佛 法 基 本 教 材 The basic materials for learning Buddhism
佛 說 父 母 恩 重 難 報 經 The Sutra On The Profound Kindness of Parents And The Difficulties In Repaying Them Said by Buddha
編 輯 者:江 大 正(江 永 長) Editor:CHIANG TA-CHENG (CHIANG YUNG-CHANG)
附記: ˊ ㄉㄨ
凡所有經典聖書,不管什麼宗教,皆神聖不可犯瀆 ,看好要擺放在 最恭敬處,不可隨意與他物雜置;自己看完要流通或自可保存再讀; ˋ ㄓㄨㄟ
如經書破損亦應妥為補綴 ,若有不堪使用應拿到佛寺金爐銷毀,不 可隨意當廢紙回收,除非量太多。信徒印製經書氾濫,未必有功德, 糟蹋浪費資源,反遭損福,不可不慎,是因經書都有龍天護法神在 護持;特此奉告,否則受懲可划不來。切記! -2-
佛說父母恩重難報經 The Sutra On The Profound Kindness Of Parents And The Difficulties In Repaying Them said by Buddha
譯者: 譯者:這部經是姚秦三藏法師鳩摩羅什奉皇帝詔譯。後秦(/有別於 秦始皇的贏秦,和前秦的符堅)姚興的弘始八年,鳩摩羅什在長安大 興善寺翻譯出,共有三卷。鳩摩羅什精通經、律、論三藏。法師名鳩 摩羅什譯為「童壽」,因他少年老成,童心而懷耆德。
如是我聞。 如是我聞。 【英譯】 I myself have heard from Buddha. He said so. 英譯】:Thus : 【解】:這部經是我阿難親耳從佛陀那裡聽聞到這樣講的。 :
一時, 一時,佛在舍衛國祇樹給孤獨園, 佛在舍衛國祇樹給孤獨園,與大比丘二千五 百人, 百人,菩薩摩訶薩三萬八千人俱。 菩薩摩訶薩三萬八千人俱。 【英譯】 :At the time(/ Then), Buddha lived(/ dwelt)at Shravasti 英譯】 in the Jeta Grove(/ Woods)Garden of the Benefactor of Orphans and the Forlorn(/ Lonely). There were a large number of bodies of great Bhikshu with him. Its total number was two thousand and five hundred, and there were also a large number of bodies of Great Bodhisattva. Its total number was thirty-eight thousand. 【註】: Sutra:修多羅;經
回報;償還 Shravasti:舍衛國 施者 薩
Anathapindada:須達多長者 benefactor:捐獻者;佈
in all:總共
【解】 :那時候,釋迦牟尼佛人住在舍衛國的祇樹給孤獨園,跟隨在場 : 聽法的人有常隨眾之弟子,出家眾共有二千五百人,大菩薩眾有三萬 八千人全都在一起聽法。
爾時, 爾時,世尊引領大眾 世尊引領大眾, 引領大眾,直往南行, 直往南行,忽見路邊聚骨一 堆。爾時, 向彼枯骨,五體投地, 五體投地,恭敬禮拜。 恭敬禮拜。 爾時,如來向彼枯骨 如來向彼枯骨, -3-
【英譯】 :On 英譯】 : a certain day, The World Honored One led the great assembly on a walk directly toward the south. Suddenly, they came upon a pile of bones beside the road. Then Tathagata(/ The Thus Come One)turned to face the bones, with his head and four limbs bowing down to the ground, and worshiped to them respectfully. 【註】: World Honored One:世尊 assembly:團體;眾人
worship:禮拜 respectfully:恭敬地;畢恭畢敬地
【解】 :就在要說法的那個時候,世尊帶領著一批大眾弟子,一直朝南 : 邊的方向走去,世尊忽然看到在大馬路的旁邊,暴露著一堆枯乾的屍 骨,聚集在一起,沒人掩埋。就在那時候,如來(世尊)停下腳步來 對著那堆枯乾的骨頭,用五體投地的方式行大禮,並且還畢恭畢敬的 頂禮膜拜著。
阿難合掌白言: 如來是三界大師, 是三界大師,四生慈 阿難合掌白言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!如來是三界大師 父,眾人歸敬; 眾人歸敬;以何因緣, 以何因緣,禮拜枯骨?」 禮拜枯骨?」 【英譯】 put his two palms together and asked, “The 英譯】:Ananda : World Honored One, Tathagata(/ The Thus Come One)is one of the greatest teachers among the Triple Realms and the compassionate father of the four kinds of births; you are respected and revered by all. What causes you to pay respect to a pile of dried bones?” 【註】: palm:手掌 Triple Realm:三界 compassionate:慈悲的;憐憫的
【解】:阿難尊者雙手合十向佛陀稟告說: 「世尊呀!您是世間欲界、 : 色界、無色界等三界中偉大的導師,也是胎生、卵生、濕生、化生四 類眾生的慈父,為大多眾人所歸依敬仰;世尊呀!今天您是為何因緣, 竟然頂禮膜拜那被人所拋棄在荒郊野外,沒被人收埋的一堆枯乾的屍 骨呢?」
佛告阿難: 佛告阿難:「汝等雖是吾上首弟子 「汝等雖是吾上首弟子, 汝等雖是吾上首弟子,出家日久, 出家日久,知 事未廣。 事未廣。此一堆枯骨, 此一堆枯骨,或是我前世祖先, 或是我前世祖先,多生父母, 多生父母,以 -4-
是因緣, 是因緣,我今禮拜! 我今禮拜!」 【英譯】 told Ananda, “Although all of you have left 英譯】:Buddha : homes to become Sangha for a long time and are my foremost disciples, your knowledge is still not extensive and wide. This pile of dried bones perhaps have been my parents or ancestors in many past lifetimes. That is the reason why I bow to them now!” 【註】: Sangha:僧伽
【解】:佛陀聽了阿難之話後,就告訴阿難尊者說: 「你們眾等雖然是 : 我上座首要的弟子,隨我出家修行的日子也算很久了,但你們所知道 了解的事情還沒那麼廣泛。我告訴你們:這一堆枯乾的屍骨,或者很 可能就是我前生多世的祖先骨骸,或者也可能是我多生累世父母的遺 骸。由於為了這個緣故,所以我今天才對著它頂禮膜拜呢!」
佛告阿難: 佛告阿難:「汝今將此一堆枯骨分作二分 「汝今將此一堆枯骨分作二分, 汝今將此一堆枯骨分作二分,若是男 骨,色白且重; 色白且重;若是女骨 若是女骨,色黑且輕。」 色黑且輕。」 【英譯】 told Ananda, “Now you divide this pile of 英譯】:Buddha : bones into two groups(/ piles). If they are the bones of men, they are heavy in weight and white in color. If they are the bones of women, they are light in weight and dark in color.” 「你現在就走向前去看,如果它是男 【解】:佛陀又告訴阿難尊者說: : 性的骨骸,它的色澤會比較白而且比較重;如果它是女性的骨骸,它 的色澤則會比較黑而且比較輕。」
阿難白言: 阿難白言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊!男人在世, 男人在世,衫帶鞋帽, 衫帶鞋帽,裝束嚴 好,一望知為男子之身。 一望知為男子之身。女人在世, 女人在世,多塗脂粉, 多塗脂粉,或薰蘭 麝,如是裝飾, 如是裝飾,即得知是女流之身。 即得知是女流之身。而今死後, 而今死後,白骨一 般,教弟子等, 教弟子等,如何認得?」 如何認得?」 【英譯】 said to Buddha, “The World Honored One, 英譯】:Ananda : when men are alive in the world, they dress themselves with robes, belts, shoes, hats, and other fine adornments, so that we can -5-
clearly see them as men. While women are alive, they always put on cosmetics and apply fragrances from plants or musk; with these adornments we can clearly see them as women. Yet, once when they are dead, all that remains are a pile of white bones. What makes them different? We cannot tell them from the others.” 【註】: adornments:身上裝飾品 musk:麝香
【解】:阿難尊者向佛陀稟告說: 「世尊呀!男人當活著在世的時候, : 他身上穿的衣衫、配的褲腰帶、穿的鞋子和戴的帽子等等,都裝飾得 很嚴整完好,只要放眼一看,就馬上知道那是一位男子漢的身份;女 人活著在世的時候,她臉上大多塗抹著胭脂粉沫,身上或是噴灑薰染 著蘭香麝香,像這樣的裝飾打扮,立即就能知道那是女流之輩的身份。 而現在他(她)死了以後,男女白骨外表看起來大都是呈現一般的樣 子,您教我們弟子等,怎樣能辨認得出是男的還是女的屍骨呢?」
佛告阿難: 佛告阿難:「若是男子 「若是男子, 若是男子,在世之時, 在世之時,入於伽藍, 入於伽藍,聽 講經律, 講經律,禮拜三寶, 禮拜三寶,念佛名號, 念佛名號,所以其骨, 所以其骨,色白且重。 色白且重。 【英譯】 told Ananda, “If they are men when they are 英譯】:Buddha : alive, they ever enter temples, listen to the teachings on the sutras and precepts, make their bows to the Three Jewels, and recite the Buddha’s name, therefore when they are dead, their bones will be heavy in weight and white in color. 【註】: precept:教誡;律儀 Three Jewels:三寶
【解】:佛陀聽了阿難一番所陳述的話後,就對阿難尊者告訴說: 「如 : 果是男子的話,當他在世的時候,大多曾會有機會進進出出伽藍佛寺, 聽聞講說佛經、戒律,並且禮拜佛、法、僧三寶,口也常念誦佛的名 號,所以他死後的骨骸,因積有此善根,所以他的骨頭顏色會比較白 而且比較重。
世間女人, 世間女人,短於智力, 短於智力,易溺於情, 易溺於情,生男育女, 生男育女,認為 -6-
天職。 天職。每生一孩, 每生一孩,賴乳養命, 賴乳養命,乳由血變。 乳由血變。每孩飲母, 每孩飲母,八 斛四斗, 斛四斗,甚多白乳, 甚多白乳,所以憔悴, 所以憔悴,骨現黑色, 骨現黑色,其量亦輕! 其量亦輕!」 【英譯】 of women in the world have lack of intelligence 英譯】:Most : and knowledge and they were easily drowned themselves by loves and emotion. They regard that they give birth to a boy and raise a girl as their natural duty. Whenever they give birth to a child, each child relies on its mother’s milk for life and nourishment, and that milk is a transformation of the mother’s blood. Each child almost drinks its mother’s milk in amount for eight hundred and forty liters. The mother turns her pale looks and have a worn look because of this much more white milk, and therefore her bones turn dark in color and light in weight just for lack of calcium content!” 【註】: drown: 沉 溺
emotion: 情 緒 ; 感 情 用 事
nourishment:營養 transformation:轉變
natural duty: 天 職
rely on: 依 賴
calcium content:鈣質
【解】 :然而世間上的女眾,她們大多數缺乏理智與腦力,容易沉溺於 : 感情用事,她們把生男育女的事情,認為是她們的天賦職責。她們往 往每生一個小孩,都需要依賴母親的乳汁來養活這嬰孩的生命,而該 乳汁是由血液變成的。每一個小孩都吸吮了母體中比八斛四斗還要多 的白乳,所以母親的身體因而變成憔悴消瘦,當她死後骨骸因而缺乏 鈣質,所以會呈現出黑色,當然它的重量也就比較輕了!」
阿難聞語, 阿難聞語,痛割於心, 痛割於心,垂淚悲泣, 垂淚悲泣,白言: 白言:「世尊 「世尊! 世尊! 母之恩德, 母之恩德,云何報答?」 云何報答?」 【英譯】 Ananda heard these words, he felt pain pierced 英譯】:When : his heart as if he had been stabbed, and he wept bitterly. He said, “The World Honored One!How can we ever repay our mother’s love and devotion?” 【註】: pierce:刺穿;戮入
stab:刺戮 repay:報答;償還
【解】 :阿難尊者聽完了佛陀所開示的一番大道理話之後,想一想母親 : 是何等的偉大,為了撫養一個孩子,她自己是犧牲多大;他心裡悲痛 -7-
不忍得有如刀割自己的心肝肺腑一般,雙眼流下眼淚悲傷哭泣的稟告 佛陀說: 「世尊呀!母親的大恩大德,我們應該怎樣才能報答得了呢?」
佛告阿難: 佛告阿難:「汝今諦聽 「汝今諦聽, 汝今諦聽,我當為汝, 我當為汝,分別解說。 分別解說。母 胎懷子, 胎懷子,凡經十月, 凡經十月,甚為辛苦! 甚為辛苦! 【英譯】 told Ananda, “Now you just listen carefully, 英譯】:Buddha : and I will explain it to all of you in detail. The mother has had her baby in her womb for ten enough months. What a great hardship it is! 【註】: in detail:詳細地 womb:子宮 hardship:艱難;辛苦
【解】:佛陀告訴阿難尊者說: 「你現在仔細聽著,我當會對你們分別 : 說明清楚。母親懷孕著嬰孩在子宮裏,大多數可要經過十個足月,那 是一件很辛苦的事呢!
在母胎時, 在母胎時,第一月中, 第一月中,如草上珠, 如草上珠,朝不保暮; 朝不保暮;晨聚 將來, 將來,午消散去! 午消散去! 【英譯】 :When the mother has had her baby, in the first month of 英譯】 : her pregnancy, the life of the baby is just like a dewdrop on the grass, for it may not have lasted from dawn to dusk, and at there in the morning, it may be evaporated by the mid-day! 【註】: pregnancy:懷孕 dewdrop:露珠
dawn to dusk:早到晚
【解】 :胎兒在母親子宮裡的時候,第一個月,就好像草上的露珠,清 : 早出現,不一定就能夠保存到晚上;早晨聚集而來,中午就可能會消 失散去。
母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第二月中, 第二月中,恰如凝酥。 恰如凝酥。母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第三 月中, 月中,猶如凝血。 猶如凝血。 【英譯】 the mother has her baby, during the second 英譯】:When : month, the baby is just like curds. When the mother has her baby, in the third month it looks like the concentrated blood lump. 【註】: -8-
【解】 :母親懷胎的時候,到第二個月,恰如凝聚的酥油。在母親懷胎 : 的時候,在第三個月,胎兒猶如像凝聚的血團。
母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第四月中, 第四月中,稍作人形。 稍作人形。母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第五 月中, 月中,兒在母腹, 兒在母腹,生有五胞。 生有五胞。何者為五? 何者為五?頭為一胞, 頭為一胞,兩 肘、兩膝, 兩膝,各為一胞, 各為一胞,共成五胞。 共成五胞。 【英譯】 :When the mother has her baby, during the fourth month 英譯】 : of pregnancy, the baby begins to assume a slightly more human form. When the mother has the baby, during the fifth month in the womb, the baby has appeared five symptoms. What are the five? Those are one head, two elbows, and two knees, and each of them starts to take into a being shape. There are five shapes in all. 【註】: assume:認定為 human form:人形
【解】 :在母親懷胎的時候,到第四個月,胎兒稍微長成人形。在母親 : 懷胎的時候,到第五個月,胎兒在母親腹裡,已經生成有五部份的胞 體,是那五部份呢?就是頭為一種胞體,兩隻手肘和兩條腿膝,各為 一種胞體,一共成為五種胞體。
母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第六月中, 第六月中,兒在母腹, 兒在母腹,六精齊開。 六精齊開。何者 為六? 為六?眼為一精, 眼為一精,耳為二精, 耳為二精,鼻為三精, 鼻為三精,口為四精, 口為四精,舌 為五精, 為五精,意為六精。 意為六精。 【英譯】 the mother has her baby, in the sixth month, the 英譯】:When : baby begins to develop the six sense organs. What are the six? Those sense organs are eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, and mind. 【註】: sense organ:感覺器官
【解】 :在母親懷胎的時候,到第六個月,胎兒在母親的腹裡,六種精 : 氣都已經齊全開通。是那六種呢?就是眼睛是第一種,耳朵是第二種, 鼻子是第三種,口嘴是第四種,舌頭是第五種,心意是第六種。
母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第七月中, 第七月中,兒在母腹, 兒在母腹,生成骨節, 生成骨節,三百 -9-
六十; 六十;及生毛孔, 及生毛孔,八萬四千。 八萬四千。 【英譯】 the mother has her baby, during the seventh 英譯】:When : month, three hundred and sixty bones and joints; and eighty-four thousand pores are formed in its mother’s belly(/ abdomen). 【註】: joint:關節 pore:氣孔;毛孔
【解】 :在母親懷胎的時候,到第七個月,胎兒在母親的腹裡,已經生 : 成了筋骨和關節,數目有三百六十,並且身生長毛孔,數目約在八萬 四千。
母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第八月中, 第八月中,出生意智, 出生意智,以及九竅。 以及九竅。 【英譯】 the mother has her baby, in the eighth month of 英譯】:When : pregnancy, the mental ability and the nine openings are developed. 【註】: mental:心理的;智力的 opening:竅孔
【解】 :在母親懷胎的時候,到第八個月,胎兒就生成意識智力,以及 : 眼睛兩個瞳孔、兩個耳孔、兩個鼻孔、一個口腔、尿道和肛門等九個 竅孔。
母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第九月中, 第九月中,兒在母腹, 兒在母腹,吸收食物, 吸收食物,所出 各質, 各質,桃梨蒜果, 桃梨蒜果,五穀精華。 五穀精華。 【英譯】 :When the mother has her baby in her belly, by the ninth 英譯】 : month, the baby is able to absorb the foods originally coming from peaches, pears, other fruits, vegetables, and the other five kinds of grain. They are all the five crops’ essentials. 【註】: absorb:吸收
【解】 :在母親懷胎的時候,到第九個月,胎兒在母親的腹裡,已經能 : 夠吸收食物,所吸收的都是出自各種物質,像桃子、梨子、蔥蒜、水 果、五穀等類的精華。
其母身中, 其母身中,生臟向下, 生臟向下,熟臟向上, 熟臟向上,喻如地面, 喻如地面,有山 - 10 -
聳出。 聳出。山有三名, 山有三名,一號須彌 一號須彌, 須彌,二號業山, 二號業山,三號血山。 三號血山。此 設喻山, 設喻山,一度崩來, 一度崩來,化為一條, 化為一條,母血凝成胎兒食料。 母血凝成胎兒食料。 【英譯】 the baby inside its mother's body, the mother's 英譯】:When : raw-transport organs push food downward for digestion, while her ripe-transport organs move upward. This is like the great mountain standing on the surface of the earth, which has three names: the first is called Mount Sumeru, the second is called Karma Mountain, and the third is called Blood Mountain. These mountains are similar to the mother's blood condensed to form the baby's foods. 【註】: raw-transport organ: 生 臟
digestion: 消 化
Sumeru:須彌山 Karma Mountain:業山
ripe-transport organ: 熟 臟
【解】 :孩兒在那母親的身體裡,母親的生臟向下面,熟臟向上面,譬 : 如在地面上,有山聳然突出,山有三個名號,第一個名號叫做須彌山, 第二個名號叫做業山,第三個名號叫做血山。這些譬喻的山,一次崩 塌下來,就化為一條,母親體內的血就凝集成了胎兒的食物。
ˊ ㄑㄧㄥ
母懷胎時, 母懷胎時,第十月中, 第十月中,孩兒全體, 孩兒全體,一一完成, 一一完成,方乃 降生。 降生。若是決為孝順之子, 若是決為孝順之子,擎 拳合掌, 拳合掌,安祥出生, 安祥出生,不 損傷母, 損傷母,母無所苦。 母無所苦。 【英譯】 the mother is ten months pregnant(/ during the 英譯】:When : tenth month of pregnancy), the baby is fully developed in every form, and ready to be born. If the child is destined to be a filial child, it will emerge with two hands joined together and the birth will be safe and peaceful. The mother will remain uninjured by the birth and will not be suffered. 【註】: destine:命中注定 filial child:孝子
【解】 :在母親懷胎的時候,到第十個月,孩兒的全部器官肢體都一一 : 生長完成,方才降生下來。如果是決定做為孝順的孩子,出胎的時候 會擎起拳頭做合攏手掌的狀態,而安祥順利的出生,不會損傷母親的 身體,母親沒有太大痛苦。 - 11 -
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ˇ ㄗㄢ
ˇ ㄐㄧㄠ
倘兒決為忤逆之子, 倘兒決為忤逆之子,破損母胎, 破損母胎,扯母心肝, 扯母心肝,踏母胯 踏母胯 骨,如千刀攪 如千刀攪 ,又彷彿似萬刃攢 又彷彿似萬刃攢 心。
【英譯】 :“However, if the child is going to be a rebellious one, it 英譯】 : is not a filial child, and it will break its mother heart, then it will injure its mother’s womb, pull on the mother’s heart and liver, and straddle her pelvis. The birth will feel like a thousand knives churning inside or like ten thousand blades piercing the mother’s heart. 【註】: rebellious:叛逆的
【解】 :如果這孩兒決定是做為忤逆不孝的孩子,它出生的時候就會破 : 壞損傷母親的胎腹,雙手抓扯母親的心肝五臟,雙腳踏踢母親的胯下 骨,使母親痛苦得像千把刀在攪動宰割,又仿佛好像是萬把利刃集中 刺進母親的心肝。
如斯重苦, 如斯重苦,出生此兒, 出生此兒,更分析 更分析言,尚有十恩。 尚有十恩。 【英譯】 :These are the agonies the mother bears in childbirth. To 英譯】 : analyze further, there are still ten types of kindness bestowed by the mother on the child. 【註】: agony:極大的痛苦
analyze:分析 bestow:獻給
【解】 :像這樣受盡極重大的痛苦,才出胎生下這個孩兒。如果更進一 : 步分類說明白,母親還有十大恩德呢!
第一、 第一、懷胎守護恩; 懷胎守護恩;第二、 第二、臨產受苦恩; 臨產受苦恩; 【英譯】 first kindness is the providing protection and care 英譯】:The : while the child is in the womb. The second kindness is the enduring the pain during childbirth. 【解】 :第一是母親懷胎的時候對胎兒守衛愛護的恩德;第二是臨盆生 : 產受盡苦楚的恩德。
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第三、 第三、生子忘憂恩; 生子忘憂恩;第四、 第四、咽苦吐甘恩; 咽苦吐甘恩; 【英譯】 :The third kindness is the forgetting all the pain once the 英譯】 : child is born. The fourth kindness is the swallowing the bitter and saving the sweet for the child. 【解】 :第三是生下孩子就忘記所有痛苦的恩德;第四是母親她自己咽 : 下苦澀,吐出甘甜給與愛兒的恩德。
第五、 第五、迴乾就濕恩 迴乾就濕恩;第六、 第六、哺乳養育恩; 哺乳養育恩; 【英譯】 fifth kindness is her lying in dampness while she 英譯】:The : keeps the dry place for child. The sixth kindness is the suckling and raising the child. 【註】: dampness:潮濕 suckle:哺乳
【解】 :第五是迴施乾淨給與孩兒而自己將就污濕的恩德;第六是哺喂 : 乳奶和撫養教育的恩德。
第七、 第七、洗濯不淨恩; 洗濯不淨恩;第八、 第八、遠行憶念恩; 遠行憶念恩; 【英譯】 seventh kindness is the washing away the child’s 英譯】:The : dirt. The eighth kindness is the always being concerned and worried about her child when the child travels a far. 【解】 :第七是替孩兒洗濯屎尿不淨的恩德;第八是孩兒外出遠行,慈 : 母在家掛心憶念的恩德。
第九、 第九、深加體恤恩; 深加體恤恩;第十、 第十、究竟憐愍恩。 究竟憐愍恩。 【英譯】 :The ninth kindness is the deep caring and sacrifice. The 英譯】 : tenth kindness is the enduring love and devotion. 【註】: sacrifice:犧牲;奉獻 endure:持續;永久
【解】 :第九是對孩兒深深加以體諒撫恤的恩德;第十是終生直到究竟 : 都沒有窮盡對孩兒憐愛愍念的恩德。
第一、 第一、懷胎守護恩, 懷胎守護恩,頌曰: 頌曰:累劫因緣重, 累劫因緣重,今來托母 胎;月逾生五臟, 月逾生五臟,七七六精開。 七七六精開。 - 13 -
【英譯】 The Kindness of Providing Protection and Care, 英譯】:First: : while the Child In the Womb; as the hymn going: The deep(/ heavy)causes and conditions(/ karmas)tie from the past kalpaks, now the mother and the child have led to conception in the womb of the mother. As the months pass, the five organs are developed. The six senses are formed in seven weeks. 【註】: hymn:讚美詩;聖歌;頌 kalpaks:劫
【解】 :第一:懷胎時守衛愛護的恩德。偈頌說:累世長劫造因結緣深 : 重,今生才來寄託母親懷胎;月又一月逾過才生五臟,再過七個七天 六精才開竅。
體重如山岳, 體重如山岳,動止劫風災; 動止劫風災;羅衣都不掛, 羅衣都不掛,妝鏡惹塵 埃! 【英譯】 :The mother’s body feels as heavy as a mountain. All its 英譯】 : movements tear at her. It is just like the hurricane destroying the world. The mother’s fine clothes are no longer worn, while her vanity mirror gathers dust! 【註】: tear:撕裂
hurricane:颶風 no longer:不再
【解】 :胎兒體重壓力就像山嶽,胎一動一止像壞劫風災;母為胎兒羅 : 衣都不想穿掛,化妝鏡臺也惹蓋了塵埃!
第二、 第二、臨產受苦恩, 臨產受苦恩,頌曰: 頌曰:懷經十箇月, 懷經十箇月,難產將欲 臨;朝朝如重病, 朝朝如重病,日日似昏沉。 日日似昏沉。 【 英 譯 】: Second: The Kindness of Enduring Pain during Childbirth; as the hymn going: The pregnancy lasts for ten months. Such a difficult labor approaches; each morning the mother feels seriously ill, and each day she is drowsy and sleepy. 【註】: labor:陣痛;工作 approach:接近
【解】 :第二:臨盆生產受苦楚的恩德。偈頌說:母親懷胎經過滿十個 : 月,苦難的生產即將要來臨;每天早晨起床就像生了重病,天天神情 - 14 -
難將惶怖述, 難將惶怖述,愁淚滿胸襟; 愁淚滿胸襟;含悲告親族, 含悲告親族,惟懼死來 侵! 【英譯】 fear and worriment are difficult to describe. Tears 英譯】:Her : of worries will be full of her heart(/ breast/ chest/ bosom/ bust/ thorax). In sorrow she tells her family that she dreads death will overtake her baby! 【註】: worriment:憂慮 dread:害怕;恐懼
【解】 :難將惶恐怖畏心情訴述,哀愁眼淚流滿胸前衣襟;語調含悲告 : 訴親族家人,惟獨懼怕死神奪兒來侵!
第三、 第三、生子忘憂恩, 生子忘憂恩,頌曰: 頌曰:慈母生兒日, 慈母生兒日,五臟總開 張;身心俱悶絕, 身心俱悶絕,血流似屠羊。 血流似屠羊。 【英譯】 :Third: The Kindness of Forgetting All the Pain Once the 英譯】 Child Is Born: as the hymn going: On the very day the loving mother gives birth to the baby. It is like that her internal organs were torn open. She nearly faints from exhaustion of body and mind. The blood gushes as from a slaughtered lamb. 【註】: internal:內部的
【解】 :第三:生了兒子忘記憂苦的恩德。偈頌說:當慈母生產兒子的 : 日子,身內的五臟都好像要被破裂撕開一樣;身體心神幾乎快要悶絕 而死,當生產時鮮血直流好似被屠宰豬羊。
生已聞兒健 生已聞兒健, 聞兒健,歡喜倍加常; 歡喜倍加常;喜定悲還至, 喜定悲還至,痛苦徹心 腸! 【英譯】 upon hearing that the child is healthy after birth, 英譯】:But : she is overcome with endless joy; yet the joy soon ceases and the grief returns, as great pain twists her heart and guts! 【註】: - 15 -
healthy:健康的 overcome:征服;克服
twist:扭轉 gut:腸
【解】 :生下以後聽聞愛兒平安健康,心情歡喜更加倍於往常;歡喜暫 : 歇然而悲痛又到,難忍痛苦又在貫徹心腸!
ˊ ㄆㄧㄣ
第四、 第四、咽苦吐甘恩, 咽苦吐甘恩,頌曰: 頌曰:父母恩深重, 父母恩深重,顧憐沒失 時;吐甘無稍息, 吐甘無稍息,咽苦不顰 咽苦不顰 眉。 【英譯】 The Kindness of Swallowing the Bitter and 英譯】:Fourth: : Saving the Sweet For The Child; as the hymn going: The kindness of parents is deep(/ heavy)and profound. Their cares and affection are never ceased. Tirelessly the mother feeds the sweet foods to her child, while swallowing the bitter foods for herself without saying any complaint words. 【註】: profound:深遠的 tirelessly:不厭倦地
【解】 :第四:咽下苦味吐出甘甜給與愛兒的恩德。偈頌說:父母恩德 : 高深且又重大,照顧憐愛從不疏忽失時;吐甘喂兒沒有稍作停息,自 己咽下苦澀從不皺眉。
愛重情難忍, 愛重情難忍,恩深復倍悲; 恩深復倍悲;但令孩兒飽, 但令孩兒飽,慈母不辭 饑! 【英譯】 kindness is profound and so is her compassion; 英譯】:Her : only wanting her child to be nourished, the loving mother ignores herself own hunger ! Her love is immense and difficult to contain. 【註】: compassion:憐憫
【解】 :愛重為兒心情愁苦難忍,恩情深憂心又加倍傷悲;但望能令孩 : 兒吃飽滿足,慈母不辭自願挨餓受饑!
第五、 第五、迴乾就濕恩, 迴乾就濕恩,頌曰: 頌曰:母願身投濕, 母願身投濕,將兒移就 乾;兩乳充饑渴, 兩乳充饑渴,羅袖掩風寒。 羅袖掩風寒。 【 英譯】 The Kindness of Lying in Dampness While 英譯 】:Fifth: : - 16 -
Keeping the Child Dry; as the hymn going: The mother is willing to lie herself in dampness, moving her child to the dry and clean place; her breasts satisfy her baby’s hunger and thirst. Her sleeves protect her baby from the cold wind and chilly weather. 【註】: dampness:潮濕 breast:乳房;胸部
【解】 :第五:迴兒於乾自己就濕的恩德。偈頌說:母親自甘情願地投 : 身於污濕,而將愛兒移置就於淨且乾;兩個母乳專為孩兒充饑渴,輕 羅衣袖用來掩兒風寒。
恩憐恆廢枕, 恩憐恆廢枕,寵弄才能 寵弄才能歡 才能歡;但令孩兒穩, 但令孩兒穩,慈母不求 安! 【英譯】 head rarely touches the pillow, constantly favoring 英譯】:Her : her child to make it happy; wishing it to be safe and secure. The kind(/ loving /fond / benevolent / merciful /benignant/ charitable) mother does not seek any comfort for herself. 【註】: pillow:枕頭 favor:寵愛 secure:安全;平安
【解】 :恩愛憐惜常常廢枕不眠,寵愛逗弄才能感到心歡;但願能令孩 : 兒獲得安穩,慈母總不為己尋求平安!
第六、 第六、哺乳養育恩, 哺乳養育恩,頌曰: 頌曰:慈母像大地, 慈母像大地,嚴父配於 天;覆載恩同等, 覆載恩同等,父母恩亦然。 母恩亦然。 【英譯】 :Sixth: The Kindness of Suckling and Raising the Child; 英譯】 : as the hymn going: The compassionate mother is just like the great earth. The serious father is just equal to(/ worthy of)the heavens; one shields from the above, and the same as the other supports from the below. Such is the immense kindness of parents. 【註】: compassionate:憐憫的;慈愛的 shield:庇護
【解】 :第六:哺喂乳奶撫養教育的恩德。偈頌說:慈母讓兒依靠就像 : 大地,嚴父養育兒女可配於天;天覆地載養育萬物恩同,父母養兒恩 - 17 -
不憎無怒目, 不憎無怒目,不嫌手足攣; 不嫌手足攣;誕腹親生子, 誕腹親生子,終日惜兼 憐! 【英譯】 to be angry or impatient, do they have not any 英譯】:Never : complaint even when their limbs become cramped. The children are their own flesh and blood. All day long they care for and cherish them! 【註】: complaint:抱怨 impatient:不耐
【解】 :不厭醜陋更無怨恨怒目,不棄孩兒手足罹患痙攣,對從母腹誕 : 生親生子女,好壞都是整天珍惜愛憐!
第七、 第七、洗濯不淨恩, 濯不淨恩,頌曰: 頌曰:本是芙蓉質, 本是芙蓉質,精神健且 豐;眉分新柳碧, 眉分新柳碧,臉色奪蓮紅。 臉色奪蓮紅。 【英譯】 The Kindness of Washing Away the Child’s 英譯】:Seventh: : Dirt: As the hymn going: Once she was beautiful with delicate features and slender figure; her spirit used to be healthy and strong; her two eyebrows looked like those fresh willows, her complexion put a red lotus to shame. 【註】: delicate:美妙的;纖細的 眉
willow:柳葉 complexion:臉色;膚色
【解】 :第七:洗濯兒屎尿不淨的恩德。偈頌說:母體本來就像荷花芙 : 蓉,精神氣色原本健壯且豐滿;兩眉分開就像新柳翠碧,紅顏臉色勝 奪蓮花粉紅。
恩深摧玉貌, 恩深摧玉貌,洗濯損盤龍; 洗濯損盤龍;只為憐男女, 只為憐男女,慈母改顏 慈母改顏 容! 【英譯】 :In her deep devotion she neglects and ignores her lovely 英譯】 face. As endless cleansing she chafes and scrapes her delicate fingers. With concern solely for her sons and daughters, a mother lets her own beauty fade and disappear! - 18 -
【註】: neglect:怠忽;忽視 ignore:無視;不睬 擦淨
solely:單獨地 fade:凋謝;枯萎
【解】:對兒恩愛深深摧殘自己的容顏玉貌,洗濯不淨而損傷手盤五 : 龍;只為憐愛男孩以及女兒長大成人,慈母的雙手變得粗糙且臉起皺 紋,改變了容貌!
第八、 第八、遠行憶念恩, 遠行憶念恩,頌曰: 頌曰:死別誠難忍, 死別誠難忍,生離實亦 傷;子出關山外, 子出關山外,母憶在他鄉。 母憶在他鄉。 【英譯】 The Kindness of Always Worrying When the 英譯】:Eighth: : Child Travels Afar: As the hymn going: The death of loved ones is truly hard to bear. To be separated in life also leaves a deep wound. When the child is traveling away from home, the mother suffers much pain. How much afar is he leaving in a faraway land? 【註】: separate:分別;分離
faraway:遙遠的 ˋ ㄞ
【解】 :第八:兒女遠行深重憶念的恩德。偈頌說:死亡永別母心誠屬 : 難忍,在生離家著實亦感悲傷;兒子遠行度出關隘 山外,母親憶念又 掛念擔心遙遠他鄉。
日夜心相隨, 日夜心相隨,流淚數千行; 流淚數千行;如猿泣愛子, 如猿泣愛子,寸寸斷肝 腸! 【英譯】 :Day and night, her heart is accompanying with her child. 英譯】 Perhaps she will shed a thousand streams of her tears; just as a female monkey or an ape weeps or cries and shouts for its beloved young. Her heart is broken into pieces to pieces! 【註】: accompany:伴隨 shed:流淚 female:母性的;雌的 beloved:心愛的
【解】 :日夜母心相隨離家遊子,其心擔憂流淚已數千行;如同猿猴哭 : 泣離別愛子,傷心難過寸寸哭斷肝腸!
第九、 第九、深加體恤恩。 深加體恤恩。頌曰: 頌曰:父母恩情重, 父母恩情重,恩深報實 - 19 -
難;子苦願代受, 子苦願代受,兒勞母不安。 兒勞母不安。 【英譯】 The Kindness of Deep Caring and Sacrifice; as 英譯】:Ninth: : the hymn going: The kindness and affection of parents are profound. And truly it is hard for the child to repay for his parents. They willingly suffer on their children’s behavior. If the child works hard, the parents are crazed. It will cause the mother extending distress! 【註】: sacrifice:犧牲;奉獻
【解】 :第九:深加體貼和撫恤的恩德。偈頌說:父母對兒恩情極其重 : 大,恩德深重報恩實在困難;子受苦難父母願代替受,孩兒辛勞母心 疼惜不安。
聞道遠行去, 聞道遠行去,憐兒夜臥寒; 憐兒夜臥寒;男女暫辛苦, 男女暫辛苦,長使母心 酸! 【英譯】 英譯】:If : they hear that the child has traveled afar, they will worry about his security. She cannot go to bed during the cold night; she will keep thinking of her children even a moment’s pain for their dear children. 【註】: security:安全
【解】 :聽聞子女就要遠行出去,憐愛兒心夜臥深覺孤寒;男孩女兒短 : 暫受到辛苦,就會長時使令父母心酸!
第十、 第十、究竟憐愍恩, 究竟憐愍恩,頌曰: 頌曰:父母恩深重, 父母恩深重,恩憐無歇 時;起坐心相逐, 起坐心相逐,近遙意與隨。 近遙意與隨。 【英譯】 The Kindness of Enduring Love and Devotion; 英譯】:Tenth: : as the hymn going: The kindness of parents is deep and profound. Their mercy and concern never cease. Whenever they are sitting or standing, their hearts do always accompany with their children. Whether it is near or far, the parents’ thoughts will follow after them. - 20 -
【解】 :第十:究竟無窮憐憫的恩德。偈頌說:父母恩德高深且又重大, : 給兒恩惠憐愛無停歇時;起立坐下母心都相跟逐,接近或是遙遠掛念 共隨。
母年一百歲, 母年一百歲,長憂八十兒, 長憂八十兒,欲知恩愛斷, 欲知恩愛斷,命盡始分 離。 【英譯】 if a mother has a hundred years to live, she will 英譯】:Even : still worry about her eighty-year-old child. Do you know when this love will end?It only ceases when her life is over!” 【解】 :老母年齡即使已一百歲,仍然常常擔憂八十歲兒;想知對兒恩 : 愛何時斷絕,命盡死了恩愛心才分離!」
佛告阿難: 佛告阿難:「我觀眾生 「我觀眾生, 我觀眾生,雖紹人品, 雖紹人品,心行愚蒙。 行愚蒙。不 思爹娘, 思爹娘,有大恩德; 有大恩德;不生恭敬, 不生恭敬,忘恩背義, 忘恩背義,無有仁慈, 無有仁慈, 不孝不順。 不孝不順。 【英譯】 :Buddha told Ananda, “I see(/ observe)among the living 英譯】 beings, even though born as human beings, many of them are foolish and ignorant in their thoughts and actions. They do not think of their parents’ great kindness and benefits. They do not respect their parents, and even they are ungrateful and unrighteous. They lack of benevolence and compassion; they also lack of filial piety or compliance. 【註】: ignorant: 無 知 的
benefit: 益 處
ungrateful: 忘 恩 負 義 的
benevolence:仁心;慈愛 filial piety:孝心
unrighteous: 不 義 的
【解】:佛陀又告訴阿難尊者說: 「我觀察到很多眾生,雖然傳承了做 : 為人子的品格,但是良心善行卻受愚癡蒙蔽,不思念父母爹娘,於生 育兒女有大恩德,不產生恭敬父母的心,忘卻了父母的恩德又違背了 人子的道義,沒有仁愛慈悲的心腸,忤逆不孝不順從父母。
阿娘懷子, 阿娘懷子,十月之中, 十月之中,起座不安, 起座不安,如擎重擔; 如擎重擔;飲食 不下, 不下,如長病人。 如長病人。 【英譯】 the ten months while the mother has the child, 英譯】:During : - 21 -
she feels discomfort every time when she gets up and sits down, as if she were carrying a heavy burden on her back that is just like a chronic invalid, she is unable to eat and drink any food. 【註】: burden:負荷;擔子 chronic:慢性的
【解】 :做母親的阿娘懷孕生子,在十個月懷胎的期間中,她可坐立難 : 安,像擎負著重擔在身上,三餐飲食也吃不下,就像是患了長期慢性 疾病的人。
月滿生時, 月滿生時,受諸痛苦; 受諸痛苦;徧須臾產出, 須臾產出,恐己無常; 恐己無常;如 殺豬羊, 殺豬羊,血流地。 血流地。 【英譯】 it is enough to the full months for birth of the 英譯】:When : baby, the mother must undergo and experience great hardships and sufferings. As the child is being born, her own life is dangerous, as blood flows all over the floor, just like a pig or a lamb being killed. 【註】: undergo:經歷;遭受 hardship:艱辛
【解】 :十個月期滿臨盆生產的時候,受盡諸般的痛苦,在片刻的須臾 : 間已產出嬰兒,心又恐懼無常死神又要來侵奪。這時就像宰殺了豬羊, 母體血流遍滿地面。 ˊ ㄓㄨㄛ
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受如是苦, 受如是苦,生得兒身, 生得兒身,咽苦吐甘, 咽苦吐甘,抱持養育; 抱持養育;洗濯 不淨, 不淨,不憚 劬 勞;忍寒忍熱, 忍寒忍熱,不辭辛苦; 不辭辛苦;
【英譯】 the mother has endured so many sufferings and 英譯】:After : the child is born, the mother swallows the bitter and saves and keeps the sweet for the baby. She is holding, carrying and nourishing the baby, washing and scrubbing away its filth and dirt. She also must endure both cold and heat. She does not withdraw from any hardships and refuse any hard work. 【註】: scrub:擦洗 filth:污穢 withdraw:撤退;縮回;取消
【解】 :受了如此這般的苦楚,她才產下孩兒的身體,從此自己吞咽苦 : - 22 -
澀而吐出甘味來餵食愛兒,懷抱扶持養育嬰兒。為兒洗濯屎尿等不乾 淨的穢物,不憚畏辛勞。她自己卻忍受著寒冷,也忍受著炎熱的天氣, 不推辭任何的辛苦。
乾處兒臥, 乾處兒臥,濕處母眠; 濕處母眠;三年之中, 三年之中,飲母白血。 飲母白血。 【英譯】 makes her baby lie on the dry spot and she herself 英譯】:She : sleeps on the damp one. For the time being past about three years, she feeds her baby with her own milk, which is transformed from her own blood. 【註】: spot:地點;場所
【解】:乾淨的地方讓愛兒睡臥,尿濕污穢的地方慈母自己躺著睡眠。 : 哺乳餵奶的三年期間中,孩子都是喝飲母體白色鮮血的乳汁。
嬰孩童子, 嬰孩童子,乃至成年, 乃至成年,教導禮義, 教導禮義,婚嫁營謀, 婚嫁營謀,備求 資業; 荷艱辛,懃苦百倍, 懃苦百倍,不言恩惠; 不言恩惠; 資業;攜 荷艱辛, 【英譯】 英譯】:As : the children grow up even to maturity, parents goes on educate and guide them good manners. They may have helped the children arrange with their marriage; and she may help them how to get properties and possessions or find jobs for them. Bearing and bringing up her children must involve much more difficulty and hardship than hundred times, but parents never speak of their own benefit and advantage. 【註】: maturity:成熟
【解】 :從嬰孩撫養成少年的童子,乃至成年壯大,教導處世的禮節義 : 理,為兒女完成婚姻嫁娶,幫助孩子經營事業謀生,多方謀求資財和 業務,提攜子女並荷負重擔是非常艱難辛苦,雖然殷勤受苦幾百倍, 也不說起自己對兒女的恩惠。
男女有病, 男女有病,父母驚憂; 父母驚憂;憂極生病, 憂極生病,視同常事; 視同常事;子若 病除, 病除,母病方愈! 母病方愈! - 23 -
【英譯】 :When the child whether it is a boy or a girl becomes ill, 英譯】 : parents will worry about and fear of her children .But the mother herself is not so worried about her illness. She regards her illness as a common thing. Only when the child is getting well does she recover, and does not get sick again. 【註】: recover:康復
【解】 :男孩女兒有了病,父母心裡就驚慌擔憂,常為兒女擔憂至極而 : 生病,卻把自己的病視同很平常的事情。子女如果病患除去好了,父 母因為擔憂所引起的病也才痊癒好了起來!
如斯養育, 如斯養育,願早成人; 願早成人;及其長成, 及其長成,反為不孝。 反為不孝。尊親 與言, 與言,不知順從; 不知順從;應對無禮, 應對無禮,惡眼相視。 惡眼相視。 【英譯】 :In this way, parents raise their children, hoping that they 英譯】 will soon grow up to be mature adults. Yet after the children grow up, they often become to be not filial in return. When their parents speak words with them, they do not show any obedience to them. They are impolite in their manners of speech, even glaring at them with hostility. 【註】: mature:成熟的 adult:成人 obedience:順從
【解】 :像這樣辛苦的養育,但願兒女早日長大成人。可是有些兒女等 : 到他們長大成人後,不但不報答父母恩德反而忤逆不孝,本應受到尊 敬的父母雙親對他說話,都不知道應該順從父母的意思,面對父母應 答對話毫無禮貌,甚至用兇惡的眼光相向仇視。
欺凌伯叔, 欺凌伯叔,打罵兄弟; 打罵兄弟;毀辱親情, 毀辱親情,無有禮義。 無有禮義。 【英譯】 insult and threaten their uncles and aunts. They 英譯】:They : scold and fight with their brothers. They disturb and destroy the family harmony, and they have not show respect or good manners to them. 【註】: insult:侮辱 threaten:威脅;恐嚇
disturb:擾亂;騷動 - 24 -
【解】 :在家族中欺負凌辱上輩的伯、叔父,打罵同胞的兄弟,毀傷侮 : 辱親族情誼,言行絲毫沒有禮貌仁義。
雖曾從學, 雖曾從學,不遵範訓; 不遵範訓;父母教令, 父母教令,多不依從; 多不依從;兄弟 共言, 共言,每相違戾。 每相違戾。 【英譯】 though they have received education, they do not 英譯】:Even : notice instructions or obey the rules. They seldom follow the guidance of their parents. They breach and break agreements with their own brothers. 【註】: instruction:教訓;教導;訓令 breach:違犯;違背
【解】 :雖然曾經從老師讀書學習,可是不遵守規範訓誨;父母的教訓 : 命令,多不依照所說順從去做;兄弟共同勸勉,每每相互違逆敵對。 。
出入來往, 出入來往,不啟尊堂; 不啟尊堂;言行高傲, 言行高傲,擅意為事。 擅意為事。 【英譯】 come in or go out from home without even 英譯】:They : reporting to their parents. Their speech and actions are arrogant, and they act on impulse without consulting others. 【註】: arrogant:傲慢的 impulse:衝動 consult:商量;請教;商議
【解】 :出外入內朋友來往,都不會啟稟告知父母。言語行為自傲自大, : 擅出主意胡作非為。
父母訓罰, 父母訓罰,伯叔語非, 伯叔語非,童幼憐愍, 童幼憐愍,尊人遮護; 尊人遮護;漸漸 成長, 成長,狠戾不調, 狠戾不調,不伏虧違, 不伏虧違,反生瞋恨。 反生瞋恨。 【英譯】 :When their parents admonish and advise or punish them, 英譯】 or when their uncles point out their mistakes, children are often protected by their elders who take pity on them because of their youth. Gradually, as they grow up, they become increasingly rebellious and abusive; they do not admit to do wrong things and become challenging and hateful. 【註】: admonish:告誡;訓誡
take pity on:同情 - 25 -
【解】 :從小做錯受父母教訓處罰,或伯父叔父說他的不對,由於孩童 : 年幼使人憐愛憫惜,長輩們就遮掩、袒護、寵幸他;孩子漸漸成年長 大,成了兇狠暴戾而不能調伏,不承認自己所犯下虧心違法的罪行, 反而心生瞋怒怨恨。
棄諸親友, 棄諸親友,朋附惡人; 朋附惡人;習久成性, 習久成性,認非為是。 認非為是。或被 人誘, 人誘,逃往他鄉; 逃往他鄉;違背爹娘, 違背爹娘,離家別眷。 離家別眷。 【英譯】 abandon or forsake their family and friends and 英譯】:They : befriend those evildoers. Their bad manners and habits eventually become their second nature, and they come to believe what is wrong to be right. Such children may be enticed by bad friends and maybe run away from home and go to other towns, violating their parents and leaving home and family without saying a word. 【註】: forsake:背棄 befriend:交友 evildoer:壞人;惡人 誘惑
【解】 :棄絕那些親人益友,而去交結依附歹徒惡人做朋友,習慣久了 : 成了惡性,顛倒是非認為非法犯罪是應該。或者被人拐騙誘惑,逃往 遙遠的他鄉,違別背棄自己的爹娘父母而不顧,離了家人別了眷屬。
或因經紀, 或因經紀,或為政行, 或為政行,荏苒因循, 荏苒因循,便為婚娶, 便為婚娶,由斯 留礙, 留礙,久不還家。 久不還家。 【英譯】 because of doing business in the course of time 英譯】:Or : passing, they may work in business or politics, get married, and all these hinder them from returning home to take care of their parents for a long period of time. 【註】: politics:政治 hinder:阻礙
【解】 :或者因為經商買賣,或為官府政事遠行,時光荏苒而過因循耽 : 誤未歸,便不經父母同意在外結婚娶妻,由於這樣停留在外阻礙歸程, 長久不能還家照顧父母。
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或在他鄉, 或在他鄉,不能謹慎, 不能謹慎,被人謀害, 被人謀害,橫事鉤牽; 橫事鉤牽;枉被 刑責, 刑責,牢獄枷鎖。 牢獄枷鎖。 【英譯】 英譯】:Or : living in other towns, these children may not be prudent enough and cannot have found them being tricked and cheated by others. They were accused of doing evil, or involved in lawsuits. They may be unfairly punished or be locked up in prison. 【註】: prudent:謹慎的 trick:設計陷害
【解】 :或在他鄉異國,自己不能夠小心謹慎,被壞人用計謀陷害,橫 : 禍官事鉤纏牽連,被官府冤枉而用刑責罰,或被關入牢獄用木枷套住 頸項,用手銬腳鐐鎖住手腳。
或遭病患, 或遭病患,厄難縈纏; 厄難縈纏;囚苦饑羸, 囚苦饑羸,無人看待。 無人看待。被人 嫌賤, 嫌賤,委棄街衢; 委棄街衢; 【 英譯 】:Or they may suffer and undergo illness; become : entangled in difficulties and hardships; be confined and suffered from starvation and emaciation, and have no one to take care of them. Or they may be scorned and disliked by others, and be abandoned on the streets. 【註】: entangle:糾纏
蔑;嘲笑 ˊ ㄧㄥ
【解】 :或遭遇到疾病禍患,被災厄苦難縈 繫纏身,成了囚犯被人拘禁 : 受苦饑餓消瘦羸弱,沒有親人看顧招待,或被人嫌他穢賤,拋棄於街 頭馬路。
因此命終, 因此命終,無人救治。 無人救治。膨脹爛壞, 膨脹爛壞,日暴風吹; 日暴風吹;白骨 飄零, 飄零,寄他鄉土; 寄他鄉土;便與親族, 便與親族,歡會長乖, 歡會長乖,違背慈恩。 違背慈恩。不 知二老, 知二老,永懷憂念! 永懷憂念! 【英譯】 their lives may come to an end, and no ones to 英譯】:Thus : save them. Their bodies swell up, rot, decay, and are scorched by the sun and blown by the wind. Their white bones are scattered in - 27 -
foreign soil. They will never again be happily reunited with their relatives and kin, or be able to repay their parents’ beneficence. They will never know how their aging parents constantly mourn for and worry about them. 【註】: swell up: 膨 脹
rot: 腐 爛
decay: 腐 蝕
scorch: 曬 黑
reunite: 團 聚
kin: 家 族
aging:年邁的 mourn:悲傷;哀悼
【解】 :因此直到命終氣絕,都沒有親人去救助治療,而且死在荒郊野 : 外,身體膨脹、臭爛、腐壞,一直受到太陽曝曬、風吹雨打,終於白 骨飄零沒有人收埋,寄魂他鄉異土,便和親人家族永遠長別乖違,而 且違背辜負父母慈愛養育的恩德和寄望。在外不知道父母二位老人在 家,還對遊子永遠懷著擔憂和思念。
或因啼泣, 或因啼泣,眼暗目盲; 眼暗目盲;或因悲哀, 或因悲哀,氣咽成病; 氣咽成病;或緣 憶子, 憶子,衰變死亡; 衰變死亡;作鬼抱魂, 作鬼抱魂,不曾割捨。 不曾割捨。 【英譯】 :Or 英譯】 : because of weeping the parents’ eyes become blurry and turn blind, or because they are choked with grief, they become very ill. Or because they constantly think of their children, they become grievous and faded then pass away; even when they become ghosts, their spirits are still unable to let go of their children. 【註】: blurry:模糊不清的 choke:窒息
【解】 :父母或因思念子女長期啼哭悲泣,眼睛漸暗而目盲失明;或因 : 傷心悲哀過度,悶氣嗚咽而成疾病;或緣於憶念愛子,萬念俱灰無心 事業而家道衰落導致災變而死亡,雖然死了做鬼,也都仍然不曾割斷 捨棄愛兒之心。
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或復聞子, 或復聞子,不崇學業, 不崇學業,朋逐異端; 朋逐異端;無賴粗頑, 無賴粗頑,好習 無益; 無益;鬥打竊盜, 鬥打竊盜,觸犯鄉閭 觸犯鄉閭 ;飲酒樗 飲酒樗 蒲 ,姦非過失。 姦非過失。 【英譯】 :Or 英譯】 : they again hear their sons not desire to learn eagerly, but instead become involved in gangs or improper efforts. They may be villainous, crude, and stubborn, delighting in practices - 28 -
that utterly lack of benefit. They may become involved in fights and thefts, setting themselves at odds with the local community by drinking, gambling, and debauchery. 【註】: involve:牽涉 竊盜
at odds with:與人爭吵
【解】 :或又聽聞兒子,不崇尚學問事業,追隨壞朋友惹生異端,成了 : 無賴的遊民,粗野頑劣,喜好學習有害無益的壞事,整天鬥爭打架偷 竊或做搶劫的強盜,觸惱侵犯鄉裡百姓,飲酒賭博,作奸犯科為非作 歹,犯了很多罪惡過失。
ˋ ㄕㄨㄛ
ˋ ㄏㄨㄟ
帶累兄弟, 帶累兄弟,惱亂爹娘。 惱亂爹娘。晨去暮還, 晨去暮還,不問尊親, 不問尊親,動止 寒溫; 朝暮,永乖扶侍。 永乖扶侍。 寒溫;晦 朔 朝暮, 【英譯】 drag their brothers into their evil ways to the 英譯】:They : further distress of their parents. They leave home early in the morning and return home late at night. They never ask about the welfare of their parents or whether they are warm or cold. They do not look after their parents either in the morning or evening, from the first day of the month to the last day. 【註】: drag:拖累 distress:痛苦;苦惱 welfare:幸福;福祉
【解】 :連帶的拖累了同胞兄弟,惱怒擾亂了爹娘父母的心。早晨出去 : 遊蕩,暮晚半夜才歸還,從不關心過問父母雙親的起居行動或寒凍溫 暖。月尾月初朝晨暮晚,永遠乖違了做為人子扶持侍奉年老雙親的義 務。
ˊ ㄌㄟ
安床薦枕, 安床薦枕,並不知聞; 並不知聞;參問起居, 參問起居,從此間斷。 從此間斷。父母 年邁, 年邁,形貌衰羸 形貌衰羸 ,羞恥見人, 羞恥見人,忍受欺抑。 忍受欺抑。 【英譯】 neither make the beds for their parents nor know 英譯】:They : if they have slept well. They are neither concerned about their parents’ daily needs, nor do they help them throughout the day. As the parents advance in age and their appearances become feeble and emaciated, they feel ashamed to be seen in public and have to - 29 -
endure abuse and oppression. 【註】: concern:關心;關切 advance:增長;增進 的
emaciate:使憔悴;瘦弱 abuse:虐待;凌辱
oppression:壓迫;迫害 ˋ ㄧㄝ
【解】 :父母安眠的床鋪草席枕頭,也都不去過問了知關懷,然而參謁 : 問候父母的飲食起居,從此間斷消失。父母年邁老病,形體容貌衰老 消瘦羸弱,家中出了不孝子,父母羞恥不敢出門見人,而忍受著旁人 的恥笑指責與欺負。
或有父孤母寡, 或有父孤母寡,獨守空堂, 獨守空堂,猶若客人, 猶若客人,寄居他舍; 寄居他舍; 寒凍飢渴, 寒凍飢渴,曾不知聞; 曾不知聞;晝夜常啼, 晝夜常啼,自嗟自嘆! 自嗟自嘆! 【英譯】 :Or some parents become widowers or widows. They are 英譯】 left alone in the empty houses, feeling themselves like guests in their own homes. They may be cold and hungry, but no one takes heed of their conditions. They often weep from day to night, sighing and grieving themselves. 【註】: widower:鰥夫
widow:寡婦 heed:留意;注意
【解】:或有的父親他的孩子已死成孤單,或有的母親已死丈夫成守 : 寡,他們孤獨寂寞的守著空堂冷室,猶如不認識的外來客人,寄居在 別人的屋舍,受著寒冷冰凍饑餓口渴,兒女都不曾去聽聞了知過問。 可憐的老人於白天夜晚常常悲傷啼哭,自己感慨命不好而獨自歎息。
應奉甘旨, 應奉甘旨,供養尊親; 供養尊親;若輩妄人, 若輩妄人,了無是事; 了無是事;每作 羞慚, 羞慚,畏人怪笑。 畏人怪笑。 【英譯】 :It’s only right thing that children should happily provide 英譯】 for aging parents according to their wishes, if those irresponsible children will do such things. Instead parents feel embarrassed about(/ ashamed of)themselves and are afraid of being laughed at and ridiculed if they are seen by other people. 【註】: provide: 供 給
irresponsible: 不 負 責 任 的
ridicule:譏笑;嘲笑 - 30 -
embarrassed: 侷 促 不 安 的 ; 困 窘 的
【解】 :兒女本應奉上甘旨美味,供給奉養父母雙親的,可是像這輩妄 : 動不孝的人,到頭終了卻沒做半件孝順的事。父母為此每每想起就羞 恥慚愧而感歎,畏懼別人責怪恥笑而不敢見人。 ˊ ㄐㄩㄝ
或持財食, 或持財食,供養妻兒, 供養妻兒,忘厥 疲勞; 疲勞;無避羞恥, 無避羞恥,妻 妾約束, 妾約束,每事依從; 每事依從;尊長瞋呵, 尊長瞋呵,全無畏懼。 全無畏懼。 【英譯】 :Or 英譯】 : on the other hand, they give their wealth and food to provide their own wives and children generously, not minding the toil and weariness involved. Without a sense of shame, they acquiesce with all the wishes of their wives and concubines, but when their parents and elders reproach them, they react with total neglect and indifference. 【註】: generously:慷慨地
許;順從 concubine:妾;小老婆
reproach:責備;譴責 react:反抗
【解】 :有的拿著錢財美食,供給養育自己的妻子兒女,忘了所有的疲 : 倦辛勞,但卻冷落父母,沒有畏避被人羞罵恥笑不孝的心。妻子美妾 所約束的話,大小每一件事情都必定依照順從;而對父母或長輩的瞋 怒呵責,完全沒有一點畏懼尊重。
或復是女, 或復是女,適配他人; 適配他人;未嫁之時, 未嫁之時,咸皆孝順; 咸皆孝順;婚嫁 已訖, 已訖,不孝逐增。 不孝逐增。 【英譯】 it may be the case of the daughters, who have 英譯】:Or : married to other persons. When they are unwed they were quite filial to their parents. But they become progressively less filial after they get married. 【註】: unwed:未婚 progressively:遞增地;漸進性地
【解】 :或者又有女兒,嫁到夫家,在還未嫁出去的時候,都還很孝順 : 親生父母;但到結婚出嫁以後,不孝之心遂逐而增加。
父母微瞋, 父母微瞋,即生怨恨; 即生怨恨;夫婿打罵, 夫婿打罵,忍受甘心。 忍受甘心。 - 31 -
【英譯】 :Their parents show even a little signs of displeasure, the 英譯】 : daughters soon become upset and resentful toward them. Yet if their husbands scold or beat them, they bear it willingly. 【註】: displeasure:不滿;不愉快
resentful:憤恨的;憎恨的 willingly:
【解】 :父母只稍微瞋怒責駡,女兒心裡就立刻產生怨恨;做她丈夫的 : 女婿再怎麼打罵她,她卻能甘心忍受。
異姓他宗, 異姓他宗,情深眷重; 情深眷重;自家骨肉, 自家骨肉,卻以為疏。 卻以為疏。 【英譯】 though their spouses are of other families and 英譯】:Even : surnames, the love between them is deep and their attachment is strong, yet they hold their own flesh and blood at a distance. 【註】: spouse:配偶 attachment:情感;深情
at a distance:疏遠
【解】 :對丈夫家不同姓氏的別家宗親,眷屬情愛深重,而對自己老家 : 親生父母骨肉,卻疏遠忘掉。
或隨夫婿, 或隨夫婿,外郡他鄉; 外郡他鄉;離別爹娘, 離別爹娘,無心戀慕; 無心戀慕;斷絕 消息, 消息,音信不通。 音信不通。 【英譯】 may follow their husbands and move to other 英譯】:They : towns, leaving their parents behind and not even miss them. They cut off all communication with their parents, not even sending them a single word. 【註】: miss:思念 communication:音訊
【解】 :有的女兒或跟隨她的夫婿,住到遙遠的外郡他鄉,離別了親生 : 的父母爹娘,卻毫無依戀思慕親生父母,從此斷了音訊消息,寄一點 書信都不通報。
遂使爹娘, 遂使爹娘,懸腸掛肚; 懸腸掛肚;刻不能安, 刻不能安,宛如倒懸。 宛如倒懸。每思 見面, 見面,如渴思漿; 如渴思漿;慈念後人, 慈念後人,無有休息! 無有休息! 【英譯】 lead their parents feel anxious just as their hearts 英譯】:This : - 32 -
are left hanging without a single moment’s peace. In every moment when they think that they want to see their daughters, just as one who is thirsty long for water to drink. Their loving concern for their offspring never ends. 【註】: anxious:擔心的;憂慮的
long for:渴望
【解】 :遂使父母爹娘,日夜思念而懸腸掛肚,每一時刻都不能夠安下 : 心來,那日子的難過就像身體被人倒懸掛著。每天思念想要見一次面, 就像喉嚨乾渴著在想要喝水漿一樣。父母慈心思念兒女,永遠沒有休 止停息。
父母恩德, 父母恩德,無量無邊; 無量無邊;不孝之愆, 不孝之愆,卒難陳報! 卒難陳報!」 【英譯】 parents’ beneficence and virtue are boundless and 英譯】:The : limitless. If one has made the mistake of not being filial piety, it is almost impossible to describe the retribution!” 【註】: beneficence:恩德
無止境的 describe:描述;敘述;陳述
【解】 :父母的大恩大德,無法計算、沒有邊際;兒女不孝的罪愆,到 : 最終都很難陳述報告得完了!」 ˊ ㄔㄨㄟ
ˋ ㄆㄧ
爾時, 爾時,大眾聞佛所說, 大眾聞佛所說,父母重恩, 父母重恩,舉身投地, 舉身投地,搥 胸 自撲 ;身毛孔中, 身毛孔中,悉皆流血; 悉皆流血;躃 悶絕地, 悶絕地,良久乃蘇, 良久乃蘇, 【英譯】 英譯】:At : that time upon hearing Buddha speak about the depth of one’s parents’ kindness, some in the assembly threw themselves on the ground; some beat their chests; some struck themselves; some had blood flowing from all their pores, and some fell unconscious to the ground for a long time before they regain consciousness. 【註】: unconscious: 失 去 意 識 的 ; 不 省 人 事 的 ; 暈 過 去 的 ; 氣 絕 的
regain: 恢 復
【解】 :那時候,大眾弟子聽聞了佛陀所說父母的深重恩德,感動得舉 : - 33 -
ˊ ㄔㄨㄟ
起全身投伏地面,有的用手捶 著胸部,自己撲打自責,身體的毛孔裡, 都流出了鮮血,悶絕暈倒在地,腳跛不能行動,過了很久才甦醒過來。
ˊ ㄇㄧㄥ
高聲唱言: 高聲唱言:「苦哉 「苦哉, 苦哉,苦哉! 苦哉!痛哉, 痛哉,痛哉! 痛哉!我等今者 深是罪人! 深是罪人!從來未覺, 從來未覺,冥 若夜遊; 若夜遊;今悟知非, 今悟知非,心膽俱 碎!惟願世尊, 惟願世尊,哀愍救援, 哀愍救援,云何報得父母深恩?」 云何報得父母深恩?」 【英譯】 the people weep and mourn loudly and said, “How 英譯】:All : terrible this is!How terrible this is!How painful this is!How painful this is!Now all of us understand that we are real sinners. Since then we do not see that true case. We are just like those who travel in the dark night. Now we understand our wrongdoings and our very insides are torn to bits. We only hope that the World Honored One will have pity on us and save us. Please tell us how to repay the profound kindness of our parents!” 【註】: mourn:悲傷 sinner:罪人 wrongdoing:罪行;惡行
insides:肚;腹 pity:同情;憐
【解】:於是高聲喊叫說: 「苦惱呀!苦惱呀!痛心呀!痛心呀!我們 : 今天方知都是罪孽深重的人!從來都未曾發覺父母恩德,我們心裡愚 暗得像一個夜遊的人;今天才覺悟了知過去不孝的錯誤,痛苦難過得 心臟肝膽都要碎裂!唯一祈願世尊哀憐、憫念、拯救、援助我們,指 示我們怎樣才能報答得了父母深重的恩德呢?」
爾時, 爾時,如來即以八種深重梵音 如來即以八種深重梵音, 即以八種深重梵音,告諸大眾: 告諸大眾:「汝等 「汝等 當知, 當知,我今為汝分別解說。 我今為汝分別解說。 【英譯】 英譯】:At : that time Tathagata(/ The Thus Come One), in a profound and deep Brahma voice with eight pure qualities, spoke to the assembly. “All of you should know this. I will now explain this matter to you in detail. 【註】: Brahma:梵天
【解】 :這時候,如來就用極好的聲音、柔美的聲音、和氣安適的聲音、 : 尊貴智慧的聲音、不帶女人音的聲音、不誤言的聲音、深遠宏亮的聲 - 34 -
音、不啞竭的聲音等八種佛所證得深遠隆重的清淨梵音,告訴諸位大 眾弟子說:「你們應當知道,我今天就為你們分門別類來解說。
ˊ ㄏㄨㄞ
假使有人, 假使有人,左肩擔父, 左肩擔父,右肩擔母, 右肩擔母,研皮至骨, 研皮至骨,穿骨 至髓, 至髓,遶須彌山; 須彌山;經百千劫, 經百千劫,血流沒踝 血流沒踝 ,猶不能報父 母深恩! 母深恩! 【英譯】 英譯】:If : a person were to carry his father on his left shoulder and his mother on his right shoulder, until their weight bore through his skin to the bones and through the bones to the marrow, and if that person were to circulate the Mount Sumeru for a thousand kalpaks until the blood had flowed from his feet and covered to his ankles, that person would still not have repaid the deep kindness of his parents! 【註】: marrow:骨髓
【解】 :假使有一個人,他左邊的肩膀上挑著父親,右邊的肩膀上又挑 : 著母親,兩肩重擔磨破皮肉以至見骨,甚至磨穿肩骨見到骨髓,繞著 須彌山行走,這樣經過幾百甚至或幾千個長劫的時間,即使他血流滿 地,淹沒到腳跟足踝,還是不能報答得了父母深重的恩德!
假使有人, 假使有人,遭饑饉劫, 遭饑饉劫,為於爹娘, 為於爹娘,盡其己身, 盡其己身,臠割 碎壞, 碎壞,猶如微塵; 猶如微塵;經百千劫, 經百千劫,猶不能報父母深恩! 猶不能報父母深恩! 【 英譯】 英譯 】:If : a person who, during a period of famine and starvation, sacrificed his own body by slicing his flesh off into pieces as many as dust particles to feed his parents, and did this through hundreds of thousands of kalpaks of time, that person still would not have repaid the deep kindness of his parents! 【註】: famine:饑荒 starvation:飢餓;飢荒
slice:切成薄片 particle:分子;粒子;微粒
【解】 :假使有一個人,遭遇到荒年受著饑饉挨餓的災劫,惟恐爹娘父 : 母餓死,將他自己全身切割成碎塊的肉醬,就像微細塵埃那麼細碎來 供養父母充饑,就像這樣的經過幾百、幾千個長劫的時間,還是不能 報答得了父母深重的恩德呢! - 35 -
假使有人, 假使有人,為於爹娘, 為於爹娘,手執利刀, 手執利刀,剜 其眼睛, 其眼睛,獻 於如來; 於如來;經百千劫, 經百千劫,猶不能報父母深恩! 猶不能報父母深恩! 【英譯】 :If 英譯】 : a person who, for the sake of his parents, took a knife and cut out his own eyes and made an offering of them to Tathagata(/ The Thus Come One), and continued to do this for hundreds of thousands of kalpaks of time, then that person still would not have repaid the profound kindness of his parents! 【註】: for the sake of:為了緣故 offering:供奉;奉獻
【解】 :假使有一個人,想要佈施供佛,為父母爹娘求福添壽,手拿著 : 銳利的刀劍,剜挖自己的眼睛,奉獻給如來,生生世世都這樣做,經 過了幾百、幾千個長劫的時間,都如此這樣子做,他還是不能報答得 了父母深重的恩德呢!
假使有人, 假使有人,為於爹娘, 為於爹娘,亦以利刀, 亦以利刀,割徧其心肝, 其心肝,血 流地, 流地,不辭痛苦; 不辭痛苦;經百千劫, 經百千劫,猶不能報父母深恩! 猶不能報父母深恩! 【英譯】 英譯】:If : a person who, for the sake of his father and mother, used a sharp knife to cut out all of his heart and liver, he is not afraid of the pain even as his blood flowed all over the ground, and if he continued doing that in this way for hundreds and thousands of kalpaks of time, he still would not have repaid the profound kindness of his parents! 【解】 :假使有一個人,為了自己的父母爹娘,也用銳利的刀刃,割下 : 他自己的心臟肝臟,鮮血流出遍滿地上,都不會畏怯推辭痛苦,生生 世世都這樣做,經過了幾百幾千個長劫的時間,他還是不能報答得了 父母深重的恩德呢! ˇ ㄐㄧ
假使有人, 一時刺身,於 假使有人,為於爹娘, 為於爹娘,百千刀戟 百千刀戟 ,一時刺身, 自身中, 自身中,左右出入; 左右出入;經百千劫, 經百千劫,猶不能報父母深恩! 猶不能報父母深恩! 【英譯】 :If 英譯】 : a person who, for the sake of his parents, was stabbed by a hundred thousand swords at one time so that they entered one side of his body and came out the other, and if this continued - 36 -
doing that for hundreds and thousands of kalpaks of time, that person still would not have repaid the profound kindness of his parents! 【註】: stab:刺戮
【解】 :假使有一個人,為了自己的父母爹娘,受到百千把刀劍或槍戟, : 同一時刻刺進身體,並在自己的身體裡,從左右兩邊出入刺殺,這樣 子經過了好幾百、幾千個長劫的時間,他還是不能報答得了父母深重 的恩德呢!
假使有人, 假使有人,為於爹娘, 為於爹娘,打骨出髓; 打骨出髓;經百千劫, 經百千劫,猶不 能報父母深恩! 能報父母深恩! 【英譯】 英譯】:If : a person who, for the sake of his parents, was beaten until his bones protruded and broke and the marrow came out, he continued to do this for hundreds of thousands of kalpaks of time. He still would not have repaid the profound kindness of his parents! 【註】: protrude:突出
【解】 :假使有一個人,為了自己的父母爹娘,打斷筋骨流出骨髓,生 生世世都這樣做,經過幾百、幾千個長劫遠的時間,他還是不能報答 得了父母深重的恩德呢!
假使有人 假使有人, 有人,為於爹娘, 為於爹娘,吞熱鐵丸; 吞熱鐵丸;經徧百千劫, 百千劫,身 焦爛, 焦爛,猶不能報父母深恩! 猶不能報父母深恩!」 【英譯】 英譯】:If : a person who, for the sake of his parents, had to swallow molten iron pellets, he continued to do this for hundreds and thousands of kalpaks of time, until his body was seared completely. He still would not have repaid the profound kindness of his parents.” 【註】: molten:熔化的 pellet:小丸
【解】 :假使有一個人,他為了自己的父母爹娘,吞下燒熱的鐵丸,經 : - 37 -
過了幾百幾千個長劫遠的時間,他遍滿全身都被燒焦腐爛,還是不能 報答得了父母深重的恩德!」
爾時, 爾時,大眾聞佛所說, 大眾聞佛所說,父母恩德, 父母恩德,垂淚悲泣, 垂淚悲泣,痛割 於心! 於心! 【英譯】 英譯】:At : that time, upon hearing Buddha had spoken about the kindness and virtue of parents, everyone in the assembly wept bitterly and felt piercing pain in their hearts. 【解】 :這時候,大眾弟子聽聞了佛陀所說的父母大恩大德,都掉下眼 : 淚悲傷地哭泣,痛心疾首得就像利刀割心呢!
諦思無計, 諦思無計,同聲發言; 同聲發言;深生慚愧, 深生慚愧,共白佛言: 共白佛言:「世 「世 尊!我等今者, 我等今者,深是罪人! 深是罪人!云何報得父母深恩?」 云何報得父母深恩?」 【英譯】 reflected but did not know what to do. They were 英譯】:They : deeply remorseful, and spoke with one voice to Buddha, “The World Honored One, now all of us are great sinners!How can we repay the deep kindness of our parents?” 【註】: reflect:反應;反省;仔細思考 remorseful:懊惱的
【解】 :他們詳細思考,都想不出報答父母深恩的好計策,於是共同發 : 出聲音說話,心裡深深的生起慚愧心,大家共同稟告佛陀說: 「世尊呀! 我們今天都是不孝罪很深的人!究竟要怎樣才能報答得了父母深重的 恩德呢?」
佛告弟子: 告弟子:「欲得報恩 「欲得報恩, 欲得報恩,為於父母, 為於父母,書寫此經; 書寫此經;為 於父母, 於父母,讀誦此經; 讀誦此經;為於父母, 為於父母,懺悔罪愆; 懺悔罪愆; 【英譯】 told his disciples, “If you wish to repay your 英譯】:Buddha : parents’ kindness, just write out this sutra on their behalf. Recite this sutra on their behalf. Repent your transgressions and offenses on their behalf. 【註】: sutra:修多羅;經
offense:冒犯 - 38 -
【解】:佛陀告訴弟子們說: 「想要報答得了父母的深恩大澤,應該為 : 自己的父母書寫這一本經典,為父母讀誦這一本經典,在佛前為父母 懺悔一切罪愆。
為於父母, 為於父母,供養三寶; 供養三寶;為於父母, 為於父母,受持齋戒; 受持齋戒;為於 父母, 父母,布施修福。 布施修福。 【英譯】 the sake of your parents, you must make offerings 英譯】:For : to the Three Jewels. For the sake of your parents, you must observe the precepts and keep the fast. For the sake of your parents, you must practice giving offerings and cultivate good deeds. 【註】: offering:供奉 observe:遵守 precept:告誡
【解】 :為父母你要去佛寺,奉獻供養佛陀、佛法、僧眾等三寶;為父 : 母你要皈依、素食、持齋、受戒;為父母你要行佈施、行善、救濟孤 苦貧困,來修增父母的福壽。
若能如是, 若能如是,則得名為孝順之子; 則得名為孝順之子;不作此行, 不作此行,是地獄 人。」 【英譯】 :If 英譯】 : you are able to do these things, you will be famous as a filial child. If you can not do such these things, you are the person who are destined for the hells.” 【註】: destine:命中注定
【解】 :如果你能夠像這樣子去做,就可以叫做孝順的子女;不做這些 : 善行的人,就是不孝子,將來必定是墮地獄的人。」
佛告阿難: 佛告阿難:「不孝之人 「不孝之人, 不孝之人,身壞命終, 身壞命終,墮於阿鼻無間 地獄。 地獄。 【 英譯】 told Ananda, “If a person is not filial or 英譯 】:Buddha : obedient to his parents, when his life comes to an end, his body will be decayed, and he will fall into the Endless Avici Hell. 【註】: - 39 -
Endless Avici Hell:阿鼻無間地獄
【解】:佛陀告訴阿難尊者說: 「忤逆不孝父母的人,命終體壞時,就 : 墮入阿鼻無間地獄去飽受苦刑。
此大地獄, 此大地獄,縱廣八萬由旬; 縱廣八萬由旬;四面鐵城, 四面鐵城,周圍羅網。 周圍羅網。 【 英 譯 】: This great hell is eighty thousand yojanas in circumference; it is surrounded on all four sides by iron walls and covered with nets. 【註】: yojanas:由旬
【解】 :這一個大地獄,縱橫長廣有八萬由旬那麼大,四面圍著很高的 : 鐵城,四周上面都圍著牢固的羅網。 ˋ ㄕㄨㄛ
ˊ ㄧㄤ
其地亦鐵, 其地亦鐵,盛火洞然; 盛火洞然;猛烈火燒, 猛烈火燒,雷奔電爍 雷奔電爍 、烊 銅 鐵汁, 鐵汁,澆 灌罪人。 灌罪人。 ㄐㄧㄠ
【英譯】 ground is also made of iron, with an immense fire 英譯】:The : burning fiercely. Thunder roars and the bright of lightning strike; molten brass and iron fluids are poured over the offenders’ bodies. 【註】: immense:盛大的;廣大的 molten:熔化的
【解】 :那地面上也是鐵質,盛大的猛火上下通徹的燃燒著,猛烈的火 : 焰到處焚燒著,霹靂的雷聲追逐隨著人奔跑,閃電不斷的閃爍著。地 獄裡的夜叉鬼拿著烊化了銅鐵的紅汁、澆灌著受苦刑的罪人。 ˋ ㄓ
銅狗、 銅狗、鐵蛇, 鐵蛇,恒吐煙火; 恒吐煙火;焚燒煮炙 焚燒煮炙 ,脂膏焦燃。 脂膏焦燃。 苦痛哀哉, 苦痛哀哉,難堪難忍! 難堪難忍! 【英譯】 :Brass dogs and iron snakes constantly eject out fire and 英譯】 : smoke, which burn the offenders, broil and char their flesh and fat. Alas!Such are the suffering!Such are the pain!It is truly hard to take and to bear! 【註】: eject:噴出 broil:燒烤 char:燒焦
【解】 :銅狗鐵蛇一直不斷吐出煙和火,或焚燒或煮炙著罪人,使罪人 : - 40 -
身體的脂肪膏油焦爛而燃燒起來。苦痛哀哭,真是難以堪當,難以忍 受! ㄑㄧㄤ
ˋ ㄕㄨㄛ
ˇ ㄐㄧ
鉤竿、 鉤竿、鎗 槊 、鐵鏘 、鐵串、 鐵串、鐵槌、 鐵槌、鐵戟 、劍樹、 劍樹、 刀輪, 刀輪,如雨如雲, 如雨如雲,空中而下; 空中而下;或斬或刺, 或斬或刺,苦罰罪人; 苦罰罪人;歷 劫受殃, 劫受殃,無時暫歇。 無時暫歇。 【英譯】 are poles and hooks, spears and lances, iron 英譯】:There : halberds, iron chains, iron hammers, iron awls, trees of sword, and wheels of iron knives. All of them are like rain and clouds, falling down from the air. The sinner is chopped, hacked, or stabbed, and undergoes these cruel punishments for kalpaks of time without respite. 【註】: lance:長矛 halberd:戟 awl:錐子;尖鑽 chop:砍;劈;剁 hack:亂砍
undergo:經歷 respite:暫停 ㄑㄧㄤ
【解】 :半空中有掛鈎的大鉤竿,又有尖槍長矛飛下來刺殺罪人、滿獄 : 鐵聲鏗 鏘 ,鐵器連串,鐵槌和尖槍、鐵戟,劍樹和輪刀利器,滿空飛 馳,多得像下雨又像雲層,由空中射下來,或用刀斬或用矛刺,苦慘 的刑罰著罪人,這樣經歷了很多長劫的時間還在受著苦刑的災殃,而 且沒有片刻可以暫時休歇。
又令更入, 又令更入,餘諸地獄, 餘諸地獄,頭戴火盆, 頭戴火盆,鐵車碾身; 鐵車碾身;縱橫 駛過, 駛過,腸肚分裂, 腸肚分裂,骨肉焦爛; 骨肉焦爛;一日之中, 一日之中,千生萬死! 千生萬死! 【英譯】 :Then again it causes them further to enter the remaining 英譯】 : hells, where their heads are capped with fiery basins, and iron chariots roll over their bodies, passing both horizontally and vertically until their guts are ripped open, and their bones and flesh are squashed and scorched severely. Within a single day, they must undergo thousands of deaths and rebirths. 【註】: remaining:其餘的 面地
fiery basin:火盆
vertically:垂直地 gut:腸
【解】 :接著又令這些罪人進入其餘的各種地獄繼續受苦刑,或頭上戴 : - 41 -
著燃燒的火盆,或用鐵車碾壓罪人的身體,或南北或東西縱橫碾壓而 過,使罪人的腸肚都分開碎裂,骨頭和皮肉都燒焦腐爛,在一天的時 間裡,就經過幾千萬次的苦刑,死去了,忽然經過風吹水淋而又甦醒 活來!
受如是苦, 受如是苦,皆因前身忤逆不孝, 皆因前身忤逆不孝,故獲斯罪! 故獲斯罪!」 【 英 譯 】: Such sufferings are a result of committing all disobedience and not being filial toward their parents when he or she was alive at the past time, therefore they must suffer those sins.” 【註】: commit:犯罪 disobedience:不孝;忤逆
【解】 :他們之所以會受到如此淒慘的苦刑,都是因為前生在世的時候 : 犯了五逆罪:就是殺害父親、殺害母親、殺害證了阿羅漢果的聖者、 破壞佛寺和合的僧眾、損傷佛身,讓佛流血等五種大逆不道和不孝, 所以死了才會獲得這麼重的罪苦!」
爾時, 爾時,大眾聞佛所說, 大眾聞佛所說,父母恩德, 父母恩德,垂淚悲泣, 垂淚悲泣,告於 如來: 如來:「我等今者 「我等今者, 我等今者,云何報得父母深恩?」 云何報得父母深恩?」 【英譯】 英譯】:At : that time, upon hearing Buddha speak about the virtue of parents’ kindness, everyone in the assembly wept sorrowfully and addressed Tathagata(/ The Thus Come one), “Now all of us how can we repay the profound kindness of our parents?” 【註】: address:向人說話
【解】 :這時候,大眾弟子聽聞了佛陀所說父母的大恩大德,都掉下眼 : 淚悲傷的哭泣,請示於如來說: 「現今,我們應該怎樣才能報答得了父 母深重的恩德呢?」
佛告弟子: 佛告弟子:「欲得報恩 「欲得報恩, 欲得報恩,為於父母, 為於父母,造此經典, 造此經典,是 真報得父母恩也。 真報得父母恩也。 【英譯】 told his disciples, “If you wish to repay their 英譯】:Buddha : - 42 -
kindness, then for the sake of your parents, you shall copy and spread this sutra. This is truly repaying their kindness. 【解】:佛陀告訴弟子們說: 「想要真正報答得了父母的大恩,最好就 : 是為父母書寫印造這一部經典,這才真正能夠報答得了父母養育的大 恩呀!
能造一卷, 能造一卷,得見一佛; 得見一佛;能造十卷, 能造十卷,得見十佛; 得見十佛;能造 百卷, 百卷,得見百佛; 得見百佛;能造千卷, 能造千卷,得見千佛; 得見千佛;能造萬卷, 能造萬卷,得 見萬佛。 見萬佛。 【英譯】 :If 英譯】 : one can write one copy of this sutra, then you will get to see one body of Buddha. If one can write ten copies of this sutra, then he or she will get to see ten bodies of Buddha. If one can write or copy one hundred copies of this sutra, then he or she will get to see one hundred bodies of Buddha. If one can write or copy one thousand copies of this sutra, then he or she will get to see one thousand bodies of Buddha. If one can write or copy ten thousand copies of this sutra, then he or she will get to see ten thousand bodies of Buddha. 【解】 :能夠印造這部經典一本,就能遇見一位佛;能夠印造十本,就 : 能遇見十位佛;能夠印造一百本,就能遇見一百位佛;能夠印造一千 本,就能遇見一千位佛;能夠印造一萬本,就能遇見一萬位佛。
是等善人, 是等善人,造經力故, 造經力故,是諸佛等, 是諸佛等,常來慈護; 常來慈護;立使 其人, 其人,生身父母, 生身父母,得生天上, 得生天上,受諸快樂, 受諸快樂,離地獄苦。」 離地獄苦。」 【英譯】 :It 英譯】 : is those good persons because they have copied those sutras. It is those bodies of Buddha that frequently come to kindly protect these good persons from the power derived by copying. These merits can immediately cause those persons and their parents to be reborn in the heavens, and enjoy all kinds of happiness, as to be free from the sufferings of the hells.” 【註】: derive:引出;得來;導出 merit:功德
【解】 :這些孝順而善心的人,因為印造佛經所得功德力量的緣故,這 : - 43 -
些諸佛們,都會常常來用慈光照護,立即使這些人和生育他們的父母, 都能生到天上,享受著各種快樂,而脫離地獄的罪苦。」
ˋ ㄊㄚ
爾時, 爾時,阿難及諸大眾, 阿難及諸大眾,阿修羅、 阿修羅、迦樓睺 迦樓睺羅、緊那羅、 緊那羅、 摩羅伽、 摩羅伽、人、非人等, 非人等,天、龍、夜叉、 夜叉、乾闥 婆,及諸 小王、 小王、轉輪聖王, 轉輪聖王,是諸大眾, 是諸大眾,聞佛所言, 聞佛所言,身毛皆豎, 身毛皆豎,悲 泣哽咽, 泣哽咽,不能自裁。 不能自裁。 【英譯】 英譯】:At : that time, Ananda and the rest of the assembly—the Asuras, Garudas, Knnaras, Mahoragas, humans, non-humans, and so on, as well as the heavenly beings, dragons, Yakshas, Gandarvas, and other lesser kings and the wheel-turning Sage Kings, it is those great assembly upon hearing the words of Buddha saying that they felt all of their hairs stand up on over their whole body. They wept grievously and were unable to control themselves. 【註】: Asuras: 阿 修 羅 Yakshas:夜叉
Garudas: 迦 樓 羅
Kinnaras: 緊 那 羅
Mahoragas: 摩 侯 羅 伽
【解】 :這時候,阿難尊者以及諸位大眾弟子,乃至阿修羅、迦樓羅金 : 翅鳥、歌神緊那羅、地龍摩侯羅伽、似人非人等、天神、龍眾、夜叉 鬼、樂神乾闥婆,以及諸位小國王、轉輪聖王等等,這些廣大的群眾 聽聞了佛陀所說的話,身體的毛髮都豎立起來,內心愧疚而悲傷哭泣 哽咽,不能自止。
各發願言: 各發願言:「我等從今 「我等從今, 我等從今,盡未來際, 盡未來際,寧碎此身, 寧碎此身,猶 如微塵, 如微塵,經百千劫, 經百千劫,誓不違於如來聖教! 誓不違於如來聖教! 【英譯】 of them made a vow by saying, “All of us, from 英譯】:Each : now on and into the endlessly future times, would rather our bodies be pulverized into many tiny particles of dust for a hundred thousand kalpaks of time, than never go against the Tathagatha’s(/ The Thus Come one’s)noble teachings. 【註】: vow:誓言 pulverize:磨成粉 particle:微粒 - 44 -
go against:違反;違背
【解】:於是在佛前各人發出誓願說: 「我們從今天起以至窮盡未來時 : 世的邊際,寧可粉碎這個身體就像微細塵埃那麼細碎,這樣經過幾百 千個長劫時間,都立誓決不違背於如來神聖的教誨而不孝!
寧以鐵鉤, 寧以鐵鉤,拔出其舌, 拔出其舌,長有由旬, 長有由旬,鐵犁耕之, 鐵犁耕之,血流 成河, 成河,經百千劫, 經百千劫,誓不違於如來聖教! 誓不違於如來聖教! 【英譯】 would rather have our tongues pulled out by iron 英譯】:We : hooks and extended for a full yojana of length, and would rather have an iron plow run over them and let our blood flow like a river, and it lasts for a hundred thousand kalpaks of time, than never go against the Tathagata’s(/ The Thus Come one’s)noble teachings. 【註】: plow:耕耘;犁
【解】 :寧可被鐵鉤拔出舌頭,拉得有一由旬那麼長,再被鐵犁在舌上 : 耕犁,鮮血流成一條河,像這樣經過幾百千個長劫時間,也立誓決不 違背於如來神聖的教誨而不孝!
寧以百千刀輪, 寧以百千刀輪,於自身中, 於自身中,自由出入 自由出入,誓不違於如 來聖教! 來聖教! 【 英譯】 would rather have a hundred thousand bladed 英譯 】:We : wheels roll freely over our bodies, than never go against the Tathagata’s(/ The Thus Come one’s)noble teachings. 【註】: blade:刀刃 roll:滾動;轉動
【解】:寧可被幾百千個轉動的刀輪,在自己的身體中自由出入刺砍, : 也立誓決不違背於如來神聖的教誨而不孝!
寧以鐵網, 以鐵網,周匝纏身, 周匝纏身,經百千劫, 經百千劫,誓不違於如來聖 教! 【英譯】 :We 英譯】 : would rather have our bodies be ensnared in an iron net for a hundred thousand kalpaks of time, than never go against the Tathagata's(/ The Thus Come one’s)noble teachings. - 45 -
【註】: ensnare:使入羅網
【解】:寧可被鐵網從四周圍匝繞纏絞著身體,經過幾百千個長劫時 : 間,也立誓不違背於如來神聖的教誨而不孝! ˋ ㄉㄨㄟ
ˋ ㄘㄨㄛ
寧以剉 寧以剉 碓 ,斬碎其身, 斬碎其身,百千萬段, 百千萬段,皮肉筋骨, 皮肉筋骨,悉 皆零落, 皆零落,經百千劫 經百千劫,誓不違於如來聖教! 誓不違於如來聖教! 【英譯】 would rather have our bodies be chopped for a 英譯】:We : hundred thousand kalpaks of time, and be hacked, mutilated, and chiseled into millions of pieces so that our skin, flesh, joints, and bones would be completely disintegrated, than never go against the Tathagata’s(/ The Thus Come one’s)noble teachings.” 【註】: chop:砍;劈 hack:剁 mutilate:切斷
ˇ ㄉㄠ
【解】:寧可被剉刀斬磨搗 碎身體成百千萬段,皮肉筋骨盡都零散脫 : 落,像這樣經過幾百千個長劫時間,到最終仍然立誓決不違背於如來 神聖的教誨而不孝!」
爾時, 「世尊 爾時,阿難從於坐中 阿難從於坐中, 從於坐中,安祥而起, 安祥而起,白佛言: 白佛言: 「世尊! 世尊! 此經當何名之? 此經當何名之?云何奉持?」 云何奉持?」 【英譯】 :At 英譯】 : that time, Ananda stood up calmly from his seat and asked Buddha, “The World Honored One, what the name of this sutra shall be called?And how can we accept and uphold it?” 【解】:這時候,阿難尊者從座位當中安祥的起立,請示佛陀說: 「世 : 尊呀!這一本經典應當用什麼名字來稱呼呢?應該怎樣去奉行和受持 呢?」
佛告阿難 「此經名為 ,以是名 佛告阿難: 阿難: 「此經名為《 此經名為《父母恩重難報經》 父母恩重難報經》 ,以是名 字,汝當奉持! 汝當奉持!」 【英譯】 told Ananda, “This Sutra is called “On The 英譯】:Buddha : Profound Kindness Of Parents And The Difficulties In Repaying Them”. With this name you should follow and uphold it!” 【註】: - 46 -
【解】:佛陀告訴阿難尊者說: 「這一本經典名字叫做《父母恩重難報 : 經》 ,就用這個名字,你們應當依照此經奉行和受持!」
爾時, 爾時,大眾、 大眾、天人、 天人、阿修羅等 阿修羅等,聞佛所說, 聞佛所說,皆大歡 喜,信受奉行, 信受奉行,作禮而退。 作禮而退。 【英譯】 :At 英譯】 : that time, the assembly, the heavenly beings, humans, Asuras, and so on, hearing what Buddha had said, were full of great joy. They accepted and followed the teachings faithfully; and they bowed and withdrew. 【註】: accept:接受 faithfully:忠實地;誠實地
【解】 :這時候,大眾弟子們、天人以及阿修羅等天龍八部眾,聽聞了 : 佛陀所說的話,都生起很大的歡喜心,信仰接受,遵奉實行,一一行 禮而退去。
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跋: 凡為人子女者,誰無父母,看了這部經文,有誰人不受感動而痛 哭流涕的,父母真是我們現前的活菩薩,他(她)們經歷千辛萬苦養 育我們長大成人,若是對他們忤逆不孝,真該受天誅地滅之報。返觀 當今現世之社會,不知孝順父母者,比比皆是,這部經可有收警世勸 化之作用;故當為人子女者可要好好地警惕領悟,否則有樣學樣,你 的子女也會同樣一般對待你。 是該有很深厚的因緣,今生才能互當為至親的父母子女,不管前 世是冤親債主,來報酬或報仇,來討債或還債的,總要有個了斷,不 要生生世世沒完沒了,所謂冤冤相報何時了。今生你對我忤逆,來生 我再來投胎當你的子女報復,債永遠還不完、還不清,而且愈累積愈 多,越理越亂,累世所結的冤仇會越深。難道人生的悲劇苦痛沒有完 了的一天、沒辦法解決嗎?答案當然是有的,就是要想盡辦法引導父 母他們一起來學佛,那就是至孝,最為究竟;這樣不但可以化解彼此 之間的業障,而且還可踏上成佛之大道,何樂而不為! 中國歷代文化傳統,首重孝道,所謂『百善孝為先,萬惡淫為首。』 不孝所造成之家庭悲劇,其影響個人家庭,乃至社會、國家安寧至巨。 修學佛法本就是先重為人處世,所謂『人成即佛成』 ,一個人修行,不 管是在家修或出家修,都要以人本為重,否則就根本談不上什麼功德 利益。本經雖是佛弟子所說,沒有記載何人、何時所編寫、何人所翻 譯,還有人考證佛經沒記載,說它是偽經;殊不知佛陀在世時可曾開 過金口說,未來世若有我弟子,所編寫的經文,凡是合乎當世社會倫 理道德的,有勸化、向上提昇、淨化人心之功能作用者,都一概算是 佛經。故不必再對本經有所存疑才好。 本經所提出的內容雖不是大家都如此不堪,但舉目一望,每日之 社會新聞報導,為財、為情、為愛困惑所發生的悲劇,真是層出不窮, 大凡都不出三毒之貪、瞋、痴與慢疑五惑;惟一能解決之道就是學佛, 別無他路可選擇。 本經之中英文翻譯、中文之註解與解釋校正,完成於臺灣女總統 當選之後,感謝三寶龍天護法護持;尚望其他高明者不吝指教。此經 正可供在校學生與社會一般人士閱讀,藉此多增進英文之閱讀能力與 了解人心之向背。阿彌陀佛! 三寶弟子:江大正(江永長)誌於臺灣 嘉義 2016/01/21 - 48 -
三 皈 依 Three Refuges 自皈依佛 當願眾生 體解大道 發無上心 發無上心 Since I take refuge in the Buddha, may all sentient beings and I have understood the Great Way profoundly, and brought forth the superior Bodhi mind. 自皈依法 當願眾生 深入經藏 智慧如海 Since I take refuge in the Dharma, may all sentient beings and I have deeply entered the sutra treasury, and got wisdom as vast as the ocean. 自皈依僧 當願眾生 統理大眾 一切無礙 Since I take refuge in the Sangha, may all sentient beings and I have formed together a great assembly, one and all in harmony.
四 弘 誓 願 Four Great Vows 眾生無邊誓願度 煩惱無盡誓願斷 煩惱無盡誓願斷 Countless are sentient beings, do I vow to liberate; endless are afflictions, do I vow to eradicate; 法門無量誓願學 佛道無上誓願成 Measureless are the Dharmas, do I vow to master; supreme is the Buddha Way, do I vow to attain.
懺 悔 偈 Repentance 往 昔 所 造 諸 惡 業 皆 由 無 始 貪 瞋 痴 All the past harms that I have ever done, all from time - 49 -
immemorial were caused by greed, anger, and ignorance, 從 身 語 意 之 所 生 一 切 罪 障 皆 懺 悔 And all of those sins produced through my body, speech, and will, now these sins I confess and amend all.
迴 向 偈 Reaction and repayment of Merits 願 以 此 功 德 普 及 於 一 切 May the merits of our deeds have reached every part of the world; 我 等 與 眾 生 皆 共 成 佛 道 I and other sentient beings large and small all have attained enlightenment. 摩 訶 般 若 般 羅 蜜 Maha-Prajna-Paramita
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本人佛學註解書籍 <壹>、原經文英文翻譯 >、原經文英文翻譯、 原經文英文翻譯、中文註解對照版: 中文註解對照版: (一)、佛說父母恩重難報經。(二)、佛說八大人覺經。(三)、佛說四十二 章經。 (四) 、佛遺教經。 (五) 、般若波羅蜜多心經。 (六) 、金剛般若波羅蜜 經。 (七) 、佛說阿彌陀經。 (八) 、藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經。 (九) 、地藏 菩薩本願經。 (十) 、妙法蓮華經觀世音菩薩普門品。
<貳>、原經文中文註解版 >、原經文中文註解版: 原經文中文註解版: (一)、般若波羅蜜多心經易解。(二)、佛說八大人覺經講話。(三)、佛遺 教經解。 (四) 、佛說四十二章經解。 (五) 、百法明門論簡義。 (六) 、唯識三 字經講話。 (七) 、八識規矩頌易解。 (八) 、唯識三十頌易解。 (九) 、唯識二 十頌講話。 (十) 、三皈五戒十善、八關齋戒、短期出家沙彌十戒、在家菩薩 六重二十八輕戒。 (十一) 、六祖壇經易解。 (十二) 、金剛般若波羅蜜經要解。 (十三) 、藥師琉璃光如來本願功德經易解。 (十四) 、佛法精選概要。 (十五) 、 地藏菩薩本願經易解。 (十六) 、維摩詰所說經要解。 (十七) 、佛說彌勒三經 要解。 (十八) 、大乘廣五蘊論講記解。 (十九) 、中觀論選頌講記解。 (二十)、 學佛隨筆錦集(上、下)。(二十一) 、佛門早晚課誦要解。
本叢書將上網流通歡迎下載錄印,徵求善心人士發心助印廣以流通。 請電郵信箱:mayawaz@gmail.com ◎本書之內頁插圖浮水印,諸佛菩薩法像照,為凡云企業版權之所有, 承蒙大德法喜允許使用。本人特此致謝!
普為出資助印及讀誦受持輾轉流通者迴向如是: 普為出資助印及讀誦受持輾轉流通者迴向如是: 願以此功德 消除宿現業 增長諸福慧 圓成勝善根 所有刀兵劫 疾疫饑饉等 悉皆盡滅除 人各習禮讓 讀誦受持人 輾轉流通者 現眷咸安樂 先亡獲超昇 風雨常調順 人民悉康寧 法界諸含識 同證無上道。 - 51 -
助印佛書有十大利益(節錄印光大師文鈔): 一、 從前所作種種罪過,輕者立即消滅,重者亦得轉輕。 二、 常得吉神擁護,一切瘟疫、水火、寇盜、刀兵、牢獄之災, 悉皆不受。 三、 夙生怨對,咸蒙法益而得解脫,永免尋仇報復之苦。 四、 夜叉惡鬼,不能侵犯;毒蛇餓虎,不能為害。 五、 心得安慰,日無險事,夜無惡夢;顏色光澤,氣力充盛,所 作吉利。 六、 至心奉法,雖無希求,自然衣食豐足,家庭和睦,福壽綿長。 七、 所言所行,人天歡喜;任到何方,常為多眾傾誠愛戴,恭敬 禮拜。 八、 愚者轉智,病者轉健,困者轉亨;為婦女者,報謝之日,捷 轉男身。 九、 永離惡道,受生善道;相貌端正,天資超越,福祿殊勝。 十、 能為一切眾生,種植善根;以眾生心,作大福田,獲無量勝 果。所生之處,常得見佛聞法;直至三慧宏開,六通親證, 速得成佛。 助印經書,既有如此殊勝功德,故凡遇:祝壽、賀喜、免災、祈求、 懺悔、薦拔之時,皆宜歡喜施捨,努力行之。
願以此閱讀(助印) 助印)經典之功德 迴向往生者 迴向往生者○○○ 往生者○○○ 罪障消 除 永離三途 往生淨土。 往生淨土。 再迴向現世者 迴向現世者○○○ 現世者○○○ 病苦消除 消災免難 身心安康 共 證菩提。 證菩提。 (可酌情再加,如:家庭大小和樂平安,子女開智慧、學業進步,事 業有成,夫妻白頭偕老,父母健康長壽,學佛有成,在菩提道上,共 相增長,互相提攜勉勵,冤親債主悉皆蒙利,同霑法水等等。眾讀者 每當讀誦一階段或幾天或一部分或整部經皆應如是迴向。) - 52 -