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Post That Letter
Phoneme Awareness Procedure 1. Select three or four letters children know, and write each letter on several sticky notes . Give each child at least three copies of the same letter . 2. Ask children to show one another the sticky notes they were given and to tell one another the sound that is represented by their letter . Ask them to find someone else with the same letter . Share with the entire group the letters you have distributed, and encourage each child to say each of the sounds . 3. Name an object in the environment . Tell children who have a letter that represents the initial sound in the object to stick it to that object . Because several children have the same letter, each object will have several sticky notes affixed to it . Differentiate or Extend ▲ Instead of giving each child three sticky notes of the same letter, give each child two or three different letters . ▲ Begin with only a few letter sounds for repetitive practice . As children begin learning more and more letter sounds, increase the number of letters and sticky notes . Post That Letter! Objective Students will identify initial phonemes in words and match phonemes to letters . Overview Children receive sticky notes on which a letter is written . The teacher names objects in the environment, and children with the letter that represents the initial sound in the object’s name affix their sticky notes to the object . Materials sticky notes on which target letters are written; markers or crayons School-Home Connection Make sticky notes and writing instruments available . Invite children to choose one of the letters you used in the activity, record it on several sticky notes, and take these home to affix to items in their homes that begin with the corresponding sound . Encourage them to tell you about their findings the next day . sample sample 148
Phoneme Awareness Sample Objects Letter Object Letter Object b beanbag, board, basket p piano, pointer, pen c cabinet, calendar, clock r ribbon, rug, rope d desk, door, doll s seat, screen, sand f fishbowl, flag, floor t table, teacher, tray j jacket, jump rope, journal w wall, window, wood l library, lost-and-found y yarn, yellow, yo-yo Post That Letter! (cont.) sample