Y7 Easter Issue 2017

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celebrity l luxury l healthl fashion Issue 15 April 2017

BORN TO BE A MUSICIAN In this wonderful piece, Dr. Laurence Ajaka takes us through the life of famed Lebanese artist Aleph!

r e t Eas WHAT IS



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What is Easter? Y7 STAFF Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after his cruxifixion. Easter is the fulfilled prophecy of the Messiah who would be persecuted, die for our sins, and rise on the third day. (Isaiah 53). Remembering the resurrection of Jesus is a way to renew daily hope that we have victory over sin.

When did Easter start? The early Christians began remembering the Resurrection every Sunday following its occurrence. In A.D. 325, the Council of Nicaea set aside a special day just to celebrate the Resurrection. The problem with an official day was deciding whether the Resurrection should be celebrated on a weekday or always on a Sunday. Many felt that the date should continue to be based on the timing of the Resurrection during Passover. Once Jewish leaders determined the date of Passover each year, Christian leaders could set the date for Easter by figuring three days after Passover. Following this schedule would have meant that Easter would be a different day of the week each year, only falling on a Sunday once in awhile. Others believed since the Lord rose on a Sunday and this day had been set aside as the Lord’s Day, this was the only possible day to celebrate His resurrection. As Christianity drew away from Judaism, some were reluctant to base the Christian celebration on the Jewish calendar. Finally the Council decided Easter should be celebrated on the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox. Since the date of the vernal equinox changed from year to year, calculating the proper date can be difficult. This is still the method used to determine Easter today, which is why some years we have Easter earlier than other years. Since Easter is a celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection, you would think there wouldn’t be room for paganism. However Easter is one of the holidays most intertwined with pagan symbolism and ritual.

What does Easter mean? The origin of the word easter isn’t certain. The Vernerable Bede, an eighthcentury monk and scholar, suggested that the word may have come from the Anglo-Saxon Eeostre or Eastre – a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility. Recent scholars haven’t been able to find any reference to the goddess Bede mentioned and consider the theory discredited. Another possibility is the Norse eostur, eastur, or ostara, which meant “the season of the growing sun” or “the season of new birth.” The word east comes from the same roots. In this case, easter would be linked to the changing of the season. A more recent and complex explanation comes from the Christian background of Easter rather than the pagan. The early Latin name for the week of Easter was hebdomada alba or “white week,” while the Sunday after Easter day was called dominica in albis from the white robes of those who had been newly baptized. The word alba is Latin both for white and dawn. People speaking Old High German made a mistake in their translation and used a plural word for dawn, ostarun, instead of a plural for white. From ostarun we get the German Ostern and the English Easter.

is the hare’s fertility. Easter comes during spring and celebrates new life. The Christian meaning of new life through Christ and a general emphasis on new life are different, but the two gradually merged. Any animals – like the hare – that produced many offspring were easy to include. The hare is also an ancient symbol for the moon. The date of Easter depends on the moon. This may have helped the hare to be absorbed into Easter celebrations. The hare or rabbit’s burrow helped the animal’s adoption as part of Easter celebrations. Believers saw the rabbit coming out of its underground home as a symbol for Jesus coming out of the tomb. Perhaps this was another case of taking a pre-existing symbol and giving it Christian meaning. The Easter hare came to America with German immigrants, and the hare’s role passed to the common American rabbit. Originally children made nests for the rabbit in hats, bonnets, or fancy paper boxes, rather than the baskets of today. Once the children finished their nests, they put them in a secluded spot to keep from frightening the shy rabbit. The appealing nests full of colored eggs probably helped the customs to spread. Back in Southern Germany, the first pastry and candy Easter bunnies became popular at the beginning of the nineteenth century. This custom also crossed the Atlantic, and children still eat candy rabbits – particularly chocolate ones – at Easter.

Origin and history of Easter Eggs Next to the Easter bunny, the most familiar symbol is the Easter egg. Like others, the egg has a long pre-Christian history. Again there’s no certainty as to why it became associated with Easter. Many Ancient cultures viewed eggs as a symbol of life. Hindus, Egyptians, Persians, and Phoenicians believed the world begun with an enormous egg. The Persians, Greeks, and Chinese gave gifts of eggs during spring festivals in celebration of new life all around them. Other sources say people ate dyed eggs at spring festivals in Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome. In ancient Druid lore, the eggs of serpents were sacred and stood for life. Early Christians looked at the connection eggs had to life and decided eggs could be a part of their celebration of Christ’s resurrection. In addition, in some areas, eggs were forbidden during Lent; therefore, they were a delicacy at Easter. Since many of the earlier customs were Eastern in origin, some speculate that early missionaries or knights of the Crusade may have been responsible for bringing the tradition to the West. In the fourth century, people presented eggs in church to be blessed and sprinkled with holy water. By the twelfth century, the Benedictio Ovorum had been introduced authorizing the special use of eggs on the holy days of Easter. The timing of this blessing would uphold the idea that Crusaders may have brought the tradition back. Even though eggs had been used previously, the Crusaders may have made the custom more popular and widespread. In 1290, Edward I of England recorded a purchase of 450 eggs to be colored or covered with gold leaf. He then gave the eggs to members of the royal household.

Origin and history of Easter bunny

Once the custom became accepted, new traditions began to grow up around it. Eggs were dyed red for joy, and in memory of Christ’s blood. Egg rolling contests came to America from England, possibly as a reminder of the stone being rolled away.

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of Easter? As a Christian, the first image might be the cross or the empty tomb. For the general public, a blitz of media images and merchandise on store shelves makes it more likely that the Easter Bunny comes to mind. So how did a rabbit distributing eggs become a part of Easter?

What about the familiar Easter Egg hunt? One source suggested that it grew out of the tradition of German children searching for hidden pretzels during the Easter season. Since children were hiding nests for the Easter Bunny to fill with eggs at the same time they were hunting pretzels, it was only a small leap to begin hiding eggs instead.

There are several reasons for the rabbit, or hare, to be associated with Easter, all of which come through pagan celebrations or beliefs. The most obvious

Painting with a Makeup Brush DR. LAURENCE AJAKA

Dimitri Slim is a name that is becoming more recognized as the artist he is. Having worked as a television host for more than six years in Dubai, a journalist in Al Jaras for three years and a renowned party planner for some of the most famous performers of our time, he threw it all behind in bold pursuit of his dream in cosmetology. He started his studies in Lebanon with the talented Ahmad Kobeissi and Daline Charbel, but hungry for even more sophisticated techniques, he specialized in the United States of America before returning to his homeland and earning his rightful place among the elite stylists and beauticians in Lebanon and the Arab world in less than a year. His accomplishments were cumulated by being elected Makeup Artist of the Year for 2017 from MC international awards.

Make up might have been Dimitri’s ultimate passion, but art has been his constant companion since his infancy. He studied Oriental vocalism and Oud at the National Conservatory in Lebanon, but never sought any professional ambitions in that regard. He also got a degree in theatrical production and direction to remain within the sphere of art and culture. His lucky breakthrough break came as a coincidence when he was given his own talk show program in Dubai called “Stars Online”. This enabled him to build strong P.R. with the biggest names in the Arab world, so when he moved back to Lebanon, he utilized these connections as an editor and P.R. manager in Al Jaras magazine. His main reasons for quitting these two domains were the strain and hypocrisy that come as part of the parcel; Dimitri claims that he has never been comfortable or capable of pretending to like someone he doesn’t, a duplicity he never managed to cultivate. It made it easier for him to leave that domain behind and pursue his passion for make up knowing he would still be the artist he was born to be. Dimitri doesn’t just apply makeup; he believes in painting a woman as the masterpiece of beauty and elegance she is. He takes his time contemplating her features and learning the unique contours of her face. This personal approach is what leaves each customer satisfied in the knowledge that she had been treated with all due diligence and flair. His connections from his former life is what attracted the famous artists to his salon initially, but his skills honed while earning his specialist degree and his innovation are two factors that solidified his standing and reputation and keep customers clamoring for more. Dimitri remains thankful to the Lord as a man of faith who recognizes the blessing of innate talent and creativity that allowed him to earn a solid standing in Lebanon and Arab countries in less than a year. His proof of success lies in his prolific work and the demand for his services. All the success just motivates him to work even harder to pave the way for further success and recognition.

The Secret Recipe! Divorce seems to be a reoccurring theme in most marriages; it might be avoided in some cases, but its prevalence in our daily life is a cause for worry. People are marrying for the wrong reasons guided by little more than the physical attraction they share. By Dr. Laurence Ajaka This is hardly a reliable basis for any marriage because it’s very fickle. You could meet a person and think they are the best thing since sliced bread to, later on, have them crash down from their pedestal and vice versa. Chemistry needs time to align with the other aspects of life and have its flames tempered into a fire that sustains rather than consumes. Sexual desire shouldn’t override reason especially when two lovebirds are embarking on marriage. Indulging in a premarital sexual affair will serve to awaken their senses for further gratification that will consume itself outside of the sanctity of marriage that provides emotional intimacy and a sense of shared burdens essential for an everlasting bond. Any successful relationship must walk a path of fire where all the differences are exposed, explored and endorsed in a 6 month to 3-year trial depending

on the couple. This will aid the couple to create a blueprint of how their future should be planned. Divorce rarely occurs in any marriage based on a mutual emotional and/or mental connection; but when it is based on lust, it will fade away. The new brand of inane social media whoring of emotions is a disgrace when a brief meeting is hyped into a love story for the ages that fades in a matter of weeks. Couples were never meant to morph each other into some idealized version of a mythical prototype they envisioned. Love is coming to accept the quirks and insecurities of the other half and seeing the ugly exposed venerability as another facet to fall even deeper.

Tips to Adjust Baby's Sleep While Adjusting Your Clock DR. RANDA SALIBA CHIDIAC While I was chatting with a mom who said her baby sometimes goes to bed with little fuss and other times, it is so difficult to convince him to turn in, I realized why she was feeling so frustrated. I related a lot to this because my son and my daughter were the same way! Trust me, I had a predictable routine and was consistent with it. At the beginning, it was very frustrating, to be honest, even though, logically, I know that our babies are not robots.

While I was chatting with a mom who said her baby sometimes goes to bed with little fuss and other times, it is so difficult to convince him to turn in, I realized why she was feeling so frustrated. I related a lot to this because my son and my daughter were the same way! Trust me, I had a predictable routine and was consistent with it. At the beginning, it was very frustrating, to be honest, even though, logically, I know that our babies are not robots. My boy is almost 5 years old and my daughter is almost 4, so I can assure you that they are still this way. We have done many bedtime routines, and every time I say, "Time for bedtime story", they leave everything and go straight ahead to bed waiting for the same story to be repeated every night over and over again. They sleep at the same hour every night and wake up almost every day at the same time. If you have an inconsistent baby, know that you are not alone, not only in having an inconsistent baby, but also in feeling frustrated by it! Now, we still have few weeks left to prepare for Springing Forward! It’s time to change your clocks! Springing forward may cause schedule damage. Here are some tips to prevent springing forward from messing up with your child’s sleep The main reason why springing forward

causes so many problems for parents is that your baby’s internal clock won’t change along with your household clocks. As adults can process the time change and stay in bed until normal wakeup time, our babies can’t do this. So if your baby usually wakes up at a certain time for example at 6:30 a.m., he/ she’ll wake about an hour later than normal after the time change (closer to 7:30 a.m., in this case). That’s due to the fact that 7:30 feels like 6:30 to your child – because it was 6:30 just a day ago! Therefore, waking them up to go to school at 6:30 might turn into a relentless cycle of overtired crankiness which can feel very difficult to escape. In this case, you can start waking them up at 6:30 a.m. after the time change, even though 7:30 a.m. was 6:30 a.m. just a few days ago. If your baby is sleeping well and adapting, then it may be just fine to do nothing at all. Your baby will probably have a few “off” days, sleep-wise, after the time change, but since he/she’s adaptable, he/she’ll likely adjust without a problem.

Your toddler may be sleepy in the morning, even though you’re waking him/her at his normal wake-up time because his/her internal clock is telling him/her it’s too early to wake up. The same goes for naps and meals. However, after a few days, your baby will probably adjust. Here is another option, you can split the difference. This is a good idea as with this option, you shift the schedule by only 30 minutes. For instance, if your baby was waking at 7 a.m. before the time change, then wake her at 7:30 after the time change. You can stick with this schedule on the long run, if it works for you. Finally, most children will adjust quickly, but some will take longer. At the end of the day, there is always hope at the end of the tunnel. So never lose hope!

The Importance of

Grandparents in Raising Kids

We can never deny the important role of grandparents in our lives. The big advantage of having an extended family is that grandparents can help raising kids. Grandparents put their experience in parenthood and use it while interacting with grandchildren.

Dr. Randa Saliba Chidiac

Children benefit when grandparents are in- rienced members of the family, they are also volved in their lives in many different ways.

assigned to accomplish the responsibility of keeping the family tied up and well connec-

First of all, grandparents give unconditio- ted. Grandparents can be the kids’ best friennal love, kindness, patience, and comfort. ds; therefore, kids often reveal their secrets It seems that they carry a lot of affection. and problems to their grandparents, and the Children feel secure when surrounded by latter offer them valuable advice on how to their grandparents. Grandparents are always deal with the situation. Because sometimes there to gladly offer assistance. Nowadays, children may not feel comfortable confiding not only parents raise the children, but also in their parents especially if a parent is the grandparents are involved in this difficult task. cause of their stress, and they may be worried about talking to their friends who might Grandparents take the initiative to raise the reveal their secrets, the best solution is to kids while parents go to work because some seek advice from their grandparents. of the grandparents have all the time in the world to devote to their grandchildren. There- Moreover, children who enjoy a close relafore, parents benefit from that to leave their tionship with their grandparents know how children safe in the hands of the grandpa- important the role of extended family is and rents, rather than bringing a stranger to the are more likely to carry those strong family house to take care of the kids.

visions with them later in life.

Also, grandparents play a major role as they Finally, some schools are celebrating Grandare considered the connection between the mothers’ Day along with Mothers’ Day as the past, present and the future. They teach the event holds a very important meaning, with kids the past traditions, get involved with the aim of showing gratitude to our grandpathem in the present and help them shape rents. It is true as the proverb says: “Perfect their future.

love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild”.

In addition, these days, children consult their grandparents for advice, since they know that grandparents have gained a lot of experience throughout the years. Being the most expe-

Born to be a Musician

Aleph is a renowned Lebanese composer, pianist and the founder of 8e Art Entertainment. Having been enthralled by music since the early age of 3, he has since been recognized as one of the most influential and versatile figures of modern Lebanese Music. By Dr. Laurence Ajaka

He was regaled with tales of his early childhood when he used to watch the giants of the Golden Age such as Zaki Nassef and play them back on his miniature piano that didn’t even have all the keys. Such natural prowess convinced his parents to support his budding talent by investing in bigger and better pianos that can cater to the innate artistic flair. Aleph also took center stage in all family gatherings and receptions as the entertainment emboldening him confidence and shaping his stage persona. He was dotted on by members of his family that took pride in having such a prodigy in their midst. Aleph’s life retained its tranquility until the year 1989 when the turbulence of the civil wars threatened their home in Adonis prompting the family to move to Jbeil to reside alongside his uncle, a fellow musician. It was there that Aleph got introduced to the directive aspect of creating music with a fully equipped studio. Aleph became inseparable from his uncle and likened that particular time of his life as being in paradise. It would take relentless negotiations even to pry him away for lunch. His uncle strict approach taught him to temper his flair with the discipline needed to fine-tune his melodies, and Aleph sites him as the source of most of oriental knowledge and influence. Even after the war ended and the family moved back home, the music remained a fixture the house. Aleph’s mom had a practical job as a teacher, but she was also a natural pianist who could pick up a tune by simply listening to it. The house was a mishmash of oriental music and western influences such as Valse and Jazz. At the age of 12, he started to study music at the Holy Spirit University of Kaslik and furthered his practical knowledge. Alongside that, the family still had him front and center in almost every occasion, and some of his founded memories were playing for his grandmother with a group of his cousins. They ended up ganging up to put on productions, and Aleph was responsible for the musical portion. Some of these shows were so elaborate that they took up to 40 minutes with the entire family in attendance. His parents were his number one fan and critique giving

him pointers whenever they saw a chance for improvement. They also made a recording of every musical creation he had, and these allowed for plenty of self-reflection and critique. After graduating school, he was accepted into university in Kiev where he studied harmony. Even though he was taught the technical aspect of music, Aleph still recognized his innate musical ability as his core strength. Following his education, he worked in television production and got introduced via his friend to Michel Elefteriades, a well-known producer and public figure in Lebanon when he covered a pianist that wasn’t able to make the concert. He freelanced with Michele’s band for a number of years and meanwhile created his own company 8e Art Entertainment around 2003 with his brother Pierre who used to work as an auditor at a famous resort. Pierre was constantly asked to convince Aleph to put on a show, and the latter started lining up and organizing entire events sparking the idea of creating their own company. The delivery created a stir, and soon 8e became a force to be recognized. Aleph came up with the name because he wanted to create a school combining all arts and displaying them in a unique blend, the eighth art. Concerning his style of music, he confesses dominance for the oriental style that marked his childhood along with a blend of all his other influences in his style of playing. When it comes to the music he composes and arranges, it’s considered a mix between oriental, Tango and Flamenco. Some dub it as the world's music or jazz in some events. He also makes versions of other music such the latest about La La Land on the piano after adamant requests from fans who were eager to listen to the tunes of the movie with Aleph’s special touch. He also loves to have guests, musicians, and singers, especially Yasmina whose vocals provide an enchanting channel for the tempest of Aleph’s personal witch’s brew in a haunting blend. Aleph believes that his erratic training regimen is not an impediment for him because staying away from his instruments invariably means he returns back with vigor. Several events mark the success the band like being asked by the then First Lady Mona El Herawi to play in all her charity events. The band also opened Jeitta Country Club on a mission of faith as they were unable to show any portfolio, but managed to succeed with flying colors. The snowball effect took place, and till this very day, the word of mouth remains the best advertisement for any business because the glow and praise of a satisfied customer are more sincere than any scripted ad. The company now caters for over 300 events in Lebanon and MENA region. Aleph laments that these are the days when artists cannot gross enough money through their concerts and album sales; however, he is very proud of the standards at 8e with the proper management of client and musicians. The two are kept separate, and the artists’ only job is to perform. As the Art Director of the company, Aleph makes sure that the musical performance is superb while still managing to give these artists a healthy paycheck. It wasn’t until recently that he was able to produce his own music making a much-awaited dream come true after managing to build one of the biggest studios in the Middle East 3 years ago capable of housing a 60 person orchestra to perform at one time. The studio is a pet project for Aleph and his brother, and as such, they are

constantly updating the equipment used. This studio is responsible for producing the concert of all artists of 8e including Aleph. The year 2017 has seen him and his company improving further with a European tour that will include Bordeaux and Monaco. The private events are also on a steady rise as more and more artists come to be associated with 8e that has currently a house for 82 assorted artists that come from different musical styles, influences, and nationalities. On his latest album, Aleph used an accompanying band from Spain, and he believes that this difference in nationalities can be translated, interpreted and then incorporated into the music in a harmonious blend of melodies and beats. The dedication Aleph has for music can be explained through their slogan “The experience of a thousand events with the thrill of the first”. This passion and drive are what attracts artists to 8e as they look upon any new project, whether big or small, with enthusiasm and a sense of priority. Unless an artist feels appreciated and valued, they are likely to search for new venues and sponsors. Aleph believes that art is a very rewarding field to work in, so it’s relatively easy to placate the artists and keep them content. It’s also possible to keep the same repertoire as they constantly play in front of new audiences and indulge in fresh praise. When asked about his secret for success, Aleph admitted that the timing of the inception of the company was a fortunate one as the competition was relatively small. The bands and artists are not new, but they were discarded all over with no one to organize them and refine their talents, music, and appearance. There were few entertainment companies with the suave as well as management skills to take them into hand and concentrate their efforts. It was easy to spread the word about what we had to offer. The boom of lavish wedding and events in Lebanon was plus with some extravagant events being so grand, that foreign artists often mistook them for festivals in terms of size and production value. Some weddings even required more than 3 bands to accommodate for all the ceremonies and rituals happening. By the year 2007, this niche was invaded by those wanting to capitalize on the profits, but throughout the year, few remain today. Those who remain are no real threat because they have a different approach; Aleph doesn’t consider those who imitate 8e an offense going with the saying that “Imitation is the highest form of compliment”. With regards to future plans, Aleph wants to maintain the standing 8e has gained through strife and perseverance. He is also adamant in his desire to evolve his recording studio that has managed to snare plenty of foreign artists that want to collaborate. He dreams to further invade Europe and expand in the American continent beyond the limited private events done to be in contact with distributors as part of regular touring grounds. He is also planning a new album alongside touring and promoting the current one. He promises the same signature style of Aleph, but with a more folkish sound rather than the soundtrack theme that is part of the current album.

Family Always Comes First

DR. RANDA SALIBA CHIDIAC Family plays an important role in our lives. It is the blood that runs in our veins, people who accept you for who you are, who would sacrifice their lives just to see your smile, and who keep on loving you no matter what you do. There are many reasons why family should come first in a person’s life. In fact, most of us don’t really know how vital the family is; that’s why I decided to write about some of the reasons why the family is crucial and comes first in our lives. The first and main reason why family plays an essential role is that it teaches children about habits and discipline and how to live a perfect life in the future. The second reason is that family sticks to each other through thick and thin. Parents are the only ones who understand us much more than anybody else in the world. They escorted us from the moment we were brought to this world. They gave us advice without expecting something in return. Parents are brutally honest and nonjudgmental because they want the best for us.

A little criticism will only encourage us to do better in life. They understand our feelings and are always there whenever we need a shoulder to cry on. They protect us from every unwanted situation or trouble we get ourselves into. Another reason we should bear in mind is that no matter what, you are as beautiful as angels to your family. They never seem to notice the imperfections in our looks or character and give us unconditional love. In addition, as the old saying “Home is where the heart is”, family can turn a house into a home. At the end of a tiring day, nothing can appease you more than coming home to your family, your parents, your siblings, and your kids. One won’t get this peace of mind anywhere else. Moreover, parents are the ones most concerned about your welfare; they call you every hour to check whether you have eaten or not and stay next to you when you are sick, treated you like a new born on every birthday of yours, tolerate all your tantrums when something has been cooked that you don’t like. Your family pampers you every time you throw a childlike tantrum and keep the child in you alive even after having your own kids. Finally, we should always bear in mind that a family is always a family, regardless of the number of its members. No matter how young or old we are, we should never forget the value of our family. And at the end of the day, it is our family which comes first and last.

Cold Ca

Vanity or San Chemotherapy is an excruciating experience on anyone unfortunate enough to go through the ordeal of cancer, yet it remains the best chance for patients to return to a semblance of a normal life.

Dr. Toufic Ajaka




atients, and women, in particular, suffer emotional tolls as they lose their hair when undergoing therapy. Cold caps and scalp cooling systems are tight-fitting, helmet-style hats filled with a gel cooled down between -15 and -40 degree Fahrenheit that could potentially aid patients in keeping their hair.


hey work by narrowing the blood vessels that feed the scalp thus reducing the amount of medicine received by the hair follicles. By reducing the culprit, there is a lesser chance for the hair to die and fall out. It also serves the dual function of making the hair less active metabolically and anabolically. Cells are no longer processing the chemotherapy molecules received and cell division rate is significantly lowered.


ce caps and cooling systems are simple to use although they might differ slightly. They are worn for 20 to 50 minutes before, during and after every chemotherapy session depending on the treatment being provided. Cold caps are kept in special freezers and tend to thaw out during the session, so they need to be replaced every 30 minutes. Cooling systems are more cumbersome because the cap used is attached to a cooling machine, but they hold the advantage of not needing any change during a session.


aturally, these caps are very cold and may cause severe headaches, so women are advised to dress warmly and have extra blankets to maintain their normal temperatures. Those benefitting from such caps should refrain from blow drying, straightening or dying their hair. Maintenance should be restricted to gentle shampooing every third day and combing.


t’s a bit difficult to estimate the cost of this technique because it all boils down to which option is being used and the number of times it needs to be used. Some say it is equivalent to having a customized wig made. Some insurance plans may also cover the costs of renting them. And while there are some physicians concerned that using them might stop the medicine from reaching cancerous cells in the scalp, there is no systemic evidence of such a trend. Another thing to bear in mind is that these systems may not work for everyone, and they are considered highly effective in 50 to 65% of users. It’s important to consult your doctor before trying these options.


t might seem insane to consider a vanity such as hair in a dire time like this, but ask any physician and they will tell you that the mental well-being and strength of each patient is just as important as the drugs being administered. They will need whatever available arsenal to keep the fight going!


Tea: Your Health Portal Carla Al-Haddad

People all around the world are becoming more concerned about their health due the increase of viruses and sickness. They are on a constant search for ways to improve their health. Researches have recently proved that drinking tea isn’t harmful and it fits well with a healthy lifestyle. It turns out that tea does contain substances that may prevent heart diseases, cancer, and other health problems that affect us. Tea consumption, especially green tea, is not be the magic bullet, but it can be incorporated in an overall healthy diet with whole grains, fish, fruits and vegetables, and less red and processed meat. Polyfenols, catechins and espicatechins are chemicals contained in a cup of tea. These chemicals are linked to better health, especially in green tea. The fermentation process used to make green tea boosts levels of polyphenols. Black and red teas have them, too, but in lesser amounts and types that are less strongly tied to improved health. Polyphenols are antioxidants that neutralize chemicals called oxidants, which cells make as they go about their normal business. Elevated levels of oxidants can cause harm, for example, by attacking artery walls and contributing to cardiovascular disease. Researchers determined that tea drinkers are less likely over time to develop diabetes compared with people who drink less tea. That makes sense in light of research showing that polyphenols help regulate blood sugar (glucose). As glucose rises in the blood, insulin shoots in from the pancreas to signal the cells to start metabolizing the glucose. Polyphenols seem to assist this process and make cells more sensitive to insulin's effects. Some research suggests that tea drinking might be associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease. That's consistent with the lower risk of diabetes, which contributes to heart disease and stroke. Also, substances in tea may help to lower blood pressure or improve cholesterol. Drinking tea is somehow associated with better health. However, it remains unclear whether the tea itself is the cause and, if so, how it works its magic. The studies attempt to rule out the possibility that tea drinkers simply live healthier lifestyles, but it's difficult to be sure. That said, tea itself appears to have no harmful effects except for a case of the jitters if you drink too much caffeinated brew. It fits in perfectly fine with a hearthealthy lifestyle. If you are a tea drinker, keep it up, but don't take up the habit thinking it will have a dramatic impact. Although green tea has a higher concentration of polyphenols, it does have a slightly bitter edge. You may find a weaker green tea brew more palatable if you are used to black tea. Whatever you do, stay away from processed sugarsweetened tea because they may be loaded with extra calories, and consuming more than the occasional sweetened tea drink will tip you in the wrong direction.

Nonviolence in the Face of Violent Violence Father Tony El Khoury

Let the world call me delusional, but I preach the path of nonviolence in face of the crushing waves of violence that is flooding the world with blood and fear, threatening the millennia of struggles humanity has strived through trying to If violence is the language we have perfected for subjugation and humiliation, then nonviolence is the verse that best speaks of man’s dignity and humanity and the path for innovation as it moves forth with the purpose of preserving the soul and dignity of humanity itself. Violence emanates from within the heart of mankind for “For from within, out of the heart of men, evil thoughts proceed” (Mark, 7:21) for the “The inside of a man is the real battlefield where violence and peace confront” (1). The purging can only occur within the cleansing fires of love and divinity that exult the dormant evil and build a shrine for all that is good and pure. This succor is a divine gift to enlighten our days while violence preys on ignorance and fear of God that drives a man to erect walls to shield himself from his fellow man. This distance frees the aggressor to blindly rape and pillage from others under various cultural, religious, political, ethnic and sexual pretexts where the enemy is all who and what is different. We are victims in this world that we had no hand in creating, and yet we are besieged by its dark ooze wherever we exist and whoever we might be. That being said, it doesn’t excuse us from breaking through the walls, if only a thimble wide, to follow our path of nonviolent resistance against the mire of viciousness that surrounds us. Christ gave us the perfect model to imitate when it comes to nonviolent behavior, a feat of strength that few of His followers manage to assimilate its magnitude. We buy into the misconception that force is the only means to prove our mettle, and all that is below that is foolishness. But Christ showed His disciples the path of resisting evil by praying for redemption and enlightenment of their enemies. This is not a surrender or passivism, but it originates from a deep and unrelenting belief that humanity cannot be sustained while whirling in a cesspool of violence. It’s the best means for cutting through the

grounds of evil for the sake expanding that of good. Islam follows the same righteous path as said in the holy verse “O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy” (al-Baqarah 208). Goodness comes from God and evil is the fruit of the devil that will not rest until he wreaks havoc and burns the earth to ashes. Violence can easily be summarized as departing and disowning the divinity and joining a faction that opposes God and His teachings. Let us never underestimate the power of a kind word or gesture that can pierce through the veils of evil, and the kinder the words, the mightier the blow it strikes. Imam Ali is a testament to that fact when he observed some of his followers cursing the citizens of Syria that hate him. Instead of joining in, he has a message of peace: “I hate to hear you talk as such, for should you contemplate their words and actions, it is better to reflect and pray that we reconcile without shedding our blood or theirs. Pray that God leads them on the right path to overcome ignorance and revert from their misguided ways”. All wars start and finish with words, so why not spread the words of peace instead of abandoning it as the final resort after reckless and futile bloodshed and pain?

Low Budget Sprin


Spring break is just around the corner and young adults are usually very excited about this period of the year because they start to feel that summer is approaching and that they need a little break from work and college with all of the stress. Unfortunately, these adults don’t have the budget to have the spring break that they want. So do you want to have fun over spring break, but don’t have an unlimited budget? Try out these budget friendly spring break ideas. Day trips If you are low on budget and want to have fun, why not trying out museums, exploring local tourist attractions you’ve never been to or hiking? No matter where you live, there are sure to be some attractions within a day ’s drive. And, since all of these locations are close to where you live, you won’t have to pay a lot to have some fun. Road trips

Since you are a young adult, it means you do not have a fixed salary and you might be still studying. Therefore, road trips are a great getaway on spring break. Consider planning these road trips with your closest friends to increase the fun. You may also save some money by sharing on gas costs with your friends and visiting some pals and staying with them to save on accommodations. This way you will also benefit from bonding more with your friends at a fraction of the costs. Remember, it is not where you end up that’s the fun part; it’s the journey it takes to get there. Stop at places that look fun or interesting and be spontaneous! It is a great way to make memories you’ll never forget. Rent with friends You can search all of the websites available to find a low cost place to rent with your friends, even if it was just a cabin because these places are much more affordable than

ng Break Ideas


any hotel accommodation. Plus, you’ll be able to go grocery shopping on a budget rather than planning expensive meals out. All you need are some friends and a good time is pretty much guaranteed! Visit a friend in his hometown

about planning a trip to these places if they are not using them. Gather a group of your friends and plan a getaway with them to these places and have as many parties as you wish. Consider choosing a place with a swimming pool; that way you will be able to plan pool parties with your friends.

Finally, who says you can’t afford having If you have a friend that’s going home for an unforgettable spring break if you are a spring break, think about joining them! Suyoung adult? Most young adults are on a rely, you have a friend who lives somewhere tight budget, so you just have to choose you’ve never been – and bunking with them wisely where to go and with whom. Most will allow you to stay on budget. Ask them to importantly, you need to know how to save show you around town as if they ’re your tour money from the smallest details. guide. Sometimes, a simple get-away, no matter where you go, is all it takes to return to school refreshed to finish out the semester. Friends and family Your family or your friends may have a chalet somewhere, a farm or a cabin. Talk to them

Insomnia is a very common sleep disorder. It is characterised by poor sleep or difficulty in sleeping. It can involve difficulties either in falling asleep or staying asleep or waking up several times during the night. Insomnia can either cause waking up too early in the morning or failing to feel rested or refreshed. In fact, most people need around seven to eight hours of sleep every day; others need more. All depends on the need of your body for asleep. Your sleeping patterns may change in the time as you grow older and everything in your body changes.

Discovering Insomnia

CARLA AL-HADDAD In the following, you will be able to get to know more about insomnia and discover its characteristics. What causes insomnia? Insomnia can be the result of a large number of things, such as daily stress, which is very common for adults, psychiatric problems such as, depression, anxiety, drug or alcohol use and medical problems. In fact, some pills can affect your sleep especially if they are consumed without a doctor’s prescription. Bad lifestyle habits can cause insomnia as well, such as, having too much caffeine per day, changing work shifts, smoking and frequent travelling and crossing time zones. Who is affected by insomnia? People might think that only adults can have sleeping problems because they work hard and have plenty of stressful situations. Those people are mistaken because any person might get affected by insomnia. It is usually more common among females than males and more among 65 plus years old individuals. It can also affect individuals who have medical conditions and are on multiple drugs that cause insomnia or affect in a way or another on their sleep. How do I know if I have insomnia? Many symptoms can help you figure out if you are suffering from the disease or if it is just a phase you are going through. You have insomnia if: - You are having a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep. - You wake up earlier than usual. - You feel tired during the day, - You are falling asleep or feeling drowsy during the day. - You are concerned about sleep patterns. These difficulties happen even if you had adequate opportunities for sleep, and they persist for more than three months.

How is insomnia diagnosed? Most doctors diagnose insomnia by listening to the symptoms that patients are suffering from. They usually ask for more information about sleeping habits and they may ask the following questions: - At what time do you go to bed and when do you wake up? - Do you drink caffeine or alcohol in the evening or before you sleep? - How long have you had this problem? - Does it occur every night? - Does it affect your functioning during the day? - Do you smoke? Do you snore? - Do you have any medical or psychiatric problems? - Are you taking any medication? - Are you feeling more stressed than usual? Other doctors let their patients fill a sleep diary where they mark every day when they went to bed and when they fell asleep, when they woke up, if they woke up during the night (they have to indicate the time)… They also have to rate their sleep (restful or no) and if they were tired or not during the day. When does insomnia becomes a problem? Insomnia is considered as a serious problem if it is affecting one’s social and work life, if it is making the person feeling depressed or irritated during the day and if it is affecting the concentration and the attention span. Keep in mind that if insomnia is not properly treated, it can affect the quality of your life and cause serious problems such as depression and anxiety, hypertension (high blood pressure), heart disease, decreased productivity at work and absenteeism.

How can insomnia be treated? You may think that insomnia is a hard disease to treat, but, in fact, changing a few things in your daily life will help a lot. Improve your sleeping habits by: going to bed and waking up at the same time daily; developing a bedtime ritual (ex: reading before going to bed); avoiding eating, watching TV or reading while in bed; not drinking caffeine, alcohol or smoking before bedtime; not exercising a few hours before bedtime; eating a light diner and not taking long naps during the day. You can reduce your stress by many techniques, such as listening to music, taking warm baths and meditating. Try not taking pills without a doctor’s prescription because unorganised consumptions of such pills can make your sleeping problems worse. Your doctor may prescribe sleeping pills for only a limited number of nights due to their addictive potential. Insomnia is a disease that is growing in our societies because as the days pass, people are becoming more stressed, they are overloading themselves with work and getting used to bad daily habits that affect their sleep.


CARLA AL It is normal for any individual to search for a job after earning a degree from college. These graduates, as a first option, start to send their curriculum vitae to many companies at the same time. But, who said that you can have a job at a certain company? Have you ever thought of working from home and earning big money? Earn a steady pay check without ever leaving your house and earn cash within a short period of time by choosing these kinds of jobs from home. Virtual assistant This kind of work pays around 10$ to 15$ an hour. It is perfect for someone who is very organized with an ability to do multiple tasks at the same time. Many companies hire self-employed virtual assistants to save employment costs. You will perform typical office duties from home such as replying to emails, managing calendars, entering data, and assisting with social media. Transcriptionist If you are looking for a flexible job that requires little to no prior experience, this is the perfect job for you. It pays up to 25$ per hour and even more sometimes. It involves listening to audio files and typing out what you hear.

Companies usually hire transcriptionists without much experience, so some job postings might only require you to have a computer and keyboard to get started. Transcription jobs can vary from transcribing a college lecture to a doctor's medical dictation. Most companies allow you to make your own schedule. Survey taker This job is fun to do because it demands taking an opinion poll, answering questions about various subjects, such as shopping habits or reviewing a product. It pays 1$ to 50$ per survey, depending on how much time is required for each poll. Usually you get paid in cash, but some give you points that can be redeemed for gift cards. Website tester This job pays around 10$ to 15$ per test. Many companies pay online testers to make sure websites are intuitive and easy to navigate. It usually takes about 15 minutes per test. There are people who make $100 to $200 a month by staying on top of those tests. Film and Post How-To Videos This job requires signing up for a free YouTube account, then using a smartphone or a digital camera to record yourself explaining and demonstrating a talent that you have or something that you are good at, such as knitting, giving beauty and fashion tutorial. When you upload the video to YouTube, you enroll in its partner program.


L-HADDAD YouTube will then place ads inside or near your video, and you will earn money from the ads themselves, video views and click-through. The key is to put a unique spin on your video, especially if there are lots of others on the same subject. The job pays $1 to $2 per 1,000 hits and depending on how many people click on your video. Views on popular YouTube tutorials range from 20,000 to 300,000 and higher. Corporate English Trainor This one is perfect for Native English speakers with basic computer skills and an interest in other cultures who love chatting online or over the phone. Office experience is very helpful, since most students work in a corporate environment. You also need your own computer and a high-speed Internet connection. If you're bilingual, that's a plus. Students in countries including Japan, Korea, France and Germany are looking for English speakers to practice with. Sessions focus on things like making professional small talk or running a meeting (trainers are provided with specifics on how to teach each topic, and also trained themselves for two days before starting the job). Lessons take place either over the phone or on a live Internet video service like Skype— sometimes at night, because you're working with students in different time zones. You need to commit to a minimum of 20 hours a week at consistent times, and can work as many as 35 hours. It pays around $15 an hour. In the end, numerous are the jobs that you can do from home. Above we listed some of them. So don’t worry if you are not finding a suitable job for you in the working market. I guarantee that you will find a very comfortable job for you while lying on your own bed all relaxed. Just search the web for these kinds of jobs because you may get a very high paycheck out of them, sometimes higher than a fixed salary in an ordinary company.

IS GENEROSITY ALWAYS A GOOD TRAIT By Randa Saliba Chidiac Doing incredible things to improve other people’s lives is considered an act of generosity.

Doing incredible things to improve other people’s lives is considered an act of generosity. On our first date, my husband invited me for diner in a fancy restaurant. When we sat at the table he asked me: “What would you like to eat?” and I answered as most of shy girls on first date would say: “Salad, please.”But salad wasn’t good enough for him, so he ordered many plates from the menu. When it came time to pay the bill, he left a huge tip to the waiter. At first, I thought he was just doing this to impress me, but with time I noticed that this wasn’t done to impress me. He did this because he’s kind and generous, but he did this for his personal satisfaction because he likes to see people smiling around him.

People in fact, aren't used to gentleness. When someone does something unexpected, we feel shocked at first. Even the smallest actions can have an impact on others. However, generosity sometimes can do more harm than good. First, I noticed there is a dark side for giving that may lead to depression. There is strong pressure for being a giver without being a receiver. When you are accustomed to see a person acting in a generous way, you will feel shocked if once he/she didn’t act like usual. For instance, you are habituated to see your partner paying a huge amount of money to the valley parking, but if one time he didn’t give extra, you start wondering why.

Second, sometimes people give in so not to appear selfish. Such as, we see women volunteering by cooking to others or offering their shoulders to cry on, and at the same time we see men offering to lift heavy stuff or fix broken things. Those people are doing this in order to satisfy their own needs, in order to appear considerate and generous. Third, people give or act in a generous way to control others. They give extra favors, expensive gifts or to drag the attention of the partner. However, by accepting the gifts, we are bound to repay it in some way, and if we don’t, the generous person might feel disappointed. Moreover, a generous person may give to make himself or herself feel better, regardless of what the other person wants or needs. For example, when you help a beggar on the street, you feel happy even though the amount you gave was not enough. This is an innate desire we have to help the less fortunate. Finally, generosity is a natural confidence builder. Not only does it make the person feels better about himself, but it actively combats feelings of isolation and depression, and it also reduces stress. The act of generosity should be an act of giving and taking. It's truly the give and take that brings us our greatest sense of happiness and improves the quality of our lives.


Before I begin, I would like to thank the HP partners in Lebanon for giving me the opportunity to work and test their new product, the HP Elite x3. Their trust in me is highly appreciated.

HP Elite is a Windows based phone. In other terms, it runs the windows operating system in it. Microsoft, the owner of the Windows OS, always said that the windows mobile can replace your PC. But this was never true until HP designed this phone. The phone can act as a PC when connected to its dock. This is all thanks to Continuum, a Windows 10 Mobile-exclusive feature that blurs the line between phone and a mobile computer. The Elite x3 is also a devilishly snazzy phone – easily the best-looking device available on Microsoft’s mobile platform. Its polished, metal-looking plastic details and 2K AMOLED screen will turn heads, and its build quality leaves little to be desired. HP’s Elite x3 is billed as a 3-in-1 device and aims to bring the best of a laptop, desktop and mobile phone together. And, for a phone that’s supposed to set you free from the confines imposed by each product category, as well as non-Windows 10 Mobile devices alike, it’s all too easy to feel trapped with the HP Elite x3. Of course, that depends on who you ask. If you’re a business user who has a need for just a few apps and a cohesive experience across screens, you’re covered. HP even offers its own PC virtualization membership that allows you to essentially run a computer in the cloud. From an IT perspective, issuing a single device that can do it all, so to speak, is a very attractive sales pitch. As of the design, A large 5.9-inch screen wrapped in a slick, military-grade frame and it feels smaller than it is, but won't work one-handed for many. As a standalone handset, the HP Elite x3 stretches the definition of a phablet with its pocket-bulging, 5.96-inch screen. The display is one of the largest we’ve used, coming in bigger than that of the 5.5-inch screens found on the Google Pixel XL and iPhone 7 Plus. HP’s Windows 10 Mobile device measures 161.8 x 83.5 x 7.8mm. Compared to the 5.7-inch LG V20, the Elite x3 rocks both a larger screen and battery with only one tenth of a millimeter added to its depth and a bit extra to its height and width. That’s impressive engineering.


It might not look it, but the Elite x3 offers militarygrade toughness with MIL-STD 810G certification. It’s also rated IP67, just like the iPhone 7, which will protect it from the occasional splash, but not against submersion in water. Needless to say, this phone can take a beating. And, although the phone is massive in the hand, it wears its size well with smooth, rounded corners and minimal bezels hugging the Gorilla Glass 4-covered screen. There are thin slivers of black on its sides, while the top and bottom extend out to make room for niceties like the front-facing camera and iris scanner – not to mention the smartphone's Bang & Olufsen stereo speakers.

Touching a little more on the bottom of the phone, it’s capped with plastic that’s polished to look like metal, and features a unique visual pattern that’s a bit unexpected, but very welcome for this business-oriented device. The extra design element helps liven up this otherwise suit-and-tie-looking device. You’ll find these little shiny touches surrounding the HP Elite x3, including around its rear-facing camera and fingerprint sensor. Otherwise, it’s a glass and polycarbonate affair. At its large size, putting a case on it might seem outlandish, but this stellar build quality is worth protecting. The below images are taken from the HP website. I don’t think it will be an issue if we share them in our magazine since we are writing good reviews about it.

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