» Network Marketing Recruiting Tips: 3 Simple Strategies for Building Rapport with Your Leads, Prospects, and Customers homebusinesstipswithaaronrashkin.com /network-marketing-recruiting-tips-3-simple-strategies-forbuilding-rapport-with-your-leads-prospects-and-customers/
When it comes to Network Marketing Recruiting and building rapport with your leads, prospects, & customers, the key to making it all work for you & your business, are 3 simple tips. These strategies are based on the fact that at the end of the day, there must be an equal or greater exchange of value in the actual transaction, or trading of good or services, and currency. In other words, although people make their buying decisions on emotion or logic, they want to feel that they are getting a good deal and winning in the transaction. At the same time, there can be a win-win for both buyer and seller, as each gets his or her own ‘payoff’ from the deal. One gets the satisfaction and benefits from whatever they are purchasing. The other gets satisfaction and the benefits of the compensation they receive for making the sale. Funny enough, sometimes compensation is not always in the form of money, although most of the time, it is. However, money is just energy, and when used wisely, it can be used as a way to leverage other resources, that are far more powerful than than it’s economic value.
So, knowing this to start out, here are 3 Simple Strategies for Building Rapport with Your, Leads, Prospects, and Customers:
#1 Know more about them than they know about you This can accomplished by setting the tone for a conversation, either before, or after someone buys from you. If you are using online marketing to spread your message and sell, then your leads, prospects and/or customers will most likely have already learned about you, even before they pull out their credit card. If you are the buyer, you probably want to know more about the person or company that you are buying from, before you pay for any items they are selling. This is why Social Media, and owning a blog like this one, can be so powerful for you when you have your own business. Because unlike Traditional Business, in Network Marketing, people don’t buy Companies or Products. What they are really buying is the person selling the Opportunity or the Product. So, a prospective buyer can easily learn about you over at your Social Media Pages, like Facebook, or on a Personal Blog like this. As long as they feel that they know, like, and trust you – there’s a good chance that when the timing is right, they will buy whatever it is you are selling, that solves a problem for them, or brings an added level of convenience into their life. Now, since they know a lot about you before they buy, the key is to create a balance, by learning more about them. This can be accomplished in several ways. By researching their Social Media Pages, friending them, fanning them, and following them – getting on their list by opting in to their marketing funnel if they have one – or just by chatting with them on Social Media, liking, commenting, and sharing their posts, etc. They KEY is to learn, or know more about them a little bit, if possible, before you even speak with them on the phone. Now, if you cannot do some research them because you cannot find them online, the key is to do this in conversation, which I will cover in the below strategies.
#2 Be more interested in them, than being interesting to them Well by now, if they are a friend, a fan, or a follower or yours, or, they are a subscriber on your list, or an avid visitor to your website, they probably know a lot about you. Once you get into a selling environment, over the phone, or online chatting (which we do every single day in our business – where someone will ask buying questions and want to know more about what we do or how we do it), the key here is to take a sincere interest in who you are going to be doing business with. Whether your prospect will be buying a product or service from you, or, if they are interested in becoming a business partner, when you truly care about them, who they are, what they do, what they want, and how your wares can really help them – they feel this. And although I wish I could teach you how to care about people, I cannot. You must first subscribe to the collective consciousness that people are our greatest allies, and resources, for all of us to live an amazing, exceptional life. And when you get ‘there’, caring about others and wanting what’s best for them, is a non-issue, because you always want to see everyone around you feel well, and do well as a result. So, being more interested in them, than interesting to them, is Strategy #2.
#3 – Ask the right questions to get the right responses There have been books written about the magic in asking the right questions, when it comes to building rapport and selling more stuff. The key to asking the right questions, is about framing. So, for example, when I get on the phone with someone who has already purchased something from me (which all of them do – because that’s how my business model works – and what I teach my members to do as well), and I want to help them get the best results with whatever they’ve just purchased, I ask: “So what is it about my (product), that got your attention?” I want them to tell me why they decided to buy from me. A lot of times, they will tell me why they love what they just bought, and a lot of times they tell me that they bought because they’ve been following me for a while and although they know what I’m selling is good for them – that I am the reason that they bought (thank you, thank you!) Seriously though, that’s what can happen when you learn to brand yourself to the market of people who are looking to buy what you have to offer – it happens all the time, for thousands of us in our Community.
But getting back on point, this is called “framing”. A very popular question that circulates the Network Marketing Profession, is taught to distributors & affiliates from thousands of companies around the World – perhaps you’ve even heard this before. “What do or did you like most about (XYZ Product, Company, Presentation, etc..)” This question is a set up to elicit a positive response. It’s a closed ended question designed to have your lead, contact, or prospect tell you the very thing that could be the very reason that they buy. And of course, listening for what they tell you, allowing them to finish their sentences, and then repeating it back to them (also known as reflexive listening), is a huge part in developing and building rapport. Other questions could be things like, “Have you ever purchased anything like this before? What was your experience? What would you like to see happen moving forward?”, etc. So, by adding these 3 Network Marketing Recruiting Tips for building rapport with your, leads, prospects, and customers into your overall marketing plan, there’s no reason that when you are building your network marketing business, that you couldn’t reach whatever level of success you are looking for. Share this post and help spread the love!
Aaron Rashkin Aaron Rashkin is a dad, a dude and a pretty darn good home based business entrepreneur! His focus is in personal development, spiritual awakening & abundant living. His business strengths are copy writing, creating content, and making lots of money from both online & offline sales. One of his greatest passions, is teaching others how to set themselves & their families free, financially, by building a successful home based business, and right now he is available for a few new students who want to work directly with him, so find a link to his join page, or simply ask him for one. There are few better sponsors & mentors in the business.