2 minute read
Students will produce rhyming words .
The teacher reads a silly rhyming story about a boy and a bear who discover a variety of berries (some real, some not) . Children invent berries of their own and create new verses for the book .
Jamberry by Bruce Degen (1990); chart paper; markers or crayons; variety of berries (optional)
Jamberry Procedure 1. Read aloud Jamberry . If you do not have the book, you can find a read aloud online . Enjoy the rhythm and rhyme of the story . 2. Read or listen to the story again, and ask children which berries they think are real and which are make-believe . On chart paper, write “Real Berries” and “Imaginary Berries,” and list their responses in the appropriate columns . Ask children if they know why the author created imaginary berries (to provide rhyming words and for simple enjoyment of the nonsense) . 3. Have children invent berries . Look around the room or outdoors for ideas . For example, you might point to the floor and say, “floorberries!” Add children’s ideas to the chart . 4. Share some pages from the book again . Suggest a new verse, such as “Hatberry catberry I want a flat berry .” Direct children’s attention to the rhyming words . 5. Return to the chart, and name the new berries children contributed . Suggest that they use some of those berries to create their own new verses . For example, say, “Look, we said floorberries!” Then, add, “I want some more berries!” Or say, “Treeberries,” followed by, “Give them to me, berries!” Differentiate or Extend ▲ Consider rereading the pages on which the author used numbers: “One berry, two berry, pick me a blueberry .” Encourage children to follow the counting pattern . ▲ Have children provide illustrations and compile the pages into a book . ▲ Bring in a variety of berries to sample (check for food allergies first), and have children use rhyming language as they eat the berries . School-Home Connection Find out whether any families grow berries at home . If they do, invite them to share the process of how to grow berries, bring in pictures of their berry plants, or even provide some actual berries if they are in season . Send home a berry jam recipe so families can make their own berry jam if they sample samplewould like to do so .
Rhyming Jamberry (cont.)
Sample Berries Verse Rhyme
One berry, two berry Hat berry, cat berry Floor berry, store berry Tree berry, gee berry Sun berry, fun berry Nine berry, ten berry
…pick me a true berry …I want a flat berry …I want some more berry …give them to me berry …I want to run berry …see the funny hen berry sample