2 minute read
Draw a Card
Phoneme Awareness Procedure 1. Teach or review the song, “Are You Sleeping?” (The lyrics are available in the Digital Resources .) You may wish to provide children with bells to ring during the final two lines . 2. Repeat the words “Ding! Ding! Dong!” Ask children what they notice about these three words . (They all begin with the same sound: /d/ .) Ask children if they know what letter is used to write the /d/ sound . 3. Write “Ding! Ding! Dong!” on the board . Point out that the letter D is at the beginning of each word . 4. Show children a container of letter cards . Ask a child to draw a card, identify the letter, and discuss the sound it represents . Erase the D from the phrase on the whiteboard, and replace it with the new consonant . Sing the song with the new words . 5. Have children continue to draw cards, replace the initial letters in the words, and sing the newly created phrases . Differentiate or Extend ▲ Allow children to select two or three letters from the container and replace each D with a different letter . If they select the two letters R and P, for example, they would sing “Ring! Ring! Pong!” If they select R, S, and P, they would sing “Ring! Sing! Pong!” ▲ Add consonant blends and consonant digraphs to the container . Draw a Card Objective Students will identify initial phonemes in words, substitute initial phonemes in words, and match phonemes to letters . Overview In this activity, children draw letters from a container to replace the initial letters and sounds in the phrase “Ding! Ding! Dong!” after learning the song “Are You Sleeping?” Materials alphabet letter cards (capital letters, consonants only, available in the Digital Resources); whiteboard and marker; bells for several or all children (optional); paper bags (optional) School-Home Connection Post the lyrics to the song in a newsletter or on a class website . Provide each child with a paper bag that contains several letter cards . Encourage them to share the activity with their families and to think of new versions of “Ding! Ding! Dong!” to share with the class . sample sample 158
Phoneme Awareness
Are You Sleeping?
Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Brother John, Brother John. Morning bells are ringing, Morning bells are ringing. Ding! Ding! Dong! Ding! Ding! Dong!