Parish Newsletter 3/4 October 2015

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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Community Herne Bay, Kent

Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent - 01227 375095 - Parish Priest: Fr Mark White CP (; Assistant Priest: Fr Patrick CP (743727); Deacons James Foley (366841) & Barry Walker (368685) - website:

tWenty-seVenth sunday in ordinary tiMe (Year B) 3/4 OCTOBER 2015 Entrance Antiphon Within your will, O Lord, all things are established, and there is none that can resist your will. For you have made all things, the heaven and the earth, and all that is held within the circle of heaven; you are the Lord of all. Lynda Ellmers We are very sorry to announce the death of Lynda, parish secretary for many years. She died peacefully in the Pilgrims’ Hospice Margate on Friday 2 October. Our sincere condolences to her brother Chris and all the family who have been so faithful in visiting her especially since she became ill two years ago. Lynda was a dear friend to many in the parish too and she would certainly want her gratitude to be expressed for all the love, friendship and support she has received. May her good soul rest in peace. Fr Luke Magee CP We heard on 29 September of the death of Fr Luke Magee CP, a long-time rector of Minsteracres, a man who welcomed our parish holiday-retreat group for many years. His funeral will take place on 9 October and Frs Mark and Patrick will be present. CAFOD Harvest Fast Day At all Masses this weekend there will be a short talk about this autumn’s CAFOD appeal. It would be much appreciated if you could make your donation this weekend, but it will also be possible to return the envelopes next weekend. Please also make sure that you take and read the materials that go alongside the appeal and pray for the work of CAFOD and its partners.

Children’s Liturgy This group is open to all children aged between 4-9 years (9.30am Mass).

This Sunday 3/4 October – 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Readings: Readers:

Genesis 2:18-24; Hebrews 2:9-11; Mark 10:2-16 (Sat) 6pm: D.Kendall & J.Hamilton; (Sun) 9.30am: M.Nash & T.Hancock; 11.15am: C.Caira & Sr Angela

9:30 Hymns: 243, 605, 832, 968, 801; Mass Setting 1001-1011 (Belmont). Tea and coffee after the 9.30am Mass, all welcome.

Next Sunday 10/11 October – 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) Readings: Readers:

Wisdom 7:7-11; Hebrews 4:12-13; Mark 10:17-30 (Sat) 6pm: P.Fifield & C.Tedder; (Sun) 9.30am: M.Hedger & M.Green; 11.15am: I.Skerry & M.Collin

Parish Notices Events this week Daily Prayer Intentions


The Spiritual Life of the parish


Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 2.15pm

Those who no longer practise the Faith


Exposition after 10am Mass until noon; Parish Pastoral Council 7pm CWG (Retreat Hall) 2-3.30pm; Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 7.30pm Exposition (Our Lady, Star of the Sea, 25 Western Esplanade) 4.30-5.30pm Exposition from 10am until 11am; Rosary 10.45am

The housebound and their carers

Thu Fri Sat

Those preparing to receive the Sacraments Parish outreach to the poor and suffering The community life of the parish

An hour of adoration every weekday from 8.30-9.30am has been set aside for a particular intention (see table above). Those unable to make the hour each morning are encouraged to take time during the day to pray for these intentions.

Parish Pilgrimage to LOURDES 2016: The parish pilgrimage next year will depart on 5 May for Lourdes and will return on 9 May. The cost per person will be £546 per person and there is a single room supplement of £136. The pilgrimage will be led by Fr Mark. Please see Sr Corinne for booking forms. Songs of Praise (this afternoon): Sunday 4 October at 4pm followed by light refreshments. Thanks to all who have suggested hymns; there will not be enough time for all requests, sadly, but the selection is good and it promises to be a very enjoyable time. Please come along. Blood Donor Session: in Retreat Hall Tuesday 6 October 1.30pm – 4pm and 5pm to 7.30pm. New donors are always welcome. Companions of Prayer: next meeting Wednesday 7 October to celebrate feast of Our Lady of the Rosary - 7pm at 25 Western Esplanade. Parish Pastoral Council: meet on Wednesday 7 October at 7pm. Aid to Church in Need (ACN): Next weekend there will be a representative from ACN speaking at all Masses on their work in the Middle East and elsewhere. There will also be an opportunity to contribute to ACN’s work. A Call to Action (ACTA): Next meeting 10 October at 2pm - 2 Manor Road, Whitstable. For more information call 01227 280034. All welcome. Christmas Fayre: If you would like to run a stall at the Christmas Fayre this year, you are invited to a meeting for stallholders on Wednesday 14 October at 7pm. New stallholders always welcome. SVP... save the date: of Saturday 14 November for our next Fish and Chip Supper at 7pm – tickets £7.50. See poster at the back of church. Traidcraft: the stall took £180.20 last weekend and during September £118.57 of orders were made from the Catalogue. Many thanks to all. Cleaning rota and other rotas: can be found in the porch. The 1st Collection for last week was £866.60 (of which £428.05 was from gift-aided envelopes and £435.55 was loose collection). Thank you. The SVP Appeal raised £308.30. Many thanks for your great support. NB If you are a UK tax-payer then you can gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of church.

Mass Times and Intentions Saturday of week 26

Saturday 3 October


Sunday 4 October

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

09.30 Parishioners 11.15

Monday 5 October




intentions Chris and Maria Saturday of week 27 or St Paulinus of York, Bishop & Missionary


intentions olive dawson



Sunday 11 October

in thanksgiving shJ and ihM Friday of week 27 or SS Denis & Comp; St Jn Leonardi; Bl JH Newman

Saturday 10 October

Margaret Jackson Thursday of week 27


Friday 9 October

intentions eileen richards Our Lady of the Rosary

Thursday 8 October

gino Matinucci riP Tuesday of week 27 or St Bruno, Priest


Wednesday 7 October

Mary Pearman (ann) Monday of week 27

Tuesday 6 October

John Wall riP

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

09.30 in thanksgiving Js 11.15

Frances and Michael Joe Keaveney

sacrament of reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm-5.30pm

Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details below.

our lady of the sacred heart, Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8TH Parish office: telephone 01227 375095 email Find out more about the parish on our website: Join us on social media Facebook: /ourladyofthesacredheartherneBay Part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark • A Member of the Canterbury Deanery • A Fairtrade parish since 2010 • Served by the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (Passionists)

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