Behind the Window
literature l politics lreligion l psychology
Breaking the Glass Shuttering P 30
Issue 15 April 2017
Holistic Crusader Dr. Laurence Ajaka takes us through an indepth look at world renoun nutritionist Dr. Angie Kassabie
P 24
Behind the Window NOHAD HABIB She followed her friend from one room to another , trying hard to remember all the commands and warnings as to where the light switches were , which windows she was allowed to open and which not. Her situation is quite different someone may notice her absent and notify the authorities "you must be careful, " ordered the friend as he shook her hand and slammed the door. She toured the house more and more, stealing looks behind the curtains at the lively neighborhood swarmed with rowdy crowd and noisy old women. Then she threw herself on the dirty sofa in the living room and lit a cigarette. " Was it all worth it?" To be continued
credit couldn't do any harm. Let’s express a reasonable
By Dr. Toufic Ajaka
arrangement to change. What's the purpose of apologi-
“I’m sorry, OK? I said I’m sorry.” “All right, well. zing in the event that we don't expect to battle our norI’m sorry. Do you think the issue is settled on those mal slant whenever a comparable circumstance manigrounds? Do two straightforward words have the abili- fests? These words may be lowering yet capable. We ty to exonerate all offenses and recuperate all injuries? can't think about a superior approach to state it than Since when have we been permitted to give our tongues to ask it in a plain and straightforward manner—with a chance to fold freely to settle on childish choices, and more expectation than desire. Likewise, let’s consider afterward just close the lid with these two little words? what we are stating outside of our words: our non-verAs a general rule, these words don't exonerate, they bal communication, outward appearance, and manner don't recuperate, and they don't prompt compromise of speaking. Nothing goads like a questionable stateand reestablished connections.
ment of regret, and I think many would concur that no
We need to figure out how to apologize "legitima- expression of remorse is superior to a fake one. tely," thusly, we concede wrongdoing, share the aim
When we force ourselves to apologize genuinely,
to change and reestablish kinships. It is fundamental we are battling the desire to escape and brush off it. for kids as well as for grown-ups! Perhaps this is on the Why don’t we apologize while scowling at the floor? grounds that we as a whole grew up being compelled Such an action does not lower our standards; on the to state "sorry" as well, and keeping in mind that it contrary, we did the harm and we have to admit it. functioned admirably enough in primary school, it lost We cannot run away and leave a scar. The harm may some of its enchantment once our issues developed be painful. Who knows? It works and it chips away at from breaking colored pencils to breaking hearts. We anyone. Also, maybe more vitally, it takes a shot at us. do not state we are sorry for what, or it is wrong be- Our heart at long last admitted to itself that we really cause, or I will never do that again, or will you forgive settled on a poor and narrow-minded decision, and me? For instance, I’m sorry for interrupting you while some piece of our cerebrum is rewired marginally in a talking. This is wrong because you were talking first, superior course for what's to come. and it is egotistical of me. In the future, I will not do so. Is it accurate to say that it is simple? No. Do I think Will you forgive me?
everybody ought to utilize sentence stems? No. You
Simply say whatever it takes to get to the point that are presumably a more understandable, balanced, and we lament something we did. Let’s be precise. Let’s rich individual than us and won't require them. Be that address the outcomes that came about, including the as it may, in the event that you happen to bumble with other individual's feelings. This will demonstrate that words when it's your swing to be unassuming, then you we can value the despondent feelings we brought on, may very well need to remember this. With regards and that is more important than whatever else we can to settling strife, there's a contrast between dropping state. In case we are contemplative and sufficiently the issue and encountering genuine compromise. Now humble, let’s address how it bolsters some undesirable and again, it may very well begin with something as character quality of our own: pride, self-centeredness, straightforward as picking a better-quality approach to sluggishness. It's discretionary, yet some additional state "I'm sorry."
Not Another Fool's Gold
What Life Taught Me DR. LAURENCE AJAKA
Lend your ear to the musings of your mind. Let your intellectual instinct guide you and rein in the call of your tumultuous emotions. Accept that most will let you down or even stab you in the back. Serendipity is when you meet those who will only lie. Let go of all expectations or they will weigh you down to the ocean’s depths with their incessant doubts. Rely on nothing but common interest; those who need you will cherish you and once done will discard you as easily as they let go of a random lint on their clothes. Abandon those unrealistic childhood ideals that belong to the echoes of a distance past. Realize that life is forever revolving in an upside down ride of luck and misfortune; all your gains are often at the expense of another ’s loss, so expect your hour of darkness to beacon you soon. Forgive for the sake of your own peace of mind. Those who have wronged you will be punished by their own destiny. Hanging on to your bitterness only consumes you as they go about merrily with their lives. Ignore all the faults and sins of the world if you are ever to have peace. Look into yourself for reform because you are accountable and responsible for no one but your own reflection and conscious. Regret nothing because whatever is done has been woven into the fabric of reality of which we only constitute a frail thread easily torn asunder. Leave no enemies in your wake because they will become vipers that poison your happiness. Steer away from those who will bear you ill will and surround yourself with those untainted by the malicious sin of envy. Learn from your mistakes without allowing them to make you bitter. Those who fool you once shouldn’t be allowed to fool you again. Open your heart up to love. Start with yourself and move on to understand and appreciate the faults within your enemies. Love the ugly side of those close before you bask in their virtues. Tap into your core; there are multitudes of dormant potential eager to burst onto the surface and take the world by storm.
Empower yourself to withstand the tempest that is life. It blows high and mighty keen on wreaking havoc upon those who do not learn to stand strong and bury their roots deep into the loving bosom of Mother Earth. Fill your life with nothing but joy. We often bury ourselves decades before life buries us when we delve deep into misery and infamy. Surround yourself with the healing glow of positivity. Let the hardships you endure roll over as you eagerly await a brighter day. Believe in your potential but never indulge in vanity. Misplaced pride is a falling pit that snares you in its depths and cocoons you in a silky web of imprudent content hallow of genuine value. Discard the term “If only ” because they are invisible weights that hold you back from realizing unfulfilled dreams. Free yourself from their constraints and you will be propelled into dizzying heights. Remain vigilant about death because it’s the only unwavering and universal truth. When the curtains have fallen and the universe goes back to the abyss from whence it came, all will be accountable for only what their hands have sowed. High or lowborn, you will be at death’s doorsteps.
nything that is overexposed will lose its value and potency. Even cancer cells that ravish the body are killed when exposed to light. The same applies to our bodies. We parade them in all manners of indecency conveniently forgetting that it is an encasement for the soul. It's the greatest gift endowed to us from God, and it deserves more than a capsule that anyone can look at and intrude upon.
y mind revolts as I listen to lyrics rapid in their intensity and hysterical in their depravity. They are then brought to life in an explosion of color and fleshy images meant to entice the baser levels of our consciousness akin to pagan rituals worshiping at the altar of a woman's enchanting nakedness. They call forth the crippling all-consuming desire and thirst for animalistic rutting tearing at the veneer of civilization we wear.
his trend has slowly crept into the televised commercials that practice the same form of seduction. The center stage in the woman's body as the idol meant to prey on the emotions of spectators just to peddle some goods. It's a strange brand of sexual begging.
sn’t it ironic when people come to confide then plead with whomever they told not to repeat what they said? If they had any doubt about the one they are confiding in, then why risk telling them in the first place? Why divulge their intimate details to less than trustworthy people? Why not find other safer ways to vent whatever frustrations they are feeling? Perhaps it's a desperate attempt for attention or maybe it's out of a place of despair. Whatever the case may be, they should think long and hard before confiding in someone who would betray them. Take a walk. Have a glass of wine. Take a long bath. Have a trip. It's always better than being in the power of shifty characters.
hat sort of perverted delight do some get from criticizing others? They will start throwing their weight around giving an opinion about even the way the winds blow. They share their unsolicited opinion, and those are rarely kind. What sort of self-righteousness do they possess that makes them feel and act so entitled? Are they smarter than everyone else? Are they perfect? Or are they so flawed that the only way they can feel secure is by tearing everything down? Is treading on the rubble the only way to make them feel tall? Can they really be ignorant of the hurt that their words leave in the wake? One thing is for sure, words are alive and power ful, so we should all pause and think before uttering a sentence that could start the unstoppable tumble of dominoes.
t is beyond logic why some people would hate others yet go out of their way to be nice and friendly towards them. They constantly ask for meetings and share experiences while loathing them on the inside. The stronger the feeling, the more these hypocrites try to be nice to cover up their tracks. They are unaware that people would rather have genuine friendship than the foppish insincere display of affection. There is no need to overcompensate to cover up their real feelings and maintain a blasĂŠ attitude. Aren't they aware that no one has the time or cares enough for their theatrics?
t's all about the deluxe brand name. People have no qualms about getting in debt just to buy that deluxe car, clothes, house, perfumes, sunglasses... No matter the price, it's all in the name because these names have the power to impress others and make you seem fashionable, rich and trendy. And you lavish in the spotlight even though you are meanwhile working your hands to the bones trying to pay for the million and one installments needed. The sad thing is that the ones you want to impress are probably people you hate and just want to one up them. Is it really worth compromising your health for the sake of those you couldn't care less for? It's a shame society has become this superficial. If only each one can value what is within and not what is owned, life might just take on a better and more relaxed bend.
ome people's perception of having fun is to gather within a group and gossip about everyone under the sun. They spew hateful rumors and destroy reputations with the flicks of their tongues. They defame and reduce others to a source of entertainment. Had they really had a modicum of decency, they would stand and face those they were tossing about and tell them what they feel. Should they want to entertain themselves, they should look at their own issues and hiccups.
here was a time and age when intellectual people had the respect and admiration of their peers. What they had to say left an impact, and others took the time to listen and learn. Nowadays, whenever anything slightly above the generic chitchat is discussed, those engaged are ridiculed. They are considered to be pretentious and stuck up. Because the majority of society fails to skim beyond the thinnest icing of the surface of any topic, it’s easier to stereotype and shame those who dare. It speaks volume about what society has arrived to and who we are. Upon reflection, it seems there is little to be proud of.
hy do we always search for guarantees in every relationship we enter when we can’t even guarantee we will stay the same in the future? Does it seem fair to demand
of others something we can’t give? Love can be fickle; what we like today we could grow to dislike in the future. We lose interest in what meant the world to us. Why waste so much time and effort securing these guarantees instead of just letting things come as they are? The universe itself is in a constant flow of change, so why are we so fixated on wanting to solidify everything? Let us grow into the change and adapt to it. Relationships are not meant to be rigid; they evolve through risks and trials. Either they bring two people closer, or they drive apart what was not meant to be. Guarantees mean nothing. The change will happen whether we want it or not.
always wondered why people claim the good are the ones who suffer the most through life. Does that mean we need to be harsh and learn to stifle our gentle tendencies? As time went by, I realized that people with the best intentions will always be misunderstood because we live in a world rife with lies and bad intentions. The decent ones are harshly condemned and prejudiced against because they hold the ability to expose and bring to light the ugly side of others. If only everyone had good and selfless intentions; then all would be clear, and we can all be spared much sorrow and pain.
hy do you have such unrealistic expectations from women? You want the full figured woman with the right amount of curves only the exact right places. The female body cannot always accommodate such measurements which forces many women to change so much about their appearances. This extends to everything such as fake nails, eyebrows, hair, etc. and just about every last detail you can think about. This is the ultimate insult to the perception of both genders. We are materializing and limiting the enigma of what is an attraction between a man and a woman. We are restricting it to the existence or absence of certain body parts which is very unacceptable. What combines the two goes beyond the flesh and extends to a genuine connection between two highly evolved beings created in the image of God himself.
ur society has latched on to super ficiality to the extent where it's preferable to have cancer than to be fat. People feel it's their duty to lend you advice whether you welcome it or not. They cannot refrain themselves from dishing out pearls of wisdom because they can't comprehend that there might actually be a genuine reason for your weight. Real sensitivity has never been to pick on others and remind them of what they are lacking. o the fountains of wisdom: leave those people alone. If the sight disagrees with you, all you have to do is look away. Consider obesity to be a disease and show those afflicted with it the same compassion you would for those with a dangerous illness. he society takes weight as a criterion to classify individuals as humans or not. What more can be said about the sad state we have reached?
his morning I was asked my opinion regarding an issue, and I declined to give any. Through my life experience, I have learned that I should not say anything about something unless I have access to all the different facets and perspectives of the matter. Any opinion formulated out of that context would be misinformed and lacking. I make it a rule never to utter a careless word because each syllable will forever be documented in the book of my life and stand as a testimony to my understanding and experience.
here do we get this desperate need to cling to our partner? Some of us leave virtually no breathing space for others because we are so intimately close that it's stifling. Consider what happens when we criss cross our legs for a length of time; they are ours and belong close, yet we would feel the need to uncross and let them breath. If a pair of limbs that go together feel like that, how would a separate human being feel? Let every individual have their own space and be at ease to interact with us. It is only when both partners are happy as individuals that true, wondrous and genuine interactions can occur.
Reducing Stress MISHA YAKOBI
Misha Yakobi How many of us have stopped and pondered about what makes us stressed? And what are the ramifications of not pausing to determine the root cause of this stress? Since work occupies a lion share of our daily life, it is safe to assume that most of the time it is our work that stresses us and wears us down. While there are many reasons to be stressed at work, such as relationships with supervisors or colleagues, some stress is related to the actual workload. So, what are some of the practical ways to reduce the stress related to the workload? Time management is a key to achieve goal and reduce stress. Time, unfortunately, is finite. Each day is filled with 24 hours and each week has 5 business days. Conversely, the energy devoted to daily tasks and productivity is variable within every day. Everyone has experienced the natural rhythm of the day in which energy ebbs and flows and the question of how to remain productive and maintain focus at the low end of these oscillations looms large. The clichĂŠ of time management strategies has been taught since grade school with little variation. However, all of these strategies boil down to working smarter, not harder. Working harder is the verbal illustration of a stressed student inhaling caffeine the night before an exam. Conversely, the student who planned the week leading up the exam and realistically allotted time has instead worked smarter. Ulti-
mately, the time spent on preparation for the upcoming deadline is the same. However, the individual who worked smarter and set goals and priorities has conserved much more energy and allotted time more efficiently. Working smarter, not harder culminates in decreased levels of perceived stress and increased levels of perceived control and is achieved simply by setting realistic goals and assigning appropriate priorities to tasks. The characteristic of working smarter, not harder is not accomplished with one extreme change. Rather, it is the result of reasonable and sustainable alterations. Beginning by setting goals and priorities for projects and gradually incorporating more strategies to increase productivity may result in less risk of future burnout. Over time, one realizes that if a weakness is identified, a strength must be applied to balance out that weakness. As such, accept your weakness, learn from past experiences where that weakness bore you down, and introduce discipline to goal-setting to allow your strengths to shine! The conscious decision to work smarter, not harder yields more conservation of energy which yields a more productive 24 hour day. When faced with the early Monday morning pile of work, do not be stricken and paralyzed by the amount of work. Rather plan ahead! Adapt a strategy that if you cannot do everything, do what you can, start doing what’s necessary,then do what’s possible and suddenly you are doing what initially seemed impossible.
One of a Kind Strategy Dr. Laurence Ajaka
The genuine concern for the well-being and future of any institution is the driving force behind every action you take. My approach is simple: never allow negati- ceived in a negative manner. An energized vity to taint any idea; instead, keep pumping and confident person is easier to work with a healthy dose of positive energy and persist than a down-beaten defensive one. until it has come to fruition or came to a halt While some of you will argue against my with the bare minimum damage that only philosophy, this is how I have been conduccomes from stealthy risk management. It has ting myself and running all businesses these been my mantra for as long as I remember,
past years. Recognized or not, the success I
and so far, it has served me well. So whene- have had spoken for itself and validates my ver I stumble across some venture that seems approach to all the naysayers. Furthermore, impossible, the first step is to demystify it and
I live with the conviction of a clear conscious
bring a more approachable sense of reality and knowledge that I have treated others to what was always considered to be impe- in the best way possible. I have cultivated a netrable. I visualize it as an opportunity and
strong and supportive network around me
challenge from God to test my mettle belie- that filters my own ideas and refines them ving me to possess the perfect set of skills to before going on to execution. conquer this and every obstacle. My next step is constructing two new platWhile some might balk under the pressure forms that will generate and provide extra of running more than one venture simulta- jobs for numerous families. While this step is neously, I relish the thought of being in the risky, I rely on the guidance and protection midst of a never-ending flux of ideas and
of God as my venture comes from a place of
new avenues for exploration. It’s human
love and a desire to extend support and sus-
nature to believe that yours are the best out tenance for some of the needy families in a there, so I have learned early on to let people
country whose economy has been ravished
have their own say while I try to pinpoint all
by endless cycles of war and corruption.
the heights to foster a better sense of self within them. Being validated makes them work harder and become more open to any critique that might have otherwise been per-
False Idols Dr. Laurence Ajaka
We come into this world from a common mold where all our ancestors UNDERCOVER and relatives emerged through into this existence. We live within the same sphere where our parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews nestled and made a life for themselves. This cocoon engulfs and succors us for years until we start becoming influenced by the outside world that could paint them as the demons enslaving us with chains of guilt and misguided loyalty. We start believing that the outside world is our real haven and its inhabitants our saviors from a stagnant reality. Our filial bonds lay discarded until a serious illness or death calls out, and often our sympathetic outbursts of affection are hallowed in genuine sentiment and engorged with a desire to pose as the angels of mercy for said outsiders who judge us on how we seemingly treat our relatives. It’s sickening to watch another ingrate child cry out in lamentation after the death of a loved one and whoring the memory on social media for attention when they have spent years, if not decades, disowning their parents and going to unimaginable length to reinvent themselves in a false new image. Abandoning your roots will render you as naked and shriveled as the tree that has lost its sustenance after being severed away from its truth. It’s too painful to watch the sacrifices and tears of beloved parents that have strived for years to rear their child to be swept aside because of poisonous whispers of a new friend that is likely to be swept by a mild argument from the pages of our history. It is only when we are stabbed repeatedly in our backs and have our trust trampled on numerous times that we start to appreciate the value of the nuclear family we had. What took decades to build should not be demolished just because of a new acquaintance or a new post. We will forever be defined by where we came from, good or bad, so we ought to be proud and true to what laid the foundation of the image we see when we stare into the mirrors of our souls.
Where Humanity Radiates
Mirna Hawwat is a coordinator in an organization The organization works in close proximity with other dedicated to upholding and preserving the rights of private and governmental organizations to negate children especially those with special needs. They en- any threat to any child or woman within and outside courage children to vocalize and express themselves the criminal justice system to ensure their ultimate saas well as working in parallel with parents to realize fety. The work done is monumental and affects each the efforts already invested once the children go back one of us directly because how we choose to treat the into a society that might not be very accepting. The weak and defenseless is a testament to who we truly main focus is on making each child conscious of their are as a nation. rights and providing the means to vocalize their demands or ask for protection in a healthy way instead of resorting to senseless violence in the face of the abuse they receive. Parents are taught the latest skills that aid them in raising their children in a non-violent environment that rely on positive reinforcement and nurturing. The organization also provides individual care and monitoring for women and children that are found in violent and abusive homes and aids them in overcoming these dire circumstances. For example, if the child has to work to supplement the household’s income, these workers will find a compromise between work and providing the child with the tools to have more promising prospects later on in life whether by putting them back into regular school or sending them to vocational schools that will teach them a craft. With respect to girls who are forced to or on the cusps of marrying while still underage, efforts are done to persuade the parents and the girl to delay this marriage by educating them on the psychological and physiological danger that premature sexual intercourse and pregnancy can do.
Give Your Soul a Goo Dr. Laurence Ajaka One of the small pleasures of life is chatting with my students in between classes to better understand the way they think. On those occasions, I am often called an old fuddy-duddy that still lives in the past especially in terms of sexual exploits. They claim that the world has moved beyond such concerns, and we, the older generation, need to come to terms with that. It’s common practice for couples to rent small hovels where they indulge in every vice except the actual act of intercourse. It boggles my mind that such a sacred place that brings forth life into this world is treated with such cavalier. There is little concern except for living out sexual fantasies outside the sanction of holy
marriage. When you take off your clothes, you bare you soul, so how can you be so casual about exposing your most sacred possession? It’s no wonder divorce is so common these days because indulging in free lust makes young adults think that life is a never-ending pleasure cruise where any hiccup is enough to break up a marriage. This blessing that God gave us must be practiced under the sanctity of His word because otherwise, it turns into a curse that taints our lives. Should we continue trotting this path, the next generation will be one of bitches not mothers.
od Home to Live In
Holistic C
Dr. Angie Kassabie has risen to the top of her profession as a diet specialist whose reputation moved beyond the sphere of her hometown Lebanon to the shores of Hollywood and everywhere in between. Her status was earned by her methodical and scientific approach that guarantees sustainable results for clients. Her motto is utilizing technology to create a maintainable lifestyle instead of a crash course that ends as abruptly as it begins. Along with her Ph.D. in nutrition, she works tirelessly to expand her repertoire of expertise by earning international certificates that complement the journey of weight loss. Such a holistic approach is fundamental for her success. In an upscale clinic in the middle of Verdun Street, Beirut, Dr. Angie resides in her self-constructed temple of healing and health. The welcoming atmosphere is a faรงade for the rigorous attention each case receives. Dr. Angie will retrace your pedigree and analyze every aspect of your DNA to construct the blueprint of your new life. Each client is immediately a soldier in her crusade for a world where each individual loves and respects their bodies enough to give the due care. She is a model of the successful Lebanese female entrepreneur that have taken the world by storm and earned their spot in the limelight.
As part of the International Federation for Peace and Sustainable Development (IFPSD) conference, Dr. Zeina Zeidan was asked to deliver a speech sharing her experience as a successful business person in a part of the world notorious for its discrimination against women. Her journey took her from humble beginnings to the Chairperson of ROYAL FINANCIALS, an international financial firm. As unapologetic as ever, she commenced her speech by refusing to done on the victim role and lamenting her circumstances. She uses each international and national venue as an opportunity to further her crusade about women empowerment. Her message is clear and simple: reach into your core and find the flare of passion needed to burn bright and become a beacon of female empowerment in a world that has long denied the gender. No longer do women have to conform to an antiquated formula for success that was designed by men and for men. Dr. Zeina invited each woman to take the first tentative step in realizing their dreams as no one will just go ahead and offer us anything on a golden platter. Each woman has to take control of her destiny and play the integral role in making a difference in this wide expanse we call the world. Every woman has felt the brunt of the glass ceiling, but she encourages women to move beyond those expectations by whatever means necessary. Governments all over the world are called into responsibility for these women who need to be equipped with proper education and opportunities to realize their potential. Though discrimination is too multi-faceted to be eradicated, its negative influence can be nullified by supportive regulations and policies. Dr. Zeina, a learning model for inspiring other women and young girls, believes in the strength of numbers, of millions of lionesses roaring to be heard. She urges them to look for opportunities in some of the nontraditional organizations that have come to appreciate the package women bring to the tables of boardrooms. Abandoning fear is the road of real emancipation from the shackles of ignorance and servitude that women were forced to wear for ages.
The Glass Shuttering
Should we be skeptical of conflicting medical research?
the tradeoffs and what's important to you. The biggest challenge may be getting enough time in the exam room In the short run, be skeptical. It turns out researchers to have that conversation. often can't reproduce what their colleagues have done. Sometimes it's a matter of chance. But it can also be be- From the fatal chokehold of Eric Garner in New York cause the studies weren't designed well. Over the long City last year and the bloody arrest in March of Univerhaul, though, science tends to work itself out. sity of Virginia student Martese Johnson to the horrendous massacre of nine congregants attending Bible Is this a new problem? study in a Charleston, S.C., church in June, it is clear that African-Americans are under attack. If you’re feeNot exactly. Researchers have been talking about the ling frightened, isolated or angry—or think you have to issue, but that talk is becoming more serious and the is- tiptoe around the office to avoid a racial encounter— sue is now spilling out into the public consciousness. In you’re not alone. the case of food studies, scientific critics are calling out studies that rely on questionnaires or just follow people While what you’re experiencing may seem to be a reacalong in their normal lives, essentially observing what tion to recent events, your emotions and actions could, they do. Even the gold standard trials that randomly in fact, be rooted in the past. There’s even a name for this assign people to different diets can be fraught if they're condition: post-traumatic slave syndrome (PTSS). And not done well. The groups can be too small, the studies although it is complex and deeply rooted, know this: It too short or just too different from what happens in real is possible for Black people to live victoriously—albeit life. cautiously—in America today and at the same time strive to make things better for future generations. On new cancer screening guidelines Chains in Our DNA The American Cancer Society changed its advice on when most women should start getting mammograms Educator and author Joy DeGruy, Ph.D., is the woman to 45 instead of 40. That moves it closer to some other who, 25 years ago, coined the PTSS term to help exrecommendations. But an influential federal task force plain the consequences of multigenerational oppression still says that's too early — 50 is the right age to start. from centuries of chattel slavery and institutionalized racism, and to identify the resulting adaptive survival Why is there still a discrepancy? Aren't they looking at behaviors. She turned her study into the groundbreathe same studies? king book Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome: America’s Legacy of Enduring Injury and Healing, published in They are. But how to weigh the benefits and risks of 2005. Researchers have long investigated how histosomething like cancer screening can vary. False alarms rical trauma is passed down through the generations, can lead to biopsies, but early detection of cancer can and findings suggest actual memories are transmitted help with treatment, for instance. Reasonable people through the DNA for Jews, Native Americans and other can disagree about what makes sense. A lot of it hinges groups, DeGruy indicates. That same concept can be on the risk a person has for getting a particular disease applied to the impact of slavery on African-Americans. and also what a person values. PTSS differs from post-traumatic stress disorder On the use of cholesterol-lowering drugs (PTSD), which results from a single trauma experienced directly or indirectly. “When we look at American chatIn the case of preventing heart disease, a couple of stu- tel slavery, we are not talking about a single trauma; dies supported guidelines that would broaden use of we’re talking about multiple traumas over lifetimes and cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins, like Lipitor or over generations,” says DeGruy. “Living in Black skin Crestor. is a whole other level of stress.” Guidelines from 2013 could double the number of middle-aged Americans who could take the drugs, to more than 40 million. Two Harvard studies showed that that would decrease heart attacks and wouldn't cost much. Most of the drugs are generic now and fairly cheap.
In formulating her theory, she wondered: What happens when stressed people lack treatment for generations? How have Black people coped? What adaptive behaviors have we invented—now misinterpreted as “cultural”—to survive in a toxic environment? “How do we tease out, as a people, that which is harmful and adaptive, that which builds resilience and that which is But the rub is that while it would prevent heart attacks absolutely pathological?” asks DeGruy, because figufor some people, many other people would be treated ring that out is essential if we are to break the cycle. with the drugs who probably wouldn't benefit. Though “We have to learn to not pass along the broken material. the statin risks are pretty low, they do bump up the odds We have to learn how to keep ourselves safe.” slightly that someone can develop diabetes. Do medical guidelines and the research raise as many questions as they answer? There is a lot of uncertainty. But there is a silver lining. Many of the guidelines are more explicitly recognizing that uncertainty. There's more emphasis now on people talking with their doctors about the risks and benefits of having a test or treatment. What you value counts. Take advantage of the chance to talk with your doctor about
Keep it Beautiful!