Money, Risk & Home Based Business Success

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Money. Probably one of the most controversial subjects that people don’t talk about!

“Money is the root of all evil”, some will say. They probably don’t have much. As far as I know, the best way to save a drowning person, is not to be one of them. Some say, “Money can’t buy you happiness.” They probably have, nor ever had, either. The Bible says, “The LOVE of money is the root of all evil”. I love money, and I’m not evil. Because I love people, more. Matter of fact, loving money is great when you know how to use it for the greater good of all.

And, when you love people, and know how to use money, you can show your love in ways that you’ve only dreamed of. For example, several years ago, an old business partner of mine & I earned a car for building a large marketing team, all selling the same product. The Company that was giving us the car, asked us to shop for it, and buy it, all on video. That’s because they wanted the recognition of giving a car away, and wanted to use us to spread their message of good fortune. The interesting thing was that we both had cars we loved. So, instead of taking the car, we took the money, and then donated all of it to our favorite charity. Instead of showing a video of us spending money on a liability that neither of us wanted or needed, we showed a video of sick, underprivileged children without clean drinking water, and the foundation to which we gave the car money to, so that they could build a fresh water well in that little village, in our names.

That’s what you can do with money. That’s what we did with our money. Over on my Facebook this morning, I made a status update referring to a comment I made in another post, about the fact that we can never lose money; not in business; not in life; not even if we misplace it; or if we gamble it. We attract it; then release it; and then we may attract it again, as its in constant ebb & flow. Because all it is – is energy. And it cannot be held in one place without releasing its own energy, onto its keeper.

This is why money makes people more of who they already are. Kind of like time; it either promotes you, or exposes you.

What you do with money, affects you, just as much, even more sometimes, than it even effects others. And if there’s one thing I’ve learned, its this. Money piled up in one place, like manure, can really stink like shit. But spread out evenly, in all the right places, it can make beautiful things grow. For example, a lot of people ask me for money to start their own business.

Because they want to buy back their freedom. Unfortunately, people who still allow money to control them – don’t want to pay the price. They want someone to do it for them – which sends a very clear message that they are just not ready for the responsibility that comes with having money in the first place. You see, if you can’t be trusted with the small things – you will certainly never be trusted with the big things. If an investment in a business costs, say $10,000, and someone who wants to make that amount per month, or week even (like so many of our members do), won’t do what it takes to come up with that money one time, to have that amount deposited into their bank account every week – well there is no continuity between what they say they want, and what they are willing to do in order to get it. To that I say, “For the right opportunity, the right person always finds a way to come up with the money.” Whether that is to work more at their job, be more effective at their job, borrow the money from a friend or family member, have a garage sale, a bake sale, or get a loan from a bank or credit union – there are numerous ways to raise money to get started in a business.

The key is to know the difference between spending money, and investing money. When you spend it, it’s not coming back in the form of money. It may come back in the form of personal, emotional – even physical satisfaction – but not in the form of money. When you invest money, the intent is to have it come back in the form of financial returns on your investment. This could take hours, days, weeks, months, years, even decades. Because there are different types of investments. Passive investments are where you put your money into a market, that over time, you’d like to see upward trend. This would be a long term play, like big chip stocks, real estate, precious metals, even collectibles like coins or stamps, that over time, you’d like to see increase in value. Then there are what I call Active Investments, like a business, where you are in full control of how much or how little you earn.

Of course, being an entrepreneur is not for everyone, but it’s always for the right one.

The right one – meaning that you have a pretty good risk tolerance, don’t thrive on short term financial certainty (like the kind of false security that you get from a job). I say ‘false’ because having a job in today’s market, is really the most risky – between downsizings, right sizings, and (even capsizings), the chance of you being laid off or let go these days, due to companies minimizing their payroll, is pretty good. Then of course, being able to make logical decisions based on both the art & science of business, in order to capitalize on both moving markets and current economical trends. For example, the work from home business market.

Never before have more people wanted to work from home. The Internet and technology affords more people than ever, to market anything, to anyone, anywhere in the World. The key is to know how to use the Internet, the technology, and today’s rules for online business, to create an audience, build a brand, and move products into the marketplace for a very fair price. But what do you do if you don’t know how to do that? Well, you want to learn from those who have already done it. And that’s where a great community can come in handy. Me personally, I’ve been a part of several online marketing communities in the past several years.

In my first experience, I learned that there are 3 things that every online entrepreneur needs to be successful. A lead capture page, an autoresponder, and a blog. I wrote an entire post on these 3 topics that you are more than welcome to read. Chances are, if you are reading this, you are already a subscriber in my autoresponder list. And of course, you are here on my blog. Did you know that every time I post an article like this, here on my blog, I make money? Did you know that I have friends who do the same exact thing, blogging about their own favorite topics? Things like Cross Fit, Parenting, Cooking, Outdoor Activities, Online Entrepreneurship, Small Business, Home Based Business, and more. You can do the same thing if you like.

To learn more about this Viral Blogging System that you are on right now, click here. Watch the video about my friends Justin & D, their near death experience, and how this Viral Blogging System & Community has saved their lives.

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Aaron Rashkin Aaron Rashkin is a dad, a dude and a pretty darn good home based business entrepreneur! His focus is in personal development, spiritual awakening & abundant living. His business strengths are copy writing, creating content, and making lots of money from both online & offline sales. One of his greatest passions, is teaching others how to set themselves & their families free, financially, by building a successful home based business, and right now he is available for a few new students who want to work directly with him, so find a link to his join page, or simply ask him for one. There are few better sponsors & mentors in the business.

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