1 minute read
Rhyming Rhyming activities may contribute to phonological sensitivity because they prompt children to attend to an aspect of language other than its meaning—that is, to how language sounds . Recognising and generating rhymes require noticing sound similarities in spoken words . In this section, we include eleven activities that focus on rhyming . We begin with several activities that call for children to indicate whether words rhyme, and then we provide activities that prompt children to produce rhymes . Rhyme recognition is generally easier than rhyme production . Many children, including some young preschoolers, catch on to rhyming quickly . Others may find rhyming a challenge . Exposure along with clear explanations and many examples may be helpful . However, struggles with rhyming should not delay instruction in manipulating units of sound, such as syllables, onset-rimes, and—especially—phonemes .
Activity Primary Task produce
Rhymes in a Bag ✓ One, Two, Yay or Boo? ✓ Add a Verse ✓ ✓ To Market! To Market! ✓ ✓ The Hungry Thing ✓ The Hungry Thing Goes to a Restaurant A Tisket, A Tasket ✓ Hickory Dickory Dock ✓ Jamberry ✓ Web of Words ✓ The Ants Go Marching