Parish Newsletter 6/7 April 2019

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Catholic Community – Herne Bay, Kent Clarence Road, Herne Bay, Kent. CT6 8TH– 01227 375095-Parish priest: Fr Mark White CP ( Assistant Priest: Fr. Patrick CP (743727): Deacon Barry Walker (368685) email - -Facebook:/OurLadyOfTheSacredHeartHerneBay Twitter:@ourladyhernebay – SVP Helpline 07869 509 804


Entrance Antiphon – Give me justice, O God, and defend my cause against the wicked; rescue me from deceitful and unjust men. You, O God, are my refuge. Children’s Liturgy of the Word: at the 9.30 Mass (term time) Tea & Coffee-Soft drinks & Biscuits – are served after the 9.30am Mass in the hall, all welcome TRAIDCRAFT- took £163.25 last weekend. Thanks to all our customers. Traidcraft is held on last weekend of the month 9.30 MASS Hymns: 801, 608, 756, 967, 883; Mass Setting: Joy & Peace, Psalm 125. Response: "What marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we were glad"

MASS TIMES AND INTENTIONS Saturday 6th April Sunday 7th April Monday 8th April Tuesday 9th April Wednesday 10th April

18.00 09.30 11.15 10.00

People of the Parish Kevin, Terry & Margaret Meehan (RIP) Jessie Knight (ANN) Fr. Charles Owen CP (ANN) Chris Fallows (ANN)


Edith O’Brien (ANN)


Kitty & Arthur McKenna (RIP)

Thursday 11th April Friday


Holy Souls

12th April 10.00

Matthew Meehan (INT)

Saturday 13th April


Brenda Gray (INT)

Saturday 13th April Sunday 14th April

18.00 09.30 11.15

People of the Parish Tony Pozzetti (ANN) Jeremiah O’Sullivan (ANN)

PRAYER OPPORTUNITIES IN LENT: • Every Sunday: Lent Devotions, including Stations of the Cross: 4.00p.m. • Fridays: Stations of the Cross at 7.00 p.m. • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: each weekday from 8.30 – 9.30 a.m. • Adoration every Thursday from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. • And why not try to make it to a weekday Mass, Mon-Fri at 10.00 • There will be a TAIZE service of Evening Prayer at 7.30 p.m. on Monday April 8th – those who so much enjoyed the services held at the Franciscan Study Centre in the recent past will be especially pleased to read this PASSIONIST ICON: You will see the rather splendid triptych (paining on 3 panels) of Passionist saints by the lectern. The central figures, along with Our Lady, is St Paul of the Cross, who founded the Passionists in 1720. In the left panel are St Gemma Galgani, a young woman whose desire had been to join the contemplative Passionist nuns, but the need to care for elderly parents meant that she stayed with them; she was a mystic who received the stigmata, the wounds of Christ;her spiritual director was a Passionist priest. She died in 1903,age 25; in the panel below St Gemma is Blessed Isidore do Loor,(1881-1916) a Belgian Passionist laybrother who led an exemplary, if not dramatic, life of holiness. The two panels on the right are of St Gabriel, patron of youth in Italy, whose statue is in our church near the lady altar; and below him is Blessed Dominic Barberi, who founded the Passionists in England. The icon is making a tour of all the countries where Passionists are present, 66 at the last count – most recently in Burma. It will be with us until Tuesday. A brief life of St Paul of the Cross, written by Fr Ben Lodge CP, our previous parish priest, is available through Sr Corinne, price £1.50. The icon was painted (or, to use the more accurate term, “written”) by a Greek artist, Loukas Seroglu.

PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: We recently distributed a leaflet about the PPC’s work and asked for offers of help/interest. There was a tear-off slip on the leaflet – these may be returned in the box at the back of church. HOLY WEEK: begins with Palm Sunday next weekend. Please note that the Palm Sunday Masses will all begin in the Hall from where we will process into church. No tea/coffee next Sunday. MONDAY: Confessions from 7.00 to 8.00 pm MAUNDY THURSDAY: Mass of the Lord’s Supper with Washing of Feet: 8.00pm. Watching till 11.00 pm GOOD FRIDAY: Walk of Witness begins here at 9.45 a.m. We walk to Wimereux Square for 10.30. Solemn Liturgy of the Passion: 3.00 pm; Seven Last Words from the Cross: 7.00 pm HOLY SATURDAY: Solemn Easter Vigil at 9.00 pm Confessions 10.-11.00 a.m. and 4.30 – 5.30 p.m. EASTER SUNDAY: Mass at usual times: 9.30 and 11.15. FUNERALS: Tuesday 16th April at 11.00am Requiem Mass for Betty Evans. Thursday 18th April at 1.00pm Requiem Mass for Nellie Curran SACRED HEART COMPANIONS IN PRAYER – Our next meeting is on Wednesday 10th April. We will watch a film on the passion. If any parishioner would like to join us, they will be very welcome. We meet at 7pm at the Convent, 25, Western Esplanade. THE WEDNESDAY LUNCH CLUB - Don't be lonely, come and join us next meal is Wednesday 10th April. You will enjoy a good meal cooked on the premises, plus good company, suggested donation of £3. Call Samantha on 07711270646 MISSION/RED BOXES- Thank you to our members for returning your red boxes. The boxes are available for collection next Sunday after all the Masses. PARISH EQUAL SHARES SCHEME – 2019 : This is our last plea for the 2019 scheme year. We need 22 new members to run the scheme this year. The scheme has been available for over 40 years and it would be sad see to close the scheme after all these years. Please take a form to complete & return with your cheque for £12 made out to St. Mary’s Parish. Thank you. SVP - Lenten Appeal Donations- there are still some envelopes available at the back of the Church. If Parishioners wish to support, please take one per family, if you did not get one last weekend. Please return Easter weekend or earlier if preferred. FORTHCOMING EVENTS SAVE THE DATE – Parish Summer Fayre - 15th June Cleaning Group – ( C) – The 2019 Cleaning Rota is now displayed in the Sacristy BIG CHURCH CLEAN – Weds. 17th April after 10.00am Mass. We have dusters/polish etc. Many hands make light work! Please come along. Thank you. Audrey. The Collections for last Sunday were: 1st Collection - Loose cash £424.21 Gift aided £420.00 Total £844.21 Collection for Easter Flowers £194.97. Additional donation to Cafod £65.00. Final cheque sent to Cafod £1,037.50. Wonderful!! Thank you. NB If you are a UK tax-payer then you can gift-aid whatever you offer. To gift-aid your offering please fill in one of the forms at the back of Church. Second collection today for all suffering from The African Cyclone “SVP -Bring some food each week and help someone to eat" "especially tinned meat ,fruit, vegetables, fruit, tea and porridge" CHRISTIAN MEDITATION: Tuesday 2.15 pm; Thursday 7.30 pm. In the Upper Room. All welcome Adoration every weekday: 8.30-9.30a.m. Thursdays: All Day from 7.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m. Also Saturday morning, 10.00 to 11.00 with Rosary at 10.45., said for the Parish each week. There is a further opportunity each week: at Convent Chapel, 25 Western Esplanade from 3.00 to 4.00pm on Fridays. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 10am-11am and 4.30pm.-5.30pm Looking to arrange a wedding or baptism? Contact the parish, details above. Any notices for the forthcoming Newsletter please email the Office –

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