The importance of sunflower in Argentina's regional economies

An opportunity for sunflower
Sunflowers under the sun: sowing dates and yields in Santa Fe Province

Sunflowers are capable of protecting themselves from diseases
AI: Artificial Intelligence for Smart Agriculture
European regulation on deforestationfree products: preparation and impact for the farmer
Aapresid is joining the streaming world with "Levantando la perdiz"
An opportunity for sunflower
Sunflowers under the sun: sowing dates and yields in Santa Fe Province
Sunflower is going nowhere
Sunflowers are capable of protecting themselves from diseases
Searching for the best hybrid
What do sunflowers need to grow stronger?
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Mustard, the perfect condiment for your plot
Grass-fed meat: Argentina's green gold
The agronomist that follows her convictions with determination and spirit
The importance of sunflower in Argentina's regional economies

Sunflower production in Argentina has been consolidated as a regional economy on which thousands of producers, mostly small and medium-sized, depend. It is founded on the most marginal land regions of the country, such as Chaco, Northern Santa Fe, Eastern La Pampa and Southwest Buenos Aires provinces. Besides farmers, a great part of the economic activity in these regions revolves around the development of this crop.
Sunflower’s resilience to hydric stress and its yield stability make it the only agricultural alternative in some cases, while in others, as the most secure one, even against soybean. Moreover, from a financial
point of view, this crop provides income in a time of year when no other agricultural activity does. Sunflower expands the agricultural border as it can be sowed in the most unfavorable environments, where other crops have no possibilities. In these environments, it is not about an agricultural option for farmers, but a livestock one, in conditions of low efficiency and very low productivity.
International situations and projections for upcoming years indicate that it is time to revitalize the Argentine value chain targeting exports growth. To accomplish this, it is a priority to keep an eye on profitability as it is an essential crop for different regional economies.
Thus, it is necessary to pay attention to the current international trade context. With an increasing global demand for sunflower oil and a virtual productive stalling in Ukraine–the world’s largest exporter of this crop–enormous sunflower business opportunities are opening for Argentina.
Opposite to what is happening in our country, in Ukraine–our main competitor–the sector has great advantages. This country, located in the Black Sea region, has a preferential trade agreement with the European Union, major importer of sunflower oil. Geographical advantages like the closeness of Ukraine to the main consumer markets, create important differentials on shipping costs.
According to ASAGIR, Argentina has the capacity to cover 16% of the projected increment in global sunflower grain demand, estimated at 5.13 million tons over the next five years. However, to achieve

this goal, it is necessary for the crop to gain more territory in the agricultural area, a trend that has been reflected over the last five years.
As regards the industry, our country has the capacity to process nearly 5 million tons (Mt) per year, but the effectively industrialized volume has barely exceeded 3 Mt over the past years. Greater incentives for production could contribute to better use of existing capacity and the development of funding projects, aiming to modernize existing plants and improve Argentina's competitiveness relative to main exporters, seeking to recover lost ground in this market.
All of these considerations show the need to care and promote a crop as important as sunflower in Argentina.
Jorge Gambale Agricultural producer
Regional Aapresid Mar del Plata - J.M. Fangio

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AI: Artificial Intelligence for Smart Agriculture
The inclusion of Artificial intelligence (AI) in agriculture is revolutionizing sowing methods and food management.
From drones monitoring the fields to algorithms optimizing resource use and predicting diseases in crops, AI is driving transformation toward a more efficient agriculture.

By Hugo Permingeat
Aapresid’s Technology
Prospective Committee
Far from being a simple software, artificial intelligence (AI) represents a novelty paradigm capable of imitating logical reasoning, learning autonomously, and solving complex problems with unprecedented precision. This technology has permeated every area of daily and corporate life, and the agricultural sector is no exception. In this sphere, AI is presented as an invaluable ally for farmers, promising to "add real value" to their operations and guide society toward a "fourth industrial revolution" or "agriculture 4.0" through smart agricultural methods and data-based tools for decision-making.
Precision agriculture (PA) is one of these "data-based strategies" aiming at improving soil and resource management plans, as well as crop and livestock management. PA integrates information technology in machinery and agricultural management, using innovations like satellites, drones, sensors and AI systems, assisting farmers in proper and site-specific decision-making. In a broad sense, PA performs four main functions: independent navigation within the field, detection of changes in the plot, mapping and reporting of collected data, and providing suggestions about management areas (Gardezi y col., 2024).
Machine learning apps enable farmers to forecast and predict the optimal moment for sowing, harvesting and commercializing their crops. AI-based systems increase agricultural exports
profitability and reduce negative environmental impact. However, several disruptive effects of AIauthorized PA have also been observed. Many farmers are concerned about the property and shared usage of agricultural data: how data on their agricultural practices will be stored and secured, and how PA benefits will be shared between farmers and agricultural technology companies (agritech). It is important for farmers to trust AI suppliers and to believe that these technologies will achieve the predicted goals of environmental and economic sustainability (Gardezi et al., 2024).
From a more technical and integrated approach, Alkhafaji y col. (2024) debate the challenges of AI implementation in agriculture, considered essential for the progress of the sector (see infographic).
Challenges of AI implementation in agriculture

Crucial aspects for the progress of the sector

Devices quality and cost
Whether devices and sensors are a ordable and of good quality are paramount concerns for small farmers. The reliability of the Internet of Things (IoT) is essential, as any operational failure may significantly a ect agricultural practices.

AI's capability to analyze complex data sets, along with IoTs functionality for real-time monitoring and control, are vital for addressing modern agriculture issues. These technologies offer outstanding opportunities to improve the efficiency, productivity, and sustainability of agricultural practices.
Looking at the future, AI and IoT outlooks in agriculture are promising. It is expected that technological advances reduce costs, and improve accessibility and use of these systems. Educational initiatives and training programs can close the knowledge gap, enabling more farmers to adopt and benefit from these technologies.
Political interventions, as well as collaboration efforts between numerous interested parties, will play a crucial role in addressing issues and taking advantage of the full potential of AI and IoT in agriculture (Alkhafaji y col., 2024).
As regards research and development, there is ample room for innovation in AI algorithms and IoT devices adjusted to agricultural needs. Developing more robust, user-friendly, and outdoor-resistant technologies, will further boost their adoption. Moreover, integrating AI and IoT with other emerging technologies could lead to more secure and efficient agricultural practices. Even though there are still issues to
overcome, the future of AI and IoT in agriculture is very auspicious. These technologies are meant to revolutionize the sector, making agriculture more efficient, sustainable and productive. The path ahead involves constant learning, adapting, and innovating, with the potential for a significant impact on global food security and environmental sustainability (Majeed et al., 2024).
In summary, employing AI in precision agriculture represents a drastic shift toward informed decision-making. By employing technologies such as machine learning and data analysis,
farmers can optimize resource allocation, monitor crops in real time, facilitate efficient harvesting, and accurately predict yields. This synergy does not only enhance productivity but also promotes sustainable practices, both of which are crucial for the future of agriculture. Despite these challenges, the constant evolution of AI in precision agriculture promises resilient agricultural practices, enabling farmers to make informed decisions and meet increasing demands within a dynamic and ever-changing agricultural setting (Son et al., 2024).
Check the references by entering www.aapresid.org.ar/blog/revista-aapresid-n-221

European regulation on deforestation-free products: preparation and impact for the farmer
As of December 30th, 2024, Argentina will have to abide by the "Regulation on deforestation-free products" of the European Union to export soybean, bovine meat, and by-products. Know how the VISEC platform will facilitate this regulation compliance and the impact it will have on producers.

What is the "Regulation on deforestation-free products or EUDR"?
On May 31st, 2023, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union published Regulation EU 2023/1115. This regulation establishes laws for the introduction and commercialization of products on the European Union domestic market, as well as exports from the EU of products that contain, have been fed, or made with raw materials like bovine livestock, cacao, coffee, oil palm, rubber, soy, and wood.
EUDR's purposes are: a) reducing to a minimum the EU's contribution to deforestation and forest degradation on a global scale; b) reducing the EU's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss.

The institutions agreed to set December 31st, 2020, as the deadline. After this date, commercialization with the European Union will be solely for products made in deforestation or degradation-free lands. Moreover, the EUDR introduces new obligations regarding traceability, chain of custody, and geolocation data in value chains of affected products. Interested parties have an 18-months period since approval to adapt to these demands, which requires the European Union associated countries to hasten design, development, and implementation processes of these requirements that will come into effect on December 30th, 2024.
This measure adopted by the European Union impacts directly on certain products in international commerce, mainly soybean.
Argentina is the first global exporter of soybean flour (FADA, 2022), and agroindustrial goods represent approximately 60% of the country's total exports. In 2022, 20% of soybean flour in international commerce was destined for the European Union, who became the main buyer of our country's first exported product.
How is Argentina preparing to abide by the regulation?
Considering the current export offer of the country and the relevance of the European Union as a destination for soybean and bovine meat chains, the Argentinian private sector designed a technological solution to try abiding by this regulation. VISEC is a platform for environmental and social sustainability, designed to meet domestic and international emerging demands, gathering members of different value chains. It was created in 2019, promoted by CIARA-CEC, The Nature Conservancy, Peterson Consultancy, and Tropical Forest Alliance, who are currently part of a permanent technical Secretariat. VISEC is co-financed by the Land Innovation Fund (LIF)
and AL-INVEST Verde, a program funded by the European Union.
In August 2023, the Consorcio de Exportadores de Carnes de Argentina (Consorcio ABC) formally joined VISEC, expanding the platform toward bovine meat production intended to be exported to the European Union. Thus, VISEC has two sections–Soy and Beef–adapted to the specific needs of these products' value chains, currently positioning itself as the only available alternative in Argentina to comply with the European Union regulation.

In Argentina, every trade and export operation through VISEC will be cost-free for farmers, and will be audited by internationally recognized third parties. This means that all parties involved in business flow–stockpiles, factories, and ports–will be authorized in the VISEC System, ensuring goods traceability in every phase of the process.
Ensuring soybean traceability will involve the use of essential elements, such as point of origin (geolocation coordinates of the productive unit) and electronic consignment note (eCN) in the case of soybean. The eCN is mandatory at a domestic level, certifies production legality, and accompanies land transport of products or byproducts obtained from the processing, handling, or conditioning of grains and its derivatives. Every
What does the farmer need to know?
EUDR will be effective from December 30th, 2024.
Argentine exports affected by the regulation involve soybean, bovine meat, and by-products.
VISEC platform, with its two segments, Soy and Beef, is the available solution in Argentina to comply with European demands.
consignment note involved in the process will be registered into VISEC System and linked to their corresponding point of origin.
Moreover, VISEC will allow an efficient control of national soybean flow through a Monitoring, Reporting and Verification system (MRV), developed by the Rosario Stock Exchange. This platform will provide operators with necessary information, documents, and data to meet due diligence requirements by the EUDR. Once verification is completed according to the relevant protocol, a Deforestation-free Product Certificate (DFC) will be issued as evidence that export products are supported by proper documentation and comply with EUDR demands.
Production and exportation operations through VISEC in Argentina will not imply costs for farmers.
Information upload into the system is in charge of the commercial operator.
An awareness and training plan–online and on-site–is being carried out by the School of Agriculture of the University of Buenos Aires (FAUBA in Spanish) at a domestic extent.
About this content
This content was produced by VISEC's communication team. Supported by the Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) and Solidaridad, within the framework of the inclusive dialogues project from the program "Sustainable Agriculture for Forest Ecosystems" (SAFE). Financed by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).

More information about VISEC functioning and scope at www.visec.com.ar
More information about Solidaridad work at www.solidaridadlatam.org

Aapresid is joining the streaming world with
The first agro-streaming is now a reality. Aapresid launched the opening episode of "Levantando la perdiz" with a hot topic: livestock farming and climate change. The debate summoned distinguished Argentine leaders to discuss the subject and to debunk some myths.
By Sofía Colalongo Prospective Program - Aapresid
Aapresid's new streaming project promises to delve into the media's agenda, offering a crosscutting approach on agriculture. "Levantando la perdiz" bids to connect with new audiences and sectors of the society, addressing diverse subjects without losing technical approach and the knowledge of those who know the most, with the characteristic dynamism of streaming. Journalist Carola Urdangarin will serve as the host of the
project, accompanying every broadcast of the show and bringing freshness into each episode.
In the first episode, the program delved into the debate on the relationship between livestock farming and climate change. Darío Colombatto, agricultural engineer specialized in livestock
Demystifying guilt and accusations
"Livestock farming contaminates and is the main responsible for climate change," was the first myth on the table. Why is it that every time global warming is mentioned livestock farming is pointed out as one of the main responsibles? It is known that ruminants generate methane as part of their natural biological processes. Methane is one of the primary greenhouse gasses, with a global warming potential much higher than that of CO2, the standard for measuring this type of gasses.
"Less cows or a minor livestock production could mean lower methane emissions," Rodrigo Walsh commented. "But it is necessary to consider that there are other significant sources of emission," he added. "According to the Satellite Monitoring System for Greenhouse Gases (GHG), the most
farming; Eugenia Brusca, economist at the Argentine Beef Promotion Institute (IPCVA in Spanish); and Juan Rodrigo Walsh, lawyer and consultant at the Argentine Under Secretary of the Environment, were the guests debating if this relationship is a myth or a reality.
important source of emission in Argentina is the landfill in CABA surroundings, which contributes between 5% and 6% at a global extent."
A typical first reaction is to "stop breeding cows", but from the farmers’ point of view the solution lies in improving efficiency and quality of production. Instead of reducing animal breeding, it is about reducing emission intensity. Unlike Northern countries using feedlot systems, Argentina prefers more natural production systems that have a different and less negative impact.
The expert in livestock farming, Darío Colombatto, also provided his expertise in the subject: “Bovines produce methane as a result of fibers

fermentation. They are the only animals capable of transforming weed fibers into proteins and finally into beef due to microbial symbiosis.” It is important to emphasize the biological value of this process, where methane appears as a natural consequence, whose impact can be mitigated with good practices in the pastoral industry, breeding and termination.
To put it into perspective, "Argentina emits 0.57% of total greenhouse gasses in the world". However, the key is on how this impact is measured. Methane, equivalent to CO2, has nearly 28 times more calorific power, but, what is the difference? Methane only remains in the atmosphere from 10 to 12 years, whereas CO2 remains 100 years. Therefore, even though methane has high warming power, its longterm impact is lower. "Does reducing emissions require action? Undoubtedly yes, and it is already underway," Darío claimed.

From the consumer's point of view, do these numbers affect their decision to eat meat or not?
According to IPCVA's researcher, Eugenia Brusca, it is not an influential factor for the Argentine beef consumer. "Currently, methane matters are being left behind in relation to bovine meat consumption and the environment." In contrast, for the European consumer, these matters are of paramount importance. That is why the institute deems it important to analyze these countries' performance, as they are the main export destinations of Argentine meat.
Continuing with the explanation, Colombatto added: "It is our business as livestock farmers to diminish greenhouse gas emissions through different practices, transforming more kilograms of meat per each unit of methane produced."
Methane is part of the biological cycle: "A steer consumes pastures and belches methane as a result of rumen fermentation. This gas raise into the atmosphere, where it remains between 10 and 12 years and oxidizes into carbon dioxide, which is absorbed by plants during the photosynthesis process, to be later consumed again by the animal."
On how to reduce this gas emissions, Darío said: "Improving the efficiency of CO2 capture through a year-round green-covered soil, and optimizing pasture methods to the extreme, we could 'cool down the planet'. Let us produce better with a covered soil."

Is it possible to feed all humankind without producing animal meat?
An entire protein-free diet for the animal can be designed, including some supplements, but only 1% of the population would have access due to their high costs. Besides, there are still no conclusive results on the impact that the lack of meat consumption may have on children's development.
Another important point about this myth has to do with the soil. 86% of farming land is not suitable for agriculture, which is why it is intended for livestock only.
In Argentina, only 6% of the population does not consume meat, and this number has remained constant for 8 years now. Why? According to investigations conducted at IPCVA, it is due to animal welfare, focusing on the breeding type and not so much on environmental impact.

Third myth: Every soil is suitable for agriculture, which is why we could replace livestock farming soils for agricultural ones.
According to Juan Rodrigo Walsh, from the Argentine Under Secretary of the Environment, the answer lies in rotation and combination. How can livestock-forests management be integrated, for example, in Chaco and Santiago del Estero provinces? Meat and other ecosystemic services can be improved by generating synergies while preserving the forest. Everything depends on each area's conditions.
Following up on this idea, Darío reinforces the importance of rotation. "Rotation and sitespecific crop management are already being
employed in many areas, but there are still not enough establishments adopting it. This is key for organizing hectares in the best possible manner. The search for balances and synergies is essential to see the entire system."
Instituciones que nos acompañan Institutions that accompany us

Does every type of livestock production contaminate the same?
Colombatto answered: "In livestock farming, when talking about the methane index, the feedlot, in proportion to what the animal produces and consumes, generates a higher impact per hectare. However, individually, a cow in the mountains, eating bad-quality grass and gestating every two years, has a higher impact." Similarly, the most efficient model is that of pastoral breeding and husbandry systems, shortening production time from 6 to 8 months, thus reducing total methane emissions per animal.
Which is the water footprint on meat production?
In a short phrase, Juan defines it as "water consumption throughout the entire productive cycle of a good", which is why this footprint is present in every good produced. "The water footprint in a kilogram of meat is bigger than that in other products," but this has to be assessed in relation to the efficiency and sustainability management of each productive system.
At the end of the first episode, the guests agreed that "sustainability and innovation are key for a fair future for everybody. Environmental sustainability and animal welfare are intrinsically considered on the producer's agenda; moreover, an animal emitting less GHG per produced kilogram is more efficient for everybody".

Do not miss the first broadcast of "Levantando la perdiz" on Aapresid's official Youtube and Spotify channels. Subscribe not to miss the next episodes. Scan the QR Code to whatch the channel

An opportunity for sunflower BIOECONOMY

Although the sunflower season 2023/2024 in Argentina was not entirely fortunate, there is a glimpse of opportunity for next season. A moderate La Niña forecast, in addition to issues caused by the corn leafhopper, may encourage growers to increase sunflower cultivation.
By Jorge Ingaramo
Economic consultant at the Asociación Argentina de Girasol (ASAGIR).

Are there any opportunities for sunflower crops? Yes, but for next season. The season that ended in May, of which industrial by-products are currently being sold on international markets at fair prices, unfortunately had some issues. The two main issues derive from climatic matters:
a) Less cultivation. For the reasons presented when detailing the local season 2023-2024, 350,000 hectares less than intended were sowed.
b) Yield was barely 20.2 qq/ha, lower than the expected approximately 22 qq/ha. This affected mainly the southeast and southwest regions of Buenos Aires, which represent 48% of the effectively performed cultivation. The remaining main areas of sunflower cultivation had low yields as well, particularly NEA (Northeast Argentina), with barely 14.7 qq/ha.
The grower started the season 2023/2024 with high sowing expectations. This was due to the good results obtained during the previous season, driven by high international prices following the Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Both countries represented 58% of global production of sunflower grain and almost 80% of sunflower oil exports. The implications of the different routes for grain exports from the Ukraine market are wellknown, primarily through Turkey and the European Union. As a result of the destruction of Ukrainian infrastructure, grain and oil had to be exported through very expensive logistics, increasing insurances and shipping costs. This was consistent with the rise in oil prices promoted by Putin, which still affects the global economy.
Reasons behind this possible opportunity
Global economy is not currently thriving. Leader countries are facing higher inflation than expected, which is difficult to control. This maintains interest rates high, with scarce diminishing expectations. Currently, a ten-year North American bond yields 4.24%. Dollar-euro exchange rate reveals the new strength of the dollar, especially after the European Parliament elections. Meanwhile, oil WTI closed at U$S 82 per barrel on June 18th.
It is well-known the negative effect that has both the strength of the dollar and the higher interest rate of commodity prices in Chicago. In fact, the closure on June 30th, 2024, for soybean and corn reflects year-on-year price falls of 14.2% and 24.1%, with low perspectives on a sustained reversion.
Oil's high price transforms the main bulks of vegetable oils, except sunflower's, into raw materials for biofuel production. This is highly profitable, especially considering a value between U$S 50 and U$S 55 per barrel is appealing.
Box 1 clearly shows current Rotterdam's CIF prices for sunflower oil, around U$S 1,050 per ton. These prices are 10% above pre-conflict values and almost 14% higher in comparison with the mean a year ago.

Average of terminated seasons from 2012 to 2021: U$S 952/tn (USDA). The Russian invasion of Ukraine was in February 2022.
Means of the season 2021/2022, with heavy drops in production in Ukraine, Russia, and the EU: U$S 1,676/t. An increase of 76% in relation to the pre-conflict average.
CIF prices on June 12th, 2024: U$S/t 1,050; with a rise of 10.3% in relation to the pre-conflict value and a mean increase of 13.7% compared to June 2023.

Box 2 reveals USDA's recent projections for global sunflower grain production in 2024/2025, which would grow very little and remain at lower values (-2.5%) than the season 2021/2022, prior to the Russian invasion that
constituted a historic high. Both for Russia–with climate difficulties–and Ukraine, which are currently in the cultivation stage, production expectations would change very little from a joint 58.2% before the conflict.
Box 2. Productive projections.
Global production
+ 1.1% → From 54.86 Mt to 55.43 Mt 2.5% lower than the maximum of 56.86 Mt in season 2021/2022.
Russian production
-0.6% → From 17.1 Mt to 17 Mt
Reached a maximum value of 17.1 Mt in the season 2023/24
Producción de Ucrania
+1.4% → From 14.5 Mt to 14.7 Mt 16% lower than the historic high of 17.5 Mt in the season 2021/22
Joint production of Russia and Ukraine
+0.3% → From 31.6 Mt to 31.7 Mt
Its maximum in 2021/22 was of 33.07 Mt (today would be 4.1% lower)
Russia and Ukraine participation in global production It would decrease to 57.2% (it was of 58.2% before the conflict)
Production of the European Union
+ 9% → From 10 Mt to 10.9 Mt
Argentine production - Season 23/24
-21.7% → From 4.6 Mt to 3.6 Mt
*Source USDA, except for data on Argentine production, which is from the Buenos Aires Grain Exchange.

Box 3 shows the expected changes in the worldwide trade of sunflower crude oil. It is observed that there is a recovery in Ukrainian
sales and a fall in Argentine participation, which is selling the 2023/2024 industrial production in the current Northern hemisphere campaign.
Participation of Ukrainian sales would increase from 40.4% to 42.8% (it used to exceed 50%).
Participation of Russian sales would increase from 30.7% to 32.5%
Argentine participation would drop from 7% to 5.6% (from 1 Mt to 0.75 Mt)
Source: USDA, June 2024 (forecasted changes for the season 2024/2025 in the Northern Hemisphere). Argentine commercialization in the mentioned campaign in the Northern Hemisphere derives from production in the season 2023/2024.
Box 4 shows the dynamics of the global market of sunflower grain and oil in relation to the remaining vegetable oils. Fewer exportations are expected for both sunflower grain and oil, which would break this market's meaningful ongoing tendency. It is already known that sunflower is little exported as grain. Before the conflict, global consumption of sunflower oil and its external trades were increasing at a cumulative annual rate of 3.4% and 5.6% This was above population growth, total consumption of remaining oils and, in the case of exportations, even above consumption
of non-food vegetable oils, meaning biofuels–growth of 72.1% versus 49.3% as described on the first column in bold. It is observed that during the armed conflict (second column) the export of sunflower oil increased more than the consumption of oil as biofuels (27.9% versus 16.3%). This relation is reversed when observing the same variables in the third column.
Box 3.
In summary, it is the beginning of a season of scarce production of both sunflower and its oil, high prices and, as a consequence, a smaller market. The ongoing war and its uncertain future mean an extra cost for any buyer, because these countries in conflict are highly relevant as suppliers of the global market. We are the sole major supplier in the Southern Hemisphere.
Box 4. Dynamics of sunflower oil world market. Comparison between seasons 2021/22-2011/12 (10 years) before the invasion of Ukraine. Comparison between season 2023/2024 versus 2021/2022, prior to invasion.
forecasts (June 2025) for season 2024/2025 in the Northern Hemisphere. Growth rates in
Another way to perceive external stimulus as an opportunity is the following: stock-consumption ratio for all oil seeds will increase (USDA) from 23.5% to 25.7%. Meanwhile, in the case of sunflower crops, it will drop from 5.4% to 4.8%. Through corridor mechanisms and the lack of interest in production owing to the war, the final stock of 7.58 million tones (Mt) of sunflower grain was assimilated in April 2022 until reaching an expected value of 2.49 Mt in April 2025. The same relation for the nine main oils will drop from 14.5% to 13.3%, whereas for sunflower oil from 13.0% to 12.3%.
The local lack of interest is due to the uncertainty originated by the Dollar Blend in exports. This ensures a dollar value made up of 80% of the official exchange rate–affected by a crawlingpeg of only 2% monthly–and 20% (uncertain) at its liquidation to the dollar. Another issue to be solved is undoubtedly the payment of imports, owing to the lack of liquid financial reserves available. The so-called Dollar agro or Dollar soybean, which ran
during external trading in 2023, provided a stimulus that could not compensate for the sharp drop in international prices produced by the later undershooting to the initial overreaction influenced by the invasion of Russia to Ukraine. Despite this, farmers decided to sow 10% more in 2023.
Finally, it is estimated that the country could be facing a moderate La Niña climatic year, which could be established by the last trimester in 2024. Given the resistance of sunflower crops to drought, it could be more suitable in certain regions. In addition, second-crop corn growers are very affected by the still unresolved phenomenon of spiroplasma. Consequently, they see greater sunflower cultivation in turn.
Second-crop corn growers are very affected by the still unresolved phenomenon of spiroplasma. Consequently, they see greater sunflower cultivation in turn.
Local season 2023/2024
According to the Grain Exchange:
Harvesting of the season 2023/2024 ended in May. The intended initial sowing was 2.2 million hectares–an expected increase of 10%–but finally, 1.85 million hectares were sowed. Nearly 350,000 hectares could not be sowed due to a lack of humidity during the narrow window for sowing, particularly in NEA and Center-north Santa Fe, besides other issues like frosts and galeforce winds. The difference between the intention and realization in NEA was 66,400 hectares (32% of the intended) and in the Center-north Santa Fe was even more serious: 164,900 hectares (39.8% of the intended). Both regions represent 66% of the 350,000 non-sowed hectares in the country.
The domestic total of harvested hectares was 1,781,000, with losses of 3.7% (69,000 hectares). Obtained yield was barely 20.2 qq/ha, almost similar to that of the previous season and slightly lower to the mean in 2018-2023 of 21 qq/ha. Final production achieved 3.6 million tones, reflecting a year-on-year fall of 21.7% (4.6 Mt in the previous season).
In five of the six main subregions of sunflower cultivations, yield per hectare was lower than the previous season, and in six of the most important subregions, it was lower than the mean in 2018-2023.
Yields were:
A. North La Pampa - West Buenos Aires: 23 qq/ha in 2023/24 and 24.5 for the mean in 2018-2023.
B. Center Buenos Aires: 21.3 qq/ha and 23.1, respectively.
C. Southeast Buenos Aires: 21.1 qq/ha and 21.8, respectively.
D. Southwest Buenos Aires - South La Pampa: 17.6 qq/ha and 20 qq/ha. These last two subregions represent 48% of the country’s area.
Yields were also lower in Center-north Santa Fe with 19.1 qq/ha (average of 20.2 qq/ha in 20182023), and in NEA with 14.7 qq/ha (versus 17.0 qq/ ha).
Although initial eagerness for sowing in 2023 had passed because of the sharp rise in prices due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine–Russia was selling at very low prices to India and China to fund the conflict–there was an increasing interest in sunflower crop. This was reflected in regions like South Córdoba, Center-east Entre Ríos, and mainly Center Buenos Aires. In all three cases, good final yields were obtained: 23.2 qq/ha, 25.1 qq/ha, and 21.3 qq/ha, all above the national average.
Finally, Cuenca del Salado obtained a yield of 26.1 qq/ha, but unfortunately with a realization area 41.7% smaller than intended. San Luis Province, which increased its intention sowing area by 7.5%, obtained yields of 17,4 qq/ha.
Sunflower crop, ninth in Argentine exports in dollars
According to a report by the INDEC titled Complejos Exportadores,in 2023, sunflower was ranked ninth among almost forty industries, providing external tradings worth MU$S 1,415, with a year-on-year drop of 25.2% due to a retraction of prices after the overshooting following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Sunflower participation remained at 2.1% of Argentine exports and exceeded industries like barley, dairy, steel, or pharmaceutical, among others.
In 2022, sunflower experienced its best moment by positioning itself as the eighth exporter with MU$S 1,891 in sales, reflecting a year-on-year increase of 41.8% in dollars, as well as participating in total Argentine exports that largely exceeded 1.4% registered in 2019.

In 2023, sunflower composition showed that 74.9% of exports were related to crude sunflower oil, 18.4% to flour and pellets, and 6.7% to grain. In the special case of crude sunflower oil, there was a decrease of 25.4% in value, attributed to lower quantities (-29.1%) that were not compensated by the best average annual prices (+5.3%). This was because Argentina exports in counterseason with the North hemisphere, and the sales of our production coincided with the period in which Russia was ending their external post-invasion sales and in need of funding.
Among the main destinations of sunflower exports, the noticeable ones were India (MU$S 523), the European Union (MU$S 198), the "Resto de ALADI", where we started with tariff advantages, specially in refined and bottled oils (MU$S 191), the USMCA (MU$S 141, with the United States participating with 29.0%), and the Mercosur (MU$S 80, with Brazil participating with 49.6%).
Sunflowers under the sun: sowing dates and yields in Santa Fe Province
A study conducted in the center of Santa Fe Province showed that delays in sunflower cultivation may reduce yields by up to 68% and oil content by up to 23%. This is mainly due to less incoming solar radiation during grain filling.
By Sebastián Zuil
INTA EEA Rafaela Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, UNL, Esperanza

Yields obtained in the field are defined by the selection of the genotype and the capability of the crop to intercept incoming solar radiation and assimilate atmospheric CO2. Additionally, nutritional and water conditions and biotic interactions (insects, vertebrates, diseases, weeds, etc.) during the crop's cycle also affect yields (Van Ittersum y Rabbinge, 1997).
Within an effective grain production system, one of the primary goals is to maximize yields through phenotype expression of the traits of interest. This depends on the effects attributed to the environment (E), the genotype (G), and the interaction between the genotype and the environment (GxE). The latter is the main cause of differences between genotypes, and it is associated with differential performance they exhibit under different development conditions and years of study (Peréz-Ruiz et al., 2015).
In Argentina, sunflower's sowing date varies broadly. In the north, as in Chaco Province, cultivation starts in July, whereas in South Buenos Aires, sowing is conducted until November. The sowing date determines the photothermal conditions that crops will explore during their cycle, particularly over the critical period that defines the number of grains and yield.

In the northern area, sunflower's very early sowing can face problems with late frosts (Zuil y Boero, 2023) and underlying conditions for important diseases like sunflower downy mildew (Plasmopara halstedii, Zuil, 2018). Moreover, delays in sowing can expose the crop to higher and more stressful temperatures (Rondanini et al., 2006). Additionally, lower water availability during the critical period and reductions in the quantity and/or quality of incoming solar radiation can affect the crop's development.
The choice of the sowing date in Centernorth Argentina is closely associated with the occurrence of winter precipitation. Precipitation enables water replenishment in the first centimeters of the soil profile. However, proper precipitation frequency for cultivation has diminished in recent years, leading to reductions in the cultivated surface.
Therefore, there was a need to explore different sowing dates and study crop performance under diverse environmental conditions. According to a data review on the northern area of Santa Fe, this type of testing–different genotypes in sowing dates–were performed during the 60s and 70s. The latest records are from the early 80s, which is why there is no updated information.
The purposes of this work are: i) to determine the productive and quality performance of sunflower crops on different sowing dates, and ii) to analyze the environmental conditions that have affected yields.

The choice of the sowing date in Center-north Argentina is closely associated with the occurrence of winter precipitation.
Materials and methods
The test was conducted on dry land conditions at the experimental field of INTA's EEA Rafaela (31° 12' S; 61° 29' W), during the season 2023-24 (Table 1). Five genotypes of contrasting performance were employed, used as control crops at the Red Nacional de Evaluación de Híbridos de Girasol.
Sowing dates during the season 2023-24 were 10/27/2023, 12/05/2023 and 01/18/2024.
It was a no-tillage cultivation above soybean stubble and supplemented with 68 kg N ha-1, fertilized with urea at V6-V8 stages (Schneiter y Miller, 1981). Experimental units were microplots of 4 furrows, each 5 meters long, separated by 0.52 m, with a theoretical density of 50,000 plants ha-1 and distributed in a completely randomized block design with 3 repetitions.
*UW accumulated at 2 m depth.

Soil series Rafaela (RAF 09 2w(P) - 16)
Type of soil Typic argiudoll
Predecessor Soybean
Table 1. Chemical analysis of the soil at the time of sowing during tests of organic matter (OM, %), phosphorus (mg kg-1), total nitrogen (TN, %), nitrate-nitrogen (N-NO3, mg kg-1), pH, useful water at 2 m depth (mm), soil and predecessor crop's series and type for each season and sowing date.
The crop remained free of weeds, insects and diseases during the entire cycle through chemical control when necessary. Once flowering was completed, plants were covered with polyamide bags to prevent damages caused by birds.
Phenological emergence states, flowering (R1), beginning of grain formation (R5), and commercial maturity (R8) were recorded using the morphological scale by Schneiter and Miller (1981).
The plant height during the flowering stage and capitulum inclination were determined (Zuil, 2014). Harvesting of 5.2 m2 was performed manually, samples were threshed with an experimental harvester (Wintersteiger Classic), and yield was determined in grains (expressed in kg ha-1), corrected to 11% humidity.
Oil percentage was determined through a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR, Spinlock) at the grains quality laboratory of INTA EEA Reconquista. During October and January, three plants per plot were assessed to determine the surface of the capitulum (in cm2). Each plant was threshed manually and yield was measured, as well as the number and weight of grains, to establish relations among variables.
Yield, its components, and oil percentage were statistically analyzed through ANOVA using Infostat software 2020 version (Di Rienzo et al., 2020). Means were compared using the LSD method for multiple comparison tests, with a probability level of 5% (p<0,05).
The choice of the sowing date in Center-north Argentina is closely associated with the occurrence of winter precipitation.

The season 2023-24 in the center region of Santa Fe was characterized by a 15-day period of high temperatures toward late January and early February. During this period of high temperatures there was no precipitation.

Nevertheless, rainwater content, as well as useful water accumulated in the soil at the sowing time, generated proper precipitation distribution for each sowing date (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Daily environmental conditions of a) temperature (mean T° and thermal amplitude in °C); b) daily precipitation (mm); c) incoming solar radiation (Mj m-2 day-1); and d) vapor pressure deficit (VPD, in kPa) during the season 2023-24 in Rafaela, Santa Fe Province. Figures a and b describe the mean phenology at each sowing date. Data derived from the meteorological station at INTA Rafaela.
When analyzing the results of different sowing dates, it is key to consider the length of phenological stages throughout the crop cycle due to photoperiodic effects (Table 2). For every analyzed genotype, it is observed that the cycle is reduced as a result of delays in the sowing date. This cycle reduction effect was detected in every
analyzed sub-step (sowing at R1, R1 to R5, and R5 to R8). It is important to consider this reduction as it has impacted the different components of crop yield due to shorter days.

Moreover, because it was a season with welldistributed precipitation levels, plants had vigorous growth, with heights between 178 and 210 cm, and capitulum inclination between 25 and 45 cm.

Table 2. Days from sowing to star stage (S-R1), star stage to blossoming (R1-R5), blossoming to physiological maturity (R5-R8), height of maturing plants, inclination of the capitulum (Inc.), and grains weight (mg) for each sowing date and genotype during the season 2023-24 in Rafaela, Santa Fe. Different letters indicate significant differences.
As regards grain yield, the first sowing date ranged between 3500 and 5100 kg ha-1 (Figure 2). Sowing date in December exhibited a yield decline in comparison with the first of 5%, while the third date had a reduction of 68%. Delaying
sowing dates between late October and early December caused a daily yield reduction of 5 kg ha-1 day-1, whereas delays from December to January caused a reduction of 65 kg ha-1 day-1. This indicates that, regarding physical yield, the
environment explained 96.5% of data variability, while genotypic effects, gene-environment interaction, and repetitions effect (0.9%, 2.1%, 0.4% respectively) were lower.
Regarding oil percentage, the first sowing date ranged between 45% and 57% (Figure 2). Sowing date in December experienced a decrease, compared to the first one, of 6%, while the third date was reduced by 23%. It is important to emphasize that, with delays in sowing dates from

late October to early December, for the low oilconcentration genotype (H2), oil percentage was lower than 42%–the bonus frame established by trading regulations. In addition, during the sowing date in January, every genotype was below regulation standards. This means that the genotype explained 86% of data variability, while environmental effects, gene-environment interaction, and repetitions effect (6.3%, 6.2%, 1.5% respectively) were lower.

Figure 2. Yields regarding grain (a, in kg ha-1) and oil (c, in %) according to assessed genotypes in three sowing dates during the season 2023-24 in Rafaela, Santa Fe Province; and b) variance composition for grain and oil yield (b and d, respectively) form data statistical analysis. The segmented line in c) indicates oil bonus margin of 42%. Vertical lines above columns indicate data standard error. FS, G, G*A, and R represent the effect of sowing dates, genotype, geneenvironment interaction, and repetitions, respectively.
Detected physical yield and oil percentage reductions were explained mainly by lowerquality environments in terms of sunshine hours and incident solar radiation during grain filling (Figure 3). On January sowing dates, grain filling occurred during a period in which incident radiation is low due to shorter days, added to a 15days period of precipitation and cloudy days. This affected plants' capability to fixate and fill grains, providing an explanation for low yields and oil concentrations.

Figure 3. Physical yields regarding grain (a, in kg ha-1) and oil (c, in %) according to average daily sunshine hours and incident solar radiation PAR (Mj m-2) accumulated during grain filling in the season 2023-24 in Rafaela, Santa Fe Province.
When analyzing the size of a plant's capitulum (Figure 4), it was found that capitula were smaller during late dates, with a lower number of grains per unit of area. There was a high correlation between the capitulum's surface with yield and number of grains per plant. It is possible that increasing plant density in late sowing dates raises

yields, as they would enlarge the capitulum's surface per unit of soil area, increase the number of grains per plant, and thus, raise yields.

Figure 4. Grain physical yield (a and b, in g plant-1) and number of grains per plant (c and d) according to the surface of the capitulum (a and c, cm2) and the surface of the capitulum per unit of soil surface (d and d, cm2 m2) from the first and third sowing dates (dark and white circles, respectively) during the season 2023-24 in Rafaela, Santa Fe Province.
Closing remarks
Delays in sunflower sowing dates caused yields to drop in the Center Santa Fe area. Nevertheless, greater reductions were found in very late dates in January.
Lower yields were associated with lower environmental quality in terms of incident solar radiation.
Further research on crop management practices during late sowing date is needed in order to i) adjust better-adapted genotypes or those with higher productive performance, ii) adjust sowing density, and iii) improve crop nutrition.

Check the references by entering www.aapresid.org.ar/blog/revista-aapresid-n-221
Sunflower is going nowhere

Sunflower is still on the sowing plans in Southeast Buenos Aires, providing good yields and stability in successive fine grain crops. Aapresid Regional MDQ-Juan Manuel Fangio considers GAPs to be essential, along with fertilizing and maximizing genetic value of available hybrids.
By Hugo González Abba Regional MDQ-Juan Manuel Fangio
Sunflower is one of the most important crops at Aapresid Regional MDQ-Juan Manuel Fangio, covering approximately 24 thousand out of 94 thousand agricultural hectares in 2024. The presence of sunflower crops in rotations varies by area: up to 45% in southern coastal areas (Mar del Plata, Miramar cities), 24% in Madariaga and basin areas, to 10% in hill areas in Balcarce and Lobería.

In Southeast Buenos Aires, the sunflower crop combines three features: potential, yield stability, and inclusion in agricultural rotations. Regional yields exceed the domestic average by 20-30% (Figure 1). Despite last season's yields being 2434 kg/ha–11% lower than the last four seasons and 16% lower than the previous one (Figure 2)–sunflower maintains a preferential position in the agricultural plans of Fangio farmers.

Figure 1. Percentage of land under sunflower rotation per area at Aapresid Regional MDQ-JMF. 94 thousand agricultural hectares. Data collected from season 23-24 (Aapresid members MDQ-JMF, 2024).

Figure 2. Yield (kg/ha) from the last 5 seasons in the country, Southeast Buenos Aires, and (A, B) Aapresid Regional MDQ-JMF. Report produced with data from the Weekly Agricultural Overview (WAO) on sunflower 23-24 and the analysis of the season at Regional MDQ-JMF (n= 45,351 hectares, 862 plots).
In Southeast Buenos Aires, sunflower is perceived as a stable crop, with a year-on-year yield variation of 7%, which is lower than that of late corn (14%) and soybean (12%). First-crop soybean, the least used by the Regional, has only three seasons of data. The comparison between sunflower and corn is the least precise due to their differences in yield, carbon balance, crop expenses, profitability, and termination time for the next fine crop cultivation.
Fine grain crops–wheat and barley–along with double cropping of fine grains with secondcrop soybeans, explain a significant part of the outcome for a typical agricultural company in Southeast Buenos Aires. Yield and stability of fine grain crops are affected by the previous crop. Wheat preceded by sunflower can yield up
to 1000 kg/ha more than when preceded by corn or soybean (Figure 3), with higher basic yields of 5800 kg/ha for sunflower, compared to 4200 kg/ha for corn and 4800 kg/ha for soybean. This difference justifies the notable participation of sunflower crops as predecessors in fine grain cultivation (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Yield variation rate for early corn (n=311 plots), sunflower (n=862 plots), soybean (n=245 plots), and late corn (n=101 plots). Source: Aapresid Regional MDQ-JMF.
Management and opportunities
Sunflower cultivations start in late fall and early winter, depending on the predecessor crop, which is usually corn, soybean or wheat at our Regional. The predecessor crop affects weed control and water accumulation until sowing the crop (fallow land). The most common weeds are cruciferae (turnips), followed by flax-leaf fleabane (Conyza spp), and spiny amaranth (Amaranthus spp), present in several stages of the crop (Figure 4).
Herbicides mixtures–adjust based on the problem–include glyphosate, hormones, DIM and FOP graminicides, PDS (flurochloridone and diflufenican), PPO (sulfentrazone, carfentrazone and fluroxypyr), and chloroacetamides. As we get closer to the crop, we observe a predominating use of ALS, mostly imazapyr, due to sunflower's almost 100% tolerance to imidazolinones.
Unfortunately, the same methods are repeated every year, risking the promotion of new resistances. The good news is that companies are working on developing new chemical solutions and traits. Rotation of active ingredients and crops, as well as the inclusion of service crops and fertilization can significantly improve sunflower's performance.

Figure 4. Primary weed analyzed per plot for different management times (a), and main mixtures of sites of action used for each moment (b) of the sunflower crop. Report produced with data from the last three seasons at Regional MDQJMF, with 344 plots under production.
Simultaneously with preparing the plot for sowing, fertilization is planned. Fertility levels are ensured and maintained to maximize yield. Fertilizer application is based on target yield and soil nutrient levels, measured by sampling and
analysis. For instance, sunflower crops will need 120-130 kg of N/1000 kg for a mean yield of 3000 kg/ha (Tovar Hernandez et al., 2021). No-tillage systems can provide these levels of nitrogen, but it is always advisable to conduct soil analyses.

Regarding phosphorus, most plots are between 0 and 20 ppm, suggesting the need to work further on fertility and not neglect critical levels to maximize the yields of sunflower and other crops.
At the Regional, sunflower cultivations are performed from early October to the first week of November, with the second week of October being the ideal time. Higher yield levels and fat content are achieved in early October when the crop maximizes resource capture. The margins for improving these practices depend on the companies' scale and working capability, which is a point to reinforce as there are still delayed plots with significant losses (Rodriguez et al., 2023).
The average and most frequent density is between 50 and 60 thousand plants/ha. Sunflower's density cannot be planned the same as corn, and it also appears to have lower impact on yield.
In terms of area, this season's yields varied between 700 and 3400 kg/ha, with a mean of 2434 Kg/ha (Figure 5). The highest yields were established in areas near the coast (coast and Madariaga), while yields were lower towards the center. Although yields were not associated with January rains, higher-than-average temperatures and "heat strokes" affected the crop.

Figure 5. Average yields in the area of influence at Aapresid Regional MDQ-JMF. Season 23/24. 106 plots, 6600 hectares.
The genetic background of the harvested hybrid is also relevant, particularly due to yields in kilos of grain and oil content. Even though oil content is important, yield is currently the primary factor influencing sowing decisions. For the last five
seasons, three brands have been dominating the surface at the Regional, mainly because of their yield performance (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Participation of different hybrid brands according to the percentage of the surface (a), yield (b), and oil content of sunflower (c) at MDQ-JMF (n= 45,351 hectares, 862 plots). Graphs b and c are from season 23/24.
The type of sowed sunflower (oleic vs linoleic) varies according to the area. The MadariagaMaipú area has greater participation in higholeic segments due to its proximity to delivery points. The remaining areas are dominated by linoleic sunflower crops. Regardless of the type of sunflower, genetic development enables the production of grain with oil content equivalent to that of linoleic sunflower, which is advantageous in cases of trading limitations for oleic sunflower.
There is a wide range of hybrid options and sunflower types, a positive factor and one that can be further improved with a greater genetic offer. Brand diversity acted as a buffer in 2022 cultivations, when there were considerable limitations on the seed offer in the country.
However, climatic severity and new health challenges like phomopsis can limit hybrids’ availability.
The crop remained free of weeds, insects, and diseases during the entire cycle through chemical control when necessary.
Phomopsis (Diaporthe helianthi), or stem canker, is one of the biggest determinants affecting this crop, weakening stems (Figure 7), and reducing grain number and weight, causing yields to drop (Corró Molas et al., 2019; Zambelli et al., 2021). Genetics shows differences in disease tolerance, visible in the incidence and severity of the affected plants.
The Red Temática de Girasol, Aapresid, and other institutions are working to identify differences among materials against stem canker, enabling better selection of genetics. 100% of domestic programs for genetic improvement have included tolerance–no resistance–to diseases, as a standard for hybrid development, representing an opportunity for the entire chain.

Figure 7. Plant affected by phomopsis, stem canker. Production plot, sowing date October 23rd, 2023, 52 thousand plants/ha. Mar del Sud, General Alvarado District, Buenos Aires Province. Season 23/24.
Sunflower is strategic within our systems as it provides yield and stability for fine grain crops or double cropping of fine grain/second-crop soybean/successor corn. Although management is stabilized, it can always be improved. Chemical and agronomic management of weeds present a great opportunity, combining new modes of action, service crops, and some "trait" innovations on herbicide tolerance outside the ALS group.
Fertilizer investments also indicate opportunity. Building fertility is not only beneficial to crops but also aids in competing against weeds and enhancing the sustainability of the production system.
Site-specific selection, genetics, and management are essential. We should combine the best hybrid in the best environment, sowed properly. On the positive side, both the quality and quantity of genetic offerings tend to increase and become more homogeneous, becoming more competitive in yield and oil content. Genetic differences are still more sensitive toward tolerance to phomopsis, which is currently the best strategy in health protection.
This is why sunflower crops remain strong in the sowing plans of sustainable systems in Southeast Buenos Aires.

Check the references by entering www.aapresid.org.ar/blog/revista-aapresid-n-221
Figura 7. Planta afectada por phomopsis, cancro de tallo. Lote de producción, fecha de siembra 23 de octubre 2023, 52 mil plantas/ha. Mar del Sud, General Alvarado, Buenos Aires. Campaña 23/24.
Searching for the best hybrid
The seed industry is restless in the race for developing the best sunflower hybrid. The case of Nuseed and its search for superior varieties.

By Pablo Vergani Sunflower Breeding Lead LAS, Nuseed S.A.
The seed industry is constantly researching superior sunflower hybrids. In this article, we will explore the process behind the creation of these varieties and how genetic improvement research is boosting innovation. We will begin by analyzing three key parental lines that set the foundations for the production of hybrid seeds, and that combine the best of both heterotic groups in terms of yield, response to diseases, and oil quality.
Later, we will delve into the selection strategies employed to improve aspects like oil yield, resistance toward diseases, and position of the capitulum. From the advancement of generations in greenhouses to the use of molecular markers, we will discover how genetic progress accelerates in the creation of new lines.

Development of parental lines
The creation of new simple sunflower hybrids begins with the development of three parental lines: B line or restorer, A line or CMS, and R line or fertility restoration. The A line is genetically identical to the B line, but it is male sterile, meaning that the hermaphroditic flower's male reproductive organ does not produce pollen, although the female reproductive organ remains fertile and available to be fertilized. The B line is used to maintain the seed production of the A line, providing pollen and ensuring the perpetuation of male fertility. Hybrid seed is the result of crossing A line (male sterile) and R line (fertility restorer).
In summary, there are two lines involved in the production of sunflower hybrid seeds (A, R), while B line is used to increase A line. Thus, male sterility and fertility restoration system defined two main heterotic groups: A/B and R.
Developing new parental lines involves, in the first place, the generation of an offspring population with genetic variability. From these populations, individuals are selected according to improvement purposes, including: oil yield per unit of cultivated area (oil/ha), determined by grain yield and oil content; and performance before abiotic and biotic stress. Abiotic stress includes root lodging and stem braking. Whereas biotic

stress involves noticeable diseases like stunt growth by Downy mildew, wilt by Verticillium, stem canker and dry head rot by Phomopsis/Diaporthe, capitulum wet rot by Sclerotinia, common rust, among others.
Genetic improvement strategies
Improving resistance and tolerance against diseases is addressed through molecular markerassisted selection, as well as resistance selection in natural and artificial infections. Capitulum's position on physiological maturity is another desirable aspect contributing to preventing birds from eating grains. Moreover, genetic resistance to herbicides from the family of Imidazolines, such as Clearfield® and Clearfield Plus®, is incorporated in weed management.
During the following stages, families and individuals within families continue to be selected until, through self-fertilization, a new inbred line is achieved around the F7 generation. Assessing general combining ability is part of the selection process of the new line, which allows the study of their performance in combination with lines of the opposite heterotic group.
Using greenhouses, growth chambers, and counterseasonal cultivation, in addition to the employment of the mature embryo rescue technique, enable the progress of more than one generation per calendar year, consequently reducing the development period of a new line and increasing genetic gain. Furthermore, the use of supporting tools for improvement, such as molecular marker-assisted selection for the introgression of simple inheritance traits, enhances the rate of genetic progress. In addition, the prediction of breeding values for quantitative traits, such as yield and oil content, through genotyping by sequencing or genomic selection and prediction, further boosts this progress.
Hybrid assessment
Once the new lines are developed, they are combined with elite lines from the program, in order to create new experimental hybrids. Hybrid assessment program entails a multienvironmental test network in several places and seasons, aiming at measuring their performance in these target environments where the future commercial product will be cultivated.
This assessment network employs statistical designs suitable for optimizing the quality of generated information and, consequently, increasing selection precision. This network extends across the three regions intended for sunflower cultivation in Argentina: North (Chaco and Center-north Santa Fe), Center (West Buenos Aires, East La Pampa) and South (Southeast Buenos Aires).
This assessment network employs statistical designs suitable for optimizing the quality of generated information and, consequently, increasing selection precision.
From experimenting to commercializing
Like an inverted pyramid, at the beginning of the assessment circuit, hundreds of thousands of genotypes are studied, aiming to dismiss those of lesser performance in order to advance with the prominent ones. As the assessment progresses, the number of materials is reduced and the number of places is increased to explore a larger environmental diversity.
After four assessed seasons conducting tests in microplots and strips, there is enough information to advance from an experimental product to a commercial one. Thus, parental lines are increased and hybrid seeds are produced.

What do sunflowers need to grow stronger?
Yield stability in restrictive environments is making sunflower a crop par excellence. However, cultivation is stalled. To get a closer look at the strategies raising yield potential and the challenges this oilseed is facing, we talked to different regional offices from Aapresid.

By Agr. Engr. María
Eugenia Magnelli To Aapresid Prospective Program

The first thing that comes to mind when mentioning sunflower is that it is a very reliable crop: it requires low amounts of water, and, even though it is little tolerant to flooding and needs good drainage systems, generally is not so demanding on soil type. These characteristics make the difference between attaining a harvest or not, in comparison with other summer grain crops sowed in the same area. Sunflower's great yield stability in more restrictive environments from an edaphoclimatic point of view, turns it into an excellent candidate for rotation, and, moreover, represents important biodiversity contributions to our systems.
These are all very positive aspects. Nevertheless, the sunflower cultivated area has decreased in recent years compared to the historical average. How much do agricultural management matters, technology availability, and market prices influence this variable? To answer this question, understand the challenges this oilseed is facing, and meet the outlook for next season, we talked to Aapresid members Alfonso Gonzalez (Regional Aapresid Trenque Lauquen), Mariano Insausti (Regional Aapresid Cuenca del Salado), Ernerto Jauregui (Regional Aapresid Guaminí Carhué), and Felipe Kleine (Regional Aapresid Bahía Blanca).
Advantages of sunflower cultivations
In an absolute consensus, our regional members agreed that sunflower's yield stability is the first reason to justify the cultivation of this crop in semiarid areas.
As regards sunflower's agronomic characteristics, Ernesto Jauregui emphasizes that: "Their taproot and extensive root exploration in our sandy soils reach depths of 2.5 to 3 meters, increasing their water capture capacity." In support of this statement, Alfonso Gonzalez adds: "It is welladapted to sandy soils–some places exceed 70% of sand–and to the low water regime predominating in the region. Sunflower crops achieve stability, whereas other crops find it difficult to develop well."
Felipe Kleine highlighted the importance of this crop in rotation. In this regard, Gonzalez adds: "Sunflower allows the harvesting of grain in late February and early March, a month or month and a half before other crops. Moreover, it is the best predecessor for winter crops (wheat and barley), winter forages (oat, rye, triticale), or pastures, as it
provides time for the soil to accumulate water. This is very important because most establishments in the region are intended for agriculture and livestock.
In addition, Mariano Insausti mentions a point that tips the balance toward sunflower cultivation, with lowest logistic costs. According to Mariano, they use short distance shipping not exceeding 70/80 km, as they deliver the grain to a close oil company called SEDA, in Lezama city, Bueno Aires Province.

Sunflower's great challenges
Management issues: reducing yield gaps
One of the biggest challenges as regards sunflower management, is to raise production ceilings. According to Ernesto Jauregui, yields have jumped forward in the past decade, mainly due to hybrid genetic improvements–higher stability and oil content, and better health–and to cultural agronomic changes. However, Alfonso Gonzalez points out the challenge of reducing the productive gap between theory and reality, indicating there is still much to do. Yields range from 2000 kg/ha to 3500 kg/ha, depending on the plot’s potential. Oil percentage is closely linked to the genetics of the hybrid: hybrids with good bonuses can achieve oil percentages of, for example, 53% to 55%.
Jauregui adds: "The first step to success is to address sunflower as a relevant crop in our systems, raising technological and raw material levels. We need to change our approach and not relegating sunflower crops only to low potential plots. We must understand that it has its own nutritional and health requirements."
One of the biggest challenges as regards sunflower management, is to raise production ceilings.

Factors that boost sunflower yield:
Proper choice of sowing dates
It is crucial to follow the recommendations for each area; earlier or later dates are detrimental to sunflower yield.
As González states, for Central-west Buenos Aires Province and Central-east La Pampa region, sowing dates range from October 1st to October 25th, being October 8th to 15th the ideal period. During this period, soil temperatures vary from 13°C to 15°C, conditions in which the crop achieves greater and more uniform emergence. Moreover, flowering occurs before January–the harshest month, with lower relative humidity and wind.
In the Tornquist area, Kleine explains that sowing dates in the region range from late October to November 20th; and are mainly chosen because of their good performance in recent years, with acceptable yields and no fat matter loss. Thus, Jauregui adds: "In the past years, in Adolfo Alsina Department (Buenos Aires), alongside the border with La Pampa Province, several tests for sowing the crop in late November have been conducted, simulating late corn, with more stable results in the most restrictive and lowest potential environments.”

Crop nutrition
Fertilizing crops to enhance yield and nutrient replenishment is undoubtedly an unresolved issue. "In our tests and at the region's Red de Girasol Aapresid, we are obtaining positive results with nitrogen fertilization, especially with corn as a predecessor. As regards soybean as a predecessor, results are more irregular," adds the representative of Regional Aapresid Guaminí Carhué.
Site-specific management
Speaking of variable density and fertilization, Jauregui says: "In low-productivity hills, we aim at 25 thousand plants/ha and 80 kg N/ha; on the other end, in lowlands with groundwater, the strategy is to achieve 45 thousand plants/ha and 120 kg N/ha. Average yield ranges from 1800 kg/ ha in lower environments to 3200 kg/ha in upper ones. Reducing density (35 thousand plants attained) and increasing achievement coefficient (over 90%), enabled productivity optimization.
Regarding hybrid selection, Gonzalez says: "In order to achieve high yields and oil percentages, the strategy is to sow leading-edge hybrids with modern genetics in high potential plots. In lowerquality or more restrictive environments, oil bonus is slightly reduced by choosing hybrids more stable in terms of yield.
Weed control
For this point, there are different supplementary strategies. On the one hand, furrow narrowing is being studied. "Sowing at 70 cm has been reduced to 52 cm, and in some cases, sowing is now being performed at 35 cm. Improving the competence of the crop against weeds," Alfonso emphasizes. Another commonly employed method is to use herbicide-tolerant hybrids from the imidazolinone family (Clearfield or CL) to keep plots as weed-free as possible. "There are non-CL hybrids that work great regarding yield potential, these are used in clean plots or those intended for pastures, where it is not advisable to apply imidazolinones for a period of 4 to 5 months," Alfonso says.
According to Mariano Insauti, the strategy is to maintain weed-free plots by implementing a longperiod fallow in June, a short-period fallow in mid-August, and one pre-emergence fallow, always using CL technology.
To mention some practical cases, Ernesto says: "100% of our cultivation–around 3000 hectares–is carried out using Clearfield technology for weed management. If necessary, as an alternative, we apply a post-emergence together with a graminicide–Cletodim is compatible with CL; opposed to Haloxifop that causes very high efficiency losses on weed control.
Crop health
Every lost photosynthetic area means less availability of photoassimilates to build yield. Therefore, it is key to keep an eye on diseases, monitor constantly, and act accordingly. Employing hybrid technology and sowing disease-tolerant materials is of paramount importance. "Phomopsis is a disease that, when appearing in the area, generates significant yield reductions," says the engineer at Regional Aapresid Trenque Lauquen. Similarly, Jauregui adds: "In medium to high-productive environments, we have been using fungicide + R1 biostimulants for four seasons now. We believe that there is an advantage when applying at that time, protecting the plant from Phoma and Alternaria, and providing better defenses using biostimulants during the period of thermal and water stress in late December and January."
Although technological progress is evident, Felipe Kleine mentions the need for a new twist in genetic improvement or the emergence of innovative molecules that control those diseases damaging a large portion of yields.
Market conditions and commercialization: sunflower shortcomings
Another great challenge sunflower is facing is commerce complexity. "It would be interesting to have a market with a more simple and transparent future," Insausti says. And Gonzalez adds: "It is essential to find indicative prices of grain throughout the year to stay informed; otherwise, we sow or buy supplies somewhat blindly.
Production is destined for the industry, where it usually becomes edible oil. Even though there are usually special prices for high-oleics, commercial strategies are rare due to the oligopolistic market ruled by 4 or 5 companies. According to Alfonso, it is key to find acceptable prices and, immediately, try to store the grain or deliver it to the nearest industry.
Kleine says that currently, there are no attractive business opportunities with sunflower prices in the market. "The input-output ratio is not very favorable; however, one can do business with supplies without a harvest rate, allowing for better prices that improve this ratio."
"Improving market conditions and commercialization to make everything more transparent is essential for obtaining concrete numbers, so they cease to be merely theoretical on Excel," Jauregui claims. Particularly, he points out that 100% of production is directed toward sustainable sunflower, through the certification of employed sustainable and good agricultural practices. These grains are intended for oil production in the food industry, with the corresponding certification.

Sunflower's new-found hope
For the upcoming season of summer crops, meteorologists are forecasting that it will be marked by the La Niña phenomenon. This scenario, in addition to recent issues in corn crops due to spiroplasma and potentially favorable future prices, offers encouraging prospects for increasing the sunflower cultivation area.
Although there is still much to do to define the outlook on this matter, we still have time to rethink management strategies and the use of process and input technology, in order for sunflower crops to thrive again.
La Niña phenomenon forecasts, corn issues due to spiroplasma, and potentially favorable future prices, offer encouraging prospects for increasing the sunflower cultivation area.

We appreciate Alfonso Gonzalez, Mariano Insausti, Ernesto Jáuregui and Felipe Kleine for their valuable contributions to this article.

Sunflowers are capable of protecting themselves from diseases

The resurgence of foliar and stem diseases during the last season has cornered farmers and consultants. However, the use of fungicides and biostimulants is presented as an effective solution for healthier and more productive crops.
By Agr. Engr. (Esp) Margarita Sillon¹ and Agr. Engr. MSc.
Florencia Magliano ²
¹ Professional license CPIA Nº10867-
Professional license CIASFE Nº10829
² Professional license CIASFE 82-1-1409
Centro de Sanidad Sillon & Asoc, research and development
The sunflower crop has been the support for many farmers during the long period of hydric stress from 2019 to 2023, especially given the low yields of soybean crops in many areas of Santa Fe and Chaco provinces. As a result, the sunflower cultivation area has increased year after year.
With the arrival of greater rainfall due to the recent tendency toward an El Niño year, sunflower foliar and stem diseases have revived–diseases that farmers and consultants had forgotten. By the time symptoms were observed in the field, it was already late to start thinking about control. Experiences from the last agricultural season indicate that higher yields could have been obtained by employing certain plant protection practices.
These health problems are mostly caused by fungal pathogens known as "necrotrophic", as they survive in stubble. These fungi cause necrotic tissue damage as they progress on the host, reducing the active photosynthetic area of the plant, accelerating leaves senescence, and making grain filling difficult. A different situation but with similar consequences is common rust, caused by the biotrophic fungus Puccinia helianthi.

Since 2004, thorough studies have been conducted in the region for sunflower disease management using foliar fungicides. These studies aim to achieve results suitable for coastal environmental conditions, which differ significantly from those areas typically used for sunflower cultivation, such as Southeast Buenos Aires, in terms of temperature and humidity. This has resulted in important adjustments when applying fungicides (Sillon et al., 2008, Top Ciencia Internacional award).
During the past 20 years, our team at Sillon & Asociados, alongside integrated farmer groups from Aapresid and CREA, has made important progress in epidemiological studies. These studies have proven the possibility to successfully intervening in the control of diseases known as ‘end-of-cycle’: Phoma macdonaldii (black stem), Septoria helianthi (leaf spots), Alternaria helianthi (spots in leaves, stem, and capitulum), and the already mentioned Puccinia helianthi (rust).
Leaf spots
Leaf spots pertain to two pathogens working together infecting leaves. They should be addressed as a unit because they cause the same damage: reduction of foliar area, as observed in control crop tests in 2024 (Picture 1)
1) Spot caused by Alternaria helianthi: This fungus produces angular necrotic lesions surrounded by a chlorotic halo, which, as they progress, acquire a concentric circle appearance. Initial infections are observed in the lower leaves, but the fungus can cause several secondary infection cycles from the first lesions, and then the disease "climbs up" the plant. On the stems, spots turn into black lines that coalesce and darken during severe attacks.
2) Spots caused by Septoria helianthi: These leaf lesions are grayish-brown with a small yellowish halo that lighten as the leaves age. The infection progresses from the lower leaves toward upper ones, and in severe cases, it may cause wilting. Less frequently, symptoms can be observed in the stem and the capitulum (Ivancovich, 2016).
Rust caused by Puccinia helianthi, can confuse the consultant with necrotic dots on the upper side of leaves.

Picture 1. Co-infection by Alternaria helianthi and Septoria helianthi. Center Santa Fe Province, February 2024.
Rust caused by Puccinia helianthi, can confuse the consultant with necrotic dots on the upper side of leaves. However, the determinant factor in the diagnosis is the presence of dark brownishcolored pustules or rust on the leaves, made up of uredospores, which are characteristic signs of this disease. In severe attacks, this disease can affect the stem, petioles and bracts of the capitulum. During the 2022-2023 season, significant infections in some hybrids were registered (Picture 2)

Picture 2. Sunflower with rust pustules in control crops. Centro de Sanidad Sillon & ASoc, tests 2022-2023.
Phoma black stem
Phoma black stem disease is caused by the fungus Phoma macdonaldii. In the field, it is recognized by dark oval lesions at the point of insertion of the petiole in the stem, which usually do not exceed 8-10 cm in length. These lesions are bright and superficial, and they may encircle the stem (Picture 3).

Picture 3. Detailed lesion of phoma black stem caused by Phoma Macdonaldii in crops in Santa Fe Province, January 2024.
Fungicides application strategies
One of the conclusions reached from all the regional work was determining the optimal window for fungicides application to achieve greater control efficiency. This window is set between R1 (flower bud) and R3, meaning before inflorescence begins opening.
In recent years, new strategies have been developed through the combination of molecules and bioinput incorporation, paths that need to be further explored.
During seasons 2022-23 and 2023-24, we conducted a series of tests on fungicides application, assessing occurrence and severity of lesions by Alternaria, Septoria, Rust and Phoma.
These tests involved treatments with triazoles, strobilurins, carboxamides and biostimulants.
Control efficiency varied from 52% to 86% in the case of the intensity (occurrence*severity) of leaf spots, and from 70% to 90% for rust. Controlling foliar diseases enabled crops to maintain a healthy foliar area up to 20 days more than the control crop, as it can be observed in the picture of one of the tests, located in Esperanza, Santa Fe Province (Picture 4).

Picture 4. Panoramic view of the disease control test. To the right: control crop without fungicide. Centro de Sanidad Sillon & ASoc, Esperanza, Santa Fe Province, January 2024.
The use of foliar fungicides impacted on the number and size of Phoma macdonaldii lesions, with a control ranging between 55% and 84%, depending on the area, the hybrid, environmental
conditions, and treatments. This improved stability and robustness of stems to support goodsized capitula (Picture 5)

All of these performed controls analyzed individually, led to positive productivity in 95% of the plots, with average increments ranging from 10% to 16%–minima of 4% and maxima of 32%–depending on the plot and employed treatments. This was achieved while adhering to the application
window between R1 and R3. Graph 1 shows average yield results from 5 field studies in the Center and North Santa Fe area, where an improvement in productivity was observed by incorporating biostimulants to chemical protection.
Foto 5. Health of the stem under R3 chemical protection. Centro de Sanidad Sillon & Asoc, experimental tests 2024.

Gráfico 1. Average yields (kg/ha) from 5 tests conducted in sunflower, during the season 2023-2024 with disease protection. REF. TE: triazole+strobilurin / TC: triazole+carboxamide / TEC: triazole+strobilurin+carboxamide / FQ+BIO: combination of chemical fungicides and biostimulants.
Final conclusions
We can state, therefore, that fungicides and biostimulant use in sunflower crops is an effective alternative to sustain crop health and reduce the gap between potential yield and the one achieved in the field.
As genetic improvement progresses and deepens, bioinput knowledge broadens, molecules with different active mechanisms are combined, and good agricultural management practices are not abandoned–rotations, sowing dates, etc.–we will be favoring productivity of a crop that is gaining territory every day.
Aapresid Congress 2024: preview of the lectures that will mark the agenda
The XXXII Aapresid Congress is around the corner and expectations are at their highest point. In this article, we will anticipate the details of two lectures that will be much talked about.

The wait is almost over: the XXXII Aapresid Congress, Amarok VW edition, alongside the strength of Expoagro, is getting ready to be an event filled with knowledge, exchange, and novelties. From August 7th to August 9th, the Predio Ferial La Rural in Buenos Aires will become the core of this conference, which will gather over 250 national and international leaders to discuss and provide prospective content relevant to the farming sector.
Prior to this year’s Congress, whose motto is "Everything is connected", speakers revealed some details about their lectures. On this occasion, we talked to Paulo Carvalho, a Brazilian specialist on integrated agricultural-livestock models, who is part of the international speakers list, and the soil specialist Elke Noellemeyer, who will participate in the panel "Hidden costs of climate change" alongside Judith Curry, an American climatologist.
Agriculture-livestock integration: what is needed for a real transition?
Anticipating his participation at the Aapresid Congress in CABA–Autonomous City of Buenos Aires–Paulo Carvalho, from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, shares some key factors to answer this question and how to achieve a real integration between agriculture and livestock.
According to Carvalho, specializing and simplifying systems have led to diversity losses, soil degradation, and health loss, as well as great inefficiency in nutrient management, such as nitrogen and phosphorus. To address this situation, he mentions the need to evolve into more complex models capable of restoring natural resource cycles and improving soil health.
"There are not many paths toward integration to accomplish this in a profitable manner,” he says.
But where to begin? The Brazilian specialist claims that there are several approaches to address, as specialization is not only observed on plots but also in academia, research, and even in the world of agribusiness. Carvalho states that true integration should come from the State, with policies and institutional support, and from the plots, with farmers and consultants driving the transition from the field.
One successful example of this approach comes from Brazil, where integrated systems were
declared of national interest in 2010 because of their connection with greenhouse gas emissions mitigation and sustainability. "When the strategy is built on political interest, it is easier to provide resources for promoting adoption," Carvalho says.
At the same time, support was also provided from below, with an increasing community of farmers and consultants interested in transitioning towards integrated models. And he adds: "Currently, Brazil has approximately 18 million hectares under integrated systems, and the number increases by 1 million every year."
Similarly, Carvalho mentions another challenge: relying on extensions provided by consultants or technicians with a more generalist and less specialized profile. "Consultants and extension services capable of developing, planning, and managing truly integrated agriculture-livestock systems should have the profile of a superhero," Carvalho says, half joking, half not, referring to three solid ‘superpowers’: technical systemic vision, coordination to co-create solutions alongside farmers, and soft skills.
Sustainable agriculture and climate change
The panel ‘Hidden costs of climate change’ will feature Agr. Engr. Elke Noellemeyer, soil specialist and Director of AGSUS - Agroecosistemas Sustentables- from the Faculty of Agronomy of the Argentine University of La Pampa; and Judith Curry, an American climatologist. Speakers will address the challenges and opportunities caused by climate change, particularly for Argentine production.
According to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, the number and length of drought periods have increased 29% since 2000, and they could affect over three-quarters of the world population by 2050.
However, it should be considered that these types of projections and predictions by the international community regarding climate change have a safe margin of error of 50%. "These are estimates at a spatial scale of time and also continents with
a view into 50 years ahead," says Noellemeyer, suggesting adopting them as possible trends and future scenarios, not certainties.
AGSUS has developed two protocols to certify the soils and their good management. These are science-based protocols, according to international regulations, with unique criteria that take into account the Argentine reality.
"As a country, we have many differentiators, which is why we should position our reality," the specialist claims. She states that Argentina is facing a strategically positive scenario: "Our country has very qualified and experienced professionals, and farmers seeking to do things the right way."
Explore, discover, and connect with the Aapresid Congress

The Aapresid Congress is an international benchmark event connecting innovation, technology, and knowledge for over three decades, aiming at promoting increasingly sustainable productive systems.
The 2024 edition will gather over 250 distinguished speakers and offer more than 160 lectures divided into several thematic axes,
including regenerative agriculture, agtech and digitalization, bioeconomy, communication and education, biotechnology, water management, crops management, machinery, public policies, Quo Vadis, soil health and climate change, and integrated systems.

To see more about the congress, lectures, speakers, and more, visit https://congreso.aapresid.org.ar.
Mustard, the perfect condiment for your plot
Far from being only an accompaniment for burgers or sandwiches, mustard is also beneficial for the soil. Cultivated as winter coverage, it helps weed control, improves soil structure, and it is ideal for rotations with second-crop soybean.

By: Agr. Engr. Antonella Fiore Prospective Program - Aapresid
The name mustard derives from the Latin ‘mustum ardens’, which means ‘burning must’. This term describes the hot, spicy sensation experienced when mustard seeds are crushed and mixed with must. In the past, a very tasty and spicy variety known as black mustard (Brassica nigra), was cultivated across Europe. However, due to harvesting difficulties–it can only be collected manually–its cultivation has been limited. Currently, the most cultivated variety is brown mustard (Brassica juncea), with Canada as one of the major producers and exporters of seeds.
In Argentina, the main area of mustard production is in Southeast Buenos Aires Province, where white mustard (Sinapsis alba) is cultivated. The cultivated area in our country has varied around 300 hectares in recent years.

This brassica is a herbaceous annual plant of short height–ranging from 60 and 120 cm. It has an erect, simple, cylindrical stem that is rough to the touch due to villosity, but sometimes glabrous. The leaves are oval-shaped, alternate, with serrated margins and petioles. The inflorescence is presented in an erect terminal raceme, where the hermaphrodite flowers of the plant are set.
The seeds are very small, round and reddishyellow in color.
Mustard can be used as an alternative winter crop in temperate areas.
Multiplication plot of basic Delfina INTA mustard seed at the experimental agricultural station in San Pedro (Credits to: INTA San Pedro).
As regard mustard's requirements for growing and producing seeds, we can highlight the following:
White mustard prefers cold weather, although it is capable of adapting to different temperatures.
It usually grows under full sun or semi-shade, in lightly wet and fresh environments during summer.
It requires wet soils and a good drainage system.
It has a well-developed, ramified root system that enables the plant to benefit from the nutrients in the soil.
It prefers calcareous soils of medium, sandy, or loam consistency that can retain moisture.
The soil must be neutral and basic with a pH level above 6.
Soils with pH below 5.4 negatively affect the plant's development.
Regarding fertilization, white mustard requires nitrogen to grow vigorously and develop a larger foliar area, which affects the plant's yield if maintained throughout the growing season. Phosphorus is another vital element required during seed formation and at the beginning of the cultivation cycle, whereas potassium is mainly absorbed before flowering.
Mustard can be used as an alternative winter crop in temperate areas. Depending on the production area, the optimal sowing date is during
the period between early May and early August. In fact, sowing in May is typical in Buenos Aires.
Harvesting is performed approximately 160 days after sowing. A key indicator to determine the ideal harvesting moment is when seeds are loose within the fruit and the plant produces a rattle noise.

Mustard as a service crop in production systems
In an experiment conducted by INTA Chacabuco, some suggestions for the planting of this multipurpose crop were systematized. White mustard, particularly the Delfina INTA variety (Sinapis ALba L.), is the only domestic variety registered with INASE and it is well-adapted
for the agroecological conditions in the Pampa region. It is used as a service crop before secondcrop soybean cultivation.
A study published by INTA Pergamino, the Agencia de Extensión Rural Chacabuco, in cooperation with specialists at INTA San Pedro, describes management experiences aimed at promoting its usage in the region.
Mustard is useful as cover for controlling weeds, improving soil structure, facilitating water infiltration, and controlling soil pathogens. In addition, mustard seeds are used for several commercial purposes, including ground grains, sauce, oil, and canned food. Mustard is suitable for rotations with second-crop soybean, with an average yield ranging from 800 to 1200 kg/ha.
Mustard as a spice and aromatic
Mustard's aromatic properties and its usage as a spice are due to its glucosinolates content, which are the precursors of a group of aromatic compounds in the essential oil. During the processing of grinding and mixing mustard seeds with a liquid medium, the myrosinase enzyme hydrolyzes glucosinate structures, turning them into isothiocyanates, which are responsible for the characteristic spicy flavor of these seed-derived products.

From the mustard seed, several by-products are obtained:

. Hygroscopic agent: absorbs and retains moisture.
Thickener: thickens sauces, creams and dressings.
Cost-effective filling: used to increase the volume of food products.
. Meat seasoning: provides flavor.
Fine powder obtained from white, brown, or black mustard seeds, or from a mixture of these, after dismissing bran.
Ingredient in condiments: Aprovides flavor, texture, and emulsifying properties to mayonnaise, salads, barbecue sauce, marinades, and processed meat products.
. It is marketed directly to consumers or used in the food industry.

Obtained by grinding white mustard seeds.
Ground mustard
Mustard flour

Simply known as mustard, it is a sauce or smooth paste made of ground mustard and/or flour mustard, water, salt, vinegar, and oil. Optionally, it may contain sucrose and various spices, such as pepper, clove, cilantro, turmeric, ginger, and paprika.
. Dressing for sandwiches, burgers, etc.
. An ingredient in sauces and dressings.
Culinary use: it is not commonly used in Western cuisine, but it is popular in countries like India, where it is the second most popular edible oil after soybean oil.
. Applications: it is used for frying various foods and for the production of mayonnaise (in Sweden).

mustard bran is being investigated for possible applications in the food industry.
Properties: stabilizer, thickener, emulsifier, hygroscopic agent, and fat absorber.

Check the references by entering www.aapresid.org.ar/blog/revista-aapresid-n-221
Mustard condiment
Mustard oil
Mustard bran
The agronomist that follows her convictions with determination and spirit
Paola Díaz is an example of what someone can achieve when combining compromise, dedication and certainty. From her initial skepticism about studying agronomy to her role in Aapresid, Paola has always known how to make the most of new opportunities.
By Lucía Cuffia
Those who know Paola, they know she is from Córdoba Province, or at least that is how she introduces herself, although it would be more accurate to say that she lives in Carlos Paz city. What many may not know is that she moved a lot throughout her life. From Bahía Blanca, where she was born, to Córdoba, stopping in Salta, Neuquén and other destinations, she traveled and grew up in several places within the country because of her father's job, a mechanical engineer in the navy who later shifted to the oil and gas industry.

Personal profile
Name: Paola Mariela Díaz
Occupation/Activity: Agricultural Engineer
Place of birth: Born in Bahía Blanca, but lived in Ushuaia, Puerto Belgrano, Neuquén, Tartagal and Carlos Paz, where she currently lives.
Family: In a relationship with Martín
Hobbies: A big fan of playing sports, she played hockey for many years. Now she enjoys mountain walking and biking.
"Every time I'm asked where I’m from, it’s a real mess," she said, although she claims and feels that Córdoba is her home. "At 17 I came to Córdoba to study and I'm almost 48 years-old (her birthday is in August). And, even though I lived in other places, I always wanted to come back to Córdoba."
Her story is marked by difficult situations, like her father's experience at the Crucero Belgrano during the Falklands War. Even her decision to study agricultural engineering was also a challenge for Paola, as she did not come from a family of farmers, and it was commonly a world dominated by men.
Despite the adversities, she always knew how to find her way. Her determination and commitment helped her to overcome obstacles and to reach goals that keep on amazing her up until now. She has been an Aapresid member for over 10 years, where she learns something new every day.
"Aapresid exceeded all of my expectations and I'll always be grateful for that," she says.
"Dad's ship"
Paola's father, Ricardo, is a mechanical engineer who started working in the navy the same year Paola was born. During the Falklands War, in 1882, he was chief engineer at the Crucero General Belgrano and he was there when the ship was hit by two torpedo boats and sunk.
"I was 6 years-old at that moment. My mother tried to keep us from the news until she was sure whether my father was alive or not. Me and my brother were watching cartoons on TV, when they

said the ship had sunk, and I remember that we started saying 'that's dad's ship, that's dad's ship'. It was not easy for my mother either, but she was always one of the strongest pillars."
Ricardo survived the attack, but he still finds it difficult to talk about it; Paola remembers that time as a very difficult moment for the family.
exceeded all of my expectations
and I'll always be
grateful for that"
The decision to study agronomy, her arrival at Córdoba "because it was the core of the country", and her first job in a town of 1000 inhabitants.
DSince she was a little girl, she knew that she wanted to study Agronomy. "When I was 10 or 11 years-old, I already said that I was going to be an agricultural engineer, although before that, I wanted to be a marine biologist." At that moment, her parents did not believe her, because they said "that they did not have a farm and that it was a career traditionally for men".
Against all odds, Paola was firm in her decision, and a career test in the 5th year of highschool reinforced her choice by 99%. Despite her father's skepticism, her mother was very firm. "She was the one who accompanied me to enroll and that's how I started," she says.
Choosing Córdoba as a place for studying was a strategic matter. "My parents sent me there to study because it was the center of the country. There was a possibility that they would remain
living in Tartagal or Neuquén, and Córdoba was an intermediate spot that allowed us to be closer."
At university, not only was she doing well academically–she never failed an exam–but she loved what she was studying, despite the uncertainty of what she would do after getting her degree. "Getting my degree was hard because I was out there and jobless. I’d tried to embark on livestock farming, which I liked, but at that time it was not easy to enter that field without a veterinarian degree," she confesses.
Striving to secure herself a place, she got on a bus and started handing out CVs in Córdoba and nearby towns, facing rejections due to "not having experience and not being known in the sector", until finally found an opportunity.

Paola with her colleagues from Aapresid Regional Río Segundo.
A friend was just leaving his position on a family farm in Tránsito–a town located 90 km away from Córdoba–and the owner of the company gave her a three-month opportunity. "I ended up staying for 9 years," Paola says.
While working, she also began postgraduate studies in Plant Protection, but after 9 years she felt she had reached her ceiling and that she needed to keep on growing. Three months later, she was called to work in a multinational company that offers solutions and supplies for the farming sector, so she lived in Rosario for a while before going back to Córdoba.
For over three years, Paola has been working at UPL in the area of Market Development. Recently, she started to collaborate technically with the
Sustainability team, in the Ecosystemic Services area, a new opportunity that will allow her to keep growing within the company. Her boss and working colleague, Santiago Barberis–who Paola acknowledges for his constant support–is also an Aapresid member at Pergamino regional offices.
"Sometimes I think that I could have stayed in one place doing the same thing, but I’ve always had that impulse of wanting to go for more, and I still have that urge," she claims. "I’ve always shown my gratitude toward my parents because they taught me to pursue my convictions and to not be afraid of facing situations."

Alongside her colleague Nicolás Bronzovich, with whom she shared Prospective's management.
Aapresid and everything that came afterwards
Paola always liked to prepare for and learn new things. Besides her degree in Plant Protection, she specialized in Environmental Engineering. However, there was a moment in which she wanted to learn in a different way, beyond academics. That is how, owing to two postgraduate classmates, she arrived at Aapresid's Regional Río Segundo offices in 2014. "I thought they were going to reject me for not being a farmer, but they told me that 'here that is not a requirement, you can join us', and that was the starting point", she remembers.
Accidentally on purpose, Paola entered Aapresid eager to learn about the world of no-till farming from within, from the day-to-day of the farmer, with their difficulties and achievements, to be able to understand them and figure out how she could help them.
A short time after joining the regional office, she was named president. "It was a great challenge that also gave me visibility in the institution." That is how Paola got increasingly involved, participating in meetings and cooperating in different projects.
"It was a great challenge that also gave me visibility in the institution."

After 10 years, she claims: "Aapresid taught me so much, not only technically, but also personally. It is incredible how you can say the most uncomfortable things here, and they are wellreceived as long as you say them respectfully. At my regional, people laugh because I always say what I think, but I try to do it humorously, and that is appreciated."
After becoming the president of the regional, Paola was part of one of the teams of prospective thinking, particularly as coordinator of the team of agroecology, environment and production.

At some point, she received a call from Nicolás Bronzovich that took her by surprise. Nicolás was the director of the Prospective Program and was working in Ghana (West Africa). "He called me to summon me to become deputy director of the Prospective Program. I was surprised because I didn't know him much, but he told me that Pilu Giraudo had recommended me. And well, I accepted, and there I started."
Paola acknowledges Martín's meaningful influence, her partner for more than five years, who always encourages her and gives her unconditional support: "He's always motivating me to give my best."

With Martín, her partner and companion in several outings to the mountains.
She built a great friendship with Nicolás Bronzovich, and they created a solid connection on their roles in Prospective. "The bond we formed was amazing; we tell each other everything and we respect one another very much. When he left and I became director, I felt much prepared owing to everything I learnt by his side."
At that moment, Paola decided to summon Carolina Meiller as co-director. "She was part of the Congress team and I saw she had the right profile, but I wondered if she would accept the invitation. However, she eventually accepted. Caro is a very open person, one who I can talk to, trust, and we take care of each other," she says.
Paola is currently part of the Executive Committee of Aapresid, and she sees it as a strong validation of her experience and commitment with the institution.
"I’ve always asked myself how I made them trust me. I feel very loved and heard. A few years ago, I wondered what I was going to do to get myself involved with farmers. Now that I'm in that situation, I cannot believe how I did it. It is true that I'm very responsible and that I work very hard to have the proper criteria for decision-making and to carry out different projects. Aapresid have undoubtedly exceed all my expectations and I will always be grateful for that," she says.

Paola with her father Ricardo and her mother Stella.
Grass-fed meat: Argentina's green gold

Argentine grass-fed livestock is noted for its quality, sustainability, and animal welfare. Reviewing issues and opportunities to improve the efficiency and sustainability of its production.

By: Dr Agr. Engr. José Martín Jáuregui
Adjunct Professor - Forages Lecture (FCA - UNL)
Argentine livestock farming, with a long tradition of grass-fed meat production, is a national symbol and a cornerstone of the domestic economy. This ancient practice, which uses the abundant natural and introduced forage resources in Argentina, does not only produce meat of exceptional quality, but also plays a key role in environmental sustainability and rural development.
The first image that comes to mind when mentioning livestock farming in Argentina, is one of a cow grazing across the large Pampas plains. This scene is a picturesque postcard,

but it also represents a productive reality that has been essential for Argentinian culture and economy for generations. In Argentina, bovine meat production is much more than a simple economic activity: it is part of the social and cultural structure of the country. It supports over 400,000 families, serves as the driving economic force for numerous towns, and is a vital source of foreign currency through exportation.
Despite the modernization in the livestock farming sector and the adoption of intensive methods like feedlots, grass-fed meat production is still a distinguished practice within Argentine livestock farming. This production method, that uses indigestible resources for human beings and that is usually performed in fields not suitable for agriculture, offers multiple advantages, setting the country in a privileged position in the global meat market.
Benefits of grass-fed meat
Grass-fed meat production provides significant nutritional benefits, making it particularly attractive to health-conscious consumers, a growing concern in global markets. Its profile on fatty acids is healthier, with a higher content of omega-3 fatty acids and less saturated fats. Moreover, it presents a better proportion of omega-6 fatty acids and higher levels of antioxidants like vitamin E and beta-carotene.
Grass-fed meat production offers nutritional benefits and plays a vital role in climate change mitigation and environment preservation. Wellmanaged pastures act as a carbon sink, capturing and storing this element in the soil. According to recent studies, well-managed pasture systems can sequester between 0.12 and 0.86 tones of carbon per hectare per year. This carbon sequestering potential sets pastoral farming in a privileged position to fight climate change.
Besides carbon sequestration, well-managed pastoral systems offer other environmental benefits. Contributing to soil biodiversity, improving water and nutrient retention, and helping to prevent erosion. Species diversity in
pastures is also of paramount importance in terms of resilience to climate change. Pastures with a diverse mixture of species, including grasses and legumes, are more resistant to draughts and temperature fluctuations in comparison with single-species pastures.
In Argentina, the extensive area of natural pastures offers a unique opportunity to employ these sustainable management practices to a large extent.
Regarding animal welfare, the social perception of pastoral systems is generally superior to that of confined systems. Animals can behave more naturally, which is associated with greater well-being. Pastoral systems often result in lower stress levels for animals and a reduced occurrence of diseases, due to open spaces and natural diet.
Well-managed pastures act as a carbon sink, capturing and storing this element in the soil.
How much grass is included in these diets?
When discussing the conversion efficiency of ruminants, they are often unfairly ranked low on the leaderboard. A steer needs to eat around 6-7 kg of grain to produce 1 kg of meat, whereas a chicken does it with just 2 kg, and a fish with just 1 kg. This comparison puts livestock farming to shame, but it is unfair and does not consider a steer whole productive cycle. In fact, during a great part of their productive life, from the moment of conception to their slaughter, grass is the basic diet of a steer.
A thorough study conducted by Arrieta (2020) shows that the average diet of a steer in Argentina consists of 92% forage and only 8% grain. This reality does not only reinforce Argentina's meat quality, but also position it favorably in terms of animal's sustainability and welfare.

Picture 1. To the left, a piece of grass-fed meat with more yellow-colored fat and less total fat content, especially intramuscular. To the right, the same cut of beef, but with greater proportion of grain on the diet, and larger quantity of intramuscular fat.
Grass-fed meat production represents a unique opportunity for Argentina on both domestic and international markets. There is an increasing demand for meat products produced in a sustainable and ethical manner, especially on developed markets where consumers are willing to pay additional prices for grass-fed meat, registered as sustainable and with high standards on animal welfare.
Moreover, Argentine meat is globally known due to its taste and quality, enabling the country to capitalize on this competitive advantage so as
Grass-fed meat production is facing issues as well. Maintaining productivity and profitability despite more intensive systems is one of the main challenges. Some strategies are employed to deal with this, like pastoral systems enhancement, genetic improvement in breeds adapted to efficient grazing and precision technologies to optimize pasture management.
to create a strong domestic brand. This opens the doors to highly valuable niche markets in developed countries, allowing Argentina to diversify its export markets and reduce dependency on traditional markets that only seek non-distinctive meat. Having access to premium markets requires abiding by strict regulations and obtaining certifications. To facilitate this process, there are training programs for farmers being developed, creating strong traceability systems and promoting cooperation between the public and private sector.
Grass-fed meat production represents a unique opportunity for Argentina on both domestic and international markets.
Climate variability is another significant challenge as grass-fed production is susceptible to meteorological conditions. To mitigate this risk, forage species are diversified to increase resilience, site-specific sowing of species is employed, tree stratum and livestock farming are combined, and the use of reserves and strategic supplementation
during critical periods is promoted. Similarly, the strategic use of grain and supplements during the final stages of the animal can make the process more efficient and accelerate fattening, but it is commonly more expensive and complex to achieve than grass-fed.

Picture 2. Steers grazing in plot near Arroyo Malo (Paysandú Department, Uruguay).
Incorporating technology is crucial to modernizing grass-fed livestock farming production and making it more efficient. Some newly employed technologies include satellite monitoring for forage resource availability and livestock monitoring through the use of drones. Additionally, devices like animal behavior collars that detect health issues, digital traceability of livestock, weight scales for animals in motion
without human intervention, and virtual fencing are also being used.
It is important to emphasize that all these input devices require the prior application of basic processing technology–for instance, defining the entry-exit periods of a forage resource–which demands trained and motivated human resources.

Picture 3. Steers passing through a weighing scale in Gobernador Mansilla, Entre Ríos Province. This type of scale does not demand human intervention and allows daily livestock weighing.
Argentina has the potential to be consolidated as a world leader in sustainable and high-quality meat production, only if opportunities are properly exploited and challenges are addressed.
Grass-fed livestock farming can be the backbone of economic and social development in rural areas, contributing to ecosystem conservation and climate change mitigation.
Constant investment in research and development can lead to new techniques further improving production efficiency and sustainability.
Grass-fed production is much more than an Argentine custom: is a strategic asset positioning the country in the global market in a unique way.
In Argentina, grass-fed meat, with all its benefits in terms of quality, sustainability and animal welfare, has the potential to satisfy consumers' increasing and conscious demands.
To thoroughly capitalize on this potential, it is essential that Argentina continue investing in innovation, sustainability, and quality. By doing so, Argentina will ensure the future of a vital industry in the country's economy and contribute to a more sustainable and ethical global agrifood system.
Grass-fed meat is Argentina's past and present; with the right approach, it can be the golden future–or more accurately, green–of Argentine livestock farming on the world stage.