Ecotone (MArch)

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Emergent Technologies & Design





(M.Arch.) (M.Arch.) (M.Arch.)

“I certify that this piece of work is entirely my/our and that my quotation or paraphrase from the published or unpublished work of other is duly acknowledge.”


Ananya Vachher (M.Arch.)


Khadeeja Boriyawala (M.Arch.)

Vidhi Bhargava (M.Arch.)




ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all the individuals who played a pivotal role in the completion of our dissertation. This research project would not have been possible without the unwavering support and assistance of many, and we wish to express our appreciation. First and foremost, we would like to convey our sincere thanks to our dissertation advisors, Dr Michael Weinstock, Dr Elif Erdine and Dr Milad Showkatbakhsh, along with our course tutors whose guidance, expertise, and invaluable insights significantly contributed to the success of this research. A special thanks to Mr. Mark Keating who helped us with his expertise on fluid dynamics analysis. Our friends, colleagues, and families deserve special recognition for their unwavering support, encouragement, and understanding during this academic journey. Their belief in our efforts has been a constant source of motivation. This dissertation stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and collective effort, and we are humbled by the incredible support we have received. While it’s impossible to name everyone individually, please accept our heartfelt thanks for your indispensable contributions to this research project.

Paris Niktidis | Felipe Oeyen Lorenzo Santelli | Dr. Nina Gupta Fun Yue | Dr. Alvaro Velasco Perez

Ananya Vachher (M.Arch.) Khadeeja Boriyawala (M.Arch.) Vidhi Bhargava (M.Arch.)

Table of Content Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Methodology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Research Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

Design Devlopment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Design Proposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Discussion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

ABSTRACT The proposal aims to address the effects of rapid urbanization along the rich coastline of India and its effects on the coastal biome. With the increase in industries and urban population in coastal regions, in recent years there has been a significant decline in the flora and fauna that once inhabited these ecotones. Identifying dense rapidly growing cities by the shoreline, Thane creek, located in Mumbai city, once abundant an ecotone has seen a decrease in its fishing culture due to the increase of metal and oil contaminants discharged by surrounding manufacturing facilities into its channel and excessive siltation at its banks, causing the narrowing of Thane creek’s waterway. With the deteriorating waterway and the local biome, the following questions are addressed in this proposal.

What active and passive systems be adopted to decrease the impact of industrial pollutants and over siltation on the Thane creek biome? What sustainable materials and techniques be developed to diminish the presence of pollutants found in the waterways? Studying the region’s vernacular practices, what spatial interventions can be proposed to establish an ecotone transitioning from underwater to above water, aiding in the revival of the biome and the lost local economy of the region?

Through the study of locally sourced materials, it is identified that luffa, a natural filter, can absorb oils and pollutants from the water. Using its binding properties, a composite material is developed using hydraulic lime mortar and luffa aggregate that is cast into a modular structure. These modules are developed as floating filter systems that aggregate into large platforms creating a transitional habitat from underwater to above water mimicking natural terrains. Aiming to blur the boundaries of the two mediums, vernacular practices and spaces were studied to develop zones for luffa replacement and recycling. With the primary goal of this proposal being the rehabilitation of the ecotone, built spaces are designed to contribute to the revival of the biome and the local fishing economy of Thane Creek.

Water pollution, Filtration, Biomaterials, Floating systems, Biodiversity preservation, Co-habitation, Economy revival.

Fig.01. : Pollution over the years on the coastlines of Mumbai

INTRODUCTION The global coastline faces the pressures of urban development seeing an increase in population, infrastructural development, and the resultant effects of pollution due to this high intensity land use.1 In the case of India, Its coastline is projected to see an increase in population of by 3 times in 60 years, with haphazard urban growth.2 These cities are known to dispose untreated industrial and sewage waste directly into the ocean, thus making the coastal waters eutrophic which cause a loss to biodiversity. Mumbai is one such city which is the biggest megalopolis of India and generates about 365 million tonnes of sewage annually.3 Most of the sewage is carried through gutters and reaches the sea at various points or dumped indiscriminately into the sea. Thane creek in Mumbai, one of the biggest natural creeks in India, also happens to be the biggest sink for most of the waste generated by residential and industrial complexes. Thane creek is a diverse ecosystem consisting of mudflats, salt-pans and mangrove forests.4 As a result, the creek is home to a large number of bird species, mangrove trees and marine life. It also hosts a flamingo sanctuary. However, the creek is threatened by pollution and encroachment, creating unique problems and a decline in the biodiversity of the region.


Dhiman, Ravinder, Pradip Kalbar, and Arun B. Inamdar. 2019. “Spatial Planning of Coastal Urban Areas in India: Current Practice versus Quantitative Approach.” Ocean & Coastal Management 182 (December): 104929.


“Urban Coastal Vulnerability: Building Climate Resilience in India | World Sustainable Development Forum.” 2020. December 21, 2020.


“QUANTIFICATION STUDIES on the ACCUMULATION of NON -BIODEGRADABLE SOLID WASTE MATERIAL in the MANGROVES of THANE CREEK - Mahesh Shindikar , Sandeep Jadhav, Rajendra Karpe, Manish Lale , P. Tetali and V.R.Gunale.” n.d. Accessed January 5, 2024.


“Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” 2019. Hindustan Times. June 3, 2019.



The three distinct problems are : •

The high levels of untreated pollutants in the creek water cause algae growing on the surface, choking and killing the marine life of the region but causing a spike in the flamingo population.1

Due to high levels of pollutants and over siltation, the mangroves are overrunning and growing on the mudflats, causing the creek to narrow and taking over the habitats for the migratory flamingos.2

The habitat damage in the creek due to the pollution has caused a decline in fish and the livelihood of the local fishermen community has suffered as a result.3 There is a disparity of the negative effects and impacts on different organisms. It is thus

necessary to find a solution for different species to co-exist in the contextual habitat without adversely affecting each other. This can be done through implementing sustainable techniques which would combine bio-based materials along with positively utilizing the generated waste to reduce the overall environmental impact. This will ensure continuous recyclability and assist in creating a circular economy model. 1

Mumbai, in. 2019. “‘A Double-Edged Sword’: Mumbai Pollution ‘Perfect’ for Flamingos.” The Guardian. The Guardian. March 29, 2019.


The Times of India. 2019. “Mangroves Choking Thane Creek to Go to Save Mudflats?,” January 17, 2019.


The Impact of Urbanization on the Fishermen Community and Biodiversity in parts of Thane Creek region, Maharashtra

Mudflats/ Seagrass

Thus, in the project we aimed at developing a material system that reduces the impurity levels caused by human activity in the Thane creek, making the biome habitable for all life forms residing in the region. The modules are transformable in composition and structure to apply under water, as well as above, to create co-habitable space and blur spatial boundaries between zones. It further aims to make the local community the stakeholders, spread awareness, and bring back the fishing culture and economy to the area. The entire system embodies the principles of sustainability, conscious co-habitation, and circular economy. Thane creek as a site is a prime example of an ecotone – a transition region between two biological communities. The project as a response, embodies this principle of transition to create a connected system linking and bringing the ecosystem together.

Fig.02. The 3 identified effects of pollution.

Dhiman, Ravinder, Pradip Kalbar, and Arun B. Inamdar. 2019. “Spatial Planning of Coastal Urban Areas in India: Current Practice versus Quantitative Approach.” Ocean & Coastal Management 182 (December): 104929. ocecoaman.2019.104929. “Urban Coastal Vulnerability: Building Climate Resilience in India | World Sustainable Development Forum.” 2020. December 21, 2020. urban-coastal-vulnerability-building-climate-resilience-in-india/#:~:text=For%20 example%2C%20there%20are%20already. “QUANTIFICATION STUDIES on the ACCUMULATION of NON -BIODEGRADABLE SOLID WASTE MATERIAL in the MANGROVES of THANE CREEK - Mahesh Shindikar , Sandeep Jadhav, Rajendra Karpe, Manish Lale , P. Tetali and V.R.Gunale.” n.d. Accessed January 5, 2024. water/proceed/proceedings_text/section4/paper1/section4paper1.htm. “Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” 2019. Hindustan Times. June 3, 2019. mumbai-s-2nd-largest-natural-area-thane-creek-needs-to-be-saved/storyj77a3obWcx4Bm9OhudHXoL.html. Mumbai, in. 2019. “‘A Double-Edged Sword’: Mumbai Pollution ‘Perfect’ for Flamingos.” The Guardian. The Guardian. March 29, 2019. cities/2019/mar/26/a-double-edged-sword-mumbai-pollution-perfect-forflamingos. The Times of India. 2019. “Mangroves Choking Thane Creek to Go to Save Mudflats?,” January 17, 2019.


The Impact of Urbanization on the Fishermen Community and Biodiversity in parts of Thane Creek region, Maharashtra publication/370609413_The_Impact_of_Urbanization_on_the_Fishermen_ Community_and_Biodiversity_in_parts_of_Thane_Creek_region_Maharashtra/ citation/download


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Bhargava | Boriyawala | Vachher





At the frontlines of climate change,

Housing a large and growing popu-

coastal areas have seen a rapid increase

lation of the world, coastal regions are un-

of population and urban growth in the

dergoing an environmental decline which is

last three decades. Since the beginning of

predominantly seen in developing countries.

civilization, humans have shared a unique

With an increase in urban development in

connection with water. Coastal zones have

coastal regions, there has been economic

always served as regions where mankind

increase, improved transportation links,

has established communities, due to ac-

industrial development, and increase in

tivities such as fishing, riparian agriculture,

revenue from tourism and food production.

etc. Driven by a connection of commerce

and natural environment in the form of

areas also filter pollutants, provide shelter,

ecosystem goods and services, many

breeding grounds and food. Thus, often in-

major cities are built in coastal regions

dustries and spaces for shipping and ports

and about 44% of the world population

are located in these areas and additionally

lives within 150 km of the coast.1 While the

are used for recreational activities like fish-

connection between humans and the sea

ing and diving. Due to the high productivity

is vital, this connection is a delicate one.

and vast potential of this landscape, many


Known to serve as barriers, coastal

Yoskowitz, David & Russell, Marc. (2014). Human Dimensions of Our Estuaries and Coasts. Estuaries and Coasts. 38.

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Fig.03. Estuary located in Sarek National Park, Sweden.

countries have seen a rapid population

caused by pollution from industries, agricul-

growth in comparison to that in non-coastal

ture, and urban areas that are degrading

regions. This rapid increase of population

the quality of water in these regions.2

and activities associated with it is also a cause for concern as it is endangering the very same habitat that provides these benefits.

With the rapid increase in size, composition, and distribution of humans in coastal regions, it has been marked that 14 of the world’s largest cities are located

ecosystems is caused by the increase of

along coasts, and cities with population

population and its activities, its effects seen

varying from 1- 10 million people are lo-

across multiple landscapes and traditional

cated near coastlines.3 • With the increase

regional activities that depend on the local

of population pressure and the activities

biome. In the 20th century it was marked

associated with degrading coastal regions,

that about half of the world’s wetlands, man-

it is vital to address and preserve these rich

groves have disappeared, more than half

ecosystems that serves an important role

of the world’s coral reefs are endangered

for all life forms in that specific biosphere.

and are beyond recovery and this is mainly 2

“Basic Information about Estuaries.” EPA. Accessed July 10, 2023.


Creel, Liz. 2003. “Ripple Effects: Population and Coastal Regions.” PRB. September 25, 2003.


Bhargava | Boriyawala | Vachher

Degradation of coasts and marine


nutrient rich shores, a diverse range of species of birds, fish, and mammals live, breed and feed in these biomes. Transitional areas where two biomes meet, ecotones house a diverse range of organisms and species unique to its region. Ecotones are also found where one body of water meets another- biomes such as estuaries, lagoons aand marshes.1

As streams flow down from upland into the sea, they transport sediments, nutrients, and other pollutants to the estuary. Due to reduced wave action in estuaries, sediment deposition and land infilling is observed over a time frame

An ecotone where fresh water meets

along the estuary banks. Mangroves along

salt water, estuarine biomes are highly

the mudflats in estuaries behave as filters

productive with increasing level of organic

entrapping sediments carried downstream,

matter consisting of forests, grasslands,

storing nutrients, and forming a buffer

or agricultural land that house unique

zone between the coastal region and

flora and fauna that have adapted to life

the marine environment. Over time due

at the edge of the sea. Due to the gradient

to sedimentation, formation of deltas

of freshwater to saltwater with adjacent

takes place thus reducing the area of the waterbodies in the estuary system.




Rafferty, John P. 2019. “Ecotone | Ecology.” In Encyclopædia Britannica.

Fig.04. : Water near shorelines and estuaries system

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Also known as “nurseries of the sea”, these sheltered waters have a commercial value due to which there are economic benefits in tourism, fisheries, and other human activities. Important sites for aquaculture activities, estuaries have long been known for mussel, fish, and shrimp breeding. Known to serve as harbor sites and centers of commerce; it is observed that estuarine environments are where urban development has thrived due to its natural beauty and the economic value of these biomes.2 This connection between humans and the sea through this ecotone has resulted in the development of major cities along coastal regions, due to which currently, 2.15 billion people live in coastal regions which is likely to increase in the coming years. While this connection is propelled by the growth of commerce and natural environment in the form of goods and services, this relationship is a delicate one.3 Known to house important centers of commerce and seaports in various countries, the proximity of these large urban centers has made these biomes vulnerable to contamination due to sewage and industrial effluents. The increase of human activity and industrial growth in these regions has caused an increase of solid waste and water pollutants that are making these ecosystems uninhabitable for the once thriving flora and fauna.


“Life in an Estuary | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.” n.d.


Yoskowitz, David & Russell, Marc. (2014). Human Dimensions of Our Estuaries and Coasts. Estuaries and Coasts. 38.

Bhargava | Boriyawala | Vachher



of salinity as compared to that in the dry season. Connecting to the Ulhas estuary in the north at Kasheli through a narrow Projected





channel and to the Arabian sea in the west,

population in the world by 2024, India has

Thane creek is threatened by pollution and

a coastline of 7,500 km, that spreads across

encroachment, causing a decline in the

nine states, which house a population

biodiversity due to industrialization and the

of 420 million people.

These densely

rapid urban expansion on its banks which

populated states have seen a deterioration

can be observed through satellite imagery.

in the coastal biomes due to increase in

Over the years, a decrease in water area

human activity and industrial growth in

is observed due to sedimentation, and an

these regions.

increase in mangrove cover by 53% from 1973 to 2018.

Thane Creek

While mangroves have

increased in Thane creek, the species thriving has been observed to survive

Located in India’s largest city by

in poor water quality. These dynamic

population, Thane creek is a 26 km long

environments, once being the source of

water inlet consisting of mudflats, salt

livelihood for the local fishing villages, used

pans and diversely rich mangrove forests

to house several species of prawn, crabs,

that once were thriving in Mumbai. A

bivalves, gastropods, and fin fish that used



to be found in the upper reaches of these

water body, the Thane creeks upstream

waterbodies. Currently local fishing activity

width is hardly 200 m which gets exposed

has nearly come to a halt due to decline in

during low tide and has a maximum depth

productivity and miserable water quality

of 12 m. Influenced by semi-diurnal tides



that have a mean tidal range of 5.0 m and 4.5 m in the spring period in the mouth region, Thane creek and Ulhas estuary in the monsoon season have lower levels 1

“Eyeing the Coastlines.” Down To Earth. Accessed July 11, 2023.


Thomas, Jubin, Simhadri Naidu Velamala, and K.V.S.R. Prasad. 2019. “Numerical Simulation of Tidal Constituents in Thane Creek and the Ulhas Estuary, West Coast of India.” Journal of Coastal Research 35 (2): 376.


“Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” 2019. Hindustan Times. June 3, 2019.

Fig.05. : Thane Creek Site location

With the increase of urban settlements and industrial activities in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, the creek receives untreated and treated domestic waste and effluents from various industries situated at its banks. Due to reduced tidal action in this ecotone, it is observed that the area of the water body is reducing over time and the level of pollutants accumulated in this biome are increasing, making the biome uninhabitable for the once thriving flora and fauna. The reducing plants and marine life in turn has affected the local inhabitant’s livelihoods.


Fig.07. : Effects of Pollution around Thane

Fig.06. : Thane Creek- pollution mapping during high tide.


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Creek.“Mumbai Why Do You Turn Your Stray Dogs Blue?” 2017. Arab News. August 15, 2017., “Thane Creek Pollution - Google Search.” n.d. Accessed January 11, 2024., The Times of India. 2022. “Navi Mumbai: Fish Dying in Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary, Greens Complain to Maharashtra CM,” March 23, 2022.

Fig.08. : Thane Creek Land use and pollution



Tidal action Surrounded





Mumbai, Thane creek is one of the largest creeks in Asia, connecting Mumbai harbor in the southern end to the Ulhas estuary in the north through a narrow channel at Kasheli. At the head of the creek, the waterway is narrow and becomes wider closer to the mouth of the creek. Both the eastern and western banks of the Thane creek consist of mangroves with a denser cover on the eastern banks as the creek is dominated by tidal action. Due to yearly siltation of about 4mm in the creek, dredging is periodically carried out to maintain a navigational channel. Having a maximum depth of 15m below Chart Datum (CD) close to the mouth of the stream that then reduces as we move upstream, the tidal range remains the same up until Trombay, and increases rapidly upstream due to funneling effect. Thane creek experiences semi-diurnal tide with a mean tide range of 0.5 m to 4.5 m in the spring season close to the mouth of the creek.1 During the monsoon season with increased flows of water from upstream rivers like Ulhas River, the water body is predominantly driven by fresh water. In comparison during the arid season, the lack of flow of fresh water from upstream allows for salt water to intrude upstream up to Kalyan region. A narrow channel, the Thane creek and Ulhas estuary is classified as a hyper-synchronous system, with a gradual decrease in the velocity of water is noticed


from the mouth of the creek to upstream.



Thomas, Jubin, Simhadri Naidu Velamala, and K.V.S.R. Prasad. 2019. “Numerical Simulation of Tidal Constituents in Thane Creek and the Ulhas Estuary, West Coast of India.” Journal of Coastal Research 35 (2): 376.

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2020 2010 2000 1988 1978 Measured sections

Fig.10. : Narrowing of Thane Creek



Biodiversity Consisting of mudflats, salt pans and

a number of bacteria and platyhelminths

diversity rich thick mangrove forests, Thane

that contribute to the decomposition of

creek is home to more than 160 species of

mangrove litter. As a result of mangrove

bird, nine species of mangrove trees and

litter, the mudflats become so rich in

various fish, crustaceans, and insects. These

organic matter that they export nutrients



to the aquatic system surrounding them

plants that are the basic life building blocks

as well as to the sea, sustaining the fish-

for an aquatic system that provides shrimps,

ery and the autotrophic food chain. The

snails, and fish.1 Benthic organisms such as

mudflats also act as a habitat for migratory

polychaetas, oligochaetes, and nematodes

birds- especially flamingos in the region.




inhabit the mangrove mudflats. There are



“Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” 2019. Hindustan Times. June 3, 2019.

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Mangroves forests Mangrove forests, as highly productive

Once having a mangrove cover of

ecosystems, offer vital goods and services to

about 4921 km² that was mainly found along

both human and marine life. They play a key

the coastal belt of the Arabian sea, now India

role in reducing coastal erosion and act as

has lost 40% of its mangrove cover due to

effective filters for micronutrients and heavy

human activities, urban development, and

metals in water. The nutrient-rich creeks, es-

overexploitation.1 Studies have found that

tuaries, and mangrove forests along coast-

there are low levels dissolved oxygen in

lines provide ideal conditions for the thriving

Thane creek and hight levels of nutrients

marine and freshwater fauna. Positioned in

which promotes the growth of phytoplank-

intertidal regions, mangroves flourish on nu-

tons. Excessive levels of phytoplanktons are

trient-rich mudflats, facilitating the transport

found to kill other life in the water stream.

of organ-

This is caused by excessive siltation which

ic matter

has also resulted in the narrowing of Thane



creek, reducing the water way. While an


increase in the mangrove cover is widely


promoted, it has been found that the new mangrove growth in Thane creek is widely one species of mangrove which thrive in polluted water. Due to the low water quality and excessive siltation, Thane creek has seen a decline in its bio-diversity in recent years.

Fig.11. Thane creek biodiversity as per identified znes.


“Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” 2019. Hindustan Times. June 3, 2019.



Migratory species Mangroves serve as crucial habitats for

flamingos. The rise in flamingo population

diverse planktonic and benthic organisms,

is speculated to be linked to the polluted

attracting a wide array of migratory and

habitat, which promotes the growth of blue

non-migratory birds. The estuarine mudflats

algae—a primary food source for flamingos.

are particularly important for hosting migratory and endangered waders with distinctive features. These bird species play a vital role in the mangrove ecosystem. Habitat destruction, driven by anthropogenic factors, poses a threat to bird species that rely on specific environments during different seasons.

However, the pollution also poses risks, as the increased algae diminishes water oxygen levels, impacting marine life in Thane Creek. Thus, the delicate balance between ecological benefits and risks requires careful consideration in managing and conserving this unique ecosystem.

Conservation efforts are crucial to mitigate the impact of negative pressure on these habitats. Despite heavy pollution, Thane Creek continues to support a diverse avifauna, including waders and


Fig.12. Magazine, Hakai. n.d. “Mumbai Embraces Its Booming Flamingo Population.” Hakai Magazine.


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Activity Zoning The site factors and related activities were broadly classified and mapped out as following: •

Flamingo Sanctuary – Thane Creek flamingo Sanctuary (TCFS) lies on the Western

portion of Thane creek, extending from the marshes to the middle of the creek. The ‘Near Threatened’ species of Lesser Flamingos visit this area every year. This attracts tourists who try to access the site via boats, disturbing the birds. •

Mangroves and Mudflats – As previously mentioned, due to excess siltation, the

mangrove cover is increasing and covering the mudflats – especially on the Western part of the site (as seen in figure). As mudflats are a major habitat for flamingos, which occupy that portion of the site, this causes a problem. •

Fishing Landing Sites- The mangroves are home to a number of commercially

important marine life, providing a source of livelihood for local fishing communities. There are around 11 fishermen villages around Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary itself and the dependency of these villages is 100% on the creek for their wage. The landing sites of fishermen near these villages are mapped out and analyzed to be more towards the upper portions of the site. •

High Population Density Regions – Thane Creek has major access nodes passing

through and within its vicinity, making certain surrounding areas population dense. Mulund Airoli Bridge, located on the Northern side of the sanctuary leads to the Interpretation center and Airoli jetty, on the Eastern side of the site. The Vashi – Mandale Bridge on the Southern the East side. Towards the Ulhas River, in the Northern part of the site, the major highway NH48 passes leading to high density in this area as well. 1

“Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary Management Plan.” 2020.


“Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary Management Plan.” 2020.


“Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary Management Plan.” 2020.


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boundary of the Sanctuary lead to mangrove wetlands near an existing residential area, also on



Fig.13. : Existing site factors


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Fig.14. : Existing site factors mapped

Based upon this study, the broad division of site could be done relating to activities and habitability. The Western part of the site was focused on the Flamingos in the region due to the existence of the sanctuary. The upper Eastern portions were accessed by local fishermen as per current locations of landing sites. The lower Eastern portions could be segregated for tourism to maintain a certain distance from the flamingo zone and still be near the densely populated access points with mangroves nearby. This contextual division would be further analyzed and assist in the zoning of the site for the benefit of the design proposal in the later stages of the project.



The surge of industrial cities in coastal areas has led to an increase in population in these areas. This has led to an increase in the level of toxic pollutants being released into the otherwise rich surrounding ecotone, putting it under threat of facing depletion. The chosen site area, Thane Creek in Mumbai is one such ecotone. Famous for its dense mangrove forests and migratory flamingo sanctuaries, the creek is currently threatened by pollution, encroachment, and reduced tidal action. While the decline of mangrove cover in India is attributed to the increase in industrial and human activity, Thane Creek has seen the unique case of an increase in mangrove cover, specifically one species of mangroves that have adapted to the high levels of pollution in the waterway. The rise in pollutant levels has also caused an increase in migratory birds, namely flamingos, in the creek. While the rise in mangroves and migratory birds is widely viewed as beneficial to the biome, in Thane Creek, the increase in pollutants has caused a rise in blue algae in its water body, which, on one hand, serves as food for the flamingos, while on the other hand, the increase of algae in water is causing depletion of marine life due to reduced oxygen levels. Simultaneously, the increasing growth in mangroves caused by excess silt deposits mixed with pollutants, have covered the existing mudflats. This has caused a depletion in mudflats which act as habitats for the increasing number of flamingos. Further, the exhaustion of aquatic life in Thane Creek has also affected the local economy of the fishing communities. Ecotones, found in estuary systems, comprise an intricate balance of diverse ecologies. Thane Creek, a rich ecotone of diverse biomes, has an imbalance of ecologies that needs to be carefully addressed. Addressing the outlined factors and existing site conditions is crucial for the revival of the once diverse and economically beneficial habitat. The restoration of Thane Creek requires a conscious approach keeping in mind the transitional landscape and blurred boundaries of the system, respecting it and creating an ecologically friendly



will restore the balance of the diverse ecotone and re-establish the lost economy of the local




Fig.15. Depletion of marine life and subsequent loss of local fisherman economy.

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“An estuary demands gradients not walls, fluid occupies not defined land uses, negotiated moments not hard edges. In short, it demands the accommodation of the sea not a war against it, which continues to be fought by engineers and administrators as they carry sea walls inland in a bid to both, channel monsoon runoff and keep the sea out. “ (Anuradha Mathur, and Dilip Cunha. 2009. Soak Mumbai in an Estuary)

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Yoskowitz, David & Russell, Marc. (2014). Human Dimensions of Our Estuaries and Coasts. Estuaries and Coasts. 38. 10.1007/s12237-014-9926-y. “Basic Information about Estuaries.” EPA. Accessed July 10, 2023. basic-information-about-estuaries. Creel, Liz. 2003. “Ripple Effects: Population and Coastal Regions.” PRB. September 25, 2003. “Basic Information about Estuaries.” EPA. Accessed July 10, 2023. basic-information-about-estuaries. Rafferty, John P. 2019. “Ecotone | Ecology.” In Encyclopædia Britannica. https://www. “Life in an Estuary | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.” n.d. Www.noaa. gov. Yoskowitz, David & Russell, Marc. (2014). Human Dimensions of Our Estuaries and Coasts. Estuaries and Coasts. 38. 10.1007/s12237-014-9926-y. “Eyeing the Coastlines.” Down To Earth. Accessed July 11, 2023. https://www.downtoearth. states%20of,150%20km%20of%20a%20coast. Thomas, Jubin, Simhadri Naidu Velamala, and K.V.S.R. Prasad. 2019. “Numerical Simulation of Tidal Constituents in Thane Creek and the Ulhas Estuary, West Coast of India.” Journal of Coastal Research 35 (2): 376. jcoastres-d-17-00189.1. “Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” 2019. Hindustan Times. June 3, 2019. mumbai-s-2nd-largest-natural-area-thane-creek-needs-to-be-saved/storyj77a3obWcx4Bm9OhudHXoL.html. Thomas, Jubin, Simhadri Naidu Velamala, and K.V.S.R. Prasad. 2019. “Numerical Simulation of Tidal Constituents in Thane Creek and the Ulhas Estuary, West Coast of India.” Journal of Coastal Research 35 (2): 376. jcoastres-d-17-00189.1. “Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” 2019. Hindustan Times. June 3, 2019. mumbai-s-2nd-largest-natural-area-thane-creek-needs-to-be-saved/storyj77a3obWcx4Bm9OhudHXoL.html.


“Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” 2019. Hindustan Times. June 3, 2019. mumbai-s-2nd-largest-natural-area-thane-creek-needs-to-be-saved/storyj77a3obWcx4Bm9OhudHXoL.html.


“Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary Management Plan.” 2020. files/4831683/documents/IN2490_mgt220404__TCFS_MPlan.pdf.

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“Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary Management Plan.” 2020. files/4831683/documents/IN2490_mgt220404__TCFS_MPlan.pdf. “Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary Management Plan.” 2020. files/4831683/documents/IN2490_mgt220404__TCFS_MPlan.pdf. Reimann, Lena, Athanasios T. Vafeidis, and Lars E. Honsel. “Population Development as a Driver of Coastal Risk: Current Trends and Future Pathways: Cambridge Prisms: Coastal Futures.” Cambridge Core, January 31, 2023. core/journals/cambridge-prisms-coastal-futures/article/population-developmentas-a-driver-of-coastal-risk-current-trends-and-future-pathways/8261D3B34F6114E A0999FAA597D5F2E2. Nair, Manoj R. “Mumbai’s 2nd-Largest Natural Area Thane Creek Needs to Be Saved.” Hindustan Times, June 3, 2019. mumbai-s-2nd-largest-natural-area-thane-creek-needs-to-be-saved/storyj77a3obWcx4Bm9OhudHXoL.html. Rodgers, Kiri & Mclellan, Iain & Peshkur, Tanya & Williams, Roderick & Tonner, Rebecca & Knapp, Charles & Henriquez, Fiona & Hursthouse, Andrew. (2020). The legacy of industrial pollution in estuarine sediments: spatial and temporal variability implications for ecosystem stress. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 42. 10.1007/s10653-019-00316-4. Anuradha Mathur, and Dilip Da Cunha. 2009. Soak Mumbai in an Estuary. New Delhi: Rupa & Co. “Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) and Water | U.S. Geological Survey.” n.d. Www. biochemical-oxygen-demand-bod-and-water.

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procedures used to conduct the study in terms of the material and design development aspect. The experiments were carried out computationally and through physical prototyping, interlinked with each other. The appropriate tools from





were adopted and configured to suit the scope of experimentation requirements METHODOLOGY

at different stages of the research. This


range of tools helped in the analysis, post analysis and arrangement of the large amount of data involved in the research and testing to give accurate outcomes.

Emergent Technologies & Design

Finite Element Analysis Finite element analysis (FEA) constitutes of calculations, models, and simulations to understand how an object behaves under certain physical conditions. It represents physical objects as a collection of discrete components or ‘elements’ which can be represented













These elements are then used to calculate how forces originating from some sources are distributed through the object form. Using FEA can essentially reduce the number of physical prototypes experimented with and optimize modules in the design stage.1 This type of simulation can easily be integrated into Grasshopper based generative design workflow using the Karamba plugin. FEA was used in the dissertation in the design phase at the module level to understand exactly how much load it could take while keeping afloat the entire above water level structure and population. Further, iterative experiments were carried out on how the module aggregates could combine while creating internal voids for human occupiable areas and yet remain sturdy. This tool thus had to be constantly referred to in order to optimize the design and make it more practical.


SimScale. 2018. “What Is FEA | Finite Element Analysis? - SimScale.” SimScale. 2018.



Flow 3D Flow- 3D is a computational fluid dynamics software which is used for investigating the dynamic behavior of liquids and gases in a wide range of applications and processes. The program is unique as it uses numerical methods to track the location of surfaces to apply dynamic boundaries to the same. The free surfaces are modeled with Volume of Fluid (VOF) technique that was first developed by a group of scientists including Flow Science’s founder, Dr C. W. Hirt. 1 This platform was used at various stages of the project to simulate the flow of the existing creek and river system and study how the installed prototypes would affect this overall simulation. This was used as a point of reference while designing and orienting and locationally deploying the modules and floating platforms. Further, it was also used in studying the direction of pollutant and siltation flow in the creek and understanding the direction of intervention to counter the same.

phase of the project on different scales as the dissertation was based on the water medium and the impact on factors like velocity were important in pushing the design in the right direction. It also contributed in analyzing the effects of the prevalent wind on the occupiable above

is the process of mathematically predicting physical fluid flow by solving the governing equations using computational power. associated physical properties, such as velocity, pressure, viscosity, density, and temperature, are calculated simultaneously based on defined operating conditions. It utilizes the Navier-Stokes equations, and the analysis is carried out in a closed system where the mass, momentum and energy are stable constants within the boundary. This area is split into cells where


one cell impacts the other from the edges which are defined by the input and output of fluid volume. 1


Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)

In this software analysis, fluid flow and its

CFD was used throughout the design

water structures.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

“FLOW-3D | We Solve the World’s Toughest CFD Problems.” 2018. FLOW-3D. 2018. 2

Simscale. 2023. “What Is CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics?” SimScale. March 16, 2023.

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Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms Evolutionary computation techniques in architecture and design prove to be an advancement to the field as based on the numerous design objectives set, they provide a vast range of optimized individuals and selection techniques. Using the ‘survival of the fittest’ approach present in natural systems and reconfiguring it for the domain of architecture has the capability of opening up new avenues in which design and functionality are perceived. The principles of evolution are applied in different stages of the dissertation through a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, carried out on the Wallacei X platform. 1 The software was used to come up with optimized morphology, aggregate design and placement of the floating prototype. The analytical tools of the platform made it easier to pinpoint the reasons for change in behavioral patterns in resultant phenotypes. This could be used to an advantage as it assisted in understanding how to counter irrelevant results and reconfigure the inputs to achieve an optimized resultant individual. The plugin could be used in tandem with other grasshopper tools used while working on different scales. On the urban scale, it was used with DLA (Diffusion Limited Aggregation) used in the formation of positioning of floating prototypes on the creek with respect to the access points on land. On the modular level, it was used with the plug-in – Wasp and used to explore different aggregation and connection types between individual modules.


“Wallacei | About.” n.d. Wallacei.



CNC Milling CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Milling is a technique in manufacturing which uses a subtractive process. Computer controlled machines are used to remove material from a block and shape them into a finished part. The removal of the material takes place using a rotating, cylindrical tool called a milling cutter. The level of complexity and intricacy of the form being obtained on cutting depends upon the machine and the different axes it can move along.1 CNC Milling was used in the project to create a mold for the physical prototype sample of the designed module. The 3 – axis machine was used for this purpose which could cut vertically (Z-axis) and in the X and Y directions. Due to the axes restrictions and the intricacy of the module design, the block of foam used had to be cut from both sides to create non linear voids. On stacking the foam blocks, and casting the hydraulic lime mixture, regular module parts could be obtained which could be further joined together and aggregated with one another. This modularity in the long run would prove to be an efficient and cost friendly way of


mass production with low material wastage.



“What Is CNC Milling? A Complete Guide | Get It Made.” n.d.

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Enviromental Computation The Self-Organizing Map (SOM) stands as an innovative software tool catering to the visualization of intricate high-dimensional data. Developed by Finnish professor Teuvo Kohonen in the 1980s, it’s often referred to as a Kohonen map. This tool adeptly translates convoluted nonlinear statistical connections




elements into simplified geometric relationships displayed in a low-dimensional format. In doing so, it condenses information while conserving vital topological and metric relationships of the primary data items. This process may be perceived as generating abstractions.1 At an expansive urban scale, the SOM platform proved instrumental in amalgamating multifaceted information concerning the evolving state of the creek, historical transformations, and pollutant levels. This amalgamation facilitated the deduction of crucial insights, pinpointing areas of utmost concern requiring immediate attention. Such insights proved invaluable in delineating zones






“SOM Tutorial.” n.d.









settlements, and transportation hubs, has profoundly impacted coastal waters, detrimentally affecting aquatic ecosystems. In an effort to rejuvenate marine life and combat pollutants discharged by industries and settlements into estuaries, our focus was on identifying materials conducive to marine ecology. Our study primarily examined two material categories: one for water contaminant absorption and another for supporting marine life. To prevent further water pollution, natural source materials were prioritized. This decision stems from the adverse environmental impact associated with synthetic METHODOLOGY

fibre production, entailing high energy consumption, human


and ecological toxicity, ozone depletion, global warming, and eutrophication contributions.1 1

Alhijazi, Mohamad, Babak Safaei, Qasim Zeeshan, Mohammed Asmael, Arameh Eyvazian, and Zhaoye Qin. 2020.

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Luffa- As a absorbent Increased



has amplified the pursuit of alternative natural sources, aiming to bolster the use of renewable materials, curtail waste production, and elevate recycling efforts. Absorbent materials, notably natural fibers, are under extensive research due to their cost efficiency, eco-friendly attributes, recyclability, superior permeability, absorbency, and exceptional mechanical properties. These fibers exhibit promising potential to substitute synthetic counterparts across diverse composite materials.1 In alignment with our project’s focus on deploying filter modules for water pollutant filtration, our quest for suitable filter materials centres to



lightweight, module






Consequently, luffa emerged as a prime natural fibre alternative owing to its regional availability, ensuring cost-effectiveness in local application. This plant spans approximately 24,800 acres, yielding around 3,16,925. The yield per acre, harvested after 45 - 60 days of planting, is about 12 to 14 tons and about 60,000 to 70,000 gourds per acre. 2 Its rapid growth cycle allows harvest within two months.3 Generally, the fruits are harvested in their immature and tender stage which when mature are non-edible and form a fibrous bundle


which then can be used for vari-ous purposes in


the different industries.

Doing Stuff. February 15, 2017.


Alhijazi, Mohamad, Babak Safaei, Qasim Zeeshan, Mohammed Asmael, Arameh Eyvazian, and Zhaoye Qin. 2020. “Recent Developments in Luffa Natural Fiber Composites: Review” Sustainability 12, no. 18: 7683.


“Ridge Gourd Cultivation Guide.” 2017. FarmNest India Farm Community. May 25, 2017.


“Ridge Gourd: Planting, Caring, and Harvesting.” n.d. Accessed January 7, 2024.




Luffa life cycle and annual yeild.

Recent research highlights the functionalization of Luffa sponges with stearic acid, an abundant natural resource, and their immersion in vegetable and motor oils, demonstrating a remarkable 99% oil removal capability from water. The sponge can be cleaned and reused multiple times, following circular economy principles, despite reduced absorption over successive uses.1 Other studies showcase Luffa’s efficacy in extracting heavy metal ions from industrial effluents, either through Luffa cylindrica activated carbon or ccrylic acid grafting onto natural luffa.2 These findings complement our project’s objectives, suggesting Luffa’s viability as a sustainable hydrophobic sponge for efficient oil and metal ion removal from water. Further exploration could ascertain its performance in saline water and its potential composite use with active charcoal for enhanced filtration of industrially contaminated water.3 Its rapid growth cycle allows harvest within two months.4 Generally, the fruits are harvested in their immature and tender stage which when mature are non-edible and form a fibrous bundle which then can METHODOLOGY

be used for various purposes in the different industries.



Alvarado-Gómez, Elizabeth, Jesús I. Tapia, and Armando Encinas. 2021. “A Sustainable Hydrophobic Luffa Sponge for Efficient Removal of Oils from Water.” Sustainable Materials and Technologies 28 (July): e00273.


Nwosu-Obieogu, Kenechi, Goziya W. Dzarma, Precious Ehimogue, Chijioke B. Ugwuodo, and Linus I. Chiemenem. 2022. “Textile Wastewater Heavy Metal Removal Using Luffa Cylindrica Activated Carbon: An ANN and ANFIS Predictive Model Evaluation.” Applied Water Science 12 (3).


“Ridge Gourd Cultivation Guide.” 2017. FarmNest India Farm Community. May 25, 2017.


“Ridge Gourd: Planting, Caring, and Harvesting.” n.d. Accessed January 7, 2024.

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Fig.18. Luffa processing cycle.

Recent research highlights the functionalization of luffa sponges with stearic acid, an abundant natural resource, and their immersion in vegetable and motor oils, demonstrating a remarkable 99% oil removal capability from water. The sponge can be cleaned and reused multiple times, following circular economy principles, despite reduced absorption over successive uses.5 Other studies showcase luffa’s efficacy in extracting heavy metal ions from industrial effluents, either through luffa cylindrica activated carbon or acrylic acid grafting onto natural Luffa.6 5

Alvarado-Gómez, Elizabeth, Jesús I. Tapia, and Armando Encinas. 2021. “A Sustainable Hydrophobic Luffa Sponge for Efficient Removal of Oils from Water.” Sustainable Materials and Technologies 28 (July): e00273.


Nwosu-Obieogu, Kenechi, Goziya W. Dzarma, Precious Ehimogue, Chijioke B. Ugwuodo, and Linus I. Chiemenem. 2022. “Textile Wastewater Heavy Metal Removal Using Luffa Cylindrica Activated Carbon: An ANN and ANFIS Predictive Model Evaluation.” Applied Water Science 12 (3).



Limestone- As an inhabitant The genesis of most limestone traces back to marine life, ranging from single-celled protozoa in chalk to the composite structure of coral formed by tiny multicellular animal skeletons, hosting a quarter of marine organisms.1 Considering this, artificial limestone modules could serve as habitat foundations at the designated site. Further exploration delves into limestone’s aquatic strength and load-bearing capacity, leading to research on suitable limestone types and composites for longevity. Natural hydraulic lime, historically used in constructions, emerges as an eco-friendly option due to lower calcination temperatures, reduced CO2 emissions during carbonation, and suitability for coastal structures. The properties also indicate that it sets through both hydration and carbonation processes making them more suited to certain costal works, bridges and buildings in exposed areas.2 Moreover,



limestone’s ability to release carbonate ions in water, aiding in neutralizing acidity, potentially balancing estuarine pH levels.3 Historic use of lime mortars, enriched with organic additives like oil, hair, or sticky rice water, demonstrated enhanced durability. Recent research on lime and sticky rice water








due to amylopectin’s effect on calcium carbonate crystal growth.4 Inspired by innovative eco-friendly constructions





Fig.19. Coral reefs are made of lime.

CHARCOAL brick—utilizing luffa fibers,


charcoal, soil, and air to develop a



“Limestone Life Cycle.” n.d. Unity Lime.


Apostolopoulou, Maria, Danial J. Armaghani, Asterios Bakolas, Maria G. Douvika, Antonia Moropoulou, and Panagiotis G. Asteris, eds. 2019. Review of Compressive Strength of Natural Hydraulic Lime Mortars Using Soft Com-puting Techniques. ScienceDirect. Elsevier B.V. 2019.


Downey, Daniel M., and Thomas M. Hampton. 2005. “Effects of Protective Limestone Treatment on Water Chemistry and Fisheries Management in Laurel Bed Lake, Virginia.” Lake and Reservoir Management 21 (4): 411–22.


Otero, J., A. E. Charola, and V. Starinieri. 2019. “Sticky Rice–Nanolime as a Consolidation Treatment for Lime Mortars.” Journal of Materials Science 54 (14): 10217–34.

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Fig.20. Green Charcoal brick

biodegradable lightweight system5—further experimentation is envisioned. This involves mixing hydraulic lime with sticky rice water and luffa fibers to craft a durable material that not only fosters marine ecosystems but also demonstrates resilience in aquatic environments. This avenue for exploration seeks to integrate proven ecological principles into the creation of sustainable materials for underwater habitat construction. Bhargava | Boriyawala | Vachher


“The Green Charcoal – Materiability.” n.d.



The tools mentioned through this chapter, both computational and material exploratory, steered the project into a mindful direction to achieve the ways in which the problem points were addressed at different scales. These


vast arrays of methods depended on each other at every


stage, as the result of one experiment formulated the basis for the other. Obtaining the outcome of the results of the experiments conducted through these meth-ods provided a logical route to obtain a responsive design.

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SimScale. 2018. “What Is FEA | Finite Element Analysis? - SimScale.” SimScale. 2018. https:// Simscale. 2023. “What Is CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics?” SimScale. March 16, 2023. “FLOW-3D | We Solve the World’s Toughest CFD Problems.” 2018. FLOW-3D. 2018. https:// “What Is CNC Milling? A Complete Guide | Get It Made.” n.d. https:// “SOM Tutorial.” n.d. Group1a/tutorial/som.html Alhijazi, Mohamad, Babak Safaei, Qasim Zeeshan, Mohammed Asmael, Arameh Eyvazian, and Zhaoye Qin. 2020. “Recent Developments in Luffa Natural Fiber Composites: Review” Sustainability 12, no. 18: 7683. Alhijazi, Mohamad, Babak Safaei, Qasim Zeeshan, Mohammed Asmael, Arameh Eyvazian, and Zhaoye Qin. 2020. “Recent Developments in Luffa Natural Fiber Composites: Review” Sustainability 12, no. 18: 7683. “Ridge Gourd Cultivation Guide.” 2017. FarmNest India Farm Community. May 25, 2017. “Ridge Gourd: Planting, Caring, and Harvesting.” n.d. Accessed January 7, 2024. Alvarado-Gómez, Elizabeth, Jesús I. Tapia, and Armando Encinas. 2021. “A Sustainable Hydrophobic Luffa Sponge for Efficient Removal of Oils from Water.” Sustainable Materials and Technologies 28 (July): e00273. susmat.2021.e00273. Nwosu-Obieogu, Kenechi, Goziya W. Dzarma, Precious Ehimogue, Chijioke B. Ugwuodo, and Linus I. Chiemenem. 2022. “Textile Wastewater Heavy Metal Removal Using Luffa Cylindrica Activated Carbon: An ANN and ANFIS Predictive Model Evaluation.” Applied Water Science 12 (3). “Ridge Gourd Cultivation Guide.” 2017. FarmNest India Farm Community. May 25, 2017.


“Ridge Gourd: Planting, Caring, and Harvesting.” n.d. Accessed January 7, 2024.


Alvarado-Gómez, Elizabeth, Jesús I. Tapia, and Armando Encinas. 2021. “A Sustainable Hydrophobic Luffa Sponge for Efficient Removal of Oils from Water.” Sustainable Materials and Technologies 28 (July): e00273. susmat.2021.e00273. Nwosu-Obieogu, Kenechi, Goziya W. Dzarma, Precious Ehimogue, Chijioke B. Ugwuodo, and Linus I. Chiemenem. 2022. “Textile Wastewater Heavy Metal Removal Using Luffa Cylindrica Activated Carbon: An ANN and ANFIS Predictive Model Evaluation.” Applied Water Science 12 (3).

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“Limestone Life Cycle.” n.d. Unity Lime. Apostolopoulou, Maria, Danial J. Armaghani, Asterios Bakolas, Maria G. Douvika, Antonia Moropoulou, and Panagiotis G. Asteris, eds. 2019. Review of Compressive Strength of Natural Hydraulic Lime Mortars Using Soft Com-puting Techniques. ScienceDirect. Elsevier B.V. 2019. Downey, Daniel M., and Thomas M. Hampton. 2005. “Effects of Protective Limestone Treatment on Water Chemistry and Fisheries Management in Laurel Bed Lake, Virginia.” Lake and Reservoir Management 21 (4): 411–22. https://doi. org/10.1080/07438140509354446. Otero, J., A. E. Charola, and V. Starinieri. 2019. “Sticky Rice–Nanolime as a Consolidation Treatment for Lime Mortars.” Journal of Materials Science 54 (14): 10217–34. “The Green Charcoal – Materiability.” n.d. “Some Chemical Properties of Luffa and Its Suitability for Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Production:: BioResources.” n.d. https://bioresources. chemical%20components%20of. Igboro, Adie, and S Daouda. 2013. “Determination of the Filter Potential of Luffa Sponge (Luffa Aegyptiaca) in Water Quality Analysis.” American International Journal of Contemporary Research 3 (3). March_2013/11.pdf. Panneerdhass, R., A. Gnanavelbabu, and K. Rajkumar. 2014. “Mechanical Properties of Luffa Fiber and Ground Nut Reinforced Epoxy Polymer Hybrid Composites.” Procedia Engineering 97: 2042–51. Ashok, Kumaresan Gladys, and Kalaichelvan Kani. 2021. “Experimental Studies on Interlaminar Shear Strength and Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Luffa Fiber Epoxy Composites with Nano PbO Addition.” Journal of Industrial Textiles 51 (3_suppl): 3829S3854S. Chen, Qiang, Quan Shi, Stanislav N. Gorb, and Zhiyong Li. 2014. “A Multiscale Study on the Structural and Mechanical Properties of the Luffa Sponge from Luffa Cylindrica Plant.” Journal of Biomechanics 47 (6): 1332–39. jbiomech.2014.02.010.

Khadir, Ali, Mahsa Motamedi, Ebrahim Pakzad, Mika Sillanpää, and Shreya Mahajan. 2021. “The Prospective Utilization of Luffa Fibres as a Lignocellulosic Bio-Material for Environmental Remediation of Aqueous Media: A Review.” Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 9 (1): 104691.


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Wang, Zhe, Hongyang Ma, Benjamin Chu, and Benjamin S Hsiao. 2017. “Super-Hydrophobic Modification of Porous Natural Polymer ‘Luffa Sponge’ for Oil Absorption.” Polymer 126 (September): 470–76.


Gundu, Shravanya, Ajay Kumar Sahi, Pooja Kumari, Niraj K. Vishwakarma, and Sanjeev Kumar Mahto. 2023. “Assessment of Various Forms of Cellulose-Based Luffa Cylindrica (Mat, Flakes and Powder) Reinforced Polydimethylsiloxane Composites for Oil Sorption and Organic Solvents Absorption.” International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 240 (June): 124416. ijbiomac.2023.124416. Sakharkar, Ashwini. 2023. “Loofah-Inspired Hydrogel Uses Sunlight to Purify Contaminated Water.” Tech Explorist. February 9, 2023. Limeplanet. 2023. “Understanding the Strength of Lime Mortar vs Cement Mortar.” Lime Planet. January 15, 2023. “Calcium Carbonate - an Overview | ScienceDirect Topics.” n.d. Li yunlong. n.d. “Lightweight Bricks Made with Luffa and Charcoal.” MaterialDistrict. https:// “Bricks Made from Loofah and Charcoal Could Promote Biodiversity in Cities.” 2019. Dezeen. July 14, 2019. Akinyemi, Banjo Ayobami, and Chunping Dai. 2021. “Luffa Cylindrical Fibre as a Natural Reinforcement for Cement Composites: A Review.” Journal of Sustainable CementBased Materials, July, 1–17. Gupta, Ria. 2021. “Luffa to Loofah: Your Backyard Gourds Sell in the West for Thousands of Rupees.” The Better India. August 11, 2021. https://www.thebetterindia. com/260354/how-to-grow-organic-loofah-online-gourd-traditional-ecofriendlyindia-west/. “Do You Know What’s Growing on Your Loofah?” 2020. Cleveland Clinic. May 13, 2020.


“Ridge Gourd Cultivation Guide.” 2017. FarmNest India Farm Community. May 25, 2017.


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Based upon the domain of the chosen site, examining its surrounding issues, and investigating methods in which to conduct the study, a set of questions were formulated. This was done to narrow down the scope, give defined objectives and direction to the overall research. These questions were the following: What active and passive systems are to be adopted to decrease the impact of industrial pollutants and over siltation in the Thane creek biome? What sustainable materials and techniques can be developed to diminish the presence of pollutants found in the waterways? Studying the region’s vernacular practices, what spatial interventions can be proposed to establish an ecotone transitioning from underwater to above water, aiding in the revival of the


biome and the lost local economy of the region?


This chapter thus explores ways in which a system could be applied on site and initiate formulating an answer to the above questions. This was done in two stages. The exploration took place by abstracting the findings of different case studies based on a multitude of subjects and by bringing them all together in the purview of the project. At this stage, the investigation also took place in the realm of material exploration.

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Case Studies In order to determine how to implement the material system in the site context to tackle its manyfold issues, certain case studies were selected and explored. These were compartmentalized based upon their scale of usability and what facets they catered to in the project. The basic outline of each study is as follows: •

Public realm in an Urban, water based context

Floating structural system

Spatial organization in the chosen context

Material system promoting probiotic design.

The wide-ranging case studies respectively provided key takeaways to get the overall to implement a floating system, ways to merge the spaces created with one another and using organic materials which host microbiomes. Research gaps were identified in context of the project domain, to be further considered and countered.


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picture and an idea of potential activities that could be carried out through the project, how


1. Public Realm - Aqueous Ecologies “Aqueous Ecologies offers hybrid landscapes that foster cultural identity through productive ecologies.” 1

This project by Michael Ezban is based on a derelict peninsula in New York. It proposes landscape-based solutions for wastewater management and treatment. The proposal focusses on multi-trophic aquaculture and an eventual shift of public activities to an elevated civic space during times of storm. “These adaptive elements serve as polyfunctional urban underlay that support aquatic ecologies while treating fish waste, storm water and grey water for multiple development density scenarios.” The points of relatability of the project to Aqueous Ecologies were essentially




integrated with aquaculture waters and vegetation growth areas in a high urban density region. The primary observation from this project was the provision of an alternate pathway through a dynamic landscape and utilizing





productively. ecological

sustainability in tandem with cultural relationships within a society – a base concept common to the research.2 However, there are factors which directly contradict the vision of the thesis. The rigidity of the proposed structure doesn’t allow for the adaptation in terms of the varying water levels over time in the area. Further, the non-specificity of the materials used for construction doesn’t ensure the sustainability facet during the construction process. Thus, by studying the potential


and gaps of the mentioned case study, a clearer picture presents itself in terms of functionalities and practicalities for the dissertation.



“Aqueous Ecologies: Parametric Aquaculture and Urbanism.” 2013. Scenario Journal. May 24, 2013. 2

“Aqueous Ecologies: Parametric Aquaculture and Urbanism.” 2013. Scenario Journal. May 24, 2013.

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Fig.21. “Aqueous Ecologies: Parametric Aquaculture and Urbanism.” 2013. Scenario Journal. May 24, 2013.



2. Floating Structures As an initial study, research in terms of materials and composition of existing floating structures. These were divided into four categories- an iceberg, a reed system, a barrel system and one made of plastic bottles. The load each typology could carry was taken considering all of the structures were of the same height (1 meter). Certain observations were drawn from the comparison. It was found that all of them float based upon the law of Archimedes.

Fig.22. : Floating Structure Typologies.

The overall density and volume of water replaced is what had be accounted for. It was thus observed that in addition to the weight and form of the material, the aggregation of components and hollow space were important factors. In context of the cases studied (as shown in the figure), it was found that the load carrying capacity of the iceberg was lowest as it had no hollow space and high density. Even though the load carrying capacity of the other three cases were similar, they varied in material durability, availability, and sustainability.1 It was


further noted that, the barrels could carry slightly more load due to their curved form and as a


result, higher stability, and buoyancy (as mentioned in detail in the previous sections). To study the floating and stability principles in detail and more in tangent with the material system being used in the dissertation, a case study with a comprehensive set of calculations was analyzed.



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Floating Bridge, Dubai The pontoon bridge was built in 2007 by Waagner-Biro Stahlbau and spans the entire length of Dubai Creek. 365 meters in length with 2 decks of 22 meters width each, the bridge can carry a load of 3,000 vehicles at a time. It is made of 104 hollow pontoons, each of 6 x 20 meters with a solid polystyrene core. Galvanized steel bars and welded mesh were used through the structure

to reinforce the supporting frames. The Fig.23. : Floating Bridge, Dubai, and breakdown of floating principles. case study was taken up to study the principles of a floating pontoon structure and extract data in terms of the material used and how much load it could take. The structure can be seen in terms of 2 portions – one taking the load (V2) and the other two as stabilizing structures (V1 and V3). The total volume (V1 + V2 + V3) was taken along with other values such as density, thickness and area of steel used. The density formula was applied to get the total weight of steel and subtracted from the resultant upward force, which was achieved by the volume of displaced water. The buoyancy formula was applied. This value gave the remaining upward force, and a value could be extracted on the amount of load that could be applied on a similar structure of 1.5 meter height. The calculations described were as followed: Bridge Structure Total Volume = V1 + V2 + V3 Area of outer volume = Outer height x Width = 33 m3 Density of Steel = 7800 kg/ m3 (for steel sections of thickness 25 mm and 15 mm, support sections every 200 mm) Total Weight = Area x Density (mass of each part considered separately and added) = 137.79 kN/m Resultant upward force 10 x Volume of water displaced (33 m3) = 330 kN Remaining upward force = 330 – weight of bridge = 192.21 kN Load that can be applied on body for 1.5 m height = 192.21 / 22 = 8.74 kN/m3 2

Here, the value of 8.74 kN/m3 could be taken as a base value for load carrying capacity for a steel and concrete pontoon structure of 1.5 m height. Thus, this calculation gave a ratio of values which could be used directly in carrying out experiments with material aggregations on similar lines and test their buoyancy, stability, and ability to carry load. 2




3. Transitional Spaces For developing the platform level, the aim was to create a continuous ecosystem blending the land and water. The two-fold approach to this was the merging of platform surface and water, and the merging the spaces on the platform with each other. To form a base for this, two contextual concepts of spatial organization were studied as mentioned.

Ghats - Merging the Platform and the water Most ancient Indian cities developed around rivers. This gave rise to a typical built form along water edges called Ghats. These spaces emerged as a response to social, religious, and spiritual needs as water in the context is seen as a symbol of purification and plays a central role in numerous cultural activities. Ghats are a set of steps parallel to the river flow, leading to the water. They provide access, retain soil, stabilize and define the bank, guide water flow and prevent flooding.1 In the city of Varanasi – the Land

spiritual hub for Hindus, the ghats are intensively utilized from dawn till dusk. The entire system is extremely Transition

well maintained as the responsibility for every square foot of the ghats is linked to a neighbouring temple or family. Thus, the community


themselves act as stakeholders and recognize the importance of these public




the enduring connection between

Fig.24. : •

nature, culture, people and water.2

Singh, Rana P.B. 1994. Review of Water Symbolism and Sacred Landscape in Hinduism: A Study of Benares (Varanasi). Researchgate. January 1994.

- This concept of a linking factor between the floating platforms and water and creation of social responsibility was abstracted in the project. A system of replacing luffa


in regular cycles from the luffa modules was thus devised as a community activity. In addition


to creating awareness on the urgent need to keeping the creek clean, this could contribute to keeping a regular check on the filtering of pollutants.


“Varanasi’s Ghats: The Adaptable Riverscapes of India.” 2023. ArchDaily. June 12, 2023.


“Water Urbanism: Varanasi.” n.d. Columbia GSAPP.

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Fig.25. “Varanasi’s Ghats: The Adaptable Riverscapes of India.” 2023. ArchDaily. June 12, 2023.


Fishing Village - Merging Spaces on the Platform A traditional fishing village in Maharashtra is structured in such a way that smaller, enclosed, habitable spaces contribute to the formation and functioning of larger spaces such as courtyards and open areas. The degree of publicness determines the type of activity taking place. The streets, which are areas of maximum public interaction, spill into courtyards, which are shared spaces between a group of houses and allow for informal interactions, community involvement and teaching children skills like net mending and fish drying. Moving towards the more private, the open areas adjoining each house host daily activities of those occupying the house and immediate neighbours who work together. These lead into the private, traditional houses occupied by the local inhabitants.1


Fig.26. Live, Boom. 2015. “INSIDE MUMBAI’S KOLIWADAS and GAOTHANS.” Newslaundry. April 28, 2015.


- This idea of a continuous flow of transitional spaces was abstracted and applied to the occupiable portion of the island. This is done by considering primary nodes of the island as private areas with adjoining semi public and public areas spreading out and forming internal breakout spaces in the nodes as well.


“Transitional Sociability: Versova Koliwada by Ami Joshi - Issuu.” n.d.

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Enclosed Space

Open Space

Fig.27. “Transitional Sociability: Versova Koliwada by Ami Joshi - Issuu.” n.d.



4. Probiotic Design Recent studies have shown that ‘good’ bacteria integrated in architecture can stop ‘bad’ ones and as a result, improve the health of the building. The idea of ‘probiotic design’ is based upon actively encouraging beneficial microbes to colonize our buildings to discourage the growth of infectious microorganisms. A New York based studio, The Living created a pavilion at the 2021 Venice Architectural Biennale called the ‘Alive’ installation. This installation, part of an ongoing research project demonstrated how an organic, bio-receptive material like luffa can support colonies of microbes- promoting health of people in the vicinity and acting as good supplements in their day to day lives.1 For the purpose of the thesis, certain key commonalities in ideas were drawn. The Alive Installation intended to create porous architecture to accommodate both humans and microbes, each contributing to the well-being of the entire system. It also focused on the widely available, plant based, inexpensive material – luffa. The project explored the structural properties of the material, creating pockets with its surface having varying levels of air-flow, temperature, moisture and nutrients in order to host a vast array of microbes.2 However, gaps in this research include not testing out this system outdoors and studying its effects on different organisms for a long period of time. Further, how this system would react to other building systems while combining to create long standing structures. It also doesn’t consider the life cycle of the luffa material utilized, before and after introducing it to the system. Identification of these gaps helped deliberate and seek answers in the context of the




Fig.28. : ‘Alive’ Installation


Hoeven, Diederik van der. 2023. “Probiotic Building Design.” Bio Based Press. July 16, 2023.


Madlener, Adrian. n.d. “David Benjamin’s Venice Biennale Installation Makes the Case for Probiotic Living.” Metropolis. Accessed January 6, 2024.

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Case for Probiotic Living.” Metropolis.


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Fig.29. • Madlener, Adrian. n.d. “David Benjamin’s Venice Biennale Installation Makes the


Drawing from the culmination of material investigations, the ongoing experimentation centers on two primary substances: luffa and hydraulic lime. The initial series of experi-ments focuses on evaluating luffa’s efficacy in saline oily water conditions, alongside its composite utilization with active charcoal within similar saline oily water contexts, to dis-cern their respective behaviors. Concurrently, the subsequent series of experiments is dedicated to examining the amal-gamation of hydraulic lime with sticky rice water and luffa fibers. This investigation aims to formulate a robust material resistant to weathering effects in aqueous environments, particularly in water settings.

EXPERIMENTS ON LUFFA Experiment 1A Preliminary investigations by other researchers encompassing luffa’s oil absorption prop-erties involved treatment with varying proportions of ethanol and stearic acid. Ethanol was employed to purify the luffa sample, and increase its surface area—a critical aspect for enhancing absorption capabilities. Meanwhile, the addition of stearic acid aimed to render the luffa more hydrophobic and establish a protective layer.











Stearic Acid







Fig.30. : Luffa experiment set-up


Building upon this foundational research, an abstracted iteration of the process and chemical quantities was derived. This simplified rendition serves as a basis for subse-quent testing and further exploration, aiming to expand upon the initial findings and re-fine the approach. 1

Alvarado-Gómez, Elizabeth, Jesús I. Tapia, and Armando Encinas. 2021. “A Sustainable Hydrophobic Luffa Sponge for Efficient Removal of Oils from Water.” Sustainable Materials and Technologies 28 (July): e00273.

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Experiment Aim: The objective was to evaluate the variation in oil absorption capacity of luffa through distinct treatments. The untreated luffa served as the control sample Experimental





parameters for luffa using minimal laboratory equipment to optimize oil absorption capacity. Experimental Methodology: Three luffa crosssectional samples of uniform thickness (ap-proximately 1.5 cm) were prepared. The first sample remained untreated. The second sample underwent immersion in a 70% ethanol solution for 20 minutes and was subse-quently removed. The third sample underwent an initial ethanol treatment followed by immersion in a solution comprising 2% stearic acid mixed with ethanol. The stearic acid wax was heated to 80°C for 10 minutes to melt it before adding it to the Fig.31. Experiment Workflow

ethanol solution. The treated luffa samples were left to dry overnight. Subsequently, three glasses contain-ing equal volumes of dyed oil and water were prepared and their weights were noted. Each luffa sample was placed in a separate glass and left for 30 minutes. Post-removal from the glasses, the change in volumes for all three samples was determined by weight measurements.

Step 1: Wash luffa

Step 2: luffa drying

Step 3: soak in stearic acid

Step 4: Dry luffa

Fig.32. : Luffa activation steps.



Fig.33. : Observations from luffa samples

Observation: The untreated luffa sample exhibited the least absorption of oil and water, while those treated with ethanol and stearic acid displayed a notably higher absorption capacity (ap-proximately 4 grams). However, minimal variance in absorption was noticed between the ethanol-treated and stearic acid-treated luffa samples. This confirms that ethanol treatment enhances surface area, while stearic acid treatment maintains this enhancement while introducing a protective layer. Furthermore, the treated luffa samples demonstrat-ed stability in water. Based on studies, Luffa cylindrica activated carbon (LAC) demonstrates efficacy in eliminating heavy metals from textile wastewater.1 Its substantial surface area and absorption capabilities align with those of activated carbon utilized in wastewater treatment, targeting metals like Nickel, Chromium, Zinc, and Copper.2 Building on these findings, the interac-tion


between activated charcoal and luffa is explored as a simplified method. Additionally, activated


charcoal’s non-toxic nature in fish tank maintenance serves as a consideration for our project.


Nwosu-Obieogu, Kenechi, Goziya W. Dzarma, Precious Ehimogue, Chijioke B. Ugwuodo, and Linus I. Chiemenem. 2022. “Textile Wastewater Heavy Metal Removal Using Luffa Cylindrica Activated Carbon: An ANN and ANFIS Predictive Model Evaluation.” Applied Water Science 12 (3).


Mariana, Mariana, Abdul Khalil H.p.s., E. M. Mistar, Esam Bashir Yahya, Tata Alfatah, Mohammed Danish, and Mousa Amayreh. 2021. “Recent Advances in Activated Carbon Modification Techniques for Enhanced Heavy Metal Adsorption.” Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (October): 102221. jwpe.2021.102221.

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Experiment 1B Experiment Aim: This experiment aims to assess the stability of an activated charcoal so-lution coated on luffa while evaluating its oil absorption capability. Experimental Objective: To develop a holistic filtration system that removes oil, grease, and heavy metals from water bodies while preserving marine ecology. Experimental



solution, similar to the 2% stearic acid

Fig.34. : Heavy metals targeted by activated carbon.

used previously, is prepared by adding

2% activated charcoal to the stearic acid and ethanol mixture. The luffa sample, pre-cleansed with ethanol, undergoes immersion in this solution for 3 hours and is left to dry overnight. Post-preparation, the sample is exposed to the same volumes of water and oil as in previous experiments for comparison.

Fig.35. : Absorption capacity of luffa treated with activated charcoal. Observation: The oil absorption by the treated luffa was akin to the prior experiment. The activated charcoal remained stable in water without dispersion, ensuring luffa stability. However, the experiment lacked a method to directly test metal absorption due to lack of access to laboratory. It is assumed, based on existing research, that this treated luffa can aid in removing harmful metals from water. Based on experimentation, it was deduced that a luffa cross-section measuring 1.5cm has the capacity to absorb 50 ml of oil. An entire luffa comprises around 26 such cross-sections, enabling the absorption of 1.3 liters of oil. Considering the current impurity level in the creek, estimated at 48 mg/L or approximately 4.8 x 10-5 L for the entire targeted area, calculations suggest a requirement of approximately 44.3 million luffas to absorb the specified impurity level at a given time.



EXPERIMENTS ON HYDRAULIC LIME Construction Strategy for Module Stability: To counterbalance the heft of the hydraulic lime mixture in the floating module, a method involving the use of hollow steel pipes was considered to enhance the module’s strength and prevent submersion. This strategy drew inspiration from two techniques: Bio rock and steel-brick reinforcement construc-tion practices. Bio rock emulates coral formations, fostering an optimal environment for marine life. Conversely, a construction technique utilized in sites with significant structural movement involves expanded stainless steel meshes coated with high-temperature-fired clay nod-ules. These materials integrate with hydraulic lime mortar and are positioned between bricks, ensuring robust fusion.1 This technique, adaptable on a larger scale in the module to bind stainless steel rods with lime mortar and provide a nursery habitat for diverse underwater fauna.

Experiment 2 Traditionally, lime mortar mixing entails a ratio of one part lime to two parts aggregate, adjusted with an appropriate water quantity for the desired consistency. Our experiments explored variations within this ratio to assess the comparative strength of each resulting combination of materials.


Fig.36. Preliminary lime + luffa micture experiment.


Fig.37. “Biorock Artificial Reef off the Gili Islands, Indonesia.” 2019. Peapix. June 8, 2019. 1

“Telling Brick Mesh – Natural Hydraulic Lime.” n.d.

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aimed to test various lime mortar combinations,



with and without aggregates, to discern and compare their strength properties. Objective:



objective was to identify the most effective combination of materi-als that would yield robust lime mortar with water stability. Methodology:


experiment was conducted in two phases. Initially (Case 1), 1 part of hydrated lime was blended with a 5% solution of stearic acid and ethanol, devoid of any aggregate. Stearic acid and ethanol were used in combination with lime to prevent its de-cay and increase the material

Fig.38. Test sample showing the ratio of mixture.

lifespan. This mixture was applied at different thicknesses to compare its performance. Subsequently (Case 2), 1 part of hydrated lime was com-bined with 2 parts of luffa shavings as a binding agent, enriched with rice water to hasten carbonization and enhance mortar strength1. The samples underwent a 5-6 day drying period with intermittent water curing. Observations: In the first phase of the experiment, Lime layers devoid of an aggregate crumbled upon drying, indicating a need for greater strength and a crucial binding ele-ment. While in the second phase of the experiment luffa-infused lime exhibited improved robustness.


Otero, J., A. E. Charola, and V. Starinieri. 2019. “Sticky Rice–Nanolime as a Consolidation Treatment for Lime Mortars.” Journal of Materials Science 54 (14): 10217–34.



The research journey navigated through 2 stages – Abstraction from case studies, and extensive material exploration. The case studies catered to different characteristics of the project on different scales and stages. This was done on a social, spatial, structural and design level which would be used at further stages of the project on different scales. The material exploration on the other hand considered how an overall material system would bring everything together to counter the issues in the given creek context. After studying the site domain, the two stages of research and tying them together with the questions posed at the beginning of the chapter, the broad objective of the dissertation was defined. The aim of the project was to introduce floating platforms to the ecosystem of Thane creek which would help filter out industrial waste from the water, assist in increasing the velocity and reducing sedimentation. Further, they would provide a habitat for marine organisms while encouraging human activities for the benefit of the local fishermen community. This was to be carried out by eco-sensitive fabrication systems primarily focusing on


materials like luffa and hydraulic lime.


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“Aqueous Ecologies: Parametric Aquaculture and Urbanism.” 2013. Scenario Journal. May 24, 2013. “Aqueous Ecologies: Parametric Aquaculture and Urbanism.” 2013. Scenario Journal. May 24, 2013. Mestemaker, Theo, Jan Engels, Suzanne Groenewold, Wim Kamerling, and Florian Heinzelmann. n.d. “ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING: DESIGN RESEARCH ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING GRADUATION STUDIO: GRADUATION PREPARATION P2 -Final Report FLOATING STRUCTURES.” Mestemaker, Theo, Jan Engels, Suzanne Groenewold, Wim Kamerling, and Florian Heinzelmann. n.d. “ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING: DESIGN RESEARCH ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING GRADUATION STUDIO: GRADUATION PREPARATION P2 -Final Report FLOATING STRUCTURES.” https://repository.tudelft. nl/islandora/object/uuid:f733b409-6246-40c0-89d6-88d2a49979d8/datastream/ OBJ4/download “Varanasi’s Ghats: The Adaptable Riverscapes of India.” 2023. ArchDaily. June 12, 2023. “Water Urbanism: Varanasi.” n.d. Columbia GSAPP. reader/331-water-urbanism-varanasi. “Transitional Sociability: Versova Koliwada by Ami Joshi - Issuu.” n.d. https:// Hoeven, Diederik van der. 2023. “Probiotic Building Design.” Bio Based Press. July 16, 2023. Madlener, Adrian. n.d. “David Benjamin’s Venice Biennale Installation Makes the Case for Probiotic Living.” Metropolis. Accessed January 6, 2024. https://metropolismag. com/viewpoints/probiotic-antibiotic-living-microbes/.


Alvarado-Gómez, Elizabeth, Jesús I. Tapia, and Armando Encinas. 2021. “A Sustainable Hydrophobic Luffa Sponge for Efficient Removal of Oils from Water.” Sustainable Materials and Technologies 28 (July): e00273. susmat.2021.e00273.


Nwosu-Obieogu, Kenechi, Goziya W. Dzarma, Precious Ehimogue, Chijioke B. Ugwuodo, and Linus I. Chiemenem. 2022. “Textile Wastewater Heavy Metal Removal Using Luffa Cylindrica Activated Carbon: An ANN and ANFIS Predictive Model Evaluation.” Applied Water Science 12 (3). Mariana, Mariana, Abdul Khalil H.p.s., E. M. Mistar, Esam Bashir Yahya, Tata Alfatah, Mohammed Danish, and Mousa Amayreh. 2021. “Recent Advances in Activated Carbon Modification Techniques for Enhanced Heavy Metal Adsorption.” Journal of Water Process Engineering 43 (October): 102221. jwpe.2021.102221. “Telling Brick Mesh – Natural Hydraulic Lime.” n.d.

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Otero, J., A. E. Charola, and V. Starinieri. 2019. “Sticky Rice–Nanolime as a Consolidation Treatment for Lime Mortars.” Journal of Materials Science 54 (14): 10217–34. “Al Maktoum Floating Bridge, Dubai.” n.d. Galvanized Rebar. Accessed August 9, 2023.

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After defining the realm of the project in terms of functions to be performed in order to tackle the contextual DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

problems, a base level program mapping was done in terms


of broad areas required to carry out certain activities. This was done considering the current site factors and what was needed in the region. This was done initially at the design development stage to give a range of areas to be considered while performing experiments on each scale.

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3 Scale Approach In order to fulfill the objectives mentioned previously, a 3 scalar approach was devised. This approach was based on dividing the site and its sub parts into a grid system and developing each scale individually while considering how it links to the others. An overview of the intent of experiments on each level is given below:

1. Urban Scale - To infer the locations of deployment of the floating platforms in the creek. This would be based on creek characteristics,

Urban Scale

pollutant levels and contextual zoning on site. 2. Regional Scale - To decipher the orientation, size, form and contours of the floating platform while considering factors like stability, buoyancy and the effects on the overall biome. 3. Modular Scale – To come up with a module form and material system to aggregate into the floating platforms. Further, to distinguish varying typologies of the modules to be used in different locations of the platform to cater to different issues.

Regional Scale

Modular Scale



The entire span of the creek was divided into a grid of 120 x 120 meters. The size of the grid was decided on the basis of the approximate size of the floating platform as assigned for ease of planning and usability.

To prioritize the deployment of the aggregated module platform clusters in nodes prone to environmental deterioration, the data according to the given criteria was overlapped with the 120 x 120 meter grid as a base. The highest weightage was given to areas with less dissolved oxygen levels and areas with more Biochemical Oxygen Demands which determines the degree

Biochemical Oxygen




Fecal Coliform

Dissolved Oxygen



Priority Deployment

Fig.39. : Thane Creek Water Condition Map-

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The analysis of this data yielded a phased distribution strategy for the deployment of these clusters over time to clear the area and restore the creek’s equilibrium thus facilitating a healthy ecosystem.

Phase 1, No. of cells: 25

Phase 3, No. of cells: 64

Phase 4, No. of cells: 89

Grid Weightage = 33

Grid Weightage = 31

Grid Weightage = 30

Phase 7, No. of cells: 160

Phase 8, No. of cells: 491

Phase 10, No. of cells: 651

Grid Weightage = 27

Grid Weightage = 26

Grid Weightage = 24

Fig.40. : Phases of Deployment of platforms



Zone Development According to the aforementioned site factors and pollution nodes, a zoning system was devised. Further, activities on site were broadly categorized into three aspects- zone for flamingos, fishermen and tourism so as to define the primary functions occurring in these areas. The activities overlapped with the pollution nodes to come up with a more specified zoning structure and the zones were termed as Zone A, B and C respectively.


Site Factors


Zoning based on Activities

Fig.41. : Zoning Development

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Zone A

Major Activity =


Mudflats for Flamingos


Zone B

Major Activity =

Aquaculture, Docks & Fishing Logistics


Final Zoning + Experiment Set up

Zone C

Major Activity =

Fig.42. : Primary Zonal Activities


Eco tourism & Green Trails


Urban Grid Experiment

To deploy floating platforms in the most appropriate locations in each individual zone on site

Ease of access from the landing sites to the platforms

Manage excess siltation on the water edges

Sunlight reaching below the platform for the underwater biosphere.

Facilitating ease of flow of water

Ensuring maximum dispersion of platform across the creek.

Minimum distance between landing sites and floating platforms

Maximum Sunlight reaching below the platform surface,

Minimum surface area towards direction of flow of water

Maximum Surface to Volume ratio of platforms in creek


Assigned clusters of platforms on the 120 x 120 m grid as a base


Multi Objective Optimization Experiments were carried out on each zone individually, taking the 120 x 120 m grid as a base. This was done as the functions and thus the requirements for the number and cluster types in each zone varied.

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In the zone where the primary function was for aiding the flamingos by controlling the excess silt and depletion of mudflats (Zone A), clustering wasn’t required as much as platforms being dispersed near the shoreline to cover a larger area. Thus, the aggregation pattern was limited to 1 to 2 platforms. The zone where the primary function was to cater to fishing and selling activities for the economic benefits of the locals (Zone B), a larger occupiable area was required and thus 2 to 4 platform aggregation was considered. Finally, the zone which would likely be visited by more tourists during the peak season (Zone C) was assigned a larger occupiable area of 3 to 4 platforms.

Zone A

1 - 2 Aggregate Platforms

Zone B

2 - 4 Aggregate Platforms

Zone C

3 - 4 Aggregate Platforms

Fig.43. : Zones and Platform Aggregate Types







were kept the same for all three sub


experiments – Minimum distance between landing sites and the floating platforms for ease of access and cater to excess siltation, Arrangement of platforms in such a way that maximum sunlight reaches the lower

Minimum distance between landing sites and floating platforms

surface of the water for the benefit of the underwater biosphere, minimum contact surface towards the direction of flow of water so as to not cause a blockage to the flow, and maximum surface to volume ratio of the floating platforms in the grid area to


ensure maximum dispersion in the creek.

Maximum sunlight reaching lower surfaces of water



Minimum contact surface towards direction of flow



Fig.44. : Fitness Objectives for Experiment

Maximum Surface to volume ratio

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Fig.45. : Obtaining Final Results



The evolutionary algorithm, Wallacei was used to run the three individual sub experiments with 50 generations and 20 phenotypes in each generation. As a selection criteria, the pareto front solutions among all generations were clustered and the most appropriate phenotype according to priority in each zone was picked out. In the case of the Zone A, this was a single phenotype (Gen 49, Ind 10) which showed maximum repetition and was thus most optimized. The selection criteria was carried out in a similar manner for the other two zones and two optimum solutions were


narrowed down upon in each case (Zone B – Gen 43, ind 3 and Gen 48, Ind 18; Zone C – Gen 48, Ind 18 and Gen 33, Ind 3). The narrowed down typologies were then matched in different permutations to give the required number of human occupiable island – a range between 43 and 47. This gave 3 finalized results which were further experimented upon using computational fluid dynamics. The optimum results were then matched in different permutations to give the required number of islands (A range


between 43 and 47).


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The three results were then analysed by using computational flow dynamics, using the software Flow 3D. Looking at the resultant flow. It was found that the third phenotype had the highest velocity near the required zones of required island deployment. Further, it had the highest number of islands to accommodate more activities and thus was most suitable.



Fig.46. : Comparison of Phenotypes using Computational Fluid Dynamics





Fig.47. : Broad Activity Division

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The selected phenotype considering the arrangement of the floating platforms was then broadly divided according to the primary activity taking place on them. This was done according to the basis on which the zoning (A, B and C), as previously mentioned, took place. Further, it accounted for the rough estimate of area requirements based upon the varied types of population likely to access the site. This broad division was done considering access points and current site activities as well. For example, platforms with the primary function of research and marketplaces were provided near the access points of high density areas which host similar activities in the current context. Platforms hosting functions like administration were located between zones for better management of the system. A detailed specific functions and activities is studied in the further sections of the project.


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program distribution on a platform level with more




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INTRODUCTION The resulting

deployed from









structures requiring additional refinement to serve as ecotones. These areas aim to create underwater habitats conducive to supporting marine organisms reliant on





simultaneously facilitating human activities above the waterline. Addressing the issue of excessive sedimentation and waste accumulation in the creek was imperative.

Foundation Given the project’s extensive scale, intricate nature, and the multitude of platforms for deployment, a focused investigation




methods was conducted. This exploration aimed to streamline the fabrication process

Thus, the design and arrangement

while preserving the essential project

of these floating platforms necessitate

requirements. Specifically, research was

considerations for enhancing water flow.

conducted on tessellation patterns, notably

This includes ensuring sufficient diffused

Truchet patterns, due to their inherent

light reaches the modules beneath and

limitation to two orientations, enabling

fostering increased connectivity between

their encoding into binary notations. This


binary encoding serves as a foundational tool for generating hierarchical structures through iterative rules.1

Fig.48. : Truchet Patterns

A notable characteristic of patterns

encoded to binary notations

derived from these tiles is the sinuous line’s ability to partition the plane into distinct regions, creating necessary voids


amidst constructed masses. This visual


delineation unveils intriguing aspects of chaotic behaviour, reminiscent of the undulating waves in water. Fig.49. : Voids amidst constructed masses 1

Lord, Eric , and Srinivasa Ranganathan. 2006. Review of Truchet Tilings and Their Generalisations. ResearchGate. June 2006.

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Experimental Configuration and Setup Parameters Cultivating these principles, a platform measuring 120m X 120m within the cluster was methodically subdivided into a grid of 40m X 40m units. This size was considered for its favourable fabrication feasibility.

Fig.50. : Subdivided grid with Voids amidst constructed masses The deliberate formation of voids within these masses not only facilitates diffused light underwater but also fosters multi-tiered interactions between land and water. This design necessitates controlled water flow at inner curves, specifically tailored to accommodate activities such as aquaculture and docks. Such provisions aim to rejuvenate the historical culture of local fishermen in this region, who have faced livelihood challenges due to depleted marine resources.



Case 1

Case 2 High

Case 3

Case 4


Fig.51. : Comutational Fluid Dynamics correlating water velocity


and platform curvature


Consequently, a comprehensive pre-analysis was conducted to assess the correlation between water velocity and platform curvature, utilizing Computational Fluid Dynamics. The findings from this analysis led to the consideration of Case 2 experimentation, aligning closely with the prescribed project objectives.

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for further

Fig.52. : Multi-objective experiment for platform design

Foundation To fulfil the outlined objectives and optimize the design of the floating platforms, a consistent depth of 6 meters was established with inward contours. This deliberate configuration aimed to optimize the platform’s shape in harmony with the water flow direction, ensuring minimal disruption. In pursuit of the aforementioned goals, specific fitness criteria were developed: FC1: Maximizing Sunlight Exposure to Underwater Modules to Inhabit Flourishing Habitats FC 2: Maximizing Surface Area Allocation for Human Activities FC 3: Minimizing Surface Area Perpendicular to Water Flow to Enhance Structural Stability through Reduction of Skin Drag



EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM The utilization of the evolutionary algorithm, Wallacei, encompassed 50 generations, each comprising 20 phenotypes. The outcomes revealed a spectrum of morphological designs in the initial generations, converging to recurrent geometries towards the culmination of the simulation. Subsequent post-analysis discerned the most effective geometries within the Pareto

FC 1

FC 2

FC 3

Maximizing Sunlight Exposure to Underwater Modules to Inhabit Flourishing Habitats

Maximizing Surface Area Allocation for Human Activities

Maximizing Sunlight Exposure to Underwater Modules to Inhabit Flourishing Habitats


Fig.53. : Fitness objectives for platform design


SD 1

SD 2

SD 3

Maximizing Sunlight Exposure to Underwater Modules to Inhabit Flourishing Habitats

Maximizing Surface Area Allocation for Human Activities

Maximizing Sunlight Exposure to Underwater Modules to Inhabit Flourishing Habitats

Fig.54. : Standard deviation graphs of experiments for platform design

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Area - 6736

Area - 6413

Area -7691

Area - 4785

Area -6692

Area - 3824

Area - 5770

Area - 5767

Area - 6657

Area - 6427

Area - 6417

Area - 6378

Area - 6024

Area - 6348

Area -5715

Area - 7219

Fig.55. : Paretofront solutions for platform design



Drawing from the insights derived in this experiment, a refined set of genetic parameters underwent analysis to narrow the gene range. Thereafter, a sequential simulation was conducted following the initial experiment. The primary objective was to derive optimized clusters composed of individual platforms, intending to seamlessly integrate these structures into the larger Urban Scale Grid. The experiment involved the consideration of clusters comprising 2, 3, and 4 units, employing aggregated patterns derived from the Urban Scale experiment, illustrated in fig.55. The primary objective centred on establishing clusters characterized by maximal connections between adjacent individual platforms within each cluster. Furthermore, these clusters were


meticulously optimized to align with the direction of water flow, aiming to minimize disruption.


Cluster of 2

Cluster of 3

Cluster of 4

Fig.56. : Cluster derived from the Urban Scale experiment

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In pursuit of these objectives, the experiment maintained parallel fitness criteria to those of the initial phase: •

FC 1: Maximizing Sunlight Exposure to Foster Flourishing Habitats in Underwater Modules

FC 2: Maximizing Surface Area Allocations for Human Activities

FC 1

FC 2

Maximizing Sunlight Exposure to Underwater Modules to Inhabit Flourishing Habitats

Maximizing Surface Area Allocation for Human Activities

SD 1

SD 2

Maximizing Sunlight Exposure to Underwater Modules to Inhabit Flourishing Habitats

Maximizing Surface Area Allocation for Human Activities

Fig.57. : Standard deviation graphs of experiments

The application of the evolutionary algorithm, Wallacei, spanned across 50 generations, each housing 20 phenotypes. Following thorough post-analysis, the Pareto Front solutions highlighted the geometries deemed most efficient, showcasing a preference for designs featuring inner curves and enclosed areas to mitigate wave action. These designated spaces present opportunities for diverse activities, including aquaculture and essential dock facilities.




Fig.58. : Catalogue


The platform clusters identified and selected through this experiment serve as a comprehensive catalogue, slated for implementation in replacing the grid clusters established in the Urban Scale Experiment.

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Selected urban scale grid

Replaced cluster

Fig.59. Placement of catalouge on selected urban scale grid. At the site, a notable concern revolves around the significant bottleneck at the creek’s inception, where it begins to narrow. As a strategic response, a sample cluster from zone 2 had been earmarked for comprehensive elaboration. This entailed detailed refinement of the platform cluster, intending to imbue it with distinctive characteristics and significance as an Ecotone. After selecting and narrowing down to the level of a cluster on site, the aim was to divide areas according to programs within the selected cluster. For this, initial experiments had to be carried out on the immediate surroundings of the location of the platforms chosen. This included taking into account factors like excess pollution and silt in the surrounding waters which had to be actively combated to achieve the objective of the project. Luffa was being used as part of one system to filter the pollutants while the sediments had to be trapped by silt mats through another system. Activities related to these problems were a higher priority and thus these formed the basis for further experiments. Fig.60. Selected cluster from Zone B.



Filter Zone Using the data from the physical experiment on luffa we knew that a luffa cross section of 1.5 cm thick can absorb 50 ml of oil. Using the data collected in the research development stage about the level of pollutants found in Thane creek, the amount of luffa that would need to be deployed in the site were calculated, to reduce the impact of the pollutants on the biome. These were divided in the number of luffas required In a module based on the scale defined of one module (2 x 2 meters) and it was found that one module would approximately house 1400 luffas. These modules, aggregating to form the regional scale would be solely responsible for filtering the water. Details of this module typology would be found in further stages. An experiment was conducted using random walker simulation, to identify zones on each platform cluster for filter modules. The simulation was carried out by using the pollutant discharge locations in Thane creek as the start points, moving the particles down the stream, the platform clusters were used as the attractor points. As shown in fig.60, the above mentioned simulation helped us identify potential filter zones in each island cluster. Distributing the filter modules into small pockets through the island cluster, the access and replacement DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

of these modules were made easy. Based


on the identification of these zones on each island cluster, the rest of the island area was distributed for other programmatic functions Fig.61. FLOW 3d analysis of polutants discharged in Thane creek.

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Step 1- locate cluster platforms

Step 2- Identify pollutant streams

Step 3- Mark discharge points.

Step 4- The flow of pollutants help identify filter zones.

Fig.62. Filter zone- Experiment setup

Silt Zone Similar in setup to the simulation conducted to identify filter zones, the location of silt collection was determined using a random walker simulation. From the data collected during research development, we knew that a maximum of 200 mg/L of silt was found in the waterbody of Thane creek. To counter this, certain modules aggregating to form the regional scale would target this issue. One module, according to the set scale would accommodate a silt collection mat that could collect up to 80 kg of silt, thus the total no. of silt modules required to reduce the effects of siltation in Thane creek was calculated. This value was then divided by the no. of platform clusters. The simulation was set up by randomly distributing the starting points in the water body that move in the south direction and using the water banks of Thane creek as the attractor points. As shown in fig.xx, the simulation identified silt zones in all the proposed platform clusters. The simulation having a few varying components, it was marked that the silt modules were predominantly located closer to land in comparison to filter modules being locat-


ed to the center zones of the waterway


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Step 1- locate cluster platforms

Step 2- Identifying parts of cluster hit by maximum points.

Step 3- Demarkating the area.

Fig.63. Silt zone- Experiment setup

Introduction Upon the selection of the platform cluster from zone B, primarily dedicated to fishing-related activities, the core objective was to engage the community in addressing the urgent concern of the polluted creek, directly impacting their subsistence. Participation in this initiative would broaden the scope of fishermen’s livelihoods, typically season-dependent, to encompass activities related to the filtration of the creek. The similarity between these activities also prompted their consideration together. Fishing and aquaculture involve maintaining fish quality from harvest to consumption due to the short shelf-life, encompassing various processes such as Storage, Curing, Salting, Canning, Packing, and Distribution.1 These processes require diverse spatial needs, spanning from open to covered spaces, including transitional areas facilitating overlapping activities. Similarly, luffa, utilized for water filtration, has a specified lifespan as mentioned in material section of the report, requiring replacement, cleaning, and drying spaces similar to open, covered, and semi-covered areas. Consequently, categorization











(private areas), semi-open (semi-public), and open spaces


(public areas). These classifications were then integrated with abstracted concepts of transitional spaces and ‘ghats’ within the experimental framework to encapsulate these functional aspects.”


“Vikaspedia Domains.” n.d. processing-in-fisheries/processing-of-fish.

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Fig.64. : Schematic diagram for Program Distribution

Experimental Configuration and Setup Parameters Upon comprehending the principles governing spatial formation and establishing transitional zones—namely, ghats and silt collection areas, regulated solely by water flow and pollutant discharge—a concerted effort was made to integrate a continuous progression of transitional spaces within the occupiable segment of the platform cluster. The core nodes or central spine of the platform were designated as private areas, with adjoining semi-public and public areas branching outwards, thereby creating internal breakout spaces within the nodes. Given the selection of a cluster of 4 with individual platforms measuring 120m x 120m, the distribution of areas across the cluster was calculated as percentages, accommodating approximately 140 individuals on this platform cluster simultaneously. Notably, the site has been designated a protected Ramsar site since 2022, resulting in limited access. According to official documentation, approximately 2000 individuals can access the site concurrently, comprising 1800 tourists, 80 staff members, and 120 fishermen, as considered in this breakdown.1 1

“Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary Management Plan.” 2020. TCFS-RMP.pdf.



Computational Logic With regard to the established objectives, specific parameters crucial in determining space allocation on the cluster platform were utilized to optimize the distribution of areas, adhering to the required spatial hierarchy. Subsequently, efforts were directed towards identifying optimal pathways connecting each node to facilitate the movement of staff and visitors.

Fig.65. : Multi-objective experiment for platform design. In pursuit of these objectives, precise fitness criteria were devised:


FC 1: Minimize the distance between Semi-Covered Areas and Tourist Zones to maximize foot traffic from individuals visiting for educational and recreational purposes.


FC 2: Minimize the distance between Private Areas and Land to facilitate efficient import and export of resources and produce between land-based areas and storage facilities on platform. FC 3: Minimize the pathway distance between programs within the platform cluster to ensure an uninterrupted flow of resources during ongoing activities.

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experiment, positions



consistently to the right of the cluster, maintained at a constant distance of 120m, while the tourist activity zone remains consistently





positioned at an 80m distance from the cluster. These considerations are made with respect to the selected cluster’s proximity to Zone B, near the coastline.

Fig.66. : Inter-Nodal connections and connection of nodes with land and Tourist platforms

Fig.67. : Experiment Base Setup.



Evolutionary Algorithm The utilization of the evolutionary algorithm, Wallacei, extended over 50 generations, each comprising 20 phenotypes. Subsequent comprehensive post-analysis revealed the Pareto Front solutions, emphasizing geometries deemed highly efficient. Notably, these geometries exhibited a strategic distribution of activities across the cluster, establishing robust connectivity through a network of primary and secondary pathways. The primary pathways were intended as corridors facilitating the movement of goods and produce, while the secondary pathways were designated for visitor use, delineating their distinctive functionalities within the layout. Derived from the findings, the chosen phenotype was from Generation 44 // Individual 02. This particular individual exhibited private spaces situated across three distinct nodes, strategically positioned adjacent to ghats and silt collection zones. These areas transitioned seamlessly into semi-covered and covered spaces, intricately interwoven with an optimized


network of pathways to enhance overall connectivity within the cluster.


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Fig.68. : Paretofront solutions for program distribution experiment



Fig.69. : Selected Platform for detailing


One specific platform within the chosen cluster


was notably assessed, particularly for its extensive distribution of spaces, surpassing those observed in prior experiments. This assessment aimed to delve into the intricate details of this individual platform, specifically evaluating its capacity for self-stabilization during loading, unloading, and daily activities conducted upon it.

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delineated the perimeters of platform masses and designated zones for human interventions. However, a crucial element remained unaddressed—the depth and thickness of these masses, pivotal in maintaining their equilibrium against external forces such as natural elements (wind, waves, ship motion) and human activities like loading and unloading. For the successful deployment of these structures in water and their human usability, the design must intricately interweave fluid mechanics and the stability principles of within these floating masses. As previously highlighted in the document, these masses will be made from modular units; thus, determining the optimal number of modules for building


Bhargava | Boriyawala | Vachher

floating objects with considerations of height and depth


M - Metacenter G - Center of Gravity B - Center of Buoyancy

Fig.70. : Stability of floating geometries

Foundation Within this experimental framework, the metacentric principle serves as the guiding principle for optimizing the stability of floating geometries. This fundamental concept asserts that the stability of a floating entity is contingent upon the relative positioning of the metacentre concerning the centre of gravity. The metacentre (M), the point where the vertical line through the centre of buoyancy intersects with the line of action of the weight force, holds pivotal importance.


When the metacentre (M) resides above the centre of gravity (G), the body achieves


stability. Disturbances in such a configuration trigger a restorative moment, reinstating the body to its original equilibrium. Conversely, if the metacentre is positioned below the centre of gravity, the body becomes unstable. Any disturbance generates a destabilizing moment, potentially leading to the capsizing or overturning of the body.1


“Stability of Floating Bodies-Principle, Apparatus and Measurement.” n.d. Testbook.

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Experimental Configuration and Setup Parameters Applying these fundamental principles to the ultimate platform chosen that provided comprehensive insights into area distribution and platform boundaries. Spatial classifications were employed, assigning specific height constraints according to their respective functions, delineating a varied terrain to accommodate module placements. Given the node-based planning approach emphasizing a courtyard at the core of constructed spaces, the assigned building heights factored in considerations of optimal wind flow and shading within the courtyard, ensuring year-round usability. Covered areas were limited to a maximum height of 9 meters, allowing for double-height spaces, primarily pertinent to storage facilities. Semi-covered sections were capped at 6 meters, tailored for single-story steps descending into the water, while elevated walkways were allotted a maximum height of 2 meters, enhancing the visitor experience. These height specifications were reciprocated in mirrored dimensions below the waterline, fostering a distinct subaqueous environment. This design strategy aimed to fortify the platform’s ability to endure both static and dynamic loads, ensuring buoyancy and structural integrity even when subjected to significant weight


Bhargava | Boriyawala | Vachher

functional use. In the context of ghats, a deliberate recess of 2 to 3 meters accommodated




1. Platform with program distribution

2. Selection of nodes

3. Strategic manipulation of heights specifically tailored for

4. Strategic manipulation of heights specifically tailored for

covered and semi-covered structures

open spaces such as dock, ghats & green apaces

5. Mass above water

6. Mass under water

7. An undulating terrain

8. Elevation of the undulating terrain showing the thickness above and under water

Fig.71. : Comutational logic for Contour formation

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Fig.72. : Multi-objective experiment for Contour formation

Computation Logic To achieve the outlined objectives and enhance the platform’s resilience against potential heeling movements that could lead to overturning, specific fitness criteria have been formulated: FC 1: Minimization of Solar Radiation within the Courtyard, leveraging the region’s moderate hot and humid climate to optimize usage. FC 2: Maximization of Island Stability. FC 3: Optimization of Wind Flow within the Courtyard, considering the region’s moderate hot and humid climate to optimize ventilation. To execute this experimentation, a conceptual abstraction strategically situates courtyards at selected nodal centers spanning approximately 114 square meters. Around these centers, built masses are erected, observing a maximum depth of 10 meters, transitioning seamlessly into semi-covered and open areas.



FC 1

FC 3

Minimum Solar Radiation in Courtyard

Maximum Wind Flow in Courtyard

FC 2 Maximum Stability of Island Activities

Fig.73. : Fitness objectives for Contour formation

Evolutionary Algorithm The application of the evolutionary algorithm, Wallacei, spanned across 100 generations, encompassing 20 phenotypes in each generation. The most optimal individual identified belonged to generation 99, labelled as individual 08. This chosen individual provides valuable insights into the arrangement and positioning of module stacks within the platform mass. Notably, the depth of modules submerged underwater varied within the range of 2 meters to 12 meters, with deeper placements observed beneath built masses such as covered and semi-covered spaces. The total count of submerged modules DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

ranged between 9000 and 9400, with an estimated 2000 to 2100 modules potentially situated


in the initial layer of stacks. This configuration holds significance beyond structure, potentially governing the filtration of substances like oil and pollutants discharged into the water, given their lower density than water. These initial layers may serve as a filtration mechanism, offering practical applications in managing industrial or sewage line discharges.

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Fig.74. : Paretofront solutions for Contour formation



Generation 99, Individual 08 (Selected phenotype)

Fig.75. : Outline of a platform (120m X 120m) with overlaid programms To conclude, In the regional scale all three experiments aimed to refined floating platform clusters. Tessellation methods optimized fabrication, spatial allocation engaged the fishing community, and stability considerations dictated height constraints. These experiments aimed to enhance ecological integration, usability, and stability in their environment. They involved meticulous design, computational analyses, and algorithmic optimizations. Emphasis was placed on hierarchical platform construction, spatial categorization, and iterative refinement. The objective was to create ecotones supporting marine life and DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

human activities while addressing pollution and sedimentation. The integrated approach


ensured practical functionality, environmental sustainability, and efficient platform utilization. Platforms were designed to accommodate categorized modules for micro-scale investigation (see Figure 178347). These experiments form a base to further investigate the fostering of a harmonious coexistence between marine ecosystems and human activities in the region.

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Fig.76. : Voxeled platform



Upon the selection of the platform cluster from zone B and carrying out the initial experiments related to factors like pollution and siltation, the next step was to define activities surrounding it. Zone B was primarily dedicated to fishing-related activities and the core objective was to engage the community in addressing the urgent concern of the polluted creek, directly impacting their subsistence. Participation in this initiative would broaden the scope of fishermen’s livelihoods, typically season-dependent, to encompass activities related to the filtration of the creek. The similarity between these activities also prompted their consideration together. Fishing and aquaculture involve maintaining fish quality from harvest to consumption due to the short shelf-life, encompassing various processes such as Storage, Curing, Salting, Canning, Packing, and Distribution. These processes require diverse spatial needs, spanning from open to covered spaces, including transitional areas facilitating overlapping activities. Similarly, luffa, utilized for water filtration, has a specified lifespan as mentioned in material section of the report, requiring replacement, cleaning, and drying spaces similar to open, covered, and semicovered areas. Consequently, the identified activities underwent categorization into three spatial classifications: closed (private areas), semi-open (semi-public), and open spaces (public areas). These classifications were then integrated with abstracted concepts of transitional spaces and ‘ghats’ within the experimental framework to encapsulate these functional aspects.” ‘Ghats’ were community zones where locals would be actively involved in the procedure of luffa replacement. This would generate awareness and make people stakeholders in the maintenance system of the creek. The ghats would constitute of steps leading into the water


and facilitate a direct interaction with the underwater biome.


Fig.77. Section through a ghat

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Fig.78. 3 types of access to replace luffa from the water.





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Narrowing down from the regional level, the contoured platforms were made up of modules. This section of the design development focused on the detailing and functioning of this module system. This system would incorporation the identified material system - luffa as a pollutant filter and hydraulic lime as habitat for marine life, into a floating aggregate system that would be deployed in Thane creek. Optimization of the module systems form, and function was explored to design a system that would house an ecotone of spaces for the local biome to human habitation. Revival of the local ecology by cleansing the water way of industrial pollutants, being the primary goal of the proposal, human activities would be proposed in aiding reduction of pollutants and reviving the lost economy of the local fishing community. The range of functions of this module system would also delve into the different typologies and variations in these modules

Buoyancy In the research development phase, the case studies helped identify a key principle, which is used to identify the base form and then in the further development of the proposed modular system.

Archimedes proposition 6, If a solid lighter than a fluid be forcibly immersed in it, the solid will be driven upwards by a force equal to the difference between its weight and the weight of the


fluid displaced.


B=ρVg B – buoyant force ρ – density V – volume g – gravitation force

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Also known as the principle of buoyancy, the above statement implies that fluids exert an upward force on the body equal to the weight of fluid displaced by the body that is fully or partially submerged in it. This can determine if an object floats in a liquid by comparing the weight of the object to the weight of the displaced liquid.

Bo > BL

(negatively buoyant, object will sink)

Bo = BL

(neutrally buoyant, object wont sink or float)

Bo < BL

(positively buoyant, object will float)

Fig.79. Factors to calculate a Objects value setermine its state.

With the design aim to develop a floating system, studying the above it is determined that for the overall system to be positively buoyant, the smaller module components would need to be positively buoyant, thus when deployed as a collective would result in a stable floating habitable structure. From the principle of buoyancy, we learn that greater the displacement of fluid a submerged object, greater the upward force on the object. Hence to determine the primitive geometry of a module, three solid geometries, cube, prism, and sphere is studied to identify that a sphere has the lowest surface area and highest volume displacement from the three solid geometries. Having the lowest surface area to volume ratio, sphere is used as the starting point in the development of the module design.



Geometry Packing The design aim of developing a modular system, two key principles were studied for the selection of the module systems base geometry. As learnt from the principle of buoyancy, to have a greater upward force on an object immersed in liquid, a greater volume of the liquid is displaced. Using this knowledge, as established earlier, spheres have a lower surface area to volume ratio when compared to that of a cube and prism of similar size. Thus, a sphere was used as the beginning geometry for the module design. As the module would be aggregated to form a larger cluster in further design development stages, sphere packing was studied for the connectivity between modules and the packing density of aggregated modules.1 When spheres are packed together to form a cluster, the spheres are connected to each other by a point connection. As point connections are not rigid in a system, it is recognized that surface to surface connections in a packed geometry provide

Point connections

more rigidity as connections. In order to have surface to surface connections, truncated DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

geometries that are similar in volume to that


of a similarly sized sphere are identified and studied for their packing structure.


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Fig.80. Point connections when spheres aggregate.

Fig.81. Truncated geometries packed to check for void percentage.

Three geometries, truncated octahedron, truncated dodecahedron, and truncated icosahedron were found to have similar volumes to that of a similarly sized sphere. Testing these geometries for their packing density when aggregated in simple cubic and hexagonal packing structure, the truncated octahedron in a hexagonal packing has the highest packing density with no porosity between cells, forming a rigid clustered modular system. Thus, a truncated octahedron is used as primitive geometry in designing the module.



Base Geometry The design of the module began by using a truncated octahedron as primitive geometry. From the design intent of the proposal, it was determined that the module would be habitable for functions such as housing luffa as a filter core, and housing various species of the biome. Its base functions being defined, the primitive geometry required to be hollow so that there is flow of water and various species through the module structure. The frame of a truncated octahedron, as shown in fig.

Fig.82. Truncated Octahedron Geometry

xx, was abstracted to form the structural frame.


In order to reduce the porosity of the


module, structural members were added

or decrease in the buoyancy value when

to subdivide the faces of the truncated

additional members are added. Testing for

octahedron. With the aim to design a

four types of subdivision of the surfaces,

floating module, the addition of these

as shown in fig.81, it was found that the

structural members was evaluated by

module with the maximum subdivisions

calculating the overall weight of the module

has the highest mass while also having

and comparing it to the weight of the

a much greater increase in its buoyancy

displaced water, to analyze the increase

value, as identified in type 4 shown in fig.81.

Division no: 0

Division no: 1

Division no: 2

Division no: 2

Bo = 476.06 kg/m3 Bf = 111.57 kg/m3

Bo = 1053.40 kg/m3 Bf = 3206.70 kg/m3

Bo = 1613.73 kg/m3 Bf = 4975.08 kg/m3

Bo = 2438.16 kg/m3 Bf = 6967.57 kg/m3

Fig.83. Mesh division stages

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As post analysis of the base geometry, the pore size of the various modules was assessed to determine the size range of fauna that can inhabit this structure when deployed in water. Further, the decrease in tidal energy was also evaluated when the varying porosity modules are deployed in the waterway, as shown in fig.82. It was noted that there is a greater decrease in tidal energy when low porosity module is deployed in water. Conclusion: From the primitive geometry study, the module design with low to medium porosity was used to form the module as they have greater buoyancy values, and they reduce tidal force. In the post analysis of these designs conducted, the module with the lowest porosity would only serve as a habitat for luffa which would also aid in keeping the fauna away from the filter core. The module with the medium pore size range can house the prevalent fish species of the Thane creek biome, thus serving as a habitat for the biome.

Type A

Type B

Type C

Fig.84. Pore range and CFD analysis for 3 types of division.



Developing a grid system for the design proposal to operate on three scales, the smallest scale also known as the module scale is a 2m X 2m cell aggregation that clusters to form a larger platform which is developed to function for a ecotone ranging from human activities taking place above water, to habitable spaces for marine life under water. The defined cell size of 2m X 2m is further sub-divided into 3 sections for ease of casting and manufacturing purposes. The manufacturing process of the module is a three-step process. Assembly of structural frame- using hollow stainlesssteel rods to form the structural framework of the module, individual members are cut to the required length and welded together to form the framework of the section of the module. Mold- in-order to coat the module framework with a layer of the developed luffa and hydraulic lime mixture, a mold was created using CNC Styrofoam with the offset form of the structural frame to create a coating around the welded frame of 2 mm thick. Casting- the welded stainless-steel frame was placed in the CNC Styrofoam mold such that the 1:1:1 mixture of hydraulic lime, sand and luffa was poured into the mold for the mixture to coat around the frame. Similar to the curing process as that of cement, the mixture solidifies and gains strength around the frame within 30 days. After the 30-day curing process, the module section was removed from its mold.


As show in fig.84, section A and section C, the top and


bottom sections of the module are 0.5 m in height and are mirrored sections of the module, hence these sections can be built using the same structural member lengths and casting mold. Section B, the center of the module, is a 1m X 2m part of Fig.85. Styrofoam CNC fo form mold. This is done in 4 layers that are joined.

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Fig.87. Clasp joint to connect the sections.

A H = 0.5m

B H = 1m

C H = 0.5m

Fig.86. Module split into 3 section for fabrication.

the module that is cast as an individual part to the overall module. These parts are transported to the site as individual sections and assembled to form a whole module at the deploying location. In order to join the connect the sections to form a whole module, clasp join are introduced on the internal overlapping members, to hold the sections together. A sample section of a half scale module was built using the above-mentioned manufacturing process using the developed structural and material system.



Fig.88. 1/4th fabricated section of the developed module design.

Results: The physical prototype of the sample section of the module was analyzed for the manufacturing process, overall section weight and the material strength gained at the end of the curing period. Using a Styrofoam mold to coat the framework with a layer of the hydraulic lime mixture was beneficial as there was no rapid loss of moisture from the mixture. This is achieved as small pieces of luffa help bind the lime molecules into one form. Thus, cured for a 30-day period, the hydraulic lime layer doesn’t crumble after losing its moisture and is structurally strong. Lime having a high density, the expected weight of the module section was no less than 50 kg’s as per calculations, but upon weighing the physical prototype, it is found that the


physical prototype weighs less than half the expected weight. This reinforces the design of the


module being positively buoyant. Submerging the prototype in a water body for a 3-month period, it was observed that hydraulic lime houses the growth of living organisms. This confirms that marine life would feed on the lime coating and start to use the developed modules as a natural habitat, similar to that of corals.

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Fig.90. Prototype casted in mold

Fig.89. Built Physical prototype



Vertical Ecotone Focusing on the developed material system, in the previous section, into a formwork to achieve the goals of the design proposal, a vertical gradient of functions is identified that serve and support the key aim of the proposal. As mentioned in the materials section, luffa, when used as a filtrate to remove industrial pollutants such as metals, chemicals, and oils from water, requires to be cleaned and can be placed back into the water again. As identified earlier during the physical examination, the same piece of luffa can be used for a minimum of 10 cycles. This gained knowledge helped us identify key design and programmatic features that would need to be addressed to achieve the project goals. By decreasing the pollutant levels in the waterway, the proposal aims to revive the lost fauna and bring back local fishing activities. To boost the increase of marine life in the waterway, a module type was introduced to house aquatic flora and fauna similar to a coral reef. As mentioned before, periodic cleaning and replacement of luffa is required, which would be conducted by human activity. In order for humans to perform their role in this multi-layered system, functional spaces are developed using the primitive module to house human activities. When assembled to form a synergic system to achieve the design goal, a vertical gradient of functions and spaces was formed that support each other. The vertical ecotone is classified into 3

Abovewater Habitat

zones, • the underwater which houses spaces for the marine life. • transitional spaces where the mixing of human activity takes place with the underwater.

Transitional Zone

• the above water is a habitat for the biome and humans.


Further defining and designing the module types based


Underwater Habitat

on its functional requirements, beginning from the underwater modules progressing vertically upwards to the above water habitat. The primitive module design from the previous stage, a truncated

Fig.91. Vertical eco-

octahedron with subdivided surfaces as shown in fig.91, was used and further modified based on the functional requirements of the module type.

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Underwater Modules The modules deployed in water are classified as 3 types as per their functions. Each of the 3 types are designed using a GA (generative algorithm) to optimize the functional properties of the module type. In the final stage a post analysis was conducted to test the effects on buoyancy when all the module types form a collective.

Fig.92. Thane creek marine life catergorized by size.

Habitat Module

Similar to a coral reef, the habitat module was

Step 1-

designed to function as a home for marine flora and fauna. Using the primitive module developed in the preliminary stages of design, an experiment was set-up with the aim to increase the surface area of the module thus increasing the surface area of the lime mixture coating on which marine life would feed and grow. The experiment was carried out in two steps:

6 mm offset inward

8 mm offset inward

Step 2-

• Step 1- provide a thickness to the module structure by offsetting the outer layer inwards. • Step 2- Subdivide the surfaces of the module to form a grid like mesh. No. of divisions- 0

Using a GA, 20 individuals were generated with the aim of maximum increase in surface area and

No. of divisions- 3

Fig.93. Habitat module- experiment steps

greater buoyancy value than the Bo (self-weight) of the module. These individuals were then analyzed for the range of pore size, to compare it to the range of marine organisms identified in the research development stage. The individual with the largest pore size of range 0.27 cm to 0.58 cm were selected, Type A, as the habitat module to help rehabilitate the marine life. Type A



Filter Module In the research development stage, it was found that Thane creeks water pollution is found close to the surface of water. The increase of industrial pollutants is causing the depletion of marine life, in turn affecting the local economy. To reduce the levels of industrial pollutants in the waterway, a filter module was designed with the function to encompass luffa, the identified filter material from the research development stage, and would be placed close to the surface of water, in the vertical gradient. From the material experiments of luffa, we learnt that the filtrate has to be periodically cleaned and can be re-used 10 times to extract pollutants from water. Thus, the filter module needs to be designed such that the center of the module is accessible, and the luffa located at the center can be removed and replaced periodically. It was also noted that the outer layer needs to be further designed to have smaller pore size to limit the access of marine life to the luffa core. Identifying the functional requirements of the filter module, a multi-layered system was designed, an outer shell similar to that of the habitat module, a filter layer consisting of luffa and as the weight of the module (Bo) would increase when industrial metal and oil pollutants are absorbed, a light weight hollow vessel was proposed to increase the buoyancy DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

value (Bf) of the module. This multi-layered


system was designed using a GA to optimize each layer’s thickness and height, to achieve a positively buoyant module design. Fig.94. Primitive geometry for filter module.

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As mentioned earlier, the outermost shell would need to be of dense meshing to prevent the access of marine life to the luffa layer. Thus, from the habitat module experiment, the individual with a pore range of 0.11 cm to 0.29 cm, as shown in fig.92, was taken as the primitive for the GA experiment to design the inner layers of the module. Two conflicting objectives were set to optimize this experiment are as follows:

Maximum positive buoyancy (greater Bf value)

Maximum mass of luffa in module

Low Bo value (self-weight)

Top height Luffa layer thickness

Bouyancy device height

Luffa layer height

Fig.95. Experiment setup: varying factors for filter module

Analyzing the data from the GA experiment, we were able to identify a pattern of repeating values for each layer’s thickness and height of the individuals generated by the GA experiment. As each individual is optimized more than its predecessor, the repeating layer thickness and height data was extracted from this experiment to design the filter module. Thus, the filter module consists of three layers, the outer framework housing a intermediary layer of luffa and a inner core that increases the buoyancy of the module.

Fig.96. Repeating characteristics.



Silt collection Module Mentioned in the Journal of Coastal Research in the article Numerical Simulation of Tidal Constituents in Thane creek and the Ulhas estuary, West Coast of India, due to the high silt rate in the water flowing from the northern region of Thane creek, over Siltation occurs at the banks of Thane creek. The deposition of silt at the banks of the Thane creek, over the years is causing the narrowing of the waterway. The upper region of the creek is a narrow passage through which water flows from the Ulhas river into Thane creek, moving south and mixing into the Arabian sea. The increase in siltation at the Thane creek banks, specifically in the north of the creek, has caused a decrease in water levels. If the northern region waterway of Thane creek were to be blocked due to over siltation at the estuary bank, the central region of Thane creek would experience stagnation of water which would further deplete the waterway of its once thriving marine life. To prevent the further narrowing of the waterway, methods and local techniques were adopted to reduce the effects of siltation. A A common biodegradable solution used across many regions of India; silt control mats are used to collect silt from flowing rivers. These mats are made using jute, to improve the water quality by entrapping fine silt and silt particles. A mat of the size 2m X 1m is able to capture 40kg of silt.1 In order to prevent the further narrowing of Thane creek by reducing the rate of siltation at its estuary banks, the concept of silt control mats was incorporated with the primitive module to develop a third module type, the silt collection module, to decrease the high rate of siltation found in thane creek. Defining the functions of the silt collection module, it was identified that similar to the Filter Module, periodic removal and replacement of the silt control mat would be required. As developed during the fabrication stage, the module is made of 3 sub-parts that are assembled to form one module. To design a silt control module, the silt control mat would need to be encompassed in the primitive module, and require a access for periodic removal and replacement of the mat, similar to the access for the luffa placed in the filter module. As the module was built using 3 sub-divided parts that form a whole module, a silt control mat of the size 2m X 2m is placed at the level of the connection between the top and the center


parts of the module as shown in fig.95. By doing so, the removal and replacement of the silt


control device in the module could be carried out by detaching the top piece of the module, and once removed and replaced, the top piece being re-attached to the rest of the module structure.


“SiltMatTM.” Frog Environmental, Accessed 8 Jan. 2024.

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Fig.97. Silt module design.



Aggregation of underwater modules The three underwater modules are designed using the same primitive module, which enables the dense packing of the modules to form a cluster. In the early stages of types of module development, a vertical gradient of functions was defined based on which the underwater modules are designed with a specific function it performs. Based on the vertical gradient of functions, the 2 types of underwater modules are aggregated. The horizontal and the downward vertical growth of the modules to form a platform was analyzed to evaluate the increase of the Bo and the increase or decrease of Bf (buoyancy value) as the modules would be added to the cluster. We observed a trend of steady growth in the platforms mass (Bo) and the buoyancy value (Bf) as modules were added to the collective. This affirms the hypothesis that when the modules are placed as a collective to form a platform, the platform would be DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

positively buoyant and could withstand an


additional load of 800 kg per module that forms the platform.

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Fig.98. Increase in Bo value as module increase in a cluster.

Fig.99. Cluster of underwater Modules



Defining the 3 types of modules that are placed in water, as per the function division defined according to the vertical ecotone, it was found that 2 module type, the Filter module, and the silt collection module, require periodic human interaction as they each encompass a layer that would needs to be frequently removed and replaced. In order to access and service these module types regularly, a need for functional spaces that provide access to the filter and silt module was observed. When removed from a polluted water body, as mentioned in the earlier stages of the proposal, luffa and silt collection mats would be cleaned and placed again into the water. For the cleaning of luffa and silt collection mats to take place, human occupy able spaces were introduced on the platforms. Identifying the need for functional spaces that humans occupy, to aid in the design proposals goals, 3 module types were proposed that create a habitat for the biome. Translating the structural language of the underwater modules to the above water, the primitive module developed in the initial module development stage was used to create occupiable spaces. Modules were designed as per 3 types of spaces: •

Open spaces

Semi-Open spaces

Enclosed spaces

Open Module- Green Modules Mentioned in the research development stage of the proposal, the local biome of the selected site consists of a diverse range of flora and fauna. The previous section, underwater modules, focused on introducing interventions




pollutants from the waterway of the selected site, thus aiding in the revival of the depleting biome. The open module type was designed for the plants and birds that are found in this DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

rich estuary biome. With the aim to integrate


the underwater with the above water, the primitive module, which is a size of 2m X 2m truncated octahedron, was used as the green module structure, as shown in fig.98, which Fig.100. Green modules- 2m x 2m

would houses the growth of plants and could be occupied by birds.

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Semi-open Modules As noted during the material research and development stages, in order to activate luffa to perform as a filtrate, luffa needs to be cleaned using chemical solutions after which it undergoes a drying process. Semi-open spaces were designed to primarily function as spaces to dry and store luffa post its cleaning process after which it would be placed again in modules to filter industrial pollutants and oils from water. These modules would function not only as luffa drying sheds but also for public activities such as shaded outdoor market spaces. The primitive module, a 2m X 2m truncated octahedron structure, is not a space occupiable by humans. In order for the semi-open modules to be functional for human activity, the primitive module was scaled to a 4m X 4m truncated octahedron. As the area of one 4m X 4m module can house one human, 3 types of semi- open modules were designed, to have a minimum area of 40 SQ.m, and would be aggregable to form larger communal spaces.


2m x 2m Truncated octahedron

Type A

4m x 4m Truncated octahedron

Type B

Type C

Fig.101. Semi-open spaces- scaling and 3 types of modules



Typology A:

Typology B:


Typology C:


Fig.102. Typologies of semi-

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FEA Analysis Designed to be occupiable by humans, a FEA analysis was conducted on the semi-open and closed module types, to make sure the aggregations would be structurally stable. Each module wad analyzed and modified based on 3 factors, •

Minimum weight of the overall module

Minimum displacement

Minimum stress on the structural members

Using an iterative process, each module type was modified by changing each structural member’s size, new members were added to reduce displacement and equally distribute the load. Each module type was designed to be structurally stable. Iterations


Axial stress





Fig.103. FEA analysis conducted in iterative stages.



Closed Modules As mentioned in the material research and development stages, luffa is cleaned using a chemical solution in order to prevent it from disintegrating when placed in water. Thus, for the cleaning of luffa, a module type is designed to create a closed space where luffa will be processed. These spaces primarily function as luffa processing facilities and can have a secondary function that’s of public use. Similar in size to the semi-open modules, the primitive module was scaled to a 4m X 4m truncated octahedron, which was aggregated to form 4 types of configurations of varying area and connective properties. Type A and Type B, as shown in fig.102, were designed to grow horizontally. Module type A has a larger area footprint, and house primary programs and Type B serves as extension unit to Type A modules. Module Type C and Type D was designed to connect vertically when aggregated to build a larger facility. Module Type C was designed to function as spaces with small area requirements such as office spaces. As there was verticality when all the closed modules aggregate, a circulation unit was also designed to create access to


spaces located at a height.


Fig.104. 4 typologies of closed modukles with varying areas and functions.

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Fig.105. Sample section and axon view



Semi-open and Closed module Aggregation Designing a set of small occupiable units for semi-open to closed spaces, an experiment was designed to combine these spaces to form larger functional facilities housing multiple programs. As the primary human activity on the platforms would be the replacement and cleaning of luffa, a luffa treatment center was designed consisting of luffa drying sheds connecting to the luffa cleaning workroom, public spaces for the community, and private workspaces. Using a defined area footprint,, three objectives were defined to optimize the experiment using a combination of tools, Wasp to design using discrete repetitive elements that would combine to form larger occupiable structure, which was analyzed using a GA for the three objectives. The goals of the experiment were as follows: •

Maximum area footprint on platform.

Minimum circulation cores

• Maximum proximity of luffa drying sheds to filter modules. Results: The experiment produced 5000






area footprints. Five individuals, the best performing in the 4 objectives and the DESIGN DEVELOPMENT

average ranked individual, were analyzed


comparing their area footprint, structure, and their connectivity. The average ranked individuals, of all the objectives formed a stable structure with a balance of public and private spaces.

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Program distributed site.

Identify filter zone for easy acess

Semi-closed modules are place close to the filter zones.

Overall generated aggregation.

Fig.106. Experiment to generate a sample aggredation



cycles as a filter underwater. This would be cleaned at the end of the cycles and utilized in panels for the built structures.

Materiality After the framework for enclosed and semi open structures was decided, the infill panels had to be considered. For this purpose, two primary panel types were taken. The panel of the semi enclosed structure consisted of a bamboo framework with an infill of luffa to create probiotic walls on the islands. The idea of probiotic walls stems from recent discoveries that show that ‘good’ bacteria can counter ‘bad’ bacteria and improve the health of the surrounding environment. An




with a mix of mud and lime was considered. This technique of using bamboo, wood or reeds as a structural frame with lime or mud as filler material has been used in different parts of the world since ancient times. Further, the walls made from this technique are thin, lightweight, flexible and easy to build.2 In addition to this, bamboo is locally grown in abundance and ideal to use as a framework material.

Venice Biennale through a pavilion made of luffa fibres. Luffa is an ideal host for diverse DESIGN DEVELOPMENT


vernacular system of woven bamboo coated

example of this was displayed in the 2021



microorganisms and can be stitched together easily to form partitions.1 In the context of the project, the luffa used would be recycled from the ones being used in 1

Hoeven, Diederik van der. 2023. “Probiotic Building Design.” Bio Based Press. July 16, 2023.


BambooU, Marketing. 2022. “Building Bamboo Walls with Mud and Lime.” Bamboo U. June 15, 2022.

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Semi-Open Modules Paneling

Bamboo frame + Reused luffa from module

Enclosed Modules Paneling

Bamboo weave + clay lime mixture

Fig.107. : Panel materials



Perforation Experiment

Fig.108. : Panel abstraction The semi enclosed structures required

Fluid Dynamics where they were tilted at

panels with perforations to allow variation

an angle and wind at a uniform velocity was

in amount of sunlight entering and wind

allowed to pass through. It was observed

movement. One luffa panel prototype was

that the variation in drag was more in the

taken and a pattern was abstracted from the

first typology. Thereafter, through the plug-in

way luffa fibres are cross stitched together

Ladybug on Grasshopper, both typologies

(with reference to existing work like the

were tested for amount of shading provided.

2021 Venice Biennale)1 to form pockets and

It was found that typology 1 performed better

accommodate microbes. Two perforation

and provided more shading. As a conclusion

typologies were experimented with, in such

to both experiments and the additional factor

a manner that the structural integrity and

of more structural stability in the panel due to

coverage of the panels would be maintained.

smaller perforations, Typology 1 was selected

The first type had smaller gaps at smaller

to move ahead with.

uniform intervals, while the second had larger perforations at larger intervals. Both


types were tested initially by Computational


Typology 1


Typology 2

Fig.109. : Perforation Typologies 1

“The Living Creates ‘Probiotic’ Architectural Pavilion That Supports Living Microbes.” 2021. Dezeen. October 23, 2021.

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Typology 1

Typology 2

Fig.110. : Computational Fluid Dynamics Experiment

Typology 1

Typology 2 Fig.111. : Radiation Experiment



Semi-Enclosed Considering the prevailing wind direction (West direction) and direction of solar radiation (South East direction) in the region, the panels of the selected typology were placed to optimize wind direction and provide shading inside the structure. Panels with low perforations were provided in the direction of high solar radiation to give high amount of shading. Panels with ligh levels of perforations were given on the upper regions of the structure along with deliberately created voids for ventilation purposes. Further, panels with high perforations were provided in the direction of the prevailing wind so as to capture it and cool down the interiors. A post analysis was then carried out to study the amount of shading taking place in the module due


to the placement of the panels.


Fig.112. : Contextual radiation and wind analysis on module

Fig.113. : Radiation Analysis to study shading on the interiors od the module

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Low perforation panels in the direction of high radiation.

High perforation and spacing on modules placed on the higher levels for ventilation.

High perforation in the prevailing wind direction. Fig.114. : Panel placement logic



Enclosed Panel placement was then decided for enclosed structures. The location, amount of openings and solid wall panels had to be considered in this case. Radiation analysis through the Ladybug plugin in grasshopper was carried out in the context of the site. A certain radiation range was taken (above 918.5 kWh/m2) and solid walls were installed only in those areas. This was done by considering a base framework of the existing cross bracing structural members that provide additional support.


Fig.115. : Selection of Radiation Range


Fig.116. : Base framework for panel placement

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Panel placement was then decided for enclosed structures. The location, amount of openings and solid wall panels had to be considered in this case. Radiation analysis through the Ladybug plugin in grasshopper was carried out in the context of the site. A certain radiation range was taken (above 918.5 kWh/m2) and solid walls were installed only in those areas. This was done by considering a base framework of the existing cross bracing structural members that provide additional support. For the openings of the enclosed structure, a double skin was considered while taking an offset from the areas of openings. This offset area was further optimized to decrease the material usage by reducing the number of vertices and thus the total area by 15 – 20 %. A framework was applied in this optimized position as a bamboo trellis and could accommodate either luffa or climbers for temporary shading and privacy, depending on the requirement to the internal space.

Fig.118. : Optimized Double Skin for openings

Fig.117. : Options for removable shading options on trellis





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Lord, Eric , and Srinivasa Ranganathan. 2006. Review of Truchet Tilings and Their Generalisations. ResearchGate. June 2006. publication/227098904_Truchet_tilings_and_their_generalisations. “Vikaspedia Domains.” n.d. “Stability of Floating Bodies-Principle, Apparatus and Measurement.” n.d. Testbook. “Thane Creek Flamingo Sanctuary Management Plan.” 2020. https://mangroves. “Stability of Floating Bodies-Principle, Apparatus and Measurement.” n.d. Testbook. https:// Biodegradation of some aquaculture chemotherapeutants weathered in flocculent samples collected at hard-bottom sites in Newfoundland (Canada).


Tavares, Jéssica, Ana Martins, Liliana G. Fidalgo, Vasco Lima, Renata A. Amaral, Carlos A. Pinto, Ana M. Silva, and Jorge A. Saraiva. 2021. “Fresh Fish Degradation and Advances in Preservation Using Physical Emerging Technologies.” Foods 10 (4): 780.


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After defining how the design developed on all scales, it was imperative to define the link between scales and how the system would function as a unit in the given context. For this purpose, details in terms of how the module typologies would relate to each other in different seasons, how one would access the platforms, and structural details on mooring and joineries were explored in this section.




Activity Dependance


The activities and structural variation on the floating platforms was dependant on the seasonality of the region. The seasons in this case were primarily divided into the monsoon (June to September) and non-

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The Luffa Cycle During the monsoon season, the water in the creek becomes highly turbid due to the wind driven turbulent mixing which is considerably strong towards the Arabian sea. In order to control and capture the flowing pollutants during this time, luffa is used as a filter integrated with the floating module. When the season is over, this luffa can be cleaned, transported to a different part of the island and used as panelling for shading (as mentioned previously) for semi-open structures.





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The Unbuilt Environment During Monsoons, the Silt modules are utilized more as during this period resuspension of the suspended matter coming from surface runoff is high and the modules help in controlling the silt quantities. In winters however, green modules as used more to accommodate and provide a habitat for the migratory birds.





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The Built Environment During monsoon season, the primary economic activities of fishermen shifts indoors, involving research, and selling local handicrafts. These take place in the enclosed areas. During non – monsoon periods, aquaculture, luffa cleansing and fish market activities take place outdoors and in semi open structures. These areas also support the inflow of more locals and tourists during this time to facilitate selling and buying of produce.





The primary networks of access

movement and have turnbuckles for

to the floating platform constituted of

adjustment.1 Another method in which

access by land, by bridges and by boat.

floating platforms could be accessed

The pre-existing landing sites around

from the land or from another platform

the creek were considered to be the

was by using bridges. The bridges would

main access points to the platforms.

be formed by using a cluster of stag-

These areas have the scope of being fur-

gered modules forming a wide enough

ther expanded and forge a path which

path, with suitable stacking underwater

leads to the water edge where either

to support people walking on it. An

gradual steps would lead down to the

experiment of shortest walk was con-

floating platform or the platform would

ducted on the platforms and only those

merge into the mangrove area and land

networks considered which were of a

while creating a seamless transition. A

lesser distance than 240 m and could be

shoreline anchor cable system would

easily accessed were taken as bridges to

be used in this case where the floating

span across and connect platforms. A

platforms would be attached to the land

distance more than that was connected

by embedding cables into the concrete

by boats. The platforms would have seg-

landing site. These cables would prefer-

regated area for docking which would be

ably be at a 45 degree angle to increase

used for fishing and tourist boat access.

the holding power, allow for vertical 1

“0223-2812P-MTDC: Floating Trail Bridges and Docks.” n.d. Accessed January 1, 2024.

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Access by boat

Access by bridge

Access by land

Fig.119. : Modes of access to platform.




Fig.121. : Access to selected cluster


Fig.120. : Access Network Site level

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Bridge Access Detail 2.

Attached to Shore Detail 3.

Merged with Shore Detail Fig.122. : Access details

Fig.123. : Anchor system to the shore detail



Mooring and Joinery 2.4e+07 1125 kg/m^3 15 m 0.5 m | 6 Fig.124. : Mooring Calculations cable

with respect to the waves could be seen

system was investigated for mooring or

in both cases. It was found that due

anchoring the platform to the bed due

to the increase in mass and scale, the

to the scale of the platform units. At 45

modules aggregating together to form

degrees, the mooring line (cables) were

the platform was stable with almost no

anchored to increase the holding power

movement in comparison.




and were kept with slack so they could adjust with the waves and allow for movement.1

The anchors themselves

were to be made of bio-rocks as an alternative





sustainability. Each platform of 120 x 120 m would have mooring lines connected to all four of its corners. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations on Flow 3D software were carried out where the wave action was studied with respect to the module aggregation and their mooring specifications. Calculations for the spring coefficient and tension in the mooring line was studied with respect to the mass of a unit floating object, free length and material density of the line. The simulation with the same wave height and period, and water depth (8


meters) was carried on different scales,


first with an aggregate of 9 modules (6 m x 6m) and then the entire 120 x 120 m platform. The stability and movement of floating structures and mooring lines

Fig.125. : Mooring simulation for aggregate of 9 modules

1 “0223-2812P-MTDC: Floating Trail Bridges and Docks.” n.d. Accessed January 1, 2024.

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Fig.126. : Mooring simulation for selected platform of 120 x 120 meters



The design of the platforms had to account for the factor of tides in Thane Creek. The primary direction of waves being from the Ulhas River (the North portion of the site) while the secondary wave direction being from the Arabian Sea (the South portion of the site). As the size of the platform was large, it had to be subdivided to accommodate movement as a reaction to the waves. Thus, each platform was subdivided into 9 portions for ease of fabrication and joinery to accommodate for wave action and keep it stable. There were three distinct types of joineries in this system to cater to different purposes: first- hinge joints between the subdivided platforms which were kept in place to accommodate changes in water flow; second - bolted joints, which would connect individual modules on the same plane in a subdivided platform; and third - clasp joints, which would connect modules stacked vertically. Directionality in this case played a major role as the movement of waves were from north and south directions, the hinge joints were more in the horizontal subdivisions of the platform.


Fig.127. : Mooring section.


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Hinge Joints


Bolted Joints


Clasp Joints

Fig.128. : Joinery typologies and placement in the system





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DISCUSSION The project recognizes the rich and delicate ecosystem of the contextual ecotone and through the course of its research attempts to encapsulate the principles of transitioning biomes and formulates into a proposal which is sensitive and specific to the chosen site at different scales. it does so by combatting the site problems actively and passively by keeping in mind a sustainable material system, grounded on recyclability and creating habitable spaces for different life forms. The proposal is able to achieve its objectives to an extent but does have facets to it which can be further worked upon to enhance it in the future. The working system of the design proposal was heavily dependent on the site factors as on each scale it informed the design and affected its outcome. This made the proposal unique to its context. However, this also meant a lack in adaptability of the exact system as a whole for a new location. The proposal addressed the existing issues on site both actively and passively which was demarcated through the course of the project like the variation in functions of modules, but further details regarding the immediate and long-term impacts of both these systems must be studied further. The material system employed for the purpose of creating the design system, though sustainable and well researched, due to experimentation and research gaps wasn’t able to tackle the different types of pollutants in the creek specifically. Further, the stability of the system in water over large periods of time isn’t something that could be accounted for. Activity spaces like community zones for luffa replacement which assign the locals the responsibility of stakeholders in the system while directly interacting with module system can be investigated at more stages relating to more module typologies. This can contribute in blurring the boundaries further, for organisms to interact with one another, and directly with the system. It can further act as an awareness spreading model for site issues. As a conclusion, the project demonstrates a commitment to addressing the existing stress on the biome of thane creek and has potential, with further investigation and enhancement to integrate into the context of the site and merge as part of the ecotone. Bhargava | Boriyawala | Vachher



“0223-2812P-MTDC: Floating Trail Bridges and Docks.” n.d. Accessed January 1, 2024. page07.htm.


“0223-2812P-MTDC: Floating Trail Bridges and Docks.” n.d. Accessed January 1, 2024. page07.htm.


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LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 : Pollution over the years on the coastlines of Mumbai . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 2 : The 3 identified effects of pollution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Figure 3 : Estuary located in Sarek National Park, Sweden.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Figure 4 : Water near shorelines and estuaries system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Figure 5 : Thane Creek Site location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Figure 6 : Thane Creek- pollution mapping during high tide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Figure 7 : Effects of Pollution around Thane Creek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Figure 8 : Thane Creek Land use and pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Figure 9 : Thane creek - waterlevels in the arid and monsoon seasons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Figure 10 : Narrowing of Thane Creek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Figure 11 : Thane creek biodiversity as per identified znes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Figure 12 : Magazine, Hakai. n.d. “Mumbai Embraces Its Booming Flamingo Population.” Hakai Magazine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Figure 13 : Existing site factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Figure 14 : Existing site factors mapped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Figure 15 : Depletion of marine life and subsequent loss of local fisherman economy. . . . . . . . . 36 Figure 16 : “THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to SUCCESSFULLY GROWING LUFFA SPONGES.” 2017. The Art of Doing Stuff. February 15, 2017. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Figure 17 : Luffa life cycle and annual yeild. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Figure 18 : Luffa processing cycle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Figure 19 : Coral reefs are made of lime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Figure 20 : “The Green Charcoal – Materiability.” n.d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Figure 21 : “Aqueous Ecologies: Parametric Aquaculture and Urbanism.” 2013. Scenario Jour-


nal. May 24, 2013.


ous%20Ecologies%20proposes%20wastewater%20infrastructure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Figure 22 : Floating Structure Typologies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Figure 23 : Floating Bridge, Dubai, and breakdown of floating principles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Figure 24 : Singh, Rana P.B. 1994. Review of Water Symbolism and Sacred Landscape in

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Hinduism: A Study of Benares (Varanasi). Researchgate. January 1994. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Figure 25 : “Varanasi’s Ghats: The Adaptable Riverscapes of India.” 2023. ArchDaily. June 12, 2023. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Figure 26 : Live, Boom. 2015. “INSIDE MUMBAI’S KOLIWADAS and GAOTHANS.” Newslaundry. April 28, 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Figure 27 : “Transitional Sociability: Versova Koliwada by Ami Joshi - Issuu.” n.d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Figure 28 : ‘Alive’ Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Figure 29 : Madlener, Adrian. n.d. “David Benjamin’s Venice Biennale Installation Makes the Case for Probiotic Living.” Metropolis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Figure 30 : Luffa experiment set-up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Figure 31 : Experiment Workflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Figure 32 : Luffa activation steps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Figure 33 : Observations from luffa samples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Figure 34 : Absorption capacity of luffa treated with activated charcoal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Figure 35 : Heavy metals targeted by activated carbon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Figure 36 : “Biorock Artificial Reef off the Gili Islands, Indonesia.” 2019. Peapix. June 8, 2019. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Figure 37 : Preliminary lime + luffa micture experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Figure 38 : Test sample showing the ratio of mixture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Figure 39 : Thane Creek Water Condition Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

Figure 41 : Zoning Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Figure 42 : Primary Zonal Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Figure 43 : Zones and Platform Aggregate Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93


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Figure 40 : Phases of Deployment of platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89


Figure 44 : Fitness Objectives for Experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Figure 45 : Obtaining Final Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Figure 46 : Comparison of Phenotypes using Computational Fluid Dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Figure 47 : Broad Activity Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Figure 48 : Truchet Patterns encoded to binary notations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Figure 49 : Voids amidst constructed masses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Figure 50 : Subdivided grid with Voids amidst constructed masses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Figure 51 : Comutational Fluid Dynamics correlating water velocity and platform curvature . . 104 Figure 52 : Multi-objective experiment for platform design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Figure 53 : Standard deviation graphs of experiments for platform design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Figure 54 : Fitness objectives for platform design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Figure 55 : Paretofront solutions for platform design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Figure 56 : Cluster derived from the Urban Scale experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Figure 57 : Standard deviation graphs of experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Figure 58 : Catalogue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Figure 59 : Placement of catalouge on selected urban scale grid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Figure 60 : Selected cluster from Zone B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Figure 61 : FLOW 3d analysis of polutants discharged in Thane creek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Figure 62 : Filter zone- Experiment setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Figure 63 : Silt zone- Experiment setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Figure 64 : Schematic diagram for Program Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Figure 65 : Multi-objective experiment for platform design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Figure 66 : Experiment Base Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 Figure 67 : Inter-Nodal connections and connection of nodes with land and Tourist platforms 119 Figure 68 : Paretofront solutions for program distribution experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Figure 69 : Selected Platform for detailing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122


Figure 70 : Stability of floating geometries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124


Figure 71 : Comutational logic for Contour formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Figure 72 : Multi-objective experiment for Contour formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Figure 73 : Fitness objectives for Contour formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

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Figure 74 : Paretofront solutions for Contour formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Figure 75 : Outline of a platform (120m X 120m) with overlaid programms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Figure 76 : Voxeled platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Figure 77 : Section through a ghat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 Figure 78 : 3 types of access to replace luffa from the water.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Figure 79 : Factors to calculate a Objects value setermine its state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Figure 80 : Point connections when spheres aggregate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Figure 81 : Truncated geometries packed to check for void percentage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 Figure 82 : Mesh division stages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Figure 83 : Truncated Octahedron Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 Figure 84 : Pore range and CFD analysis for 3 types of division. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Figure 85 : Styrofoam CNC fo form mold. This is done in 4 layers that are joined. . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Figure 86 : Module split into 3 section for fabrication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Figure 87 : Clasp joint to connect the sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Figure 88 : 1/4th fabricated section of the developed module design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 Figure 89 : Prototype casted in mold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Figure 90 : Built Physical prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 Figure 91 : Vertical ecotone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 : Thane creek marine life catergorized by size. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Figure 93

: Habitat module- experiment steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

Figure 94

: Primitive geometry for filter module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148

Figure 95

: Experiment setup: varying factors for filter module design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Figure 96

: Repeating characteristics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149

Figure 97

: Silt module design.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

Figure 98

: Cluster of underwater Modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Figure 99

: Increase in Bo value as module increase in a cluster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

Figure 100

: Green modules- 2m x 2m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156

Figure 101 : Semi-open spaces- scaling and 3 types of modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 Figure 102 : Typologies of semi-open modules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Figure 103 : FEA analysis conducted in iterative stages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159


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Figure 92


Figure 104 : 4 typologies of closed modukles with varying areas and functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 Figure 105 : Sample section and axon view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Figure 106 : Experiment to generate a sample aggredation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 : Panel materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

Figure 108

: Panel abstraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Figure 109

: Perforation Typologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166

Figure 110

: Computational Fluid Dynamics Experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Figure 111

: Radiation Experiment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

Figure 112

: Contextual radiation and wind analysis on module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

Figure 113

: Radiation Analysis to study shading on the interiors od the module . . . . . . . . . . 168

Figure 114

: Panel placement logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Figure 115

: Selection of Radiation Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Figure 116

: Base framework for panel placement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

Figure 117

: Options for removable shading options on trellis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Figure 118

: Optimized Double Skin for openings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171

Figure 119

: Modes of access to platform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187

Figure 120

: Access to selected cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Figure 121

: Access Network Site level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188

Figure 122

: Access details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Figure 123

: Anchor system to the shore detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189

Figure 124

: Mooring Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Figure 125

: Mooring simulation for aggregate of 9 modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

Figure 126

: Mooring simulation for selected platform of 120 x 120 meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191

Figure 127

: Mooring section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192

Figure 128

: Joinery typologies and placement in the system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193


Figure 107


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