Parish Newsletter 9/10 January 2016

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Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Catholic Community Herne Bay, Kent

Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent - 01227 375095 - Parish Priest: Fr Mark White CP (; Assistant Priest: Fr Patrick CP (743727); Deacons James Foley (366841) & Barry Walker (368685) - website:

the BaPtisM oF the lord (Year C) 9/10 JANUARY 2016

Entrance Antiphon After the Lord was baptised, the heavens were opened, and the Spirit descended upon him like a dove, and the voice of the Father thundered: This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased. Fr Mark writes: The crib has gone; the wonderful Christmas decorations in the church have been taken down; the Christmas tree lights and decorations safely stored away for next year. We have celebrated the Nativity, the feast or Our Lady, Queen and Mother and the great feast of the Epiphany and now today we celebrate the feast of Our Lord’s Baptism in the Jordan by John; the emergence of Our Lord into public life to carry out the Mission he has received from the Father. The time of preparation is over; the great work of preaching and manifesting the Kingdom is about to begin. And for us as a parish, this year which has been designated as a year of Mercy, will get into full sway as we begin the countdown for our Parish Mission, only five weeks away. All those who have volunteered to help in any way will be gearing up for their particular contribution. A special word should be said about those who volunteered to help with Mission Visiting: there will be a training session for you on Monday 18th in the parish room at 8pm (time to be confirmed). Your role is essentially one of support for the Sion Community members during the first week of the Mission; every parish volunteer will accompany a Sion team member and will act as a prayer support for the team member on their visits. If anyone else would like to volunteer to help with the visiting, please see any member of the PPC or Christine Walker.

Children’s Liturgy This group is open to children aged between 4-9 years (9.30am Mass).

This Sunday 9/10 January – The Baptism of the Lord (C) Readings: Readers:

Is 40:1-5,9-11; Ps 103; Titus 2:11-14,3:4-7; Luke 3:15-16,21-22 (Sat) 6pm: P.Fifield & M.Phillips; (Sun) 9.30am: M.Hedger & E.Rogers; 11.15am: C.Caira & F.O’Brien

9:30 Hymns: 172, 102, 512, 633, 152; Mass Setting (Christ the Saviour) 1012-1019 Tea and coffee after the 9.30am, all welcome.

Next Sunday 16/17 January – 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) Readings: Readers:

Isaiah 62:1-5; Psalm 95; 1 Corinthians 12:4-11; John 2:1-11 (Sat) 6pm: O.Dawson & C.Tedder; (Sun) 9.30am: T.Hancock & M.Bridger; 11.15am: I.Skerry & M.Collin

Parish Notices Daily Prayer Intentions


The Spiritual Life of the parish


Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 2.15pm

Those who no longer practise the Faith


Exposition after 10am Mass until noon; Holy Hour (25 Western Esplanade) 7pm CWG (Retreat Hall) 2-3.30pm; Christian Meditation (Upper Room) 7.30pm Exposition (25 Western Esplanade) 4.305.30pm Exposition from 10am until 11am; Rosary 10.45am

The housebound and their carers

Thu Fri Sat

Those preparing to receive the Sacraments Parish outreach to the poor and suffering The community life of the parish

Adoration every weekday: One hour, from 8.30-9.30am, has been set aside for a particular intention (see table above). Those unable to make the hour each morning are encouraged to take time during the day to pray for these intentions.

Peace Sunday: Next Sunday is PEACE SUNDAY sponsored by Pax Christi who write: “The work of Pax Christi is based on the Gospel and inspired by our faith. Our vision is of a world where people can live in peace, without fear of violence in any of its forms. Rooted in Catholic Christianity, we work with all who share our values to abolish war and create communities of peace and justice.” There will be a retiring collection next Sunday to support the work of Pax Christi. SVP Snowflake Appeal: Thank you to everyone who contributed to the annual silver snowflake appeal. We have reached an incredible £515. There are a number of snowflake jars still in circulation – please return your jar if you have not already done so. Thank you again for your generosity. Again, on charitable giving: Please see Krista Nelson’s notice in the church porch about the fantastic success of the Oliver Nelson appeal... over £26,000 has been donated. In addition, we have been able to send a cheque for £425 to Aid to the Church in Need to support their work with Syrian refugees. This money is from the box marked Syria at the back of church. Many thanks. Please keep up the support as the refugees’ plight only seems to get worse. Companions in Prayer: Next meeting on Wednesday 13 January at Our Lady Star of the Sea (25 Western Esplanade). It will consist of a Holy Hour based on The Divine Mercy. All welcome. A Call to Action (ACTA): We are a group of Catholics, some of whom are ordained, brought together by our love of Christ’s Church and our anxiety about its future. Inspired by the Second Vatican Council, we want to contribute fully to the life of our Church so that we may be a more effective Sign of the Kingdom of God. To do this, we believe that an atmosphere of openness and dialogue both with each other and with our Bishops needs developing. We desire to help create a climate of trust and respect for all where this dialogue may be fostered. The East Kent Area ACTA group will meet on Saturday 16 January at 2pm at 2 Manor Rd, Whitstable CT5 2JT Further info: please call 01227 280034; All welcome The Collection for last week was £946.28 (of which £448.00 was from giftaided envelopes and £498.28 was loose collection). Thank you. NB Remember, if you pay income tax, to gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of church.

Mass Times and Intentions Saturday after Epiphany Sunday

Saturday 9 January


Sunday 10 January

Feast: The Baptism of the Lord

09.30 adam harvey riP 11.15

Monday 11 January




holy Father’s intentions Saturday of week 1


ints deacon Barry and Christine Walker


lynda ellmers and deceased family members riP

Sunday 17 January

ints Matt Keane Friday of week 1

Saturday 16 January

John Mcgirr riP Thursday of week 1


Friday 15 January

ints olga Philips Wednesday of week 1 or St Hilary, Bishop, Doctor

Thursday 14 January

Paul gray (ann); louis Clarke riP Tuesday of week 1 or St Aelred of Rievaulx, Abbot


Wednesday 13 January

Frances and Michael Joe Keavney riP Monday of week 1

Tuesday 12 January

Paul Kelly (ann)

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

09.30 Parishioners 11.15

ints Michael and Zoe o’Brien

sacrament of reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm-5.30pm Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details below.

our lady of the sacred heart, Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent CT6 8TH Parish office: telephone 01227 375095 email Find out more about the parish on our website: Join us on social media Facebook: /ourladyofthesacredheartherneBay Part of the Catholic Archdiocese of Southwark • A Member of the Canterbury Deanery • A Fairtrade parish since 2010 • Served by the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus Christ (Passionists)

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