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Y7 MAGAZINE Lifestyle Magazine


Edy Hourany tells us how it happens and how to prevent it.


Time to be your best self for the SUMMER!

It's Saucy!! Putting Fatima's Grill on the map!!!!

WHEN TALENT BECOMES A GIFT! Dr. Laurence Ajaka highlights the beautiful designs of master architect George Chidiac

An Intellectual Mind Behind a Folksy Facade Welcome to the successful world of Dalida Khalil

Fatima's GRILL

Lebanese-Mexican Fusion 100% USDA Cerfied Halal Meat and Poultry Antibiotic and Hormone FREE

FUSION TACOS, BURRITOS, SHWARMAS, GYROS, BURGERS, HOT DOGS, KIBBEH AND MORE! Fatima‘s Grill 7840 Firestone Blvd. Downey, California (562) 659-7585




Y7 Magazine Jul y 2 0 1 7



Facebook Phishing / Edy Hourany


5 Secrets to a Happier Life / Carla Al Haddad


The Science of Sleep / Carla Al Haddad


Anorexia Nervosa / Dr. Toufic Ajaka


Beach Ready / Natacha Ajaka


Pregnant and Still Sexy / Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac


A Child’s Language Milestones / Carla Al Haddad


A Warrior in Disguise / Carla Al Haddad


Bullying / Carla Al Haddad


When Talent Becomes a Gift / Dr. Laurence Ajaka


New iOS 11 Features / Edy Hourany


Humans and Artificial Intelligence / Reine AKL


An Intellectual Mind Beneath a Folksy Facade / Dr. Laurence Ajaka


An Artist wuth an Eduring Legacy / Dr. Laurence Ajaka


It’s Saucy / April Khan


Touring the Golden State / April Khan

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Y7 Magazine A Li fes t y l e Ma g a z i ne

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Hassan A Farhat Dinah Rashid Dr. Laurence Ajaka April Khan

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How to Prevent

Facebook Phishing By Edy Hourany In Phishing, the hacker creates a fake login page or create a clone of Facebook login page that looks like the real Facebook page. In the next step Facebook, Hacker asks the victim to log in through the fake phishing web page, victim username, and password stored in a hacker computer. • • • • • •

Never login your Facebook account on another computer. Always avoid emails that ask you to log in your Facebook account in the new tab. Never open any spammy links that are given by your friend. Always use Chrome browser, Chrome identifies the phishing page. Use Antivirus on your computer. Make sure you are on facebook.com and double-check the web address.

How to protect yourself from Keyloggers: • • • • •

Install a good antivirus in your computer. Never open your Facebook account on another computer. Always download free software from trusted websites. Never download or get a software from untrusted sources. Always scan a pen drive for viruses.

View Saved Password from Browser: • Never save your login password in your web browser. • Secure your Chrome browser with the password. • Always use the strong password on your Computer.

How to protect yourself from Facebook Mobile Phone Hacking: • Always install a good antivirus in your mobile phone. • Never install unknown apps on your phone. • Always check your phone for suspicious apps.

How to Protect Yourself from Social Engineering Attack: Social Engineering is a simple attack made by a hacker, in this method hacker can collect information about the victim as much as he the can from various methods. If the victim uses a simple password like his birthday date, mobile number, school name, girlfriend name and bike number, a good hacker can easily guess your password and hack your Facebook account. • Never use any simple password in your Facebook account. • Never ever write you Facebook account in any paper. • Many people use the same password in different websites, my advice is never to use the same password for many websites. • Make strong password from this website Random Password Generator. MAGA ZI NE T EMPL A T E / O C T O BER 2013 / www.yourmagazine.c o m



“ Never open your Facebook account on another computer. ” 8

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Never save your Facebook password in your web browser. Hacking your Email Account:

Source Code:

Mainly the first hacker hacks your email account then hack your Facebook account from password resetting.

At Facebook website login pages, you can view masked passwords (******) by changing the password input type as text from inspect element in your browser. This method works in all modern browser. Never leave your PC on with signup page. Anyone can know your Facebook password from this method.

How to protect yourself from Email Hacking? Enable 2 Step authentication in your email account. When you enable this security in your Gmail account, no one accesses your Gmail account without your mobile OTP. Use strong password in your email.

Save yourself from this Attack Never save your Facebook password in your web browser.

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Tabnapping: Recently, you can sign up and make your id on any website from your Facebook account. Many websites are creating a fake login page and asks you to enter your Facebook username and password. In this hack, a hacker creates a fake website and asks user to sign up from you Facebook account.

How to protect yourself from Tabnapping: • Avoid signup from Facebook account, always use trusted websites. • Avoid spyware and freeware software. • Never play free games on untrusted websites.

Simple Logout Scenario: Many users never logout Facebook id from the computer. Anyone can access your Facebook account when you leave your computer. This is the last advice always logout our Facebook account when you leave your computer alone.

Credits go to prophet hackers for their help in writing this article.

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5 Secrets Magazine

for a Much Easier Life By Carla Al-Haddad


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Every person has his own limited beliefs in life that were developed from past experiences and interMagazine actions with others. Some people are convinced that they are not good enough because others are always telling them that at a certain age they should be at a higher point in life. These self-esteem killers need to be stopped. Therefore, we, as independent individuals should need to get into a better mindset that will straighten out our perceptions and limit the amount of negativity that we see and think about ourselves.

The following psychologically proven rules are crucial to living an easier life and will help you to see the world in a whole new light.

People Don’t Care As Much As You Think Being always worried about what others think of us or acting in a way that will meet other people’s expectations is very important to us because everyone is wrapped up in their own problems and insecurities. Always keep in mind that our brain is the only one doing all the work. Most of what we believe is only assumptions that our own mind creates based on past experiences or incorrect perceptions and interpretations. Being you without worrying what others think will go a long way in achieving personal happiness.

We Change Constantly We are not the same person we used to be 10 years ago. Everything has changed: our thoughts, our feelings, our bodies, etc. Our past, present and future selves are all essentially independent because our mindsets change with our lives’ circumstances and experiences. Because of this, we should always be true to our present selves when making decisions. We can never predict what our future self will hold, think or feel. What really matters is the present ‘now’.

Do Not Compare Yourself to Others It is so easy for a person to compare himself with other people due to social media. With social media pressuring many of us to post the best moments, it can be easy to start comparing ourselves to others and seeking the ‘perfect’ life that others have. It is a huge waste of time to believe that people are somehow better than us and have their life sorted out while seeing us for who we really are. Comparisons and feeling inferior to other people are destructive because even the most powerful people have worries, insecurities, and uncertainties inside them.

Your Advice Won’t Always Be Taken Into Consideration Often, when you give an advice, it seems to fall on deaf ears. You feel frustrated because, after all, you just want to help them. The thing is, no one ever really listens to advice unless they happen to be in the right mindset at the right time. At the end of the day, people will only change their mindsets or outlooks through their own realizations and experiences. Therefore, don’t feel ignored or disheartened – you did your bit, now let them work it out.

Control Your Reactions How you react to a problem, an event or a situation is much more important than the situation itself. In life, attitude is everything in how happy you become overall. You can choose to react in a rough way or choose to acknowledge in a better way. In any negative situation, remember to take yourself out of it for a few seconds and reset your mind before reacting. This way, you are training yourself to understand the possible repercussions for others and yourself. In the end, always find decent ways to protect yourself and prevent hitting rock bottom. MAGA ZI NE T EMPL A T E / O C T O BER 2013 / www.yourmagazine.c o m


The Science of



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Magazine A l - H ad d ad

Sleep science is until today a new area of research and scientists are still struggling to define sleep and to agree on its real functioning. Many processes and advanced technologies are being followed in the last decade to discover more about the science of sleep in depth. Modern research into sleep began with the American scientist, Dr. Nathaniel Kleitman. He was the first person to focus his research on the science of sleep, founding the first ever sleep laboratory at the University of Chicago, and publishing his findings for those interested in the field to learn from. Progress in sleep research was later made by Dr. William Charles Dement, one of the first scientists to measure brain activity during sleep using electroencephalography, or ‚EEG‘. Dr. William observed and defined for the first time the different stages of sleep, or ‚sleep architecture‘. According to Carskadon and Dement (2011), Sleep is a “reversible behavioral state of perceptual disengagement from, and unresponsiveness to, the environment”. Sleep is divided into two main stages: rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep and non-REM (NREM) sleep. A person normally enters sleep through NREM sleep but alternates between NREM and REM sleep throughout the night. This process is known as a ‚sleep cycle‘. Sleep cycles tend to last approximately 90 minutes, with good sleepers generally going through 4-5 sleep cycles on an average night. The composition of these cycles changes throughout the night: the first third of the night tends to be made up of greater amounts of slow-wave (deep) sleep. Towards the end of the night, REM sleep dominates, followed by changes in body temperature.

There are 3 types of sleep measurement: 1. Electrical activity in the brain measured by electroencephalography (EEG) and used to differentiate between wakefulness, sleep, and the different stages of sleep. 2. Muscle activity, measured using electromyography (EMG) because muscle tone also differs between wakefulness and sleep. 3. Eye movements during sleep, measured using electro-oculography (EOG). This is a very specific measurement that helps to identify Rapid Eye Movement or REM sleep. This system of assessment is referred to as polysomnography, or ‚PSG‘.

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Anorexia Nervosa

By Dr. Toufic Ajaka Us autate quatust aditi occullu ptatia nossequatem sam, The link between diet, the maintenance of health and the development of diseases has become increasingly evident and recognized in the recent years. Many current causes of death are intimately associated with preventable risk factors like smoking, alcohol, lack of exercise, unbalanced nutrition and anorexia. Anorexia nervosa is characterized by dramatic weight loss and restricted food intake coupled with a great disturbance in body’s image. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by restrictive eating to the point of self-starvation and severe self-induced weight loss. Although anorexia means lack of appetite, it clinically manifests itself as a refusal to eat. The refusal is not for organic reasons, such as stomach cancer, but for psychological reasons which may be the reason of almost all anorexia’s patients. Anorexia is a serious psychological disorder. It is a condition that goes well beyond out of control dieting. The person with anorexia, most often a girl or young woman, initially begins dieting to lose weight. Over time, the weight loss becomes a sign of mastery and control. This drives them to an endless cycle of restrictive eating, often to a point close to starvation. This is said to be an obsession and is similar to an addiction to a drug. Anorexia


Nervosa can be it is spreading very fast in all countries; for example, 1 out of 200 people have anorexia in the United States. Thus to avoid the spreading of this disease, people must have an overview of who is the most affected by anorexia, symptoms, risk factors, complications, and treatments. Most people affected by anorexia nervosa are females, but males can be affected too. The prevalence in women is 0.3 to 3.7%. The peak for such a disease is during adolescence. It begins from early to late adolescence, but it also can be found in children. It triggers stressful events for the individual and the patient’s family. ‎There are several symptoms or clinical diagnoses for discovering whether a person has anorexia nervosa or not. One of its main symptoms is the refusal to maintain weight over minimal normal leading to body weight 15% below ideal body weight. Moreover, there is an intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat even though underweight is another symptom. Other people show the disease by the disturbance in an image of weight or shape (distorted body image), undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation and denial of the seriousness of current low body weight. For females, the disease is

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Magazine characterized by the absence of at least 3 consecutive menstrual cycles. The risk factors of anorexia nervosa are several; some of which are early warning signs or late signs. Some early warning signs are the persistent diet, arrest in weight gain during puberty, social isolation, compulsive exercise and preoccupation with thinness and body image. Also, there is some genetic predisposition on chromosomes 1, 3 and 4. The patient of anorexia nervosa may also have a psychiatric co-morbidity. The patient may also have perfectionism and negative self-evaluation. Other risk factors or causes can be perinatal factors (cephalhematoma, very preterm birth, small for gestational age), eating alone, less than 5 family meals per week and diabetes mellitus-1. An anorexic patient could pass through several complications and problems throughout the disease. It could start with increased mortality and suicide risk, especially if they have severe alcoholic disorders as well as cardiac: sudden death, ventricular arrhythmia and mitral valve prolapsed (reversible). One of the late complications may be osteoporosis. The patient may pass through metabolic disturbances such as hypokalemia and hypothermia as well as endocrinopathy, cognitive changes and severe depression. During adolescence, the patient with anorexia nervosa disease will have infertility and no sexual maturation, while pregnant women who have anorexia nervosa or eating disorder would face anemia, hyperemesis, infants with Typical Anorexia lower mean birth weight and smaller head circumference. Finally, the patient may suffer from hemodynamic, hematologic, endocrine and bone density abnormalities. There are several goals of treating anorexia nervosa. The treatment goals are to restore the patient to a normal body weight as well as treating physical complications. The patient also should learn healthy nutritional and eating habits. The aim of the treatment is making the patient incorporate new habits into his/her daily life. Also, it is for helping him/her to change cognitive perceptions about eating, weight, and the underlying feeling of perfection and control. The treatment goals involve the family in the patient’s recovery and prevent relapse. The treatments that can be used for such a disease are several. To begin with, consider hospitalization if weight < 75-85% ideal body weight or medical DE compensation, but inpatient treatment does not appear more effective than outpatient treatment for initial treatment of anorexia nervosa in adolescents. Moreover, the family treatment and a better behavior by the latter could be a great option. Diet can be also an essential therapy or treatment for the patient. They can lead to a weight gain to reach healthy weight using strict behavioral protocols in order to resume a normal eating pattern. It is a gradual adjustment in nutrient intake and weight progress starting at 1,000-1,200 cal/day to achieve a weight gain of ~ 0.25-0.5 kg/ week. Other than dieting, there are also some medical treatments for anorexia nervosa. Some antidepressants may be used such as Amineptine, Nortriptyline, Clomipramine (to stabilize weight), Fluoxetine (to increase weight), and Venlafaxine. Some other medical treatments are atypical antipsychotics Olanzapinemay which improve obsessive symptoms and accelerate weight gain as well as Amisulpride: 50 mg/day. In conclusion, anorexia nervosa is a disease that can be introduced in a person’s body since his childhood or adolescence. So parents should be aware of the disease, symptoms, risk

Unhealthy view of ones self

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factors and complications in order to protect their children so this disease doesn’t affect them. Also, they should know what treatments could be used for anorexic people while anorexic patients should try their best to develop a better personality and use the treatments in order to overcome their disease. Finally, nutrition and diet are the best ways to keep your body safe and far from all the diseases that may affect your health.

M Vitales. (December 2003). The Importance Of Clinical Factors In Parental Nutrition (Vol. 22). Clinical Nutrition.


9. Jane Morris, Sarah Twaddle. (April 28. 2007). Anorexia Nervosa (Vol. 334). British Medical Journal.

1. A Kipman, P Gorwood, M.C Mouren-Siméoni, J Adès. (July 1999). Genetic Factors In Anorexia Nervosa (Vol. 14). European Psychiatry. 2. Bemis, K. M. (May 1978). Current Approaches To The Etiology And Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa (Vol. 85). Psychological Bulletin. 3. Bhaoill, R. N. (July 1992). Anorexia (Vol. 51). Comhar. 4. Gowers, S. G. (April 2005). Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa In Childhood And Adolescence. (4, Trans.) Psychiatry. 5. Guarda, A. S. (April 22, 2008). Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa: Insights And Obstacles (Vol. 95). Physiology & Behavior.

8. Jacquelyn R. Braisted, L. M. (September 1985). The Adolescent Ballet Dancer: Nutritional Practices And Characteristics Associated With Anorexia Nervosa (Vol. 6). Journal of Adolescent Health Care.

10. Janet Treasure, Geoffrey Wolff. (April 2008). Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa In Adults (Vol. 7). Psychiatry. 11. Lene Mellemkjaer, Charlotte Emborg. (February 2001). Anorexia Nervosa And Cancer Risk (Vol. 12). Cancer Causes And Control. 12. Modjtaba Zandian, Ioannis Ioakimidis, Cecilia Bergh, Per Södersten. (September 2007). Cause And Treatment of Anorexia Nervosa (Vol. 82). Physiology & Behavior. 13. N.A. Stephens, K. F. (February 2008). Anorexia, Cachexia, And Nutrition (Vol. 36). Medicine.

6. Heiden, S. (April 30, 2007 ). What Are The Effect of Anorexia? (Vol. 94).

14. P. Södersten, R. Nergårdh, C. Bergh, M. Zandian, A. Scheurink. (October 2008). Behavioral Neuroendocrinology And Treatment Of Anorexia Nervosa (Vol. 29). Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology.

7. J Llop, P Sabin, M Garau, R Burgos, M Pérez, J Massó, D Cardona, J.M Sánchez Segura, R Garriga, S Redondo, M Sagalés, D Ferrer, M Pons, M Vuelta, X Fàbregas,

15. R. Guerrero-Vázquez, J. Olivares-Gamero, J.L. Pereira-Cunill, A. Soto-Moreno, P.P. García-Luna. (February 2006). Nutrition in Anorexia Nervosa (Vol. 53).

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Beach Ready Written By

Natacha Ajaka

Want to be beach ready? 1- Start with your mental health! Put realistic goals for yourself. As each one of us has their own ideal body weight, set your own maybe by picking the number that makes you feel good while wearing your favorite jeans or that preferred dress of yours. 2- Calculate your body mass index (BMI) as it can be a significant first step in implementing a realistic diet. BMI = weight in kilograms / height in meters x height in meters. 3- If weight loss is your target, burn more than you consume by exercising on regular basis not only when summer is at the door. No need to exhaust yourself and over-train; a 30 to 40 minutes workout at least for 3 times per week will give a boost to that metabolism of yours providing energy to burn more calories.

“Beach ready!” is the first thing that comes to our mind while welcoming summer.The social burden is not only affecting people’s physical well-being, but also their mental health.With all these skinnyill models on famous magazine covers, weight loss promotions, fade diets and/or gym memberships that encourages restrictive regimens, the use of some weight loss pills and many other measures claiming r apid weight loss, people are feeling more and more negative about themselves leading to eating disorders that are destroying their selfimage. I am not saying that wanting to be fit, taking care of your health and meal planning is wrong, but getting carried away especially because of peer pressure may lead to serious health threats attributable to lack of nutrients on one hand and mental stress on another. Depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, decrease/loss of libido, as well as obsessive thoughts about food and/ or stress that may be a trigger by or even a result of the eating disorder are major consequences of poor self-image. As these psychological burdens get more and more intense by the day, one will create potentially dangerous short-term solutions such as purging, self-harm and substance abuse; it might even lead him to suicide, all in order to “free” himself of the weighty negative feelings.


4- Healthy diets are a combination of Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products. Add some protein-rich foods such as poultry, fish, beans, eggs, nuts and lean meats. Pick right by choosing foods that are low in saturated fats, sodium, and added sugars. 5- The worst thing you can do is to skip a meal; your digestion will be get slower, and it will also make you feel lazy thus you make less physical activities. Skipping a meal has been shown to make you feel hungrier when in time for the next meal causing you to consume a huge amount of food. 6- Drink-up! Most of the times, hunger feeling is confused with thirst causing us to eat instead of drinking water and this results in weight gain. The first thing you should do when you are hungry out of meal times is to have a cup of water or two. Do not on any occasion consider juice as an alternative to water as it contains a large amount of rapid acting sugar that will make you gain weight and even feel hungry. Opt for water as a sole hydration option.

Having a healthy body should not be seasonal such as getting Having a healthy body should not be seasonal such as getting beach ready or even occasional such as being able to fit in that beach ready or even occasional such as being able to fit in that wedding dress! By being healthy, you will not only be taking care of wedding dress! By being healthy, you will not only be taking care of your physique, but also boosting your energy, combatting diseases your physique, but also boosting your energy, combatting diseases and improving your mood and mental state.This virtuous circle will and improving your mood and mental state.This virtuous circle will provide you with positivity in a world where peer pressure stands in provide you with positivity in a world where peer pressure stands in between you, your happiness and your well-being. between you, your happiness and your well-being.


Pregnant and Still Sexy Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac

During pregnancy, women’s bodies undergo changes in a different number of ways in such a brief timeframe.

Frequently this can make a lady feel less attractive and be appealing to her partner as she tries to adapt to these changes. There are a variety of approaches to make yourself feel and look as attractive as you genuinely are during pregnancy. First of all, you should keep in mind that it is His baby. Most men find their pregnant partner extremely alluring on the grounds that your bump is confirmation of his virility. Trust me, men frequently find pregnant ladies unimaginably appealing.

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Second, pregnancy lingerie extends with your body while giving you that attractive shape. Don’t be alarmed because I‘m not recommending that you attempt to press into your underwear for a special occasion unless you can at present fit into them. In that case, go ahead and wear them! There are a lot of approaches to look attractive in your underwear paying little mind to how huge your breasts and bump are and how swollen and heavy you may feel. However, if you don‘t favor going for anything excessively extravagant, then you can simply search for something red, in addition to some red lipstick. Third, enjoy a date night. Leave the house, go for something fun and enjoy a dinner for two. If you feel tired and not into doing anything, just remember that you’re going to feel more tired when the baby is born, therefore you should take advantage now because date nights in the future may be rare. It‘s great to dress up and let your partner compliment you. Even just once per week can truly help you and your lover to get some quality time together and keep that spark alight! Sometimes a nice home-cooked dinner, some candlelight, and cuddles will bring back that hot feeling! In addition, I know that it’s easier said than done, but you ought to try to get some rest, nurture your skin, body, and well-being. Get a nail treatment, pedicure, hairdos and excellence treatment. Do all the things that make you feel and look at your best. For instance, with all those pains that pregnancy brings, a massage can really do the trick. It makes you feel super relaxed, and don’t forget to book for your partner as well because it will certainly make them feel loved. It’s best to avoid nasty chemicals during pregnancy, so try a specially formulated natural product to keep your skin healthy and clear. During pregnancy, most women find that their hair, nails, and skin are stronger, shinier and healthier due to pregnancy hormones. Enjoy them! Although pregnancy for the majority of moms is more of a time of sweats and swollen ankles, this doesn’t have to be the case for you! You may not feel particularly sexy at the moment but to many, the pregnant body is sexy in its truest form! Growing a baby is a gift only women were given so the physical changes are something that should be embraced. So to all of you pregnant women out there, appreciate your new shape – you might never look like this again so make the most of it! Being pregnant doesn’t mean letting yourself go. Pampering yourself will make you feel truly beautiful, sexy and relaxed at the same time!

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A Child’s Language Milestones Magazine

Carla Al-Haddad

It is indeed amazing how quickly children become older by the minutes and how those babbles and coos turn into Why? and No! In fact, every stage of a child’s life has its own language milestone that makes it as special as it is. It is extraordinary how every child communicates using different ways according to his own age. From birth to 12 months, a child: • Makes eye contact and smile • Babbles and coos to communicate comfort or happiness • Moves arms and legs to express joy, excitement, or anger • Repeats babbles, such as „da da“ or „ma ma“ • By 8 to 12 months: understands directions, such as putting a hat on his head when told to do so; say his first words

From 1 to 2 years, a child: • Uses sounds and utterances with adult intonation • Begins to combine words • Engages in telegraphic speech — one- or two-word combinations, such as „Daddy come,“ „I Fall,“ or „All gone“

From 3 to 4 years, a child: • Speaks in nearly complete sentences • Uses pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, articles, and possessives • Plays with the language by creating new words and rhymes or repeating chants: „Nicey, dicey, all insidey, apple pie!“ • Asks many why questions, as well as how and when • Tells a simple story, but not in a sequence • Takes turns in conversations, but still, interrupts to talk about himself

From 5 to 6 years, a child: • Continues to expand his vocabulary to about 5,000 to 8,000 words • Articulates his thoughts with an adult-like speech • Is aware that a word can have more than one meaning • Begins to use his language to control every situation • Often misunderstands words and uses them in a humorous way • Carries on with conversations with others, yet still, wants to dominate MAGA ZI NE T EMPL A T E / O C T O BER 2013 / www.yourmagazine.c o m


In the end, every child develops differently. If you‘re concerned that your child‘s speech may be delayed, consult your pediatrician.

A Warrior in Disguide She Is Indeed a Warrior in Disguise Why? You Might Ask She Has Pulled Out Her Arrows That Once Stabbed Her Heart And Used Their Painful Sharp Edges To Draw Her New Path Where That Path Leads To? It Is Headed Towards the Awakening Of What? The Awakening of Her Dead Dreams That Were Once Buried By Whom? Buried By Her Beloved Ones Buried By Whom She Thought Was… The Most Important In Life

Carla Al-Haddad


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Dr. Randa Magazine Saliba Chidiac

C-Section or Normal Birth? What are the differences?

There are two ways for babies to come to this world, either through normal birth or through Cesarean Section. C-Section is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother‘s abdomen and uterus. In certain circumstances, a C-Section is scheduled in advance. In others, it‘s done in response to an unforeseen complication. Whether normal birth or C-Section, the main goal is to securely deliver a healthy baby. What are the reasons behind choosing C-Section? First of all, C-Sections are arranged in light of medical reasons that make a normal delivery dangerous. A woman may know ahead of time that she will need a C-section, so she can schedule it since she is expecting twins or more. It can also be on the grounds of having medical conditions, for example, diabetes or hypertension, diseases that muddle pregnancy. She might be encountering issues with the placenta during her pregnancy. Second, a C-section may be required in situations when the baby is very large in a mother with a small pelvis, or if the baby is not in a heads-down position and efforts to turn the baby before the woman gives birth failed. In some cases, the obstetrician chooses C-section without previous planning; it is done for emergency reasons when the health of the mother, the baby, or both is at risk. This may happen as a result of a problem during the late stages of pregnancy or after a woman has started labor. This is done especially if labor is occurring too slowly or if the baby is not breathing well. In other cases, C-sections can be elective, which means the woman may request it for no- medical reasons before going into labor. A woman may have a C-section if she previously had a complicated normal delivery. In spite of the fact that C-sections are usually safe, they convey extra dangers compared to normal birth. It is a major surgery which includes opening up a pregnant woman‘s stomach and taking out the baby from her uterus in light of the fact that a normal birth is considered excessively hazardous or difficult. Once the mother delivers in C-section, in future pregnancies, a normal birth is not recommended anymore. A normal delivery is, for the most part, the favored technique for delivery. In spite of the way that experiencing labor and having a vaginal delivery is a long procedure that can be physically tiring and hard for the mother, one of the advantages of having a vaginal birth is that the woman can have a shorter stay in the hospital than when delivering through C-Section. Another advantage of normal delivery is that no surgery is required. Surgeries can be dangerous and risky; they can cause bleeding, scarring, infections, reactions to anesthesia and longer-enduring pain. Furthermore, with normal delivery, a mother will be less dizzy from surgery, so she could carry her child and start breastfeeding sooner after she conveys. In conclusion, whatever the decision may be, normal or C-section delivery, women ought to be as informed as possible about their labor choices so they can take the right choice. MAGA ZI NE T EMPL A T E / O C T O BER 2013 / www.yourmagazine.c o m



Getting teased or teasing someone else is often a part of growing up and almost every child experiences it. Unfortunately, it isn’t always as simple as it seems because in most cases words may cause pain.


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Bullying: The Phenomenon That Can Destroy A Child

Written by: Carla Al-Haddad

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Teasing becomes bullying when it is repetitive or when there is a conscious intent to hurt another child. It can be verbal bullying (making threats, name-calling), psychological bullying (excluding children, spreading rumors), or physical bullying (hitting, pushing, taking a child’s possessions). Bullying behavior is a popular phenomenon in the world. Researchers estimate that 20 to 30 percent of children are involved in bullying incidents in schools. Bullying can begin as early as preschool and intensify during transitional stages, such as starting school in 1st grade or going into middle school. Victims of bullying are often shy and tend to be physically weaker than their bullies. They may also have low self-esteem and poor social skills, which makes it hard for them to stand up for themselves. Bullies consider these children safe targets because they usually don’t retaliate. If a child is a victim of bullying, he may suffer physically and emotion-


ally, and his schoolwork will likely show it. Grades drop because, instead of listening to the teacher, kids are wondering what they did wrong and whether anyone will sit with them at lunch. If bullying persists, they may be afraid to go to school. Problems with low self-esteem and depression can last into adulthood and interfere with personal and professional lives. Bullies are also affected, because they may have difficulties in forming positive relationships when they become older. Some of them tend to be attracted by tobacco and alcohol and to be abusive spouses. When parents discover that their child is being bullied they should first, give them space to talk. If the child recounts incidences of teasing or bullying, they should be empathetic. If the child has trouble verbalizing his feelings, parents can read a story about children being teased or bullied. Once the child opens up, his parents are supposed to help him in solving the problem by encouraging him to

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reach out and make new friends. He might join teams and school clubs to widen his circle and get out of his comfort zone. At home, adults need to intervene to help children resolve bullying issues, but calling another parent directly can be tricky unless he or she is a close friend. It is easy to be in a “he said/she said� argument. Therefore, it is recommended to find an intermediary: even if the bullying occurs outside of school, a teacher, counselor, coach, or after-school program director may be able to help mediate a productive discussion. Many schools have programs specially designed to raise awareness of bullying behavior and to help parents and teachers deal effectively with it. Schools and parents can work effectively behind the scenes to help a child meet and make new friends via study groups or science-lab partnerships. If you are concerned about your child: MAGA ZI NE T EMPL A T E / O C T O BER 2013 / www.yourmagazine.c o m




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Magazine If the problem persists, or the teach- by asking to meet with the school er ignores the problem and the child counselor or psychologist or request starts to withdraw or not want to a referral to the appropriate school go to school, parents should seek to professional. consider therapeutic interventions

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When Talent Becomes a Gift By Dr. Laurence Ajaka Recognizing the architectural works of George Chidiac

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George Chidiac, a dynamic young architect and designer, heads “Constravision�, a design and contract company that is already cementing a reputation for luxury and refinement. His journey so far has had three major influences: family, travel, and music. When he was young, George used to spend his summer vacations in the breathtaking mountain region of Lebanon where his grandfather, a fellow contractor, resided. He used to trot faithfully after his grandfather during his work. Ever the innovator, his grandfather was a very renowned architect responsible for designing some of the biggest projects in his region and the owner of a very diverse work portfolio. During his teens, George shifted from a casual observer to a fellow worker granting him the opportunity to see the practical aspect of his career early on while working for his grandfather. It also happened that his father was constructing a house for the family during that period enabling George to immerse himself in the work hands on. Incidentally, all of his cousins at that time were majoring as architects in universities further strengthening the love he had for this domain. When he was just 11, his parents sent him to a monastery in Italy for three months. The nuns would take the children sightseeing, so he saw firsthand the work of giants at an early age. Music is the third influence and it has been George‘s companion since infancy. His attachment to music triggered his creativity. He actually credits as much as 70% of all his designs to his still ongoing love affair with music. He supplemented all of that by studying in Europe, specifically in Belgium and Italy, which had a major influence on his style. In the end, all those factors came together in one cauldron that is George Chidiac. His passion and flair led him into the business of building dreams for masses.

Photograph credits: Constravision


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New IOS 11 Features

Apple officially unveiled the new iOS 11 system during the opening of the WWDC 2017 Developers Conference. The new system will bring many benefits to iPhone phones. We will explain the new features that iOS 11 will bring to iPhone phone owners, which are as follows. 40

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Written by Edy Hourany

• Do not disturb during driving A feature that relies on artificial intelligence to prevent the use of devices while driving, as this feature will monitor the user while driving to disable the alerts. At the same time, the feature will enable automated responses to respond to people trying to reach you and alert them to driving.

• Siri Siri‘s voice became more expressive, more natural, and closer to a human voice. Siri will be able to translate words and phrases from English into a number of other languages such as Italian, French, German, Spanish and Chinese, with promises to add other languages later. Siri will study user habits and then analyze them and learn from them by artificial intelligence, as they will try to predict in advance what the user will do at each step to help you. When a user asks Siri to play a track or song, you will choose something that suits his or her taste based on his or her preferences on Apple Music. Siri will learn about topics that interest

you and show them to you first in the news app. Siri will be inside the keyboard to suggest words based on your use of the device. Also, when you are chatting with someone and telling them you are on the way, Siri will tell you the estimated time of arrival via the keyboard. When you are reading, Siri will suggest some words to search through Safari.

• Live Photos Ability to convert live images to a short video clip Take Long Exposure images to make a magical effect like professional cameras.

• Camera application New filters to make your photos look natural and more attractive

pressing images as soon as they are captured, as well as compressing the video as soon as it is recorded and stored on the device.

• Apple Music Users can create an account with the Apple Music app, share playlists and albums with friends, and know what they‘re sharing too, and you need to subscribe to Apple Music.

• AirPlay 2 With its new AirPlay 2 design, you can control the surround sound systems and speakers in your home. For example, you can play a music clip in the rooms you want and control the sound level in each one individually.

• Control Center

Apple has redesigned the Control CenA new photo compression technology ter completely; it is now better and ofthat allows you to shoot images of the fers many tools to control devices more same quality with less than 50 percent easily after taking advantage of the 3D of normal size. The camera application touch feature. The lock screen and notion iOS 11 has dropped the JPEG format fication shade are combined. to HEIF format, which offers a higher quality with half the space needed for The official version of iOS 11 will be 2013 / www.yourmagazine.c om JPEG images. MAGA ZI NE T EMPL A T E / O C T O BERreleased in September 2017 when the 41 new iPhone is launched. The camera application works on com-

Humans and Artificial Intelligence By Reine Akl The intriguing story of life starts with the ability of human cells to regenerate and proceeds to the brain defining humankind and conducting humans’ perception of the world along with their evolution. Nowadays, this story begins with Siri or Cortana and ends with autonomous vehicles, robotics’ performance in surgeries, industries and even writing! The turning point in technology, known as Artificial Intelligence (AI), was initiated in the 1950s by deploying human-like abilities to a robot and applying the Turing Test which challenged to differentiate the robot from the human after a series of intelligence questions. Artificial Intelligence is a computing system aiming to create technological versions of humans. AI creations should be able to acquire abundant data concerning the world and its aspects (laws, traffic, weather…), to build great knowledge, to analyze inputs by the defined rules to reach precise conclusions. The surprise of an article that appeared on Los Angeles Times Website reporting an earthquake written by AI two years ago, inflamed great fears and challenges since people started to face risks of losing their jobs to a robot or a computer. Yet, AI can never replace the human brain; AI lacks the psychological perspective that enables emotions and personalities, grants uniqueness and identifies the humans’ qualifications. Thus, AI is complementing humans with their evolution and not substituting them. In healthcare, industry, education, and others, AI had a positive impact in performance improvement: high precision medical reports

still need a doctor for treatment deployment, intelligent driver assistance for safe navigation and accident prevention still needs a driver to assist… Knowing that human brain made AI happen, the great progress in developing artificial intelligence should not cause anxiety since the creation can never outcome its creator. However, as Alan Turing, father of Artificial Intelligence, said: “Sometimes it is the people no one imagines anything of who do the things that no-one can imagine.” matism Foundation, Rudi Kappés Foundation, Peter Maffay Foundation and many other.

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An Intellectual Mind Beneath a Folksy Faรงade Written By Dr. Laurence Ajaka Dalida Khalil is more than meets the eyes. She is known as a beautiful and accomplished actress, but the pretty facade hides a sharp mind and infallible instincts that set her apart from her counterparts.

She was born in a northern village called Mazraat Al Naher located near the famous Annobeen Valley, one of the most important sites in world heritage. She takes pride in where she comes from not only because it is known as the Valley of the Saints, but because of the aura of this ancient site that inspires faith and humility in those residing near it. She reflects fondly on the people around her during her upbringing that instilled moral values that allowed her to dive deeper into the underlying human message she believes exists in every production she is involved with. Dalida’s parents opposed her becoming an actress because the conservative environment she lived in did not accept a girl leaving her village to live alone in Beirut especially when she chooses to do so at the tender age of 17. Her high grades in school had everyone expecting her to be a doctor or scientist, but even then, Dalida knew exactly what her true calling was. She wanted to do it out of passion and not for the fame and adulation of the crowds. Her raw talent was distinct, and the famous director Marwan Najjar cast her in one of his productions as a supporting role at the age of 18. She went on to act in comedy for a year, and it was there that she discovered her preference for comedy over drama; that was her focus during the four years while studying acting and directing at the Lebanese University. Those learning years were full of side projects such as supporting roles and


advertisements. Through it all, and till this very day, her belief and adherence to the moral values she took during her upbringing remained her shield in the tumultuous world of acting. Her breakthrough role was in a series “Helwi w Kezzebi� where she portrayed a charming young woman that gets caught up in her lies. Dalida’s message was that living a lie is futile because you will always get caught and stand to lose a lot. She also had a dramatic role with actor Peter Semaan, and she became known as an accomplished actress that can play comedy and drama just as well. From there, the opportunities started pouring in, and she soon became a costar in some of the biggest productions in the Arab world. Dalida also participated in the Lebanese version of Dancing with the Stars, and she managed to impress the judges straight into the top two, adding dancing credibility to her growing repertoire of skills. Her aim is to be in a musical theatrical production, an opportunity she feels she has still been denied despite having had extensive experience in that domain during her studies. Her latest role was in Amer Al


Leil where she was the lead actress against the famous Rami Ayyash. Her character was a righteous woman who wanted to raise her niece after the death of her sister and the turbulent love affair she had with her male counterpart to reach a compromise in love and life. Unlike most of her peers who are highly conscious about their looks and public image, Dalida believes that acting needs to have a message. It’s not always necessary to undertake fluff roles of the femme fatal, and she doesn’t mind portraying herself in a less than attractive manner to get a message across. The road ahead is still long and she has many personal goals and ambitions she has yet to achieve and many messages she wants the world to understand. She dreams of being able to portray the life of Princess Diana, a woman who lived in contradiction and struggled to fit in a world that judged her. She is well aware of her responsibility towards the younger generation who adore her. She wants to show them the same morals she was raised on to guide them in a world that has become materialistic and fake. On a personal level, she is aware of the difficulty of juggling a career and family, so she is not in much of a hurry to settle down at the moment. As an artist, she realizes how difficult it is to find a partner who will be understanding and flexible enough to adapt to such a life. Dalida is willing to sacrifice should she find that special someone who makes it all worthwhile. Having a husband and family remains a fond dream of hers.




A n Ar ti st Wit h A n E during Le ga c y

Written by: Dr. Laurence Ajaka Simon Obeid is one of performance theater’s most accomplished artists withstanding the test of time. He is one of those rare performers who still adhere to the old values of acting yet have been successful in remaining relevant to the new generation. The beginning was growing up the eldest of four children, one boy, and three girls, in the only household that had


a television where all the neighbors gathered to listen to Oum Koulthoum. His enthusiasm for the music made him the center of attention of the whole neighborhood. As the years went by, he received encouragement and praise for his voice whenever he sang in company and public. Initially, Simon never considered being a singer as a viable occupation in the

Arab world because he didn’t think the audience would understand and appreciate what they have to offer. Instead, he went to work in gold until he participated in Studio Al Fann in 1980 and applied for legendary Al Rahbani Brothers at the insistence of a friend despite his misgivings. The late Assi Al Rahbani himself interviewed him and decided to adopt him in


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their theatrical productions. He graduated from being an extra on stage to dancing and to having speaking and singing roles. His first live shows were in Lybia where he took center stage. Simone left for Dubai before returning back to Lebanon at the fortuitous time

just when the now famous Caracalla group was starting to garner attention. He performed with Caracalla in Baalbek where the resounding success brought him much attention and the chance to portray Jesus Christ in a movie called “Wa Kam fi Al Yawm el Thaleth” for the Rahbani brothers. He had to turn down the offer despite efforts to convince him because of prior engagements, something that created a rift between him and the Rahbani Brothers. His next breakthrough role was in the play “Hekem El Rehyan” that had great success in the Arabian nations, but unfortunately, it started running in Lebanon around the time of the assassination of the late Prime Minister Rafik Al-Hariri, a fact that dampened the success it would otherwise have gotten. The theater still remains his number one home, and many know his voice if not the face of Simon Obeid. He credits the Rahbani family for his success

and goes on to elaborate on how grounded and pious they still are despite being the legends of the Lebanese folk music. His association with the new generation of the Rahbanis continued. Even in his early days when he was still green, the Rahbanis saw it fit to consult him on this and that. It speaks of their humility and realness

encouraging for talented artists to restore the respectability of Lebanese folk music.

that was never tainted by fame or fortune. He was friends with Ghadi Rahbani and together they produced a satirical song called “Sharshahto El Balad” that openly criticizes the Lebanese politicians, a bold risk that the Rahbanis are not normally known to do. Along with other three singers, the Four Knights was born out of that memorable song. When asked to perform in a restaurant, he proposed to have all members of the Four Knights perform together. They had a resounding success, especially among politicians and have managed to have a full house for many years. Obeid blames the media for the lowered artistic standards that we witness today. Unless the artist or the production company is willing to pay, their works would not be broadcasted. He cites that as the main reason as to why he didn’t launch a solo career. His only attempt was one CD, the cost of which was paid by admirers that wanted to encourage him. He asked the media to be more open and

himself in the Lebanese stratum. He has the love and the respect of the public and longevity of an authentic performing artist with an enduring legacy.

Simon Obeid has done it all; music, television, and theater. He might not be front and center in the public eye like so many of the attention seekers today, but he has carved out a special niche for


It’s Saucy!!! Fatima’s Grill is Shaking Up California’s Food Scene By April Khan

We‘ve all heard the saying, food is the way to a person‘s heart. And there‘s nothing more near and dear to my heart than a nice warm meal that reminds me of home. That was....until Ali whipped out the most satisfyingly steamy plate of crispy, sauce glazed kebabs with a side of French Fry heaven. I never saw fries so big and wirh delightfully fluffy pearls of yellow basmati rice. Yes, you read that right -- basmati rice.

Fatima‘s Grill isn‘t your average kebab or shwarma shop. It isn‘t even your average local diner. It is more like the place you wish you had known about all your life, but glad you saved the pounds by not finding out about it until now. Allow me to appologize for any weight gain that may occur after the reading of this article! By now, I know you‘re still wondering why rice was on those crispy golden fries....well, let me tell you. Ali -- the owner and mastermind behind this ingenious recipe had a wonderful vision one day. While serving time in prison, he had a moment to ponder over what he would do to better his life. He wanted to run his own business, but wasn‘t quite sure what to start. Luck would have it that Ali found his pa ssion for cooking while locked up. When the inmates began raving about his tasty creations, he knew he‘d gotten it right! Being of a Lebanese background and living in a place that had a heavily hispanic demographic, it was only natural that Ali would perfectly marry the two cultures together in a way that only he could. Thus, began the birth of Lebanese-Mexican fusion. I took a seat and began flipping through the first menu in my life that had me wanting to order every single item. I asked him how long it would take for my order. He smiled and pointed to a sign that said: Please be patient with us. We do not cook fast food. We cook great food as fast as we can.

I didn‘t mind waiting, but suprisinly the wait wasn‘t bad at all. I looked at the table that came in before me devouring breakfast fries and shwarma. And I thought to myself, I have to have try that. When I asked how the fries were assembled, I was treated to a tour of his impeccably clean kitchen where two smiley cooks awaited me. I watched the first cook pull out a fresh slab of beef. He gently carved off a few slices and seasoned it with what appeared to be a tub of red deliciousness. He then slid the thin slices on a hot grill where a trifecta of onions, bell pepper and tomatoes were already getting

nice and blistered. On another grill the second chef cracked an egg. The fries went down in thedeep fryer and came up when nice and golden. Everything went into a nice pie-sized dish. But it was the finishing touch that got me. It was the SAUCE. Ali‘s signature sauce. I saw posters of it and I‘d read all the reviews, but I had to taste it myself. Oh how I wish I‘d brought a bottle back to New York with me. Before I left, I ordered Kibbeh (a traditional middle eastern fried ball made of cracked wheat and spices and stuffed with yummy

meat). I wanted to see if the traditional food was on point -- and of course -- as eveyrthing else in his restaurant -- it WAS. There‘s really no way to describe Ali‘s yummy creations other than genious. I could spend pages describing every single item on his menu, but then there‘s really no way to describe them. You just have to taste them for yourself. So if you‘re REALLY into fries, meat, rice, veggies, cheese, and general deliciousness, stop by and pick any item on the menu. You will not be disappointed!


Touring the Golden State

California‘s endless wonders, from Yosemite National Park to Disneyland, are both natural and man-made. Soul-satisfying wilderness often lies close to urbane civilization. With the iconic Big Sur coast, dramatic Mojave Desert, and majestic Sierra Nevada mountains, sunny California indulges those in search of great surfing, hiking, and golfing. Other pleasures await, too: superb food in San Francisco, studio tours in Los Angeles, winery visits and spas in Napa and Sonoma. Follow a beach picnic with a city stroll and live the California dream. Here are just a few images that we took this summer in California.

Special Thanks to

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