Ya 7elween May

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‫يا حلوين‬

May 2016

ُ ‫ّعليم‬ ‫موهبة الت‬ ِ ‫بقلم سيرج قرقماز‬



‫ حدود‬...‫ولحريّة الصحافة‬

Panama Secret Dr. Zeina Zeidan



Spring time cool...Ya 7elween rules!!!

PAGES Full of absolute dynamic

creative content!

‫خواطر من ايام زما‬ ‫اول ربيع للحلوين‬

May 2016 - Issue 04 www.ya7elween.com SPRING 2016


Mag azine



‫أيها الساكن خلف الغيوم‬

‫‪2016‬‬ ‫‪...‬اول ربيع للحلوين‬ ‫طل الربيع ِبحلتو وزاد الحال‪..‬وجينا بهاالبيات تا ِنق ُّلو ْهال‬ ‫حلوين كانو امبارح بال بيت‪ ..‬وهلق عا هالصفحات َمليوها حال‬ ‫اصحاب كانت غاليــي ْعال قلوبنا‪..‬وحسون بي تغريدتو ز ُادن غال‬ ‫‪..‬وكل ما يقولوا ال “مش حلوين”‪...‬إبن البلد بي ُرد ِويقول إمبال‬ ‫أ�ول ربيع ُ‬ ‫بيمرق‬ ‫إنجال‬ ‫هالغيم‬ ‫بنشوف‬ ‫السما‬ ‫بلون‬ ‫الفال‪..‬‬ ‫بهذا‬ ‫أ‬ ‫وهيدي المجلة هون “يال شاركوا”‪ْ ...‬إقروا وشوفوا ْافكارها ِمن � َّوال‬ ‫يال اعطوها شوي من ما ع ُ‬ ‫ندكم‪ ..‬وكل اللي فيها ِم ُّلك ْم َّمنو إال‬ ‫أ ُ أِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫‪...‬كلماتكم‪� ،‬فكاركم ‪� ،‬شعاركم‪ ..‬عيدوا و ِزدوا هون حتى نح ِلال‬ ‫~صباح ع‪ .‬شاهين~‬


‫أيها الغريب البعيد الذي ال تراه العيون ‪ ،‬بل تخفق له القلوب وتفتقده العقول النيرة وتنتظره‬ ‫النفوس المولودة على فطرة الخير والحب‪ ،‬والمسالمة‪ ,‬و البسيطة الذين يعيشون في مكان‬ ‫ما ال نراهم بل يَرَوْن اعمالنا وأفعالنا وال حولة لهم وال قوة لهم اال مناجاتك أيها الساكن في‬ ‫كوكب جميل ومسالم بعيد عن عالمنا الذي تعصف به االنفس الشريرة والشيطانية والقليلة‬ ‫الرحمة والتي تفتقد للمحبة‪.‬أيها الجميل ابن الجميل وأيها الخير كل الخيروالبركة كل البركة‬ ‫‪.‬وأيها المسالم المحب لنا ‪ ،‬الذي يعشقنا والذي يفرح لفرحنا ويحزن لحزننا‬ ‫اننا ال ندري ماذا نفعل في هذه الحياة القاسية التي لم نختارها وان كنا اخترناها فإننا ال نعلم كيف لنا ان نتدبر امورنا‬ ‫دون االساءة ألحد ودون ان نظلم احدا حتى لو ظلمنا من اجل هدفنا السامي الذي خلقنا من اجله‪.‬ان مباركتك لنا‬ ‫ووجودك بيننا وفي قلوبنا هو طريق خالصنا من هذه الحياة القاسية والمؤلمة ألتي ال تعرف الرحمة والتي تُقتل فيها‬ ‫‪ .‬النفوس الطيبة والبسيطة التي تدعو لك جَهْرًا وفي الخفي لي ًال ونهاراً‬ ‫أين انت؟! ولماذا انت بعيد عنا ؟ ولماذا تسكن خلف الغيوم ؟ هل ان خلف الغيوم صلتك مع الخالق الرحيم‪ ،‬او انك‬ ‫تسكن في دائرة االرض وألنك ذو قلب رقيق ال تريد ان ترى ما تشهده االرض من افعال غير اخالقية وغير إنسانية ال‬ ‫تمت بصلة الى المحبة والتسامح ‪.‬ان في كل يوم يقتلون المحبة باسمه تعالى ويمزقون قلوب البسطاء باسمه تعالى‪،‬‬ ‫وأنك تحزن وال تريد ان تشاهد هذه المشاهد غير إنسانية الن الرساالت المقدسة حثت على المحبة والتسامح ‪ ،‬والن‬ ‫رسالتك رسالة سماوية متكاملة تحمل في جوفها الخير والمحبة وال تعرف الغاء احدا وال التباعد مع من يريد ان‬ ‫السير معك على سراط مستقيم ‪ .‬ان رسالتك هي التي ستخلصنا من هذا الجحيم الذي وضعنا انفسنا فيه عن قصد او‬ ‫‪ ...‬غير قصد ‪،‬فكلنا شركاء دون استثناء في هذه المعمعة العجيبة‬ ‫بماذا اناجيك ايها الغريب وماذا اطلب منك‪,‬وماذا بوسعي ان اطلب ‪ ,‬انا ال اريد ان اثقل جراحك واخبرك عن حالنا‪،‬‬ ‫وما يجري عندنا‪ ,‬انا ال اريد اال ان ارى البسمة على شفاتيك اللتان ال تتوقفان عن تكرر اسم الجاللة‪ .‬فلتعلم اننا‬ ‫لسنا في كامل سعادتنا وانت بعيد خلف الغيوم ‪.‬اننا ال نستعجل االنتقال الى كوكب آخر وال نستعجل مالقات األنبياء‬ ‫والرسل وال نستعجل لقاء الحوريات ‪ ،‬نحن نريدك في حياتنا هذه في هذا الكوكب ‪ ،‬في كوكب االرض حتى تنير لنا‬ ‫‪...‬عقولنا وتعرفنا على خالقنا خير معرفة ‪ ،‬الننا ال نريد ان نترك دائرة االرض ونحىن نجهل خالقنا ولماذا خلقنا‬ ‫انا ال اطلب شيئاً لنفس ‪ ،‬بل ان نفسي وما املك وما سوف املك هو لك و تحت إمرتك وفي خدمتك وخدمة رسالتك‬ ‫المقدسة التي ستبصر النور حين تكتمل فصول هذه المسرحية البشرية المتوحشة التي اقتربت نهايتها ‪ ..‬ان قلوب‬ ‫البسطاء وقلوب «الحلوين» ( ) ال تطلب شيئا منك‪ ,‬بل يريدون ان يشاركوا في إيصال صوتك لمن ال صوت لهم‬ ‫‪ ،‬والتمهيد إلرساء أسس ودعائم دولتك‪ ،‬دولة المحبة ‪ .‬ان االنفس الخيرة والطيبة قادمة لمالقاتك عندما يحين‬ ‫‪.‬وقت النور والهداية‬ ‫أيها الغريب القريب البعيد‪ ,‬الذي يتواجد عند كل مفترق طريق‪ ,‬وفي كل شارع‪ ,‬وضيعة ومدينة وعند كل شجرة‬ ‫خضار وعند كل ثمرة تفوح منها رائحتك ‪ ،‬رائحة المسك والعنبر ‪ ،‬و رائحة األنبياء والرسل ‪ ،‬ورائحة السماء‬ ‫المباركة‪ .‬سيّدي االرض لنا فوقها وتحتها‪ ,‬والسماء واألنهر والمحيطات لك ‪ ,‬والشمس والقمر تحت إمرتك ‪ ,‬وكل‬ ‫هذه العناصر بعهدة الرحمن الرحيم وتحت حراسة و مراقبة دائمة ومستمية من مالئكته‪ ،‬مالئكة الرحمة الموكلة‬ ‫بالسهر علينا ليال ونهاراً‬ ‫فلماذا اذا يا أبناء امتي « يا حلوين «من هذا الخوف المصطنع الذي يريدون ادخاله في انفسنا ‪ .‬لماذا ؟! هلما‬ ‫ألينا يا ابن الطهر البتول‪ ،‬هلما إلينا يا ابن النرجسية العمرانية ‪ ،‬هلما إلينا يا ذو القلب الواسع ️‪ ،‬هلما إلينا يا سيّد‬ ‫‪ ..‬الحلوين‬




earning it the nickname “the Phoenix” for its ability to always rise out of the ashes. The first law school in the world was also built in Beirut. Byblos is another major city with historical significance. The name Byblos comes from the word Bible. It is the oldest continuously lived in city, and it’s the birth place of the first alphabet.

r. Laurence Ajaka let’s us in on how it is to be young, proud and of course Lebanese!

Lebanon is a unique country with a wealth of history and culture. Although it’s part of the Arab world, it has always had a unique place within it. It is one of the few nations that boast having 18 religious communities living together in harmony. It has the highest percentage of Christian citizens in all Arab countries. There might only be 4 million Lebanese citizens living in Lebanon, but the number of immigrants is 15 million.

This meant a large influx of money coming into the country that has over 100 banks on its soil. It has surpassed the neighboring countries by its quest for knowledge with 42 universities and having 70% of all students

enrolled in private educational institutions.

The temple of Jupiter in Baalbeck is the only surviving temple built for this Roman god. Hence, Baalbeck was nicknamed the City of the Sun. The southern city Qana witnessed Jesus Christ’s first miracle of turning water into wine. The original inhabitants of Lebanon are the Phoenicians. They were masters of trade, and for many centuries ruled the trading routes in the Mediterranean Sea by their cunning rather than military occupation. They built the first boat and

Proud to Be Lebanese

This is also why it averages 1 doctor/person when European nations and the United States of America have 1 doctor/100 person. It is a beacon of political freedom with 40 daily newspapers that exhibit different partisans’ values and opinions. It is the only Asian country that has no desert in it; instead, it has 15 rivers originating from its mountains and running through it.

Lebanon is deeply ingrained in the world history. The name Lebanon and its logo, the cedar, have each been mentioned 75 times in the Old Testament. The name “Lebanon” has been around for 4000 years which makes

in history. It took millennia to gain its independence and was occupied by 16 nations: EgyptiansHittites-AssyriansBabylonians- PersiansAlexander the greats Army- the Roman Empire Byzantine- the Arabian PeninsulaThe Crusaders- the Ottoman EmpireBritain-France- IsraelSyria. Given that, it’s no wonder Lebanon is the country with the most archeological sites on its land and with the biggest number of books written about it. The capitol “Beirut” has been destroyed and

Lebanon which is why we call them the Cedars of God and Lebanon is God’s Country on Earth. Is it any wonder that Lebanese have such undying love and devotion to it? Written by Dr. L. Ajaka

and oceans. In fact, recent discoveries proved they might have reached the shores of America many millennia before Christopher Columbus and the Vikings. Legend has it that God’s own hands planted the cedars in



What should we feature next month?


These beautiful flowers are a clear indicaiton that Spring is here!

If you have an idea for an image section we should feature, we’d love to hear from you.


This photographer captures this sunset right at the perfect time. Just look at all the colors they were able to capture! No filters necessary.

IMAGES Submit a clear image or idea.

INCLUDE NAMES We need to identify the image.


It’s not everyday that you see sunsets like these

Oh! Snap!


Pictures that are so good you’d think they were Photoshopped!



This bird and bee have no intentions on having any talks, they’re just here to eat.

This beautiful waterfall is located in Guyana! Did you know how may waterfalls there are in Guyana?


Nope. Sorry, this is just one of Hawaii’s beautiful Botanical Gardens.

This awesome skyline is Panama downtown!


We vote these - the worst Oreos ever!

This Hummingbord is ready to cool down with a sweet sip of nectar.

50 words max

AWARDS Your image may win an award!



Unplug Your Children by Dr. Toufic Ajaka

A friend of mine could hardly contain his shock when the fast food employee asked someone else to help her return his change. He told me that she wasn’t able to count the 99 cents the register indicated she should return. Thought I understand his shock, it should hardly come as a surprise. We have consistently, albeit unintentionally, created several generations that cannot grasp even the rudimentary basics of mathematics and logical reasoning. The culprits are the excessive tools of technology: video games, television, VCRs, digital watches and most importantly smart phone and computers. We are fed everything directly without having to think or process anything. We are performing numerous tasks without understanding any. We need to question our educational system’s obsession to restricting the entire learning process to pressing buttons. It has gotten to the point that our children cannot even tell the time if a watch has hands rather than numbers. They are a whiz in using the calculator, but they don’t have the skills to add, subtract, multiply or divide. And instead of using their creativity when playing, they follow the storyline of their video games. They are

so used to being told what to expect in television shows and video games, that they don’t have the patience to read a book through. What can we do to fix this? The answer is simple: “Unplug your children”. Otherwise, they will never know how to solve problems, learn basic reasoning or develop their creativity. Instead of striving to fill the classroom with the latest gadgets, fill it with books instead. Don’t feed them the results; show them how the process evolves. They will never be fully functional unless they let free reign to their imagination.



Mot h erhood by By Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac

Being a mother is one of my greatest achievements. Though it has been very challenging, it has brought me more happiness than any other experience in my life. I cherish every moment spent with my family. They say it’s our job to teach our children, but they have taught me so much in return when it comes to being patient, loving and appreciative of life. They made me a better person.

I lived 32 years before I embraced motherhood. The ultimate goal of my life remained elusive until I became a mother. The depth of emotions they create in you is so intense, I can’t imagine going through life without feeling every wave of that spectrum. There are those days when it’s all laughter and games, and others when I struggle with every decision to make. They can exhaust me to the point I feel like dropping everything and taking a vacation. With its pros and cons, the highs and the lows, motherhood is the best experience in my life. No matter how blessed you are, your life will become richer and more vivid with children. It warms my heart to know that I was there to guide them and mold them into the people they grew up to be.



Panama Secret Written by Dr. Zeina Zeidan


he ‘Panama Papers’ scandal has taken the world by storm since their publication on April 3, 2016. It brought forth all the off-shore companies operating in so-called tax heavens such as Panama, Cayman Island and Island of Man. Several of those implicated came forth to declare they have done nothing illegal by investing their money in these offshore companies. Is it really just a case of misunderstanding? There are over 11.5 million leaked documents from the law firm of Mossak Fonseca that list the names of several world leaders, politicians, athletes and celebrities. That figure alone should make us pause and reflect. Even the scandal of Edward Snowden didn’t even come close to that massive number. There are talks about 15 thousand shell companies made. A shell company is just a way for investors to hide their money and evade taxes. It is also a perfect way for criminal organizations to launder their illegally begotten money. Can this truly be legal?

Unfortunately, this issue has a lot of gray areas. For one thing, you cannot forbid an investor from expanding to other countries and creating companies as long as they comply with the rules and regulations. In most countries, the requirements are strict and clear. In countries like Panama, there aren’t much requirements and virtually no monitoring of the activities. In fact, all an investor has to do is buy office spaces in one of Panama’s sleek towers and slap a name on it. These companies don’t manufacture any products or provide any services. Should you wish to visit any, you will most probably walk into a bare office that has never witnessed a single day of work. The Panama authorities encourage such investors because it means more money pumped into their economy. Attempting to shift through these companies would be akin to running in a maze. There are layers upon layers


f names and accounts before one can reach the real investor. And if you get to the bottom of the list, it would be difficult to get an indictment for money laundering or tax evasion.


ased on unofficial figures, over 100 billion dollars were traced back to Lebanese investors! That figure is bleeding the struggling Lebanese economy of its 25% tax that applies to businesses. So in essence, the Lebanese government is losing tens of billions as lost taxes.


ne can debate endlessly about whether this practice is right or not. However, some fact remain blatantly clear. Taxes are what keeps nations strong and prosperous. Taxes provide for the less fortunate citizens that require aid. Taxes are not to punish the rich; even poor people pay them.


wever, it has gotten down to the selfinterest that disregards everything except the accumulation and preservation of wealth. Every investor defending these practices should recall they are equating themselves to criminal organizations that also benefit from these companies.


o even if it can be twisted to fit within legal limits, doesn’t


ean it’s innocent. So let’s call it what it is: rich people who don’t think they owe anybody anything hiding their money. Written by Dr. Zeina Zeidan


Is Money a Criterion for Succe$$? Does money make the person or does the person

T W I he hunger for materialistic success has been engraved into our psyche from our earliest years. In some cultures, when the babies are born, a coin is inserted into their hands and folded to teach them the value of money. Even as the children grow, they are taught the mentality of private possessions where your belongings are not to be touched same as you are not allowed to touch others’. So is it any surprise that when we start making a living, our success is measured in terms of the amount of money we earn? Our entire life is a race to prove to others that we cannot just keep up with them, but that we can outspend and outshine them. Whenever we see someone buying something new -be it a house, a car or a phonewe get the urge to splurge even more money to get what they have. What if we run out of money and credit? No problem! There are many ‘friendly’ financial institutions out there eager to put forth loans at very

‘reasonable’ interest rates.

e might think this hunger for spending is only within the affluent niches of society, but greed has its clutches in everybody. Modern marketing takes a lot of time and has a generous budget, and it’s not in vain. t’s not just about making products people need; it’s about making us believe we need these new products. And of course, if these products last for a long time, this will mean less profit for companies. Whatever the product is, after a short time, it will need to be replaced or upgraded as it’s now referred to. They have somehow created a sense of discontentment within us that can only be satisfied by acquiring more and more products. This misjudged

sense of morality has affected education because young people only peruse educational majors that are likely to mean bigger wages. Companies are willing to feed these young aggressive graduates to increase their wealth even more. Highly skilled people are more or less sold to the biggest bidder that can offer a more lucrative package. That’s why many of the developing countries suffer from ‘brain drainage’ where their most skilled personnel are being lured to other


depriving their homelands of their invaluable input. The more we worship at the altar of greed, the bigger the gap between the rich and the poor will widen. The saddest part if that we are aware of this fact, but we have become too numb and greedy to care. This misjudged sense of morality has affected education because young people only peruse educational majors

that are likely to mean bigger wages. Companies are willing to feed these young aggressive graduates to increase their wealth even more. Highly skilled people are more or less sold to the biggest bidder that can offer a more lucrative package. That’s why many of the developing countries suffer from ‘brain drainage’ where their most skilled personnel are being lured to other countries depriving their homelands of their invaluable input.

The more we worship at the altar of greed, the bigger the gap between the rich and the poor will widen. The saddest part if that we are aware of this fact, but we have become too numb and greedy to care.

by Dr. Laurence Ajaka



Spring Break

2016 Sanibel Isla nd

11 Budget-friendly places to bring your children or partner during Spring Break 2016.

shington Seattle, Wa

Ochos Rios

Choosing an affordable spring break destination is a balancing act: You want the prices of accommodations, dining and airfare to be low, but you are still seeking high-quality nightlife, ample relaxation and warm weather. So to help you narrow

Lowes Coronad o Bay

it down, we’ve compiled a list of the best cheap spring break spots by taking into account all of these spring and summer.

criteria, as well as insight from travel experts and our readers.

Washington D.C . Blossoms

eum onian Mus The Smiths Kauai Hawaii

Smuggler’s Notch Resprt



Why Do our


Cheat By Dr. Laurence Ajaka Cheating has become a notable trend that is raising much concern. It’s now happening in smaller classes after being mostly restricted to lectures.

Students have no qualms about taking the work done by those who took the course before them or any paper done that would fit the criteria. They also widen their scopes by plagiarizing from professional sources from the internet. Instead of focusing on the results of cheating which are obvious, the underlying causes should be the main focus. Each problem is an amalgamation of a host of reasons, but this one has two direct ones that stand out from the rest. Most of the students are working part or even full time. They often fail to balance between work and studying. Instead of cutting down on work hours or taking

less courses, the lazy ones will cheat rather than put in more effort. Probation is another looming boogieman that worries everybody. Students want to get the best grades possible in as many courses possible, and they aren’t above cheating to do so. The most prevalent reason for cheating is that it’s now a subculture in many communities. Students are constantly exchanging and molding old material to fit their current assignment. But what is one to expect when even politicians, the supposed moral compass, are setting such an intriguing example? When the rich and successful members of society seem to thrive on corruption, it’s no wonder the younger generation would go down that path.

The consequences are easier to observe than the causes. The instructors are rejecting any and all submissions that have been plagiarized in one way or another. They also go out of their way to modify questions to make it impossible to cheat. Exams are being monitored by more proctors. In-class work instead of homework is used to better assess the students’ capabilities. But the party damaged most by this phenomenon are the students who will spend so much time relying on cheating that they fail to gain the skills they ought to have. This will lead to the dire consequence of becoming failures.

Subculture is the number one reason for cheating. Instructors are showing zero tolerance to the rise of cheating during the last decades by adopting harsh measures. It would be more beneficial to instead educate the students on the dangers of cheating and convince them that it’s better to put in honest work to reach their goals.



‫ُ‬ ‫ّعليم‬ ‫موهبة الت‬ ‫ِ‬

‫حنين‬ ‫‪١‬‬

‫ت‬ ‫حلو� و ظالل املدى‬ ‫ي‬

‫و نغمة الفرح ب�الرجاء‬

‫لست يغ� حبيبة و ملهمة‬ ‫عنوان امل و بلمس رجاء‬ ‫ن‬ ‫‪،‬ا�جيك صبحا‬ ‫‪.‬اعانقك مساء‬

‫‪Notalgia‬‬ ‫‪by Elias Ajaka‬‬


‫آه بيتنا‬

‫سند�نة‬ ‫و قد حرسته‬ ‫ي‬

‫يه ملعب البالبل‬ ‫ف ّ‬ ‫اشتاق غفوة ي� ظلها‬ ‫و ت‬ ‫اس�احة و نت�يدة وفاء‬ ‫اشتاق ملسة جذهعا‬ ‫ق‬ ‫‪.‬و ارتشلف �وة املساء‬

‫ف‬ ‫الياس جعاقة ب�ريس ي�‬

‫‪٢٠١٦/٠١/ ١٦‬‬


‫ف‬ ‫صنو�ات‬ ‫ي� حديقتنا غرست‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ت‬ ‫اف�شت جدار البيت‬

‫‪ .‬و امتنعت عىل الدخالء‬ ‫عصاف� الدار ف� ئ‬ ‫افيا�ا‬ ‫ّغردت‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫و َسحت يال�مات‬ ‫‪٣‬‬

‫تطلعت اىل حديقة الدار‬ ‫سي ت‬ ‫و قد ّ‬ ‫ج�ا أرزة الرب‬

‫و ت‬ ‫أعاص� الفناء‬ ‫مح�ا من‬ ‫ي‬ ‫أرزة ش�خت و علت‬ ‫�غ‬ ‫‪ .‬ر قذائف الطغاة‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫شظا�م‬ ‫شو ته�ا‬ ‫ي‬ ‫‪.‬فارتفعت ملعبا بلل�اء‬

‫ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ُ ّ‬ ‫‪،‬ه هبة وموهبة من هللا‪ ،‬ورغبة‬ ‫همنة الت ِي‬ ‫عل� ي‬

‫‪The Window to the Soul‬‬ ‫‪Serge Korkomaz‬‬

‫خالقي ّال ت� َ‬ ‫ب‪ �.‬ي أ ّ‬ ‫سبق ذكرها‬ ‫لق� ال ةِ ي‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ آ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫لنسلط ّ‬ ‫الض َوء عىل ّ‬ ‫الوقت الن‬ ‫حان‬ ‫أمهيةِ‬

‫ُ‬ ‫ف� ّالتعل� ّ ةُ‬ ‫سال ّالروحية‬ ‫ي ِ ‪.‬الر‬ ‫ّالر ةِ‬ ‫سال ّالروحيةِ ي‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫املعل‬ ‫منبثقة من ف ِلك الد ي ن� والروحانيات‪.‬عىل ِ‬

‫ُ ّ ف ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫و� ُ‬ ‫الطالب َ‬ ‫بات‪ ،‬ي ز‬ ‫رع‬ ‫نم ي�‬ ‫روح إال ي� ِان والث ِ‬ ‫أن ي ي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫َ ّ‬ ‫نفوس املتعل ي ن�‪.‬وذلك‬ ‫روح احملبةِ والغبطةِ ي� ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ أ‬ ‫املسافة نبي�م ي ن‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ال يّ‬ ‫ساس‬ ‫وب� هللاِ ‪ ،‬احملور‬ ‫سيقرب‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫مصدر ّ‬ ‫ف� ِت‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫جاح لدى‬ ‫الن‬ ‫هو‬ ‫ان‬ ‫�‬ ‫ال‬ ‫‪،‬‬ ‫م‪.‬إذا‬ ‫حيا�‬ ‫إ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ومنبع ّ‬ ‫الص ب ِ�‬ ‫املتعل ي ن�‬ ‫املعل ليمكل‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫والعطاء لدى ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫عليمية ب�سب ّالتنشئة ّالر ّ‬ ‫رسالته ّالت ّ‬ ‫وحيةِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫‪.‬ا ّ‬ ‫لصحيحةِ‬

‫ُ‬ ‫ف� الخ ِ ُ ّ‬ ‫همنة ّ‬ ‫الص ب ِ�‬ ‫عل� يه‬ ‫تام‪،‬همنة الت ِي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫شُ‬ ‫ةُ‬ ‫املتعل ّ ُ‬ ‫يعي�ا ّ ُ‬ ‫‪.‬فاملعل هو‬ ‫املعل مع‬ ‫حياة‬ ‫ورسال ٍ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫واملنبع ّالذي ال �توي ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫منه املتعل‪،‬‬ ‫ملك همن ِته‪،‬‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ّ ّ ً‬ ‫أّ‬ ‫لالس�ادة ُ‬ ‫منه طول حيا ِته لن‬ ‫ويظل متلهفا ت ز ِ‬ ‫ّ ُ أ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫َ‬ ‫سالح املعرفة هو الس‬ ‫الح القوى ي� معركةِ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫جواز ّ‬ ‫أ�‪ّ ،‬الت ي ُ‬ ‫الس ِفر إىل‬ ‫عل� هو‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫احلياة‪ .‬ب� ي ي‬

‫ً‬ ‫ْ ُ ف‬ ‫نسان أوال‪.‬‬ ‫الق� إ‬ ‫وال ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫املستقبل ويكن ي� معرفةِ ي ِ‬

‫بقلم سريج قرقماز‬

‫ّأما إذا ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫الغوص ف� ن‬ ‫امل�جيةِ ّالتعليميةِ ‪،‬‬ ‫أرد ن�‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ن ِّ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫الب حيث‬ ‫� حلقة‬ ‫تواصل يب� املعل والط ِ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ً ً‬ ‫ً ف‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫صغاء دورا فعاال وديناميكيا ي�‬ ‫يلعب‬ ‫عنرص إال ِ‬

‫ّ‬ ‫أ ف‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫هذه‪.‬و� ت ي� ي� املرتبةِ الثانيةِ عنرص‬ ‫واصل‬ ‫ي‬ ‫معليةِ الت ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫تّ ز‬ ‫ستيعاب‪ ،‬الذي يُ� ِّه ُد إيصال‬ ‫ِوال‬ ‫ك� واالنتباه إ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ال� ي ِ‬ ‫امل ِرسل إىل ُ‬ ‫الفكرة بوضوح من ُ‬ ‫امل َرسل إليه‪.‬‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ٍ‬

‫ُ أ ُ �غ ً ّ ُ ّ‬ ‫الب‬ ‫وهكذا تكون الجواء تنا ية‪ ،‬مما يتيح للط ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫نخ َ‬ ‫َ ف‬ ‫ّ ّ‬ ‫عليم الذي‬ ‫اال�راط واالندماج ي� هذا الج و الت ي‬ ‫ف‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫تبادل املعرفةِ‬ ‫يؤدي إىل نتيجةٍ مرضيةٍ ي� معليةِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أ‬ ‫‪.‬ب� الفر ي ن‬ ‫ين‬ ‫هداف مكتسبة‬ ‫يق� لتكون ج� ُيع ال ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ّ ّ ة أ‬ ‫ُ آ‬ ‫ف‬ ‫سال الخالقيةِ ي�‬ ‫وننتقل الن إىل أمهيةِ الر ِ‬ ‫َ َّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫طل ُب من ّ ّ‬ ‫عل�‪.‬يت‬ ‫مليذ إال ت زل� َام‬ ‫املعل والت ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫همنةِ الت ي ِ‬

‫أ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ال ّ‬ ‫خالقيةِ ‪ ،‬وما ّ‬ ‫ال ق ي ِّ‬ ‫ج‬ ‫تتضم ُن‬ ‫خال�‬ ‫طار‬ ‫والوا�ةِ‬ ‫ب� إل ِ‬

‫من يق� ساميةٍ مثل إال ت‬ ‫صغاء‪،‬احلوار‪،‬‬ ‫‪،‬ال‬ ‫ح� ِام إ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫عاون ّ‬ ‫‪،‬الصاحةِ ّ‬ ‫‪،‬املثا� ِة ّ‬ ‫‪،‬احملبةِ والثقةِ ‪.‬‬ ‫الت ِ‬ ‫‪،‬الص ب ِ� ب‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُّ ُّ‬ ‫فاملعل ي�ثل ج‬ ‫وا�ة املدرسةِ والبيئةِ ال ت ي� ت� ب َّ� يف�ا‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ ُ ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫قَ ُ‬ ‫أخال�م تو� تَ ُ‬ ‫تعكس‬ ‫والتمليذ مرآة أههلِ ال ت ي�‬ ‫بي�م‪.‬‬ ‫ً ّ ة أ‬ ‫جرس العبور ت‬ ‫الخالقية يه ُ‬ ‫الح� ِاف‬ ‫إذا الرسال‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ُ ن ّ‬ ‫َ ّ‬ ‫تُ ُ‬ ‫الب‬ ‫عل�‪ ،‬وهكذا �مس احلدود يب� الط ِ‬ ‫عامل الت ي ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ ُ َ‬ ‫معل ّلك واحد ش�ط أن َّ‬ ‫يتمت َع‬ ‫واملعل‪ ،‬يو�دد‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ِ‬

‫ّ‬ ‫ُ ت َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫عل�‬ ‫تولد مع الش ِ‬ ‫خص الذي ي� يد اح�اف عامل الت ي ِ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ليجعل منه قرصا لملعرفةِ ‪ ،‬ومنبعا للثقافةِ ‪ ،‬وعاملا‬ ‫َ أ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ورساجا ِّ‬ ‫جيال‪ »:‬أجيال‬ ‫بداع‪،‬‬ ‫ينو ُر درب ال ِ‬ ‫إلل ِ‬

‫ُ‬ ‫‪».‬البعض ب ُ‬ ‫ض‬ ‫يعت� ّالت ي َ‬ ‫واملستقبل‬ ‫والغد‬ ‫عل�‬ ‫احلا� ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫آ‬ ‫ً ةً‬ ‫الخر ُ‬ ‫فيجدها‬ ‫هسل وبسيطة‪ّ ،‬أما البعض‬ ‫همنة‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ً ّ ً‬ ‫‪،‬حيث ّ‬ ‫وال ت‬ ‫ج�اد‬ ‫همنة صعبة ومعقدة‬ ‫الص ب� إ‬

‫ّ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫وبصف�‬ ‫إل‬ ‫مها مفتاحا النجاح يف� ب‬ ‫ا‪�.‬لنسبة ّي‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ةً‬ ‫تُ‬ ‫ومعل ومع ي ن‬ ‫أستاذ ّ ٌ‬ ‫خ� ت ي� يف�ا‬ ‫رسال‬ ‫وجد�ا‬ ‫سن� ب‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ً‬ ‫تعليمية‪،‬إنسانية‪،‬أخالقية وروحية مؤلفة من‬ ‫ُ َّ‬ ‫ُْ‬ ‫كب� ي ن‬ ‫ين‬ ‫واملتل ق ي�‪ »،‬واملقصود‬ ‫املل ق ي�‬ ‫ت�‪»:‬‬ ‫حلقت� ي ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ُّ ّ‬ ‫والط ُ‬ ‫الب‬ ‫‪.‬هنا املعل‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ً ُ‬ ‫التعل� يه عالقة إنسانية قبل‬ ‫بداية‪،‬همنة ي‬

‫ٌ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ُ ن‬ ‫املر�‬ ‫أن تكون تعليمية ي‬ ‫‪.‬ه عالقة تفاعلية يب� ب ي‬ ‫أ أ‬ ‫ُ ِّ ُ أ‬ ‫ش ئ‬ ‫خت‬ ‫والنا� ب�يث يكون‬ ‫املعل اكل ِب وال ِّم وال ِ‬

‫ّ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أ ِّ‬ ‫الط ُ‬ ‫والبنةِ ‪.‬إذا‬ ‫والعائل‪ ،‬ويكون‬ ‫والخ‬ ‫ةِ‬ ‫اكل ب ِ ن� إ‬ ‫الب إ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫يه جمموعة من الحاسيس واملشاعر ال ت ي� ت� بط‬

‫ّ‬ ‫نً َ‬ ‫ب� ّ ِّ‬ ‫ما ي ن‬ ‫إنسا� مثل‬ ‫مليذ واعتبار الطالب‬ ‫املعل والت ِ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫وعليه واجبات يُو� ُ‬ ‫مبدأ إال ت‬ ‫ح� ِام‬ ‫يمن‬ ‫ُهل حقوق ِ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫ةُ ّ‬ ‫ةُ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫القلب‬ ‫املعل يه‬ ‫رسال ٍ‬ ‫بي�ما‪.‬إذا رسال ِ‬ ‫حياة من ِ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫الب‪،‬ومن ث َّ�‬ ‫العقل للد ِ‬ ‫قلب الط ِ‬ ‫خول إىل ِ‬ ‫قبل ِ‬ ‫امع إال ت‬ ‫‪.‬إىل عقهلِ ُلتثمر فيه ب� َ‬ ‫ج� ِاد‬



By Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac eing a mother is one of my greatest achievements. Though it has been very challenging, it has brought me more happiness than any other experience in my life. I cherish every moment spent with my family. They say it’s our job to teach our children, but they have taught me so much in return when it comes to being patient, loving and appreciative of life. They made me a better person.


I lived 32 years before I embraced motherhood. The ultimate goal of my life remained elusive until I became a mother. The depth of emotions they create in you is so intense, I can’t imagine going through life without feeling every wave of that spectrum. There are those days when it’s all laughter and games, and others when I struggle with every decision to make. They can exhaust me to the point I feel like dropping everything and taking a vacation. With its pros and cons, the highs and the lows, motherhood is the best experience in my life.

No matter how blessed you are, your life will become richer and more vivid with children. It warms my heart to know that I was there to guide them and mold them into the people they grew up to be. On this special day, my love and admiration goes out to every mother. You are the unknown soldiers that fight to raise us into success we become. Even if every day was Mother’s Day, it wouldn’t amount to a drop in the ocean of your love and sacrifice.



‫ولحر ّية الصحافة‪ ...‬حدود‬ ‫ملّا ثار القلم رافضاَ الطغيان‪ ،‬القمع‪ ،‬األحكام الجائرة‪ ،‬ظلم اإلنسان عىل أخيه‪ ...‬خطّت سطور‬ ‫مي مسويّ ًة‪ ،‬هذا‬ ‫الحريّة‪ :‬سطور صبغت بدماء صحافيني متمردين‪ .‬صدح جربان النهار وطلّت ّ‬ ‫قصري وذاك اللوز ّي وأولئك شهداء السادس من أيار‪ :‬شهداء الصحافة اللّبنان ّية‪ .‬صحافيون ال يذكر‬ ‫تاريخهم أنّهم يوماً نعتوا دولة بالكذبة‪ ،‬هم الذين دعوا ورفعوا الصوت وعملوا جاهدين لتكون‬ ‫الصحافة ‪ -‬املكتوبة‪ ،‬املسموعة‪ ،‬املرئ ّية واليوم كل ما له عالقة مبواقع التواصل اإلجتامعي‬ ‫واملواقع اإللكرتون ّية ‪ -‬ح ّرة طليقة تغ ّرد خارج الرسب آخذ ًة بعني اإلعتبار القيم واملبادئ‬ ‫‪.‬واألخالق‪ ،‬وبالدرجة األوىل أخالقيات املهنة‬ ‫لبنان ليس كذبة‪ .‬لبنان عربة تعلّم منها العرب حديثاً‪ .‬لبنان أرز الخلود وموطئ األكابر‪ ،‬لبنان‬ ‫‪،‬الحرف ومنبت الرجال األب ّية‪ .‬لبنان ال رئاسة‪ ،‬ال كهرباء‪ ،‬ال مياه‪ ،‬ال طرقات‪ ،‬ال ضامن شيخوخة‬ ‫ال كتاب تاريخ مو ّحد‪ ،‬ال تنمية مستدامة‪ ...‬لبنان تسييس ال سياسة‪ ،‬لبنان طائف ّية ال دين‪ ...‬هذا هو‬ ‫لبناننا الذي نحب‪ .‬كيف ما كان لبنان فهو ‪ 10452‬كلم مربعاً‪ ،‬من ّ‬ ‫أول الدول التي اعرفت بها‬ ‫األمم املتح ّدة عندما انتهى الحكم العثامين‪ .‬لبنان الكذبة هو الدولة السياح ّية التي يقصدها العرب‬ ‫‪،‬صيفاً وشتا ًء تحديدا ً أبناء الخليج‪ ،‬الذي ما تردد قسم منهم من اإلستثامر فيه‪ .‬لبنان‪ ،‬بلد الرتانزيت‬ ‫واجهة العرب للقارة العجوز والعامل‪ ،‬بلد اإلنفتاح والشعب املضياف‪ .‬لبنان الكذبة هو الرائد يف‬ ‫والطب والهندسة واللّغة والفلسفة‪ ...‬هو الذي يتألّق ويربع أبناءه أينام وجدوا‪ .‬لبنان هو‬ ‫العلم‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫‪.‬املدرسة‪ ،‬فاخجلوا يا تالميذ‬ ‫‪،‬أي صحافة نفتخر ونعت ّز بها تلك التي تتعدى الحدود‪ ،‬وتستبيح الكرامات وتهني الدول والتاريخ‬ ‫صحافة تف ّرغ القيم واملهن ّية من معناها‪ .‬أي صحا ّيف أو رسام كاريكاتور ّي أو صاحب مدونة أو موقع إلكرتوين أو‬ ‫‪.‬مقدم برنامج‪ ،‬ذاك الذي مييس لسان حال الجمهور لوصفه دولة بالكذبة‬ ‫قد يكون املقال متأخرا ً بعض اليشء لقول ما يجب أن يقال‪ :‬ال نقبل حدودا ً مفروضة عىل فكرنا‬ ‫‪.‬وقلمنا‪ ،‬إنّ ا لحريّة الصحافة حدود‬

‫بقلم مريم حرب‬ ‫‪Mag azine‬‬





Buzz. Buzz. Buzz. This hummingbird knows where the goodies are!!! If you have an exclusive and cool photo you would like featured here, submit it to submissions@ ya7elweenmagazine.com


Watch out: It May be a Matter of Emotions

By Dr. Laurence Ajaka

Your emotions are curious things. You can be going about your daily routines perfectly fine only to wake up one morning with a dark cloud hovering over you. You can easily feel sad, anxious, annoyed or simply out of balance for no reason you can pinpoint. Emotional disturbances or imbalances are perfectly normal, and they occur from time to time. They result from temporary situations such as the weather, hormone fluctuation, poor sleep, stress, etc. It’s the emotions that linger for a long time that you need to worry about. They affect your enjoyment of life and your ability to be fully productive. You know it’s time to unclog your emotional block when negative feelings such as depression, anxiety, anger, bitterness, fear or general malaise last for weeks or months. If they persist even longer, they might hold you back from realizing your dreams and living your life fully. Whenever you try to move forward to greener pastures, feelings of low self-esteem, doubt, fear and lethargy will grasp you and hold you static. What you need is to have your emotional state to be clear, simple and peaceful. If not, your number one priority is to use your reserves of mental and physical energy to restore your emotional balance. If you leave these negative emotions untended, they can easily take you down into

a spiral of despair. Worse is that many people do not cry out for help believing it a sign of weakness when nothing could be further from the truth. Seeking help can be the most proactive and life-affirming decision you can make. Reach out to your therapist to help you treat not only the symptoms, but also the root causes of negative emotions. Otherwise, you are just piling on more emotional baggage.

Aside from professional consultation, you can help yourself with exercise, meditation, proper diet, walking in nature, spending time with supportive friends and making sure your days are full with positive affirmation. Something as mundane as engaging in a stimulating activity can help keep the blues away. The worst thing you can do is ruminating or overthinking about your problems because repeating these thoughts will only reinforce them and borrow them deeper into your psyche.




‫‪...‬ماذا َوإ ِْن‬

‫ْبع َد َه ْج ٍر‬ ‫فع َل الندامة‬ ‫تَ ْلو ُت ْ‬ ‫قل�‬ ‫أ َد ْر ُت ّ‬ ‫للح ِب ب ي‬ ‫اليمامه‬ ‫عىس تُ ّغ ن ي� ٓ‬ ‫للي ِل ْبد ٌر‬ ‫يٓ ُعو ُد ْ‬ ‫المدامه‬ ‫ول ْل ِ‬ ‫كؤوس ُ‬ ‫رماد أُوا ٌر‬ ‫ول ْل ِ‬ ‫الما‬ ‫يذّ ُر ْبرداً‪َ ..‬س َ‬

‫‪ .. Sed ut es res plitnus‬ماذا َو ِإ ْن‬ ‫سيم‬ ‫ِم ْن نَ ٍ‬ ‫الخزامى‬ ‫َخ ٓطف ُْت ْ‬ ‫زه َر ُ‬ ‫بيب َشذاه‬ ‫ع ْط ُر َ‬ ‫الح ِ‬ ‫الوسامه‬ ‫أ ٓل ُ‬ ‫وان ّكل َ‬ ‫وهمي َبو ْهمي‬ ‫ضيع ْ‬ ‫يَ ُ‬ ‫عي ن ي� غَمامه‬ ‫ِومل ُء ْ‬ ‫ت ْل ّت ُف بَ ي ْ ن� ضلوعي‬ ‫مستهامه‬ ‫قصيد ًة ْ‬ ‫إن تهادى‬ ‫لعاشق ْ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫عت ا ْل ُف قامة‬ ‫َتخ ّش ْ‬ ‫‪ ..‬ماذا َو ِإ ْن‬ ‫ْأو َش ْت‬ ‫شفاه كالما‬ ‫ا ْل ي ن ُ‬ ‫ع� ل ْل ِ‬ ‫همس ٍات‬ ‫و َفك ْ‬ ‫ْفكت َ‬ ‫وهامه‬ ‫أ ْزرا َر ‪ ...‬آه َ‬ ‫أهديكَ‬ ‫الح َب ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫فخامةُ ّ‬ ‫ال ُ‬ ‫المالمه‬ ‫أخاف‬ ‫َ‬ ‫إن ْبع َد َه ْج ٍر تَ ْلونا‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫معاً صال َة الندامه‬ ‫‪//‬حياة قالوش ‪//‬‬ ‫‪٢٠١٦/٤/٢٧‬‬

‫***‪.....‬خواطر من ايام زمان‬ ‫بتذكر ب ِ​ِسن صغري‪..‬كنت اتس َّم ْع عا لكبار‬ ‫قال كانو يحكوا ويشكوا كتري‬ ‫كِل ما ت َْس َّمعوا األخبار‬ ‫‪ ....‬بِ َا إنّو‬ ‫العامل كانت مرتاحة‪...‬شغل وقعدة بالساحة‬ ‫والنومة عا الرتاحة‪...‬وما حدا ً عندو أرسار‬ ‫الطّ ْبخة كانت عالبابور‪...‬والخبز عىل التنور‬ ‫ويَ ِّلل َع ْم ياكل مرسور‪...‬وما حدا ً عايش محتار‬ ‫كِ َّنا نِ ْنطُ ْر الرسفيس‪...‬تا نِل َح ْق سوق الخميس‬ ‫بالرِبع كان القميص‪...‬والِ ْغ َريْبي بالقنطار‬ ‫ْول ََّم نِ ْص َحى عا بَكِّري‪...‬نِتْسابَق عال َحواكري‬ ‫تا نْ َد ِّور عا يش تانْيك‪ْ ...‬م َع َّبا ِب َقلْبا ْدنانري‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ومبوسم ال ِع َنب والتني‪...‬نِ ْغفَى نِحنا ْوقَلْقانني‬ ‫تا نِ ْن َز ْل عىل لِكْروم‪...‬نِ ْصحى ِمتْل لِمجانني‬ ‫ب ّدي إستأ ِذن منكم‪...‬هالصفحة إيل وإلكم‬ ‫ِونتابع ايام املايض‪...‬وإتذكّر ْو َذكِّركُم‬ ‫‪..‬تتبع‬

‫صباح شاهني‬



HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY Mother’s Day laughs from around the web!!! These pictures were voted in by our readers! Enjoy!







cially in immigrant communities, parents will decide not to teach their children their heritage language, perceiving it as a potential hindrance to their success in life.

undreds of our languages are teetering on the brink of extinction, and as Rachel Nuwer discovers, we may lose more than just words if we allow them to die out.

Tom Belt, a native of Oklahoma, didn’t encounter the English language until he began kindergarten. In his home, conversations took place in Cherokee. Belt grew up riding horses, and after college bounced around the country doing the rodeo circuit. Eventually, he wound up in North Carolina in pursuit of a woman he met at school 20 years earlier. “All those years ago, she said the thing that attracted her to me was that I was the youngest Cherokee she’d ever met who could speak Cherokee,” he says. “I bought a roundtrip ticket to visit her, but I never used the other end of the ticket.” The couple married. Yet his wife – also Cherokee – did not speak the language. He soon realised that he was a minority among his own people. At that time, just 400 or so Cherokee speakers were left in the Eastern Band, the tribe located in the Cherokee’s historic homeland and the one that his wife belongs to. Children were no longer learning the language either. “I began to realise the urgency of the situation,” Belt says. So he decided to do something about it. Cherokee is far from the only minority language threatened with demise. Over the past century alone, around 400 languages – about one every three months – have gone extinct, and most linguists estimate that 50% of the world’s remaining 6,500 languages will be gone by the end of this century (some put that figure as high as 90%, however). Today, the top ten languages in the world claim around half of the world’s population. Can language diversity be preserved, or are we on a path to becoming a monolingual species?

Since there are so many imperilled languages, it’s impossible to label just one as the rarest or most endangered, but at least 100 around the world have only a handful of speakers – from Ainu in Japan to Yagan in Chile. It can be difficult to find these people too. There are some famous cases – Marie Smith Jones passed away in Alaska in 2008, taking the Eyak language with her – but usually they are older individuals (often in failing health) who don’t advertise their language skills. “The smaller the number of speakers, the harder it is to get an accurate headcount,” says David Harrison, chair of the linguistics department at Swarthmore College, and co-founder of the non-profit Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages.

Even if a number of people still speak it, they might live far apart and so not converse with one other – or in the case of the preColumbian Mexican language Ayapaneco, the last two surviving speakers refused to talk to each other for years. Without practice, even a native language will begin to degrade in the speaker’s mind. Salikoko Mufwene, a linguist at the University of Chicago, grew up speaking Kiyansi, spoken by a small ethnic group in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In 40 years living away from the DRC, Mufwene has only come across only two people who speak the language. On a recent trip to his home village, he found himself searching for words and struggling to keep up with the conversation. “I realised Kiyansi exists more in my imagination than in practice,” he says. “This is how languages die.” Languages usually reach the point of crisis after being displaced by a socially, politically and economically dominant one, as linguists put it. In this scenario, the majority speaks another language – English, Mandarin, Swahili – so speaking that language is key to accessing jobs, education and opportunities. Sometimes, espe-

Speakers of minority languages have suffered a long history of persecution. Well into the 20th Century, many Native American children in Canada and the US were sent to boarding schools, where they were often forbidden to speak their native language. Today, many English-speaking Americans are still hostile towards non-English speakers, especially Spanish ones. Extreme persecution still happens as well. Last August, a linguist in China was arrested for trying to open schools that taught his native language, Uighur. He has not been heard from since. Endangered tongues For these reasons and others, languages are dying all over the world. Unesco’s Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger lists 576 as critically endangered, with thousands more categorised as endangered or threatened. The highest numbers occur in the Americas. “I would say that virtually all the [minority] languages in the US and Canada are endangered,” says Peter Austin, a professor of field linguistics at the University of London. “Even a language like Navajo, with thousands of speakers, falls into that category because very few children are learning it.” If measured in proportion to population, however, then Australia holds the world record for endangered languages. When Europeans first arrived there, 300 aboriginal languages were spoken around the country. Since then, 100 or so have gone extinct, and linguists regard 95% of the remaining ones as being on their last legs. Just a dozen of the original 300 are still being taught to children. But does it matter whether a seemingly obscure language spoken by a few people in one isolated corner of the world goes out of existence? Some people argue that language loss, like species loss, is simply a fact of life on an ever-evolving planet. But counter arguments are abundant. “A lot of people invoke social Darwinism to say ‘who cares’,” says Mark Turin, an anthropologist and linguist at Yale University. “But we spend huge amounts of money protecting species and biodiversity, so why should it be that the one thing that makes us singularly human shouldn’t

be similarly nourished and protected?” What’s more, languages are conduits of human heritage. Writing is a relatively recent development in our history (written systems currently exist for only about one-third of the world’s languages), so language itself is often the only way to convey a community’s songs, stories and poems. The Iliad was an oral story before it was written, as was The Odyssey. “How many other traditions are out there in the world that we’ll never know about because no-one recorded them before the language disappeared?” Austin says. Languages also convey unique cultures. Cherokee, for example, has no word for goodbye, only “I will see you again”. Likewise, no phrase exists for “I’m sorry”. On the other hand, it has special expressions all its own. One word – oo-kah-huh-sdee –represents the mouth-watering, cheek-pinching delight experienced when seeing an adorable baby or a kitten. “All of these things convey a culture, a way of interpreting human behaviour and emotion that’s not conveyed the same way as in the English language,” Belt says. Without the language, the culture itself might teeter, or even disappear. “If we are to survive, to continue on and to exist as a people with a distinct and unique culture,” he continues, “then we have to have a language.” “It’s very hard as an English speaker to understand that,” adds Lenore Grenoble, a linguist at the University of Chicago. “But you just hear that time and time again: that people feel the loss of their language in a very personal way.” Wealth of wisdom Another argument mirrors that of biodiversity conservation. Just as ecosystems provide a wealth of services for humanity – some known, others unacknowledged or yet to be discovered – languages, too, are ripe with possibility. They contain an accumulated body of knowledge, including about geography, zoology, mathematics, navigation, astronomy, pharmacology, botany, meteorology and more. In the case of Cherokee, that language was born of thousands of years spent inhabiting the southern Appalachia Mountains. Cherokee words exist for every last berry, stem, frond and toadstool in the region, and those names also convey what kind of properties that object might have – whether it’s edible, poisonous or has some medicinal value. “No culture has a monopoly



on human genius, and we never know where the next brilliant idea may come from,” Harrison says. “We lose ancient knowledge if we lose languages.” Finally, languages are ways of interpreting the world, and no two are the same. As such, they can provide insight into neurology, psychology and the linguistic capacities of our species. “Different languages provide distinct pathways of thought and frameworks for thinking and solving problems,” Harrison says. Returning to Cherokee, unlike English it is verb rather than noun-based, and those verbs can be conjugated in a multitude of ways based on who they are acting upon. And depending on the suffix, speakers can indicate whether a noun is toward or away from them; uphill or downhill; or upstream or down stream. It’s a much more precise way of dealing with the world than English. “There’s a misconception that these languages are simple just because many are unwritten,” Turin says. “But most have incredibly complex grammatical systems that far exceed that of English.” Scramble to save For all of these reasons, linguists are scrambling to document and archive the diversity of quickly disappearing languages.

Their efforts include making dictionaries, recording histories and traditions, and translating oral stories. “If there’s really good documentation, then there’s a chance that these languages could be revitalised in the future even after they cease to be spoken,” Turin says. Without speakers or persons interested in revitalising them, however, these efforts are like “preserving languages as museum artefacts”, Mufwene says. After learning that his language was poised to disappear, Belt and other concerned Cherokee speakers in the Eastern Band began discussing how to save the language. Belt volunteered to teach Cherokee lessons at a local school, for example, and eventually the tribe decided to create a language immersion school for children, where core classes –including science and math – are taught in Cherokee. Cherokee language is now also offered at the local university, where Belt teaches. “The Eastern Cherokee are one of the ones really quietly working on their own language revitalisation programs,” says Bernard Perley, an anthropologist at the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. “But no-one ever hears about the work they’re

doing.” There are also a few examples of languages being revived even after actually going extinct. By the 1960s, the last fluent Miami language speakers living in the American Midwest passed away. Thanks largely to the efforts of one interested member of the Miami Nation tribe, however, the language is now taught at Miami University in Ohio. “The Miami Nation asked, what if the experts are wrong? What if the language is only sleeping, and we can awaken it?” Perley says. “They changed the rhetoric from death to life.” Tech support To an extent, technology can help these efforts. “Many speakers are using technology to do really interesting things that were not imaginable a generation back,” says Turin. For example, a version of Windows 8 is available in Cherokee, and a Cherokee app allows speakers to text in the language’s 85 letters. A multitude of sites devoted to single languages or languages of a specific region unite speakers and provide multimedia teaching tools, too, including the Digital Himalayas project, the Diyari blog, the Arctic Languages Vitality project and the Enduring Voices Project.

Thanks to the Eastern Band’s efforts, today around 60 of their children can speak Cherokee – a much better statistic than when Belt moved to North Carolina in 1991. Belt, along with countless other speakers of rare and endangered languages, is not ready to let his language fade into history – even if the journey toward revitalisation is an uphill one. As an elder told Belt years ago: “It’s all well and good that y’all want to do this, but remember, they didn’t take it away overnight, and you’re not going to get it back overnight.”


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INTEREST A small collection of interesting 2016 tidbits!

TOPICS SILENCE IS MORE IMPORTANT TO THE BRAIN THAN WE PREVIOUS THOUGHT In silence the brain is able to let down its sensory guard and restore some of what has been ‘lost’ through excess noise.

Travelling is not just a way to kill your boredom- there’s lot more to it than that. Travellingcanreallyboostyourintelligence.

TR AVEL !!! The physical and mental workouts involved with travelling, rid your mind of stress. As you become stress-free, you are more able to focus on tasks, observations, and deepening your understanding of subjects.


Music has the power to invoke complex emotions and psychological states. Various researchers have shown that both listening to music and playing a musical instrument increases memory capacity. Playing a musical instrument also teaches you patience and perseverance for it takes time and effort to learn to play a musical instrument. It also sharpens your concentration.

If you are lonely, depressed, anxious, or bored, just open your newspaper and solve a crossword puzzle. This will help you to relax, keep your mind engaged, and just have fun! If you are not a puzzle person, you don’t have to be. Just give crossword puzzles a try and you’ll be hooked in no time!

Every new place you travel to offers new things to learn. You encounter diverse people, food, culture, lifestyle and society while travelling, which puts you in touch with ideas you might never have thought of previously. Wherever you go, take a book with you. When I leave the house, I always make sure to have my drivers license, my keys and my book, at a minimum. The book stays with me in the car, and I take it into the office and to appointments and pretty much everywhere I go, unless I know I definitely won’t be reading (like at a movie). If there is a time when you have to wait (like at a doctor’s office or at the DMV), whip out your book and read. Great way to pass the time.

Give your brain a workout

Unlike drinking alcohol every day, drinking black coffee actually improves your liver. It’s been shown that people who drink four or more cups of coffee a day (24+ oz., or two “Tall” cups from Starbucks) have as much as an 80% lower rate of cirrhosis of the liver. People who drink this same amount also have as much as a 40% lower rate of developing liver cancer.

Regularly exercising your brain maintains its growth and can even spur development of new nerve connections that will help improve memory. Exercise encourages the brain to work at an optimum level by stimulating nerve cells to multiply, thus strengthening their interconnections and protecting them from damage. Memory, like muscular strength, requires you to exercise it for the best functioning. The more you use your brain, the better you’ll be able to process and grasp information. Challenge your brain with puzzles and games and try new challenging tasks that will make you flex your brain muscles.



‫ما تَب َّ‬ ‫َقى لنا ا‬ ‫فعالم ال ي ن‬ ‫ال� ْيد‬ ‫َ‬ ‫أنت وال ب‬ ‫تأت� ِ‬ ‫إنّا عرفْنا بعدما يَ ِب َس ْت َدوالينا‬ ‫الخوا� ْ ن ز‬ ‫رسها‬ ‫معانا َة‬ ‫بي‬ ‫وه َي ِ‬ ‫ت� ُف َّ‬ ‫ش‬ ‫البدن‬ ‫عانيه‬ ‫غ�‬ ‫ء‬ ‫ي‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫الروح يدركُ ما يُ ِ‬ ‫�َ َ‬ ‫ال ي‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫خليج أحزا�ن‬ ‫دمت ِ‬ ‫ما ِ‬ ‫أنت َ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫عرقلةَ‬ ‫السف ُْن‬ ‫البحر‬ ‫موج‬ ‫طيع‬ ‫س‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫فلن يَ ْ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫*****‬ ‫غ� نا ْر‬ ‫أنا ٌ‬ ‫موقد من ي ِ‬ ‫ُّ‬ ‫انكرسنا فجأ ًة‬ ‫إذا‬ ‫المساء‬ ‫من‬ ‫يظل‬ ‫ماذا‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫وعىل الحكايا‬ ‫الصمت الستا ْر؟‬ ‫أسد َل‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫وتجم َع الفقرا ُء َ‬ ‫هم‬ ‫حول ِ‬ ‫هموم ْ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫البعيد‬ ‫يجرؤون عىل الحديث عن‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ويحا ُر ٌ‬ ‫سيحمل صور ًة للمعتدي‬ ‫طفل هل‬ ‫للفقيد‬ ‫أو‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫تدرين كم ك ّنا صغاراً‬ ‫َ‬ ‫الرغيف عىل ن ز‬ ‫وح‬ ‫ال�‬ ‫نا‬ ‫أج�‬ ‫ح�‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ب‬ ‫ي نَ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫الوطن‬ ‫عن‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ض‬ ‫ِّ‬ ‫أقسمنا بأنّا‬ ‫َ‬ ‫الخ�” ْ‬ ‫وأمام “تل ن ِ‬ ‫ح� ير ُ‬ ‫تحل‬ ‫نرجع ي‬ ‫سوف ُ‬ ‫الجرا ُد عن البال ْد‬ ‫الحزن ُ‬ ‫أنا يا أُ َخ َّيةُ منذُ‬ ‫أحمل ف ي� دمي‬ ‫ذاكَ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫السن�‬ ‫ِم ْندي َل ِك‬ ‫المنسوج من تعب ي ن ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫الصباح بنا ونحن‬ ‫شأن‬ ‫أخت ما ُ‬ ‫يا ُ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫عون عىل الهموم‬ ‫فمو َّز َ‬ ‫الزمان‬ ‫نصلب الؤيا عىل باب‬ ‫يوم‬ ‫ي� ِّكل‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ونجو ُع للدنيا ويمنعنا الحيا ُء من البكاء‬ ‫*****‬ ‫ف‬ ‫عي ْني ِك‬ ‫أجل ذاكَ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫الحزن ي� ْ‬ ‫من ِ‬ ‫َّأج ْل ُت الدما ُر‬ ‫ً‬ ‫أنا لم ْ‬ ‫باب‬ ‫متلبسا بهوى‬ ‫القصيدة َ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫خلف ْ‬ ‫أزل ف ِّ‬ ‫الضلوع وال ُ‬ ‫اب‬ ‫يخفق ي�‬ ‫ما زال ُ‬ ‫يقول أنا الرس ْ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫اهن� عىل دمي؟‬ ‫وتر ي ن َ‬ ‫ووجه مستعا ْر‬ ‫دون‬ ‫أحب ِك َ‬ ‫أقنعة ٍ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫أنا من َّ‬ ‫ين‬ ‫شكاة‬ ‫بال‬ ‫وتحاول�‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ح� ت َّت ِس ُخ الحياة‬ ‫يكون‬ ‫الموت حلواً ي‬ ‫أن َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ت‬ ‫السن�ن‬ ‫مندي ُل ِك‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫عود� هذي ي‬ ‫المرسوق َّأخ َر ي‬ ‫ولسوف ُ‬ ‫عيونك قصةَ الح ُل ِم الذي‬ ‫أعرف من‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫قتلو ُه ف ي� َو َض ِح النها ْر‬

‫عمر شبلي‬

‫عيناك ُ‬ ‫الوطن‬ ‫تفاصيل‬ ‫أجمل ما تبقَّى من‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫إليهما‬ ‫ء‬ ‫المسا‬ ‫آوي ن َ ْ‬ ‫خرج ُت من الشتا ْء‬ ‫فأُ ِح ُّس يّأ� قد ْ‬ ‫أقرب للسما ْء‬ ‫رصت‬ ‫وأُ ِح ُّس ن يّأ� ُ‬ ‫خليج َأحزا�ن‬ ‫دمت ِ‬ ‫ما ِ‬ ‫أنت َ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫عرقلةَ‬ ‫السف ُْن‬ ‫البحر‬ ‫موج‬ ‫طيع‬ ‫س‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫فلن يَ ْ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫مر ًة‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ه‬ ‫وج‬ ‫ضاع‬ ‫قد‬ ‫ُ ِ ّ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫وضاعت مرحلةْ‬ ‫م�‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ّي‬ ‫ن‬ ‫أضعت مدينةً‬ ‫فعرفت يّأ� قد‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫معروشةً‬ ‫بالياسم� وبالنسا ْء‬ ‫ِي‬ ‫الحب كان المشكلةْ‬ ‫أن‬ ‫وعرفت ّ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫*****‬ ‫ين‬ ‫حباً أن َّ‬ ‫صامت�‬ ‫جرح‬ ‫نظل َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫إن كان ّ‬ ‫أمام ٍ‬ ‫تجمعوا‬ ‫َ‬ ‫فعالم ِ‬ ‫يعذلنا الذين َّ‬ ‫خلف الجدا ْر‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫صخرة‬ ‫مجر ُد‬ ‫وط�‬ ‫من‬ ‫ظل‬ ‫قد‬ ‫ما‬ ‫أن‬ ‫لو‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ي َّ‬ ‫ط�ن‬ ‫ور ُ‬ ‫كام ي ف ْ‬ ‫أرض‬ ‫�‬ ‫ه‬ ‫ت‬ ‫جد‬ ‫‪،‬لو‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫أي ٍ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ي ِّ‬ ‫ش�‬ ‫لبنان‬ ‫إنما‬ ‫آخر‬ ‫ُ ن ي ي ٌء ٌ‬ ‫يص� ثوبُ ِك‬ ‫أنت ي ف َ‬ ‫هو ِ‬ ‫ح� ي ُ‬ ‫الربيع‬ ‫�‬ ‫عنجر‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫زه َر َ ي‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ج� ي� المسا ُء‬ ‫ح� يُ ِ ُب‬ ‫ق� ّأمي ي‬ ‫هو ُب‬ ‫عىل البكا ْء‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫الجبل الذي‬ ‫هو ذلك‬ ‫قد صار نهد أ‬ ‫ترض ُع ُه‬ ‫رض‬ ‫ال‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َْ َ ِ‬ ‫النجوم من السما ْء‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ويضيع حيناً ف‬ ‫يضيع‬ ‫لن‬ ‫لكن‬ ‫الغيم‬ ‫جبال‬ ‫�‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ِ ْ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫عينيك اس َت ِم ّري بالسنا‬ ‫هو دف ُء‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫الصقيع‬ ‫أموت من‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ن يّإ� ُ‬ ‫*****‬ ‫سمرا ُء‪ ،‬هل ت َتذكَّرين؟‬ ‫خام ِك‬ ‫أنا الذي سك َ​َب الخلو َد عىل ُر ِ‬ ‫سن�‬ ‫من ي ن ْ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫يع� سوى‬ ‫وطن بال‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫عينيك ال ي‬ ‫وط�ن‬ ‫حجر ي ْ‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫ظل ش‬ ‫َّ‬ ‫يستحق دمو َعنا‬ ‫� ٌء‬ ‫إن‬ ‫ُّ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ي‬ ‫الوطن‬ ‫فهو ف ْ‬ ‫تهب‬ ‫ك‬ ‫رياح‬ ‫صدري‬ ‫ما عا ّد ي�‬ ‫ٌ‬ ‫ي َّ‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ئ‬ ‫جديد‬ ‫الموا� من‬ ‫عىل‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫قرب جرحي مر ًة‬ ‫ك‬ ‫ت‬ ‫انتظر‬ ‫وأنا‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ال� ْيد‬ ‫أخرى‪ ،‬ولم ِيص ِل ب‬







Fung Shui Your Home



What is Feng Shui

This is a simple question that can be difficult to answer. Feng shui is an ancient art and science developed over 3,000 years ago in China. It is a complex body of knowledge that reveals how to balance the energies of any given space to assure health and good fortune for people inhabiting it.

The feng shui compass, also called Luo-Pan, is used to access deeper information about a site or a building. It consists of bands of concentric rings arranged around the magnetic needle. Luo means everything and Pan means bowl, which can be interpreted as a bowl that contains all the mysteries of the universe.

Feng means wind and shui means water. In Chinese culture wind and water are associated with good health, thus good feng shui came to mean good fortune, while bad feng shui means bad luck, or misfortune. The ancient Chinese believed that specific land’s energy could either make or break the kingdom, so to speak. The theories of yin and yang, as well as the five feng shui elements, are some of the basic aspects of a feng shui analysis that come from Taoism. The main tools used in a feng shui analysis are the Compass and the Bagua. The feng shui energy map, or bagua, is an octagonal grid containing the symbols of the I Ching, the ancient oracle on which feng shui is based. Knowing the bagua of your home will help you understand the connection of specific feng shui areas of your home to specific areas of your life.

Feng shui offers a variety of cures to improve your life. From the feng shui use of aquariums to attract prosperity to the feng shui use of crystals and fountains; from the right feng shui use of colours to the feng shui use of clocks, there are many ways you can improve the energy in your home or office with solid, good feng shui. It is important to understand that there are several different schools of feng shui, as well as a strong culturally specific symbolic aspect of feng shui that you have to use intelligently. Once you master the basic level of feng shui, you will start seeing powerful results. You will also understand why feng shui is extensively used in both homes and offices all over the world. Although some levels of feng shui are easy to understand and apply, the core knowledge takes years of study. Just like the Traditional Chinese medicine, feng shui knowledge is deep and complex. The more you know about feng shui, the more there is to explore! Here are a few lovely ideas to get you started!









Why do people get sick when the seasonschange? By Ya 7elween Staff People seem to come down with a cold or the flu when the seasons change. But these dramatic temperature changes aren’t the direct cause of these illnesses, experts say. Rather, the temperature shifts permit a different group of viruses to flourish, and it’s these viruses that make people sick, said Dr. Benjamin Kaplan, an internal-medicine physician at Orlando Health in Florida. “Many studies show that rhinovirus and coronavirus are the two main agents of the common cold,” Kaplan told Live Science. “Interestingly, they flourish in cooler weather, such as what we have in spring and fall.” Likewise, the influenza virus replicates and spreads most effectively when the air is cold and dry; “hence, people [tend to] get the flu in the wintertime,” he said. Summer illnesses arise from a combination of several factors. People with seasonal allergies often feel congested and develop runny noses and itchy eyes when they’re near pollen, mold or grass. Their immune systems may go into overdrive as they react to these allergies, leaving them more vulnerable to viral contagions, Kaplan said. However, these summer infections are usually milder than those caught in other seasons, he said. Sometimes, people may mistake their allergies for a cold, Kaplan added. “In fact, it is said that the term ‘hay fever’ actually comes from the time when farmers would be collecting the hay at the end of summer and became ‘sick with fever,’” he said. “But really, they were just suffering from severe exposure to allergens from the fields.” To avoid getting sick, it’s best to follow this commonsense advice: “Practice good hand washing, get plenty of exercise, eat healthy and make sure to get at least 6 to 8 hours of restorative sleep [a night],” Kaplan said. Also, don’t be hoodwinked by flashy cures. Over-the-counter supplements— including Echinacea, vitamin C and zinc — are not significantly effective in preventing or curing colds, according to scientific studies, Kaplan said.











10 Ways to Be a Better Patient

Studies have shown that only 6 percent of doctors are happy with their profession. A lot of their issues can be attributed to health insurance red tape, but it is also important to note that patients have a big impact on their daily morale. Fortunately, people who take the time to become better patients can improve their own health, get better results from each appointment and help their physician have a more satisfactory job experience. 1. Make a List of Symptoms/Complaints The average appointment lasts a maximum of 15 minutes, so it may not be possible for your doctor to answer an extensive list of questions. However, going into the office without having an organized list of symptoms, complaints and questions will make the entire process even less efficient. Sadly, this means that your odds of getting the right diagnosis and any applicable medication will plummet. To avoid this, write everything down in advance so that you are prepared to quickly and accurately report your issues. 2. Research Procedures to Put Yourself at Ease Medical procedures such as MRI, EMG and Nerve Conduction tests may seem intimidating, especially if you are not aware of how they work. To help relieve this tension, you can ask your physician for some printed materials regarding the procedure at hand. It is also easy to find additional details online about everything from how a TeleEMG machine works to what you can expect from a colonoscopy.

Ultimately, the goal is to obtain enough education to set your mind at ease so that you are not extremely nervous when your appointment begins. 3. Be Accountable for Your Healthcare Needs Your primary care physician and any specialists you visit are all part of your healthcare team, but you are the most integral piece. After all, your doctor cannot treat issues that you fail to tell him or her about, and they also cannot force you to do vital things such as take your medication as prescribed. Instead of waiting for a physician to fix something that has gone horribly wrong, you should become accountable for your healthcare needs in order to prevent most issues in the first place. 4. Answer Every Question Truthfully At least 23 percent of patients lie to their doctor, and this is a major issue that can prevent you from getting the care that you need. Surveys have shown that people misrepresent the facts because they are afraid of being judged. However, if your physician makes you feel judged, it is better to find a new doctor than to continue lying. Keep in mind that each question you answer truthfully will get you closer to receiving the information you need to improve your health. 5. Research Your Condition and Help Point Your Doctor in the Right Direction



Some doctors may resist the idea that their patients have been able to find answers by looking up their symptoms online, but it is still wise to research your condition. After all, a primary care physician cannot possibly know everything, and the information you provide may make a major difference in your healthcare. This is especially true for lesser known conditions or medical issues that are commonly misdiagnosed as something else such as female autism. 6. Exercise and Eat a Balanced Diet to Remove Minor Health Complaints Studies have shown that physical inactivity is responsible for almost 17 percent of all deaths, and an unhealthy diet can lead to a long list of health complications, including type 2 diabetes, asthma and cardiovascular disease. Stress is also known to cause at least 60 percent of all doctor visits, but this is something that can be reduced by walking for a mere 30 minutes a day and eating a balanced diet. Taking these two steps is one of the best ways to prevent major health issues and to eliminate minor existing problems. 7. Take Your Doctor’s Time Seriously Most patients are unhappy with the amount of time they wait for their appointment to begin, but this is not a one-sided issue. In fact, many physicians have reported that patients who come late are the major reason that their entire schedule gets off track. Therefore, it is always best to arrive at least 5 minutes before your appointment time, and you should get there 15 minutes early if you have to fill out new patient paperwork. If everyone did this, we would all have more timely start times, and we would also have more time to ask questions. 8. Follow Through on Your Doctor’s Advice Again, your physician cannot force you to take medication or to follow their advice. However, if you do not follow through on the tips that they provide, you will merely further derail your health. If a doctor says something that seems very odd or wrong to you, make sure to ask questions or to seek a second opinion. Otherwise, follow their advice so that you can begin to feel better. 9. Keep a Health Journal A personal health journal, which is also referred to as a health diary, is a great way to track everything that has a positive or negative impact on your body. For example, writing down what you eat and how you feel 30 to 60 minutes later will make it much easier to identify a food sensitivity. Additionally, keeping a journal will help you stay on track with things that make your physical and mental health improve, including exercising. As an added bonus, your doctor will be able to get a better








How to Get Over

A Family Fued



Have you ever had an argument with a family member so intense that you just start to boil inside? The only thing left is for steam to blow through your ears and nostrils profusely. I hate it when they do that!

if they really do love you. They do… It’s just that what you find important, they won’t. What aggravates you is soothing to them.. sometimes. Family can build you too. So don’t feel I’m against loving them because I’m not.

The aggravation from family can really mess up your psyche. How can you feel so connected to someone but have them crush your dreams, hopes and aspirations in a split second?

I don’t care who you are or where you live…I stick to this belief wholeheartedly: The people you love impact you the most to the point you can hurt for a lifetime over something they said or did.

It happens to the best of us. I remember getting offered a placement for University abroad at the age of 16 and asking my grandmother with a thriving business for help. Now, 7 years later… I did NOT go to that University. Why? Take a wild guess. I bawled for days feeling crushed. I remember I wasn’t a religious person at that time but waited for everyone to leave the house and began screaming my throat out to God. All I wanted was for Him to hear me. I told myself I wouldn’t stop screaming until he heard me. Did God say anything to me in that time? Absolutely NOT. Imagine you think you have this one shot to go get a better life. You ask the one person you think could help you and they say no. The rejection was real. I battled within to come to terms with this situation. Anxiety attacks came crashing in. I gave my mom an attitude on autopilot for weeks. The anger bubbled within me. Flash forward to now. Everyday I meditate to keep myself grounded and my energies pure. I’ve worked at this for years after I realized that it’s the only thing that helps because I’ve been aggressive all my life. Why am I telling you this? Because even with so much practice, you’d think I have mastered this. I have… I do manifest everything I absolutely want but just one simple thing from my mom, grandmother or my boyfriend can cut me off my game. It could possibly lead me to depression. That’s how bad it could get. Why? Because they’re the closest ones to me. Don’t get annoyed. The story comes together, I promise. They say and do the sweetest stuff sometimes but the harshest as well. Sometimes it will kick you off your game so much that you wonder

Prevention is better than cure. If you want me to sugarcoat this… Do me a favor and stop reading. If you want the truth, here goes. Sometimes you have to tune out the people you love. Just sometimes. Remember, balance is everything in life. Balance along with faith. You are more than enough with where you are and what you do. You have to figure out a way to start believing that. When someone doesn’t align that much with the desires you have, tune them out CONCERNING that specific subject. Seek the truth by becoming more aware. Become a little more open minded and try new things that may lead you to the answers you seek. People you love will try to suppress the things you believe in just because they don’t believe it. You learn to tune people out by ignoring their ignorance and negativity through practice. Think about something you enjoy while they speak to you. Try remembering the lyrics to your favorite song. Picture that person you have a crush on, exercise, take a trip. Distract yourself from the fact that they’ve become a nuisance. Channel your energy somewhere else. Heck, I don’t care… Just make sure that you become immune to the foolishness. You know yourself better than I do. Find a way! Who are you to suppress someone’s dreams? Better yet, who are you to suppress the dreams you have? Pursuing things you love will give you life so why try to kill it before giving it a fair chance? The story about not going to the University I got into is now a pain point leaning towards understanding. How so?

Values and Differences Well, my grandmother didn’t help because she didn’t believe in education. She gained a great amount of wealth without being trained. Why would she spend hundreds of thousands of her profits on my education? It wasn’t necessary for her so she didn’t see it necessary for me. Never be that ignorant. I however don’t blame her looking back at it. I didn’t enjoy life at that moment because I thought God couldn’t hear me and my ONE chance got blown away. Boy, was I WRONG! I now think of it as God having a bigger and better plan for me. I stayed in the country and struggled for a bit. Through struggling, you learn the most. What does someone learn from trying one simple thing and succeeding the first time? So, as hard as it was, I came to terms with the fact that I had gained a lot of experience and wisdom going through depression and heartache born from trying to find where I belonged. I found it though. Why? Because I persisted in finding the truth. Opportunities are neverending You don’t just get one chance in life. Chances come over and over and over. When you miss one, you don’t really miss it. You align yourself for something grander, something more exciting. Stop walking around and saying your family didn’t give you the opportunity to do whatever they stopped you from doing. There’s always a loophole. I did go to College but ended up dropping out. Why? On my own behalf I didn’t believe enough in the system. Imagine if I had gotten the money from my grandma, went overseas, dropped out and went back without a degree she would be investing in me. She would have been furious. Look at that… It worked out for me. Don’t force it Sometimes we try to force things that really aren’t for us too but that’s a whole other story by itself. Save yourself the hassle and trust your journey. The impact family has on you can either crush your spirit or build it. What do you decide? Are you going to be depressed for the rest of

your life because they don’t have the same vision as you? Or are you going to tune them out and seek the truth on who you really want to be? If you need help deciding, this should help you. You can download it here if you need it for your personal collection; it has highlights and is more relatable. Have an open mind, be hungry for growth and expect new opportunities every day. Don’t be scared to shoot me a message of what you’re going through with a loved one/family member. Change is possible so just keep trying. Big hugs <3



Remember when we surfed the beach instead of surfed the net? Remember when we wrote letters instead of emails? Visited each other’s homes instead of web pages? Rang doorbells instead of Skype calls? Probably not. Well not for the younger generation anyway. Kids these days are spending more and more time in front of the screen, so much that they are in front of a screen from morning until night. So should we draw the line at screens in the bedroom? The Risks Kids become cranky, moody and have the potential to develop behavioural disorders from lack of sleep or from screens affecting their sleeping patterns and health. Light emission from technology can be harmful in regulating a child’s circadian rhythm and cognitive ability. And depending on the content that the child is watching before bed it can largely affect the way their mind settles into sleep. On top of this, if the child is not exercising regularly throughout the day and watching screens instead, sleep and routine are again disrupted and can lead to problems with behaviour. Studies have also shown links with obesity and academic performance. Actress Kristen Bell made headlines when she announced that the film Frozen (watched by billions of children on repeat) had not been seen by her kids, who were too young for TV. Healthy doses of screen time recommended for children is one-two hours per day. Children under two are not recommended any screen time at all.

Why You Shouldn’t Have a Screen in Every Room By Tamara Baker We’ve all heard the Urban Tales about whether the government is secretly spying on us through our TV screens, but did you know that there are other “more important” reasons that we shouldn’t have a screen in every room? Read on to find out why!

Draw the Line Screens should be limited. Other means of communication should be prioritized in order to benefit mental and physical health and determine a positive standard for our children’s future selves. Without a line in the sand our children are dealing with disrupted sleep patterns, non-stop radioactive waves from our phones, stress from a never-ending attachment to society and unfiltered content, and the potential to become completely and utterly withdrawn from the real world. Without limitations and surveillance, our children are spending major amounts of time addicted to the screen world. Without discipline high rates of depression and anxiety become rife as they are disconnected from negative ions, the molecular electrical charges we receive from nature that produce serotonin. It is imperative for our existence that they are around natural things; it is vital for our happiness and well being. And not only

is sleep problematic, children will sleep less, and feel encouraged to text into the night and develop unhealthy habits. Conclusion We still live in the same world that we did before, even though the digital world is palpable within it. We still currently have the same opportunities to enjoy the world as it was before in terms of nature, human interactions, and health and fitness. We must remember to have the discipline to limit time with the screen, to play tennis outdoors with other people instead of inside on Wii, to open textbooks for our children instead of movies. Health and happiness still requires the same things they always have, which is a dedication to the outdoors and to our natural state. We must remain in touch with ourselves and our children through nature in order to be truly fulfilled, healthy and happy. When our children spend so much time looking down at screens instead of looking up at each other, they lose so much more than we realize. They lose some of the magic of life and active engagement with it, but more so, they lose the education of interaction and connection. We shouldn’t teach our children to hide behind screens, we should teach them the courage and productivity of face-to-face interaction. That is something no text message can convey.



Dangers of Black Henna

A British boy who got a temporary tattoo while on vacation in Spain came artists, who may or may not know it’s risks on the skin and are using it home with an unusual souvenir from his trip: a severe allergic reaction to his illegally. body art, a new case report shows. The U.S. Food and Drug The 10-year-old got a temporary “black Administration has received henna” tattoo on the upper part of his numerous reports from consumers who developed bad side effects — arm in the summer of 2015, but the blisters, loss of skin pigmentation, ink caused his skin to erupt in a rash four days after he received the tattoo, sensitivity to sunlight and according to a report of the boy’s case permanent scarring — as a result published today (May 5) in the journal of the PPD found in black henna, according to the FDA’s adverseBMJ Case Reports. events reporting program. “Black henna” tattoo ink is typically Black henna dangers a combination of henna, a relatively safe plant pigment that has a reddishGetting a temporary tattoo while brown color, and a chemical called traveling abroad might seem like para-phenylenediamine (PPD). This a fun way to briefly remember the textile dye is added to blacken the trip, and it may seem safer than a henna and make the tattoo dry quicker and last longer, the case report permanent inking. But just because a tattoo is temporary does not mean said. it can’t be harmful to some people. PPD is known to cause allergic The British boy had the rash for three reactions when it comes in contact weeks before he sought help for it, with the skin, said Dr.Jaya Sujatha according to the case report. Gopal-Kothandapani, a researcher in pediatric endocrinology at the University of Sheffield in England, who In addition to a bad allergic reaction, the boy’s temporary tattoo was involved in the boy’s case. caused him to develop cellulitis, a potentially serious bacterial skin The boy developed redness, an itchy infection. This made his arm swollen, rash and blistering on the outline of the tattoo, which are typical symptoms hot and painful when touched, Gopal-Kothandapani said. of an allergy, Gopal-Kothandapani said. Before this incident, the boy had The 10-year-old was admitted to not suffered from any allergies, nor the hospital and put on intravenous had members of his family, Gopalantibiotics, which helped resolve Kothandapani said. [8 Strange Signs his symptoms of cellulitis within 48 You’re Having an Allergic Reaction] hours, Gopal-Kothandapani said. An allergic reaction to PPD, a chemical A cream containing a mixture of commonly used in hair dye, is relatively steroids and antibiotics was applied to the outline of the tattoo to reduce rare in children compared to adults, Gopal-Kothandapani said. But children inflammation and relieve itching, Gopal-Kothandapani said. who are sensitive to PPD can have a more intense and severe allergic A week after the boy completed his reaction than adults, she said. treatment, his skin remained slightly lighter in the place where the tattoo Black henna tattoos are quite unsafe, had been, but he had no scarring and the inks can have levels of PPD and he recovered fully from the in them as high as 30 percent, Gopalincident, Gopal-Kothandapani said. Kothandapani told Live Science. PPD is currently only approved for Now that the boy knows he is use in hair dyes only at a 6 percent concentration, and neither the U.S. nor allergic to PPD, he needs to avoid Europe permits PPD to be used in any black henna products, such as skin product at any concentration, she hair dyes, in the future, GopalKothandapani said. The child’s said. The inks used may be marketed as “black henna” and applied by street reaction to PPD dye may also have

left him more sensitive to other chemicals, such as black clothing dye, black rubber and PABA sunscreens, she explained. These chemicals are similar enough to PPD to trigger the same reaction, Gopal-Kothandapani said. Because of black henna’s potentially dangerous side effects, artists who perform skin painting should not use the substance in temporary tattoos, she said. But some vendors and many consumers may be unaware of these safety concerns, Gopal-Kothandapani said. She explained that there are clear differences between black henna and the harmless variety. Natural henna paste is greenish in color, smells natural and is considered safe to use on the skin, where it will leave a deep maroon stain. Black henna paste, by contrast, is jet-black, smells like a chemical, stains quickly and may burn the skin, she said.



‫‪From Dream‬‬ ‫‪To Reality‬‬

‫‪By Omar Chebli‬‬

‫‪:‬الشعر وتحول الحلم إىل واقع‬ ‫بدو ٌّي وزوجته وأوالده كانوا يعيشون يف صحراء قاحلة‪،‬‬ ‫وصف الحطيئة‬ ‫‪:‬وينطبق عليهم‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫للب مذ‬ ‫حفا ٌة عرا ٌة ما اغتذ ْوا خب َز ملّ ٍة وال عرفوا ُ ِّ‬ ‫خلِقوا طعام‬ ‫قالت الزوجة لزوجها‪ :‬يحكون أن مدينة جميلة اسمها‬ ‫بغداد وفيها ملك غني كريم‪ ،‬ما رأيك أن تذهب إليه‬ ‫لعله ُيجي ُزك مبا نقيم به حاجتنا‪ .‬وافق الرجل‪ ،‬ولكنه‬ ‫قال لزوجته‪ :‬ما الهدية التي نقدمها لهذا امللك الكريم‬ ‫وتكون جديرة بكرمه؟‪ .‬المنلك شيئاً إال جوعنا وعرينا‬ ‫و ُهزال أطفالنا‪ .‬فامذا نحمل إليه‪ .‬فكّرا كثرياً‪ ،‬ثم قالت‬ ‫الزوجة‪ :‬أنت تدري حاجتنا للامء‪ ،‬وأقرتح أن منأل قربة‬ ‫من ماء السامء مل تفسدها الينابيع‪ .‬وهذا أغىل ما يكون‬ ‫من هدايا فرمبا كان امللك ظآمن وال ماء لديه كامئنا‪.‬‬ ‫فلنفتح القربة‪ ،‬ولنض ْعها يف أعىل الخيمة حتى متتلئ‪،‬‬ ‫ونهدي امللك ماء مل يذق مثله أبداً‪ ،‬ولعل بغداد ال‬ ‫يوجد فيها ماء يكفي للظامء‪ .‬ومل تكن هذه البدوية‬ ‫املسكينة تدري أن بغداد قامئة عىل نهر دجلة!‪ .‬طوال‬ ‫الشتاء والقربة مفتوحة ملاء السامء‪ .‬حزم الزوج أمره‪،‬‬ ‫وحمل قربة املاء قاصداً بغداد‪ .‬سأله الحاجب ماذا‬ ‫تريد‪ ،‬فحىك له قصته‪ ،‬وقال له معي هدية مثينة للملك‬ ‫فضحك الحاجب والقريبون منه وكانت ضجة وصلت‬ ‫إىل مسامع الخليفة‪ ،‬فقال لحاشيته أدخلوه‪ .‬وتقدم من‬ ‫الخليفة‪ ،‬ورشح له فاقته ووعثاء سفره‪ ،‬وقدم له قربة‬ ‫املاء‪ ،‬قائالً إنها من ماء السامء مل يخالطها ماء األرض‪.‬‬ ‫وكان يحيك بتبا ٍه وفخر ألن الخليفة هو بحاجة لها كام‬ ‫يعتقد هذا البدوي‪ ،‬وهي تكفيه ملدة طويلة‪ ،‬وهي أغىل‬ ‫ما ميكن تقدميه‪ .‬تبسم الحارضون يف مجلس الخليفة‪،‬‬ ‫فقال لهم امللك‪ :‬إنها هدية غالية مل تقدَّ م يل هدية‬ ‫تعدلها‪ .‬لقد جاءنا بأغىل ما لديه‪ ،‬وال يجوز أن يرجع‬ ‫‪.‬من بغداد إال بأغىل ما لدينا من عطاء‬

‫الكاتب عمر شبلي‬



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