Art14london x Aki Gallery

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FEN Yang-Tsung HUA Chien-Chiang LEE Chan-Dao LO Chan-Peng SHEN Chao-Liang


After Summer 夏天過後 80 x 90 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2013

Swimming pool series- Scorching Midday Sun. 泳池系列 - 日正當中 50 x 50 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2014

Swimming pool seriesUnder the Water 泳池系列 - 水面下 80 x 90 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2013

Lines Left by swim Goggles 眼鏡痕 30 x 30 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2013

Swimming pool seriesTiny bubble 泳池系列 - 微小氣泡 140 x 140 cm Acrylic on Canvas 2013

Swimming pool series-a bath towel with grass pattern 泳池系列 - 有草圖案的大浴巾 185 x 95cm Acrylic on Canvas 2013

Night Club 2-6 夜店 2-6 320 x 160cm Acrylic on Canvas 2010

Night Club 2-2 夜店 2-2 160 x 160cm Acrylic on Canvas 2010

CATALOGUE | HUA Chien-Chuang

Civilized World-1, Civilized World-2, Civilized World-3, Civilized World-4 文明世界 -1、文明世界 -2、文明世界 -3、文明世界 -4 60x30 cm/pc. Gouache on Canvas 2014

Civilized World -5 ~ 13 文明世界 -5 ~ 13 30x30 cm/pc. Gouache on Canvas 2014

Annual Sale Hand to Hand Combat 週年慶 - 短兵相接 112×145.5cm Gouache on Canvas 2013

Waves Made by Flying Fish 魚飛催浪 60.5×145 cm Acrylic and Gold Foil on Board 2013


Midnight Blues 午夜藍調 90X60 cm Oil on Canvas 2014

BFF II 我們同在一起 40x45 Oil on Canvas 2014

Cat Fight-Love Kick 妖精打架 - 愛的迴旋踢 140x105cm Oil on Canvas 2013


Ashen face -『Lucifer's Bride』 白面者『路西法的新娘』 80x 65cm Oil on Canvas 2014

Ashen face 15 -Aiko Fang 白面者 15- 方嘟嘟 259x194cm Oil on Canvas 2011

Dark Soul 黑暗靈魂 80x65cm Oil on Canvas 2013

Ashen face -Strolling in the Fog 白面者 - 霧中漫遊 16 X 91cm Oil on Canvas 2013

the Air We're Gazed 凝視的對象是你我之間的那團空氣 72.5 x 91 cm Oil on Canvas 2013

Melancholy 憂傷 91 x 116.5cmcm Oil on Canvas 2013

Ashen face 4 白面者 4 91 x 72.5 cm Oil on Canvas 2010

Youth Journa No.4 草莓族青春日誌 4 號 162×120cm Oil on Canvas 2007

2013 EXPERIENCE03:TRUTH El Segundo Museum of art, ESMoA Los Angeles, U.S.A

LO Chan-Peng introducing the artwork to Collectors with BrainBrain Swenny Curator.

Lee Hendrix Getty Museum Archives Department-Director of Sketch Collection



STAGE-97 Taichuag County Taiwan Lightjet C Prin 2011

STAGE-2 Yunlin Taiwan Lightjet C Print 2008

STAGE-55. Tainan County,Taiwan Lightjet C print 2009

STAGE -61. Chiayi County,Taiwan Lightjet C Print 2008

2010 STAGE- Illusion Reality The Photo Exhibition of Shen Chao-Liang Aki Gallery Taipei, Taiwan

2012 Illusion Reality Taipei Fine Arts Museum Taipei, Taiwan

ART HK10 & ART HK11 Hong Kong International Art Fair, Hong Kong, China

2012 Galleryseoul12, Seoul, Korea

2013 ART TAIPEI 2013 Taipei World Trade Center I Taipei, Taiwan

2012 ART TAIPEI 2012 Taipei World Trade Center I Taipei, Taiwan

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