Assignment brief Map and compass 2015-16

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BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Unit/s 35: Land Navigation by Map and Compass

Lecturer Chris Pickering

Assessor Chris Pickering

Learning Outcomes and Criteria Targeted:

Learning Outcomes

Grading criteria covered

1: Know how to read a map accurately 2: Know how to use a compass 3: Be able to develop route planning skills 4: Be able to undertake a route

P1, M1 P2, M2, D1 P3, P3, P3, P3, P3, P4, M3, D2 P5, P5

Learner work Submitted:

Task Number Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7

Task descriptor Flash cards and class session Student created exam Mini-presentations and hand-out Route cards 1,2,3,4,5/witness statement/video Warning poster Evaluation report 20 Questions

Submitted Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Issue Date: September 2015 Submission Date/s: last task w/c 23/05/16 Actual Date of Submission/s:

Learner Declaration: I certify that the work in this assignment is all my original work and any information gathered from the internet, books, magazines etc. must be referenced in the appropriate way. I am aware that copying and pasting work from the internet will result in me having to resubmit my work.

Signed: ………………………………………………………….

1 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own. Learner name:

Assessor name: Submission date:

Chris Pickering Submitted on:

Issue date:

Sep 2015


BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services


35: Land Navigation by Map and Compass

Assignment reference and title:


Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration). Task ref.

Evidence submitted


Flash cards and class session


Student created exam


Mini-Presentations and handout


Route cards 1,2,3,4,5.witness statement

5 6


Page numbers or description

Warning Poster Evaluation Report

20 Questions

2 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Additional comments to the Assessor:

Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature:


Assessor declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment does belong to and was produced by the learner stated above. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Assessor signature:


3 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services

Assignment Brief

Introduction: The uniformed public services often operate outdoors, so the ability to read maps and use them in relation to a compass is vital. Learners will be required to plan and undertake a route that has minimum impact on the countryside. They will also investigate considerations such as access laws, the Countryside Code and safety issues. Learners will be given the opportunity to practice their navigation skills and gain an insight into the training undertaken by the uniformed public services. These skills and others such as communication, leadership, discipline and trust, are important to anyone wishing to pursue a career in search and rescue or other similar areas. On completion of the unit learners should be able to plan a route on a route card, identify conventional map symbols, use a compass, comment on environmental issues and carry out the route safely.

Scenario: As part of a community project undertaken by our course we have been asked to train and lead groups of junior armed forces cadets on their yearly expedition to the Peak District. We will need to develop our skills not only to plan and lead the expedition but also to train and develop the cadet’s map and compass abilities ready for assessments.

4 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Learner Tasks: P1 describe the conventional signs on a map

Task 1: Flash ahhahhh! Saviour of the walker. Produce a set of user friendly flash cards as a resource for the cadets to be trained with. Plan and run a micro session for the class to teach and assess the group on your signs on the map. Set of flash cards and micro student session (video) Date Due: w/c 05/10/15

M1 Explain grid references on maps

Task 2: Where are you, ou, ou, ou,ou! Produce an exam sheet for one of your peers on grid references including purpose and reasons for using grid references when navigating. This exam will need to cover 4 and 6 figure grid references and assess their ability to use them effectively. The exam will be used later with cadets so make it user friendly. Student created exam

Date Due: w/c 09/11/15

P2 describe the main features of a compass

Task 3: Go West! Produce a mini presentation and hand-out that could be delivered to the cadets to describe the features and use of a compass. You will not be required to deliver this presentation but it will need to be user friendly with images and speaker notes/guidance suitable for use with 14 year old cadets. Your presentation must include  Compass points  Features  Use and care  Taking bearings from a map  Magnetic bearings and variation  Difference between mils and degrees  Direction without compass  Use at night and in limited visibility  Finding directions without a compass Mini Presentation and speaker notes/guidance/hand-out Date Due: w/c 30/11/15

5 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services P3 Produce a route card P5 Undertake a planned route using map and compass with route card (partial) M2 Demonstrate how to take bearings from a compass

Task 4: Do you know the way to San Jose? Do, do, do, do, do ,do ,do ,do ,dooooo, do Produce route cards or instructions for travel for a range of assessed visits to demonstrate planning skills. The route cards will become progressively more detailed as your knowledge and skills progress but by the end you will be able to include areas such as legs, grid references, height, distance, rest stops, timings etc. During the assessed walk in open country you will need to demonstrate taking a bearing with a compass and have it recorded by an assessor or peer for merit. Route card Route card Route card Route card Route card

1 2 3 4/witness statement/video 5

Date Date Date Date Date

Due Due Due Due Due

w/c w/c w/c w/c w/c

19/10/15 14/12/15 08/02/16 21/03/16 23/05/16

P4 Identify environmental issues

Task 5: Paint paradise and put up a parking, dooo It is important that we try to limit the impact of our expeditions on the environment. You will need to produce an easy to follow guide of the most important environmental issues that we need to consider when in the countryside. We will need to cover access laws, CROW Act 2000 (or subsequent legislation), Countryside Code and minimum impact. Again it will need to be basic and user friendly for the cadets to be able to follow and use. Warning Posters

Date Due: w/c 14/03/16

6 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services P5 Undertake a planned route using map and compass with route card (partial) M3 evaluate the route planning with the route card D2 provide recommendations

Task 6: Whooooooooo do you think you are? Do you think you are? Following completion of the open country walk evaluate the effectiveness of the planning and route card, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the route and the card drawing clear judgements from the findings. You will need to review the strengths and weaknesses of both yourself and the group during planning and execution of the route. For the distinction you must make recommendations that could be used by other walkers wishing to follow the route. Evaluation Report

Date Due: w/c 25/04/16

D1 Evaluate the use of a map and compass

Task 7: The only way is up! Baby for you and me now It is not enough for us to just use map and compass we also need to judge the effectiveness of these tools in navigation with the onset of new technology and other alternatives. You need to answer the 20 evaluation questions in detail and depth showing you have considered the value and drawbacks of these tools. 20 Questions and answers

Date Due: w/c 09/05/16

7 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services

Grading criteria covered in this assignment P1 Describe the conventional signs on a map P2 P3 P4 P5

Describe the main features of a compass Produce a route card Identify environmental issues Undertake a planned route using map and compass with route card

M1 Explain grid references on maps M2 Demonstrate how to take bearings from a compass M3 evaluate the route planning with the route card D1 Evaluate the use of a map and compass D2 Provide recommendations

Assessment Guidance Describe – To give a clear description that includes all of the relevant features – think of it as ‘painting a picture with words’. Give an account with words of (Someone or something) including relevant characteristics, qualities or events Produce – Put a task together successfully to basic required standards and submit the finished article Identify – Point out or choose the right one / give a list of the main features Undertake – Actually go out and do it Explain – set out in detail the meaning of something, with reasons. More difficult than describe or list; it can help to give an example to show what you mean. Start by introducing the topic then give a how or why OR provide details or give reasons and/or evidence to clearly support the argument you are making. Demonstrate – Provide several relevant evidence which clearly supports the arguments you are making. This may include showing practical skills Evaluate – Review the information then bring it together to form a conclusion. Give evidence for each of your views or statements i.e. a supported judgement Provide – Make something clearly available with evidence

Unit Content 1 Know how to read a map accurately Map reading skills: Ordnance Survey maps; conventional signs; contours; grid references; orienting map to ground; relating ground to map; understanding scale; calculation of time and distance; using a map to plan a route 8 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services 2 Know how to use a compass Using a compass: compass points; features; use and care; taking bearings from a map; magnetic bearings and variation; difference between mils and degrees; direction without a compass; use at night and in limited visibility; finding direction without a compass 3 Be able to develop route planning skills Route card: details; group; day; date; times; legs; grid references; height; distance; rest stops; timings; comments; consideration of group capabilities; weather information; escape routes; effects of gradient; types of terrain 4 Be able to undertake a route Route travelling: safety issues; consent forms; risk assessments; equipment; clothing and footwear; carrying kit; keeping up with the group; teamwork; communication; leading a leg of the route; decision making; problem solving; accurate navigation Environmental issues: access laws; Countryside and Right of Way (CRoW) Act 2000; Countryside Code; minimum impact of the route on the environment Review: strengths of self and group; areas for improvement; recommendations for future route planning

Verified by …………………………….. (sign) ………………………….… (print)

Position ………………………………………...

Date ………………………….

9 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services Unit 35: Land Navigation by Map and Compass ASSESSMENT RECORD SHEET Programme

Learner name

BTEC 90 Credit Diploma in Public Services

Assignment title Unit no. & title Issue date

Assessor name

Chris Pickering

35: Land Navigation by Map and Compass

Target learning aims


September 2015

Submission date


First submission / resubmission?*

Resubmission date**

Resubmission authorisation by Lead Internal Verifier*


* All resubmissions must be authorised by the Lead Internal Verifier. Only one resubmission is possible per assignment, providing:  The learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension.  The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance.  Evidence submitted for assessment has been authenticated and accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner. **Any resubmission evidence must be submitted within 10 working days of receipt of results of assessment.

Target criteria

P1 Describe the conventional signs on a map

(Task 1 Flash cards and Class session)

Criteria achieved? (Yes / No)


M1 Explain grid references on maps

Assessment comments

Your flash cards were _______________ presented, and you ran a class session describing __________ conventional signs on a map. You created a student exam paper and assessed a peer on grid references on a map to explain their use and purpose.

(Task 2 Student created exam)


P2 Describe the main features of a compass


The mini presentation was of a ________________ standard and described the main features and use of a compass.

P3 Produce a route card


P5 Undertake a planned route using map and compass with route card (partial)


M2 Demonstrate how to take bearings from a compass


You have produced a range of route cards which meet the minimum requirements from the assessed visits. You have undertaken _____________ routes using map and compass and route or direction cards. During the assessed walk in open country you demonstrated how to take a bearing with a compass and recorded video evidence with a witness statement.

(Task 3 Mini-Presentations) (Task 4 Route cards)

(Task 4 Route cards)

(Task 4 Route card/witness statement/Video)

10 Hull College

BTEC Level 3 90 Credit Diploma Public Services P4 Identify environmental issues


The warning posters were produced to a ________________ standard to identify a range of environmental issues.

P5 Undertake a planned route using map and compass with route card (partial)


Your report included a review of the route planning process and execution of the route over open country looking at strengths and weaknesses of yourself and the group.

M3 Evaluate the route planning with the route card


The report evaluated the route planning process and execution giving strengths and areas to improve.

D2 P rovide recommendations


You provided ______ recommendations from the walk to be used by future cadets.

D1 Evaluate the use of a map and compass


You answered the 20 questions _________ to fully evaluate the use of map and compass as a tool.

(Task 5 Warning Posters)

(Task 6 Report) (Task 6 Report)

(Task 6 Report)

(Task 7 20 Questions)

Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and General Comments

Spelling…Any common errors, e.g - their, there. Specific technical words

Punctuation… full stops, capital letters, commas, question/exclamation marks, apostrophes.

Grammar - correct and consistent use of tenses (past, present, future -we was... we were etc,) - paragraphs.

General Comments… standard of work

Assessor declaration

I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Assessor signature


Learner comments Learner signature


11 Hull College

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