Young Emerging Stars
也趣藝廊自2002年成立以來,持續走訪海內外校園及各展覽空間,以獨特 視角尋找台灣未來當代藝術之星。期間不定期舉辦新秀募集計畫—— Y.E.S.
Taiwan (Young Emerging Stars, Taiwan,簡稱Y.E.S. Taiwan) ,並通過 徵件計畫挖掘青年創作者,期望為台灣當代藝術開創更多維度與無限可能。 此計畫歷經長達10年,吸引眾多藝術家參與投件,2022年第九屆 《Y.E.S. Taiwan》以新銳實驗作為概念,讓「當代藝術 x 當代青年 = 無限∞」之理念 持續綿延。
擴張無限實踐力 也趣藝廊作為策展單位與藝術家共同探尋、執行、成長,歷經整年籌畫評選, 在眾多優秀新星中,挑選七位即將為當代藝術帶來前所未有感官體驗的創作 者——江淑筠、何宇森、吳尚洋、陳肇驊、郭展源、寧森、劉書妤。並且於籌 備階段開啟兩場不同主題之工作坊,邀請來自藝術圈不同領域的專業人士一同 參與,讓新銳藝術家能夠在創作的同時,逐步洞悉藝術不同的面向與發展。
工作坊A:展覽與藝術家的關係探討 當代藝術進入千禧世代(Millennials),時代洪流下的年輕藝術家如何看待自 我定位及創作議題,一直是大眾關注焦點。也趣邀請關渡美術館策展人
2022 Young Emerging Stars of Taiwan
Since the establishing year of 2002, AKI Gallery has never stopped visiting educational institutions and exhibition spaces both in Taiwan and abroad, to look for the young emerging Taiwanese artists with unique perspectives. Over all these years, AKI held the new talent recruitment program, Y.E.S. Taiwan (Young Emerging Stars, Taiwan) from time to time, in hopes of discovering a new dimension for Taiwanese contemporary art with more diversities and possibilities. The project has been going on for 10 years now, attracting many artists to participate. In 2022, the 9th“Y.E.S. Taiwan” continues to pass down the belief of "Contemporary Art x Young Emerging Stars = infinite ∞" with avant-garde experiments as its basic concept.
Expand the Infinite Ability to Achieve
As a curatorial institute, AKI Gallery explores, executes, and grows together with artists. After a whole year of planning and selections, among all the outstanding talents, AKI is happy to announce the selective 7 contemporary artists, Shu-Yun JIANG, Yu-Sen HE, Shang-Yang WU, ChaoHua CHEN, Jaan-Yuan KUO, Sen NING, and Shu-Yu LIU, that will bring the visitors unprecedented sensational experience.
Workshop (A): A Look at The Relation between Exhibition and Artist
Since the contemporary art entered the Millennials, the way young artists self-position themselves and their creative topics under the rapid changes of the times have always been the focus of the public attention. This time, AKI Gallery invites the curator of the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Rui-Xu Wang, the Taiwanese representative of Art Basel, Jenny LEE, the editor/ planner of ARTouch, His CHEN, and the artist/curator, Chung Hsuan LAN, to discuss the necessity of connection between exhibitions, artists, and art workers and the up-to-date conceptual thinking.
Workshop (B): The Perception and Development of MultiInterdisciplinary Identity
Interpersonal communication has gone its way from physical contact to the world of virtual reality. Meanwhile, during the process of its evolution, simplification becomes necessary, which gradually results in a fastpaced society and the new mental issue along with it in the 21st century - Hurry Sickness. In the times of multidimensional developments, the crisis, yet a possible turning point that is brought about by the hustle and bustle, has pushed everyone to contemplate over the ways to perceive, to comprehend, and to output and transform it into nourishment. Therefore, AKI Gallery invites the interdisciplinary workers who are as well in a hurry: the founder of the podcast Shojo Art Club, Celia, two artist ChunTeng Chu and Ko-Wei HUANG, the co-founder of Yiyu Florist and founder of AestheticCell, Wayne CHANG, to talk about the struggles of the current generation and possible breakthrough perspectives.
The Infinite Extension of Self-consciousness
Experience and Memory Through the Fluidity and Uncertainty of Liquid
Jaan-Yuan KUO (b.1994) applies restructured installations, projections, sound and the fixed impressions of mixed media’s use to embody the patriarchal society’s struggle in gender. With memory as the medium, the artist captures the correlation and experience of the body in family and society. The “uncertainty” of the liquid and materials represents the ambiguity of self-identity and the empathy for it. Yu-Sen HE (b.1995) is also fascinated by the diversity of fluids, using plasters of different densities to shape them as he imagined. The structures of his works include large number of plants. Through the differences in textures and natural elements taken from the environment, one can see the new possibilities for materials and sense the intent the artist is trying to convey.
Interpretations of Influence and Sentiment Under the Social Norms Chao-Hua Chen (b.1990) expresses the large amount of repetitive reproduction process in the “Age of Machines” metaphorically with the compressor’s mechanism. Through mocking particular events or himself from a playful perspective, the artist makes use of his helplessness and laziness as a weapon to fight against the system. With his own experience as the basis of the creative process, the alternative changes between mechanical structures and different materials produces a kind of desire for “obsession” and the satisfaction stemming from it. Shang-Yang WU (b.1992) ingeniously handles the ambiguous relationship between digital images and light. Connecting viewers through Field Theory, the artist presents the re-disposition and reflection of the power relations in the objecthood under the influence of his life experience.
The Continuous Breakaway and Representation of Space and Boundary Sen NING (b.1992) focuses on themes of life and death, memories, taboos, and human emotion. Through the visual tensions of different digital media, the artist transforms and spreads out various emotions and conditions in a brand-new experience. With different forms of sensory input/output from the new media and the body, his works entice dialogues among the audience, the artist, and the works, beyond the confines of time and space. Shu-Yu LIU (b.1995) focuses on the living space in the urban development, on constructions’ condition and the shifting of suburb’s boundaries. She fuses reality into fiction through the use of materials, as an analogy of the creative traces in the current planning of the architectural drawings. Shu-Yun (Winnie) JIANG (b.1997) attempts to break away the limits of stereotypical aesthetics and size constraints. The continuous process of “seeing” at the moment becomes an act for the message to be conveyed. JIANG’s works help the viewer gain insight into an ambiguous sensory condition that is not yet discussed by the established, reconstructing the process of artistic creation.
The “2022 Y.E.S. Taiwan” presents the seven young artists born in the 90s, that deconstruct and magnify the phenomena and emotions of the era, brining in more than just single-dimensional installation media with unique perspectives. How to break through and infinitely extend imagination has always been the important subject of art creators in different self-perceived identities. AKI Gallery, as the curatorial institute will always keep on learning and thriving with our artists. In the face of repression from reality and self-pursuit, they turn feelings into water, equipment, lights, images, pigments, textures, space and so on. Through creative works full of uncertainty that is free from frames and constraints, they show their own charm and value, hoping to deconstruct, expand and improve the spiritual world that human beings always yearn for.
出生於臺灣苗栗,畢業於東海大學美術系碩士,目前就讀台北藝術大學新媒體碩士。 陳肇驊創作以動力裝置、雕塑為主,多以動態效果呈現。透過戲謔視角嘲諷事件、自我,將無 奈與惰性等作為抗衡體制的武器。運用自身經驗作為創作脈絡軌跡,通過機械式的結構與不同 媒材間的交替,產出對「執念」的渴望與滿足。
生於臺灣臺北。國立臺灣藝術大學美術研究所碩士班就讀中,現居台北。 作品橫跨平面繪畫、平面影像和空間裝置。關注普遍慣性觀看繪畫的視角,透過抽象、幾何造 型詮釋繪畫本質。江淑筠探索繪畫的機制時,時常琢磨於邊界、輪廓與框架上的討論,重新審 視觀看繪畫的方式與被指劃之的範圍。藝術家試圖讓繪畫核心的本質被看見,而「看」的過程 即是作品欲傳遞之訊息,一種視覺的現在進行式。透過繪畫所帶領的觀看方式,去洞悉曖昧及 未被討論的感官狀態。
出生於台灣台南,台灣藝術大學雕塑系學士,中央美術學院觀念雕塑與材料研究碩士,現創作 生活於新北。
何宇森關注物質、媒材之間的變化與融合,通過流體材料的轉變,探索物質樣態之可能性。並 藉由材料的液化與固化反應中,體現實體的觸覺、視覺所帶來的深層感受。創作手法層疊入植 物,通過自然的環景與材質的結合能感受藝術家欲表現的溫度。
KUOJaan-Yuan KUO (b. 1984) was born in Taipei, Taiwan, now living and working in Oslo, Norway. He received his Master of Fine Arts degree at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts, in Oslo, Norway.
The root of his knowledge is memory, the vehicle in which KUO correlates between body, family, pictorial experience, object, and space. Drawing from these memories, KUO perpetually categorised and designated narratives that become identities in progress, the transformation of individual personhood in relation to collective rather than established entities. KUO’s artistic practice melds traditional media such as installation, photography, sound, and text with atypical scrutinise of scents, liquids, recordings, site-specific (cleaning, experimental publishing) gestures. By employing the (im)material, and the intimate, gentle touch of storytelling to his installations, he confers a subtle access to a harder inquiry of the scenarios: the paradoxes of intimacy, memory, affective empathy, identity insecurity, and the latent violence of the patriarchal structure which permeates his visions and our society.
His works are recently exhibited at Sparebankstiftelsen DNB's Prize Exhibition (forthcoming three-person exhibition), Oslo (2022), Oslo Negativ (forthcoming photo group exhibition, Oslo, (2022), Aki Gallery (2022), Taipei; Loftet / Kunstnernes Hus (2022), Oslo; Tenthaus (2022), Oslo; Podium (2021), Oslo, Northing Space (2021), and Bergen; Resepsjonsgalleri (2021). KUO is also a finalist of Sparebankstiftelsen DNB's Prize Exhibition 2022, awarded with S-An Aesthetics Award (Category: Plastic Arts) (2021), Art Student Scholarship 2021 (Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond) (2021), One-year ‘Artists’Studio Program, Kunstnernes Hus (2021), and he is on the longlist of Fotografis Portfoliopris (2020), among others.
劉書妤長期關注城市空間的發展與擴張,探討居住其中的人們使用空間、建造事物的狀態。考 察、蒐集都市和郊區間的元素,試圖探問理想的邊緣與指向。近期從外在環境、建物與城市空 間的觀察,轉往探究內在的、對於居住與建造的層面。嘗試橫跨二維與三維的邊界,討論對於 空間的感受與可能性。其作品多結合版畫、數位繪圖與空間裝置,試圖建造融合虛構與現實的 真空之處。
寧森創作領域橫跨感官藝術、互動式虛擬劇場、參與式藝術、攝影、影像裝置、舞台視覺。創 作關注於生死、回憶、禁忌等生命及人類情感體現。通過數位媒材的視覺張力,將各式情緒與 狀態包覆後轉化成不同體驗傳達並散播。藝術家的創作邀請觀眾進入沈浸式藝術中,透過新媒 體與身體不同感官的輸入/輸出形式,產生觀眾、創作者、作品間橫跨時空的對話。作品系列非 止於展示狀態,而是從個人身體到集體經驗的轉化,隨著觀眾的參與而有機生長。
Shang-Yang WU
Shang-Yang WU
his Master of Fine Arts degree from Taipei National University of the Arts in Taipei, Taiwan
studied project arts, film and new media during the semester exchange at Merz Akademie in Stuttgart, Germany. WU currently lives and works in Taipei.
WU uses multiple media, inclusive of projection installation, video, performance and painting, to process the relationship between body, object, machine and space. He presents the re-disposition and reflection of the power relationship in the objecthood under the influence of his life experience, shaping a state of uncertainty within times.
His works have been exhibited internationally including solo exhibitions at Haiton Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan (2020), as well as group exhibitions at the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan (2020), Changhua County Art Museum, Changhua, Taiwan (2020), Xiangshan Art Space, Hangzhou, China (2019), Merz Space, Stuttgart, Germany (2019), Taipei Digital Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan (2018), Shanghai World Expo Exhibition & Convention Center, Shanghai, China (2016). Awards and recognitions include the 10th New York Travel Program, New York, United States (2018), Gihak ArtLab Art Creative Project, Hualien, Taiwan (2020), the 3rd Contemporary Sculpture Lih Pao Prize, Taipei, Taiwan (2020) and STUPIN x DAC Taipei Digital Art Center Residency Project, Taipei, Taiwan (2019).
the contemporary art entered the Millennials,
way young artists self- position themselves and their creative topics under
always been the focus of the public attention. This time, AKI Gallery invites the curator of the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Rui-Xu Wang, the Taiwanese representative of Art Basel, Jenny LEE, the editor/planner of ARTouch, His CHEN, and the artist/curator, Chung Hsuan LAN, to discuss the necessity of connection between exhibitions, artists, and art workers and the up-to-date conceptual thinking.
多方合作,尋找機會,透過合作,提煉出作品本身的純度 我想在這個瞬息萬變與社群興盛時代,透過多方合作,於多元中方能尋求與展現自身創作的 純度。切勿認為對外合作會影響內在的創作純度,我想並非如此單向,相反地,這些的經 驗都會雙向地灌溉回自己身上而成為養分,合作能打破僵化的思考結構關係,開展新的可能 性。
藝術家需要思考自己對於純粹度的掌控。早期畫廊有專職代理藝術家的合作方式。這是一項 長期合作的對象,因此,作品的純粹度是畫廊所看重的。
給藝術家的建議,慎選你們的合作對象,開發多元的合作模式,為自己的作品設定價值與高 度,畫廊最希望看見的是價值大於價格。
台灣畫廊比較特別,與藝術家的合作關係通常是單一代理或是單一經濟模式,而日本都是用 默契合作,在歐洲,單一畫家會與很多畫廊合作。藝術家跟畫廊很像在談戀愛,要慎選你們 的合作對象。
現在藝術家與畫廊的關係是比較開放性的,但打開地理範圍之後,誰能來控制你的價格。 藝術家是需要一個畫廊、有經驗的、或令你信任的人去協助管理你的作品以及定價。建議可 與一個專業主要的合作對象,並採取開放式的合作模式,與主要的合作畫廊或是經理人討論 多元合作的可能性 。 鼓勵大家有機會多看、多去駐村,會知道能把自己的作品與價值放在甚麼位置。我們最希望
任何合作都有被影響的風險,但比起防備與警覺,我想應該更用一種開放與積極的態度去看 待,任何建議都可以被自身轉化,端看自身的思考方式與態度,這都是自身可以選擇的與決 定的,我想不用過度去迎合外界的眼光,舉例有人認為創作沒有論述或是沒有好的文字評 論,好像就會減少呈現的信心,但我想如果是一個誠實的創作,無需文字的堆疊也能散發自 身的價值所在,因為我們真的要看的藝術是創作而非華麗的文字介紹。相反地,亦毋須過度 封閉自身,失去與外界激盪的可能性。
不必害怕簽經紀約,每一種合作,經驗會回饋到自己身上 曾經看過幾位畫廊老闆與當初第一個簽約的藝術家,到現在還在一起合作那份革命情感與惺 惺相惜。 我覺得畫廊跟藝術家的關係類似婚姻關係。不用怕簽經紀約,因為你是可以離婚 的,若簽署了兩三年的合作,在合作當中的學習也都會成為你生命中的經驗跟養分。
要與畫廊經營什麼樣的關係以及合作策略則因每個人的個性而定,有些人可以三妻四妾、而 有些人是真的沒有辦法處理太複雜的多角關係,如果你是沒有辦法的,那不如就固定與一個 畫廊合作,把握懂得欣賞你的伯樂,與你一起往前走。
這個經驗讓我想到某畫廊的一位藝術家,去當國際志工、到處去旅行,在巴西打零工,用剩 下的材料去創作。他其實不是一個聰明的藝術家,是一個非常誠實的藝術家,甚至誠實到你 跟他聊天的時候會覺得,你也太固執了吧。
但最後看到他的作品,你會發現,就算他用老派的抽象繪畫在做藝術,能從他的繪畫中看見 他對於創作的堅持,取自於他的生命經驗,那些東西變成他的創作。是學院的藝術家裡面,
對於藏家來說非常簡單,當購藏某件作品時,思考的是它能不能保值、或者是它在不在我的 預算之內。但真正能夠感動藏家的部分,會跟他個人的切身經驗有關係進而產生連結與共 鳴。我建議藝術家不要從作品能不能保值的方向去思考創作,而是思考自身與作品的關係。
作為藝術家,最困難的部分是,不能把你的作品與任何價值畫上等號,不要因為市場的價值 波動去干擾創作的狀態。無欲則剛是一種很好的態度,因為當我對你(價格)無所求的時候, 我才能夠做我自己。
以前與現在和畫廊合作的關係,變得很不一樣,越來越多的年輕人願意用很開放式的關係, 看待自己與畫廊的合作,甚至會對於不同的合作對象區分自己的創作媒材與形式。
果論來說,可能不是非常完整的「個展」,但你可以看到他如何透過開放性的討論,邀請不 同領域的人一起成為創作者,我覺得是他作品中,更有價值的東西。
我覺得價值一個很重要的功用是「延伸」,所有的價值都會在未來被看見,當我們去梳理歷 史時,哪些東西能夠成為有價值的東西,延續在人們的生活中,價值是被未來所定義的。
我很常跟我親近的人說「藝術是沒有用的」,很多人想要用藝術去講一個事件、講一些議題, 但如果你真的想要改變甚麼,應該直接去做那件事情,而非透過藝術,其實沒有一個單一的
剛聽到大家的自我介紹,很多人會去當畫室的老師、在復興美工工作、去接案等等,大家都 還是具備創作者的身分,其實我覺得這個世代的藝術家,有個很特別的東西是,其實大家都 還蠻務實的。靠創作過生活,基本上是個幻想,反而要問的是,你們要做甚麼? 有些人做影像、做繪畫、也做裝置,甚至空間裝置,為什麼不畫畫就好?是不是這樣的創作
在台灣藝文圈、藝文產業工作的人,好像不能只專心做一件事情,一定要斜槓或是擁有另外 的社會技能,這 是台灣與其他國家比較不一樣的地方。
一個很純粹在做自己創作的藝術家,我覺得可以從作品看的出來。當一件事情做的很高明的 時候它就成為一種專業。
也可以試圖思考自身的創作動機。是為了要賣?為了要表達一個純粹的議題?或是為了反 抗?
只要是專心去做,做到能力範圍的極致之後,就沒有好壞之分。一個好的作品,是可以直接 跟你對話的。
早期台灣有個比較特別的現象,學院一個派系、美術館一個派系,但其中商業的空間,包括 博覽會概念,構成一個創作者很好的流動與循環。
自媒體發展快速的同時,藝術家與畫廊的關係 以前畫廊的存在其實很妙,是個代理機制,作為行銷、創造跟發展的平台,把作品推到適合 的方向,從中收取部分的金額作為代理機制的傭金,現在的系統開始打開,沒有那麼絕對。
藝術家開始覺得自己的市場、作品取向、與國際的連結,希望把多一點權力分到自己身上, 這是未來藝術家可以參考的方向,取選擇自己要如何去經營自己,選擇甚麼樣的合作方式與 平台去推廣自己。平台不見得只有畫廊這個機構,在所有機構裡,包含媒體、博覽會等等, 都是很好的策展平台,好的一個策展平台,是非常重要的
剛剛討論到關於「計畫」這件事情,反而會讓我看到一個現象,有些藝術家會有意識地先去 揣測對象與目的,迎合市場與趨勢,輕鬆得到外界的喜好。然而,更有危機的是,我發現有 些藝術家沒有意識到自身正在假裝喜歡這件事情,嘗試說服自己喜歡這樣的創作方向。加上 如果以經驗法則而言,自身真的享受到外界給予的喜好與果實,將會更混淆自己到底是喜歡
展覽約與經紀約都有各自的利弊,我想這點只要自己深切想清楚每個階段的自己所需要的是 什麼,依情勢而為即可,長期而言,往往都會呈現一種交互運用的狀態。
畫廊如果沒有空間,只會出現在藝術博覽會上,那就是單純和藝術家要作品,你的作品就只 是商品。
而有些畫廊,除了幫藝術家辦展覽,他願意花很多時間跟你討論合作,幫你推到 美術館,替你請好的策展人辦展覽,協助你闡釋你的作品內容的人。台灣越來越少畫廊這麼 做,因為推藝術家進美術館非常燒錢,效益相對需要很長的時間才會發酵。像這樣的畫廊在 業界是很受人尊崇的。
多查資料多做功課是必要的,每個駐村單位要的藝術創作類型都不盡相同,另外關於駐村單 位可以提供的資源及背後的支持系統等等,例如生活及創作經費、在地開發與橫向連結等 等。我想這些都是可以納入考量,基本上還是鼓勵多尋找駐村機會,都是可以累積經驗的過 程。
駐村可以研究以下幾點,包含以前有哪些藝術家去過這個地方、注意地理位置、名聲以及文 化也很重要。
如果跟你創作的脈絡沒有關係,對你來說刺激就不會很大。也要觀看個人駐村 的目的是甚麼,是去交流還是創作新的系列作品,如果你的駐村是希望去安靜的地方做新的 作品,那你可能就不會選倫敦或紐約,因為太多雜訊。
不要一直當駐村藝術家。每一次駐村,你都要研究這個單位給你的資源是甚麼,而非只是因 為有「open studio」,而是,可以找重要的人來做分享,帶你去看展覽,讓你深入當地重 要的藝術脈絡,進而才會回饋到你作品,真的跟藝術做到實質的連結,才是重要的。駐村的 目的,要能夠幫助你的藝術職涯往下一步走,創作永遠在你身上,駐村是你們的養分,這個 養分與連結,能夠把你帶到哪裡去,這個是你們要去研究的。
回應到仲軒剛剛提到的文化部駐村申請,投了沒上是一回事,但有做過收件的窗口都會看見 你,都會變成資料庫。這個曝光度可能不是那麼公開,它是潛藏在很多展覽機會底下的事
我在想一件很基礎但卻很重要的態度,即任何事情不分大小及是否會被看見,再小的事情都 認真的去踏實做好,事實證明其實是會有人看見的。切勿心存僥倖,以為別人只會看到表 象,其實並不然。請隨時調整自身狀態,將自己準備好,把握住每個機會。
communication has gone its way from physical contact to the world of virtual reality. Meanwhile, during the process of its evolution,
necessary, which gradually results in a fast-paced society and the new mental issue along with it in the 21st century - Hurry Sickness. In the times of multidimensional developments, the crisis, yet a possible turning point that is brought about by the hustle and bustle, has pushed everyone to contemplate over the ways to perceive, to comprehend, and to output and transform it into nourishment. Therefore, AKI Gallery invites the interdisciplinary workers who are as well in a hurry: the founder of the podcast Shojo Art Club, Celia, two artist ChunTeng Chu and Ko-Wei HUANG, the co-founder of Yiyu Florist and founder of AestheticCell, Wayne CHANG, Exhibition Specialist, Lian, and Executive Assistant, Melony, to talk about the struggles of the current generation and possible breakthrough perspectives.
對我而言,我前進的動能很大一部分來自「好奇心」,那是我在思考身份游移的指標,希望 自己專注在目標,不要過度被「角色」限制,也許可以在工作表現上有不同的發揮。舉例, 我的工作內容與藝術經紀相關,因此牽涉產業的結構與環境變化,如果我今天做畫廊 工作,但做事邏輯是「因為畫廊在過去都是怎麼做事,所以現在必須做哪些工作」, 而非思考產業的脈絡與工作的目標,很容易會耗費不必要的時間或金錢,終究會被時 代淘汰。所以我覺得游移對我來說更接近找重點的過程,重要的是你怎麼思考專業是 什麼,還有好奇心是否還持續著,使你在這個領域持續探索。
「跨領域」以及所謂的「藝術圈」,是否因為身處某一個特定的領域而被框架住了 我真的開始投入所謂創作這件事情,其實是劇場開始的,從劇場到電影,然後到比較鄰近的 藝術,不管是劇場、電影,或是藝術,其實我在那個當下,單純只是在學習一個新的語言跟 武器,那個語言跟武器最終回到我自己本身,思考身為一個創作者我想要傳達什麼。 有趣的點是,從電影轉到藝術的時候,你會發現這是一個新的語彙,那個東西很短暫,但是 剛開始真的發布、出道的時候,其實你會意識到還是要面對一個體系,就像剛剛可維說的所 謂藝術圈,或是藝術是什麼。我自己覺得這樣的焦慮、這樣的想法其實很危險。危險的點是, 比如我去北藝評圖,很痛苦的點是你們都被教導太多關於藝術是什麼,跟你們沉積了一套所
淑筠講的時候,我有點理解你的心情,我並不是真正好像就是,每個人都能做到好像拋棄所 有事情,然後去追求自我認同、宗旨,然後就得到自我生命存在意義的可能,需要各種管道 去證明自己是有價值的。
我覺得藝術最理想的狀態是,他提供你兩種服務,第一種層次是他提供意義本身存在的價 值,就是我今天在看到這件作品的時候,我認同他所表達的意義與理念,其二是比較抽象的 概念,是一種形式上、感受上的認同。