
You have a new message from A Blue Account…
By taking “blue” as the palette and developing the main concept based on it, Chien-Chiang HUA and his solo E x hibition depict the everyday living under the pandemic. The new selection of works presented in A Blue Account e x tends the concept of the previous solo e x hibition at Chiayi Art Museum, where the symmetrical blue-and-white paintings of mythical creatures symbolize blessings in Oriental cultures. Along with the pandemic outbreak, the daily life of human beings was significantly influenced by the arrival of solitude. This time, instead of depicting a utopian world with rich colors or an old fellow that leads to discussions of social issues, HUA, on the contrary, delineates scenes of daily living. Applying the blueand-white porcelain colors as the main palette while breaking the boundaries of the media, gouache, the artist creates his works in a style that’s different from the traditional one. While “blue” has always been a symbol of melancholy in Western art history, it is relatively positive in Oriental culture. It could be the sky, the water, the depiction of landscapes. It as well echoes the situation of the pandemic, providing viewers another kind of feelings in this solo e x hibition. It is like, HUA registers himself A Blue Account, and with it and through creative process, he records the daily living under the pandemic situation. This series of blue, can be seen as a mark of the 20th century, that as well echoes the blue period of Picasso in the art history. Yet, blue, has such different cultural meanings to the West and the East. In HUA’s paintings, it does not only mean depression. It is rather a kind of blessing dressed in blue, that brings one positive energy, wishing for a change of mind under the pandemic.


HUA’s work is permanently collected by National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, and his publications include ENERGY (2022), Painting Becoming (2016), A Database of living Bodies (2014), Time Capsule (2014), Gun and Suit (2013), Reality in Wonderland (2010) and New Blossoms of the Divine (2007). (b.1975)
Chien-Chiang HUA (b.1975), was born in Taipei, graduated from Ph. D. Department of Fine Arts (Ink), National Taiwan Normal University. He is also selected for the Central Academy of Fine Arts e x change program in Beijing. HUA is one of the most represented surrealist painters in Taiwan. He combines Eastern traditional gouache with the technique of ink painting to depict a world that is utopian, yet dystopic in its foundation. For him, living is not only about the mundane, but it is also about choosing the right path. He ju x taposed nature with destruction to structure a miniature model of a world where the perfect parallel with the imperfect. It is a metaphor for the different directions humanity can take depending on its choices, ending up with possible futures that carry our hope and contradictions. He has e x hibited in many world-class museums
Chien-Chiang HUA
Chiayi Art Museum (2022), Chiayi, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan(2020), National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts(2017), Taiwan, Gwangju Museum of Art(2010), Taipei Fine Arts Museum(2007), Shanghai Yuehu Museum(2011).

雨和紙片 01 | Rain and Paper 01 膠彩、壓克力、畫布Gouache and Acrylic on 45.5canvasx53cm | 2021

雨和紙片 04 | Rain and Paper 45.5Acrylic膠彩、壓克力、畫布Gouache04andoncanvasx53cm|2021

令人心神穩定的意外功效 01 | Suppressing ways to calm 01 膠彩、壓克力、畫布 | Gouache and Acrylic on canvas 60.5 x 72.5 cm | 2020

有價值的墜落 02 | Falling 膠彩、壓克力、紙膠帶、畫布02 | Gouache 、Acrylic and Paper Tape on canvas 60.5 x 72.5 cm | 2021

晨間運動-下肢運動能力 | Morning routine:Training on Lower Limb 膠彩、壓克力、畫布 | Gouache and Acylic on canvas 60.5 x 72.5 cm | 2021

晨間運動-徒手胸肌訓練 | Morning 膠彩、壓克力、畫布routine:Pushup | Gouache and Acylic on canvas 60.5 x 72.5 cm | 2021

精神耗弱的夜晚 02 Tiredness in the night 72.5AcrylicSticker、Staple、Gouache膠彩、壓克力、畫布墨、白墨液、蔥線、釘針、貼紙、蠟筆、02|Whiteink、andoncanvasx91cm|2021

精神耗弱的夜晚 03 Tiredness in the night 72.5AcrylicSticker、Staple、Gouache膠彩、壓克力、畫布墨、白墨液、蔥線、釘針、貼紙、蠟筆、03|Whiteink、andoncanvasx91cm|2021

華建强這不是藍色的世界 2022.06 嘉義市立美術館


這不是藍色的世界華建强 2022.06 嘉義市立美術館

This AKI Gallery Leipzig

This way please 華建强 2022.03 Leipzig Prospect Jumping into 華建强 2022.04 AKI Gallery Leipzig Prospect


華建强通關密語 2020.05 台南市立美術館

華建强通關密語 2020.05 台南市立美術館

COVERAGEMEDIA 2022.07 | 嘉美館月刊
膠彩畫的繪製至今仍延續傳統的程序方法與多項步 驟。華建强每天作畫,勤於創作,然而膠彩其繁複的 工序,讓他往往只是準備材料,就已經半天過去。二 十年來的繪畫生涯裡,他時時感覺到材料的特殊性。 由於膠彩不像油畫、壓克力顏料可以直接使用,準備 工作中用手抹開顏料、調製膠的緩慢過程,讓他對材 料有更多反思的時間,不斷地思考怎麼做才可以讓這悠久傳統的媒材,帶來不一樣的可能。 膠彩的媒材「 性一定要這麼強嗎? 他不斷自問,在當代的繪畫創」 作中,膠彩豔麗的特質有沒有可能混搭其他的風貌?華建强創作的前十年的創作以 「 的形象發展社」 會議題,後來尋求創作的轉變,因此轉而繪製日常生 活中所見的動植物、人與風景,並開始實驗膠彩媒材的運用。膠彩總給人豔麗的印象,因此他在 骨肉分《 離系列 中嘗試壓低其彩度,讓顏色呈現朦朧的色系》 與白色質感。他也以 園丁周休二日《 嘗試將水墨與》 膠彩兩種材料混合,跨越媒材想像的邊界。在此次個 展中,他將壓克力顏料、白墨液混合膠彩繪製,顛覆 既有的膠彩作畫方式, 為什麼不能用自由的方式使「 用顏料? 是他這些年持續在探索與嘗試的反思。他」 手裡調製膠彩的圓碟,像是青金石般堆疊著層次豐富 的藍色,鮮豔得自成一片宇宙。他說創作者容易被其美麗迷惑,無法跳脫膠彩鮮豔的印象。 疫情時期的温暖印象 「這不是藍色的世界」華建 强 採訪整理|陳含瑜圖|華建 强 華建强個展日前於嘉美館二樓開展,他以膠彩為主要創 作媒材,構築疫情時期的藍色系列作品,兩年期間累積 一百四十件,此次於嘉美館展出其中六十件,作品中的藍色與疫情時代人們內在的情緒遙相呼應。 華建强作為藝術家的核心關懷,在於思考人如何面對當 藍「 色是憂鬱 」 膠彩是以膠為媒介,混合天然礦物的粉末,顏色鮮豔, 唐代自中國傳至日本,逐漸發展為日本的特色繪畫之 一。臺灣前輩藝術家陳進、郭雪湖、林之助等於日治時 期前往日本習畫,而將其帶回臺灣。在嘉美館 「 陳澄波與畫都 展覽中,即可見到幾幅臺灣藝術家」 早期的膠彩畫作。目前在臺灣的膠彩畫創作課程以東海 大學為匯集地,大學就讀臺中師範學院的華建强因而認識膠彩,進而以其作為創作的主要媒材。 疫情改變了人對世界的看法,人們因為隔離防疫失去自 由,又或者親人因病離世。華建强試著轉化這些不可見的 內在心緒,以可見的事物描繪人們心中的期望。他以中國 的吉祥話發想,像是羊與 三陽開泰「 、蝙蝠與」 五福臨「 門 、龍與」 飛龍乘雲「 ,另外還有背著花瓶的大象,意」 為 太平有象「 ,將天下太平作為藍色的祝福,以喜慶的」 展場中左右相對的畫作構圖相同,卻呈現藍白相異的調用語帶來正能量,期望疫情中人們能夠不再憂鬱。 性氛圍,藉此呈現平行時空的世界。一邊是代表東方青 花瓷的藍白,象徵著沒有被疫情破壞的世界,而另一邊 西方的藍色則增加了許多抽象的筆觸,破除人的形象, 對照著疫情籠罩的另一個世界。去年全球疫情爆發之 時,臺灣相對安全,而現在國外逐漸解封,臺灣卻面對 疫情的巔峰。同一個時間點,兩個不同的狀態同時發生 而並存,像是不同的藍色有著不同的文化意涵與歷史脈 絡,同時存在於世界之中。 藍色時「 期 」 「 」 。 膠彩在當代繪畫的實驗與挑戰 藍色是溫暖的顏色 疫情時候的藍色祝福 華建 强 ,《骨肉分離系列–山洞口》 116.5cm×91cm,墨,膠彩、畫布,2014 藍色,水漸漸為藍色帶來寒冷的感覺。在歷史中不同時 代的人們,對藍色有著不同的感受,因著文化的多樣 性,藍色代表的不只是憂鬱,呼應到疫情之下,世界並 不只是憂鬱的。 「這不是藍色的世界」展覽現場。 華建 强 ,《園丁周休二日–結出現實的果1》 162cm×130cm,墨、膠彩、畫布,2016 (左)華建 强 ,《心內的風 19 》 91cm x 116.5cm ,膠彩、壓克力、白墨液、 畫布, 2021 (右)華建 强 ,《春天的風 11 》 91cm x 116.5cm ,膠彩、畫布, 2020 (左)華建 强 ,《春天的風 02 –太平有象》 91cm x 116.5cm ,膠彩、畫布, 2020 (右)華建 强 ,《春天的風 14 –飛龍乘雲》 91cm x 116.5cm ,膠彩、畫布, 2020 人



COVERAGEMEDIA 2016.07 | ARTCO | 文 / 吳樹安

Chien華建强Chiang 201520182018策展200720092010駐村2016-20172017-20182018-20192019-經歷20022005201420152015學歷1975出生於臺北三芝,臺灣HUA國立臺灣師範大學美術學系美術創作理論組博士班水墨組畢業國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所博士班肄業中國北京中央美術學院造形藝術研究所博士交換生國立臺北藝術大學美術創作碩士班畢業國立臺中師範學院美勞教育學系畢業國立臺灣師範大學美術學系兼任助理教授國立嘉義大學視覺藝術學系暨研究所兼任助理教授國立嘉義大學視覺藝術學系暨研究所專案助理教授國立嘉義大學視覺藝術學系暨研究所兼任助理教授中國桂林愚自樂園國際藝術創作營法國巴黎西帖國際藝術村駐村美國舊金山赫德蘭藝術村駐村「物.體無-在浪費的遺跡裡生產意義」,靜宜大學藝術中心,臺中,臺灣「不再對話-墨彩創作中的靜謐時空」,HouseArt,中壢,臺灣「巧而華-墨彩創造的當代視野」,麗品畫廊,臺北,臺灣 C.V
2014 「活體資料庫 - 變異形象的墨彩製造」,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2014 「時光容器II - 滑世代的墨彩語境」,誠空間,臺北,臺灣 2014 「時光容器I - 滑世代的墨彩語境」,誠空間,臺北,臺灣 2022個展 一個藍色的帳號,也趣藝廊,臺北,台灣 2022 藍色小時,琢璞藝術中心,高雄,台灣 2022 這不是藍色的世界,嘉義市美術館,嘉義,台灣 2022 這邊請,Aki Gallery Leipzig Prospect,萊比錫,德國 2020 「空谷幽蘭 - 華建强個展」,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2020 「通關密語 - 華建强個展」,臺南市立美術館,臺南,臺灣 2020 「安能居 - 華建强個展」,也趣藝廊萊比錫空間,萊比錫,德國 2016 「華建强個展」,Bazaar Art Jakarta雅加達藝術博覽會,雅加達,印尼 2016 「從繪畫開始 - 華建强個展」,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2016 「雙面人 - 華建强個展」,靜宜大學藝術中心,臺中,臺灣 2013 「槍砲與西裝Ⅱ - 華建强個展」,金禧美術,臺中,臺灣 2013 「槍砲與西裝 - 華建强個展」,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2011 「華建强作品展」,金禧美術,臺中,臺灣 2010 「華建强個展」,德鴻畫廊,臺南,臺灣 2010 「人奸仙淨 - 華建强個展」,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2010 「無意識享樂 - 華建强個展」,Galerie Etienne de Causans,巴黎,法國 2009 「成年禮 - 華建强個展」,西帖國際藝術村,巴黎,法國 2009 「ART TAIPEI 2009 - 華建强個展」臺北國際藝術博覽會也趣藝廊展位A30,臺北,臺灣 2007 「新仙上世 - 華建强個展」,也趣藝廊,臺北,金禧美術,臺中,臺灣 2007 「新仙花形 - 華建强個展」,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣
2005 「升仙超世Ⅱ - 華建强個展」,壢新生活藝術館,中壢,臺灣 2005 「升仙超世 - 華建强個展」,鳳甲美術館,臺北,臺灣 2004 「High仙洲Ⅱ - 華建强個展」,智邦藝術基金會藝術館,新竹,臺灣 2004 「High仙洲 - 華建强個展」,太平洋文化基金會藝術中心,臺北,臺灣 2022聯展 Jumping into,Aki Gallery Leipzig Prospect,萊比錫,德國 2020 「Reunion」,也趣藝廊萊比錫空間,萊比錫,德國 2020 「ONE ART TAIPEI藝術臺北博覽會」,西華酒店,臺北,臺灣 2019 「第五屆海峽兩岸書畫名家交流展」,臺灣會館,北京,中國 2019 「世界的東方想像。彩墨畫家看世界 - 國際彩墨畫展」,國父紀念館,臺北,臺灣 2019 「臺中藝術博覽會」,日月千禧酒店,臺中,臺灣 2019 「臺南藝術博覽會」,大億麗緻酒店,臺南,臺灣 2019 「ONE ART TAIPEI藝術臺北博覽會」,西華酒店,臺北,臺灣 2018 「亞洲文化協會五十五週年聯展」,非常廟藝文空間,臺北,臺灣 2017 「2017臺北國際水墨大展」,國父紀念館,臺北,臺灣 2017 「記憶的重疊與交織 - 後解嚴臺灣水墨」,國立臺灣美術館,臺中,臺灣 2017 「水墨曼陀羅」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,臺灣 2016 「KIAF韓國國際藝術博覽會」,COE x ,首爾,韓國 2016 「KAOHSIUNG TODAY港都國際藝術博覽會」,高雄展覽館,高雄,臺灣 2016 「風景轉譯」,屏東美術館,屏東,臺灣 2015 「逆滲透:臺灣彩墨創作的跨界與集結」,英才文教基金會、誠空間,臺中、臺北,臺灣 2014 「典藏.對話:演繹臺灣當代水墨」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,臺灣 2014 「ART TAIPEI 2014臺北國際藝術博覽會」,世貿一館,臺北,臺灣 2014 「LOOP在自覺與自抉中」,靜宜大學藝術中心,臺中,臺灣
2014 「ART TAINAN臺南藝術博覽會」,臺南大億麗緻酒店,臺南,臺灣 2014 「ART 14 LONDON 倫敦藝術博覽會」,Olympia Grand Hall,倫敦,英國 2013 「ART TAIPEI 2013臺北國際藝術博覽會」,世貿一館,臺北,臺灣 2013 「共生」,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2013 「花花:世界 北美館典藏作品展」,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣 2013 「ART TAINAN臺南藝術博覽會」,臺南大億麗緻酒店,臺南,臺灣 2012 「ART TAIPEI 2012臺北國際藝術博覽會」,世貿一館,臺北,臺灣 2012 「Y.E.S. Taiwan IV」年度特展,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2012 「臺灣當代-玩古喻今」,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣 2012 「Gallery seoul12 - 首爾頂級藝博」,首爾,韓國 2012 「Mancy's Art Nights」,東京,日本 2011 「風泉滿清聽」未來大明星作品展,華山1914,臺北,臺灣 2011 「ART TAIPEI 2011」臺北國際藝術博覽會,世貿一館,臺北,臺灣 2011 「桂林愚自樂園國際藝術創作營展」,上海月湖美術館,上海,中國 2011 「AHAF 11 - 亞洲頂級藝廊飯店博覽會」,文華東方酒店,香港,中國 2010 「ART TAIPEI 2010」,臺北國際藝術博覽會,世貿中心一館,臺北,臺灣 2010 「第四屆上海藝術博覽會國際當代藝術展」,上海展覽中心,中國 2010 「浮世山水 - 臺灣藝術展」,國立臺灣美術館,臺中;相田光男美術館,日本 2010 「複語.腹語 -臺灣當代藝術展」,韓國光州市立美術館,韓國 2010 「臺灣當代藝術家聯展」,德鴻畫廊,臺南,臺灣 2010 「後青春」,國立臺灣美術館,關渡美術館,臺中,臺北,臺灣 2009 「2009臺北美術獎」,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣 2009 「撼動 - 臺灣彩墨畫的新生代觀點」,雲林科技大學藝術中心,雲林,臺灣 2009 「ART TAIPEI 2009」,臺北國際藝術博覽會 世貿中心一館,臺北,臺灣 2009 「Art OSAKA 2009」,大阪,日本
2009 「ARTO Art Fair BUSAN 2009」,釜山,韓國 2009 「YOUNG ART TAIPEI 2009第一屆臺灣國際當代藝術博覽會」,王朝大飯店,臺北,臺灣 2009 「Y.E.S. Taiwan」年度特展,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2009 「宅的藝想世界」,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2009 「Happy Together Aart1」,金禧美術,臺中,臺灣 2008 「ART. Fair 21 Cologne 當代藝術博覽會」,科隆,德國 2008 「形‧意‧質‧韻──東亞當代水墨創作邀請展」,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣 2008 「2008臺北國際藝術博覽會」,臺北世貿中心,臺北,臺灣 2008 「marginality」,Gallery J. Chen,臺北,臺灣 2008 「北京第十一屆國際藝術博覽會」,北京國際貿易中心,北京,中國 2008 「ID-新世代的自我識別」,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣 2008 「亞洲當代藝術週 - 蛇巷」,紐約臺北文化中心,紐約,美國 2008 「第二種視野」,國立臺灣美術館,臺中,臺灣 2007 「ART. Fair 21 Cologne 當代藝術博覽會」,科隆,德國 2007 「新秀‧傳承--臺灣青年藝術作品展」,彰濱秀傳醫院,彰化,臺灣 2007 「食飽未? - 2007亞洲藝術雙年展」,國立臺灣美術館,臺中,臺灣 2007 「2007臺北國際藝術博覽會」,臺北展演二館,臺北,臺灣 2006 「微顯 - 鳳甲美術館館藏精選展第一章」,鳳甲美術館,臺北,臺灣 2005 「捉影‧DRAWING-素描主題展」,二十號倉庫,臺中,臺灣 2005 「E術誕生 - 臺灣藝術新秀展」,國立臺灣美術館,臺中,臺灣 2005 「2005紐約國際授權展」臺灣形象館,紐約,美國 2004 「嘻哈透視鏡」,二十號倉庫,臺中,臺灣 2004 「全國彩墨藝術大展」,臺中市政府文化局,臺中,臺灣 2004 「2004臺北美術獎」,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣 2003 「高雄市美術展覽會」,高雄市立美術館,高雄,臺灣
2003 「臺灣美術新貌展」,臺中縣立港區藝術中心,臺中,臺灣 2002 「露出馬腳」,臺中市政府文化局動力空間,臺中,臺灣 2002 「臺灣彩墨新人賞」,臺中市政府文化局,臺中,臺灣 2001 「中華民國第三屆現代水墨畫展」,國立臺灣藝術教育館,臺北,臺灣 2009獲獎 臺北美術獎入選 2005 2005紐約國際授權展「臺灣形象館」藝術家甄選入選 2004 第五十八屆全省美展膠彩類入選 2004 臺北美術獎優選 2003 第五十屆中部美展膠彩類優選 2003 高雄獎暨第二十屆高雄市美術展覽會水墨膠彩類入選 2003 臺灣美術新貌展-平面系列入選 2003 臺中市第八屆大墩美展膠彩類入選 2002 第四十九屆中部美術展覽會膠彩類優選 2002 第五十六屆全省美展膠彩類入選 2002 臺灣彩墨聯盟第一屆彩墨新人賞 2002 臺中市第七屆大墩美展水墨膠彩類入選 2001 第三屆新莊美展社會組水墨畫佳作 2001 臺中市第六屆大墩美展膠彩類第二名 2001 中華民國第三屆現代水墨畫展入選 2021典藏 膠彩作品〈後花園 13 〉 〈理想的豐厚 1〉獲國立臺灣美術館藝術銀行110年度作品購入計畫典藏
2020 膠彩作品〈這個夏天沒作好防曬2〉獲國立臺灣美術館藝術銀行109年度作品購入計畫典藏 2019 膠彩作品〈分離式系列〉獲國立臺灣美術館藝術銀行108年度作品購入計畫典藏 2018 膠彩作品〈小圈圈系列〉獲國立臺灣美術館藝術銀行107年度作品購入委員訪視推薦計畫典藏 2010 壓克力作品〈綠巨人〉獲愚自樂園典藏 2008 膠彩作品〈升仙超世系列〉獲行政院文化建設委員會九十七年度青年繪畫作品典藏 2007 壓克力作品〈人間仙境 - 不老村〉獲國立臺灣美術館典藏 2007 膠彩作品〈遊春圖〉系列、〈仲夏悠遊〉系列獲臺北市立美術館典藏 2007 膠彩作品〈失戀陣線聯盟〉獲行政院文化建設委員會九十六年度青年繪畫作品典藏 2005 膠彩作品〈慶生會〉獲鳳甲美術館典藏 2004 水墨作品〈留言〉獲行政院文化建設委員會九十三年度青年繪畫作品典藏 2003 膠彩作品〈紅色此身〉獲行政院文化建設委員會九十二年度青年繪畫作品典藏 2021贊助 獲臺北市政府文化局一一○年度第二期專業藝文補助案「出版類」補助 2020 獲臺北市政府文化局一○九年度第二期專業藝文補助案「美術與書法水墨類」補助 2020 獲亞洲文化協會(ACC)2020緊急應變獎助計畫 2020 獲文化部2020對受嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎影響發生營運困難產業事業紓困振興辦法-視覺藝術類補助 2020 獲財團法人國家文化藝術 基金會 2020 年第一期「視覺藝術類」常態補助 2017 獲桃園市政府文化局一 ○ 七年度第一期視覺藝術活動補助 2016 獲財團法人國家文化藝術基金會一 ○ 五年度第一期「美術類」補助 2016 獲臺北市政府文化局一 ○ 五年度第一期專業藝文補助 案「書法水墨類」補助 2014 獲臺北市政府文化局一○三年度第二期專業藝文補助案「書法水墨類」補助 2013 獲臺北市政府文化局一○二年度第二期專業藝文補助案「書法水墨類」補助 2013 獲財團法人國家文化藝術基金會一○二年度第一期「美術類」補助
2010 獲臺北市政府文化局九十九年度第二期專業藝文補助案「書法水墨類」補助 2010 獲財團法人國家文化藝術基金會九十九年度第一期「美術類」補助 2010 獲中國桂林愚自樂園駐村計畫贊助 2009 獲文建會「第十屆視覺與表演藝術人才出國駐村及交流計劃」甄選駐法國西帖藝術村駐村計畫 2007 獲亞洲文化協會2007年赫德蘭藝術村駐村計畫贊助 2007 獲財團法人國家文化藝術基金會九十六年度第一期「美術類」補助 2007 獲臺北市政府文化局九十六年度第一期專業藝文補助案「美術類」補助 2005 獲財團法人國家文化藝術基金會九十四年度第二期「美術創作類」補助 2004 獲臺北市政府文化局九十三年度第二期專業藝文補助案「美術類」補助 2004 獲財團法人國家文化藝術基金會九十三年度第一期「美術類」補助 2003 20072010201320142014201620222022畫冊出版獲世安文教基金會2003年世安藝術創作贊助《通關密語-華建强》個展畫冊,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣《空谷幽蘭-華建强》個展畫冊,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣《從繪畫開始-華建强》個展畫冊,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣《活體資料庫-變異形象的墨彩製造》策展畫冊,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣《時光容器-滑世代的墨彩語境》策展畫冊,誠空間,臺北,臺灣《槍砲與西裝-華建强》個展畫冊,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣《人奸仙淨-華建强》個展畫冊,也趣藝廊,臺北,臺灣《新仙花形-華建强》個展畫冊,臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣
2015EducationPh. D.
Chien華建强Chiang HUA Born in Sanzhi, Taipei county, Taiwan Department of Fine Arts (Ink), National Taiwan Normal University studied at Doctoral Program in Art Creation and Theory, Tainan National University of the Arts. e x change student in Doctor of Arts, China Central Academy of Fine Arts M.F.A. Graduate School of Fine Arts M.F.A. Program, Taipei National University of the Arts B.F.A. National Taichung Teachers College of Arts Education Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Visual Arts, Department of Fine Art,National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, Part-time Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Visual Arts, Department of Fine Art, National Chiayi University, Taiwan, Part-time Assistant Professor (Project Faculty), Graduate Institute of Visual Arts, Department of Fine Art, National Chiayi University, Taiwan, Full-time 2016-2017 Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of Visual Arts, Department of Fine Art, National Chiayi University, Taiwan, Part-time Artist Residencies Residency in Yuzi Paradise, Guilin, China 2009 Residency in Cite International des Arts, Paris, France Residency in Headlands Center for the Arts, San Francisco, U.S.A : The Value of Wasteful Remnant, Providence University Art center, Taichung, Taiwan No conversation : Contemporary Ink Painting, House Art Contemporary, Zhongli, Taiwan Ingenious yet splendid : The creative thinking of contemporary ink color world, Lipen Art
Curating 2018 Object˙De-strcture
Experience 2019-
2020 Password-Hua,
Taiwan 2014 Time Capsule
2020 Energy-Hua,
2009 "ART
Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Database of Living Bodies : The Production of Image Variations with Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, : Ink Art Semantic in Phubbing Generation, Sincere Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Capsule : Ink Art Semantic in Phubbing Generation, Sincere Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Exhibitions Orchids of the valley-Hua, Chien-Chiang Solo E x hibition, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Chien-Chiang Solo E x hibition, Tainan Art Museum, Tainan, Taiwan Chien-Chiang Solo E x hibition, AKI Gallery Leipzig Prospect, Leipzig, Germany Hua, Chien-Chiang Solo E x hibition, Bazaar Art Jakarta 2016, Jakarta, Indonesia Painting Becoming, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Two Face, Providence University Art center, Taichung, Taiwan Gun and Suit II, Arthis Fine Art, Taichung, Taiwan Gun and Suit, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Hua,Chien-Chiang solo e x hibition, Arthis Fine Art, Taichung, Taiwan Hua,Chien-Chiang solo e x hibition, DER-HORNG ART GALLERY, Tainan, Taiwan Reality in Wonderland, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Inconscient plaisir, Galerie Etienne de Causans, Paris, France Rite de passage, Cite International des Arts, Paris, France TAIPEI 2009"Solo E x hibition, AKI Gallery Booth A30, Taipei, Taiwan New Elysium of the Divine, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Arthis Fine Art, Taichung, Taiwan New Blossoms of the Divine, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Land of the Divine II, Li-Shin Gallery, Zhongli, Taiwan Land of the Divine, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan High Celestial of the e x hibition II, Accton Arts Foundation, Hsinchu, Taiwan
2014 A
2014 Time
2014 Collection
The fifth Master of Painting E x change show, The Taiwan Association of Beijing, Beijing, China Oriental Imagery of the World-World View from Color Ink Painter's Vision, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan Art Taichung 2019, Millennium Vee Hotel Taichung, Taichung, Taiwan Tainan 2019 E x ecutive Committee, Tayih Landis Hotel, Tainan, Taiwan One Art Taipei 2019, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei, Taiwa n Asian Cultural Council Taiwan Foundation 55th anniversary Artist E x hibition, VT Artsalon, Taipei, Taiwan Taipei International Ink Painting E x hibition, National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Taipei, Taiwan Interwoven and Overlapped:Post-Martial Law Era Ink Painting in Taiwan, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan Mandala of Ink Art, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan KIAF 2016 / Art Seoul, COE x , Seoul, Korea Kaohsiung Harbor International Art Fair, Kaohsiung E x hibition Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Landscape as Translation, Pingtung Art Museum, Pingtung, Taiwan Subversion, Infusion, Permeation: The Congregation of Transmedia Art of Ink and Colors in Taiwan, The Ying Tsai Foundation for the Culture and Education, Sincere Art Gallery, Taichung, Taipei, Taiwan and Dialogue Taiwan's Contemporary Ink Painting, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan Art Taipei 2014, Taipei World Trade Center I, Taipei, T aiwan LOOP, Providence University Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan TAINAN 2014 E x ECUTIVE COMMITTE, Tayih Landis Hotel, Tainan, Taiwan ART 14 London’s New Modern and Contemporary Art Fair,Olympia Grand Hall, London, UK Art Taipei 2013, Taipei World Trade Center I, Taipei, T aiwan Symbiosis, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Dazzling World Permanent Collection of TFAM, Taipei FineArts Museum, Taipei,
2017 Memories
2004 High Celestial of the e x hibition, Pacific Cultural Foundation Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan Group Exhibitions 2020 Reunion, AKI Gallery Leipzig Prospect, Leipzig, Germany 2020 One Art Taipei 2020, The Sherwood Taipei, Taipei, Taiwa n 2019
2019 Art
2014 ART
2013 Flora-the
2017 2017
Taiwan 2013 ART TAINAN 2013 E x ECUTIVE COMMITTE, Tayih Landis Hotel, Tainan, Taiwan 2012 Y.E.S. Taiwan! Young Emerging Stars Taiwan IV, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2012 CONTEMPORARY APPROPRIATIONS OF THE PAST, Taipei FineArts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 2012 Mancy's Tokyo Art Fair, Tokyo, Japan 2011 POLYPHONY 1ST E x hibition of ne x t Generation of Artists as Superstars, Huashan1914.Creative Park, Taipei, Taiwan 2011 Art Taipei 2011, Taipei World Trade Center I, Taipei, T aiwan 2011 Guilin Yuzi Paradise Art Symposium E x hibition, Yue Hu Museum of Art, Shanghai, China 2011 AHAF 11 , Top Asia Hotel Art Fair 2011, Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Hong Kong, China 2010 Art Taipei 2010, Taipei World Trade Center I, Taipei, T aiwan 2010 Art Fair ShContemporary2010, inte x Shanghai, China 2010 Landscape to mindscape of floating world— Contemporary art from Taiwan, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taichung/ Mitsuo Aida Museum, Japan 2010 Ventriloquized Voices - Contemporary Art from Taiwan, Taiwanese Contemporary Art, Gwangju Art Museum, Korea 2010 Taiwan contemporary artist group e x hibition, Der-Horng Art Gallery, Tainan, Taiwan 2010 Post-adolescence, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung/ Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan 2009 2009 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 2009 New Impressions and Perspectives: The Young Generation of Taiwan Color Ink Painting, The Art Center of National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Yunlin, Taiwan 2009 Art Taipei , 2009Taipei World Trade Center I, Taipei, T aiwan 2009 Art OSAKA, 2009 Osaka, Japan 2009 ARTO Art Fair BUSAN, 2009 Busan, Korea 2009 Young Art Taipei contemporary hotel art fair, Sun World Dynasty Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan 2009 Y.E.S., Taiwan, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2009 Otaku, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2009 Happy Together Aart1, Arthis Fine Art, Taichung, Taiwan 2008 ART Fair 21, Cologne, Germany 2008 Form, Idea, Essence and Rhythm: Contemporary East Asian Ink Painting, Taipei Fine Arts
Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Art Taipei 2008, Taipei World Trade Center (Area A&D), Taipei, Taiwan marginality, Gallery J. Chen, Taipei, Taiwan 11th Beijing International Art E x hibition, China World Trade Center, Beijing, China ID-identification of the new generation, AKI Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan Asian Contemporary Art Week “SNAKE ALLEY”, Taipei Cultural Center, New York, United States SECND VISION, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan ART Fair 21, Cologne, Germany New for Young: E x hibition of Taiwan Contemporary young artists, Chang Bing Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Changhua, Taiwan Have You Eaten Yet? 2007Asian Art Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taiwan Art Taipei 2007, Taipei Show (Former Taipei World Trade Center II), Taipei, Taiwan Revelation – Selections from the Hong-Gah Museum Collection, Opus 1, Hong-Gah Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Drawing-Selected E x hibition of Sketch, Stock20, Taichung, Taiwan Art of the “E” Generation in Taiwan, National Taiwan Mu seum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan Licensing International E x hibition, Taiwan Pavilion, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York To See Through the Hit Hop, Stock 20, Taichung, Taiwan 2004 Tsai-Mo Art E x hibition in Taiwan, Taichung City Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung, Taiwan 2004 Taipei Arts Award, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan Kaohsiung Award 2003 and the 20th Kaohsiung Fine Arts E x hibition, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2003 Taiwan Features Fine Arts E x hibition, Taichung County Seaport Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan To Show the Cloven Foot, Taichung City Cultural Affairs Bureau Power Space, Taichung, Taiwan Tsai-Mo Art E x hibition of the E x cellent in Taiwan, Taichung City Cultural Affairs Bureau, Taichung, Taiwan Third R.O.C. Modern Ink Painting E x hibition, National Taiwan Arts Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan Awards
2009 Finalist, Taipei Arts Awards, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 2005 Licensing 2005 International E x hibition, Taiwan Pavilion, Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, New York, United States 2004 Finalist, 58th National Fine Arts E x hibition (Gouac he) 2004 Special Selection, Taipei Arts Awards, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 2003 Honorable Mention, 50th Central Fine Arts E x hibition (Gouache Category) 2003 Kaohsiung Award 2003 and 20th Kaohsiung Fine Arts E x hibition, Kaohsiung Museum of Fine Arts, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2003 Finalist, Print Category, Taiwan Features Fine Arts E x hibition, Taichung County Seaport Art Center, Taichung, Taiwan 2003 Finalist, 8th Da Dun Fine Arts E x hibition, Taichung, Taiwan 2002 Honorable Mention, 49th Central Fine Arts E x hibition (Gouache Category) 2002 Finalist, 56th National Fine Arts E x hibition (Gouac he category) 2002 First New Talent Award, Taiwanese Color Ink Painting League 2002 Finalist, Ink and Gouache Category, Seventh Da Dun Fine Arts E x hibition, Taichung, Taiwan 2001 Outstanding Ink Painting Entry, Third Hsinchuang Fine Arts E x hibition (Adults Category) 2001 Runner-up, Gouache category, Si x th Da Dun Fine Arts E x hibition, Taichung, Taiwan 2001 Finalist, 3rd Modern Ink Painting E x hibition, National Taiwan Arts Education Center, Taipei, Taiwan Collections 2021 Gouache works Back Garden No.13—A Rich Ideal No.1 obtai n Art Bank Taiwan 2021 collection 2020 Gouache works Sunscreen Was Not Put on Well This Summer No.2 obtain Art Bank Taiwan 2020 collection 2019 Gouache works Single-Split-Type obtain Art Bank Taiwan 2019 collection 2018 Gouache works Small Circles Series obtain Art Bank Taiw an 2018 collection 2010 Acrylic work Green Giant obtain Yuzi Paradise collection 2008 Gouache works Land of the Divine obtain the committee's 2008 young painting works classicalcollection of the Council for Cultural Affairs 2007 Acrylic works Paradise on Earth-Ageless Village obtain the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts collection.
2004 The black works of water Leave a Message obtain committee's 2004 young painting works classical-collection of the Council for Cultural Affairs
2020 Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs 2020 Second Round of Annual Grants for Fine art and Calligraphy, Ink and Wash Painting
2020 ACC’s Taipei Office, Taiwan Pandemic Response Fund, a s pecial program being carried out in Spring 2020. Received the Ministry of Culture's 2020 Measures for the Relief and Revitalization of Industries and AffectedBusinessesbySevere Special Infectious Pneumonia and Operating Difficulties-Visual Arts Subsidy National Culture and Arts Foundation 2020 the first fin e arts subsidy Taoyuan Department of Cultural Affairs First Round of Annual Grants for visual art 2016 National Culture and Arts Foundation 2016 the first fin e arts subsidy Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs 2016 First Round of Annual Grants for Calligraphy and Ink and Wash Painting Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs 2014 Second Round of Annual Grants for Calligraphy and Ink and Wash Painting Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs 2013 Second Round of Annual Grants for Calligraphy and Ink and Wash Painting National Culture and Arts Foundation 2013 the first fin e arts subsidy Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs 2010 Second Round of Annual Grants for Calligraphy and Ink and Wash Painting National Culture and Arts Foundation 2010 the first fin e arts subsidy China’s Yuzi Paradise to support residency program
2021 second Round of Annual Grants for Publish.
2007 Gouache works Lovely Hearts Brigade obtain the committee's 2007 young painting works classical-collection of the Council for Cultural Affairs
Grants 2021
2007 Gouache works Spring vacation and summer play obtain the Taipei Fine art museum collection.
2003 Gouache works This Body of Red obtain the committee's 2003 young painting works classicalcollection of the Council for Cultural Affairs Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs
2005 Gouache work Birthday Party obtain the Hong-Gah Museum collection
2009 The Council for Cultural Affairs Taiwan to support in C ite International des Arts. 2007 The Asian Cultural Council to support in Headlands Center for the Arts 2007 2007 National Culture and Arts Foundation 2007 the first fin e arts subsidy 2007 Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs 2007 First Round of Annual Grants for Fine Arts 2005 National Culture and Arts Foundation 2005 Second Round of Grants for Creative Art 2004 Taipei Department of Cultural Affairs 2004 First Round of Annual Grants for Fine Arts 2004 National Culture and Arts Foundation 2004 the first fin e arts subsidy 2003 Obtains S-An Cultural Foundation to fit the artistic cr eation to support in 2003 generations Publications 2022 Password- Solo E x hibition by Hua Chien-chiang, Art Papers, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2022 Orchids of the valley- Solo E x hibition by Hua Chien-chiang, Art Papers, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2016 Painting Becoming- Solo E x hibition by Hua Chien-chiang, Art Papers, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2014 A Database of living Bodies: The Production of Image Variations With Color Ink, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2014 Time Capsule- Ink Art Semantic in Phubbing Generation, Art Papers, Sincere Art Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2013 Gun and Suit- Solo E x hibition by Hua Chien-chiang, Art Papers, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2010 Reality in Wonderland- Solo E x hibition by Hua Chien-chiang, Art Papers, Aki Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2007 New Blossoms of the Divine-Solo E x hibition by Hua Chien-chiang, Art Papers,Taipei Fine Arts Museum,Taipei, Taiwan
TUE - SUN 12:00-18:30 | 141 Min Tsu W. Rd., Taipei, TAIWAN www. galleryaki.com | info@galleryaki.com | Tel 886 2 2599 1171 豪華生活 03 | A Luxury Life 03 | 膠彩、壓克力、畫布 | Gouache and Acrylic on canvas | 30 x 30 cm | 2021