You are my Destiny Magazine
Belqees Aljanabi Translated by : Hamid Khudhair Alshammari
I spray my perfumes everyday My presence near you is the sweetest. When you come near me, I grant you all my delights With the twittering of my joy and birds. I sang for love yesterday So did love declare with singing my happiness? My joy sings to you with eloquence And it does not sing but to you. My passion taste is so delicious for you As fresh bread coming out from the oven. O delicious beloved, I see you as a fresh Jasmine meadow in the mornings and evenings. Smile for me because I see your smile as a star Or a gleaming moon at night. Recite poetry my beloved for I see melody Express my inner feelings. Drink the cup of wishes nectar When you come near and my conscience rests. I see clouds as a bed in my sleeping Who had seen in his sleeping a bed like mine? O prince who I see as a dream And I refuse to see him but as my prince. Long live you for love and singing with so sweet And soft as silk poetry. If a lover draws a destiny of his beloved You will be my destiny.
R eligiou s Upbr inging:
Is It the Child’s Moral Compass? Dr. Laurence Ajaka
Children who go through rough childhoods do not acquire enough resilience against the hardships of life later on. The sadness that accompanies them during that crucial period will spill into the rest of their lives. Having a strong religious background to fall back onto is crucial because that sort of deep-rooted faith is armor against the turbulence and immorality of today’s life.
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MAGAZ I N E T E M PLATE / OC TOBE R 2013 / w w w.yo ur m agaz i
There is a popular opinion in most modern countries that having any sort of religious education in schools is a form of oppression and enforces certain values and beliefs on children, but can it really be safe to disregard developing a child’s moral compass? The current school system teaches the child obedience to the rules of the government and not necessarily the difference between right and wrong. Governments just want tools that will churn out a profit with little care of what that might mean for the personal life of individuals. The result would be an adult that is enslaved to carnal desires that respect rules only because they want to continue pursuing their selfish desires. A lack of
spiritual fodder will invariably leave the child lost and confused in the midst of a world determined to abuse ever sort of profit out of the individual and leave him/ her a dry husk devoid of any higher values. Children, even while still infants, are very open to any message that is imparted unto them. They might not have the capability to vocalize such actions, but everything is slowly trickling down to shape the future adult. So it’s imperative that spiritual education starts as young as possible. Children are instinctively drawn to God and they will easily be receptive to any ideas we plant with care. Even modern psychology has proven MAGAZ INE TEMPL ATE / O C TO B ER 2013 / w w w.your magaz i m
MAGAZ I N E T E M PLATE / OC TOBE R 2013 / w w w.yo ur m agaz i
Magazine that the impressions in early childhood will have lingering effects on the rest of the life of each child, so it’s never too early to start instilling the idea of the loving God. At that point, they only need to be aware of the love He has and not necessarily the values of this religion or that. One important fact to remember is that we are all born with the ability to be sinners and saints. No child is completely free of evil tendencies as well as good ones; it’s up to the parents to decide which they choose to nurture. Science says that we are born with inherited traits such as anger or laziness; however, they can be lessened or even eliminated with proper parenting and education. This is where religious education and nourishment comes into play because it is the means by which these traits can be tempered down and even replaced by better ones. Violation of rules must be punished in a sensible and non-abusive manner or the child might never realize the gravity of the mistakes being made. This is something that the modern parents seem to ignore as they prefer to give in to the whims of children for the sake of a quiet life as they as already too busy in their hectic lives. They don’t realize how detrimental such actions might prove to be because it gives the child a false sense of entitlement as well as setting a wrong example of how to acquire one’s needs. So what would be the areas of a child’s character that need the most attention? Developing a conscious is the best place to start. A child must not be taught to only refrain from bad actions because they will lead to punishment because later on, they will not refrain from those actions if they thought
they can get away with it. They have to realize the consequences of any action and make the choice not to do so because it is wrong. This is where one’s conscious comes into play because it guides individuals to make the right decision regardless of the circumstances. The same is applied to the child no matter how young they are. Children have innate goodness and desire to please, so these can be utilized to ensure the child has a conscious that is rooted in a healthy fear of God. And fear is not meant to drive a wedge between God and His flock; it is the fear of going against God out of the love and respect they have for Him.
devoid of love and searching in all the wrong places to fill that void. A child needs God and the security of having that unconditional acceptance and forgiveness to weather the cold impartiality and monotony of modern life.
A child’s world will not be restricted to the four safe walls of the house, so early socialization should be chosen very wisely. Because they are very impressionable, they will be just as susceptible to these individuals as they would their parents. Early forms of socialization are best to be done with those who share the same religious and moral values as the parents to cement them further into the psychological making of the child. It will also allow the child to be more flexible later on when they encounter patterns of behaviors that are alien to them. They will be less likely to submit to peer pressure because they are aware there are other circles that will embrace and love them as they are. Social acceptance cannot be overlooked because it has been categorized as a powerful trigger for many changes within individuals’ lives. Nuclear families are becoming a thing of the past even though they are the bedrock that shape and empower the child to go on to lead a productive and happy life. Regarding religious upbringing as archaic and oppressive has produced a generation
MAGAZ INE TEMPL ATE / O C TO B ER 2013 / w w w.your magaz i m
A Farewell to Scruples Dr. L a ure n ce Aj a k a
I’m awed by politeness in a time it’s become rare. I’m impressed by kindness in a time of hypocrisy. I’m captivated by respect in a time where the concept of respect is debated. I yearn for common decency. We brag about our degrees, universities and the rarity of our majors. We forget the world is not complete without morals and decency. We brag about what we buy, wear and where we travel to the point where we got into a race to see who wore it first and who went where before the other. If only we compete about the essence like we do about the outer shell. Change is fast, but we are faster because we search for it… in every detail of our lives. We forgot that the beauty of scruples is in having them and being able to preserve them. We lived with men and women who couldn’t read or write, but they perfected the science of speaking. They didn’t study literature, but they taught us values. They didn’t study the laws of nature and biology, but they taught us the art of life. They didn’t read one book about relationships, but they taught us manners. They didn’t study religion, but they taught us faith. They didn’t study management, but they taught us to have hindsight… and respect. They didn’t study the drawing contracts for their word is their binding. They taught us to take a stand and respect principles. If only we can gather their morals and knowledge so we can make something before it’s too late.
Snooping: Is It The Right Thing To Do In Marriage? Dr. Laurence Ajaka
MAGAZ INE TEMPL ATE / O C TO B ER 2013 / w w w.your magaz i m
There once lived a holy man blessed by God with the ability to read minds. He was asked about how he manages to say his prayers when all of those around him are having unholy thoughts. His simple answer was that as a child, his parents taught him not to look where he wasn‘t supposed to. The morale of this story is the importance of respecting other people‘s personal space. Many think that being close means being privy to every thought the other partner has. This obsession for enforced intimacy almost always backfires and makes the two feel estranged. Why do we think that „getting close to someone“ means we have to know their every private thought? We‘re insulted when those we love won‘t tell us everything. We accuse them of „hiding“ from us, and we‘re hurt.
Snooping around in an area or aspect of one‘s life when you are not invited is an invasion of privacy. A relationship between two people is not an invitation to probe where limits were set. Overcoming personal boundaries is not a hallmark of a healthy and flourishing relationship. Trespassing takes many shapes and forms. When you are considering building a house, you must be careful not to have access to your neighbor so you wouldn’t accidentally witness something private. Even gossiping is trespassing because you are getting involved without having gotten the permission and facts from the person involved. Even when someone asks for charity, you have no right to question them about what brought them so low. Your only choices are to help or refrain from helping. Privacy takes on even more importance in marriage for
Magazine it is an invitation to become involved in one another‘s lives. However, it was never meant as an excuse to disregard all boundaries to satisfy our insecurities and misgivings. Many marriages broke up because of the unrealistic expectations of intimacy even though life has its way of balancing the relationship by giving each different responsibilities. It‘s important to realize that the honeymoon phase cannot be upheld as the years go by, but many couples expect it to be so and feel excluded when they aren‘t included in every aspect of their partners’ lives. We should all remember that as humans, it‘s natural to want to hide our weaknesses. It might not be a suspicion that drives us to probe into our partners’ lives. Sometimes we are just so dissatisfied with our own lives that we need to supplement our existence by their own. Perhaps we are so insecure about ourselves that we need constant attention and affirmation that we are loved. It could also be a means of gaining power over our partner as some people cannot be satisfied unless they hold the reigns to everything. There are also those who try to put a noble spin on matters by claiming they just want to help their partners tear down their defense mechanisms. This is still an intrusion because each person is entitled to have those walls that keep them safe and secure. Any such boundary or defense mechanism should be sacred and beyond approach or reproach. This point illustrates why couples used to stay together for many decades without divorcing; when they saw faults, they looked away. One good argument for snooping can be trying to save the other person from sinning. Some decide to probe into the other’s life to stop them from sinning, but even that is not permitted. There was once a woman who committed adultery, so she went and confessed her sin to the holy man asking for advice about what to do. He listened then asked her to return the following day. When she came back the next day, he pretended not to remember so she told her story again. To that, he also asked her to come the next day. This went on for a while until she understood that the holy man is trying to look away and forget her sins which are what she should do. This attitude is what spouses ought to adopt; you don’t help your partner sin, but neither are you their holy man in charge of stopping them from committing sins or trying to change the way they act. When you accept a person as your partner, you do so knowing perfectly well they are not perfect. When there is something that needs urgent attention, any interference should be done to help and not to snoop just like the sons of Noah did when they saw that their father was sleeping naked. They went inside to cover him up and went out again. They never commented about his nakedness; they only sought to cover him up. Any successful relationship begins and ends with only looking where you are invited, and even then you see only what you ought to see while ignoring the rest. It’s about accepting and even loving the imperfections of our spouses. There is nothing noble about that because that is what common decency and respect demands.
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MAGAZ I N E T E M PLATE / OC TOBE R 2013 / w w w.yo ur m agaz i
Is Privacy a Fundamental Right? Magazine
Dr. Laurence Ajaka There once lived a holy man blessed by God with the ability to read minds. He was asked about how he manages to say his prayers when all of those around him are having unholy thoughts. His simple answer was that as a child, his parents taught him not to look where he wasn‘t supposed to. The morale of this story is the importance of respecting other people‘s personal space. Many think that being close means being privy to every thought the other partner has. This obsession for enforced intimacy almost always backfires, and makes the two feel estranged. Why do we think that „getting close to someone“ means we have to know their every private thought? We‘re insulted when those we love won‘t tell us everything. We accuse them of „hiding“ from us, and we‘re hurt. Snooping around in an area or aspect of one‘s life when you are not invited is an invasion of privacy. A relationship between two people is not an invitation to probe where limits were set. Overcoming personal boundaries is not a hallmark of a healthy and flourishing relationship. Trespassing takes many shapes and forms. When you are considering building a house, you must be careful not to have access to your neighbor so you wouldn’t accidentally witness something private. Even gossiping is trespassing because you are getting involved without having gotten the permission and facts from the person involved. Even when someone asks for charity, you have no right to questions them about what brought them so low. Your only choices are to help or refrain from helping. Privacy takes on even more importance in marriage for it is an invitation to become involved in one another‘s lives. However, it was never meant as an excuse to disregard all boundaries to satisfy our insecurities and misgivings. Many marriages broke up because of the unrealistic expectations of intimacy even though life has its way of balancing the relationship by giving each different responsibilities. It‘s important to realize that the honeymoon phase cannot be upheld as the years go by, but many couples expect it to be so and feel excluded when they aren‘t included in every aspect of their partners’ lives.
ves that we need constant attention and affirmation that we are loved. It could also be a means of gaining power over our partner as some people cannot be satisfied unless they hold the reigns to everything. There are also those who try to put a noble spin on matters by claiming they just want to help their partners tear down their defense mechanisms. This is still an intrusion because each person is entitled to have those walls that keep them safe and secure. Any such boundary or defense mechanism should be sacred and beyond approach or reproach. This point illustrates why couples used to stay together for many decades without divorcing; when they saw faults, they looked away. One good argument for snooping can be trying to save the other person from sinning. Some decide to probe into the other’s life to stop them from sinning, but even that is not permitted. There was once a woman who committed adultery, so she went and confessed her sin to the holy man asking for advice about what to do. He listened then asked her to return the following day. When she came back the next day, he pretended not to remember so she told her story again. To that, he also asked her to come the next day. This went on for a while until she understood that the holy man is trying to look away and forget her sins which are what she should do. This attitude is what spouses ought to adopt; you don’t help your partner sin, but neither are you their holy man in charge of stopping them from sinning or trying to change the way they act. When you accept a person as your partner, you do so knowing perfectly well they are not perfect. When there is something that needs urgent attention, any interference should be done to help and not to snoop just like the sons of Noah did when they saw that their father was sleeping naked. They went inside to cover him up and went out again. They never commented about his nakedness; they only sought to cover him up. Any successful relationship begins and ends with only looking where you are invited, and even then you see only what you ought to see while ignoring the rest. It’s about accepting and even loving the imperfections of our spouses. There is nothing noble about that because that is what common decency and respect demands.
We should all remember that as humans, it‘s natural to want to hide our weaknesses. It might not be suspicion that drives us to probe into our partners’ lives. Sometimes we are just so dissatisfied with our own lives that we need to supplement our existence by their own. Perhaps we are so insecure about ourselMAGAZ INE TEMPL ATE / O C TO B ER 2013 / w w w.your magaz i m
I Saw Santa Claus!! Randa Saliba Chidiac
“Ho, ho, ho” is the jingling laugh that all children yearn to hear come Christmas night. I was such child with stars in my eyes hoping for a glimpse of the jolly old man in the red suit and boisterous laugh. And one night, I woke up and I saw the Man of the North himself in his deer-driven sleigh, and he said: “Here I am my dear; I heard you were nice this year, so I brought you a special gift”. Most of you will write this off as the fantasies of a little girl, but whether you believe in Santa Clause or not, he remains a fixture in the lives and hearts of children all around the world. He is the barrier of gifts and joys for all those who were not naughty, but nice. Even as grownups, we can appreciate him as a symbol of goodwill and selfless giving, The origins of Santa Clause or Saint Nicholas are ambiguous. Some say was a Bishop who lived in the 4th century in Myra, Asia Minor (currently known as Turkey), a kind and affluent man that had a reputation for helping the poor and giving secret gifts to people who needed it. Whoever he is, I, like every other child, was always in awe with him wishing to meet him some day. A wise man once said: “Christmas is not a day or a period it’s a state of mind”. Meeting Santa, whether real or only a figment of my imagination changed my life as I discovered the true meaning of Christmas. Now, I see Santa every day in every single act of kindness and love I witness.
Simple and useful Internet tricks Edy Hourany
Entering a new website: The notorious http:// or www. is perhaps the most annoying thing that users type. Instead, users can type the name of the website and press <Ctrl><Enter> and http:// will be added before and .com after. This will immediately give the full website name. Pressing Enter will automatically add the http:// if the user wrote the .com at the end. As the internet expanded, new domains such as “net” and “org” were added to accommodate this expansion. Shortcuts for these domains were also created. To get the full name of .org, users must press <Ctrl><Shift><Enter>, and for .net, you need to press <Shift><Enter> to add it at the end. Toggling between Multiple columns: Filling in large amounts of data is time consuming as the user needs to use the mouse to go from one column or row to another. <Tab> will move from one column or field to another, and <Shift><Tab> will move the user back to the previous column or field. Choosing from multiple options: Filling forums online is very time consuming because users often have to choose an option from a long list of possibilities. For example, when one has to choose a country, there are over a 100 options to choose from. To lessen the search time involved, a user need only type in the first letter and only options starting with that particular letter are displayed. This is sure to save plenty of time when filling in long and detailed forms.
Magazine Using Tabs for smooth browsing: Opening a new tab is as easy as pressing <Ctrl><T> and closing it needs only <Ctrl><W>. If users want to reopen the last page you opened, press <Ctrl><Shift><T>. Navigating between tabs is done by pressing <Ctrl><Page Up> or <Ctrl><Page Down> depending on which tab is wanted. “F11” will open the tab to full screen and clicking it again will restore it to window mode. Holding <Ctrl> and pressing “+” or “-“ will increase or decrease the size of the screen respectively. If users wish to return to default size, press <Ctrl> and “0”. In the rare case a website with no search option, users can press <Ctrl><F> to get a search bar. Opening link in a new tab: Right clicking the mouse will open a menu where users can choose an option to “open link in a new tab”. Alternately, they can press <Ctrl> and click in the link or the wheel of the mouse to open it in a new tab. Improvised Search: Using more than one word in the search engine will give results pertaining to both words together and individually. However typing them in parenthesis such as “Historical Documentation” will only yield results about both words combined rather than historical and documentation alone. The results are more specific and users spend less time sifting through the data they got. Highlight the address bar: Pressing <Alt><D> or “F6” will open the bar without using the mouse. Bookmark: Bookmark is used to save websites or pages that contain information we will find useful, and the traditional way involves using the mouse to save for later. A shortcut is to press <Ctrl><D> and then <Enter> to add the page to the list of bookmarks. This list can be opened by pressing <Ctrl><B>. Reloading and refreshing of a page: Websites tend to crash frequently especially with weak internet access. Pressing “F5” key will refresh the webpage instantly. Pause the video: YouTube contains the web’s widest database of videos. Pausing and resuming a video being played only needs the key “K” to be pressed. Try alternative browsers: Default browsers are the ones that are imbedded in the operating system of the computer. For example, Microsoft has Internet Explorer as its default browser. These browsers may not be the best option, so users can download other browsers for free such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. These browsers have extra features and numerous add-ons and plugs that can be downloaded to personalize the browsing experience according to the needs of each user.
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Echography During Pregnancy Magazine
By Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac As any other pregnant mother, I was plagued with daunting questions that I looked at the echography for answers. The obvious one is wondering whether my third baby would be healthy. My other concern was knowing whether, similar to the older siblings, will I have a C-section done or will I have a normal birth? Echography is a very important medical tool that shows the fetus as well as giving vital information about the environment inside the womb. The age and date of birth can be estimated by measuring the fetus’s size. Those blessed with more than one baby can be reassured that they are developing normally. It can also show when the fetus has any genetic diseases that might necessitate intervention. And finally, if the baby was thoughtful enough to take the right position, it’s possible to know the sex of the baby to help you choose whether to buy blue or pink. Because of its importance, echography is done during all stages of pregnancy. Even at the beginning, it can be utilized to ensure the embryo was implanted within the uterus and not outside of that, something that can lead to a catastrophic aftermath as pregnancy advances. Most physicians recommend an echography around week 18 to check for Down’s syndrome or any similar abnormalities, to have sufficient time to take any decision regarding the fate of the pregnancy, as well as getting an approximate of the baby’s due date. It’s also useful in case the rate of growth has to be observed for underdeveloped fetuses. Echography sessions can be an amazing bonding experience, but they can also be very trying. I recall during my first pregnancy, during a routine session, the technician excused himself to consult the doctor about the baby’s images. Being that it was around week 18, I was assailed by intense fear that something could be wrong with my baby. I wept bitterly as I awaited the doctor’s verdict as he and the technician sprouted medical terms about the size of my child. I was gripped by an irrational fear that I have failed my child by not providing for him. After agonizing moments, the doctor informed my husband and I that the problems are nothing to worry about, and I was awash with a sense of relief so intense that I burst into another bawling session. Having my husband next to me was indispensable at that moment, and it cemented our belief that he has to be engaged in all the aspects of pregnancy. He was by my side while I visited the doctor, shopped for fripperies, painted the baby’s room and talked about names. I discovered how remiss some couples are by not including the husband. Often men don’t get to bond with the child before birth, and in many cases, they feel excluded. My advice is to include your spouse in every step of the pregnancy because it can be the experience that strengthens your connection forever. It also provides you with a support system crucial to maintaining your balance because everything that affects you also in turn affects the baby.
The Highlight of the Future By Fady Al Hashem Our parents raise us to behave well in society. They teach us that defying their orders would conduct several consequences. They also alert us about the ugliness in the world, but we refuse to listen. We would rather draw our own path because our spirit compels us. We are lured by our lovers, victims and desires. We get intrigued by every decision we make as we accurately observe what the great minds did for inspiration.
Growing up, children copy very precisely their parents’ actions. Parents must thus be careful to inject correct ethnicity and solid information in their children’s mentality. Competence and confidence are essential utensils that must be present in a child’s environment. The existing connection between two spouses reverberates on their kid’s personality. And thereby, we should dedicate our time patiently to boost one’s ability to perform a skill and transmit proper beliefs and a rock solid self-esteem to confront one’s surroundings. That is how, for example, a guy and a girl prepare themselves to date without fearing a possible mess.
Moreover, people with ng affectionate background tend to defy obscurity when it is met. They will know enormous fame for their charm and charisma. Most lessons are learned outside of the classroom. The level of reluctance reveals one’s capability to endure challenges, which will reduce matters of serious conflicts. Therefore, constant conversations between friends or family members reap emotional rewards. Besides, doling out a loving physical contact will surely decrease ulterior disorders. Finally, an attentive perusal will abide fruitful endeavors in a child’s future.
The development of brain cells depends on the willingness to expand one’s mindset, the reception of affection in one’s entourage and the communication of healthy dialogs between persons. Our desires aspire to become illuminating lanterns in obscured areas and indulge way of living. MAGAZ INE TEMPL ATE / O C TO B ER 2013 / w w w.your magaz i m
“ The so-called business experts cannot emphasize enough the importance of separating business from the personal and emotional aspect of individuals. They preach approaching all business decisions with a clear head unclouded by any emotional entanglement. But hasn’t business always been personal? When we spend a significant portion of our lives preparing for and building our careers, isn’t it an integral part of each of us? Whoever said business isn’t personal? “
MAGAZ I N E T E M PLATE / OC TOBE R 2013 / w w w.yo ur m agaz i
Whoever Said Business Isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t Personal? By Dr. Laurence Ajaka Pictured in Photograph: Dr. Nehme Azoury
The so-called business experts cannot emphasize enough the importance of separating business from the personal and emotional aspect of individuals. They preach approaching all business decisions with a clear head unclouded by any emotional entanglement. But hasn’t business always been personal? When we spend a significant portion of our lives preparing for and building our careers, isn’t it an integral part of each of us? Whoever said business isn’t personal? To explore these questions, we met up with Professor Nehme Aazouri, the Deputy-President for research at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik – USEK. When asked about the businessmen, he commented that before shots are fired at business organizations, it’s only fair to point out that the structure of society itself has changed. The last century was pivotal in the human experience where technology exploded and two worldwide wars changed the landscape of many nations. There was much wealth to begotten and governments as well as banks sought to redistribute this wealth. The result was increased loans, market share and economic boom. What was unanticipated was the negative effect such a system would have on human relationships. The more acquisitions individuals made, the further apart society grew. There is a blatant decrease in human relations, social spirit, equality and justice. In order to keep rotating their merchandise, organizations successfully advertised a new lifestyle centered on ownership rather than friendship. Professor Aazouri also noted that the nature of the business organizations changed in itself. In order to ruthlessly pursue gain with little disregard for anything else, the employers and employees changed. They became just as obsessed with lusting after gain as their consumers were lusting after merchandise. Greed and fierce competition seeped deep inside everyone’s veins and delved deep inside. This is most peculiar when just a few decades ago, businesses, no matter how big, had a role in communities that went beyond supplying goods. He added that each factory was a lifeline especially in small towns.
There was a give and take relationship between employers and employees as one big happy family. The employers recognized the importance of keeping their staff happy because loyalty and dedication were considered the succor that sustained organizations from one generation to another. Employees worked very hard to keep the company prosperous because they felt part of that organization and it represented future employment for their children. It wasn’t just a place to get a salary from; it was family. He pointed out the irony about this approach being exactly what charismatic leadership is striving to do; this type of leadership is the most successful one and organizations struggle to implement it. In other words, it has all come back a full circle. Businesses realized that without the abject loyalty of employees, there is no real chance of sustaining their positions amidst the fierce competition of today’s market. The race for profit was detrimental on economic and ecological levels. With only profit in mind, organizations started popping left and right in an attempt to make quick money when in the past, they were made with the idea of establishing a legacy. Professor Aazouri explained that organizations used to expand slowly and carefully in contrast to today where huge loans from banks allow for quick albeit unfruitful expansions. Most of these ventures only last for a while before they fold in because there is little substance to sustain them. They are outlets for profit with no character. What’s more, the environment has been dealt a severe blow. Before strict regulations were passed, factories were at liberty of disposing of their waste at will, and they did so with least cost. The result was an unprecedented amount of pollution, extinction of numerous species and global warming. He fears we might soon reach the point where the negative effects of this unprecedented boom cannot be reversed. There really isn’t room left for excuses. The lifestyle we are currently living is killing us, our
future and our childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s future. Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tempting to blame the government and powers that be, but we, as individuals, also hold a fair share of blame for buying into what is being sold. It starts with each of us teaching ourselves and family then it goes on to the government and global leaders. The problem is systemic and must be purged systematically starting with teaching children to have one toy at Christmas and works its way up to a global social and political will to induce a real change.
MAGAZ I N E T E M PLATE / OC TOBE R 2013 / w w w.yo ur m agaz i
What Makes Life Hard By Fady Al Hashem
Anger is the main source of headaches and stress. It cannot be contained in a certain area because of the bad energy transfers from one person to another. Peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s demons come out to play with a vengeance whenever they are mad. It is very infuriating that we have to put up with such individuals because life is too short to cope with difficult people, and displays of anger are only acceptable in few situations. Financial problems, fatigue, and frustration are essential roots to the privation of rage management. A personâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s financial problems can trigger many emotional responses that can be translated into verbal violence. A person who keeps worrying about monetary problems ends up extremely nervous which could affect his conduct on a daily basis. A spendthrift can enter in debt because he is very careless about the way he uses his money. He will never be satisfied with what he has always looked out for the new and improved. Indeed, he defeats himself with compelling behavior because he never lives within his budget. Such people dedicate their cash to materialistic possession on a compulsive basis, even those that they do not necessarily need. When people deny a rational solution that can possibly resolve their financial issues, they gradually become stressed out and tired. Heavy fatigue, if experienced for prolonged times, evolves into a fear that prevents the person from sleeping enough and may cause chronic insomnia. The immune system gets affected and one experiences headaches and bouts of anger. An aggressive father can, thereby, transmit genes of hostility to his children. In this case, the entire familyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s genetic makeup will suffer because this is not something that can be cured. It is frustrating that some innocent people tolerate them when they do not have to. They ought to acknowledge that they have the power to reduce their anger in order to keep their happiness. None should drive off the road of righteousness by indulging negative vibes. An important note a person should remember is to attack the problem, not the person. If only everyone is mature enough to admit that we are nowhere near flawless. Anger begins when we keep blaming others for mistakes that we can fix. News flash, we are human beings who are allowed to have imperfections because sins are a part of us. Being mad will seldom lead to any good. Some people will volatilely convey their emotions through excessive sarcasm or critical judgments. Controversial conversations will stimulate antagonistic fights. People try their best to control every situation by raising their voices at each other. They spend most of their days yelling since they inherited or acquired this bad habit from previous generations. Hence, why are people ashamed to declare their trespasses? Being true to their inner thoughts allows them to manage their personal conflicts and helps them to thrive to positivity instead of compressing anger. Before they open their mouths to swear or say hurtful stuff, they should breathe deeply and take moments of silence. Furthermore, those who often talk about hypocrisy do not know that they are hypocrites by showing pity in public while exchanging hateful gossips in private. Once they give away love, they feel the need to take it back, because they did not learn the proper way to deal with their difficulties. We have been hiding in the dark for a very long time, worrying about several issues that can be smoothed over solved with calmness. Financial complications can be settled by economizing. Fatigue should vanish with the balance of working schedule and sleeping hours, and people should remember to remain hopeful regardless of the circumstances. Frankly, no matter what you go through or what people think about you, be yourself because you will never impress everyone. Always remember to count your blessings in order to remain calm.
MAGAZ INE TEMPL ATE / O C TO B ER 2013 / w w w.your magaz i m
An O ve r vie w in
the Future of Audit By Dr. Zeina Zeidan Maalouly For the last 80 years, spring signaled the end of the auditing year for most firms around the world. It is recognized as a bastion of comfort for investors and the capital markets, but it is hardly the limit of what auditing can provide for the world of economy Technology brought forth an untold wealth of technology to the fingertips of every party concerned with financial reporting; however, it has also created much confusion because itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s difficult to assimilate all that is being presented to adopt the best policies and strategies. Auditors can step in and offer a comprehensive overview of the latest developments to maintain and improve auditing quality. This will naturally mean shaking up norms such as the current verdict of pass/fail that all auditors are mandated to offer. These belong to a time when the wealth of information available now was absent. While the current system has long served the financial community and economy, there is no plausible reason why it cannot expand and evolve. Perhaps the obvious gain is the ability to process all the transactions and extrapolate deductions concerning the overall process. Currently, as low as 30 or 40 transactions are analyzed together and that is insufficient to come up with overall deductions. Auditors, equipped with refined skills and dynamic tools, would be able to perform such complex analysis to rule out all anomalies that present highrisk factors for the financial security of the client. These anomalies will also challenge the knowledge of an auditor as he/she has to come up with solutions for such defects. This wouldnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t be the only improvement because it will be possible to cross-reference each clientâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s information against a wide database to detect further anomalies. This will create a data-driven model of auditing that gives more accurate estimates and judgments. With fewer risks involved, clients will be
more inclined to make more investments as they now have an insight to beyond their own organization for patterns and trends for avenues of expansion and development. Change is always born out of conflict, and despite all the advantages of such a shift, there will be creases to iron out. Audits will have extended the power and independence and that will require clients to invest even more faith in their abilities and judgment. Auditors themselves will be challenged by having to acquire and hone new skills in areas they were previously unfamiliar with. Although they currently have considerable knowledge in disciplines such as risk management and IT, they will have to attain a more in-depth understanding. This wave is on the verge of crushing the world of auditing, and pretending otherwise is unrealistic. Clients will no longer be content with the old standards, so those who do not delve head in into the crest they will be left behind in the stagnant swamp of tradition.
Are The Melodies of Yesterdayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Giants at Risk of Extinction? Each generation laments the passing of its own time because they regard it as the real â&#x20AC;&#x153;Golden Ageâ&#x20AC;?, but there can no argument that art, and especially music, has been deconstructed from a divine inspiration into empty beats whose only purpose is to increase sales.
The real musicians are no longer revered in the spotlight where they belong; that is where we find scantily dressed women showing off their assets. Only a few precious gems remain that stand true to their art and vision, and Yasmina Ramia is one of those diamonds that refused to become dull for the sake of commercial success and still managed to steal the adoration of the masses.
Originally christened Pierette Ramia, she chose Yamina Ramia as her stage name. She grew up in a house whose very walls swing with rhythm as her father who is a well renowned composer and her sisters sinng the melodies of yesterday’s giants. At the tender age of eight, Yasmina was already crooning Um Kalthoum, Abed El Wahab, Asmahan and many others. This background was a natural inductive for her decision to study Arabian music in university as an adult. It is also the reason why she stuck to her heels to sing only the authentic Arabian music in a more modern way without compromising the integrity of those classics. Such authenticity did not go unnoticed because she has been asked to headline prestigious stages all around the world, most recently Olympia in Paris last May. Yasmina also early on took the decision not to sing on small stages and remains a fixture at festivals such as the Dbayeh International Festival. Her most recent project took place with the collaboration of 8e Art production company to reproduce some old songs such as “Ya Gharam” in a modern distribution that today’s audience are familiar with. When asked about her future projects, she ascertained her dedication to her current line of work that bears no compromises in terms of quality. She insists she will persevere in her crusade to breathe new life into yesterday’s songs. Her refusal to sing in restaurants and small venues was brought up, and she explained the motive behind her decision that was not born out of vanity. Yasmina genuinely feels her brand of music belongs on the stages of concert halls and festivals. That is where it can truly come alive and reach those listening. Her music is not commercial tunes that are used as nothing but background fillers as people go on with their evening.
When asked about what music means to her, dreaminess shrouded her eyes as she talked about how music is the only medium where she is capable of expressing her innermost feelings. All her hidden talents and desires seem to tumble effortlessly as she soars on the wings of serenity when she sings. Singing for some might be a pleasure, but for Yasmina, it has become a need as essential as the air she breathes. Yasmina Ramia is a rare breed indeed. Her art flows through her with every move that she makes. Even her words pour forth like the melody of mythical creatures that tease the soul and bring forth joy. The beauty of her art is matched only by the strength of her resolution to as the defender of authentic Arabian music and one of the carriers of this wealth to coming generations. Written by Dr. Laurence Ajaka
Eat These 7 Foods to Sleep Better By Carla Al Haddad Are you fighting with your own bed every night? Are you suffering from insomnia and you don’t know why? When you become aware that you are tired all the time after having sleepless nights followed by exhausting days at work, you will start, on your own, to appreciate a good night’s sleep or maybe an afternoon nap. Recent researches proved that what you eat before bedtime affects how you sleep at night. The time has come to change those eating habits you have before gliding into the nether world. There are foods when eaten shortly before bedtime that assist you to fall asleep and even improve the quality of your sleep. Here are some of them: Breakfast Cereal: They are called breakfast cereal, but, in fact, they have a huge effect on your sleep quality especially when you mix them with milk in a bowl. The main reason why they are good is that they are made of complex slowly-digested carbohydrates that help with sleepiness. If the idea of eating cereals in the evening isn’t very appealing to you, try different kinds of complex carbohydrates such as quinoa or buckwheat. Milk: Why do babies drink milk? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Milk contains the main ingredient that stimulates the production of serotonin in the brain, the amino acid tryptophan, which makes falling asleep easier. So let us get back to our infancy and drink a warm cup pf milk before bedtime for a peaceful night of slumber.
Herbal tea â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Valerian and Chamomile: Valerian plant roots speed up the process of falling asleep.
before bed is the main cause of sleepiness and not just the plant itself.
Some people claim that drinking valerian, chamomile and Calendula plants, all decaffeinated, ensures a restful night of sleep.
Bananas: This fruit contains high amounts of the vitamins and minerals necessary for our body. In addition, it contains potassium and magnesium which are natural substances that relax our bodiesâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; muscles. Plus, they are slowly
However, others say that the ritual of preparing and drinking the tea
digested by the body which also contributes to drowsiness. Cherries: Eat some cherries the next time you return from a trip abroad and suffer from jet lag effects. Cherries are known to have melatonin, the chemical that regulates our circadian rhythm. A study has found that many adults
who suffer from insomnia drink sour cherry juice to improve the duration and quality of sleep.
index that the body digest slowly, releasing sugar slowly and gradually into the bloodstream.
Jasmine Rice: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a few years ago a study proving that eating jasmine rice 4 hours before bedtime helps you fall asleep faster because this kind of rice has a high glycemic
Sweet Potatoes: Here is a double advantage for you. In addition to being a source of complex carbohydrates, they also contain potassium that relaxes your bodyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s muscles. Once your muscles are relaxed, you will immediately fall
asleep. Lima beans and papaya are also other sources for potassium that help improve the quality of your sleep. Get rid of those bad foods such as burgers and fries before going to bed and replace them with healthy ones that improve your quality of sleep.
Best Tools to Protect Your Social Media Edy Hourani Online networking proved very adapt as a branching system boasting numerous sites, conveniently portable applications accessible anywhere as well as a wealth of innovations that redefined the landscape of how individuals communicate with one another. Networking giants can claim millions of users sharing every conceivable aspect such as pictures, videos, messages, podcasts, and more. They grew so popular to the point they consume 80% of the total time people spent on the Internet. There are few web users who do not have several accounts, some even linked together such as Facebook and Instagram, and they are all venerable for being hacked. The most common reason any account is hacked is the loss of the secret key. Hackers can access that word by social engineering, brute force or dictionary attack. Once they have access to your social network, they are capable of exposing all you secrets and ruining reputations. Furthermore, they might have access to financial information or use your account for legal misconducts making you accountable for real crimes you have no knowledge of. Having a secure online networking is no longer a luxury, but a necessity that could be the difference between enjoying your life of losing it all in a prison cell. Our tools can provide you with the protection you need
for all your web-based social AVG PrivacyFix networking accounts. AVG PrivacyFix is a free application that helps users LastPass to adjust privacy settings Users tend to use a simple for Facebook, Google+, password for two or even LinkedIn and Twitter and all their accounts. LastPass block unwanted tracking. is a freemium password Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s currently available for management service that Chrome, Android and iOS. stores encrypted passwords in the cloud. The service can save (formerly existing passwords as well SocialSafe) as generate new ones. Your Another freemium tool, password should ideally be is designed to store 16 digits and contain at least social media data in case all one number, one uppercase information is lost because of letter, one lowercase letter hacking. It allows you to back and one special symbol. up and view content from up The strength of a password to four of your social media can be measured by the accounts. Password Meter. Experts recommend changing the master password once every 10 weeks. LogDog LogDog is a free product designed to track any suspicious activity related to social media accounts. The system continuously scans various indicators of unauthorized access. When an attack is detected, LogDog sends intrusion alerts and lets users take back control over their accounts. Currently, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s only available for Android devices. HTTPS Everywhere If devices used for social media access are shared with others or frequently taken to public places, it is better to protect them with an extra security layer by encrypting the traffic from a browser to a social network.
Are We Aware of Who We Really Are? By Dr. Laurence Ajaka There are many who preach about getting connected with oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s inner self; these paragons of virtue drone on about the loose morals of today never stopping to consider that we have been programmed to shied away from our core at a very early age. One look around would only confirm the commercial and materialistic bend of the world, so itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s hardly surprising that those who live in it adopt its values. We are taught, starting with infancy, of fearing what lies underneath and encouraged to desperately grasp onto the obvious and tangible. The man is by default an adaptive being that tries to fit into the norms of society. This has defined us as species millennia ago, so throwing accusations on those who follow their basic instincts in an exercise in futility. It only triggers another mechanism where denial is used to reject any harsh criticism. Numerous social studies conducted show how willing people are to compromise in the name of fitting in. Even if the subject is fundamentally
opposed to the norms of a certain group, they will subconsciously siphon off some vocabulary and/or mannerism because the drive to adapt is almost incessant and compelling. Being special or different often means being signaled out for bullying and harassment. So while it might be reprehensible to see people mold themselves around misguided values, harshly condemning their actions is an exercise in futility. There is an upside to this entire debacle. Although we hard-driven to abandon our soul, it is the essential driving force of our existence, whether we care to own up to that reality or not. The more we focus on superficiality, the louder our souls protest against being dragged through the mire of earthly concerns. We feel this tug of war in the form of guilt, emotional crises and dissatisfaction with life. Most of us struggle to stay afloat, so we bury those doubts and insecurities deep inside which only serves to aggregate them and allow them to fester. The more you ignore, the more profound the dissent becomes.
All the congealed conflicts and struggles will ultimately rise to the surface. That is after all what the soul does and a testament to its strength. It will rebel against the burden of the chains of materialism; a concept that is both frightening and grotesque for the soul in its divinity. We might not be able to identify it properly, but we can get glimpses of it especially when we have identity crises and moral dilemmas. We fail to recognize these incidents for what they are because we have been so isolated from our core that it has become shrouded in mysticism. The soul invariably wins; it is a pure essence that arrives unmarred to this world only to viciously be abandoned and neglected. No mortal can truly be at peace unless they are willing to unload the trappings of materialism and live, if not a devout life, then one that pays equal homage to both body and soul.
MAGAZ INE TEMPL ATE / O C TO B ER 2013 / w w w.your magaz i m
Having a Different Political Approach By Fady Al Hashem Most things in life are about competition. Currently, the United States of America is getting ready to elect a new president. Political parties are divided between Republican and Democratic. The electoral battle begins a year earlier as both parties respectively eliminate their candidates until one candidate per party remains. We now have Hilary Clinton from the Democratic Party and Donald Trump from the Republican Party. The competition gets more intense as the federal country prepares to welcome a new chief in the month of November.
Unlike Lebanon, in the United States of America, people vote directly for the president that they find best to fit the position and fulfill his duties respectfully. However, Lebanon follows a national custom by which the President of the Council of Ministers is appointed a Sunnite, the President of the Parliament a Shiite, and the President of the Republic a Christian Maronite. It is well acknowledged, according to the pyramid of Kelsen, that the Constitution governs other legal references. It must not be neglected or overruled. Thus, we can rightfully talk about a breach of law. The problem is that the Lebanese Constitution states in its article 49 that each president is elected for a mandate of six years. A conflict currently arises because there has not been any president in the country for more than two years because politicians are arguing on which candidate to vote for. In this case, only the deputies are able to designate a president who is part of the Maronite confession. Where does the process draw a question mark? The members of the parliament, who should be removed, have extended their own mandate, a huge lawful violation. As long
as the actual deputies are still allotted to their position, there will not be a solution because the Parliament is aware that the people do not want its members to remain as they are not making any beneficial improvements. Thereby, citizenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s desires and rights are shut down to a minimum to satisfy a financial greed. They insist on renovating the political basis in Lebanon. Let us not forget the problem with the garbage that is consuming our beautiful landscape. The parliament concluded a contract with Sukleen to dump trash in the Neemeh garbage disposal. In 2014, this contract expired. The garbage disposal sites such as the Neemeh and the Costa Brava reached their capacity, so, garbage started to be thrown on streets. The city of Beirut witnessed its first official white river of garbage. The Lebanese political system needs to be renovated as soon as possible because deputies keep postponing the date of their meetings. Citizens must scream at the top of their lungs to communicate their inner desires and force everyone to hear them. It is about time to truly impose democracy instead of disguised dictatorship. Otherwise, Lebanon will never rise to its ultimate glory.
The Secrets of Raising Well-Behaved Children By Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac
Raising a child is one of the hardest, most responsible and at the same time very pleasant and satisfying tasks a parent can experience. It is also a full-time job for which people receive the least formal training.
Parents are the most influential role models and examples that children can possibly have. Caring for children requires a lot of energy, strength, and effort, noting that it is impossible to keep a perfect discipline all the time. Believe me, there will be a time when it will get beyond all the limits and borders. All parents want their kids to grow up to be better people than they are themselves. Here are some tips from my personal experience as a mother of two kids and a third baby on the way. First of all, we should teach our kids to control their reactions. Anger, sadness, and disappointment can affect us as well as our children. We can teach our kids how to cope with negative emotions and inform them that it is useless to waste too much energy on them. Second, children must be responsible for their actions. Parents should encourage their children to do good things, and as they are their role models, children strive to imitate them and follow suit. So, it is important to behave in accordance with our own words. Third, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s very important that our child has the ability to feel compassion not only for his or her loved ones and friends but also for everyone who needs help around them, such as new kids in class. Kids should think about these things. Also, gratefulness is essential. Our children should be grateful towards every single thing. For example, saying thank you for a neighbor for returning back their balloon from their balcony, or kissing and thanking me and their father after coming from a long tiring day at work.
As parents, we should remind them to always say thank you whenever itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s required. Believe me, expressing their gratitude will make them happier and healthier than those who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t. Moreover, we try to build a trusting relationship with our child. Chat, play, read stories, spend time together, and never forget to show them how much we love them as love makes the world goes around. Love does not come easy and its main foundations are trust and security. If these two exist in a parent-child relationship, it will be easier to deal with more difficult situati-
ons. In conclusion, I know that it is easier said than done, but if we could start with those simple steps with our kids, together we can succeed in helping them become kind and sincere individuals who will understand what love and respect are and be able to share these feelings with others around them.
Prospecting the Future of Regenerative Medicine By Dr. Toufic Ajaka
much research is still to be done as they can grow irregularly or spontaneously differentiate Stems cells are cells grown from a common especially if they are embryonic in origin. The parent inside a laboratory. Although they keep latter is also very likely to spontaneously trigon growing and multiplying, they never diffe- ger the hostsâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; immune response. rentiate into any type of cell. Because they are within controlled laboratory conditions, they There are other alternatives that revolve in the tend to be free of genetic defects. Clusters can same sphere such as therapeutic cloning or be harvested for storage or to be used in vari- somatic cell nuclear transfer. It involves extous research areas and regenerative medicine. racting the nucleus of an unfertilized egg and another from a somatic donor cell that is then Stem cell therapy or regenerative medicine transferred into the unfertilized egg. The fertiliutilizes stem cells or their derivatives to repair zed egg, now containing the somatic nucleus, diseased, dysfunctional and injured tissues. will start to multiply and form a stem cell that There are also attempts to take it further by is genetically identical to the donorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s make up; creating functional organs instead of relying this technique is known as cloning. Supporters on donated organs that are low in supply and for this technique say there are greater benerequire immunosuppressant therapy. Scienfits to be reaped over stem cell therapy becautists manipulate these stem cells to differense the cells produced will not be rejected by tiate into the required type of cells such as the host. Still, in its infancy, scientists have yet myocardium, heart cell, or glial cell, a type of to successfully transplant a clone in humans, nerve cell. Once mature, they are transplanted but success in other species gives hope for this into the person to compensate for the failure technique. in the target organ. This option was exploited after scientists ascertained that adult bone Both techniques are still being extensively marrow cells are capable of repairing damastudied as they are a promising alternative to ged organs. traditional therapies that havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t been able to repair extensive damage in failing organs and This technique is already a recognized medical degenerative diseases. procedure that is practiced all over the world. It is especially useful in cancer patients that have terminated their chemotherapy and have tissues that have undergone extensive damage. The cells used that are harvested originate from the adult stem cells or fetal stem cell coming from the umbilical cord blood. Because of its success, scientists are constantly trying to expand the conditions where this therapy technique can be of use. One difficulty for using stem cells is ensuring that they differentiate into the desired type of cell. There are many examples of success, but
New Year’s Resolutions: How Are They Made?
confidential, so we ought to feel free enough, to be honest.
If we make any resolutions, they must be realistic because the easiest way not to live up to our expectations is to make ones that unattainable. It’s either they are too big and complex for us to comprehend, or it’s too insignificant for us to make much of an effort. It’s crucial to remember that big changes have to be broken down into simpler steps. If we have a goal like that, we can just start off By Dr. Toufic Ajaka changing small things here and there New Year’s resolutions are token promi- and building on those for future growth. ses that are nonetheless made in good faith. They express a genuine desire to For example, if someone is obese and wants to lose weight, they cannot imchange and become a better person; however, they are almost immediately mediately decide to change their entire lives and live as some sort of health broken and discarded as a whimsical guru. Start off small by eating less fat contemplation. But what if we could keep those resolutions with simple tips and exercising for 10 minutes every day. These might not lead to a huge weight and tricks? loss, but mastering them is a step for Start off by really thinking your resoluchanging an entire lifetime of bad habits tion through instead of just making up and choices. Sometimes, focusing on the fanciful ones. Random goals blurted out big picture is only done by focusing on in haste do not serve any real purpose, the small picture first. so the effort is hardly ever exerted to Once we have embarked on keeping this keep them. Instead of getting sucked into the superficial whirlpool of deciding or that resolution, it’s vital to keep track. This serves a dual purpose; we are enwhat to wear and where to spend the night, dedicate some time to think back couraged by the success made and we on the year. This can be difficult because are capable of tweaking any missteps. Naturally, there will be many bumps it involves intense soul searching that along the way as we break the resoluforces us into confronting some of our tions many times, but that should never fears. Writing those flaws on a piece of paper means we admit them and giving mean giving up as change is extremely hard. Celebrate success and learn from ourselves no excuses for backing away the failures. It’s all about moving onward and hiding. and upward. This list will have many things, but some things are more important than others, so we have to prioritize those that are in urgent need for change or those that will be most beneficial for us. The list is
A Journey into the Enigma! By Dr. Laurence Ajaka
Why is it that we are driven to discover the world yet we ignore delving inside to discover ourselves? We have to live with ourselves every second of our existence, and yet we run away from it as if it was a rapid dog intent on ruining everything we hold dear. What is so scary about discovering just who we are? Who or what are we really hiding from? This is neither the place nor the time to contemplate the superficiality of society. There are many who spurn the trappings of materialism without becoming acquainted with what lies within. They walk the road of altruism and philanthropy thinking it paves the way towards enlightenment. Though it might help bridge some gaps, it’s insufficient to navigate the treacherous waters of one’s self. We are as unique as each snowflake and more intricate in design. Each of us is an enigma that only unravels to those who seek without fear or reservation. We all fear to know what defines us because it means confronting our weaknesses. Whatever faults we possess are harnessed as a weapon to keep us in line. We are taught to suppress those weaknesses and build a protective shield against the world, and we unknowingly erect another against ourselves. Delving there is considered a taboo, so we blanket ourselves with self-righteousness. We think by impri-
soning ourselves high up in a fortified tower, away from all emotions, we would put an end to all the pain that comes from others. “No man is an island”, and we shouldn’t close up away from our fellow humans. That would be denying who we are and succumbing to loneliness. The latter doesn’t seem too bad at first, but it will slowly gnaw on you and steal away the joy of living. Whether we are in harmony with our environment or not, we cannot escape it into some ivory dream world created to fuel our illusions of grandeur. The cruelty we witness is often what brings us back to life and spurs us into action. Many success stories only came to be after being dipped in the bloody agony and swirled with tears of pain. So where do we go from here? The answer is nowhere! There is no running away from oneself with all that entitles of the outer world’s involvement. We ought to accept ourselves as the imperfect creation we are, with our courage and cowardice, empathy and jealousy, beauty and beast… Those so-called weaknesses are part of the amalgamation that shaped the being we are today. They even helped drive our ancestors from the dark ages of early civilization into the world we see today. We wanted to sate our hunger and feel protected. We need to have the courage to look deep within the recedes of our soul and be familiar and intimate with what we see. That is the only way we can balance out body and soul and create a harmonious blend capable of withstanding the trials of life. The farther we run away from the soul, the greater the dissent and the chaos prevail our lives. Those weaknesses we fear will only grow and fester.
Art for your Health By Carla Al Haddad
Most people are always stressed out and tired due to their hectic lifestyle and busy schedule. This unhealthy lifestyle is taking a toll on your body and health in a very bad way. Have you ever thought about how can you get rid of your stress and improve your health? Art could very well be the perfect medium for achieving such. How?
Keep reading Art ... The healthy way of expression Whether you are angry, sad, depressed or cheerful, there is no better way to express yourself than through art. Art is permanent; it allows you to transform your current emotional state over into something tangible. This is a great method of discovering your internal struggles and emotions, confronting and relieving them in an external method. This does not mean, though, that you have to create the art yourself. It is possible that you can find another artistâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s works, analyze it, dive in his imagination on canvas and discover solutions in the same way! You would be amazed by what you are capable of discovering! Art â&#x20AC;Ś The stress reliever At the end of a hard day, take a pen and write or take a paintbrush and paint.
You can simply sit down in front of your favorite book of art or stare into a master’s canvas to relieve stress. You may also take a walk through the new museum exhibit, purchase a new poster or print that relaxes you. In fact, when you choose a piece of art and place it in a stressful place such as work or home office, you are adding a positive vibe to your immediate environment that inspires you and helps you calm down, think more clearly and improve your mental health. Art … The number fan of exercise The best ways to get exercise is through walking which is highly recommended by doctors. In fact, perusing your local art store, going to the new museum exhibit, or simply walking down the streets admiring nature can be a fabulous way to burn those extra calories and begin to feel healthy again. It improves your body’s health without having to make any extra effort.
Finally, art is a boost to your health because, through it, you are able to create and bring things to life as well as move your body along the way. That way you improve your mental and physical health and reduce stress all at the same time.
The Importance of Advertisements Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac
Fashion is a popular style
or practice, especially in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, body, or furniture. It is a distinctive and often persistent trend in the style in which a person dresses. It is the prevailing styles in behavior and the newest headturning creations of fabric designers. Not only fashion enables people to display
personality and personal preferences, but it also allows people to show off not only dressing style but provides an opportunity to set trends. Feeling comfortable in certain clothing or fashion pieces also helps to boost confidence and self-esteem, so fashion has a large influence on society in most areas of the world, and trends are usually established through
adverting. Advertising is a fundamental communication tool for the consumers. It tells them the types and diversity of products available for their use in the market. Advertising isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t restricted to any age or gender. It makes use of various media outlets and involves a number of diverse practices and approaches.
The ultimate aim is to sell the consumer new items that have been made available.
Therefore, Culture plays a primordial role in the advertisement strategies. That is, the advertising approaches are Ads also aim at conserv- planned and shaped ing the already estabin a way that fits the lished customer base. consumerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s culture and This can be done by in- needs. troducing new features into existing products In conclusion, adverto keep sales up. tising is important for the customers. No one Advertising has gained can imagine television access to all fields of the or a newspaper or a social order: arts, culradio channel without ture, sport, fashion, poli- an advertisement! Adtics and even religion, vertising plays a very for the reason that not important role in cusany single discipline can tomersâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; life as well as in exist in such a competi- society in general. Done tive market without en- effectively, advertising dorsing itself or being increases the sales of a exploited by-products/ particular business or companies as a medium company thus boostto endorse itself, bearing their profits. It also ing in mind that adver- allows a company to tisements encompass know their competitors great powers economi- and plan strategically cally and culturally, in on how to curb compeaddition to its importition. tance in mandating norms, values, lifestyles Effective advertisement and consumer trends. helps to create a stable According to some ground for launching a studies, a consumer new product successresponds positively to fully into the market. an advertisement once it is compatible with his It improves consumer own culture. awareness thus prevent-
ing cases of purchasing fake products or falling victims of scams. To sum up, advertising feeds us on a daily basis; it provides us with ideas and in a sense, we have all seen a version of ourselves advertised somewhere, by someone we want to be.
THE BEAUTY OF CHRISTMAS By Fady Al Hashem December is arriving soon which means that Christmas will be knocking on the doors. Each year, Christians celebrate the birth of the Savior on the 25th of December, a time when the holiday mood reaches out to almost everyone. Since many decades, people have accustomed to the practice of greeting, giving, and cherishing this day of year. Throughout the recurrence of similar beliefs and the respect of a particular tradition, celebrating Christmas became known as a mandatory ritual. How is the revelation of these ceremonies featured? For starters, the practice of greeting is being shown all over the world, by the religious side of the holiday. Christians celebrate the birth of the Lord Jesus, according to the Bible, in Beth Lethem in Israel next to the Virgin Mary and Saint Joseph. Believers honor that memory by installing a crib inside of which they are statues of the holy characters. Since the Middle Ages, it has been believed that when Christ was born, the snow and the ice during winter shook off the trees which glowed with evergreen. That is why people set up trees and cribs in their homes during Christmas as a declaration of a cultural and spiritual aspect of the holiday. When the landscapes are painted in white, red and green, people rejoice and express that by generous gifts. They purchase flower bunches such as a Poinsettia basket or any other attractive arrangement of flowers as a way of greeting loved ones. There are also carolers who sing the outstanding and obsolete melodies of Christmas as they knock on several doors of a neighborhood. Other gifts are offered with profound stories that bind their distribution. Statistics showed that the amount of good deeds advances incredibly during the festive holiday. As for children, they believe in Santa Claus. The whole process is being carried forward on a big scale of the society to encompass the values and the wonders of a personal touch into every gifted present. Finally, Christmas is famous for its ornaments and the Christmas dinner on the 24th of December. The dinner is preferably homemade as the holiday incarnates the gathering of relatives and closed ones. Love and joviality put smiles and laughter on all faces. Families also decorate the Christmas tree before the clock strikes twelve to indicate the end of the evening. Lights glisten and cheers fill all hearts. Positive energy and affection roams the households. Christmas meals usually include main dishes and Christmas cakes that differ among different societies. The most important thing to remember is that during this time, families reconvene to cherish the goodness in the world. Every country has its proper culture and mode of celebrating Christmas. The common norm is to set up a lighted candle in shelters as exaltation of religious figure. Giving and receiving presents is another principle tradition. And, the treasuring of what this holiday has to bestow on people remains the reason of their happiness.
How to Maintain a Clutter-Free Home! By Dr. Toufic Ajaka
When the children have all moved on with their lives, many older couples decide to downsize their households, but individuals in other walks of life might also make the same decision especially those who are trying to go back to the simpler and more minimalistic times. Whatever the motive, it will mean sifting through years of accumulated belongings and bringing it down to a size that fits the smaller and more intimate home. But even if you are not downsizing, how can you maintain a clutter-free home? This is a sin we are probably all guilty of having as we buy more than one set of the same thing. Just take a look into your cupboards and see how many sets of dishes, cups, and cutlery we have. We only use some of those, and the rest is there as ornaments or “in case” we need this or that. Take a detour to the bedroom, and we will find multiple sets of towels, sheets, and comforters. 2 or 3 sets are the most we will ever need of the above, so we need to get rid of our amassed hoards. It will free up so much space. And in case we want to buy a new set, we should get rid of the old ones first. Don’t we all love a sale? There is a sense of exhilaration of acquiring goods at reduced prices that speak to a mischievous imp in all of us. Sales are great but only if you actually need something. Buying things just because they are there is not saving 50% of your money; it’s spending the 50% that you have no need to spend in the first place! Avoid alluring sale signs that call out in a siren song… unless we actually need something in which case, grab it and don’t look at the other tempting displays. Shopping is a universal hobby; manufacturing companies made sure we were all infected by this new disease. What starts as browsing through the Internet or the so-called window shopping will almost always end up in buying
merchandise. Shopping is not a hobby or a release. If we are experiencing hardships or simply bored, there are better ways to be entertained. Lists are our best friends. Repeat that as a mantra until you believe it. This is especially true if one is going to stock up for a long time or buying in bulk. A list is useless unless we actually stick to it. If it wasn’t important enough to be included on the list, it’s not needed enough to be bought. We all want to have so many things, but do we need all of it? Shopping smarter means stopping to consider whether we do need what we are buying or not. If it’s just something for aesthetic reasons or a need that will wear off in a few weeks, we should probably skip. No impulse purchases are allowed! Ever! There is no such thing as a freebie. Whatever is given for free is being taxed for in some way or another. Freebies make us buy more of an item or overpay for another. Don’t get caught in by the word “free” because it only means trouble.
Art for your Health By Carla Al Haddad
Most people are always stressed out and tired due to their hectic lifestyle and busy schedule. This unhealthy lifestyle is taking a toll on your body and health in a very bad way. Have you ever thought about how can you get rid of your stress and improve your health? Art could very well be the perfect medium for achieving such. How? Keep reading