dead people, the rest offenses will be all dissolved, exception deserving Fivefold Relentless
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Retribution.’’ 【解】:「假使有個臨命終的人,家裡有親人眷屬,只要有一個人,能 替這個病人,大聲念其中之一尊佛的名號,讓他(/ 她)聽進耳根,這 個臨命終的人,除非是造五無間罪外,其餘所有其他罪業報應,全都 一筆勾消。」
「是五無間罪, 是五無間罪,雖至極重, 雖至極重,動經億劫, 動經億劫,了不得出, 了不得出, 承斯臨命終時, 承斯臨命終時,他人為其稱念佛名, 他人為其稱念佛名,於是罪中, 於是罪中,亦漸銷 滅。何況眾生自稱自念, 何況眾生自稱自念,獲福無量, 獲福無量,滅無量罪。 滅無量罪。」 【英譯】 英譯】:“Those offenses are warranted Fivefold Relentless Retribution. Though the offenses are so extremely heavy that those people who commit them,they should not escape retribution for millions of eons, however,by at the time of such offenders' deaths, there is someone, who recites the names one of bodies of Buddha on their behalf, then their offenses can gradually be dissolved. How much less will that be the case for living beings,who have recited those many bodies of Buddha’s names by themselves. The merits they attain will be limitless and will eradicate(/ root up / root out) measureless offenses." 【註】: eradicate:連根拔除 ˊ ㄓㄜ
【解】 :這五無間罪雖說極其重大,動輒 要經過億劫,尚不能離開地獄 果報的痛苦;但是仰承是斯人的眷屬,在他(/ 她)臨命終之時,替他 (/ 她)稱念佛號,縱使是五無間罪,也能逐漸消除滅盡。更何況眾生 於生時,自己用功專心稱念佛號,不但能獲無量福報,更能滅除無量 罪報。」 【註】:地藏菩薩還是勸導我們自己生前就要能親自念佛菩薩之名號, :
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不要等死了,想要靠家中眷屬來替你念,那是靠不住的,因為到那時 是否因緣具足還很難說呢!但從這段得知,臨終助念的殊勝,功效最 好的是:被念的病人在其神識清醒時,聲聲入其耳根內,讓他(/ 她) 聽得清清楚楚。再者在二十四小時內念佛也不錯,隨後七天之內還可 以,以後七七四十九天之內,念佛還是有些些功德。
讚:普賢啟問 普賢啟問, 啟問,地藏宏開 地藏宏開, 宏開,三塗六道絕塵埃, 三塗六道絕塵埃,普廣問 普廣問如 來,授記十齋, 授記十齋,接引上蓮臺。 接引上蓮臺。 南無常住十方法(三稱) 以上卷中 三稱) 地藏菩薩本願經
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地藏菩薩本願經( 地藏菩薩本願經(卷下) 卷下) The Sutra of the Past Original Vows of Earth Treasure Bodhisattva(volume 3)
校量布施功德緣品第十 CHAPTER X The Conditions and Comparative Merits and Virtues of Giving 【釋品題】 釋品題】:布施有三:一是、財施:有多少錢,就隨力隨分去布施。 : 二是、無畏施:是指能持戒、忍辱,見眾生有災難,隨力去救援。三 是、法施:能講經說法,能懂多少就講多少,或助印經書與人結法緣。 以上就其功德利益是以法施之功德最殊勝,因能度人學佛得解脫故。 所以其間比較計量輕重當然各有不同。
爾時, 爾時,地藏菩薩摩訶薩, 地藏菩薩摩訶薩,承佛威神, 承佛威神,從座而起, 從座而起,胡 跪合掌白佛言: 我觀業道眾生,校量布施, 校量布施,有 跪合掌白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我觀業道眾生, 輕有重, 輕有重,有一生受福, 有一生受福,有十生受福, 有十生受福,有百生、 有百生、千生受大 福利者。 福利者。是事云何? 是事云何?唯願世尊 唯願世尊為我 世尊為我等 為我等說之。」 說之。」 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva based on the Buddha's awesome spiritual strength, arose from his seat, knelt down on one of his knees, placed his two palms together and said to Buddha, “The World Honored One!I have observed living beings within the paths of karma and I have compared their acts of offering. Some of them do a little and some do a lot. Some receive blessings for one life, some for ten lives, and some receive great blessings and benefits for hundreds or thousands of lives. Why is that?I wish The World Honored One can explain that reason
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for us.” 【解】:這個時候地藏王菩薩在他的本位上,仰承佛陀的威德神通力, 「世 從他的座位站起身來,右膝著地胡跪,雙手合掌,而向世尊稟報說: 尊!我觀察這六道眾生,要行布施比較其計量功德,有的輕、有的重, 有的布施只有一生受福,有的十生受福,有的卻百、千生受大福利, 這是為什麼原因呢?希望世尊您能為我等解說一下。」 【註】 :這是明知故問,要由佛金口來宣說,使未來眾生增加信心,在 : 本品較量布施功德,談到國王、大臣布施給貧窮下賤的人,其功德超 過供養百恒河沙數佛的功德,地藏菩薩要是親口宣說,未來世眾生難 免生疑,由佛親口宣說,佛是正遍知,說的沒錯,才能堅固眾生的信 心,所以說,不是地藏菩薩不知,而是明知故問。
爾時, 「吾今於 爾時,佛告地藏菩薩 佛告地藏菩薩: 地藏菩薩: 「吾今於忉利天宮 吾今於忉利天宮一切眾會 忉利天宮一切眾會, 一切眾會, 說閻浮提布施 布施,校量功德輕重, 校量功德輕重,汝當諦聽, 汝當諦聽,吾為汝說。」 吾為汝說。」 閻浮提布施, 地藏白佛言 地藏白佛言: 白佛言:「我 「我等疑是事, 疑是事,願樂欲聞。」 願樂欲聞。」 【英譯】 :At that time, Buddha told Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, "Here in 英譯】 this assembly in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven, now I will speak out the comparative merits and virtues derived from acts of offering done by the living beings in Jambudvipa. Listen attentively to what I say." Earth Treasury said to Buddha, "All os us have wondered about this matter, and we will be pleased to listen to your speech." 【解】:這個時候佛陀告訴地藏菩薩說:「我今天就在忉利天宮地藏法 會這裡,為所有參加法會的大眾,說說有關閻浮提人,能行發歡喜心 布施,他(/ 她)所獲得的功德,比較計量有輕、有重的差別,你們要 好好地仔細聽著,我馬上就說給你們大家聽。」地藏菩薩向佛稟報說: 「我等對這件事存疑不解,故我等很希望樂於聽聽佛您的開示。」
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佛告地藏菩薩 「南閻浮提 佛告地藏菩薩: 地藏菩薩: 「南閻浮提, 南閻浮提,有諸國王、 有諸國王、宰輔大臣、 宰輔大臣、 大長者、 若遇最下貧窮,乃至癃 大長者、大剎利、 大剎利、大婆羅門等 婆羅門等,若遇最下貧窮, 殘瘖啞, 殘瘖啞,聾癡無目, 聾癡無目,如是種種不完具者。 如是種種不完具者。 【英譯】 :Buddha told Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, “In Jambudvipa, there 英譯】 are many kings of nations, prime ministers, high officials, great Elders, great bodies of Ksatriya and great Brahman and others.If they encounter those who are the most poor and the low people, even they meet the hunchbacked, crippled, dumb, mute, deaf, retarded, blind or the handicapped in other ways.” 【註】: encounter:遇到
【解】:佛陀就告訴地藏菩薩說:「這個南閻浮提的眾生,有很多的國 王、宰相輔佐大臣、或富貴的大長者、掌有大權勢力貴族的剎帝利、 或事奉大梵天王的婆羅門種族等等,這些擁有優勢權貴的上等人。假 使他們碰到那些社會邊緣人,最下賤的貧窮人,他(/ 她)們三餐不繼、 ˇ ㄌㄩ
ˊ ㄌㄢ
衣衫襤 褸 、居無定所,甚至於六根不全的,有的是胸骨凸起的癃者, 或彎腰駝背、或其他殘障人,或是說話聲音嘶啞、或啞巴、耳朵聽不 見的聾子、或生下就癡呆的、或眼睛失明的盲胞,像這種種有嚴重殘 缺的可憐人。」
是大國王等欲布施時, 是大國王等欲布施時,若能具大慈悲下心含笑, 若能具大慈悲下心含笑,親 手遍布施, 手遍布施,或使人施, 或使人施,軟言慰喻, 軟言慰喻,是國王等所獲福利, 是國王等所獲福利, 如布施百恆河 如布施百恆河沙佛功德之利 恆河沙佛功德之利。 沙佛功德之利。 【英譯】 英譯】:“When those great kings and so forth those good people may wish to give offering to those people, if they may be able to do so with
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great compassion, a humble heart, and a smile, they may arrange to give generously, either personally with their own hands, or by arranging for others to do so, using gentle words and sympathetic speech to comfort (/console )them.The blessings and benefits of such kings and good people will accrue and will be comparable to the meritorious virtues derived from offering as many bodies of Buddha as there are grains of sand in a hundred Ganges Rivers.” 【註】: accrue:增生;產生 meritorious virtues:功德
【解】:「這些大國王、宰官大臣、婆羅門等等,有權勢的上等人,如 果能具足大慈悲心,同情憐憫,以謙卑的心,面帶慈愍心、面帶笑容, 自己能親手拿著東西,布施給這些可憐人,或派人去布施,也是以同 理心、輕聲細語地安慰、問候、關懷他(/ 她)們的痛苦,則這些國王 等人,所獲得的功德福報利益,就好像是布施給如同一百條恆河沙數 諸佛的功德利益,不可思議之多。」
「何以故? 何以故?緣是國王等, 緣是國王等,於是最貧賤輩, 於是最貧賤輩,及不完具 者,發大慈心, 發大慈心,是故福利有如此報。 是故福利有如此報。百千生中, 百千生中,常得七 寶具足, 寶具足,何況衣食受用。」 何況衣食受用。」 【英譯】 英譯】:“Why is that?It is because those kings and good people will receive such rewards of blessings and benefits for having shown a great compassionate heart toward the most impoverished and handicapped individuals. Throughout hundreds of thousands of lives to come, they will always have an abundance of the seven gems, not to mention clothing, food, and the necessities of life.” 【註】:
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impoverished:貧困的 individual:個人
【解】:「這是為什麼原因呢?這是因為這些上等高貴的國王等人,他 門平日高高在上,享受慣了,難得能發大悲心、能下心含笑、軟言慰 喻那些下等殘缺人,還能以同理心、謙卑心布施,所以他們的功德福 利,才有如此殊勝的果報,就是百千生中,常得七寶具足,何況其他 食、衣、住、行所受用的東西,那就更不用說了。」 【註】 :在此是為警惕一般富貴、貧窮布施難;鼓勵該是輩人,若今生 : 不布施,富人享福盡時,來生當貧困;窮人再不布施,則更加會窮困 潦倒;即使就是隨喜讚歎他人布施,功德也很大,因可激發鼓勵他人, 又可激勵自己將來有能力機會時,也可同等效法發心布施;何樂而不 為。
復次地藏 復次地藏: 地藏:「若未來世 「若未來世, 若未來世,有諸國王, 有諸國王,至婆羅門等 婆羅門等, 遇佛塔寺, 遇佛塔寺,或佛形像, 或佛形像,乃至菩薩、 乃至菩薩、聲聞、 聲聞、辟支佛像, 辟支佛像,躬 自營辦 自營辦,供養布施。 供養布施。是國王等, 是國王等,當得三劫為帝釋 當得三劫為帝釋身 帝釋身,受 勝妙樂。 勝妙樂。 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Earth Treasury, “ In the future, if there are kings of nations, as to bodies of Brahman, and the others, they may encounter Buddhist stupas, monasteries, or images of bodies of Buddha, even Bodhisattva, Sound-hearer, or Pratyekabuddha.They personally make offerings or give gifts to them. From doing that offering, those kings and good people will serve as Lord Shakra for a duration of three eons, enjoying supremely wonderful bliss. 【註】: monastery:僧院
Lord Shakra:帝釋
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婆羅門、剎帝利等,碰到要營造、修補佛寺、塔廟,或塑造佛菩薩形 像,乃至修聲聞、辟支佛等之形像者,是人能親自經營辦理,並供養 布施。如是國王等人,一定得到三劫的時間,就可得當帝釋天王身的 福報,享受天上殊勝美妙的樂趣。」
若能以此布施福利, 若能以此布施福利,迴向法界, 迴向法界,是大國王等, 是大國王等,於十 劫中, 劫中,常為大梵天王。」 常為大梵天王。」 【英譯】 英譯】:If they are able to transfer these blessings and benefits which they give offering and dedicate it to the Dharma Realm, then those great kings of nations and good people will reign as great Brahma Heaven kings for ten eons of time.’’ 【註】: dedicate:奉獻 Dharma Realm:法界
Brahma Heaven:梵天
【解】 :如果能用這布施造佛像、塔寺等的功德福利,迴向給法界的眾 生共享,則這些大國王等人的功德,本只有三劫當帝釋身的福報,這 一迴向,一下子可變成十劫的長時間,更上幾層樓,當大梵天主的果 報。」 【註】:地藏經有兩個重要的註腳:其一是、 「業力甚大,能敵須彌, : 能深巨海,能障聖道」 。另一是、「迴向法界」,迴事向理,三輪體空, 不著功德相,才真是最為殊勝。迴自己的功德,施於一切眾生,而趣 向共成佛道。同樣一件布施,卻因能將功德迴向法界,所得的果報真 是千差萬別。是故行人平時有做任何功德,可不要忘記學此這等迴向。
復次地藏 復次地藏: 地藏:「若未來世 「若未來世, 若未來世,有諸國王至婆羅門 有諸國王至婆羅門等 婆羅門等,遇 先佛塔廟, 先佛塔廟,或至經像, 或至經像,毀壞破落, 毀壞破落,乃能發心修補。 乃能發心修補。是國 王等, 王等,或自營辦, 或自營辦,或勸他人, 或勸他人,乃至百千人等布施結緣。 乃至百千人等布施結緣。 - 184 -
是國王等, 是國王等,百千生中, 百千生中,常為轉輪王 常為轉輪王身 轉輪王身。如是他人同布施 者,百千生中, 百千生中,常為小國王身。 常為小國王身。 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Earth Treasury, “ In the future if there are kings of nations, as to bodies of Brahman, and the others, they may encounter ancient Buddhist stupas and monasteries or even meet sutras and images, which are damaged, decaying, or broken, and they can resolve their hearts to restore and mend them. So those kings and good people may do that by themselves or encourage others to do that, even hundreds of thousands of people to help,and thereby establish affinities.Those kings and good people will become Wheel-Turning Kings for hundreds of thousands of successive lives, and those who have made the same offerings will become kings of small nations for as hundreds of thousands of lives. 【註】: affinity:類似性 successive:連續的
【解】:又地藏菩薩:「假使將來世間的國王、宰相、輔佐大臣,乃至 婆羅門、剎帝利等,碰到過去佛菩薩的塔廟、聖像,或經典有所損壞 破落不堪的,他們能發心修補。則那些國王大臣乃至婆羅門等,是自 己親手經營辦理,或是能勸導其他人辦理,甚至於勸百人、千人等共 同布施,共結法緣、佛緣的。則這些國王等人,百千生中常可轉生為 轉輪聖王。其他與國王等,共發心布施結緣修補者,則百千生中,常 轉生小國王。
更能於塔廟前, 更能於塔廟前,發迴向心。 發迴向心。如是國王乃及諸人, 如是國王乃及諸人,盡 成佛道, 成佛道,以此果報無量無邊。」 以此果報無量無邊。」 【英譯】 :“Further, in the front of the stupas or monasteries, if they can resolve to dedicate that merit, then, based on that limitless and unbounded
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reward, those kings even those helpers will eventually all complete the path to Buddhahood.’’ 【解】 :如能將這修補塔寺的功德,在塔寺前迴向法界真如理體,則這 干人國王眾等,便都可將來成就佛道,因為這果報功德是無量無邊的 呀!”
復次地藏 復次地藏: 地藏:「未來世中 「未來世中, 未來世中,有諸國王, 有諸國王,及婆羅門等 婆羅門等, 見諸老病, 見諸老病,及生產婦女, 及生產婦女,若一念間, 若一念間,具大慈心, 具大慈心,布施醫 藥、飲食、 飲食、臥具, 臥具,使令安樂。 使令安樂。如是福利最不思議, 如是福利最不思議,一百 劫中常為淨居天主, 劫中常為淨居天主,二百劫中, 二百劫中,常為六欲天主, 常為六欲天主,畢竟成 佛,永不墮惡道, 永不墮惡道,乃至百千生中, 乃至百千生中,耳不聞苦聲。 耳不聞苦聲。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Earth Treasury, “In the future, there are kings of nations and bodies of Brahman and the others, they may have compassionate thoughts at a second upon seeing the old, the sick, or women in child birth. They may provide them with medicinal herbs, food, drink, and bedding so as to make them peaceful and comfortable. Thus blessings and benefits derived from doing are the most inconceivable. For one hundred eons of time they will always become lords of the Pure Dwelling Heavens. For two hundred eons of time they will be lords in the Six Desire Heavens, and they will ultimately attain Buddhahood. They will never fall into the Evil Paths, and even hundreds of thousands of lives they will never hear sounds of suffering.’’ 【註】: herb: 藥
bedding: 臥 具
inconceivable: 想 像 不 到 的
Pure Dwelling Heavens: 淨 居 天
ultimately:畢竟 Buddhahood:成佛
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門、剎帝利等等,碰到有老年人、病人,及待生產的婦女,假使他能 在一念之間,發起大悲心,布施給他(/ 她)們醫藥、飲食、臥具等, 使他(/ 她)們能獲得安穩快樂。這樣子的布施,所獲得的功德福利, 最不可思議,一百劫中常做淨居天的天主,二百劫中常做六欲天的天 主,甚至於到最後畢竟成佛,永遠不會墮到惡道去,甚至於百千生中, 耳朵聽不到受苦的聲音,更何況自己去受苦呢?」
復次地藏 「若未來世中 復次地藏: 地藏: 「若未來世中, 若未來世中,有諸國王, 有諸國王,及婆羅門等 婆羅門等, 能作如是布施, 能作如是布施,獲福無量。 獲福無量。更能迴向, 更能迴向,不問多少, 不問多少,畢竟 成佛, 成佛,何況帝釋梵轉輪 何況帝釋梵轉輪之報 帝釋梵轉輪之報。 之報。是故地藏 是故地藏! 地藏!普勸眾生當如 是學。 是學。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Earth Treasury, “In the future, if there are kings of nations, bodies of Brahman, and the others, they can give offering in this way, they will receive limitless blessings. Besides,if they are able to dedicate that merit, not ask whether it is much or less, they will ultimately attain Buddhahood. How much less easily will they be able to attain the rewards of becoming Shakra, Brahma, or a Wheel-Turning King. Therefore, Earth Treasury, you should popularly urge living beings to learn to give offering in those ways.” 【解】:又地藏菩薩:「假使將來世間,有國王、宰相、輔佐大臣,乃 至婆羅門、剎帝利等,能如前所說的布施給老病產婦等,急需要幫助 的人,則能獲福無量。如能又把布施的功德,迴向法界眾生,共成佛 道的話,不問多少,都能畢竟成佛,更何況只是轉輪聖王、或帝釋天 主、或大梵天主之報呢!所以說,地藏呀!你可要普遍的去勸化大家, 要學習懂得將所布施的功德,不管多少,都要迴向法界眾生,將來共 成佛道。」
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復次地藏 復次地藏: 地藏:「若未來世中 「若未來世中, 若未來世中,若善男子、 善男子、善女人, 善女人,於 佛法中, 佛法中,種少善根, 種少善根,毛髮沙塵等許, 毛髮沙塵等許,所受福利, 所受福利,不可為 喻。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Earth Treasury, “ If it is in the future time, and if there are good men or good women, they only manage to plant a few good roots within the Buddha dharma, which are equivalent to no more than a strand of hair, a grain of sand, or a mote of dust, they will receive incomparable blessings and benefits.’’ 【註】: equivalent:同等的;等量的 strand:一縷
【解】 :又地藏菩薩: 「假使將來世間,如果具有善根的男子、女人等, 在佛法中所種下的少許善根,就是少到有如一根毛髮、或一沙一塵等 之微細,而所受的功德福利,簡直難於比喻。」 【論】 :以上是對上等人談布施功德;現在此是對一般善信之男女老百 姓而言。蓋貧窮布施難,富貴何嘗不是。大富大貴是前生布施,今生 所感得的因果。今生若不再布施,則下輩子仍一窮二白;不要羨慕人, 不管有能力多少,隨緣隨喜盡力而為;想要來生富貴就布施吧!就是 隨喜心口稱揚、讚歎,功德也同樣殊勝;不要羨慕成嫉妒,反而有損 傷自己。財施能滅貪病,法施能除三毒;財施但感人天果報,而法施 則通感三乘聖果。
復次地藏 復次地藏: 地藏:「若未來世中 「若未來世中, 若未來世中,若有善男子、 若有善男子、善女人, 善女人, 遇佛形像、 遇佛形像、菩薩形像、 菩薩形像、辟支佛形像 辟支佛形像、 形像、轉輪王形像 轉輪王形像, 形像,布施 供養, 供養,得無量福, 得無量福,常在人天, 常在人天,受勝妙樂。 受勝妙樂。若能迴向法界, 若能迴向法界, 是人福利不可為喻。」 是人福利不可為喻。」 - 188 -
【英譯】 :Moreover, Earth Treasury, “If it is in the future time,and if there 英譯】 are good men or women, they maybe encounter upon images of bodies of Buddha, Bodhisattva, Pratyekabuddha, or Wheel-Turning King. They give offerings or provide something to them. Such persons will attain limitless blessings,and will always enjoy supremely wonderful bliss among people and heavenly beings. If they can dedicate that merit to the Dharma Realm, their blessings and benefits will be beyond comparison.’’ 【解】:又地藏菩薩:「假使將來世間中,如果具有善根的男子、女人 等,他(/ 她)碰到佛的形像、或菩薩、辟支佛、緣覺、甚至是轉輪聖 王的形像等等,他(/ 她)只要能布施、供養清水、燈燭、塗香、四果、 鮮花等供品,都能獲得無量無邊的福利,常生在人、天道中,享受殊 勝妙樂。又如果能將此布施的功德,迴向給法界的眾生共成佛道的話, 則這個人所得的福報利益,就大到無法比喻了。」
復次地藏 復次地藏: 地藏:「未來世中 「未來世中, 未來世中,若有善男子善女人, 若有善男子善女人,遇大 乘經典, 乘經典,或聽聞一偈一句, 或聽聞一偈一句,發殷重心, 發殷重心,讚歎恭敬, 讚歎恭敬,布施 供養。 供養。是人獲大果報, 是人獲大果報,無量無邊。 無量無邊。若能迴向法界, 若能迴向法界,其福 不可為喻。」 不可為喻。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Earth Treasury, “In the future if there are good men or good women, they maybe encounter upon Great Vehicle sutras or upon hearing only but a single gatha or a sentence. They can inspire their sincere hearts to praise, venerate, give offering, and to provide something to them. So those people will attain great limitless and unbounded rewards. If they can dedicate that merit to the Dharma Realm, their blessings will be beyond comparison.’’ 【解】:又地藏菩薩:「將來世間中,如果具有善根的男子、女人等,
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碰到大乘經典,只要能聽聞到其中之一句話,或一個偈頌,而生發起 殷勤敬重的心,還讚歎恭敬、布施供養的話。則這個善男子、善女人, 就能獲得無量無邊的大果報。又假使他(/ 她)能將此功德迴向給法界, 則這個福報更大到簡直不可比喻。」
復次地藏 復次地藏: 地藏:「若未來世中 「若未來世中, 若未來世中,若有善男子、 若有善男子、善女人, 善女人, 遇佛塔寺, 遇佛塔寺,大乘經典。 大乘經典。新者布施供養, 新者布施供養,瞻禮讚歎, 瞻禮讚歎,恭敬 合掌。 合掌。若遇故者, 若遇故者,或毀壞者, 或毀壞者,修補營理, 修補營理,或獨發心, 或獨發心,或 勸多人同共發心。 勸多人同共發心。如是等輩, 如是等輩,三十生中, 三十生中,常為諸小國王; 常為諸小國王; 檀越之人, 檀越之人,常為輪王, 常為輪王,還以善法教化諸小國王。 還以善法教化諸小國王。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Earth Treasury, “If it is in the future time, and if there are good men or good women, who maybe encounter upon Buddhist stupas, monasteries, or sutras of the Great Vehicle, they give gifts or make offerings to the new ones, and gaze at them in worship, and respectfully make praises with joined palms. If they maybe encounter upon old ones or those that have been destroyed or damaged, they do either the repairing or the rebuilding by themselves, or they encourage others to help them together with the same sincere hearts. Those helpers will become kings of small nations throughout thirty successive lives. The donors themselves will always become Wheel-Turning Kings, who will use the good Dharma to teach and transform those kings of small nations.’’ 【註】: donor:捐贈者;檀越的施主
【解】:又地藏菩薩:「假使將來世間中,如果具有善根的男子、女人 等,碰到佛菩薩的塔寺、廟宇,或是大乘經典等。如果要造新的佛塔、 寺廟、印新的經典,要布施建寺、印經等供仰三寶;造印完後,要恭
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敬合掌、瞻仰頂禮,讚歎。假使是碰到破舊損壞的佛塔、寺廟,大乘 經典等,發心要修補經營整理的,或重新刊印流通的,是人要獨自發 心出資出力去做,或是勸募多人共同發心裝修整理。像這樣子的人等, 則三十生中常當諸小國之國王,如果是一般信徒檀越的施主,則常生 為轉輪聖王,並且還能以五戒十善,來教化其他諸小國王,化育百姓。」
復次地藏 復次地藏: 地藏:「若未來世中 「若未來世中, 若未來世中,若有善男子、 若有善男子、善女人, 善女人, 於佛法中所種善根, 於佛法中所種善根,或布施供養, 或布施供養,或修補塔寺, 或修補塔寺,或裝理 經典, 經典,乃至一毛一塵, 乃至一毛一塵,一沙一渧。 一沙一渧。如是善事, 是善事,但能迴向 法界, 法界,是人功德, 是人功德,百千生中受上妙樂。 百千生中受上妙樂。 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Earth Treasury, “If it is in the future time, and if there are good men or good women who maybe plant good roots in the Buddha dharma, or they give something as gifts, making offerings, or repairing stupas or monasteries, or rebinding sutras, even doing other good deeds amounting to no more than a strand of hair, a mote of dust, a grain of sand, or a drop of water. So those good deeds they do,but they can merely transfer the merit from such deeds to the Dharma Realm, so those people's meritorious virtues will enable them to enjoy superior and wonderful bliss for hundreds of thousands of lives. 【註】: rebind:重新裝訂 transfer:移轉;迴向
【解】:又地藏菩薩:「假使將來世間中,如果具有善根的男子、女人 等,能夠在佛的教法中,種下善根因緣的話,就是以上的布施供養, 或是修補佛寺塔廟,裝修整理經典等善事,甚至於小到好像是一根毫 毛、一顆微塵、一粒沙、一滴水之小善事。如果能將這些小善,迴向 法界眾生,則這些人等的功德,百千生中享受種種殊勝美妙的快樂,
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如但迴向自家眷屬, 如但迴向自家眷屬,或自身利益, 或自身利益,如是之果, 如是之果,即三 生受樂, 生受樂,捨一得萬報。 捨一得萬報。是故地藏 是故地藏, 地藏,布施因緣, 布施因緣,其事如是。 其事如是。」 【英譯】 :But if they dedicate the merit only to their relatives or extended 英譯】 families or to their own personal benefit, then the rewards received will be only three lives of happiness. By giving up one, a ten-thousandfold reward is obtained. So it is done. Earth Treasury!The circumstances involved in the causes and conditions of giving offering are like that." 【解】 :但如果只是迴向給自家的眷屬,如父母、伯叔、兒女、兄弟姐 妹等等親戚,或僅是自身的利益,而沒迴向給法界的眾生,這個福報 的結果,只有三生可享受安樂,真是捨一得萬倍的回報呢!這與上所 言及迴向給法界眾生,共成佛道的福德還差得天壤之別,所以說呀, 地藏菩薩!這布施的功德的因緣結果,就是這樣子,這都是由當初布 施者,所發自內心不同,迴向不同,所造成的差異呀!」 【註】 :一般人在三寶中做功德,想獲得的回饋,如以上所說;有捨才 : 有得,來生福報真少不了;故我們今生少福報,只怪前生不種福,不 能怨天尤人,怪老天爺不公平;要想來生有福報,趕快就在今生多做 些布施吧! 【論】 :以上常提到供養佛菩薩之供品,若自家設有佛堂,則每逢初一、 : 十五、及佛菩薩誕辰,過年節慶,備香花二束,插在兩旁花瓶、點亮 燈蠋、奉清水三杯在佛前、四盤當季節令之水果、燃一炷名香、誠心 一瓣、五體投地,三跪三拜,祈求佛菩薩替你開智慧、或消災免難、 或懺悔業障、或保平安、或身心健康、念佛精進、期往生淨土等等。 平時早晚燃一炷香供養就可。若到佛寺拜佛菩薩,只要人親自用雙手 合掌,在兩旁跪拜即可,可備供品或供養常住,把要布施添油香的錢,
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投入功德箱即可,若備供品應留給常住結緣,想取回部份吃平安,要 向常住報備。這與一般道教廟宇、道觀不太相同,他們都是把牲禮取 回,還燒金紙、放煙火鞭炮(污染環境) ,佛寺是不燒金紙、放煙火鞭 炮的,切記!
地神護法品第十一 CHAPTER XI The Dharma Protection of an Earth Spirit 流通分:別流通 【釋品題】 : 「地」即土地, 「神」是主宰之義;主宰這世界土地者稱地 釋品題】 神,非指一般泛泛之土地福德正神;祂專負責南閻浮提的地神,叫堅 牢,係屬女性。本品地神首為護法者,南閻浮提是其所主,故率先護 之。本品敘述堅牢地神受佛囑咐,誓願擁護依法修行的眾生。堅牢是 大地之神,堅者堅實,牢者牢固。取其能承載萬物,而大地眾味增長, 藥草、花果、米穀、雜糧等皆悉具足。育養萬民,安立群品。又以智 度法門常無改變、能荷山川、能生萬物、地力自在、具此四德故稱堅 牢地神。類似在道教中所供奉的地母娘娘。
爾時, 爾時,堅牢地神白佛言 堅牢地神白佛言: 白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!我從昔來瞻視頂 禮無量菩薩摩訶薩, 禮無量菩薩摩訶薩,皆是大不可思議神通智慧, 皆是大不可思議神通智慧,廣度眾 生。 【英譯】 :At that time, the Earth Spirit Firm and Stable spoke to Buddha 英譯】 and said, "The World Honored One!From long time ago, I have beheld and bowed to limitless numbers bodies of Bodhisattva Mahasattva. All of them have inconceivable and great spiritual penetrations and wisdom that
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they use it in taking vast numbers of living beings across.” 【解】 :這個時候有個堅牢地神向佛稟告說: 「世尊呀!我從往昔以來, 無論那一尊大菩薩我都瞻仰頂禮,已經頂禮過無數的大菩薩了,這些 菩薩都具有非常大、不可思議的神通智慧,而且也廣度眾生。
是地藏菩薩摩訶薩, 地藏菩薩摩訶薩,於諸菩薩誓願深重, 於諸菩薩誓願深重,世尊! 世尊!是 地藏菩薩於 閻浮提有大因緣。 有大因緣。如文殊、 文殊、普賢、 普賢、觀音、 觀音、彌 地藏菩薩於閻浮提有大因緣 勒,亦化百千身形, 亦化百千身形,度於六道, 度於六道,其願尚有畢竟。 其願尚有畢竟。 【英譯】 英譯】:“Among all the bodies of Bodhisattva, it is Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva that he has the deepest and most weighty vows. The World Honored One!It is Earth Treasury Bodhisattva that has great affinities
Avalokiteshvara, and Maitreya, they also transform hundreds of thousands of bodies to take across those in the Six Paths, but their vows still have an end." 【註】: affinity:類緣;愛力;深因緣關係
【解】:「這尊地藏王大菩薩,比起其他諸位大菩薩,所發的誓願還要 深重,世尊呀!這地藏菩薩和閻浮提的眾生,有很大又很深的因緣關 係。因為這尊地藏菩薩,無量劫以來,都在這閻浮提上廣度眾生。例 如其他的文殊菩薩、普賢菩薩、觀音菩薩、彌勒菩薩等諸大菩薩,雖 然也都示現變化百千萬億身形,在度化六道眾生,可是他們的誓願, 總是還有圓滿終就的一天。
是地藏菩薩教化六道一切眾生 地藏菩薩教化六道一切眾生, 教化六道一切眾生,所發誓願劫數, 所發誓願劫數,如 - 194 -
千百億恆河 千百億恆河沙 恆河沙。世尊! 世尊!我觀未來及現在眾生, 我觀未來及現在眾生,於所住 處,於南方清潔之地, 於南方清潔之地,以土石、 以土石、竹木作其龕 竹木作其龕 室,是中 能塑畫, 形像,燒香供養, 燒香供養,瞻禮 能塑畫,乃至金銀銅鐵, 乃至金銀銅鐵,作地藏形像 地藏形像, 讚歎。 讚歎。 【英譯】 :It is Earth Treasury Bodhisattva that he has made these vows to 英譯】 teach and transform living beings in the Six Paths throughout eons of time as many as the number of sand grains in hundreds of thousands of millions of Ganges Rivers. The World Honored One!I regard(/ observe)living beings of the present and future,they make shrines of clay, stone, bamboo, or wood and set them on pure ground in the southern part of their dwellings (/ buildings). In that place they put the shrines images of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, either even be sculpted, painted, or made of gold, silver, copper, or iron. Then they light incense, make offerings, behold, worship, and praise him. 【註】: shrine:神龕
【解】:這地藏菩薩在我們所居住的閻浮提世界裡,教化一切六道眾 生,他所發的弘誓大願,以及所經過的劫數時間,就好像是千百億條 如恆河沙那麼的多。世尊呀!我觀察將來或現在的人們,如能在他所 居住的地方,朝南方找個清潔乾淨的地方,建造個莊嚴佛堂神桌,把 地藏菩薩的形像安放供養在佛龕內,佛龕用土石、竹木製作都可以, 用金銀銅鐵鑄造、或雕塑畫地藏菩薩形像,然後供養菩薩,燒香、點 燈蠋、奉茶水、擺插鮮花、敬四果、是人諷誦大乘經典、念佛菩薩名 號等等之供養,是人又瞻仰、頂禮、膜拜、讚歎其功德。 【註】 :如果旅居在外不方便,沒佛堂,可在單身書房之書桌上,劃出 : 一小塊區域供養,如真再沒辦法,要更衣,佛菩薩像可用一塊黃布遮
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是人居處, 是人居處,即得十種利益。 即得十種利益。何等為十: 何等為十:一者、 一者、土地 豐壤; 豐壤;二者、 二者、家宅永安; 家宅永安;三者、 三者、先亡生天; 先亡生天;四者、 四者、現存 益壽; 益壽;五者、 五者、所求遂意; 所求遂意;六者、 六者、無水火災; 無水火災;七者、 七者、虛耗 辟除; 辟除;八者、 八者、杜絕惡夢; 杜絕惡夢;九者、 九者、出入神護; 出入神護;十者、 十者、多遇 聖因。 聖因。 【英譯】 英譯】:By doing those things, it is those people who will receive ten kinds of benefits in their homes. What are those of the ten?First, their lands will be fertile. Second, their families and homes will always be peaceful. Third, their ancestors will be born in the heavens. Fourth, those of the current generation will enjoy benefits and long lives. Fifth, they will easily obtain what they want. Sixth, they will not encounter disasters of water and fire. Seventh, they will avoid unforeseen calamities. Eighth, they will never have nightmares. Ninth, they will be protected by spirits in their daily comings and goings. Tenth, they will encounter many causes that pertain to Sagehood. 【註】: unforeseen:不測的;預料不到的 pertain:適合
【解】 :則這個人所居住的地方,就能獲得十種利益。那十種好處呢? 一是、這家人所種植的土壤,非常肥沃,種什麼東西都能豐收。二是、 家裡的大小,連宅院永遠平安。三是、已經往生死的祖先、長輩眷屬 等人,都超生天界。四是、現存活的人,都能延年益壽。五是、有所 正當的祈求,都能稱心如意。六是、家中不會發生水火災害。七是、 一切虛耗損衰倒楣事,都能辟除消滅。八是、晚上不會作惡夢。九是、 進出家門外出謀生,商旅都有善神保護。十是、時常會遇到修行的好
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世尊! 世尊 ! 未來世中, 未來世中 , 及現在眾生, 及現在眾生,若能於所住處方 面,作如是供養, 作如是供養,得如是利益。」 得如是利益。」復白佛言 。」復白佛言: 復白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊! 未來世中, 未來世中,若有善男子善女人, 若有善男子善女人,於所住處, 於所住處,有此經典, 有此經典, 及菩薩像, 及菩薩像,是人更能轉讀經典, 是人更能轉讀經典,供養菩薩。 供養菩薩。我常日夜, 我常日夜, 以本神力, 以本神力,衛護是人, 衛護是人,乃至水火 乃至水火、盜賊、 盜賊、大橫、 大橫、小橫, 小橫, 一切惡事, 一切惡事,悉皆銷滅。 悉皆銷滅。」 【英譯】 英譯】:The World Honored One!In the future time and the present living beings, if they make those offerings in their homes in the above prescribed manner, they will attain benefits like those." Further, he said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!In the future time, if there are good men or good women, they may keep this Sutra and an image of the Bodhisattva in where they live. Further, it is they that they recite the Sutra and make offerings to the Bodhisattva. For those persons who do that, I shall constantly use my own spiritual powers to guard and protect them during day and night so that nothing bad happens to them, even including floods, fire, robbery and theft, major disasters, minor accidents." 【解】:世尊,未來世中或現在的眾生,假使能夠在他所居住的地方, 作如是以上的供養、瞻禮、讚歎地藏菩薩形像,就能獲得如是以上, 「世尊!未來世間,假 十種殊勝的好處。」堅牢地神又向佛陀稟報說: 使具有善根的男子、女人,在他(/ 她)所居住的地方,擁有這本地藏 經及地藏菩薩的形像,是這個人若更能轉讀、誦念地藏經,並以種種 香花等,供養菩薩的話。則我堅牢地神,日夜經常以我的本願神力, 擁護保衛這個人,甚至於水火災、地震、強盜、小偷、瘟疫、詐騙、 惡夢等等大、小橫事,一切壞事,全都會消滅無餘。」
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佛告堅牢地神 佛告堅牢地神: 堅牢地神:「汝大神力 「汝大神力, 汝大神力,諸神少及。 諸神少及。何以故? 何以故? 閻浮土地 土地,悉蒙汝護, 悉蒙汝護,乃至草木、 乃至草木、沙石、 沙石、稻麻、 稻麻、竹葦、 竹葦、 閻浮土地, 穀米、 穀米、寶貝, 寶貝,從地而有, 地而有,皆因汝力。 皆因汝力。 【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha told the Earth Spirit Firm and Stable, "There are few spirits like you, who can match your great spiritual power. Why do I say that?"All the lands in Jambudvipa receive your protection. Even all of the grasses, woods, sands, stones, paddy fields, hemp, bamboo, reeds, grains, rice, and gems come forth from the earth because of your power. 【註】: paddy:稻穀
hemp:麻 bamboo:竹
come forth:顯現
【解】:世尊告訴堅牢地神說:「你的大威神通道力,是其他諸神所趕 不上的。為什麼這麼說呢?因為這塊閻浮提的土地,全都歸你負責掌 管衛護,甚至於連生長在地上的一草、一木、一沙、一石、稻米、竹 麻、蘆葦、五穀、雜糧,藥草、河川、大海等等,以及那些埋藏在地 中海裡的,一切金銀珠寶等等所有東西,都是因為有你才有,這全都 是因有你地神的大威神力,才有的呀!
又常稱揚地藏菩薩 又常稱揚 地藏菩薩利益之事 地藏菩薩 利益之事。 利益之事 。汝之功德, 汝之功德 , 及以神 通,百千倍於常分地神。 百千倍於常分地神。若未來世中, 若未來世中,有善男子善女人, 有善男子善女人, 供養菩薩, 供養菩薩,及轉讀是經, 及轉讀是經,但依地藏本願經 但依地藏本願經, 地藏本願經,一事修行者。 一事修行者。 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, you also constantly praise of the beneficial deeds of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva so that makes your meritorious virtues and spiritual penetrations surpass those of the ordinary earth spirits more hundreds of thousands of times. If in the future time there are good men or good women, they can make offerings to this Bodhisattva, and can recite
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the Sutra.They rely upon only one thing to cultivate according to the way of Past Original Vows of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. 【註】: aspect:狀況;形勢
【解】 :你現在的地神,又常稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩,百千利益眾生的事蹟。 你的功德、及神通,實在太大了,可百千倍於其他平常的地神。假使 未來世間,具有善根的男子、女人,供養地藏菩薩形像,及以恭敬心 讀誦這部經的,而且更能遵照地藏本願經上所說的事相,去修行的人; 如塑畫佛菩薩形像、供養三寶、修補佛像、經典、轉讀尊經、或建寺、 持戒、念佛等等之事者。
ˊ ㄓㄜ
汝以本神力而擁護之, 汝以本神力而擁護之,勿令一切災害及不如意事, 勿令一切災害及不如意事, 輒 聞於耳, 聞於耳,何況令受。 何況令受。非但汝獨護是人故, 非但汝獨護是人故,亦有釋梵 亦有釋梵 眷屬, 眷屬,諸天眷屬, 諸天眷屬,擁護是人。 擁護是人。 【英譯】 英譯】:You should use your own spiritual powers to protect them. Do not allow any disasters and unwelcome events even to be heard by their ears, much less to be undergone by them. Not only will those people be only protected by you, but also they will be protected by the followers of Shakra, Brahma, and other heavenly beings’ relatives. 【解】 :堅牢地神以你本願的大威神力,去擁護這些人,不但不要使他 (/ 她)遭受遇到一切災害,如地震、颱風、海嘯、土石流、荒年、饑 饉、瘟疫、流行病等等,不如意的任何一件事發生在他(/ 她)身上; 甚至於連聽都聽不到這些災害不如意事。並不是只有你獨自去保護, 這些依地藏經修行的人,還有帝釋等諸天眷屬,就是大梵天等諸天人 及其眷屬,也通通加入,都來擁護這個人呢!
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何故得如是聖賢擁護? 何故得如是聖賢擁護?皆由瞻禮地藏 皆由瞻禮地藏形像 地藏形像, 形像,及轉讀 是本願經故, 是本願經故,自然畢竟出離苦海, 自然畢竟出離苦海,證涅槃樂。 證涅槃樂。以是之故, 以是之故, 得大擁護。 得大擁護。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Why will they receive protection from sages and saints such as those?It is due to their having beheld and worshipped an image of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva and from having recited this Sutra of his past original vows. Such people will quite naturally be able to leave the sea of suffering and ultimately be certified to the bliss of Nirvana. For those reasons they receive great protection." 【解】:這是為什麼能得到這麼多的聖賢來擁護他(/ 她)呢?都是因 為這個人能瞻仰、頂禮地藏菩薩的形像,還能以恭敬心轉讀這部地藏 經的緣故;只要有人能依地藏經上所說的種種事相,去努力修行,自 然而然都會畢竟出離生死苦海,將來必定證得涅槃成佛的結果。就是 因為這個緣故,所以這個人才能得到這麼大的擁護呢!」
見聞利益品第十二 CHAPTER XII Benefits Derived from Seeing and Hearing 【釋品題】 :此品是佛告觀世音菩薩,見聞地藏菩薩的功德利益。普見、 釋品題】 : 普聞,能恭敬閱讀本經,領會其中妙悟,這是見的利益;閻浮提眾生, 在臨命終時,即將墮入惡道,承斯眷屬於其耳根,念菩薩名,皆能離 苦得樂。這品都是地藏菩薩普濟眾生,不可思議的功德利益,完全用 眾生的眼所見、耳所聞二利根,來開引普度九界眾生的入道之門。
爾時, 爾時,世尊從頂門上 世尊從頂門上, 從頂門上,放百千萬億大毫相光, 放百千萬億大毫相光,所謂: 所謂: - 200 -
白毫相光、 毫相光、大白毫相光、 大白毫相光、瑞毫相光、 瑞毫相光、大瑞毫相光、 大瑞毫相光、玉毫 相光、 相光、大玉毫相光、 大玉毫相光、紫毫相光、 紫毫相光、大紫毫相光、 大紫毫相光、青毫相光、 青毫相光、 大青毫相光、 大青毫相光、碧毫相光、 碧毫相光、大碧毫相光、 大碧毫相光、紅毫相光、 紅毫相光、大紅 毫相光、 毫相光、綠毫相光、 綠毫相光、大綠毫相光、 大綠毫相光、金毫相光、 金毫相光、大金毫相 光、慶雲毫相光、 慶雲毫相光、大慶雲毫相光、 大慶雲毫相光、千輪毫光、 千輪毫光、大千輪毫 光、寶輪毫光、 寶輪毫光、大寶輪毫光、 大寶輪毫光、日輪毫光、 日輪毫光、大日輪毫光、 大日輪毫光、 月輪毫光、 月輪毫光、大月輪毫光、 大月輪毫光、宮殿毫光、 宮殿毫光、大宮殿毫光、 大宮殿毫光、海雲 毫光、 毫光、大海雲毫光。 大海雲毫光。 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time the World Honored One emitted hundreds of thousands of millions of great rays of light from the opening at the crown of his head. They were as so called the White Ray, the Great White Ray, the Auspicious Ray, the Great Auspicious Ray, the Jade Ray, the Great Jade Ray, the Purple Ray, the Great Purple Ray, the Blue Ray, the Great Blue Ray, the Azure Ray, the Great Azure Ray, the Red Ray, the Great Red Ray, the Green Ray, the Great Green Ray, the Gold Ray, the Great Gold Ray, the Celebration Cloud Ray, the Great Celebration Cloud Ray, the Thousand-wheeled Ray, the Great Thousand-wheeled Ray, the Jeweled Wheel Ray, the Great Jeweled Wheel Ray, the Solar Disc Ray, the Great Solar Disc Ray, the Lunar Disc Ray, the Great Lunar Disc Ray, the Palace Ray, the Great Palace Ray, the Ocean Cloud Ray, and the Great Ocean Cloud Ray. 【註】: Auspicious:吉利的;祥瑞的 Azure:碧藍
Celebration Cloud:慶雲
Solar Disc:日輪
Lunar Disc:月輪 ˋ ㄐㄧ
【解】 :這個時候世尊從頭頂的頂門內肉髻 上,放出百千萬億道的大毫 相光來,釋迦牟尼佛在本經一共放了三次光;第一次含笑放光,表示
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已經找到了繼承人,心生歡喜。第二次舉身放光,表示把救渡眾生的 責任,全交給地藏菩薩。在這裡第三次放百千萬億毫光,表示地藏經 的法門最高最上,而是說這末法時代的眾生,如沒地藏經,簡直沒辦 法得以救度,因末法眾生業障深重,善根淺薄,想開悟都難,更何談 證果。地藏經一再提及,我人舉止動念,無非是罪,無非是業,一失 人身萬劫不復。如果連人天的根本福報都修不來,更何談證佛果涅槃 呢!為救末法眾生,也只有地藏經,才是至高無上的妙法,一定要生 起殷重之心,至心歸依地藏菩薩,所以佛才從頂門上放光,普照十方 無量世界的眾生,使令歸依地藏菩薩,並依經中所示修行。 【註】 :一、白毫、大白毫相光:指大慧光明,消惡觀法,是教黑集惡 : 業眾生,改成白淨,就可超凡入聖。二、瑞毫、大瑞毫相光:指放祥 瑞吉祥,今表六道乘地藏菩薩之力,三途盡升,人天成佛,有緣眾生 見此光,能消災免難。三、玉毫、大玉毫相光:指玉是天地精英具溫 潤之德,琢磨後可成器,表五道依經修行,便像琢磨的玉器,可入聖 流。四、紫毫、大紫毫相光:指紫是黑赤混雜的顏色,比喻雜類眾生, 心意雜然不同,然依本經修持,一樣可獲益無量。五、青毫、大青毫 相光:指青是春天草木抽芽青翠之色,比喻地獄黑業依此經修行,發 菩提之芽,生氣蓬勃。六、碧毫、大碧毫相光:指碧是深青之色,此 表地獄眾生,如能依本經調服身心修行,不但生氣蓬勃,亦得人天安 樂。七、紅毫、大紅毫相光:指赤紅如火的顏色,表畜生道中,聞名 見像,依經用功加行,或指三界如火宅,吾人依經修行,亦可得生死 之解脫。八、綠毫、大綠毫相光:指綠是青黃之間色,如泉水上視, ˋ ㄓㄢ
表獄鬼同入法界流,如能解脫生死,則性海定水,湛 然碧綠,自然可 化火宅為清涼。九、金毫、大金毫相光:金色指其性久埋不變,百淘 不輕;比喻眾生之佛性,雖處六道惡趣,其性不失,如能提煉,自可 證金剛不壞之身。十、慶雲、大慶雲毫光 :指雲彩具有五色曰慶,此
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表離五住煩惱,顯五分法身之祥徵;比喻眾生,既然依此經修行,能 證金剛之身,當近佛果不遠,值得慶祝賀喜。十一、千輪、大千輪毫 光:輪者如滿月之光,清涼無礙,遍諸虛空。言千輪者,表六道一念 千如,至此顯著圓轉無礙,以下之諸輪光,較前諸散光尤勝。蓋表圓 頓法,被圓根、入圓頓門,獲圓證之益。十二、寶輪、大寶輪毫光: 此光意與上同,多加一寶字。比前更殊勝,已具佛之智慧。比喻蒙地 藏菩薩以法水灌頂,超入圓向金輪,將紹法王之位。十三、日輪、大 日輪毫光:日者表光明,菩薩之智光無私,普照世間,從初至終,常 不懈息。日光普照無礙,無憎無愛,處於虛空,放智慧光明,滅邪見 戲論,譬如朝露,見日則銷。十四、月輪、大月輪毫光:月有缺有滿。 此表大士具智斷二德,能除五道熱惱,益四眾之清涼。此日月二輪, 正表大士權實二智,照理鑑機也。十五、宮殿、大宮殿毫光:宮殿是 至尊所居之莊嚴輪奐優美的地方。此表三塗頓超入人天,五道同歸佛 果,故現高顯之相。十六、海雲、大海雲毫光:以光雲遍覆如海之無 垠。此表生佛一如,依報正報不二,染淨同源,苦樂不受,自然無異; 到此已成正覺,慈雲如海,普覆十方一切有情,通沾法雨甘露。 此解釋大毫相光:「大」指法身的大,可遍滿虛空無量無邊。「毫 相」表解脫,表外實內空,解脫無礙。 「光」表般若能照了萬法;大毫 毛相光表佛之三德,身大故毫光亦大,毫空故大光亦空。光照故毫亦 照,互具互遍,故有百千萬億。再者白毫相表「二乘法門」 ,再加「大」 表大乘法門,合起來就是三乘共法。佛放如是種種光明,讚歎地藏菩 薩,使一切眾生見光悟心,能依此經所示事相,確實修行,絕對可同 證菩提。
於頂門上, 於頂門上,放如是等毫相光已, 放如是等毫相光已,出微妙音, 出微妙音,告諸大 眾,天龍八部, 天龍八部,人非人等: 人非人等:「聽吾今日於 「聽吾今日於忉利天宮 聽吾今日於忉利天宮, 忉利天宮,稱 - 203 -
揚讚歎地藏菩薩 揚讚歎地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,於人天中, 於人天中,利益等事、 利益等事、不思議事 不思議事、超 聖因事、 聖因事、證十地事、 證十地事、畢竟不退阿耨多羅三藐三菩提事 畢竟不退阿耨多羅三藐三菩提事。 三菩提事。」 【英譯】 英譯】:After emitting such rays of light from the opening at the crown of his head, he spoke in subtle and wonderful sounds to the great assembly of gods, dragons, the rest of the Eightfold Division, humans, non-humans and the others, "All of you have heard my words today in the palace of the Trayastrimsha Heaven praise Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, and tell of his beneficial deeds, of inconceivable events, of the matter of his transcendence to Sagehood, of the circumstances of his certification to the Tenth Ground, and of the situation leading to his being irreversible from Anuttarasamyaksambodhi." 【註】: transcendence:超越
ˋ ㄐㄧ
【解】 :世尊在頭頂肉髻 上,放出如是種種毫光之後,再放出種種微妙 之音聲,來告訴諸天大眾、天龍八部、人及非人等眾生,世尊說: 「聽 我今天在忉利天宮,稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩,他在人道、天道中,利益人 天大眾等種種的事、以及種種不可思議的事、超凡入聖因的事,證菩 薩十地果位的事、及畢竟不退,成就無上正等正覺,成就佛果的事。」 【註】 :證十地事,是漸進法門,從初地證到十地,步步為營前進;學 : 地藏法門,能使人畢竟不退轉,從十信、十住、十行、十迴向、到十 地菩薩終成佛道。
說是語時, 說是語時,會中有一菩薩摩訶薩, 會中有一菩薩摩訶薩,名觀世音, 觀世音,從座 而起, 而起,胡跪合掌白佛言: 胡跪合掌白佛言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!是地藏菩薩摩訶薩具 地藏菩薩摩訶薩具 大慈悲, 大慈悲,憐愍罪苦眾生, 憐愍罪苦眾生,於千萬億世界, 於千萬億世界,化千萬億身。 化千萬億身。 所有功德, 所有功德,及不思議威神之力 及不思議威神之力。 神之力。 - 204 -
【英譯】 英譯】:As that words was said, there was a body of Bodhisattva Mahasattva, whose name is called Avalokiteshvara(/ Contemplator of the World's Sounds)who arose from his seat in the assembly, knelt down on one of his knees, and with two palms together said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!It is Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva tha he is replete with great compassion and pities living beings who are suffering for their offenses. In thousands of millions of worlds he creates thousands of millions of transformation bodies through the strength of his meritorious virtues and inconceivable awesome spiritual strength. 【註】: Contemplator of the World's Sounds:觀世音
【解】 :世尊說這些話的時候,在大會中有位大菩薩,他的名號叫做觀 世音的。從他的座位站起身來,胡跪在地雙手合掌,向佛稟告說: 「世 尊!這地藏菩薩摩訶薩具有廣大慈悲心,憐惜慈愍一切受苦的眾生, 所以在千萬億世界中,化千萬億身,來度化這些受罪業的眾生。他所 救度眾生的功德,以及不可思議的威神之力,實在聽得很多了。 【註】 :觀世音是位大菩薩,祂專觀察尋求世間眾生受苦時,只要凡是 : 持念觀世音菩薩聖號的音聲者,菩薩聞得此音,即時尋聲救苦,使令 。凡受任何苦難,一念觀世音菩薩,菩薩即感應 解脫,故名「觀世音」 道交,一定來解救。觀世音菩薩已於過去無量劫中成佛,號正法明如 來,由於大悲願力,倒駕慈航,現作菩薩,故眾生有苦難,只要念祂, 普門示現隨傳隨到,真不可思議。在法華經觀世音菩薩普門品中,就 有詳細敘述。祂現在輔佐西方極樂世界阿彌陀佛。
我聞世尊 我聞世尊, 世尊,與十方無量諸佛, 與十方無量諸佛,異口同音, 異口同音,讚歎地藏 讚歎地藏 菩薩云 菩薩云:『正使過去 『正使過去、 正使過去、現在、 現在、未來諸佛, 未來諸佛,說其功德, 說其功德,猶 - 205 -
不能盡。』 不能盡。』向者 。』向者, 向者,又蒙世尊 又蒙世尊, 世尊,普告大眾: 普告大眾:『欲稱揚 『欲稱揚地藏 欲稱揚地藏 利益等事。』 利益等事。』唯願 。』唯願世尊 唯願世尊, 世尊,為現在、 為現在、未來一切眾生, 未來一切眾生,稱揚 地藏不思議事 不思議事,令天龍八部, 令天龍八部,瞻禮獲福。」 瞻禮獲福。」 地藏不思議事, 【英譯】 :I have heard the World Honored One and the numberless bodies 英譯】 of Buddha of the Ten Directions praise Earth Treasury Bodhisattva with different mouths but in unison, saying that, “Even if all the bodies of the past, the present and the future Buddha are to speak of his meritorious qualities(/ merits and virtues), they still can not finish describing them.’’ Former, I have again heard the World Honored One tell the great assembly, “All of us want to praise Earth Treasury Bodhisattva's beneficial deeds and so forth.” I am beseeching the World Honored One to praise the inconceivable events pertaining to Earth Treasury Bodhisattva for the sake of all the present and future living beings and to cause the gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division to gaze in worship and attain blessings." 【註】: beseech:懇求 pertain:有關
【解】 :我觀世音,聽世尊與十方無量世界諸佛,異口同聲都讚歎地藏 菩薩的功德說: 「就是現在、過去、未來三世諸佛,說其功德,也讚歎 不了呀!」剛才又蒙世尊,普告大眾說: 「您要再稱揚地藏菩薩利益眾 生的事。希望世尊為現在及未來的眾生,稱揚讚歎地藏菩薩,那些不 可思議的事蹟,使令天龍八部,鬼神人非人等,都能瞻禮讚歎獲福無 量。」
佛告觀世音菩薩 佛告觀世音菩薩: 觀世音菩薩:「汝於 「汝於娑婆 汝於娑婆世界有大因緣 娑婆世界有大因緣。 世界有大因緣。若天 若龍、 若龍、若男若女、 若男若女、若神若鬼、 若神若鬼、乃至六道罪苦眾生, 乃至六道罪苦眾生,聞汝 - 206 -
名者、 名者、見汝形者、 見汝形者、戀慕汝者、 戀慕汝者、讚歎汝者。 讚歎汝者。是諸眾生, 是諸眾生,於 無上道, 無上道,必不退轉。 必不退轉。常生人天, 常生人天,具受妙樂。 具受妙樂。因果將熟, 因果將熟, 遇佛受記。 遇佛受記。 【英譯】 :Buddha replied to Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(/ Bodhisattva of 英譯】 the Contemplator of the World's Sounds), "You have great affinity with the Saha World. If those heavenly beings, if those dragons, if they are men, women, if they are spirits, ghosts, or even any other beings who are suffering for offenses within the Six Paths. Once they have ever heard your name, seen your image, beheld you, or praised you, so those living beings will definitely become irreversible on the Unsurpassed Way. They will always be born among humans realm and heavenly beings,and there they will experience wonderful bliss. When the effects of their causes come to maturity, they will encounter some body of Buddha, who will give them predictions. 【解】 :佛陀告訴觀世音菩薩說: 「您在這娑婆世界,有很深大的因緣。 假使有天眾、龍眾,不管是男是女,是神是鬼,乃至六道受罪苦的眾 生;若是有曾聽聞到您的名字,看到您的形像的,內心生起仰慕、繫 念您觀世音的,或是讚歎您的。這些眾生於無上的佛道上,都種了成 佛的善根因緣種子,永遠不會退轉,常投生在人、天道中,受種種佛 法妙樂,等到因果成熟時,將遇到佛得給予授記。
汝今具大慈悲, 汝今具大慈悲,憐愍眾生, 憐愍眾生,及天龍八部, 及天龍八部,聽吾宣說 地藏菩薩不思議利益之事 不思議利益之事。汝當諦聽, 汝當諦聽,吾今說之。」 吾今說之。」觀 。」觀 地藏菩薩不思議利益之事。 世音言 世音言:「唯然 「唯然, 唯然,世尊, 世尊,願樂欲聞!」 願樂欲聞!」 【英譯】 英譯】:Now you are replete with great compassion and pity for living beings, and for heavenly beings, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold
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Division. You listen me to declare events involving the inconceivable benefits bestowed by Earth Store Bodhisattva. You should listen it attentively, now I will describe it for you." Avalokiteshvara ( / The Contemplator of the World's Sounds)said, "Surely The World Honored One!I will be pleased to hear your speech." 【解】:您現今具足大慈大悲、憐憫六道眾生,及天龍八部鬼神等眾, 聽我宣說地藏菩薩利益眾生的不可思議事蹟,您應該仔細的聽,我馬 上就說。」觀世音菩薩說: 「是的,世尊!我很樂意聽,請佛您就說吧!」
佛告觀世音菩薩 佛告觀世音菩薩: 觀世音菩薩:「未來 「未來、 未來、現在諸世界中, 現在諸世界中,有天人 受天福盡, 受天福盡,有五衰相現, 有五衰相現,或有墮於惡道之者。 或有墮於惡道之者。如是天人, 是天人, 若男若女, 形像,或聞地藏菩 或聞地藏菩 若男若女,當現相時, 當現相時,或見地藏菩薩 或見地藏菩薩形像 地藏菩薩形像, 薩名,一瞻一禮。 一瞻一禮。是諸天人, 是諸天人,轉增天福, 轉增天福,受大快樂, 受大快樂,永 不墮三惡道報。 不墮三惡道報。 【英譯】 :Buddha told Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(/ Bodhisattva of the 英譯】 Contemplator of the World's Sounds), "Within the worlds of the present and the future, there are heavenly beings receiving those their heavenly blessings being ended. They may be manifesting the Five Signs of Decay. Or some of them may be fallen into Evil Paths. So those heavenly beings, if they are men, or if they are women, when those indications and signs are going to appear, or they see Earth Treasury Bodhisattva's image or hear the name of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, and gaze at him or bow once to him, thereby those heavenly beings will increase their heavenly blessings. They will experience great happiness and will never have to undergo retributions in the Three Evil Paths. 【註】:
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Five Signs of Decay:五衰相
【解】:世尊告訴觀世音菩薩說:「將來或現在,所有十方世界中,假 使有天人,享受天福報盡了,他(/ 她)們出現那:天衣染穢、華冠光 ˋ ㄔㄡ
ˋ ㄧㄝ
萎、兩腋 流汗、體生臭 氣、不樂本座等五種大衰的現象,或甚至於有 的,已墮入三惡道中的。如是這樣子的天人,不管是男是女,當現衰 相時,如果能看到地藏菩薩的形像,或是聽聞到地藏菩薩的名號,只 要是一個瞻仰、一個頂禮,則這些衰相現前的天人,立即能轉增天福, 受大快樂,而且永遠不會墮到三惡道中去。 【註】 :天人出現大五衰前,還有小五衰:身出惡聲、身光微昧、浴水 : ˋ ㄕㄨㄣ
著身、著境不捨、身虛眼瞬 。
何況見聞菩薩, 況見聞菩薩,以諸香、 以諸香、華、衣服、 衣服、飲食、 飲食、寶貝、 寶貝、 瓔珞, 瓔珞,布施供養, 布施供養,所獲功德福利, 所獲功德福利,無量無邊。」 無量無邊。」 【英譯】 英譯】:How much less will that be the case for those who have seen and heard the Bodhisattva!They use incenses, flowers, clothing, food, drink, jewels, and necklaces as gifts to offer him. The meritorious virtues, blessings, and benefits they gain will be limitless and unbounded.” 【解】:更何況有能見聞到地藏菩薩的形像,念其名號,以種種檀香、 塗香、鮮花、華麗的衣服、美味的飲食、珍寶、玉石、瓔珞、珍珠等 等布施三寶、供養地藏菩薩的。他(/ 她)們所獲得的功德福利,更是 無量無邊了。」 【註】 :布施三寶應隨份隨力,不必勉強,若如能學普賢十大願王,用 : 禪定觀想供養也很殊勝。現在一般佛寺及弟子,供養佛菩薩必備的供 品有燈(燭) 、清水三杯、燒名香、兩旁花瓶插鮮花、敬四果(四季當 節令水果四盤,可方便一種、兩、三種、四種),只要心誠敬便夠。
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復次觀世音 「若未來 復次觀世音: 觀世音: 「若未來、 若未來、現在諸世界中, 現在諸世界中,六道眾生, 六道眾生, 臨命終時, 臨命終時,得聞地藏菩薩 得聞地藏菩薩名 地藏菩薩名,一聲歷耳根者。 一聲歷耳根者。是諸眾生, 是諸眾生, 永不歷三惡道苦。 永不歷三惡道苦。何況臨命終時, 何況臨命終時,父母眷屬, 父母眷屬,將是命終 人舍宅、 人舍宅、財物、 財物、寶貝、 寶貝、衣服, 衣服,塑畫地藏 塑畫地藏形像 地藏形像。 形像。 【英譯】 :Moreover, Avalokiteshvara(/The Contemplator of the World's 英譯】 Sounds), “If within the future and the present worlds, there are living beings in the Six Paths, when they are on the verge of death, they can hear the name of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, even the sound of it passing through their ears only once, such living beings will never have to experience the sufferings of the Three Evil Paths again. How much less will that be the case on the verge of their death, their parents and relatives, use the houses, wealth, property, jewels, and clothing which belong to such people to commission someone the carving or painting of images of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva! 【註】: commission:委託;委辦
【解】:又觀世音:「假使將來或現在,十方諸世界中的六道眾生,在 他(/ 她)臨命終時,能夠親耳聽聞到地藏菩薩的聖號,只要人還清醒, 一聲經歷他(/ 她)的耳根,聽得清清楚楚的。那麼這個臨終的人,將 永遠不會經歷三惡道的苦報。更何況是臨命終時的人,其父母家眷大 小,將該人所擁有的:房舍、財物、寶貝、衣服等,值錢的東西變賣 所得,在他(/ 她)當神識去不遠(三七或七七日內)時,三次告白以 其名義,拿去布施,塑畫、雕塑、銅鐵鑄造地藏王菩薩的形像! 【註】 :在此所指的六道眾生,是專指我們所住的世界,南閻浮提人道 : 說的。
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或使病人未終之時, 或使病人未終之時,眼耳見聞, 眼耳見聞,知道眷屬將舍宅、 知道眷屬將舍宅、 寶貝等, 寶貝等,為其自身塑畫地藏菩薩 為其自身塑畫地藏菩薩形像 地藏菩薩形像。 形像。是人若是業報合 受重病者, 受重病者,承斯功德, 承斯功德,尋即除癒, 尋即除癒,壽命增益。 壽命增益。 【英譯】 英譯】:Or cause those sick people when they are still not dead, their eyes can see and their ears can hear.They can still understand that their relatives try to help them by using their houses, jewels, and so on, in behalf of themselves for the carving or painting of images of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. If those people's karmic retributions were such that they should have to undergo severe sickness, then with such merits and virtues they can quickly be cured and their lifespans will be prolonged. 【解】 :或者趁病人還沒斷氣死亡前,眼睛還看得到,耳朵還能聽得到 的時候,知道家中眷屬為了他(/ 她)的病,將其所擁有的房屋、寶貝 等物,為他(/ 她)自身做功德而變賣,把所得的拿來塑畫、雕鑄地藏 ˊ ㄊㄥ
王菩薩的聖像。假定這個人的業障報應,該受這重病所折騰 的,就仰 承家中眷屬,為他(/ 她)所做的功德,病情馬上痊癒,而且還會增加 壽命。 【註】 :此是大供養,能捨才能得,但看個人福報因緣而定,及其家屬 : 是否能放得下、願意肯去做嗎?一般人死了或還沒死,世人爭著分財 產都來不及,至多拿出一些錢布施就算很不容易了,那肯將全部捐出 來呢?除非生前留有遺囑。但在此,該指捐部分財產而言,非全部吧。
是人若是業報命盡, 是人若是業報命盡,應有一切罪障業障, 應有一切罪障業障,合墮惡趣 者。承斯功德, 承斯功德,命終之後, 命終之後,即生人天, 即生人天,受勝妙樂, 受勝妙樂,一切 罪障, 罪障,皆悉消滅。」 皆悉消滅。」 【英譯】 英譯】:If those people's retributions send them to the evil destinies at death due to their karma and obstacles, then by means of such merits and
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virtues they can instantly be born among people or heavenly beings, after their lives come to an end, and there they can enjoy extremely wonderful bliss. All of their obstacles due to offenses will all be dissolved.’’ 【解】:如果這個人的宿業之報,本該命絕,而他(/ 她)原本所造的 重罪障、業障,是該要墮落到三惡道中去的;又仰承其孝順的眷屬為 他(/ 她)所做的塑畫、雕鑄地藏菩薩聖像的功德,命終之後,立刻上 生到天道中去,享受殊勝妙樂,一切罪障全部都消滅不見。除五無間 罪外。」 【註】:佛在其他經中還介紹其他消災延壽的方法,就是真誠念藥師 : 經、持藥師咒、念觀世音菩薩聖號、持大悲咒等等諸多法門,行者可 隨緣取之。
復次觀世音菩薩 復次觀世音菩薩: 觀世音菩薩:「若未來世 「若未來世, 若未來世,有男子女人, 有男子女人,或乳 哺時、 哺時、或三歲、 或三歲、五歲、 五歲、十歲以下, 十歲以下,亡失父母, 亡失父母,乃及亡失 兄弟姐妹, 兄弟姐妹,是人, 是人,年既長大, 年既長大,思憶父母, 思憶父母,及諸眷屬, 及諸眷屬,不 知落在何趣、 落在何趣、生何世界、 生何世界、生何天中? 生何天中? 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(/ Bodhisattva of the Contemplator of the World's Sounds), “If in the future time there will be men or women,or they may have lost their fathers, mothers, even brothers, or sisters, while they are still an infant or as a child of three, or five, or under ten years of age. It is this man that they become adults. They may think of those parents and other relatives, not knowing where they live, and not knowing where they are born in what paths,or which heavens they have been born? 【解】:又觀世音菩薩:「假使將來世間有男子、女人,剛誕生下來還 在哺乳時,或是三、五歲時,或十歲以下,那麼年紀輕輕就死了父母,
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乃及兄弟姐妹,這個人等到年紀長大懂事了,他(/ 她)想起父母,及 親兄弟姐妹等眷屬,卻不知他(/ 她)們死後墮到那一道去,或往生到 那個世界,生到那個天中去?
是人若能塑畫地藏菩薩 是人若能塑畫 地藏菩薩形像 地藏菩薩 形像, 形像 ,乃至聞名, 乃至聞名 , 一瞻一 禮,一日至七日, 一日至七日,莫退初心, 莫退初心,聞名見形, 聞名見形,瞻禮供養。 瞻禮供養。是 人眷屬, 人眷屬,假因業故, 假因業故,墮餓趣者, 墮餓趣者,計當劫數, 計當劫數,承斯男女, 承斯男女, 兄弟姐妹, 兄弟姐妹,塑畫地藏 塑畫地藏形像 地藏形像, 形像,瞻禮功德, 瞻禮功德,尋即解脫, 尋即解脫,生人 天中, 天中,受勝妙樂。 受勝妙樂。 【英譯】 :Suppose such people are able to sculpt or paint images of Earth 英譯】 Treasury Bodhisattva, or even to gaze upon and worship him once for one day to seven days without retreating their original hearts. They can hear his name and see his image and gaze in worship and make offerings. It is such people's relatives due to their causes and karma that they had fallen into hungry ghosts paths and were destined to remain there for many eons, by the help of those men and women, brothers and sisters who have carved or painted images of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva and then gazed upon and worshipped him.They will quickly gain release, and they will be reborn among people or heavenly beings, and there they can experience supremely wonderful bliss. 【解】:這個人假使找人或自己能塑造、或彩畫、雕鑄地藏菩薩聖像, 或乃至聽到地藏菩薩的聖號,一面瞻仰、一面頂禮,從一日到七日都 能不退失最初的發心,這樣聽聞又念誦地藏菩薩的聖號,又見地藏菩 薩的形像,瞻仰、頂禮、膜拜,並諸供養。則這個人的眷屬,假使是 因為惡業所感的緣故,墮落到三惡道中去受苦報,要經好幾大劫的話, 仰承他(/ 她)的男女兄弟姐妹,替他(/ 她)塑造、或彩畫、雕鑄地
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藏菩薩聖像,及瞻仰、頂禮、膜拜,供養的功德利益,隨即解脫了惡 道的苦報,而且還能上生人天道中,享受天福,或人間殊勝美妙的快 樂。
是人眷屬, 是人眷屬,如有福力, 如有福力,已生人天, 已生人天,受勝妙樂者, 受勝妙樂者,即 承斯功德, 承斯功德,轉增聖因, 轉增聖因,受無量樂。 受無量樂。是人更能三七日中, 是人更能三七日中, 一心瞻禮地藏 一心瞻禮地藏形像 地藏形像, 形像,念其名字, 念其名字,滿於萬遍。 滿於萬遍。當得菩薩現 無邊身, 無邊身,具告是人, 具告是人,眷屬生界。 眷屬生界。或於夢中, 或於夢中,菩薩現大神 力,親領是人, 親領是人,於諸世界, 於諸世界,見諸眷屬。 見諸眷屬。 【英譯】 英譯】:It is those men's relatives that have already been born among humans or heavenly beings, if they have theirs own blessings of the strength.They were already experiencing supremely wonderful bliss, which depend upon receiving that additional merits and virtues, and that causes lead them to increase the cause of being Sagehood. They will experience limitless bliss there. It is such people that they are able to behold and worship images of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva single-mindedly during three weeks, reciting his name to a full ten thousand times, that will get the body of Bodhisattva manifest a boundless body and describe those people the realms into which their relatives have been born. Or when they sleep in their dreams,Bodhisattva may manifest great spiritual power and personally lead them to those worlds to see their relatives. 【解】 :這個已死亡的父母眷屬,如果其本人具有宿福,已生在人道或 天道中的,在享受人天的殊勝妙樂,就仰承這份功德,輾轉增加,得 超凡入聖之因,受解脫生死無量之快樂。如果這個人更能在三、七, 二十一日中,專注一心瞻視、頂禮地藏菩薩聖像,又能專注一心念地 藏菩薩的聖號,每天念超過一萬遍以上的。則這個人當會得到菩薩,
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現廣大無邊的身相給他看,並且還告訴他(/ 她),所思念的眷屬,所 投生的地方。或是在夢中,夢見地藏菩薩,示現威神之力,親領那個 人,去見他所思念的眷屬,不管是生在那一個世界。
更能每日念菩薩名千遍, 更能每日念菩薩名千遍 , 至於千日。 至於千日。 是人當得菩 薩,遣所在土地鬼神, 遣所在土地鬼神,終身衛護, 終身衛護,現世衣食豐溢, 現世衣食豐溢,無諸 疾苦。 疾苦。乃至橫事, 乃至橫事,不入其門, 不入其門,何況及身。 何況及身。是人畢竟得菩 薩摩頂授記。」 薩摩頂授記。」 【英譯】 英譯】:They can further recite the body of Bodhisattva's name one thousand times every day as to for one thousand days.It is the men that they can get the body of Bodhisattva to send the ghosts and earth spirits in the vicinity of such people to guard and protect them for their entire lives. In the present world where they live,their clothing and food will be abundant,and they will not have to suffer from sickness or other causes. Even no accidents will occur in their households, much less affect them personally. It is the men that they finally get the body of Bodhisattva to rub the crowns of their heads and bestow predictions upon them.’’ 【註】: vicinity:鄰近 abundant:豐富
【解】 :假使還更能夠每天念菩薩聖號一千遍,念滿到一千日。則這個 人,當會得到地藏菩薩派遣當地的土地神、及護法鬼神,終身保衛擁 護他(/ 她),讓他(/ 她)這生豐衣足食,無憂無慮,不愁吃穿,而 且身體健康,沒有疾病侵擾。乃至任何意外的災難橫事,都不會進入 到該家門口,何況上身呢!而且這個人,最後還會得到地藏菩薩摩頂 授記,將來成就佛果之印記。」
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復次觀世音菩薩 復次觀世音菩薩: 觀世音菩薩:「若未來世有善男子 「若未來世有善男子、 若未來世有善男子、善女人, 善女人, 欲發廣大慈心, 欲發廣大慈心,救度一切眾生者, 救度一切眾生者,欲修無上菩提者, 欲修無上菩提者,欲 出離三界者。 出離三界者。是諸人等, 是諸人等,見地藏形像 地藏形像, 形像,及聞名者, 及聞名者,至心 歸依, 歸依,或以香華、 或以香華、衣服、 衣服、寶貝、 寶貝、飲食, 飲食,供養瞻禮。 供養瞻禮。是善 男女等, 女等,所願速成, 所願速成,永無障礙。」 永無障礙。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(/ Bodhisattva of the Contemplator of the World's Sounds), “If there are good men or good women in the future, they may want to show great compassion in rescuing and taking across living beings. They may want to cultivate unsurpassed Bodhi, and may want to leave the Triple Realms. It is those persons that they may see the Earth Treasury Bodhisattva's image, and hear his name, and in their respect hearts take his refuge. Or they may use incense, flowers, clothing, jewels, food and drink to make offerings, while beholding and worshipping him. It is such good men and good women that their wishes will quickly be realized and completed, and they will never have any further obstructions.” 【解】:又觀世音菩薩:「假使將來世間,具有善根的男子、女人,想 發廣大的慈悲心,要救度一切眾生;想學修至高無上的菩提佛果的, 想出離三界生死之流轉的。這些人等,只要能看到地藏菩薩的聖像, 又聽聞地藏菩薩的聖號,一心至誠歸依地藏菩薩,並用香花、衣服、 寶貝、飲食,供養瞻仰頂禮。於是乎,該善男子、善女人等,所發的 心願,就能很快的達成,永遠沒有障礙。」 【註】 :想成就佛道,要從內心真誠懺悔,改邪歸正,廣行六度,濟貧 : 扶弱,救苦救難,造佛菩薩形像、誦經持戒,念佛修定慧,歸依、供 養三寶,不著功德相,迴向法界,最終才能完成佛道。
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復次觀世音 復次觀世音: 觀世音:「若未來世 「若未來世, 若未來世,有善男子、 有善男子、善女人, 善女人,欲 求現在、 求現在、未來百千萬億等願, 未來百千萬億等願,百千萬億等事。 百千萬億等事。但當歸依 瞻禮、 瞻禮、供養讚歎, 供養讚歎,地藏菩薩形像 地藏菩薩形像。 形像。如是所願所求, 如是所願所求,悉皆 成就。 成就。復願地藏菩薩 復願地藏菩薩具大慈悲 地藏菩薩具大慈悲, 具大慈悲,永擁護我。 永擁護我。是人於睡夢 中,即得菩薩摩頂授記。」 即得菩薩摩頂授記。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Avalokiteshvara(/ Contemplator of the World's Sounds), “If in the future time there are good men and good women,they may want to fulfill hundreds of thousands of millions of vows and to succeed in many undertakings in both the present and the future.They need only to take his refuge and gaze upon, worship, make offerings to him, and praise images of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. In such a way, their vows and goals can all be realized and completed. Moreover, they may hope that Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, being endowed with great compassion, will always protect me. It is the man that he is in his dream during the night. Instantly he will get the body of Bodhisattva rubs the crown of his head and bestow predictions upon him.’’ 【註】: undertaking:事業 endow:賦與 bestow:授與
【解】:又觀世音菩薩: 「假使將來世間,具有善根的男子、女人們, : 他(/ 她)想要祈求現在世、或未來世,百千萬億種等願,或百千萬億 種等事業。只要歸依地藏菩薩,瞻仰、頂禮,種種供養、讚歎地藏菩 薩的聖像。那麼這個人所求的願望菩薩全都會給予滿願。又更發願請 求地藏菩薩具發大慈大悲,永遠保衛護念我。則這個人,一旦發了是 心願、請求,在睡夢中,就可以得到菩薩摩頂授記加持。」 【註】 :這是地藏菩薩功德威神自在,願力無邊,慈愍眾生,也是行者 : 信心堅固,至誠所感。但若誠心不足,恐難達所願。但有所求的願與
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事,皆要合乎正當性的,且是個人福份內所努力該得的,否則無限制 為所欲求,違背因果;豈不是達不到所願,反而被譏笑為迷信了嗎!
復次觀世音菩薩 復次觀世音菩薩: 觀世音菩薩:「若未來世 「若未來世, 若未來世,善男子、 善男子、善女人, 善女人, 於大乘經典, 於大乘經典,深生珍重, 深生珍重,發不思議心, 發不思議心,欲讀欲誦。 欲讀欲誦。縱遇 明師, 明師,教視令熟, 教視令熟,旋得旋忘, 旋得旋忘,動經年月, 動經年月,不能讀誦。 不能讀誦。是 善男子等, 善男子等,有宿業障, 有宿業障,未得消除, 未得消除,故於大乘經典 故於大乘經典, 乘經典,無讀 誦性。 誦性。 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(/ Bodhisattva of the Contemplator of the World's Sounds), “If in the future time there are good men and good women, they may have high regard for the Great Vehicle Sutras and make the inconceivable resolve to read them and to recite them for memory. Even they may encounter a bright master(/ advisor / mentor), who instructs them so that they may become familiar with the texts. But as they learn them, they forget them immediately. They may have tried it for months and years, yet they are still unable to read or recite them for memory. It is because those good men and good women that they have karmic obstructions from past lives so that they have not yet been resolved, so they are unable to read and memorize the Sutras of the Great Vehicle.” 【解】:又觀世音菩薩: 「假使將來世間,具有善根的男子、女人們, : 他(/ 她)對於大乘經典,產生極深重珍貴的心,並且發出不可思議的 心,想要閱讀背誦經典。雖碰到英明的老師,教導他(/ 她)閱讀背誦 熟稔,然而因根機暗鈍,一下子記得,又一下子就忘失,就是經過一 個月或一年的時間,都無法讀誦。這個具有善根的男子、女人之前世, 有造惡業障礙,還沒懺悔消除乾淨,所以對大乘經典沒有讀誦的能力。
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「如是之人, 如是之人,聞地藏菩薩名 地藏菩薩名、見地藏菩薩像 地藏菩薩像,具以 本心恭敬陳白, 本心恭敬陳白,更以香華、 更以香華、衣服、 衣服、飲食、 飲食、一切玩具, 一切玩具,供 養菩薩。 養菩薩。以淨水一盞 以淨水一盞 ,經一日一夜, 經一日一夜,安菩薩前, 安菩薩前,然後 合掌請服, 合掌請服,回首向南。 回首向南。臨入口時, 臨入口時,至心鄭重, 至心鄭重,服水既畢, 服水既畢, 慎五辛酒肉, 慎五辛酒肉,邪婬妄語, 邪婬妄語,及諸殺害, 及諸殺害,一七日或三七日。 一七日或三七日。」 【 英譯】 英譯 】: "So such people have heard the name of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, or have seen the image of Earth Treasure Bodhisattva, they should be with their deep respect and honest heart, state their situation to the body of Bodhisattva. In addition, they should use incense, flowers, clothing, food and drink, and other material objects which they enjoy to make offerings to the body of Bodhisattva. They should place a bowl of pure water in the front of the body of Bodhisattva for one day and one night. Afterwards, they place their palms together and drink it with their faces toward south. On the very verge to enter their mouths, they should state their request and afterwards drink the water completely. They should prudently abstain from the five pungent plants and the wine, meat, improper sexual activity, false speech, and all killing and harming creatures for one week to three weeks.’’ 【註】: abstain:禁絕;戒除 pungent:刺鼻的;辛辣的
sexual activity:性行為
【解】:「有像這樣子的人,聽聞到地藏菩薩的聖號、看到地藏菩薩的 形像,就把你(/ 妳)本想弘法利生的心願,及度化眾生的心願,以恭 敬心,向菩薩陳述、稟報、講明白說清楚,更以香花、衣服、飲食、 及一切古玩之具,供養菩薩。並安置一杯淨水,供奉在菩薩聖像前, 經過一天一夜,然後畢恭畢敬,雙手合掌,面向南方光明之處。請起 淨水,當要喝這杯水的時候,要以至誠殷重的心喝,喝完以後,還要
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持五戒,不能吃五種葷菜的食物,也不能喝酒吃肉,更不能邪婬、說 妄語,及任何殺生害命的事,這樣子,至少要經過七天,或二十一天 的時間(隨各人的業障而有其不同) 。」 ˋ ㄒㄧㄝ
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、薤 (小蒜)、興渠(中國不產)。禁 【註】:五辛:指大蒜、蔥、韭 : 食五辛之戒,雖為修行者所應嚴格持守,然若因重病,而非食五辛不 ㄏㄨㄣ
,熟食者發婬,生 得痊癒者,佛陀亦特別開許。食此五辛(五葷 腥菜) ˇ ㄨㄣ
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啖 者增恚,十方天仙嫌其臭穢,咸皆遠離;然諸餓鬼等則舔 其唇 吻 , 常與鬼住,而福德日銷。大力魔王現作佛身,為其說法,毀犯禁戒, 讚婬、怒、癡,令人終為魔眷屬,永墮無間地獄,故求菩提者,當斷 世間之五辛葷菜。
「是善男子善女人, 是善男子善女人,於睡夢中, 於睡夢中,具見地藏菩薩 具見地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,現 無邊身, 無邊身,於是人處, 於是人處,授灌頂水。 授灌頂水。其人夢覺, 其人夢覺,即獲聰明, 即獲聰明, 應是經典, 應是經典,一歷耳根, 一歷耳根,即當永記, 即當永記,更不忘失一句一偈。」 更不忘失一句一偈。」 【英譯】 :"It is the good men and good women that in their dreams during 英譯】 the night they may completely see Earth Treasury Bodhisattva manifesting a boundless body in their places, and anointing the crowns of their heads with water. When they awaken they may be endowed with keen intelligence instantly. Upon hearing this Sutra but one time, they will eternally remember it and never forget or lose a single sentence or verse.” 【註】: anoint:於額前抹油使神聖
【解】:「則這個善男子善女人,當在睡夢之中,夢見地藏菩薩,現出 廣大無邊的身相,拿著甘露法水,在你的住處,給你(/ 妳)灌頂。這 個人一覺醒來,就能獲得聰明利根,開智慧,過去所有的業障消除, 任何經典只要從耳朵聽過一遍,就永遠多生多世記得,更不會忘掉經
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復次觀世音菩薩 復次觀世音菩薩: 觀世音菩薩:「若未來世 「若未來世, 若未來世,有諸人等, 有諸人等,衣食不 足,求者乖願、 求者乖願、或多疾病、 或多疾病、或多凶衰、 或多凶衰、家宅不安、 家宅不安、眷屬 分散、 分散、或諸橫事, 或諸橫事,多來忤 多來忤 身,睡夢之間, 睡夢之間,多有驚怖。 多有驚怖。 如是人等, 如是人等,聞地藏名 地藏名、見地藏形 地藏形,至心恭敬, 至心恭敬,念滿萬遍 念滿萬遍。 是諸不如意事, 是諸不如意事,漸漸消滅, 漸漸消滅,即得安樂、 即得安樂、衣食豐溢, 衣食豐溢,乃至 於睡夢中, 於睡夢中,悉皆安樂。 悉皆安樂。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(/ Bodhisattva of the Contemplator of the World's Sounds), “If in the future time there may be people, whose food and clothing are insufficient, and they find their efforts thwarted, or endure much sickness or misfortune, their families are not peaceful, their relatives are scattered, or there are accidents prone, or are often startled in their sleep by dreams. Upon hearing the Earth Treasury's name and seeing the Earth Treasury’s image, such people should recite his name a full ten thousand times with extreme sincerity and respect. Those inauspicious circumstances will gradually disappear, and they will gain peace and happiness soon. Their food and clothing will be abundant and even in their dreams they will be peaceful and happy.’’ 【註】: thwart:阻撓;挫折
【解】 :又觀世音菩薩: 「假使將來世間,有些前世沒積足福報的人等, : 今生衣食不足、貧困潦倒,有心願雖努力,還是求不到所想要的基本 物質東西,而都與願相違,或是身體生諸疾病,或又常碰到倒楣的凶 事、衰事,家中大小,常鬧事不平安,甚至於親人骨肉眷屬,各分東
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西失散,或有種種意外的災難、橫禍降臨,及諸多苦惱纏身,或晚上 睡覺,常做惡夢,夢到驚恐的事。如是有這種情形的人,只要能聽聞 地藏名,見地藏形相,誠心恭敬念菩薩名,可滿一萬遍。是諸不如意 等事,就會慢慢地消滅,而且立刻得到安樂,生活上所需的衣食,也 豐盛起來,甚至於連睡夢中,也能得到安樂。」
復次觀世音菩薩 復次觀世音菩薩: 觀世音菩薩:「若未來世 「若未來世, 若未來世,有善男子善女人, 有善男子善女人, 或因治生、 或因治生、或因公私、 或因公私、或因生死、 或因生死、或因急事, 或因急事,入山林中、 入山林中、 過渡河海、 過渡河海、乃及大水、 乃及大水、或經險道。 或經險道。是人先當念, 是人先當念,地藏菩 薩名萬遍, 名萬遍,所過土地, 所過土地,鬼神衛護, 鬼神衛護,行住坐臥, 行住坐臥,永保安樂。 永保安樂。 乃至逢於虎、 乃至逢於虎、狼、師子, 師子,一切毒害, 一切毒害,不能損之。 不能損之。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Moreover, Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(/ Bodhisattva of the Contemplator of the World's Sounds), “In the future times, if there are good men or good women, or because they have to enter mountain forests, cross over rivers, seas, or other large waters, or take dangerous routes either for the sake of earning their own livelihood, or for public or private affairs, or matters of life and death, or other urgent business,those people should first recite the name of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva for a full ten thousand times. The ghosts and spirits of the lands they pass by or through will then guard and protect them in their walking, standing, sitting, and lying down. The peace and happiness of those people will constantly be preserved, so that even if they encounter tigers, wolves, lions, or any other harmful or poisonous creatures, they will not be harmed." 【解】:又觀世音菩薩: 「假使將來世間,具有善根的男子、女人們, : 他(/ 她)或是因為要治理生活上的事、或因公家的事、或個人的私事、 或因為家中有人要生產小孩、或趕辦喪事、或因有緊急要快辦的事,
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而必須經過山區樹林、渡過河海、或需要涉過一片大水、或要途經過 危險的路段。這個人應當事先念地藏菩薩名號一萬遍,則不管是上山、 下海或險道,所經過的土地鬼神,都會守衛護持,不論是行住坐臥, 都永遠保證平安快樂。甚至於就算碰到老虎、野狼、獅子等惡獸,及 一切有毒害的昆蟲,也不會來損害到你。」 【註】 :是人在途中也該繼續念菩薩聖號,一心保持善念行好事,不可 : 存心已念過菩薩萬遍,而放蕩無拘束;否則護法鬼神還是會遠離的。
佛告觀世音菩薩 佛告觀世音菩薩: 觀世音菩薩:「是 「是地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,於閻浮提有大因 閻浮提有大因 緣,若說於諸眾生, 若說於諸眾生,見聞利益等事, 見聞利益等事,百千劫中, 百千劫中,說不能 盡。是故觀世音 汝以神力,流布是經, 流布是經,令娑婆世界眾 娑婆世界眾 是故觀世音, 觀世音,汝以神力, 生,百千萬劫, 百千萬劫,永受安樂。」 永受安樂。」 【英譯】 :Buddha told Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva(/ Bodhisattva of the 英譯】 Contemplator of the World's Sounds), "It is Earth Treasury Bodhisattva that he has great affinities with living beings in Jambudvipa. If we are to say the living beings who have seen and heard this Bodhisattva,and can receive many benefits from him, for hundreds of thousands of eons not enough to describe them. Therefore, Contemplator of the World's Sounds, you should use your spiritual powers to propagate this Sutra, thus enabling living beings in the Saha World to receive peace and happiness forever, throughout hundreds of thousands of eons." 【註】: derive:引出;導出 propagate:傳送;傳導;流布
【解】 :世尊告訴觀世音菩薩說: 「這尊地藏菩薩對於南閻浮提有很深、 : 很大的殊勝因緣,假使是要說眾生見聞地藏菩薩,而獲得的利益等事, 就是耗費百千劫長的時間來敘說,也說不完。所以說呀!觀世音!你
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應該用你的大威神通之力,來流通這部經,使這娑婆世界的眾生,百 千萬劫都能讀誦這部經,依經奉行,而能獲得百千萬劫的安穩快樂。」 【註】 :這裡又出現第四次,提到地藏菩薩與閻浮提眾生,有大因緣的 : 事。第一次是世尊,在如來讚歎品中說。第二次是在地神護法品,地 神所說,是幫助世尊弘法,要我們相信。第三次是在十二品,世尊讚 歎觀世音菩薩與我們有大因緣,這前後呼應,要我們記得,這是世尊 在末法時代,替我們找到一位救護主,這可是佛即將涅槃前,給眾生 大慈大悲的恩賜救星,大家可要珍惜。
爾時, 爾時,世尊而說偈言 世尊而說偈言: 而說偈言:「吾觀 「吾觀地藏 吾觀地藏威神力 地藏威神力, 威神力,恆河沙 恆河沙 劫說難盡, 劫說難盡,見聞瞻禮一念間, 見聞瞻禮一念間,利益人天無量事。 利益人天無量事。若男若 女若龍神, 女若龍神,報盡應當墮惡道, 報盡應當墮惡道,至心歸依大士身, 至心歸依大士身,壽命轉 增除罪障。 增除罪障。 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time the World Honored One spoke verses, by saying these,“I observe that Earth Treasury's awesome spiritual strength could not be fully described even in Ganges sands' eons. By means of seeing, hearing, beholding and bowing to him even one moment’s thought, he can benefit people and gods in endless numbers of ways. If men and women, dragons or gods, when they are near the end of their rewards and on the verge of falling into Evil Paths, by sincerely taking refuge with this Great Body Being, their lifespans will have lengthened; their offenses will be all dissolved.” 【解】 :這個時候釋迦牟尼佛,為讓大眾便於記憶,而用重頌七言偈句 : 說: 「我觀察地藏菩薩的威德神通道力,就是用印度恒河中之沙數劫也 說不完,只要有人看到、聽聞、瞻仰、頂禮,一念間對地藏菩薩起恭 敬心,就能利益人天無量數的功德。不管是男還是女、或是龍眾鬼神
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眾等,此生果報完了,應當墮落到三惡道受苦的,只要能以至心誠懇 歸依地藏菩薩的,不但其壽命反而增加,而且還能消除罪障。」
「少失父母恩愛者, 少失父母恩愛者,未知魂神在何趣, 未知魂神在何趣,兄弟姐妹及 諸親, 諸親,生長以來皆不識。 生長以來皆不識。或塑或畫大士身, 或塑或畫大士身,悲戀瞻禮不 暫捨, 暫捨,三七日中念其名, 三七日中念其名,菩薩當現無邊體, 菩薩當現無邊體,示其眷屬所 生界, 生界,縱墮惡趣尋出離。 縱墮惡趣尋出離。若能不退是初心, 若能不退是初心,即獲摩頂受 聖記。 聖記。」 【英譯】 英譯】:“Sometimes there are youngsters who has lost their kind and loving parents, they do not know where their souls and spirits have undergone. They do not know their brothers, sisters, and other kins, since they grow up. Such people maybe should sculpt or paint this body of Bodhisattva's image, and then beseech, behold and bow to him intently, and they can hold his name in their minds for a full three weeks. The body of Bodhisattva, then he may display a boundless body for this person. He may also reveal the realms where their relatives were born, and even if they have fallen into the bad destinies, they will quickly be set free from that. If they can sustain their initial resolve, he may rub their heads and predict their Sagehood.’’ 【解】 :假使有人年紀小小的,就喪失父母慈恩愛護,不知道他(/ 她) 們的神識現在在那一道,所有的兄弟姐妹,以及其他親屬家人,長大 以後都互不相識的。只要能雕塑或彩畫地藏菩薩的聖像,並且以至誠 心,悲切、戀慕的瞻仰、頂禮,兩眼目光不暫時捨離,三、七,二十 一日中,專心一意念地藏菩薩的聖號,則菩薩感應道交,現出廣大無 邊的身相,告訴你所關懷父母眷屬所生的下落,縱使是墮在惡道中的 他(/ 她)們,也能尋求找到出離的方法。假使能如此,不退當初所發
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的心,繼續用功下去的話,就能獲得菩薩給你摩頂授記,將來成就佛 果。
「欲修無上菩提者, 欲修無上菩提者,乃至出離三界苦。 乃至出離三界苦。是人既發大 悲心, 悲心,先當瞻禮大士像, 先當瞻禮大士像,一切諸願速成就, 一切諸願速成就,永無業障能 遮止。 遮止。有人發心念經典, 有人發心念經典,欲度群迷超彼岸, 欲度群迷超彼岸,雖立是願不 思議, 思議,旋讀旋忘多廢失, 旋讀旋忘多廢失,斯人有業障故, 斯人有業障故,於大乘經不能 記。」 【英譯】 英譯】:“Those people who determine to cultivate unsurpassed Bodhi, even they want to escape the suffering here in the Triple Realms. It is they that have already discovered their great compassionate hearts. They should first behold and bow to this Great Body Being’s image. Then every vow they make will soon be fulfilled, and no karmic obstructions will ever hinder or stop them. Some people may resolve to read the sutra texts hoping to help those confused living beings to reach the other shore. Although the vows they make are quite remarkable and unimaginable, whenever they try, they cannot remember what they read. It is because they have many karmic obstructions and delusions, those people cannot memorize the Mahayana sutras.” 【註】: obstructions and delusions:障礙和困惑
【解】 :如果有人想修學無上菩提道的,或想要出離三界苦楚的。這個 : 人既然能發這樣的大悲心,當要首先瞻仰頂禮大士的聖像,能這樣子 的話,則他(/ 她)所發的一切種種願望,很快就能滿願,而且永遠沒 有業障能阻礙。或是有人發起心,要念誦大乘經典,想要弘法利生, 廣度迷失的群倫,到達無生死的彼岸,雖然是立下了這不可思議的弘
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願,無奈力不從心,隨讀隨忘,都記不得;這個人有業障、無明困惑 著他的緣故,所以對大乘經典總是記不得。
「供養地藏 供養地藏以香華 地藏以香華, 以香華,衣服飲食諸玩具, 衣服飲食諸玩具,以淨水安大 士前, 士前,一日一夜求服之, 一日一夜求服之,發殷重心慎五辛, 發殷重心慎五辛,酒肉邪婬及 妄語, 妄語,三七日內勿殺害, 三七日內勿殺害,至心思念大士名, 至心思念大士名,即於夢中見 無邊, 無邊,覺來便得利根耳, 覺來便得利根耳,應是經教歷耳聞, 應是經教歷耳聞,千萬生中永 不忘。 不忘。以是大士不思議, 以是大士不思議,能使斯人獲此慧。 能使斯人獲此慧。」 【英譯】 英譯】:“So they must offer scents and flowers to Earth Treasury. They can give him clothing, food, and other things they like. They may place a cup of pure water on the altar in the front of the Great Body Being. And leave it there for a day and a night before begging to drink it. With this diligent intention they should abstain from five pungent plants, and alcohol, meat, improper sex and false speech. For three weeks they should not kill or harm any creature,while being mindful of the name of that Great Body Being. Then immediately in a dream their vision may become boundless. Awakening, they may discover that they now have keen hearing. From then on, once they hear the teachings of the sutras, they will never forget them throughout thousands of lives. How inconceivable is this Bodhisattva in helping people like that gain such wisdom!” 【解】:「這個人當用香花、衣服、飲食、種種珠寶古玩,供養地藏菩 薩,並以淨水一杯,安放在菩薩像前,經過一日一夜,至心誠懇請求 菩薩加持,然後喝下,且發鄭重的心,持五戒念佛,還不能吃五種葷 菜的食物、不能喝酒、不殺生害命吃眾生肉、不偷竊、不能邪婬、不 打妄語,三、七二十一天中,專心一志念菩薩聖號,就能感應道交, 在夜間做夢,夢見到菩薩現無邊身,一覺醒來,便能通利根性,不論
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什麼經典教義,一經耳聞之後,縱使是千生、萬生永不忘失。這乃全 仗大士不可思議的威神道力,所加持的關係,才能使得這個人,能獲 得如此殊勝的智慧。」
「貧窮眾生及疾病, 貧窮眾生及疾病,家宅凶衰眷屬離。 家宅凶衰眷屬離。睡夢之中悉 不安, 不安,求者乖違無稱遂。 求者乖違無稱遂。至心瞻禮地藏 至心瞻禮地藏像 地藏像,一切惡事皆 消滅。 消滅。至於夢中盡得安 至於夢中盡得安, 得安,衣食豐饒神鬼護。 衣食豐饒神鬼護。」 【英譯】 英譯】:“Living beings may be impoverished or plagued with disease, their homes may be troubled; their relatives scattered. They may find no peace even in sleep or dreams. Their efforts may be thwarted so that nothing goes their way. But if they earnestly behold and bow to Earth Treasury's image, all of those evil situations will simply disappear. And even in their dreams they will be totally peaceful. They will be ample(/ abundant)in food and clothes; spirits and ghosts will protect them.” 【註】: ample:充足的;豐富的
【解】:「還有如果有人家境貧窮,又受疾病纏擾困苦的;或是家中凶 事衰運不斷,眷屬乖離失散的。晚上睡覺作惡夢,精神不得安寧的; 凡有所祈求,老是與事願違,得不到的。如果是這樣子的話,只要誠 心瞻仰頂禮地藏菩薩聖像,則一切凶惡衰事都會消滅除盡。甚至於睡 覺之中,再也不受惡夢干擾,永遠平安;而且還能豐衣足食,連鬼神 也來護持。」
「欲入山林及渡海, 欲入山林及渡海,毒惡禽獸及惡人, 毒惡禽獸及惡人,惡神惡鬼并 惡風, 惡風,一切諸難諸苦惱。 一切諸難諸苦惱。但當瞻禮及供養, 但當瞻禮及供養,地藏菩薩大 地藏菩薩大 士像, 士像,如是山林大海中, 如是山林大海中,應是諸惡皆消滅。 應是諸惡皆消滅。」 - 228 -
【英譯】 英譯】:“Those People may need to enter mountain forests, cross great seas, or go among venomous(/ poisonous)evil birds and beasts, and evil people, evil spirits, evil ghosts, and even evil winds. All of them may put themselves in other distressing situations. But they need only to gaze in worship and make offerings to an image of the Great Body Being, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva. In response, all the evils in those mountain forests and on those vast seas will simply disappear.’’ 【註】: venomous:有毒的 response:回應;感應
【解】:「又假使有人想要進入深山樹林,或要渡過汪洋大海,山中有 吃人的野獸,虎狼獅子,及毒蟲或碰到強盜土匪等壞人,渡海又會碰 到有凶惡的鬼神興風作浪,種種災難,危險苦惱不堪的事。但只要出 家門前,先瞻養、頂禮、供養地藏菩薩形像,還要念菩薩的聖號一萬 遍,如果能這樣子,是山林及大海中,所有的危險災難,該都會全部 消滅。」
「觀音至心聽吾說 至心聽吾說,地藏無盡不思議 地藏無盡不思議, 無盡不思議,百千萬劫說 觀音至心聽吾說, 不周, 不周,廣宣大士如是力。 廣宣大士如是力。地藏名字人若聞 地藏名字人若聞, 名字人若聞,乃至見像瞻 禮者, 禮者,香華衣服飲食奉, 香華衣服飲食奉,供養百千受妙樂。 供養百千受妙樂。若能以此迴 法界, 法界,畢竟成佛超生死。 畢竟成佛超生死。是故觀音 是故觀音汝當知 觀音汝當知, 汝當知,普告恆 普告恆沙諸 國土。」 國土。」 【英譯】 英譯】:“Avalokiteshvara(/ Contemplator of Sounds), listen well to what I have said. Earth Treasure is an unending wonder!It is for hundreds of thousands of eons too brief to describe fully the powers of this Great Body Being. If people can only but hear the name of "Earth Treasury" and when seeing his image revere him and bow in worship, and offer incense,
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flowers, clothing, food, and drink.Those offerings will bring them hundreds of thousands of joys. If they can dedicate such merits and virtues to the Dharma Realm, they will become a body of Buddha, transcending birth and death after all. So Contemplator of Sounds, you should know this well, and you should tell widely everyone everywhere in lands like Ganges sands." 【解】:「觀音菩薩你可要志誠懇切的聽我說,有關地藏菩薩那不可思 議的事,有無窮盡的多,就是我用百千萬劫的時間,也說不周備完善, 如果要廣泛的宣說,地藏菩薩威德神通之力,就是耗盡百千萬劫,也 ˋ ㄉㄞ
還是說不完。如果有人能聽聞到地藏菩薩的名號,心無旁貸 專注一心 的念;或是看到聖像,就瞻仰頂禮,乃用香花、衣服、飲食、供養菩 薩,則百千劫中,享受種種安樂。假使又能將此修行所得的功德利益, 不管多少,迴向法界眾生,而不著相;則這個人,將來畢竟能成就佛 道,超越生死。所以說呀!觀世音菩薩你要用大威德神通之力,當如 是知道,普告所有如恒河沙的國土眾生們,好讓他(/ 她)們大家知道, 地藏菩薩有這麼多不可思議的功德利益。」 【註】 :這部經多是講因果報應,多講事相,少談教理。只有到最後這 : 句「迴向法界」,才真正入堂奧的經典,是屬於密宗藉事顯理的經典, 把所有事相全迴向法界,就與金剛經的空相不著相,一空一切空的法 性空理,法性、無相、無著的道理互通互融。
囑累人天品第十三 CHAPTER XIII The Entrustment of People and Gods 【釋品題】 : 「囑」是佛所咐囑交待, 「累」是煩爾宣傳。世尊每於法會 釋品題】 說法將欲終時,都會將此次法會所演妙理,殷勤囑咐給與會大眾,令
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世世流傳,利益群生。此品是法筵 將終,世尊以人天大眾囑累地藏菩 薩,俾使未來眾生得蒙解脫,待彌勒菩薩下生於將來。前次於分身集 會品中,世尊已經咐囑過了,這次又再咐囑,無非是悲心深切,眷戀 不捨受苦眾生,不忍拋棄可憐無智眾生,而獨入涅槃,所以才這樣一 再交待,要地藏菩薩一肩承擔普利人天。
爾時, 爾時,世尊舉金色臂 世尊舉金色臂, 舉金色臂,又摩地藏菩薩摩訶薩 又摩地藏菩薩摩訶薩頂 地藏菩薩摩訶薩頂,而 作是言: 作是言:「地藏 「地藏! 地藏!地藏! 地藏!汝之神力不可思議、 汝之神力不可思議、汝之慈悲 不可思議 不可思議、汝之智慧不可思議、 汝之智慧不可思議、汝之辯才不可思議, 汝之辯才不可思議,正 使十方諸佛, 使十方諸佛,讚歎宣說汝之不思議事, 讚歎宣說汝之不思議事,千萬劫中, 千萬劫中,不能 得盡。 得盡。 【 英譯 】: At that time,the World Honored One raised one of his gold-colored arm, and again rubbed the crown of the head of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva,and said that so, "Earth Treasury!Earth Treasury!Your spiritual powers, compassion, wisdom, and eloquence are all unimaginable and inconceivable. Even just all bodies of Buddha of Ten Directions are to proclaim their praises of your unimaginable and inconceivable deeds, they could not finish them in thousands eons of times.” 【解】 :這個時候,世尊舉起他金黃色的手臂,又再次摩地藏王菩薩的 : 頭頂,而這樣說: 「地藏呀!地藏呀!你的神通道力可真是不可思議, 你對六道眾生的大慈大悲心,也不可思議,你的聰明才智,也不可思 議,你辯才無礙,也不可思議,就是十方諸佛,通通來讚歎宣揚你的 種種不可思議的事,就是耗費千萬劫長的時間,也宣揚不完呀!你真 是位大慈、大悲、大智、大神通、大辯才,偉大的菩薩呀!
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地藏! 地藏!地藏! 地藏!記吾今日在忉利天 記吾今日在忉利天中 忉利天中,於百千萬億不 可說, 可說,不可說, 不可說,一切諸佛菩薩, 一切諸佛菩薩,天龍八部, 天龍八部,大會之中, 大會之中, 再以人天諸眾生等, 再以人天諸眾生等,未出三界, 出三界,在火宅中者, 在火宅中者,付囑於汝。 付囑於汝。 無令是諸眾生, 無令是諸眾生,墮惡趣中, 墮惡趣中,一日一夜, 一日一夜,何況更落五無間, 何況更落五無間, 及阿鼻地獄 阿鼻地獄, 地獄,動經千萬億劫, 動經千萬億劫,無有出期。」 無有出期。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Earth Treasury!Earth Treasury!Remember this entrustment that I am again making here to you in the Trayastrimsha Heaven in this great assembly of hundreds of thousands of millions of indescribably many bodies of Buddha, Bodhisattva, gods, dragons, and the rest of the Eightfold Division. I again entrust to you the humans and heavenly beings, and the other beings and so on, who are still in the burning houses and have not yet left the Triple Realms. Do not allow those living beings to fall into the evil destinies even for a single day and a night, much less fall into the Fivefold Relentless Hell or the Avichi Hell, where they would have to pass through thousands of millions of eons with no chance of escape.” 【解】:世尊連叫兩聲: 「地藏呀!地藏呀!你可要記得我今天在這忉 : 利天宮中,於百千萬億不可說,就是要說也說不盡的一切諸佛菩薩, 天龍八部鬼神等眾,齊集的大會中,再次的將這人天的諸眾生等,還 未出離三界在火宅中的人天眾,全都咐囑交待給你。千萬不要使這些 眾生,再墮落到三惡道中去一日一夜受苦,更不用說墮落在五無間地 獄,或阿鼻地獄受那千萬億劫的大苦,想要出離都遙遙無期。」 【註】 :世尊連叫兩聲地藏,表示世尊非常悲切憂慮,因為這個未來世 : 眾生,剛強任性,難調難伏,令世尊悲切又憂慮。三界無安,猶如火 ˇ ㄇㄧㄢ
宅,眾生在五欲中耽 湎 ,猶如火燒,不肯接受度化,不知不覺,了無 出心,所以世尊才特別悲切憂慮這些眾生。
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ˊ ㄩ
「地藏! 地藏!是南閻浮提眾生 南閻浮提眾生, 眾生,志性無定, 志性無定,習惡者多。 習惡者多。 縱發善心, 縱發善心,須臾 即退。 即退。若遇惡緣, 若遇惡緣,念念增長。 念念增長。以是之 故,吾分是形, 吾分是形,百千億化度, 百千億化度,隨其根性而度脫之。 隨其根性而度脫之。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"Earth Treasury!It is those living beings of the southern Jambudvipa that they have irresolute wills and natures. Most of them habitually do many evil deeds. Even if they resolve to do good deeds, they soon renounce that resolution and withdrawal. If they encounter evil conditions, they tend to become increasingly involved in them every moment. For those reasons I reduplicate(/ repeat / divide)hundreds of thousands of millions of my bodies to transform them, take them across, and liberate them, all in accord with their own fundamental natures.’’ 【註】: renounce:拋棄 resolve:決心 reduplicate:反覆
【解】 :世尊又再次叮嚀提醒地藏菩薩說: 「這南閻浮提的眾生,他(/ 她) 們的志向心性,一向就是飄忽不定,而且多數人,都習慣於做壞事情。 縱使能發菩提心,想要修行期望將來成就佛道的人,也很短暫,一下 子就消失退道心。假使碰到不好的因緣,則心念念增長不息,越來越 邪惡,做盡壞事。所以說呀!我釋迦牟尼佛,才分出了百千億身的化 身,隨著眾生種種根性,個別差異,而善巧方便,以種種方法,度脫 他(/ 她)們。
「地藏! 地藏!吾今慇懃, 吾今慇懃,以天人眾, 以天人眾,付囑於汝。 付囑於汝。未來之 世,若有天人, 若有天人,及善男子、 及善男子、善女人, 善女人,於佛法中, 於佛法中,種少善 根,一毛一塵, 一毛一塵,一沙一渧, 一沙一渧,汝以道力, 汝以道力,擁護是人, 擁護是人,漸修 無上, 無上,勿令退失。 勿令退失。」 【英譯】 英譯】:"Earth Treasury!I now earnestly entrust those multitudes of - 233 -
heavenly beings and humans to you. In the future times if there are heavenly beings and good men or good women, who have planted(/ cultivated)a few good roots in the Buddha dharma, maybe those good roots are as few as a strand of hair, a mote of dust, a grain of sand, or a drop of water, then you should use your powers in the way to protect them so that they gradually cultivate the Unsurpassed Way and do not make them retreat from it.’’ 【解】:世尊又再次叮嚀地藏菩薩說: 「我今天以殷勤懇切的心,把天 : 上人間的眾生,完全的託付交待給你。未來世間,假使有天人或人間 的善男子、善女人,在佛法當中,能種下一丁點兒小的善根因緣,甚 至於小到如一根毫毛、一粒塵土、一顆沙、一滴水,你也務必要用你 的大威神通道力,來擁護這個人,教導他(/ 她)漸漸地修學無上菩提 之道,千萬不要讓他(/ 她),退失道心,再去造惡輪迴呀!」
「復次地藏 復次地藏, 地藏,未來世中, 未來世中,若天若人, 若天若人,隨業報應, 隨業報應,落 在惡趣。 在惡趣。臨墮趣中, 臨墮趣中,或至門首, 或至門首,是諸眾生, 是諸眾生,若能念得一 若能念得一 佛名, 佛名,一菩薩名, 一菩薩名,一句一偈大乘經典。 一句一偈大乘經典。是諸眾生, 是諸眾生,汝以 神力, 神力,方便救拔, 方便救拔,於是人所, 於是人所,現無邊身, 現無邊身,為碎地獄, 為碎地獄,遣 令生天, 令生天,受勝妙樂。」 受勝妙樂。」 【英譯】 英譯】:“Moreover, Earth Treasury!In the future times, if there are heavenly beings and if there are human beings, according to the responses of their karmic retributions, they may be fall into the evil destinies. They may be on the brink of falling or maybe already go to the front of the gates of those paths. It is those living beings if they can recite the name of any body of the Buddha or Bodhisattva,or a single sentence or verse of a Great Vehicle Sutra, that you should use your spiritual powers to rescue them
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with your expedient means. You should display a boundless body in the places where they are, smash the hells, and lead them to be reborn in the heavens and to experience supremely wonderful bliss." 【註】: smash:粉碎
【解】:「又地藏菩薩!假使未來世界中,有天道的天人,或人道中的 人,隨他(/ 她)們各個人所造的善惡業,若是惡業,要墮入三惡道的 地獄,在臨接當要墮入之緊急當中,或者有已經走到地獄門口的,是 這個人忽然善根發現,能念得一尊佛的名號,或念一尊菩薩的名號, 或是大乘經典中之任何一句、一偈頌。那麼地藏菩薩,你就要對這個 有善根的人,以你的神通大法力,方便救度超拔這個人;就在這個人 所當在的地方,出現無量無邊的大身,來破碎地獄,把這個有善根的 人,送到天上去享受天福,及種種的殊勝妙樂。」 【註】 :看了這段經文,切勿心存有這麼便宜僥倖的事,那臨死時,就 : 單靠念一聲佛菩薩名號,就可蒙菩薩救度;於是大膽放心胡作非為, 那可就錯了。試看世人,一旦病苦不堪,什麼都忘得一乾二淨,哀聲 連連,他那還會記得念佛菩薩的名號,或許是善根深厚者可碰到;或 有人想等你的眷屬,死後替你做功德,那更不可靠,就是請些人來做 佛事誦經,他們大都是趕經懺糊口的人,為了討生活,也是有口無心, 恐怕敷衍了事,談不上什麼功德利益,故勸世人趁各人還健在時,自 己趕快修行,靠自己積福德因緣才是辦法。否則無常大鬼來便太晚了。
爾時, 爾時,世尊而說偈言 世尊而說偈言: 而說偈言:「現在未來天人眾 「現在未來天人眾, 現在未來天人眾,吾今慇 懃付囑汝, 懃付囑汝,以大神通方便度, 以大神通方便度,勿令墮在諸惡趣。」 勿令墮在諸惡趣。」 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, the World Honored One spoke in verse, by saying that, “I am entrusting to your care the multitudes of heavenly beings both
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now and in the future. Use your great spiritual powers and expedients to save them. Do not allow any of them to fall into the evil destinies.” 【解】:這個時候,世尊對著地藏菩薩說一個七言偈頌: 「現在未來天 : 上人間的眾生呀!我今天都慇懃的付託交待給你了,你要用你的大威 神通道力,方便救度他(/ 她)們,千萬不要讓這些眾生墮到三惡趣中 去。」
爾時, 「世尊 爾時,地藏菩薩摩訶薩, 地藏菩薩摩訶薩,胡跪合掌白佛言: 胡跪合掌白佛言: 「世尊, 世尊, 唯願世尊 唯願世尊不以為慮 世尊不以為慮。 不以為慮。未來世中, 未來世中,若有善男子、 若有善男子、善女人, 善女人, 於佛法中, 於佛法中,一念恭敬, 一念恭敬,我亦百千方便, 我亦百千方便,度脫是人, 度脫是人,於生 死中, 死中,速得解脫。 速得解脫。何況聞諸善事, 何況聞諸善事,念念修行, 念念修行,自然於無 上道永不退轉。 上道永不退轉。」 【英譯】 英譯】:At that time, Earth Treasury Bodhisattva Mahasattva, knelt down on one of his knees, placed his two palms together, and said to Buddha, "The World Honored One!I beg the World Honored One not to be concerned(/ worry about it). In the future times if there are good men and good women who have a single thought of respect toward(/ in)the Buddha dharma, I shall also use hundreds of thousands of my expedients to take them across and set them free quickly in both their births and deaths. How much less will that case for those who have heard about all these good deeds, and inspire to cultivate at every moment!It is natural that they will become irreversible from the Unsurpassed Way." 【解】 :這個時候地藏菩薩摩訶薩,胡跪雙手合掌,在世尊面前,畢恭 : 畢敬地向佛稟報說: 「世尊呀!希望您不要為這些眾生憂慮了,假使未 來世中,具有善根的男子女人,只要能在佛法之中,生起一念的恭敬 心,我就不會捨棄這個人,並用我那百千方便善巧的方法,來度脫他
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(/ 她),在生死中叫他(/ 她)了生脫死,速得解脫。更何況有人能 聽到種種善事,就能認真地腳踏實用功,念念不忘修行的呢!這個人 修行到爐火純青,自然於無上佛道,已經不再退轉,一定終就成佛的。」
說是語時, 「世 說是語時,會中有一菩薩, 會中有一菩薩,名虛空藏, 虛空藏,白佛言: 白佛言: 尊!我自至忉利 我自至忉利, 忉利,聞於如來 聞於如來讚歎 如來讚歎地藏菩薩 讚歎地藏菩薩, 地藏菩薩,威神之力, 威神之力, 不可思議。 不可思議。未來世中, 未來世中,若有善男子、 若有善男子、善女人, 善女人,乃及一切 天龍, 天龍,聞此經典, 聞此經典,及地藏名字 地藏名字, 名字,或瞻禮形像, 或瞻禮形像,得幾種福 利?唯願世尊 唯願世尊, 世尊,為未來、 為未來、現在一切眾等, 現在一切眾等,略而說之。 略而說之。」 【英譯】 英譯】:When he spoke those words, in the assembly there was a body of Bodhisattva whose name is called Empty Space Treasury,speaking to Buddha, "The World Honored One!Since I came to the Trayastrimsha Heaven I have heard the Thus Come One praise the Earth Treasury Bodhisattva's awesome spiritual strength, saying that it is inconceivable. In the future times, if there are good men and good women, even all heavenly beings, dragons, who have heard this Sutra and the name of Earth Treasury Bodhisattva, or they behold and bow to his image, how many kinds of blessings and benefits will they obtain(/ get)?I wish The World Honored One briefly says a few of words about them, for the sake of the future and the present living beings and so on." 【解】:說這話的時候,在大法會中,有一尊菩薩,名叫做虛空藏的, : 對佛稟報說: 「世尊呀!自從我來到忉利天到現在,就一直聽到世尊, 您不停地在讚歎地藏菩薩,他的威德神通、不可思議之力。假使具有 善根的男子女人,或天龍八部鬼神眾等,能聽聞到這部地藏經,及地 藏菩薩的聖號,或是瞻仰、頂禮聖像,可以獲得幾種福利?希望世尊 您,能為未來世,及現在所有廣大的眾生,大概地簡單說一下。」
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【註】 :虛空藏菩薩:指空慧之庫藏,猶如虛空;又包藏一切功德如虛 : 空。這是最後出來請法的菩薩。整部經都在講因果,都是事相,種什 麼因得什麼果。這虛空藏菩薩表示:真空的理性常行功德,而成就方 便,而力迴向故。將所修的一切大小功德,迴向法界理性,總歸佛道。
佛告虛空藏 佛告虛空藏菩薩 虛空藏菩薩: 菩薩:「諦聽 「諦聽! 諦聽!諦聽! 諦聽!吾當為汝分別說 之。若未來世, 形像,及聞 若未來世,有善男子、 有善男子、善女人, 善女人,見地藏形像 地藏形像, 此經, 此經,乃至讀誦, 乃至讀誦,香華飲食, 香華飲食,衣服珍寶, 衣服珍寶,布施供養, 布施供養,讚 歎瞻禮, 歎瞻禮,得二十八種利益: 得二十八種利益: 【英譯】 英譯】:Buddha told Empty Space Treasury Bodhisattva, "You just listen attentively, and listen carefully, I shall enumerate(/ illustrate)them and describe them for you. If in the future times there are good men or good women, seeing images of Earth Treasure and hearing this Sutra even reading or reciting, using incenses, flowers, food and drink, clothing, and gems to give as gifts and make offerings, they praise, behold and bow to him. Such living beings can obtain twenty-eight ways of benefits. Such as following : 【註】: enumerate:列舉
【解】:世尊告訴虛空藏菩薩說: 「你要仔細地聽!注意聽!我當然會 : 為你分別解釋說明的。假使將來的世間,具有善根的男子、女人,他 (/ 她)能看到地藏菩薩的聖像,又能聽聞到這部地藏本願經,甚至於 能閱讀、背誦,並能用香花、衣服、飲食、珍寶等布施三寶,或供養 地藏菩薩,或讚歎、瞻仰、頂禮膜拜菩薩的話,就能夠獲得二十八種 利益好處。 【註】 :這二十八種利益,前面已經講過了,這裡世尊再次提及,要做 :
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一者、 一者、天龍護念, 天龍護念,二者、 二者、善果日增, 善果日增,三者、 三者、集聖上 因,四者、 四者、菩提不退, 菩提不退,五者、 五者、衣食豐足, 衣食豐足,六者、 六者、疾疫不 臨,七者、 七者、離水火災 離水火災,八者、 八者、無盜賊厄, 無盜賊厄,九者、 九者、人見欽 敬,十者、 十者、神鬼助持, 神鬼助持,十一者、 十一者、女轉男身, 女轉男身,十二者、 十二者、為 王臣女, 王臣女,十三者、 十三者、端正相好, 端正相好,十四者、 十四者、多生天上。 多生天上。 【英譯】 :First, they will be protected by gods and dragons. Second, their 英譯】 good results will increase daily. Third, they will amass supreme causes pertaining to Sagehood. Fourth, they will not retreat from Bodhi. Fifth, their clothing and food will be abundant. Sixth, they will never be infected by epidemics. Seventh, they will never be in disasters of fire and water. Eighth, they will never be threatened by thieves. Ninth, they will be respected by those who have ever seen them. Tenth, they will be aided by ghosts and spirits. Eleventh, women who want to be able to be reborn as men. Twelfth, women who want to be able to become daughters of leaders of nations and officials. Thirteenth, they will have an upright and proper appearance. Fourteenth, most of them will often be reborn in the heavens. 【註】: amass:聚集
disaster:災難 threaten:威脅
【解】 :一是、天龍八部鬼神都來護念。二是、善果能日日增長加。三 : 是、能聚集成就聖道上之因。四是、對無上菩提永遠不會退轉。五是、 衣食不缺,豐衣足食。六是、一般疾病、重大瘟疫不會感染。七是、 永遠離開水火之災難。八是、不會遭遇到盜匪搶劫之厄。九是、人見 都會欽佩尊敬。十是、鬼神都會來幫助護持。十一是,由女身轉變成
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男身。十二是、如不想當男,願受女身,則投生為王女、官臣之女。 十三是、無論是男是女,都長得面貌端莊。十四是、以後常投生天界 享福。
十五者、 十五者、或為帝王, 或為帝王,十六者、 十六者、宿智命通, 宿智命通,十七者、 十七者、 有求皆從, 有求皆從,十八者、 十八者、眷屬歡樂, 眷屬歡樂,十九者、 十九者、諸橫消滅, 諸橫消滅,二 十者、 十者、業道永除, 業道永除,二十一者、 二十一者、去處盡通, 去處盡通,二十二者、 二十二者、夜 夢安樂, 夢安樂,二十三者、 二十三者、先亡離苦, 先亡離苦,二十四者、 二十四者、宿福受生, 宿福受生, 二十五者、 二十五者、諸聖讚歎, 諸聖讚歎,二十六者 二十六者、聰明利根, 聰明利根,二十七者、 二十七者、 饒慈愍心, 饒慈愍心,二十八者、 二十八者、畢竟成佛。」 畢竟成佛。」 【英譯】 英譯】:Fifteenth, they maybe become emperors or leaders of nations. Sixteenth, they will have the wisdom to know their past lives. Seventeenth, they will attain whatever they seek. Eighteenth, their families and relatives will be happy. Nineteenth, they will never undergo any disasters. Twentieth, they will leave the bad karmic paths forever. Twenty-first, they will always arrive at(/ reach)their destination without any obstruction. Twenty-second, their dreams will be peaceful and happy. Twenty-third, their deceased relatives will leave suffering behind. Twenty-fourth, they will enjoy blessings earned in previous lives. Twenty-fifth, they will be praised by sages and saints. Twenty-sixth, they will be intelligent and have keen faculties. Twenty-seventh, they will be magnanimous(/ generous)and sympathetic. Twenty-eighth, they will ultimately realize and complete Buddhahood. 【註】: magnanimous:寬宏大量的 sympathetic:富有同情心的
【解】 :十五是、天福享盡,下生人間,還能當帝王。十六是、能通達 :
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前世前生因果的事(/ 宿命通)。十七是、凡有所希求,都稱心滿意。 十八是、家中大小眷屬和睦融融。十九是、種種災禍、橫禍都消滅。 二十是、墮落地獄惡道,永遠免除。二十一是、凡所要去的地方,都 沒障礙而能通暢。二十二是、晚上睡覺安祥快樂,沒有惡夢。二十三 是、歷代祖先都能離苦得樂。二十四是、多生多世都帶福報而生。二 十五是、一切諸佛菩薩聖賢都會稱揚讚歎。二十六是、能得六根聰明 敏利。二十七是、能具有慈悲心、同理心,可憐眾生,誓願救度他們。 二十八是、因發菩提心,終就究竟成就無上正等正覺的菩提佛果。
復次虛空藏菩薩 復次虛空藏菩薩: 虛空藏菩薩:「若現在未來 「若現在未來, 若現在未來,天龍鬼神, 天龍鬼神,聞地 藏名,禮地藏形 地藏形,或聞地藏本願事行 或聞地藏本願事行, 地藏本願事行,讚歎瞻禮, 讚歎瞻禮,得七 種利益: 種利益:一者、 一者、速超聖地。 速超聖地。二者、 二者、惡業消滅。 惡業消滅。三者諸佛 護臨。 護臨。四者、 四者、菩提不退。 菩提不退。五者、 五者、增長本力。 增長本力。六者宿命皆 通。七者畢竟成佛 七者畢竟成佛。 畢竟成佛。」 【英譯】 :Moreover, Empty Space Treasury Bodhisattva, “If in the present 英譯】 and the future times, there are heavenly beings, dragons, ghosts or spirits, they have heard the Earth Store's name, bowed to the Earth Treasure's image, or heard of the Earth Treasure's Past Original Vows and the Events of his practices, then they praise him, behold, and bow to him, they will get seven ways of benefits. Such as those : First, they will quickly transcend to levels of Sagehood. Second, their evil karma will be dissolved. Third, all bodies of Buddha will protect and be near them. Fourth, they will not retreat from Bodhi. Fifth, their inherent powers will increase. Sixth, they will know their past lives. Seventh, they will ultimately realize and complete Buddhahood." 【註】:
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inherent:本有的 ultimately realize Buddhahood:畢竟成佛
【解】:又虛空藏菩薩: 「假使現在或將來,有天龍八部鬼神等眾,聽 : 聞地藏菩薩的聖號,至誠頂禮地藏菩薩的聖像,或是能聽聞到地藏本 願事行的內容,依之而修行,讚歎、瞻仰、頂禮膜拜,就能獲得七種 利益:一是、能從凡夫天龍鬼神之位,迅速超越到聖賢的果位。二是、 所有的惡業全都消滅。三是、十方諸佛都會降臨保護。四是、能令菩 提道心念念增長,不退轉。五是、增長本來具有的佛性力量。六是、 能得宿命通。七是、能依教奉行,終就畢竟成佛。」 【註】 :前面二十八種利益,是專對人道眾生而設。這裡則為天龍鬼神 : 眾而說。整部經到此,個別流通分講完。底下是總流通分:
爾時, 爾時,十方一切諸來, 十方一切諸來,不可說、 不可說、不可說諸佛如來, 不可說諸佛如來, 及大菩薩天龍八部, 及大菩薩天龍八部,聞釋迦牟尼佛, 釋迦牟尼佛,稱揚讚歎地藏菩 稱揚讚歎地藏菩 薩,大威神力, 大威神力,不可思議, 不可思議,歎未曾有。 歎未曾有。是時, 是時,忉利天, 忉利天, 雨無量香華, 雨無量香華,天衣、 天衣、珠瓔, 珠瓔,供養釋迦牟尼佛 供養釋迦牟尼佛, 釋迦牟尼佛,及地藏菩 薩已,一切眾會, 一切眾會,俱復瞻禮, 俱復瞻禮,合掌而退。 合掌而退。 【英譯】 :At that time, those who had come from the Ten Directions there 英譯】 are a number of bodies of Buddha, Thus Come One, and Great Bodhisattva, heavenly beings, dragons and the rest of the Eightfold Division, its number is indescribable and indescribable. They have heard Shakyamuni Buddha's praise to the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva's great awesome spiritual and unimaginable powers, praised this unprecedented event. It is the time that in the Trayastrimsha Heaven the sky rains down many incenses, flowers, heavenly garments, and pearl necklaces as offerings to Shakyamuni Buddha and Earth Treasure Bodhisattva. Everyone in the assembly joined together in beholding and making obeisance to them. Then they placed
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their palms together and withdrew. 【註】: unprecedented:無先例的;空前的
【解】 :這個時候,從十方世界來的,不可說也說不出的眾多諸佛大菩 : 薩們,還有天龍八部鬼神眾,聽了釋迦牟尼佛稱揚、讚歎地藏菩薩的 大威德神通道力,真是太不可思議,從未曾有過。這個時候忉利天的 ㄙㄚ
主人,撒 下無量的香花,如雨一般,還有無量的天衣、珠寶、瓔珞等, 來供養釋迦牟尼佛和地藏菩薩;大會結束,所有一切參與的大眾,都 再瞻仰頂禮世尊,並且雙手合掌退散離去。
ˋ ㄈㄥ
讚:地藏本誓, 地藏本誓,校量經因, 校量經因,癃殘瘖啞是前生, 癃殘瘖啞是前生,今世諷 今世諷 大 乘,福利無窮, 福利無窮,決定寶蓮生。 決定寶蓮生。 南無常住十方僧(三稱) 以上卷下終 三稱) 地藏菩薩本願經
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功德迴向 願消三障諸煩惱
願以此功德 願生西方淨土中
願以此功德 若有見聞者
普願災障悉消除 我等與眾生
上報四重恩 盡此一報身
下濟三塗苦 同生極樂國。
地藏王菩薩十大願懺 一、南無大願地藏王 二、南無大願地藏王 三、南無大願地藏王 四、南無大願地藏王 五、南無大願地藏王 六、南無大願地藏王 七、南無大願地藏王 八、南無大願地藏王 九、南無大願地藏王 十、南無大願地藏王
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願我永離三惡道 願我速斷貪嗔癡 願我常聞佛法僧 願我勤修戒定慧 願我恆隨諸佛學 願我不退菩提心 願我決定生安養 願我摩頂受聖記 願我分身偏塵剎 願我廣度諸眾生
跋: 這部「地藏菩薩本願經易解」是參照
上道 下源法師所講述的「地
藏菩薩本願經講記」之內容,摘其精華綱要,再加上本人學佛心得編 集而成。記得民國五十四年至五十八年(1965~1969)間,本人在基隆 女中及八堵暖暖(國中)高中服務時,曾多次到附近佛寺參訪,與家 人同遊四腳亭月眉山靈泉禪寺,禮佛舍利,基隆隧道過港山下就是海 會寺,常帶學生參拜。事隔四十多年,直到最近一百零二年(2013) 與兒子宗憲,到基隆安樂區海印寺禮佛,再三遊海會寺禮道源法師莊 嚴聖像,並遊靈泉禪寺,見佛舍利已多生四、五顆,且佛寺建築雄偉。 記得民國七十(1981)年代,正剛學佛,參加打佛七時,曾向佛寺借 一本
上道 下源法師所著的佛七開示講錄,本人拜讀過,無限歡喜,是
上道 下源法師所結的法緣。今在網路上看到有登載,法師的
這本地藏菩薩本願經講記,更是法喜充滿,於是決定先去海會寺禮拜 道源法師聖像,回來細心再三研讀這本書,覺得有必要把地藏菩薩的 精神發揚光大,就參照法師所講的內容,再加以整理一番,使更白話 些,俾現代生活忙碌的人,看起本書來,更能容易深刻瞭解佛法因果 不昧的定律。而能收心,諸惡莫作,眾善奉行。以期達到人人和樂相 處,相互體諒容忍,寬以待人,嚴以律己。學人才疏學淺,若有遺漏 未詳盡之處,還請諸位讀者、十方大德,不吝指教為盼!最後感謝三 寶護持、龍天保佑,及整理這本原著的法師,登載網路上,才讓本人 有此機會寫這本書。再者經文翻譯成英文版則有參考美國萬佛寺
化上人所創之佛經翻譯委員會法界佛教大學;是其中內容之用詞語法 有經本人所增修補充,尚請諸大德不吝指教。
在桃園大溪妙法寺於西元一九八九年十月二十六日皈依之法師,由法 界佛教總會授在家五戒證書(Dharma Realm Buddhist Association Five Lay Precepts Certificate),法名:果長。 江禪楷(江永長)謹識於 2013/09/04 英文對照校正版完成於 2016/01/16 - 245 -
本人佛學註解書籍 本人佛學註解書籍 <壹>、原經文英文翻譯 >、原經文英文翻譯、 原經文英文翻譯、中文註解對照版: 中文註解對照版: (一)、佛說父母恩重難報經。(二)、佛說八大人覺經。(三)、佛說四十二 章經。 (四) 、佛遺教經。 (五) 、般若波羅蜜多心經。 (六) 、金剛般若波羅蜜 經。 (七) 、佛說阿彌陀經。 (八) 、藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經。 (九) 、地藏 菩薩本願經。 (十) 、妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品。
<貳>、原經文中文註解版 >、原經文中文註解版: 原經文中文註解版: (一)、般若波羅蜜多心經易解。(二)、佛說八大人覺經講話。(三)、佛遺 教經解。 (四) 、佛說四十二章經解。 (五) 、百法明門論簡義。 (六) 、唯識三 字經講話。 (七) 、八識規矩頌易解。 (八) 、唯識三十頌易解。 (九) 、唯識二 十頌講話。 (十) 、三皈五戒十善、八關齋戒、短期出家沙彌十戒、在家菩薩 六重二十八輕戒。 (十一) 、六祖壇經易解。 (十二) 、金剛般若波羅蜜經要解。 (十三) 、藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經易解。 (十四) 、佛法精選概要。 (十五) 、 地藏菩薩本願經易解。 (十六) 、維摩詰所說經要解。 (十七) 、佛說彌勒三經 要解。 (十八) 、大乘廣五蘊論講記解。 (十九) 、中觀論選頌講記解。 (二十)、 學佛隨筆錦集(上、下)。(二十一) 、佛門早晚課誦要解。
本叢書將上網流通歡迎下載錄印,徵求善心人士發心助印廣以流通。 請電郵信箱:mayawaz@gmail.com ◎本書之內頁插圖浮水印,引用自網路圖片,若有侵權之虞煩請告知, 會儘速予以移除之使用。本人特此致謝!
普為出資助印及讀誦受持輾轉流通者迴向如是: 普為出資助印及讀誦受持輾轉流通者迴向如是: 願以此功德 消除宿現業 增長諸福慧 圓成勝善根 所有刀兵劫 疾疫饑饉等 悉皆盡滅除 人各習禮讓 讀誦受持人 輾轉流通者 現眷咸安樂 先亡獲超昇 風雨常調順 人民悉康寧 法界諸含識 同證無上道。 - 246 -
助印佛書有十大利益 助印佛書有十大利益(節錄印光大師文鈔): 一、 從前所作種種罪過,輕者立即消滅,重者亦得轉輕。 二、 常得吉神擁護,一切瘟疫、水火、寇盜、刀兵、牢獄之災, 悉皆不受。 三、 夙生怨對,咸蒙法益而得解脫,永免尋仇報復之苦。 四、 夜叉惡鬼,不能侵犯;毒蛇餓虎,不能為害。 五、 心得安慰,日無險事,夜無惡夢;顏色光澤,氣力充盛,所 作吉利。 六、 至心奉法,雖無希求,自然衣食豐足,家庭和睦,福壽綿長。 七、 所言所行,人天歡喜;任到何方,常為多眾傾誠愛戴,恭敬 禮拜。 八、 愚者轉智,病者轉健,困者轉亨;為婦女者,報謝之日,捷 轉男身。 九、 永離惡道,受生善道;相貌端正,天資超越,福祿殊勝。 十、 能為一切眾生,種植善根;以眾生心,作大福田,獲無量勝 果。所生之處,常得見佛聞法;直至三慧宏開,六通親證, 速得成佛。 助印經書,既有如此殊勝功德,故凡遇:祝壽、賀喜、免災、祈求、 懺悔、薦拔之時,皆宜歡喜施捨,努力行之。
願以此閱讀(助印) 助印)經典之功德 迴向往生者 迴向往生者○○○ 往生者○○○ 罪障消 除 永離三途 往生淨土。 往生淨土。 再迴向現世者 迴向現世者○○○ 現世者○○○ 病苦消除 消災免難 身心安康 共 證菩提。 證菩提。 (可酌情再加,如:家庭大小和樂平安,子女開智慧、學業進步,事 業有成,夫妻白頭偕老,父母健康長壽,學佛有成,在菩提道上,共 相增長,互相提攜勉勵,冤親債主悉皆蒙利,同霑法水等等。眾讀者 每當讀誦一階段或幾天或一部分或整部經皆應如是迴向。) - 247 -