BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services Unit/s 24: Current and Media Affairs in Public services
Lecturer Chris Pickering
Assessor Chris Pickering
Learning Outcomes and Criteria Targeted: Learning Outcomes
Grading criteria covered
1: Know the role of the media in reporting information 2: Understand how the media is regulated 3: Understand how the public services are portrayed in the media 4: Be able to review current affairs affecting public services
P1, P2, M1 P3, P4, M2, D1 P5, M3, D2 P6, M4
Learner work Submitted: Task Number Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4
Task descriptor and criteria Presentation and speaker notes (P1, P2, M1) Report (P3, P4, M2, D1) Case studies and News Article (P5, M3, D2) Media Review (P6, M4)
Issue Date: Jan 2017
Pass P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6
Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Submission Date/s: last task w/c 22/05/17
Merit M1 M2 M3
Dist D1 D2
1 Hull College
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services Unit 24: Current and Media Affairs in Public Services ASSESSMENT RECORD SHEET Programme
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Public Services
Assignment title Unit no. & title Issue date
Learner name Assessor name
Chris Pickering
24: Current and Media Affairs in Public Services
Target learning aims
January 2017
Submission date
First submission / resubmission?*
Resubmission date**
Resubmission authorisation by Lead Internal Verifier*
* All resubmissions must be authorised by the Lead Internal Verifier. Only one resubmission is possible per assignment, providing: The learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension. The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance. Evidence submitted for assessment has been authenticated and accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner. **Any resubmission evidence must be submitted within 10 working days of receipt of results of assessment.
Target criteria
Criteria achieved? (Yes / No)
P1 describe how changes in technology have affected the gathering and presentation of information in different types of media (Task 1)
P2 outline how the media can affect events as well as report them (Task 1)
M1 analyse how changes in technology affect the gathering and presentation of information in different types of media, and its ability to affect events (Task 1)
P3 identify the methods used in the regulation and selfregulation of the media in the UK (Task 2)
P4 assess the independence of the media from owners, revenue generators and politicians (Task 2)
M2 analyse the independence of the media from owners,
Assessment comments
Your presentation describes how changes in technology have affected the gathering and presentation of information in different types of media.
2 Hull College
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services
revenue generators and politicians (Task 2) D1 evaluate the independence of the media from owners, revenue generators and politicians (Task 2)
P5 explain how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services (Task 3)
M3 analyse how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services (Task 3)
D2 evaluate how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services (Task 3)
P6 review current case studies of media portrayal of the public services, including one factual and one fictional case study (Task 4)
M4 analyse current case studies of media portrayal of the public services, including one factual and one fictional case study (Task 4)
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and General Comments
Spelling…Any common errors, e.g - their, there. Specific technical words
Punctuation… full stops, capital letters, commas, question/exclamation marks, apostrophes.
Grammar - correct and consistent use of tenses (past, present, future -we was... we were etc,) - paragraphs.
General Comments… standard of work
Assessor declaration
I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
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BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services
Assessor signature
Learner comments Learner signature
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BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services
5 Hull College
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own. Learner name: Submission date:
Assessor name:
Chris Pickering
Submitted on:
Issue date:
January 2017
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services
24: Current and Media Affairs in Public Services
Assignment reference and title:
Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration). Task ref.
Evidence submitted
Presentation and Speaker notes
Report on Media regulation
Case studies and news article
Media review
Page numbers
Additional comments to the Assessor:
Learner declaration 6 Hull College
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner signature:
Assessor declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment does belong to and was produced by the learner stated above. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Assessor signature:
7 Hull College
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services
Assignment Brief
Introduction: This unit gives learners with an insight into the variety, and extent of media forms, the information gathering and disseminating capabilities of modern technology and how the media influences and informs society, in particular the public services. Through studying this unit, learners will be able to make an informed judgement on how public services are portrayed in the media and how the services use the media. This unit examines how the capabilities of technology have produced a huge demand for information, and how the different media forms occupy niches in the information industry. There is also a study of how news gathering can influence events, by reporting on hitherto hidden news and by mobilising public opinion. The regulation and control of the media is examined, including voluntary codes of conduct, censorship, political Influence and the interests of advertisers. The public service role as a source for media stories, and as a user of the media, is examined through case studies of factual and fictional portrayal of public services. The impact of positive and negative images on service morale and public perception are also studied. The importance of media influences on the services, and vice versa, are explored in case studies. These case Studies link to current affairs illustrating issues that are currently affecting and impacting on the public services.
Scenario: You are working in a joint programme with the Level 3 media students at the college. You will help to supply information on media affairs and reporting from a Public services perception. This is to allow the media students to write more rounded assessments and experience reporting from the other side. You will use the project to help inform the next generation of reporters and to allow you to work on your own evaluation and analytical skills on current affairs which are of interest and relevance to you in your future career.
8 Hull College
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services Learner Tasks: P1 describe how changes in technology have affected the gathering and presentation of information in different types of media P2 outline how the media can affect events as well as report them M1 analyse how changes in technology affect the gathering and presentation of information in different types of media, and its ability to affect events
Task 1: Presentation Produce a PowerPoint presentation in pairs (or individually) to describe how changes in technology have affected the gathering and presentation of information. Investigate a range of media types including TV, Radio, Newspaper, Journals, Specific magazines and the internet. For higher grades you need to analyse changes in development of media showing the good and bad sides of the development of the media. You also need to outline how the media can affect events that affect the public services. Cover public perception, media influence on public unrest and media engaging public opinion and sympathy. Evidence: PowerPoint Presentation and speaker notes Date Due: w/c 13/02/17
P3 identify the methods used in the regulation and self-regulation of the media in the UK P4 assess the independence of the media from owners, revenue generators and politicians M2 analyse the independence of the media from owners, revenue generators and politicians D1 evaluate the independence of the media from owners, revenue generators and politicians
Task 2: Report on Media Regulations Your report must identify how the media is regulated giving real examples from within the UK and beyond also looking at self-regulation. The report then needs to assess control exerted by owners, revenue generators and politicians. For the higher grades high level research and writing will be required to analyse and evaluate the independence of the media. Look at the question do the media follow or lead public opinion? Use real examples to back up you case. Evidence: Report Date Due: w/c 27/03/17
9 Hull College
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services P5 explain how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services M3 analyse how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services D2 evaluate how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services
Task 3:Case Studies (review) and Academic critique Identify and explain what is happening in 2 case studies related to the Public Services (PS). One must relate to positive and one negative image of the PS. Explain the effect the reporting of these cases could have on PS personnel and the public perceptions of the PS. For higher grades you need to analyse and evaluate the case studies identified in an academic style to demonstrate depth of knowledge and understanding. Evidence: Case Studies and Academic critique Date Due: w/c 08/05/17
P6 review current case studies of media portrayal of the public services, including one factual and one fictional case study M4 analyse current case studies of media portrayal of the public services, including one factual and one fictional case study
Task 4: Media Review You must review at least two current affairs case studies looking at one factual e.g press coverage of hospital bed shortage and one fictional e.g Casualty. These could be from any source of media including TV, films, video, newspaper, books, YouTube etc. For higher grades analyse the case studies comparing the way the PS are portrayed with the realities of working in the service. You need to look at similarities and differences in analytical detail. Evidence: Media Review Date Due: w/c 22/05/17
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BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services
Grading criteria covered in this assignment P1 describe how changes in technology have affected the gathering and presentation of information in different types of media P2 outline how the media can affect events as well as report them P3 identify the methods used in the regulation and self-regulation of the media in the UK P4 assess the independence of the media from owners, revenue generators and politicians P5 explain how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services P6 review current case studies of media portrayal of the public services, including one factual and one fictional case study. M1 analyse how changes in technology affect the gathering and presentation of information in different types of media, and its ability to affect events M2 analyse the independence of the media from owners, revenue generators and politicians M3 analyse how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services M4 analyse current case studies of media portrayal of the public services, including one factual and one fictional case study. D1 evaluate the independence of the media from owners, revenue generators and politicians D2 evaluate how positive and negative images affect public perceptions of the public services.
Assessment Guidance Describe – To give a clear description that includes all of the relevant features – think of it as ‘painting a picture with words’. Give an account with words of (Someone or something) including relevant characteristics, qualities or events Outline – Write a clear description; give a summary of / a general plan showing essential features but no detail. Identify – Point out or choose the right one / give a list of the main features Assess – Give careful consideration to all the factors or events that apply and identify which are the most important or relevant Explain – set out in detail the meaning of something, with reasons. More difficult than describe or list; it can help to give an example to show what you mean. Start by introducing the topic then give a how or why OR provide details or give reasons and/or evidence to clearly support the argument you are making. Review – a formal assessment of something with the intention of instituting change if necessary Analyse – Identify separate factors, say how they are related and how each one contributes to the topic Evaluate – Review the information then bring it together to form a conclusion. Give evidence for each of your views or statements i.e. a supported judgement
11 Hull College
BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services
Unit Content 1 Know the role of the media in the reporting of information The information age: the growth of information technology and the increase in demand for information, history and technological developments in the last 10 years, including the development of television from terrestrial to satellite and cable; speed of reporting; ability to collect news from, and transmit it to, remote and difficult areas Types of media: including TV, radio, newspapers and journals; specialist magazines; the worldwide web and the internet Media effects: public perceptions of issues affecting public services eg the G20 summit riots in London 2009; media influence on riots and public unrest; media engaging public opinion and sympathy eg African famine, Israel and Palestinian conflict 2 Understand how the media is regulated Regulation: Broadcasting Standards Authority; confidentiality and data protection; Ofcom; Press Complaints Commission; right to privacy; libel; human rights legislation; costs and benefits of tight controls; censorship in other countries eg north Korea, Burma and Libya Self-regulation: control, or otherwise, of the internet; freedom of the press; freedom of information; voluntary codes of practice; possibilities of bias and propaganda Ownership and revenue generation: media empires, eg News International and Rupert Murdoch; independence of the BBC; political bias; influence of advertisers; ratings wars; quality of reporting versus quantity of readers/viewers; reporting unpopular truths versus populism 3 Understand how the public services are portrayed in the media Positive and negative images of the public services: courage, brutality, self-sacrifice, corruption, care, racism, discipline, blind obedience, adaptive, out of date; effects on public perception, service practice and morale, eg stop and search, recruitment of ethnic minorities Public service usage of the media: public health and information campaigns such as drink driving, requests for assistance, eg Crimewatch, press conferences, disaster management and dissemination of information, censorship, eg media censorship at Beijing Olympics, training of public service personnel in interview techniques, PR and recruiting 4 Be able to review current affairs affecting public services Case studies: studies comparing the way the public services are portrayed with the realities of working in the services Fact: eg death of Jean Charles Menendez, G20 Summit policing, and news coverage of wars and conflict; TV programmes, eg Ross Kemp in Afghanistan, Traffic Cops, Fiction: eg occupation, Casualty, The Bill
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