2 minute read
To Market! To Market
Rhyming Procedure 1. Share the rhyme “To Market! To Market!” with children . Read the book by Peter Spier if you have it . After children know the rhyme well, comment on and emphasise the rhyming words . Point out that the poet changed jiggity jig to jiggity jog to create a rhyme for hog . Help children identify other rhyming pairs in the poem as you recite it . 2. Change one of the words, and ask children to try to complete the rhyme . For example, rather than saying, “To market, to market, to buy a fat pig,” chant “To market, to market, to buy some whole milk .” Say the new version and pause after the words, “Home again, home again, jiggity…” in the second line . 3. Have children complete the phrase . Some will create the rhyme (jilk); others may need your help . Be enthusiastic about children’s attempts . Repeat the phrase with the new rhyme, and encourage children to chant it with you . 4. Ask children what else they might find at the market, and create the rhyme together . Encourage participation . Some examples of market items with the corresponding rhyming phrase are presented on the next page . Differentiate or Extend ▲ Have children select items or pictures of food from a collection and modify the rhyme in accordance with what they selected . ▲ Support children by identifying the word in the poem that students need to match with a rhyme . For example, point out that students need to find a rhyming word for milk . ▲ Extend the activity by coming up with a new rhyme . For example, instead of “jiggity...” have students rhyme with “bibbity...” To Market! To Market! Objective Students will recognise and produce rhyming words . Overview The poem “To Market! To Market!” makes playful use of rhyme . In this activity, the teacher shares a modified version of the rhyme with children . After they have learned it, the teacher prompts them to revise it by including different items that can be purchased at the market . Materials actual food items, plastic items, or pictures of food items from the Digital Resources (optional); To Market! To Market! by Peter Spier (1992) (optional) School-Home Connection Ask families to look in their refrigerators and pantries with their children and identify items that came from a market . Then, substitute those items into the rhyme . Or, ask families to send in empty food containers and recite sample samplethe poem again using those items .
Sample Food and Rhymes New Word Rhyme
To market, to market, to buy… cornbread whole milk fine grapes yellow corn green peas string beans wheat noodles wild rice sweet butter strawberries sweet pears sliced cheese
Home again, home again… jiggity jed jiggity jilk jiggity japes jiggity jorn jiggity jeas jiggity jeans jiggity joodles jiggity jice jiggity jutter jiggity jerries jiggity jears jiggity jeese To Market! To Market! (cont.) To Market! To Market! To market, to market, to buy a fat pig, Home again, home again, jiggity jig; To market, to market, to buy a fat hog, Home again, home again, jiggity jog; To market, to market, to buy a plum bun, Home again, home again, market is done. sample