Catholic Community – Herne Bay, Kent Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent. CT6 8TH– 01227 375095-Parish priest: Fr Mark White CP ( Assistant Priest: Fr. Patrick CP (743727): Deacon Barry Walker (368685) email - -Facebook:/OurLadyOfTheSacredHeartHerneBay Twitter:@ourladyhernebay – SVP Helpline 07869 509 804
Entrance Antiphon – I call to you all day long, have mercy on me, O Lord. You are good and forgiving, full of love for all who call to you. Tea & Coffee-Soft drinks & Biscuits – are served after the 9.30am Mass in the hall, all welcome 9.30 MASS Hymns: 807, 602, 846, 898, 883; Mass Setting: Joy & Peace.
MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS & SERVICES Saturday 1st Sept Sunday 2nd Sept
18.00 09.30 11.15
People of the Parish Brian & Althea Walker (INT) Maura & Tony Mansfield (Thanksgiving)
Thursday 6th Sept. Friday 7th Sept.
Nellie Curran (INT) Monday 3rd Sept.
Sean McPoland (INT)
Saturday 8th Sept.
Duncan McCrae (INT)
Joseph O’Brien (ANN)
Frank & Florina Smith (RIP)
Olive Dawson (INT)
Tuesday Saturday 4th Sept. Mary Locke (INT) 8th Sept 18.00 People of the Parish 10.00 Wednesday Sunday 09.30 Noel Davis (RIP) th 5th Sept. Sr. Agnes O’Shea OMJ 9 Sept. 11.15 Martin & Rita McVey (INT) 10.00 TH FRIDAY 7 SEPTEMBER – THE FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH – Mass at 10.00am and 7.00pm There will be a Service of Healing after the 7.00 pm Mass: all are welcome. FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK: Monday 3rd September St. Gregory the Great, Pope and Doctor of the Church. Tuesday 4th September St. Cuthbert, Bishop. Saturday 8th September: The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. ADOREMUS, THE NATIONAL EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS takes place in Liverpool on 7, 8 and 9 September. Our delegates are Peter and Marian Green and we would like to show our solidarity with the Congress by having Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament throughout Saturday 8th, the central day of the event. If you could give half an hour or an hour of that time, please tick the list at the back of church. Thank you. THE PASSIONIST COMMUNITY welcome Fr Gregor Lenzen CP, Provincial of the German Province of the Passionists – he will be spending just over a week with us and hopes for sunny weather during this holiday break!! Living as he does in Bavaria, Fr Gregor finds it a bit too far from the seaside….so let’s hope the town lives up to its reputation as “sunny Herne Bay”!! WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 12th: the second Wednesday of the month means Lunch Club in the Retreat Hall. All are welcome, any time from 11.30 a.m. If you haven’t joined us before, please give our organiser Samantha Bushnell a call on 07711 270646 PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: meets on Wednesday at 7.00 pm SACRED HEART COMPANIONS IN PRAYER – THE Companions will not meet in September. Our next meeting will be on 10th October.
The Funeral of Fred O’Brien will take place at 10.00 on Monday 10 September. MISSION/APF RED BOXES – It’s that time of year again. Please return your red box to your promoter or hand in to the Parish office before the end of the month. Promoters please collect your envelopes from the Parish office. PRAYER FOR HERNE BAY: A new lay-led initiative begins this month, on Monday September 24th from 7.00 to 9.00 pm and it is being held in the Angling Club on Western Esplanade. The meetings will be monthly and will take place on Mondays KERALA FLOODS: AN SVP APPEAL - As you’ve probably seen in the media, terrible floods have been taking place in Kerala in southern India. . The leading Catholic volunteering charity, the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), is very active there and they are doing great work helping the victims of the flood in local communities. However, they desperately need funds. Thank you very much for your very generous response to this appeal last weekend. There is still time to add to it as we will only be sending the money off after this weekend. KENT CATHOLIC SCHOOLS PARTNERSHIP are looking for Foundation Governors to join governing bodies across a number of our academies in Kent. Foundation Governors are committed to supporting education in a Catholic context and help the Trust to deliver outstanding spiritual, moral and learning outcomes for children and young people. For further information please see the KCSP website at or contact the Trust on FORTHCOMING EVENTS PUGIN WEEK AT ST AUGUSTINE’S, RAMSGATE. 10-16 SEPTEMBER. SEE POSTER IN CHURCH PORCH DEMELZA CHILDREN’S HOSPICE: QUIZ NIGHT in the Retreat Hall for Demelza Children’s Hospice on Saturday 15th September at 7 for 7.30pm. Ploughman’s and water/ orange juice provided. Bring your own alcohol. £7.50 per person, tables of 8 or individuals. Reserve a table or place at Demelza Book Shop or ring Nick from 4,00 to 5.00 on 07546454096. AYLESFORD DAY OF RENEWAL: SATURDAY 15 SEPTEMBER: Speaker: Fr Angelus Hoole . Please see poster in church porch. The main focus of the day is a Mass for the Healing of the Family Tree. After Rosary and Prayer of Praise, Fr Angelus will give a talk at 11.00; the Mass will be celebrated at 2.00pm and the day will conclude with a Eucharistic Healing Service. Further information from Mrs Palmyra Willis 01580 211204 SOUTHWARK DAY OF RENEWAL: Saturday October 6th: Speaker Damian Stayne, Cor et Lumen Christi; Lifts will be available: please inform Sr Corinne or Fr Mark. WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE – Sunday 7th October (feast of The Most Holy Rosary). Coach will leave from our parish. Details on church poster board. Sign up form at the back of church. Coach now full!!! SAVE THE DATE 13th October- for special charity event in our Parish Hall- the format has not been finalised but likely to be cabaret style with meal including Grand Draw/Raffle. More details will be available early September. In addition to 2 other acts it would be great if Parishioner(s) would be willing to do a stand up comedy act for say 10 mins- or do you know of someone who is not a Parishioner, but would perform for this charity evening Please contact Frank 01227 652370 or email" Cleaning Group – ( D ) –Other rotas can be found in the porch The Collections for last week were: 1st Collection - Loose change £430.24; Gift aided £474.13= £ 904.37 2ND Collection for Kerala = £686.95. This collection will be repeated today. There will be a second collection next Sunday for The Catholic Education Service. NB If you are a UK tax-payer then you can gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of Church. “SVP -Bring some food each week and help someone to eat" " especially tinned fish, coffee & tinned meat" CHRISTIAN MEDITATION: Tuesday 2.15 pm; Thursday 7.30 pm. In the Upper Room. All welcome Adoration every weekday: 8.30-9.30a.m. Wednesdays: also after Mass till 12.00 Also Saturday morning, 10.00 to 11.00 with Rosary at 10.45., said for the Parish each week. There is a further opportunity each week: at Convent Chapel, 25 Western Esplanade from 3.00 to 4.00pm on Fridays. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm.-5.30pm Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details above. Any notices for the forthcoming Newsletter please email the Office –