Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Community Herne Bay, Kent
Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent - 01227 375095 - Parish Priest: Fr Mark White CP (mwhite8684@aol.com); Assistant Priest: Fr Patrick CP (743727); Deacons James Foley (366841) & Barry Walker (368685) - website: www.ourladyhernebay.co.uk
seCond sunday oF adVent (Year C) 5/6 DECEMBER 2015
Entrance Antiphon O people of Sion, behold, the Lord will come to save the nations, and the Lord will make the glory of his voice heard in the joy of your heart. Embracing the Gospel of Mercy Tuesday 8 December is Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the opening of the Jubilee Year of Mercy. There will be an additional Mass in the evening at 7.00pm. To help us understand the Year of Mercy and to enter more fully into it, there is a booklet available from the back of church entitled: A Pilgrimage Companion for the Year of Mercy. Cardinal Nichols, in his introduction, notes how special the theme of “Mercy” is to Pope Francis. He writes that the Holy Father ”knows that every person, whether they think of themselves as religious or not, longs for the embrace of mercy, the love that accepts us as we are and, at the same time, calls us to what we are made to be.” Mercy, especially the mercy of God, says: “It is never too late... This Year of Mercy is an invitation to start again. It is an open door we are invited to enter and discover the wonder of the love and mercy of God that calls out to the deepest recesses of our hearts and our world.” Also, on 6 December, we celebrate Catholic Bible Sunday, which provides an opportunity to give thanks for the gift of the Bible, and an invitation to deepen our understanding of its message. During the Jubilee Year, everyone is invited to read again Luke’s Gospel, also known as the “Gospel of Mercy”. Once you’ve read the Gospel, please consider passing on a copy to someone who may never have read it.
Children’s Liturgy This group is open to children aged between 4-9 years (9.30am Mass).
This Sunday 5/6 December – Second Sunday of Advent (C) Readings: Readers:
Baruch 5:1-9; Psalm 125; Philippians 1:4-6,8-11; Luke 3:1-6 (Sat) 6pm: J.Connolly & J.Hamilton; (Sun) 9.30am: T.Hancock & E.Rogers; 11.15am: I.Skerry & M.Collin
9:30 Hymns: 92, 605, 627, 88, 94; Mass Setting (Christ the Saviour) 1012-1019 Tea and coffee after the 9.30am, all welcome.
Next Sunday 12/13 December – Third Sunday of Advent (C) Readings: Readers:
Zephaniah 3:14-18; Isaiah 12; Philippians 4:4-7; Luke 3:10-18 (Sat) 6pm: P.Fifield & M.Phillips; (Sun) 9.30am: M.Nash & M.Bridger; 11.15am: Sr Angela & F.O’Brien
Parish Notices Daily Prayer Intentions
Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat
The Spiritual Life of the parish
Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 2.15pm; Evening Mass 7pm Exposition after 10am Mass until noon; Mass (25 Western Esplanade) 7pm CWG (Retreat Hall) 2-3.30pm; Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 7.30pm Exposition (25 Western Esplanade) 4.305.30pm Exposition from 10am until 11am; Rosary 10.45am
Those who no longer practise the Faith The housebound and their carers Those preparing to receive the Sacraments Parish outreach to the poor and suffering The community life of the parish
Adoration every weekday: One hour, from 8.30-9.30am, has been set aside for a particular intention (see table above). Those unable to make the hour each morning are encouraged to take time during the day to pray for these intentions.
Advent Devotions: Don’t forget the opportunities we have for prayer together on the first three Sundays of Advent at 4pm (Carol Service - 4th Sunday of Advent). The Children’s Liturgy Group: will be miming the Gospel of the Nativity at the Christmas Vigil Mass 6.00pm on Christmas Eve. This Mass will be the Children’s Mass. Could parents of any of the children wishing to take part please collect a letter from the back of church and complete the slip provided. Traidcraft: took £224.59 last weekend and during the month we had £174 in orders. Many thanks to all our customers. Next sale: 30/31 January 2016 Retreat Hall Kitchen: The main work is done, come along to see the new look! Handy Hints: Our Catholic Women’s Guild have produced a booklet for the home, covering cooking, cleaning & health. Just £2. All proceeds to Oliver’s Fund. SVP Parish Children’s Christmas Party: The Children’s Christmas Party will be held in the Retreat Hall on Saturday 12 December at 2.00pm. All children aged 4-11 are invited. Please complete the application form today if you would like your child to attend. Taizé Evening of Prayer for Advent: at the Franciscan Study Centre on Thursday 10 December 10 at 7.30pm – organised by ACTA (A Call to Action). Many of you will remember the Taizé-style service we held here earlier in the year – it is wonderful to have such a service during Advent. All are welcome. Companions in Prayer: there will be Mass on Wednesday 9 Dec at 7.00pm at “Star of the Sea”, 25 Western Esplanade. All welcome. Christmas Mass Times: Christmas Eve - 6.00pm; Mass at Midnight with Carols beforehand, starting at 11.40pm; Christmas Day - 10.00am (note, one Mass only) Cleaning Rota: Group B this week. We are in need of more cleaners - please contact Audrey Connolly (373133) if you can help. Rotas for readers, teas and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are on the board in the foyer. The 1st Collection for last week was £904.75 (of which £463.00 was from gift-aided envelopes and £441.75 was loose collection). Thank you. Final total for the collection for Catholic Youth Work £256.80. NB Remember, if you pay income tax, to gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of church.
Mass Times and Intentions Saturday of 1st week of Advent
Saturday 5 December
Sunday 6 December
Second Sunday of Advent
09.30 Margaret Meehan riP 11.15
Monday 7 December
Solemnity: Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Betty eldridge riP
Private intention
Maureen Keenan
Wednesday of 2nd week of Advent or St Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin
Thursday 10 December
Thursday of 2nd week of Advent
Friday 11 December
alice roche Saturday of 2nd week of Advent or Our Lady of Guadalupe
ints Peggy grant
Catherine Bishop
Sunday 13 December
John Wall Friday of 2nd week of Advent or St Damasus I, Pope
Saturday 12 December
ints Chris and Maria
Wednesday 9 December
louis Clarke St Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor
Tuesday 8 December
Fr Jim Murray riP
Third Sunday of Advent
09.30 ints Frankling Family 11.15
Frances and Michael Joe Keaveney
sacrament of reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm-5.30pm Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details below. our lady of the sacred heart, Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8TH Parish office: telephone 01227 375095 email ourladyhernebay@gmail.com Find out more about the parish on our website: www.ourladyhernebay.co.uk Join us on social media Facebook: /ourladyofthesacredheartherneBay Part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark • A Member of the Canterbury Deanery • A Fairtrade parish since 2010 • Served by the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (Passionists)