How to structure a call to action in your online marketing

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» How to Structure a Call to Action in your Online Marketing /how-to-structure-a-call-to-action-in-your-online-marketing/

One of the most common questions I get asked, (pretty much on a daily basis), by my own members, or even members of other Teams using the same online marketing system that I am, is… “How do I transition from the content of my post, to a call to action to check out my online marketing business, my product, my opportunity, etc…” Well, this is a pretty simple question to answer, but first, what you must keep in mind, is that as long as you’ve done your work well, meaning that you have attracted the right type of person into your marketing funnel – making the transition to your business, from the actual content you’ve posted – should be pretty much easy breezy. Imagine for a second, someone who you’ve looked up to, and respected for years. Someone you consider a mentor – near or far. Someone you model, by watching their every move. An authority in your business, your niche, your industry. Your expert. Perhaps even someone famous, or well known throughout the World you spend most of your time in. Now imagine running across an article they wrote, on a topic that you’re very interested in, that just draws you in, like a hoover vacuum sucks up dust. You devour every word – every sentence of their work – reading carefully so that you don’t miss a beat of what they’re saying, nodding in agreement, as your eyes travel down the page in anticipation – wondering how they are going to wrap up everything they are discussing.

You see, just as you read along in anticipation in that last paragraph, is the same way that you want your audience to feel when they consume your content. So, whether its a blog post, a status update, email follow up, a broadcast message, a sales letter, or even a video – the more engaged your audience is throughout the content of your work, the easier it will be to transition the conversation to what is called, a Call to Action, or simply, a CTA. A Call to Action is a request for your reader, your website visitor, a friend, a fan, or a follower – to click on a link, enter their name and email address (or just email address), call a number, register for an event – it could be anything that you want to invite people to do next. You could ask them to visit a website, buy your product, service, or get started with a trial. Obviously, the more in rapport your readers are with your message, the easier it will be for you to get them to click on your links. Again, think about that expert we were just speaking about above. Even if you weren’t thinking about the very thing they are about to turn you on to , if the person who’s content you are consuming, that you are just loving in that moment, recommends something to you – even if you know nothing about it at first – just because of the credibility they now have with you – you might be very eager to click on a link and check out what they are doing. That’s the way this works. You want to present such good content to your audience, that by the time they are done reading, listening, or watching what you have posted – they couldn’t help themselves to follow your lead and take your call to action. Again, you increase the chances of getting a “click”, when you’ve attracted the right person into your marketing funnel. And the better your content is, not just the quality, but the congruency between your market, and what they want to know – the more likely you will get the click to whatever page you are sending them to. Now don’t get me wrong here – you don’t need to have a Call to Action on every piece of content you create, especially when posting on Social Media like Facebook, or on your blog. If you read through my blog here at, you will find that some posts have a Call to Action, and some are just a request to share my article with your friends, fans or followers. And some have nothing at all. As you read through all my posts, and there are quite a few, you’ll notice the different types of CTAs that I use.

So, how do you to structure a Call to Action in your own marketing? Here are 2 ways you can do this. Let’s just say that I am writing a blog post about one of my favorite topics – parenting, because for this example, that’s my target market – parents who want to learn how to be their own boss, and who don’t want to have to work long hours for a measly check, at a job they can’t stand.

Let’s just say that the topic of my post is about setting boundaries with kids around eating healthy snacks, not so healthy snacks, what’s acceptable for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and what’s not. And after I cover all the points I want to make about this topic, in a well thought out, information filled, factual and opinion based post, I could easily transition into my Call to Action, by saying: “Now, not only am I a dad and a dude, but I’m also a damn good home based business entrepreneur – matter of fact, I make money blogging about all sorts of topics surrounding the subject of parenting. To see the business that allows me to make money, while sitting on my living room sofa next to my kids, click here. Now that would be one type of Call to Action. Did you see what I just did there? I created a bridge between two totally unrelated topics. One being parenting & healthy / not so healthy food (the topic of my blog and subject of my post), and making money from home. The 2nd type of Call to Action I want to share with you , will also be my real world, call to action. As a home based business professional (or not so professional sometimes), for over 20 years now, I’ve developed a very specific set of skills, that has allowed me to earn millions of dollars working from the comfort and safety of my own home. Right now, I am looking for a few new people to develop, into leaders of their own, with matching paychecks. If you liked this information I’m sharing with you right now, imagine what could happen when I personally mentor & coach you, in your own home based business. If that’s of interest to you, and you are hungry, have a bigger dream than your problems, are coachable & teachable, and are willing to do the work, check out the online marketing system that I’m currently using to build my people. Yes, I say “build my people”, because I don’t just build businesses with people. I build my people with the business.

So, if that sounds like you, go watch this short video and get a Trial Membership. My Assistant will reach out to you within 24 hours, and make sure that you’ve gone through your Fast Start Training Videos inside our Member’s Area. Once you’ve completed your initial start up steps, you and I will be scheduled for a one on one game plan call, to go over your goals, and make sure that you’re on the fast track to success.”

Yes, that is my call to action. So, take it if you would like to partner up. Either way, I hope this helped you get clear on exactly what a Call to Action, or CTA, actually is.

Happy Marketing! Share this post and help spread the love!

Aaron Rashkin Aaron Rashkin is a dad, a dude and a pretty darn good home based business entrepreneur! His focus is in personal development, spiritual awakening & abundant living. His business strengths are copy writing, creating content, and making lots of money from both online & offline sales. One of his greatest passions, is teaching others how to set themselves & their families free, financially, by building a successful home based business, and right now he is available for a few new students who want to work directly with him, so find a link to his join page, or simply ask him for one. There are few better sponsors & mentors in the business.

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