Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Community Herne Bay, Kent
Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent - 01227 375095 - Parish Priest: Fr Mark White CP (mwhite8684@aol.com); Assistant Priest: Fr Patrick CP (743727); Deacons James Foley (366841) & Barry Walker (368685) - website: www.ourladyhernebay.co.uk
seVenteenth sunday in ordinary tiMe (Year B) 25/26 JULY 2015 Entrance Antiphon God is in his holy place, God who unites those who dwell in his house; he himself gives might and strength to his people. Day for Life The Day for Life, celebrated annually in Irealnd, Scotland, England and Wales, this year focuses on ‘Cherishing Life, Accepting Death’. Cards on this initiative are available at the back of church or you can visit (www.dayforlife.org). Regarding the Assisted Dying bill coming before the House of Commons early in September, Sir Roger Gale, our MP, has made it very plain he will be voting against this bill. More information on the bill can be found at (www. catholicnews.org.uk/assisted-suicide). There will be a second collection for the Day for Life today. Funeral of Fr Conleth O’Hara CP Fr Conleth, who was a member of the parish team forty or so years ago will be having a memorial Mass at St Joseph’s, Highgate on Monday at 1pm. His body will then be flown to Ireland where Fr Patrick CP, who is still on holiday in Ireland, will be on hand to conduct the funeral and burial in Mellafont Cistercian Abbey, Drogheda. Fr Conleth had asked Fr Patrick some time ago to preach at his funeral. Fr Patrick will be back in Herne Bay on Thursday. Prayer and Praise Our session of shared prayer and praise on Sundat was well attended and went very well. The next session will be on Sunday 23 August, the day after the Minsteracres Holiday Retreat group return.
Children’s Liturgy This Sunday the children will remain in the church at the 9.30am Mass.
this Sunday 25/26 July – 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Readings: 2 Kings 4:42-44; Ephesians 4:1-6; John 6:1-15 Readers: (Sat) 6pm: D.Kendall & P.Fifield; (Sun) 9.30am: Children’s Liturgy; 11.15am: F.O’Brien & I.Skerry 9:30 Hymns: 685, 602, 801, 78, 721; Mass Setting (Joy and Peace), Clap Gloria and the Echo Our Father. Tea and coffee after the 9.30am Mass, all welcome.
Next Sunday 1/2 August – 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Readings: Readers:
Exodus 16:2-4,12-15; Ephesians 4:17,20-24; John 6:24-35 (Sat) 6pm: J.Hamilton & J.Connolly; (Sun) 9.30am: M.Nash & M.Green; 11.15am: C.Caira & I.Skerry
Parish Notices Events this week Daily Prayer Intentions
Mon Tues
Exploring the Catholic Faith (Parish Room) 7pm Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 2.15pm
Exposition after 10am Mass until noon
CWG (Retreat Hall) 2-3.30pm; Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 7.30pm Exposition (Our Lady, Star of the Sea, Western Esplanade) 4.30-5.30pm
Fri Sat
The Spiritual Life of the parish Those who no longer practise the Faith The housebound and their carers Those preparing to receive the Sacraments Parish outreach to the poor and suffering The community life of the parish
An hour of adoration every weekday from 8.30-9.30am has been set aside for a particular intention (see table above). Those unable to make the hour each morning are encouraged to take time during the day to pray for these intentions.
Assisted Dying Bill: On Friday 11 September the House of Commons will debate and vote on a Bill to legalise assisted suicide. This will put the most vulnerable people in our society at risk. Sir Roger Gale has made it clear that he will oppose the bill, however, please visit the Bishops’ Conference website (address on the front of the bulletin) to learn more about the issue. Key Principles of the Day for Life: 1) Love life. Every person is loved by God and every life is a precious gift never to be destroyed or neglected. 2) Accept death when it comes. It is a gateway to new life with God 3) Meditate on the mysteries of life & death and think on the Church’s teaching on appropriate treatment at the end of life. 4) Pray for those facing life-threatening crises. Prayer for Peace: Thursday 6 August (8.20pm), the annual remembrance of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (bombed on 9 August) is to be held at The Friars, Aylesford. This year is the 70th anniversary. Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies: The CCRS Course covers the central teachings of the Catholic Church and is offered for teachers, catechists, and to anyone for personal interest. Introductory evenings will be held at the CCF, Tooting Bec on Tues 15 Sept (7.30pm) and the Angelus Centre, Erith on Thu 17 Sept (7.30pm). Diocesan Day of Renewal: to be held at St George’s Cathedral on Saturday 26 September. It’s an all day affair with a main talk, healing service and Mass. We plan to hire a minibus so if you would like to join us please let Fr Mark or Sr Corrine know. Pro-Life Pilgrimage to Walsingham: On Sunday 27 September, Bishop Philip Egan will lead the pilgrimage which starts with Mass at noon. A coach will depart from our church that morning. To book, contact Althea Walker on 07862 276100. For more info visit www.prolifepilgrimage.org Cleaning Rota: Team D - other rotas can be found in the porch. The 1st Collection for last week was £899.71 (of which £510.35 was from gift-aided envelopes and £389.36 was loose collection). Thank you. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of church. There will be a 2nd Collection this week for Day for Life, which will assist the work of the Anscombe Bioethics Centre and other life-related activities supported by the Church.
Mass Times and Intentions Saturday 25 July
Feast: St James, Apostle
Sunday 26 July
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09.30 Parishioners 11.15
Monday 27 July
Paul gray / theresa Course (ann) St Alphonsus Mary de Ligouri, Bishop, Doctor
Fr Conleth o’hara CP
special intention (M.K.)
Sunday 2 August
dominic adams riP / Marie de silva St Ignatius Loyola, Priest
Saturday 1 August
anita hedger riP / Brian smith (ann) Thursday of week 17 or St Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Doctor
Friday 31 July
deceased members of the Croft Family St Martha
Thursday 30 July
Eucharistic Service Tuesday of week 17
Wednesday 29 July
ellen slade Monday of week 17
Tuesday 28 July
stephen leavey
17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
09.30 Parishioners 11.15
Vic roos
sacrament of reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm-5.30pm
Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details below.
our lady of the sacred heart, Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8TH Parish office: telephone 01227 375095 email ourladyhernebay@gmail.com Find out more about the parish on our website: www.ourladyhernebay.co.uk Join us on social media Facebook: /ourladyofthesacredheartherneBay Part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark • A Member of the Canterbury Deanery • A Fairtrade parish since 2010 • Served by the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (Passionists)