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SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2021



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Go where you are needed and valued – Hauwa Abbas

Hello, there! Healthy skin involves a consistent regimen, and applying masks the face is one regimen that most people adhere to. If you don’t apply any, our beauty section gives reasons why you need to start applying face masks. Do you wear too much jewelry, read the etiquette section to know if you are. Our cover personality is Hauwa Abbas. She is a certified coach with the International Coaching Federation, a Rotarian, an SDG advocate and the Founder of Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative, a nonprofit organization. Until next week, stay safe and have a splendid day. Editor - Amina Alhassan aminaalhassan@dailytrust. com

Stay safe!


How to Cook Ofada Stew

Compiled by Deborah Izuegbunem


fada stew is a Nigerian meal native to the Yorubas but in recent times this delicious stew has cut across all tribes and cultures as most people have hung on to it. Ofada Stew is the hottest of them all when it comes to Nigerian hot and spicy food. It tastes like Vindaloo (Indian Curry) and is mostly for those who have natural coolers in their mouth to douse the fire that this stew brings to the palate. You can see that you need 40 habanero peppers to prepare a small pot of Ofada Stew (see ingredients below). Ofada Rice is not very interesting. It is not as posh as the long grain parboiled rice. The “best” part? It has this strong pungent smell when it is being cooked yet everyone wants to eat it! I guess it is because Nigerians have a penchant for all things traditional and homegrown. We have a sense of pride in all things Nigerian that we can call our own. Or maybe it’s the stew because I must say the Ofada Stew adds a delicious twist to Ofada Rice. INGREDIENTS · 40 pcs unripe habanero peppers (atarodo, ose oyibo, atarugu) · 2 green tatashe peppers or green bell peppers · 1 locust bean seasoning (Iru, ogiri okpei or dawadawa)

· 20cl red palm oil (at least) · 1 big onion · 1 handful of crayfish · 850g assorted meat and fish. Cooking Directions -Wash and blend the peppers and the onion. Remember to remove the seeds from the green tatashe or the green bell peppers. -Grind the crayfish and the locust bean seasoning with a dry mill. -Cook all the meat and fish with the stock cube till well done. -Pour the pepper blend into a separate pot and cook on high heat till all the water dries up. -Pour the red palm oil into a clean dry pot and bleach till it turns clear. It should look like vegetable oil when done. -Leave the oil to cool down a bit, then add the boiled pepper puree. Fry till all the water has dried from the pepper. -Add the crayfish and locust bean seasoning, the orisirisi meat and fish and stir well. -Add salt to taste, leave to simmer and it is ready to be served. Serve with boiled Ofada Rice. To get the full effect, line the plate with uma leaves. Source:www. allnigeriarecipes.com

PHOTOS: Internet



Go where you are needed and valued – Hauwa Abbas Hauwa Abbas is a visionary w with strong standing built on over 14 years of experience in supporting and advocating for the improvement of so society via the engagement of governments, stakeholde stakeholders and influential opinion leaders. She is an award-winning awar humanitarian with an impeccable track rrecord for marrying a global perspective with local experience and implementing high-impact intervent interventions to reduce maternal and newborn mortality in northern Nigeria. She is also a certified coach with wit the International Coaching Federation, a Rotaria Rotarian, an SDG advocate and the Lin Founder of Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative, a organiza non-profit organization. The Jigawa State indigene is multilingual as he her dad is Hausa from Jigawa and her mum, Igbo from Anambra state. She speaks to r Tambari on where religious and cultural tolerance th is important for a thriving society. Interview By Amina Alhas Alhassan


ducational background My background is in International Relations and Politics. Over the years, I took an interest in performance coaching and completed my coaching diploma in 2015 through a distance learning program with The Coaching Academy, UK, and have various certifications ranging from mental health,

child abuse, nutrition, etc. In 2020, I was awarded my Associate Certified Coach (ACC) by the International Coaching Federation. Career background I come from a diverse background and have been engaged in the development sector for over 11 years. I am a Universal Health Coverage Advocate, renowned

humanitarian, trainer and Cert Certified Coach. I am widely recognized and respected for my immense contribut contributions to the improvement of reproduc reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent adoles health (RMNCAH) in Nigeria. Growing up days Growing up was interesting interesting. I experienced different cultures, tradit traditions but remained grounded by my mother mo who raised me along with support sup from close family members. mem My family has a mix of tr tribes, cultures and religion religions so I grew up learning and appreciating differences. differen Life lessons You are not everyone’s cup of tea. g Focus on your goals and aspiration, give your best in everyth everything, understanding tha that the direction of the wind w can change at any moment. My aspirat aspirations growing up When I was w a teenager, I wa wanted to study law law, be a judge to m make an im impact by hel helping people get justice. W When fini I finished secondary school, I spend a few weeks doing work experience in a court; I shadowed legal practitioners and thoroughly enjoyed it. I soon realized that I enjoyed moving around and decided law was not for me and I could achieve impact and justice in many other professions. Fond childhood memories I miss The greatest childhood memory I miss is having no responsibilities. Riding my

bike with friends on weekends was always fun. Challenges Challenges come, according to the season, the greatest challenge has been learning to forgive myself, self-compassion and learning to let go of what is out of my control and move forward. Passion for humanitarianism A global voice with a strong national presence in Northern Nigeria, I founded Silver Lining for the Needy Initiative (SLNI), an NGO, in 2009, to promote the spread of humanitarian aid amongst the impoverished through its broad spectrum of projects and activities. In my capacity as the founder/president of SLNI, my teams and I, have spent the last 11 years educating women in rural communities on how to safeguard their health and that of their families from preventable lifethreatening diseases. I have led SLNI to provide business support, eye check-ups and corrective glasses to elderly widows and widowers in rural areas and also provided subsidies for school tuition and boarding fees as well as annual Summer School activities for the kids in orphanages homes. We have supported the government to renovate schools and health facilities. SLNI is in partnership with several civil society groups and MDAs. SLNI has been recognized by the Nigerian government for its immeasurable contribution to the reduction of child and maternal mortality in the country. The motivation behind my passion for advocacy My passion for advocacy started off at a young age, I have always had a voice and never been afraid to use it. My motivation and drive are, I always knew I was born to make a difference. Growing up strong and resilient also prepared me for my role. I am passionate about the people and causes I support, I advocate in order to create positive and lasting change. When the

Cont’d on page 21 TAMBARI SUNDAY, MARCH 28, 2021


Go where you are needed and valued – Hauwa Abbas


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results are achieved, it is always a rewarding feeling. ys have on Fashion accessories I always As long as I always have clothes on and something on my feet, anything hing else, I can do without. My philosophy about life Be the change you wish to o see rld in the world. We live in a world where everyone has a complaint nt or another. For me, I believe in n n being part of the solution, even if it is only one solution. If more re people aligned themselves to a cause that they can supportt ll consistently, more impact will be made globally. I do not believe ve in complaining without a solution, on, worst, I do not believe in sitting on the fence and staying mute on an issue. Best travel destination Hong Kong has been one of my best travel experiences; I enjoy visiting places with a unique mixture of modern and tradition. Great food, amazing markets to pick up timeless pieces. I always look forward to travelling to new places. My best form of relaxation Despite my busy schedule, I make time to relax and reboot. Depending on my mood, I enjoy watching movies, cooking, painting, spa sessions and spending time with loved ones. Last good book I read The last book I read was Carlo Ancelotti, Quiet Leadership. The book was gifted to me and other members of the International Coaching Federation (Nigeria Chapter) who qualified as an Associate Certified Coach (ACC). When I first saw the title, I wondered, which one is quite a leadership? Reading the book had a lot of insights not only into different types of leaders but also the different types of followers. It is a book I recommend for senior leaders. The impact was learning that certain environments do not have the capacity to value your style of leadership, go where you are needed and valued. Best food Some days, all I want to eat is pasta, some days miyan kuka other days ofe nsala (white


J soup). My definition of style My style is simple and comfortable. I love the glam, however, for me, it takes effort when the need arises. An effort is great, but my lifestyle and profession do not require such effort daily. My Favourite sport, colour and weather My favourite sport is swimming. It works on the entire body. Favourite colour, black. You can never go wrong in black, it is bold and comfortable and my favourite weather, warm and dry. Heat and rain disrupt plans. Favourite day of the week Any day I can unwind, it is usually a Friday or Sunday. Keeping fit I found the best and most enjoyable way for me to keep fit is dancing. Before the pandemic I used to attend dance class three times a week, now I join online classes, although I am not as committed as I was with the gym classes. It’s definitely something I need to work on. Role models There are a few key qualities a role model should have: abilit ability to inspire, demonstrate dem confidence, demonstrate commitment, demonstrate integ integrity and have the passion to serve others. To mention a few, Amina Mohammed, Mi Michelle Obama, my mother and every parent who remains committed to raising their child child. t a younger me What I would tell I would tell her to find at least one mentor, if possible more. It is really important that you identify people older old and more experienced than yourself that you y can confide in, not only to talk through the good g things but also the bad. A mentor may te tell you what you do not want to hear, but with w the right mindset and relationship, you will accept it is the best for you. Mentorship M is vital both in a formal and informal setting. Keep forma people close who tell you the pe truth in private, but fight for you in public. To expand, what I am telling my older self now is to practice self-care. Take care of your mental and physical health always. Hauwa, give the best of yourself instead of the rest of you. Mum’s advice that has stuck with me to dat date Hauwa, not everyone is you. It Hauw seems so obvious, but so many of us have high expectations based on what

ewellery has been a vital part of fashion for centuries. Some of the sophisticated rules and guidelines - jewellery etiquette - remained unchanged and are still in place today. All of these rules dictate the amount of jewellery you should have on you at once. As a fashionista, you should know that one of the big fashion sins is jewellery overkill. This is why we are going to help you look stunning by enabling you to answer one simple question - “Am I wearing too much jewellery?” JEWELlRY ETIQUETTE - GENERAL GUIDELINES The best way to start answering the question is to put on everything you’ve planned and to stand in front of the mirror. Close your eyes and picture yourself. Imagine how you planned to look in the outfit you’ve chosen. Then, open your eyes. See if the jewellery you have adds or detracts from your look. We’re aware that you want to wear your favourite pieces of jewellery, but if it feels like too much, you should consider wearing them for some other occasion. Always go with the jewellery that complements your look and enhances your outfit. STATEMENT JEWELRY ETIQUETTE If you find yourself particularly fond of statement jewellery, you should learn how to master wearing it. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. There is only one guideline to follow here - wear only one piece. Whether it is a bracelet, necklace, or earrings, you‘ll have to decide which one to put on. Leave all other lush jewellery pieces at home. PEARL JEWELRY ETIQUETTE Since we have to talk about pearls, let’s start with our favourite Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis quote: “Pearls are always appropriate”. Pearl jewellery is valued very highly because it has the unique power to make you look both fashionable and sophisticated. But there is one thing to keep in mind here - pearl jewellery etiquette. The rule that applies here is pretty simple - make sure that you never wear two pieces of pearl jewellery together. The only occasion when you can bend this rule is when you’re going to a high-end formal event. On these occasions, you can pair your precious pearl necklace with a bracelet or earrings. But make sure to stick with only one pair. You don’t want to wear a pearl necklace, earrings, and a bracelet all at once. If you decide to go with some metal earrings, rings, and bracelets while wearing your pearl necklace, you should match the colour of your pearls with the colour of the metal. THE ATTRACTIVE PAIRS When in doubt, you can always go back to the rule of thumb stick to pairs. Pair your necklace with a bracelet or earrings for an astonishing combo. Try not to go with all three at the same time, unless you are sporting a boho style, of course. In this case, there is no such thing as too much jewellery. Let your attire and hairstyle guide you through the decisions process. For instance, if you decide to wear your hair down, stay away from dangly earrings, as they can easily get in the way. If you wear your hair up, or you have short hair, stay away from huge earrings. An oversized ring works perfectly well with breathtaking earrings. But make sure that the ring mimics the shape and colour of your earrings. If you’re going out with a beautiful necklace on, simple stud earrings will do the job, as long as they match. We hope that we’ve helped you answer the “Am I wearing too much jewellery” question. As you can see, there are some rules to abide by. Don’t forget to experiment and ask your friends for their opinion. We are sure that you will successfully manage it. www.kyllonenluxury.com





5 Reasons you need to apply a face mask F

ace masks are one of most people’s skincare products. They’re easy to apply, fun to use and are great at delivering results. Should everyone use a face mask? Absolutely. Face masks are the perfect skin care treatment to help you with your skincare concerns. The right face mask can help hydrate skin, remove excess oils and help improve the appearance of your pores. They’re also an excellent way to help pull out impurities. Another advantage of wearing a face mask: the feeling of being pampered like you’re at a spa from the comfort of your own home. Every healthy skincare regimen includes daily use and weekly use products. You can use a face mask once a week, or you can use it more than once depending on your skin and your skincare concerns. Both men and women can benefit significantly from using a mask and here’s why; Relaxation Face masks don’t just offer results that improve the overall appearance of your skin, they can also be quite therapeutic. When they’re infused with aromatic essential oils like mint and rosemary, a face mask can lift your spirit by stimulating your senses. Using a face mask should be treated as a luxury. Set aside a bit of “me” time when you decide to give yourself a mask. Draw a hot bath, light some candles and let the magic of the mask begin to work. You’ll be drawn into a wonderful, sensory experience that will not only relax the mind and spirit but will also leave you with fabulous looking skin. Deep cleansing Sure, cleansing each day helps to clean your skin by removing dirt,


oil, makeup and impurities from the surface of the skin. But did you know that proper masking takes the cleansing process to a whole new level? Only a good facial mask can help to draw out impurities that hide beneath the top layers of the epidermis. Some people say that their skin goes through a “detoxing” when they use a mask because they actually notice the changes in the skin while this is happening. Masks are incredible at providing this deeper

cleansing process, which leads to an improvement in the appearance of pores that you can see and feel. Who doesn’t love that? Unclog pores Masking with a product that contains Bentonite clay helps to remove dirt and absorb excess oils. It’ll also help to remove the build-up of dead skin cells that accumulate on our skin. When you remove all the debris from the surface of your skin,

Dr. Nathaniel Adewole, MOBILE: 0803 8039182 EMAIL: nadewole2013@gmail. com Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Abuja

I am two months pregnant and have a severe case of malaria. I completed Lonart medication days ago and was better, but suddenly started having the symptoms again. I take Folic acid and Fersolate tabs. Please, what could be the cause and what do I do? -Mrs Peters, Kaduna You are likely to be dealing with a case of resistant malaria. You need to see your family doctor, preferably an obstetrician. Tests like malaria parasite would be conducted. If necessary quinine IV can be used. It is safe and the recommended standard treatment of severe malaria. Let me also emphasize that all pregnant women who have a headache, especially severe headache like this should check their blood pressure as soon as possible irrespective of gestational age. it’ll help to unclog pores, too. We all know that clogged pores are nothing but trouble. Yucky stuff gets trapped in your pores and gets pushed deep down into the pore where bacteria can develop. Once that bacteria starts to grow it’s all over our skin because we will soon get a blemish, a flurry of breakouts or even one giant pimple that will wreak havoc on our life for several days. Regular face masks help to keep your skin surface clean and your pores unclogged. This is an excellent reason to use your face mask right now. Glowing skin Masks, especially those with tingly mint in the formulation, can help stimulate blood circulation. The process of the mask drying on your skin and beginning to harden, along with the removal of the mask, causes an expansion in the blood vessels in your skin. This ensures an overall improvement in skin tone. You’ll be left with soft and smoother-looking skin, and you’ll also notice a radiant glow and a more refreshed appearance. So, relax, feel the tingle, breathe in the minty aroma and wait for your skin transformation. Helps your overall regimen Masking helps all of your other skincare products work more efficiently. If you want your day lotions, serums and nighttime products to be absorbed by your skin quicker and deeper, then a face mask is a must. By masking on a regular basis, you can ensure that you’re toning, hydrating and protecting products will all perform better, providing you with the results you’re looking to achieve at a much faster pace. Source: www. discovergoodnutrition.com

CAN I TAKE FERTILITY BOOSTING DRUGS? I am 38 and have three children. My youngest child is twelve years old. I have been trying to conceive for the last eight months without success. Please, is there any drug I can take to boost fertility? I have been on fertilAid for the last two months. -Cordelia, Abuja Since you are thirty-eight and have been trying for eight months you have to be investigated for infertility. Generally speaking, we advise couples to try for one year before investigation except for women above thirty-five years. You have to be tested along with your spouse. He will do seminal fluid analysis while you will do tests like HSG, hormonal assay and follicular tracking. It is not advisable to take fertility-boosting drugs without doing investigations and knowing the cause first. I will suggest you see a Gynaecologists with your spouse CAN ONE BREASTFEED ADOPTED BABY? My sister plans to adopt a baby. Can she breastfeed the baby? What drug can she take to stimulate breast milk? -Deborah, Gombe Any woman can actually breastfeed a baby. However, the first thing is to do the necessary tests to find out if there are any contraindications to her breastfeeding. The person should not have diseases like active tuberculosis. Also, tests like HIV should be carried out because HIV infection is a contraindication to breastfeeding in this case. Though if it is a biological mother and who has been on antiretroviral drugs and low viral load the person can breastfeed. Also, a Hepatitis B test should be done and the appropriate steps are taken if she is positive. There is no need for medication the suckling of the baby will initiate breast milk production. She should also take adequate fluid. First published March 21, 2021.

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