BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Unit/s 6: Fitness Testing and Training for the UPS
Lecturer Chris Pickering
Assessor Chris Pickering
Learning Outcomes and Criteria Targeted: Learning Outcomes Unit 6: Learning Outcome 1 Unit 6: Learning Outcome 2 Unit 6: Learning Outcome 3 Unit 6: Learning Outcome 4
Grading criteria covered P1, P2, M1 P2, M1, P3, M2, D1 P3, M2, D1, P4, P5 P4, P5, P6, M3, D2
Learner work Submitted: Task Number Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6
Task descriptor
Describe entrance fitness requirements for 3 UPS (leaflet, poster, report) Training Diary Plan your own programme Your results compared to UPS (training cards) Poster and evaluation table Q&A Evaluate your programme
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Issue Date: September 2014 Submission Date/s: last task w/c 15/12/14 Actual Date of Submission/s: Learner Declaration: I certify that the work in this assignment is all my original work and any information gathered from the internet, books, magazines etc. must be referenced in the appropriate way. I am aware that copying and pasting work from the internet will result in me having to resubmit my work.
Signed: …………………………………………………………. 1 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism
BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own. Assessor Learner name: name: Sep 2015 Submission Issue date: Submitted on: date:
Chris Pickering
Programme: Unit:
BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services 6: Fitness Testing and Training for the UPS
Assignment reference and title: Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration). Page numbers or Task ref. Evidence submitted description 1 2 3 4 5 6 Additional comments to the Assessor:
Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner signature:
Assessor declaration 2 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism
BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services I certify that the work submitted for this assignment does belong to and was produced by the learner stated above. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Assessor signature:
Assignment Brief Introduction: This unit will enable you to know the fitness requirements for entry into the uniformed public services and the different methods of fitness training. It also teaches learners how to plan, monitor and review a fitness training programme. Scenario: You are a recruitment officer for the UPS and have been asked to measure current fitness levels of new recruits and develop new resources to help them gain the required levels of fitness for entry. You will need to describe methods of fitness training and produce training resources for those wanting to get fit enough to join the UPS. You need to develop a realistic training programme for a new recruit and provide them with all of the information they would need to allow them to enter the service of their choice. 3 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism
BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Learner Tasks: P1: Describe the entrance fitness requirements and tests of three different public services
Task 1: Leaflet, poster, report? (Who goes you decide?)
In a pair produce a resource (one each) which describe what you need to do to get into the police and fire service (you will cover the army on your own). These tasks should be user friendly and be able to be given out to people thinking of joining that service. Look at entry, on-going requirements and requirement of different roles and levels. Leaflet, poster, report on 3 UPS
Date Due: w/c 13/10/14
P5: Undertake a personal fitness training programme completing a fitness training diary
Task 2: Training Diary
Complete a record card of attendance and 6 week training programme incorporate the principles of training. You need to attend the organised Gym fitness training sessions and make a record of any training that you do in your own time.
Fitness Training Diary
Date Due: w/c 03/11/14
P4: Plan a six week personal fitness training programme to incorporate the principles of training
Task 3: Six week plan and deliver a new recruits session
Complete a 6 week training programme plan incorporating the principles of training. This will need to be based on your personal level of fitness and be geared up for entry into one the UPS. In small groups plan and lead a training session for a group of new recruits focusing on one component of fitness.
6 week training plan, session plan
Date Due: w/c 15/12/14
P2: Outline a fitness test for the main components of fitness and compare results based on a public service entrance test M1: Explain the strengths and areas for improvement of the fitness test
4 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism
BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Task 4: Training cards (Are you tough enough?)
Complete an example training card for each component of fitness information to include: Outline a fitness tests for each of the main components Identify your results for each of the fitness test Classify your results against norms Identify what the PS requires for each test (where appropriate) Compare your score to the PS requirements (where appropriate) Explain your personal strengths and weaknesses for each of the tests linking to the UPS of your choice 6 x Training cards, Short report
Date Due: w/c 17/11/14
P3: Describe one method of fitness training for the main components of physical fitness M2: Explain one method of fitness training for six different components of physical fitness D1: Evaluate methods of fitness training for the different components of physical fitness
Task 5: Poster & Evaluation Table (Are you fit for the best?)
Complete a poster which identifies fitness training methods for each of the six components of fitness. Provide detail for the new recruits with examples of what they are, how to do them and example of starter training programmes. For the higher grades an evaluation of each training method will also be required in the form of a table so the recruits can identify the strengths and weakness of each method and make a choice for themselves and a bullet point report to make judgements on each method from your point of view.
Poster, evaluation table + Bullet point report
Date Due: w/c 15/12/14 P6: Report on a fitness training programme including the strength and areas for improvement M3: Explain in detail strengths and areas for improvement following completion of the training programme D2: Evaluate strengths and areas for improvement following completion of the training programme, providing recommendations for future activities
Task 6: Question and Answer (How was it for you?)
Complete the qualitative survey to review your fitness training programme experience answering all of the questions in as much detail as you can. You need to give feedback on your own performance and on the design of the training programme itself. For the higher grades an evaluation of the fitness training programme and your own performance needs to be completed. You must include the following in your evaluation report.
5 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism
BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Identify strengths and areas to improve in the programme and your
performance backed up by evidence Provide recommendations to improve your own performance Provide recommendations to improve the programme for new recruits Make reference to the FITT principle and changes you would make to each
Qualitative Survey and mini evaluation
Date Due: w/c 15/12/14
Grading criteria covered in this assignment P1: Describe the entrance fitness requirements and tests of three different public services P2: Outline a fitness test for the main components of fitness and compare results based on a public service entrance test P3: Describe one method of fitness training for the main components of physical fitness P4: Plan a six week personal fitness training programme to incorporate the principles of training P5: Undertake a personal fitness training programme completing a fitness training diary P6: Report on a fitness training programme including the strength and areas for improvement M1: Explain the strengths and areas for improvement of the fitness test M2: Explain one method of fitness training for six different components of physical fitness M3: Explain in detail strengths and areas for improvement following completion of the training programme D1; Evaluate methods of fitness training for the different components of physical fitness D2: Evaluate strengths and areas for improvement following completion of the training programme, providing recommendations for future activities
Assessment Guidance Describe – To give a clear description that includes all of the relevant features – think of it as ‘painting a picture with words’ Outline – Give a list of the main features Plan – Write a clear description of a general plan showing essential features Undertake – to actually do, experience and provide evidence of participation Report on – Give required information on a specific thing
6 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism
BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Explain – when you are asked to explain you should describe the point and then give details and reasons why. This should include actual examples to back up your descriptions Evaluate – Review the information then bring it together to form a conclusion. Give evidence for each of your views or statements i.e. a supported judgement
Unit Content 1 Know the fitness requirements for entry into the uniformed public services Entrance fitness requirements: police; prison service; armed forces; fire service; the different stages of the fitness test; reason for differences between entry requirements for different public services; reasons for the inclusion of particular tests within public services eg assessment of strength for soldiers; individual assessment of entry fitness for a chosen public service. Fitness tests: flexibility eg sit and reach strength, 1RM, grip dynamometer; aerobic endurance eg multistage fitness test, step test, maximal treadmill protocol; speed eg sprint tests; power eg vertical jump, Wingate test; muscular endurance eg one-minute press-ups, one-minute sit-ups; health (BMI, body composition eg skin fold callipers, bioelectrical) Job specific public service fitness tests: eg army, fire, police, prison, Royal Air Force, Royal Marines Test results: public service requirements; protocols; sequence; norms Reasons: assess current levels; monitor; progression; set goals; motivation; feedback from training programme; benchmark after returning from injury; use of repeat tests to establish gains; annual fitness checks 2 Know different methods of fitness training Components of fitness: flexibility; strength; muscular endurance; power; aerobic endurance; speed; health related fitness (BMI, height and weight, body composition) Methods of training: flexibility eg static stretching, ballistic stretching, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching; strength eg free weights, resistance machines; muscular endurance e.g. circui t training, core stability training, medicine ball training; power e.g. plyometric, anaerobic hill sprints; aerobic endurance eg continuous training, fartlek training, interval training; speed eg interval training, pyramid training 3 Be able to plan a fitness training programme Collect information: goals (short, medium and long term); targets (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-based – SMART); lifestyle; medical history; physical activity history Considerations: health and safety (warmup, cool-down, equipment needed, facility related, injury(illness)); type of training programme; comparison of entry requirements of relevant public services 7 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism
BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Principles of training: overload; specificity; progression; individual differences; variation; reversibility; frequency, intensity, time and type (FITT) principles Periodisation: macro cycle; meso cycle; micro cycle; individual training sessions Training diary: eg progression, attitude, motivation, links to goals 4 Be able to monitor and review a fitness training programme Monitor: training diary (eg date and details of sessions), coach/instructor feedback and reviews, fitness test, result Review: fitness training programme; results achieved; strengths; areas for improvement; extent to which training programme achieved identified goals Evaluation: modifications and improvements to programme
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8 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism