626 Capricorn Road (February 2019)

Page 1

Seeing Red


A 92ARTIST Productions Publication



pg 8 Message from the Editor

pg 10 This Month’s Theme “The Gift of Seeing Red” pg 12 I Spy with My Red Eye Find Me if You Can pg 24 Romantique A Fall to Remember pg 54 Entertain Yourself Be Your Own Inspiration pg 76 Hotel Promises They Hear Us Whispering pg 98 Street Sins A Commitment to Sidewalk Beauty pg 120 Departure Love Has No Exit pg 132 Songs That Inspired This Issue Our February Issue Playlist



pg 20 Old-Fashioned Lenses

pg 82 Fenced In

pg 38 Driven Beyond the Point

pg 102 Smoke-Flavored Flirtation

pg 66 Press Play, Rewind, Repeat

pg 128

Put Rouge on the Outro


pg 16

pg 44

Bright Minds, Cloudy Eyes

Can I Love You Forever?

pg 33

pg 50

Orchid Fever

I Think of You When the Sun Rises pg 60

This is a Mood pg 72

Selfishly Thinking Highly of Myself pg 88

Freesias Were You’re Calling Card pg 94

Please Look at Me pg 106

Late Night Sidewalk Talks pg 110

I Ran into My High School Crush pg 115

Candy Trip pg 124

Haley’s Breakup 5

Website: www.626capricornroad.com Instagram: @626capricornroad Tumblr: 626capricornroad.tumblr.com Twitter: @626CapRoad 6



Facebook: 626 Capricorn Road Pinterest: 626capricornroad Photography by: Ceirra Burton Written Work by: Ceirra Burton 7

MESSAGE FROM THE EDITOR Hey everyone! My name is Ceirra Burton, and I am the creator and editor-in-chief of 626 Capricorn Road. Thank you so much for taking the time to read the February 2019 issue of 626 Capricorn Road. This month’s theme is “Seeing Red.” When the month of February rolls around, love is in the air (or at least that’s what we are supposed to believe). We find ourselves wanting to experience an epic romantic fairytale like the ones we were told as children. Being able to find your true love and live happily ever after. Yet, life doesn’t make it easy for us to find our soulmates. We have to work tirelessly to find someone who meets our standards (or who we believe we deserve to love). They have to be passionate, make us laugh, respect us, and most importantly, be there for us. It is a difficult task finding true and we exhuast all our options until we are force to surrender to the universe. Accepting love as a game created by fate and only given to us when we are ready for love. If we are ready, then we’ll get our “happily ever after.” If not, then we must remain patient until it’s our turn again. This issue is inspired by a recent trip to Paris and falling in love with a city that is shrouded in a triumphant, yet tumultuous history. Although, people come from all over the world to experience the magic of Paris and understand what it means to “fall in love” and live life colored by romantic hues. Shades of red give us the inspiration and courage to find passion in everything we see and do. To find love everywhere we go and to never be ashamed of it. 8

So, without further ado, let’s all learn the ability of “Seeing Red.”


Love is a mystery.

It hangs heavy over our heads and weighs down our hearts. It’s intended for those who know how to wield it. Like an ancient broadsword of glory. A bittersweet memory which transforms into sad song to sing. Yet, there’s hope in finding yourself through it.

“You have to trust the process.”

But what is the process?

Why are there rules and regulations for this fickle game? I thought I knew everything about love, but I may have met my match. My eyes have clouded over. My mind can’t keep up with your ever-changing ways of passion.


There’s never a dull moment with you. Fiery emotions or stone-cold feelings. There’s no in-between. We crave the gray area because it would trick us into believing we can breathe again. What a luxury it would be to have a moment apart from you.

“Love’s supposed to be magical.”

At least that’s what we’re taught at a young age.

“Everyone has a soulmate.”

Yet, no one spills the details on the treacherous journey to find one. There are too many ups and downs with falling in love. Although, falling out of it is even harder. “Don’t take this the wrong way, darling. It’s not you, it’s me.”

No, it’s definitely you. That’s what we want to say, but no one wants to hear how they ruined love for you. So, we sit and ponder. We look out of our windows and wonder if this is as good as it gets. Or if you’ll be like the others and see red one day as well. “I guess all the heartbreak was well worth it. My agony helped me prepare for this moment.” Cause that’s all we want right? To have the fairytale love we envied as children? No?

Is that not what we want?



MY RED EYE Find Me if You Can 13

Bright Minds, Cloudy Eyes Tranquil matte gray skies Shining hearts and thoughtful minds When you walk on by



OLD-FASHIONED LENSES An old pair of glasses laid defeated in the streets. With shattered lenses and bent frames. It looked well-worn and overused from holding onto decades of memories. Its owner must’ve had many adventures. Could they have traveled all around the world? Experiencing new cultures, sights, and sounds? Did they read hundreds of books and hold many in-depth discussions on the meaning of life? Or watched copious amounts of movies about the time before them? Is the owner a man or a woman? Were these glasses an heirloom passed down through generations? How many secrets have embedded themselves into its frame? Words never revealed in the light of day. Only whispered into the night. It must be tiring to be a secret keeper. A bearer of both good and bad news. I can’t imagine what that’s like. But now they don’t have to carry that weight anymore. They may rest and lay dormant in its new concrete home. They’ve done enough. Their job isn’t needed anymore. The work’s done. They may rest now. 20




A Fall to Remember



I Think of You When the Sun Rises Early morning high Purple haze through pink skylines My mind on blue eyes


Driven Beyond the Point No more fighting it. I need to be with you. I need to fall in love with you. I NEED! I NEED! I NEED! God, why is it so hard to be with you? What I’m doing wrong? Where is my place on your wall of lovers? Did I not charm you with the wit of the devil? Wield the magic of love and make you mine? What do I need to do? TELL ME!


Drop a hint. A clue.

A secret. A coded whisper. I’ll do anything. ANYTHING! I’ve always wanted what I can’t have. A victim to the unattainable. Chasing after those like you. I want to want you and I want you to want me. PLEASE SAY SOMETHING! ANYTHING! I’ve never been this desperate before. It’s an uncomfortable feeling. Let me rectify it. But how do I do that? TELL ME! please...I need to know... 39

Can I Love You Forever? 44

If ever you leave You’ll be in my memory This I promise you


Orchid Fever


We blossom daily Our petals fall graciously There’s nothing like it



Be In


n Yourself

Your Own nspiration


This is a Mood Have you been enjoying your new year? Are you fulfilling last year’s promises with this year’s intentions? If not, it’s not too late to turn things around. But, are you willing to make any sacrifices necessary to see these things through? New year, new start? Isn’t that right? It’s not easy to move forward, but it’s a lot more prosperous than falling behind. It’s not enough to hope for a resolution to come true. Make it an attainable goal. Go out there and take risks. Put in the hard labor. Or are you vying for the role of a wallflower again? 60

It’s hard to see the outcome when the vision becomes so blurry it fogs up your senses. You’re becoming envious of others and their success. Spit out that poison before it takes over your entire nervous system. Go at your pace. Not what’s recommended by society. It was the non-laborious who invented shortcuts. Don’t let these thoughts became a part of your daily regimen.

Feeling empty and mundane will lay heavy in your mind. Time is a mood too precious not want to cherish. Control the way you live your life by blocking out the white noise. Say “yes” to what feels right. Say “no” to what holds you back. You are the only one in charge of your life. Don’t you agree? 61

Press Play, Rewind, Repeat

The game is simple.

1. Follow the rules 2. Have the best year of your life

Life has no structure because you fall into the unknown every day. Your survival’s based on wit, circumstance, memory, and common sense. 66

You travel through life fueled off of eclectic moments. They help you understand who you are

and who you want to become. There’s nothing that can prepare you for what life may bring. As long as you have dignity and uncompromising morals, you’ll get through the journey. If you examined your life from birth to now, you’d see many moments you were ill-prepared for this game of life. You merely pressed play, rewind, and repeat. Now your biopic is running longer than expected. This current act is tedious. You’re predicting the ending before you even live it and the anticipation is dead. There’s no spontaneity. Only an uncanny presence waiting to scare you senseless. Did the makers of this game test it out on themselves? What were their results? How many trial periods did they run? Do they know how to beat the game? This isn’t some simple board game. Infuse strategy and patience into every move. This isn’t a team sport, it’s every man for themselves. Don’t make the wrong decision. If you do, it’ll become irreversible. No refunds or exchanges. Dive headfirst into life’s black hole. Let it suck you in and teach you how to survive on your own. But, don’t let it put you into permanent slumber prematurely. You won’t be able to come back.

Now that all the players have arrived, we may begin the game.

The first move is crucial. If we make a mistake, it may take eons before the game circles back to us. You cannot rearrange the pieces nor ignore the challenges dealt to you. You must acknowledge them head-on. But who gave the makers of this game the power to control us? Who are they to tell us how to play the game of life? We should have full creative control of our individual story. Let us decide what is right and wrong and who we should trust. Let us make the tough, life-altering decisions. At least if we fail, we can say we were aware of the circumstances. Now that I’ve gone first, it’s your turn to roll the dice and claim your prize. 67

Selfishly Thinking Highly of Myself 72

Why aren’t you putting yourself first? Did you know you can make yourself a priority? Self-care is a selfish act Take it seriously. Others may think you’re only thinking about yourself. But shouldn’t you? Most people take self-reliance for granted. It’s an affordable act of kindness for yourself. It’s a chance to start over. You can hit the reset button at the top of the new year. Thinking highly of yourself without feeding into other people’s expectations. You are the most important person in your life. Don’t wait for permission. Start your journey now. Trust me. You’ll enjoy the high if you do. What are you willing to sacrifice to get that feeling inside you? 73


They Hear U Whispering 76


Us g 77

Fenced In Four-sided wooden barriers Trapped by the front-lines We’ve tip-toed around our misery for too long I want you Your absence is agonizing I ache from not having you I can’t take the distance anymore We shouldn’t have to love from behind a blockade We should be together without fear or consequence I think about you all the time Strangers can now read my thoughts They know when you’re on my mind When I desire you When I want to hold you Exiled to the land of romantic conformity A place where our love is non-existent




Freesias Were Your Calling Card

A springtime love in the dead of winter A familiar head rush causing me to lose my mind There’s that scent I know and love to hate That peppery note with a hint elegance It attacks my senses and floods me with memories of you When it lingers in the air I know you have come to rescue me My mundane life becomes non-existent You’ve revived me with a life of color I never knew of a scent as heavenly as freesias I can see why you chose them as your calling card


Please Look at Me May I have your attention please, I only need a few moments of your time. You see, You have been on my mind lately and I can’t help but wonder if I have a chance to make you mine Would that be possible? I promise to love and protect you. To make you smile at me the way you do at the world. To make you laugh even if my jokes become boring and humorless. 94

To make you feel like anything is possible, even the world becomes too grim. All I need is a few moments of your time. To turn around and lock eyes with me. I promise I’ll make it worth your while. If I had your eyes trained on me, would you have the same thoughts of desire? If I took your hand and gave you my heart, would you wear it with grace? If you got my attention, I would tell you everything. Would you do the same for me?



A Commitment to Sidewalk Beauty





SMOKE-FLAVORED FLIRTATION “Didn’t your parents ever tell you not to follow strangers?” “I don’t consider you to be a stranger.” “Really? Well, what am I?” “Beautiful.” “With a cigarette dangling out of my mouth?” “You’re shrouded in mystery.” “You make me sound like one of those missing girls you see on those cop shows.” “Or well-read.” “I don’t read much.” “Oh. What a shame.” “What’s your name?” “Kent. And you?” “Mikaela. So, Kent. Do you make it a habit to follow girls into alleyways?” “You make it a habit of chain-smoking in them?” “I’m on my way to work, and I needed-”


“A little encouragement.”

my face. Especially if I’m making their favorite drinks.”

“Something like that.”


“Your boss cool with your smokey scent?”

“Anyways, I should probably get going.”

“Well, I’m a bartender. I don’t think my aroma isn’t going to hinder drunk douchebags from shoving their credit cards in

“Oh. I’m sorry if I took up too much of your time.”

“It’s ok. I actually enjoyed your company. Despite how brief it was.”

“You too, Kent. Come find me if you want to continue this conversation.”

“Maybe I’ll see you around again?”

“I will. Good night.”

“Yeah. Maybe you will.”

“Good night.”

“It was nice meeting you, Mikaela.” 103

Late Night Sidewalk Talks 106

These are the moments I enjoy the most. You and I shrouded by quietness. Basking in each other’s presence. We can get our deepest thoughts out. Revealing our troubles and triumphs to each other in the same breath. Working out the kinks until we’re brand new again. Even if we get into our dirtiest fights, the night will bring us back together. We’re back on the same page with a level head. Yes, this is what I enjoy the most.


I Ran into My High School Crush


Likes on Instagram for my best-looking photos. Retweets on Twitter for my witty remarks. Comments on Facebook that reeked of innuendo. It was a peculiar sight. The girl I was madly in love with when I was 16, invited herself back into my life. What does this mean? Is she interested in me? Has she had a change of heart? Should I even respond? I wasted so much time getting over her. I’ve accumulated so many scars on my knees from begging to the heavens to find the strength to let her go. Now, what do I do? 111

Candy Trip A sweetheart and a rebel. A gentleman and a bad boy. Combos so dysfunctional it’s a miracle, I left him unscathed. But when it came to us, he didn’t care about the gossip. We were a headline story, but he was more concerned about my byline. He knew about my past and I about his. Yet, he didn’t care. He wanted to protect my heart, I wish I could’ve done the same for him. The sweetness of his love was his most attractive quality. But, the sugary notes became too overwhelming, and in the end, I couldn’t save us. I didn’t want to save us.






I loved you, but I was never in love with you. I’ve waited patiently for such a long time to be consumed by feelings of unconditional love. 124

But it never happened.

I’m underwhelmed, and tired of waiting. There’s nothing left for me in this relationship. I will always love you, but only from a distance.


Put Rouge on the Outro I traveled to a city that taught me about love. How to find it, cherish it, and hold onto it for eternity. Yet, it wasn’t easy getting to this place. I’ve read countless stories about the “City of Lights” and how magical it is to the wanderers who come here. It is bathed in so much life and culture by a history that makes you sympathize with its people. I heard how easy it was to fall in love in Paris. Not just with a person or the city, but with yourself. You can find beauty in your soul and become your own source of inspiration. By walking around the neighborhoods, you could feel the trauma of the city lingering in the air. The physical evidence of its history remains on every street corner. Empathy pours out of you because your own history is riddled with the same amount of pain and misery. Agony keeps you awake at night because your heart aches for the warmth 128

of another. You’re filled with void because there’s no cure for a broken spirit. Or so you think. Life is full of never-ending stories that span centuries. We’re entertained by war-torn love, deceit, betrayal, pure elation, and glorious wins. These types of tales are what make the human existence a relatable experience. Everyone suffers from pain and heartbreak. Everyone has happy moments that outweigh the sad ones. No one is perfect. Imperfection is what makes us attractive. These ideals are what drew me further into the mystique of Paris. It has an intoxicating aroma of individuality and loyalty to identity. This city helped me find the love I wanted. I thought I needed to find an epic romance, but I was wrong. It wasn’t with someone else. It was with me. I needed to fall in love with myself.

And that’s what I did.

I fell hard and deeply in love with myself for the first time. It was exhilarating and frightening all at once. Yet, it’s something I’ll never forget because it made me believe in the idea of love again. And this type of love is what I deserve. 129

Songs That Insp Good Things - Sleater-Kinney One More Hour - Sleater-Kinney #1 Must Have - Sleater-Kinney Let’s Call it Love - Sleater-Kinney The Only One - The Black Keys Ten Cent Pistol - The Black Keys The Go-Getter - The Black Keys needy - Ariana Grande thank u, next - Ariana Grande Best Mistake - Ariana Grande You Make Me Sick - P!nk Try - P!nk Promises - Aly & AJ I Know - Aly &AJ Love It If We Made It - The 1975 Robbers - The 1975 Fallingforyou - The 1975 Be Honest (ft. Inara George) - Jason Mraz Drowning - Mario Lonely - Demi Lovato Do You Know What I’m Seeing - Panic! at the Disco Girl They Won’t Believe It - Joss Stone


pired this Issue What Were We Thinking - Joss Stone Proper Nice - Joss Stone Bad Habit - Joss Stone Bad Timing - Ro Jones Pyramids - Frank Ocean Insecure (ft. Bryson Tiller) - Jazmine Sullivan blah.blah.blah. - Denitia and Sene trip.fall - Denitia and Sene Hard to Love - Aaron Carter Seattle Tidez - Aaron Carter The Way (ft. Chance the Rapper) - Kehlani Mr. Rogers - Travis Garland Break the Cycle - You + Me No Ordinary Love - You + Me Slow Dancing in a Burning Room - John Mayer Dreaming with a Broken Heart - John Mayer I’m Gonna Find Another You - John Mayer Come Back to Bed - John Mayer Ain’t Love Strange - Stanaj Mad Love - JoJo Say Love - JoJo Reckless - JoJo


Next Issue

“Lucky Spring”

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