BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit/s 9: Sport and Recreation in the public services.
Lecturer Chris Pickering
Assessor Chris Pickering
Assignment 1: Plan it
Learning Outcomes and Criteria Targeted:
Learning Outcomes
Grading criteria covered
Unit 9: Learning Outcome 1 Unit 9: Learning Outcome 2 Unit 9: Learning Outcome 3 Unit 9: Learning Outcome 4
P1, P2, P7 P3, P4 P5, M1, D1 P6, M2
Learner work Submitted:
Task Number Task 1 Task 2
Task descriptor Benefits of sport and recreational activities wall display Scenario related planning pack
Submitted Yes/No Yes/No
Issue Date: September 2015 Submission Date/s: w/c 07/12/15 Actual Date of Submission/s: Learner Declaration: I certify that the work in this assignment is all my original work and any information gathered from the internet, books, magazines etc. must be referenced in the appropriate way. I am aware that copying and pasting work from the internet will result in me having to resubmit my work.
Signed: ………………………………………………………….
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own. Learner name: Submission date:
Assessor name:
Chris Pickering
Submitted on:
Issue date:
Sep 2015
BTEC Level 2 Diploma Public Services
9: Sport and Recreation in the Public Services
Assignment reference and title:
Assignment 1: Plan it
Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration). Task ref.
Evidence submitted
Page numbers or description
1 Poster and notes
Planning Pack
Additional comments to the Assessor:
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner signature:
Assessor declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment does belong to and was produced by the learner stated above. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Assessor signature:
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Introduction: Sporting and recreational activities play important roles in the public services. This unit investigates how they benefit the individual members and the services as a whole. The unit explores the importance of sporting and recreational activities to individuals and the public services including health, social development, self-esteem etc. The unit also looks at organisation of activities looking at safety, planning, organisation of activities etc.
Scenario: As part of your work experience with local cadets you have been given the task of organising an individual and team development weekend for a group of Armed Forces Cadets. You are to plan a weekend programme of events for this group. The event will last two days (Saturday and Sunday) and one night. You must plan prepare and organise a main sport and recreational activity along with various other tasks and events that will stretch and challenge the cadets. You must fill out all necessary paperwork, advertising and planning documentation. Choose your sport and recreation activities carefully. You will need to fully plan the activities and think about all the considerations that need to be made when organising and running your events.
Task 1: Will give you the chance to: P1: Identify different sports and recreation activities used by the public services P2: Describe the importance of sports and recreational activities to the public services.  Produce a large colourful poster which identifies 5 different sport and recreational activities that the public services take part in plus 1 section on a non-uniformed public service.  The poster must also include a description of a benefit to the Public Services of taking part in each of the sport and recreational activities identified plus a section on non-uniformed. On your poster (in total a minimum of 5 Sport & Recreation activities); 1) Describe what the benefit is. (x5) 2) Give an example of how you could get each from your Sport &/or Rec. 3) Give a public service which would want members to have this benefit and describe why it would help them. 4) Include a colourful image to represent each activity/benefit. 5) For non-uniformed section how could they encourage members to take part in Sports and recreation activities?
Completed Poster - Date Due: w/c 28/09/15 4
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Task 2: Will give you the chance to: P3: Explain the safety issues when organising sport or recreational activities. P4: Identify the responsibilities of the different people involved in sports and recreational activities. P5: Plan a sport or recreational activity (partial). The following must be completed in detail
List of do’s and don’ts for your two activities Illustrated pictures of the risks of your two activities Detailed timetables of events for the two days Risk assessment for the two activities Kit lists for individuals and organisers Safety practices report.
Main Sporting Activity…………………………………………… Main Recreational Activity…………………………………… Notes ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Completed Pack - Date Due: w/c 07/12/15 5
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Sports Activity: Draw five risks associated with your
Sports activity P3 achieved YES / NO
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Recreation: Draw five risks associated with your
Recreation activity P3 achieved YES / NO
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Timetable of events for weekend away Saturday
Time 0630
Description Rise and shine
Time 0630
Description Rise and shine
Lights out
Lights out
P4 achieved YES / NO
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services P3 achieved YES / NO
Sport and Recreational Activity Risk Assessments: Sports Activity
What are the hazards?
Example: 1)
Who might be harmed?
Participants Referee’s
How will they be harmed?
Headaches, Nausea Light headed (may fall) Dizziness’, confusion
What precautions will prevent or limit this? 1) Provide drinks breaks in activity
monitor to make sure taking water 2) Provide sheltered area out of sun if outdoors 1)
2) 2) 1) 3) 2) 1) 4) 2) 1) 5) 2) 9
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services P3 achieved YES / NO Adventur ous Outdoor Activity
What are the hazards?
Who might be harmed?
How will they be harmed?
What precautions will prevent or limit this? 1)
1) 2) 1) 2) 2) 1) 3) 2) 1) 4) 2) 1) 5) 2)
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services P4 achieved YES / NO
Kit Lists for activities: Sports Activity:
Recreation Activity:
General kit:
Individual kit (Cadet)
PS kit (Equipment) Individual kit (Cadet)
PS kit (Equipment) Individual kit (Cadet)
PS kit(Equipment)
e.g: Football boots
e.g: Goalposts
e.g: Swimming e.g: Money pool
e.g: Transport
e.g: Towel
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services P3 achieved YES / NO
Do’s and Don’ts for your Sport and Recreation Activities:
Sport activity: Do
Recreation Activity: Do
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services For your adventurous outdoor activity (AOA) you need to look in detail at the safety rules which are associated with taking part. Complete the worksheet which covers duty of care, Disclosures DBS (formerly CRB), knowledge of procedures, first aid, participants, correct clothing, good health, reasonable care of self, injuries and the 6 points below. 1. Identifies 5 safety practices for your AOA. 2. Good and bad practices for these safety rules.
P4 achieved YES / NO
3. What the individual has to do for each rule. 4. What the coach/instructor has to do for each rule. 5. What the organisation/manager has to do for each rule. 6. What happens if these safety practices are not followed Safety Practice 1 Point Point Point Point Point Point
Safety Practice 2
Safety Practice 3
Safety Practice 4
Safety Practice 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
Use the worksheet to produce a professional report identifying the responsibilities of the different people involved in sports and recreational activities.
Completed Report - Date Due: w/c 07/12/15 13
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Grading criteria covered in this assignment P1: Identify different sports and recreation activities used by the public services. P2: Describe the importance of sports and recreational activities to the public services. P3: Explain the safety issues when organising sport or recreational activities. P4: Identify the responsibilities of the different people involved in sports and recreational activities P5: Plan a sport or recreational activity (partial) marked in assignment 2
Assessment Guidance These are the key words that are used for the grading criteria in this unit – make sure you know what they mean.
Identify means point out (i.e. choose the right one) or give a list of the main features. Describe means show your knowledge and understanding of the issue, event or subject. Explain means to look at a subject closely in order to understand it and improve your knowledge.
Unit Content 1 Know the importance of sport and recreation to the public services Sport and team games: eg football, netball, basketball, hockey, rugby, cricket; individual sports eg cross-country, running, climbing, skiing, tennis, badminton, sailing. Recreation: eg cinema, theatre, hobbies, music, the arts; importance; health, fitness and wellbeing; self-esteem, personal development, stress relief; short-
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services term benefits eg increased heart rate, increased lung function; long-term benefits eg stronger heart and lungs, muscle tone. Importance to the public services: enhanced productivity; improved staff loyalty; reduced staff absenteeism; healthier workforce; team morale. Uniformed public services using sport and recreation: the armed forces; police; fire service; prison service. Non-uniformed public services: subsidised gym membership; gyms at the workplace; sports clubs membership.
2 Understand the safety issues to be considered when organising sport and recreation activities Safety: health and safety; appropriate and protective clothing eg shin pads, gum shields, gloves, pads, helmets; surfaces; risk assessments of equipment and facility; first aid provision eg kit, first aider, procedures equipment, surroundings, staff. Responsibility of different people: involved eg organisers, duty of care, Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks, knowledge of procedures, first aid; participants; correct clothing; good health; reasonable care of self; uninjured.
3 Be able to plan a sport activity used the public services Planning: insurance; teams; equipment; cost; transport; facility; staffing; risk assessment; session plan; staff coverage; education/information/venue; refreshments; emergency supplies eg first aid kit, communication (telephones).
4 Be able to participate regularly in public services sport and recreation activities Venues: sports clubs; activity centres; fitness centres. Benefits: physically fit; mentally fit; pass fitness tests; good communicator; team player; improving fitness
Verified by …………………………….. (sign) ………………………….… (print) Position ………………………………………...
Date ………………………….
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 9: Sport & Recreation in the Public Services ASSESSMENT RECORD SHEET Programme
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Learner name
Assignment title
1: Plan It
Assessor name
Chris Pickering
Unit no. & title
9: Sport & Recreation in the PS
Target learning aims
1, 2
September 2015
Submission date
Issue date First submission / resubmission?*
Resubmission date**
Resubmission authorisation by Lead Internal Verifier*
* All resubmissions must be authorised by the Lead Internal Verifier. Only one resubmission is possible per assignment, providing: The learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension. The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance. Evidence submitted for assessment has been authenticated and accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner. **Any resubmission evidence must be submitted within 10 working days of receipt of results of assessment.
Target criteria
P1: Identify different sports and recreation activities used by the public services (Task 1) P2: Describe the importance of sports and recreational activities to the public services
(Task 1)
P3: Explain the safety issues when organising sport or recreational activities (Task 2) P4: Identify the responsibilities of the different people involved in sports and recreational activities (Task 2)
Criteria achieved? (Yes / No)
Assessment comments
Your poster Identified at least 5 sports and recreation activities used by the public services and described the importance of each. The poster was produced to a _______________________ standard. The planning pack was fully completed explaining safety issues when organising __________________ & _______________ activities. You also identify the responsibilities of individuals, organisers and venue’s with risk assessments, kit lists and lists of do’s and don’ts. 16
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and General Comments
Spelling…Any common errors, e.g - their, there. Specific technical words
Punctuation… full stops, capital letters, commas, question/exclamation marks, apostrophes.
Grammar - correct and consistent use of tenses (past, present, future -we was... we were etc,) - paragraphs.
General Comments… standard of work
Assessor declaration
I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Assessor signature
Learner comments
Learner signature
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit/s 9: Sport and Recreation in the public services.
Lecturer Chris Pickering
Assessor Chris Pickering
Assignment 2: Do it!
Learning Outcomes and Criteria Targeted:
Learning Outcomes
Grading criteria covered
Unit 9: Learning Outcome 1 Unit 9: Learning Outcome 2 Unit 9: Learning Outcome 3 Unit 9: Learning Outcome 4
P1, P2, P7 P3, P4 P5, M1, D1 P6, M2
Learner work Submitted:
Task Number Task 1 Task 2 Task 3
Task descriptor Sport and recreation participation and review diary Planning, leading and evaluation of micro session delivery Personal benefits of sport and recreational activities information brochure
Submitted Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No
Issue Date: January 2016 Submission Date/s: w/c 16/05/16 Actual Date of Submission/s: Learner Declaration: I certify that the work in this assignment is all my original work and any information gathered from the internet, books, magazines etc. must be referenced in the appropriate way. I am aware that copying and pasting work from the internet will result in me having to resubmit my work.
Signed: …………………………………………………………. 18
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Learner Assessment Submission and Declaration When submitting evidence for assessment, each learner must sign a declaration confirming that the work is their own. Learner name: Submission date:
Assessor name:
Chris Pickering
Submitted on:
Issue date:
Jan 2016
BTEC Level 2 Diploma Public Services
9: Sport and Recreation in the Public Services
Assignment reference and title:
Assignment 2: Do it!
Please list the evidence submitted for each task. Indicate the page numbers where the evidence can be found or describe the nature of the evidence (e.g. video, illustration). Task ref.
Evidence submitted
Page numbers or description
Sports & Rec Diary
Notes and Session Plan
Poster/Info Leaflet
Additional comments to the Assessor:
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Learner declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Learner signature:
Assessor declaration I certify that the work submitted for this assignment does belong to and was produced by the learner stated above. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Assessor signature:
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Introduction: Sporting and recreational activities play important roles in the public services. This unit investigates how they benefit the individual members and the services as a whole. The unit explores the importance of sporting and recreational activities to individuals and the public services including health, social development, self-esteem etc. The unit also looks at organisation of activities looking at safety, planning, organisation of activities etc.
Scenario’s: Task 1, 2 a/b and 3. Task 1 – The course leader has been asked to audit the levels of sport and Recreational activities being taken part in by the PS course. They have asked that each of you compete a diary of the activities that you take part in so they can gain a better understanding of the needs of the team. This will require you to give detailed information on what activities you have competed, what you thought of them and what you have gained from taking part in them. Task 2a/b - As part of your work experience working with a Sports and recreation development officer within a public service you have to plan and lead an original sport or recreation session. The team should gain a variety of physical, mental and social benefits from this activity that can be transferred into their public services roles. You will have to assist with completing all paper work including detailed written and visual evidence. On completion of your delivery you will have to evaluate the success of your session taking into account the positive and negative aspects while also highlighting areas that could be improved for the next session delivery. Task 3 - Finally as the last part of your work experience you have been asked to assist with designing and developing an information leaflet to your team detailing the personal benefits that can be gained from taking part in sport and recreational activities.
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Task 1: Will give you the chance to: P6: Participate regularly in sport and recreational activities in different venues. M2: Review your part in the participation of sport and recreational activities in different venues. Each week you will be given the opportunity to take part in sports and/or recreation activities in and out of the college. At the start of each classroom session complete a record of your involvement in sport and/or recreational activities for the previous week on the worksheets e.g. Example;
What I thought of it?
w/c 08/09/14
5 a-side Football
The Sports Arena Walton Street Hull
(Include positives, negatives, what you got from it and would you do it again?) It was a really good session that I really enjoyed. My favourite parts were the skills and drills in which I specifically practiced short passing and shooting, this will hopefully improve my coordination. The worst part was the warm up as it made me really tired before the start of the game. We could have finished with a longer game which would have been great even though my team still won. I feel played really well as I scored a great goal – back of the net! I would defo do it again and hope we do it in sports again.
Completed Diary - Date Due: w/c 02/05/16
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
What I thought of it?
(Include positives, negatives, what you got from it and would you do it again?)
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
What I thought of it?
(Include positives, negatives, what you got from it and would you do it again?)
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
What I thought of it?
(Include positives, negatives, what you got from it and would you do it again?)
Hull College
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Task 2a: Will give you the chance to: P5: Plan a sport or recreational activity (partial). M1: Lead a sport or recreational activity. In pairs plan a 20 minute sport/fitness session of your choice to deliver to your team-mates. You must include a full plan for the session, the equipment you will need and full instructions for how to carry out the activity. Also identify all considerations and any risk factors for completion.
Complete the worksheet in lots of detail so that anyone could follow the instructions that you have left.
Hull College 26
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Draft Session Plan Group Members _______________________&_______________________ Date:_______________________
Planned Activity:________________________________________________ Equipment Needed: _____________________________________________ Health & Safety Points to Consider During Activity …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(Overview - Detailed info and diagrams)
Equipment Needed
Warm Up:
Main Session:
Cool Down:
Hull College 27
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Final Session Plan Group Members _______________________&_______________________ Date:_______________________
Planned Activity:________________________________________________ Equipment Needed: _____________________________________________ Health & Safety Points to Consider During Activity …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………
(Overview - Detailed info and diagrams)
Equipment Needed
Warm Up:
Main Session:
Cool Down:
Hull College 28
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Diagrams of Drills and/or Activities; (Attach additional sheets as/if required)
Completed Session Plan/Delivery - Date Due: w/c 21/03/16 Hull College 29
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Task 2b: Will give you the chance to: D1: Evaluate your sport or recreational activity. Prepare a video presentation which will evaluate your own delivery of your sport of recreational activity. Each individual will highlight on the video points such as;  
Their own individual strengths and weaknesses. Recommendations for their own improvements with examples.
Examples of content; o o o o
Organisational skills. Communications skills. Leadership skills. Overall delivery.
Each pair will then speak to a minimum of 5 other learners, who will give their thoughts on the delivered session. Rules
1. Each pair will take an equal and active role within the video presentation, both behind and in front of the camera. 2. Each pair will talk about their own delivery commenting on the highlighted points. 3. Each pair will ask for the thoughts of a minimum of 5 other learners within the group.
Completed Video Review - Date Due: w/c 25/04/16 Hull College 30
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Task 3: Will give you the chance to: P7: Report on the personal benefits of regular participation in sport and recreational activities. Individually you are to produce an information brochure reporting on the benefits of regular participation in sport and recreation encouraging people to take part. The leaflet must include both the short and long term benefits of participation including the following sections; Physical fitness Mental fitness/wellbeing Joining and working within the UPS Communication skills Teamwork All leaflets must have a colourful front cover which includes a ‘catchy’ title. It must also contain images to represent the content you have covered. Example:
Physical fitness Mental health
Joining and working Comms skills Teamwork
A prize will be awarded for the best brochure!
Completed Poster - Date Due: w/c 16/05/16 Hull College 31
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Grading criteria covered in this assignment P5: Plan a sport or recreational activity. (Task 2) (Partial) M1: Lead a sport or recreational activity. (Task 2) D1: Evaluate your sport or recreational activity. (Task 2) P6: Participate regularly in sport and recreational activities in different venues. (Task 1) M2: Review your part in the participation of sport and recreational activities in different venues. (Task 1) P7: Report on the personal benefits of regular participation in sport and recreational activities. (Task 3)
Assessment Guidance These are the key words that are used for the grading criteria in this unit – make sure you know what they mean.
Plan means work out and plan how to carry out a task or activity. Evaluate means review the information then bring it together to form a conclusion. Give evidence for each of your views or statements i.e. supported judgement.
Unit Content 1 Know the importance of sport and recreation to the public services Sport and team games: eg football, netball, basketball, hockey, rugby, cricket; individual sports eg cross-country, running, climbing, skiing, tennis, badminton, sailing. Recreation: eg cinema, theatre, hobbies, music, the arts; importance; health, fitness and wellbeing; self-esteem, personal development, stress relief; short-
Hull College 32
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services term benefits eg increased heart rate, increased lung function; long-term benefits eg stronger heart and lungs, muscle tone. Importance to the public services: enhanced productivity; improved staff loyalty; reduced staff absenteeism; healthier workforce; team morale. Uniformed public services using sport and recreation: the armed forces; police; fire service; prison service. Non-uniformed public services: subsidised gym membership; gyms at the workplace; sports clubs membership.
2 Understand the safety issues to be considered when organising sport and recreation activities Safety: health and safety; appropriate and protective clothing eg shin pads, gum shields, gloves, pads, helmets; surfaces; risk assessments of equipment and facility; first aid provision eg kit, first aider, procedures equipment, surroundings, staff. Responsibility of different people: involved eg organisers, duty of care, Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks, knowledge of procedures, first aid; participants; correct clothing; good health; reasonable care of self; uninjured.
3 Be able to plan a sport activity used the public services Planning: insurance; teams; equipment; cost; transport; facility; staffing; risk assessment; session plan; staff coverage; education/information/venue; refreshments; emergency supplies eg first aid kit, communication (telephones).
4 Be able to participate regularly in public services sport and recreation activities Venues: sports clubs; activity centres; fitness centres. Benefits: physically fit; mentally fit; pass fitness tests; good communicator; team player; improving fitness
Verified by …………………………….. (sign) ………………………….… (print) Position ………………………………………...
Date ………………………….
Hull College 33
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services Unit 9: Sport & Recreation in the Public Services ASSESSMENT RECORD SHEET Programme
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Learner name
Assignment title
2: Do It
Assessor name
Chris Pickering
Unit no. & title
9: Sport & Recreation in the PS
Target learning aims
1, 3, 4
January 2016
Submission date
Issue date First submission / resubmission?*
Resubmission date**
Resubmission authorisation by Lead Internal Verifier*
* All resubmissions must be authorised by the Lead Internal Verifier. Only one resubmission is possible per assignment, providing: The learner has met initial deadlines set in the assignment, or has met an agreed deadline extension. The tutor considers that the learner will be able to provide improved evidence without further guidance. Evidence submitted for assessment has been authenticated and accompanied by a signed and dated declaration of authenticity by the learner. **Any resubmission evidence must be submitted within 10 working days of receipt of results of assessment.
Target criteria
P5: Plan a sport or recreational activity
(Task 2a Session Plan and notes)
Criteria achieved? (Yes / No)
M1: Lead a sport or recreational activity
(Task 2a Session Plan and notes)
D1: Evaluate your sport or recreational activity
(Task 2b Video Review)
P6: Participate regularly in sport and recreational activities in different venues
(Task 1 Participation Diary)
Assessment comments
You completed a session plan which showed all elements were planned in _______________ detail to run a ______________________________ session. You also completed the planning pack in assignment one to look at the more formal elements of planning an activity. As part of a pair / Individually you led a group of your peers in a session of ______________________ which you plan and ran on _____________________ taking charge, giving instructions and briefing the group. The video presentation evaluated your personal strengths and weaknesses and made recommendations to improve your activity in the future. You completed entries in the diary for _______ sports and _______ recreation activities identified for the ____ week period completed in a range of different venues.
Hull College 34
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services M2: Review your part in the participation of sport and recreational activities in different venues (Task 1)
P7: Report on the personal benefits of regular participation in sport and recreational activities (Task 3 Brochure/Leaflets)
You completed the review section of your diary with detailed reviews of your involvement and participation in sports and recreation activities. You reviewed the positives and negatives of the activity, what you got from it and if you would you do it again. The leaflet task provided reported information on the benefits of regular participation in sports and recreational activities to a _________________________ standard.
Spelling, Punctuation, Grammar and General Comments
Spelling…Any common errors, e.g - their, there. Specific technical words
Punctuation… full stops, capital letters, commas, question/exclamation marks, apostrophes.
Grammar - correct and consistent use of tenses (past, present, future -we was... we were etc,) - paragraphs.
General Comments… standard of work
Assessor declaration
I certify that the evidence submitted for this assignment is the learner’s own. The learner has clearly referenced any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Assessor signature
Learner comments
Learner signature
Hull College 35
BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Public Services
Hull College 36