Beauty: Summer Essentials 2017

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Health Supplements


西方有句俗語:「you are what you eat」人如其食,即是你的日常的飲食習慣代表你的個性。你平常吃的食物

比你用的護膚品更可以代表你。來自美國的高質環保營養品牌 LIFE Nutrition,為夏天補充優質的營養帶來 健康和快樂的人生。

As the old saying goes: “you are what you eat”. What you put on your plate is even more important than what you put

on your skin. Certified quality sustainable-conscious American brand LIFE Nutrition offers a wholesome boost to your body, allowing you to be active this warm season.

LIFE Nutrition Super Antioxidants 防止曬傷和皮膚癌最重要成分是抗氧化:維他命 C 和 E。LIFE Nutrition 超級抗氧化配

方糅合多種天然強效抗氧化成分,其原花青素的抗氧化功能是維他命 C 的 20 倍及維他 命 E 的 50 倍,有助對抗紫外線傷害,預防黑色素沉澱及增強皮膚彈性。產品更採用純

淨高質量的白藜蘆醇,有效抵禦自由基侵害,延緩衰老。除抗氧化外,研究顯示產品亦 提供多種不同功效,包括修復細胞、提升整體免疫力及活力、保護心血管、舒緩敏感、 護肝、修護肌膚及眼袋問題、去暗瘡及美白肌膚、增強記憶力及改善視力,全面提升免 疫力及對抗自由基。 The most essential ingredients to prevent sun damages and skin cancer are antioxidants — vitamins C and E. This product contains powerful natural antioxidants; each capsule has 300mg

of grape seed extract with proanthocyanidins that is 20 times more potent than vitamin C and 50 times of vitamin E. Plus, resveratrol helps to fight oxidative stress and repair age-related

cellular damage. To top it off, additional benefits like cells protection, immunity and vitality

boost, ultra-immune strength, cardiovascular health, allergy relief, repair skin and eye bags, acne and blemish relief, sharp memory and vision are all packed in this super capsule.

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As our wardrobes naturally transition from the colder seasons into the warmer ones, our health care regimen should also follow suit with a few adjustments to prepare for the unavoidable heat and humidity. What’s more, 80 percent of our exposure to UV rays occurs during these summer months, meaning extra precautions need to be taken to minimize the damage and potential for skin cancer that can result. Here are some of our recommended summer essential picks to keep you healthy inside and out while basking under the glorious sunshine.

LIFE Nutrition Green Coffee Bean LIFE Nutrition 青咖啡豆纖型配方採用天然瘦身配方,含專利 Svetol® 青咖啡豆提取物綠原

素及相等於 180 磅紅莓所含有的紅莓酮,臨床認證抑脂、溶脂、燒脂。能阻止脂肪及碳水

化合物吸收、溶解頑固脂肪、縮小脂肪細胞及無咖啡因副作用,因此毋須節食及額外運動, 有效幫助減輕體重及減少體脂,燒脂量等於 30 至 40 分鐘運動,如配合運動效果會更佳。 方便服用的維他命補充品讓你無須折磨自己實行嚴苛的飲食餐單,就能在這個夏天享受健 康、無拘無束的生活。 A popular weight loss ingredient, green coffee beans contains Svetol chlorogenic acid and raspberry

ketones equivalent to 180lbs of raspberries to effectively block, melt and burn fat. Natural slimming formula that studies show weight and fat loss without dieting or exercise, equivalent to 30 to 40

minutes of exercise which brings different benefits like blocking fat and carbohydrates, melting stored fat and shrinking fat cells but no side effect to your body. A hassle-free supplement that

allows you to enjoy a healthy and carefree lifestyle during your summer vacation without torturing yourself over strict diets.

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Selvedge Grooming: Hydrate & Protect

IDS Non-Tinted Sunscreen SPF50+ PA+++ (S2) 由著名新加坡皮膚科專家 Dr SK Tan 所創辦的護膚產品,IDS 美白透亮抗曬乳霜 SPF50+ PA+++(無色)質地透簿輕盈,瞬間滲透肌膚,呈現健康亮澤膚色,同時可用作為貼服的妝

前霜。乳霜配方蘊含天然維他命 C,有強效的抗氧化和消炎作用。質地透薄輕盈,順滑推開 後會令肌膚呈現光澤與不泛油光,適合任何膚質的男女。

Created by renowned Singaporean dermatological expert Dr SK Tan, this lightweight and non-

來自意大利的 Selvedge Grooming 以舒適、多功能及實用性作宗旨, 為男士帶來高效能的儀容護理產品。Selvedge Grooming 保濕及護膚 清爽的乳液提供皮膚所需營養及能鎖緊水分,有效地保濕,為皮膚 注入活力及鎮靜皮膚。包含豐富的天然成分例如竹樹精華、西伯利 亞人參精華,這個舒緩配方可以激發再生,同時減低因剃鬚或太陽 曬傷而引起的炎症及紅印。

greasy sunscreen contains titanium dioxide and zinc oxide particles that effectively blocks UV

This high performance Italian grooming brand has a refreshing

on your face, suitable for both genders.

the skin by restoring essential nutrients and locking in moisture. Packed

radiation when under the sun. Ideal for all skin types, leaving a smooth powdery matte and oil finish

multipurpose moisturiser gel that rapidly hydrates, invigorates, and calms

with natural ingredients such as Siberian ginseng extract and bamboo extract, this soothing formula stimulates regeneration while providing relief from irritation and redness caused by shaving and sunburns.

Coconut Matter WonderBalm Collection 於 提 倡 環 保 健 康 生 活 的 香 港 人 氣 品 牌「 好 椰!」(Coconut Matter)推出 WonderBalm 尊貴系列純天然唇膏,共有三款唇

膏選擇:滋潤雙唇 CLEAR purest protection、梅桃紅的 VIVID be the icon 與鮮粉紅色的 HOPE。配方蘊含脂肪酸和抗氧化成

分, 有 效 保 持 雙 唇 時 刻 柔 軟 嫩 滑, 使 唇 膏 更 滋 潤, 更 長 效。 WonderBalm 用上好椰!皇牌產品—來自所羅門群島的 WILD 有 機冷壓初榨椰子油製造,為唇部建立強效保護膜,抵抗細菌和病

毒,並特別加乳木果油及可可脂,以鎖緊水分,而牛油果油則有 效對抗太陽的傷害及抗衰老,全面呵護櫻唇。 Hong Kong-based eco-friendly and organic lifestyle brand offers a collection of three luxurious balms — transparent primer “CLEAR

purest protection”, red velvet “VIVID be the icon” and youthful pink “HOPE is all” — that guarantees supple lips with its nourishing

formula of essential fatty acids and antioxidants. Crafted with

Coconut Matter’s signature WILD Virgin Coconut Oil, WonderBalm ingredients also include rich shea and cocoa butters to lock in

Rossi Uvema Avocado and Green Tea Cleansing Lotion 英國品牌 Rossi Uvema 是有機和加入植物萃取物的 100% 天然護 膚品。Rossi Uvema 牛油果與綠茶卸妝乳適合曬後及敏感皮膚 護理,幫助清潔、修復和保護肌膚。含有富含維生素 A、B1、

B2、D 和 E 的初榨牛油果油—滋潤保濕的成分能幫助肌膚新生

有光澤,滲透肌膚清除垢物,清潔和幫助解決一般肌膚問題。 另外,綠茶提取物含抗氧化成分,抵抗陽光的傷害、排毒和環 境對肌膚的污染。卸妝乳中,綠茶具有非常優秀的消炎效果, 舒緩和鎮定肌膚。 This U.K. 100% natural skincare brand is great for after-sun care for sensitive skin. The lotion contains two essential ingredients that

removes impurities and nourishes the skin — cold pressed avocado

oil, packed with Vitamin A, B1, B2, D, and E which rejuvenate and

regenerate skin; green tea extract, rich in antioxidants called catechins, fighting damages done by the sun’s free radicals and exposure to toxins

and pollutants, whereas its anti-inflammatory properties helps soothe and calm skin.

moisture while avocado oil adds the benefit of sun protection and guards against ageing.






Aveda Pramāsana Scalp Concentrate Kiehl’s Calendula & Aloe Soothing Hydration Masque Kiehl’s 金盞花蘆薈鎮靜保濕凍膜特別針對平日忙碌人士,利用重

牌的金盞花的溫和性質和紓緩功效,解決暗啞疲倦及肌膚缺水等 問題。加上蘊含洋甘菊和檸檬等精油,為面膜添上清新芳香。此 外,配方不含苯甲酸酯類防腐劑和色素。透過啫喱配方,適合夏 天使用,即時發揮清新保濕功能,令人感覺清爽涼快。就需要 5 分鐘就極速鎮靜保濕!持續使用更有效修復肌膚,解決暗啞疲倦

及肌膚缺水等問題,肌膚重拾健康光澤。所有膚質適用,包括敏 感肌膚。

炎熱的夏天,頭部皮膚容易被猛烈的紫外線曬傷。Aveda 最新的 Pramāsana 頭皮保護精華, 蘊含 96% 天然成分萃取,質感輕盈的精華配方能滲透頭皮表層,滋養及幫助強化頭皮的 天然保護屏障,免受污染及游離基傷害。每次洗髮後,直接在濕髮時把頭皮保護精華塗 在頭皮上。 The scalp is a vulnerable skin that gets easily damaged from sun exposure. Aveda recently launched this lightweight, leave-in treatment, essentially using the 96% natural blend of

ingredients. Penetrating the surface layer of the scalp to nourish and help preserve the scalp’s natural protective barrier, its antioxidant feature protects the scalp from pollution and other free radicals, leaving your scalp comfortable all day.

Specifically formulated for all skin types, the masque is formulated

with the healing properties of calendula flower petals and aloe vera,

and fresh soothing effect from chamomile and lemon essential oils, providing a refreshing surge of cooling hydration to combat the

Elgon Refibra Restructuring Lotion

instant skin pick-me-ups with its quick five minutes application. Its

夏日來臨,頭髮受紫外線照射會造成頭髮毛鱗片剝,變得粗糙硬化,失去彈力,更會造 成掉髮。補充髮芯因紫外線照射而嚴重流失的營養,無矽、無油膩感的 Elgon 重塑髮芯

dull, tired, or dehydrated.


summer heat. The masque is ideal for busy professionals who need

calming, yet revitalizing properties make it beneficial for skin that is

再生精華素,屬免沖洗髮芯營養肌底液;揉合義大利專利 Redoxina 科研革新技術,萃取

深層修復髮芯,幫助修護受損頭髮的毛鱗片,鞏固頭髮組織結構,減少折斷情況,令髮 絲回復強韌潤澤。 The harsh UV rays of summer causes hair, roughens the hair texture, loss of elasticity, and hair loss. The Italian professional hair cosmetics

Pure Lano Ultra Healing Body Balm 這美國生產的天然護膚品推出的 Pure Lano 極緻修護潤膚膏能全 面紓緩曬後肌膚針對性強效修護,可深層滋潤皮膚底層。成分包

括品牌主要的醫學級極純羊脂,其天然溫和的可可籽油成份有助 令曬傷的肌膚快速復原,還可以治好濕疹。只需塗上薄薄一層, 肌膚便能迅速吸收,在表面形成保護層,同時達到舒緩及保濕效

have developed an intensive treatment that has a strong repairing effect. Its key ingredient Redoxina has antioxidant, energetic and

remineralizing properties of the Klamath seaweed with the aminoacids

of keratin, the main substance in hair. Its wide range of vitamins and protein components promises an anti-age action that enhances hair defense and health.

果,促進細胞再生修復。 This is a great recovery essential designed to deeply hydrate the most fragile layers of your skin. Apart from the brand’s prized-ingredient

Lanolin (highly refined and purified oil derived from wool grease), this ultra-nourishing balm is enriched with cocoa seed oils which help to heal severe burns and inflammations, and even treats eczema

and other harsh skin conditions. Apply a pea-sized amount of this rich, smoothing moisturizer onto irritated and dry patches to quickly relieve and regenerate your skin’s protective barrier from within.

Selvedge Grooming : Grooming Balm 別擔心!我們沒有忘記我們的鬍子朋友。Selvedge Grooming 護髮香膏專為雜亂的頭髮及 鬍子而設。這乳狀的造型香膏以特別的配方,包括橄欖油、洋甘菊和竹樹精華令頭髮及 鬍子即時順服和變軟,改造造型。為難以馴服的鬢髮提供豐富營養。為頭髮及鬍子輕度 定型、中度亮澤。 Don't worry! We have not forgotten about our bearded friends. The Italians have created a creamy styling balm for unruly hair and beard. Specially formulated with olive oil, chamomile

and bamboo extract to instantly condition, soften, and transform your look. Perfect for nourishing hard-to-manage hair, leaving a light hold medium shine finish.



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