Parish Newsletter 26/27 September 2015

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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Community Herne Bay, Kent

Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent - 01227 375095 - Parish Priest: Fr Mark White CP (; Assistant Priest: Fr Patrick CP (743727); Deacons James Foley (366841) & Barry Walker (368685) - website:

tWenty-sixth sunday in ordinary tiMe (Year B) 26/27 SEPTEMBER 2015 Entrance Antiphon All that you have done to us, O Lord, you have done with true judgement, for we have sinned against you and not obeyed your commandments. But give glory to your name and deal with us according to the bounty of your mercy. St Vincent de Paul 27 September is the feast of St Vincent de Paul and although we do not celebrate the feast this year as it falls on a Sunday, St Vincent will not be forgotten because Jan Hamilton, the president of our parish SVP group, will be speaking at all the Masses. Jan will be describing the great work currently being undertaken by our SVP Conference and she will be outlining the various ways we can help. The parish is wonderfully supportive of the work of the SVP already but we look forward to seeing in what further ways we may be involved in their mission of reaching out to those who are struggling with life and are on hard times. Jubilee Year of Mercy Pope Francis announced earlier this year that the Jubilee Year of Mercy will commence on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (8 Dec) and conclude on the Solemnity of Christ the King (20 Nov 2016). In the Papal Bull announcing the year the Pope writes that ‘the Church is commissioned to announce the beating heart of the Gospel, which must penetrate the heart and mind of every person’. He continued ‘the theme of mercy must be proposed again and again with new enthusiasm... it is essential that the Church live and testify to mercy’. More on the parish response to this call on p.3.

Children’s Liturgy The children will remain in the church at the 9.30am Mass this Sunday.

This Sunday 26/27 September – 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Readings: Numbers 11:25-29; James 5:1-6; Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48 Readers: (Sat) 6pm: O.Dawson & C.Tedder; (Sun) 9.30am: Children’s Liturgy; 11.15am: M.Collin & F.Waters 9:30 Hymns: 846, 603, 921, 967, 721; Mass Setting (Joy & Peace with the Clap Gloria and the Echo Our Father).

Next Sunday 3/4 October – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Readings: Readers:

Genesis 2:18-24; Hebrews 2:9-11; Mark 10:2-16 (Sat) 6pm: D.Kendall & J.Hamilton; (Sun) 9.30am: M.Nash & T.Hancock; 11.15am: C.Caira & Sr Angela

Parish Notices Events this week Daily Prayer Intentions


The Spiritual Life of the parish


Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 2.15pm

Those who no longer practise the Faith


Exposition after 10am Mass until noon

The housebound and their carers


CWG (Retreat Hall) 2-3.30pm; Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 7.30pm Exposition (Our Lady, Star of the Sea, 25 Western Esplanade) 4.30-5.30pm; Mass and Prayers for Healing 7pm Exposition from 10am until 11am; Rosary 10.45am



Those preparing to receive the Sacraments Parish outreach to the poor and suffering The community life of the parish

An hour of adoration every weekday from 8.30-9.30am has been set aside for a particular intention (see table above). Those unable to make the hour each morning are encouraged to take time during the day to pray for these intentions.

Year Of Mercy: As many of us will know, Pope Francis has declared a special “Year of Mercy” beginning on 8 December. Mercy is the key theme of Pope Francis’s ministry and his love for the poor is so obvious in all he says and does - a good example being his choice to have lunch at a soup kitchen on Thursday after his historic speech to the US Congress rather than dining in splendour with the powerful of the world. As part of our parish response to the Year of Mercy, the Parish Pastoral Council have arranged a Parish Mission for 13-28 Feb next year. It will be given by members of the Sion Community who have been specialising in Parish and School Missions over the past 25 years. We will keep you informed of the preparations for the Mission as we go along. Parish Pilgrimage to LOURDES 2016: The parish pilgrimage next year will depart on 5 May for Lourdes and will return on 9 May. The cost per person will be £546 per person and there is a single room supplement of £136. The pilgrimage is being organised by Sr Whitney and will be led by Fr Mark. Please see Sr Corinne for booking forms. The Funeral of John Wall: will take place on Thursday 1 October at 1pm. Friday 2 October is First Friday: Additional Mass at 7pm, followed by Prayers for Healing. Songs of Praise: Sunday 4 October at 4pm. As this is the feast of St Francis, we thought we might concentrate on hymns which have the theme of Nature. Another theme is that of Mercy, as we are approaching the beginning of the “Year of Mercy” called for by Pope Francis. Please leave your hymn suggestions in the basket at the back of church. Companions of Prayer: next meeting Tues 7 October to celebrate feast of Our Lady of the Rosary - 7.00pm at 25 Western Esplanade Cleaning rota and other rotas: can be found in the porch. The 1st Collection for last week was £836.56 (of which £468 was from giftaided envelopes and £368.56 was loose collection). Thank you. The 2nd Collection for Home Mission Sunday raised £267.34. NB If you are a UK tax-payer then you can gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of church.

Mass Times and Intentions Saturday

Saturday of week 25 or SS Cosmas & Damian, Martyrs

26 September 18.00

John Mcgirr riP


26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

27 September 09.30

david Walters riP


elizabeth tedder


Monday of week 26 or St Wenceslaus or SS Laurence Ruiz & Comp

28 September 10.00

intentions Frankie o’sullivan


Feast: SS Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, Archangels

29 September 10.00

intentions audrey Connolly


Saint Jerome, Priest, Doctor

30 September 10.00

Katherine hickford riP

Thursday 1 October

St Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin, Doctor


Friday 2 October

Holy Guardian Angels

10.00 11.05

adam harvey


John Wall riP

Sunday 4 October

intentions louis Clark Saturday of week 26

Saturday 3 October

intentions lynda ellmers

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

09.30 Parishioners 11.15

Mary Pearman (ann)

sacrament of reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm-5.30pm

Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details below.

our lady of the sacred heart, Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8TH Parish office: telephone 01227 375095 email Find out more about the parish on our website: Join us on social media Facebook: /ourladyofthesacredheartherneBay Part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark • A Member of the Canterbury Deanery • A Fairtrade parish since 2010 • Served by the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (Passionists)

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