3 minute read
Sound Snacks
Phoneme Awareness Procedure 1. Select a target sound and food items that begin with that sound . For example, if you target the /b/ sound, provide snacks such as blackberries, bananas, broccoli, and bagels . Note: Focus on the initial sound rather than the letter . Be especially careful if a vowel sound is targeted . Oatmeal begins with one sound represented by the letter o, but olive begins with a different sound . 2. Present the foods, and ask children to identify them . Repeat the names of the items several times, emphasising the initial sound for each . Assist children in noting that all these foods begin with the same sound . 3. As children eat, talk about the foods and their initial sounds . Name other foods you might have included, and ask children if they have suggestions of foods that begin with the same sounds . Differentiate or Extend ▲ Invite children to draw pictures of the day’s snacks and talk about their pictures . Note: Avoid writing the names of the items unless you are prepared to discuss the fact that different letters may represent the same sound . For example, celery and soup begin with the same sound . However, if they see the words, children may be confused by the fact that they begin with different letters . ▲ Ask children if there are other foods they can think of that begin with the target sound . For example, if they notice that banana begins with /b/, see if they can think of another snack that begins with /b/ . Letter Connection ▲ Display the letter that most commonly represents the target sound . Be ready to address variations in lettersound relationships . Sound Snacks Objective Students will identify initial phonemes in words . Overview As a part of the snack routine, the teacher offers foods and beverages that target a particular sound . The teacher prompts children to note that all the snacks begin with the same sound . As children eat, they are encouraged to name other foods and words that begin with the same sound . Note: Be sure that you have parent permission to give snacks to children . Be mindful of your school’s food and snack policies . This activity also works well with snacks that children bring from home . Materials nutritious snacks that begin with a target sound; paper and drawing materials (optional); letter cards (optional) School-Home Connection Invite families to contribute snacks . Post or send home a sign-up sheet that provides a target sound sample sampleand suggested snacks . Or, have families look for foods in their homes that begin with the target sound . Encourage families to share foods from their respective cultures .
Phoneme Awareness
Sample Snacks
Sound Suggestions*
/b/ bagel, banana, bean dip, bean, bell pepper, beet, blackberry, blueberry fruit juice, bok choy, boysenberry, bread stick, broccoli, brown rice /ch/ Cheerios, cheese, cherries, chicken, chickpeas, chili, chowder /g/ goat cheese, graham cracker, granola bar, grapes, grapefruit, grapefruit juice, green beans, green peas, green pepper, guacamole, guava /k/ cabbage, cantaloupe, carrot, cashews, cauliflower, clementine, coconut, collard greens, cookie, corn, cornbread, corn tortilla, cottage cheese kale, kidney beans, kiwi, kumquat /m/ macadamia nuts, macaroni, mandarin oranges, mango, mashed potatoes, matzo, melon, milk, mini shredded wheat, miso soup, mozzarella cheese, muffin, mushrooms /n/ naan bread, nachos, navel oranges, navy beans, nectarines, noodles /p/ pancake, pasta, papaya, parsley, peach, peanuts, peanut butter, pear, pea, persimmon, pineapple, pitta bread, plum, pomegranates, popcorn, pretzel (whole grain), pudding, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds /r/ radish, raisin bread, raisin, ramen, ranch dressing, raspberry, raspberry gelatin, ratatouille, ravioli, red cabbage, red pepper, rice, rice cake, rigatoni, romaine lettuce, rye bread /s/ salad, salsa, sandwich, sausage, scones, seaweed, smoothie, snap pea, snow peas, soup, soybeans, spaghetti, spinach, spring roll, sprouts, squash, strawberries, sunflower seed, sweet potato, swiss chard /t/ tacos, tangerines, taquitos, tea, toast, tofu, tamales, tomatoes, tomato juice, tortillas, tortilla chips, tostada, tuna, turkey slices /w/ waffles, walnuts, water chestnuts, watercress, watermelon, white chocolate, white rice, wontons /y/ yams, yellow apple, yellow bell peppers, yogurt /z/ zucchini, zucchini bread, zwieback *Always be mindful of choking hazards, food allergies, and school policies when preparing and serving food in the classroom.