The general public can get take part in the charitable movement in the simplest way possible just by purchasing the goodwill eggs this December, which will be branded with 1egg1world’s paraphernalia and made available in all Ritchies Supermarkets in Victoria. MEDIA RELEASE
From one to 125,000 eggs, the meteoric rise of 1egg1world. If a single grain of rice can tip the scale, a single egg can help change thousands of lives for the better. The three young brains behind 1egg1world have come a long way since its first trade with the help of their pet chickens. Starting with the “trading up” of a single egg, their ambitious process of trading one item for another item of greater value has since led the fundraising initiative into negotiations with Australia’s largest egg supplier Farm Pride for their next trade. 1egg1world is trading their current possession of $20,000 AUD in return for as many as 125,000 discounted Free Range eggs, the exact number to be confirmed in the coming days. 125,000 eggs equates to 18 palettes to place this in some context. To complete the trade, the eggs will be purchased by Ritchie’s Supermarkets at a slightly higher than market rate. This will guarantee a growth in 1egg1world trade from $20,000 to between $30,000 and $40,000 AUD. Prior to this trade, 1egg1world auctioned off an exclusive painting by Archibald winning artist Craig Ruddy of Cathy Freeman, which after paying a buyers premium left the initiative with $20,000 AUD. The trade for 125,000 eggs is just their 12th trade. 1egg1world has recently reached what could be known as a “full circle” returning to their origin of eggs. “We must be the only people in the world who would trade money for eggs but it is proving to be a great move” O’Meara joked. “For us it was critical to align with Free Range eggs. To trade for 125,000 is quite unbelievable to think about where we’ve come,” said 1egg1world’s Chris Wright. The new partnership fostered with Farm Pride and Ritchies seems to be a perfect fit as all three organisations focuses heavily on giving back. The former is a Keysborough-based egg supplier who has prioritised promoting wholesome wellbeing of both their consumers and hens with their free-range eggs produce. Whereas the latter is a Carrum Downs-based business that holds an outstanding track record in their contributions, raising over $40 million for charity, sport clubs and local communities.
Still fresh from the recent deal development with Ritchies and Farm Pride, the 1egg1world team nonetheless continues fervently scouting for interested parties to join in the good cause in order to reach their ultimate goal. They are calling on offers to trade for their $30,000$40,000. Their overall mission is to have 90% of the $1 million raised to be donated to three Australian grass-roots charities – Orphfund, Cool Australia and Traditional Healthcare, while the remaining 10% will be used for 1egg1world’s future charity endeavours. For more information and to keep up-to-date with 1egg1world’s progress, visit ! "#$%!$#!&%'()*!!(&)+%,!)"'!("$%-.(%/!#00#-$1"($2! ! "#$%&!%'(#)*%#+,!&)#!&*&%-&.-#!+%(/!(/#!!"##!$%&'(!(#&01!! 23,/!45"#&)&!6!789:!;<7!998! =3,/><#??<+3)-$13)?!!