Assignment brief team sports 2014-15

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BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services Unit/s 30: Practical Team Sports

Lecturer Chris Pickering

Assessor Chris Pickering

Learning Outcomes and Criteria Targeted: Learning Outcomes Unit 30: Learning Outcome 1 Unit 30: Learning Outcome 2 Unit 30: Learning Outcome 3 Unit 30: Learning Outcome 4

Grading criteria covered P1, M1, P3 P2, M2 P4, M3, D1 P5, M4, D2

Learner work Submitted: Task Number Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Task 6 Task 7

Task descriptor Poster Witness statements (3 sports) NGB Leaflets SWOT analysis Partners and tutors ORS Team sports record sheets Paired presentations

Submitted Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Issue Date: January 2015 Submission Date/s: Last task w/c 18/05/14 Actual Date of Submission/s: Learner Declaration: I certify that the work in this assignment is all my original work and any information gathered from the internet, books, magazines etc. must be referenced in the appropriate way. I am aware that copying and pasting work from the internet will result in me having to resubmit my work.

Signed: …………………………………………………………. 1 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own. Assessor name:

Learner name: Issue date: Programme: Unit:

Jan 2015

Submission date:

Chris Pickering Submitted on:

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services 30: Practical Team Sports

Assignment reference and title: Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration). Page numbers or Task ref. Evidence submitted description 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Additional comments to the Assessor:

Learner declaration

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BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Learner signature:


Assessor declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment does belong to and was produced by the learner stated above. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Assessor signature:


Assignment Brief Introduction: This unit is designed to allow you to explore techniques, skills and tactics of various team sports through practical participation. You will have to opportunity to participate in a variety of sports developing your knowledge and skill levels. . Scenario: You are a sports officer for a Public service and are required to produce resources to identify techniques, skills and tactics of sports and to train novices on the important rules and regulations to allow them to participate safely and effectively. As part of your work you need to look at analysing individual performance of athletes and also team performance to try and identify how the individual and the team can improve. 3 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services Learner Tasks:

P1: Describe skills, techniques and tactics required in two different team sports M1: Explain skills, techniques and tactics required in two different team sports

Task 1: Posters (You’re the Star!)

You are required to produce two posters on A3 paper including images and text. The images need to be YOU demonstrating the skills, techniques and tactics of the sports. You must produce poster one on basketball and poster two on Volleyball. Your poster must include an identification, description and explanation of the skills, techniques and tactics required for each sport. Poster 1: Basketball Poster 2: Volleyball

Date Due: w/c 02/02/15 Date Due: w/c 02/03/15

P3: Demonstrate appropriate skills techniques and tactics in two different team sports

Task 2: Witness Statements (What me, you and your mates think of you)

You are required to take part in three selected team sports to the best of your ability. You must then complete a witness statement to evidence your participation in the sports; there will be sections for you, a partner and your tutor to complete. Witness Statement 1: Basketball Witness Statement 2: Volleyball Witness Statement 3: Netball

Date Due: w/c 26/01/15 Date Due: w/c 23/02/15 Date Due: w/c 16/03/15

P2: Describe the rules and regulations of two different team sports, and apply them to three different situations for each sport M2: Explain the application of the rules and regulations of two different team sports in three different situations for each sport

Task 3: National Governing Body Leaflets (You’re the FA or the NBA) In pairs produce two leaflets (one each) for two team sport’s national governing bodies. The leaflets need to contain information about the rules and regulations for each sport. Points to consider: • Select 4 main rules and 4 main regulations for each sport • When describing and explaining the rules and regulations apply them to different situations

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BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services • •

Three different situations will allow you to fully describe and explain the applications of rules and regulations Use of desktop publisher will enhance your information leaflets

Leaflets on two team sports

Date Due: w/c 23/02/15

P4: Using two different methods of assessment identify strengths and areas for improvement in own performance in two different team sports M3: Explain identified strengths and areas for improvement in own performance in two different team sports, and make suggestions relating to personal development D1: Analyse identified strengths and areas for improvement in own performance in two different team sports and justify suggestions made in relation to personal development

Task 4: SWOT ANALYSIS (How good do you think you are?)

You must complete a detailed SWOT analysis of your own current levels of ability and performance in two team sports of your choice. Explain in detail your current performance levels and specifically how you could improve. Research and detailed information on training courses and action plans to improve are required for the higher marks. Personal SWOT analysis

Date Due: w/c 23/03/15

P4: Using two different methods of assessment identify strengths and areas for improvement in own performance in two different team sports

Task 5: Partners observation record sheet + Tutors observations

Create your own Observation record sheets for Football and Hockey to evaluate your own performance in team sports. Ask another group member to write up your record sheet identifying your strengths and areas for improvement after watching you perform. Your tutor will also record information about your performance. Information will be recorded during practical sessions and written up in the theory lesson. You must identify your strengths and weaknesses (ideally at least two of each for each sport) Partners Observation 1: Football

Date Due: w/c 27/04/15

5 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services Partners Observation 2: Hockey

Date Due: w/c 18/05/15

P5: Using two different methods of assessment identify strengths and areas for improvement in the performance of a team in a team sport M4: Explain identified strengths and areas for improvement in the performance of a team in a team sport and make suggestions relating to development of a team D2: Analyse identified strengths and areas for improvement in the performance of a team in a team sport and justify suggestions made in relation to the development of a team

Task 6: Team Sports Record Sheets

As well as identifying your own abilities it is important that you can identify the abilities of teams. You need to design an observation sheet which will record the success of a team in a certain aspect of the sport i.e. attacking, defending, passing. Observe a professional team on the television and fill out your record sheet. Alongside this provide a record of results/statistics for the season up to the observation date using recorded data from reputable sources.

Task 7: Paired Presentations (10 minutes maximum)

You are required to present your findings to the group. You should initially mention your record of results and the key results from your observation sheet. Explain and analyse any identified strengths or areas of improvement for your chosen team. In order for the team to progress you will need to make recommendations as to how they can develop as a team. Say why you would make certain recommendations and what you think it will achieve justifying in detail your recommendations. Presentations 1 Date Due: w/c 11/05/15 Presentations 2 Date Due: w/c 18/05/15

Grading criteria covered in this assignment P1: Describe skills, techniques and tactics required in two different team sports P2: Describe the rules and regulations of two different team sports, and apply them to three different situations for each sport P3: Demonstrate appropriate skills techniques and tactics in two different team sports P4: Carry out a self-analysis using two different methods of assessment identifying strengths and areas for improvement in two different team sports P5: Carry out a performance analysis using two different methods of assessment identifying strengths and areas for improvement in the performance of a team in a team sport M1: Explain skills, techniques and tactics required in two different team sports

6 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services M2: Explain the application of the rules and regulations of two different team sports in three different situations for each sport M3: Explain identified strengths and areas for improvement in own performance in two different team sports, and make suggestions relating to personal development M4: Explain identified strengths and areas for improvement in the performance of a team in a team sport and make suggestions relating to development of a team D1: Analyse identified strengths and areas for improvement in own performance in two different team sports and justify suggestions made D2: Analyse identified strengths and areas for improvement in the performance of a team in a team sport and justify suggestions made in relation to the development of a team

Assessment Guidance Describe – To give a clear description that includes all of the relevant features – think of it as ‘painting a picture with words’ Give an account in words of (someone or something), including all the relevant characteristics, qualities, or events. Demonstrate – Show clearly and deliberately with evidence that you have done something Carry out – To do something and provide strong evidence that you have completed it, to put into practice or effect Explain – when you are asked to explain you should describe the point and then give details and reasons why. This should include actual examples to back up your descriptions Analyse – Set out in detail the meaning of something with reasons. More difficult than describe or list; it can help to give an example to show what you mean. Start by introducing the topic then give the ‘how’ or ‘why’. Or provide details and give reasons and/or evidence to clearly support the argument you are making. To examine in detail in order to discover meaning, essential features to break down into components or essential features

Unit Content 1 Know the skills, techniques and tactics required in selected team sports Team sports: eg association football, basketball, cricket, hockey, netball, rugby union, rugby league, rounder’s, volleyball, lacrosse, adapted team sports, wheelchair rugby, wheelchair basketball, goal ball Skills and techniques: required to perform effectively, eg passing, throwing, receiving, catching, shooting, movement, turning, intercepting, tackling, footwork, marking, dodging, creating space Tactics: relevant to the selected sport, eg offence/attacking, defence, set plays, team formations, movement, communication, phases of play 7 Hull College School of Sport, Public Services Travel & Tourism

BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma Public Services 2 Know the rules and regulations of selected team sports Rules: rules/laws as produced by governing body for the sport; unwritten rules and/or etiquette specific to sport, eg injured player in football Regulations: eg players, officials, spectators, facilities, equipment, playing surface, scoring system, health and safety, child protection, insurance, administration Situations: eg player in illegal position, player injured, ball out of play, illegal challenge 3 Be able to assess own performance in selected team sports Self-analysis: specific to sport; application of skills; techniques and tactics; achievements; strengths; areas for improvement Assessment methods: eg objective performance data, subjective observations, use of technology (Kandle, Dartfish), SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, testing, interviews, performance profiling Development: aims and objectives; goals; SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound) targets; opportunities, eg training, courses, qualifications; possible barriers 4 Be able to assess the performance of teams in selected team sports Performance analysis: specific to sport; application of skills; technique and tactics; achievements; strengths; areas for improvement Assessment methods: eg objective performance data, subjective observations, use of technology (Kandle, Dartfish), SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis, testing, interviews, performance profiling Development: aims and objectives; goals; SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound) targets; opportunities, eg training, courses, qualifications; possible barriers

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