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A. J. ABERATS Industrias El Rat贸n


If after reading the book you want to buy a copy on paper write us a letter And convincing! because we do not sell to anyone, the author lends itself to personally devote to inappropriate. By book tree we plant. We like to control our relationship with Pachamama.




Franck J. Gaus (Director of the Department of exobiology at the University of Cerro Pinosa, Tennessee. Co-signatory of the report "E-145" and presidential adviser of the Obama administration).

I don't know how you managed to introduce the book, and the economic proposal, between my urgent paperwork. Unheard of. And not the story itself, but, yes, that want me to pass as a real alien pamphlet. ...[ ]… My time is too precious for tangle with a stupid treaty. Please, don´t disturb more, or it will be something that discuss you with my lawyers and the relevant authorities. F. j. Gaus

Ana Rodrigo Guaguanché Zoco (Playwright. Winner of the Pamparroto Prize for poetry. Twice finalist of the contest Tronchadrama. And literary criticism in the digital magazine Sanchitos and Quijotes Revue).

Honest, who wants to be, and claimed the heel, only remains declare that the work that you have commanded me, unfortunately, lacks literary value; and even of grammatical consistency! As I tell you. Ambrose Bierce, Eugenio D´Ors, and the same Esopo, something made long ago; and they have lines that are worth what its back. You may think original or appropriate, take advantage of the pull of the moment, and bring to market a book in this format. Don't make. Follow my advice and sold the paper to the weight. And if this is something that unfairly is in mold, focus the promotional campaign on the historical aspect and can be that out there touching bone; fiber, low. Ah! And it will always give bucket via Internet; This does not belittle it. Anarro 5

Otto Hofmann Swarkkoff (Archaeologist and philosopher. Deputy Director of the Museum of Ancient Customs in Stuttgart. Discoverer and director of the archaeological site of “The Gulungu child” in the Lake Turkana, Kenya).

To work on secure please send the original. stop. Or strike any minimum rigor and everything will be in reader personal opinion. stop. If so I liked despite flagrant failures and quite a few remarks on dates given. stop. Rather implied. stop. Ignoring this I can say that the copy is going for entertain a while and get some laughs. stop. I am available on agreed conditions. stop. Sincerely: Otto H. Swarkkoff.

Arkay Kasmaya (Director of the magazines "Infininitum", "Selenite Tomorrow" and "Is anybody there?". Author of the best seller "Abducted for no reason" and "On the other side of the Brane". Parapsychologist and medium. Vice President of the Association Friends of the Fifth Dimension).

Too beautiful to believe it. Messeigneurs have sneaked les a goal, or try, with the greatest effrontery. Who is SHR de M? I could be. I attend to the initials. I am a “Sir Human Rational” from Moratalaz. Or a Snake Hypochondriac and Reptil from Much... care. Please, don't want to make more fools of what we already are, or at least say that it is fiction and much livestock they have starting. Anyway, I invite, bring by the wording for a chat in person, and who knows, maybe make interview to publish. And brought to the author… Or the translator!! Arkay Kasmaya


Soraya Al Watan (Ambassador of goodwill of United Nations and Observer of the High Court of Human Values to the Middle East. Ex-candidate to the Presidency of the Republic of Binalkistan. Commissioner of the Permanent Exposition of the Woman).

With great pleasure we read your book during the holidays. I read it and read it with my two small children. They are those who almost forced me to write to thank you for your contribution to the fight against child malnutrition, and incidentally, let know that they loved; although in my opinion it goes without a little blood, and lacking tact, to treat certain passages to which we are all sensitive; and I don't think you need to explain more. Also, I would suggest that thereafter are you directed to my Office in Washington D. C. to make any consultation or donation. Thank you. Soraya Al Watan and her sons Marwan and Jazzmin

Teing Zafayama (Programs analyst in Oshabuti & Takemura Co. And drag queen at Tokyo Tai night. Ah! And regular reader).

The North wind Without East facing It rots all corn Joy没 Dans芒 (T. Z.)


Somewhere, Sometime



I'm here. And here there is nothing. Well, stellar dust there are to be bored. And nebulae. And galaxies. The universe remains outside, playful. Even a huge black hole draws attention and entertains; magnets all matter and little by little his mouth way going asteroids and planets. Or the wake of a comet was saved. Or the stars. Apparently devouring everything. Up to the light. I don't know if it will be so voracious by nature or that the Observatory makes rife surrounding time. It is my first day and even I don't understand well the thing. Functions escape to me. ... This is... weird, very weird... new... at least for me. Okay, they was told me not worry, that I have leftover food and spare parts to solve any problem and that Beast is ready! "A year is not much." A year is not much! Not. A year is not nothing, what goes, it is a lifetime. Or more. In the end, moreover, everything perfect. SHR de M



With music I have awakened. From the table of my cabin could well do the same thing that I do in the laboratory. There is nothing. I still do not understand the lights and numbers that Beast sing. Am an observer! Nothing told me to do and I think nothing to do. Of course. Mine are neither numbers nor lights, no. My thing is to know, if see, that something extraordinary will happen. Very, the black hole should take the mass that could, and existed in all directions, and at the moment is very mature. Itty, itty, and in season as I have not seen before. I would say that about to burst… …… …… …… …… And did!!!! I have sense. And Beast. And I would say that it will not corner within this universe where not perceived. Fat and firm being the blackness, implosion to the wild opening new dimension. All the stuff that constrain came out buzzing in search of the new own coordinates, and ourselves, relating, we are changing the location. Buffa! I have witnessed the birth of another outbreak of the Infinite. Pretty fractal. Without more, until tomorrow.

SHR de M



Today I woke up with a sound beating. And I did the same. I had breakfast slowly seeing stretch the invention. With gear that leads will be engaging is a few atoms to others, particles other over eons. And the electrons that are dancing alone. And neutrons and protons, and baryons and tachyon! And know nobody things rather than not guess! ... I said that bad indication would give Beast and so leave to do. Smitten has me eddying of galaxies and the ignition of the Suns. Fascinated by observing the erratic wandering meteorites; natural tendency will be to crash and a few other impact giving weight to their bodies. Planetesimals, planetoids, planets. Crazy cars traverse the space for death and birth of new entities, solar systems, which coagulate everywhere. Precisely one of these that I am talking about is consolidating before us. The long hundred planets is taking body while they pick up step, and rhythm, and revolve around the Sun. They dance, Yes. Dance defined orbits. I, go back to my box; and see if I can sleep; still closed eyes, shapes and colors of the space illuminated me head travelogue. ... Are you sure that is designed the Observatory against every contingency? I would not be bathing me in soups and gamma rays, or Beast, are be a weld foolishly without I know. Unless contested, without incident. SHR de M



The long century of planets that were around yesterday... yesterday!... today only half. From the larger to the smaller agency entourage; when not a court finds; even some with several rings hugging the equator. One of those exotic worlds like me, more Beast should handle other parameters biocartographic and it seems that we approach one itty. Yes. To my whim, in addition, a little bit closer to the Sun. It much more not fatten the wretch with the proximity of the star. Little piece is wandering loose. The planet chosen by Beast, of course, also has moon; and well beauty ratio. Having, until have water. Squeezed of stones, even arrival outside, slowly forms film. They will becoming at the time its site the viscera of the planet because it roar and creaks with any stripes. Something I am taking indicators and therefore understand that the atmosphere is pure cyanide. Ha! I Do not rent earnings to which intends to come to exploit this confines. Certainly that has no name. Nothing has name. Could I put it? Since then, I swear and promise, register all baptism that then at the Borges Universal encyclopedia. Word! If so I'd like to call it... mmm... could I call is for now only S10 of the corporacion112 universe? I would like to find a round name and cool. Something that sounds bells and impressed, if not, on the return, I am promoting stupid having lost a year throwing eye to the sterile "Grumesillo A10H el UC112" or "The UC112 RondrondĂ­n/inh-Doc.//Aapp.2". And do not want to. We need a name and does not propose to Beast! Well, the same I get up tomorrow with it on the lips. SHR de M



Rotation and translation to meet a simple annual cycle: 365´25/24/60. We'll, that's now as Beast, but go to know the Mayor to speed at which will buzz when not providing eye; the dynamo is underway. …… Yes. Vicenti and current. And size comes to be a little smaller than my own home planet; not much more. I'm not at home, but as if it were. ... Or to the idea I do me. SHR de M


04-01 I can not paste me the mucus and boasting very experienced. During my formative period I liked adventure and travel literature. Emotion it was then in the same mat of the Academy, and not back to tread had sleepless many nights to my classmates and instructors. What stories would be running! Where Devil stay at these times. The dungeon would suck!!! Although the day, if They see in me not recognize to the restlesass that it was converted in ocean four unconnected pools; or that just lying fighting to neuronic whip with an imaginary Monster. It discernable an epic on each permit, today, now, I shall confine myself to watch a dry planet from a wheelchair. A string of barren worlds. And I can not abstracted me so long ago, daydreaming, because the first day of the workshop had warned us against expectations. How badly they fit and how much contrary of not endorsing it. This is a pain in the ass. This is harder than it seems. And it seems that I have been appointed Grand Maestre of the glanders.

SHR de M



I had bad breakfast; left me. Soup I had at the plate. And soup on the monitors. And soup is the planet. Bad compared, my nutritional cookie ended up being platform continental that stand out of the waves, and broken, at will sailed the dense Ocean. In his paper is Beast, and since I woke up, boarded, bombarded with information. Parables and trajectories. Moles. Reactions and volatile loose. Data and percentages. Stop it! Pure FĂ­sica and Chemistry. Saturate me. Do may disconnect the time it takes me to eat? No, I know. And I guess that major will make chain amino acids brought S10. Yes, but to me I included in the programme to observe. Nothing more. Be aseptic in my opinion and express it with total freedom. Regardless of my opinion. And record. And wrong I will develop my role if I finish catching dislike to the planet; I warn. I also need my peace. And more until the end of lunch.

SHR de M



I suspect that Beast reads the diary... And without suspicion; I would make it worse with their powers. Silent works when want to. So much so, that intrigued by his silence I planted before keys requesting information. Full, Beast started me a multimedia compendium of the chemistry of the elements. ... Lanthanide… gases... actinides... Buf!! All screed I only stayed with a term: "Coacervate". It is very old word which I also came to say much, but something would have to disturb the ready of the expedition, Beast, by the way, to the point that making understandable speech I placed in the lobby of the Life. A lot of small test tubes outlined by test. Inside, the alleged "protolife" rub and scrub looking for a libidinous I don´t know what. That I would say, because I don't have to admit, that similar pattern spend colleagues my holidays. Pure excitation were, and are, the corpuscles. Myself I am around and giving probe and probe at the first opportunity. That happened to my own begetter, and perhaps can that these unfortunates end up having offspring without trying. Duplicated. In this case, as do not forget Beast in stress, it will start automatically the Second Protocol. The step is not impossible. But if there is Life on this planet, theirs!, it likely will be to come out. Go, such as I! Big raises me the stride from inert to living things. And it is not strange that dude of the change of the grain in rodent mediating a shirt… … Although well intended, the approach now set can dress for both sleeves; It is reversible. Be Beast, Yes, that has media, who ensure the probe and gestured to the bug if any, I, go back to the cold of the camera. The rule if there is life; use the standard patterns. SHR de M


07-01 No grace me meant lift inlay on the empathetic costume. No. I sat down as well, it soured so much, that easy to not have the garment reliability with me and what the specimen refuse me. Or die of shock if live. Fuck if knew what there who I am! Where I come from. What I represent. What I am. ‌‌ Who is he. Where is... Okay, Yes, armoured and waterproof, the same homeland will be the test tube to its native swamp. Monstrous size made Beast paraded a list of bugs by the hologram, whose only virtue to not scare, was belong to the carbon cycle. Out, without going further, aboriginal phosphorus, or silicon, or of any other sulfur, perhaps without hesitation here put the signing, would play the panic button, and returned home. And all as friends. But will not be the case, no. Life there is. And restless. I was there under a pair of tags. Very detailed report, beastly, useless reams of facts and figures that my "good" friend Beast knew how timely to sift. Pearl of the sieve shall be considered, crimp the pretensions of the shipowner, I suppose, and identified as legitimate holder of the place to beings called bacteria; very calm, and laborious, and also little demanding in providing to be colonized. Perfect for certain interests I suspected the property. Intrigued, I looked for the tickling to data and something changed my way of understanding things. And so I did in the rotated report. For my part, even admitting doubts, I thank for potential masters of the estate to viruses. The label who briefly wanted to defeat Beast, blanket to a few creatures of ample bellicosity and quarrelsome character. ... I have I seen them? Do not... Or Yes. Well I know that I do to oblige the entry into force of the Third Protocol, and to understand, who need!, the symbolic that is my job and so long and expensive that can be a year! For all! Bad is that we throw the entire mission, all!, watching this stupid litigation under a microscope on a whim, and well say whim, because well raised, treated mode, it would have been more receptive to contact and establish relations with my testimony. And pulling, to collect premiums. But bad, Oh friend!, I'm the organic and no hurry I have to return home. 17

I have been voluntary. Morning thing is, the knowledge of the events of the night coming.

SHR de M



Promised it me one day thing. At my feet I thought Beast to discover me wearing still the empathetic. That for me there is no mention of mood change! At pierced napkin I read the latest reports and looked the most recent samples. A few new litigants (heh, heh! What was missing Beast!) appear to complicate things one little bit more. Unicellular. Yes, cells. Autonomous cells with full kernel. Autotrophic and Heterotrophic. By approximate positions also something to the "goodwill" of Beast, had good support to these single-celled beings as descendants of the ancient and known contenders; although I sense a considerable input of allochthonous relatives to this pond; or at least unknown to us so far. Or unknown to me, more concrete. And perhaps misconceived solidarity, seems to me nor timely to give treatment of owner to none of the newcomers. Taking the salary, fixed and known safe extra pay, which is known to the round oblique continue waking until receive treatment that considers compensation for the suffering. Organic am, Yes. And spiteful. Rush... no! SHR de M



Recognizing that today it was not wake mode problem, I admit plain that what afflict are the breaks. How often? What is the interval that considers appropriate Beast? And why?. Lot has to want to close the deal, as of yesterday to today, the only change found was the entry into chance of tiny multicellular. Much variation and little merit. However, no other complex organic seems to come to litigate them rights, and swift and productive, they run to take possession of the inheritance. Although bacteria and viruses will continue giving battle, and giving it to anyone, it seems that the thing is clear and inheritance, autotrophic and heterotrophic lines, it will be the proclaim master. Beast opts for the green specimen, and can be due to the own costume that I because, to me also make me it to be the ideal people to treat; despite the fact that they pollute the atmosphere and condemn the landscape to oxidation. I do not moves as well with the aggressive caste heterotrophic. The heterotrophic... animal giblets! And never better said. The least bad of them are primitive cannibalism and autotrophic cousins make their source of energy. The most aggressive and willing to make prey among congeners. The ferocity of viral and bacterial parsimony, are giving the face in their descendants. They run the world playing live without having idea that is ruining their existence in my hand. My will and conscience is to be the observer of this mission. That's my job. Monitor the Universal equity. Seek out anyone cheated. And word, that I begin to fuck like this family stuff brought in S10. ... Yes, that is another, also I have to get to it and find a handsome name for the planet. SHR de M



Through confidential holopouch it makes me get Beast the first checkup results weekly. How much rubbish! Several lives will take pitches in his bowels and still intend to justify the delay by some alleged machinery adjustments to my person. Pretty the nerve! And the results. Ha, results! And the prescription? Ay, prescription! ... Less sleep and more walk into the open. And I are strongly advised to give me to go with friends. That is more social! ... Several things I have in mind, but I reserve and prefer to set me back to the area of the laboratory for cud revenge. It think Beast. It fear. Down life will also be complicated. I am concerned about how to evolve these simple structures, and with my loggerhead questions in this regard, I am bewildered Beast. And it shows him I intrigue. He dissects me the copies and one thousand tests performed without complaint. It is the only time of the day that I find it pleasing his manifest presence. No longer be comprehensive, believe it, and just flush is handled. At that moment, only in this, I find it partner and comrade. Up to transfer to my suggestions of lego and sprayed the samples of tubes with acids and bases, or different wavelengths. Thus I witnessed the birth of an eye. A simple look, a simple eye, a photosensitive cell, made me cry, and to seek to share the thrill of discovery... nothing... just... my playmate was a very latest generation computer. ‌‌ I have to write a few letters and run the tape. SHR de M


04-02 I instructed, almost to cause rejection, which are very flattering and amiable the structures organic, but as soon as you neglect‌ Zakatrock! It give the stab stabbing without hesitation. Why demand to relocate the empathetic, not that I blinde, which does not, not, thousand acrobatics performed but that is not, designed so do not pour nor on emotion and can say everything more objective. HA! With me will not run very well costume, because I certainly know, I recognize a speck of disgust to observe them. Specimens that bring automatic probes remind me of soft worms of strange symmetries, beings tires without mouth or digestive system defined, total wolverines, which feed by absorbing organic molecules or in association with symbiotic photo or chemical-synthetic... (Little word of Beast). An asquith all out of the water. SHR de M


Aaayy, what taste! Stretch my legs and have no border in the eyes is appreciated. Well, okay, landing is not pleasant in the absence of the planet link and down to break orbit, but trivial are dizziness and faintness, if one gets to sit away from Beast for a while. The aim of the walk was observing simple structures of life in their environment and see what we can do with them. I know that words of herald are not wanting to understand the inhabitants of this far mere rock pot filler. And yet they are. Jellyfish, worms and coelenterates are the little characters that populate the shallow waters. Them not are very ready, and in the Earth, that I see, neither it looks life that is not geological. Yes, I think it will for long find body of carbon with which to gab. SHR de M



Little work I do; low by lower. I sit in a rock, that Yes, and leave to spend time observing what they bring and carry currents. Beast continues to urge give vote to costume and throw away the water. And not. The water breaks down the roads! I am satisfied to see the bed by ups and downs. And there is much that is offered. The different strategies modeled them the body and it seems priority ensure a chassis in conditions; the theme of the brain will be them paragraph secondary, and between endoskeleton and exoskeletons, and leaflets, and... and everything very careful to detail, dissipate their energies. The champion, the master of the ocean, it is title that struggle a few armoured fish, and although hydrodynamically speaking are ugly and deformed, the sea has no best juvenile lead. ‌‌ And with me that still does not count. SHR de M



Insects! Fiiiiuuuuuu!!! More than one I know had given him a fit to be here today with me. Few universes are saved to develop so stubborn enemies of peace of mind. Great job they attempted to exterminate in some worlds that I know, and neglecting the impossible, even in the long run up to proved harmful. Here they are everywhere. Beast does not want I put them hand fearing that can upload parasite and suggests concrete work continue leaving the automatic probes. Although fascinating, to me also get bad body if Beast passed detailed images while I feed. And better than not. A year is too long from either end. SHR de M



They are not very terrestrial life because I found hand water them. But at the end I realized. Yes. Inhabitants has the planet that developed part of their existence out of the water with some dignity; teeny amphibians; I guess that descended from fish. Some eat only what brings water, others, from pond to pond, and taking advantage of the varied delicacies which wind drag, earn land to their sons in the evolutionary race. But at least the air makes a tract of life and to me I'm worth. I am who observes. And they observed. Yes, in justice, I can say that I have subject of study. SHR de M


02-03 Today, joy, no sea I looked down. Only Earth. Mountains, mountain ranges and endless beach, desert in any rule, I was put in the eyes to see. But no trace of life. Big mistake. Pervades the site. The first indication they offered me, a lot of go toast me under the Sun, some eggs of thick, hard crust, drought-proof. And open that I found them. And no trace of the young. Although while, that in tilted position was still nosing the remnants, a nice storm sprinkled the arid plain of life, and in my same eyes sprang a carpet of flowers. A lot would without rain and it attributed the sudden chromatic explosion. And the swollen Earth scent-laden air. Too bad that it should be the exception. Rugged looks the planet while also be able to offer such havens than enjoyed. Mirage. SHR de M



Reptiles here, lizards there. Take the family throne in payment and there is no niche where do not wish to be present; they grow in number and size. From the beginning, although never I have complained about (?), Beast wanted to guide my performance. Needless to deny that he knows and I know. He know (or perhaps “she� knows... yet us much more to know about us) well, I say, he perceived my resentment because I confess do so notorious from time to time, but to date, we carry a little while here, Beast was coming out with it, and much to my regret, to recapitulate in the antechamber of suspension, should admit, for me, that reason was not missing and always engaged I contact with the scabby of the city. Today not. He can not argue that. If someone can tell and put rules, these certainly are reptiles. SHR de M



Majestic are the reptiles, Yes, but if you see them, that is what I believe I paid, in the port they are also discovered the miseries. And even all you can say that they are masters. Crazzy ended a giant issue, because looking for leaves to his massive famine, without claiming it egged and put a high beehive on war dance. And be lacered to consciousness. Another example offered me a hairy bich, night burgler, to roll a nest egg to eat in the thicket. And repeat. And tripeat. And not be exceeded with a fourth egg because although disconnected and sleepy, the owner of the clutch again made an madwoman. Yes, they impose, but bloodletting is also made to the lizards and I do not believe that the final word on the planet is this. SHR de M



Very urgently, sent me Beast this morning at the planet. Just data I transferred from the automatic probes, and noting me the strange, in the gravitational jump gates told me that it would then go to causes specific of the constraint. And pull down. Leery of Beast is not new, so as soon as I positioning reason I looked on the site. And I sensed nothing outstanding. They lord it reptiles. The sun warms. Air rocks grass. Beats at the pace that is life. Couldn't find explanation for so much outrage, except, perhaps, if any lizard would cast sufficient mass grey to his skull. Might be? I thought that, and I got to find reptiles which would profile. Although neither by hint. Are a fool and singular perverse; or they seem to. Even I can do more ingenious the furry petty thieves, who in his tiny boldness, understand pantry and protection on the Giants; they run between huge legs; and up to play; they are much more social. And no wonder. Instead of leaving the implementation to the good luck, tied young mother thanks to the many emotions that she provide. And not only to conceive. Is fed to the stems by sweat glands made mom; a nipple, that dock is to the jaw of the embryo that carry in carrier. Protected, given love to lick if they have size, and raw need to be proteins. Finally, they are offered coverage in tract form adults. Too bad that they shine in the planet in time of reptiles. SHR de M



Alive and kicking is the universe, a comet is deigned to come suddenly; hence the rush of yesterday and the secrecy. Just caused havoc, and will cause in future, the swallowed it the Sun. However, in the wake of its tail broke such payout that it was not body in the solar system which does not treasure the business card. The same S10, which has been S3, suffered a pair of significant dimensions stons; one in particular, despite go shredding in the atmosphere, hit such buzz that opened a crater of two hundred kilometres in diameter not less than. ... And we know little more. Since then a dense canopy of gases and dust covers the planet darkening it. And the probes or use them because they broken with the solar electromagnetic storms. With great professionalism for my part, I think, I sobrepuse to how much objection stated Beast and myself volunteer to lower to the air; without technical support; well, except the empathetic. I can be painting very black the tessitura, in defence of his conscience, and safeguards, Beast informed me that it was not the first impact facing the planet, nor the last, and surely it is not worse than others that missed, and I now see killed in addition to almost any living creature; hovering around 95%. I was unable to walk from field, I confess, to quantify the cataclysm. It astinketh and you see the ravaged place. However, there are life. Who was going to say! The rascally to sensed elements, the sucker, took the occasion to the race and extend across the face. More adaptive, to carry built-in stove!, they beats to lizards and are preparing for me to bury them; nor the memory of the lizards will leave on their own bones to evolve them ears and get five finger claws. These are painted alone another world; that class have the very suckers. SHR de M



Finishes are not lizards, do not. But sunset have close. Broken the ecological balance, spread which plague the marsupials and give battle in every niche. There are butchers and vegetarians. And omnivores. And they dominate all ecosystems except one. The air. There did bunker feathered children of the old Lords; in the ether, or in the aquatic environment, by now they have nothing to do the sucker. That Yes, that do not attempt to any ancient lineage regain vigor in land; that they will not be allowed; I sense. SHR de M



The suckers exhibit traces come to stay, but knowing something of the dynamics of the planet, imagine that after to diversify will begin with the problems. They will suffer from a heat wave or will be broken up their limbs by the continuous rotating blades. Bah! I do not know what will be the trigger, if that some females breast feed their embryos before they are formed, or other, placental, that by waiting for labor to start to breastfeed, they will feel different. Come on, that the eyes of the others do feel. Is chewed the tragedy. And here thrown in cutthroat! SHR de M



Dream is a sign of intelligence, and no one can deny. Just see them tremble, or drink, or moaning if that brings the night is a good nightmare, to recognize a brain capable of storing memories and give rise to an existence. I will bring with me modern supports to keep cool who I am and where I come from. Now, where to aim, nor I, nor they themselves know, and that are hardly glean in families. SHR de M


03-04 I like trees. They are brimming with calm and take to whisper; and usually impelled by a zephyr is when they do. Of itself are quite discrete and quiet. Thats is the reason that me central to walk among them, and to do, the mood also tend in the meantime a scrutinized. A small group of arboreal suckers had me by their fruity artillery target. They are at time of birth, and placental resentful, are the delicate moment and I suppose tried to scare me throwing fruit; despite wearing the empathetic. Not be enemies to fear. The ergonomics of their limbs hangs them life and they do not grow much. Living in the trees just evolutionary, is the bulk of their life waste, probably spending, they did widen the brain at the expense of the casings. Light malicious ideas as easily as a litter of two shoots; one per nipple. I say! Bait recite himself and invited me to follow the war by tree canopy. Sought me the fall from the highest branches and physical. ... Elements of giblets! SHR de M



Basal metabolism, hair, habits, speak of the old underground past of these gulfs; or at least good adaptation to night and its rigors. And without masters seemingly overnight, just as well occur to scrutinize and monitor the contours. And no small danger. In the family tree rooted the badblood who grabbed a breeding of low rank, and by dint of mistreatment, went departed the neck to the animal. And or protest the mother, because from a very high threw the corpse on the ground. SHR de M



Where there is dense jungle today is savannah landscape. The ground sank, and to change the terrain, they also had to be to remove the beings that inhabit these ecosystems. Some became extinct, and even a variety of new species came to occupy the space. However, that I'm watching is adapted without penalty or glory. Clearing of space forced them to go ashore and navigate to the race to minimize the danger. A green lump to another there is stretch and adopted the standing position for lookout over the herbs. Became them the view and they invented the foot, but they are still little solvent people and at the first surrounding roar migrated to the arboreal canopy. SHR de M



Although Beast urges choose me, I follow mine. Does not judge me now as to whites, is happy to repeat aloud, and even dare to suggest that singing, data and opinions of the questionnaire of field that signed on the return. It is the first thing that makes. And the last thing. Everything envisions it and rereads, and all say that doubt. But it is true. Can be seen that this takes time and when is out will come out. Before no. Best can say all that want , these cowhides which I've been doing subject of study, are the only ones who put some brains to the proyect. And doubt me it. Bland was the day, most of the time I confess having spent admiring the play of light on a lake. And occasion I had to lock me into a few evolutionary lines, I say, than by the food, the age, either by the dates of the year, by pure habit, whatever so, to the fornicate and amuse applied with determination; the time was pure sexual exuberance. Irresistible. ‌‌ No, no Sir. I also found some of the females, which though look at seasoning their attributes, at all were receptive. Lists are to deny the obvious and the male refuse intercourse. Da matter how turns. Neither the brave nor with blandishments. Or with the most tender of the snacks they can find. No, it's not. If this isn´t intelligence, which send me again to see amoebas! SHR de M


07-04 A couple of hours spent in the same position for if intelligence was declarate the bug that looked and I was a signal; very nice eyes; and athletic porte; and the runrun fobs off of her gasping. But nothing. The same dinner escaping her from the dish and branch down, slowly, fled one of the pieces already hunted; a monkey small-legs. Perhaps by mouthfuls he consent the flight, the other was going to let die, saving labor, at the foot of a lush fig tree. Although went further, and now limping on one leg at the time of the other! aggravation of his condition, he feigned spasm and flip came to the brook, and made ford. And shattered won a beer, some plains and another tree. And it climbed to the claiming state. The breeding was dead all when appeared the mother. She screamed and screamed, but all she got was that the hunter will stretch at the top of the canopy. It stretched. she continued calling the mother in the withdrawal, desperate would cite the son and by rail to their cries steps led me to the end of the wilderness. Short and light, metro twenty and twenty kg, ran and jogged graceful in the parched landscape. And she opened a gap. It took me back to pick up the traces, but I did. Every track has been done and climbing a fracture was safe throwing the breeding ground; that she never looked back. And I was behind. This led me to her family. It had to be. Blood connect her with the entire group, but her call only heeded other two adult females, and a nursing baby, that came to their meeting. In total would be thirty in command of a dominant male and his coterie of retainers. They beat the gorge carry off with all the resources available. Looking for comfortable room I lie against a leafy tree. Obvius that jumped to the face that were not the intelligences that we need. Crude, unsociables, oblivious, until the copy that came following joined the work and began to groom the field. Seeds, flowers, fruits. Roots. And moths. And any bich or vermin that might perceive it edible. That was their life. The life that did. In these appeared the known lord with which shared watchtower I, and that came looking for, or would target, left my guide to kill on the site the females. And breeding carry between the teeth. Nevertheless, by the early defense that made the rest of the group, and to my same sandbank came to kneel and cry the other... cry!... it makes me unfair not to give opportunity to these people, because even by the poor support of the number, but true that they did flee the beast and when they celebrated the victory. Masters are also known. She does not. She just cried because it asked for the body. Tears that are diamonds and make me one more day postponed heading. 39

The judgment of the planet. SHR de M



S3 is prone to change. And its inhabitants. Not so my good Beast, reliable to no doubt, that again left me in inappropriate site. I thought a successful principle the place to hear laughter. Smart and zany laughter. So deep and malicious that I understood finished the mission, or developing end to not be able to deny longer the obvious. But, surprise, negligible evolutionary irony, humorous animals of little could boast to be themselves manifest aberration; quadrupeds; downass and small-legs. Of vigorous and spiteful, pang that also. They had cornered in a small islet of the brook a monkey small-legs. Cut the flight by a slope and a quagmire, defended the creature life throwing projectiles in a rude style predicted anything good for his future. Dinner would be late or early someone would give with suitable Ford. And there he was defending himself. Stones, sticks threw to air vastly the little green spankings in the sand. And not discouraged, do not. Entered in the fort where knew had hole, and rather than defend against melee, that wouldn't make sense, grabbed the live wall as well had to understand their limbs and climbed. It stuck to the rock and was making way to win party safe in the brook. And she ran. He disappeared from view and the hyenas stopped laughing. Looking at me soothsayer, that calaban costume, I did even gesture closer and started in pursuit of the escapist. I toured the savannah looking for. And nothing. I was going to give the day finish, ended the persecution, when on the shore of the lake that I approached, I discovered dozens of small-legs; certainly brothers or cousins; some a little higher and bigheaded; others, weak and nervous. Several lines and families shared edge. Animated, kick beach until, finally, the long awaited small-legs. Macho, Explorer, and poorly articulated his thinking, populated the discourse of poses and guttural noises, an infinite number it would take to give report and upon arrival I encountered. To grunt and thought himself found refuge without haste. They were climbing a tree big whose branches offering safe encames among the rocks. There they would have intended to spend the night. Collecting groups, head of one I understood to the browser and on a ledge organized family who attend assembly. Two adult males, five females, four juveniles and two infants; and two on the way. The entire cell gathered to make a determination. Ran the final slope day and my explorer, tired, watched the two horizons that gave balcony with unwillingness. Well defined. The place, impossible. 41

Small-legs band knew, although only this family that I quote seemed to be aware of the reality. End of the field, there are no small dish that be disgusted and even carrion has boyfriends; and quarrelling. The explorer weighed the horizon while family hurrah in endearments and cuddle.

SHR de M


02-05 Today would play success and Beast met. With a band of rugged small-legs left me. Undoubtedly they must belong to the same castes who I followed these days ago. Good specimen. The pride of his home, but with ubiquitous reverse that afternoon when leaves fall weather, now ballast the bulk. Ruminate dried stems and roots looking for sap, and there is no housing or other, by stark is, let pass without previously having licked. Hunger. Bad times live. They don't run much. Wrong climb and swim worse. They only make good bait. Don't seem to thread to the right and yet thrive. The small-legs are fertile and non-stop give variants. Knowing that like mount meeting at the bay's water source I looked. Not cost me much give, green wrapper, and bedding, the riverbed dry of the brook, with white tongue, whisperer yet its freshness; bad jet was the thread of water dragging with it rots and smouldered as creek above would be pure cadaverine. There was river, most little water and was played. Only two drinking points found. Two wells. Two little wells. Both drilled by elephants and re-excavated by clever small-legs. They learned to keep clean wells and thus to guarantee the supply of water; one cared lovingly, the other, still feeling itself, gave it temporarily to a pack of opportunistic lions that wasn't neglected. To defend them, both the well and the curl up place, surrounded with a mesh of impossible to circumvent hawthorn. Not by me; they are ready; They manipulate the medium. I had to settle with watching them race if was around any beast, of not, that time long also fell, went out without blushing to prospecting the vicinity or simply sunbathing. Are losing respect for their predators, and even in group, when they leave, galls are born them to push them to the hairy. Yes, I think I finally found. My good Beast, you can start preparing the forms. In this jump not, but to the next, or later, or hovering, give someone worthy to treat. ‌‌ Do will continue to live me the plants?

SHR de M



Delicate imagined the tessitura to discover the traces of a rhinoceros. I feared the return of the big lizards to observe in detail the blight. Chips, needles were bones. Copy took advantage to the maximum and up to reeds gave his marrow. I was about to follow route when yelled me a stone that had two edges. It shone, and to catch it, terribly cold, invaded me a heat wave. Those borders were intentional. And both! And so many! At the foot I had the tools that made parts the animal. Lithic cutlery. Not much, to be measured. Although utensils, and sharp, with all the consequences. Yes, Yes, Yes. And would not all bad, nor in a coarse stones understand miracle, anything separate me from the site I found traces of great strides; Longstep. Taking the firm texture of paper, read one way and return that made the trail wearing. Lightweight go to there, to offal, in return the heels of footprints they sink much. A few months ago. Summer now, hellishly, waterlogging area was dried and a single rumor indicated water. And followed him. Looked for it. Turned on the freshness in the air I ended up giving with a waterfall. And with the Longstep! Something distant I sit for not alter, approach me, in a trance of doubt them, they did run the alarm and also observed nerve. Lying to the sill fall, whispers brought indicating that at the foot of the waterfall was worthy of attention or study; more than me. And I looked at. Honey had down. Simple and tasty honey, that measure of each who stirred the place. Crazy and annoying buzzing insects. Shattered ruffles on rocks, spread shamelessly the intoxicating perfums of sugars. Birds, small mice. The call went until a few fairly distant relatives of prime, bad wellcome, that place struggle them . It was the feast, the trap, and as soon as they put the claws on the cake they threw each other a downpour of rubble. They lapidate to consciousness. Buried in all rule. ‌‌ Bufffa!!! Bad to me even now, that is the intelligence that I have come to preserve. To 44

defend against any deception. And does not have blood of owners, not, eye appreciated they scrutinize masters. SHR de M



His behavior amazes me. Ready which can become. A few small-legs embraced, rather than indulge live in its territory, a battered and lost in another group longstep specimen. I guess he fell makes enough because all the members, except one, gave him a friendly treatment. The dominant male no. Him, and I guess the symbolic gesture, he ate no fruit crushed, scorched against rocks, having rank and fur to consume in seasoning. Although the rest, ideal glow eyes, it took him like the compote, and toothless new, sung I have the imprint. And should sting the boss to understand impairment; reluctantly accepted that young and old to benefit pulps formerly inaccessible to them. More innovations stripe it maintained with the simple look grim. And bite to approach the other. Not approaching the group mediating the male. And so it would be provided that no spouse something of the banned. But it must have been the case, because the own rail before tightening the sun firm went to meet; It would attack any recurring pain which is bloody and who know each other can heal him. A pair of roots. Some leaves. Whatever that it knows to the discomfort. And although I run say, took them their time understood them and found out. And not very long time which is found a remedy that is suppose. Or not! Prosecution witness I cannot be, not, but swear that before starting to suffer spasms and hypoxia, surely that before hulling... we, that the new member headed way family, and condominium of the old lord, before feel or say that any symptom. A whole premeditated murder. A poisoning... do academic? SHR de M



I knew that it was raining, and much, more like always Beast took me to dry and warm, according to good taste, contexts considered unlikely place me in size predicament. It rains. To seas. Another thing that refuge can do. Watching possible refuege in a distant coat towardsI caught step. Logical, perhaps, a group of longstep occupied the site. It took to see me, in addition to emotions, it masks the empathetic aspect and I went to catch them in domestic plan. Males and females taught lesson to infants of the group, who in the bustle of adults, understand game and example. Peaceful community. Many breeding loose tug parents, also learning by dint of sticks to live in community. Any “family� structure of my village, a similar late, would give to the same vices. Yes. Sitting among them I heard "talk". Coarse and short is their squalid repertoire of sounds and corseted by phoniatricians limitations, much more literate are imitating animal noises, that articulating a regulated language. Just they lavish word, even when in their eyes they accumulate a myriad of questions that neither form of concrete they have. They scrutinize the landscape knowing that it is more complicated to understand than it seems. And dangerous. It was enough that any beast, roar not very far away, so that the chicks stop games, more quiet, the phratry of adults smiled to mezzotint. Nothing more troubled the afternoon until it crossed the sky two huge owls, then one of them, very old, he bobbed in the air fingers and said "Uhuuhu". A syllable cuts because they still have a world to name and is not something to start wasting. Abstractions just, the thickness of their vocabulary are onomatopoetic sounds. Same "Uhuuhu"... "Uhuuhu" was... well owl, well the night they brought those wings, well be touch of retreat, after the call, and a twice of yawns, protecting under stone roof, and all together, except a couple that was abreast, were prepared to make night and give heat.. .. Poor wretched.

SHR de M



I had it with Beast. And fat. Well primacy will be, sure they guaranteed a chordal direct connection to the Central Super Node, whatever that promised, seems committed to that given to these longsteps by masters. Yes, okay, they are not simple longsteps; since they lapidate to the baboon I assumed that heads would end up. But from then until now... nothing. Little "they revolutionize". With the given breaks missed accounts to be able to come up with interesting people. But not. To the litre goes the noddle and nothing squeeze it. A single advance noted. The knowledge of the environment. Put sounds to things and very slowly sorted them in their heads. But slow, very slow and inocent, because with so profuse advancement only improving in regards to the stone work. They are able to go out flakes to a stone until printed, in the nucleus, a faceted game sharp glare; they lie down hours; capable of converting into gravel moraines only by willfulness sharpened rocks. And trivial is chip making tools! They interact with them. They cut herbs, cut sticks and meats provided make horns. To me not, because took the empathetic, although these to which I am referring, and I do not know nor if it was of his side or an enemy, u which was pulled, the important thing is that they dismembered a congener which has not much kick the bucket. Rage, or custom, as soon as moved the dead, get the edge, and shake the glow, I thought time back along with Beast and accountable. More... Nothing. No attended Beast of my requirements and still considers his agency the time and place. Even when returning to the ship! Well, if you want to play... we will play.

SHR de M



Excelent temperature and place of choosing. Open forest, abundant water and a good assortment of peaceful herbivores which draw energy. Of bucolic landscape, I was afraid at one of those rare dreams caused by the suspension. The smell I left me lead to a grotto finding click. Fire had, and commanded by a pole a old was devoted to keeping the flame alive. Of the fire and the memories. Of hunting adults, trained to the young people and spoke of the fire. Its devastating power and its indulgent friendship. Friend was well run, but it would not be difficult that escape or die; so they kept captive. Grandpa would undoubtedly know how much that costs find a tree split by lightning, or give with burning bush sizzling. Or clan that change. Generations there will be that does not enjoy and test are hatchlings that absorbed to sink the view in the dance of tongues. The next time that they admire, or they could heat up, the same thing would be old. If returning to see! I thought that it would come the day when one of these descendants of monkeys rise from among their peers and to full chest contradistinction property to the round. Yes. I imagined that if I, he, I would raise a stone that would make echoes and would put all people in his site. Shouting from the rooftops who am I and who are my descendants. At least leave the lungs in the attempt. Most them, familiar with their niche, shout him who smell. As soon as the hunting party returned, started to fire a pair of hares and sat down to wait point, without importing them, perhaps, that to expand the perfume. What is it worth be Master if I can do ostentation? They mounted such fire in the mouth of the cave that would discourage anyone. Well high they stopped the blaze. All power were flames. There live a strong clan. This, and it is another issue, I may be my thing, or not, but one of them called me. Not outlined word or noise, no, looked at me and outlined to eye the gap that was left by her side. It was a female. Adult. A couple of young laughed her maternity and three or four sisters and cousins offered deferencial treatment. She must be great huntress. SHR de M 49


From tip to tip of the planet is still sending me Beast. This time an island; but shortly it overwhelms the space to perform the five-year instruction in one; that Yes, caustic was that lake. The open ocean must be much similar to my unfortunates potentials and bad side put if it raises them water knees, still, and making reason despair, they seem to want to start in the nautical arts and venturate skipper logs and rafts of foliage. So they would arrive here from the coast. They must go depleting resources beyond locations. Point-to-point we present ourselves as a hollow trunk, volunteers fill, to average keel floated on the beach. Crazy enroll, so I left that they weigh anchor and stayed with the local population. We continue the journey from a high. Good time was elected, the sea was flat and wind suffered from identity. Despite this, the island that burdens seems distant for their media. Bordering the impossible. Meager government for a boat are hands and bark, and to not take, which will remain in doubt, any current dragged the boat to the immense ocean. I was the afternoon, and the view, observing from a precipitious pitching. Sad I sensed the environment despite the fact that much future existed in the leave. Relieved pressure on the site, the few remaining resources spread to raise another batch. ... And another day more, Beast.

SHR de M



Buffa!! What cold. They hunt... well, they try. They provoke the field to scream and stick, but little meat is shot; and carrion by hand. Leaves, berries and roots disappeared; its were inaccessible. Snow covers everything. The longsteps seek remove the cold chasing deer, although to the stops of a rocky cliff with four jumps that they hit were a except vermin; by the cliff they were trotting up an explanade, and there stop heading for cud a few mosses. There were when four ruffians wielding fine spears stood in the snow. They wore a genuine empathy of arctic hare and not highlighted environment. What cunning! What design! Outdated I understood to the countrymen mine and ran with the others. I planted, Yes. These much more adapted to the site northerners are manifested. And smart. Since then have melon fattest; two liters is almost goes, on the other hand, although very muscled, more chubby and doughy cast body. And somewhat flatter face, Yes. I tried to take the step, but the ice fog failed me and chose me to take refuge in the shelter of a cantilever. I know where they are. Or that when there is less. Go preparing the bottle, Beast, because with these I have palpitation of hit squarely.

SHR de M



Bravo jumping the salmon. Ripping curtains which finds no matter the elevation of the backdrop. Takes it in the blood. Skip and jump. And run the fords. Still taken from the water they warp the backbone. And only give up the pawn because my smart Northern chubby crushed them head. Climbing so many by the river, which are two offspring, enough to do the work of four adults. Generous it is time. Eclosive Natura, to the mess in love play a young couple. Before the group they concealed their convergence, but everybody would be abreast and laughed the innocence of gestures. Gorgeous shot day, so was until dropped by the point another group of chubbys. Quite a few. And well equipped. And boasting know in detail the place. Simple gestures were enough to make others understand their message. They returned to the river the fish, even the dead, and without attachments or cater to more tears, extinct all fire except the reservoir that burned in a shell of reindeer. And even that sacrosanct fire warned would go to the water. The gross of the gang requested tariff. As Master said suspending the flame of life who understood, over the current, that if they wanted to stay on the site and keep the fire, should give fresh meat that renew them the acquis of the genes. Thus understood, and known weather vane which I know was about to change partners. And I did not, no, because the requested tribute was the female in love. And gone through looked the pretender. He contract the hand and threatened to go for them, more unable to do because the head of their group, ahead of the disaster, refused resounding to the claim. Prefer lose the light and lead to the extinction. And could be, because taking also the camp a couple of skins, and some fruits, disappeared the others as stealth as they arrived but with notice of going again. The saddest thing in the world was the camp while picking up. Slab of death was planning on everyone. Shrugged me off the chest, see change slap the mood made me doubt. And so we picked up the Moon. Hastily for the visit, fearing it, while others packed my couple in love drained to a cave, and shortly after, to the delight of all, and more for me!, the glare of a new flame guessed inside. The chief preferred to seek a timely loft from where lookout, while his people, put on the fire part of the fish and gave the father binge. And laugh in the face of those who found the remains of the banquet. Take care the family of the future of its members and do not change with any. 52

No. You must be special. They tame their feelings. They break in their appearance. And now they domesticate the fire. They have no barrier. ... By the way, at debit I still have what's the name of the planet. SHR de M



A young chubby, barely a meter of height, hiding his little body in a mountain crevasse, I thought, by safeguarding of a beast, but it turned out because he watched surreptitiously to one older brother, which despite excellent example, had defect; any disability or coup. Or birth such vermin. Very discreet was the spy, and when find to the father, making firewood collection, he took adventage to give brief report, although the throat, rough and dry, not allowed to emit word. Or sound. A compendium of questions took his eyes, and understanding the adult, gave him a couple of slaps and urge to despiste unfortunate brother and continue to theirs. That seek out pineapples to enliven embers. SHR de M


05-06 Things are bad not going. Although there a cold death, the chubbys give stature of genius to take advantage of the weather. Take the good part to snow and begin to conserve. Outside the cave they keep hidden hard parts such rocks, but anything that approaching fire, add an herb, and move a bit to gild, at hand is the thread of Gastronomic Science; around the bonfire take slice and respite from perpetual winter. Keep calling me attention the strong group cohesion. Tie firm the family, and climate, and there is nothing to learn, or discover the adults, who do not try to pass quickly to the children: a new way of attacking the stone, a loop made with fibers, or appearance of the last bug avoided. At the moment it would be game, but even without informers, at the first myself understood that reference was made to a tiger saber-toothed. The roar. The make two tough tusks of indexes. Projected against the wall a real horror. On the fly the kids took it also and one shouted the name of the cat. Very guttural still find their language, despite this, and despite the fact that I know that the empathic allows me to talk with accent of a trillion galaxies that prompted, I pulled in a silent greeting making me notice. They already knew that I was, more following I guidelines that believed discrete, not rose stir my presence so far. So I greeted. Universal, written in the stars, empty palms I offered to the group stating a half-hearted: "Wellfound". ... And only a second devoted me attention. Back in the game, and the laughter which invokes laughter, all tribe who shared cave finally broken and tantrum soils at not achieve hit the charade. One of them is striving to make themselves understood without breaking the rules of the game. Did not speak, do not. A fur jumble docked to a reindeer antler, and embodied the monster on the wall, all unrelated to the author of the eclipse, the grotesque silhouette as soon as sat, as he jumped and became larger against the rocks. He walked the walls, perhaps would say plea slipping cave inside. And not hit, do not. They were not right. Tired of the subject, and misunderstood, in the midst of the revelry was brought to the fore and general given to show “I” how the mystery object. And the spree. And was the big leg-pulling. …… Damn their stamp and the shadows that make!

SHR de M 55


Not unbound cave habitat, but able to manifest themselves in the live anywhere. They got gravel to the art of making knots and with four branches, and a few grass crawl stroke, lifted thatched hut that able to designate shelter. Natural shelters in these payments will not be given and ingenuity forces. They intend to cross the mountains before the attack more cold. The mountains has no open path and supposed erratic our wandering, although to reach the bench mark of snow, and after a few minutes of searching, we was right with traces of some who were opening route. A brief stop on the way was made and we took something of firewood thinking in about its future use. For pure sake take us, to shoulder I took me a bundle, and intrigued to know where goes nor waste in words. Day was left to crown, although signal was understood in a stick pinned in the white mantle and knees stay, and they downloaded the team and began to gather at the point a snow hill. Little sunshine could enjoy, however was enough so that it solder the snow type, and penetrating a little, and widen the cavity, test gave me of not needing any bird that teach braid knot that built home. I guess that tricks will have to raise at any juncture igloo, and thus inhabit even more hostile climate. SHR de M



Deep, under the snow, root moose. From atop a cliff, I witnessed the migratory flood; nor do I believe to be immune to stampedes the empathetic; I prefer health cure. Shovels and shovels, and horns and horns, and antlers and antlers in hodgepodge migrate beasts, they crossed during the morning, and at noon, appeared the relevant group of chubbys. They go after the peaceful herbivores that do not give much battle or competing them for resources. And when they give to someone care, such was the case in which I found them, they leave the cave bear is roaring owner and are looking for another hole where do night or which would have needed if stops the herd; It became. Our front had to go another group that I didn't see, and guided by the light of the campfire they came up to us. As a result of the hunting expedition, also brought a dead colleague tied to a stick. The swing that they approached, and wrapped the time at night, be he did not know who it was until reaching the foot. And it would be known. A pregnant female that would break family and thus wept. Barely there are females in hunting games and this will be one of the reasons. Another, which hang the hatchlings of the neck, and suck, until age of running with property; basic prophylaxis. In the grotto is orchestrated regular burial, and who more, who all were less, crestfallen. But above all one, that would be the stable companion, What tie of some life! and that it threw, he, alone and very bizarre, to seek revenge and death in the bear cave. And was given; the torch continued consuming even having stopped screaming and roaring. And the tears. He is already crying before throwing the beast. And might have to end up crying to someone else because tea in hand pulled from mourning and were to close accounts with the animal. Of what they spent in the bear cave I did not seek new ones because I imagine the guts. If example to what was done later in the den of the bear, it is what was done with the female, they sprinkled a little ochre above and then she was left in a corner sleeping placid, or failing that, how relaxed that may be someone killed and frozen. Come to laugh and remembrance, and mourn her, the sisters of estrus! 57

Not rot the fervor of the romance or the thaw, on the contrary, scavengers match bones are responsible. SHR de M



Following a course of water, I found a few chubbys that are daub with paintings. Old and young together, but only "kindergarten" gathered at a roost to conjure brothers and sing bellow. Young people to own eye first studied the issue, realized the location of a group of horses and then we went back to the barracks of the cantilever. They talked, organized, and nothing a few would find sticks that serve spears and javelins, while another pair, was devoted to find the raw material to manufacture stings and sharp edges. And others to monitor the herd, and some even to know of the traces of snow tiger who also sniffs for equidae. They disbanded their parcel. Go with someone I went with the stones kids. Although they are tender, the mountain is old and we only look granite outcrops in small chips of the foliage. They knew difficult give with rock that wasn't bitter to work. They stirred the mount without finding singing seem them proper, or in the high river, between the jumps, they gave timely honed. Shamelessly looked Sun, and with just two fingers in height, the resolute binomial decided that there was not adequate site and, to my surprise, they returned to the camp where I discovered them daubing. But stealth. A lot. They gave a small detour and approached without being seen; nothing difficult on the other hand, because the adults between great camaraderie and laughter, were at the same time preening. And we stole from a haversack a twice pieces of flint; real butter to be worked. Tea in hand, and neck cry, began to awakening the fauna that nap snoozed. Moved the smoke, shouted implying fire and the beasts of the forest broke to run. Egged, and selecting the horses, the simplest work was killing falling alone. They fell to the alley of a precipice. With the tastiest meager return, high Moon, to the primordial camp... But the place was empty. The stake was still alive and nothing suggested that the position had been able to abandon trot; receive unexpected visit. They sat down beside the fire, for an instant did not know what to do. Expressed doubt, came out of the shadows the remaining brotherhood with their prescriptive paintings in phantom plan. They howl and gesturing would seem such angry spirits. Unrealistic for the boys, who with evident fear, let the others without objection; they ate what they brought the souls of the forest without making ascus to fungi and mushrooms; neither refuse suck acid concoction. The base chemical of what they ingested I know that it is restricted in a lot of 59

solar systems, but‌ to most them little imported the damage and consume. ... Ha! Continue to earn points! SHR de M



They follow good diet of sea and lighten a little traits. And they stretch a few. And also the ties of filiation remain unchanged. So much flattery here, and caress there, neglecting of calm, I leave no room for error and make these chubbys in... reliable people; they is still whim me, Yes. Although I also think, and peat me, sense follow green to deal with members of the Corporation. Would be extinction for them! Today they dismantle a fairly silly whale which came to die stranding on the beach. Didn't them have the cause of death, on the same rocks that died the bug practiced cutting; they cut to slices and it seemed that they will materialised splurge feast. That beside the fire meat steak so at least suggested it to snorting. They looked to sneak over the shoulder of the senedrin of the elderly, who, in turn, looked beyond that, look for the group, and waiting were all responding to invitations days ago. Back since then were the messengers. Family have all to the return of the bush, and so, to the drip, and by line item, two long centuries gathered around the remains. Relatives were because it could not be denied, more put to be scrupulous, various bloods crews, something away from the primordial chubby archetype, I meant some. And I already say that the way of life, their culture, and above all, above all, insist, their sharp sense of humor and the spread, I reaffirmed in the secondment to lineage. Petite bastards! I don´t want remember or mention what they did, just think that the meeting, even without aparent, was market. They learned and taught. They was exchanged. It was time and place, and who did not attempt me for put the bad thing of his genere, too want my person to silence an unmarried son of pure ugly and deformed. Ha. If wanted to replicate me I would have been on my planet. I had and have a card to engender. ... I'll have now? ‌‌What I have, for sure, is that check the levels of the electro-osmotic regulator. Me emerge and beset... sensations, memories... that nothing marry with the tessitura in which I develop. Why Beast. You have nothing to do? SHR de M 61


They laughed not for not being time, they fired of an elderly and very solemn threw flowers on the body, placed a very old mouflon so that it was pillow and companion of afterlife and... And half a metre of sand and rubble on top for that not stealing them the remains. And a couple of tears. They're bad things. Balance of life that you would like to take, for the vacancy recent non-ex officio three fought by pick up site. Labor three females were at the same time, they would be, and before that born the child rose who could at the funeral of the grandfather; that he would like to rest in a place with a view. With the presta curse to spit I found the females. Snorting squat they consisted not of shadow to bother, and by not bothering left these mine outdoors. Well, and to not be white of the complaints. I, I wasn't. With the as empathetic, and caring for the aseptic distance, do not put me qualms to the eyeing. More painful to me that to them... so to speak. Although defenceless, the pups at birth are all head and very bad extraction being intrauterine; nothing help. Rouch down howl desperate mothers and that neither are the bastards what bigheaded shouted their grandmothers. And that can! One, after much debate and groaning, and bleed copiously, ceased any attempt and exhausted were let go. She closed her eyes and died to the consternation of the group. Were not beyond the companions of birth to the event, and perhaps for this reason, begged, scream, more attention and care; at the time the children tore apart their sacks and made hint of go outside. And one it is failed auxiliary him, helped to birth while on the other, and the mother, nothing could be done. And not even the female that shone with success would be harmless of any fee, to warn, hemorrhage, which is turned off also. Box go! 6 to 1 in the partial day. Very bad face gelled looked at different point of seasoning that pregnancy. Word that I hope and wish, not be example of anything today. SHR de M



When I was a cadet said my instructors that it was aimed for chemist, physicist or mathematician. I did well the capital letters and tiny numbers, in such a way that they married pretty and was the apparent abbreviation. But it was fat fiasco. Then, to see how well that ran beach sand between my toes, someone gave them by aerated ways had conditions of engineer or architect; all for removing me from the top. I don't know why I remember that. Well, yes I know. Of all those sciences which be doctored by eye of thumb, I would now have. Of the most poor of them it would take what best I offered because with my blunt and honest pondering not find solution to several unknowns regarding about the chubbys. Why, yes why if they pointed ways for go lightening and stylising their chassis bone, here, in the place seem come back in the Time zillions years? Recessive genes from several generations back again to dominate. And it is rare that Natura is backtrack. And when done, usually have their consequences. Already will be. And it does not surprise me that they laugh. The chubbys have their freak point, let's be honest. Very loyal and resourceful, family in excess, and to this I attribute to not stretch more ties to exit the continent that hosts them. Reason is not the cold that is border, because the border of any life is them ideal territory to exploit. And the sea would not be obstacle if they want; small crossings, that Yes. Skip a narrow, coastal a peninsula or ford any river by mighty come, it will not be obstacle if they despaired. More, why. Why they stay and not give the jump, do not want to thrive? It is not them instinct? On the other side of the strait are a continent that anxious might be receiving them, but they do nothing. Perhaps they are tired of trying. Perhaps they have done so and Beast denies me the parameters. It is perhaps impossible to imagine another life away from their land. Indeed, I want to see them on the decline for have excuse and delay the inevitable. ... Perhaps. Look, Yes. Now I do believe found. Name, at least. Earth. The Earth who love good name be given to the planet. 63

Yes. Earth. 'Earth'... about sounds, Beast? SHR de M



To not catch the rays of sunshine, a small chubby, a few years old breeding, they kept well warm next to the fire. They rely on the inherent wisdom of the body and the balsamic power of fiery tongues. And not touched. Do not leave the head, or who appears to be the most understanding into healing forces that anyone approaching the child and can get his disease. And expand it. Very short it is be to understand epidemic in a skull fracture. I swear that it is; inflammation picked him from the neck up eye. The mother watched the state. Lady waited for it clarease the cockpit, and despite the protest of wives, took the child in her arms and took him with great mystery. He walked much. We skirt the coast to go giving us the sea her blue in the higher, most never imagined what awaited us, and thus, to win the header of a trough, stood in what from below would be the roof of the valley. There she tended the son on the floor and sat. In me she not repairing, she nailed the view in a grotto that exhaled air smoke from relatives. And it wasn't long before responding. Already had it ready in fact, because nothing that I sensed a twice of cracks at my back, I knew surrounded. They were also... good chubbys, they are not. Someone who has not tried them both could pass by siblings or cousins of these mine, more seem pun of themselves; skinny and lanky look. And smallest the head ; that it will not arrive now liter and a half. And face more flat and the finest traits. Now, that also in the look are porte of masters like the chubbys. "Human" said to these new subjects. And to the entrusted to them the lady, I also did and let me play. Yes, coverage is still giving me the empathetic and not perceived hostility towards me. But they are suspicious much new and neither seemed to make them grace that along with the kid to their lair. Mother nor pretended and onsite wept to mucus loose. She sat all afternoon, and just a point I was when without giving me notice or reason, she returned to the morning path. And she took. But she returned. Before attaching the night the contours she was back with a treasure of gratitude. It brought a necklace of shells an empire for who understand! depositing in an ara of rock that gave us seat on the transcript of the wait. And she returned to split. Disappear. I stayed with the poor doctors. By test, and that it does not, to therapy acoustics of shock were applied; until I could see they were giving rubbing live salm. Singing. Cradling the boy who would have these hours finish. Or wanting to know what happened there I'm going to stay, because while waiting 65

for the call of Beast, They left a small group of the cave and approached the boy to the top of the valley. And leave. Quick to return to their fire, it was clear that their party put how much help could be provided. No more, no less.

SHR de M


06-07 It is stealing me information. And I fear are calculated feasible follow do it. Yes, Beast who if not? So far it was alien to the genesis of the men. 'Yesterday' ran with them and think that by chance. Best did not shred of grace that mention them in the official report. To the point, that much he refuted me that caste controlling with the chubbys could even be considered. It argues the data and analysis that vomit circuits and closes when all speculative. The delay knows burdensome and tries to coast to convince me of the wisdom of this people. But, from who. The keys from the land goes of tenant to tenant without none of them sketch ways to establish residence on the site. It is speculated openly. So does Beast. And without dissimulation. I took conscience together with a group of chubbys, although knew with certainty that not very far the others be. Come on, who would swear have returned to the same site of yesterday. And I looked, the only evidence of their presence are different remains found in caves in all directions; stones and other shit. I asked for them but the chubbys declared sincere to ignore. From time to time, far away, encounter strange beings, but devote himself to different resources, or the same, and be the wide Earth, follow theirs and are left to live. True, although not entirely. Sporadic contacts have, and here, and there, they got some young people to teach me beads, feathers, rare things in their eyes, and that with other lovelorn and grooms change agreed without needing to be found anywhere. Wouldn't I do and asked for the place, took me and hours Exchange would be because a few reeds braided dazzling bracelet. And who brought me, led, I was waiting because someone would search for their part of the bargain. And so it was. Seeing myself next to the jewels they doubted, although expired resistance with the empathic work, got the site a little bit of obsidian and two shells of Sea Urchin, and leave for new change, a pin of bone and a seashell with four suggestive lash of a claw. Nor are these men the same of yesterday, nor those of tomorrow to their because even buds are visible. Before going to the cave that was home for them, we are approaching a chasm and at the entrance made offering sill leaving the shell. I wanted to understand the gesture and break in halogen in hand to know, confess, out of pure curiosity, what could there be worship. And had, come if had!, which when not a stratum, when not a stalactite, the entire architecture geological are of praise, more concrete case or something interesting to the mentality of these beardless, I discovered the bone 67

from someone remains. One of them. Important would be because all around the neck, and in disarray, he had the beads of a necklace along the vertebrae. And not any collar. Yes, in the same site as sense was. I went up to the known header and sat now overlooking the sea, now focusing in the cave. Except myself had nothing there changed and remained the same enclave that walk ten thousand years ago. Or one hundred thousand. Or yesterday. The Seventh Seal, my good Beast is time. Time, no doubt, give with leader than for signature between, and everybody to us little things. SHR de M



Bad no doubt sat Beast my previous report and sent me to far ends. If there is human, no doubt they will be newcomers. From island to island have been jumping until reach this. And it's not bad. New to all lights will be them. Yes, clear ones what I do there if not? ‌Does rant against Beast and the Corporation? Obvious that also. They are, it is safe. Their step style expresses the place. Devastate. Are them. Half-hearted predators, take advantage of the payment until fleecing. By paragraph and adrift these islands were spared until the date of the visit, and arrived, better had gone to the payment, to its native flora and fauna, continue staying apart from human evolution. The lords of weapons are taken, and with it in hand, that powerful ally is fire, they enter a sack with resources. They take no care of their acts and smoke thrives everywhere. They also thrive but at what price! Without the treasury would cease to grandchildren. Or grand-grandchildren, because jungle and forest are dense and something will recover from the losses. But for how long? The blood of the virus runs them veins when I know not, or Yes? I dude. Although to build more tenuous than the chubbys, and potentially more stupid if accepted by scale the volume of the skull, long attest also be more damn. And what are giblets are! Growing and traveling by law of pressure, little attachment is spent to lands and families. Eat, eat or be eaten, and in the meantime one can, go filling the world's children. That's their philosophy. SHR de M


01-08 Became so cold that the ocean froze leaving icy bridge again. It took these people because it is scarce hunting and hunters are abundant. They are explosive species, and with a few dates of prosperity, they extent upon the face of the Earth. Touching the poles, they corroborate owners of the planet; so far away was offered, but feasible, them. Come, if not so already at all! Even to wildlife bow to serve their interests, Enemies sensed Beast! With them are wolves very tame that run voice and good support are for any work. The same chase a fawn until sprain the back, as they vented an arctic partridge in the pristine landscape. And generous, not mind them leave the life giving the face a bear, nor be opened in channel by the own master if don't find better bellies. They prey on, monitored, tracked, die if arises, and are pantry of street meat that does not slopes. Can anyone imagine best friend? No, not them. The counterfeit of the group, a ill-fated, cares for them and under his responsibility the truth which are lustrous admire. Weak, that not too many meats, more than one athletic and appeal which much be shall ensure the wild herds find them growl. I approached the boy, and seeing how well that "dogs" obeyed him, I lamented the ability. And gift told me that no. Theirs is quasi blood because his father, and the respective, also had the grace. Anyone could have it if made with a litter recently weaned. Explained well. Crippled, not stupid, with difference was the strongest man in the group. And he knew it. I thought if it would be appropriate to reveal my double game and offer him to signing the contract. And the nub I was doubting, when a crack opened up at our feet in the ice and almost swallows me and all the mutts. Gap it widened to the horror of the animals that fell not on the good side, and the kid, who was of him and called them. He ordered that they set re-latch after e tried to. Some passed after debation in the abyss, but others, the majority, or were they killed or were maroons to give service knows who win the loyalty. And I with them. Mr who asking impossible will never master, at the most murderous despot. SHR de M 70

02-08 Except Beast and I, and who within much interested in the colonization of this lost universe, no one will read this journal so worthwhile that pass some fat misfortune, and the Corporation, and the judges, want to know in detail of the expedition. I hope to not get there and measure distances. Prefer to be cautious. Undeniable that they are ready as hunger. Despite protec in a cave, they arrived with a hovel of sticks and skins. Reprotec, isolated from the environment, and save, is conduct to assess and then approach me. Before being able to enjoy the proximity of its fire gave me the high one that launches on his shoulder came to insinuate custodian of dreams, and not considering hours despite dressing the empathic, invited me, and without acrimony!, to share a cliff that offered views the rest of the world. So it would seem in the eyes of the other by my lip declined. Dawn. Misting of the sea came the sun while my companion course gave water to spit their frankness. The stones as make. Sfisssssh, sfissssh! It hiss after spitting on the fire and give me proof. Waving to what would be the day, also sang, what then seemed a little bird. The ear triune responded in the same jargon from within fourwing saltbush, and almost to the act, vomiting mammoth skins two individuals of stature shod with paintings. And a third and a fourth. Sentry came to sweat bed for threading silent they left the icy creek. They would not very far away, three hundred or four hundred metres further down from where appeared I, were the remains of a huge cave lion on which hung the flags surrounding people brought to the meeting. Skins, tusks, shells and feathers. And much spear and flechette. And propellants. The last was my retinue and next to the skull left the baton that would represent lineage; laying discrete. After they left card another group, and a final, which had to be host, with great jubilation of all toured a small sculpture, steatopygia her, that perhaps irredentist and give clan memories; would be required A couple of hours later I understood the meeting appeared a small group wearing all traces come from afar. They arrived to these lands new people looking for where to settle. They were North, and tired to follow the migrations, sought convenient corner in this rough world. They weren't their words or the doorbell, but wanting to be lead to good with these fierce hunters, outlined these mine the road to a free land. A little further to the South. But there were no further South. Little. Sent them a couple of valleys beyond where they said only lived a few relatively peaceful sub-human animals. And they departed again for crosschecking. 71

Dissolved the assembly, was behind site, wrapping clay, one fairly old man figurine. Looking for excuse for conversation I asked by the family of primitives which condemned, and although it is true that it bitter the made move, was also aware of the evolutionary "abyss" that separate them; he did not understand family to mourn. They were chubbys. Perhaps the latest to not stay on Earth quiet space where gather family. SHR de M


03-08 Yesterday had me emotions and artistic thing I did main. But today, nothing more establish contact with the group, I lamented over the issue. Precisely of art they spoke, jewelry, beaded who thought to look at the big party at which us go. Wore to wean children into a cave not far that common shrine will be to various groups, and uses, to be located in a header to several valleys makes crag. We camped, and unpacking of the bales, I could see finery to which made reference in the journey. It had everything a little. The everlasting accounts and impellers, ochre that would makeup, pendants of worked stones heat, translucent, that offer a world of colors. And bones with naturalistic reindeer, or so schematic, engravings that didn't know if what there traced back to burin was a deer resting or the wake of another race. One of these "simplistic" jobs fell into my hands. Buffa! It was bone. The leg of a bird or rabbit cane; small bug. Rude would be my intellect if it knew not ponder the beauty in what meager. The artistic intervention consisted of encountering two notches, two eyes, and tinting black pupil. The epiphysis of the piece it was head to the representation. And reliable!! Because until we came a man to the guise touched, shaman who I found out later, and invited to a welcome agape adults; meanwhile, the until then stained by kids, just put in order the next day tackle. The big day! Obvious that together with the parents I attended the meeting prior to the party. All because of the clan were known. They took to see, but they knew that with the last full cold Moon, light in the cave lit up and they gathered the various branches of the family to exchange new, news of the world, and promote the contact to maintain blood ties. I've never seen them make much use of the interior of the caves, make life in the mouth and they only come to play or to take refuge if they see big danger, the clique that met, and by small groups, entered using torches and after a while they came out rejuvenated. Freshness took inside and curious went to know source conferred such an satisfied expression. And I drank. And I absorb. And I do not satiated. Guide to luxury, the accuser, helped with a lucerne of stone, found me the place. Very rare symbol had painted. Spots, stripes, grids... They ran aurochs and bison prairie that was for them a wall, while roof were going to jump deer and horses, and a bear stood on his hands in a stalagmite. And a glutton at the foot of floor sniffing hares. And fish waiting for takeoff from the stone and fall to the puddle of water that was them ocean. And, patron of the place, came to wear me the known expression when alone left me with light and the 73

"Goddess". Goddess, Yes. As such it could have taken, by sovereign deity, if not to recognize the mundane model. The sublimation of the good living was high engraving of women; almost free. All voluptuousness and small head, very small for such a beautiful body. And to exit, and ask the cause of uneven volume criterion, because the dynamism and the proportion of the beasts was appalling, is taught me the part where they got example. An ivory head truncated by the neck, but such quality, which as well as eyes, nose, mouth and chin, the hairstyle was replic of which some women; and at the moment, other, precisely, were stranding; that I left. SHR de M



One who has not tried this work will think the spree perpetual if I began the day by saying that they were also partying. And it is not necessary to go were! In deep in a cave, I found mounted a shed that could well be the continuation of yesterday; although paintings and surrounding people, were different. An old man guided the young novices through the bowels of the Earth. Soiree for several days had made the boys and at the optimum point were, prone to internalize how guideline or word put the shaman in their eyes. And so he did. Rhythmic images hung up in the air, he managed the geometry of walls, which cracks, moisture, forming all grotesque environment levied life. Even if rubbed eyes the kids, not be them dismounted pupil printing. And they fell into trance. Won to the alien will, incited that they fall within a narrow dressing room and they lie on the floor. Very close together, very group. And there they were motionless until almost exhausted air. From the sill of the cockpit the elder discovered flame drawing of a horse; a tarpan with winter coat and pregnancy, very pregnant, because despite being ample reference path volume, filling of the animal were patches of fur and a few fingerprints paired rare; something difficult to explain, but they were. They were going to be born to the group, and in row followed the grandfather to the next stop. We renounce of a few facts steps and down to a gallery that offered a cul sac perfect and sound between mouth and mouth of tunnel. There already was loaded with paintings in the dark people. And after entering us, were standing and us locked inside a circle holding by the shoulders. And they chanted litany runrun while the boys were still the old thread and drank without stopping for some wild pumpkins to mitigate the thirst. Then the old man discovered us another‌ geometric drawing on the wall?. Map found me on the site as soon as they returned to raise that at times made the circle and again we comprised in the embrace. Thus it was drawn on the wall. A "fold" with young. So I explained me when matching strokes of these... do "geometric tortoises"?... But I would need enter inside the head of these men, or be able to stay with the same group a few days, and not a few hours to understand well. And can not even as well. Does not want Beast give me the great pleasure and keeps me rootless. I not continue exploring the road and looked out to the outside. Several huts in a loft of the river formed camp. But what left me nailed to the site was good to first listen to music. And music that wasn't giving three screaming and hitting a lithophone; that I had witnessed nothing done. 75

They also produced fine instruments. They already did with their body by lowering the larynx, but now, they dance lips and fingers on bone and reed flutes. To whom it made a hollow trunk rack striking plan drum. And beat hollow seeds with rhythm. The brass for the celebration will be. For all the celebrate. SHR de M



Far to the North are the snows. Something must pass them to with such excellent climatology show withered. They barely speak. Looking for hunting to mouth or fierce that shunning, or well that lie the hills, and from both as long as they return to link up with the main group and give report. Nothing they said there. Nothing. A sea-grass stretches endlessly before their eyes, succulent green, and did not lend itself hump of gentle that breaking the horizon. Bad moments for men, meanwhile, full of chores, women do not see shrink their work despite disappear large dams. On the contrary have more. There are collecting berries and fruits, looking for sweet and passant roots giving any shabby stick. Or picking up a clutch of eggs in the soil. And carrying firewood and keep awake fire. And all to the fire to see what they can do with it. Three women rule the fumes. One sings the recipe, another dances the ingredients and the third, apprentice, of leftover has to keep up and learn the ditties. Also "looks like" a thing of women keep bladders of water filled, and not knowing source ahead, they back made steps and return to the last known well. But they are not alone, with them go the kids. The same women who sew skins will have hardened them, and easy to be the authors of the tools used; logical. And treat with which may not involve water! A torture. ... And men are still sad. Ha! Palace revolt begins to take shape the planet. They are, without a doubt. Does not seem to evolve more species that cough them caprice. Undeniable. But, Oh, sort of asexual universes!, their enemy is themselves. …At the time SHR de M



Whenever I can I look in the caves that drop me by hand if find a fresh trail of chubbys. In the distance, and now comparing the fact in lack. Since I listen to word the last reference I haven't to know of them. Today Yes, indirectly. It was raining with desire and roof runoff attacked the floor of the cave opening ravine. Washing water sediments and to eye you can read the history of usage to the place. And to those who were its occupants. The current group, works with care the stone and when the floor is full of microlites. Very down, very dead I guess, the last track of chubbys peered timidly into the stratum. Although also laughing humans, not laugh equal. Nor mourn. Happy are by how well the parts on handles that fit together. Yes, that's their invention, the trite foot holder. The running. They are doomed to extinction, because although proud of their ingenuity, it seems to me is that to finish off remains. Hunting is rushing and resources, to the point that special and detailed should be their industry to succeed. As soon as it subsided a little bit they cast some arrows quiver, and fine spear in hand, we present ourselves in a cave whose occupants poorly watched their viands, and so could mine lashing some meat and other things, and despite being seen, alarm, did it who is going to steal is going to kill, and dry was a arrow to the lookout. And flee. Not me. I barely had time to think about what I was doing to be discovered the dead and give the alarm. Entrusted to the empathetic, see congregate in lathe to me the two dozen. Angry and very furious. Very puzzled by my neutral presence and their conflicting feelings towards me. Yes, the legs trembled me. Against almost all aggression guarantee the empathetic, and with the irrational beasts, very large and dislike that were, yes I've tested. But they were rational beasts that I was at the time discussing feelings and didn't understand occasion outlined above mere smile. I tried to relax as I could and the suit worked. Even so, a couple there, brothers of luncheon meat, which they caught me mania, and place a layer of the chief, despite me not lost. I avoid of them and think I did well at the end of these took the arc to go out and look for culprits, or unwary to pay the garment. Pretending to put distance with those, and keep of the boss, I begged that teach me the place, his condo, and made man without hesitation and proud. Misery and filth that wait, though coda to the visit, came to lead the walk in a few silos excavated in the soil and are overflowing. They selected the most useful seeds to their gastronomy and pharmacopea. And planting and using are getting tame. 78

New advance, Yes, new achievement. And new enemy also. Great commotion was organized, and not by quarrelsome opponent or carving, not. Giblets, restless, a pair of mice had dancing women. Broom in hand were protected from this incorrigibly adversary. Do not. There are days, certainly, in the air I have are not heirs. They are not masters. No. Is unacceptable dancing broom disgusted and furious against the tatarancestors. SHR de M


07-08 It's funny how time passes... Quick... Slow. Static soon. Always relative. Since led noting the human being, little interest saw win the friendship of the Flora. They forgot that at one time only fed green, until their body almost forget it in order to organize them a digestive tract that absorb the rich meat proteins. The heterotrophic caste follows bidding strong. Though, and therein lies the greatness of this people, where least expected her out an ally to the grove. Yes, they themselves also because they are pure contradiction. Select that select, get that field mend them crude in the winter, while the rest of the year, they entrust to life forever; but around the place. Bad that has live soil is that you attached to him. And it isn't agriculture because plow to stick and collected with two; that they do not they reap, go breaking the neck of the stems so they don't miss spike, and by not losing grains invented the ceramic. And to vary the taste vegetarian cuisine. And I took recipe: Recipe Vegetarian to Carnivore (from one year to another) - Get a fertile fecal and cleaned how much deemed and sees fit; and feel like; It will hit fire. Be the very best that left one to seed planted and pamper yourself to the good of the Moon until it gives its ripe fruit. And collected. And kept. And consume. Steps: Crush the seed in a stone mill; there must be very demanding here because any two stones are worth giving them using the form. Well grind until it is flour and it may be required for consumption; such that already. Put flour at close range in a pileup, previously boiled, and to pour the juice of a basket of wild olives passed also by the stone. It should be a mass disgusting to touch, but once made wafers, and sunsets on the relevant refractory stone, fire is in charge in some delicious pancakes of spelt or aspirilla sublimate. And to taste they devour. It is quite simple, isn't it? Therefore something scored badly. I tried to repeat in the laboratory with some samples that Beast rose. But I can not. No step of the state fatty and rude of matter. And if I apply the fire still is worse. Or leaving things in the hands of Beast it was feasible. Convicted persons, have touch, yes. 80

Eating house born them in their hands and thanks to that art go cooking Science. SHR de M



In the absence of better restorative or snack, which exploit the valley, a couple of fermented fruits are pressed to average morning, and although it hardly mitigates the cold, gives them to rumie stomach and step fixture the mood with natural alcohols. And as ever be proved also, from the highlands fall rude people who change bush meat by the succulent and lively delicacy. Today, custom and habit them pick up hands, there were about so-and-so, which continue untamed life, with nothing for change. For good, they understood that they should be given business, and not having done, it hadn't been rare that no return of plain to their hut. If tomorrow to pay this surcharge would be market, of no, robbery in all rule. SHR de M



Not much, and reference fell from Beast, trembled land perhaps only she knows is lavish and totally changed the orography of the place. Basin had made where yesteryear had high floors, and an earthquake breaking the dam that made border, entered the sea with fury to occupy the space which it considers itself. And became a river, a huge salt river which flowed in from sea to land with healthy belief to waterlogging everything; thing that will certainly make. In response to the obvious proof that water is catching dimension, the mats are made and flee with slow pace. It rest quiet. Flush with the level that can reach the waters is supposed to indicate the gap, and looking for it, they spoil the roads preparing legend which entertain the forced exodus with the grandchildren. They warp fable of flood. SHR de M



Between the guidelines of Beast figure that I must be launched at point of potential contact. I do not know the exact criterion, and whenever I look for explanation to the crookedness, it is argued me that there is also a second heading which demands to be quiet. And a third, fourth or fifth, or which arises, which always leaves Beast with reason. Today, however, upon my return, not conceived explanation and remained mired in the paradox. Let me explain. Time has clean a little bit of valley and a family is settled upon him. A nuclear family. Father, mother and children. And perhaps a grandparent. To which could be exercised by such found it sitting next to an a tree watching as the smoke ran the place. Cold he, abstracted, though underground had the entire family. He invited me to sit beside and squeezed his conscience. And told me; he had also confessed to air their cries of not being me, more still, I took seat edging and heard the narration. They were a family strong and prosperous, although now only embers fly horizon, however there was a time of prosperity in which sought own niche in the world and believed to have found. And for some time it was. They lifted a couple of huts not finding timely cave, and marched them well the thing from working the land, because even stubble and furtive herbs, also could feed ovicapric and thus ensure the whim of meat. The real luxury! Everything was great until the two older sons took determination to find own land, away from the family, instead of widening that already worked. They tried. If convinced me the old man of the unfortunate part of the idea, I suppose in the same way he did with them and they continued living together while the frustration engendered suspicion. But the father was joyful taking children under the same roof! And, Oh!, being beaten by the old man, left in the hands of a stem in deciding on the use of the land, and in the other brother rule over the beasts. And it seemed then to be the wisest possible decisions. And it was. They breaking more field with the hands grandchildren contributed and did flock bringing cattle from the summits. The last days of his life he felt be more important worldwide watching work board family. And prosper. ... All fictional. Bad live together plants and livestock if they are not of the same master. And even still, was so difficult to balance, that as soon as a stupid kid entered a field of millet and legumes organizing battering, they threw that felt outraged and were given death foolishly to one another. All gave the old man pulling land in a chasm. And also handed out firearms to exploitation without increased pain he know is 84

single. And not alone at all because I was. Then I noticed in the knife of flint that was on the one hand, and without being able to avoid, opened the throat bleeding with maghrib. And not complain. The richest and most powerful man that so far has found in the Earth, died in abject misery. And not material. Do deserves them worth the effort? ... Yes, Beast was also blocked. Quantum nanotechnology will be throwing smoke trying to compute. SHR de M



Dry climate. It will strip it doesn't rain and where deposited Beast only grab thistles and cactus; hard must be the gums, and rough the palate, to go by pulling in these lands. Goats yes live well. In the deep of a gully, drank forty or fifty sheep while guarded from a top the cantilever is. A kid was enough to preserve them bastards thieves and similar human, the rest of the people who composed the gang had extras seeking exemplary savages in the nearby foothills. Even if they were of the already stalling, it would not cost them graze with their own. They were willing. They remain brava people and thus the shepherd painted them me. He does not, he not painted itself nothing because the entire frieze wrap was decorated with ancient drawings; although many styles there as hands has been applied. And techniques. Much shoot of deer was the subject, much human walking or dancing, or working at heights to do with bee diapers. Or bird nests. Until zoomorphic figures. And wars. They are openly painted giving death to each other in a declaration of intent, so clear, that I don't have to admire the openness. No greater misfortune is conceived and they boast leaving for posterity. And this, incidentally, gives me to link to another topic that I think of crucial importance. The why. Yes. Beast persists that in search for business on Earth, if we have an entire solar system explode; an infinity to a jump. I read other stars records confirming that they are totally uninhabited and therefore available to anyone who wants them to. He insist although I have put the ifs and buts of the morning, it is in close business with the Earth put the objection that place or how much game I proposes. What do they really want here? SHR de M



Back to rain to baskets. And that is not the biggest problem. So far has sent me to observe isolated individuals or family structures. Or small groups. Or bands. Up to clans. I've seen them live at the limit of their possibilities coming to pity me, and share rigors!, but behold, today, seeking refuge to the downpour, went into the race in what I took for cave. Three huge stones kneeling on the floor were foundation to another stone slab by roof. Although simple, not four monkeys lifted that structure. To what little they have been four hundred or thousand. The blocks were brought from afar. Here put on dance many people. Here is a social structure to take into account. So I did know Beast and begged over the intercom that he reelaborate the calculations and conduct a redeposit me in the closest point at home to leaders who build the stone table. But neither replied nor showed signs of having received. Abandoned, as always, to my luck. And that should not fail me! I looked for signal and found it in format hut. Tailored to his environment, leverage a large rock to save walls. Heather and straw the roof and for windows and doors only a hole. And other to provide an outlet for smoke. Inhabited was because the lintel framed two or three curious. Laughing before the bad alien, invited me to his humble home. They are relatively accustomed to visits and asked me for news of any land that had been visited, or people that I knew and could be interested having dealings. Will have caught the thread of the universe in which they live? Aware are the least of their existence on the planet to make others know who they are. Yes, the rail of the cabin gave to understand that they and their neighbors are the authors of the notice, the builders of the dolmen that attests to be the owners of the land, "users" to my understanding, and who come with any intention must consider the power that have when combine interest. But it will this very afternoon when. Really speak of itself such that if were the pariahs within the group. Ensures the old only have a great grandfather buried under flat stone, and something the protest-prone understand them. They complain too much away from the current circuit of donating that they often bring who seek business. Not me. I observe. Of dealings is Best. Me looked without understanding. And they were still waiting for me any present. Or, in its absence, that gian interest by anything of the term. 87

…… Ha! The corruption will also be thing of the Corporation. SHR de M



They play. I saw them evolve from the simple throw stones with intention of injure the head of, or flagellar to branch, to intricate reproductions of the life of their elders with their many rules and conditions. They have very elaborate games, and today I witnessed one with a special intricacies. The game itself is absurd as well as many others who enjoy, is to throw out a good slope that ends in a cliff, a slice of cut tree. A slice of wood running slope, and who gets knocked over, is appointed champion of the fest and is dispensed singular treatment. I don't think even that is an extended use, it must be endemic in these parts and I say that's why they will enjoy. But, and hence the exceptional, today is supplanted the natural slice of the tree by another very large although made of three parts; a rectangular and two rounded forming circle quasi perfect. A wheel, yes. The concurrency protested smelling that it crumble before the fourth turn, but who imported the invention is a renowned world traveler and was finally allowed to do. And release, and insert its fate wheel, to shoot further and faster that to this day are celebrated, which neither could graze, they broke into laughter and applause and begged the adventurer tell them more about cart; and of how much funny thing he've seen in his long journey down the river. SHR de M



I have soul torn, filled with fog and bad light me oriented. I hear the murmur of Beast fussing tireless. I can not overcome me weighing and it overwhelms me the uneasiness. Nothing is me good. They are own things that holy is not counting, more honest, I admit not being good observer; living up to. I am sorry. It left me in a gorge and for it I walked until find fold. There, three or four men trying to catch a beast, which was marked with purpose of broach. A third generation, who by wild ancestors suido, still did not understand the discipline of fencing and obstinate in save it from a jump. And flee. Ran the guy so much that he wanted to feel safe in an abandoned fox burrow. They sent a very drained kid with a rope and the order of tying it to the piggy. And made to be tauten after and run the tunnel the voice. And voice also gave them urging the boy to leave, which would be doing when collapsed the burrow and the mouth exhaling a cloud of dust. They were at the act to remove stones, digging with their own hands, while one grabbed way urgent starting to ask for help. With him I went to know who would possess surplus strength, or knowledge, to remove the boy from the grooming. And did we lack reaching the pair of cabins that had been on foot, by dint of shouting they were on notice those that came and we barely did half of the journey. An old woman, who possibly had blood common to all the gathered there, she took command of the roost and ordered the washout, continue working at the time who commanded puncturing the grass from the floor to the round if they could push to the burrow with thin sticks. Hopes and there was while the line responded to strain that they gave from the ends, but to stop side ended up all by despair, and except the grandmother, gave for dead the boy. And they stopped all activity with the fall of the Sun. Not me. I, wretched, waited for they were to introduce a ultrasonic load on crack and do grit stones and rubble that spiritual step. And I got. And little effort led me bumping me with the guy and the pig. And any work extracting them being both dead, or that thought, to not give problems to get carried away to the outside. Once outside I realized that the guy only was saturated with his own breath and didn't cost me to wake him. The pig yes. Impossible. Even so, I felt so happy that I put the bug in the arms of the boy and dared him so ran to his cabin and the surprise of the year given to the grandmother. And he did. Now jogging with the pig in tow, now by dragging it, returned to his shack between large cries. Theirs, and those who believe living dead demanded that he stop the step and affronted at 90

the hole; the next day they would give him burial and wouldn't need to wander or shriek him to the Moon. And not made. And killed him without pain because they knew dead! What have I done wrong? What have I done well? What did I!! SHR de M


01-10 I told to Beast today had no body to observe anything and that I was going to stay to work in the laboratory. Something complained though if I did and I sat down to eat. Slowly. I only racking once a day the paste while them willing the twenty-four hours if they had the chance. It satiates put me in the case, to the extent, that took advantage of Beast the noogie post-intake that I pasted in the armchair of the laboratory, to send me to Earth. I guess that by my cowbird countenance he refine. Amid a hill of mounds left me, and I knew that they were burial mounds, and not undulations of the landscape, because a woman praying with their children before one open. Some kind of prayer or spell would be the dead. They drank by shifts and order also foretold the crockery. And there were releasing to air their salms until they brought emaciated offal of the, I guess, husband. And mound inside proceeded to leave them. And something strange happened. The woman was frightened. And not only her present transmitted me the sensations by the empathetic, and they were terrified. I wanted to allay their fears by showing me friendly. I make a din the hair of a kid wanting to convey something of empathy, although almost killed the boy because even on hairs I sensed the beating of the heart leaving him box. And I stopped. They marched to discrete shivers without losing me face. Followed path forward until a few huts poor masonry and dead lime. I don't think that it fails the empathetic, not. The site contract to the painted. The mounds themselves, the Culture that lifted the complex undoubtedly would the interesting to our business, more at the moment, they jog with tackle elsewhere or... or simply became extinct, yes. There are only corpses. What is unequivocal proof site is the technology gap that manifest the inhabitants of the Earth. Their cultures. I guess it could even be that I was looking for master in the world between improper agraphic people, while somewhere in the planet has discovered atomic engine, or the gravitational, and I not knowing. I'm as practicable if I keep leaving me where take want. I lay to expect the call of Beast within the mound not knowing from where would so many people, but they laid siege to the hypogeum. And very nervous all. Although none so much as to wanting to be the first, more inflamed the situation by any stupid random, perhaps not the empathetic me freed from the onslaught. Did not, not. I was waiting for something like this as a poetic justice, and that at the last moment, before transfer me to the link, it came me below the mock vault by issue of Equity Universal. And I say that they didn´t that because for something I've written so far. And I leave here. 92

Well I realized long ago that my job is filling that demand the form. Now I press the button and back home. This is finished. SHR de M


02-10 Yes. Yesterday I thought to do and did. I touched the button. I went to bed convinced, thinking that I would be waking up to an a gravitic outburst of my home. Imagine, I woke up wanting to see my stars, but there was only the Earth. Blue and vivid how few planets in this galaxy. A dream if I could share. Beast would be waiting for drumbeat of reproach and waited without losing a pixel. The safest that had prepared justification and thousand clauses and legal notes would compromise that taking place. Sure that is so. That is why I do not protest, and just after lunch, Yes, I went to the central unit of Beast and, skipping all the rules and locks, accede to the sensitive memory. Sixteen known states of matter, if no more to the date, three of them are simple to understand by everyday to me. The next couple I know of its existence by references and some applications in transport and telecommunications. Of the rest goes without even trying to remember the name or even understand. Therefore, the heart of Beast it is be a strange subquamtum alloy that is simultaneously presented in all those states; very sensitive and unstable. And with the bar before I level the way, raise Beast a change of status to the tremendous. And he agreed. Well, he promised to address the issues that I want but after the jump that had prepared, and that said, I would understand. I left not convince so easy, eh. No. He had to work the inorganic and as soon I got an enrichment of neurotransmitters in serum and license to celebrate my onomastics! Not to mention word more than firm explain to return. I got to thinking about my things and didn't much care. Yes, interesting was when as a young woman reading the list of purchase. She check symbols cuneiform on a clay tablet and I gave the invention of writing by fact. Come on, I suppose they first discover the quantities by putting symbol to not forget, and by imitation would give spelling their words. Yes, another giant step, but Hell had to do with me? Yes, okay, if my job is to give with human passing through master of the world, this well could be, because, in spite of youngster, was the only one who understood numbers, and without question, to her voice rich and other stronger obeyed without lifting the eyes of soil; that of the Treasury seemed to note. When verified that dotted everything was, she ordered that they populated and spur on without delay, to the edge of the day them would be reaching the next village audit. Little lean applicable to my case understood, and scalded my return threw bar and I went back to the central unit. 94

More sealed it. They worked piecework erectors and robotic welders and nor noise bag at the door though to poke with all my bad dribble. He has shielded. Why? What is he afraid? I am here if someone fears something. Even though press, I do not know where I upon awakening. If awake. SHR de M


03-10 We had the talk that was under. Just clarified me nothing Beast, although at least emphasizes that the absolute priority is my integrity; that is why I can be quiet. That something worries, is next in importance, of the mission, is to close the deal with the least onerous bias for the Corporation. And as soon as possible. Openly, to be legal, he explained to me that the director program selects a few possible variables according to data collected with the automated probes. And Beast, in turn, and pondering my safety, and the business benefits, and other silly to use, just deciding what is the ideal place. And when. I would like to have a say in that and so I told him. And I would say that he laughed if I knew not of the impossible. Millions of calculations are necessary, to the end that once outlined the steps understood it pure chance. But it should not be. It took me a bit to enter through the hoop and tried my own numbers. The first included the coordinates I got very near the Sun. Outside the planet! The second, I would send to the middle of a frigid ocean, and the third, predicted venture encounter at the heart of an active volcano. Insane are trusted to own calculations. Perhaps wanting to give example of mastery, I was deposited very gentle by Beast over a bed of grass. Being spring place I not responded until the Sun touched me, and was to crumple me in the blanket of its rays and continue dozing. Although I couldn't. Someone was spending anvil. Nearby, nor a stone's throw, an old man, a young woman and a little girl, they cover with mud in the banging and prime fire. In a rudimentary oven they cooked pots of mud while the grandfather gave way to a few copper plates. Each three arrowheads manufactured, one was left for him and the other two gave to women. Everything I had was doing cast. Preparing own funerary trousseau and dowry to the orphaned daughter and granddaughter; Yes, because closed also had the stiff grandma. There was no future and witness went from the goodwill of the elderly, to suggest the young, that die before finish cooking the dishes, put him to the side which had agreed and then to make off with what they could charge. Having said this the man dragged the wife's body to a nearby silo and himself grabbed posture snuggles next to the corpse. But it did not die. He got up at noon, that for eating lifted from the tomb! and he sat down to taste a wrung out boiling of herbs with land turtle. It smelled good. And better would taste because they eat of the bowls without modesty and with pleasure. After the last sip, the old man stood up and went to 96

take the arrangement for the eternal nap; It will be him. Already will not lift, not. Daughter understood it after a deep leaped, and after checking the death, threw their trousseau and two spans of sand. The little girl is called Lambda and the young Eidibei, are on track to a possible future together with a distant aunt. Distant in time and in space, which, find, finding whoever does ceramics as her. It takes test, and while I cradled the girl she taught me. She knows that the use of the beaker bells form is very common, more her blood always liked decorating with a characteristic drawing and does not seem swayed the company. I would say that it inflames her not knowing if the family which fits has it ten miles or ten thousand millions parsec. It will be the same. And so I guess she need to be. SHR de M



Iosto roams the mountains with his son. Another daughter and the woman made him family but the mosquitoes and a fever ate them; since then nothing seemed appropriate and seeks land next to the small Dagba; and this happy. The kid knows of seas, ports and boats without the salt smelled. And villages and towns do not have him secrets although the cave which we avail became castle. Ha! And the world, and its people, not frighten away him because with him will the father and afraid of nothing. And with good reason. Sleep without worries the boy while the daddy is oriented. Search for land that nobody wants and to give seat to settle with the family. Yes, dude, he is looking for his death, to my understanding, moving away all traces of civilization post while dragging with it the son. Well, and the bag of bones who left the swamp. SHR de M



From that I used that bloody ultrasonic load, I do not want to carry gun or knife, band-aid took over, to trust me to the empathetic; energy rations for always low days just in case, and any emergency light. Nothing more. And I believe that I act well, as of today carry the pileup, one more than it had disintegrated. Without hesitation. I woke up in a smoke-filled cabin. It not burned yet, but would when approaching with resolute step a man with many sparkles and a torch in his hand. Fourteen cabins that were village, thirteen danced crude firearms, and before that my dance, went out to meet the man of the torch at the ready. And fear. He was head of horde warrior doing razzia on own land. He said. And I thought. That at least was the owner of the time, locals assumptions, that still lived, looked on their knees and with rope around his neck than the man with the torch used the fate; they were gutis, and which raised the sword handle Akkadian. Enemies. Well, the akkadians don't understand opponents to these "shameless" gutis to erected camps, in lands, which cost unify kings like Sargon or Naram-Sin without permission. They said obey particular settling the Majesty of a such Shar-Kali-Sarri, who had handed down death sentence to those who were caught in his vast kingdom without permission. And obeying the edict, in the same place they proceeded to decapitate them. While decapitate, the row header contemplated me not knowing if endorsing me origin guti or another more heinous. He saw no Akkadian, not. Fortunately, as was the close enough so the empathetic take wave because the guy my savagery. And I couldn't leave. This is a tactic, ethnic war, proof irrefutable that people so we hope, and we're looking for, is yet to come. Or it may be testimony to their active competition. Maybe we had to ask those wild where for their supreme leader. And arrange interview. And I can still pray to Beast, if it makes me favor, and specific on them the cannon of neutron or particle; is the same. SHR de M



A herd of donkeys carrying candied dates and sheep's wool. It was a small entertainment that sent the oasis of Tqrat to the powerful lord who let them live. Amnurabi. Before owed homage and allegiance to a local satrap who allowed them to take an unhealthy appendage of the Euphrates and drain it. And desiccate. And how the products are and who eat them, and the beasts of burden who also have their lustrous fur, they do to work with such care and dedication that difficult won't be that will spread the fame of their products beyond the borders, and the time, if it like the same King of Babylon; that this is the title of the lord looking. We did the bank of the river at a slow pace, remained still long way to get to the next village, and not being able to wait for greater intimacy, asked me a muleteer by my source. Never saw an outfit similar to mine. And nor anyone how I. Obvius. No told him nothing because nothing I came in my mouth except the truth, and not wanting to confuse more, not to be the only on feel a speck of strangeness, I missed me to shoulder a circumstantial rag bringing a donkey hanging, and at the act disappeared possible suspicion; not seeing, they do not fear. Despite complicated existence, remain a simple that they gives worthwhile Mammal! In the village we link with another expedition to the capital which had armed escort. They are suspicious of locals from villages that are crossed. Power in Babylon is concentrated and much care the local princes of touching any good to go for the King. Now there is no known thieves, now either is not the felony, with such frequency that the own Amnurabi commanded to write in undying support, and the scope of the eyes, laws which must comply with all his subjects. And although the punishments they described severe, nobody will much attention, because without going any further, the guard who guarded by us is stirred and left them in leathers. And that resisted or got some but killed. Most fled running and I do not think that they reporting, as in Who would find justice? I did not suffer reproach, the empathetic enough to keep me safe if by my means do not do myself. SHR de M



The typical image of the paradisiacal corner? ‌ "Knossos". Climate of dreamy and spit throw a very calm crystal sea. A beautiful little island. However, inconvenience to the site is the accommodation upon presentation of smoky and ruinous. It must have been cheerful and busy, look garish colors that are still legible on its walls; great sea; very cool, dolphin and squid; and much younger giving capriole and playing the life in the same face of the bull. It is an authentic palace; was it; the first I see by these payments, although in ruins and inhabited by ragged and mob. Large complex. Already imagined similar things to the proposition is me yesterday a few hanging gardens on the banks of the same river. Today, went through without that no competent authority stop me. Knossos is open. I object nothing to the spatial coordinates of Beast. But, now in regards to temporality, there is a clear trend to miss. We don't have one. Or on purpose does Beast; that it would not surprise me. The current inhabitants are not missing the times of splendor. They are masters in the absence of Mr more fierce, and aware of the power, and do something!, They offered change my work overalls by a basket of poor glitters. Called attention to that commanded the bonfire that changed color. Fixing must be not knowing what attracts him, and showing what a good resource that is, habit that I have decided to take, throwing me over a cloth to the guise of them fainted the subject of attention, and proposing change from third, and ahead of me, I applied them information about stronger neighbours who have. To involve those who will have to fear tomorrow if they overlook. And long is the list, as with other compatriots of the same island, they have bitter deals in case of crossing. They also look at sea to take care of any happy of take edges by pouring milk. Although if they sought review of lordship, when everyone knew, they assured, that "the Egyptians are the fucker masters". Literal expression that I moved to Beast at my return. And go if he know! There will be no fire that lights up in Earth of the fast is not news, with more reason these that concern on the island, and that in spite of living on the other side of the sea, as high concept has of them. If you accept requests, Beast, please, tomorrow, to see if I can deal with people 101

who at least do not try to rip me off . SHR de M



So it squeezes the life was filled sanctuary, so anything of a cold weather streak, and a couple of wars, do not fit more votive offerings in the enclosure e intramural not can bury in the soil being pure rock. And they throw into the water. Occasionally cleans and makes site. At the foot the sea is deep, although there are who expected the occasion and leverages. Yes. A guy recovering shapes dedicated to the deities and wore to resell to a somewhat isolated populations. From there it came to the author of the fame of the bronze artist workaround, and on the other hand, by not seeing never giving any benefit work, had him by the perfidy who was. And behold, they caught him. I came as soon as the mob rushing him up the cliff. And I understood, that in their own way, he was votive offerings of a Culture. Offering to the Law and Order; and control of raw. SHR de M



Today I went to a large group. Are not the first contingent which traverses peaks looking for lace valleys and plains of loess; fertile to exploit a time. For what I have seen, these will quite defenestrate even if they seem to walk through their territory. It is or it will be because the company wore a face two faces. They are sad because they dragged in stretcher one of their most notable members killed in hunting accident, and happy they look also going to marry the widow with the local chieftain giving homeland to the rest of the tribe. The men laughed a business and women another. And I believe to know the reason. They laughed the wives in the march even though knows the future partner an arrant ugly and pretty uncouth, compared with the deceased. Very dense she expect, although the widow, girlfriend, more laughs which by done son in the bowels. She possibly never come to know the fecundity of the South, and without making, nor bad life will being the consort of big boss. Yes, her child will be which comes out winning and can take the best of both worlds or run to find himself still further South. To the South. Their thoughts were eyes longing for heat. Before filing in the new home they would have expected say goodbye to the ill-fated hero group and wept to flame. I left them to incinerate because bad odour makes the human meat for my taste; and more if singe. Won't be the first time they do nor the last, accurate were to calculate the amount of fuel needed by the weight and if this was miss, and being principal, little ashes and remains that fly will not go to a ballot box. And this, or leave it underground or deep cracks in the mountain. And the dead to oblivion and they run sidewalk. Well I see that they going bad. These pick up quickly the aftertaste to the site and are flattened for leftovers. Intentions no lack of sincere laugh. SHR de M



A young man counted steps from a notorious rock. Twenty, and then three towards to the ortho of the autumn sun. Although exact, to the second attempt gave with the treasure that seek out, and after a little digging, he extracted a fairly heavy keel. And with him brought together with a small fire. Time threw watching the pot without wanting to uncover it. Legend was almost to confess the father on the deathbed. And inside, it whispered him and ended up checking, fifteen axes of bronze, intact, new not used to survive the burrs from the mold. A fortune, Yes. Well, he assured me it is emptiness not serve parts for any logging. They are convertible mere of surpluses and they haven't given service until today, and today only needed a pair to change a man for a daughter. A girl has him slurp the mood and that with great pleasure thought of paternal tyranny by force; but after she sighs, with him hatched plan to stay well at least with the father-in-law, then already, if they have seen I do not remember. The appointment was in the middle of the lake. And was attended by the man with the daughter; and another son who row. Did not like seeing me, they wore double game and they feared contend it peer. Although resentment starting negotiation; the empathetic give me the groom family coverage. Two axes was stipulated and closed, more to see that the centreboard dozen escaped him, the old man gave a coup proclaiming another untimely pretender to the girl. Nonsense half measure, so the new is equal supply, and upload the rest! for good and sincere joy of the political family. And which transhipped the bride, the gross amount breaking the bottom of father-in-law ship delivered the son-in-law. And laugh girl to the father that mark on the water where the treasure is. SHR de M


04-11 I say, that put icing, did not have better Beast occurrence than to leave me, to hillside, in a bare patch for the plaster of a pyramid. Yes, finally Egypt. Near the river that flowed past I saw an inhabited vergel, oasis, although I am little sure due to the haze, and do not deny that it could be mirage, to take it for granted, because mere review were other smaller surrounding pyramids, colossal minds had settled in the orb. Well I say that it could be illusion by not consulting it with the empathetic, and at least with humans that I ran into, are people's morality committed and prone to the harp. Draw men them? I met a family of honorable thieves who is dedicated to plunder the dead. And I think it is super. And to them, of course. Comrade made me and nothing more tread on land they was offered me water and praised the dangerous descent; of take a little longer, had taken me the Sun, and then questioned by my traces, which would have been able to tell. To such a Path, which is deity, they laughed that I had given the bis. They laugh much. Remind me the chubbys although neither nowhere they resemble. Wrap any question becoming occurrence that celebrate. They drink and consumed with gracefulness of master, although if so, would be kings of bandits and not Pharaohs. That does not. The Pharaohs had to peel off too much soil, live their other fantasies before time, wasting the resources of the Empire. Yes, Empire. Today, commented me that any of their neighbors would be able to give them thrashing hard if they knew it. Well, to the other side of the sea peoples yes believed that they would keep at bay because they will not be others for large enterprises. But the Hittites... Oh, the Hittites. Fear will not be them in these lands, despite well away from borders, to mocking screaming who organized my friends, for giving me faith, at the time, I say, lifted so much commotion, that the few people that there pullulate took the mirage way without taking care of anything; because they have nothing to those living around cemeteries. And pure cry spread the false alarm. Hittites at the gates! SHR de M



I'm not so stupid, no. Calculations that I missed the other day were not as misguided, and today I planted at coordinates obtained by my accounts; more kilometer, kilometre less, millennium it up or down, just on the volcano. That also, down when I said, more secure than the empathetic, and I, not were one piece. A terrible eruption occurred. The field hinted it. The Sea says it. And proclaims it the coast. Bad tie does not however what remains standing, and with great work, try people redo; rigors are dragged from the cataclysm and not only terrain. The collapse of the cultures that were situated in the vicinity was swift, and in a vacuum of power, accustomed to rigour, which carry daily accounts of existence came out winning. The ragged. The villages of the sea. For them speaks in low, and always, after increase, they spit on the ground. So do fishermen that I found. Even I did, and still doing in favor of wind, come on, that does not work the stupid sorcery, was seen in the horizon line a square. Three boats. Mentioned, and knowing how to be feared, alidaden to our place for panic of the brotherhood. The alarm was given and who believed convenient to put safe his miserable life and meagre belongings. Who could not, or relied on miracle, back to the depths of the caves that pierce the crags. And which were not content with losing, seemed willing to give battle taking positions in high cornices from which to defend themselves. I sat in a neutral and calm cliff. Jumped into land really fierce people, and although shells of assorted size threw, ran the beach visiting the settlement with the cheerful edge. Long yell was felt. All career, nothing they returned to the ship that shot flames to spread. And as taken in tow, predictable. And after boarding and go see them fold cape, in the column of smoke that rose, we took the idea of the fate which would run the next bay. And before they sink the Sun, the entire island was a trail of yarn that exhaled to heaven. Bad it will be the moment if calamity lives everyday. SHR de M



Selbert lives near the dock, in a three-storey house, which shines not inside wastage. And it is not squander my view spending on amenities; garden; sauna; blocks and pier. And much service to attend everything. Up to annex to the private units have own aquarium. Half-ton tuna give reflections by the window and enjoying the brights. He seemed an extravagant grandpa until going round the edge his chair to mine, and distended, such that it does not want the thing, asked me what was there, and who dwelt beyond the sea. And he said it without giving me any reference. I looking for the language and fun went into the game. Gave sing which was insurance that would already know. Not because they are neighbors, nor to Semites and Cycladic remaing ferrailleurs discovered the Egyptians. He sought information from the confines and begged me to accompany him to the cellar to give me to understand what he wanted. To the basement he led a miserable spiral staircase that ended up in a three locks door; and each one seven laps. Nothing worthy had room, without moisture, dirt and cobwebs, and a couple of musty drawers, I found no explanation. And nor when he moved away a few burlap and opened a secret gate understood, more viewing with the flame that ahead inside, I began to glimpse. Distributed in chests and shelves was the greatest treasure that I have ever seen on earth so far. Skins, ivory. Armor, shields and a disassembled car. Precious stones. Gold in abundance, and silver. And mailbags and trunks with wonders that outlined. He admitted to being one of the three richest men in the city; by not that more. However, the empathetic suggested that he is not greedy man. So I said it and he laughed, and after noticing that not said it in jest, he got up from the armchair and contemplate, and without being able to deny me, gave me a hug to my superintendent when he went to say goodbye to the starport. He confessed only to have an obsession, wanting to stay in the memory of their fellow citizens as the greater fortunes sniffer. The merchant and adventurer par excellence. He is a visionary. Want to go to the same sources of business, to the far West, which is where it is rumored still remain stunned by changing hair, gold and silver, and what third!, for good wine and oil. At the simple end of the world he seeks to put in History. 108

Do not carry the empathetic, I'm safe up the frayed layer had sold him, or change, by any trifling. He is good, very good, and not miss the Corporation by sending scouts if they intend to renew the technical staff. SHR de M



A boat. Yes in its tummy! It tied in a small island made fortress. Not paid Selbert port infrastructure nor the fortifications; asked by nobody fell. An old, and wondering if would be Selbert or Sarret, or Simbarlet, recalled that in times of youth of his grandfather, there was another who risked his fortune on a fleet that attempted to open route to these ends, although at the last minute, which opened was cemetery of boats to sink his ships at some point of the journey; neither reaching Leptis. Selbert was not in person, but if people of his town. Should not be stupid all aborigines, and shortly begin dealings not complied with wine and oil, not! Olive trees and vines requested and obtained. And it wasn't the end of the business. On the contrary, they began to demand expensive things and the benefits were increased. At the point, which became more profitable to bring to the goldsmiths and potters; and their families; settled founding colonies. Yes, okay, not be neither rare natives, sooner or later being against merchants and charged them to favourite spots. Luckily we had fall into the sphere of power of a local kinglet cultivated since ancient. Gadir is very old. It is accountable both coming out to the ocean as what enters the sea. It is almost mandatory point of landfall and hence that moor six boats. A couple came from beyond cabotage of Mogador, and other riding gear toward the cold waters of the North. Sailors could not clarify me points the where will think to cast the nets because only employers know. And these were of spree clearing the throat with autochthonous wine; that it took sweet. Of seafarers is born in thousand ports, so some said that amber and other than precious metals will be searched. Even to exit; fixed, they know nothing. There's no denying an air browser, observer, to this people; although the engine that drives them to run with greed; powerful fuel, that neither hesitation, because we also spend like octane. SHR de M



Yet I do not remember the name, although her silhouette emerging from the fog, and walking paused, never forget me. I reincorporate too fast on a steep path, and lost the head, behind it were me neck, trunk and feet. All the detachable exoskeleton. I integer. Almost killed me! Against the rock that I had to span, hood of the empathetic had only been bag to pick me up brains. Luckily not. And there broke the woman in my life, I'm saying give me water, consolation and first aid. And even a kiss. Deity, word. And certainly I do not know if she gave me the kiss or in the mood I was receiving it. I know that it was Phoenician because she said it. And Pitiusas. And the grace of the name me round but not flourishes. I will remember if not being all the commotion product. ... Do Aura?... do Taula?... and come me. SHR de M



In view of the scanner the punch yesterday was a scratch. The worst standing was the empathetic need new sealing, and by check, although guaranteed me solved Beast the unstitched, left me on the beach of Marsalia; a hundred yards of the coast. Often bastard! Led by the current I grabbed a pot. From it an old scrutinized, crystalline sea, rocky bottoms. Clams, prawns, octopus. The fish which neglect ended up in the harpoon of the grandchildren. And all morning to the same topic. In the port sought to sell lots, although in attacked only a baker who was celebrating the circumcision of the child took the genre. Fifth blade was the guys of a street and they cut this to celebrate. And good face put people to justify the diversion with a wine and a smile. Carriages and carts moved shaft willingly, more a muleteer found unjustified diversion being atheist to all custom and celebration. And very old blood in payment. A sour roots. He will let his pass, he imposed by nailing the heel to the donkey and fuelling the trot. And although he ruined the treat, I not spoiling the party, because if so bravo is the subject, he will cause the same path of return by force. And with or without beasts, to see if he has whiskers to mount scandal without the present of women and kids small. Eye with what makes one in Marsalia! SHR de M



Forests, mountains, open to weather plateaus, the fast rivers, and the swampy, are friction to any progress. Road to somewhere we would go more little they spoke in the march to be somewhat weathervanes cross-subject lands, and the same, they insisted, we would receive with hugs with four iron spans; It must be not going more than modernity and frauds they test the metal. And does not intend to. I went with three merchants, a father and two sons, who was hired in Abdera herd of porters and escort of mercenaries, to try to open route to the deposits interiors. Plan to skip the tartesa authority! And it is not surprising to find overlap its claims to the company but to the empathetic not to refuse it; in hand they wore those present. We stopped to do night in a cave which offered rest. They are afraid of truth, guard and scouts were deployed, and the captain of the militia or still rely and established seine and password to be able to enter or leave the shelter once escaped the Sun. The measure seemed exaggerated until the moon also appeared a couple of locals returning from hunting. Tense time, went ahead our venison shoulder. They are of complexion and hair more clear and high, arrived on the scene from the oceanic faรงade do relatively nothing but feel the earth itself. They have close hamlet. Fifteen or twenty huts which give shelter to less than two hundred people. And an oven to work iron borne together; once a year, more or less such as a coincidence! reaches the place a traveling peddler dedicated to putting wool and fuse pieces to caprice; the adjoining house is transferred to the forge and while he is on the site is maintained at body. Despite highly anticipated just they fellowship. Live imagined him, sly to live at the expense of the good will of others, but I turned out to be a professional. A real itinerant blacksmith who bide breaks. He claims to be the first that arrived in the area. Truth will have claim because he did not deny me the empathetic, and once submitted, seeing that the Carthaginians preferred privacy to deal, I stayed with him. In the suburbs is the abode and meanwhile hard his visit leaves no spit out the chimney, or drag the stream, the red of the litany that man brings to work. The bronze to the iron, work not equal and with great mystery, and learned canticle, hits parts looking for them the way. And get; takes care of all power that affects the work; good thermal, either stylistic. He is very good, and more would win by mounting his own workshop which 113

going to the village service in village. But nobody wants by neighbor. The fumes, the banging, and mark the seasons with songs, he win appearance of sulfur that leaves him tied to Earth. It seeks neither to. Like kicking the roads and meet peculiar individuals. The master of the world knows, and as a such, that somehow I thought, I asked him by people he creates solvent. And he laughed. With great derision suggested to go to land of Greeks, of course, have until morality and Philosophy. And gold to baskets. SHR de M



Insects they hum and when the nap what less fancy is sweating. But there is one who does. I came to end up in a city that lives for sport. Olimpia. Sacred are games organised, and while they last, it is forbidden to cross arms. And I love it. It boils the city and not there is road leading to this that don't carry curious or people that go to the market. Even happy to sport. In a couple of days the games will begin and when it was all excitement. Did not need to compete, the same passage of some boys exercising the race, gave the idle to venture, only by the stride, that was slow of sound in the final sprint, and therein, a loser to debride from start-up insurance. The coach, who is the father, shouted that they not lend ears and lifted knees stretching the stride. Another brother, reneged on past glories, advised on the contrary that they would stop running and visuali to refresh. He did. Lying between some rocks he vomited his frustration. He said that sport is smelly. Nothing sublimated values nor nonsense, pure spectacle and speculation business. And he laughed and drank the lesion. But I don't think he lie. Crumbs and we were at a eating house outside the wall which usually frequenting the very best gyms I did with him. They eat, drink and fornician without careful program or physical trainers. There he has reserved table. He is a God. So they did so believing and to claim his hand the restaurateur brought two glasses of wine and a bronze statuette; that They said made to my partner by champion. They gave all faith, and before new round taste, offered us the drink. Yes, well known for his sporting achievements and his poor life. The ideal person to approach certain circles, most still broken doll of the show, his true friends list started and ended up in the W of the wine. And the enemies... buff!, long and committed it will be to present the dozen uniformed in the place asking about the aforementioned athlete, and knowing what were, and what they risked that ask, we were given exhaust coverage while they get involved in cakes. Didn't want to go to his house to imagine it monitored, so what we were also called gym, although seem to me another brothel. And it was. But alas, these humans! already involved in slaughter, that there were twinned and knowing my interest, introduced me to one that said be grandson a such Homer. "Homer"! the name provided all everyone. And although they described to the judge now, and one of the most important men of the games, not cost me guess that he was another unfortunate poor to which 115

surname was large; and it was not himself. Very nice this of the Olympic movement, and the Culture that flag, Yes, if not had so many miseries on the inside. SHR de M



Wouldn't it want to say so clearly, but today, Beast is almost full. I left about two men arguing between laughs about perfection. For both the reference output was the beautiful temple under construction which we were. Dawn, but for them it would be the tagline of the night before, and they argued, they dispute, if the sculptures that ran the friezes would be the most successful for the category of the building. Pericles thus claimed although the sparring, master Fideas, the same sculptor, doubts it. In his own school there were people who could overshadow at the moment and thing of little time forget him in the sockets. I don't think so. Circumstantial my presence, they felt the need to break the discord with neutral opinion, and asked, I had to admit the simple beauty. Pericles was pleased with the opinion and invited me to do night with them, day, more if I'm tired of something is sleeping, so I stayed with workers that even to the first lights sanction for open pit. Much respect and genuflection spent sleepless guys, although gone from the esplanade, they did sound mockery and sat down to lunch without giving touch to the scaffold of the work. Until the foreman. Very consensual decisions they made, and if one decides that it is time to rest, the rest supported him. And if after a while, other, proposed put in order the kidneys and add a nail, Yes, among all, They convinces to the dolt of the nonsense. Philo is the policy and its uses, make quick workaround with this school, I found no child that it not dispute to the teacher the logic of a game. Or woman to work ripping whiten clothing and do not discuss with neighboring some detail of the sunny. Or slave who refrain from correcting the masters verses. Everyone straightens opinion as soon as in lap crossing the hands. Someone might think that my ringer is reproach. And nothing further. What I passed was very commendable opinion. Very beatings, very heavy, too, because at the last minute had a mad desire to return with Beast. Look no one! SHR de M



Today I changed my tactics and wasn't in pursuit of any meeting, sat on the edge of the road, next to a drunk, and waited another contact at random. And not the first, so was right with interesting people any time than other. Neither the second nor the third. Nor to the fourth guy that I crossed offered word. And on the fifth I decided because I saw that day died and was not going to happen nobody more; the drunkard; hence the grab to the fifth. Wanted the chance to give the subject that dropped me to call Democritus. Man who claims to have run East and West, and which had no problem, neither showed surprise, by addressing him with questions and stupid metaphysics; give the opposite situation, that no one doubt that I not crushing the forehead; or running out. But not, he, "coincidences", he is a philosopher and daily wondered about the universe or the soul. Or by more weird stuff. Too ready, Yes. So much so that I ended up closing his words and put on autopilot. I nodded several times, and even I was surprised giving any reply. And as soon as I could, I left taking away. More followed me. Incorrigibly, and career, pursued me field cross-country wondering who was I who possessed such knowledge of the Universe to understand at the first its postulates. And not only theirs, because in my ignorant and vacuous talk would touch without knowing the principles of such a Tales and other Pitagoras. If the average walking the Earth is this subject, we cannot say anything else except that the visit is made. But with size gauge human, I don't know if the Corporation want to try the treatment. Tomorrow we'll see. SHR de M



I'm in a garden. I was. Sometimes I start on Earth my daily sprig and others do it whole here; so it is not surprising, if we add the jet lag, and extradinamic time, is not rare, I insist, that I confuse past and present. The jet slag brings me crazy, Yes. And Yes, also, to regard the day in lush garden. Around a fountain sat a group of youngsters with a grandfather war stories that entertained the nap. Attention paid only to comment out the face that the teacher put before the continuous interference of one of them. A rogue of kinky hair and that, according to the exorcism of Aristotle, was looking for turns to the master with the source shines. Spoke man of realities and appearances, from shadows to intelligence, and did not realize that the reflex that blinded him continually was a flash of water nor a restless marquee stops, was the dagger of Aristotle bothering for bothering. Brought the teacher in the mouth all day to such a Socrates and was fried kids, to the point that in an oversight the boy jumped the fence and ran to the port area; where he knew a few inns. He is a regular at the site, and going with him, I was treated by philosopher's apprentice; and loose I feel the title. Good school shore to the jetty, and test in the eyes of the parish, put the barman, and is that before playing served snacks demanded us that pay to him, to which, the devil who accompanied, answered litany of alleged to pose. Example of the concept of cause and effect, polishing, led to the common consent that theirs is to be paid after consummation of the communion. Whereupon, the manager of business was also applied to oratory finding the starting point for his part in the advance payment. And there was no agreement because restorative defended it and in the meantime we do not pay we would not lift the cups of the counter; or to study them. However, although those two in particular were not allowed us give touch, well deserved the conversation not dry, and on behalf of the house, an amphora of wine bully and Syrian opened. And roll among those who shared desk. With us sat such an Astrobalo that could not deny his dedication to the goats grazing. They were also Endruko the fisherman, bricklayer Kratico and Anaxilomandro which is deserter from any army that intends to go to war. Missing meritorious people and of them gave me brief overview of word: the actor Frisco and Sipatra son, the son of Sipatra, father, that when dropped with the money of the "old" mark in red the day local. Tremendous celebration. Big party in any rule in which are tasted until Eleusinian fruit stolen to the temple. And that it was therefore wont I knew to mention, Pointer bar! dropped onto the longed Sipatra threshold and a cry of joy 119

stoked the already existing revelry. It brought. Stolen father´s juice of the sanctuary and shares with the comrades. All gulfs. Study and learning will be something that will consider dynamic Aristotle, and behind him were calling at the door announced revelry. That man himself take care of yourself. To take care of neglected children and brothers. SHR de M



Men and children swam in a quiet brook which is protected from the Sun with dense flora. A couple caught my attention by disparate attitude, medium discussed in perfect harmony the wisdom of such or which compromise: bathe or study. Nor would it be so curious if not because defended the pure study advocating the student, while the teacher claim for the relaxation. Seeing the controversy served I approached them, and what would not be my surprise, to recognize good Aristotle become everything a teacher. Yes, the same; with a few more years. Cost me to make him remember who I, our meeting was although by pitches several storms and cumshots thousand sprees, swear that it ended up giving me reason like the crazy. And saw that I wasn't going, that tapped stay, returned to lie where it was and resumed the conversation with the disciple. The boy is the son of the king of Macedonia and accustomed is to feel the weight of the voice; It is order in their country tough at the moment do not have relevance; neither wants to impose his criterion for wedge issue. Is good boy and he intends to learn with one of the great what anyone of his Kingdom may move him; the secrets of the philosophy of the Numbers and Nature; even the Human. Do not like the young lose time, or the money from his father, and demanded the teacher be faithful to the program and resume road and lesson. But Aristotle, inventor of the peripatetic method that reminds the boy, insisting without changing the stance that in the bathroom would be subject of study for one or two lives, and having said that, they approached the pond and observed in silence awhile bathers; then we came back and cast to walk a path of ash trees and poplars. Issue between them, and nothing else was to reach a quiet meander, we went back to stop. For indications of the master boy got into the water and swam the pond without great mystery. Compendium of virtues, gave sample condition athletic down to the bottom to pick up a stone that was asked. Once outside, while it dried in the Sun, the teacher inquired for the reason that allowed to float him and stones no. Laughed the kid the simplicity, and while he cleaned the pileup of supply for drinking, replied that that is their nature. The same of the sword, which has innate idea to sink in water or meat. While we think about the moral of the story, opened the bag that brought the boy hanging on his shoulder with snack. Alexander, who called, think a little more about the subject and said that was going to take another dip to regain a pebble and ask some questions. And the purpose seemed nice to Aristotle, most resounding forbade the boy that 121

poking at that moment to the water. Good mouse is curiosity, he said, more surly cat dwells the intestines during digestion, and do not stir them and spurn thing. Although I do not know if would stay with the song the boy, to shut up looking eager pond. SHR de M



I get in a sandbank of the Nile and from there took me a boat that dated back with flag of mourning. Very would be going the seamanship and very cautious woman who under awning carried sad news. However in the spring we dock nobody standing, or idle, to shout the news of our arrival. Landed women without saying goodbye even to carry the role of soul in sorrow. Unscathed tended step without being disturbed; or at the foot of the steps of a palace under construction stopped. She wore to the Greek and sufficient safe-conduct was so that the elderly woman could reach to the chief. Neither more nor less than Alexander. Yes. The boy, that made a gingerbread man, go expanding domains that inherit from the father. He is still the same boy with leonine bangs and sparkling look, and when saw us reach us recognized. To me as the curious type who met one summer, and to the lady for being in the service of his great friend Gailo. And see us enter together, and match our different sinuses, and without reading the missive guessed the death of eleusinian comrade. He had died nor did the year and now came the news. He fired everyone and sat on a bench that left eye shot the desert and the Nile. Plunged in the memories of the past he stopped thinking for a moment about the future. More torrid, more wasteland, became the desert horizon. He was lost in the vacuum and by dry any expression I went to know about the woman who brought the obituary. She had changed her clothes, and in the kitchen, two cheeks, gave account of a goose with watercress and a piece of piglet bathed in beer. And well watered everything with attic wine. Perhaps for this reason, by smelling the origin while it is serve, made its the familiarity to the amphora and ended up rolling on the floor. Earlier, so happy, that I prefer to transcribe to refer was dispatched: “ ‌ And powered that I come by the old tutor. No, What! ... does Aristotle?... ... Often Aristotle element also. Much give the peak with the good and ideal, and persecution of all bad!, when to him there is no hand that remove bedding, or tavern, when he pick position. Ha! Straight it, the decent... and who you think that washing clothes? Because among other servant. Not a bad darning is cast to sandals because there I left sight and fingers. And profit nothing good nor his own slogans are not followed. And a slacker. And loose. Very weak, because it neither authority under conditions. And bad actor; Although comedian and theatrist, represents his own life penalty for those who we know well. It is not that I wants to scupper the figure of the aforesaid, of truth is! that is a 123

problem. And a pivot inveterate, because when they will not let him prepared the meal of the day, weird, instead of make or send do, prefer to leave to seek who endorse the spoon. And all this was getting worse, of course, with age. In recent years shun he by beating and only the very relatives, or alumni as the deceased master Gailo, come to know about him. Ha! For most that there will be served will be to teach them to live on the pick to pupils. Only this -Alexander - this wretched not picklock he will need to open the doors of East as Egypt is lock and tinkling keys master. That the city takes his name! And thank goodness I found here, yea, of no, after he had been due go, it is said, to the bordering. Yes, luckily I turned and I can go home". I also know that next I have the return, Yes. SHR de M



I was down prepared to the surprise. Any culture of this part of the world, so "close" to the newly visited, might have inherited the push of that and offer to the universe a good representative. A exemplary Be. I thought it possible, let's, say for fact. And I laughed wrong my idea to find me with my young, but already old, friend Alexandre. Was. Yes. Agred a lot, highly abstracted. Very senses inching past years and the distance made headway. And lived among stockings. The guides say that it is not far away a new ocean and Alexandre as suspects under a bank of clouds. Or a little beyond. They smell the air and men give by the way; although he is not so convinced and ponders the next step. If with this he stoped his juvenile passions, I definitely think that he could be our man. Who knows how old! and it is venerated. Even despite lashes by the lives they lead made, there is no who hesitate to his army. They drink on him. Wait. And he was doubting, still praying for a zephyr run him doubts. Yes, even if insurance is able to decide me now, I want to wait for tomorrow to see what is the adventure of Mr. Yes, okay, and that I, selfish, too, wish to enjoy a last moment of peace and tranquility on Earth. Time the Corporation longer have to eat the colors to the planet. Beast, seeks paper and pen, and put to cool the toast. SHR de M


04-13 I woke up in a dune licked by Ra. So jabber it the camel that drank under jaima mix of aromatic herbs. Very happy to think it was last day, and fuelling my illusion, told me that Alexander surely rest in a nearby oasis; all straight. Carefree I missed walking the desert wanting to memorize waves that air, or a snake, printed in the sand; its I guess I will also upload sample. Happy and tranquil although a little grab me air that curled up to close the dust. I could take refuge in time thanks to two young men who speak the whereabouts and very grateful accompanied them, after securing the stake where tied a few horses, flimsy security of their tent. I feared having lost any notion to be people who occupied pavilion celts on the other side of the sea, the other continent, and rare explanation would be the fact the reaffirm me the first thing they themselves that Yes, that certainly we were in the oasis of Siwa, near the supposed remains of Alexander‌ the Great who called! Rather it was that he had died after our previous contact! and professing them a strange affection, and while hiking I would say, were seeking the catafalque; the same are whispering that they were his remains here, is hiss the same thing from other places as a such Tolomeo dances relics. What always coincided was the sumptuousness of the mortise. While the adults explained without blushing and without complexes, which tend to overwinter away from their land when gasket band seeking them, boys in the care of polishing the edges and keep the stew boiling went working. They not distracting so that there is some and the criminal record of grandparents, parents and siblings laughed palatable. They laughed palatable because they thought to overcome. The empathetic whispered me and confirmed the progenitors, calculating able to Namur and Genzrio, that call, to run the waters of the Nile against Nature. They had in fact agreed dirty trick, and to intuit, I went after them. Picking an appropriate oversight took the meritorious mailbags little luggage which walk them worldwide. Any jewel or neat sword. Some clothes and fine ointments. And a couple of pitchers of red wine that will no doubt most celebrated when the next morning proceed to excavate the mound; where is supposed to rest "The Soma". And they did. They went and returned without noting the absence. ‌ They are shoes of rope, Yes. SHR de M


05-13 Fierce are the Vettones. Before and after each milestone to celebrate. They greet and say goodbye ephemerides with rigour; a child who is born; a spring that arrives on time; a transhumance without casualties or losses. It is a matter of living in the moment with joy. Didn't know specifically what celebrated, though round would be what would be playing men to strive a skin from horses. Swollen bladder figured, well, more to fix, it dazzled me that the spherical in dispute was a human head. The melon of an enemy. Well celebrate the very wild! Even the guys enjoyed to clean the entertainment kick. And laugh, clap, and sing, and gather to eat villagers, because they, the owners of the heads and other flaps, not pasture more cattle in the fields without permission. Neither they, nor anyone! And so it is not repeated, all present stood up a granite boar that proclaims the property. SHR de M



Despite being the wide Earth, a small hill fort had the misfortune to suffer assault by some neighbors of the valley; with that dispute the rights to two drained streams. Family thing, and worse at visceralizing, began to flutter about the acts dead vultures, and already the locals descended to respond to the attack. One higher than a sword became cam, and all close together, and angry, take to give the replic. Children and elderly were. And women; although during the attack they had no hesitation to use weapons, they were now busy soothe the pain of the wounded and deliver other offal into the flames. Much fear had to float because it still smelled. I took to running after men knowing that went to war. Me too. Since a high I witnessed without tactics, not to let being brothers, they call the newcomers to the intramural so they out to give face to the esplanade. And not being few cases where crossed bloods, a little time left to change, or reaffirm the filiation; a few. After this, I expect that be they figth against each other to cutthroat, more riveting couples the hosts, and knowing that it was thing of two specific families have open lawsuits, were required to once and for all suturing and bury the issue. Heads of their respective houses, took the field two old men entered in years but very good looking. They handled antennas sword and defended against with oblong shields of wood and leather; they differed only in the drawing. Twins, word. The men beat braves, and although one was declare winner, losing the other by sharp scarpanto in the neck, collapsed wounds carried him also to this tomb no take long; to the pyre. The thing is still open. SHR de M



The men shared sauna boast of having the world in their hands. And they laugh and drink it, though, intimate, did not lack that ask much so that all identified in the distant and old Egypt the summit of any splendour. Always yearn for South in the North. They dream of. And vice versa. They attract and repel each other. They invest the work of a season, or more, to be done with some exotic object that perhaps therewith the dreamlike virtue in their brains. Or the same affect will if their wives suggest it. These in particular go in search of the southern heat, lead idea of leaving in simple visit, more if they find appropriate corner, more than one it wouldn't stay; traveling pregnant dreams. The old do not see everything so simple, although twinned the continent, as it is one approaching the sea, know more take the people to the land and to one side is fraternity. Span the fight. However, closed they are going. SHR de M



Today, Yes, not can I repress me doing portrait. I met individual who either choice to the mythology of any civilization in the pose. Old combed snow, wise and very fluently. Full of sevens and amputations. And only one eye. And the hand that is always resting on his sword knob. Sitting on a rustic throne of oak that would be any other sidewalk, but he, jewel, ennobled as he plays. He is called Instrucco and not expected life nothing to having taken it what he already wanted. Although away from best tinsel, at the time, he chose to return to this border to enjoy his last years peacefully. But I'm afraid he can't, because in around him, I, or the youth of the bordering villages, makes he roll and offers beer so narrate their experiences. And makes with a lot of love. Pirate, mercenary, soldier. Interpreter and Explorer. Devout lover or vengeful suitor. And bard. And druid. And vat. A joy to listen to the voice until well into the night. And instructive. SHR de M



Kicking a quiet forest, brought me the air the trickle of a cheerful song. Be praising, not without certain picardy in tone, exuberant fruit of brush tempered with its proper summer. She collected to voice and I could not resist the knowledge of the mezzo-soprano. She picked blackberries. Kept in a wicker basket and ate with balanced parity. She picked up with another chorus the last handful, and impeller to the head, and basket to the top, returned to the path. Sang happy and lush. She wore apron width be cooking and leave to seek the last ingredients. I know because she sang it to me. Exultant and contagious, she kneaded flour acorn while cook a couple of capons. I told her that I only drink, but even so, she work in the kitchen for a regiment. She hoped to visit, Yes. Gather all the sisters and friends because nothing the girl marries be and today gave the party. Didnt know, but no how she cooks and noses owen her own cake. And charge of kidneys, most to the displease her a small since she took stomach ache, preferred to make green apple and berry. Sour apple would put to relieve the belly a few constrained, and blackberries, with honey, she will also stop dressing for the more sweet-toothed. Thing that should come would drink And the man!, which give lesson and whim before committing of lifetime. And they brought, imported, a celtic, iberian declared, that by stage name looks Sexi Batamor, although in private, like to be treated by Marluxo or the Nano; It is the same. All savvy is the gallant and with them made for being that his job, though, that none was left call deception even with their sweet cuddle, was the way people. An artist. A trickster, a false in word and deed that knew how to praise the taste, and in return, more sprain the back for days, departed with fund-raising from tourne. And with him I went because needless to deny me vein acrobat. He had wagon and company awaiting us. There locals in the surrounding area to be the rest of visit relatives for not molested in the bachelorette party. However they fear. It is not the first time that they dare venture into these lands tour, true that it is not so fierce ogre how painted it, and they pay well, but jealous husbands and boyfriends are given in all payments and is not uncommon to find by surprise with a storm of cudgels. It didn't seem to be the case, and as soon as mounted men, they urgen to the beasts. They are a short truppe. Travel with own women, which covered male party, with two dwarf thieves and acrobats, and an old man who offers their auguries to whoever has the misfortune to fall in his breath. In other words, I. Foolishness what he told me. Foolishness. 131

... My thing was going for long and that cared in a journey that I would soon be proposed. And he asked me a copper. A currency. Flips you, how all the worlds resemble! The Civilizitations! SHR de M



The mythical EirĂ­n is green such not tires the bard to sing. Sounds virtuous bagpipe giving combat to frogs and toads, and the brief summer time is to remind the grandchildren. So two old men, advised it me that sitting in a small fence, they discussed the accuracy of time. One could not remember such good climate in what he was wearing down to the world, the other, on the contrary, remembered, or wanted to remind, that it has not nor four decades past, when the first grandchild was born, to there was a summer so torrid that cows of their own initiative went to graze on algae on the low tide. Whatever, of them the little accuracy might expect, because posts up conflicting, wanted to explain the origin of some nearby mounds, with nonsense of a legendary kingdom founded around a round table. And in lathe the most notable men of the era. And what more, presiding over it. It is not the first time that I listen to although I to the rumor assigned homeland on the island which is known to the other side of the fog. At least to deny any merit to that island if elders had agreed fast. They are not as well as I would with the cousins. And the Celts, cracks in its structure than have quarrels on the unit the celtics will not wool. And is not only of these two old fogys in the village near come, only me spitting in the recommended direction, that was received with more bagpipes and brass bands. What relieved is a good gob! Could it be that Beast has lost the wind of the matter? Is still objective to find representative or Master of the planet? SHR de M


04-14 Gather in a quiet bay, to enjoy the summer, clans from various corners of the continent, and despite being carnal cousins, and speak languages of a same trunk, do not reach way of understanding it. They are not in agreement. To an understory layer lifted travel tent least half a dozen different families. And they gather together for pleasure itself, in order to ask origan by day and returning the pots at night. As I say, Yes. By day they were a friendly copy, bordering on the stalling, with the continuous coming and going from greetings. Now, sunset, and drink a few of brava beer, to make a fire to another commence to voicing niceties and blevins. Very hard and in crescendo. Before arriving to the hands that came anyway, parents, heads of the respective houses, practices for voices and lost smite the question, and then, alone with respective stems, also was it pulled webbing to purge the own faults. Shouts and tears entertained overnight, and that, Yes, assured, as soon as dawn, and been washed faces, enter they very chilly overnight with a "Goodmorning". Humans are very rare, Yes. They are strange to exhibit. SHR de M



Celtic's interior, and cousins of sandbank, soak in a fob point covering the secure exchange. Change news and products, tend blood ties and thus go and come the new families and territories. Today there is a relative peace, but to the ground inside they are informed that by the coast there are people that believe more civilized than anyone else, and threaten, in brief, tracing rivers and trails to put everyone in waist. Bring a new way of understanding life and make the war sooner or later. It is not fresh from the day, yes. Grows the rumour, and even myself, I have wanted to meet those guys. And they, meanwhile, are becoming idea of the enemy. SHR de M



It seems that they references to everything. But it is false. Some cannot. A lot. For this, or that, remain prisoners of any tare. Physical or psychic. There is no individual who does not dodder, and that not lame... limping. All if I put the sample under a microscope. Today I spent the day with an Etruscan that claimed an idol to the woman, and after giving life of purgatory and hell picot, intended to take it to the sky built a funerary monument. ‌‌ Badman, Yes. Willingly took the history out to be akin to the idiosyncrasies of the gide, most as it winded, I came to the quick conclusion of finding me before a truly despicable being. I also orchard of man, and supposedly affected, would think Beast that was suitable subject to which propose business. And not. It is not. Certainly not. No business at this rabble. And with him I remained only because the justice of a telluric movement confined us to the cave where sent to excavate the sanctuary. To me at least a few hours retained, him, Ha!, for eternity. And fortunate is the bastard because he don't have it poorly prepared to be the place replic of his own home. He was merchant of wines, was it, and although very quiet was in the empathic, also I am aware of how close I round not to tell it. And therefore I better cope with the shock, the closure and the company. I drank with him, more I gave not although cup offered me; It came very good, by the way; very digestive. Yes, Beast, Yes. I am the observer. Give me if you want misery to scrutinize, give me mud, give me germ of swamp that I know are and little hope. Look if wait shortly, I think up to await the end of the mission to give opinion. Ah!, and from you detailed report. Do not hesitate. SHR de M



Today I was right with one that assured be Sabine and a great magician. False. Also hinted to be from a dark lineage who connect him with Delphi and Alexandria. And, that was what won me, he was both hungry, that if not put sticks with great pleasure was to share my energy bars. ...Obvious that not. I did not understand the suggestion and deviated the conversation despite the fact that it proved to be deeply rooted caste of persisten. Built character with taking it of other people in the way, in it he lives, and decanted foreign lands, he dressed in thousand trades and refines the ingenuity, To the point! that only with view container, and the logotype of the label of my cookies, guessed what had in the time to find us in my hands. A fox. He swore that he knew what it was, it gave faith to dribble. I believe that he guessed it by pure instinct. He insisted, such good stub shaft, to a family member or civilian mine, godfather which us third, gave him ever shows. And I didn't, No!, until by pointing out the cuff of the empathetic generous outlined it me by common garment with my alleged friend... except, that of our common relative attire changed glitters! Yes, I prefer to think in new matching. Both notes one, both notes that little which is neglected happens to feel observed. And I can make it. The ship is big and my lab tiny. And much restricted access sings me Beast. SHR de M



Parade. Carthago does not support shadow nor reproach, and more for it, are the celebrations for Rome. In spin, and oxtail to horn caught, not less than twenty copies of elephant passed way from the circus to make their goodies. Baboons, giraffes, lions, panthers. Eagles of such magnitude that they protec to the rain. And huge hippos of intimidating fangs. And bears and crocodiles... Until hyenas! There was no shortage hiss snakes that adorn dancers girls; Yes, there them. And dancers boys, acrobats and eatfireman. And archers from right-handed arm that hot strings by threading the flight fruits and objects that are provided. Hug amounts of soldiers. All wasteful display as well far intends to reach. I do not know the people or procession that were behind us, and that ahead were opening excitement I lost the account. I had enough with occupy a cart and wait for full sun that reached us the turn of herding. My function was simple; otherwise I would have not accepted the last-minute compromise. Lacked the victories and armour of a boss who carry was worth to me and I did not put stick to jump on the bandwagon. I always had curiosity by parading before moiling crowd. Now, have one unique occasion to infiltrate between the mass without danger. And, without hesitation, I set out. Who has enjoyed on its own merits better can talk. I not left me never know me feeling of unannounced, still, word, subjugates and shrink the entrails feeling hyped not know the reason. It intoxicates the breath of the crowd, and one dash reminds why, and means just recognized in its own right. Such is the power conferred upon the crowd, even the most trivial job a politician feels and same, picks up the poop of a rhinoceros after running and jump mortal and a half. Young and old filled the sidewalks beauty, children were laughing, the boyfriend and the girlfriend speaking, and nobody will say after the pomp that Rome is at the gates. ‌‌They care! SHR de M



Beast said they promised, that the Romans took in the forecasts, but introducing us on the site opposite was evident. The Gauls besieging Rome and nobody was left to defend it; eighty old; eighty white robes in eighty curule seats. Eighty statues. Seemed so up to me! Eighty old decrepit and proud was the force that opposed the barbaric outlet Rome. Eighty dead. Very decent, very majestic, an eyebrow moved when even arrived the hubbub of screams and the same presence of the barbarians; very fierce, full of furs and ochre against elders hieratic. Eighty spectra, Yes. Same happened to me, I took them for pulsating sculptures, even they arrived the Gauls enduring breath not knowing if seconding them to the realm of the real thing or not, and when to the dignity of a grandfather checking, and respond to cane the offense, one of they jiggle, they threw to gutting; taking from the city as wanted; and they could find. Rome burns. Even though say Beast, I don't think that this people is seed for a master. SHR de M



I thought once again in Rome, but it was in Veii. In a dark, smoke-filled room it tantalized the very best of patrick romans. The daughter of the restorer who was preparing the agape was who put me to the current while she away pots and scrubbing dishes. She is a good girl. And very clever. She is that Pirro is not stupid and will not ask for the moon to Rome. He wants to Taranto. Seems she so evident that she said so before the heroes to step to serve the slice, and although true, the father, and innkeeper, commanded to the kitchen, as it ended scrub, home. And no she complained. I went with her, and on the way, she stopped to pick up fine clay on a hillside; the mud was for the mother that is artist; models and baking gods to local taste. Well, the family made me exceptional. It also has brother who paints, some twins who are musicians, and four still pubertal pending define to the tutelary. And grandfather, which was demonstrated rhapsody. They attended all his voice and we hear a few verses of the siege to Illion during the afternoon. And stayed in the most interesting of the story since just entered at the time the father in the house; with three intriguing. Then, new arrivals, taking oratory urged the old poet to attend the Forum. They begged to return to the public and encourage the Roman people to retake the reins of its destiny. The family listened to having no secrets. The old Appio Claudio asked for time to think, and after leaving with great respect the house, and son-in-law to join the roll, continued with Homer. I can not deny, Beast, that having any virtue. But... the Romans? ... They are always in the last. SHR de M



A band of crooks lurks a Roman frontier garrison; While not together enough, they conform with observe and take note of what the invading Romans do. Bad wolf will have it if they gather sufficient elements, while weighing the run and vibration transmitting via empathetic me these mine, neither would surprise me nothing to take a carrycot of hosts well given. Or even that the youth fall them feeling deceived. They were promised to live the experience of beating with the death and pass to all Roman ridge that breathe, but so far they only served for slave the veterans. Catacaldos and Melkaro are palatable boys, Fanzabrio no, Ay Fanzabrio! is the temperamental of the group and scrub the pots up to understand messing. He complains, Yes, and even so, like the other two, is willing to pay the hazing that are just to run fame alongside such notorious rickety. And, obvious, serve the Celtic cause they preach. SHR de M



Despite what they say numbers I follow me without appearing. Rome grew, Yes, I must admit. Where do not reach their voices reach their legions and today I found them well away. At Numancia. They besiege it. It seems the last two years directed without success surrounding such a Lenate. This was succeeded by one more mediocritud who attended by Mancilio, surprising, rushed to which indigenous peoples up to encase the defenses that the Romans themselves were made sixteen years ago. However, not all the Numantians celebrate the victory being many the aware of shallow relief. Brante understands. The view he had the town and its defenses. And the bastions that the Romans left. But his look was grim. There are who relies on the mediation of a such Graco that were supposed word. But they are few. Brante believes in the man but he doesn't believe in Rome. Me asked, understand me willing to talk deep, if there would be something in life that could not die. Said by Rome, although so extensive were the words that glimmer left for sincere conversation. And enquired on high on the wind for the future. And little responds to this. Beast can advocate whatever wants, and this man mourn it, but I do not understand humanity head to the Romans. Come on, nor head of his house. SHR de M



Rome, again... And this one, pure anarchy. I had to fit the hood of the empathetic because without the Sun does not seem convenient to walk the streets; a naked stick run shadows. Luckily a bunk bed was carrying armed escort. They were transporting to a fat weasel that catered to the requirement for the master; another major villain given to receive visits, lambaste for pure pleasure, a woman Nubian slave. Several people congregated on the site. They do night and one of them from the sill is dismissed, alleging a strong migraine for not being more. And tell me the empathic that was true, in spite of not less true that left the meeting by the evil aura of the tabernacle. The stale corruption was palpable. Gone one, the ringleader, called Catiline, drove the triclinium to the new guest and continued to develop the prior plan. He thinks, fable with those present, kill the elected consuls and so made in the vacuum of power with the reins of the Republic. It is time. And laughed the minions the coup. In the pose I left them and went to know about the woman who saw receiving thrashing. Prostrate in a bunk husband relieved wounds. At the foot of the pallet, a girl, who do not have eyes would be charcoal, squeak teeth. She was a booger of breeding, a scrawny little girl that by weapon use the language in her revenge. She speaks latin! Share games sand with another daughter of neighboring slave who attends to a young patrician. Pulcro, name and appearance, would, without a doubt, take advantage of the information crossed by girls. The such Pulcro little took to write report which came via his child spy and dispatched mail with the list of guests. With the messenger I was right step, and even though he was armed, in the arcades of a corner cast him hand to neck snapping to the darkness of the alley. Was the counterintelligence, it was a crude theft, the case that silenced him for giving me more thread. On the ground traces of bandit guided to Trastevere, but there they died in a greasy puddle. And took me the Sun trying to find cotton balls. People took to the road with their baskets, and affairs, erasing any possible imprint on the floor. And I lost, gave to visit Rome. And is not bad. Its good neighborhoods, bad neighbourhoods. Its citizens swarming between the long step and trot. And much debris. 143

It boils the city to prior and all perceived stress. SHR de M



It will not misguided Beast, no. Nor I. Rome, all-powerful to these heights that seems, occurs at sundown in full splendor. Her most glorious son, her most beloved general, led the Roman sandal to the East and now stir against the homeland. By love, sigh the soldiers with whom I shared bonfire, for love, sigh, to Cleopatra. Rome and the motherland is lost, Yes. Very easy would return home taking advantage of the revolt who lives the agricultural, most still warriors nap the winter in Patras. Very convinced are the ride with the sympathy of the populace and the economic support of the kingdoms of East. Two hundred galleys put the Queen of the Nile! And in front, misguided the criteria of mine, the hosts of Octavian is obstinate to raise obstacles; that they are not. Like the soldiers say their centurions and generals. In a well prepared tent they used to make the enemies list of Rome which will have to go through the edge of the pilum. And not being present the head, the beautiful Mark Antoni, carried their private rancor treason suspects. And there are many. They seem willing to empty the Senate and replace with cronies of krater. They drink to the Greek by orientalize, and by it, is thought to do justice with style and proposed to roast a cow and her calf; and the farmer who raised them and hid to the army. To the screams of the man that charring finally appeared the supreme chief of the host wearing lightweight tunic, and checking that their own were the architects of the macabre occurrence, returned to the bed next to his Queen. And with tears in the eyes. Rome does not know which awaits! Mark Antoni, Yes. SHR de M


01-16 I left in Rome capital again. It is somewhat changed, albeit with its constant decrepit label. Yes, defeated Octavian against my forecast. And of the onslaught came out grown the she-Wolf. They will told me that death boasted Augustus to leave a marble Rome having it found in adobe. And what really bequeathed was shit wrapped in toga, a successor despot, Tiberius, who was also responsible for crush to the followers of the plebs; such a Germanic. Now occupies the throne another beast of worst kind and greater power, ambition and folly. Caligula, grown up among the legions, became so loved, or more, than own Germanic, most after a fever that had him one step from the sarcophagus recovered with quirky vigor. Myself saw him challenge his horse to a career and play another consulate! And the worst, failure to comply with the bet and denied title full to the equine. Nobody in palace wants to see dementia of cesar. And worse are the fools that make the ball to the sandbank. There should be no day that one does not fall into disgrace, and so also witnessed as another, by secretly urge the horse, was tied by the limbs to four carts and dismembered at the click of the tongue; and not enjoy it the railing, because once given instructions took another matter. I, yes. Yes. Suddenly he fell into my presence and commanded catch me without giving further explanations. I down with regulatory costume browser, ignoring the controversy generated in the subject, I preferred to tighten step and not give me hint. And I ended up running. In the first corner threw the robe that I had attended and dress the empathetic hood. Clueless once, I got rid the steps back to the Empire Room. Caligula had dispatched to all and with same speak on a balcony. I was tempted, just like the sensation, sit on the throne of the Empire. And thank goodness that I did not, therefore chopped bad fly, Caligula jumped against the seat, and clean dagger, made clatter between pads and ghosts that struggle his post. This guy needs a lobotomy! And there is no who tells him. Beast, I yes. I'll say: not one, honney. Not one. Look at that tell you that the Romans are crazy! SHR de M 146

02-16 Despiste dresses at the barbarian, the roman that I found cursed the whiteness of the snow, although, at the time, he retracted what was said and mention in high the fur of his general beseeching thousand every color. A wise Emperor, a god for this man because from him received a secret dispatch to the Senate. By jealous of their efforts jumped several relay blow up the horse. He ended his mission in the forest. Even so, sure because he´s not the only released messenger. Good, and nor was the message as confidential because it confirmed the victory of the legions and putting abreast of the Pax Roman. Marcus Aurelius succeeded with their snowy temples. Holy snow. And neither finding traces of host barbara returned to swear, preferred to not squander in mists and ran to hide in the forest. We where a pair of fumes that trumpeted home, he continued walking until aware of the imminent withdrawal of the Sun preferred to assail a secluded cabin to freeze. He forced the door and took the housing without effort. A single dead did, and was, as he wanted to be justified, by not left he more remedy. And not women which left her father to son must have thought the same thing. He tried to reassure the widow saying that it be essentials, and giving sample of not trying to do more damage, he took some bread on the table and continued the tirade that left unfinished by the traces. Marcus Aurelius! Yes. Few were the statues to the mouth. He not only deserved them for his victories and works. And by their government. Ample reason looked like the subject a few rolled up parchments. "Meditations". He did not say how the bundles came to his hand, but he swore to be early copies of the same original of the emperor. They would be something like a compendium of vacuity, then referred me wisdom appendices to follow, despite him not attended none. He killed the woman, Yes. He ended up killing her before continuing journey, and looking disoriented, hit fire to the hut but not before disguise our step. He cannot delete the stay in me, I had bad body after witnessing the treacherous slaughter. And not continue with him. And luck was that while wait the call of Beast is not it filed no villager at the site; because I would have betrayed the roman instantly and without itching. They say, they say, they say... but do not change. SHR de M



Spring. Twelve of April if the Roman computation it relieved me. Ran air and legions wore long as chilled got up the morning; and for porting under layers sprouts and beans faded. The soldiers felt strong and they intended to sabotage the presentation of the new boss. That told me the homebrewer from early walking warming the mood of those present. And empty the jars and made jornal, threw private bottle to celebrate before going home. Hovering around would be anyway to see if filled the stage of speakers to the effect. It was said that not. And also that Yes. And left Yes. Presented the new chief of the Empire as a Marco Clodius Tacito, and after scoff from him all what they wanted, he was lapidate with a giant pot of vegetables. Least ton rained him above, and dead, say, at the market gardener. And not laught, which has no grace. It seems insist Beast in getting treatment with the Romans despite what say I; in this regard, I have the signature. And not. Neither of joke. Beast, you can already start thinking in other guys. SHR de M



I seen it coming. ... Okay, I've been saying it a week, but the decline of Rome was sung. The capital of the Empire shifted to the eastern of the Mediterranean. On the Bosphorus. There lifted walls New Rome but everyone calls it Constantinople. Good laws, and tolerance, covered waters welcoming city in every human contingency and religion. Happy to walk its streets. Walk, walk, all road leads to the palace, I ended up at the door of the same; and invited to enter and introduce me to the boss. Open Constantine his house to any embassy, and why I drove a fairly crowded waiting room. Three corners of the world emissaries arrive at the emperor to address important issues. I, having no matter which raise, should seem an interesting suspect and took me to another exclusive stay. There I waited two and a half hours until I was taken to a room much more sober. A wardrobe was offered if I wanted square me appearance, and refusing, without more, we went to the antechamber of the throne. And not. Not appeared Constantine; but I heard the voices on the other side of a door; screams were for an ambassador from Mogador by something related to the shirking of a few tributes; far the lawsuit, and echoes, and could not make more. Just when I had to paste the ear into the door, entered an aide of the emperor to interview me. A woman. Terribly neutral. Perturbatin... family. No did about her nothing the empathic providing me some feeling that could guide me in the conversation. Tottering, doubting the strength of my words, I stated pilgrim in a new cult. Anchorite in transit delight for their city. And she laughed. Laughed long and sweet, bringing me well fond memories that caught me the flicker. And here I woke up. Next Best. A times... I don't... Yes. It may be my own paranoia. SHR de M



Move the barbarians. Constantinople has enough to consolidate itself and to the good of the rooster leaves the primitive Imperium. Western Europe bead. Emerge from the borders of Germania Jutes, Suebi, Francs, Alans, Goths and Visigoths; and some more. All very dynamic people dash took the occasion and expand without locking for the continent. In Worms, a remote locate in the heart of "barbarian", at the moment the aforementioned peoples representatives meet to finalize deals for the next batch which split. They don't want to give battle away from home and in a crude map raised the claims; share what they know in the world. Hard-fought will be the issue because everyone is looking south, and have a feeling at the end to make their travel craving, I gave up losing more time to recognize them mere consultative assembly. There are nearby, a suburb where the scourges of these castes and people also gather. It worse. As something Sun entered among the foliage, and they had a witch reading funds a stew, and I know myself, I lay ear to hunt any news or good fortune. People see much. Leave all at once and want to know what awaits on the other side of the road. For some, Yes, the witch knows what there are and concerns regarding view, either opens burial trench to the traveler, rather than find land fertile and forgotten by Mr. Some don't see future and recommended not to travel. Others, for even to her veiled dream destination, prefer silence and return the money. Me until lent the game by referring to several things in deep kettle. And not. It is not to believe in any esoteric science. Neither pattern or invocation, or deity in any rule, has me in the pantheon of devotees. I'm poor cosmogony. I observe. My planet is also used quite comparable characters that give explanation to the doubts. I grew up among people of faith and I learned to respect. And know that when they ask, when are shaken and sifted, when raise eyes to higher bodies, is unequivocal to be trance when symptom. Be experiencing them whores. ‌‌ Go fine gang is going to happen to the Romans! SHR de M



Diluted the Lex Roman by inoperative in the old West, resprouts aboriginal substrate. A potentate, of the old patrician society of Emerita Augusta, going to new marriage, and his account ran face washing which stuck him to the circus. The arena is managed to receive new fight of gladiators. After rain! Harrows bursting, and also look for benefit giving time to open the stomachs and demand these spending. He is not silly, no, but his romantic point claimed the employer bring to celebrate the betrothal more tanned and elite of the known world. Thirty-two nasty look wild sought to bag the prize. By disparate accents place their lectures in the ends of this same peninsula. They don't have to be much farther away to learn by putting ear of the tournament which is organized by Primus Calaetio account. And consider would be the bag while trying not to among them even lock grumble. They looked at showing the teeth. They understand competition. Unfortunately, the empathetic is a refined that nothing can be done against a primitive well frosted edge, or a simple crimped tip to a stick. Safe tells me I am from thermal extremes, ultrasonic ballistic impacts and any type of radiation of Beast which stores data. And thousand wonders. But a good hack, or a hand full hit, feel free anyone from the collapse which would be believing himself to be invulnerable. So much technology for nothing. Some of them carry what they construed as armour, although if the issue is to kill, so I have them studied, the thing is to go light and herding the first. Ah, and careful because they die killing. I, when I perceived that they understand 33rd, untie me belief coming out of the locker room and going to take place. ‌Ha!. Sat down almost on barrier, and was to see the first two-handed blow, and sprout the blood pressure, and some laugh, and others howl, and applaud, to put on me the stomachs of childbirth and illuminate the last supper I made prior to shipment. All. And on top, which is what was, one remained that half a dozen steps of life, no more, he spent them grabbing runout and releasing to the public the soliferrum. Why? ...I do not know. It´s rare. These are strange times. ‌ Or I can up to have been usual. 151

SHR de M



It costs little change the advocation of an altar, if the ara is in privileged site. Vestiges of Roman, Greek, Phoenician, and older, found. And of the cult of the cross or mention because they abound everywhere; It is the religion of the time. Still, the couple's grandparents who knelt on the cliff not prayed to an upper entelechy, they invoked the Natural Law that lightning just leave them to the two dead on the site without delay. Was the old woman little bellows to having light ten times and be very worn her candle. The old man, on the other hand, had good life with so many progeny, and wick was left to enjoy a few more years. And I left immersed in prayer. Not far away a couple of huts thrown smoke. One was empty, although willing to accommodate the elderly do not go today the clouds. And in the other, the slave who attended them and a half wild raptor than pastate livestock and keeps away with the sling to the wolves. And many suitors has the farm. The same legion of children and grandchildren drooling the plot. Although for the time being for none will be returning to fire Grandpa rubbing their hands, and muttering, that work was done. With the young woman, and the boy who is the natural son of both, they will squander capital saved together with the pious wife. SHR de M


01-17 There will be much good done Rome, which cannot be denied. Good and bad. And regular. Now, what does seem usual, is that after every moment of glory that has been dyed, in the fall, in weakness, it´s rain her viciously sticks. And, invariably, there also I was witness and sing the twilight. Today will not be so. Well, yes it was. Rome burns on all four sides and at the door has band of Goths pounding. But, quasi worthy, some citizens not re-publishing the defence and appeal to the good sense and value. Flying all worthy who has been able to illuminate Rome to make war on the shadow that soared the Tiber. And few heard. Wriggle people to the catacombs and trusts in the labyrinths. Despite being humans of diurnal habits, the Romans developed an amazing facility to communicate between torches or in the most absolute darkness. Foolishly I almost go head to a sewer, thing that did not happen thanks to the intervention of an old woman who seems housekeeper of the underworld. Vergil walks slowly and do not alter the ossuaries powder, bless at each step and with dry finger invites to imitate and continue. She does not speak. She whispers. So I was behind her without asking for explanation, took me to a small camera and suggested to take accommodation and some broth. And I took, although a broth of the time which unfortunately did intend to officiate a mass. Improper it mine, Yes. I tried to apologize for the awkwardness, but it did not lack, an advance of confession that me sheltered, Christians, considered highest honor have mitigated my thirst, that close communion with his god to the usual use. Vergil murmured the occurrence and disappeared persignin heresy. The man called Dimas and is proud. Before becoming a Christian, he bore the name Sixfingers; a gambler is described without hesitation. It climbed him of all truly a young Roman woman named Susana. He was Saxon blood and hence that neither had much fear for what awaits at the gates of Rome. Preserved their wardrobe grooms times, and effortless was able to swear such lombard or burgundian. But he chose the right path and hoped that ended the revolt. Precisely from this subject, reneged on his people, renegade of creed, renegade from himself, whose unique lips was heard sincere word of good love to Rome. And its people. He also cries them. SHR de M 154


To the eye of a hurricane domestic launched me Beast; in Nistal; a small village near Augustobriga. Members of three different families were trying to smite for something that I did not elucidate. Two of the families came joint belonging to a distant common substrate, against the third, to put it in some way, the native, who was a net source romanorum and therefore unrelated of the other two. The matter was thing of kids and parents did not want to enter to wipe. But they will go if they are neglected. It is delicate and not between Swabians coexistence and Vandals make good marriage. All this coaxed to an old guarding the cleaning of the fight without requiring information. Man is blood of judges and therefore to the resorts, for no more muddy the reasons that gave rise to the dispute. Hard is the land and enough importunities raises the climatology. When morcelas was vent, and got the rough waters calmed down, ended up dictating sentence. He must have just been and no one coughed decision, the group disbanded and the old man could retake bed beside the fire. Coincidence was that I indicate with him, going road of Braga to intervene in a serious lawsuit that claims legal adviser. This, were trifles. To mitigate the rigors of the journey he takes help, two novices of jurisprudence who by own taste, and in the pay of good advice, coulters bed or carry firewood and prepare the viands. Cook abundant cured gut who left them, giving thanks for having mediated for good in the recent lawsuit in holm oak skewers. Smells like swine confidence countryside in spite of travel miscellany lands. They do not fear that will attack them because people are anxious to justice and is well covered by dispensers. And, Yes, for not wearing a copper to the rib cage. The old man called Cornelius and Eferic and Justin Nono the interns. SHR de M



Making their king, why shouldn't they? The Queen Clotilde suffered a husband scoundrel. Excuse generated so that the rest of laborers who make court exempt treatment even their wives; among other humiliations, beatings without rhyme nor reason, they are commonly used. And be at home all but the screams through the walls. A shame what was found. Will not be like the hits! that a poor woman hiding the face in her hands, and gorge at pure hiccups, cry that something would have done so the husband put she in this way. But not remembered. Not remembered! ... Poor unfortunate. Her ears horns and half-swollen face obliged her to drag most of syllables. And drooling them. I just provoke to remember. According to went understanding things I noticed growing in my anger. And when already counted as kicking stairs down from the tower, and seven months pregnant, I rose like bile savoring the gall. ... Is normal leading the empathetic? Honestly, I don't know what was ready, because still furious, I recognize the limitations that I have by contract. That Yes, a couple of hits not nobody removed them is to the guy. And so it was, and something else, because in case had also intended husband of tying of hands and feet, and throw into the creatures of the forest, the brothers and some friends of the lady were ahead movement, from he and mine, and gave such beating to the unfortunate that neither remaining strength to crawl. Made bloody as limp as rag, was thrown by the rail of the bell tower. Where it remained hanging from neck for notice to abusers. SHR de M



Splendor and twilight meet in a phylum. And it's tip is deduced by observing certain parameters of questionable value; advance, Yes. Today I attended a party of thumb. Board near Touluse a clique that in not very bygone times rowed in pirate ship; although current lie formers and boots; and even were progeny and cultivate the garden. But, each eks time, they go to the demand of a note and loseone´s self-control a week. They are rich and respected. Merchantable quality to the word. And increasingly they are less. And not to die. They are mixing with the local substrate. And at worst impossible. Runs the luxury in abundance and they are back at their fingertips the most exotic goods. Silk and opium are handmade from a few, and luckily, they laugh exclusivity; and the contacts that are still in the old Marseille. Martin, the Lockmouth, organizer of the conspiracy, introduced me one to one to the boys by the name of war, and to me, to them, introduced son of a sidekick friendly who said sound my face! Non-existent prohibitive tariffs of other times, wines from the nearby Hispania, Lotus of the immemorial Egypt, Baltic amber was transformed into smoke, was spent to mode and without worrying about in a spree that few have views. From anywhere in the world is consumed until satiate. And they are not taking years. They clothing glories waiting for something new. Something that is about to happen and think disconcerting in the drunkenness. Oh, and I would like to ask a question which I expect prompt response in this regard. Why, Yes, why does an eternity that we not visit the "far East". Why? Maybe not can there solvent people who meet us ballot? ... I wonder. SHR de M



Returned the boat from land of Huns, and, in view of the funnel that is Byzantium, seemed the endowment sweeten the countenance and open frown. And whisper. Became they so bad which neither wanted to remember. They only thought in bow giving ground and jump away; that the seamen. Three passengers who chartered the eggshell argued, to eye the strait, more suitable for the assembled company; to common spending made the trip, although private section took all three, and thus, one, wood treating, not stopped scrutinize forest benefits. Another, still specializing in furs, set his attention at all the creatures which in the race, or tanning, crosses les the path. And the third, famed silversmith, always sweeps for house. As well, did not find agreement, no. A cabin boy for a eyebrown described me the situation as typical of Byzantine rich little daddy´s; the next point of berthing unequivocal sample. Praying do to elaborate, he break the example commenting that the treating of wood considered vacant site visited, aerial, as the gross masses found that or tumbled workpieces use, nothing of special had to grow equally close to home. The furrier, great hunter, by contrast understood the visited area wild farm and proposed making brief watered and return to explore without hesitation most. And that was, and not discord to nor arise concordia, stated desultory that time was not nor there was a reason. The three he said, did a good triptych what I expected in Byzantium. And rather than endure talk of sea bream, jumped to some launch that touched us the outboard and the rig said go to catch tuna. At least the people sang good and quiet that was the sea if the business that profiles is the tuna. And go. I remembered Silbert. When after much singing and sweating, and laughing and drinking, climbed the mandrague, and tuna, even quiet, ran the shallow waters, I found myself laughing as kid experience. And recalling that had with the Phoenician. If those copies giants became old and fattened, these, two in particular, perhaps by ordinary live free in the Mediterranean, or beyond, would in the Roman scales loose ton. Six men, and with me seven, combining forces to pull the skewer and lifting the ship. And look at the gasp! 158

Fishermen and fishing gear, boats, the sea, stained red tuna. That do not would like to the old Tyrian, and in doubt, I found myself in port and moored next to the merchants, than that also, still remained to their. SHR de M



Well root is not so bad Byzantium; or its people. Scratching below, involves skin, they come together and spend on vices regardless of price or words. It is enough that a woman dancing the seven veils, or a young man make balances on a cutlass, for they laugh and redistribute at full hands that coin in their lands of origin. And so it also makes them feel from here. And be. From East and West the deprivation are known and there is no anyone who finds not his particular hell. And I mine, because obvious that afternoon in afternoon I look for it. Although I will not say a word to retrieve information from the empathic and perhaps remember what was. SHR de M



The desert is so coarse that it takes a man to fill it. And if wearing camel presents crowd. Kaeel is a blue man, a bedouin, and before breaking to talk surveyed me from deep of his turban. He should consider whether it was mirage, and convinced of my materiality, after a brief greeting, continued walking in the shadow of the camel. Short gestures, because pushed the Sun, believed when appropriate, left the trail that was opening and lifted the awning; then Yes showed the legendary hospitality treating me to body of king. It seems incredible in so rugged spot know to glory a mere infusion. Art carries the preparation, yes. He pour the tea into the glass and from the height of the shoulder. And to eat extrasweets dates from the palms of his oasis. And goat cheese. And a little jerky of cow that he crave whim, and having sold at a good price in the souk camels, bought. And it offered me the treasure. If I am honest, I must admit that I no took snack because I have no conscience who offer my energy supplies. He not offended to be opened and no wonder the rarities. Same he and his family do not eat pork or drink alcohol. Women and children because they ascribed to a philosophical and religious current that promulgating abstinence to such sins, and he, free he is to believe and let believe, because poorly supported these pigs heats and their derivatives; and with alcohol happening the same, that it is not advisable to walk drunk to 50 degrees. They are people wandering and width is the desert. The nearest population is far from three days in camel and there together and change new, therefore, asked me to eye with silence, where I was and where I going. Who was. ‌ I didn't want to lie and stopped such than desert when it comes to the drowsiness. SHR de M



Awisari is a fussy coastal population with their freedoms. And few have a belting desert and sea borders; the place is cliff nests more than houses hanger. However, it has existed since ancient times and other both their inhabitants who endure have in mind. They resist for months in a narrow cliff that better defense than the naturally could not miss. Unassailable unless pops up from the inside. And anything can happen, so who reproach to surrender was considered honorable man by not a few of the residents. The issue is that Awisari cannot live apart from Islam that surrounds its, and not abjure profligacy and ragging known by free port, they will have, such that are, that delivered to the autarchy. And new frontier imposed them on foot! It has much debating, and I suppose, that while provisions have, much is it refute. The pure Awisens should never exist as compendium of thousand lands and ten thousand crosses of skin. They carry centuries recoiled from any denominational affiliation, and seen is, it is time to be filial. The world has been doing it since I look at it, and silly and trivial, and absolutely acceptable, understand the change imperative. But it should not be. I did not put much attention to religious idiosyncrasies by dissolution in the common and in the collective subconscious. Already put me on alert Christian virulence, although by covered with lamb skin do not deny that almost stick it. And this one does not say that it is very different! No, not it seems smart to calibrate life with template beyon the grave. SHR de M



AlĂ­ Ibn Alibai worked the wicker as nobody in Baghdad, until a horse, property of the captain of the palace guard, shot him a kick that jumped brains cover. Foolish of hang tongue shed the days in a chair of their grooms times. He takes care of his only son, Mohamed, who, by having bad hand to tame wicker, badsold the place in the souk and had to bring forward the situation giving discreet, most caught in outside pocket theft, lost shower tip and became snooze with the father. To both maintains the grandson Asbag; awake young man who takes business where there. Very ambitious, however, plays about insurance, and to the son, grandgrandson, wants that leave his teeth somewhere else. He was, throughout the morning, haggling the price of five passages for the old Malaka and returned without them, but with word of reserving a post until dawn between . One. His intention is to leave the child with the brother and enroll. The opportunity is in West. His brother, Al - Haki, hiss because would go with him, but has size and art to take for a time the family burden. And so it shall be. Nor tastes bad to become head of the house. View man and women are regarded. And nothing better to delight in the pose that spoil the godson to the arms. And it does. Light in the window, his shadow said goodbye to who wanted the future too far. The child, without will, stirred helped hand as bubbles with the nose. SHR de M



In Wadi Lakka, Christians and Muslims, wallop the thick lips from sunrise. Despite wanting to get away from such ungrateful spectacle, was left with no choice but to get together with a few Berber who celebrated with tambourines and flutes following on foot. Or that, or make of gravedigger with the backlog. At least I didn't join chiefs indecency. The rabble, the scimitar stuffings, just asked if one sour face. They don't ask why. They know what came and comprise the aftertaste. If they were not they would be; Although they have them that are not anyone to comment. They are mere Berber. Lancet's charge against Europe wielded from Africa by such an Ibn Nusayr. And ulcer opens the subject. SHR de M



Today I thought to be in a volcanic cave by the surround sound, but nothing that brought light and voice, is me measured in the Cathedral of Hagia Sophia; witness in a secret marriage. The daughter of a merchant from Damascus spices, married, for love, with the Goth and patrician son of an ancient lineage of Constantinople; opposite to the marriage by puerile questions of ancestry. Similar they must have felt the relatives of the girl by their own things, and one by a door, and the others on the other hand, were about to thwart the union. And so it would have been not appear I and give the quorum of witnesses. Sincere lovers who are, had religious of both confessions and to an acted rite sacred in the eyes of any god. And their love being unusual and exceptional families, nothing that gathered in a nearby esplanade, and without being a banquet, were shipped with salad cakes and disorganised skewers. Well made to my understanding of the kids, and jumping over the family corpses, departed by boat. They climbed a bespoken boat and there was not the coast before leaving the Sun in our pursuit. The woman smelled of grated lemon rind; its flowers wore in her hair. SHR de M



It seemed to have Al-Andalus limit and they came here to find border of Europe. And although francs, was not candid input. Gate are the Pyrenees and several locks at the hinge. And Poitiers one of them. Imperative of war claimed the hosts of Carlos Martel to convert a farm house in field hospital; and it would be better to say, chapel, because most received no better relief than a prayer. And that the victorious christians, pagans losers, was given fire in pyre or left to the satin of the Moon; to tell them children. Between screams and runs danced a woman drying faces, aware of what little she could does. Although some received yes soothing for their pains and useless suture for wounds. Doctor had on the headboard of the bed Federic of Tours, despite the fact that the galen also had in the dispensary to members of the family Omeya. The noble had no patch and went out. At the foot the squire cried the good lord. Cried the boy dying master to give battle at the wrong time. Be relieved the nostrils without fear barking, he meant the afternoon that battled the moorish. Unconsolable cried the kid when the man snored end of cycle, and scandalous their cries, he was sent home with the rest of the day off, and being young, marched before looking for a brother to spend on vices by the memory of the lord. He swore that they gave to masses and whores, and his part, would due homage. Good houses, and the poor of Poitiers women, aren't him a mystery being native, most parents were natives of Seville and the grandparents of Medina. So well was to understand in a field and the other, proposed to the brother, giving a last service, retiring with decent income to the resurgent Rome. Call boys blood to travel, but while they think enterprise, they crossed the lines of combat and to the same camp of muslim troops were to pay farewell to the pious christian lord. In memory of Federico I left them smoking a narghile of kilifi in direction to The Mecca. SHR de M



Would many times someone to travel with me to be able to release the architrite: "See, I told you so!" I already saw them come reluctantly, and after the setback of Poitiers, they rioted. The Berber is known used and occasion understand orphan in the lands to settle. They want, and try, because one who does wanting curdled, between the little local substrate remaining. They accuse them thus deserting the yoke and be the direct cause of the loss of muslim gasket; of fraternise. And may be, am not going to say not, knowing their much-desired presence in vanguard. They are responsible, and to draw them to the caliphate discipline, reached ten thousand Syrian at site. To many the simple news upbraid, and, there aren't, to where to find them. SHR de M



I am much mistaken, or the purchase of the cathedral of Cordoba will raise blisters. Abd al - Rahman acquired the building intending to tear down it and build a good mosque on the site. It was one of many speculative operations, but simply by half the masters of the world, the plain people observed with suspicion business. There is no other topic of conversation, and knowing, perhaps, the last roll of the ringer, applied this to the ropes and clappers giving serenade to the city. Up to muslims, jews and atheists stopped in their workplaces and were left to seduce. The cathedral´s bells were joined the small resentments and peals of chapels and parishes. Cordoba of makers is cloudy. Pigeons and starlings buzzed reckless. It sounded like a farewell. With the disappearance of the Sun from the sky began to die the concert until achieved only to distinguish the slow turning of the boss campaign. Much beyond flew her ringing to hiss the shadows with the news of the death of the ringer. Throughout the monologue of the bronze, all that time, made of counterweight the lifeless body of the subject. Found him hanged. Do suicide? I do not know. It is said that Yes, although also commented that the architects of the emir began to remove from the roof. And even rumored, that was a settling of accounts among ringers. And the least, hiss too between teeth, who by good serenade spoke ebilis and devils. SHR de M



In Lutos it certain army that seeks to geste; resist the tide of the sons of Abd al - Rahman. There are doubts. They fears. They prays. Back, they could say that the sea is only them. Several generations agree the bastions for giving unique battle, and while it is not more concrete, they swear and cross to any vote. And some are taken to others. And taking time to present the muslim contingent, not it will rarely change their wills and made new confessions. This two young brothers were given when by surprise, of a boundary of beech, was released to a third brother. And he ordered them to go with him because in the elbow of the road would appear from one moment to another of the crescent. And pissed. War gave them during the ascent trail, most still so many, while least dozen killed, anything did him. And he called to abandon. But there also were the father and grandfather. And the uncles with the cousins. And the eldest son of his younger brother. Committed much blood to escape, but did. Before disappearing he returned to fill the quiver and changed a dull edge. And neither appeared at the moment the developed of the Half Moon. Heard them, that Yes, but were made to wait. Prior, appear where used the elusive brother, and after asking new game of arrows, informed to all of the impossible escape. The fencing was at least as so that they become with his face and the chief demanded it. Very quiet and smiling a cask of wine, left hand for the case, not die sober in presence of abstainers. SHR de M



Vague sad Badshadow to know any way that take fateful. Long, almost child, was propelled by his fellow citizens of Bordeaux to run out of town, or they had been stoned by jinx; came into the world mounted on the same beam which departed the church tower; and to bad give birth to the mother. And with another storm that fulfilled the three decades of droughts and floods alternative, he was expelled outside the walls and invited to never back. Ever. Since the door they branded bastard of misfortune. Badshadow live badly od the road and the wild until he gave to join, and be accepted, in one unit of provisioning in the then newly appointed king of the franks. Charles the Great. He became unnoticed initially his bad star going the army to conflict in conflict and not noticeable anomaly. Yes, They took a while to notice about his peculiarity, but ended up doing, and big, because throat Roncesvalles ran the misfortune. He, however, was taken prisoner by Basques and carried live, serve, a lost hamlet of the Urkiola; almost cave. Hard are these "cavemen" by unfriendly of their relationship with the environment, so either they complained about much because Badshadow stalwart hailstorms and snow since late August in early July. And the summer very windy. That did not leery, no, but it affronted vinegar wort and putefry beans, great calamity, which led him to be returned to the weather. But not before, that Yes, have become wild to human understanding. How beast lived in the woods and one of them was caught to entertainment of the hosts of the great Hisam. ‌ Too many “The greatâ€?. Osca welcomed them, but the next day they contained for company in Narbona. Something capturing from the fortune that arose and made him sleep tied to a stake and away from stores and horses. Neither fire hand him left to warm up. I doubted the story to witness that, inadvertently, the man commanded from his hand to the bug that was around him just against the muzzle of a cat. Jumped and miaow the animal to feel the dagger of the insect in the face. Broke running in circles for what ached and finished rear saddles. They jumped the fence and made such battering it caught all the camp and threatened the flames take the town. For one thing, they besieged it. Badshadow was released from every yoke and invited to leave these lands. And did him not death in the site to fear that it stay forever cursed executioner, and environment, which contaminate his blood and bones. SHR de M 170


Sonakay looks more dazzling teeth in all Western Europe. Flag is of a race that traces their lineage to times of the illustrious Alexander; he said they came from the Indus. Brown, kinky hair and hands fast to give palms or roll the dice, copes with style in the zone of no one that muslims and christians opened. There is no stable master in the fields, and he and his family wander through them making life. Live in a wagon, and by only visible guard, six or seven dogs, with more hunger than dignity, followed by the flanks. And they laugh at the march and the binge. Gypsies said owners of the world and at least make the craving as such. Had the eldest son learn touch of strings with an andalusi teacher of renown, whim and one family made common cause and in Cordoba we entered just past noon. It was the silent city. Well I know the bias of such a calm and advised to flip sandals and backtrack this road. But They was not done case and at the door of the teacher Morente was played the knocker. And with pace. Door with entertaining play was hits. Figured I, to poke a head, and the delay, that They would not open the door, but after long time waiting, and win the opening giving recital from the street, came a daughter of the master to franking us step and offer refreshments. Just host delayed he, arriving with various types of guitar low arm, joined reigning revelry without declared lord of the house; or other outline is guests. Music and singing. Party all day. I have learned more of the Human character observing the countenance of the teacher to the lute, which in three months of wandering through fields and cities looking for interesting people to our business. The day turned out to ask mouth except by the late presence of the guard of Al Hakam bringing the ear one of the babies of Sonakay. The guy from the fruits of an orchard fell in love and caught him making the court to a pear tree. And by polygamous libertine, that also previously disheartened a apple tree early, a peach, a plum and a fig tree, in the presence of the father give him a rap with the knuckles, bad gesture, mediating the children, because outside iburst Sonakay the guitar that play at the head of the chief of the guard. And, of course, all arrested; up to the teacher, who did not protest much and left lead to the dungeon, because absorbed, wrote down on a piece of sheet bars feral that they brought the gypsies. SHR de M 171


Due to Muslim hegemony only can the old christians of Seville hold open the front of gestures. Not long ago the bishop of Iria Flavia to christianity announced the emergence of the alleged remains of Apostle James in terroir. Who has power pressured and was allowed a couple of families that rent army to "pilgrimage". Dockside passing Peter Tower with Ismael Levy. He resorted to the Jew to advance expenses and chartering on insurance. And being united that works of the House of David, ammunition a boat so that would the Tower and Buendia family dwelling. And other two small boats that give service of dressing and tin serfdom. Would be remiss to shake hands and express delivery in parchment. And grip gave more before initialed and give with a hug, was seen in the Guadalquivir River a final candle and people board pouring and spreading flame. Even rats viciousness of the spring. From the distant Jutland came who was in charge of watch the tie, while the comrades, gave to propagate the fire and steal much could. That also, claimed to be only incidentally. SHR de M



In the public bathrooms kept lively talk a group of men. They just pass through the hands of the masseur, so in the sauna, they rested naked than they were. Steam and loudness made suffer the words of accent and definition. And not touching either politics or religion, which are inseparable at the moment, it could be understood to an extent of male camaraderie among them; hunting, field; the profile of a filly, become affable to the toughest warrior. And dirty, they just want to take the ablutions. Some in tubs, others steamed, in harmony and concord shared space. I thought just as well could export outside their use inside. But will be that not. When they were more nice, one extracted from his brief attire a stiletto, and jumped in pursuit of riving knife until the grip on the chest of a christian leader; nor in the muslim camp will find rest to as much intrigue. And the air of a sigh that managed not to purpose. The attempt was thwarted and they retained the magnicida, before breaking to confess, that is ripped with babbling and tremble, another of those present, a cutlass in the ribs pretexting uncontainable obfuscation, got him. From party to party. And although perhaps he thus calculated power plug, what he did was to betray at the discretion of another present that commanded everyone arrest and bring well thought Emir. And is going to be Yes. Inside or outside of temple, managed to edge of interest. SHR de M



In the socket of a cornice lives a hermit his solitude. When child was not his idea end up alone and secluded. Or youth or young adulthood inclined him to the office. Good by die numbered neighbors, well to emigrate and not stopping those who crossed the mountain gorge, was with smock and keys of the hermitage. The place is very nice although hard of discouragement, and which fall only stray bless the dedication and care with which receives the unsociable old. All courtesy, and at night, or during nap, at the time that the guest will give noseband, Bang!, from the sleeve of the habit takes a pike and burst to the unwary traveller. Word! So ago, informed me, more than anything to deviate from the path the trash and go doing step cemetery justifying coenobium. Luck of the costume that I've been! And after confessing, clean by comfortable, he suggested me to accompany him to a deep cave where mother does the wine... But anyone would go! SHR de M


07-19 Bad it was time to leave the border the Christians on the right bank of the Douro river. And easy they shagged to another sandbank one of these days. Or one of these years. The contact zone is austere and little rooted by the continuous razzia, the same Batir was no day that no doubts if collect the belongings and return home to Baghdad. He would with the ears down because out of the Academy of science being one of its most brilliant students; his potential reached C贸rdoba and is studied offer to work with broad budget; cheap land and labor, for one cause or another, did not run the idea that bring; although the results obtained, after numerous trials, predicted a rapid adaptation of interesting species. But difficult to let even immature harvest. Do not. The people of Alfonso III, their fires, concretising the whereabouts to the other side of the river and my companions imagined what they would do in the farmstead with unwillingness. They was feared the worst. Best of what I thought was since at least the arrows that flew from the thicket killed them without hearing and, once killed, and panic-stricken service, a Christian detachment crossed the border to stop notch and probing the muslim state. Blood and fire. Luck had not bring me arrow at first sight and still do not understand the reason. We were too far away to meet me the empathetic, it was as if they should come with order to turn me on. I did not understand suitable resist and shoved me took to presence of the boss. This subject also seemed alien order inmate, because to refer my presence, he merely sort, without looking, that undress me very carefully and bring him my outfit without making a career. And they did. They seemed to settle in their ignorance with lightweight silk that good Batir burst me by the shoulders. That, the turban, the strip and the slippers understood by luxury. And not the empathetic. Thanks to black holes! Only I was the moment I needed, and after putting the hood, they cursed the evasion and took urgent report to the chief. Although counteracted, he commanded that a couple of men seek me; the rest would prepare return to the mountains. Something which You have to say, Beast? SHR de M



Scary roll which launched Abd al - Rahman II. It is a genuine rammer, and although well greased, arrives crisp the murmur of what happens on the other side of the Pyrenees. And from there spreads. The European nobility begins to have a feeling concern, and to take first-hand contact, threw observers. In theory, would be appointed very noble lords who were in person to inquire, but instead, they highlighted groom of infimum range and ease spend to infiltrate; they give the romance language and trace the closeness of every day. More effective are, Yes, to their lords; that they await at la Seu d'Urgell spending on account of foreign labour. And it sounds like the chorus. Well, they were and returned, and before giving official report, gathered grooms of chamber pot to twin criteria. And they thought to tell the truth, that demand care Europe's back door, but saw that the contingency that is shall be them on vanguard, they intend to say that everything is quiet and so return without delay to their homes, and from there, Yes, give to hide. They are herding from below and vote castling. And that, henceforth, the beginning of the continent are the Pyrenees. ‌‌ And it will be. SHR de M


02-20 There were no fishermen or curious in Hondarribia Beach, but very brava weapons people, took a bath as the warlords who protected gathered in an immediate inn. The kingdoms of Navarra and Asturias delegates meet with embassies of the faraway kingdom of Otto and other major warlords. Concert was looking for. So far was taken open war in Hispania, or Al - Andalus, a regional conflict. Fought the Christian kingdoms of the peninsula is without concord and common future to theirs, but behold, since Abd al - Rahman III proclaimed Caliph of the West begins to fear in Europe the muslim neighbor; they should feel besieged. Although excuse always looking for in faith, would not be problem creed because ultimately know confession intimate and very difficult to eradicate secure convictions, are more still in game land, the power of decision on it!, old castes form partnerships to offer battle. Very feasible I understood concord to observe harmony that enveloped troops. They bathed, made sand castles or gave to gallop comrades among the waves on the shore. Being all men of many scars seemed gune. One cannot, not bathed or laughed, and least threaten to build anything that wasn't a gallows or a siege Tower. Is the son of one of them which they gathered indoors. And he has a secret, one fat well in the present frame of mind, a mystery that the empathic suggested and myself with captious questions came to unveil. The boy and the father are new christians. And nouveau riche. They amassed fortune in faraway lands but they have not forgotten that they were administered estates in Almeria; by Abbasids were stripped of everything right without cause and sent into forced exile. They are very resentful. Looking for father and son lost compensation and offer no modesty provide a very strong amount if They get the entente. However everything is going very slow. The Sun ended up taking journey from home and the soldiers began to be collected. I presupposed the quiet night when it came out fired a man through the window of the inn, and another within went through the door asking for help and calling for weapons. Inside broke all possible pact and soldiers and gentlemen gave to the fray. And junior to laugh.Yes, neither he nor his father will be so badly drained with his Mr Caliph. Or if they are not, logical to understand more power on Abd al Rahman to rectify old opprobrium, than to a confederation of violent drinkers of alcohol. SHR de M



Much world had run the book that fell into my hands. A lot. Would so far come, that until the empathic, apparently, needed a few seconds to make me read; the spelling. Illustrations not. They were uplifting and well explicit for any human, and well say than either, because even without understanding or idea of thing there written, women, religious for more inri, took juice to pictures with very poor flame that illuminated her cell. To pitch stick, spent leaves and stopped with great delight, those that made using the book, warned commotion. I took an squore site and kindly had understood me, mammal which is a simple hallucination, but seeing that encouraged me and filled with dimensions of the stay at will, she dropped the issue and got broken into bed between sobs and trembling. She called me to be infernal and satyr! and to bare scream she ordered the sisters so get down the gate and barbed with Lucifer. Me? Ha! Rotten lady has a head, and rather than respond, I grabbed the book that had fallen from the hands and throwing me the hood volatilize from her sight. Out of pure fear it took to become aware of the disappearance of her reading, but to evaporate I, bed she raised possesse rummaging spins things to the ground; where, she guess, it was the exemplary compromising. After the demolition of the door I out of the cell and I went wandering the building. I looked for library or similar place where volumes of the same coat that this would have. And no, there was no more. I don't think or to know the wives that this exists. With the Sun illuminating the paths I was hooked course of a nearby city. And had intention of keep moving the topic if it gave, difficult, with bookseller in the borough. And by making pre-test, a man who got up slow dust on the donkey offered to take a quick look. And it was fleeting. Seen and not seen. The third or fourth drawing he put before his eyes, it dropped the load of firewood and nailed the heet to the donkey spur his trot. And word that I didn't believe the thing to run behind shouting theft. SHR de M 178


The Earth is crazy. The world is upside down. It poses no paradox that the daughter of Rome, Byzantium!, now send an embassy to the exotic East which rests real in the very Western C贸rdoba; and not in Damascus. They converted. Today was big day in the city and did not have to apply the palace guard that people received with cheers and applause to the delegates. The mosque is impressive with new additives. Petals at close range were thrown from the windows so the lords walked on soft and perfumed. All aroma was the street, and by disharmonic and travaglini "pest" that came out of an alley, I gave myself to browse. Called me without voices from the other side of a wall, and after jump, I discovered two sisters giving torture viands and flours. They were forced to stay home by casting an eye on the pouting, when they, like all cordovan girl, longed to see and be seen before the passage of the chariot. Not biting so high girls to dream to contact such selected dignities, more mundane, simply hoped be able to paste a while strand with the children of a shearing neighbor; they don't work because for that they have people to pay, but do not forget the father the stench that have in the business, and still distant by plenty of land that separates them is made him little. Nor dream. The girls stopped sighing and promised to give battle at home until they obtained license to treat with the bride and groom. And will they get, I have no doubt. For entry to the dinner spiked a few nettles, throwing as much spice and spicy, that without calculating the wastage, arose the intake bloody reason for old ulcer. The mother knew the ruse, and smell it, urged youngsters to take a frugal miscellany of oatmeal and milk. The father, guardian of the home and men who ennoble, will be those loaded by men with bitter despair of women. That if is a war I understand perennial on Earth. Open conflict in difficult solution. SHR de M



"I know that I am not alone". Those were the words of a lunatic that I meet. And I can make his words mine. I do them. This man who I mean, even I could mention any virtue or own defect, and perhaps by similar excess, confess now have been somewhat dry to make contact with him. The old dwelt atop a tree which, put God by witness, not nobody down up because he was as well as the surrounding terrain. Sincere furious it, so the empathetic, told me more just legal as were the roles that the eye be put so recognize the signature and let workers continue digging the foundations of the future Madinat el-Zahira. So much large project to stop it for a man; and recognized disturbed. The plane was the tree outside, and tree and old went together to the dump. One of the male mourse work laughed, until after taking the pulse to the subject, mourned the death, and seeming death, funny went with the story to the chief medical. This not laughed, not. He is serious and circumspect also become physician of Ibn Abi Amir; the holder of the Chair is not the circle counselor, and merit is in disgrace taking care of the health of the people who work in the projet. Normal, insists, they tend to be broken arms, legs or some hanging finger amputation. Premium security. Or so pretend to be lurking in the scaffolding neighbors and friends. In the afternoon, and authority, was completed the day's work. And until the next day ceased to be the reputed doctor who is and dressed poet. Even the name accompanies him! Musa. And is that his among the distant ibn of filiation, it boasted a Mugaddam ibn Mu´afa. Being father and mother health, distant kinship flowed virulent and he spent the nights. He recited verses to a young widow who lost the brains. Frowned he was that nobody zoom is still with claims recent duel, though he did. By day it took care of the risk in the lives of others and the evening itself, was played because of finding the brothers of the deceased, the muwashshah exchange panegyric The woman is humble, more composure treasures family and requires a discrete time of mourning. Foolishness. No attends tempos the love. Or that it is ocean. Or to have dealings before dead her husband. The case that he sang the niceties of the universe until well into the night. Untimely love he league in a dark alley. The trivial contact that led him to then wavy hair. The slinky and subtle game of looks that took in life of the brother. Yes. Husband and brother was the person who died. 180

Or brother and husband. It´s the same. Respective was for them, and hence their misfortunes and unfortunate events passes, and exultant joy that they neglect all modesty and exposed to dangerous public rumor. SHR de M



With greater or lesser success used humans from wild animals to thrive. Up to domesticate birds with the small ranging from noddle. And if there are vermin that helps its shortcomings complement! that is the dog. Hunting, defense, company... Crosses and blends took exemplary specialists to combat the rats in their maze; all types of terrier. And greyhounds and podencs to collect the race. And molossians that retain any dangerous prey. They tracked truffles and chanterelles. They assist with the cabotage and the sea. Cicerones of fold. Smellers any glow that the nose get them. And always with the most bizarre war. Their imprint is work and there is no more faithful animal. And all self-respecting. The bad thing is when They have bad master, or herder and wild soul emerges them. They will leave the remainder of wolf and is feared. So it is with the herd that the deceased Al - Mansur gathered at the whim of his concubines. Canine seraglio who was nurturing with exemplary meritorious. And so are lustrous, they were, because since the death of the master they are not eating and await in a closed room that it meets them. It smells bad but nobody complains. And the greater palace nor case dog catcher ago remain so his work and not passion. And perform many times all reluctantly and at the wrong time. And the other dead, of course. Lot but for both dog. Oh, if animals speak! Theirs is howling and barking. And if they both lead without bite, that instinct impels them to eat is the weakest, or disposed of on the first unhappy that open door. This misfortune was for a little girl that ended up pulling the knob, and not be I nearby, they eat she and nobody learns. And crumb bring the matter. Responsible for it soon will sleep in the dungeon, and dogs, may have luck to not wanting the girl's family that on them is judgment; they were the company of the great Al - Mansur and responsibility is left in doubt; or switched by the services. And I, the spacecraft climb the shock feel caught leg by a beauty of a thirty-two kg and denture quasi hermetic. And the bite the empathetic. Yes, dogs like me although they bite. SHR de M 182


I usually try to observe the human evolution with logic. And sometimes there are in which stand by peligroby me flies and can not catch the cause of fluke. They can cry to napfrogger without suffering pain. And laugh of pure fear. But most of the time, I insist, is basic vital approach. Others, not bucket one. How today. Today two water jug kid made the protocol relevant to receive visit. In front of the Caliph and the ambassadors they neither dared to lift the eyes of soil. Perfectly executed their function and nobody repaired in them. Present were all that lasted the parliament of warlords and then were the last to pick up. And wanting to eat. And the nap between kitchen hands and gardeners. And afternoon give a cursory review to wells and tableware. And dinner. And dismissing with a gesture of the rest of bonded hand them overnight in a cottage attached to the block. And not to mention, say or "mu" meanwhile all this. Because believing them dumb, because in doubt I had, they ignited a water pipe including me in the round. Then one of them got up, and after deep blowjob, reproduced the presumptuous reverence of the christian ambassador and repeated credentials: "... Mr. what´s his name?, vassal of don Canuto the great of Denmark, King of England..." And Ha Ha Ha... There they were squirming without understanding I grace. It would be what they call joke made or family; of roll between comrades. SHR de M



Collide two Cultures, two ways of understanding life, and despite that people foot understand not very different to the neighbor, nor to their leaders, these, the of horseback riding, they do understand the blatant difference and see reasons. Until I am able to understand that play the post. Climb to the mount that they offered me, and walk awhile, to understand the perspective was enough for me. Muhamad ibn Muhama was effective exceptional equine cordoban caliphs and christian kings. And wealthy jews who like riding good hack. That Yes, the times ordered herd of thirty or forty copies, or two hundred!, passed into history. However their equidae are still the best and are prompted for. No longer pasterature the saw herds of yore, most still have at his service Muhammad to connoisseurs in the equestrian world and forward out batches of meritorious colts; horse has for any pocket. He is not man of strict morality, but is more of one case also come someone looking for mating, and keep him mount down. Horses and their carers are subject that does not support yoke or complaint. Or claim. And least tolerate any mockery. If one is animal lover in general, and in particular horse, opened has the stable gate and made the family. They dined together when called at the door announced to Hazm al - Qatari, intermediary of the Banu Hud. And dressed to be commissioned. Muhamad left us and went to serve the business. The boys continued dining at the suggestion of the master. They never know who will open at these times, more if it is for good, be welcome, even if they are horses to do the war what is sold. SHR de M



Black poplar threw the seed and with the scourge of the wind seemed it snow despite the spring heat. Among the herbs are grains that are loaf, and ants, to the back, do not cease to carry. It is enough to stop the air a minute, and give ear, to listen to crackle the field under one million feet. And so all night. With the day they continued at the same pace, although a column of human soldiers overlapped the murmur with the attack decided to floor and the singing of some stupid boss. Between Sun and shade I waited the arrival of the army to appreciate the slope in sunny place. By my side I imagined they would do stop already having supply pretender; an advance looker took air after rising, and without even repair me, continued heading to the passage of the summits; they would be still in their domains and not sensed danger. But yes, yes they have to foresee next because with the excuse of the recess, a few dropped into some bushes to urinate and disappear. We sought them and badly laid responsible for review of first occurrence. He ordered to take the names of defectors and in the next post submit report. And resume the fly. The others were slow but returned to the source. They are aware of the penalty and not show fear. No longer. The day mercenaries knew by boom the caliphate and Al - Andalus being a mosaic of faction. One day they warring against a castle, as the following defending its battlements and people. From here to there spilling blood without knowing the cause or the flag to represent. With two days of advantage that calculated, missed accounts to return to Seville and grab ship that remove them to afford Africa. Sad, become to Damascus. ‌‌ Who could well break contract! SHR de M



It's a cold stripping. A civilian who pastored sheep told me that Burgos was offered a couple of kilometres, although I was not wanting to kick the snow and stayed among the cattle; after gnawing the moss to the rocks, scrub pads gathered into the fold to take advantage of the last rays of Sun. The shephered to eyebrow reviewed me a boy and bleat "Good piece". There is no reason that would limit me the object of study, so I say the babe to match him to the walk. Rodrigo is called and in the haversack brought some fishing and hunting. Industry has the young, a halo surrounds it, then reaching a village, an old gypsy went us to step offering to read us the hand. Raptor did not put qualms, and between the laughter, and the build, heard the rosy future that awaits him: losing a great friend, lose the homeland and losing the family. And even dead, his remains from the ossuary be removed to combat. And gladly paid the boy with one of the hares picked to tie. My lady criticised badangel to not be able to read me stripe in the palm; and do not release pence. Rodrigo laughed over this than the collection of misfortunes that predicted she. Recently the same gypsy also told him that it would be a great lord, which would be always surrounded by devout people and that such any christian knight; would achieve fame in the battle this time he also paid with a rabbit. And, one of two, or the woman roguish, or the future of the piece is very complex. Or, three, that by being in Holy Week the procuress would have preferred fish. SHR de M



Rome, although losing bellows and compass, always follows en route and making History. Locked dealing with responsible for transcribing a letter to a German prince. He is newcomer novice and cannot avoid visit every step with what he sees. And sign it. Still me, stopped a second as if he discovered statue, more to me animated stupidity smiled and went about their business. The young marched to other businesses that demanded he in the square. He owed to a loan shark a small sum, that however, and hanging trivial, not meet before the end of the day would cause him unwanted setbacks. And intended to comply and could. A few extras texts provided him loose payment and with them he thought to liquidate. Although to arrive and wait until past sunset, the young smell trick to allege breach of contract and seize. And he was not prepared. We were looking for the usurer and find him doing sit-in at the coffin of the prelate who served. It took the death of the head of unforeseen and excusing of the judgment with a gesture of shoulder and picking up lip. And by gone the debt, he stract the sacristy of a dry Sicilian to provide by the end of the relationship. That was not, not. It would be new account or extension. The young aspires to learn well several languages in order to return to his land converted into everything a translator Mr. The lender praising the idea the boy though exposed not be time or juncture, to dance monies to the box, and remain so requested amount to live beyond the Mediterranean Sea a couple of years, not dare. He also knew another guarantor who plays more to the edge, and therefore, with leonine quasi interests; referred to such a Paulus Pis贸n, and this bending risk and interests, concluded meeting at the Coliseum at midnight with a third party. The arcades bubbling of shadows. Dangerous I understand trying to monies in such places and at such times, however the appointment they told us that would come who at the time could resolve any hardship: Inocencio Pueblaermitas! He was enough that my companion asked the silhouette that moved if that was his grace, so that not to be, disappeared the blackness between the pilasters and continue the quiet night. To the point, an owl sang it from an olive tree, dropped the subject. On shore we were, and after listening to the needs, provided without glue to put the money. Not in my world so quickly granted a loan! With pride it some Pueblaermitas ninety-five percent of success that has dealings. And the five remaining, that could be had by the calamity, is itself the success boasting the so-and-so to have 100 per cent under ground; and dead between great 187

suffering. Gives equal to that one will live to the layer of Odin or animistic King further than the African dry linde. Pueblaermitas knows the business in the five who picks up, and not I say, that from time to time, do not want that someone intends to skip their statistics. SHR de M


05-21 Norman knights who kick Barbastro unfailingly pass through the hands of Roger de Sant Germain, master farrier, that on the shoulders of his son Enrry tries to leave the office. But the boy has no desire to. Nor is male. She is a hard daughter that light helmets ran the winds by a nobleman of Caen called Philippe. Enrrieta is more courageous than many comrades in arms and why not disgrace the father the secret that accompanies them. The girl stood out in the capture of the city and they wanted controls mean with her and a few others, and for this reason, gathered to eat in a eat house of sucking fingers; native food cooking locals. Last dessert, heads the honorees offered a sample of the latest luxury of East, heresy to the palate of many, because although a stimulant sincere, an at exchange teeth and breath an improper black tone. By this I mean that some took to evil coffee and spat at the event, but, and I find myself among them, others savored the bitterness with pleasure. Around the cup, to find point with sugar, stayed that seeking the virtues of the concoction. I, half-bred of soul and tastes, tried in the new variant and adding a good jet of cow's milk found it perfect. Others rejoiced with some bravo alcohol; and even highly diluted in water became tolerable. Tasty desktop theme, ended is distributing the surplus and lengthening the evening. And with the night discovered Enrrieta the true virtue. Or curse. Night Moka. Scare away the sleep, the girl entered to the Moon wandering through the fields. In a stream of the river she was right with string of prisoners waiting for summary judgment. She was set in one of them, and by traces to her beloved, with him she engaged in relaxed chat and gesturing. She recognized him defensive displayed bravery, what it deemed unreasonable continue resisting while the exhausted city. And the young, instead of getting angry, responded rivel and raised other questions, more logical to the common understanding, that women could not defend are recognizing the great truth. Happier had all been staying in their homes. Enrrieta cut the ties to the cant and urged him to flee and left running, because she, word, would hang weapons to go to look for the love of the homeland. And her comrades, would she supposed, sooner or later do the same. Grinding teeth was the woman with the altered pulse. SHR de M



In Selsey, England, gives equal that the lords are declared Norman old or young Saxon. Change that Guillermo de Normandía brings is not noticed in the field. Bad and untimely weather surrendered and vain is protest the invaders, and cry unto the gods, the misfortunes. Who cries loses time and little headquarters gives the agro. A small farm can barely move forward to adults, so from well to kids urge children to emancipation. Upon arriving I lifted the flight a few albino twins, which except for a freckle under the eye, were tracing one of the other. They departed with intention of contact a family of Portsmouth involving will find them a workaround on the docks. The guy is almost myth because before them other older brothers, and even cousins, left their homeland with word of business, and for all will find work in the underworld to return none. They claim that being relatives from the shore they will have bridged the red carpet. And they believed to see in the path that leading to the roadstead. Before arriving, a ship that was leaving gave us flank and made cam which came to him in wins; being people of take weapons saved explanations. Meat of vogue which is sensed the boys were assigned to first line of banking, and before that could be to agree to skip the border and win beach to swim, the ship sailed the waters of the strait. I admitted passenger and free went to move me; although not still spoil the ocean just ship existed cover clean to walk. Yes, some not could object nothing to not be shipped, but the majority were people of William who came home. Some, going satins, returned with epaulets and peerage, others, leading in the first leg the foregoing, silent returned in bunkers lined with lead. Different lots, and readings, had the adventure for everyone. Late in the afternoon we dock in Le Havre; on the other side of the channel. The winery was emptied and cover is dislodged. And even among the seamen, handed out pay and gratuity for the rapid traverse. At that round, although the brothers put saucepan, no part fell them. They were told that it was the amount of the hitch, but that if they saw a future in art, henceforth they would have the part of the novice. And they wanted to. All traces outlined the captain resume voyage, and rather than stay hanging on the island which presuppose the continent, limpets join any tack. With the same tide began to take to the sea sailing with bow to England, until that, random, one greater than our boat outboard grabbed us and also made cam‌ but of volunteers! 190

They were far to the North and to these latitudes should not be forced. Boys, against all my presumption or the empathic, volunteered their time hoisting hands. They changed their boat, and tanned, before breaking up, one of them dropped to the cellar, and breaking shell, thanked for instructive ride. SHR de M



Captive by any foolish whim, a christian priest has been years prisoner of Viking phratries. He should pass them straws to do with language, and now, although neither would appreciate much, at least in circle he feel something parish. He managed to interest a few with the help of a book that recovered some last foray to the confines of Europe. A Beatus of LiĂŠbana that fascinates by its apocalyptic words and careful lighting; they quickly hooked to the macabre and are seeking him to teach their. Conversions, what is said conversions spontaneous and sincere has not. Achievement considered pastoral freedom indulging him, and knowing of the gap, not desperate and insist realizes with whom creates see wood. But few. Very few endure him grilled, and in front of me, I saw him dragged by his hair and savor two hits to the not silence time. And liked the condemned! It is not what his singular masochism, says that it is martyrdom will understand more sense in the evangelization of these savages, to battle the refined hypocrisy of his former parishioners. They just soak such words at home, but among savages, without a doubt, both joys and sorrows will be much more intense. SHR de M



Three young toledan took in the last village a browser capable of grasping trail by the breath to a turtledove. And that is the goal, because although the looked was a sixty tips deer, so legend is its existence which is doubt. Once, the father of the boys, listened with astonishment commenting, the emperor himself, its existence, and hence the noble Pascual of Barbadillo send children to find a gift worthy of his Majesty. To lap fell the holy, and the almoravid landing taking so close, flog the gifts to the end. The week were the boys visiting the oaks to view hamstrings, incite the bush to move that there slept. They arrived attracted by the legend of deer, most other singular and fantastic beasts would populate the cliffs and crags. And thus also assured them, that was feared a blind and spiteful bear that smell managed to come up with a tasty snack or sweet child. And an Eagle that carried atop the same kids that to the countrywoman who would airing clothes. And wolves; that are not missing. It was one one-leg-one-eye, with gray and bald, who liked to open the doors of the houses and burst cupboards by not satiate with cows; ready and big would be the doomed because wore the century and a half giving battle in the valleys. Myth, Yes. All wrongdoing to the bugs! The family of the own guide invents the fabrications. It has no other possible business place and assures their dogs finish with unique animal. And he hunts. And to keep alive preserve, at the last minute also always will hestiate the scout if it will copy arrowed down the monster that is sought; cleaning the knife against the skin of the beast, and with a simple hiss, and choppy sighed, leave doubt in the air. Boys, at the suggestion of the man, were wagered on a ledge which fits the stream runoff. The crawler was to lift the beasts; advising that they were attentive. Invisible, hooded, I went after him, and what would not be my surprise to find him in a bend caressing the front of the dreaded bear that spoke at the beginning. Yes, blind and enormous, most spiteful would only be if they wanted bad dance step. The bear was strong and was very old. It has the successor mount because Strong-strong, the son, and Strong-strong-strong, the grandson, they compete to the North and South slopes of the Borboll贸n congeners. The undercover brother could be the plantigrade to raise both next to the same chimney. Cried man in spite of trying to control the gesture, would give up the skin the beast by the family and the hug was certainly sincere. 193

As if he knew, the animal was standing and took the trail to give battle. And so decent beat, which honour the Barbadillo know that stems were trying giving greater value, of course, the present desiccated; that Yes, will be sent. SHR de M



Lyon and the whole France bell tolls. Called the head of Rome to the brotherhood summoning cross against the Islam. They takes much waiting. And fearing. Still remember the destruction of the recent millennialism and it prays that the lunacy of the road do not reassemble peat. Any excuse is good and before possible singe businesses closed and the market stalls gather. The rout is up comic from the window of Silvia de Lalippa. The woman passing with a treating of books that in addition to bringing she the latest literary trend, La Chanson de Roland, also bring news from the rest of the civilized world; although it is not christian. On the other side of the Pyrenees the young woman was following becoming caught warmly to the prowess of a bizarro knight called D铆az de Vivar and candle gives every injustice well drop this Christian field or no less noble Muslim. Yes, Rodri. It made him sing. Women not only reads avid poems of feats and weapons people. She took treatment with the select and the Hellene thought pagan. And about the Lex Roman asked her in life the own grandfather being jurist. There is no transcript Christian thought which has not passed through her shelves. Any repulsion will make any knowledge. In bags Sim贸n Strauss approached was the calculation of Abu-l-Hasan, a copy in damascene skin of the literary and philosophical testament of Ibn Hazm. Hands took the work of a certain Al-Zarqali tell astronomer and draw as such. Ay, when might humans close to the moon to see and see! How cattle would have... Yes, but I already know that I do not have nor raise it. The woman paid the custom course bookseller would stay to dinner, and gave like told me see also face hunger, asked a maid that they put table for five; because the brother walked through the door. We had dinner with the father presiding. The man has a dairy farm and while the conversation was around the dairy or market prices, the thing went well, border to another pasture, and the old man now, lost tone dozing the tirade. By not disclosing him the noogie invited us to move the discussion to the study room. Cozy site, Yes. And books up to the ceiling. Enjoy the brothers of the place to shy away from the father of all kinds of ink that is not snoring raw. The site seemed home while the questionnaire to which responded conformed to the curiosity of the host, but intelligent really demonstrated the tercet and nor that agreed felt pass question flat to police 195

questioning: since when I was in Lyon and in the Kingdom. What interest me brought and where I learned French, Spanish, Hebrew and Farsi up. And, of course, where my service did night to the not look is me notch's work into the hands. They made me the tab separately although the three anti-grunge at once. And I didn't like the feeling. Do not. SHR de M



Boys from different faiths meet amid ruins on the outskirts of Naples. Together of several neighborhoods to know what is the fiercest dog in the city. The dog to beat the Cerberus himself could be said to come from the neighborhood of Hell and rumors are weaning bit bare with brothers and demons; and eaten since then only ash; and drunk from a deep source of Vesuvius. Except for the master, their fangs are not neglected. They takes a couple of years of hegemonic domination and reflection is the street. Arrogant the flying the flag of their fierceness and immercy, but here, Ha! that gang of children of traffickers of silk, imported to the place a little African dog, they say!, which had been training three months and now presented in society. The very rough brought a hyena! And they fed it last month with chicken bones. Or saying that the fighting lasted for a bite. Or applaud it. The ĂŠpila jeered the disproportion and took the beach road for a swim and maybe cud revenge. The father of the master of the dead dog has by shipyard a bench carpenter and repairs boats of shallow draught, arts, as if no one claimed him, nor pit have open, grabs a skewer designed ex profeso for lashing crabs and is given to the need. Carlo Luncho was born in the sea and lived it. Both are imbricate their lives to the waves, who fell in love with a mermaid and had a son. No, not this that I met. Another, at the time that the mother had whim Neptune summon his Kingdom. Since then lives in the linde of water but do not enter more than the minimum and essential. Remember man marine zeal and takes care not to snag anything knowing the Lord envious of all love. Dry is dealing with this child to want to preserve it, and, much to his regret, the child was possessed by demons and half fish. Captain of the gang, dragged after Yes to the outstanding gang, and putting in accordance with three or four words, and not be the first time that they do, climbed a third-rate cable and harvest mode, having made reached the current, the sentry, a barrel of oak adrift. And, of course, they also know laugh as hyenas. SHR de M



Smelled the air to storm in a flat horizon. I did not take long until hear the helmets and the lining of a rider. Oh, and his prisoner. He wore the necklace with leash and was walking in front of the horse and back; and his misdeed was manifest to assert themselves loudly ringleader of a gang of ruthless robbers. Many trail them was even Jerusalem, where thought deliver so deemed. He said not be habit of Templars carrying before gallows, because there where he is guilty, they have authority to open it. Or what they understand relevant. This I found very fair dressed identifying prime third of the founder of the order, and more so for the same reason, the captive threatened to take revenge on the entire House and guild if given opportunity. And to give it, and they know, cronies continued them at safe distance. Wasn't more than enough forces GĂŠrard de Payens and preferred riding camp at the point, beyond, or here, the place that chose for camping would be difficult defense. What remained of day dedicated to take breath, eat, and cured the blades of the first round with the bandits. And telling me his life. One and another. Time I had to sketch how "nice" of their respective businesses, and bad also gave me example when they attacked the position with the darkness. I became invisible to away me a couple of steps, but Gerard, before addressing the unequal combat that offered him, killed the other that cannot stay without trial and then threw himself to the fray making the Templar flag. Expensive going to leave the order, even if fame will no doubt if all are sold as well. SHR de M



Before reaching Toledo, Abu Aman ibn Rusidi plan to do night in Mayrit. Some few miles still stands the farmstead of the Murat and received with a Salam alikum on the lips but do not profess the faith; by the continuous go and come from borders to take root at site a lineage of people that tomb all air, and if the zephyr is jangling cash to are supporters make the sabbat moment. I understand thrown into bucket, one more day, when a sister of the restorer, to read me the stare, informed me that the distant lights belonged to the watchtower of the villa. From the hill that led me also be sense, rather than see, the gullies of the Jarama River; that it recommended to eat melons and rabbits. If I'm happy from the old things outlined a nearby hill where after each storm appear arrowheads and stone axes. And be bathroom time, showed me a swimming pool that is born to overflowing the Abro単igal River. And a nearby esplanade, where gathered the residents of the fields shores, that by calling the Cagarruta Campa little party guessed that it wasn't run kick to a bladder or cud stems. Although local anywhere, women imagine thousand escape routes to this seedy site that retains him. Fernanda de Morata, who comes to whining, change all the nobility and good blood that may remain her surname, in exchange for lying on the road. Begged me that I intercede with the partner to make she concubine and lead to see world. It sees no greater danger in doing concubine and serve a husband, who continue to be the slave of eleven brothers, lazy and misogynistic by majority. Crazzy is Fernanda by escape from the family like the good Abu, and after informing, and offer the lady to take us to a nearby haystack of infinite comfort, we agreed. Fluffy bedding such said, had. And he and she enjoyed it by like from doing some embassies. Despite the fact that the empathic make me invisible lights and feelings if I want, I left the couple quenching their passions. The night was clear and fresh. Before leaving the Sun, and I be called, took Abu the horse and arranged for his departure, and the reins, before leaving, came to say goodbye to Fernanda; to which promised fixed serail plaze. Fernanda fired him laying mucus but without believing the hope, and once gone, put on a corset her meat at the attire and arranged to the daily fight with relatives and travelers. SHR de M 199


Not always the child prodigy becomes genius. I witnessed in Fontenay sample of earliness frustrated with a simple hand. A couple of stomping to be exact. Constructing a building for the Cistercian order and They wanted to take extra care in the auctions chief work, by such reason did come, despite being Sunday, the vowel of the pallets, and this, due to family commitments, neck brought a daughter hanging redhead. Redhead! Knowing how superstitious who is the boss, he left the girl in a lot of river sand that she play and not bothered while speaking elders. That if this height and like the stained glass windows. And there will not forget them chop well so that the cloister have life and enjoy green monks. And breeding, in the meantime, with wet sand was playing to be higher and built a house in miniature that I already wanted to scale for me. Nor a straight line! Roofs, terraces cascading, capricious stairs and zoomorphic finishes, which curiously, I partnered with the Kingdom of fairies. And covered all the work with assortment of pebbles, pieces of wood and rubble for scrap. And natural light in each room to work the breadcrumbs through skylights. Rude mock-up and a lot of my loa, okay. But, honestly, I prefer that to the very showy and sacral constructions that seek to make honour; bits to my taste. And if I know that it will spoil the father without paying attention, I consolidate before the sand with resin and upload me the demo up souvenir. SHR de M


07-22 "Boy"... Heh, heh. Although so call the mother, "my child!", the shabby that lay on the deathbed card beard for several years without knowing pruning. The young man went to a new cross convened a such "sant" Bernard and again made man and battered in the Holy Land; that it neither came to see. His ship was prey to the Berber fleet and he made slave; and carrier to purchase; and he also worked miner, embalmer and pearl finder; that was the task which gave door to escape. But all such bloody stories they will need long time to reel off are consistent. The boy slept in bed while the father, very lush, spread the news by throughout Bavaria and sent urgent message to R端gen; to notify another son that in the search for the brother precisely it was going to sail. Of happy family was, they melt the winter savings by opening the neck to a pig and putting fire. Word they were sincere and celebrated full lung, more more list than anyone else, the mother, insofar as it was calculated that the head of the house frontmost palate, changed us fuel of the party claiming having to leave something for the convalescent himself. And in its place, and to not hear protests that arrived to the room, opened another barrel of undisputed sentimental value, to sleep, in cask, from the day that was born to which some now reborn, but, really, of a rough vinegar, that only they, as accustomed the troath, could continue to enjoy. My face not contradicted the old because his taste, and of his own grandfather, they cast roots strains. Should know the man that their wines do not earn followers... or friends. And why he confessed to in the winepress baking new harvest with grapes bastard and much bone. He expects to win wine and does not even dare to launch campaigns on the fly. Or bring to the market. Yes, at the tasting I offered to defiance, say, my integrity. Well terms it is marriage, and a simple gesture thing was to take a test jar; and ask a daughter serving; and I beg opinion; question that I wanted to leave, and stress, bad vintager opinion before anything. Little seen color. Blackish. Dense. To smell not presented nor much loa, perhaps by masking its sandy natural mud from the container. And flavor, because although speak the wine do so to the ear, the taste instead of pooling strengths and give body, oxidizes shrouded: water, alcohol and the slap to twisted and rusty wood of their own vines and vats. Obvious that I would not assess the dismal vintage being invited, between tides mean stay, and subtle, say that it was swallowing without complications broth. And smile. By good they took all the criticism, unless women, who, conjugal, winked at her husband and threaded between malicious chuckles to ill son room. SHR de M 201


Press the Sun wanting. At noon the endless boundaries that make rail haven´t usable shade. Chop almost vertical. I sat on an old Roman millario looking for something that ran, and from the attic that I got was a black dot in the distance lifting dust. Nothing distracted me from the slow grow of stain to become rider. And rubbing, and escalating spent, I understood express mail. Not to be left in doubt at a glance was sufficient, and after short time set eyes in the distance, three or four black spots encompassed horizon. Fast took size coming up to me, but rather than continue their fast career retained saddles a few seconds, after which, would understand that I am not those who could and returned to spearhead their chays. Eager I was to know the soul of both gallop, and still give me to satiate, grabbed a horse that alone followed the trail of the loiterer and I joined the chase. Dress with the empathetic isn't ballast for the horse, and well guided, quick reached trackers. They were surprised, more fat should understand the reason for the fixation and paid me no interest. And seeing that or this is going to move to engage loop, electrical stimulation my horse to make it run. Well understood the equidae to open distance, so great, that I stopped in dry to fear have also advanced to the first without realizing. But not. Impossible, then were ahead to be cleared backwater and not seen any rider, nor dust. And behind they were still far from the tracker panel. Where, where then had gotten? Thanks to the empathetic find the guy to not more than ten meters, and despite not wanting to be traitorous decoy, I went. The man knew discovered and woke up with the place horse. He tended the trot by a fallow and a hair agreed to stay safe crossing the bridge that guard people from a christian King. On the shore the horse dead it and among the undergrowth of the sandbank ended up giving battle to those who were pursing him. And kill if it pleased him. I guess so I would, because, dress with the observer regulatory costume, even so!, was able to catch me in a careless and settle me a knife at the seams. Yes. Are tenths of a second that has one to think but give much of themselves. I had time to consult with the empathetic and knowing that he was a man of cold pulse; it denoted just anxiety. Nostalgia, seasoned with lived experience, before writing these lines I was 202

enjoying memories of my land. My house. My world Real. Yes, up to Beast figured to miss! SHR de M



I woke up in a garden. In an overflowing courtyard of flowers from the sump of the tank until the cornice. So pleased me was the place, Yes, closed eyes, remained lying on the site. Smelled the air that intoxicated, and current clientele delight, not me removed from the ravishing. Paying to scalpel senses sang presence a hive of bees, various finches, a out of tune cricket and a bed of mint, to be moved, imposed its presence. I opened my eyes looking for the strafing of strident swifts, perched on a ladder, it was what fury birds, a guy girl was about, and did, to cut a suggestive orchid which hung the pot higher and heeled. Delicate cutting, to be the piece climax to a huge wreath of flowers. Although I felt so bloody infamy finding me enjoying the place. Protest not protest because I understand the idiosyncrasies of a florist, but, touched by apparently, I hiss that the cocoon was not yet burst and require, such lover, the presence of the person in charge. As I thought the girl, and another couple, who attended two separate errands with vivacious scissors. With me were that the situation demanded, and urgent, the figure of the chief. But this was not going to come. He wasn't in the store or in nurseries of the bank, man managed other businesses and a couple of weeks was not appearing or to order water plants; by pure dynamic young women, attended the store more having passed something disaster at Alarcos recently, went them hands the business, and without gender, they entered live edge with private stocks and the exotic seed of the courtyard. Understanding that they razed what was seemed like paradise, I offered to bring the Lord of the house if they gave me a reference of the appearance. And site where to start looking for. Seeing that insisted, I was invited to leave all search because they well knew where stopped, and not carry the empathetic, I do not think that I would have removed the exact whereabouts. He was there same. In the basement. The man at home hiding not sit him hiding place in the world. So described me his tessitura. He claimed to be muslim relaxed customs runed from Granada long ago, and therefore, by little dismissive of all vice, found under cover in Toledo to shore of Alfonso VIII. But after the Alarcos! Nor here they'll want to do and where to go? Women, who turned out to be goddaughter and two nieces, are with order sell up 204

nails, and although people are the faith of Allah, flying bouquets and wreaths knowing obliged gangue, and many, without losing loved one at the hands of the almohade, take advantage of the occasion to decorate the pantheon or the house; as the garden's entrance calling loudly for a fruit tree. SHR de M


03-23 Narrow streets has Cairo where crusaders do not enter. Refers to the christian outlet, but steels do not collide, or running thread blood, in that part of the city; already the misery gives fierce battle. There I met a solder of roofs barely made high to pick up tools. He entrenched the floor of a nearby rooftop. The young man worked for Yusuf Baa, local poet, who introduced him to taste the words. Something had to see a daughter of the togetherlyrics that was plenty reason to accept the assignment; pay would look. And I thought, well to appear the girl in the sunny place, hung the boy face such a smile that the young girl volunteered to bring a bucket of hay or put snack and flanges. Ago and a half years began works and still the woman was responsible for finding fault that lengthen the work. The father if he knew it, agrees. And if not, what seemed, it also agrees because is elevated and abstracted since he was widowed; only takes off from the study table to bathe, pray or eat. When went presented the solder assistant, he look that wore wastage. He walked in the response to a conversation that brings a friend in the far West. Ibn Rusd. Both discuss the postulates of a third, Moshe ben Maimon, and though related, sharpens criticism, to the point that more than missives grandfather wrote treaties. The daughter, for giving me father caliber, read over the shoulder hot verses left by the night of insomnia. Although discussed by mail of the divine and the human, he is unconditional what fell in love with the daughter, and thus confessed suddenly her love for the brick-layer. Redden the boy face the look of the future father-in-law, and thanking the notice, ran trowel in hand to leave a roof square flush. After a while of uncomfortable silence, the elder smiled much mouth had, and so I went who offered to bring bran and straps. All joy. All blessings. All screams, then following with the revelry, deep voice ordered to the master builder to make it down. Lowered the boy with the starting large basket if it was a question of covering, but instead, kept the father for eternal seconds composure, to finally claim him to shore with a word saying everything. Come, son. Before embracing the new father, underway, two steps had to swear to the man who will be grandfather and her very happy thinking about addressing such if was the only. ... How! What already had wife? And possibly some son!!! Mahinou and her father were dumb. One, after a while of counterclaiming silently to the optimism, went to worktable to apostille that left open in channel, and she, desolate, climbed to the terrace to watch sunset. 206

The city exhales smoke cataracts that outlines the step of christian madness. Girl are well aware that what these men bring is very bad faith, but at the moment she dreamed that one of them galloped the street and in the home window tied the horse. And climbed the trellis of the facade to expose her, feet, proof of his love. ... mmm... Same, the head of the old pretender wrapped with red ribbon. SHR de M



The tavernkeeper commented that came some eminence to the University and no one wanted to lose the words, but as soon as they told, said, parishioners would go in such droves usually do. Good clientele found between the students of Oxford, and although the place is grim and filthy, should be made to the idea of running refining business to be the only one, probably, on this side of the river: The Tavern of the blacksmith. But so far not seen another adept to the site; except for a molosser and busty bitch expressing look empty from the lintel of the open door. Being that the slum was echoes, a consummate actor of high school I felt like the hound. Was all morning, and good part of the afternoon, dozing in the hinge; sometimes is could know of her dreamlike world because although missed third eyelid curtain, licked with a bowl of air enjoyment or such moved reflects if were running. And barking. Grumbling the zeal to fall on one´s backside. And deep the noseband, perhaps, to suck a tit in her sweet childhood. The bitch is open book to read. So it was very easy to forward me to the arrival of the students and strengthen in a good position. I thought that they would enter mass because the bitch move tail as awaiting regiment, most only four guys that dropped were. And or students. They are pages and squires. Although long make more spending these than others; When one, when no other, pride to invite friends to a round. It didn't cost me be included in the group, and to the no dipstick me any money, they changed the method of payment. Passing to provided a common fund, and to not have to keep any bag, handed over to the tavernkeeper begging that they would drink until exhausting or losing the sense. And the first contingency thing came to be the case. They drink ripped. I must admit that I took a breath with relief when the man announced us the penultimate round os penalty raise new capital, in any case, outlined that the last ran for his account, and as such, also joined "The Removers" the penultimate toast. But he could not collide. The bitch won't agitate the tail to the Moon, and then, that is aprestase the subject to give service to new customers. And it was, Yes. Entered a young nobleman with the service asking for the path of the University. And then was when I understood the industry of my company to offer with a sober uncertain to solve problems; the accommodation of the new student understood. And before the wise institution, urged him to fraternise and taste the first monument: The Tavern of the Blacksmith. 208

At the first cup he was invited to be ordered and commissioning, although forward, and without realizing it, ran from the new the spree. If what the young intended was to see the world without moving much, he ran into with appropriate site for it. SHR de M



Al - Quds. Yerushalayim. Ierusalen. Floats a halo of sanctity in the city to the mere enunciation. The three great Cultures of this side of the orb have it by very Holy and want to make it their. At the day Saladin pays it to the Muslim faith, but understanding the inhabitants of the historical ups and downs, not being delivered to the new master with all the heart. Some try to wring the confessional bulk until paste lurch the destination. And it may take. A old family Hebrew, half with a Christian of no less rooted, bespeak villa next to the Dead Sea which protects them while having to stay out. They think that a couple of weeks will be enough to find again the things on their right site. Probably the warehouse left them empty, although with little gender who left does not deserve to be spine. Or risk. Children play twinned since mothers are, and service employs fulfilled the needs of the march, so the brothers-in-law go hand in shutting down some future business that can not neglect. It does not seem that they escape of nothing, by go reaching Baylaham up to speak in pleasant excursion. But hear some screams, voices, and see a subject, one requiring them from afar, sprang them the funk to bring and ordered the caravan to throw to run without demand. And family, at the time did. The man that thunderous hesitated whether to go to the group that came out or focus on me, and I say that not seeing me scared he would opt for my humble being. How honour, and talk about sincere, to be the individual who approached a insane with messianic pretensions. Son of the God of the day intended to occur, although his credential crappy suck without modesty about waterskins abandoned in the rush; and stiff. Was this right the Sun one little bit more than others! Nor me or anyone else stick it, and stupid, was intended to change a drink of whatever by a miracle fad that could well act. I proposed that quench with his own art and do rain 28 days with its mandatory nights. And he was very offended, told me that it did and that no one likes repeated. SHR de M 210


It is pretty Compostela. Small and clean. Would seem at the discretion of a partner be more evangelical people of Earth after the Roman, and even assuring that I know something of the life of that place, reaffirmed in the opinion. Hundreds of crosses punctuate the road and seems to. It was man so convinced, that he cursed of all possible trickery at the time in the city, but to give me the reason, and some I came, pre-Christian masks went out to celebrate Carnival. The man wasn't to paganism and wrapped in the coat headed to their affairs. I stayed with a group of musicians who gave an old lady recital at the foot of a balcony. The woman swilling them the grace and begged justice to voices, which emboldened the ruffians to build human tower to access to the balcony and the floor. The old woman opposed much could, ultimately, a truant, who was the son, threw out the window the pantry ham, and then, himself dropped. Would expect the boy who help the brethren, though having left by legs with the ham shoulder, didn't have more mattress in the street as the pavement. The boy was killed, Yes. Uncovered the brains and in the commotion not felt. He ran with friends ignoring the omission and laughing to clean brains. Masquerade people fleeing him and with great uproar entered at the Obradoiro square. The fellow next to the entry awaited him as mocking box had anticipated parody of the newly opened Glory Gate. Eleven were waiting for him and he made a dozen. The boy arrived in the boot of the staircase but no further. There he fumbled the rearward leaped staying in the pose. And was yelled. Had much scream his irruption in the square, but the collapse led to that fall soft people are dismayed while those who believed joke of friends cried the genius of the idea. I, just in case, not wanting to quarrels with anyone, did new group with the austere pilgrim of the principle. With him I visited the crypt of the Holy. Unfortunately, intended to christianize me to tell that I'm virgin to any religion that he knew. At the moment, the man should be suffering from timely shock and with me was paying it, wanted to take me to a nearby stack so poking my head and renounce of all uncleanness which could inhabit me soul. As a result of which, and the empathy at work in my favor, he ran the hit throughout which is the central nave up to colliding with the Holy. Sant d´os Crockes!. And I, if this also break the head, I went to the Silverware square and joined with another funny people. Dancing and laughing occurrences of wine we present ourselves in the manor of a famous philanthropist. Periquino Lume. Notable smuggler, and killer lighthousekeeper, squander the last days of life between flageolets and debauchery. It was the subject to a step to “go outâ€? and why wanted it grabbed him dancing. He had no descendants, nor descent could leave by veteran, and before 211

that administer his inheritance a figurehead of the Church in tandem with the City Hall, was about to leave possession except to go to welcome their bones. In the intimacy of the crypt, and curious, asked him if he could know what wore tined in partys several so far, and at the moment, and not doubting, put me in the guest room to the insinuating me as improper question, and despite this, very quiet conscience, said not to melt anything that previously not won a pulse. And by such death befell him in an chokes, and in his niche caught him sitting. Or lead. SHR de M



The soil is so frozen in winter, that cannot find path the peak. Franรงoise, the gravedigger, decided to wait to come harder day and soften the soil a little more, because being tomorrow the full moon of February, while compact the sand and strike to try to dig. White clothes spends Limoges. Which on one hand is locking, cold, on the other hand it is relief to avoid the putrid corpses effluvium. Long pit there. Among killed the rigors and famine, and dispatched by the British leading, the man made jornal of a decade in which does not even reach the year. And more would have been able to take if their care had left giving sand to the lord of the hosts that influenced the payment. But as the Heart of Lion has who take care of his remains or claim. Franรงoise invited me to his house, because, guess, I'm the first foreigner who flees not from him, nor does speak with contempt, and he would like to share the experience with the women and the children. They live stuck to the cemetery because the same surrounding lands are of exclusive use. So they can have pot on the fire throughout the year, and not to rely on the charity of the deceased and mourners. The own Franรงoise is a man to view balanced, beautiful, more ugly is to submit to the beauty that is the wife and shoots. They are happy. A lot. Really. And the envy of the neighborhood. Of dead and alive, Yes. With them spent a pleasant morning. Kids play thousand antics and does not stop one minute screaming at the home, however feels strident vital sign and it only admonishes the infantry when the decibels are around the pain threshold. Do not stop a while, and it is not surprising that they play alone for being the children of the gravedigger. And why, almost all consenting parents and up to participate, to the extent, in the children games: paste moustache and beard to an austere old woman died almost abbess, or bury in orthodox mass grave to a Christian, a Muslim and a Jew. Or dress of lady, for eternal rest, a famed maker of antlers. O, and that was in which I participated, to carry at presence of his wife the mummy of an old housband dead forty years ago; that she lived nearby. This joke not was an important childhood, if not die of fright lady. Thing that maybe also the father and the "Cherubim" had calculated. Mother faulted husband and children. And to me. But as she was also the daughter of gravedigger, and the old was for few broths, after a while she laughed the occurrence and demanded us that the soul of the old woman we wing at dinner. And leave the dead in peace for today. 213

And until can make it. SHR de M



Still going to heave the boat looking for Brindisi. It crossed the Adriatic Sea apparently without pilot hand. Magyar Coast returning in phantom plan. A couple of men might say that they were still alive, but dying, I got idea of the commotion which will result in port see entering the ship. Ah! And the intact winery and provisions without consuming. ... Weird, Yes. Strange times. SHR de M



It rattles slow the cart. The men of the davit dozed to know the beasts the traces of memory. We were going a quarry road so that the master stonemason would give the go-ahead to the raw material; orders and offers arrive from around the world. Amiens, Salisbury and Toledo have posts scaffolds and cathedrals grow everywhere, need the cities good stone and good teachers, but do not seem to want to change of residence, and life, these people of the wagon already having in hand could much longing. They say have it all. The only thing that annoy is a pernicious vermin that plunders the poultry yard of the house as soon as they are neglected, hence, that before reaching the wound made the mountain, stop at the cabin of the noxiousman; individual of few words but with great substance in them, and to understand it at first, I left wheeled transport and prepared myself to kick the weed. With the company who had been, and his exhaustive knowledge of hatchlings and adults of any species and living realm, I knew in particular garden. Thus man feels it and regrets that for days mulching and more claree forest mass. Does not break his stance understanding auctioneer of the work against Nature. His nature lives full and known vermin and noxiousman at a time without conflict. Only reach the poultry yard, and see the fine work, and find some evidence and hairs, to attribute the constant prey to a new guest to these ends. The Genet. He told me that it had come with the Muslims and as they settled in the area; but with more success. He distributed leghold traps and loops along the trails that with logic, either to enter or exit, estimated that would use the bug. And if that is not sufficient, and despite vain knowing any eye at daytime to the night owl, we beat much hollow u cache understand capable of sheltering beast. And nothing, it said, would be stalking charge the piece. The hours above without greater conversation that look deep vacuum and an occasional sigh. Returned the stonemason. And with women he dined and went to bed while in the thicket we hoped the visit of the slinky. And come, Yes. But not by the way proposed, from a tree dropped noiselessly to the roof of the poultry yard, and hence to the chicken coop was just a walk. It could have been his hiding place my companion, and if not to lend hand to neck, or catch one arrow from side to side, at least what he would get with four screams would be scare of the place. Although it is not intended. Adversary that intuits, preferred to observe before declaring war. And it would total wanted to understand when to distance we follow, and gave the whereabouts where layer, the man threw the network all around the hollow stump and snapping a thick glove bull and metal mesh, hold it by hand. 216

And a rider caught, but another, which we did not expect, escaped by a rotten root open gallery. And pregnant. And cannot escape by itself, he would have released it to the only remember in dealing the capture of the killer of birds. And, Yes, get him to many autumns that live in these forests. SHR de M



Bass wanted to catch a boy. He threw away the line, and with the pending Sun, very well didn't know what catch the hook. He pulled and collected hoping not to lose. Cost him starting as the fish from their element. Although it was not fish, was a man who put much effort to be removed from the water. Just sheltered life to not resist the pull of the rod, but all his intention was to return to the sea before that fall into this island. He was crying. And justification had given tears that understanding it shipwrecked boy rushed to spread the voice. Wreck, wreck to windward! With the first rays fellowshipped crowd on the cay, and with the latter, seeing the boat sling shot drinking, neighbors broke into waves to verify that there was nobody alive; that were commissioned to find them all dead. People understand natural the accion and sometimes lost, they insinuate, leaves them well living close to the surf. These people comprise a right in what they do, and for these and other niceties that don't come to mind, won the enmity of some king, but still distant, he promised them a day visit iron in hand. Jaime The Conqueror, nothing less! Ha!. They laugh, far, is his kingdom. ... Admirable. They know of their past to be crossing point and elaborate ruins. And their immediate present, and uncertain future, also have notions cursing of the continent. All leprosy which could continue hanging them would end up healing to describe the lives they lead; thing that I will not be sufficiently well documented and I have no words. So harmonious found the site, and the life, and I felt an excruciating envy. Stupid I know the feeling, empty of all possible intelligible reason, more so evident was the feeling I had to acknowledge. What envied? What could elderly of that damn Mediterranean island? And after much trying to fix something, I found myself longing for everything. Yes, on balance I admit that they lie, even taking the sword of the King of Aragon by faithful. SHR de M



Pulled by oxen the carriage, not supposed problem for the goliard take the step and making flirtatious remarks with the voice. From the davit appreciated the hurtful poet tuning and in bad taste, fine repertoire made use until reach the last town, thereafter, seeing that he not surrendered to the maiden or anyone, pulled uncouth undated to sharpen the lord father of the girl, and therefore, to all the noble estate. They prayed so that understand that he would not get a copper and strike continue giving the pain on the neck. But he did not do anything other than his job and thus fell the kilometers. The monastery of Ripoll would provide shelter and rest to travelers as much rhyme and bordon, missed up accounts that there the rhymelyricss desisted follow, more on the contrary, said, although rang bravo, that thought also do night in Ripoll if they would let him, and if, away from an oak of the entry that didn't sleep so that they do not continue without him. Girl feared that he so to see ease of word in the rogue, against this, a half grin laughing father and his viperine hiss had base to think to ask the monks to take a hand, to grab a few stakes, and run the insolence that were supporting all day. And so it was, the bersolari was resting on the barbican in defiance, while leaving to the handling of whacking a few, he headed between threats to the forest and disappeared. And it was not heard from until with the night was lit a few bonfires at the foot of the oak, and not one, no, a herd of poets, troubadours and jesters of sour taste, began to outline what would expect them to each other the next day. Yes, by the very enemy that may be a King or noble periregal, much worse is a bard with brethren by hand. SHR de M


05-24 Over the years Torcual ceded the stakes to the eldest son; failed to view and was incapable to crimp the parts as before. Don't see well, nothing if he is looking for the detail, and was excessive decline to defend themselves well from afar and succeed in the short by experience. He believed that no one was aware, it was until a daughter appeared with a nicely wrapped box and inside a gift of birthday. Lenses! Two highly polished crystals, which, after to be carried by the children to the competition, were returned mounted on a lightweight frame of gold. With the goggles the basting of a pearl will not be him. He was that he could not inself. He could not find words of appreciation, more as the wait something, another daughter, little, approached the gift make to him the previous year and that the man then not able to enjoy, Said!, by know it in Greek. The same book again him get wrapped such new. And as new to everything in life, raised, he read aloud the title of the work and laughed his presbyopia. Nicomachean Ethics already Ariosto had translated it into latin. The man made us feel everyone, children, serving and I, and he read late into the night. Domestic and small children went to bed while the rest rode forum next to the fire. Nice I was to take part in the symposium to have met in person to the author, and therefore I knew to search for the proper nuances so no they enhance him to the altars. More than two thousand years of his words and advice, and seem to discover them now new. I had by reactionary but with a liberal aftertaste that I was perfect, as laughed the entire family, to parent. Safe that not bothered them my provenance. In private, alone with the marriage, told me the man that I am not the first known with a suit, as he tried to describe me!, "avoid resentment". He knew really. His father fix the closing of a sleeve to an identical costume. And I do not hesitate because shower and precise was his hand to open me the airtight seal. The owner of the clothing that hinted, seemed pretty to me, although their factions wanted to remember them more balanced. Insisting I in the topic to eye, that's open mouth, after a while of scrutinize, took me to the attic, and in it, open a rusty chest containing gifts and memories of a life, and in the background, under a finger of powder and a fourth of broken toys, a cedar box, and inside a walnut, and pregnanting everything, a hermetic closing of empathetic, proving to be prior was made in silver, and discarded the lineage of this, the good is styled with a gold harks. Torcual kept the test since then by apprentice and inheritance. Fetish. 220

Was. Go if it was! Identic. Very good work, by the way. And accurate. I asked him, if with a little Beast that subsides, I could read some mystery to the closing. But he told me that odd. So I stole it. Yes. And here in the hand have it and weigh up its intrinsic mystery. ... I already know... Or know tell me who knows. ... Or need to. Or want to do. SHR de M


06-24 From a small forest came I when was buzzing me a man, though, to go he with staring at a nearby castle, I figured it would go late to the appointment that has persecuted not. And reasons for being late to every stride was because being a artist, and explosive Spring, not stopped from crossing the road suggestive reasons for distraction. The afternoon would have led him to satiate a pure murmur that was born from the stream. But as he told me that high dignity required him, and that he saw of a notorious fickleness, I threatem him to follow the trot rather than stop to give me wet. Did we lack accredit us to guard who guards the bridge because he is known and I originate confidence. Alfonso X is man lyrics-hardened and sponsor the study and the sublimation of the senses through any form of Art. My colleague stated troubadour even though the grace that shelters him is his good timbre to declaim economic prose. One cannot deny having voice heard, and perhaps expected to someday show, talent will also have hands to arpeggios at the time a cantiga of the King himself; at the moment, says conform to be reader of books of accounts and go silent. Then I had me bookbinder's of "good" books, ready to sew much bad word wanted to give it to me. Like I introduced myself and franc had to wander through the halls. All sorts of people chatted and bluffing of knowledges. There is no science or field that do not touch, but still gave everything to have a minimal rigour. It is interesting, but... both ready... so much face cautious..., so much judiciary to every wind. ... Uff! Heavy people. In the kitchen of the castle did not empty fire. There was a moment of relaxation between cauldrons, and however, an old man rested his skinny body next to the warmth of the fire while cooks and helpers work with their commands. In that frenzy we link looks and invited me to his sandbank and ingest a few soups of milk and bread; no has good wheels and like to slurp in private. He told me that he was a musician even though they know him by writer and poet. And know learned head chef. Perhaps for such frankness, I also realized and confessed to be observant even me have by bookbinder and me know... I feel... ‌‌ There we had standing to talk. Many times I fired at the Academy with similar philosophies during the interrogator courses; to see what escaped me. And not knowing what to answer, and see the adventurous and dissipated, ex officio to disorient me looked, Yes, wearing the suit of astronaut. 222

Care what you want one! Did not exist then nothing so impossible, and distant in my opinion, as the said craft. Today being the profession on Earth even inconceivable, the wise, the good of Alfonso, who not tricked me, threw accounts be dealing with a maker of lies and nonsense whose ecological niche will be the suburb. Plenary! Yes that is wise. He also found talent than polish in classrooms and recommended me dropping at Salamanca, and have assets, lowering the tone, continued, should make the bag and visit Oxford u Rome. Gave me, and thank him long for, one simple advice: persevere. Persevere, in attitude, and not in the posture, is the crux of all music. ... I persevere?!... Ha! SHR de M



I suspected it. Come on! I had it by the way. I always thought not be linear or progressive the human evolution; physically or culturally speaking. Other times that I've raised the question, Beast ended narrow with that planet is larger and wasteful observe everything. And I admit. But today gained treatment with a traveller who gave me another world news without having not even interstellar ship. Ramunet Capin known about confines that are legend and entelechy, more for me no, and I do not understand why not is sends me a time to the zone. To learn about Cultures that are in the Orient. No excuses and computations that said Beast already paths worth me. Me worthless because I see no difference in let me fall where always, or skip to the end of the continent; that or change. As well, Beast to his own and I to mine. I have studied the relevant complaint providing a couple of tests against Beast and his programmers by manipulating interference. Ramunet Capin told me between laughs of a leftover millennial and well prepared culture for any business. He belonged to an expedition of Venetian merchants, Picccolo and Matteo Polo, they rediscovered the legendary route from Samarkand and now they will be in the court of the Khan; It was estimated. Ramunet was going with them, most being stung him, in his words, a homessickness viper, and alone and tearful took way back. I found him drinking tea and smoking in hookah. It was high on the road resumed forces, and as it consumes little talk we look at sundown while he told me things where is born. And lands, rivers and cities met transiting the arc of the star. The great men of those lands; their thoughts. The homogeneous customs that make Humanity, and the little things that make them unique. Apparently, however, did nothing to retain him beyond the arms of his wife and son, Yes. If they had gone with him, feel free anyone that all three would be before the Khan also, although not embarking them, man was tired of trade and adventures, and returning with idea to settle in the town and not move. And travel, at most, inward. SHR de M



In summer, and in full sun, it rested a dead. After three days was crazy not to debug the corpse, but not being used in these payments to walk them the Supreme Head of the Church in carriage, they looked for if given the chance and missed a prayer for the dead the man. They can post it on shadow, or in the deep of the winery could have, until pass the vaunted dignity, but only the deceased well-rehearsed their proven faith to deserve so high benefice, and as it was thing of not delay and bother to present the case, at the foot of powder had him. They cried flies to not endure the best witness to sunny place, and only women of the dead, black up her eyes, supported the sit-in. She was there all day. With the Moon fresh survivors lost hope and closed the box cornering against the fence. The children asked mother that stoped of endeavours, although near Avignon, was something retired and miracle that nobody be deflected under penalty of go astray. The widow cried that husband visit Rome had always wanted, and now, that even they would be the very best of the curia, would not pass the whim despite posthumous. Small children were to accompany the mother and ensure the father; that drool-worthy the varmints. The elderly, arguing that goats are not milked alone, returned to the farm. And that Yes, they solemny said, that can already put the lady as she want, but tomorrow they bury the corpse. SHR de M



The Catalan revenge has on tenterhooks to the old Thrace. And never better said. Since the murder of Roger de Flor hosts almogavars seemed to become mad and live edge entering in the populations. People flee to the mountain to the first hiss. It must be outside of any control and better avoid the encounter. If of black band, the group that I joined, splinter of the central being body hangs them itself branded as too sadistic, goes with their trot causing twenty kilometers later jammed doors and spoiling the forest. And it is a fuck, because they cannot find food to satiate giving the locals fire to the roofs of their own guest; forcing the others to pass long. So much so, they spiked the chays to be faster than the news and enter in village which was not harquebus. And they attacked to use that I didn't have for less than sicken the company. After the step were just dying, and one of these that agony, value exhibited to laugh them to the face that while they were there winning nothing!, their homeland was losing step in the career of tomorrow. Scathing words theirs, yea, and even more so when before dead he was allowed an ironic: "Dozing ferrum!". SHR de M


03-25 Ultimately, all observable is the exchange of energy. It seeks, it vented, scratch vein that is to fill the crop. Several years of drought, and contrary times, led many to search for food under the ground. Not looking for bread to be the mouth itself, looking for coal, which well close to fire, well change by grain who can afford, gives to warm up and scrape. I would say that they are mine and they extracted raw materials to feed their wit, but being abseils galleries, and dragging bags the kids and petite people, I seem to denigrate such noble work. Very proud of his office is a plump operator whose calluses appear in alien palm. Subtle I wanted to express my protest, more man made my good feelings jeering and sent me way up front; although not so flattering. Taking me by busybody alien, faulted me many and major damage that we'll do ours, and our bugs, in my stinking and uncivilized motherland; whatever this. His world, told be a perfect universe where works who must and who can rest. And just because even the King himself welcomes the enactment of the Parliament. Yes, compared with other kingdoms, of course!, had even by honest and progressive. And said it convinced! Gave him equal the example that put to his domestic satrapy because he found peculiarity that justify the cause. Much worse my thing, always my thing. And annoyed me how could not imagine because he little missed. I guess that observation, to the free critique, there is a simple step. And the trial is a throw in stride. Yes. Maybe I have to rethink again read the manual. Insurance that would so take me less tantrums, in the background also bothers me a little detachment of Beast. Cold and pure calculation. All data and no subjetivi... ‌ Of course, that is going to be, the empathetic is fucked up! ‌ Yes, such think, that much made me so much irascibility, envy and others, the empathetic scanner confirms a primary dysfunction. Beast is has undone in apologies, and win him another, and that I need to, I will miss. SHR de M 227

04-25 Why is that no wonder that Beast tell me troubleshooting the empathic failure? This morning said that it was thing of changing a closure. A seal of the arm, broken the stamp, produced distortions; a typical failure to the x months... Ha!. No, do not take me careless. And a Beast nor given discovered even I placed around the neck, as if it were a jewel, the closure of silver that found on Earth. No, with him not going and be quiet implying that did not hear the question; or appreciate my pendant; It will do. Today he said not be for charades being somewhat conflicting point. Call me to the attention. Little took me awakening to be filled the air from explosions. They were not works of thunder or similar natural phenomenon. They start playing seriously with the elements and successive tests, or that mattered from other smarter, the case that found a method of propulsion much more effective than mere physical strength or elastic properties. Gunpowder. The combustion produced some vapors that semitight, and channeled, allow them to throw a ball, bullet, with the necessary strength for rolling a leading, and if they give to mode, make great smashing against what is pulled. And witness an epistolary exchange went to the guise. Defends a Teutonic citadel of the site to which want to submit, and therefore, and that they can for prosperous, supporters assembled in the crenellation canons of iron and bronze, against those who seek to the siege, which by logistics, move mortars of lightweight wood. From one side and another large battering was made because the pieces that will propel the same demolished a house that cut a tree, as they start the arms and legs to the unwary that are right. It is the slow war with these gadgets, but a devastating, that scary to imagine what may arrive being by nature violent. Remains the bulk of the fray arrowed each other and pull to pieces with axes, spears and swords, his hole start to give the artillery and I think thing to observe. As such, and when they ceased flying sinkers and junk, I collected a quartet of men who were sufficient to maintain in the highest merlon the canyon at red. Didn't them some envious of the post say them as far giving battle. His honor has been traveling with these machines and they understood is chosen; although swallowing odors from Hell and lost hearing in the feat. They are hardened between the smoke and the girls consent to them. It will weigh much this last as the artillery is not bicocca and distill their danger. They themselves told me than usual relatively that bust guns tearing to the staff who serve them. Proof of how dangerous that was, shortly after striking up the conversation that is brought, and I to shield, battery that fed my informants jumped in the air killing those who were around it. One of them survived at the 228

explosion. For sheer courage to hopping down the stairs, nor lack of balance, and even to a foot, and half face first leg with shrapnel, the man, the boy, had self-confidence to say that it wasn't anything. It hinted something a little washing his face with cool water and return to the post that implication him. Poor unfortunate. Neither time had no God to entrust his soul because he was to be fried in the pylon. And not mourned him nobody; It rain molten lead. . SHR de M



Buffa!! If I believed what's wrong yesterday, today was worse. And far. A pandemic ravaging fields and cities has caught virulence. They said to be plague and punishment by the heretical and lustful life. They said that agents of the deceased Saladin, and where will be his bones!, they are dedicated to spreading The Plague. It says, it says, it says. There is much talk because people locked in their homes and there is nothing better to do. Cloister trusting that the halo of their piety run long an alleged exterminating Angel. But angels or horsemen of the Apocalypse nothing at all. It is the grime. The crap that surrounds them which gives shelter to the rats that carry a louse, in whose tiny belly, has fitted a lethal parasite. From Constantinople, following the merchants of skins and other supplies, the epidemic thrives, and the people die at close range to the embankment of the street being rotten Europe. There is no walkway, sidewalk, house, palace that has no open hole in the cemetery, and the exception, be given much care to admit intramural propagators or unknown guys. A great setback is mistrust and thus corroborated me a carter that returning empty to his home. Do not leave ports for the capital market and is thinking of sacrificing an ox. The business idea was good, but lives a tremendous crisis and two heads are much more cattle which may keep stalling. Even if kills, he may not eat or preserve such could making him waste. And neither party understands possible because with The Plague traveling the roads long that does not meet three families. The oxteer has yet another open front, and it is not know what beast sacrifice. So much doubt has inside immune me makes to the desolate landscape. On his same home flying a dozen of vultures, and many others were in the backyard, devouring the remains of the family, and once frightened, he sat down with the spoils of the wife to tell unsuccessful day. Not just for dead, having no ears, nor language, women and children lay in circle remain alien to all news. Carter, he may not know it, is also dead. SHR de M


06-25 Old cantigas intoned a woman. She tried to comfort the soul of her lord and king, which, hiss "The Cruel", however, not outlined vibration such that it can grasp the empathetic. Abulic, bordering the ataraxia, left to spend the day without separating the window nor utter word that wasn't to know where were his camera supports or their hosts. Or if it was already time to conference with his brother. Despite being the natural heir to the throne, the bastard of the brother struggle him the title; amen its policy collides with that of the nobles of the area and all crime that hang to the monarch. And does not deny. Neither he nor his coming, that are those who told me without much scratching. Yes, resorted to jews, muslims, and how much brain live could serve him; and they doubted not that the best of each House. But an old woman, who on her knees scrubbing a hallway, commented that that surplus is much Lord of Villa and Castle, because they are no longer the enemy who were the moors, and which aim to others, is continue making the necessary. The old woman to own title-demand doctors and engineers who heal the climatic interference. And water at the door. Farmers, ranchers, artisans, any industry that come will be better than living in the economy of war and razzia. I was tired the lady witness both evil moment and pray for the arrival of the rematch. I asked her by the type of change that craved, and she was referring a quiet moment, that would be a year-round spring, when the echoed through the halls screaming and recent steps. And voices that cried murderer in the embassy and the dead King. The old woman and I fear be crushed by the men at arms who flocked to trot to the call, and to avoid suspicions, with her go; has a small farm on the outskirts of Montiel. Live with the daughter, son-in-law and three grandsons of the union; more small cousin orphan who is still in the process of acclimatization and all loud, or gruesome story telling, scares him sleep for nights. So before anything, grandma dispatched the grandchildren to bed and the marriage sat down to describe the assassination. The son-in-law had to recognize, bad that it weigh him, that had been the mother-in-law several nights without sleep and seeing gall in the crown of the Moon. Hits, hits the elderly and death lurks in any shade u hug. Not only tell by what happened to the Majesty, the daughter's husband is also a mutinous, and muttering hex for all noble, or gladly lackey, took way of bed yawning and scratching his buttock. And peer. And laugh, that "One less", was the tone of his “Goodnights�. SHR de M 231


Threw to Brunno Heretano the years above without realizing it. At least the last twenty were in a sigh. He seemed that yesterday had received the block of marble, and a custodian of the heavens, on the flight of the night, by the work performed. Although not, eyes, health, and women, escaped him while completed the sculpture. And once concluded, he contemplated not wanting to recognise paternity. He, at least, took out what pregnate the stone. Very old that are the marbles, it shone a piece to taste Classic, and fearing scandalized, it locked up under lock and key. In the solitude of the night, up to introduce myself, he admired. To gab of the chiaroscuro of a curl took us the Sun and a sister-in-law of the artist, who by meet date the death of the sister, she call us to mass of nine. Then, as if he had never heard, gave to learn of the death of the wife. And seeing a very wilted reflection, grabbed wanting a hammer pylon and smashed the sculpture. All that made pantheon. He reduced them to small pieces and then opened all the doors and windows, so that fresh air carry dust. And sister-in-law, nor to fear loose splinters, know long ago that he would end up doing. SHR de M



From the suspension lift rested and ebullient. Today, however, roared me stomachs. And on top, to surprise and disgust, and written complaint!, food dispenser is out of service. Beast offered me, with his best neutral voice, the same sticks nutritional that carrying the empathetic. And varied flavors or Ă la carte asked. And no, neither of joke. That goal the proteins without interface. It was the perfect excuse to go ashore without quench and give me to taste the gastronomy that have, and so I wonder, and that, by current, though me between via pore, I know full and no gap to fill. And I do not exceed. Today, Ha!, I got ready to jump me seams. Osuna streets seem deserted at time of mass, to fire remain alone stews during the angelus and me was stupid not abuse of the empathetic. And I was about to do, but recalling the vengeful which is Beast, notwithstanding that is, I chose to try at home that did not have to pave. And I knew of one to give a trellis to the backyard and see life. The owner of the aljama was preparing to eat with the family, and making a friendly gesture, invited me to come and take a seat. Israel Sefarad shows always affable, neighbors of them not fear nothing, was born here, most come strong echoes of the rhetoric of the archdeacon of Ecija, and to not give credit to such invective, nothing better to offer the dwelling open to who doubt of his person. I have no doubt, without care they bring me his accounts and his faith, nailed me to the table the perfum of the pouting. Don't squirm him my manners to have me by hungry forlorn, that no, who after me were presented at the farm wanting to run smoke and mount problems. Rabble out, hence was the confusion with me. And do not show me the newcomer host supporter encouraged some good neighbors of Israel, appearing with a ham blackleg in tow, and calling the man, Mr. Israel Portillo, derailed and gave to the fret wanting spree they brought others. They came prepared and poorly informed, and test, begged Mr Portillo to eat ham in sample of faith. And I, even though there was no resentment towards me, I found the occasion. Long time, and a couple of drinks of boot of wine, had to wait for the opinion of the piece. He said writing an eclogue, myself, I needed lowering to not miss in the bordon. And after making, and other touches to the leg, I stated lego to language abusing word that would come to the Holy and tasty pork nor to the edge of the nail. It sounded good, and as Israel got another slice in the mouth, the horde was dissolved at this time; although it would meet in nearby house which justifiably 233

any bad rumor. Thanking the neighbourhood contest, the man stoked the pouting becoming party that league with the night and dawn. And in it, immersing themselves in the tanker, he was baptized to Catholicism while lasts the revolt or be required taqiyya at moorish use. And without pain, that I washed too, I also swear faith to the blackleg. Long and varied ate until dinner, although of all swallowing, the ham will be the most vivid memory that I wear, and is that just thinking about it, I swear, and salivate which simpleton human. SHR de M


02-26 The Aragonese character, and the Sicilian idiosyncrasies, promise an interesting intersection. Almogavars again to endorse the island, and recalling their own, even without forget the recent bellicosity, are given to settle old accounts that bring family back. Commissioned by the grandfather, four young brothers attended a village on the northern slope of Etna. There left the elderly, in morcelas, a young woman who promised him offspring and attentions to the reeds. But the father of the girl, man of deeply rooted values and dense moustache, then disapproved the pretensions and sent running the man and kill him if he stopped! With the tail between the legs, he returned to the homeland and rebuilt life. But he never forget entirely to the women, and on the deathbed, gasping, he begged grandchildren that they look at the girl's memories. Came shafts asking by a woman with the wheats of Etna by hair, and singular eyes such a star juice. And the encouragement of boiled egg; It was the unique but Grandpa was welcomed to which to try to forget; well, and the father-in-law. I wandered by a road and that scrawny description received. With them I was raising misgivings until we find a house where it hinted at the possibility. There an old woman lived very well her age, and success had who was able to understand the countenance on the accuracy of the portrait. Yes, she was. It was. Summum, was still living the old dull who refuses to marry; only by checking that not returning the suitor, would seem, was reluctant to kiss of The Cold; and she likewise. Feared the lady the presence of boys result from any wrongdoing of the father. But guys came by the old ragazza, albeit dead, or her bones mere dust, if the woman respected the promise and the virgo, the grandfather wanted it scraping with them and shared the latest coughs in old age. When they had to explain the case, the old woman begged that we wait out; It would then answer. The woman went to the kitchen and returned with a knife small, a stiletto, that with the experience of sacrificing much beast, drove to deal the coup de grรกce to the old father, and then, while she were washing their hands and missed four clothes to a bunker, ruminated, anything old, which now would leave with grandchildren in search of the old boyfriend. And if found alive, Word!, which will give the same treatment to the own father, and not, such that he prayed the custom, she collect the bones remaining of the sarcophagus and will bring to throw into the belly of the volcano; make a good season in Hell. SHR de M 235


The boat was made walnut. However, Olson and his sons knew how to read the waves and winds, and just entering at port. Risky they admitted today fish in open sea, however the Mortenson are able to work with wave that recording epitaph. Their women, although bravas, are made afraid of much and it is rare to see them at the beach because feel bad that the sailors bet against their own. One of these days, one day, they are told, "you will be over the fate and instead of your own masks, are those of your relatives who come to release the coins." They carry the sea in veins and more than one relative lost by like search where the Sun sleeps. The wife of Olson left impossible husband and eldest sons, more small kid not a blow from foam snatch it is. This child grew up to own tit and emphatically forbade any contact with Atlantic, and bringing in genes, and sneaks in the backpack sometimes the father, anyway boy came sailor and charming. Do not raise the meter of the soil, and the oldest place give him for an inheritance gather all the goodness of his caste. Lady wants to escape the fate of his race and intends to send him to study far and not knowing where, and understanding me "man" of the world, almost leaving in my hands to realize that her husband, under the influence of the empathetic, he made his, and good, any opinion of mine. I, obviously, yielded the voice to an uncle of the boy who has long furrowed Ocean; he returned recently to the Faroese, and even if it loves to, lost contact so long, his word is not taken seriously. He proposed, posts to observe the potentialities of the nephew and the range of possibilities, make an effort together and send the boy to study at Segres. Founded by Henry the Navigator nautical school is forming the elite. The best of the best among those who understand from waves feel chair away but well worth the effort. If they would, just a few years around they could have undoubtedly knowledge missing them to successfully complete their obsession to find the nest of the Sun. SHR de M


04-26 With seabeds seamen who have can do, and although catches to multiply by ten, in the long run, and if they abuse, go to stay without pelagic fauna that spoil the mouth the Dutch. Cursed loudly a grandfather to see the burden that brings the son-in-law to port, should have warned him several times not to use a rig trawl, he, while not be gaga and his own boat, will not tolerate the art onboard and spits in the tomb who then by harmful. But he is old and has spent years without fish. Political son was the patron, and when the other was not present, changing the arts. And did very well, both tired of the requirements and prohibitions managed own boat. And this was the prow and not the father-in-law boat. He allowed the elderly upload to inspect the wine cellar. And tummy left the old man with a large amphora fragment and a starfish from seven arms. Very bad frown, rejuvenated by irate, high showed that saw the whole spring and perhaps the father of their grandchildren feel shame. And not. Didn't the other what the people say. Yes, they are as well. SHR de M



A girl of seventeen years had hard sentence; fire of pillory by heretic and not know how many felonies, that come to the case, and whether true or not, I do not think reason anyway. And yet, and yet, breeding thing was to she finish in the pyre to leave door to opt out at any time. But it was feared that by illuminated or schizophrenic not do. Unusual. Doumb am I concerned about by humans. Silly of solemnity. And it is not even on contract. I've seen and I have seen as well. In the privileged vantage point which was a truck a woman observed openly, and to interlace eyes, she ordered a finger to the davit from her balcony. Come to it, the Lady stood Paula de Val Symeon, lady of royal claiming to be Queen without crown or kingdom. Regeal it has her opinion, and any topic or issue, gave nice and intelligent conversation. She confessed, have traveled a lot and give that their own school. We were in Rouen and she came flight of open warfare that brought aragoneses and castilians, and before fleeing they escaped from all the kingdoms of Western Europe which boild agitated due to the river of gold who shed the taifas. And dry the faucet! Revolt is not the first time she've seen the stigmatization of a minority there throughout Europe. And infinity came her to mouth to go me detailing various cases and observed atrocities. Pursues any social scourge and today touched the black hole to this insane that understands; and stubborn. Paula is chest of thousand responses and other mysteries. She resisted the empathetic and led me to the against the same by a fruit flavor and the future of the Nasrid Kingdom. The Granada was the dilemma. She understands the natural enemy of Europe in the Muslim stronghold; not in own casings of the continent. I tried to make her understand that this reason was also a form of segregation, more parliament was left me in the mouth without articulate to be finally fire to the pyre. Then Paula took me hands and begged me that once but without intervening, which of course she didn't do, and although jumped behind her I don't know with what uncertain intention, soon disappeared in the organized fray with the guards. Seen that it distributed there loose, and not being matter mine, went back to the truck hoping that sooner or it would return the owner. They evicted the square and swept the ashes. They dismantled everything and cleaned the place except from my presence. Waiting for, and review of what happened, I knew observed by average people. And so I stayed until shortly before the Beast call, when a man who took orchard road gave me a message that was given to me yesterday afternoon. 238

The note was from Paula, a few brief lines to be excused; rely on us to meet again. Ha! And Ha! SHR de M



Eleassar Hunt is a wealthy rentier of Strasbourg. Others merge the accounts of its coffers in wines or passions, he trims where looks more than enough and reinvests in health; caprice emphasizes that it is not doing him much good bee sting. Since he discovered the therapy there is no month that do not come to the beekeeper doctor. It has no ailment in the year if he take tar sting with its accurate dosage, and hence tell prefer squander in therapist who run crazy annoy any buzzing swarm. While the man is subjected to the treatment, can the honey assistant browse the house and stir drawers to consciousness. And not for being a thief. And not only this house. Interesting people has the city because they live year-round in the depths of the forest and little known civilization. Companion of the father, ended up catching affection between the neighborhood, and here and there, from the windows, plump matrons of protruding breasts invited him, not without love, to enter at their homes and have breakfast. Thanks, and I imagine that ever even taken something, but he, by customize his pass before a particular door, sought specific seine. There lived, lives in the present constant of the boy, two men very serious and a very affectionate woman. From she expected the call. They assured me that the bankruptcy society "Das Werk der BĂźcher “ was sung with the mood of the partners; past goods and today it was unaware of the whereabouts of the lady. The boy don't assume the explanation to be the umpteenth, in any case, found a sheet of any book that had been in the house, and with it departed a little happier. Fetish is to him. Although not know read he fascinates as ordered are letters, both will be, that treasury has brought from a bag that contain a virgin back least hundred loose pages. And some repeated, exact, identical to each other words and their order. Up the erratum. The same sheet twenty times! In my world, no doubt, would be outdated school punishment spreads, most here could not be anything other than the evidence of a backup system. One. But on Earth, and of the first, I guess that its tail will bring if they manage to improve and allow lobbyists. I don't think that feeling well between scribes and illustrators. Mediocre copyists and versionators will cry in the sky. And the nobles will see the letter to anyone. Up to the same kings will have to drink from the river of ink. Before continue lucubranting about mold subject, entered me curious to specify thread that ran the printed letter. It was, and do not strange me anything being the period in which we live, a fragment of the Sibyllenbuch. The first book printed in the Earth see about Judgement Final. 240

Do premonition? Continues to dance of crab humanity, thing go, and thing coming, and in the middle watch, so that one does not know never certain, if this goes for good, or evil. SHR de M


07-26 Is not the same walk the AlbaicĂ­n, to the gardens of the Alhambra; although somewhat less envy their dungeons; all tub rooted in the site. To see me appear by the known skylight, a prisoner broke in, I thought, stupid laughs. Nothing laughable had his case to be almost dead, more nuance would find that it brought him to swing jaw. And, of course, entered the gaolers cutlass in hand looking for the disturbing. They beat him a beating that just feel in his state, and by all relief removed his chain foot handcuffs to the trap binomial by the wrist. Had it planned. Go! Between sputum, coughs and injustice dozed, snoozed all the citadel and barely knew anyone in the cell, which were cut the thumb itself to remove the eyebolt with a flake of stone. Gave them the rabble one hour of advantage before to make fun of the guards, whom, they laughed, head going to fly as soon as it ran the news, and impatients by the relay, to choir voices inmates they pooled to laughter. The gaolers reopened the door, and being able do not dry the laughter, cut to one that emphasized the scruff. Furious pleaded the militia to see evasion. Played alarm, although by what resonated hurrying trot, captives understood in progress the leak and there was no way to silence them. Taking advantage of the situation I returned outside and realized losing in the gardens. I enjoyed a bower in silence when fell a few drops of blood in my head. Hid the escapees among the green bunches that closed the sky. But they were not the two. So I figured, few steps gave the crazzy and was to die at least outdoors. I continued walking and enjoying fontains and backwaters, although eye also put if I could give with the other. Pure enchantment that matched my way, I came out of the Palace and got lost in the city, and diner a piece of sidewalk that intoxicated to peaches and wash, I was also able to discriminate the stench to dungeon; strand was to follow when sealing a wall to any voyeur Crossed the kneaded sand, fear and astonishment appreciated in the eyes of a woman. Was the service and ran to give report; although not crying out. Inside the house met young lineage of Abencerrajes, people who have outstanding troubles with Zegries, and surely that something more itching now the pendency to die in flight the little brother of all. It was, Yes!! But they were already engaged in a conspiracy on a larger scale and burst the garden doors at the time. The armed militia. And they would not seek trap meat because they entered open-pit. They were going to kill. 242

We jumped walls, and cross decent dwellings, to exit a street and evaporate us. And evil that wanted to mislead me also, I stuck to the one-handed and with him went to find new shelter to the christian quarter. He is not. Desperate should feel to go, and hitch and reason will be because to identify itself to the peephole, Abu Bua, it is open the ferrums and offered ceiling. He needed no better credential to be password and drive us to the lord's presence. This, which in turn declared vassal of another larger, promised interview immediately with the referral if we so desire, it was and no, their house, their nests and their secret passageways, made available. At the next day, if we will, we would be possible to be on the other side of Despe単aperros. Just before entering the disinfection chamber, while conformed orbital markers, I popped into my head the voice and the smile of Paula de Val Symeon. And her smell. And their calculations, so that today I, did for me, patent was that the young man would sell the secrets that his have, leaving the numbered days of the Nasrid Kingdom. SHR de M



Witches, sorcerers, wendigos, golems of old legends pick up force after the proclamation of the clergy: There are! Or at least pays esoteric cult to a constellation of geniuses and natures that bad marry with the Church under penalty of converting in nemeses; and gladly welcome the role. Where is lost customs and rites, was enough the edict for blooming the ancestral uses. And where never ceased to be present, brews are still fermenting to surrender the passions of a dull lady or save an old pimp. To the demonic drawer will stop potential adversaries, and public blacklist inquisitorial, conciliabulic organized at the top of a mountain which in the district felt survivors of Hell or any ban. And we are legion! At the top of the peak was the skeleton of a monastery. Still something away from any town not feared disruption of any authority and gave to celebrate without any modesty. They laughed, they fucked, they threw baggy toxic and hallucinogenic that some novice of black not seemed go well. The man who I am referring came out in theory to throw, even when crossing the door, locked it outside this like windows that had been practicable, and without warning, applied fire carrying the accumulations of straw and the warp of the roof. And despite the fact that nothing the flames caught virulence and the heartbreaking cries of those who listened alive were roasting, he had no mercy to the other and knees prostrated to pray for the contrite soul of the bastards that burn. This guy does not get very far with the expeditious methods as handles. Or Yes? SHR de M



Leading the empathetic is no problem to resist 24-hours in icy waters, there is no major drawback that does not enjoy the ocean, and still my case, adrift rolled. Let me carry. Far I knew the coast to unsettle me. Poor unfortunate that flight a ralt of planks, taking me by hallucination, informed me of finding us when folding the Cape of Storms. The southern tip of Africa. He made twenty-four hours in the plan and boasted of being able to take many others not feeling legs or fingers. Neither wanted I disturb him at the end that could mean lost and give him the crazzy of release tables that kept him afloat. I said be educated mirage and expressed at accompany him, if before anyone saved him or be drowned, 24 hours after which he boasted be able. He laughed the impossibility of the relief to be his ship which will open path and not hear anyone in the fall. And being the ocean very badly. However, he was confident that the sea ended him spitting at sand and not fought against any current. It wasn't his first shipwreck and hoping not to close folder. They are tenacious Portuguese, and grandson of a such Flavio Barbosa, who died in bed with one hundred and three years and twenty disasters counted to the grandchildren. The Sun was announced among the low clouds. Reward they brought the rays with them, now fell on the nearby coast and somewhat calming the sea their curls, the man fact saw it. A hidden reserve humans pull out forces. Only contemplate, and know defined the coast, so it pump heat the heart and break to splash the course. Barbosa Kid dropped of the ralt and to breaststroke set out to win the beach. Pity that the intentions of waves was not granted sand soft but sharp rocks that get us came out between the ups and downs of the breaking wave. I was afraid for his life, but in the end he made foot and dragged to shore, out of the water. Brave, before collapsing approached a few palm trees and there collapsed. And I was going to let sleep much had delayed, more saw approaching a few aboriginal area that wore their archaism brandishing still knives and stone axes. I tried waking up, but for when he wanted to awaken we were surrounded. They shoved him a little and laughed fading skin, although they left finally quiet and followed route. It was raining. Barbosa had thought possible to make life on the coast until pass back his vessel or successor, so without wasting any time, once spare, he began to seek suitable site while it rain so cute and the sky was beginning to curdle ray. And we fell one above. Me protected and isolated the empathetic, but opened him 245

new fontanelle hose, and after running the spine and be vented in the feet, broke to burn in such a way that neither rain, nor pulling me above, got to turn it off and consumed which match. Only that I was, didn't taste site and took the path of the primitive. They were either dry and sheltered in a cave that used the days going to eat limpets and other molluscs. They are old lineages of man. Time has me not meet with such primitive cultures, and thanked the fresh air of this ancient people. SHR de M


03-27 The last Muslim stronghold in Western Europe fell. The authors, Catholics Kings that sing them, enjoying the day to say waiting for eight hundred years. And many years do me to uproot anyone. Or lose homeland. The city awaits the outcome of decision making the christian hosts indecisive, and while cheers, and christs and virgens of door knockers and pitchers hang, and the streets of Holy Week to wear, remains expectant people and only young and curious, and lost all, give party air on the battlements and roofs. Fresh my last visit, went to the house where escapes in stampede and found it made a wasteland. The feet of its own accord the next stop did me and I found myself well soon at the top of palace and risen to a viewpoint. It was not the only enjoy the perspective because the very same Paula de Val Symeon, Yes, rested the forearms on the balcony railing and tended the view outside the walls. I don't know why, but I was not surprised her presence. She was like that in my memory, with the exception of dress at the time to the knobbed. Follow the position of women nor opened my mouth, and copying the posture, threw far away the eyes. It was she who first to speak, and to utter a hurtful and exact: "I already said". She was willing to get a parliament that took time maturing after our first contact, but I went to stay with the desire to appear another lady, to the guise of she dressed, and indicate that it was time. Then she turned to me, I think, to repeat the finish that we had, and recalling it, I made a gesture that cut the tirade and I started to follow her. We were at a house in the palace service where another woman greedily her advanced pregnancy, had just break waters and Paula the bustle of the midwife is charged. Sometimes does not come in posture breeding, or crosses any contrariety, and is when trade is needed to handle calmly between the abundant blood and various fluids. Paula has, and many more virtues will be silent because similar to cut the umbilical cord, and gave the mother, another kid intervened then repair his arm and sewed a seven in the thigh. And a third party bolted a few drops in the ears. I smelled another farewell to the square and not a moment was alone, at night, at last, hinted me that was going to have another little free time and invited me to dinner in what she called their temporary hut; even if the palace of one of the merchants richer that it picked up stretch of exile with Boabdil. We dined at the bedside of the roof, and after abundant intake, we lie between cushions, and already Yes, openly or half-truths, women offered to answer any questions. Thoughtful battery during the afternoon, gave rope to the torrent of my doubts, and so many were, and so successful I imagine, that outlined the woman overwhelmed, 247

and before that will, I suggested that she pass to the toilet and touch up the thinking. And, Yes, she took advantage to vanish. ‌ Stupid. I was slow to make me the idea, because as yesteryear, reeked of scorched flesh street and saw several fat bonfires running the city. SHR de M


04-27 Little humanity lends itself to the early hours, and until not took the Sun height, I figured in a ghost town. They are the people of slow walking and sweet word, ensure no hurry more to stay much lying day, and if one takes it bad for the rest becomes vinegar the blood, otherwise, find art to the expression, one succeeds with the keys to understand their philosophy. I accompanied a gang of laborers that two days had been going to stow a boat that does not reach. This had three days of good hopes when located in the bar the sailboat that cited. It was always spring CĂĄdiz to work, and now that they seem to reinforce a few overseas conquests jornal going change in safe welded; despite the fact that the bulk upload to Seville. Average late side was given to the pier and began to disembark. They carry the wineries valuable thing with what has come across, and while still justifying the reinvestment, should not be what is calculated and responsible for giving accounts walked to fixed scowl. The first parcel that has is communicated to the appropriate authority their formal arrival, though, and fulfilling the promise that left committed in the Indies, soon would go to a tavern in the port to inform the owner that the son will not return. It arrow him the indians in destination. The man entered at “La Pitarraâ€? and point-blank, without asking even a glass of brandy, shoot the owner of the son. Not flinch is the father to the surprise of the man. Although the elder receives and dispatches the business by doing so since the time of the respective grandfather, own grandson now bears the accounts and he should transmit the new. The death of the father. But this also remembered for being the cleavesea parent. He was almost foreign news to the young, and perhaps to forget the issue, offered a wine. Upon entering we arrived other parishioners who are also people of the port, and together with those who had and those who continued to fall, sang full capacity may be habit. Drink the people and speaks with brash master's five oceans. And good luck find with so vast continent floating adrift, when in reality, they were looking for one's own tail; but throw the mucus with those who think of sand, and seeing me, I say, face of carrot, the typical that loosens the fly only by hearing telling the bloody journey and the nakedness of the indigenous. Ha!. Adventures with wild to me. SHR de M


05-27 Didn't give me shelter a toy maker, and not by fear of me, no, the man started with the day and badly could assist me. So I went with him. He pushed the passage and against chest clutching a box when speaking of the master. Outlined me the interview with a learned subject in any science to imagine, and a temperamental such, that nobody would later under penalty be a Borgia or similar. He insists apprentice and at most toy maker. I didn't understand the obstinacy to meet in person impossible to flush. A very freaky guy. Very genius. Very fond of pulleys and levers. Led me to the holy of holies of his study and before at his same easel planted me to admire an open work; a custom. A portrait. The man is a strange subtlety and affirms hide the natural features of the model, for which it is paid, and idealized, encrypts the factions of another woman which claimed to be doing the court at the time in secret; and not be able to move away from the brush tip‌ Paula. Paula de Valsymeon!!! Yes. To the spittin'. Although moved the name and make the time ignored its step in the person. Timeless seems to be women, trapped left the smile on the fabric and I could not deny it. So sure was commissures, who challenged him to present us instantly where it will be the lady, I begged him to me leading up to her to prove my words. But so did, ordering an aide to awaken to who proclaimed owner of his heart and the house. Without asking I continued giving traits, and coinciding, I would say, the subject also began to concern, and changed this by bewilderment when he was informed that the bed was made and the cold room. It is plunged into such anguish and despair, nor worry us marching to look for the women. If she is, he won't find her. He returned for dinner and confirm my prediction. Sincere did me its saying not seeking more than half an hour to spend the rest of the afternoon copying the natural trot of a horse and the flight of the shrike. It is petered teacher soon memories of lady, and to the transfer of a claret, embarked on total oblivion. It went so far deny knowing the lady and be painting the exact of the custom women's gesture. False. Here something is happening. SHR de M



Habit of humans, one works and five discussed the work. If those who observed are rope which bites, it will always be their timely say and appreciate eyes view the progression of the business. Now, if those who provide eye and understand are unrelated to the project, and much worse if they are grandparents thinset it attends! at the tongue come until the clothing of workers. So are. Where there is open pit, being quiet moment, one can assume with interesting meeting. Miscellany of opinions I could listen to a holemouth, next to a building of modest homes, is pierced and gathered an expert gang. In the bottom of the well that opens were the sons of the wellman, up father with other two workers, eight neighbors and an important office of the municipality, that distant kinship with any tenant, was provided to estimate the work. Some felt to go well, although a couple, and among them that put the money, they calculated poor curb that closed to the site for the invoice numbers. Was interesting how to explain, by the manager, the revenues of the funds. In fact he said do not profit from the work and performed only by the present provost. Dance the same water and gold within the cube, and by mere hauling, either pulley to the table, or tap to the bag, drips and bleeds content reaching target pretty depleted the part. Pure entropy, or any constant Universal that can equally well be applied in my planet as here. Discussed men endlessly non-formal aspects of the work, and not be heated more the hero, called to the coachman and at the same foot led shot used to move around the city. Much to his regret he predicted lost all fight to the completion the misguided people; lacking good shepherd. There is no way, no way, he repeated, while to me not arose so damaging seen example to find too many meritorious intervention in the payment. Florence looks such sweet cosmopolitan city for the "little" that I have seen. He received with joy the benevolent gaze, and believing me unsuspecting soul, took me to his house. They are not living, however much that beautify the streets, a just society to be abysmal ditch that open the elites. Example, he not knows where the service catches the water to find always washbasin and filled pitcher. He understands the solution difficult and extreme, because everything goes through change to the king. And not by another. The man proposes to instruct at mode to the monarch or head of shift, so him coming down the social revolution; himself is working custom-made in a book of style to good use be given at any 251

palace. But difficult, he said, is the cuesture with both old patrician and the Church being part interested. SHR de M



I woke up in a stable. The groom who cleaned suggested me a nearby trattoria for watering at the human style; would although in such a case, he said, does not see the lady wearing days asking for me; and hence that he knew and not strange him my presence. It was strangely anyway, so I took it for blatant confusion and only followed the advice of the eat house. Time ago that alternate breakfast at the observatory with give me to go down to solid wheel. I know that a both irresponsible is risk give bellies on Earth without releasing barter currency, but dumb and crazy solves the case, and despite blanching machine ever, accelerates me enough the biorhythm like for like. It makes me naughty innocuous that the time, between mine, come whatever the result and ventura of the mission, on the way back, I insist, I will be fearless adventurer or bold sponging interplanetary. In Cloux not differ much the puns of the general, perhaps being his remarkable exclusivity which offered me panoply of crispy buns, and what nashing! I got between chest and back four bowls of cow's milk and two baskets of assorted buns. To the point pretend boy growing up, that making me banner of the business, the good eat that all was under its roof, the owner invited me to condition of stop to the act of swallowing and catch door and way. He did not get angry at all because at that moment came the boy from the block with background to solve any problem, and a message for me. It was told four letters that return quick to the post if I wanted to bring great surprise, and while acknowledging the writing I was struck for how pink and lush the beautiful Paula de Valsymeon. Many times I felt ridiculous and paranoid. Feelings ranged me on that line to understand certain situations do not thing of hazards. And Paula explained to me. She is also observant and travels on this same ship. Her competition is observing the observers. And understanding the flawed system, took a time putting into question the mission; and without wanting to offend, she reviewed me living example of the inadequacy of the observer, and hence of the entire project. She defines me walking disaster and a mug Such that if this relief, she referred also gave me name and field of observation of others how many incompetent like me, novice and amateur, that entered legos at the exploration without best interview and merit than saying us fearless and willing to leave life in the effort. I would laugh, but told the truth. She was all day giving me explanations of the legal loopholes that the programmers left in Beast; and I know good workhorse. She gave coherence to my doubts. 253

Before being called, we were to leave some flowers against a house that will be dear to her by private issues, and then link that offered me their work to mine, advised me that I ponder the possible consequences of the mark of the Beast, whereupon, embarked on the link from the stratosphere. Shortly after I was called, and spare the little rise, I went to Beast and gave him the new password to me Paula ease. And although in principle put at my disposal a few files of level "A" master, attempting to open one of them, randomly my record casually! jumped the alarms and when all energy flow on the ship ceased. Lights and engines were turned off, and resume, already did not accept the algorithm and refused access although it repeated over and over again entrusted key. And I know that it was good, or was it. SHR de M


01-28 In Sevilla left The Plague, and still going in wooden boat, powered at the whim of the wind by an unknown Ocean! they felt safe and happy. Still a couple of weeks to what little they payable to sight land, and as it was not descry was left running day on deck. For many it was not their first trip, and one to the auditorium narrated the exuberance and gifts offered by the new world. Fill up the galleons with astounding ease. There is no gift that offers Nature that can not catch. Yes, they also recognize that it exists who fight against law and resists the evangelizing of the Emperor's armies. They are certainly ordinary Indians at its discretion, and although they have granted something resembling a letter of citizenship from yesteryear, painted them without modesty enemies of interest. And cruel; that they kill sheltering in confidence or thicket. Something was known the narrator by The Weeds, and although to play with canvas comrades sheath was the succession of short stories, fear the shipping, Yes, long left over so that the staff put nervous and asked prime guns despite not spotted any coast or enemy. The captain dismissed peremptorily occurrence and ordered to seek power. And executed the maneuver. Rolling a little to port took the wind that boss knew how to read and all the boat felt pull. Good Captain became party, and as it also took stop the streak, the timorous side returned to vindicate the former claim. Split long ago the crew, to wrap a storm suddenly and tear the sky three snakes, thing that had overt emerged in bad ways, and without get to know all the history, I found myself involved in a bloody mutiny. Bait of early discharges of small arms fell the poor passage that embarked from new, more runner wake, planned the manoeuvre, then jumped and took a knife to all official and strake pavilion. They gave a hand, blow to the debauchery that say them waiting entrusted their life giving to burst the barrel were to celebrate. Pirates are declared and roared freedom. Theft claim it is the business of the kingdom itself, and is so far known, and without witnesses, that no one would come to badger them then. And be pirate, Hell! It is what they crave from kids. They intend to offer hitch on the first port that touch. Vocation declaim to become rich, robbing the natives, either or harvest the previous theft of the Crown. Or way any other undertaking that requires little scruple or attachment to the skin. SHR de M



For think, for having own criterion, for not to have fawning to the interests of the power, the good and measured Thomas awaits in the cell that the monarch gives whim and take to end his threat. It is execute him for defying the earthly and unearthly power of the Crown. Henry VIII, King of England, crime Lessa Majesty which not to bend his subjects at the whim that has, and while faithful and successful councillor was, aren't considered the loaned works. And they should. Fine, not wanting to offend openly, Thomas wrote a fable with moralizing overtones that didn't like among the coterie of palace, and as such, the future has committed. Utopia, the island that describes filled of Utopian, too entelechy and gold buried between its lines. All in water of borage could be if kindly he would lick occurrences to the lord. More do not think to do. And it is not insolence because of heart he thinks that it is best for the people and the country. And to Highness! And so he repeated it to the envoy of the crown who came to probe him at the last minute. And by firm in his view, the executioner, still not wanting to, took the measures. And resigned it seems to lose his head, as passed to the soaked king's power. Wrong case good council running absolutist times. SHR de M



Nothing more open eyes noticed me a black cloud. It floated at low altitude. Sometimes it oxidizes and fell, which dense were, ground, prays it condensate to flutter again and continued its singular course. A flock of birds was still a boy in his erratic stroll. And were not vultures, not. Thrushes, was cattles and choughs with hunger be doing nest. A locust plague ravaging these fields and is paid to the father of the boy by minimizing the damage. Far away where I was the son found the subject, to the fist he was carrying a falcon and a goshawk kept with chasuble; also trained birds of prey, but up to that not the kid take the day not could loosen and I felt pity, because the bugs were grandchildren of wind. I tried to convince the man to give me recital falconer, being his business at the time groom parasites of the field, he told me to not be timely. The birdwatching that it carries out the boy is singular attract art and not scare off, and what to rested him in the glove were machines of spook; the mere silhouette. But I insisted, often I´m! And that he also likes them, everything is obvious, so it ended up warning the son so put into a cage those who were own or can, who would not, them get sky hawk. And he fumbled. David Figo called father and son. Despite being Portuguese earn the bread very well in Castile. Well, in the Catholic Monarchy; that proved to be the name of the monster that was taking entity. The princes of both kingdoms will soon and hence marriage who is delouse crops in a small village near the border. Having asked the help of camera of the infanta, such that had come out of the mouth of this princess, was being term commissioned. And taking it. It was estimated the haunter that have left him a couple of days of work, then, with the cattle, will not return home, intends to reinvest in the business and go in person to see what flies through the New World. The son put bad face the prospect of the father even though this does not realize; He met a girl in a nearby town, and if good marching dealings of their noble lords, lagging behind will not vassals, and me by witness and parapet, told to the father the intention. Stay here. I've seen in any other similar case, and have me by pimp incited me to give me the two. Them I left to live cry way forward took with intent in the nearby village, and to be the girlfriend of the boy there, and leave this bad with the father, to anything he held my step and had the emancipation. Logical that the boy wanted to take root because the girl is really beautiful and affectionate family. Being company of the boy I had by relative and received treatment was exquisite. More me not taken by the father, not, because shortly after 257

arriving we also fell the parent with some pigeons and smile from ear to ear. Great party was held and the boys marry the same day it was announced that their princes. And such they few others, and despite complaining this priest, also offered to take account of having to officiate marriage outdoors. And expand the sacristy. SHR de M



It sounds like messing him describing me, very circumspect, the bankruptcy of the Country. Is that possible? Exits coffers more than what comes and the deficit is served. Simple. And even if is difficult to admit that it can ruin a country, it should not be unusual. The same thing happened here will happen in the rest of Europe, and the only explanation acceptable, but unimaginable, is vacuous waste in tinsel and farces since it was discovered the "New World". The new continental philo. Auriferous and herring mountains, tons of species, arrive at port from the other side of the ocean, and before docking, made travel is already spent. Between whims, and wars, realizes fast what pinch in the Americas. It Yes, among four cats suppressed posh life. SHR de M



I thought that I do not step, but should change Beast of parameters. The Americas. Veracruz! I took body before a circle of indigenous who they say belong to the ethnic Tantantlan. Quiet lunched, since sleeping lords, little service demanded them, but it was clearing the throat the cock, and with slight seine broke up the meeting. Only was beside the fire an old man, that runner the years, is only to serve their hobbies, and having given word of fidelity and service while it lived, and he could put on foot, to the doorjamb will find a creole lady. At seven in the morning, such watch, came out for her daily walk. After the woman was the man without making noise or draw attention. House to the church, and from there to the market. And back to home before any rigor. And the same would be the next day as he hinted. The forecast did me one of the youths saw in the morning. To other, tribal and blood ties as linked their to grandpa and it occurred that they were still in the city and not in the jungle. I'm sure that little would him to go at all of the tongue with the details, but two fat explosions were heard nearby and at the time yelled fire and tragedy. Organized big fuss because pirates rumors, and confounding someone even materialized authorship: Drake!! It was, or not, sea came the hail, and falling a good parable, the home of the venerable old lady received full a barrage by jumping up the shingles. I saw the old rejuvenate and enter fire without hesitation, and remove the lady on the street on their own not to accept help. And leave her in the ground very carefully. And kiss dead once in the eyes. Then he undressed and ordered his own to leave, more as it followed the bombing, and ran the streets militia, they ran into an armed detachment that wanted them to understand suspects something. And received sable which could not rid or ran little. I, spurred by fear, ended up jumping the walls and hiding me in the jungle like one monkey. That they are. And in absolute terms, I say this because we also hiding of a pair of local tribes that they sorrows will have with the tantantlan, and still safe, in that with the late night defined their domains, we should keep us at bay for their own countrymen to recognize us in the distance "civilized". ... Ha!. Monkey are. The ones and the others. All. It which differentiates them... is the point of technological development. 260

SHR de M



From a young age I liked the theater. There was no festive conspiracy at the college that does not pay my surname, and such that if before my first work I find. To be aware of site at the Prince's theatre, I felt. From Madrid to Manila is crying yet the death of the king, the great hardship, although open offered the venue to meet in private, and good willing, table who take advantage the forced closure. Poets and actors without poster are nor glory, and props without scaffolding that mount helpers. People of the spectacle that brings together on a whim, and therefore, voracious tooth and frauds of tongue to laugh at the most painted. Word. One walked only grim in a corner. He will be around the fifty, and for crippled, I say, his gesture was sour. In his hand wore the last sonnets of a famous poet, and from page to page, and crop he stick, envied without pretense to the author of such large verses, who, on the other hand, for he and those present, how man left much to be desired. The one-handed, Miguel, despite to renege, muttered that Lope perhaps best poet and playwright of the Court. He envies and hates, but not obstacle it was to let me read a few poems, and I proves by myself. They were good, very good. Seeing that I liked, and which to reach always leave papers, declaming a few pieces of such author and some of those gathered things. And although it was not the best, I would be me with a vacuous sonnet which was all boast and joke of the such Lopillo; pity not remember now. The case that the party would be very long, and after the desserts, and the penultimate shot is fired which were not of the site and could walk. They were two young people who are siblings and caretakers of the playhouse, and the father, alhojero, who organized the service collection, and without more speech, declared himself ready for go to bed with the rib. As soon as the man disappeared, one of the sons fumbled the broom and told me that he knew of a tavern, of a few neighbors! where never close and stay up well is can late in them a few pitchers, and remember in the hangover. We ran the village, and with a Sun so high that there was damage, entered a lupanar carrying a rope of churros. House of whores, Yes. Breakfast at noon with the girls. He tempts a girl to make it him, and to live all of his ministry of the air, girl rations the cuddle. Nor could be more generous because the madame, lady Opalina, although it concerned them so that daughters, business is very demure and little touche want the gender. Madame Opaline also had fucking mother. And daughter. And possibly grandchildren if they inherit the roles of business. Nor which led me, a buddy present, had coins enough to seduce the respective pretty that intend to, so they rhyme hours with playing cards and anise, and if can, 262

and not listen to the madame, warn potential customers of false purges and other no less undesirable venusians barrels. The girls are known as La Reflorea and Apricot Lips. Them, just kids, look not even nickname flashy and hiding after Carcassonne and G贸mez Quevedo. This second don't have another gift to captivate that the ingenuity. An acid sense of humour by which embellishes ear of all, and test was joining an own anecdote with an old gossip, raised humorous situation that did not leave unscathed sant on the Parnassus, and being the Madrid neighborhood of Las Huertas very versed in walked, reverberated the laughter even in the catacombs of the nearby Convent of Sant Ana. Although dropping it to chunks the Grand Theatre, someone will say, the Show must go on. SHR de M



The other side of the Thames, where actors and works are measured on a daily basis. If its part put Beast to please me is something that won't forget, but if gambling were, I signed up to the list of hearing and, neglecting all assignment that I could arise, I decided to stay and try Luck in the theater. Yes, from yesterday to today I had hot the whim and egg paper updated, I wanted to make my own. The libretto was a famous poet; more noble his word that the nightclub that hosted them and their taster. With six or seven candidates who heard breaking the text I got idea of drama, that is, and entertained the far turn leaving me to invite a cup; and two. Patching the cast of the resident company and hangers of all the characters looked doing expense because everything is business and short any capacity. I heard complaints and innuendos to find players already chosen, and casual or not, agreed that made me mere histrions with which most insisted on deception. To me they invited to down, also encouraged me to urination, and for not making ugly, or strange, I yielded step by hand and did gesture followed them to the toilet. Must there is no. They chegar just against tables that there was behind me, so I deduced that more that collective pee suggested me that I disregard if didn't want to be splashed. And still, and by pure envy, I thought, good ringer that I threatened, some unscrupulous alleviated is against my coat the bladder which had burst and that could not wait until they channelled them raw sewage. Primitive I also know, and so I felt aggression, poke a host to one that almost break the neck of him. The ground it was how long and the crowd silenced. It turns out that the guy was the author himself, and imagining the indisposed thing going to stay for the day, they evicted the scene and all the poultry; and they were only the intimate; and I by responsible. I threatened to give beating outstanding not awaken the master soon, but do, ventured me that perhaps find me paper, or invent, because a slap well given, and at time, tempering the more elusive nerves. And they say that he deserved. And that being a man of law also will know thank... Role was hinted in any case. Yorik. SHR de M 264


With the recent ice, and before that pregnated shoots, Guillermo de Van Heigh pruning and retouch the fruit trees in the orchard. They are not themselves, expensive is the sand in the Netherlands, and with the good earth do his tooling, and experience, sanitizing the alien trees overlooking the new season. Pity the truth that has no land or fruit trees on property. Few copies are left to experiment grafting, but in which he are given will, with luck, leaving exotic and fleshy fruits which are well worth the effort. He connects at both firm and total available is offered in consideration. Therefore today planned to attend house of Cassandra Van Phetta after opening a few pits in the back of the garden where I found him. Not was his friend Balduino who calls him, the issue has to do with fruit or some grass... or Yes, it had to do so to the wealthy widow of Van Phetta are lost her son with a lady of little firm bodice. In pursuit of the guitar, and against all counsel, plea, and maternal order, departed... was two years, six months, four days and three hours; that she stabbed with the cuckoo. And since then, despite the proximity of the city, there was no news. Asked William approaching the port if there it could fish new. Not intended to the lady who held the other on son, she just wanted to find him and bring her safe news in his well-being. And in any case, do not find it happily and healthily, that offers the protection of their own and his old room. When not it contradicted anything lady ordered chaise to hook path of Rotterdam, but on the davit, and knowing full well where it should be, explained me wefts and miseries that followed the good Baldwin to behave this way. And I understand. And I applaud. The boy is true that ran after the girl's sinuous hips and went lost in the city, most taking between drink and hookah contact with port bustle, and liking, was released to live the maelstrom of businesses. And with success. Candles, clothes and all cabotage which is spoiling the sea comes putting together with hemps, and enable is speculator facilitated him succulent dividends, so many that now follows leading dissipated life itself but relegating in the hands of others make money to multiply. And finding him strong and fresh, which I cherry or pear wood, went back to march in the afternoon with direction to the farm, to tell the mother, by taste of the own Baldwin, that for she, he was dead and that henceforth is it save missives until she would reach that of death. SHR de M


02-29 Before leaving the Sun, Ninna picked up the placing of the chicken coop and swill down the pens. Then went into the kitchen and prepared breakfast for her seven brothers. She is mother, and father, to carry a bad rumor to parents. They were accused keep dealings with demons and similar bodies, and to it more worth walking list as to not take long her efficiency and good hand to move forward with the family, she will gain envy, and daughter of witches, easy is blamed on such a Beelzebub to go as clean childer and pigs get fatter. Leverages that leads to the brothers to the school and also throws a few hours outside. She works for a good man and doesn't want to lose the House, just do anything, as laughs, because the subject is the louver and prohibited has she move a role. And sufficient is the housing of bundles! machines and calculations that daub the walls and obnubilation sense. Except remove four dags, time consuming it helping in the measure of demand. Mr Galilei - that promise made to the girl give treatment and keep secret what I saw - is the typical ready engaged with which pisses me off trying. Give me shiver, Yes. Very capable I dazzle him and earn their respect boasting four crude calculations remember from my time of student. If not, what! At the time considered great invention and achievement, to make telescope assemble of polished glass lenses. And with it analizes the Moon. Just has power, and although I do not fear that he have seen the ship, is something that I have already commented to Beast. I asked the man if he could witness the miracle and gladly invited me. While the night came, I preferred to continue observing the daily bustle of the kid. Home of the astronomer was another site where attended an elderly woman bedridden and senile. And to finish, in another house, she left intimate cloth darning with great care that was paid in spices and kisses, and with these, and with me, was presented to the teacher to pick up siblings. With him was I to carry arms in the basket of eggs and be the weekly payment of the teacher, she promised to return with the night. More communicator was the master, Yes. He declared denied for research, although he also felt that avidity and curiosity that myself can imagine having; invention made, I would say. SHR de M



Slona Böit is Swedish and widow. And achondroplasic. The husband in Nördlingen has recently died and today the remains arrived returnees. Along with the body it also initialled the collection of a couple of large bunkers even for me. They were heavy. Foresaw them fortune since her husband left it written. He came home after brighten the tedious days of Felipe IV five endless years, and no coincidence that take the fray, and seeing that it casing war, had success writing the letter and let said where to send his things; or who would have smelled it. The husband, its offal, were prop to the open hole, more fabulous came to her my contest to drag the chests to her house. Beside the fire we force locks. One can find such cooked notwithstanding, that in response to the austere narrowness, it would have been the man cabin of travel or burrow, and the other, whereby move the impatient hands Slona, the second trunk was dressing room of the first, and possibly, even room for guests. Didn't the lady to be the thing to the four letters, so muttering what a good jester who was husband insinuating in the étagère looking for intimate chamber. And there was. A pearl, seven gold doubloons and a silver reliquary of santa bones, fell from the drawer. That was all. The lady was by the quality of the costumes that there would be the rest of the inheritance. Could also be part of both spending a portrait, that the very vain, would be. ... Who could assing such large Inc? Yes, clothes, by posh, would cost sold between friends... Although it would end up doing. But the box does not. Oh, the painting! Who would hang? She, of course, would not that or live near. …… Yes, I. Wonder what I understood when unpacking. A quick glance dedicated to him Slona, the model was well known to her and that subtracted objectivity to her look. With total detachment she buried the canvas in my hands and said to leave with her husband in the armpit; or in paint. And hale, go, go, and thank you very much for everything and follow the footpath until the end. Intention was to record all the details of the legal donation the empathetic climb 267

to ship. Word that idea brought, I arrived to wrap and save more for a few things that do not come to tell work I ended up ceding to a civilian... Well, okay. They won it for the cards. Yes. Gambler I believed at any board game until found drywall in the person of Buenapanza Hall. Farmer. And thanks to that farmer is declared. The case that the man wanted the portrait to hang in the chicken coop and away to the fox. And, either give the game, and with this the maese Velåzquez´s canvas, either the children had split in half. SHR de M



No said me when she went exactly. And it was not necessary. Some again lunch admiring the center of the Galaxy, and only I read warming of Sgr A *, saturation of rays X and gamma, to know that Paula road home direct. She must now travel by the worm and nothing will attack the wilderness quantum vacuum that is border to my Universe. Well, one of my universes. During the day I also manned ship, and though the voyage was in matritense pond, with intention of entertaining the monarch of the day, we treat with equal to actual fire, and my universe, word, for a moment it turned out to be the vessel in flames and its brane linde rail. SHR de M



Anibal Fierro is affable man even though have rude name and the Holy Office endorses him. Rode guard before a hamlet whose owner is feared by “sorgina”. And no, he does not believe it. Neither this, nor the others who came to interview. Any inclination or break love comes running out in complaint. And, not least, seeks to bring who does not correspond to torment. Signed this witch, by confess, another more rough, any of the guild, suspicion and would be at the request of the tribunal. He no. Last night, had read her the positions had against that said luciferin, and in grace granted to the Morning star so that it escapes flying through the chimney, of, if not the procuress of Satan that threatened, he would measure her ribs with a stick of hazel. The man laughed me his intent and his disbelief of the witches made. Laughing was when sang the rooster, and before the abundant congregation of villagers rushed to the impostor path down between the general cacophony. I was that father Fierro was given to celebrate if they tempt him shoes, and more if it is rioja!, although there were two visits required and therefore, and much to my regret, ended up holding the leash of the donkey and take way by a forest of beech very leafy. Framed super turned out the foliage for the stories of secretive, ententes that demons more aberrant, he narrated, are pleased to forge in these valleys. He does not believe word and rather aims at stopsillys and runmug. He saw never fly a broom that was no tarred with henbane, and surely no pass hand, nor prayer that cry to stew, can curdle spell serious not carry thornapple. There is no spell which fear him. So I imagined all meeting champion, however, in the second village we visited, he had to admit mistakes and apologize. Not made me go and suffer the embarrassment, as already told me on the way smell this stop to fiasco. And it was. The amona never played the role except in the overheated mind of two young irresponsible which had to provide required credit. And all because the lady, very ugly, that was also, dislike had the girls neighbours and not passing them one. To the parents was her with hot gossip and earned the animosity. There was willing to give excuses, but in the following high stretched whip he entered to find the payment taken by the trickery. Danced in the goat meadow girls and boys lightweight clothes and blind of txacolí. It didn't undo clicks the party, and very angry had four rather high words with the owner of the hamlet. The woman was on notice, and could not deny that concerted had appointment with Aníbal Fierro, but being her widow of Hannibal Fierro, father, and therefore mother of the other, to hell her would the son to come with official status. For him it was the soiree. The sisters also left him filled with kisses, and the aitite; that 270

glider not off maize hookah despite having no tooth that tied nozzle. Be cheered his presence blushing, and although he said no can, forced him to give word of the stay to dinner. And I with him. In the transcript of having pots came to insinuate the problem aroused so the unborn for the office, and doctors and apothecaries to the magic come competition. And rooted! But not unfair. SHR de M



Recently they would be blanched by coming to the ex-favorite of the king. Some smeared blood bound them to the valid fallen into disgrace, and to surrender the new monarch Barcelona, before the family put feet in heels fearing reprisals. Taking to take, by a path they date the bank of a creek, and to the edge of exhaustion, found a village lost among the oaks. Family consisted of father and mother, nine children, a brother-in-law on hand, a secretary, two aid of camera, a governess, a cook, three waitresses, two pages and a waiter's block that not having cavalries meet, be intuited unhelpful, and thousand services provided to need for him to do. With such kindred in route, and the hazards of life who wore them with the post, it was not strange that despite being snowing copiously nobody offered refuge. And at least one couple of cabins were inhabited! They broke the door of a ramshackle barn, and despite the ruinous state, nothing presented master denying the ceiling even though it was untile. A big axe do chips carried on his shoulder, and even, rather company was only him to send us without hesitation to the weather. By mercy ended up asking lintel for the kids, and for charity, and between great grumblings, outlined a tiny barn where the children could sleep. Now, would not exist nor chuck branch deemed not accumulated wood nor stone was released that could touch to winterize the hovel. And less water from the creek that was also in preserve. It is not tasty Tor people's visits and all were drawbacks and prohibitions. A good while, well understood the lady that any child was going to stay on the site and prayed, demanded her husband, dancing the rope to the devil if necessary. Josep and Mercè, the novices, were putting rigid and purple. The rubbing no gave warmth. The man made collection of value and begged me company to have the service too cold to trust a trigger. And nobody did not respond to our calls and voices.With the quiet response, he ordered to turn around, insinuated on high, trying to ignite a small fire which at least hot feet and they could cook something frugal. Then loomed the elder say owner through a high window by denying the fire, and in addition, pretentious and outsiders, also revoking the permit of the haystack. And there he was hung in the night screaming. To return to the family we received a bonfire and the sweet smell of freshly boiled milk. Fast was the service to ferret in the district stolen of what they had. The patriarch was angry a little, and although he thought pay with gold what they spend, knew abuse trust. And he threw a quarrel the secretary with idea to run the dressing down. 272

And just thought fleecing stocks, what happens is that the pleasure it costs put stop, and when I wanted to give account we had eaten, because I admit involvement, more than half of the provisions of the old man and his family for the winter, and being easy to the groom seep between the tables, such as the locusts which has not much I see, we behave. And fear, because at night roared arquebuses that left stiff to a waitress and that not spooked. SHR de M



Me isn't new see them go face. I would like that Beast carried me right place where to relax and meet people able to live without the musket in his hands. But it should not be time. The squabbling go everyone with everyone and who speak out for complaint is called a traitor. They don't, but I Yes, I yes, I can rant and say that they have a society that is a shit. And a few leaders who are still more. Spain and Portugal, which at times are brothers and quoted example of concord, back in nails for a few overseas possessions and the mere coexistence peninsular. Among them are killed without pain from their masters, and oddly instantly impossible reconciliation, punctual, and sporadically, make truce for combined overseas forces and give whip the indians. So yes they are in agreement and make priority to subdue the native desire; among Europeans not understand schism; they are equal to the indians to come both with the same idea. Gold, silver, precious stones, spices, cheap labor, are the subject of greed. And if aboriginal people, or the same slaves brought from Africa, seek to oppose their fate, contradiction is not them temporarily assign forces to end the rebellion and massacre, same, Mapuches, Picunches and Huilliches. Europe, ultimately, is for them to common house and the rest of the orb barn. ‌‌Beast, do not make me spend more for this. Please. SHR de M


01-30 I woke up, and nothing of open eye, because even I had not incorporated, felt the passage of a bullet to a finger from my head. And not taking time to be around another lead, I assumed that somebody was pulled against the thicket to crackle. Slow, it had to be my move to not attract another shot. Paused to exit to clear and win a safe hillock. And it was clear cloudless, but dark and muddy waters plates that exude moisture through the surrounding jungle. Prisoner of the gold that ballastring him was an adventurer. Any tyre paste failed to throw him to lose the gunpowder. Coatzoalcos was so close that in the distance well appreciated the slow work of compatriots deconstructing, stone by stone, the unholy altar to indigenous peoples; although impossible to help understand and hence entrusts to something high. So he advised to other that already had dry eyes. I knew about death, and myself noticed it happen, to see that since the vegetation is arrow him viciously and not less than twenty darts, long as reeds, left flaccid the subject. Who were not approached to check, after a couple of hours of listening to continuous croaking, and dress the hood of the empathetic, I abandoned the branch that was hiding place and I closed to the deli. And the two were. And easy that I had been to the pose of not confess me inhabitant of another world, at the voice, that surprise, and safe, and leaving me to foot a arrow to clarify me the tessitura, asked me for my origin; my family; my house; my homeland; the pavilion and color which I serve. Oh, and the first thing that unmade alleged enchantment that had to return my body transparent. They should be accustomed to death without getting up, and although it bewilders them the prodigy who work costume, no less solvents have proven their paints and patterns of hunting and can't cheat by stains of the nahual. Yes, They could say that I was hunt. And I don't feel defeat the capture at all. The gesture of giving up, and discover I've never done more worthy, and to me the face they smiled by squaring them my factions with the certain local djnn. And so they took giving explanation to the miracle of the empathetic. I suppose that's easier to assimilate, that which comes from another civilization located to eons of years light in any direction. Well, and incidentally I confess calm me check how fast that me palm off, "good niche", in these delicate ecosystems. SHR de M



Before leap came an urgent message in which I confirmed in the post of chief observer; what Paula advances me. I guess bland grace that would make Beast hear from my own lips the endorsement and then check it in its circuits. To pure carbon would taste him. And well that I am glad. I have many questions for Beast. With the set smile opened my eyes, because I was more at go recapitulating my own issues, which in the open pit was raised by me. I had encounter with a subject that wore antithesis of my mood at the time. He walked through the garden with the particular stride of the infuriated madman. Stopped, ducked to pick up a chant like an apple, or any other shit, and air launching things with sour mood and silly end; all, all fell to soil and although he understood the mechanics not concretised the equation. He was a ready. Yes, but not another. Possible that he was the most ready among the ready at the moment, and genius, and permeating him empathetic to the distance the adjoining nature to roguish, I preferred to lean step and feel me with some young people perched on a rammed earth. The man is called Isaac and open has sloping with the urchins. Nothing else could tell me when the guy approaching and, in very bad ways, ward off the wall. To me, faulted the company and the poor judgment that demonstrated my size. He threatened to call justice, but was to him who grabbed an air and left me with the word in the mouth. And apologize the rudeness, to not be able to deny, that Universal gravitation, is reason and Law. Deciper it´s quid; he jabber. Although very illustrious race I could paint him, there will also be a no written universal law which advocates proportional investment. And this subject, word, gave me backbone to be a very bad person. SHR de M



Ottoman horde besieges Vienna to the consternation of its inhabitants and the continent itself. For some time that they were not afraid, but engaged in local feuds, now find Turkish at the gates of the city. And what to do. Resist, weather the storm and calling christianity to a union that seems impossible? To his own go face in internal quarrels and painted the occasion bald. Sagarrit Urrikat was not man that per was feared, although engineer, and soul of thousand mills to pay the city, a messenger was sent him waving cloth of truce. And two proposals was bearer emissary. In one goods and possessions were offered the engineer if he deserted of the Crescent. They signed lists of wealth if he want to abandon the effort, and no access, that were on it, the other proposal was to provide burial there same looking to the Meca. And was. Astrid Morgaran fulfilled the purpose, and despite the fact that it does not breach replace the dead engineer, the aforementioned murderer emissary was returned to the city. And happy the city heroes despite returning the body into thin slices. SHR de M



Proud are old and young. And therefore, exotic excuse may argue; nor were the contenders to hear mass in the foot. Septuagenarian, or at least included in the strip, they thought removed foil casings; they do not qualify the first blood or it would be worth asking help; that said do not think to ask. The sloping had powder and soured into oblivion. And not. It cooled the account some calibrations made wine at the casino, and having nothing better to do, and surpassed the expectation of life, grandparents are challenged to see at dawn; with their witnesses, their doctors and the newsboys of that to make history new sanction; even I. As I have said, a fine sword stops was planned the lid, although one of them, soft hip, begged pileup change to predict fracture in warming. And courteous, the other have drop, was not put qualms to a small recess to splint the pelvis to the elderly and running in search of another chair with wheels. And a set of pistols. I don't know why, perhaps see good atmosphere among the witnesses, but also smelled the part of singe having the toast. It is that it wouldn't be the first appointment that will give the grandpas, and by this, and that, will always be the event in the air and postponed until the next crazzy that gives them. More or less so confirmed me that it was, but today, in truth, they seemed sketch intended to reach the ultimate conclusion. And they will be, because even though it threw the shoot without hit, a stray bullet ricocheted and one of which was to give faith, ultimately, will have to give burial to him. And of bad-bad, while with haste they dissolved, not they marched very upset to be the person who died an eavesdropper and voluntary assistance. With the dead were the newsboys. They would give testimony to the authority of the vile trap that suffered the unfurtunate by some bad guys, although the streets they laugh the true tragedy and who want to do this put ear give also their coins. Lot of money gives the death, and so the two or three who took charge of the package, held off the flies and smooth clothing. The new forensic also released its part if delivered the corpse in condition. He accepted the post only to have fresh genre. He studied Anatomy and is preparing a physiological compendium says cries guild and demand humanity. With him I was dissecting bodies while that until there led me ran to spend the bonus in temple pagan. Neither I understand me sometimes! I chose to stay in class of cutting instead of doctorate in spree. The man, even though they described him with an everlasting sandwich on the way to his mouth, much care forms and at least breaks the sobriety of the autopsy room with six or seven pots of flowers which are which take advantage of the Sun 278

of the stay. And they fill up a life that is not hosting. SHR de M



I try not to think about mine. I have assumed that I'll get until end of contract. Although say Beast put me on tray the best that will be sprouting on the planet, do not stop being human pretty mediocre specimens. Today I had a strong discussion thereon nothing but abandon the suspension. It ongoing the encounter with the guy of the apple, and Beast protesting what assumes a simple insist mine. And not. At all. And I'm not even the only one who thinks so the rest of observers reports coincide: humans are not yet prepared. Does not have the species representative decent, not dyed, because like I almost got to Alexander, the other six observers, ten we went!, also followed the evolution of their respective favorites... without reaching grant. What they are really looking for? Pretending to put a bit of chaos as order reprogram Beast... Heh, heh... Sort! -operating have range-... that it originated to deposit me in Berlin, and as close as possible to the point that was going to be SMC de V; follow the ins and outs of the place; I guess. I thought making a round of contacts to get abreast of the changes and to publicize the new policy; even pick up any suggestion that they could arise. I was going to put an end to obscurantism. I was going. Yes, it would. More I suspect have found something that exceed me. In particular I found done SMC de V empathetic shreds. ... Only shreds. The house where I found it was lawn of flames and only an old coachman remained to witness. Cry the man inconsistencies and blamed the disaster happened at a wrong decision taken very far; in Spain. Give the crown of the Habsburgs to a Bourbon, he cried, it´s was doing blow to Europe. Yes, undoubtedly SMC de V had previous dealings with the coachman. SHR de M



We run away from the Sun. Sun Star and Sun King. Sons of France are that in an English schooner escape from hunger and poor governance. Both heard of minor outlying indulgences, of the fecundity of the land, ranging in search of fortune but the West Indies are not precisely a haven of tranquility. Pirates, native, and latitude, are the most mentioned evils and nor by that wrinkle. To entertain the cruise, some, the family of Pappon Sortie, makes their offspring to learn other languages in anticipation of what they find. For this reason, older children walk learning accent and craft with the pilot. While he was without bosses franc gave them the homeland language, but as soon as it appeared the first official on deck ended the lesson. That too, before delivered them with great mystery a few sheets of paper and told to study it; and take care. The caution and secrecy was because it is the last issue of The Spectador, and even if it move more than one year out of date, remain the property of the boatswain, and reading in the bathroom, was no thing of much groping. I, sincere, have never been a big reader nor even now, I am only writing! so fast the newspaper went through my hands, but the father, who was who ended up reading it, that read it is! understood it modernity and wonder. Made gossip news. SHR de M



So much for Best. I guess the content of the message without opening. Beast was too polite, which was to imagine that any effect would have had their movements and has degraded me. Or they revoke the rise... Or gave him new attributes. Whatever the case, I later confirmed, I went down to Earth sensing the martingale. Already I can not mention, and issues requiring me forget, met Saint Petersburg. Is city of new plant which the Tsar commissioned a Committee of brainy. This circle had access in hands of someone who I can not speak, and as the lean of the observed there also prohibited me, serve this day to talk about the spacious streets and luminosity. The gardens. The monuments. Functional buildings and those who do not have another mission which serve as ornament. Ah, and sewers. What rotten always buried even if it is between the lines. SHR de M



East and West refer me two different worlds within the same planet. More subdivisions I understand, however, today met who, despite being archetype clear, neither see nor understand. It's a mixed marriage of Russian and Turkish, and even though their countries are in lawsuits, them, border, well lead and try to live in harmony with the environment; despite raised difficult. No more than two kilometers rise cloud of smoke skirmishes that bring some and others. They struggle for something that ignores the marriage, and therefore, as soon as I get on the trail they threw feet begging me to pass long. They feared it to be someone with enough power to ruin them existence. And I can. It may give a buzz to the planet‌!! Well, the question is not who I am, and after say, peculiar to that they are, they changed their mind and insisted that I stay. Live, as many others, thousand profiles that offer land and cattle, and other many vertex to know they bring to the situation. They spoil the garden like no one so far has seen, and a few plants, take plenty advantage. The hemp plant meritorious! And until envelope left written thought as shown in the book of a such Hume: "Treatise of Human Nature". It made me curious for singular couple to read those things, so with a couple of captious questions, I discovered that it was part of the regalia of an official dead from an attack of laughter not far from the terrace of seed. There same buried the man for not knowing fixed, to renege on all pavilion the unfortunate among rales, who deliver the body and give report. SHR de M



About to start somehow, I would say that met today to which the empathetic could not catalogued as a Human Being. And it was not suit failure because in his presence myself noticed a shiver. Pirate; that neither refused to find me in his boat and do not need to justify. Old, legendary bordering, dominated the oratory and framing of the spark plugs to make him understand a subaltern, and myself for being there, where resided the soul. Very in his role of marine ogre, nailed before the mirror eyes and pointed out, in the reflected pupil, the window that presupposes has the soul to have a look at the outside. That he was the cabin boy, and to discover their own tiny, and surprised factions, agreed to say aloud that something so small could not be the genius who encouraged his members. In any case, would be one of many of the little men that he felt bubbling inside. And the other, joyful, laughed it wanting to call the Psychonaut boat and say in voyage of dreams. SHR de M



As I depend on the camera's suspension for sail deserts of time, citrus fruit make them workaround to address the long ocean voyages. The lemon and the lime have much now exit to the sea, and whole garden which is the Mediterranean basin, smell the air promise of acidic fruit. Batiste Trazzo ran world for varied reasons, but now that can take a seat, in the swing is dedicated exclusively to his passion. The fruit. He is frugivorous by conviction. The little bit of find us, wanted to entertain offering me a piece that understood succulent, so he did intend to climb the tree to collect in person. And with age that has! But no, he did not climb to cross the sky a bee-eater, fall to the ground with eco mute a fruit and I start to renege to understand the danger. And neither developed my grateful refusal to smile the man, while he was descended, that had already lived it. And not just well. I explained what of cerebral human delay, although he told me that the existence is cyclical and one is doomed to reincarnate itself and relive their mistakes until do not learn, and understanding him than that orange was improper, led me to taste a recondite orange tree only blooming for him. And for me, if in customs on the way back, they don't find the pips SHR de M



Cainite the sea, I stopped to carry which washout to the beach of an island. The fate of the current thing, there were already on the site who sink it. He expected to receive help from the boat that saw, so burying those who were drowned, all, not amused him. We recovered many junk boat. Came with each attack wave and not wanting to break the patterns I helped to collect. Were the belongings of the ill-fated crew. Among the multiple vacuitys that floated gave an out of correspondence. From far away came the sender´s name and address and some were in transit years. I am bad source, me do, to carry out my work, so eager for news the man had no fuss to open a few envelopes and read. And recently, in which now turn stopped long time: “Liverpool, 04-19-1775 Gaiety John, the elder of Jenny is dead. I may recall that told you'd be the first to know about and why I send you the news. Mom, dad and Jenny didn't want you rotates the letter because they fear to do any madness; well still have by breakrules and know of the convicted person that is dropping out in your office. But don't worry, a couple of years don't break our patience, and nothing will be waiting for you back home... Godfather. Yes, if you want yours it is the honor, because by older brother I can not force and dad said that he has already married many. Your brother who loves you. Arthur. PS: Many kisses from Jenny and her mother.â€? Said my partner not being the recipient of the letter, in his same boat they brought a harpooner from Liverpool that attended by John, who at the height of the coincidences, sharing banking in the skiff, also knew that had a brother who called Arthur, and summum, until his girlfriend had vinegared father which is inconsistent with the union. And Jenny. The only discrepancy resided in that in history who was narrating the harpooner, he, and the mother of the bride's brother, maintained a torrid afaire which witnessed untimely father-in-law. And hence the opposition. He thought of embarking for America English, although discussing clean smite the colonists and Her Majesty the beans, he opted to enroll in search of white gold. Yes, I imagine that little more would history to suggest much, unfortunately without climax I was to appear on the beach three canoes with aborigins in the area, which, like human flesh, were not to the liking of my companion. Nor mine. Back us to the wilderness and from there look at how opened up the graves and 286

wore a pair of luncheon meat fresh. Bad going to happen the friend understanding native cupboard in the place. SHR de M



Today is my aiskelnat, my birthday! And although my relationship with Beast go not very fluently, having removed promise time has held, myself to do so since the newly raised. Make lonely spree is exercise that it can lead to melancholy, and as that was not the purpose, bypass circuits, I invested a couple of pins and saturated Beast terminals with effervescent sparks. It will have not experienced such compendium of pleasures in its existence and disarmed was to voice him idle. Tenuous but verifiable, dragging some hyphenation suggested me that it was delivered and I proposed him to establish contact with any other observer; and ferment soiree in conditions. But no, straightened him speak ipso facto and moved the conversation to the daily task, more quickly in my opinion I also amendment and played the protocol relays. And there won him for the day to give me promise to continue celebrating, but on the return. Not excusing the celebration work and sent down me ensuring that in a couple of hours would return; but that requirement was the presence. Vienna is capital and whatever one wants of the Earth can be found in their markets. Nothing I've spent to date from the contingency fund, so taken gold quarter was enough to buy six boxes of the best wine. With me what leftovers up I did eat breakfast at a bakery as a local potentate; even invite to chocolate a peculiar man; with whom shared table. And I had not even talked with him. We sat back to back and ear left me humming that was brought. And the subject is going to pay his account, and inform that was invited, is not that he bothered, no, but another of the same requested and obstinate in pay. And as it was my birthday, and something was still kicking in the taken, I went to sign the minutes but with the condition of taking a wine and eat with him. I expected the call of Beast and didn't me want to compromise, but both insisted, and so respect must be to discover as we pass the neighborhood, which I agreed. The man is a musician. And his music, mathematics. Says not be at his best to not go to all the fingers that he would and splitting the pace cough. It was true, so to remedy, and for go of onomastics, I offered a festive lembaoblea and another I ate. Then don't remember anything. Only the music. When I wanted to give me account was in the chair of the laboratory. And sleep was not, but can't remember the name of the subject. Music Yes, because is close my eyes, and make me do this, and caress me quavers and fusas inside the head with interplanetary Symphony. 288

SHR de M


06-31 Died a century illustrated intended for the sake of immediate future better. It´s the beginning of a New Era time and have no better idea that expand their creed to passage of bayonet. France exports Liberté, égalité et fraternité, and the old Egypt, so teach a lesson of good intentions and wishes railway, watching passing armies with the parsimony of that has been conquered a thousand times; the eternal dust remembers it. A trainer of camels bred and trained in the shadow of the Temple of Carnac. Their animals the same general of the French want to do with some exemplary meritorious are so good. But to franys does not sell. He has dislike to Western and as far as possible be endorses Mr and refuses to sell. At least to them. Witness went on go of an embassy and after the arrival of another, that Yes, with the same response marched. A longer time thing was that not the figure of a messenger, announced at the jaima already a regiment, commanded by the general himself, was presented to know the reason for the negative absolut. Overwhelming reasons outlining two light guns for that Alou ibn Rian Abrahim ibn Malik ibn Baicix was polite and restrained in the inescapable disclaimer specifications. But it was not. The own general, who was ahead on horseback to the canopy sill, rejected the business. Seen the concrete, fell from the horse the military, and without undaunted, alone, entered at the tent ordering that they still to him at the door. Homage by allegiance, did translator. And in a subtlety that could not be converted, strand of the soul of the reason for his anger outlined Alou, to start talking with a perfect French of Nantes. No sells to the franys because does not give him the win. Do not leave him from the whiskers. The empathic surveyed inside the general to say no word but appreciate the humours taking his body. Power stemmed to register the red aura. Although he endured the pancreatic juices, hence perhaps the gesture, and demanded a logical stance arguing needed a justification to lead such an tessitura and pamper. And neither in this regard wanted to give response the convoluted Alou. Ensuite came out of the tent, and despite dismissing at the Muslim style, also ordered that saddles that had; curious there same camels, horses or donkeys. And to all who put some sticks. SHR de M



The first "clothes" that wearing were skins tanned by the elements that the step fell them. And only if it was cold; good, and on feet. They learned to work the skins and exploit the plant fiber in the gross form; and elaborate; leaves and reeds made strips, like that with the hair of certain bugs, found the thread and then spindle there is a weigh distance. Then I witnessed up to do warp loom and reach the refinement of bobbin lace. Clothing was a necessity. And fashion, Yes. Most always, and above all, an intelligent response to the weather. Today not. Today, Aay obtuse!, they force those who do not need clothes, being their natural cover their best defender against weathering, which is inherently with thick petitcoat that anything favor them, and most serious, that are killing them. They are, perhaps, literal, the latest victims of fashion. Patagonian Indian that I came dressed at european style, Patagonian Indian who had chronic pneumonia either someone in his family was opening him pit. I'm not doctor, or tailor, although one realized the suspicious association and consulted those who, understanding me interested, advised throwing the clothes that offer the European and to run them as Smallpox. And what if going well the go to view ball, that nothing, nothing, more savagery and against nature is not the needs of their own bodys and denied, if due, the nudity. Or cloth that feel and look. ‌ Even that you need for being from another universe? SHR de M



Example of her people was Carolina Renata by killing a pair of French who unjustly execute to the father. And her sex was also flag to also give burial to an abusive brother-in-law. Reasons women had to make untamed life in the mountains of Ronda. Close Benahojan had a known cave and counted they were friends who promulgated visit; but she had. With one of them I was right in a brook drinking, and permeating me harmless, he referred me the story to entertain the path. Very close family gathered to illuminate at solitude the woman and now cited the relatives to present the sapling. Under the guise of christening there ran the red wine and sang that they gave pleasure. And why it made me rare presence of a subject that had little to do, and to interaction mode, everything were gestures. And very afraid, a lot... the empathetic pointed me to the brink of collapse. Thanks to the influence of the suit was somewhat relaxing to whisper being invited, although French. All the courage that brought him had dissipated. Someone very close to the Renata stand to godfather him, but acknowledged the tricky situation. Not even by will own the presence to declare a meritorious student of the master scholar Cuvier, who, looking for expansion to their hypothesis, commanded him well away to search for fossils and evidence; lose sight. And while people beat palms and play the guitar, to the young and to me dunked at the entrance of a cave which they said it was from old pots. With two lamps per guide left us to our wide. Word that at first I did not recognize the cave to tackle from new mouth, more it was giving four steps and head come me the site. Yes, the same grotto was where a few months ago, a thousand years, it would start a new breed of men. They were pregnant horse and "turtles" with their footprints. Many more symbols and drawings now hung on the walls, but insurance that was. Family place, and not indigenous but yes for veteran on the planet, was left to carry the boy with my illusion and before the goat, The Goat! sat down to delight. Both time was embedded inside the drawing and the site, that a girl approached us to tell that soon was the toast of baptism and that theirs would be brought. Drunk of art and archaeology, because I could not repress some observations on this matter, the boy entered avid to the cup, and blinded of enthusiasm, wanted to share what seethed inside giving away something good group that keeps in the bowels. And the best that attended his mouth, being humble class, was singing the favorite song of his family for much privacity moments. His people understand La Marseillaise an Universal glory, but, and although the same Carolina Renata had given word, booted, and smell apology frenchy, a cousin who buried almost the entire family by shoulder, got him into belly slack span of his razor´s from seven 292

palms. Followed this by a blind anger, and for not coming to hands, on so designated day, they dissolved the party. Ah!, and a child named Paco. Paquito Calasparris. SHR de M



The last human occurrence is canning food. "Sterilize" to preserve with some minimum guarantees, although being descendants of marauders of carrion, or galloping botulism reactions that leave them green and red rashes the skin, frighten away. They met several families to come the children from the war. At the chateau, they celebrated with fine wines and dishes while small, playing to be older, is awash in consuming what would have in a few servings of campaign aside to the army. When I got me the duck, and the tongue of roast beef and the marmitako, satiated a table that piss, I lent eye to the kids that to the brave persisted in this endeavour; even open cans. Stubborn that is morcelas when insist, with pointer and parting, and others with the singing scratching of a rock, managed to finally burst and content components. And test. Well, some did not taste to not enter them through the nose the broth, or declare at the act be vegetarians, even among those who participated were who repeated to satisfy, although most have educated palate and knows, that such cooking at home, anywhere. Nor in the canneries. No, so dull are not. But the need, What I will say!, and give the leftovers to the poor nor found little tasty crumb. SHR de M



The stoker seemed entity of the night. Look care bats and werewolves tattoos on chest and back. Fostered his natural dark circles with soot from the surrounding coal, more if one transferred the rarity threshold, was delivered the boy in confidence. Much it cost him being admitted to the test, although demonstrating his value to mouth fire, became with the post and won the boarding in the brand new steam. Example of the good atmosphere that reigned between them, the responsible for the next round used to go to the pit with time to take snack and listen to some of the outlandish legends which had Paolo Niesstro. He wore a few days reading the other chapters of a book that sounded like Greek and greguerias to cover: "Prometheus unleashed!" Although it was scary. May I say. With the first Suns changed the guard, and with Paolo reien, which was intuit the light and weary, I went to his cabin. Boy in the cabin slept apart giving some Ju-ju to the rest of the crew and stay among them far, and private, shits and tackle several hung beams and bulkheads, to pictures, and among these, one, one in particular, me mesmerized. Cruel to tick in the engraving, a man impaled on a tree, and amputated arms, tended the view of who looked the work. Of Niesstro also confessed that was favorite piece; and understand that steal my soul, because to him, also did it and did not have to buy it; that and another with a guy stretching the thumb screw. Then a huge explosion was heard and a soothsayer distress awoke from blow up to the bilge rats shouting the everlasting and chilling: "Save yourself who can!". It's slogan that laugh until heard to utter really. Nothing was soon heading the ship carrying the cabin where we were the loose junk from the rest of the hold. And without giving option to exit eat us the waters. Deep is the site, and good luck, Ha Good Luck!, we had being on tenterhooks of abism. Disturbing the balance and small bag of air. I of the empathetic absorb the necessary gases, but my companion had counted the hours to be patent impossible rescue. Not wanting to inquiet, and any motion to us hurl to dark abyssal, turned an emergency light and begged him, because I confess having guess death despite to the suit, which he ended read the history of the new Prometheus. 295

And read until the cabin's water was filled. Which prayer for the dead, and waiting for taken me out of the quagmire, I took the remaining salms in the book of Ms Mary. Ah, and I the etching inherited . SHR de M



"An englishman, a frenchman, a spanish and a guy from another planet..." It seems the start of the typical european joke, and although up to a table sit the alien that I am here, was in Mexico where the meeting occurred. Fellow members of stool and pulque were me three workers, trade unionists called them, that by lifting the voice, and vindicating strike, earned the animosity of the respective employer; price put them at the head. They cannot return to their homelands and entertain the day giving drink to all juice which subtract them from exile. They manage the world's at word. In the time that I've been jogging the planet, not infrequently heard talks of the same suit, and being very old evils, and living a juncture new, raised solutions, strike be chimeras, nor kept patched grouper. That if prohibit the exploitation of children, that if make decent hours and wages. By mouth gas is going. There may be people decent, and much, but these specific demanded to the waiters to voices, and quite deplorable was also dealing with the rest of guests. I do not like, they didn't like me. Many parallel worlds encounter in the Earth. And even in the Human! SHR de M



The life that I do in the laboratory does not deserve mention. Except for occurrence of Beast, don't need review. On the other hand, a trivial crackle, a row of streetlights that turn surprisingly in the streets, yes, is novelty; and fright, if I am in company of people who claim to have power to summon the dead. No, please, where remaining are. Or not? They cannot be my same opinion, and although they seem wanting to ward off throwing curtains, gather together all the shadows of the municipality in the room at to the invocation of the seer. Not so long ago burnt them. Yes. Her and all parishioners, by very potentates who were, resin and tinder had given without hesitation. Today not. Today is game among godless people raise skirmishes with what they call The Beyond. And laugh the occurrence. Or not? There are who do not laugh. The witch, who is announced, certainly not laugh by professional situation, more attendees, and if in addition go plenty of wine ressinato, not dismounted them jaw even by pure fear. It rang in the next room a noise fat, than break a window, and close other more dilated but slippery, so whisper that matching with shivers. Something inexplicable to the context, Yes... With the exception of the work of the lamplighter with his pole. Or not? The issue is that one of the participants had dispatched the call with four dry words and a "Goodnight" to all lights warm his understanding of connecting extra-sensory with a beloved grandmother, and convinced, and organizer of the conspiracy, ended the funny meet. From the fallen portrait to the inquisitorial ground watched the old woman. The use of magnesium photo, didn't know one in the background if the woman laughed or disapproved. The gesture was so grim, that remained if understand further happy existence to the mood of the observer. Or not. SHR de M



It was not raining, but creack heaven to broken and singing the bottles of the shantytown without touching. Who knew him! Vacuum the den, I imagine that to be seen not only offered a parishioner to give me conversation. Him, me and the waiter. Nobody else. Well, hoped the man who came a buyer with which concluded appointment on the site and to not take a fall. But it took. Not a huge suitcase away hand, and although we were talking of thorns from a rose, after word that thought judicious, beat the box cover redoubling veracity to the sentence. We started talking about weather; how do not. Ray to mythology. Of the classical pantheons we skip to current times, and nothing, "scientific" doctrine of vanguard also fell under the magnifying glass. And plap plap, hitting the suitcase, was launched to speak of such a Darwin. This issue already not I alighting him because it is his, and cup in hand, proposed to give me masterclass and out of ignorance. Or sell the plundering that both drawn. He kept the very primitive beings osseous remains. Among them, according to the empathetic, at least one wheel of chubby with all of the law. Yes, How long without news! After so long without new me resumed sheet showing me as milestone in science and subject to cabinet; the suitcase was accompanied by assorted regalia. It again also hand a necklace that perhaps myself saw look back in the puns of humanity. Or identical. ‌‌ Very close all my feel, in any way, which led me to claim the remains for burial according to custom. Pretension was surprised to have to me made tab of atheist confessed and akin to the test tubes. And it isn't that either. The man understood me offended pose, and arranging it, believing it!, promised me to expose in pia and aseptic showcase. ..... Does humanity? Not with the alien remains. Come on, or with their own. SHR de M



In land of Pharaohs could only be the work. They opened channel that connects the Mediterranean with the Red Sea. The master of work is French, and the capital a European conspiracy; although everyone fortunes brainy professionals pooled interest, and consequently, the enormous herd of engineers, architects, surveyors, geologists and others, serving interests of varied nationalities even without knowing. In a couple of weeks will be officially inaugurated the work, and I was fortunate to grab boat for test and celebration. They enjoy the first honor, and it while do not count the travel in any computation, amply bonus is the cruise. Voice, and whim, the captain stops the course. Lower ground to buy souvenir of the occasion, or entertained diving among coral and oysters. Barracuda fishing. It is not what is said a “tour de cavalier� to use, more reliving the experience, and that wives and girlfriends pose them still taking sand from the desert, they enjoy and drink unconcerned all protocol relating to rank and age. However they can not give rest of themselves and feeling every scientific and technical advance itching of their spirit, a few proposed make symposium on a quiet beach. And giving the site, we went down to check the effectiveness of a new explosive that invented a Swede and another was that us discovered. The substance call it "dynamite" and undeniable applications they will find. First, flew a dune of rock by drilling the hump and insert a cartridge of the aforementioned explosive, then, that was already a secondary application and blasters school, pull to pieces its roots three palm trees that made jungle, and a donkey, which was paid religiously prior owner, virtually atomize. They laughed not a few the savagery that is argued experiment, although others neither wanted to comment on sacrilege gathering to smoke in some flat rocks. Multidisciplinary, multicultural, homeland of all is the Knowledge and they take advantage of the occasion. So I got a day, even for references, the real point in which they were. And if I am sincere, fear feel by the doors that are opening to learn... and the many others which at the time offered padlock to the eyeing. SHR de M


01-33 Giving me folksy, it isn't me abnormal to hit with picturesque people. At the train station I was pick up in package, and ended up placed in a civilian house was said to which I am cousin to the people who sponsor. And achiever, before teaching me the hovel that would be purple me, already spoke the paycheck waiting for me at the factory; we would work on what should be given. Known my supposed new home, to the night shift at a textile dash went to pay the bed that had not yet enjoyed. Hard. Hard is the stalling work. Migrates the country people seduced by the safe pay city. And the change is very abrupt. And not free from hazards by integrating many to a world that is unknown and extremely voracious. So should pass to the young man who previously occupied my post, and that getting the body at the wrong time in horizontal, received an sting in the head which left him half silly but not unproductive. He now provides services to a doctor who investigates the cerebral cortex, and that in the accident, found pattern for their thesis. Yes, assimilates to long drinks the city. SHR de M



I slowly awoke to the whisper of a piano. I was so pleasant melody, that going from four white opened my eyes and found myself surrounded by myself. I was going in the perspective thousand times repeated mirror inside and is not surprising the suddenly. In music, in addition to the piano room, there was a girl in dance attire. With my massive presence logical was a misgiving, but after a second, and entering the father and pianist aerating a telegram very happy, feeling dissipated though not uncomfortable silence. The father, despite euphoric, nor produced sound that was not of the rustling of the wooden floor. And the daughter the same. They read, and read again the message, even exultant left it me read to me. The telegram was short. "Encouraging success. stop. We are on our way". And the firm, grim reaper game, gave sender to a great friend. Bell. Great whatever because the piano man sat and struck the keys, so that the daughter, to touch, take pace with sweetness and grabs another time in the bubble of echoes. And then to sleep, and dream, with, maybe, tomorrow, to talk with her friends to count. SHR de M



Weird did me find, under an incandescent filament!, a man of very thin complexion and slanted eyes. Dash I caught that probably was my "first" East, but he does not know what would be in my eyes, but turned around and came out sounding. Ran the condemned, though not neglecting for the hand a basket of clean clothes, me was easy to reach. And reassure. I figured anything that he would have to fear for born in the country, as well as their parents and grandparents, who told me, what happens is that he has no statute or contained in any census living in the semi-secrecy and walk noiselessly; and take me by police. He works when all sleep unless Menlo Park not Chinese territory; gives easy to identify. He informed me that mister Thomas is the luminaries who invented the light bulb. Has mounted factory of inventions and at late times, Chang, gives him a rinse to the aprons of work and service utensils; that leaves only rubbing to knuckle. I would have liked to stay with Diang Chang, but as was such the lord, which is insomniac by laborious, who could receive and pay wash, see me plenty strange for any reference common, and invited me to come and have breakfast with him. Forced. I'm also going to veteran and knew hide in the personality who dressed and little flank to the vagary wanted to leave. I presented me journalist to give profession that fits him to my behavior. Long we had the talk and me went most of the time the distraction. Seen that I am not well that burst in the day, he assigned me lazarillo that not neglect; in the company of a young woman left me; confident woman as wrench has all closet or door that discretion to claim. From thinking pattern has latchkey to describe him scientific medium and medium genius. Caught my attention the succinct difference that embodied, and widening to the case, told me that she liked more genius men than the erudition men. And bordering the imbecility, that she had to understand, I begged her that me explicit again. Tired her ostensibly the subject and wanting to settle, she defined the genius as who is capable of finding solution to a question that is not raised. I was going to follow asking but stopped when realized, that bored will only see her by the guy or his inventions, or semantic crap. Beautiful and ready cried spinster, until when deploying a clean handkerchief to dry the tears, a figurine of paper fell crease. Delicate, and articulated the origami, small crane fly if she are pulled from the 303

queue. The girl was puzzled by the finding, and without giving me reason, and with folding stripe and smelling of soap, again put into the laundry basket used all the tablecloths. And a red rose, brightly, believing that I looked not at, also interspersed with a sigh between the dirty wash. SHR de M



Left me Beast at home of newly created, and sensitive instinct, the woman rejoined the vigil me via broom. Asked who I was and what I wanted to, and for scoring to describe me friend and eventual minder, was calm, and no more, and triplets to put early alarm clock, placed me the kids in arms and continued, sleepwalking, fussing and cloth giving everything. She is obsessed with cleaning since the husband teach her a few slices and speak of doing of the creatures portrayed. Bacilli and other crap that fight at the sanatorium. He is mere assistant usher, most feared wife that drag at house any insane substantial excess among patients; chronic, by asepsis the lady do her modus vivendi. Enemy understands that it is the world, and although not without reason, bad done keeping in air to the children so that they do not touch the ground. And the floor shines to the lady. Early was, so I left the kids crouched and begged the woman that sit beside the fire with me. And although she sat down, she could not avoid review chair and table. And the vase and knives. Compulsive. Only to force her to take the infusion, and drop cloths, were head microscopic pandemics. And she rested. Three short hours miss, Yes, before wake up the drone of the husband. That is it. Husband and vague. Even my criterion will have of the latter being his first greeting sue bellies. Broken the influx of costume, women returned to the mop, the hassles, and sobbing the help that need with the children. Although not going with him. Perch is garment wearing and he must all effort and entrusts. Now, at the sanatorium, surrounded by nurses, yes the mood becomes him diligent and presto is to lend hand to the grip of anyone with headgear. Long hand is and say him, and therefore, as much as lust, never be he allocated to the noble part of the property. The laboratory. His face told me and I left there the company and took the ladder that fell into the basement. And, surprise, at the door of the lab table was dispatch to a young lady in charge of the transit, and after the gate, two chunky keepers that superiors differed in range and scale with much that brought me. And beyond of the repeated border, which is intuited long hall, four men, but uniformed's webbing and gun, were rearguard and padlock that gave security to what cook in the test specimens. Doctors and patients have who protect them although to me nothing cost pass. And well, nor is keeping them to the data and analysis of a very important guy that eaten is of venereal and other pustules; and they don't want it disclosed. Is vox populi among people who wear bathrobe and for this laugh. However it was not a sample of the such provost which lent itself to laughs, was of a poor alien that 305

gave full example in the test of Koch. And they were taking note. And if I'm punctilious, sample would not be the subject of the laugh, I had to put me the same gown that they use, and mix me, to find, but not before falling, who mock came with bitumen covered the lens adjuster. Ha! Hazing. Not a shred of grace made me. And neither would to the learned professor, because entering between the revelry, and finding children addressing issues of men, he gave ended the lesson and for house ceased to continue dismantling the microscope. SHR de M



Some kinds of literacy not going them to label specialized in the labour market, workers do not, but the jobs pay better, and even tend to be less harsh the parcels that are offered to those who insinuate savvy. The employer is not silly and stays with the best. This belief cato disclosed one that went back to the village after testing in the city and be amazed. Brothers and relatives, friends, and even some peasants who was tired of looking at the sky, he was with the mantra. And knowing the subscriber field to immigrate, an old schoolteacher, archetypal kind of good teaching, planted so arid brains seeds of wisdom in her retirement. At the hubbub style I found them discussing what said be the fundamental rights of the Man. Before of more precise, the venerable old woman left to give opinion, because pushing the concepts already touched, among themselves they would discover. And secure. Some enumerated, and made good, the words that long ago fly and printed; but with more will than real impact. Others added, or removed clauses, to whim, as the adjoining own case dropped them to some vague interest. Very varied opinions, Yes, and with the work of the lady in the light of modern thought seemed to be sprouting. And with that idea I had gone to not ask a girl, that of unannounced attended, if she, girl and woman, would have the same rights as adults cited. And bundling of hail to the chagrin of the teacher who smelled the quarter cast in vain. SHR de M



Cuba neither makes nor removes Empire, but Spaniards and Americans raffle it. No matter the opinion of the Cuban. Currency is the new times. So clear the crossroads scheme gave me a creole known as the Galician despite being of mixed blood. More than once had to save from the whip his clear eyes and the educated gilbness learned at the manor of the plantation. Although can really never have served anything to him, found me, entrenched in a church together with a dozen comrades in despair. From outside, call them to surrender without conditions. They suspected the Spanish soldiers who could take up arms, next to mulattos, a pair of Americans and hence offer flag to shouts; they sensed barter material. Insiders knew simple hanging meat. On the site they predicted fixed death by insurgents and victims no compassion. Nobody in their village was, and after two days of skirmishes, hut was not standing. Ran the roofs and fields fire, entered into chicken coops and barns, any thing of those men would have taken being made ashes. The Empires always burst from the inside. Thing was mentioned three times in a row in high, so seeming to spell the motherland, a cannon ball crosses the presbytery without making major blight that ignore fact shatter the altar of prayer. The church is assailed. I hide in the crypt of the pattern when thicker was the shooting. The silence and the weak moans suggested me a while be the encounter finished and I screamed, with fresh accent that bring of New Jersey, so I made prisoner; too much adrenaline in the air to only trust me the empathic powers. Would not take to arrive overnight, and despite shackled, of any trap or prison would Beast take me out. And it is not the first dungeon accessed or the first time in my life that shackled me, but never, to date, with less reason. SHR de M


07-33 Surprise was; now, pleasant, no. No, absolutely. And second, although has not quoted first, I do not feel that I have been visiting in the same Beijing. Yes. Beast left me at home occupied by westerners and payment topic the just; service and a vase. And exit to the street not think, is therefore besieged the neighborhood and street barricades are doors and windows; they wall up inclusive the chimney and for anything in the world thought open. Reported me an English, understood in tea, that the situation is passenger. If anything characterizes the orientals, he said, it is their stamina and stoicism in the misfortunes. And be palatable and frugal in the quartermaster; were attributes that specified an American mining engineer. And loa to their discipline did not miss for the wife of a Portuguese importer. Neither the good fuck that a French adventurer and adventurer expressed. That Yes, they must not think to the reciprocal outsiders and so tried to assault with a knife between their teeth. SHR de M



The Congo! It sounds be very far away. More beyond the sea and the desert, and a tropical jungle. Me, hand is the same one Alaska pool than a pediment of Teruel. Or an arm of an uncharted river in Africa. No see achievement in be, but shall not myself think a Belgian company and to the delegate in the river did get a package, which in turn, demanded him zoom jungle inside and hand over to captain Kurtz; a man who would understand exceptional. The case that despite having to view the huts came to die in the site the messenger, not without before attempting, unsuccessfully, that I would make an inheritance of the custom. It was not necessary, the canoe was one arrow and would we give to him by force. With Kurtz. Hairless and short in words, seemed to perch in German. And was it, but not as big and impressive that referred. No. And the voice? Cold, shrill, raucous throughout range. Devoid of grace and acert, and yet, so sharp, that at his neutral speak, and without clearing the throat, know us while sentenced to death a few natives. And without acrimony, eh. Pulseless asked the head out to be them, and outside was. Tinsel whatsoever and thoroughly mediocre the empathetic paint no soothsayer in him. Grace and value understand in him the shareholders of the Hague, and the prefects thieves of the equatorial district, or the ragged ready that yield the sandbank, and of course, the aboriginal people. ‌ Well, and the own Kurtz that is created. SHR de M



It does not usually give a tip Marie Sklodowska, mounsier Pierre´s wife, so fat and good would be the new for planting on the cheeks to the postman a couple of sound kisses. This, having an altar to the lady, felt loose tips completed the daily deal happier than a curing leprosy and then went to look for the bride. The young man could not conceal the extraordinary event and, without omitting or the sound of the sweet osculum, put in background to the promised. But not at the same time excited the girl. No, no sir. Neither amused her. And even also be madam Marie a woman to imitate, apparently, the happy news did not grace to her. Jean Loui and Antoinette are young and have time ahead, so that with a few gestures, and four words well measures to ear, threw to run as the big kids who are. The parents of the girl consents to the relationship to know that the raptor is ready and of word, and as soon as the great-uncle dead, then an inheritance, money will have to devote himself entirely to the study or what guess. And to become a man of advantage. It is not that he is not now, certainly is not it, most anything throw the years above and the young husband left and head of household without major disorder. I do not know if the boy will know who the future father-in-law mumbles, the prism of his point of view would be selfish of not being a very rich man. And made with Ms Sklodowska also has treatment and a couple of times has urged the marriage to cultivate future son-in-law; so leave quick the work of pedal and steal the daughter. Listening to that cross and appellant went to the mouth the mention of the exceptional woman, I wanted to know more about she and outlined some why. The woman is a monster. An eminence in theirs, and the good calibration of the subject, perhaps, without perhaps, being smarter and more exemplary Hero than hitherto has been lighting the Humanity. And with small mouth said it! Now, what neither man knew concreted, is if catch him before of the continent or the content. SHR de M



From time to time I remember the objective of the mission. And also of relatives who assigned me. And equals easy that comes to my remembrance, I get the evocation fade. But today I raised difficult oblivion to leave me in glacial climate. Whipped steppe air so frigid and dense ice fog, which up to the variegated chalk of the railroad gave the day impossible. And the first foremen, not seeing beyond the half a meter, closed the pit and gathered to drink vodka and coffee in a breaded wagon; although at the time still, the Trans-Siberian is underway. Soon will open the railway and close achievement, and closed the day, they were generous and shared party with whom will join. I arranged to it, but finding strange on two that shunning, after these last I went out; more by saturated with smoke and shouting than by intrigued. Where would they go? To what? The reason was simple and a half-hour walk without seeing, And they oriented!, found a small promontory which root, easy, unique two trees in thousand miles around. Snow trunks could, although to the touch, and after be serrated, it turned out to be two tough tusks of a mammoth. They say that are the teeth of some giant rats that living under the permafrost, and despite repugnant odor, and hard throughout the process of extraction, with us dragged back to stack on a lot which seems woodshed. The younger, son of the other, exultant is because at private account thicken them fangs. The old no. Not demonstrate any passion. There is still much winter so that link the advance of Vlaskiskova with them. And that the deal will be fair. And to live long enough to spend. Son jump and laughing the next thing will be the city, father knows how close that will be Siberia from the rest of the globe. The path of iron will come even if to carry. SHR de M



Beast did not respond and was unaware of the magnitude of the earthquake. Everything was moving. Theirs was to go to the floor to surrender all horizon and doubting yourself of own being. With me suffered the earthquake some young shopkeepers, working, in a shop in Market Street; and felt it was exiting the building sank. Across the street fell apart before our eyes. Much would have to tell of the day in San Francisco, although the official summary, and the automatic probes, entrust more explication, as in adittion of stunning by the desynchronization of the empathetic gyroscopes, I insist, now, replicated me head shakes and feel singing calving poorly drained siamese. I will tell more when can, or leave everything dance. SHR de M



The Elis Island awaits them, and meanwhile does not appear on the horizon, in the prow of the boat plays a herd of twenty pigs. They seem to. Clean and immaculate had addressed the steamer, however, now, by cramped, complicated it will be to identify even to mothers. The guys are entertaining with an absurd game. Consists of some do to enter a circle who built the others with junk and debris. And keeping the entry. Strange game of boys, the playful meager is a rigorous test. They are measured each other the height and volume of the skull. They ask for healthy blood. The extraordinary is check. They played was to discriminate. To be new citizens. ... Try be. SHR de M



The third and fourth time lucky. Yes. He put me a knife at the seams. Later, was captain in the naumachia of Buen Retiro. And was also with Kurtz, in his right hand, in the jungle; puppet was dressed, and why mine was more a cud be a recognized. And today, although with gave clothing, saw him again on the steps of the Paris opera. There fell, but he should already have me made tab, I suspect, from the first contact, and tried to sneak me getting into a toilet. Toilets to me! …… Ha, toilets to him! He disappeared. Only the suit and shoes, and a cane to pretend lameness, were vague traces that are left in the cubicle; the empathic could not locate more trail. Scaled, that clean and folded inspection was the attire, I took before the waiter responsible lavatory, and like me, he was intrigued by the incident. Well, something less. Weird things happen since it is the ballet of Moscow in the city. Usual describes that agents of the Tsar, and enemies, come and enjoy the show. …… I have another idea. Although in Paris... anyone resists intrigue! SHR de M



Fatigue is not me lower. It can be hard me sometimes is to support people who I look. There is everything. Sometimes are charging to me and others I understand me the heavy. Pleased did me treat today with a young anarchist. I know what means to be young and anarchist, although believe me it unintelligible, the boy tried to dissect. Author of the good time was an apprentice of shoemaker that mend suede boots in the light of the Sun. With precise pulse he stoked the tanning. With them he kicks all power that found in his moments of rest. Last night didn't have blade or boots, having brought, another had been the final gloss of the feast. They gave them, Yes. He and a few friends who come together to overthrow the established. As soon as they meet, and take, they propose. And insane there are them, confessed, that even carry to term said. Or try to. It won't be the case. The shoulder that manifests have open is only by a dancing girl. Although chest takes generic, and take care of himself the pretty figurine that seeking him to the novice in the vervain. SHR de M



It comes to greet us the comet Halley and an expedition of scientists seeking the perfect sky in the desert of Tripoli. They make oasis. They have very well planned tasks and it's nice to see logical camp. The order. Everything so to point and immaculate, that I understood even without manipulating. Or look for tubes! expedition would therefore lose honor high dignitary who hoped, not see one shilling. And the boss cared. He kept the cast of sapiens away from telescopes. And the patrons who took. Fell the Moon and shortly before starting to poke the new sun, a dust rail in the distance warned of the impending arrival; late for the enjoyment of the firmament. With the chief there present, license was given and raced to the pots the men of science. And quickly spent the morning, except for the expected that plenty of robes and fats, suffered a dulling of the intellect which left him as absent from itself and a step of the collapse. They feared that the subject worsened but does not arrive to die, well done, with or without permission, in hiss oath to investigate without more silly protocols. Unfortunately improved man as was falling the day, and with the stars above, and herbal tea in hand, said, after a long speech, found exultant and excited, and without further ado believed, when he would give opening to hunting the comet, the sky closed in band breaking storm. Insulted by Natura, which split one´s sides laughing those present, he ordered pack all equipment and that same morning with him back to London. SHR de M



The arms of Eiffel Tower remind me of an starport. I acknowledge that Paris so pretty. To avoid, today went through the roof and watched from the forest of smoke throb of the city. I'm not a great athlete, but works wonders the empathetic and again me, when I want, a roof cat. And I'm not the only one who runs cornice to easel and flies up to a terrace. I understood sport to find me a group of boys who by the same way entertained in the neighborhood, and another guy, alone, professional theft leveraged his skills acobatics; he left the Louvre with a briefcase to back and nothing of neglecting him had been lost. But it was not the case. I followed him without being detected until his hideout. Waited him there three men and a woman. Everything was orchestrated and now the applause were collected. Until the Widow Clicquot champagne they addition without pain. They were rich. A major work commissioned them and they retirement with the coup. Bold, the crafting of the lady, made me machiavellian because, in turn, she thought to deceive cronies giving rat by hare. And it was mere chance discover the other briefcase with identical pregnancy after the hangings. Suspecting, and leveraging the surreptitiously of my costume, I checked double game at all. Then it was light and heard a scream drowned in the room. And to light a candle, which would not be surprise to find stiff to the catman with a stab in the heart. And blew the candle and roar a shot. Quickly left the room in droves and the dead at act revived. And after changing hairstyle and clothing, also escaped the place fast. Round him had gone the subject to not be me mourner from Paula de Val Symeon. One original fake antique led man, as good, from the hand of the native of Vinci, put how Beast is put, it comes with me at home; that I take with me collection. SHR de M



I can not cut me a hair that I don't have, so to not raise suspicion, in a barbershop, which found lively, come asking gloss for my noble bald as such. The establishment then be me discovered lid by giving me realize that those present nor were there by scissors and knife, gathered comrades like talking in the intimacy of the temple. Sermon of one little comb knew, developed a relativistic theory that, although well explained us, left everyone speechless. Wouldn't be the first time that exposed because refered it the special version, the absolute, which will have its crumb, shortly intend to raise with the highest scientific level, but prior, social gathering partners gave if laughing they were fifth toe. And it wasn't. And sincere, or is it understood. The man sublimated the concepts moving to the theoretical practice with spaceships and watches. That Yes, listened him with full attention to the universal principles be simple and be simple representatives of humanity friends; dignity had to give frank opinion. He entered me for the right eye and with him I decided to spend the day. And although not invited me, I took step with him too long, until he wanted to stop to bask in a bank, also resumed I the words of the barbershop and confessed recognize the veracity even without being able to dissect. Intuitive I told him that I am, and I internalised dazzling line in the investigation. Dressed my assumptions about how many phenomena that I have witnessed walking gliding through space. Nickel were falling things I have seen until I played the speed of light. Not giving value to pick it up, the mind water, pulled him out of acquiescence and assured me be convoluted affair that gave to the fret with my confidence on interstellar flights. And experienced, I could also accept the clarification. Not abandoned the topic, no, I withdrew a little in time and put in position to travel at rome style and wish me how far would arrive with knowledge and media of the time Even two thousand years! Then I asked where to find human beings within a million years taking into account the foreseeable scientific advances. Peculiar character, ironically suggested that neighter the cat move the rattlesnake then, but that having to imagine, more secure than will work in path of the farthest perisolar world or the nearest star. Then, it was what I expected, raised the opposite. And if a million years ago, or one hundred, would match such star convoy hither, huh? 319

Well, laughed me that it would be safe with our ship here from half way! Yes, I also have my limitations. Expired, that more going to be giving me to understand without disclosing identity that surrender, I let him pensive to gibbering lapidary everyday in my home: "Unique Dimension is the life and the rest only fields to fill". And a good while, that he rose slowly from the bank, bid farewell with the relative endorsement. Yes, relative. SHR de M



The first one of them who wanted to touch fire, sure, burn his hand, today, the same thing happens with the person that get closer the planet to the atomic door. And not I who will forward it. No. With she took coffee to know us; obliquely, the truth, because with María Sklodowska I contacted through a third party; fragile nexus, however served to open me her lounge. And they are impressed. Hall and lady. She surprised per is. And the lounge, evil that unknown, because it has such burden of radio that the empathic suggested not take more bite in and out without haste; this also. Until I was informed of this last, hatched the idea that no doubt women could serve the purpose within me. And by squaring all fringes, at the empathetic I said that was taking the parameters. It was then when rejected me the interaction to be women developing several types of cancer and have these days did. I do not understand why. Anyone would understand it! But Beast and the Corporation so made and flatly opposed. I threatened to complain to the relevant body if it is happened to provide her with information or medicinal compound. ‌‌ By love of Equanimity, Lady coming out of the graphics!! SHR de M


05-35 The skill of the butcher´s wife with the knife's blade is scary. Two husbands will need to fill in petticoats, and recalling him to the wretched, she alternated dodge the nerves of the piece with filleting the husband; if gristy meat, that if flap, that if gravel of bad education was, and that if instead of his consort were mother-in-law, from the healthy establishment sweep him without hesitation. And giving proof of how simple, she changed the child's hip after nailing the shovel in the table. The husband, got into the newspaper, has made the back and supports. He must want to go out there with any excuse, and does, to be in charge of hauling bags if the client is of rank. Happy he stood to hear the chime box and glimpse a good order, most had no qualms the matron in give me the package claiming that the lady was not going to go very far. By hand won to him. In a hurry, pending some subject, we said goodbye to the rest of clientele and we directing to her home. True that the young woman lived not far away and that the house was good to not have to go in person to buy. But likes the relationship. I stopped the load in the kitchen and she wanted to say goodbye with a couple of pence, and to refuse me, she looked closer and found something, her believe, to ask me with half words if I was of her rope. What string would be there? If'm not even on this planet! Wanting to better explain led me to a corner to say, without parents or domestic, that she was a suffragist and very active staff listen to it. Of the WSPU. Of the WSPU! WSPU!... For me, just if was Band of Naperian Algorithm. Chance, and that they had concluded, out of the house came a sharp beep which made run women to her room without time to say more, and after deploy a poster that came to the ground from the second floor, she, and all the windows and balconies of the street, began to bombard a carriage in which, at the end she was reported that were a few representatives of the Parliament; declared reactionary. A waste of money was. Bacon, eggs, cabbage. Flour paste. Tripe and pig faces. Porcine assortment is threw over them, when theirs, I proposed, was to take these men, and to the full, to meet the missus of the butcher. SHR de M



The grandfather told him "Scorpion" by very ribs the body bad and sick. The father, all responded the greeting despite required to "Smelldead". And he, from a young age, comes being sued "Downmachos". He is not big, burly, nor very smart saying him. Now, hardened and weaned to cayenne, it will have not had best Colonel Pancho Villa in this part of the desert. They say be doing the Revolution. Comment wait a pass heat to start. They whisper that the Fortune awaits them in a village near the border. Mutter. All are hiss, and even the silent lips, in doubt fast fit. Challenge collective, because a clinching, they decided to let escape, that they did, and faced to the brave people who persecuted them; only by seeing me face, I guess. Although also imagine that something would have to see who wears the desert along and the close that we had each other. Crouching Sun concluded fray with the simple act of sending a few to some neutral terms guitarrones and sort that they give harmonics of war. Nice style cited, responded to the challenge by sending others so many mariachis that they join voices and arpeggio some corridos. Impressive. Sleepy so far, to the drumroll crossed plain giving shoot in the dirt. To dissipate, were victors who came to incite. To take advantage of the trench which opens a ravine, they judged quickie survivors. Most already had made judgment and just for being old heroes of the uprising against Porfirio, they had the courtesy to inform prior crimes to shoot. A couple of hours it took to finalize the matter. What took less time was to comply with the judgment of the ringleaders, by requiring the Zapata himself which neck hang offal to not sully Earth, which cleans, is unworthy of hosting the remains of so much bad villain. SHR de M



When Science and Art meet nobody denies that weird things go. And much more interesting are still the people who sponsor these crosscurrents; the scene that it breeds around. This comes to collation from having witnessed the shooting of a film. "Moovi" they say to summarize a lot of concepts, and the shortcut, what remains is a insane band that puts their dreams in two-dimensional images. Referred me for example who threw the Humanity to the conquest of the Moon with a text by the egregious Mr Verne. Desire me came from viewing the film, but we were in a mere dish, and hand was not infrastructure to see the film that is wheel abreast of a quite different subject matter. It is pornographic. Well, at my eyes it became ethnological by given pushing, but removing any suspicion, an electrician, "Sparks", clearly informed me be the scene witnessed a well-known drama. The typical sequence of the woman who returns home unexpectedly and found her husband with another, and instead of taking deception to the tremendous, is no longer in tiresome speech the poor woman and even without knowing anything gives eager to the concubinege. Dreams, I already say. And if by the sparks taste will be, only the divine Sarah Bernard would have fit on the screen. But! He told me that will amputated her, after a fall on stage to the above, one leg, and is still in that wants to live to tell the tale. The woman made myth and these bad living reality. SHR de M



It was the house first front line, and, rather than leaving to plunder, preferred stay the owner guarding the belongings and giving repair occasional damage that causes the conflict. And well preserved keep. At least on the inside. Doors and windows partitioned and therefore was not teaching the abundant damage that make mice and shells; they burned the barn and service wing, and garden which all robed his beloved wife; cared until the end of her days, now, wasteland of barbed wire. From women and children hang portraits, and grandsons, and the parents, the rest of family dilapidated having oil treasures against the wall not having space. Well beautiful it is the cabinet, although so saturated with valuable thing that by the property had dispersed, somewhat oppressive I felt the place. Error, false apprehension that had begun to insinuate to enclosed spaces, I cured at open a bottle with wine of the Landes. Misericordia the snack, and that desire had the man, put me in the ear the last bickering that run through Europe; if such and what are a few scoundrels; that these others do not miss view because only want an outlet to the sea; that those surplus demographic. And there are brimming with gender their deposits and will need someone to sell. And the corruption of kings and prime ministers. Ah, good, and countries rascal that shelter under flag of convenience. And the unhappy that lend themselves to that exploited or shoot without notion of being unique! The planet is shit! ... And he said, yes. To head it came to me the time that I saw an old man opened the philip with a stone knife. And by not relive the experience, I wanted to lift him up the mood putting succinct examples of the good that I have also seen in Man; there it. Something improved his countenance and spirit, without explanation, scavenging in a chest and pulled out a bottle of Napoleon brandy to give us to lubricate the strings. Only by old will be philosopher and started me a pair of pearls: While compliance with the part in the treatment and respect the inheritance, can not go backward the thing. Humanity. Trifle and dags are robberies and wars, but, damn, are very bad to carry. SHR de M



Armand du Bologne hidden under the bed for the day. At night, he sit on the mattress and observes the sky full of stars and bars. He lives in a psychiatric since ended the 'great war' and yet they have failed to get the name. I Yes. He gave me with the naturalness of the lunatic and how to ordinary hallucination received me; new understood, it also. Trenches and imaginary thorns cross stay, and although he remembered my face, couldn't attach to any bend in the front. I followed his joke and miseries, and checking reviving them real, gave up pester him so suggested a tetraplegic called Fritz and that, resentful, on the crazy poor enemy understood. And not because one was born french and another german. No. Both share room in a Swiss sanatorium that families can afford; nearby there is another pavilion for people less affluent or bounced from any institution. Wastebasket are mental illnesses. The same Armand has a complicated pathology. First-line meat, was fixing. Although not release garment, well the doctors and nurses know him, and to see that with me he opened, and that they were those of the morning shift, they considered me encouragement only of tenants and offered me deferential treatment. What interests them is that this people is controlled and not present with gun in parents house at midnight. Or that they don't decompose to open the newspaper at breakfast and read that the son committed any pilgrim assassination. Elites are afraid of their own children. And they deserve it. They have ceased to make turning the war into the known industry that is. To the beast. Open sold the century to Science and its essays! SHR de M



Lay down the old lady being handmaid of serfdom and lifted revolutionary without knowing. The militiamen who dropped by the village reported the end of the Middle Ages. From now on they will forward much change things, although at the moment, is ordered to the peasants that they continued to theirs; some fresh meat would be remiss to put to the plate or to the canyon, but others escaped, in terroir worked villagers without further explanation. The old do not think understand being deaf as wall. But the grandson, and hear, and abide by their elders, without other gave him wings to despite boy, grabbed the axo to chip walnut and go to prince Ipin Ipinipanovich hunting lodge. Anyone normal would take day and a half, not two, climb the mountain and give with the palace, more tanned on errands, he attacked a clean hand the rock and, despite the cold, at midday did summit and presented. Me not, to put behind the hood followed his trail. Obvious that up they knew of the revolt, and not having called the boy, something suspicious, but that would make other times, just said come to settle his debt of agro, and debt, was invited to cut firewood to accompany him the equipment. And he did, with an ease, with a rhythm, with a commitment, that little had foreman which admit good work and communicate it to their lord. And this came out. The prince approached the woodshed to congratulate his "vassal", although they did not exchange word, to sink him in the head an axe and then escape through the window the boy. SHR de M



Moved are times and everywhere you look there are screams. Pondering my integrity to his style, Beast left me in the middle of India. Which I say. Nonsense means new laws and thousands of people complaining about their opinion. They filled the streets of Amritsar with their demands until a battalion of English with strong orders of not tolerating the riot occurred. And they opened fire on anything that moved or may not run. All. It is not dish taste witness human stampede. And less involved. Without flanged the mass, many died trampled or asphyxiated in the avalanche. As few others, had the good fortune of being able to shelter in a cistern, that fallen into disuse, was evil sealed the postern. The Golden Temple, they call, offered us shelter some few although to many others do not, and will hear the round downloads, in whispers we drove most of the time. With me for support, asked a girl to her mother why so much anger. And the woman did not know what to answer. After a few seconds summing up, whispered to be issue among important people that the minor would not understand. But she understood, go if she was so, because at the water was thrown another present for sure although claim the British be the India the most delicate garden of their house, what appears at bottom of pond, is be cupboard to get their hands on a daily basis. The same mind was the rest, and putting her drop, another lady exhibited ample reason the mere fear of having them to traces. And above all, above all, that a dagger pointed out an old bearded man, knowing off their island the British. Well, and the madness of the responsibility that is always a pretext, yes. SHR de M



Had good reason to smile a pater of Washington despite enacting an absurd prohibition. A “Dry Law�. Protect to him from the tabernacle and excuse will have to pull the wine of officiating. A doctor, an apothecary, a reconverted in alchemist tavern, a high command of the police and the ex judge of the district together for that reason in the house of the parish priest. And a couple of teachers with their best students, already entered in the University, these were in the place by simple momentary chance. Finish the agape, went to the library and went there presented Danish scholar and gladly of all stock. Prohibition, silence and fear, but decanted I the first crop, they ended up the objections and continued to talk to the shelter of a Porto from beyond the seas. And care was good. Poems were ragweed and other many cousins that I upload sample to the ship. To my helps the empathetic knowledge taking care of my tolerances, they, under the present galen prescription, and approaching from the pharmacy, when in when tempted an alkaloid of coca leaf that turns off drunkenness and encourages to continue with the chatter. And jobs to do anything ascus, at the suggestion of the judge, consumed a few derivatives of opium that with glorious names invited to tasting. And although ordinarily not placed to the guise, them is reason future black market prices. Or wanting to explode! SHR de M



Kill is too easy on the Earth. Little qualms have in own name, or in any ideal, give passport to the most painted. Excuses are not missing them, and when they cannot find, pathological, as much care. It comes as well being since ancient times. One of these confessed killers that are humans was found guilty in France and sentenced to the guillotine. Landru called the element, which incidentally provided great hilarity in the man were I talk. Landru! and he laughed. This mine called Constancio Congomera Gutierrez, and despite not raise suspicion in the neighborhood, insures have killed more than the gunfly. Recalling a nutshell, among the dead that would make before enlisting, and facts since then, parish was estimated to populate two cemeteries; one Muslim and other Christian. And proud! He has no remorse nor any haunts phantom, he was in the position to also be the person who died, and watching "the game" natural, even taught me back where stores open scar received scythe has not much in Annual; and perhaps it is wound that leads him to the grave. And no regrets. Neither the first slash that gave of a waiter at the fair. Not a shot in the back in a street protest over. Neither a conatus of lynching after stealing a chicken. And much less the time that he was lame of life thanks to a newly married made widow. No regrets, no. Sitting on a rooftop of Chauin, he awaits the arrival of The Cold with decladding sabre and ready to duel. To me or to anyone will battle because he refuses to lose the fort, and old purulent, left him without paying use the watchtower to see if tomb him the coolness and distributed boots and medals. SHR de M



In the Observatory I hear that transmitted by waves, but idea of what for them will mean, I caught in domestic context to be aware the Utbeska family, and the rest of Europe, of the cosmogonic exegesis than radio via them loose Vladimir Illich Ulianov. An enraged orate. After dispatch the man to taste, the connection returned and occupied the time of antenna a commentator who was in charge of to remove gloss to the encyclical; although of escapes polished on his peak. This another don't paid they attention returning to their chores. Utbesca mother and mother-in-law are senile and quite entertains them pondering the appearance, and size, of men who live inside the box of voices. The small children and grandchildren play beyond the words they say adults and which do not go with them. Only daughters older, and herself, having mobilized the husbands, know and ponder how arduous is the company that awaits them, and therefore nothing say and continue duster to the house. Fear the Revolution unstoppable. SHR de M


01-37 Wanted two boys eaglets to a high glass window for snooping, and give me the stop by improper act, despite smarting at being discovered, throw and gesture had to declare lords of the farm, and in any case, be I the voyeur busybody; sew quite true, obvius. Kids gang is bustling by enlisting in the company cited skulls, three girls of the same age related by the tray, and other four or five guys and chicks who like to play in their gardens without direct relation to the house. The dirty trick of the day witnessed forge to join up the boys to steal a few cakes that the baker bakes and that on the other side of a wall get rif of the heat of cooking; before given to take a seat in the cabinet and simple eye delight. Days wore smelling and doing dribble the kids and for being the start of summer, and probably as well other genres calm, let him hand left them purposely the bowls so that they fly. He know that anyway it will find the laps, and prefers prime until the fill and leave satiated to the vermin of one for all summer. And so it will be, after making sure of viable coup, a few jumped the wall and ate without breathing least three trays; the rest were in a bag made with the shirt of the junior of the group. And shared the usufruct of crime to the cool of a font, protected from the Sun and every indiscretion. They were good and very, very good. Delicious cakes, to the end that grabbed such qualms they renege probably all sweet in what les is life. The pastry chef was also kid and remember what is. The same son who has is gang, in particular that provided the shirt, and by knowing how to recognize his marking up in spots, boy, while others are rotted teeth, scrubbing and clean flax of his attire trying to spit the manche of chocolate in a backwater. And although do not disappear at all, I don't think that parents take participation at evil. Without mentioning the appreciable small size, in the intellect will also slow the boy and in joining with these barrabases want to understand parents which makes him well. And they consent. Year-round passes boy between four walls the bakery and the stretch known to the church, but in the summer, is taking vacation to go to mass, to the pull of the other crooks come to grow. And although bwild, is a spoiled brutalization. SHR de M



The universe is so well distributed that giving the hit of abandoned. Humans use however the contrary belief and there is no one who believes in balance. Those who have nothing complain about their lack, and that much treasure curse his opulence to even have flush. More. More. Except pain, and there, any dish they want to bend. I was convinced until heard about who abstains from the elementary food by achieving a utopia. Some Milan rentiers commented the crusade undertaken in the India by an Indian, a well-intentioned man in any case, with a daring coup appointed his own body battlefield declaring on hunger strike; and the noble purpose was not specified. Desktop wafer should be no the cake and left by the wayside. Perhaps they had followed by no longer occur in the car a new speaker. And this not be so whirlwind, but being, before sitting and remove reefer, already friends ask her for the trip; the visit; the adventurous life. The gazelle is fearless and has almost everyone made. She is amazon, pilot and up if they continue by proposing it, can some medals to hang her on the upcoming olympiad; "Olympic Games of the Modern Era", they said. Ah! And lovers who left broken nor the young; takes account her friends, Yes. I understand that Beast understands more interesting life of this young lady, that for example, the Indian of India with which I began. What happens to me, and I think that man the fuck, is that myself could write amchud life of Miss work. And however, confess succumb as a human and understand exceptional thing from that. ... If I may say so. SHR de M



A rake in Central Park. In New York City. People from all over the world mix screams and hybridize bloods under the last throes of winter. Five continents enter gender and emerges Earth metropolis. Everything there is, until a black, that forgotten of no has many glories, sold per currency only two or three chords of his tenor saxophone. No more. He had for a time colleague who take to the floor grit to make sweeter the peal of the feet and accompany. In those distant days Yes gave loose notes, and squandering, and ecstatic, was never aware of the loss that the partner made him. As well that marrying his music with tap. He closed his eyes and kissing to the coupled wasted Art. Today not. Today, sparingly, pours it. He is one beggar, itself, a diogenic, undisputed, but, and still rationed, a pair of compasses theirs enough to fly. Not noted of the decor is the Park. His existence is discovered by respect that some understood, or ignorant, devotes occasionally. A greeting, a complicity. A coin. …… Bee-bee-bebob / Bee-bee-bebob / Bebob-bebob-bebob …… Tireless extends a mannequin its hand demanding pence. Tufted wasted the magisterium. I went to him, and after fraternise a beltpack drink, told me down on a whim to the underworld looking for inspiration. And he will almost take it. He commented to the racking being slope of a note, One!, and when had it, to the charts again with the poor Rigoletto. Rigoletto was the tenor; what to be. For a moment I doubt, although pulled me another shabby that said be virtuous for his part to the brush, the small brush, and the broad brush of having need. And affirm, without abandoning the confortable stance, make me cubist portrait how hopelessly crippled. And that does not go with ideas of drop bitches, I could already hollow wing there. To let them overshadow the Sun. SHR de M



Machines there are on the track, not very old, in which would not mount nor by all the diamonds that could hide this galaxy. But they fly. Its principles are basic and manage to take off from the ground and in the air supported. Anything they call aircraft and to trust. New is the business and extremely rudimentary even understand. A mechanic, artisan in all rule, walked by adjusting valves of the unit that would lead him to freedom. He thought fly from London to Paris, and thence to Milan, and then hoping that him would be giving direction in route to be his intention to reach the same Moscow. To the Socialist Paradise. The same would be the man who interested me by the aeronautic as per policy because the fret of the engine was and answered without eager, and seeing he was about to test the adjustment made, I asked him, because got me a bold point, which carry with him to see the Earth from the sky. Far away warned me that he would not go, flight in the vicinity only to check, and although was capable of doing many things, word gave not seek me vomiting. The firm of the runway is grass and on its shot at the critical speed. Work the motor drive and the coup of lever extended ailerons air arc and‌ Ale hop! We were already up. The driver pretended to be faithful to the word issued and originally not performed acrobatics which amazing me while described the infinite possibilities. Last war didn't want to talk, more survivor and honoree, and since then not need repeating, sketched me a few rubbing the fantastic to contradict seemingly much of the Physics rules. ‌I said, silly me, in high, and maneuvers to keep him for the liar, and that all of the guild will have oil leak, he was released to show me nailing a chop such, that before we go back, I had time to count rabbits on a farm. And curls. Loopings. And not speaking, that to me much fear let dumb, returned to sketch intended to chop, although this time just entering into a spin and stamping on the ground. I saved life thanks to wearing the empathetic and let me roll against a few bales of straw, but clinging to the controls was the commander of the ship made a pork rinds. I can not complain of the fate suffered by desire, nor by sore. SHR de M 335


Beast left me in Japan without notice. In the middle of the Imperial Palace. Socket! Already desire had, Yes, but it was moment of mourning and despite going to take throne the new emperor, by respect and not be a jinx, until heading should not be given to ceremonial, would have to maintain the forms; not a shadow moved, scrutinized all noise and silence was sepulchral. The only site where I noted life was in a wing away from palace; residence of servitude. And only maidens. Or that I thought, and believe, not get me the error the empathetic. Some of the graceful girls that old site were boys. Though as existing paper, be indistinguishable to the eye provided their anatomies and warp of its verses. Haikus. Concises, when they grab hurt. Mulling one precious I approached mesmerized a haven of water that you want, and you can see lake. Little distraction garden had two or three volcanic stones and a terrace of raked sand. A tiny forest enveloped the stillness. Armonia. Forces equilibrium transmitting me the set up to discover to the gardener, than complacent, remained huddled in a corner to not clash and break the landscape. Not I complained, but he understood the nuisance, and remorseful he regretted the fiasco of his work. ‌‌ Time, Yes. Certainly we would need more time followed between them. SHR de M



Fuck me recognize quality in Beast, but has. And there is no doubt that precision is safe bet that handles; when want to. It was able to brew me on a plane that had been intended to cross the Atlantic. Embedded me in the aircraft for consternation of the pilot, because seeing me, and calculate me the mass, he ran fast account and feared crashing. And we almost do it by the start. But no, not I brought weight and because of this understood me product of the tension and the continuous nailing the eyes in the clouds and horizons. And in the waves. There were only sea under us. Some tried before jumping from continent to continent without getting wet, though makes me easy to be he the first to bring to term the feat will be highly motivated and be acceptable atmospheric conditions; be not optimal. Any current could take us catapulted to the thousand feet, and with them, coming blow of tail, to lead seemed that we are falling into the ocean. Thinking distract us from these anxieties I talk to the real reasons for the adventure. And sparkling gaze, he hinted me plenty of reasons which could not objection; I did not intend to. And the last of this litany that I say, was simply because he can. And he is going to demonstrate. Lancet is The spirit of St. Louis to topstitch close to heaven and baste the continents together. SHR de M



Proof of human immaturity are some beliefs that like. It is so lame, and perfect circle quadratures, that even adults, are still devoted to them and to the children teach. Indeed often in the early age when most populous are the pantheon from myths. Gargantua, Santa Claus, the Magi, the witch Pirula... the man of the bag. And, among many others, one that me is disconcerting by their idiosyncrasies: The Mouse PĂŠrez. Will be! For what will want to both tooth? If up to grab them overripe! The father of the boy who threw the tooth ended up failing me to eye that both asked for the figure; although soft. I'm afraid take by stupid escaped from sanatorium and was limited to invite me to leave the room and wait in the kitchen. And it didn't take. He came down after a while, and after making a few phone calls to institutions deemed appropriate, became available in doubt how much good me soul. And questioner that I am, and skeptical, he tried to give verisimilitude to any story saying that himself had years working to end up with a really bad pandemic. And even though will endeavour, however much that work in the test specimens, not gave with colophon to the commitment until it makes nothing... Voila!, just around a holiday, by art of hocus, he was in the artboard miracle. The perfect antibiotic! Ha!. Better for him if he believes, and if is not able to understand how abject is the work of The Mouse PĂŠrez. SHR de M



Such trees that are not irrigated die buildings. Enough a climatological setback, a hiss from lack of fluids, that dries the offspring of concrete; parched is structure break the Stoke Exchange. The same people making up good little was throwing rivets to joists, unnail now with teeth for resale to the weight. Are not paid from makes the strip and in the washout and pruning of skeletons prepared broth to pot. Native Americans, and European immigrants, they came making sky in Manhattan until the crack, from there to here, many are changing idea and think pass to another coast to make real the American dream and live what they are capable of. Although the economy is a matter of quasi global world, remains the famine ample cause to run land and left the dead unburied. SHR de M


02-38 Chapeau by Beast behaves when want. I suppose, that according to my not very old suggestion, led me to know the Indian of the India who exploited the other day. I know that not by name me, little that they lamented that chance and another hundred lacking even of domestic importance not the one is. I had reason and man is exceptional. They call him "The great soul" and not shrinks in my opinion. In the marshes hit with him while he exercised the symbolic gesture of grabbing a handful of salt. Disobedience calculated to explore on foot the three hundred eighty miles that are far between the salt shaker off his table and the sauce on the coast. A not inconsiderable walk for an act that reads gesture. He is an exemplary, being without a doubt. Dragging without violence to the crowd, and after this, to all the Humanity. And although Beast for this reason paints him me inappropriate, I believe that with a pinch of his talent, something of the vitality of Alexander, and the intelligence of MarĂ­a Sklodowska, we would have without a doubt the perfect Human to treat. SHR de M



Bitxori daughter, still her onomastics, nor got licence at work. Wanting to make the day bearable, the brothers, and the boyfriend, approached her to Bilbao on the trawler pattern; It is boat raetia, although built for the Sant Agustín´s day and hence that despite going pretty in the holster of the shovel, the grandma, from the window, feared that the impetus stems, and the from Zorroza, left the daughter in the estuary. Not by God, no. She don't want to witness and turn around will exorcise the jinx. If girl not ended up in the water, and was given the day well, provided it was night down family from the surrounding villages to witness the ordered. Paying me by hand, and that the aitite is convincing, approached me to the square of Martiartu if was village to give me a few peppers chorizo and some red onion; that they missed in lack. And village women were around the porch church, yields more gaps were the baskets to be the day of cliques and be sold hamper early. And why? Well, because changed the form of Government in the country. They cast the king. And they are afraid, despiste they are as well. And as much to talk of calm and order, and that was done in a democratic way, it hiss air times uncertain, and before any changes or agitation, better, less evil, is that they caught them warned. With the full freshwardrowe. SHR de M



Fatass Lucky called a gangster middling, which for plump, white suitable for twenty-three shots at point-blank. And not die. He was gasping in a Chicago alley. Attended spasms a partner, one that some call Knife Kid and other The Mygale; both nickname little successful, because checking sidekick had no patch, at the base of the skull supported a gun spreading the brains. And not hurt, do not. And do not express any emotion until safe to be safe, at home of Joe Lamasquino ran!, unfolded in pure blubber and narrating what happened. The trap would be a thing of a rival gang, or some long-suffering gide had not seen with good eyes, but yes taste, that serve alcohol methyl by ethyl in their combined. Adjust the accounts to sub-machine, I say, for be question of dipsomans pendens and walk with dancer finger. SHR de M



I arrived late at all the garlic, Yes, but today I was in the heart. Sat on the steps of a building when I smelled smoke. Burned the Reichstag. Then rose the cry of alarm, nothing trying to attack the fire, more the flame alive that danced, impossible extinction was raised and better watch it from afar. Distant, and approaching me from the fire, a curious of already assembled asked me if witness was the event, and to say, elated by news, yelled to surrounding my presence. He was so hectic, so warm the atmosphere, than me put the hood disappearing from the scene.The word of the subject then became testimony and swore to have seen leaving at least one man of fire. Cheesy plot would be present, and backup vocals, another of those gathered said having seen escape flare-ups to five. Five had Yes seem good to some, but the number continued to grow to unexpected terms. Ten, fifty, a hundred. Thousand of perfidious communists would have contrived around the symbol to make the pyre. Danced the digits, what immediately tucked the vulgar was the participation of bolsheviks. Also agitated tail a rumour that made reference to the involution of the freemasons and jews, while taking these a good lot of assigned chancres, better hung the perch to the russian bear. Revive profanity words the fire of the moment. SHR de M


06-38 Tie more The Conscience than a baluster. Broad is that cell. John Rascall knows it and is not prisoner to give much problems. With the shares star room another public enemy, that lacking morals, don't see bars that retain him. This entertains the playground watching the flight of birds and feeling chick that flapped the emancipation. Alcatraz called site and gannets flirting in the air floating their freedom. Electrified barbed, doors with thick locks, partitions, the guards with their guns, and know in an island licked by cold currents, aren't ballast for takeoff when the sun shines. With him, they take seat in the stands of the courtyard and left rocking. Poetry must be the perception by mor to sanity, not, one arrow to the eye that nobody wants to have dinner. There are those that they purged, Yes, but they are the least. The average sentence is very high and some will have links to rhyme several consecutive lives. Brings together the very best of the trash, and so cultivated school, can not leave nothing good. Illustrious doctors form these universities. Universities crowded, obvius, yes. SHR de M



Orient, orient, orient‌ Orient! Chinese here, Chinese there, and all of China to kick. Go road of Shaanxi with idea of giving picot to the government. Go to hoof to have made progress of ten thousand kilometers. And fought. Cooling step know close the city! In a few days they touched, knocker, but meanwhile not to serve, the bizarre from the leading is became ketle boys and at the voice of the submissive cook moving legs. And what the chef is enemy. They captured him pretty far and in the path became indispensable in the post, and so not leave him, they cut the ligaments in his leg and crossed from side to side right hand with an iron awl. And the woman who carries with him, wife, pending has the neck if occurrence had the husband and take herbs of eternal slumber; looking for exhaust forward. He will not, not. Strives in the objetive that has. Refined is the air that deploys to order give rhythm to a mortar or rife with crumb a link souce. He focuses on each dish as if the entrail to sculpt. There are no more world before him than his kitchen. He don't see life away from the campfire. Don't understand irony in serving the enemies of his former master. Do not change any. SHR de M



Bitter I woke up by a bad dream that is not the case. I dragged the feet from first thing in the morning. Lax of substance I knew and did break beside a stream offered by picnic area. Digs sickles the torrent and the sheer part shelf gives an ominous vultures colony. Well since the cut, either from the air, they, and I, silhouette gave my regret. In these silence was broken with the irruption in the payment of a flock of sheep with two pastors. On the same slab that I sat down they have installed Tic-Tac-Toe Board. Use bear making him since they were children, and before that they parents and grandparents used it, and therefore, carved the game looked to entertain the long hours of summer. Took refuge in the green hives of the gully of the unbearable heat of July; what they say is the worst. Well, one proposed the cited month, but another found that follows is certainly more torrid although September rains end up killing him. Full them day contemplating bird, play the taba, willfulness day more dry year, and, where the case, which was, inquire by the mother of a wretched fast appeared in car chamfer on the road, and after trampling on the ram, seventeen sheeps swept away between turns of campaign. The driver was thrown crack against a poplar that welcomed him with open arms. Automobile and little could also lift to break to burn. Between the roles of the portfolio the guy kept its own identity and a few securities that were foreign exchange bearer refuge. Yes, the flight I took tasty news of giving! Most them are illiterate and nor by most remote is held that had a hand; that I was neither interested them. Only cared who would pay the dead sheep. Easy had to change their life if I put them on idea alert authorities or change in box. Dilemma almost came to question me, from the bad moments took me themselves out throwing fire everything, even clothes and papers of the deceased, and although they spoke not to move, the most robust of the brothers threw it will shoulder and up creek led him to another feeder; that would not be unusual that appear any curious. In a couple of days, with the craft of scavengers, won't trace or news. SHR de M



I was afraid discovered to be received to shotgun on a quiet farm. The man who opened the door doubted me Martian cries out, but luckily at the voices also came a young man, son of the other, who apologized for rude grandpa modes and invited me to a good tea. The grandfather, not seeing me green antennae, left the case in the hands of the firstborn and swift returned to the living room to listen the last part of war. And not one war any because the radio were relaying, live, the landing of a squadron alien. …… What??!! …… And not. Nothing. Not referred me Beast Gordian landing or any other warlike civilization, and moreover, to explain, with the cup of tea the young approached me a book from such H. G. Wells. …… Something, perhaps, that dock with the fly behind the ear, that also. SHR de M



A human river is on the way from the border. They march into exile forced by their ideas, and not a few of them, even without it, also seek peace. And nor is it paint very quiet in France or elsewhere in Europe. Or in the world. Debate in his keynote the planet and to slaps ended any lawsuit. Nothing new. Roadside had a house. They had the radio blaring so aware of the news were those who passed. Some hearing, they hugged the stride, others, while pinned ear. While the adults were concerned, ĂŠpila, which is fringe to any course, ran on the vicinity. Not going very far to bring fear in the body, although still children, and ready to become one, the blade of air that blow, or the first cat that frighten, forget their cares and are given to excite. However, one lone found that he was enough to entertain is to observe the behavior of a column of caterpillars. Ethologist, boy contemplated them magnifying glass and even the wildfire sandbank put wild seeds and any crumb of black bread that hid under the shirt. With such delicacy he tried to care for them the time that I was with him, that bad I sat really that without apparently coming to story take a stone and put to crush them. The mother of the boy made me sign suggesting having evil roof having suffered a pair of bombings. And poorly furnished is not, not, because ingenius had to continue taking the lens game and realize on heads all his power; and searing. Piece that is the heretic, and tired he would be feeling observed, extracted a slingshot of the trunk that was clothing and without provocation lifted me a bump in the head. Several witnesses had, and not denying the mother the quicksilver that corrodes the stem, asked me to apologize between screams and threats to the son. On my part were all present, until trying to lend me hand to forehead women, to stanch the wound with fresh water, lady which is the blood that flows realized blue, and "abnormal" tone, and that are associated with legend and noble halo, she criticised for authentic aristocrat. I knew it was a mere courtesy, but a militiaman who not falling to the context of eyes, and yes to the ears, wanted to understand bad faith in my presence and proposed to shoot me there same. Or hang. Peat quickly gather and rouse me. To the empathetic I instructed. Free believe me, that's one hundred and one had delivered me the costume, I saw make sliding knot and pass the rope pulley of a sturdy fir. I felt in shackling until the demon, Angel him!, he returned to make use of the slingshot and jumped an eye the militiaman who me catch. Occasion not lost in the subsequent screaming and I put the hood; although it had 348

not done lack, I guess, going to be the kid the tumult objetive; making stretch from afar, many of those present already knew in meats to the babe. And they hated. Him and the mother. And rope that was left, rose them to rope by the neck being suspended in the air to stop kicking. Yes. Today was so crude. Such that are shown even in the most engaged moments. SHR de M


04-39 Is there not generation in the world that is free of known War? It is seen that not. Now the continent runs the wick. The German nation implosion within its borders, and sung thing, with the leader which have, which should give to fuss. They were giving snacks to the mapping without objection until they ran into the poles. Woke up with them and I could check the lustrous and healthy of their cavalry, the care harmesing who spoke about heroic loads. And do, sure, but giving me reference the empathetic also explorers camouflaged, I left the place. Two German soldiers were hiding in a nearby hill while they meshed the trigonometry of the Polish stronghold, and after transferring the coordinates, hell vomited on the position. This is not the war that had observed so far, despite being human, presupposed them a minimum of humanity. Afternoon evening will leave them this crazzy of their viral acquis; but is undeniable that they have it. SHR de M



A succulent sweet did me the field to see eat cows. Perched on the mountain, and at the time, Hans Baulver´s farm seems taken from the past; centennial are the fireplace and oak beams. He took a morning snack and hence that look me in the window and invited to pass. I had breakfast with him and with him went to win me dinner because from the site wasn't going to move anybody. I promised myself to do them. And it turned out nice morning. Well I came him to miss the son and rise the work. From the child's spoke when a plane flew over our heads and subsequently took track in a campaign that was to dribble. The very same son that spoke was returning pilot. It didn't please him change because he fired kid and student, and returned him flying ace; in perspective. Allocated to the front, and before leaving, he was given license to pay homage to the parent. The father, that by farmer I had to play as such, it turns out that he also made their acrobatics in the previous war next to such a Ristoffen it would be much merit, the case before him the young squared and the father responded by giving a good host that sent him to the floor. Then Yes, then called him by name and covered him with kisses and hugs. SHR de M



The steppe mounted white. Indistinguishable, soldiers await on the other side of the sight that some enemy clash in the landscape. Spour the Germans until almost the gates of Stalingrad, but pitch snow in the fields and villages, an agony became the advance. People like Irina, and her brother Gogoly, do they think step turning the enclave into a black spot of the German statistical. To clean, try, first line led mountain hunters who are much more skilled with these rigors. The silent sounds deaf shot load. And not move They hunt, but they do not run to collect the piece. Between the brothers have been lying almost three hundred Germans since they entrench to the ceiling; despite younger, the boy would be about one hundred. And beyond does not take his brand to put him someone a well accurate bullet in the brains. And Irina or convicting a snowflake that denounce her hiding bed. She endured until after a long time of bitterness could relieve burst in alien chest pain. She put two notches in the cylinder head, and neglecting brother, which will shroud to the coolness, slithered until she take the path that led her to the shelter. And not up to her. Taking even brother, having had, women had been sleeping in a cave to bother the companions the male presence; even boy. So prior to communicating the casualties, she went through the cave to collect the bag and some essential compromises. That we were in, but there would be everything, because instantly, without much murmur, nor about the barracks fell a German assault team sweeping the place. She and I saw; although we not moved a finger to give the alarm. Vacuity gesture and many enemies, too, to record in the grip. Irina knows timely war and did not consider time. This would come in the afternoon, because looking for forced step, left without transportation, and outdoors, the teutonian platoon. And battered. Hunting going to continue giving between she and general winter. SHR de M



Very burned had to intuit Beast because gave me Sabbath day. Well, it was not, although the nearest front was left to an ocean of distance and not a shot was heard. Hollywood has a reputation for riotous and noisy city, but a matter of neighborhoods. By one residential and quiet obfuscation when of a house, mansion, went out a couple of subjects, and after question me, invited me to tea and a "pre" of a film, that even heat installation, les had men in doubt. The quality. They were on tenterhooks. I accepted, among other reasons, because I had not yet enjoyed any projection, and giving me to understand the empathetic that one of the film maker was the same person who makes a couple of days related via airwaves, the alien attack on Earth. Is. And if not the boss, fat hand he had in the project to take the lead singer. He was who sued me, and begged that, How lego to the seventh art!, give my opinion. Completely ignorant will not be, and open to any thing, I lent to the game. I sat down beside them and lay my senses. And although I wasted much nerve ending, I can say that history would like me. And much more how to tell it. They, however, at the beginning understood me disappointed, and was, but I was by miss me smells, tastes, touches, retirinos, chupitorres... that the film cannot provide, although incidentally, undoubtedly was the best movie I had seen in the Earth to date. "Mounted"wanted to emphasize the railing, because he outlined also have in mind Magnum Opus of a Spanish genius. Hopefully not have the same fortune that in life had that one-handed man. SHR de M



It is increase tuberculosis and they bless. Now, it is threshing the niceties of malnutrition, cold, the unhealthy, injustice, to make them to shrink shoulder because for that there is no topical remedy or prayer which safeguards. On the contrary of what one might think by what was said, they relies on science as never to find an antidote to all evil, have faith, and fails, the natural Mystic offers them patched alternative. I witnessed two nonagenarian scare the bacilli of any disease, and those who join, rubbing an onion and a garlic against each bed leg. Like mixture of sapiencias, already experiences, a family of the capital moved to a small village in the mountains to see if the dry mountain air, and a diet of chanterelles and chestnud, and other excellences of countryside, returns to the lungs of the daughter the lost health. The spot is ideal. In a wheelchair they get to walk the girl so do not get tired, and for neither bored eye, gave morning turn people in tourist plan. The ravages of war that are repaired, and work in the field, does not combine with the bucolic quietude. They fly bales of straw, sand is aerated. The locals up to kiss the ground proving health dual kidneys. And pass us and spit. Yes, easy that retrieves. SHR de M


02-40 Being born in world of ends gives tolerance to endure in any climate of the Earth. The empathetic extends the margin for manoeuvre and although do not come to boil, I sometimes fear to do so. Today I woke up to full sunny in the desert. One of the worst in the world, and however, benign enough for allowing a kid to live only. Blond hair and white like a child's tale. And with self-confidence. And fabulist to outline. Wanting to find the limit I let him refer me a hoax in which said prince from a distant planet. Little Prince would be by the gestures and the quality of the story, because even the empathetic, could not confirm me if he had was truth or figment of the imagination. A dream, would say, to make search a plant which had been forgotten. Little plant is lost in the aggregate to be claim to goats, and being the driver babe's flock, showing him I watched a few shrubs, on them fell which vermin. With the complicity of the cud constant confessed me all history that guess one, that how I, fell from the sky. As he made while arranged the airplane. SHR de M


03-40 Substantial part of conflicts fighting in the air; whether bomber position lines inside, it is a lightweight fighter that will play the honour get a goods rail, u, that I find it worrying, developing low-altitude rockets so they handled the Channel of La Manche and carry the message to the same London. The power. Expected the city poisonous correspondence. Will not be very promising new ones to be very chanted every flight that spat ramps. Engineers, mechanics, or simple welders, support the game shaking their fist and spanner. I proposed them, understand more entertaining and instructive, prolong somewhat the ramps, change a few degrees angle of attack, and harnessing engines, out space for their rockets and gadgets. Ha! To what? With what end? Is there anyone out there? If they can be done, goes without doubt that in the long run do not, now, that also, first thing will be to finalize disputes that have here below before launching into litigation tropopause outside. SHR de M



If I know this not low. Yes, if I come to say what kind of broth gives to evolve this galaxy, not I approach nor a parsec trillion. To die there birth and why I know they do, but if tonic hunt, fashion observable is to seek death. In war are Nations and countries, genres, humans with the environment, and what is more disconcerting themselves with their ego. Test of an all in one I found in a pharmaceutical laboratory. Spearhead of the military industry, in its facilities are looking for pesticides that lie without discern larvae and nymphs of beetle as the children of the Jewish people. And they know what they want. Go if they know! Aloiso EknĂŤr works double game, and before leaving the complex farmacratic, left activated a bomb that will skip the building and rock files. And cries, round imperfection, because behind have also become his entomological studies. SHR de M


05-40 It creaks dead. A very dead. To volatilized. Definitely entered in the Atomic Age and by the back door. An error. A horror. An aberration. Beast recommended me three of the empathetic protection and does not touch or upload anything. He feared that can catch me arc of any radiation and he forced to give explanations. I shouldn't even have fallen, I would not have to do so many things that do, that one more, do not think that I'm going to kill. Affect Yes, because there is no form of life that does not constrict the entrails before size nonsense. Infamous. Shameful. Pylon hammer known for splitting in two the Earth but not their heart. They are harder than the own vitrified Hirosima. It crackles, cracks and causes dust to direct contact, as well as my hope in the Humanity. SHR de M


06-40 After the yesterday didn't provide more opportunities for this species. I had in mind signed the report lifted. Fuck them if they did not look at what address. That fuck Beast if he advocates the planet. It has no place the Existence for these people. They do not agree. No. Beast wants me to make change telling me that they are not all equal, and that in fact, at the time, almost we could say that they are at peace. Or that they intend to. False. Beast said to not be all lost and example intended me witness in Nuremberg. The atrocities of war, are judged among them while casually, all the courts come from the losing side. And if already born me faithful with tare... Yes, okay, something is. Fails to be a rematch because they put in the hands of the robes, and not weapons, weigh perpetrated genocide. It is step, no doubt. Prosecutors have, obviously what they lack are impartial judges; nor I. SHR de M



I laughed to hurt my joints. Damn grace that will make them the poor devils, but I had a great time and not stopped laughing until return to the observatory and sitting in my armchair. And yet, while I kept laughing that ended up hurting me chest and jaw. And if I think, I'm still laughing. Yes ho! Ho! Ho!. Today I spent it pump. I met urchins gang who has trained a monkey to find communists. Such sounds, yes, Communists to smell! The scoundrels dress titi which buttons of hotel, and walk down the street, street up, incite him to pedestrians to be seen if the monkey starts and identifies or recognizes criminal. To the Communist!! Hu!, hu!, hu!. ‌‌ I laugh to remember. They live of the beating that give to the unwary shift before their steal, or bite that merchants pass them so that they do not close their sidewalks. They aren't of much fleecing the fishing grounds of the neighborhood, they prefer to assault the stranger or the declared tourist. And they meager for the sprains. However not every day have ortho with beer and peanuts. There are days, and abound, which do not appear bolsheviks in the Bronx, or given, are for a run such that up to the monkey welcomes the Fifth Amendment or the Law of Silence. Give me more of what given me in the suspension camera, Beast, yes, and in quantity, because so yes I arrived in order to contract. SHR de M



Met almost the planet to the table. Were born children to Esther and Moses in Holland, Belgium, France and Germany. And political sons arrived who came to the world in Hungary, Argentina, Australia and United States. And up to a couple of South Africans grandchildren. And them that already came archigrandson of sephardim. Very moved the family tree, and finally having soil to plant the pot, go to have, summoned to the lineage pretext scoop. Moses, working on the outskirts of power, day known and exact time will be made public the news, "the end of the Diaspora", more ahead of the premiere, even taught after the meal the wad of tickets that will lead to the new Israel. All. All! Great was the loud party more dry was the air of chants and laughs, and after consulting eye those present, some were unwilling to leave their countries, their respective nationalities, and emigrate to a new state that has everything to do. How is it going. Had not been lost them nothing so far, and certainly they were not, having bleeding memory, ready to deliver to the grandchildren that educate a Society that knows only. One thing are rights and coins, and other religious beliefs. And the children, or mix them. SHR de M



Dragnet. There was a tip-off, and before that appear uniforms, the girls were already in dance. It was a brothel small and discreet, but ran the voice of good gender and the official status of a gulag near claimed meat cam. Soviet winter is very cold. But here they will not find stove. At noon the flowers were back and gave the round to the sign of their presence, lit a low wattage bulb that was password. And did not expect customer first nor second, nor another pair which took little to discredit all range and delivered to the festival. Very serious Russian, Yes, very circumspect, although broken their momentum brackets, generous and good drinkers. And friends. And the best, who took the title of favorite son of the brothel and guild, a member of the very same Duma that devotee was for a girl cast and hence the notice. Of no, Ay, of not having the business spring!, without her there, would there be all with chains or heading to the dungeon. In deference, thankful for not being deported again, the beauty swore and huffed to the companions that evening did not pass the talebearer subject; and leadraids. She thought kill such powders to cockroaches. And at the face said him. And at the ear also say another amount of nasty, because taking the old hand to the decorations of the chest, when he played floor was stiff. And the damn smiled. Dead was while in lathe we gave farewell saporosky. SHR de M



Today did not take his class Alexei. He can not receive more having no mood. The master is dead. Runs the news London, jumps it, rather, because the aforesaid little touched the ground, and wings also will assume him, Alexei, and secretly instructed the teacher alien to the envy of his flights. The boy came home from his mentor early and there was confirmed the death. And the plea of not be seen anymore in the vicinity; wasn't pleasant his liniment to the heirs. He is denied. Be repudiated him. Depressed, withers was his walk, and without giving orders to the feet, he and I, just in Hyde Park. Chords and steps that articulated his grief were in his head, and without warning, opening the soul to the idle mind, he danced among the trees, danced with the shadows of the clouds, did body pure essence dynamic to start the public absolute one pair of applause and several whistles. Although no bis. The park is full of lunatics. SHR de M



By try me Human Being, wrote the empathic so provide me the same physical benefits to them. Equating the exoskeleton that me is the costume to the set of levers and tensions that build their muscles and governs their movements. And jobs, and boastful I am, walk some around me running, wrote it to excel, Yes, a bit. Yes, why not. And tired, eh. Attracts the planet to his breast with force and without excuse one tired. I matched trot with Czechoslovak team that has eyes on the next Olympiad. They train hard. Today, because the day was released spring pulling those frosty mornings to cold, but crude, Oh, the darkest days of winter white, cut the breath, only Emil manages to run regular rhythm, and still exemplary, his run is not a painful foreshortening that watchful against aesthetics. But it is his style. Beg coaches not unlock gesture because everyone will be news from the sports contest and is not image that they want to transmit. It is his way of running but they rebukes him. Before representing his country to himself and complains the ergonomics. And it is true that it does, running with particular style, but I, I did a few miles with him at the same time, I can guarantee that the stride just appreciating beautiful. And his tense look, the same plant of Glory. SHR de M



By a misunderstanding nearly cut my neck. It is not difficult to get the empathic surrender to the kid of the press leaving give me morning specimen. And simple, walking among toddlers, is doing to any parishioner to have a guest visit bonbons. It is lying. What is impossible is to remove space human when is fixed. If they nailed me frown on time, there is nothing to do. I tend to notice me with anticipation and elusive contact, bad is when perches me look without knowing and they understood me in the act by inserting the leg. That happens to me, Yes. Today was having breakfast and reading to two unsuspecting account. And enjoying distracted so long was the article that praised the express of Czechoslovakia; by reading the news in box remained to be behind glass and sitting to taste well. And rejoice both Olympic achievement, so, that euphoric I took quarter taken so that my account be invited all local. And I wanted to leave it paid and that wave a few cheers. But the landlady, who approached me jam which would garrison to mate, and that is that I say had already put me by cheerful in slum of dying, denied the occurrence although came it well to the business, and by explanation to foolish breach, outlined her finger sarmentose the front page of the newspaper. The cover was for a woman who has just died; the wife of a populist chief. And by insinuating I see no contradiction between my joy and her pain, asked to her husband, and the children, that they specify me in the spine the precise reasons. And not to go by feet of the tearoom, the street and the city, suburban concertine tango seek with my inner workings. SHR de M



Bad credential was introduce myself veteran of Oxford. University all, nevertheless there is a rivalry and better dissipate before the students. And no better place to go unnoticed than a pub. And to square ideal the beer. With a large pitcher I got and sat in a corner of the bar to first observe a game of darts. Beside me, in separate talk, spoke a few young researchers for campus of the last thing had been discovered. Nothing, such a triviality, which did not alter the pulse of the contenders or anyone. Only to me. They had discovered the chemistry of their gene. Acid dexosirribonucleic or something well. I recall that my helical system has three paired strings to crimp, and by next, and hold the key of their cells, and glimpse a future multiple applications, made me tremble. Word!. Developed new scientific fields to the mere scratching of the imagination, and not content with that, within reach of the hand understand modify their own genetic load to eradicate a myriad of diseases. And, Yes, improved as a species. And I say: What for? They are already perfect. I think, without error or disparagement, which are the first herpes inteligent in this Universe. SHR de M



Segregationist at the old-fashioned were not, in the background to the owners of the steelworks, gave them equal to explode to blacks than to whitest Poles. Or Mexicans. Or Puerto Ricans. They do not discriminate between neoslaves. So by honoring the truth, I do not accuse them of orthodox racists. Perhaps of something worse, yes. I was in the Office when entered a black boy claiming a salary that was owed him since has, and last seat in the book of accounts, wanted to take smear and was told that it was not time to pay as bankruptcy was under. And broken Jimmy Joe had the backbone by moving the lever and run the vat. And his young daughter who was very bad. And the missus with toothache and pregnant cravings. And parents from the ghetto recalling his origins. And live every day. And five children who prayed so that they getting sick a little bit of healthy, losing a small amount of tooth. No, he wasn't to take business issues and demanded the job done was paid. Then the businessman a legalistic vein sprang him and ordered that come down the voice and the tone of his words or... Or he was going to call the police. And to myself, by coming to the phone, begged that repeated to police station, whereupon, in possession of the reason, boy tempered the mood and considered correct convening authority. I lifter, but before typing, giving opportunity, did appreciate Jimmy Joe as the subject of a picture that shared line and smile with the employer, was, if not deceived me much uniform, the same Chief Commissioner. And by be, and sung that he would not remove nor a dollar, showed new trick from his game. Under the dust cover hiding the least twenty kilograms of dynamite, enough, at a distance, to make threads the empathetic and me earning me a posthumous medal. And the enraged pattern crying abduction! And the other with the switch in the hand and the restless pulse! I made casings heart and slowly, very slowly between screams and fuss, arrived at suitable distance so him do the empathetic. And did, I could pass one arm shoulder to Jimmy Joe, and in an aside, make him understand that had the losing there inside. Wrongfully, black, and without evidence that give to back up their wage claims. Rather, I thought, to make him desist. More cool and sincere told me things have no easy nor outside. No black has them. No neoslave. 367

And ten seconds gave me to leave the building, and at ten, were numbered, took the case to what he called Supreme Court. SHR de M



A group of boys stood looking for panoramic Mount Teide. For stop to recording in memory, or more deep, it was the place they chose. And both amaze the landscape that seduced by volcanic sculptures, and the surrounding stars, one, believer of a foot together in any mystery, did not hesitate to outline a direction point and nailing to the island of San Borombon; elusive insula, in esoteric guides figure as elliptical pearl of the Canary Islands. And no, it wasn't, because it was a cloud and a arabesque of optics. The explanation, is doubted but fortunately the wind dissipated the distant storm and thereby despute it. That, and that darkening all, fluttered a light green the crest of the volcano. It seemed conjured Morning star that falls to Earth and wheel the hillside and jump the ravines. And no complaint. At the time, and on the ocean, a very fast object sailed the sky. Baffled stayed for a second, although analyzed the accumulation of coincidences, and consulted the empathetic, and arrived at our feet the mountaineer falling, I could tell, even being top secret, which are the contours of the island landscape ideal for testing ballistic news, and therefore flying objects coming to trace, were to be missiles that are put to point to the imminent Third War World. Rockets and well invoice Earth aircraft, of course. And far from stay them calm spirit, logical, rear hair and soul, and all running, jumping, frightened of the place. Except for one. A girl, that wanting to sincerely believe in extraterrestrial intelligent life, and giving me stamp of water myths, he asked me if the respect I estimated it possible somewhere else in the universe. And obviously I said yes. She was testing and server confirmation; although this is not exactly my universe concrete. SHR de M



Russians and Americans hate. Russians and Americans hate so sincerely that they are not hiding it. Beat in any board the planetary primacy and fear still feasible and close that smells the Third. Any spark can animate it, gives just that they are not the direct contenders of heading, or which parts are in Egypt. They are monitored and are suspicious. Proof of this are the secret agents assumptions that has all the world deployed in Cairo, and that in situ analyses the Anglo-French counter-offensive which aims to recover the Suez Channel for their interests; President Nasser snatched the usufruct and they want to recover at any price and under any excuse. Cairo is a hotbed of intelligence services. Can't see but are, and it is known, among other things, because Al Abilio distributes fruit and gossip in the neighbourhood and one does not escape him. Either from the minaret that is his position of fruits in the souk, well pretexting deliver the order, there is no corner in the city who does not know and has seen; he is a source that is not exhausted and has cooled up to journalists. It is simple and safe to know of his mouth, and in real time, what is happening in the country or the periphery. But the only that can be put, it is that depending on who talk, so, u like, go the thing. And that Egypt has seen a lot!

SHR de M


03-42 Not had struck me the cars by slow, dirty, uncomfortable and unreliable. I never appreciated at the point of wanting to drive one. And today, even if did, I followed without finding flavor. And that's who taught me, Argentine pro and world champion, for simple, said take it as matter of kids and as well same I should take me so. A game, a pleasure to feel embedded behind the wheel of a pileup that hesitates to all crank by the circuit. Not less than a hundred! or more! Ha Ha Useful and handy at the moment I do, okay, more rewarding course not. Pleasant, what is said pleasure, pleasure, I ended up discovering, Yes, but to the fly a motorcycle. With her Yes. It's practically the same vehicle although with only two wheels, smaller and outer seat, now, benefits and sensations that facilitates are indescribable. Same defects, its virtues are a compendium of joys. The ride air. Make you one with the machine and know you gear. The savour bumps and bitch of the road. And it comes down to what told me the Chueco: "Vos, dude, you're bike; do not give more rope". SHR de M



We retreated to the shade of the moon. Beast moves the spacecraft layer arguing that they have launched a pair of satellites and the Protocol requires set back. And I, I clog declared would be in the maneuvers, I was commanded to browse based on monitoring of the pileup that say Beast. I guess that Beast think that was going to sniff between engineers and brainy calculators of orbits. That I would focus on finding potential astronauts. Responsible of the roost. And would have done, Yes, don't find me with a group of people who were available to listen to on the radio the final of the World Cup. Swedes and Brazilians are disputing the title, and teaming, those present grab flag as throw them the conscience. Football is sport, game, trade and business. And before nothing, a coalescer of passions. For character, and discipline, most was in the host was going to take the cat to the water. Only a few, people of down trades in the technological complex, was with the South American combined. I doubted, ear via bad enters the soccer the lego and did not know by whom decant me. And it doubted eyes view how who has never contemplated, and to rectify, in white coat, who supported the Europeans, dissected me the rules of the show; sports tactics. Thing that was thankfully, Yes, although I finally leaned by the twisted to see born a ball with four rags and five strings, and after take off the shirt, and stay barefoot, organize chance singles against married a few moments before. Soccer, they say, is even philosophy in Brazil. SHR de M



Fat bachata organized by be change of date. Almost all senses, had delivered to the tastiness of the notes a few not, bearded these curfew were clip because they were revolutionaries and they could not neglect. Already they had done, of course. War council would entail them know, more as the assigned place to take was deserted and unguarded outside service and incompetence of the cartographer, they decided to join awhile the party that looked in an close garden. Total, could throw in dance that had not fired. And started. Sugar! Sssugar! To sweet invoke they cast a couple of hours, and after, the fray, was calculated offset although still animated the courtyard, and they ran between revelry, sprang a few bursts of submachine gun into the air so listen in the distance and fierce defense understand is. Yes, and another couple of hours ahead to danzon and delivered to the cane. Thus, between shots and handpumps, and some mortars, put echo at night. And in the morning, Fresh against the odds! continue until the heat of the Sun us tucked under shelter delivered to warpage and bombshell. With the afternoon arrived reinforcements. It was followed the scandal by jungle outside and before that failed they were presented with first line spare parts. A commander, scaled by the warlike cadence, and meet them, went to investigate. Nothing more to see him square as best it could the source man, and by defenestrates, and swear annihilated resistance and enemy, ignoring the incident; although the commander, goat that was last night, noted in his book and will have its consequences. I guess. SHR de M


06-42 Front of an appliance store I stopped because on a television monitor ran a barefoot man. Forty-two kilometers!... and a few meters. Despite the limitations of the receiver, the image was clear and could perceive, almost hear, as the mind and body of the corridor is taking off; they quarreled each other to the hinge of the collapse. Beside me, a marriage with the son in her arms, also suffered with constrain of the athlete. To showcase they came by force by not having to take home the modernity. But they will do. Also has in mind, he, buy a car, a rifle hunt elk and maybe do with a pipe for smoking tobacco that announces a lady describing it irresistible. She, some opportunities washcloth that seat her the childbirth, and also takes account of a stroller, and, of course, the refrigerator. That is the reason to go to the showcase and not the sporting news. After picking up the little one at Grandma's house, made by passing in front of the store and verify that it is still all on offer. Seen I have how simple that is them separated mind and body, but before to the idiot box, or effort. SHR de M



Have to see, for the peaceful that floating Cuba in the ocean, and the conflict that is! And no wonder, eh, or houris missing in the paradise. Unearthly undeniable value, it was hoped that they debuts in colonial times. And independents, that between them they raffle it. Day before yesterday I left them in this, and now find them in the same guise while defending facts pineapple from the "intrusiveness yanky". At least so say the mambises that guarding the bay. Repel as the landing, and, foreseeable vanguard can, the same bearded danzer of the again'd affectations and melodic vices that dragged them and left in doubt. Are known by "the Lying of the g major"; suspects. And consents to them that they dance and sing before the enemy as thing of them is dodging the shoot. That Yes, in the recesses of the shooting, or once was considered safe beach, circle was made them so by next impregnated the mood of others with their joy. I wanted to be discreet spectator, although remembered from the old bachata, and them with some casualties, they begged me joined the body of dance, more immediate, or two bars loose, was begged me to let the assignment them also now surfaced to the tongue that already then call me "The spasms". Yes, just being born in guagua would could I perhaps touching grace. Impossible, I caught hints and sat with Macario Peppers, that wounded, was excused all embarrassment. And it was, Yes. Some told me the “Son� grabs them to red blood cells and that himself, if it comes, is unites. But tired, bland bastion also knows to be. And silent what he thinks; featured, what next will be send him to sink the knife well to American ships, or at the sugar cane. To the dungeon not, which not is powered counter-revolutionaries. SHR de M



It is already here. They intend to baptize it the "Big One", Yes. Have the first atomic war in doors. Newspapers and newsreels from the whole world speak of Soviet castling in Cuba. Cuba! It was far to fear nothing, and even so, some shearers who drank the cool assured me that it is scientifically impossible, due to the game of currents that isolate all possible plague Australia, suffering damage there. The farm has a few thousand square kilometers of desert crude around. And for safe isolation example I found my same, does not reach the place more than one or two lost by decade. Normally, secured me, which arrives nor usually scoring in statistics as a whole number when picking up half-dead. Curious, to date, that we were two. Who with me breaking scales was also isolated from the payment, lost in my eyes, approached me in a light aircraft to the cave that dwells upon the subject. Bunker with all the letters. Man is a billionaire of Sidney and time has, that lost there same, he had built a shelter that presupposes anti-atomic; following the current in vogue. He assured me that there is no millionaire in the world that does not have. Even two. One excavated at the foot of the garden of house if it mess up without notice. And another, such that, if can meet family, relatives and friends who join after the impending nuclear holocaust. Not having fixed-term rank, nor reside in Australia, recommended be entrusted with leadings cartons and not run of the wave. SHR de M



I'm not ominous. I don't want to be dyed in mourning how much canvas I put to the face. But things do not paint well on Earth. Singing of reaching hands follow, and they now have atomic weapons sufficient to finalize their species and many others that are them clientele. And maybe do. And we are sure that there would be, who, starting with server, wouldn't or paid as plaintive to the colloquium of the death. What will. Not me. That is over. Observed I have them and by a good give me ten bad. Fills the mouth saying that their respective countries for which reason or are great, and resulting, its citizens the envy of the world. Patriotic honor is for them to leave the name aloud, and competitive, at the moment go engaged trying to flag in space. They competed to become engineers and the first rocket planes. And develop them. And also gave hurry by putting the first artificial satellite into orbit. And even remove vacuum a way of life was them race. The lance of the moment is to put a human in the stratosphere. And bring him. And of course, take soil again in the condominium of the shipowner; and be able to be a part. SHR de M



The Robben Island is small, but a quadrilateral fits in any corner. All morning watched the guards cross gloves the prisoners. They looked for one with attached to be able to knock the new champion of the world; or at least strive bag. A teenager of just twenty-two years encircles now the crown of the old Liston. Long will they sensed the regency and hence jailers between gender looking for promise. They would like it to be white, but not provides that kind of bait to the hook, and of being, loose, very loose out to it that requires boxing. If the sheath is of slap, the best an black infuriate. And laugh at it! They are all of the same opinion, in fact not opinion many thereon will have to be quite suckers to twelve strings; and given exclusively to the trail by glimpse a few coins extra. Defrays the costs, and sponsor the entices, a brother-in-law of the warden. He is man of many businesses in the African continent. And little scruple. Of those aspiring inspection made none endure the slipstream of a professional slap. However, one discovered in the courtyard, single, dangerous ergo, that despite out clearly, makings and intelligence arose from genuine killer in the ring. He called bring the specimen, more the 46.664 is the most dangerous thing kept and not by his fists. His word. His tongue. Their ideas. And he would be, nor he will be lent. At double round apartheid encloses the pearl. SHR de M



Desktop coffe nailed it a potentate of metre and a half. He donned a two fourths pure lips and wore the most graceful of the parish of the meson. "Don Manuel" fired him despite leaving the gratuity to the must. It will give. It urged him to get to work and little attended the reverences. "Manuel" was greeted by a colleague who with us coincided in the entry. "Manolete" told him a veteran and had already wanted him to resemble the master, Already! more near the sand that came was at the gate of the square, there were telling him heads to "Manolillo" which should deploy their janitorial art, his gift, for jigsaw who intended to sneak by the face. It was shiisa in Las Ventas and the day said he would pit; came a few manes of Liverpool to give the show and it congregate enough rabble. Well, they painted it is delicate although he spends sit-in chilblains and nobody never lacked treatment; call him "Manolo" with his permission; "Lolo" the very intimate; and "Manu" wife and some cousins. New apocope hung a few boys who lined up to enter and urged haste. Up to the ears of psychoactive, was praised "San Pedro Taur贸maco" and "Mariano love customs". To all invocation served with mood and good scowl, but entering today verse by lunge, outlined to the competent authority the malice that sensed in the bastards. And they took them. By scurrilous were going to be without concert. And the idea of the guards would be were them the fumes of modern times. And there he thought it would be. And neither was agreed after the incident, because not liking the type of music, and cut the fare collection, arranged to be don Manuel another little while, more out, in the upcoming gardens, found bursted the young people. Then he felt bad. He told me feel fateful and needed my help to remedy the infringement. We got the boys to the shingles of the enclosure and thence, with "Lito" that was presented, we hear full lung chords. And if come The Rolling Stones, who laugh at the boys infinitely better, neglect of the entry and the boot of wine; already the "Uncle Lillo" would be responsible for all this. SHR de M



In short a lot things, is that I stopped them doing chips an egyptian temple to move its two hundred meters higher up. Checkerboard transformed the archeological jewel. It is a high supranational institution mandate and there is no who cough them. And mark, and measure and cut. …… And I don't think well. Yes. I understand the urgent move, but I don't think that Abu Simbel is box hanging in another landscape that is not exact, exact, exact of birth. And if the Nile covers, posthumous glory for the architect. … And damn stamping some engineer. SHR de M



The Doc recipe stick syrup. It is the best cure that understands for the ills of the world, however, when the younger indian that showed the sick son, assured her that the illness of the baby should be treated in a hospital and not Bolivian frond. Poor emergency response even they could practice being their surgical instruments a Hungarian submachine gun and some Soviet grenades. Or ether, because clasping with cachaça. The woman thanked query anyway and wanted to pay, but a bag of beans with corn was to administer to the boy while it lasts, and the absence, in time, that feel and convey the same password. Ernesto is a man of integrity. Stain to him resume could be vehement, more or spot it come because he know to understand, and easy himself is the only person that does not tolerate a breach. Is required, to the point, that victim of his word, will not tread on Paradise, Cuba! until the whole World is free. ‌ No, he won't. Out compromises and revolutionary entelechies, the man has several flaws that make us similar. Travelling, motorcycles, like spend daily time with friends. A concept of fairness. A taste of wasteful for savoring the happy moments. With the last mate for provisions on the lips, and wanderer that I confessed him to be, he invoked toast so let's find us in another more auspicious conjuncture within some time. We'll see. I have the clock in my hands, and grains escape to him between the fingers. SHR de M



"The Future is already here" is phrase in marketing that two elderly caught by leitmotiv. Became them grandparents a couple of months ago, and rejuvenated to tears, they decided to put a day of snot and peaks in the film. They took out entry for the modern that is planned in the city. And although fascinated me, they took no thread, nor seen skein, and for loss of time took it. Not me. I stayed with the projectionist and his wife. While he puts in order rolls to the next pass, she throws elbow to the sweaters of the daughter. She grew between lousy aliens from cardboard stone and galactic paladins, and university is now, washing her, and mother patching, the clothes while the father helps the girl with cans of celluloid. She is with final exams and to the basting women reproached is not girl to lose time with Science Fiction. "At the book, rule and the calculation would have to be applying tale, and not giving tongue, and commenting on, a film so horrendous�. "Horrendous!"said the father, “You Yes, you are horrendous and not the Odyssey of Mr. Stanley " If something has the film, it is that does not leave anyone indifferent. Interesting I do with a copy. SHR de M



A faintness by lowering does not bother me. One. One I do not care. But more... Beast took the ship to the layer of Titan, and from here, that is satellite of Saturn, made me an agonizing bounce down to Earth. Does and why we come so far? So because rose three men to the Moon and it is no longer safe nor shelter. Come to Titan. Already wanted I eventually come, but then described me insecure rings and its distance to the Sun an energetic disadvantage even for us. But enough to let two human weaklings footprint, so we eschew the act of what we come looking for. Do partners? It is seen that if one don't want two do not speak. Thus spent in a cabin of the Negev desert. A few men interrogated with smite to another, and the latter, even knowing that talking would end the ordeal, refused to have exchange. He called Yasir Al Ticks and they asked for a namesake, new boss who endorse him, to which with great job managed to eliminate his rote registration. Injecting drugs, or dancing to the pendulum, they would get he betrayed cache. Once finished the session, and semi unconscious, returned him to pit where shares cramped with another, as beating as him, and that only by opening the lid of his niche threw to tremble. Although everything would be drama art. With care, and that they baited with sidekick, got the other undermine cement anchoring hinges, and prying with his own body, whispered, was sure that they jump the closures. And they did. they got it bursht and taking advantage of the changing of the guard, crawling, escaped from the sordid prison. And even arrive at a town where after review of the cause, promised us discreet transportation. While we waited, and still scoop of the moment, in an old TV are seeing the moon landing. And comment on it. To Al Ticks, he felt that everything was a montage of Americans and Jews. And insurance claimed that Selene would follow as virgin such when hung it in heaven Allah. The friend not doubted it, but rare has made him that participate Zionists, if so, and knowing them, not they would have forgotten the star of David. And one saying that Americans and Jews and the other not. If yes one, and the other to the odd, until desert fox, expressed to Al Ticks to the empathetic a rarity. And sketch, and intuit, and without giving more argument with a hammer crushed the head to the neighbor. Explanation, lowered his pants to mention me underpants without stain on a 383

shirttail; come on, with patches of six weeks, not six months, well differentiated. Heard is missing not in any treat; doubt is not supported. SHR de M


02-44 A pizza of Mamma Mercedes is long claim to visit New York. And the forced loa of the day was going to throw it to a four seasons with extra origan. I had thought, only because of the smell, the boot: “Perfums vivaldians drunk me in Littel Italy... ". I missed the day watching people on the street, while tooth, scrutinized the letter of the local. From pe to pa I thought test, although the will I twisted to break to mourn the waiter, and after starting the apron and throw it in the oven, leave very nervous giving a door slam. And I lagged behind. Sadness is looper that turns on the air, and being a day of clouds and gusts, gloomy and depressive marched the boy without wanting to even meet me. And only by much stress, I got out his name and the placet of his house. He lives without cause for shame, but for some reason closed me part of the floor and was only delivered in the classroom; and after much crying and listening to a vinyl of a left-handed, and brown, beast dotting such djinn. Guitar surrendered the mettle to the boy, and sufficed me applaud stuttering between a A and C, Yes, already in itself well sustained, to make him collapse. He was very fucked up, fucked. The couple, family, work. Life unties and shipwrecked his fortitude. Until the same guitarist of the turntable, which tied him in any way to the existence, seemed, now laugh now moan, so intimate that Userra also wept or back according to the compass. Relief to such pot which boiled knew he was not going to find in the syringe, more rough palliative, and known tightened without trembling pulse a ration of heroin via parenteral. Both he, how I, hoped to continue the conversation after the interlude which imposed the needle. And in that it was. In intention. Sweet came to kiss him The Death and he was. For him the world was stopped before suffering picot, since he have learned, that brought the news the neighbor who found him, had died of a drug overdose equally exalted musician accompanying us, perhaps of unworthy they made him fell from kid, through the window of the fifth floor was had thrown instead of poison to deadlines slowly. Because of overdose nothing!! To the wretched this intoxicated him as to the rats. And since childhood. "Quality of life shit" It was grimace that left him with The Grim Reaper. SHR de M



Fasti, such has long not seen, are organized with peregrine reason. Eye fit, they around the twenty-five centuries of the rule of the Shah, and it is plenty reason to adorn Tehran and entertain visitors with pageantry of ephemeris. Not recognizing me national product, a taxi driver gave fact my loss and my creditworthiness. So spoke to me on the way if I was somewhat delayed. He was fact that was not spending his tongue and that same thing bring me fresh jam that closes the streets without apparent reason, than the greedy that green is the goat that has at home by roam zeal; that or milk. He planted me in the lobby of the hotel who believed square to my rank, and without bothering me even with the account, went to endorse to the receptionist. And light of baggage that I travel, a second took charge, although allochthonous declared, the manager played me and assigned me buttons. And room, and saw that the empathic tunic makes waters, a well equipped interior suite with a poor view. And I protested. Not to like and know where could force the responsible hospitality. And best room not there. It was the city to overflowing. And not offered me his own house, that he did, to fear that I take offense; he didn't have better views, which I was, there was no more luxury there, or better prepared pantry. Ordinary day in the life of the subjects of the two thousand five hundred years and comforts was the just. Now, that Yes, giving tongue, one cannot get bored with powder dozing. SHR de M



Exactly today do not know where I was. Her home a woman became a work of art and immersed in the piece I hung disoriented. "Villa Mondriana". Blue, red and yellow. And white. And all framed with black borders. And furniture, married. And rooms, chords. Very to the barrel. She announced artist in spiritual exile. On the same island that Ulysses was shipwrecked takes seven Odyssey pitches without hint of mermaids, muses or ephebes. Nor there! The world beats to her around despite become paragraph the enclave and only receive evening news from time to time. Two or three times a year ago, a junk dealer gathering material and approaches in boat specialized magazines and bickering of all hair. When received, the first thing that makes, methodical, is to classify and sort by dates, then painter who is also, spreads on the floor at the time that devours. If the consignment ends with good aftertaste, perhaps consumed, and after digesting it, do the idea of something that spoil the brush. And sometimes there will be that bring new freshness to incite her to repaint a lamp or ceiling of the bathroom with allegorical motifs; fish, or stylized eyes, which are known only flashes of genius that is doubt. Demoralized, she outlines from word the very master trite and boring strokes of the modern world. SHR de M


05-44 Only by functional I like the bridges, and if to this we extremely aesthetic and symbolic charge, no doubt I would choose them item of humanity; bridges and ports. I lie down the hours without realizing when pay eye to construction. One stand that it league new strapping to the girdle that to corset Eurasia. On the Bosphorus cast whale thinking close the unstitched making seven to the two continents. The bridge, for lack of a better metaphor, would be the zipper. In two cultures it sits the heart Waldo or Waal Al Doh, because depending on the end which is thus decant their creed; he knows how to be. While lasted the work attended family and job in each tip, but the imminent opening, and unveiled the ambidextrous, thing that was in the position to throw into the water, with its stone to the neck, laughed found. Nothing further from the truth. At the end of the turn jumped to step on a barge of rubble and therein we touched shore and mooring. Own barge has closely when fed up of pretending, wanted to be who he was, then, sybarite, one and another side blew moorings. SHR de M



Jaime the Puppeteer is not hidden; but try not to be noticed in the neighborhood and has gotten children into drawers so that they do not pop out to windows. And they are very curious. Ruculo, Gabrielina, Fray the Vial. And Dribble, orange nose, having felt old and inherited the warp. And Chirolo, the laureate military, which arch eyebrow over thick past of his goggles. This in particular imprison in the closet for being addicted to insurrected troops and get too much. Became famous in the pleasure of Allende by wayward, and now that he would have voice, is it more should that be silent. None opens their mouth not to move the master thread, and does not, for the year goes the coup and a year has gone by self-interest; run the survey of the current Government side, disappeared to the railway they would score in the book of the DINA. And better than not. All hush!. Focused on the craft distracted the few days remaining to ship abroad. Mexico, the Caribbean, La France! The woman growls French and he has to get into the French market. So truth was one thing as another, and validate it, the wife ordered so that it escapes into the hall and were allowed to see. But she, to be sure that any husband snowman makes liturgy of five, and start the coffee pot on the fire, to her taste and time murmured that she appear. And she took. Time took her husband to pass me the libretto of a work which has slope of premiere. It was the story of a young wolf which becomes domestic and later make cimarron. Tear story, or should thus understand it, crying man paragraphs to the tempo of my reading. And mourn, and come to mourn with the canid, until women entered the room and asked if we were not 'all' crazy. A towel to dry on radiator smoke the room to London style, smelled the ladder to singe and would not take to gather authority. Frauds, they went to all the relatives in a trunk and fled to new floor. And I swear, sincere, wanted in the move to pure cough is to mean the general of teddy. SHR de M



Percentages. Statistical data make it anything that one is neglected. I knew the signature that ninety-nine percent of the time the search for intelligent life is vacant endeavour. There are no large premiums. Good premiums, lotteries, are framed in one. This is, Yes. But this lustrous crumb also has numbers recrumb. Five of every ten explorers, lose their lives at work. And that is rigour which disappears and is never more know. And three remaining tan cripples, not make pension expenditure. Total, which is missing would be who would take laurels and lean all possible business piece, although being seat of the figures that I said with decimals, imagine difficult will be out completely unscathed. …… Yes, I'm the only one that is alive. …… Upside down will also be for Beast to put neutral ring to tell. … Well, is also true, although do not know proportions, an endless number of ships returning home successful without having undergone allocations rather than some dizziness when they enter or exit hiperspaces, ropes or worm-time. Or traversing branes. Ruined veterans are given to elaborate in any tavern and thousand stories are counted. I would fact Beast, affected who understood me, there would be no output today and I would focus on addressing the paperwork and such. And thought wrong. Quite fill me take care of myself. I am no friend of the swing, and if we broke, there were my sweetheart. Ha! No can play with me Corporation. I, at what paid. Down to see the face that humans put on earth when an army of the entrails are removed, and although of terracotta, yes it gives the news so that the community international will run it. Armies of China go! How face and guts of the Corporation! SHR de M


01-45 And I crying like digit! Them, they are account of abacus, and forced to dress and behave like, know units. And better so. Fanatically there are in every latitude and social structure, divided up in the peaks of power some are rooted. This happens in many countries but with size contempt to life nor in the chronicles of the conquest of Cronopea. Cambodia sent a few madman. They are more absurd and retrograde of it I've been spoiled at eyes, and took! Out of the row, pum!, shoot. By not sleeping to the voice, a good recoil with a rifle and a batch of whip. And do not tighten kidneys to move the cart cover with mud‌ Oh, not hear squeak the teeth! The maxim: "The letter with blood curdled" in best place for framing impossible. It is not new thing the behavior on the planet, and some even they regarded as banned practices, credulous world opinion!, but at the shadow of the giants grow the bloodiest satrapies. This does not amend, leads a highly predictable bias. SHR de M



At five, without dawn, it starts the movement. The streets come alive and the city awakening. Except for a house, a light, indicating that candle night and there I went. The man was surprised, he became frightened, however, no work involved for the empathic make us dream stamp creditors. And in any case, be nightmare what is ours. So told me their gestures that interpreted the visit, although he invite to come and take a seat. He is an attorney and go unveiled by a case that brings him to extremely busy. He defends a criminal who pleaded guilty despite absurd of confession. Hung felony of shred with some years, and pain defense of the family pot, urged to the Law man that unfold ingenuity and free the defendant of the slow baton that would mean the jail. And account has him do. The other is a brother-in-law. Or husband of one sister, in any case brother, politician, and despite exhausted, rushing the minutes looking for solution. And he can't find. At twelve o'clock in the morning would expire the term and forced is to present allegation. Was he guilty? ... Nor doubt. There was method to prevent? ... Yes, of course. Plead and plead. Lengthen what he can because they are continually changing the rules, and it sensing winds of change lashing jurisprudence. Seeking pardon even arguing insanity. And, yes, he is. They are. All like goats if is the thing of scrutinize thoroughly. This, the culprit confessed, mocked a urban guard to the point of snatch hat and whistle, and authority, lay badly between of the guild of the baton. That Yes, disclaimer policy emphasizes that the traffic jam was at least resolved. SHR de M



Born kid desired in the city and provides the health of L. Brown. Many welcomed, but about all in one which also had on tape to the missus and equally out of date. This, which already has personally enrolled ten or twelve stems in the record of his people, that neither remembers, through the tenth eighth, Yes, craved register for bringing under her arm a local record and the inheritance of an old bachelor without family. With this new daughter, amen to kill the woman, left unreachable mark in the city register. The fortune is knew him with the simple search him to the phone, and urgent, because the wife broke waters the missus quoting him in the hospital. At the tail of the ambulance that brought to the mother got us in a taxi. Among known percale, and caregivers and nurses, before entering the wife to the delivery man at the door with down head was nailed. Women has habit of relaxing in the case by throwing insults and knows the subject regular at the lips. And tighten hand, reflecting, I felt in my own fingers still mediating door and glass. And birth how do it's thing to witness and not count. And the father go to the floor knowing millionaire rather than something that had no view. I was in charge of serving the father, and revive, lead to a room to meet with his tenth third young woman. Although clumsy I am, and that the newly born me are all equal, or almost, we throw mid-afternoon doing cajolery to the famous daughter of the neighboring quasi anonymous without knowing that wasn't ours. And worst, the father hobnob me side insistently saying that the ears were of him and her mother's forehead; and pamper me. But are identical, itself, which is test piece and which do not; to my eyes, at least. SHR de M



In the drawer of tailor who is Spain, the rest of Europe set view. Something is changing in the human spirit, then of forty years, weary of arbitrariness. Freedom. They demand freedom and justice in equal parts. They vote unique Constitution and at rule intended to avail himself without remembering the past; a selective amnesia filed pending roughness. All this hardly known a couple that close the lips next to the Manzanares River. The Act was taken by scandal and they cared for not lavish in public, but frugal and impetuous, the joy of "Victory" carried them kiss like never before. They do not fear the "secret" nor to any public order that plea they upbraid to self-control. And they could not. Today not. Imposible. Illuminating stage the country, and for being perhaps laboratory, the Humanity. Spain is so. Bar free and the sun rises by where it can. SHR de M



I recognize lurches that hit me is defense mechanism If I saturate or bored the individual, to the next than low lent me to observe general information of the country, continent, or the entire species if so spend the day by the throat. The world is split, divided into a thousand fights without apparent unity. But there it is. Misery makes thread and consumed where sits. Misery, without nuances, because the pedigree of evil not hate their bastards: Hunger, Poor Health, Sadness. Thirst, indifference, ignorance. Envy. Scourges and petty corruption. This is the army of darkness that subjugate the Humanity. The same front could be found in a house half of Brussels as one of Calcutta, but safely, the slums of the latter are palaces of filth in any comparison. Nor of second square, third world, even the fourth!, may be likely, then capital in justice. It is hard to live in Kolkata. Hard, to consume, because so I could explain how two women fit in the average body; or three or four lady would deploy nerve to sue her a huge number of beggars by mother. "Mother!" And tasty! ... Does not this lady is example? SHR de M



The beauty of fall when they change the year is hand usually find Almanac of what happened in the course and this one saves much conversation. Bad, that is a very runining year and are using it in the toilet; if there. The texture is what counts. This observation is not entirely mine, to elaborate it helped me a photographer who as admired a human anthill in the jungle. Thousands of men dig the call of gold, that treasure, insists on not to give easy and hidden matt between the mud. Everything stained brown except for the eyes, white, full of veins, with a uniform brightness of dreams; failure of lust; routine. The garimpeiros break the jungle and embody waterfall. Impressive snapshot. And the framing, although ruined, confers greatness. Click! The eye of this man deserves Gallery or Museum. Deforestation, emergency measures. SHR de M



Although assidouos, should get a day with the planimetry of the Cairo to be their alleys prone to change, and deserts, labyrinth. To nose me oriented a stew when reverberated echoes of multitude. They ran stampede, and impetuous that they were presented, closed in the same way the doors of their houses returning to make sarcophagus. Or a noise. Well, whistles and some high when voices occasionally. And racing. And some shooting. And aircraft and helicopters, so low, that although they said part of an exhibition, flight terraces taking antennas and curious. Commented that few shots escaped in the aforementioned parade, and fears, unfortunately, that they were intentional. And in the best cases, would also be very unlucky to go almost all to succeed the President. A man opened up to have enemies. SHR de M



Happy would be my guardians of kindergarten if I were at University with toga and band. But not wearing the bonnet on a daily basis and in the bar nor the academic environment smells very pure. Bad photo. Layer on the desks with master's degree students. The very veteran foreshortened and sagging experience backbone loll, and that most, a caretaker of second which is on the payroll by question of integrating disability. Of scraped bald patch, sideburns axe and a mustache sipping soups that at point smooth with juniper juice. With dram in hand cited to his table as not rare that he garner looks and suspicions. Many nailed it vague, bad and foll. Worthy of any praise to the rumors of his participation in quite a few losses on the campus. And there is some truth. He hates the University. He hates his work. Very quietly, and with laughter of crazy, proved more harmful than anyone imagine. He assured me give exams to the worst students. Scheme any luck to undermine knowledge that today they say universal. Didn't waste his tare laughed with continual power outages. Hot or cold that causes echoes in the classrooms. Or missing material. Or any bad idea which make and put into practice. While he told things that I understand laughable, I can't deny that I gave myself and even let me invite some red ambrosia drink. Brother of brotherhood malignant, after a couple of crops, discovered me the barabbas that exceeded somewhat off the voice and explain me his next coup. He intend first soak himself in electronics and computing, then he subtracted keys, and later, as they have interconnected network their files and databases, machine can get to sneak up on the computers of the University centers and bundling such tripe to forget him until the course that comes. Or the next and the pays at home. And real possibilities exist of collapsing world institutions such said, though, I suppose, it poses just for fame. Until the bad guys we are more bad if we bring closer to the University. SHR de M


02-46 Steven is red-haired and skinny. And very nervous. And feel him just as fatal the mists of his native Scotland, as which lifted overnight in the Malvinas, Fockland, to his Culture, and that they are part of litigation between England and Argentina. He and his "twin brother", also present in the islands, the Army chose to change the climate. The Spanish, at date, rang them strange, rowdy, and tropical. In the recess of the clashes mixes as guest bartender at the canteen of a battleship. And he is a scandal. The same official caught, than their own, laugh the silly and remains alien to the customer for awhile of external reality; the imposed thousands of miles away. So abstracted, that last bis, it was baste wiped the sweat of the brow, with fit a rubber head red glove, and erect crest, insert mutis to the small between a beating of kokoroko and applause. Although to alone, sitting on the bunk, sprang a “triplet� that didn't record and who hated all this. Kick the poor boy, to his neck, which would rather be learning any other language, in any part of the planet. And without hanging up the scrap to the shoulder, obvius. SHR de M



Note that I am the only being living in the ship. Now Yes. Previously took days and days, eons!, in solving a drip of the tap or the commitment of the holomirror. In particular I think the record does a simple hook which took to be put a million and a half years. But the holomirror, I already say, to Beast mist yesterday commented that was holding it, and today I have to first time installed a new equipment. A bathroom. Following the success, I suggested changing optical plasma of the empathetic because offered me a view of Athens very blurred. Something more expensive replacement I understand and Best was promised to thoroughly review after the return, however, assured me than making dense the pristine beauty of the Acropolis is pollution. And no doubt it; although among cork oaks and olive trees, and fouling disturbed the total enjoyment of the landscape. More ignoring, even beauty got a present guy to the distant reddish sky. Much shit has the air, he said, at the time that offered me cheese and walnuts while the sky darkened and took horizontality in a hammock; posture, neglecting the regular enjoyment, is due to an old acquaintance who returns from visit to Earth. A comet that mediate us. When child, told me the man, told the grandmothers that vested under blankets to step, because if see, to the next which was already it would bring in the list to take him to explore the infinite cold. He could return to mock, but most knew something to wait for other three quarters of a century. And he wanted to admire. He had been waiting since before appear to any telescope. Recorded him a quite shrapnel of crystal that makes the coordinate on the retina; in the same traffic accident the wife died. And all the time he saw. Night or day. And small secret, of snaring had snoop being kid, and without notice, let me alone. Another that die without saying goodbye and I'm starting to pick up ominous complex. Die without reason. Is it epidemic? SHR de M


04-46 Once their stories border in the desert that left some Iranians and other Iraqis, but to kill divided them from does a lot more. Should not be legend for some that found, that others, reinstated to the must be something; camel, wine skin or women. The case making bad greeting in the vast desert and the little a "good morning" is stone in the nape. I say by removing drama to reign good environment between them today. And delicate it is time, Yes. Not only having franck and declared war their countries, and that they usually receive at pebble, are so well drained that lot is misery, and colophon, a grandson cursed and shared that proud, soul of woman, camel or wine skin, and that common consent they raised in United States alien to much hate, went back to the waad native to cure a disease that attacks the lungs and immune system in general. And effort put in to heal because they consent to the presence of the boyfriend. By a son they would do what is not said. And by a grandson the same. SHR de M



Double think everything on the banks of the Loire. The symmetry of the water undoes the reality and invents kaleidoscope which delivered until you find who break the illusion. Dredge, dredged the moat of the castle with the same solvency with who say made fame his father, his grandfather, and the first dredger of the basin which was a great-grandfather half-toad. Jean Lou is part of the river and blindfold not cost him outline, just by the scent of narcissus and water lilies, where the Lady of Grullons drowned, even the redbed who took refuge to the baron of Boureau during the Jacobean pendency. There is no secret that ooze stones, and remanse, or run, who do not know, and for this reason, perhaps, the masters of castles let him do not intrude much. Except for one. An American, with cheque book corporate, he brought his own team to clean up the foundations of the fortress and repair floodgates; with intent to rehabilitate everything for solace of executives. Jean happens daily ahead of the castle hoping to see with their own eyes as formwork sinking them or burst the manholes. Hold on. And rennet has to give border to the railing of the pattern and question wrong reading of the witness; If one brings NASA instrumentation, the other protects him having rowed for a tour of the renowned Institut Pasteur, and although hearsay, know that said about them that they are a few bungling. At least one called Gallo. And the new master of the castle will by countryman exemplary; that anger him. SHR de M



Although I do not mention I have an eye on the calendar. Leaves with autumn rhythm and story backwards will falling. Word, not looking for trouble. But I found. Silent, devastated, the city of Armero forge under the mud that spits the Nevado del Ruiz. Pollution, deforestation. Built in alluvial channels without wanting to remember authorship of the Carver, and waking to the tremendous volcano, clear, was scorched the population. Provided first aid to health personal time and more Media reporters. Desolate ones and others. I suggested to one of them to stop wasting time trying to save the life of a baby who was dying, and that saved hundreds, thousands of boys and girls, putting in a history of the disaster with his camera; ultimately, expert would take snapshots and disseminate them. Heart I put at disposal what I have learned. And with sweeping views. But he did not respond to my suggestion. Weigh up Yes, and can that by having the lever engaged with the girl, he have answered me such told me his eyes, and confirmed the empathetic, be intent. Deontology at this point to me, no. Ha! SHR de M



The ability to sacrifice of the Humanity is not weighty. They can give what they don't have, or never give anything over. Even give without anything in return! In general, Human do not usually deliver to wacky projects, and those who do, although some succeed and innovate, the majority fails or just stiff if the sheath of the dance with Death. And icy kiss Lady when sounds a Russian in the jukebox. Chernobyl can pass as composer, or principal dancer of the Bolsoi, if not actually a damaged nuclear reactor. Good demage. Broken. With more slits than back a bad guy. I, and anyone, would expect that the same wise entity that had the audacity to construct a microsun on the planet, had planned the contingency in case of alarm. Yes, that would be theirs. However, is the human courage which is sealing the fissures to shovel. They know they are going to die, and painfully, more each who by their motives is delivered, and debauchery, because the condemned to the gallows not are repress the jokes, spends one afternoon so richly repairing the world; despite work to maximize the empathetic. They took to come loose, prior, complained of obvious national, although nearby incompetence also a stratospheric Americans accident, located quite close to the real responsibility. Themselves. The Man. Humanity. And representatives who are, also example of future generations, and selfless curiosity of the lineage, as a make mass to build box of reinforced concrete that shroud radiation; and to them with her. ...A few are given. Others, not. SHR de M


01-47 The free West city, permissible at all quotable vice, is Amsterdam. A dash pedal stroke runs it, and starting from Central Station, is downhill. I joined a group of novice cyclists and set out to shoot the experience with them. They saw with new eyes everything, we saw, because after stop in a pastry shop, a pub, a coffee, a markt, and I don't know how many sites, we ventured polistomachache in a museum of painting. The Museum Vang Gohg. Oh! I know who would have enjoyed here. With you, because you were with me, I covered stages of the artist getting me inside the same canvases. And I vividly felt your presence by integrating me into a pride piece. A landscape of fields gusty with Sun in spiral. I was floating around your scent, your touch by hand remained me of a green of sunflowers. Under your feet a smooth wave. And vacuum, mouthfuls of air. ...And moments of tic without tac. ...This was the moment of tasty. SHR de M



Way of Neptune, and beyond, is the primary probe that generated so much suspicion in Best. Try that we change location again, but not. I am who low and which suffer the effects and disorders on the return. Very simple is human technology and I love me enough to mistreat my body what just. At Titan we are not wrong. There is no danger. Continue sending probes with sender, and perhaps nearby Gordian to make them think continue launching open and forwards messages to the space. SHR de M



I am not a fan of water having dry to tread; or drinking, if I can. It rains, it rains and rains. Rain cats and dogs. All Bangladesh is waterlogged and transit zone, what is left is more splashing. Style frog my ride, I did break in a ridge that force be dimension island lent itself. In the attic met a child with a Buffalo, two dogs and an old centennial in stretcher; insinuating family compromise of at least two members more. The woman lay dying age. In the time that I was with them not could get them anything coherent except for the point in the foliage that escape gave the stretcher-bearers. To gather more, I escape to the same green and after a while of deal with bogs and slime, I went into a crowded promontory. Gathered people of contours and some relatives of the elderly, which would take two months ensuring close kinship. Weeks which were very tense to be in game the distribution of land. Although swamped them, did not exist now hurry and until party organized anything touching the site a ray of sunshine. And then opened the day, run to their homes to check the solvency and the state. And shortly, which roared a rotor, look in the sky a helicopter that brought relief. Victualling supplies emergency fell from the clouds well packed in crates. They threw where it could pick up and people have to ask. A few threw another dry stand and the old woman killing without trying. And dead, finally, also paid the treat. SHR de M


04-47 With two balls, Yes Sir. "With two balls" that they say. If I don't see it, I don't think so. One, one of them, tiny, tiny in the crowd, and above with his hands occupied with the daily purchase, faced a column of tanks without disheveled. And more! To the headgears of steel cut step one and again with the simple appeal of his body to the passing of the caterpillars. Incredible! And not even drop plastic bags. And even climb on the first tank. 60 against 60,000 kg. Against 600,000. And nor was the only one in give plant for poster, scuffle are brought in the square and by satiated many manifest themselves in desperation. They understand that there are international media present and how much more uproar lifted further will their protest. And do not know how much. What they do know is that they are fly into palm of giant. And the hand was closed. Roared machine guns and closed the square to all eye; and whatever happens. SHR de M



Brutish! Thing must thus live. And tell the grandchildren. By different streets fevered people bring closer to the Brandenburg Gate, happy, exultant. Masses once feared by blind hatred, were concentrated peaceful and happy because on TV they said that they could travel without fear to anywhere. Even go to the other side of any wall that ashamed; as advocates to the same Physical Theoretical. The empathetic turned out a mere nuisance. They kissed. And they hugged. And laughed as I has heard them much not sincere. They sang proudly the imminent reunification, and because European milestone was celebrated not only in Germany, being, there dancing to foreigners; two brothers from Gasteiz to the patron saint of their town rising the loa by Germanic accent be entirely unknown to them. And nickel plated was the singing. Oh, Zeled贸n! Oh, Zeled贸n!... With window and balcony. SHR de M



Took grandma and the young girl are impatient. She told me that punctual which bore it was Lady, and passed her time, began to fear would not be that would have given her a faint in the street or in the park. Pretesting offer me a cigar stretched arm, called to the bar where used to have breakfast and take the Loto. And she was, Yes. She joined as always pay and leave a debit ticket for the next day. Yes, old hobbies. Relying on that had hooked to another parrot in her stone age, tended me the glass and waved a toast of appetizer; she said that it would be worth waiting for the barbel with clams. Aquiescence I, I did that the guts roar me if advance achieved in the aforementioned delicacy. Return the hand to the telephone and ask for grandma where always buy bread on a daily basis. And Yes, she was. Fly fishing, the girl looked to the terrace, and although she saw nothing, yes heard some boys who laughed a grandpa fall to around the corner: "Go, fall of the fossil!" And we ran. The old woman was already attending at a Chinese restaurant, next, that ofered to the Lady a chair and a glass of water. Stifled, nor explain needed before us because seeing the granddaughter, the disarray was scratch. She blasphemed even highly offended to refer her the boys tip-off. Dizzy yet she stated, and us with open stomachs - at least I - take the step of a waiter to thank and order menu and half. And more mention of the whack was not made until return to lay the old woman in her house seat, in the afternoon, she begged her in particular to kids of blow, because now no, because she knew broken, but tomorrow, or, when beneath her window stop playing, without shaking her pulse is going to throw a bucket of bleach. ... They will already be candy. SHR de M



Factory screws usually offer summer work to the children of the signature. They are catching experience with presses and milling machines, and although many do not escape the web of time, there will always be someone who is turning. And nothing, still young, out foreman. Therefore advised to Jon the son who does not accept a bicocca that says pass a crony. This one is the son of an architect of the village, and true that they always pretended great connections, and more than hold something that had no, was people in the vicinity who assigned a circle of friends rather than influential; presidents and ex-presidents; bankers and senior popes of finances; businessmen of Culture; dignitaries of all commendation that barely was assumptions because have the ranch own airfield. A good number in every rule. Clean the pool. Thousand dollars per month to keep the crystal pool in summer, and other three thousand to the September equinox if in the village drew no tip who visited farm. Lot of money for a kid and even for an adult! Today was the first day, and although he got up early, the father at the foot of the bed was to upbraid him to spurn the opportunity, in the long term, presentiment of parent had not be anything good. And between that the early awakening still does not became callous to him, and that to rock again in bed, the boy returned to make nest. Do and I what I did? Informed me where offered similar business, and being who was not, introduced myself. Yes. And give away, gave away nothing because little that rain the pool change to lake. A break in the crusade against leaves and mosquitoes, I stopped falling through the kitchen knowing that the firebox loose tongue macerated in wine, and being appropriate to find wine tasting, with the sommelier and chef did. They tasted and fit the dish of the day with the pieces in the winery. And that was the only thing that was willing to speak also them brand new in the house and be caution against inappropriate questions. And that very good payer will be Mr Bilderberg. If only will be a Mr! SHR de M



Children of skilled workers lead life litigated at least during the holidays. Returns to the agro class worker looking for comfort, and without commitment with the roots, the offspring can give to enjoy what their elders knew not. The good life that stick, and recognize, gain strength of study. Enjoy it while it lasts, Yes. Today brought together a handful of them because they think have dinner together at the time who come on TV, and celebrate the inauguration of the new Olympic Games. From first time they ferret by the bakery and other businesses. Wine, chorizo, blood sausage and bacon. And sardines. A ham's six-string. A couple of cheeses. Alcohol, soft drinks and ice at tutti plen. And streamers and psyk. And confetti. And firecrackers. And wigs. And any stupid things that made them grace in the drunkenness. And, of course, an arrangement for paella because it will not in the meantime night should be feed and go by embers. And pay everything to cleavage, of course. Although I have said, they are not all children of the capital. What will. Among them there were also people of payment, even one that buried in the local cemetery ancestors, although son of emigrants and accent to be the most outsider of all. This, filming others by bringing back to his country the aboriginal curiosities. And all caught attention. He recorded the day or even to me. And re-record, ask they recurrence, if the joke of the moment was of immortalize. Thus passed away when flew the arrow that lit the Olympic cauldron, and ecstatic, they broke up to applaud and cheer to the ocog of the balls that had so well puts. By the Archer! By the Archer!! It was a slogan that grabbed to rush a drink cups. And, by the Archer!, stopped them making toast another day. To take advantage and make an excuse of the archer to celebrate the rest of life, Yes. They apure, it hurries. SHR de M



Imps seemed five children among the trees. The mother was very proud of the achievement despite going mid diopter with costumes; hats with tassels, pointy ears and their natural naughty smile. Very junk. Very insidious little characters. Several weeks was promising the father to highlight in red the excursion to the park, but brainy investigator, and point-to-point grand culmination, the mother an excuse and consents to the stems to change. Able to seem to the sons of go crazy to anyone. With great job she got put in the car and closed belt. And keep at bay the trip back home. Since arriving, there was no way to contain them and they lowered almost up to jump on the father who waited there. And embrace. And give so much love that man started to cry. The wife then commanded the troop to bed with one voice, and alone, with her husband, begged him to say bluntly if he had succeeded. And Yes, the face of desolation that put would have been a resounding success. He had cloned a human embryo. And no one could go with the metaphysical uproar resulting for not being topic that fell into oblivion even in confession. And in the scene does not lift the hare fearing reactionary sectors of public opinion. To curtail funds. And very fat believes it to be quiet even by contract! Women do not. She donated ovuleds and has no greater attachment than to a fallen hair. That Yes, knowing that they can become so bugs like that already have infants, worse, such that they would be identical to her, begged the husband that destroy the same Monday and others are those that put in the pillory at their families. Change his line of study, or the same Tuesday is back with her mother. He will see. And the man, very depressed, namely in a dilemma of multiple vertex. SHR de M



A laboratory of advertising is the room work for some big kids. They play to reinvent what you give them. They put effort into making the old new and sometimes seems the product fresh from the oven; willing to be consumed such novelty. A pacifier, the election campaign of a politician or the legs of a chair; It is the same. And great recognition is given to these engineers, always and when, that Yes, not know them in person. In the vertical, they tend to leave in doubt the righteous contracting for their services. Same George Rodrig端es, founder and manager of the food division, the first appointment with the client usually go with suit and tie, even though under the shirt wear anarchist symbol and underpants of mice and bears. Circumspect always hand somewhat more narrow than his interlocutor. So win them, and at the second meeting, that it no longer sold self-image, is presented as he is in shorts and flip-flops. And it happens to be mister Gorgojo. He would play presentation to the present and with american custom awaited visit. Laughed the companions, despite employees, as in his paper that was and unfortunate choice in wardrobe. And not dressed poorly, but coinciding the nuance of his attire with the flower and shrub-like set of reception, what seemed more than boss, was gnome escaped from pot. Teasing and jokes was throughout the office until the elevator bellowed the imminent arrival, and appeared a man as quietly as the boss. And bearded. And with a clothing! Together, unfortunately, they would mean humorous box, and although some coughed and hide their laughter getting head on the cabinet, not left to float the silent hilarity. Broke this without being able to avoid soon enclose the men in the office, and by heard and understood from within, to the act, with the face of broken business, leaving the visitor the room of negotiated. There flew by a few laughs a good amount of money. The disaster! Aware all of the calamity, broke them the organ of laughter and became stone. And reappear in the mister Gorgojo and wanting to rile those present sinking into the floor. Had done good, good had bundled it! And irreparable harm would be if instead of jeer a hired actor, they had to take the mickey out of the entrepreneur that await and above is one-eyed and sternum. And with very bad milk. SHR de M 414


Hutus and tutsis. Tutsis and hutus. To remove the mask before Occident, hidden in a rocky cliff, some journalists filming the savagery that in an instant village were perpetrated. They had seen shoot so many heads, and amputating such amount of limbs, which neither looked through the viewfinder of the camera. They left rolling equipment 24 hours and came and went by rolls in helicopter. And although proven safer working method, to reduce costs in fuel and film, occasionally there were hidden cameras a few days. And it was saving, Yes. Although wore two days with this my three, who cursed the hour in which let go the appliance empty. In what time allowed! Just raised its bulk dragonfly, entered to clean machete a warlord troops, which, until the material is not positive, would not be safe from tribal affiliation. They doubted it, and by entertain, the criterion expressed by each one put in game dinner. A binge to run in the best restaurant in Bucavu; It was their headquarters. And suffocating the cache, and need at least expand the bet, folded bag the prize and be stubborn a binge for six in the best eat house each has understood in the orb; that I was included. And that if they agreed. Both were described by me a little-known restaurant, tasty memento for them, that the site has on the jetty of Ribadeo. Restaurant San Miguel. I, after hesitating, I referred a tratoria in New Yorker as ideal table to settle the issue, though, certainly not my criterion, it undertook did not, recognizing me by myself pretty useless to discern racial subtleties among such tribes in the distance. They were equal. Even for surprise when stormed the hideout and confiscated material, I made one with the rock could observe them well, could not discern the side. And journalists, despite coming to go to shoved, nor would realize shouting them in the face, before being killed, the one "Tutsis sons of a bitch" and the other "Bastards hutus". Can they cried their to inform me. I didn't know the exact adscriccion until not consulted with the empathetic, and nobody else know to bury in a ditch and no trace except me. SHR de M



To not give wings to Beast, by not hear ringing filled, have arguably seen so far in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Walking distance separates abacos and automata, my lego understand, of what humans consider powerful computers. And that I am aware of how much that is changing their lives, more, which was printed in their times, far more than could the irruption of the binary language. But it is not new thing, no. Well, I don't want to leave the thread, what struck me from the visit was how much a boy got into the game of his gaming console. Racial that they are, they engage them violent games, and gunners all them, stealth predators, the brat demonstrated the good that is in the Total World Revenge. A true master because neither I could knock the score still connecting the controls to the empathetic. Infallible. Incredible. Hours. Hours and hours of disciplined training give results. Play online from morning to night without consideration of colleges or excuses, his reality, in virtual absolute, was at his eyes, and up to mine, more interesting. The top ten included Doc F端gu, in the ordinary world is a simple son of divorced with mediocre notes. And not cool him, not. SHR de M



I left something written that Beast upset. Although not support, and denies, I bucket on the fly and not give me. It is angry. Test think let me in steep mountain path. Kabul. Fence head to the same Stone Age sent me back. Although it was not planetary thing but a return to the cavern in the local. Nothing called me the subject and attempt do not spindle, if I can, but today, forced, some uninformed, as even illiterate people to their creed are, I must sharpen to meet. Dull, Yes, dunces to every eye to tell infallible interpreter of the divine will. ‌ That output!!! Masters of the mountains and their steps, with right to require toll, dictate, because they control armed dimension, who passes and who not. And what is this nip and bite or as an additive to the fire. Until the clothing they encompass. And so will the party in all positions from there to the border. Fundamentalism located at summits and is not fight what I seek, therefore, went back just to the cliff's landing, and simply!, landscape goze diluting me between clouds and peaks. SHR de M



There is very little to what delivered to have more clear grass two metres of snow. And be precisely for these sharp days for those who work hard the rest of the year. They drink and smoke while baited the stove. And they chat. And theme which makes them run the hours is the cloning of a sheep. Replicate, duplicate a living being, is not only theoretical corpus of scientific or literary argument. Since a few months ago, they opened the news broadcast with the news, no longer lean on pot of pastors. At the beginning they were all compliments because they understood the penniless champion stables, more fermented the new, they extrapolated and assume that can be done to a cow or a horse, can do in the long run with people. And thousand same neighbors does not make village, make jail. Even in stallions. However, most doubt that be allowed to experiment with human. ... Ha!. Innocent. And not only peat them the relationship with the copy. The own clone calculated convoluted metaphysics that give to the fret with their full development. Reservoir laugh be, while falls overnight, and a quintillion of disparate flakes, ink homogeneous contours. SHR de M



When they are at war, the tension chewed in the air. Although I entered at the population wrapped up by the singing of birds, the ravages of the streets concerned armed conflict. And run cambered of passers-by for change of sidewalk, too. There are snipers and the step may not stand so want of wanting to stay laying on the ground running blood. Slung, corners are know safe by not having the floor red streams, and if there is, and unfortunately is obliged path, are entrusted to Providence to be not on them, since the eye, any shooter. Ambulances are not saved, their is a visceral struggle in which hostages are not sought. Pulchra is death to sweep; or left crippled. Under cover of religious and cultural, wrap with the excuse of purge of undesirable, they work to the Rwandan although they are killing close the very "civilized" Europe. Too close to the great of the hemisphere, just a one hour by plane from Rome, follows the bickering by racial issues. Inconceivable. At all reprehensible even if they seek the consolidation of the continent; thing rather than patent, to be defined at the time its essence the Union Europea. If not, has no explanation which agrees with the deterrent means that preach. SHR de M



Who would expect less I got bunch of money. Destitute and drug addict, he swore to have found in a wastepaper basket made chips, and being foreign currency, and the traces that have, or in the bank, where they must, changed him. I approached going casually walk near the door and pounding it. He asked me the favor, and seeing law in his plea, I took charge of the situation. Reluctantly the cashier agreed to the compromise, and by bitching me, that could understand cahoots with the beggar, it gave me everything in euro coins while I gave lightweight paper; dollars. And victory which would be savour, and that left to the end, with the pen that chewed returned to me, with much disgust, a fragment larger than twenty; that didn't change in the absence of a serial number. And we knew what was to come repeated. Missing the AD02874414 D D4; that with joke was me read slowly and loudly. And rightly so, Yes. Although crossed for me. And with a soon joined the bag opening account and predicting long relationship between, and after moving window, I extracted the total balance in ticketing clean format. One and a half hour mired in the absurd matter. And while the junkie unfortunate also doing rapeseeds from the street. It won't good day for the friendly banker, because behind me, that provoked tail, before armored glass a woman wielded a dictionary specifying that "Obtuse" was not an insult who go to whine to the financial controller. SHR de M



Humans will never know of us. That gives me advantage to be able to put them to broth without fear of future laughter hear in reproach by the absurdity of my own world. By now conform launching probes and satellites that approach them somewhat to deploy the surrounding spectrogram; for continuous inaptness of Beast. Although how much further away tend eye, the next thing is more hidden them. The suburban ghettos are not contained in the street books but are easy to find. Just upload to a taxi and ask it to the driver. And although official data are not handled, informal is known that does not close while in front of the substandard housing alert a bonfire cool genre. "Water, water!" told the guys to announce my presence and justify the pay fried; that sensed the stride of dress uniform. All a court, an army of subordinates "exquisite", supporting the hundred and fifty kg of the head of the settlement. Well, one of the fatter, and being plump, his raspy voice does not need speaker to be heard. He is Gypsy, and despite living among garbage and rubble, looks happy to be able to give children every whim he never had; the latest in electronics or a four-wheeled motorcycle. Or studies. But the son of the bitch, who laughs sincere, don't want to study. Just want to be with their dad and make life than make. And so who their put inside the good sidewalk! Nobody, because some councillors are regulars at the place and not made by patching or the bumps in the road. SHR de M



Kabbalist and numerologist, in the aftermath of the second millennium, John Closed sold the shares that would have auctioned off the home of New York and with earnings, was released to live a sabbatical year. Or that drop. He is not a millennial to the use of the apocalyptic tales, his thing is a detached from all link for stressed. For his previous modus vivendi life retained only a car, and going through a dealer, nonplussed his past by changing to a motorhome. And there I met him to catch me doing finger. His plan for the year is vague but interesting. First thing was to find the Interstate 66 comes out in the movies and give a good walk among slum dwellers. He will then begin adventure, what consider to be the next objective the tip of Patagonia. He also wants to cross the Atlantic and Africa's Cape Town to Melilla. And jump to Almeria which is home of the Moscow Road, and, Yes, Beijing to shoot. And Bering. And Alaska will have to receive him at the end of the year. The project is tight and just foresee a time for anything other than drivers and the needs of the vehicle. ‌Okay, and know himself. SHR de M



Catch up a plane is not funny. Even if the passage is celebrating, is not about to spoil the face, not. The countenance is changed and one joins. And so I did. The Feast was high-flying, select furrowing our thing because between bunch of millionaires they chartered a Boing carry them against the use zone. They embarked with idea of making new year's all the trip and thus enter into history, in echoes of society, as the most chic revellers, more cool, of Humanity. And fearless! Twenty-four hours without scale. Twenty-four hours of party while beneath them runs the ground and bloom fireworks. It seems that the planet celebrates in unison even if they have different calendars. Until computers were suspected that they could bring disparate computing, and to fear this, was that the bird that we waved could fall to the ground, triviality childish, being so round date and knowing us alone in heaven. SHR de M



In route. It was circulating the fast truck go committed time. Wore perishable cargo and truck driver, very veteran, had loaded the watch and not marked the excesses. Until recently nothing confessed be right with the law and with his body, and respected, but since a bank was the house, and women leak, his prism of existence changed and now makes with liked what before nor forced. A danger. All loose pill rolling the flywheel if the fuss that suggest the fellow members of the radio justifies it. We were listening to a radio debate that was intended to be informative and there explained the biochemical ins and outs of the species. The human genome had been put on paper, and to verify, at the first service station we find made high to acquire the magazine that sponsored the gathering. And the poster, a drop-down of several leaves, to my surprise went to the rear relegating the everlasting girl. And follow alone, because in that cabin was left and lacked chemistry. SHR de M



A blind man walked with his dog through the park, and arriving at site that had known, fumbled harness the animal so that it run at mode; moved a little bit, but to approach me went quick sitting the can next to master. The man is proud of the bug being the eyes or what do lack. And even if he live far away, whenever he can is dropped find it very pleasant despite the dangerous place. So that would me an idea, said already frequenting when being younger, a girl, a little more savvy than him, would make a man. And not a professional which now abound. There it was. At the foot of the tree that made him adult stood abreast an urbanistic tome that welcomes panoramic structure situated at top. Something unnecessary in his opinion in the park, more by tell him than ever atop flashing light signal, also longs for that girl then watch from afar and congregate. And if not, came the guy willing to pay; who know mitting point. ‌ And ask me to price the piggy! SHR de M


01-50 Most cosmopolitan cities tends to be its underground transport. There is no nationality which cannot be heard crossing, or language, in a couple of days. And all social stratum is represented to be manifestly practical. With a while observing platforms and walkways, sniff the various effluents, one develops fast and reliable compendium of how reality is the city. Needn't go outside to conduct meaningful probes, just the blind selling coupons listen to trot on the stairs, to know if there are going to have the business day. Isn't that it has given me by the blind, no, but post to have misfortune imagine horrific to be blind in audio-visual society. And so I expressed it before a kiosque that serve in tandem a deaf-mute and a paralyzed man in a wheelchair. And for being gossip recurente theirs, to stay in tables all three, they recognized more fucked up any bullshit that prevents them to attend the Emporium. Disease that is, or wretched come, and make the day more bloody. SHR de M



Not leave do what gives me the win, so I decided to make the present appendix to the previous day, and at a health centre, pretexting bring a prevented, caught wheelchair and rogue, I missed to shoot day. Rather mischievous. Silly, because very tucked into the role, despairs and infarction carries impotence circumvent a tunnel, a ladder, a slope than the Everest, or an unscrupulous bastard, Hundreds!, which park the car on public roads in any way. And the shits and vomits on the sidewalk. And the cabins and focused cityscape to the standing position. I said lifting me was when the corner came a group of disabled people who wanted to visit museum with two monitors. Difficult that I knew the shipment, I close two which like I sat. They have engine their chairs, and heavier, reached the bus, and expressed the illusion go all or none, willing me said to pick up in arms if necessary. Them, happy and hopeful, in addition to relying on the early presence of the police with timely crane, be they urged some others, for mediating the superpowers which are attributed, solve the mess of the unscrupulous. Between Jokins and Grand Master Obiguan I laughed to outline. And present the transport, and without police solution, abused benefits of the empathetic, and tussles, somewhat took the vehicle that their to a corner which makes ravine. And precipitate. ‌‌ And instantly be baptized "Fallingneitor".

SHR de M



He went out to buy tobacco and the years after returning home. Recalling the meantime, he assured me that changed his life that his team would make double winning League and Cup. Yes, it's that simple. At the bar, overflowing, he began twist him the fate to be exhausted tobacco vending machine and recommend him another local, handmade corner, who knew but not frequented as the trench of the rival supporters. And no, before that abjuring their colors, grabbed the car keys for approaching a Seven Eleven. There he bought the damn habit, and was about to turn, when a few masked men burst in brandishing sawed-off car and forced him to step on the accelerator. From there they escaped burning wheels and handing out lead. And he drove without daring to even plant the eyes in the rearview mirror; neither sketch question. He took highway ahead and was told when grabbed deviation. Throughout the night fearing and desiring, that arrived the morning if they decided to change the car. And they did, although also in the new vehicle is made him driver. They said that drive nice, and with them, was piloting the idea that they would have to do with, as could do there same as one little bit later, and fearing the ruling sound, became his more relaxed driving, and as soon as they neglected, put to the test his luck jumping up by an embankment that ended up in the sea, cliffordering him to stop and hear the devious riding shotgun. That was the first part of the story. The second, less gruesome, hook with him at a hospital in another country wanting to prove their identity. Long years was recorded as unknown beggar running aground on the beach naked and half dead. And forgetful to awaken. The parentheses got him, blessed, a nurse without scruples who face him threw a puff of smoke. And he recalled. And that everything was true, I suppose, because after ring the bell of his house, and before even embrace women, ripped the chime with the soccer symphony and trampled it to awareness to do small pieces. And swear that only moves forward in bicycle, safe, because children between tears and hugs promised. Oh, and nothing, nothing of tobacco!. SHR de M



Industrialization is stripping the field of donkeys. The tractor, the mechanical mule, scooters of low cylinder capacity approaching the rustic anywhere, eventually cornering the animal. Romantics of the success enabled a farm in the hill as a reserve for the species. Called the complex "Dancer onager" and inside bray at the moment thirty-two exemplary. Thirty donated and two born there same that called Lop-eared and Bigtooth were recorded. This fast last earned nickname, and scourge, and demon, call him Whatbrake. What broken the bug this time? To who give a kick? Whatbrake was wild really. Indomitable until Amin casually reaching the place. From the beach I came following the man for disembarked from a bad boat and throw to running of the cry for the next help. Half later found the blocks and could not young for less to take water and grain of the same pot of beasts. And was discovered because once comforted, and between known hut, engaged, rare, candid friendship with Whatbroke. Alien that had been uncovered play with the beast before the astonished audience, including a police patrol that was attending the relief of landing, and welcomed before continuing march of the good that was new to tame lucifers. And say yes, that great acquisition. SHR de M


05-50 Biggest scare had not taken me so far. Gruesome it is wake up feeling in the face the fetid breath of a rat that rabbit. Large and auklet. And dentition for dreaming. And with loving eyes. For top removed it me a young man very worked, old in darkness, who had been chasing long overdue by strive wastes in the sewer. Nearby is the hotel zone and one can not have idea of what thrown away by drains; from jewellery to food. From his hand went through the urban underworld. Disadvantages have to live in the sewers and recognizes, but on consideration, also found advantages and unique joys. Yes, Yes, joy say means glimpse the garden from a sump. ... And perhaps smell the flowers take ecstasy! Where will be the Orchard which was the planet. What evolution? More masters are the cockroaches, yes, of course. SHR de M



I think the most joyful age for men is the frontier short-lived linking youth to adulthood. With money, toll-awareness, and healthy, tend to enjoy with the extravagant excess. And I would do in their conditions. Here today and tomorrow there. And can that other, or past, are elsewhere and to another topic. They have the world in their hands and know it. And drunk power and alcohol, if it gives them by singing to outhours cannot be another thing that endure are, or, that is what happened, two siamese mastodons to pop out to a sill and make threat take us with them tomorrow to the tagus and eaves in the foundations of the work of silence does not ipso facto. And mute, because despite being double-leaf, the brothers did not fit in the same window. In silence down the street followed the mine, and already far away, eructate fat and high, perhaps, defiance by be coming to their house; that it inherited from the parents. And continue doing dislike neighborhood until almost dawn with the hi-fi equipment. Rendered, fell asleep smiling without being aware of which hovered. The brothers formwork, and some other neighbor, wall the windows. And the fireplace. And the door tied it and welded to the fence. And cut off phone and electricity. And the water. And trust to bring depleted mobiles, and cats locked up with them to make them think about surly the coexist. Funny race. And that are known from boys and do not recognize boundaries. SHR de M


07-50 Drug. What kills and cures. The Bich. Godness which are delivered from yesteryear, when has such market and dynamism which no shortage of faithful followers. Nor have missing because seduces people of good predicament as undocumented who express unwavering devotion. For all troath a few graduate students who made the doctorate to use stamp out pills. They began pretesting buy a microscope, and fill the fridge, and after little, specialists in designing worlds of colors, became loyal clientele until someone was tongue and gave them a good scare bureaucracy. Blanched, they put in rule papers and now run small pharmacological company to which it is necessary to turn by bank to send you sample the product and protocol. And everything can be very nice and legal, to the future, because at the time, they work in buckets and bathtubs without any asepsis. And laugh, handled, thus also began another so-and-so in a garage, and now told the master of the planet. ...Yes, but not in the field of the pharmacopoea. That they care for mean as old business. SHR de M



Boy's father, who was driving, also led to spend the day in the swamp and he never complained. Expected with anxiety because by then, “you know�, there was no what there is today. It is not that they accustomed not camping, not, but to the car a retouching made its lack and thus justified the family outing. And more that car was van. Eight were going at the DKV although only screamed the driver. The patriarch murmur badson at a young age almost enter into Army; clumsy; lazy sang; bad student, dunce, that to the rest of the progeny returned to anchor in summer to the city. An excuse, Yes. If the picnic area was busy, it was also misdeed of the boy. And if they lost in the pines, which no doubt going not aware of milestones. Already at the foot of pine forest the father had a change of mood come him to memory how much he had enjoyed there. Away even then of neglecting the child, by getting is it mouth, hand approach tools ordered that stay to listen to war stories and learn something mechanical. A punishment for the family picnic day. Neither wood had, obvious guilt. And cutting some trees and with four sticks of a fence, fanned embers to lift the barbecue. And leave it half raw; or past. After eating,Yes, ceased the ratchet from the father to be practicing orthodox of siesta and surrender four to five and a half. Imperative, nobody learned that the eldest son, fed up, picked the vehicle and escaped. Without saying how the assailant began to awaken. And without driving license the other! To what little dead, or van disembowel, did them before two curves. But it was not and could very well reach young a forest headquarters, at the first village, and denounce the flagrant ecological attack; change the oil and others. And return in the same jeep of the guards and then to guardianship of minors. And laugh, make finger fucks to the father, and urge the small brothers to the rebellion. And no, there is no simple stories. SHR de M



Many more times that I admit I have deal with pilfering people. To my mind there is a ladder very clear, and one of the lowest, by need of body to body, used to get to pickpockets until I met artist of the calamity in a bus. MarĂ­a Dolores is shown in fullness of faculties. Nor myself knew what I wore in my pockets and she was put in magazine. She works alone, but by a niece to advise it serves as an alibi and does not intervene in the ballet of the 20. Choreographer of the girl, enjoys cleaning, and fear for a second that was me unwanted public, and aborting the question, cast forward, and, giving me a audible slap, called me unhappy, fondling and a lot of things that most attracted offended murmur among the passage. And she and pupil down without even ring the bell. At the next stop also got off me and traced street until find them. With a gelato in hand pains exercised her tutoring and corrected the field that left to view the other. To pitch hood then went into distance, and sitting by her side, me discover Arsenio Luppin. Breeding took fright and did not understand the grace, Lola Yes. And by funny, and watchful eye, to a chocolate cornet invited me to condition of saying how I outhaul the girl to the mere sketch. Perfectionist, although she laugh, I was hurt and more willing than ever to retire. Or so I want believe. SHR de M



Among tourist and traveler there is a clear qualitative and quantitative step, more jobs to be bold, or mileage is reference to jungle to find in any municipality. I have clear what I am, but I can't deny boldness and audacity to two old who decide to visit the city almond after fifty years. And find it so changed that they do not recognize it. Are the same buildings by street, and fountains and statues. And wooded walks. Spare the neon lights and both car to their liking. And noise, Yes. All pollution although the noise catalogued it the worst along with the rabble that swarming outhours. And yes, if it is not forced, it is the last time that they visit the capital and the country. They prefer, and long, the 17th floor where has their studio site in the "quiet" Benidorm. Tres pairs of windows, and view the sea, becomes them paradise that desire. SHR de M



Today I met in the speculative argot called demoralizing reinforcement, or, “Fear-rickety�. And comes to consist of getting to live in a standard community an atypical member. A family in this case. A few. The job is specialized not having everyone livers to force certain situations. They become unbreathable environment neighborhood that leave neighbors once and for all can demolish the neighborhood and rebuild. While still degrading and underpinning to ruinous; that in the long run it is also saving. Yes, it's time for road rollers. The feverish real estate boom aims to urbanize much earlier. Precedence to this effect, become urban battle field old humble residential areas. And the next step, the expropriaton forced to go bad by legal way. SHR de M


05-51 The good thing about a very dry year is that there is little mosquito. Neither flies hum in the vicinity of jasmine. Bees Yes. Why they keep to the site but not touched. In such an environment check days and nights a couple of retirees with the children and grandchildren saplings. And a great-grandson, toy of all, that in the stroller sleeping with any television program to which plug. Hear and snooze. Other members of the tribe this leverage without modesty and gang out to dance making a minimal expense to the summer. And happy the grandpas dating stems. They think well and very well that to be friends intergenerational, though they would like, and they camouflaged sighs, which should be given opportunity also to them to be a delight. And I can't do me as responsible, and the terrace had it well-stocked, and into pool, I took place among them for comment on the antics of the children. And the colors of some dolls on TV that had the enthralled baby. SHR de M


06-51 They seem to start really worrying about pollution. Global village, common landfill, envisions the youth the inheritance that is going to stay and manifest themselves angry. Where to meet those who have voice to planetary scale, there they strongly protest to get them into consideration and give ear to their complaints. Stop it. Nunca Maix! Let us breathe, please!. The ecological catastrophe is no new threat because long ago it is already in that are killing the planet. That novelty is that they understand that are killing themselves at a time; the Earth is very able to continue turning without them and hope to illuminate new shoots. Although I will not see having much observed and have learned to look to another party. Ha!. Four days that left me here‌ for me such if cut finally throughout the Amazon and built then with fine stone tablet. Now come new Lords. And who observe; that the signatory below goes for deciduous. SHR de M



They are friends of multitudinous events with the most diverse arguments. Raise funds for the centers studying pandemics, lead walls and ceiling to a school outside of the Andes, or simply zoom to the front page of the newspapers the injustices committed in any despotic remote country that will not be hand postman. They are gregarious soul and some even of good heart. It thus threaded convoy that sailed the desert sands to the Sahrawi people carry some hope. It was transported on trailers an autonomous diesel generator and spare parts for ten years. Hospital material and three solar cookers of artisanal invoice. And books, many books, because if the desert and weaker policies closed minds, is no less true that print opens doors and empowers travel without moving. Thanks to that absorbed the sea at started to read them the teach Candi the work of Melville. And around the women sat down not only boys and girls, and expedition members, adults and grandpas to extensive ear heard the beating of the waves against the hull. And the cry of the watchman at the maintop. There chugssssss!!!!!! No doubt very well will come charging they brought and the resonance of the trip that also make the others to return to their homes. Now, if I had to mention something of the day, I would with the hit of ocean that gives the desert. Soon look whole stony dune is hump of Leviathan in the Hammada. SHR de M



Nowhere better than high in the Empair State Building to have a look at New York and humanity that representing its citizens. At scratching of cloud, seems a mound the street. In this match many and trying to spit to be noticed... do will be fixing it calculate to a spit? From the top throw by imagining the journey and where go to stop, and even knowing, and I do not know random, myself I were right on one shoulder with consequent disgust and anger. And complain, and make me circle the people, a marriage removed their all wins up at the moment with the children, deciding to go, better, to have breakfast at another building that also was tall and imagined good views. Atop the Trade Wall Center assumed restaurant where join the celebration of their Silver Jubilee. Today, 11 September, they met 25 years since they cast them the "Until Death do you part". And not even this Lady will be able to distance them. SHR de M



One hundred years to this part we have intensified visits. And current, I can almost say that under a day Yes and another also. I imagine that the interest of the mission are not geological materials. Organic must be compound that we seek. Or biological entity already formed. The men itself might be, with the genetics that they spend, and well-trained, load would mean square of shock that would be feared throughout universe tested. Up to the peaceful are a danger. Out there yes I understand interest, if, and I repeat if, if it were not because the same humans know that they have some outstanding weaknesses. The gene for apolipoprotein E, without going further, practically is a mystery to them. Physician a very crestfallen girl returned to analysis have been done and tell her that, more than possible, safe, that ended as her grandmother and father, to whom, wore life caring and hence the graduating suffered understood. Knows how hard to carry the disease. And more for the sick, which ultimately can travel by "happy" time, for the family may be a load of bad drag that leads to ruin. And to not become future wounds and sores that heal, she opened the gas spud and sweet was the dream of all. Too much. SHR de M



Life expectancy rises and now they come to old many who had previously been on the road. Physical illnesses are cured and another butterfly thing, more for the head aches do not bear even pace of progress and is continuous income sandblasting. At the time they opened primer to three. Beside me moored at the sanatorium, an insurance broker that broke with the stock market and a mug that quickly accepted dementia to get rid of greater punishment imposed him a judge; the felony, lay an and closed circuit surveillance to record to the dean and other senior officials of the University in their offices, and discovered spying, attempting to make disappear the evidence by burning the entire building to the cry of "Long live the dullard!". Without even looking, I knew who he was. And he who I was so perfectly reminded me. In the first intimacy left us he greeted me very effusive and told me with his humour the warping in the meantime not to see us. And ask me for my assets. And to say the least, that around partners of psychiatric, made of natural leader by saying, I stated walking breeding a hybrid of wasp and louse to release in kindergartens. And recognize me with ovation the audacious project. SHR de M



Nothing comes the final report and I think that Beast seeks to mend fences. To choose today gave me the view in which the Siberian tundra was staying or, if I do not want the disgust, proposed sitting at Montecarlo casino table. And with tabs on pockets. Do? …… Ha!. Perceived as a jerk of me, I've just spent a guil to make life on Earth, austere I went not knowing that the account was sunk. Of not of what! I already missed my Beast claudicate and reported to hurt. ….. But in the end... do game, gentlemen! Let's!! …… Running by the face the experience wanted to make things right, and before succumbing to random, enrolled in the hotel they told me better; of the own casino. And I did come to a tailor. And also to the sommelier to dictate the list of wines that wanted me summon during my stay. And limousine at the door even though to not move. I don't know if I'll be able to spend the amount of the year in the couple of days that I have left, but by damn, what am I organic!, started doing gave life of rich . I became the most beloved guest. Preparing the night assault I asked a fine cocktail in the jakuzzi. Then came a boy to bring me the assortment of lobster and eels. And Red prawns. And by betray nose fins the young evil drink was serving me "fish", allergic to mere rubbing, per delivered, gave tip a gold taken him for himself! And ready it is, begged, if not insolence, who reintegrated the obolus into my account and play on the mat to be him it seemed forbidden to walk on the carpet without uniform. He imagine me new rich and understood the opportunity. And even advised me. Sister has what louver with numbers and lectures him not to play. But power, doing for him, she insists on bet by now to the 6 and 27 in Roulette; who are recidivists; affectations that has studied to force take hours. I also have my system. Simple, during 36 consecutive rounds I bet on the same number looking for jump banking or rabies Beast wastage. An orgasm live at this rate, Yes. SHR de M



It is not the most luxurious hotel in the city, but nestled in the heart of the good eat that are “Tapas�, and I know, I took a room in the Queen Victoria. The bridal suite. The dome. The most expensive they have, Yes, and the more pretty to have a look at the Neighborhood of Letters. Front with front, on a rooftop, a scribe of middling, which is dreaming poet, he hurried the last drink at night before going to sleep. I moved early and he stay up late, so got invitation but with the condition not to exceed me; did not even have to understand real jumping I from balcony to balcony. While dawn, and he and his cat roared, amused lift latches reading something loose from his work. Tales, theatre, children's lullabies. Poems. Even a treaty of absurdity. And a detective story that hooked me to the point of not feeling the phone bellowing and the caress of the direct sun. While, between yawns, he hook the headset the seal-lyrics and gave him news that was pale. He switched on the TV, and without repairing in me, or the cat that has smelled something and sought the hand, sat down to contemplate images that broadcast live on TV. A few metres from the house of his sister had a bomb exploded in a suburban train. A terrorist attack, orchestration macabre to have arranged various artifacts in the railway network. Throughout the city. Dumb and engrossed was until not repress breast a "who!" that rang to curse. And cry how child. And he is not corny type; because live gruesome fictions. And so he left the city remoserful after day of eclipse. Madrid cries. Who?!! SHR de M



I think across the country threw gravel to the broadcaster of television which relayed the bells of the New Year. Rumored that would do, and being forced to start the year on the right foot, as they just finished the bell´s sound, uttered the ubiquitous "Happy 2,005!!", and all the hall of the hotel, at the time, issued the agreed "in the ass I sink it you!". Newly reinstated me, took me, mediating hugs and psyk, to know me the occurrence, but put in background, and was continuing to be rejoicing with each other, I thought if the fund instead of joke, was a declaration of intent in all rule. And any malicious there that say for purely sexual purpose, but most, sincere, thought to enter a sack with the new year. Promise himself new life. They must want to be such which are created which are, or may become, and in the subterfuge, elliptical, this is the year that proclaim definitive for their aspirations. Or disposed of in a bad life. And that, wanting to nail the back, is not something that is well seen. And less aerate it in public. SHR de M


07-52 They are innocents, Yes. They also have his streak of idiot if they think that can have the power without control. Although in theory Yes. They could be energy self-sufficient day if they squeeze their brains and lost other alternative sources. But to deter the common, prices are so outrageous that few can afford the investment; a cell is worth what the eye. And if anything, little invention or patent escapes to scrutinize of corporations and Governments. No, is not possible energy autarky... at the moment. Philosopher and economist, and historian lost sometimes, a scholar of the books was pleased to make me parallelism with the golden age of piracy. Misrule, amorality that brought to Humanity that they could not burn with tariffs winds or current. It is true, then man was the owner of his will and made and was where pleased him. Supreme Law was the whim. ‌ It is not that creates not possible, just not interested. SHR de M



Just before jumping, informed me Beast that played again set back the position, because with address Titan, humans have sent a probe. It was reported that the return instead of finding him on the Moon of Saturn, I would find him on a planet of the perisolar circuit. And I refused. I refuse. ‌ If it does, the empathetic lock so that do not grasp any tractor beam, released mark of relief, and I stay. I do jump the alarms and we look forward to that come someone with voice to assign responsibilities. And knows that I do. Or one day, middle, nor per quarter. No, I am not prepared to withstand this arbitrary shaking more. SHR de M


02-53 (24:1/4)

Tradition of the fleet interuniverses, the day before departure we have license to choose the mode of enjoyment of our last hours in port or destination. Or to war is going or comes without celebrating. And only six miserable hours are that are missing to make the exact year. For the occasion I was throwing the eye in the transcript of the work. City or field. Mountain or beach. Summer or winter. Alone or accompanied. Many places I liked to return. And many times. But forced to realize, and intrepid explorer that ultimately I think have resulted, I requested left in a depopulated island paradise that crave the same human dreams. And they know what they want. Mine is taken from a dreamlike catalogue of the Pacific. Palm trees, coconuts and sand. And a sweet water pipe. A vast and lonely beach, a magical moment that records me climax of the trip in memory back to my step, literal, the sea thing less 200 metres; or more; would seem that paying me homage or not wanting to bother. And just be me to admire the phenomenon. While I teach these letters to the empathetic, I relax with the orthodox undress sunbathing and watching grow waves; until Beast send me link. And by the way, go salt mountain which comes from the black of the ocea... Nooooooooooooooooooo1ooooo1ooo10101101101100011001...!!!



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