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Figure 7: Technologies disseminated on cassava practiced

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Cassava Farmers

Cassava Farmers

4.2 Technology Disseminated to Farmers Under this Program, there are innovation packages with proven effectiveness to enhance farmers' productivity; it could be to reduce drudgeries, boost natural resources, increase farmers sales advantage, and for several others developed to modernize farming activities, such are the ones refer to as technologies. A number of these relevant technologies were selected, well-rehearsed by ATASP-1's Extension Agents (EAs) and were purposely imparted on the respondents (farmers, fabricators and processors) for targeted results. That is, to facilitate the achievement of the Program objectives of substantially improving outputs so as to alleviate poverty and ensure food security in the country. The technologies disseminated on each crops are presented below:

4.2.1 Technologies disseminated on cassava The survey was carried out in three zones out of the four; this might have been due to agro-ecological dictates or scheduling of the pilot Program in manageable phases. The Table 23 below presents technologies disseminated to farmers on cassava by the program. Technologies disseminated to enhance improved productivity in cassava production are the introduction of improved varieties which all the cassava farmers claimed they are aware of. Others are site selection with full awareness by all, land preparation also known to all, 93% accepted awareness of plant spacing/population., weed management known to all the farmers in the project, soil fertility also known to 100% of the farmers, harvesting and marketing, known to about 93%% of the participant, yield assessment, known to all farmers, conservation of stem, known to about 76.9% of the farmers and record keeping also known to all of the participating farmers. The level of awareness of farmers involved in the dissemination of these technologies was found to be very high and this might help to facilitate speedy adoption of these technologies.


Figure 7 : Technologies disseminated on cassava practiced

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